When you sign an advertising agreement with Reston Association, you get your brand, products and services in front of Reston buyers that value businesses that support the local community. These are limited, first-come advertising opportunities.
Paid display advertising with a hyperlink to your website is available in both RA News and the monthly RA Activities & Events marketing blast. See back page for details, including reach, size, pricing and specifications.
Weekly e-newsletter with more than 8,000 subscribers.
Deadline: Monday by 5 p.m. of each week
• Limited number of advertisers per issue –no more than four
• All art must be camera-ready
• Ad sizes will generally run about 650 pixels wide by same depth or less, at 72 dpi. Format should be square or landscape.
• The ad will be hyperlinked to the advertiser’s website
•Cost – $160 per issue (Multiissue discounts available)
New digital publication.
•Cost – $160 per issue (Multiissue discounts available)
Monthly digital marketing blast reaching more than 15,000 subscribers. Distributed on Wednesday two weeks prior to the upcoming month.
Deadline: Monday by 5 p.m. three weeks prior to the upcoming month for ads appearing in next month’s issue.
•Limited number of advertisers per issue – no more than four
•All art must be camera-ready
•Ad sizes will generally run about 650 pixels wide by same depth or less, at 72 dpl.
•Format should be square or landscape.
•The ad will be hyperlinked to the advertiser’s website.
•Cost – $160 per issues (Multi-issue discounts available)
A high-quality quarterly member publication mailed to 21,000 households containing the Association’s program and event information. Also available in digital format reaching 20,000 online users. See back page for details including ad sizes, pricing and specifications.
Call and begin your successful marketing campaign today.
Cara O’Donnell Director of Communications
Direct: 703-435-6579
First Quarter
Space Deadline: Oct. 30
Material Deadline: Nov. 11
Circulation Dates: Jan. 23-April 9
Second Quarter
Space Deadline: Jan. 3
Material Deadline: Jan. 24
Third Quarter
Space Deadline: March 21
Material Deadline: April 7
Circulation Dates: July 7- Oct. 1
Fourth Quarter
Space Deadline: July 3
Material Deadline: July 16
Circulation Dates: April 9-July 7
Circulation Dates: Oct. 1-Jan. 17, 2026
Art/Media creation
Images, text and logo must be provided by originator. The additional service starts at $350.
Digital Ad Requirement
• All fonts MUST be embedded.
• All art must be camera ready.
• Must be CMYK or Grayscale.
• All PMS colors MUST be converted to CMYK. No les with PMS colors will be accepted.
• Resolution: 300 dpi.
• All full page ads should be centered on a Trim Size Document and have marks indicating trim and bleed.
• All marks must be outside the trim size document.
discount of 20% applies to a 4 issue commitment.