Restoring Life Foundation Magazine Issue 10

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Issue 10


Jo Cotter

He provides and protects Yolanda Ballard

Sally Ann Sinclair

The Way The Truth and The Life

A Total Heart Commitment Raymond Aldridge

Choosing Christ after a Cult



The holy week is a apt time to be considering love and sacrifice, particularly as Christ death on the cross epitomised both to a level previously unseen amongst the nations of men. Through His one act of sacrificial love He accurately demonstrated how we might live for a higher cause, far above that of emotion, to that of principle and choice. So whether it is in the larger moments of life, such as, those of Abraham who was willing to sacrifice His son in obedience to God’s word; to the smaller where we need to sacrifice our time, money, or other resources, one thing is for sure God always sees the heart. A heart that is surrendered to God brings with it blessings and one that is surrendered to the gods of worldly pleasures, like money, possessions, and the pride of life comes with its own dose of issues. Whatever that thing may be, if we are to walk as ‘sons’ of God, our sacrificial living will draw us closer to Christ making our sanctification more complete. Our prayer is that this edition will prompt you to go a little higher, as you consider you own walk of love and sacrifice. As always we thank all our contributors for allowing God to inspire and use them for His glory.

Until next time may God bless you richly

SACRIFICE CONTENTS P6 A TOTAL HEART COMMITMENT P10 Sacrificed on the altar of your love P12 The Way The Truth and The Life P17 Choosing Christ

after a Cult

P24 He Prepares and Protects P30 Loves sacrifice P38 The Sacrifice of


COPYRIGHT Š RESTORING LIFE FOUNDATION. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Copyright of articles and photographs in the Restoring Life Foundation Magazine remain with the original contributors, No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without prior written permission from the copyright owner. Applications should be made directly to

FOR Those



For this is the way God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.

A TOTAL HEART COMMITMENT By Yolanda Ballard A person whose loyalty is divided between God and the world, is unstable in everything they do. James 1:8

I am drawing you closer, My child, like never before have I drawn you. I want you to count the cost of persecution before you go any further, not that I would expose you to any of it, but I want you to make a full commitment unto death to serve Me.

As in the future many will be exposed to gruel and fierce men, and many will be slaughtered and live a gruesome life in the hands of taskmasters, but I want you to know that you and your loved ones will live a life free from this type of cruelty.

I want you to know that My hand of favor is upon you, and that you will walk as one of My elect and favoured ones, not that you will receive a crown like one of My martyrs will receive, but you will receive favour before men, and I will use you and your family to speak into many lives.

The words that I will give you will set many captives free so that they can serve Me and promote My kingdom purposes. These people will then be used to speak into leader's lives that rule over My people, and I will lessen the load of oppression because of the salvation of these souls.

So I want you to know that your life in Me has not been in vain. I have used you and prepared you through your hardships to humble you so I can use you in a mighty way through signs, wonders and miracles promoting My kingdom power so others will see and be brought in also.

Yes, this is the day of salvation, to count the cost, to choose this day who you will serve. Will you hold on to your life and lose it or will you choose Me and live forever?

This is the hour of decision for many. Many are asked this day if they are willing to count the cost to make sure they have what it takes to be able to finish the race in victory.

Yes, this is the day of salvation for you and your whole household. Yes, you are the seed for many to receive the light of their own salvation. Are you willing to pay the cost to set captives free, to raise the dead, heal the sick for freely you receive and freely you will give.

*Whatever you hear be very discerning whether the words are truth or counterfeit, faith or presumption, no matter where you hear them from for it is your responsibility!!!

Sacrificed on the altar of your love

Sacrificed on the altar of your love, was Isaac to the God of heaven above. This was a test to see if Abraham would give, or flee from God that his son might live. Obeyed the Lord and this test he did but pass, so God declared, eternal your seed would last. To count them as you would the sand, and for them to dwell in God Promised Land. Go to Nineveh came the word from God to Jonah, tell them of my plans to bring upon them disaster. Unless they go and change their ways forever, Jonah ran thinking ‘I will do that never’! Three days and nights Jonah sat inside a fish, until he prayed and his own will relinquish. Went on from there to preach a sermon great, all repented in Nineveh non-dared debate. Three times came the question from Gods only son, “Peter do you love me more than everyone?” “Yes” came the answer from this broken man, after denying three times the great I AM.

So feed my sheep according to my will, He said claiming Peter as His own still. Three times He asked, to restore and remove all doubt, that Peter’s repentance had brought the sin right out.

So test He will to see if you will obey, and do whatever God might say. For first He did past the test of His own, He sent his son the greatest sacrifice ever known. That whosoever should believe only in Him, should not die but through death conquer sin. Then live with Him in heaven ever more, for through His life, much love He did surely pour. So when he test and test you He will my friend, obey the Lord and serve Him to the very end. Don’t flee like Jonah or deny the living Christ, but live for Him a sacrificed life. Great things are promised to all who pass their test, an eternal home with peace and happiness. A royal crown and garments of righteousness, a life with God enjoying eternal rest. JUST PASS THE TEST! By the3dwoman

I am the way the truth and the life... John 14:6 By Sally Ann Sinclair


came across a short article by the comedian Stephen Fry which provoked emotion and sadness in my spirit. This response was in defence of the recent “marriage” to Mr. Fry’s partner, and which may have had the same impact on other Christians that read the article.

There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way to death. Proverbs 14:12

I quote “why should I re-

spect a capricious mean minded God who creates a world full of injustice?”

I must admit that I find it interesting that he acknowledges God who creates a world full of injustice (which of course He didn’t). I looked up capricious in my thesaurus, which defines this as inconstant, changeable, freakish, impulsive, wayward, odd, resolute, queer, erratic, uncertain, etc. All the opposites of our heavenly Father! As I read this my spirit was unsettled, remembering the same feelings and emotions I had when my young son was

bullied and hurt, the discovery of my husband’s adultery and betrayal, and the diagnosis of a serious medical condition. However this was something more ... much more, such was my reaction, that I sensed a war in my spirit in defence of God – a violation of the one whom I serve, revere and love. God who chose me and you, is The King of Kings, LORD of Lords, All Knowing, our Cornerstone, our Rock. He is Justice, Faithful, Loving and dependable. He is Peace, Healing, and Omnipotent. He is the Light to our paths and Lamp to our feet, Our Wayshower. Indestructible, Everlasting and Eternal. Let me not forget also that He gives us power to get wealth, He is a supplier of prosperity and provider of all our needs.

The reality of this became particularly apparent when I left home following my divorce, struggling in debt, and being supported financially, I was truly in a desperate situation of uncertainty and in ill health. God has a plan and purpose for each of our lives, and within seven years His plans for me swung into action! He has restored my health, provided me with a lovely home, with my finances restored and now debt free, I have security and peace of mind again. 7 years ... the number of completion! He always makes a way where we fail to see a way! My flat number is 16. 1+6=7! So let me not forget to add also, God is a God of restoration. All this has encouraged me to encourage others and the giving of my testimony of Gods amazing grace and His love.

But people who are unspiritual don’t accept the things from God’s Spirit. They are foolishness to them and can’t be understood, because they can only be comprehended in a spiritual way. 1 Corinthians 2:14 (CEB)

Jude warns us about ungodly sinners, and ungodly actions of ungodly men and the harsh words spoken against God. In my (NIV) bible Jude is headed “ THE SIN AND DOOM OF GODLESS MEN.” Verse 4 reads “for certain men who’s condemnation was written about long ago, have secretly slipped in among you, they are godless men who change the grace of our God into a license for immorality and deny Jesus our Sovereign Lord” continuing in verse 10, “ yet these men speak abusively against whatever they do not understand. What things they do understand by instinct, like unreasoning animals they are the very things that destroy them.” Judgement indeed. I am not judging Mr Fry, but this is a wakeup call to myself, and I believe to all of us, that as Christ ambassadors we need to step up our efforts in our calling to save those unbelievers and those denying the truth, to witness to them at every opportunity.

In some countries around the world Christians are being asked to renounce their faith or die. Are you willing to die to yourself and live like Jesus ready to lay down your life to for the gospel?

Choosing Christ after a Cult


By Raymond Aldridge

andling change at the best of times can be difficult, however when that change involves changing faith it can evoke some very serious emotions such that it leaves one feeling adrift. This can be especially so when the change involves you leaving the Jehovah Witnesses or Church of the Latter Days Saints. Whilst the public official position from the Jehovah witnesses Governing Body states ‘You can leave the Jehovah’s Witnesses freely, without any consequences. You will not be shunned and can still have the same relationship with your friends and family.’ Similarly within the Mormon Church handbook the official position is "An adult member who wishes to have his or her name removed from the records must send the bishop a written, signed request (not a form letter)".

The interesting point here is, on one side both the Church of the latter day saints and the Watchtower Organisation give the impression that it is completely fine to leave, however many find the exit from the Jehovah Witnesses and Mormonism far from straightforward. Both can lead to dire consequences of shunning, excommunication and disfellowshipping., 2015) “Mormonism overrides personal identity and family relationships, so that same totalism or absolutism especially interferes with friendships with nonmembers. So the "shunning" is something that, is not formally and explicitly condoned or required, but realistically, practically, many exmos have experienced the loss of friendships that had been in place for YEARS simply due to changes in The 2013 Jehovah Witnesses inter- their views about Mormonism.” national convention identified only 2 types of individuals that exist in the We have met some people who world today. Ones that feed from after being in a cult such as these Gods table, i.e. genuine Jehovah’s just want to lose all bands of reWitnesses and wait for this, abso- striction, cut loose and do their lutely everybody else who by default thing. Some former member feeds from Satan’s table. The speaker then went on to explain why support groups encourage a freeit is wise to stand firm to Jehovah, by wheeling living which can lead to having no contact with these ones. a very ungodly lifestyle. ThereNot having them in your house, even fore Christ and he alone can saying “hello” to them in the street. bring former members the proper

prospective on how to live going Whilst Mormonism does not formal- forward. With this in mind, the ise the shunning practise which following may help ease the diswould therefore lead to a Mormon comfort and underlying stress of apologist denial, its unofficial pracleaving either the Jehovah Wittise is nevertheless common. One nesses or Mormonism. ex Mormon explains it as (http://

6 Steps to a Firm Foundation Find the truth. If you don’t have one already buy a bible and begin reading it, get to know the Truth, because Christ is the one who truly sets you free. Do personal research. You want to be sure you are making the correct decision. Allow yourself the opportunity to research the faith from both Watchtower and Mormon provided materials as well as reliable third party sources, compare what you find with the

Decide how you feel about shunning and the announcement: "So-and-so is not one of Jehovah's Witnesses�; or so and so has left the Mormon fold. If you want to avoid being shunned, you may want to begin slowly fading. This involves slowly reducing your involvement over many months. Start by making fewer comments, going out in field service less often, and reducing the number of meetings you attend When you are ready, simply stop attending meetings altogether and carry on your life in the manner that reflects your true beliefs. Write a brief letter of disassociation. Send the letter to the "Body of Elders" of the congregation you associated with, using the address of the Kingdom Hall. Once the letter has been received the elders may contact you to confirm your intention. Once confirmed an announcement will be made, "So-and-so is not one of Jehovah's Witnesses." This announcement carries an implied command to faithful members to begin shunning you, not even saying "hello" if they see you. If you were a Mormon you will need to write a letter of resignation asking to be no longer treated as a member and requesting that your name be removed from the membership roll of the church. Removal may take many months and is likely to involve contact from the local Bishop or branch president attempting to change your mind. Stick to your decision and continue to trust God for your future.

Find a local church that can support and disciple you. After leaving a cult such as the Jehovah witnesses or church of the latter day saints you can feel as if you are a boat that has been un-tethered. The shunning process can result in friends and family disassociating with you which results in a great deal of isolation. Connecting with an understanding congregation that operates on biblical standards can be a great to help to alleviating some of the stresses that might ne experienced. God can and will help you identify the right spiritual home for yourself. Whilst this change is significant and can prove a challenge the fact that you have come to Christ will help make the transition much easier. Adjusting to living outside the organization can take time. If you have trouble coping you may need to seek the assistance of a mental health professional, prayer minister or your local pastor. Our one final pointer, at The UK Partnerships for Christ ministry, we offer help & support to anyone that is considering leaving the Jehovah’s Witnesses and The Church of the Latter Day Saints, therefore please do contact us and we will more than happy to be of assistance, and will of course treat the matter completely confidential.



men into



them, but to

CLEANSE them. -John H. Aughey

He Prepares and Protects By Jo Cotter



ow great is the love and mercy and care of the Lord toward us. He often prepares us in advance for our future “suddenlies” (2 Chronicles 29:36), sometimes in a way that also protects (John 16:12) – and often in ways that we do not understand while we are yet in the circumstances.

small children suddenly became a widow and single parent when her husband died unexpectedly. She spoke of the struggles and sorrow, of feeling forsaken by God; of wondering how – or even if – she could go on living. God had tried to prepare her in advance of her husband’s passing, she said, but at the time, she had not understood.

But that wasn’t the end of her testimony. In a surprisLet me take you back to the ingly short span of time, she Spring of 1983. The guest said, God brought her a new speaker one Sunday at Church husband, a new father for her was a woman in her early 30’ children, a man who made her s (my age at the time. I was, happier than she’d ever at that time, Saved four been. God did have a plan for years, married two, with a her life all along, she inbaby daughter and two daugh- sisted, and it was, and alters that came with the mar- ways had been, a good plan – riage) although she had not been able to see that at the time of her first husband’s death. The young mother with three

I struggled with her testimony. I could not understand how replacing the one made up for losing the other. But even more troubling was a gnawing feeling that God was speaking directly to me through her. Not every word, not every testimony or Bible Story or sermon we hear hits us quite like that. There’s always


od was speaking to me that Sunday morning. “Prepare”. I prayed against it, but in my Inner-Man I knew, and so I began to prepare myself spiritually and emotionally for life as a single mother to three young girls. I didn’t run out and buy life insurance, or start looking around for husband number 2, but I mentally began to prepare myself for a future I did not want, trusting that if God was preparing me in advance, somehow He would enable me to endure the unwanted future that awaited

something to learn, something to glean, something to take away. But every once in a while it feels like a particular word is spoken directly to us, and us alone. It’s like no one else is in the room. Like those words are a personal communication from God, to us, spoken through another of His earthen vessels.

me. I did not know, until several months later, that my Mother (who lived 300 miles away) was also preparing herself for widowhood. She had also heard from the Lord. (“I knew someone was going to die,” she would later tell me, “but I thought it was your father.”) She also began to prepare, but in a much more practical way. She told my father – who was not accustomed to being told anything by anyone – that they were flat out moving back to Connecticut from Upstate New York.

(“I knew your father was going to die, and I did not want to be stranded 300 miles away from my children.”)

was not my husband. It was not my Dad. My Mother’s youngest child, the brother I had helped to raise and who had lived with me the last Six months later, on Septem- seven years of his young ber 27, 1983, death did inlife, walked out the door one deed devastate our family. It day never to return.

As horrible as this may sound – and I know my husband forgives and understands - losing Artie was so much more difficult than the thought of widowhood and single parenting. Artie was so much more to me than just a sibling. He was more than a friend, more even than an ‘adopted’ son. Artie was the one person on this earth that I knew loved me unconditionally – warts and all. (And he knew them all.) In all truth, he was the person I loved more than anyone else at that time in my life – that may sound unreasonable or impossible to some folks – but it is

nonetheless true.


eptember 27, 1983 was, and I pray will always remain (as I don’t want to face that level of grief ever again) the worst day of my life. Not long after his passing, God brought to mind that young mother’s testimony. I realized then that God had begun to prepare me six months in advance for an impending death that would impact my life so deeply and thoroughly. But why had God allowed me to believe that it was my husband who would die? Why hadn’t God told me the

whole truth?

prepare us, but He sent it

in a way that would also protect us. God had a plan for my life that included a n John16:12 Jesus told his disciples, terrible, tragic loss that I did not think I could “I have yet many survive. But I did survive. things to say unto A year later my son was you, but you cannot bear born – probably conceived [endure/receive] them now.” There are, at times, out of my grief. Twenty-two years after that (the exact some things in life too difficult to bear. God had age of my brother at his passing), a grandson came been at work, both in my into my life – a child I heart and in Mom’s, to prepare us in advance – we have the great joy of helpboth knew that Spring that ing to raise as my own son. God has given me double for someone was going to die, my loss! and that death would forever change the course of ometimes God prepares our lives. God just left us in advance for a out the one detail – the ‘suddenly’ in our detail He knew we were not future. Always, God able to bear, endure or re- protects us in one form or ceive. He did that because another. It has taken me 32 He knew that if we had years to understand that known, we would have atsometimes, in His great tached ourselves to our be- mercy and tender loving loved Artie to prevent his care, He does both. death, or to die with him if that’s how life played itself out. And that was not God’s plan.



God sent His message to

LOVES SACRIFICE Are you willing to pay the price? By Cheryl Ridener

The 19th of November is a date that is etched in my mind. Whilst it started out like any other day, the events that were to unfold would stay with me for the rest of my life. Like every tragedy that has occurred since Cain killed Abel, the murder of my brother would alter my world and impact our family for generations. I was 23 and living at home with my parents and my younger brother Emmanuel or ‘Manny’ as we all called him, in South London, in the United Kingdom when a distressed call came from my older sister to come and pick her up from her boyfriend’s house about thirty minutes drive away. As the story unfolded it turned out that a fight had occurred between her partner and his brother and now he was outside the room with an axe attacking the door, whilst threatening to kill him. Like Cain and Abel before them jealousy and sibling rivalry was at the heart of their many and deep seated disputes, only this time there was to be an unseen twist in the outcome


We were a close family, who could always be called upon in a difficulty, in fact if you touched one of us you touched not one but all of us, and on the odd occasion that that was not enough we had a large group of friends, cousins and community members that we could also call upon in a tight spot. When I think back to those days I am reminded of the way Gods word says that “He suffered no man to do them wrong: yes he reproved kings for their sake” (Psalms 105:15), such was the sense of security that was had amongst us. if you touched one you touched all, we felt secure as if to touch one of us was to touch the apple of Gods eye. In responding to my sisters SOS that day, my brother displayed a willingness to go that extra mile and put aside that which concerned him, to take up that which concerned her and in doing so, made the ultimate sacrifice – his life. Through attempting to protect my sister, my nephew and his father from what turned out to be a gun my brother took a bullet to his chest and was pronounced dead at the scene. There are not words enough to explain the devastation that followed that fateful night but to say, it was his love that sent him to attempt a rescue. There is no greater love than to lay down one's life for one's friends. John 15:13

Now, most people would not be willing to die for an upright person, though someone might perhaps be willing to die for a person who is especially good. Romans 5:7 My brother without aforethought walked into a situation that cost him his life, one has to wonder if he had known his end whether his gallantry would have persisted, the answer to this question may never be known. In contrast to that however, Christ willingly surrendered His life through dying for us with planned intention - while we were still sinners and enemies to God ( Romans 5:8). Now that’s true gallantry and a show of great love,

True love always requires sacrifice. Storge Maternal love requires that a mothers body is sacrificed for her baby to develop in the safe environment of her womb. The baby grows and develops as it literally draws resources form its mothers body. Her affections and those of other familial relationships are a representation of Storge love which is depicted through family love, the bond among mothers, fathers, sisters and brothers. Whilst this term is not explicitly mentioned in the bible, there are many examples of such a love exhibited throughout the bible. Mary, Martha and Lazarus exhibited it toward one another as did Noah through warning his son in laws of the impending disaster.

AgapeAgape is a mature, sacrificial kind of love. Esther willingness to lay down her life in response to the crisis that Israel faced at the hand of Haman is a picture of agape love for the Jewish family. Christ in His willingness to die for mankind is the epitome of Agape love. Whilst many might claim this purest of loves few actually live in such a way that irrefutably proves that it is true.

PhileoPhileo is a committed and chosen love. One that is seen in the platonic relationships. It is this kind of love that Peter spoke of when Christ asked him whether he loved him. John 21:17

Eros Eros is a passionate and romantic love that triggers the highs experienced in romantic relationships. It is the rush of emotions that creates the butterflies in the stomach that is often associated with new love. It will not be enough to sustain the relationship between husband and wife, which to survive must mature into a much deeper love.

True love always requires sacrifice. Whilst, Christ calls us up in our relationships to love each other with genuine affection, and to take delight in honouring each other, as an act of service to Him (Romans 12:10). We can through choice live selfishly or selflessly. We can accomplish genuine love and affection through willingly offering our bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God (Romans 12:1). Whilst most of us won’t be called upon to physically lay down our lives through death we can begin to work towards developing the highest form of love that exist Agape and in so doing become ever more like Christ.

Are you willing to begin assessing your relationships in

an attempt to make them line up with Gods upward call towards Agape?

What steps can you take to improve your family relationships?

Is there anything or anyone that holds a higher place of affection in your life than Christ?

Are you I willing to change your priorities to ensure they line up with scripture?

I will praise the times; his praise is Psalm 34:1

LORD at all always on my lips.

The Sacrifice of Praise By Cheryl Ridener

My youngest son came into the world during a very difficult season of my life. I was in a marriage that was fraught with domestic violence and infidelity, and as if that wasn’t enough my eldest child had recently been diagnosed with a host of medical conditions. Which when coupled with an accident that put my leg in plaster my life seemed nothing short of disastrous. So contrary to the doctor’s expectations my blood pressure was normal, and though I had almost constant back pain due to ‘Spina Bifida’ such that I had to leave work early, my spirit was high. From the very early days of my pregnancy although I never knew the gender of my baby I was given the

name Isaac, and throughout the gestation I prayed and sung over him with great anticipation. Whilst his father was not exultant about the approaching delivery, within me God had given me great joy. From his birth Isaac was such a pleasant child, he very rarely cried, and to those that knew him Isaac seemed to be a happy soul.

Even today there is something about him that brings pleasure to those he meets, such that, so many people that I know claim him as their adopted son. It is almost as if God used my pain to prepare a beautiful gift that literally turned my mourning into laughter. We all know that It is easy to praise God when the bills are paid, the marriage is thriving, the children are well and everything is going according to plan. However when delays assail, purses run dry, tempers flare and relationships begin to crumble it can be easy to begin to despairingly point a finger of blame. When in reality God wants to use these difficulties to chisel out the rough edges of our character and really teach us how to live in the shadow of the almighty, whilst we

learn to praise the LORD at all times; and allow his praise to always be on our lips.

So often in ministry we encourage those we minister to too walk in the opposite spirit of those they are in conflict with, and follow Jesus’ instruction to love and bless our enemies (Matthew 5:44). Whilst this is truly more difficult to practice than it is to say. We must nevertheless do all we can to learn to lean on Jesus when we go through deep waters, for He has promised. “When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown. When you walk through the fire of oppression, you will not be burned up; the flames will not consume you“ (Isaiah 43:2). When we do that we will begin to align our lives with the scripture which encourages us to ’offer through Jesus a continual sacrifice of praise to God’, and in so doing ‘proclaim our allegiance to his name’ (Hebrews 13:15).

At the heart of our ability to offer a sacrifice of praise is the unshakable faith in the promise found in Romans 8:28. And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them. Do you trust God’s ability to work through your challenges for your good?

Abraham was willing to sacrifice his son of promise to prove his dedication to God. Is there anything that is too much for you to sacrifice?

FOR Those



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