Responsible ARTistry Magazine Issue III

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Responsible ARTistry

Magazine Sept-Oct 2013 | Issue III

Enhancing and Saving Lives


Deborah Hightower

SEPT-OCT 2013 Issue III

Editor’s Note Hello Beautiful Creative Souls, Welcome to the third issue of Responsible ARTistry Magazine. The Leaves are now changing colors and transitioning once again to another season of life we call Autumn. It got me to thinking about how life is always changing and transitioning naturally but as humans we don’t always seem to get that concept. Cellphones are upgraded several times a year. Apps are upgraded several times a month. Software is upgraded overnight. Cars are upgraded every year. Every season brings new fashion. Yet people still don't see the need to upgrade their minds daily and become renewed daily, seasonally or even annually. So

Connect With Me Socially

I challenge you today to embrace change, upgrade your mind and become the person you were born to be. Be InSpired by our featured ARTist Deborah Hightower who has tapped into several of her creative talents and has no signs of slowing down anytime soon. We Are All Creatively Amazing, #FlyWithMe #CoffeeShero #AmigerEnterprise 2

SEPT-OCT 2013 Issue III

Responsible ARTistry Magazine Using Our Influence as ARTists to Enhance & Save Lives

Founder and Editor-In-Chief Laura “Mahoganee” Amiger

Founder and Business Manager Andre “CheefahDray” Amiger

Contributors Heather Jones-Dukes @SkitSkatSkatter Contributing Writer Eugenia Azo @EugeniaSaysMoo Video Blogger Enoch El Shamesh @ElShameshPhotos Photographer Cier Black @CierPR Contributing Writer Megan Bunny Blash @no8cosmetics Contributing Beauty Writer Paulette Edwards @FashionFwdLette Contributing Writer/Blogger


SEPT-OCT 2013 Issue III


the way you think…..Your brain is soooo sexy. Jedi Mind Tips on Dealing with anything… Inspired by Mommy

Tip# 3

Sit. Have a Cup of Coffee or tea. Breathe. Just A Thought: Your Eyes & Ears are merely vessels to what goes into your Heart. So what you listen to and watch on a consistent basis goes into your Heart. If it is self-hatred and hatred of others going into your Heart you will pass that on to whoever is around you. If it is Self-Love & Love of Others you will pass that on to whoever is around you. CHOOSE LOVE @mahoganee

On The Cover Deborah HighTower B Good MuSic ALL the Time Got an Amazing Story, Know a Great ARTist, Want to be Featured, Want To Join the R.A.m Team::: Send an email at to the Editor with the appropriate subject at Or 4

SEPT-OCT 2013 Issue III

CONTENTS Remembrance: 6 George Duke


Our Future Leaders 7 Eric Lassard

ARTistry 101 8

Cover Feature: 9 Responsible ARTistry Talks To the Multi-Faceted Deborah Hightower

Have You Heard 13 Maimouna Youssef Christylez Bacon

While We Were Out 14

Be Responsible for Empowering Others by Heather Jones-Dukes 16 4th Annual Gray Classic Women’s Empowerment Brunch

Hey There Beautiful By Megan Bunny Blash 17 Lash Out

Responsible ARTistry talks to the Multi-Faceted Artist: Thought Leader, Singer, Speaker, Author Deborah Hightower

A Day In The Life Of An Indie ARTist by El-Shamesh Photography 23 Ishan Bilal

GG by CEC (Cartoon) 25

What’s Da Word 27

Beauty From The InSide Out by Eugenia Says

What’s Happening Next

19 The Power of Slip

Exceptional ART SpotLight

FYi 20 1st Lady Michelle Obama

i AM


32 Barry Frank Duperon

The Indie Scene Spotlight 33 Paul PR Robinson

22 5

SEPT-OCT 2013 Issue III

George Duke 1946 – 2013 ICON. Fusion-funk-rock. Vocalist. Producer. Keyboard legend

A LEGACY THAT will never be forgotten George Duke, hailed by both peers and fans as not only a great musician but also a greater man, died August 5, 2013 at the age of 67. Should friends and fans desire contributions can be made in his honor and in the wife Corine at the links below.

B. Curabitur.

CLL Global/Global Duke’s Memorial Registry

Sarcoma Foundation of America

UC San Diego Moores Cancer Center

I Have A Dream Foundation For Direct Links Visit


SEPT-OCT 2013 Issue III

Our Future LEADers

The 9 yr old Game Changer The World Youngest Inspirational Author * Board Game Creator * Inspirational Public Speaker. At age of 7 he founded “The Winner Academy”, a project based learning system; set up the 12 Elements of The Winner Matrix Program, and created The Winner Matrix Board Game to share with the world this amazing program. He wrote the book “12 Elements of the Winner Matrix” that contain amazing real stories happening in Eric’s life, supporting the importance of each element. Eric is the kind of young man, “Who Walks The Walk and Talks The Talk “, literally as he is an energetic and great public speaker with several public appearances already under his belt. Eric’s motto for living is: “Life is a Game, Make Your Rules. Play and Win!“ and he wants to inspire people and children from all over the world that it does not matter how old you are, where are you coming from or what you did yesterday, all that matters is to find your Game and Play! He is the founder of the Eagle Games-Games That Make You Stronger, a company whose vision is to create and distribute self development games, books, programs and to create a community where we always can find help and support! The G.I.V.E. Project/ Give Inspirational Valuable Education/ his first project to help around the world and it is unique as he offers English and self-development courses over Skype and Google Hangout, sustained by volunteers from all over the world. Eric is a born entrepreneur with a clear vision and proven records. Eric was born in 2003 in Hungary and he lives and works in Ireland. http;//


SEPT-OCT 2013 Issue III

ARTistry 101:

♦ Think of Yourself as a Brand ♦ How is Your Brand being represented in your online presence??? ♦ If you are not happy with your online presence: Change It. ♦ Find a Mentor (someone who is where you want to be and do what they do, learn from them) ♦ Ask for Help: be Humble. ♦ Do Something Today That Your Future Self Will Thank You For.

Waste your money and you’re only out of money, but waste your time and you’ve lost a part of your life. –Michael LeBoeuf 8

SEPT-OCT 2013 Issue III

Responsible ARTistry Magazine

deborah hightower 9

SEPT-OCT 2013 Issue III



eborah Hightower is a Multi-faceted Woman and her bio literally reads as a Who’s Who of Smart Chicks. She believes the components to fulfillment and happiness can be found by expanding our horizons and she has done exactly that with successful careers in the financial arena, music, speaking and writing. She believes that prosperity exists in expanding our lives as it relates to money, happiness, fulfillment, spiritual growth and all components of loving life. We are delighted and honored to speak with her. R.A.m: Your bio is 4 areas of ARTistry: The & The Writing. How do DH: First, let me say, your cover and have this I am often asked “how in together”? On the surface, However, I believe we have talent…art, if you will. I feel Music and writing have to the world came in a embarked on a career path, took first place. I have built a art of helping others get with wise investment speaking and writing are together. To keep it all going, rarely equally balanced. all the wheels on the bus get off track quickly. important to use the capable support team idea-generation and 10

amazing, as a SHEro, you encompass Corporate, The Spiritual, The Music you balance it all? THANK YOU! What an honor to be opportunity to chat. the world do all these things go one may think the spheres can’t connect. all been blessed with more than one gift and we should engage every one of them. always been in my heart – but the time to bring it forth different season than the Corporate. When I Corporate America - financial planning, specifically successful career over the past 20 plus years and the educated in the realm of money and assisting them choices has been extremely rewarding. Music, equation add-ons. Now, it all ebbs and flows prioritizing and organization are key, although it’s Some days one area will dominate over another, but must be rolling in the same direction or things can There are only so many hours in the day and it’s time wisely. Surrounding oneself with a is paramount in maximizing time, energy, execution. SEPT-OCT 2013 Issue III

R.A.m: What are your most Creative Moments as a Music ARTist? DH: My most creative moments are usually unplanned – rarely do I sit down and decide to write a song. An idea for lyrics can come from numerous places – talking with someone, reading a story, meditating, driving, sitting at the piano…Creativity is often created in the moment – a beautiful cloudless day or one full of rain clouds or a breath of fresh air or the smell of freshly cut flowers – it’s the ability to be free …free in the moment…free in thought, worship, meditation, creation. I keep a notebook close by for jotting down ideas. Sometimes an idea will sit for a while before it develops into a song. (Laughing) not only do I know two lines to thousands of songs, I have written two lines to many yet-to-be-born. R.A.m: As a Best-Selling Author what inspired you to write “The Secret To Winning Big? DH: I have been writing a blog and contributing articles to various magazines, so when I was asked to coauthor “The Secret to Winning BIG: Strategies for Winning BIG in Life and Business”, it seemed like a natural progression. It is an honor to share the title with greats like Brian Tracy, Nick Nanton and other business movers-and-shakers. My contribution to the work centers around evaluating where you are on the continuum of life and business; identifying what you have and what you want; and how to stretch and expand to get there. R.A.m: Having recently been named as one of America’s PremierExperts® What was that experience like? DH: What an honor to be acknowledged two years running! It has been exciting and exhilarating and humbling all at the same time. The selection criteria is based on professionals who have made significant contributions in their industry and to the general marketplace. The designation is for those who have chosen to intentionally pay forward consumer public service information and education. I’m happy to be one of them. R.A.m: As such a responsible ARTist, where do you envision yourself in the next 5 years? DH: I envision myself becoming deeper and wider – always expanding in all ways. For me, the key is to strive every day to be better than the day before and to leave a contribution to society along the way. R.A.m: Are there any changes within the music industry that you would like to see take place or implement yourself? DH: The music industry has changed so much and of course, there are two sides to the coin. Technology has made the mode of sharing music so easy. The invent of digital downloads, YouTube, Vimeo, and the like have changed the way artist create and consumers buy. From the money side of the coin, the business model for music companies has been under intense pressure for the past several years. Remember when we had to buy the entire album to get one favorite song? Now, more often than not, one song can be downloaded for 99 cents. It has changed every aspect of the way business is done. Peripheral and ancillary opportunities, such as publishing, concerts and other events have become of greater importance.


SEPT-OCT 2013 Issue III

From the artist standpoint, it is no longer necessary to have a major label contract to be exposed to the world. The production component of album creation is also more readily available now than ever before. The artist can literally create, produce, and market a project in a relative short time frame from behind the computer. Many of the changes I would like to see are happening, such as more regulation concerning file sharing. Like most things, progression requires a revisit to the fundamental. For example, safeguards to protect artists and their work are of concern. Staying informed and up-to-date about pending legislation is vitally important. Too often, we are too busy creating to protect. Protecting what is ours and what our legacy will become cannot be taken lightly. R.A.m: How have you or will you enhance and save lives with our youth? DH: Our youth are tomorrow’s leaders and it is so important to sow into their lives with words of encouragement and opportunities for them to grow into who they want to be. Encouragement often comes in the form of opportunity. When I produced the video for Wayz 2 Praize (from LOVE. album), young people had an opportunity to audition and dance in the video. Some of my concerts also include young dancers. R.A.m: Who are your life influences or mentors? DH: I have been influenced by bits and pieces from numerous people. Putting it all together is what creates the uniqueness of me. R.A.m: Are there any goals you currently have that you can share with us? DH: (Laughing) to finish my to-do list with style and grace and beauty even when things take a detour. R.A.m: You are such a multi-faceted artist being a Recording Artist, Published Author, Corporate Advisor, and a Speaker. Any advice for those looking to tap into multiple talents and follow their dreams? DH: Purpose. Plan. Persistence. Evaluate. Repeat. Know your purpose – what is the goal and why? Plan the work – how will you get there? Persistence – a key to getting there. Evaluate everything – how the plan is progressing and how you feel about it? Make adjustments as necessary. Ask for counsel from those you trust and who are qualified to give you direction. Repeat the process. R.A.m: Do You have a favorite quote that inspires you to keep striving DH: Thomas Merton says “the biggest human temptation is to settle for too little.” I have always felt a sense of urgency to get things done. I like learning and experiencing a variety of things – perhaps that explains why I enjoy a plethora of things – and the excitement of learning something new. I like cooking, entertaining, designing, creating, decorating, reading…the list goes on and on and on and on. Google has certainly simplified the ‘look-up’ process; I can remember going to the library to get a book or two or ten on a subject. My philosophy - need to know something? Look it up. Don’t settle for what someone else tells you – find out for yourself. Even in the simple things – don’t settle for mediocre – go for excellent. Setting the dinner table? Make it beautiful – put some love on it. 12

SEPT-OCT 2013 Issue III

(Laughing) Oh my…and if an item goes on my to-do list, then watch out! I become relentless to get it done. Recently, the sense of urgency has increased…maybe it’s because I have a birthday coming up (laughing)…my proverbial age of 29 might have to change this year…maybe. The sense of accomplishment, getting things done, and making a difference in the world have always been of great importance to me. I think we have to be reminded, however, that we can’t mistake activity for success. If busy-ness is not making marks toward the goal, then its just activity. Deliberate-stepping-toward-the-goal-busy gets and keeps the momentum going toward the prize. R.A.m: How would you describe your journey thus far in one word? DH: Exciting R.A.m: Do you consider yourself to be a TrendSetter or GameChanger? If so, please tell us how? DH: (Laughing…) I am a game-changing trendsetter. When I began in the financial planning world, less than 5 percent were female executives; currently, the number is around 10 percent – which still blows my mind. Even though women have advanced in many industries, there is still work to be done for equal opportunity. Women have so much to offer the industry. Many times a client’s issue with money has nothing to do with actual money – but more with attitude and experiences that money has placed upon them. Women are especially good at addressing those counseling needs with clients. Has it always been easy to play on the boy’s field? Of course not, but it has made me stronger, wiser, more diverse, and most of all made me realize that you can be YOU wherever you are. R.A.m: Are there any projects you are currently creating/promoting that you’d like to share with us? DH: The Secret to Winning BIG: Strategies for Winning BIG in Life and Business is a Best-seller and I am thankful. It has struck a chord with business people in every stage of their career looking for encouragement and new ideas. LOVE., the CD has also been a hit with fans. It’s a mix of spunky praise, intimate worship, and smooth listening. Notice the ‘period’ following the word LOVE. It’s an all important symbol of God’s love for us…it’s agape love – no ifs, ands, or buts about it – it’s love period. Coming soon is LOVE., the Book. It is a booklet of Quotes, Anecdotes, Lyrics and Affirmations about …you guessed it love. I have a few other things in the works but I’ll keep those close for now R.A.m: How do you want your legacy to be remembered?

I’d like to be remembered as someone who loved, laughed and lived fully. DH:

Visit Deborah Online at Connect Socially at:


SEPT-OCT 2013 Issue III

Have you Heard… Maimouna’s New Album “The Blooming” Visit to find out more…

If you’ve been in some remote part of the world and haven’t heard Christylez Bacon BeatBox… shame on you… Visit

“Life is short, live it. Love is rare, grab it. Anger is bad, dump it. Fear is awful, face it. Memories are sweet, cherish it.” – Unknown 14

SEPT-OCT 2013 Issue III

While We Were Out

4 th Annual Gray Classic

Women’s Empowerment Brunch


SEPT-OCT 2013 Issue III

“Be Responsible for Empowering Others” 4th Annual Gray Classic Women’s Empowerment Brunch By: Heather Jones On July 20,2013, I received a great opportunity to learn about being a responsible and empowered woman in the community. As women, we carry on with so many day-to-day activities - being a mom, an employee or employer, a student, a sister, a daughter, a wife, and many more - that we forget to take time to encourage and empower each other. Herb and Felicia Gray held their 4th Annual Gray Classic Women’s Empowerment Brunch with Chirl Girl (Host and Producer of Chirl-Girl Show on V 101.9 FM Radio), as mistress of ceremonies. The brunch was enlightening, encouraging, fulfilling, and rejuvenating. The purpose was to talk about methods and topics to encourage other women to be successful, impactful, positive, and to bring the best out of everyone. Women at each individual table received questions to read and answer as a group, which provided an opportunity to step outside the box and connect with someone you may not have known. After that a wonderful panel of women ranging in age and journey (Brittani Menlina, Sonja Nichols, and Geraldine Broadway) spoke to the attendees on how to feel empowered. This event gave so many powerful key take away that I wanted to relay a few: “Your appearance is your “ You are Fearfully and “Never allow someone to be their option.”

business card!” wonderfully made.” your priority when you are

My favorite take away phrase was, “You do you well!” by Sonja Nichols. Every now and then you need to be reminded that there is only one you and you can be the best at that that you can be. Empower means to give power or authority to and Responsible means answerable or accountable, as for something within one’s power or control. So remember that from the moment you were born you were empowered with your life and the moment you leave you will be responsible for answering for that life. So while you are here in the in between “Do You Well!”


SEPT-OCT 2013 Issue III

Beauty By Megan Bunny Blash Owner of No. 8 Cosmetics

Lash Out! Hey there, Beautiful! Lashes are everywhere we turn! In magazine fashion editorials, on television red carpets, and especially in mascara advertisements! Showing us just how quickly they can change a look from playful to bedroom sexy. But, what is not everywhere we turn is the caution sign that says, “While you may love the look of lash extensions, they can be quite dangerous!” (Okay, okay, so I may be a tad bit dramatic). But, after I tell you about the shoot I was working on with a young lady who had lost ALL her lashes, you might be inclined to be a little hesitant about who you let put on your next pair of falsies. While providing Makeup services on the set of a photo shoot a few weeks ago I met a young lady, who, at first glance, you automatically notice the beauty in her. It is only after careful inspection of her face (which I always do before I provide a service) that I notice she has no lashes, her lids are baby-bottom bald, not a sign that hair was ever there…. “Odd”, I say to myself and out loud as I ask her if she has a condition that causes her to not have lashes. The terrifying story she begins to tell me still has me waking up in a sweat…. She sadly hangs her head and ever so softly says, “I went to a salon that I have been going to for years. I had never had lashes before and wanted them for prom. So, the stylist puts them on. On the way home my eyes wouldn’t stop watering and burning, I couldn’t stop myself from rubbing them and decided that I was going to have to take the lashes off, so I did.’’ Thinking about what she had just told me I asked her, “Did you pull out your lashes?” She then informs me, “No, after I took them out I went to the prom and my eyes were still bothering me and by then were a little puffy. I still had lashes though, as the night continued it got worse, and I had to have my date take me to the Emergency room. When I got there I noticed that nearly all my lashes were gone. The doctors gave me the once over and determined that I must be allergic to the glue she used. I had to call her to find out what the brand was, and she tells me it was weave bonding glue!” My mouth dropped open and a look of horror flushed over my face as I took in the last of what she said. WEAVE BONDING GLUE! That’s beyond crazy. As unbelievable as this sounds there are many people who are getting their lashes done exactly like this, not knowing that it does not matter if it’s regular strips or semi–permanent individuals, the ONLY person who should be applying lash extensions are your licensed estheticians and cosmetologists (who should absolutely know not to apply weave bonding glue to anyone’s eyelids). Even with that, you still have to do your research and be aware of what is being put on YOUR skin. I’m here to tell you, it is more than all right to ask questions. It’s actually the most beautiful thing could do for yourself. Xoxo


For #GOTFACE tips on how to use citrus peel to its ultimate advantage follow no8cosmetics online. 17

SEPT-OCT 2013 Issue III

Visit to Download also available on iTunes | Amazon | Google Play


SEPT-OCT 2013 Issue III

Beauty From The InSide Out By Eugenia Hart

The Power of Slip!

Curly haired mavens far and wide know that when styling tightly coiled hair it is key to find products that are gentle, free of heavy sulfates, and full of moisture. Another factor that may be overlooked is the power of a product with major slip! (Pictured Left: Freshly washed hair with my slip-rich Kinky Kashmere Leave In Conditioner)

What is Slip? Slip is a descriptive word used to describe a product. Whether it’s a conditioner or a styling aid, a product with slip is a product that allows for easy handling, detangling, and styling of your tresses! A product with slip is one that allows the strands of your hair to glide smoothly and effortlessly against one another. Products that are packed full of oils and the like are bound to be packed full of slip.

How do I choose the right product?

Finding a go-to product with slip is fairly simple! Like most naturally coiffed women, when shopping or researching products, we tend to read the laundry list of ingredients printed on the packaging! Common additives you may want to steer clear from are sulfates. Sulfates, found most commonly in shampoo and cleansers, are great…for washing dishes! Sulfates are known for giving you that “squeaky clean” feeling when your hair is cleansed. However, several studies have shown that regimented use of sulfate based products on one’s hair causes a “severe degradation (wear) in the cuticle”. (Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerphases, pp 7.14, 2005) Preserving the cuticle of your hair will lead to the longevity and health of your hair. When all else fails, test a dab of the product between your thumb and pointer finger! When you rub your fingers together, the product should become very thin without much tack when you separate your fingers. All in all, be mindful of what you are putting in your hair! Our scalps absorb products the way we ingest food, so feed your hair the goods! Until next time, EugeniaHart Eugenia Says, Founder EugeniaSays On All Social NetWorks 19

SEP-OCT 2013 Issue III

Our 1st Lady Michelle Obama releases Hip-Hop Album Focused on Eating Healthy & Exercising

Mrs. Obama released the album, which is titled 'Songs for a Healthier America,' in conjunction with her 'Let's Move' campaign. The 19-track collection features singers like Jordin Sparks, Ashanti and DMC and is Set for download on September 30th.

“The simple act of getting up and dancing is really a great way to be active,” Partnership for a Healthier America Chief Marketing Officer Drew Nannis told NBC. “We are bringing together music and physical activity in a way we felt more people could identify with.”

Dr Oz & Dr. Fresh appear in the video “Everybody”

The album's first music video released is for a song by Jordin Sparks titled 'Everybody.'


SEP-OCT 2013 Issue III

"The tree of black unity is growing everyday. Let us now bear fruit so that all our children flourish."

UniTee Design, Inc. is an ethnic empowerment enterprise on a mission and with a vision: to reestablish Black Unity by empowering our youth through better educational opportunities.

Social Butterflies, Inc. helps build self-esteem, academics and confidence. In turn decreasing academic failure, teen pregnancy, poverty and violence among girls. Visit for more information. (866) 601-5225


SEP-OCT 2013 Issue III










SEP-OCT 2013 Issue III

Photos by

Our Photographer Enoch of El-Shamesh Photography is an Exclusive Photographer for the ARTist “Ihsan Bilal� and documents her daily experiences as an ARTist. These photos are of her recent Listening Party and her performance at the FBI Building in DC. Stay tuned as we share more formal and informal photos of Indie ARTists on their Journey. For More photos please visit our facebook page at


SEP-OCT 2013 Issue III

Founders: CheefahDray & Mahoganee Amiger of Amiger Enterprise Musicians | Health & Wealth Enthusiasts Responsible ARTistry Magazine is a digital magazine committed to inspire, uplift, encourage, entertain and empower internationally. Our mission is to spotlight artistic individuals and organizations that use their talents, crafts and influence to better our communities, which in turn inspires our world. Every ARTicle published will celebrate the art, acts, gestures and accomplishments of creative souls from around the globe, honoring old and new traditions and spotlighting ways to enhance the reader's everyday life organically and finding new ways to be more eco-friendly. The information that we publish will help to enhance and empower our R.A.M. readers, therefore enriching their lives and benefiting the communities in which they live. We believe in Giving the Gift of ARTistic Knowledge! We are here to bring you those artistic jewels organically, that are sure to bring you and your family much joy and empowerment. Be Responsibly ARTistic and Share this publication with your network.

Twitter @AmigerEnterpris Facebook /AmigerEnterprise

“To Boldly Go Where The Average Will Not�

Responsible ARTistry Magazine Designed by Allen Imagez Twitter @AllenImagez Facebook /AllenImagez


SEP-OCT 2013 Issue III

For More Toons Visit::

Stay for the Next Episode in our Next Issue


SEP-OCT 2013 Issue III

Editor’s Choice

Try our 30-day Coffee Challenge ************* Order a box of our Black | Latte or Mocha and drink for 30 days notice a difference in how you feel. More energy, vigor, curb of appetite. It’s Easy It’s Simple It’s Coffee Go to to order.


SEP-OCT 2013 Issue III

Your Daily inspiration

Change Is Inevitable, Progress is OptionalTony Robbins

Nothing Endures But ChangeHeraclitus

Very Often a Change of Self Is Needed Rather Than A Change of Scene

Your Life Does Not Get Better By Chance, It Gets Better By Change27

Jim Rohn

-A. C. Benson

I Am Going To Change My Life Today.

All Great Changes Are Preceded By ChaosDeepok Chopra

Just When The CaterPillar Thought The World Was Over, It Became A ButterFly.

If You Don’t Like Where You Are, Then Change It. You Are Not A Tree SEP-OCT 2013 Issue III

Funky OrGanik Soul Beethoven Inspired

f/Mahoganee E7P BK RoBlak

Produced by BhP

A Responsible ARTistry Project Success Happens With The Right PartnerShips The Power of Words MixTape

Follow Our Success Partners Enoch 7th Prophet @E7thP * Brooke BK Archilla @BKsWay * RoBlak @1RoBlaKOnly * Princess Best @PrincessBSpeaks * Substantial @Substizzle * @Anonamas * @EightSense * @MsLaToshaBrown * @8orMas 28

SEP-OCT 2013 Issue III

Music Production | Recording Sessions | Creative Compositions | Vocal ARTistry | Engineering

RAW:natural born artists is an independent arts organization, for artists, by artists. A Community made up of Creative Individuals across the nation. Mission: To provide independent atists within the first 10 years of their career with the tools, resources and exposure needed to inspire and cultivate creativity. Welcoming all genres of art including independent film, fashion, music, visual art, performing art, hairstylists, makeup artists and more. Encouraging the creative success of the many visionaries and storytellers of our generation. RAW currently operates in 54 cities across the United States, Australia and counting‌. 29

SEP-OCT 2013 Issue III

What’s Happening Next….. Soul Sippin The Monthly Nu-Soul Experience 1st Thursday DC Axum Lounge 2nd Wednesday CHI Hyde Park Cigars 2nd Thursday ATL Tinsel Town Studios 4th Thursday DTW Flo Boutique Visit for more info

Building Bridges for Small Business B2B RoundTable RoundUp Join The Conversation Westwood College Midtown Campus 1100 Spring Street September 5, 2013 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Building Bridges for Small Business Mee


Roundtable Roundup Join The Conversation…

Meeting Of The Minds

Westwood College Midtown Campus

1100 Spring Street


Atlanta, GA 30309

Meeting Of The Minds

September 5, 2013

 What is the state of small business?  How to make sure your business credit score is helping and not hurting your company?  Is your company’s message getting across to the public?

6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.

If you’d like your event shared in our network please submit high res flier or text details to 30

SEP-OCT 2013 Issue III

Empowering youth around the world with the skills and knowledge necessary to become leaders in their communities.

Wherever you are, whatever you do, you can ALWAYS Rock Your Stance with Style and Flayva! Be a SuperROLEmodel and show the world how you Keep or Kept It Locked while bringin' da HOTNESS!!! Declare your stance LOUD & PROUD!

Founded by Model/Comedienne/Actress Yvonne Orji in 2009, Rock Your Stance! Apparel provides an avenue where single and married men & women alike can unashamedly declare their stance and their choice to wait. These individuals are introducing to the world a new standard of Christians who maintain their individual flair for life and style, while uncompromisingly proclaiming their love for Christ with integrity. 31

SEP-OCT 2013 Issue III

Visual artist and senior graduate of the 2013 class of Tri-Cities Visual and Performing Arts Magnet High School in East Point, Georgia. Barry says, As far back as I can remember, I have always had a love and passion for art. Each day, I find time to incorporate art into my schedule, even if it is just a thought because we are surrounded by life's amazing work of art. What we see around us can be drawn, painted, or sculpted. Barry is a versatile visual artist that enjoys working with all mediums of art. His strength is best expressed in drawing, painting, and sculpting. His style is unique; it is referred to as "Distorted Urban Realism". It is a different style of art that very few artists have touched on. Barry loves working with this style because it gives a new perspective to defining the look of the main character. He also places the main character front and center in most of his work and with every piece the goal is to perfect his ability to become a better artist as he matures.

Many of Duperon’s paintings are portraits of historical, black figures such as musician Jimi Hendrix and executed Georgia prisoner Troy Davis. Perhaps his most impressive piece is a 48-inch by 56-inch Mosaic of teen Trayvon Martin, made entirely of Skittles candy and Arizona Tea labels, representing items Martin had on his person when he was murdered. “Trayvon would’ve been 18 years old and I just turned 18. Georgia has the same stand your ground law as Florida and when I was working on [the mosaic] I felt like I could’ve been in his place,” Duperon said of his inspiration for creating the piece.

Visit Barry F. Duperon online: |


SEP-OCT 2013 Issue III

The Indie Scene SpotLight

Paul PR Robinson is a Christian hip-hop artist who is unlike any other. His approach is to target urban markets nonbelievers, unlike many other Christian artists who aim to entertain followers of Christ. Through hip hop music; PR demands the attention of the urban world introducing them to Christ. Attractive lyrical content, hot beats & relevant issues sets PR apart from the usual Christian artist. WHO IS WILLIE LYNCH? On the bank of the James River in the colony of Virginia in 1712, slave British slave owner, Willie Lynch delivered a speech to teach his methods to slave owners there. These methods included breaking the spirit of the black man by use of fear, distrust and envy for control purposes. Lynch suggested that after slaves receive this "doctrination, it shall carry on and will become self-refueling and self-generating for hundreds of years, maybe thousands." THE MOVEMENT: Christian Hip Hop Artist: Paul PR Robinson recognizes that Willie Lynch is alive and well. You can find Willie Lynch in our own communities today. The black community has indeed has become self-generating of this syndrome as Lynch suggested would occur. The first step to deprogramming this Willie Lynch chip is to identify if it lives in us. This song "Willie Lynch" by Paul "PR" Robinson challenges us to self-examine and take steps in a different direction. HOW YOU CAN HELP: PR is asking everyone who comes in contact with his song and believes in the cause to share with everyone that they feel will benefit. It is our goal to take this message viral, but that cannot be done without your help. We are asking all supporters to share via email, Facebook, twitter and any other social media sites that you are a part of. We see so many songs with a negative purpose going viral; let’s work together to counter-act that with a song with a positive message. So what can you do right now? Right now, you can share this message to all of your email contacts. You can send this song to community activist, radio stations, blogs etc. The more people who hear this song, the bigger impact we can make! THE WILLIE LYNCH IN ME: PR does not pretend to be unaffected by the Willie Lynch Syndrome. In fact he embraces his past Willie Lynch and uses it as a testimony to the youth today struggling with drug addiction, criminal records, etc. PR knows all too well the effects of Willie Lynch and is still playing catch up from the effects of the Willie Lynch mindset he had in his past.

The “Wille Lynch” Song can purchased on iTunes & Amazon MP3..


SEP-OCT 2013 Issue III


Responsible ARTistry Campaign


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SEP-OCT 2013 Issue III

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