Responsible ARTistry Magazine Issue I

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Responsible ARTistry

Magazine May-June 2013 | Issue I

Enhancing and Saving Lives

Tasha LaRae

Editor’s Note Hello Beautiful Creative Souls, Welcome to the first Digital Issue of Responsible ARTistry Magazine. It has been a wonderful journey right up to this very moment. Getting started on fulfilling my goals and dreams was the best decision I ever made. Life always has a way of meeting you right where you are, because where you are is right here and I’m delighted you made a choice to be with me. Embrace everyday as an opportunity to start over and do it right. I look forward to igniting, inspiring, leaping tall buildings and soaring high with you. We Are All Creatively Amazing, #FlyWithMe #CoffeeShero





Responsible ARTistry Magazine Using Our Influence as ARTists to Enhance & Save Lives

Founder And Editor-In-Chief Laura “Mahoganee” Amiger

Founder and Business Manager Andre “CheefahDray” Amiger

Contributors Paulette Edwards @FashionFwdLette Contributing Writer/Blogger Heather Jones-Dukes @SkitSkatSkatter Contributing Writer Eugenia Azo @EugeniaSaysMoo Video Blogger Enoch El Shamesh @ElShameshPhotos Photographer LaTosha Brown @MsLaToshaBrown Contributing Writer/Blogger



the way you think…..Your brain is soooo sexy. Jedi Mind Tips on Dealing with anything….. Inspired by Mommy

Tip# 1 Always keep a positive attitude on your mind J Jedi SideBar: In high school my mom was diagnosed with cancer in her liver, spleen and pancreas. She always smiled and kept a positive attitude. She never complained. On occasion I would dress her wounds before going to school and after, but I remember her making jokes even though I could tell she was in pain. She was quite the comedian, was well loved and adopted quite often by the youngsters. Her positive attitude is my imspiration.- @Mahoganee

Responsible ARTistry Magazine

On The Cover Tasha LaRae


Recording ARTist Entrepreneur Tasha LaRae Cover Photo Courtesy of LaTodt Cromer/SOVI Multimedia



MAY/JUNE 2013 Remembrance: 6 Craig E. Washington

Our Future Dreamers 7 Emmanuel Bradley

ARTistry 101 8

Feature: 9 Responsible ARTistry Talks To Tasha LaRae Lead Female Vocalist of Arrested Development & Owner of EarJeans Handmade Jewelry

Highlight 12 Behind The Scenes With Natural Girls Rock

While We Were Out 14

Literary Sweets 16 Denise Stokes & Ed Mercer

“Responsible ARTistry Talks To Tasha LaRae”

Ask Ms. LaTosha by LaTosha Brown 22

How Do You Live Your Best Life? 24

What’s Da Word? 27

Music Reviews by Heather Jones-Dukes

Responsible ARTistry Projects

Carolyn Malachi & Kenny Wesley 17

What’s Happening Next

Dining With Bevy by Paulette Edwards

Instagram Picks


Beauty From The Inside Out by Eugenia 21

29 31 33

Rising Stars Spotlight 35 Candice Glover on American Idol & Vedo the Singer on The Voice


B. Curabitur.

Craig English Washington (item # XXXX) $000.00 March 28, 1954 – May 1, 2012

Musician. Teacher. Mentor. Friend.

A PAST THAT will never be forgotten C 6

Our Future Dreamers

Age: 9 yrs old | Home-Schooled Each year LEGOLAND Discovery Centers around the world choose twelve LEGO enthusiasts to participate in a LEGO Junior Construction Panel. Kids aged 6-12 enter the contest by writing a letter or submitting a video stating why they should be chosen to participate on the panel. Emmanuel Bradley was chosen for the 2013 panel for LEGOLAND Discovery Center Atlanta. As member of the Junior Construction Panel, the children chosen received a special “box of imagination,� an annual pass to the attraction, the title of Mini Apprentice under LEGOLAND Discovery Center Atlanta's Master Model Builder ,Joshua Bohn, provide input on what features could be added and best of all, give their official approval on new attractions and exhibits for the Center.

CONGRATULATIONS EMMANUEL!!! Visit for more information


ARTistry 101:

♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦

Accept the Challenge of Pursuing Your Dream Never Give Up Do Your Homework on your ARTistry Find a Mentor (someone who is where you want to be and do what they do, learn from them) Be Professional Be Genuine Be Smart ALWAYS BE TRUE TO YOURSELF

"If you don't design your own life plan, chances are you'll fall into someone else's plan. And guess what they have planned for you? Not much." -Jim Rohn 8

Responsible ARTistry Magazine TALKS TO




nternational. Classically Trained. Soul Singer. Songwriter. Award Winning. Entrepreneur. Just a few words to describe the phenomenal woman and natural girl who truly rocks, Tasha LaRae, Lead Female Vocalist of one of my favorite groups “Arrested Development”. We meet at Whole Foods Café on Ponce de Leon in Atlanta, GA, the atmosphere is so fitting, friendly, cozy with just the right amount of background noise and as our conversation starts, folks are getting quiet so they can listen in, once they realize there’s a superstar in their presence. Tasha is smiling with overwhelmingly good energy as usual and rocking her red natural do with style. I am by the way rocking a pair of Tasha’s EarJeans hand-dyed leather Earrings as you can see in the picture on the previous page. Interestingly enough as we were going through the interview, a woman passed by and complimented me on my earrings, I said thank you and took the opportunity to introduce her to the designer who I just happen to be sitting withJ. We all laughed and said it was a great commercial. RA: Reading your bio, it is awesome and extensive. With your solo career are you an indie artist or are you signed? Tasha LaRae: No I’m an indie artist. RA: Okay, it states that you are classically trained which I thought was amazing. Tasha LaRae: Yes I am. RA: What school did you attend? Tasha LaRae: I studied at the University of Omaha in Nebraska, Vocal Music Performance as a major and I had to study opera as a part of the course. RA: Amazing, Ok we’re going to have to test that out, one of these days, not today but one day. [We all laugh] RA: Arrested Development has always been one of my favorite groups, revolutionary and organic, so tell us how did that get on your plate? Tasha LaRae: Oh goodness, well when I moved to Georgia I did what every singer that comes here inspires to do, I just did what they did, I got into the music scene and started singing background for people. That was my thing and I went from one gig to the next gig and one of my best friends was doing a show for her church and asked me to sing with her. So I’m singing, we’re having a good time and Speech was there DJ’ing and I was like what, that’s the short guy from the group back in the 90s, that’s pretty cool. I never went and 10

introduced myself, I just kept going you know, and the next day I got an email from Speech, he had contacted my best friend to get my contact information and asked me if I would be interested in auditioning for the group. RA: So you impressed him obviously and didn’t even know it. Tasha LaRae: I guess so, and I didn’t even know. RA: With Arrested Development being such a Revolutionary Group with prolific content in their music, as a solo artist does lyrical content play a part in your music? Will you be writing your own music? Tasha LaRae: Oh yes, definitely writing my own music. I think it will definitely have a great influence on it. Before I met the group I was pursuing a solo artist career and so with songwriting it was always important to write something that was meaningful, insightful and helpful. I never wanted to create anything that wasn’t going to add any value to anybody’s life. So being apart of the group stretched my knowledge and even my awareness of other issues because prior to that I wasn’t as open to local issues and it’s still a field that I’m exploring but I’m a lot more aware of what’s going on around me. So I love that. RA: I love that. It’s such a Responsible ARTistry fit. Let’s talk about the entrepreneur side of you, not a lot of people may know that you have your own jewelry company called EarJeans so tell us exactly how that came to be. Tasha LaRae: Okay, so after I got the gig with Arrested Development I learned all the music in about two months (it was a ton of music) and our first tour was in Australia and we were going to be there for three weeks, eight shows, three weeks, and I’m like I don’t have eight shows worth of clothes you know as women that’s the first thing we think about [laughter] forget the music and everything. I didn’t have a lot of money so I thought what can I do, well I started pulling some of my clothes, I looked at old pictures of the group’s performances and stuff and it was very organic, very thrifty and creative. So I started cutting up jeans and ripping stuff, adding stuff, painting and there was a particular pair of pants I painted and I was thinking what earrings would I wear with these? Seriously that was my first thought [laughing] and I thought it would be really cool to have a pair of earrings that has the exact same pattern on them made out of jeans and everything. So that’s what I did, I made about three pairs of earrings like that and I took them on the tour, so many people complimented me on it and I was like “WOW“ okay this might work. Throughout the months we did a few more shows and I started making little pieces just to fit that outfit and getting more compliments. One lady came up to me in Dubai and she said, “I want your earrings and I will trade you mine. She was wearing some really nice sterling silver hoop earrings and I still have them to this day J so I traded her and she asked me to autograph the back of my earrings and when she did that I said I’m going home to start my business and that’s how my company got started. RA: What is the mission of your company? Tasha LaRae: I want to help other people pursue what they want in their life and I want my company to help provide the jewelry that they’re gonna need to get there. Because you gotta look fabulous in whatever it is that you’re doing. (Continued on page 38) 11

From The Editor’s Desk

Behind The Scenes at Natural Girls Rock 2013 Spring Photo Shoot

When my friend “Opportunity” knocks I always open the doors and windows to let her in. This time she brought Natural Girls Rock with her and I was super excited. I was on facebook having an IM conversation with a business partner and saw the invitation for 3 bloggers to the “Behind The Scenes Photo Shoot” on my timeline. I quickly responded and sent an email and was delighted with a response email stating I was chosen. My business partner who is also my husband and I arrived at the photo shoot a little early so I had time to chat a little with Kelly J, the founder of Natural Girls Rock, some of the previous Natural Girls Rock Ambassadors as well as the new ones. It was wonderful to see the camaraderie between the ladies and to hear them speak of how much it meant to be a part of Natural Girls Rock. What I did not realize is that this opportunity allowed me to be a part of something monumental for my own mental beauty journey. For so long I was conditioned to think that I had to make my hair be something unnatural to be me. Being behind the scenes for the Natural Girls Rock 2013 PhotoShoot made me proud, it made me feel even more beautiful, successful and accomplished than I even realized. KellyJ mentioned a few key things about the Natural Girls Rock Ambassadorship that I'd like to share with you. 1. None of these young ladies had ever modeled professionally. 2. The passing of the baton from the past ambassadors to the new was quite special When I first arrived the young ladies were being coached by a professional model instructor on how to walk and exude that fierceness to the audience and I literally witnessed the beautiful women go through a chrysalis stage much like the butterfly in the beginning and blossom into fierce runway models. Witnessing the passing of the symbolic wand from the past NGR Ambassadors to the new was indeed a special moment and each of the past NGR Ambassadors had nothing but uplifting and encouraging words to say which was beauty in and of itself. I arrived as a guest media blogger, to gather pictures and words and I left with memories and emotions etched in my heart and soul. Thank You Natural Girls Rock. - @Mahoganee For More Photos please visit our facebook page at

KellyJ –Founder of Natural Girls Rock 12


These are some of the moments captured from behind the scenes at the Natural Girls Rock Photo Shoot. 1. New NGR Ambassador Eugenia Azo getting her makeup done. 2. The passing of the baton from the past ambassadors to the future.



3. Past NGR Ambassadors (l to r) Aja Davis Season 3, Nisha Williams Season 1, Sharon Sylvain Season 1 4. New NGR Ambassador Christina Williams Waters


5 5. New NGR Ambassador Mike Quita looking Naturally fabulous 6. One of the Natural Girls Rick T-Shirts for the photoshoot



While We Were Out

Heeling Diabetes ShoeNista Auction

My GirlFriends Business International Mix & Mingle

ChefMivens at Emory University ChefTech Academy

Finding Eve’s Soul Café 2nd Yr Anniversary

Youth Summit Fitness H.E.A.T. has S.W.A.G.

CheefahDray & Edward Hartley at MasterMind Networking Event 14

The Hip Hop Gods Press Conference

DJ Tat Money & Kwame

Books are being handed out by Author and Critically Acclaimed Lyricist Malice @NoMalice757 of the Hip Hop group "The Clipse" Book::: Wretched, Pitiful, Poor, Blind and Naked

Hip Hop Icons at The Alumni Show Baltimore MD Special Ed. Dana Dane. Greg Nice. Kwame. Monie Love

Photos Courtesy of 15

Literary Sweets

From The Editor’s Desk

Words That Fill You Up

From The Crack House To The White House

By Denise Stokes I’ve known Denise for several years and she is always the same, in great spirits, smiling and giving. “From The Crack House To The White House” is an in-depth look into Denise’s life, a true tragedy to triumph story. It’s like watching a movie on the Lifetime Television Network and not being able to move. You will cry, laugh, and cry some more. (Get the tissues out) Be prepared to stop making excuses for your life and just do it because Denise will inspire you to do just that. Her life story is nothing short of amazing. Coming from being on drugs, homeless, begging for food to advising President Clinton, Spokesperson for BET Wrap-It-Up, Poet and Author is worthy of a Hollywood movie and she is one of my SHEroes. This book will not let you put it down until you are finished. A must read to all who look to be inspired and uplifted. Visit to purchase and find out more about Denise.

The Eighth Grade Millionaire

By Edward R. Mercer Having met Billionaire Ed Mercer on a few occasions I was able to feel the words from his book on a much more personal level. He is a genuinely kind person also very funny. The 8th Grade Millionaire will inspire you to not let challenges get you down or get in your way. Ed does not consider it a motivational book but I disagree, it is very motivating. By sharing his life he gives you inspiration and guidance. It fuels you when you are down and inspires you to not give up. The book is full of wonderful stories and experiences he has gone through. He talks about his family, business ventures and you truly get an insightful glimpse into his life. One of my favorite quotes is “Average people dip their toes in the water. Successful people jump right in and immerse themselves”. This book is a great read and I highly recommend to all go-getters. Visit to purchase. 16

This Is Your Brain on Music (Reviews by Heather Jones-Dukes) Kenny Wesley | “Won’t Let It Go”

Imagine Rock, Pop, Alternative, Soul and R&B music being in the palm of your hand. Visualize notes and sounds coming alive to make beautiful music at the command of your soul. Kenny Wesley is touching the spines of many genres, breathing life back into a generation and time of music where emotions seem to be all about disrespect, confusion, depression, and having a good time at someone else’s expense or even the expense of self-deconstruction. With his single, “Won’t Let It Go”, he uses his voice to capture and captivate all ears around, and he does it in such a soulful manner. His voice commands you to listen in such a soulful manner. It captures you. Kenny is the “soulful nerd”. I listen to his song on repeat as I write this review and all I can do is smile and feel at peace, “Another Step, Another Cry” he says….”Won’t Let Go”. Sigh. To listen to Kenny sing is like a story that you never want to hear The End. As the song comes to the end I know that I must press play again, I can’t leave my soul hungry and wanting more. He is a North Carolina born, D.C. based artist who is currently working on a ground-breaking album project with L.A.-based producer and musical kindred Noah Lifschey, whose signature cutting-edge sounds are a staple in the TV and music world, ranging from The Oscars and America’s Best Dance Crew to the MTV Movie and Music Awards, and various record labels. To learn more about Kenny Wesley and the 5 languages that he speaks visit his website , check him out on twitter @kennywesley, or like him on facebook!

Carolyn Malachi | Free Your Mind (You Don’t Want To Miss This) Who could turn down an opportunity to dance and release energy? I sure can’t! “Free Your Mind (You Don’t Want To Miss This)” by Carolyn Malachi featuring Tarus Mateen is another successful song that she has released. There are sounds of electronic, tribal, soul and jazz music while offering a modern twist with poetic rap/spoken word. She allows women to feel empowered and ready to conquer and confront whatever maybe in there way of success and inner strength. Why can’t we get back to music that uplifts our spirits, offers a great beat, and has a message? Well, Carolyn is giving us that and so much more with lyrics like, “I’mma walk, I’mma talk, I’mma live like a queen” and ”Wherever you are, your mind put you there..” Carolyn is a beautiful woman inside and out, and if you ever meet her call her Sunshine, a name given by her aunt when she was a child. She would tell her, “Sunshine, remember your power.” Carolyn says that “power” is the expectation that whatever is planted in the garden of the mind will indeed grow onward and upward." She lets her power do just that through her music, like a plant firmly rooted and growing onward and upward; bringing joy, peace, hope, and encouragement into many lives. She is currently on her spring 2013 tour, “The Road to Gold”, with two performances left in Atlanta, GA and Baltimore, MD. If you do not get a chance to attend the final dates she will also be performing this summer in the PA, MD, and DC area. For more information on Carolyn Malachi visit her website , twitter @Carolyn_Malachi, facebook, or enjoy watching a powerful video to this wonderful song on youtube! Don’t miss the opportunity to feed your soul something powerful, enlightening, and encouraging. You don’t want to miss this.


Dining With Bevy Life With ViSion Bevy Smith was walking towards me and introduced herself. A bit flustered I responded, “Hello, I’m FashionFwdLette”. “That’s not what your mother named you”, she responded. I said, “Let’s try this again”. This time I was settled and responded, “Hello, I’m Paulette Edwards and it’s a pleasure to meet you.”

Back in August last year a great friend of mine, Teneka Steed,

mentioned that the legendary Bevy Smith was coming to Charlotte, NC that month for a networking event that was invite only via e-­‐mailing your resume. Only 50 people would be chosen and attendees must pay a $100 entry fee. Within 24 hours of submitting my resume I received a follow-­‐up e-­‐mail inviting me to be one of the elite members to attend.

If you are a bit wet behind the ears and unaware who Bevy Smith

is, let me tell you. Bevy Smith is an entrepreneur from Harlem. She is a high-­‐powered fashion executive at Rolling Stone, fashion editor-­‐at-­‐large for VIBE, TV personality and now Social Media Maven. She is also the creator of Dinner with Bevy, a dinner party series in which Bevy brings together influential people from across entertainment, fashion and media. She launched her Dining with Bevy: Life with Vision two months ago in New York City. Visit for details. She doesn’t care for titles but I would consider her a guru. Bevy’s spirit is very welcoming and the smile on her face puts you at ease.

I woke up the day of the event on fire and ready to learn new

things while networking with a room of individuals married to their passion. Immediately upon arriving I felt I was entering into a room full of energy. The power of networking and creating everlasting impression allows limitless possibilities.

Fellowship is pretty clear: open up

doorways that build your future. Don’t be afraid to meet other people that aren’t like you. You never know what opportunities will present itself after the initial contact is made. It’s true that the first impression is the most important because it has an everlasting imprint. Introduce yourself with a smile and a firm grip.

Focus. Most times we have so many ideas

information she had to give like a sponge. ”I want people to walk away knowing that they connected with people, learned, shared, fellowshipped and now they have the tools to move forward” said Smith. She was sure to give us the uncut version of her experiences in the industry. Her topics of discussion were: Intentions, Fellowship, Focus, Do the Work and Truest Desires.

flowing in our heads at a time. I know I’m guilty of this one moment I’m thinking about starting a magazine, the next about my blog, then about my children’s boutique and Hugs from Paulette. I find myself getting overwhelmed because I’m so driven to succeed and not fail. Smith made it clear that it’s okay to have several goals yet only focus on 1.5 at a time and nail it. When you are working on many things at a time one area will go lacking.

Smith said to know your well-­‐wishers, people that wish you well

Do the Work. That is straight to the point.

I was seated at the first table and wanted to soak up all the

and will do anything in their power to help you reach your goal. Knowing your intentions along with the person’s who is reaching out for opportunities are important. Smith mentioned it’s okay to turn some things down, which simply means be mindful of what you are associated with because you are your brand.


Be willing to do the work regardless of who’s looking. It’s simple, you are your resume! Never feel that you’ve arrived, invest in your future. Investing can be anything from reading, taking classes, attending events and interning.

Truest Desires goes hand in hand with Do the Work. Do the work that you are called to do, ensuring that you are in a field that makes your heart smile. Knowing that when you wake up you aren’t just going to a job, you are living in your passion. Most times we get lost in “Corporate America”, putting our true passion on the back burner. “I’ve always had a passion to live everyday in the Fashion Industry”, Bevy said. “However, for 6 1/2 years I became complacent working at Verizon Wireless and it took me losing my job to reach full throttle. Since then my feet have been to the pavement and I haven’t stopped for a minute”.

I truly enjoyed my time with Bevy Smith. We learned some new things, affirmed things that we already knew. Met individuals with the same drive for life, offered insight and created new relationships. – Paulette Edwards @FashionFwdLette Follow Bevy on Twitter @BevySmith

Ms. Bevy & Paulette

vi·sion /ˈviZHəәn/

What’s On Your

Vision is The Art of Seeing What is Invisible to Others. –Jonathon Swift A vision board is a tool used to help clarify and maintain focus on a specific life goal. Literally, your vision board can be any sort of board on which you display images that represent whatever YOU want to BE, DO or HAVE in YOUR life.

Start planning today. 19

For Music & Info Visit also available on iTunes | Amazon | Google Play


Natural hair. Relaxed hair. Loc'd hair. No hair. Today’s modern woman is rocking her look in a vast array of different styles! With summer looming around the corner, bare midriffs and a little bit of leg are fast approaching and we are gearing up for hot weather fashion tutorials and food recipes on how to keep cool in the sticky heat!

Beauty From The InSide Out By Eugenia

"Too hot for a twist-out? Pin your defined tresses with a few bobby pins to keep you cool." HOW TO KEEP COOL…

"Too much statement jewelry can swallow up your entire ensemble. Keep statement pieces to a minimum and combine with lighter pieces.

A quick (and healthy) way to keep cool is to create your own Fruit Infused Chiller! Take a mason jar with chilled water, add ice and frozen chunks of your favorite fruits. A kiwi and a mango later, you've got a fruit infused chiller perfect for a hot day!


Currently I am obsessed with a monthly subscription hair box that's unlike any other. The Natural Hair Box, by founder Akira "Jael" Byrd, is an Alabama-based hair box subscription that boasts only handmade products produced by tried and true local brands. You'll receive five (yes, five!) products that range from hair butters to nail appliqués. Signup for your Natural Hair Box today! (, $29.99/month) MY GO-TO HAIR PRODUCT…

For a killer twist out with maximum definition, I turn to curls Cashmere Curl Jelly. Silicone and sulfatefree, this moisturizer adds the right amount of weight to your tendrils to allow for elongated and textured styles. And what's better? It's sold at your neighborhood Target! Go figure! (Target, $25.00) MY FASHION FIXATION…

Anyone who knows me knows that I am a fan of a busy print paired with a pop of color. Be bold with your warm weather look by pairing that busy leopard crop top with some lemon yellow shorts and lime green flats. Attitude? Check. Bold Outfit? Check. Confidence? Double Check. Rock your look! @EugeniaSaysMoo


Ask Dear LaTosha Love, I’m a full-time teacher and independent artist/singer/songwriter. After years of desiring to create music, I just completed my first music project. I’m excited about my project and I want to quit my job and work full-time on my music. However, I have school-aged children and my income is critical to the family. My question is should I step out of faith and finally pursue my life’s dream or should I stay on my job for financial security? ~ Signed, Ready to Advance Dear Ready to Advance , I think the greatest gift God gave human beings is the power of choice. However, with all choices there are attached consequences. I don’t think there is a right or wrong choice—just different consequences related to each choice. There are countless stories of successful artists taking the “faith plunge" by quitting their job to pursue the dream. For example, Tyler Perry, Jim Carrey and singer Kem all became homeless in pursuit of their dream. However, there are countless stories of people like billionaires Sara Blakely (Spanx founder ) and Oprah Winfrey that both maintained day jobs while simultaneously pursuing their dreams--that is also a faith move. Sara Blakely kept her job as a fax machine salesman and used her lunch breaks and weekends off to build her client base and business). It’s not a zero sum game and it may not be an either/or strategy. Perhaps it a mixture of both. Your situation is a very common dilemma that we as artists face in the pursuit our dream. I don’t think it’s an easy answer, nor one-size-fits-all answer for anyone. It's boils down to what CHOICE will be right for YOU! Only you know that answer. However, what I know for sure is that either choice can ADVANCE your dream if you create an appropriate plan that takes in account what I call the three BIG “C’s.”

~ Consequences (impact on you and your family) ~ Commitment (work required) and the realistic amount of time ~ Currency (budget) amount needed to be generated during each stage In A Pink Nutshell: "You can passionately pursue your DREAM no matter what choice you make; the key is in proper planning!" Please send questions and inquires to LaTosha Love

The mission of Sporty Girls is to cultivate, enrich and challenge young women to participate in non-traditional sports, while developing and fostering lifestyle skills. In 2006, local radio personality Rashan Ali founded Sporty Girls Inc. in Atlanta, Georgia to provide young minority girls the opportunity to participate in non traditional sports – those not traditionally offered in metro Atlanta public schools. A life-long competitive swimmer and recipient of a four-year swimming scholarship at Florida A & M University, Rashan knew that one day she would want that same opportunity for other girls like her. Not only did she want young girls to swim, but also learn to play, soccer, golf and tennis. Through Sporty Girls she has been afforded the opportunity to introduce young minority girls to an unconventional way to participate in non-traditional sports. Since 2007, Sporty Girls, Inc. has served over 65 girls from the metro Atlanta area. The benefits of participating in Sporty Girls program are numerous. SGI will expose the girls to sports not traditionally offered in metro-Atlanta public schools. On a very basic level, participants in Camp Elite will benefit physically by being active during the camp duration. Since each girl will also be eligible for a year-long scholarship, the likelihood for continued physical activity for each girl throughout the year is increased. It is our hope to decrease

at mailto:

obesity among young girls and increase their knowledge in

Twitter: @MsLaToshaBrown Facebook: LaTosha Love Brown

making healthier lifestyle decisions.

About LaTosha Love:

For more information visit

LaTosha Brown is an independent singer, songwriter, author and social activist committed to spreading love around the world through music. (404) 665-6578

Specializing in: Professional Resume Writing Career Development Business Plans

Social Butterflies, Inc. helps build self-esteem, academics and confidence. In turn decreasing academic failure, teen pregnancy, poverty and violence among girls. Visit for more information. (866) 601-5225



Wake up, breathe deep and greet my day with a smile and an open heart – Catherine Oneda Felver-Blevens (Artist) Fb /OfftheCOB

Treat people as I would like to be treated. Honestly express my ideas and feelings with tact. Lastly I embrace my talents and understand my limitations. -Africa Allah of Distinctive Impression MMG

I live my best by fully accepting my God-given life, cherishing others, and thru sharing my view of the world in my recreations of heirlooms from the past. -AB Pryor

No regrets! The moment has passed, so move on. Say yes to things but not material things! Live at your own pace. -Victoria Messina Production Asst for Chicago

Founders: CheefahDray & Mahoganee Amiger Health & Wealth Enthusiasts Responsible ARTistry Magazine is a digital magazine committed to inspire, uplift, encourage, entertain and empower internationally. Our mission is to spotlight artistic individuals and organizations that use their talents, crafts and influence to better our communities, which in turn inspires our world. Every ARTicle published will celebrate the art, acts, gestures and accomplishments of creative souls from around the globe, honoring old and new traditions and spotlighting ways to enhance the reader's everyday life organically and finding new ways to be more eco-friendly. The information that we publish will help to enhance and empower our R.A.M. readers, therefore enriching their lives and benefiting the communities in which they live. We believe in Giving the Gift of ARTistic Knowledge! We are here to bring you those artistic jewels organically, that are sure to bring you and your family much joy and empowerment. Be Responsibly ARTistic and Share this publication with your network.

Responsible ARTistry Magazine Designed by Allen Imagez

Editor’s Choice

Try our 30-day Coffee Challenge ************* Order a box of our Black | Latte or Mocha and drink for 30 days notice a difference in how you feel. More energy, vigor, curb of appetite. It’s Easy It’s Simple It’s Coffee Go to to order.

Your Daily inspiration

I Am A Force For Good

I Will Create & Not Destroy

I Will Lead and

Repeat often

Not Follow


I Will Defy The Odds

I Will Set New Standards

Will Believe & Not Doubt


Funky OrGanik Soul Beethoven Inspired

f/Mahoganee E7P BK RoBlak

Produced by BhP

A Responsible ARTistry Project Success Happens With The Right PartnerShips

The Power of Words MixTape

Follow Our Success Partners Enoch 7th Prophet @E7thP * Brooke BK Archilla @BKsWay * RoBlak @1RoBlaKOnly * Princess Best @PrincessBSpeaks * Substantial @Substizzle * @Anonamas * @EightSense * @MsLaToshaBrown * @8orMas

To Rebuild the InterConnected Social Foundation of our Youth

RAW:natural born artists is an independent arts organization, for artists, by artists. A Community made up of Creative Individuals across the nation. Mission: To provide independent atists within the first 10 years of their career with the tools, resources and exposure needed to inspire and cultivate creativity. Welcoming all genres of art including independent film, fashion, music, visual art, performing art, hairstylists, makeup artists and more. Encouraging the creative success of the many visionaries and storytellers of our generation. RAW currently operates in 54 cities across the United States, Australia and counting‌.

What’s Happening Next‌.. Atlanta

May 18, 2013 Marriott Century Center 2000 Century Center Blvd. NE Atlanta, GA

The LONA Gallery presents: "Explorations In Textures" May 3rd - 31st By 3 Accomplished Award Winning ARTists:: David Raderstorf (Contemporary) Lynn Weisbach (Mixed Media/ Assemblage) & Shirley Shepherd (Watercolor/Mixed Media) The opening reception: Saturday, May 4th, 2013 6p to 9p The LONA Gallery 176 W. Crogan Street Lawrenceville, GA 30046 678.349.2223

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#CarSingingHightlight J

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You have permission to sing at the top of your lungs in your car. If someone hasn't looked at you strange in the past week, you aren't living. #living #happy Follow @JessicaLaurenVine

Caleb just because he’s so darn CUTE J Follow @Mahoganee00

Everybody has so many things that they want to pursue and a lot of times people are afraid to, whether it’s job security that they are concerned about but most of the time it’s money and so they’re afraid to step out because they think they’re going to fail. But go and try it because you actually have a better chance at making it happen if you step out and do it. If you sit still you’re definitely not going to make it happen, that’s guaranteed. So with that, I like to make stuff that makes people feel confidant in whatever it is that they’re gonna do. Feel fun and feel like they’re an expert, like you, you look like you’re an expert in fashion, in music and all things fabulous. RA: Thank you and I do feel, since you mentioned that when I did Responsible ARTistry Talks To Tasha LaRae my show and I had your earrings on, they definitely added more continued from page 11 confidence and fun, like I didn’t really take it serious but I did at the same time but I felt like I look so cool and I look so flyy right [Laughter] now that if I mess up the song you really won’t know [more laughter] because I feel just that confident and fun so what you just said is a perfect description of what your jewelry made me feel. I feel even better with you having said that and me going through the EarJeans Experience before you said that to me and so that validates exactly what your jewelry can do for someone and I can validate that because I wore the jewelry during a performance and felt everything you just said. So if you need a testimony you already have mine. [more laughter and fun] RA: What’s on the horizon for Tasha LaRae? Tasha LaRae: Wow, there are a lot of things, I guess I’ll start with I’m working on completing my album now which I will start to release at the top of 2014 and it will be a mixture of songs that really have captured the things that I’ve experienced over the past couple of years. Growing in music, growing in business, and even growing as far as school. I graduate at the end of this year from Bauder College as a Fashion Merchandising Student so I’m excited about that. The things that I’ve been learning in school concerning business and fashion, it’s already making a big impact on my business. So I’m really excited about that. To be able to offer some wonderful products as far as jewelry goes along with the music it’s going to be an awesome and then I’m headed overseas. RA: Do you already have the album title? Tasha LaRae: Okay I do, the working title is “Sincerely, Tasha LaRae” and I want it to be like a letter from your big sister, best friend or someone that you look up to and just them giving you advice and the encouragement or whatever you need from that person that you’re looking up to. Hopefully it works out that way. RA: What’s on the horizon for the group? Tasha LaRae: Well right now we are recording a new album and just came off of the 20th Anniversary Tour which was all over the world. (Tokyo Billboard Live since Interview was held) We don’t have a working title for the new project but I’m lovin it, I was excited for the last album we did but this one I’m the most excited about. It infuses so much with more current music and sounds but the message is still the same and I think it’s a better bridge of what the group was back in the 90s and what the group is now, where the music industry is now and just society in general. I think it’s going to be a great album and we’re excited about that. RA: How do you want your legacy to be remembered? Tasha LaRae: I love this question, I really do. I want people to remember me as the woman who inspired many to embrace who they are and to passionately pursue their goals whatever they are. I truly believe that any and every person on this planet is here for a purpose and that everybody already has everything that they already need to do whatever it is that they need to do. It’s just a matter of them applying and believing that for themselves and just go for it. For all things Tasha LaRae please follow on IG @mstashalarae T @tashatarae @earjeans |

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The deepest space in my heart and soul is where my love for you resides; I floated physically near your heart so I know there is no deeper love. You are remembered with the sweetest love and the deepest laughter. I know my wings were given to me by you and that is the reason I fly with such an entrepreneurial spirit. I love you mommy and daddy, more and more as I grow. ♼Treasure Your Parents ♼

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