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“When I went to a national sales convention and met a man who recognized me from a newsletter article, he immediately perceived me not only as a good sales rep, but as someone who can step back from work and be successful in other endeavors.”
Alverson also credits landing a new job to his charity work. “The president of the company at which I’m now working was at the second black and white ball we threw and approached me to talk about this job. The organization, caliber, and outcome of the event impressed him. When I landed the job, he authorized a contract that states that I am allowed unlimited ‘comp’ time to devote to Critical Mass. He takes pride in what I do. And since I’m his employee, he knows that he is himself contributing to the success of the event.”
Today, Critical Mass is 35 members strong. Charities now approach it to be considered the recipient of their annual fund-raising parties. “Once you are involved in a charity, you realize that no matter how rough a day you have, there is always someone having a worse time. It’s a great way to channel energies and a phenomenal way to help you grow.”
Kevin gives one caveat: “Don’t go into charity work to use it as a resume filler. You’ll stand out like a sore thumb and you won’t get anything out of it. Do it for selfgrowth and to give of yourself, and you’ll gain the world.”
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James B. Strenski, Public Relations Society of America fellow, chairman of Public Communications Inc., with offices in Chicago, Miami, and Tampa, echoes the sentiment. James donates 20% of his time to pro bono initiatives. “Our company feels strongly that we owe the community and the professions we are a part of a certain amount of our time,” he says. “Our attitude is much like the character in The Magnificent Obsession – we take whatever chance we have to do something for someone else, without asking for anything in return.”
Strenski has risen through the ranks of his professional organization, having held national offices for the society and serving for 2 years as chair of the Public Service Committee. “The payback has been meeting colleagues who operate public relations firms throughout the
USA, Canada, and even offshore,” he says. “They have become good friends, as well as sources of business referrals. Our association also gave rise to the formation of the Worldcom Group, Inc., a partnership organization of corporate financial marketing and institutional communication public relations agencies to share resources as well as referrals.”
When Strenski chaired the marketing committee of Tampa Downtown Partnership, a private businessperson’s group dedicated to economic development of downtown Tampa, he expected to give time and direction. The group’s efforts resulted in the city’s providing funding for marketing, and Strenski’s firm was selected because of its volunteer leadership.
It’s no secret that volunteerism gives as much to the person who donates the time, money, and energy as it does to the recipient. So while you don’t go into pro bono work looking to get something out of it, there is nothing deceptive about volunteering to help promote or support a venture that also gives your business or product notoriety. You can bet that celebrities who sing for Farm Aid or stand up to fight against environmental concerns benefit from the goodwill of their names’ association with the cause.
Earn V Vis ibility As a B Board M embe r

One of the most direct ways to meet key industry leaders is to sit on a board of directors of a community-based organization. A seat on a board of directors is a position of prestige you have to earn. But when your hard work and expertise precede you, you will begin to be asked to sit on boards to direct the efforts of philanthropic or nonprofit organizations. Everything you’ve done to date – speaking, writing, volunteering – creates the momentum of compounding interest until suddenly, after years of investing, the payback is big.