Daniel Astarita
Kesslers London MD
By: Gemma Balmford
As Kesslers Lo nd o n embarks o n a new ch a p t e r , Managing D i r ecto r Da n i e l Asta ri ta s i t s d own wi t h Retai l Fo cus to ta lk a bou t r ecent ch a llen g e s a nd new o ppo rt uni t i es at th e UK ’s o ld es t po i n tof - pu rc h as e d es i g n a n d manu fact ur i ng co m pa n y. When Kesslers International fell into administration last December, the perception probably was that it was the end of the company, admits Managing Director Daniel Astarita. ‘Nobody really expected anything to go beyond that,’ he said, with an air of resignation. The East London-based point-of-purchase display company, which has traded for more than 130 years, entered administration after attempts to diversify and grow the business through an outsourced supply model were unsuccessful. Coupled with the rising cost of raw materials and the rent on the Stratford manufacturing facility, the business was no longer deemed viable and as a result more than 120 people were made redundant just before Christmas. >>>>>