B Y the editor
To start the day, let’s pause for a minute to celebrate the art of giving and the importance of letting go. If it sounds simple, that’s because it is! Maybe is time for us to remind ourselves that we’re okay and even when things might not always turn out the way we expect them to, we can still count our blessings each day.
Troubles can shake us. It is inevitable. But the best way to get through them is to give it back to the Universe. I have always been an optimist, and I believe the way through is to surrender and give, it changes your heart. So, time to direct your priorities, energy and intention in the right direction this season. Uncover more topics about the‘art of giving’ and other insights in this issue!
Have an insightful reading,
Roberta G. Editor-in-Chiefeditorial
Retailing Insight Magazine is a bimonthly trade magazine specializing in the conscious living retail market. The magazine is published exclusively for qualified retailers and small independent businesses in the United States. Our mission is to share one on business advice, product reviews, advertisement from top sellers and makers in the industry, and exclusive topics to help business continue to thrive.
Roberta Gazzarolle
Sean Ruck
Gisely Fernandes
Digital Media & Sales adsales@retailinginsight.com
Contributing Writers
Melinda Carver
Tracee Dunblazier
Dudley Evenson
Dyan Garris
Megy Karydes
Linda Mackenzie
Alexis Rakun
Julie Ann Segal
Jacki Smith
Karen Stuth
©2023 New Way Publishing, LLC. All rights reserved. ISSN 2372-7977. Volume 37/ Issue 5/ September-October 2023. The magazine is published bimonthly/ six times a year (January, March, May, July, September, November) by New Way Publishing, LLC. 4117 Park Road, 12252, Charlotte, NC 28220. Periodicals postage paid at Charlotte, NC and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER send address changes to Retailing Insight Magazine, P.O. Box 12252, Charlotte, NC 28220.
Retailing Insight Magazine is published by New Way Publishing, LLC. P.O. Box 12252 Charlotte, NC 28220 circ@retailinginsight.com
CONTENTS The Art Of Giving
8 The Gifts of Surrender
Learn to let go and explore how to deepen your connection with your own magic and spirit this season
16 Four Pillars of a Successful Business, Part 3 – EXECUTION
Embracing the magic of execution 33 Achieving Business Goals: Mission Statement
Learn how to guide the energy of your intention in the right direction to help actualize your goals
44 Sharing Peace Through Music by Soundings of the Planet
38 Editor’s Product Picks Gifts for All 23 5 Easy Ways to Prioritize Self-Care
Master the art of selfcare with a few daily ritual steps
26 Your Crystal Allies Series: The Three Goddesses of Succes The art of giving, receiving, and thriving
Learn how artist Ashley Judd is using her platform to speak out
42 Witchful Thinking
The empowering archetype of the Witch
…It’s okay, you can let go now!
What if it is safe to surrender? Safe to trust in our own free-will in combination with fate? Like a sorceress who embraces the power within the void, she doesn’t need all the answers, she doesn’t care for the formulas. She is a co-creator just by the nature of her very existence. There is a force behind her own unique chaos and a power, greater than she, that seeks to guide her.
We don’t get to control it all. We can’t. There is a choice to be made when we are floating amid the great expanse of the cosmos. The mysterious unknown that is life. Will we choose freedom or will we choose fear? One empowers while the other disempowers.
Perhaps the ultimate choice is somewhere in the middle of chaos and control. Where we seek to find our own personal synergy and balance with the universe. Maybe this is what living “in flow” means. To do the
best we can with what we do know and integrate what we find out along the way. To use our heart as a trusted compass and follow the magnetic pull of our highest alignment.
Can we learn to trust in the redirections? If something falls through, isn’t working or ends, trust the redirection. Don’t force it, don’t fight it, don’t swim upstream. You’ll only confuse yourself further and take longer at getting back on the path that’s best for you. Trust. The more faith you have, the more you will oil the wheels for a smoother ride.
We must stop fighting the entire universe. An ending is also a beginning and some circumstances are like quicksand. The more you struggle to break free, the more you are trapped. Our own rigid expectations can end up blocking the blessings of what is meant for us.
Sometimes we seek things to be exactly as we want them to be. Or have
About the Author: Alexis Rakun calls herself a Creatrix: she who creates; one who brings forth. She never planned on becoming an artist, writer or spiritual seeker. She had nearly finished a psychology bachelor’s degree when she abandoned it for a calling, and followed her own internal compass. Her dream was to be a “spiritual psychologist,” and she has achieved that. An artist seeking to deepen her own creativity, strengthen her connection with Spirit, and understand the intimate relationship between psychology and spirituality, she now shares her journey regularly with others, with over 350,000 followers on social media platforms. Her upcoming oracle deck Magical Spirit Oracle will be released in October.
something go precisely as we want it to. This is not always the best way. Spirit can take care of matters in better ways than we could ever imagine. We must pay attention, watch for the signs and feel the pullings of our heart. Follow the whims that inspire us.
The more you trust the divine and actively harmonize yourself with it, just like any relationship, the stronger it will grow. More synchronicities, more flow, more luck and definitely more love. Build the faith muscle even through the hard moments — especially through the hard moments. Have faith. Feel it in your core. It’s not always going to be what you wanted, but what you needed. Let life unfold. Let the forces balance. To continue to rise and evolve the soul of you.
If we let go and stop resisting, we just may sink to the bottom of that quicksand pit and fall to a magical cavern just below the surface. A place that holds the very thing we never knew we needed. Change can be so, so good. Our comfort zone can be the quicksand.
Sometimes we’re desiring something that is not meant for us when there is something else greater awaiting us. There may be a different path you are meant to take to get to the same destination. So what’s the point in struggling and resisting?
We can use the inevitable chaos of the universe to experiment, explore and excavate our way forward. It shakes things up, it stimulates, it moves, it unravels and it unfolds new potentials into our lives. A fuller expression of life and being. Just as an artist or scientist approaches their craft. On the fringe of discovery.
Without some degree of the unknowns of change. Life cannot move forward. The Self cannot evolve. The personality cannot progress. The mind cannot grow. Without some
kind of introduction of or initiation to some novelty or chaos — stagnancy remains. Life decays. We drown in dullness. The art bores the artist and life fades into habit. Every day feels the same.
“All of humankind is both simultaneously lost and simultaneously at home within the Universe. We have no idea what we are doing. Only that we must evolve towards a higher state of being. Only that we are souls connected to one great Spirit.”
So what if we can learn to trust and surrender to change? To the holy chaos while still using the power of our intuition and connection with the divine? It’s okay to not know what we’re doing. We can choose to see it as something new and exciting. In this cosmic game of life, we are all just playing. Sometimes we need to let go and have some fun along the way. With our arms up and just go with the flow.
We must remind ourselves that nobody really knows what they are doing. How could they? We were not given a manual for exactly what to do in our lives moment to moment. We are just here to live. We’re not here to solve the totality of the great mystery, but rather to experience it, to evolve with it. Our human mind mistakes “knowingness” for safety and peace. It values cosmic order over cosmic chaos. Both are essential.
All of humankind is both simultaneously lost and simultaneously at home within the Universe. We have no idea what we are doing. Only that we must evolve towards a higher state of being. Only that we are souls connected to one great Spirit.
There are tools to help us along this journey. For synchronistic guidance from the divine. The concepts from this article come from my oracle deck “Magical Spirit: The Brilliance of you.” In which I illustrated and defined 44 cards to serve as portals of transformation and insight. I am deeply passionate about my spirituality and have used divination tools since I was a teenager. This has been a huge passion project of mine.
Each card is uniquely designed to be a bridge of connection between the individual and spirit. The cards are the tools, but you are the magic. I pull
cards weekly to ask for clarity and direction. The more I connect with my decks, and trust them, the more profound my readings have been.
I have discovered over the past few years: the more grateful I am when I receive signs and synchronicities, the more they come. It’s been beautiful, awe-inspiring and I’ve never felt so connected in my life. The more we seek to build a connection with the divine, the more it desires to do so as well.
The motto for my oracle deck is “awaken your magic and remember who you really are.” It’s okay to forget and then remember, over and over again. It’s time we stop underestimating our own magic. And surrender to the ways of Spirit.
Magical Spirit Oracle: The Brilliance of You
By Alexis RakunPublished by Rockpool Publishing
ISBN 9781922785206
112 Cards
A divination tool to deepen your connection with your own magic and Spirit. There is a profound magic to be found in our messy lives. Through the unfolding of your life, you learn to no longer underestimate your own magic, and embark on a sacred voyage of remembering who you really are. These oracle cards will take you on a fantastical storytelling adventure of witches, grandmother trees, ancient archetypes, and sparkling portals. And each card shares practical wisdom, rituals, and manifestation practices to take with you into your own life, as well as an affirmation spell to cast upon yourself. There is a synergy to be found when we combine the two worlds of spirituality and the psyche, merging the mystical with the realistic. If we want to grow to the heavens, we must be deeply rooted in the Earth. You can, by some strange alchemy, turn the most ordinary of ingredients of life into the most extraordinary life magic. The cards are the tools and YOU are the magic.
Business & mar Ket ing
If you are of a certain age, you likely have worked for supervisors who are true leaders and for those who are bosses. You might have left a job because you could not tolerate working for your manager or for a company overall. When we look back at our work life, those memories are often defined by our feelings about our managers.
If you are now a manager, supervisor, or boss, you can decide what your management style will be. Do you want to be a leader or a boss? But what’s the difference between the two? Let’s begin with leadership-styled management, which generally includes communication, empowerment, and mentorship.
Communication is Generally the Foundation of All Good Leadership
Good communication in this context is a conversation, not a set of directions. While it is essential to communicate your expectations, good leaders do this with empathy and active listening to the other party. They paraphrase what they hear from their employees to avoid misunderstandings. They answer questions to fill any knowledge gaps, respond to concerns their employee might express, and offer additional training needed to do the job well. In a communicationbased conversation, a leader will ascertain an employee’s level of comfort or discomfort and respond accordingly. They convey their confidence in the employee to be able to accomplish the job at hand. A leader knows that it is not the employee’s job to ‘figure it out’ and will not place them in a position to try to do so.
About the Author: Karen Stuth is the founder of Satiama Publishing. She is also the award-winning author of A Speckled Stone, The Wisdom of Tula Card Deck, a co-author and co-developer of the highly awarded board game Quintangled: A Game of Strategy, Chance & Destiny, and an author-contributor to Life Wisdom Word Search: Yoga for the Brain. She provides business and marketing consulting to a variety of businesses and to self-published authors. To learn more, visit: www.satiamapublishing.com.
Empowering your employees means giving them the authority to make decisions to allow them to do a better job. It gives them a voice and even a stake in the process. It means that you do not micromanage your employees. By not micromanaging, your employees will understand that you trust and believe in them. Empowerment also means including your employees as a part of an overall team, each with the ability to safely offer input to make beneficial changes.
People make mistakes. They are hu
or her mentor as each contributes to how the outcome could be changed with different actions or decisions. This avoids putting the employee on the defensive and creates a team dynamic once again.
This is also an opportunity for you to improve your leadership skills. Mentorship is a significant opportunity to ‘build’ a better employee. Great leaders evaluate and recognize their role in situations where their direct reports have made errors. They ask themselves if the employee was provided with the right set of skills, if they received enough information, or understood the context of the whole project or issue. Were they fully
Scenario #1: Joe asks Dan to rearrange some inventory for easier access. Dan says he is uncertain how the inventory should be arranged. Joe responds that he hears Dan’s concerns and asks him for his own ideas. Joe also suggests that Dan have a short conversation with other employees to ascertain if that is also the best arrangement. Joe meets with Dan to hear his final plan. He congratulates him on his creative thinking and offers him a few modifying suggestions. He tells Dan to move forward with his plan. Dan makes a modification during his process, which doesn’t provide easy access to
to the front. He again asks Dan for input, and Dan agrees to the minor rearrangement. Joe expresses his satisfaction and thanks him for his thoughtful performance.
Scenario #2: Joe tells Dan to rearrange some inventory in the back room. He doesn’t explain why it is necessary and tells him exactly how he wants it to be done. He leaves Dan to carry out his instructions without inviting his participation in the plan. He checks back often to assure Dan is carrying out his instructions without modification. Dan makes a modification, and Joe immediately demands that Dan move the inventory according to the original plan without explanation. When Dan is finished, Joe sends him to complete another task without comment.
In the first scenario, Joe influenced Dan to create a plan for inventory arrangement in concert with his fellow employees. This improved staff communication and helped Dan recognize that inventory management is essential, not a menial box-moving job. In doing so, he also empowered Dan to offer his own ideas and to see himself as a part of the team for the company’s good. He delegated authority to Dan rather than merely delegating a task. Joe didn’t micromanage Dan, asked him for an adjustment, and conveyed his approval for a job well done in the end. This is true leadership.
First, ask your employees to review your management skills twice a year using a methodology that assures complete anonymity. This is often an unpopular idea, as many don’t really want to know or don’t care what their employees think. I encourage you to be fearless, however, and you will gain the true respect of your employees in the process.
Next, take a personal inventory of your attitudes, strengths,
weaknesses, and motivations. All of these deeply influence your leadership style or lack thereof. What needs to change inside of you to improve your leadership skills? Consider taking a course in active listening to ensure your communication with your employees is a two-way street. You might seek a business coach to help you revise your management style.
Excellent leadership is often reflected in the bottom line 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Enjoy your journey toward better leadership. It is a trip worth taking!
Effectively guide your employees to obtain their very best at all times
Lessen employee turnover
Your leadership style will transmit through your employees to your customers
Leadership is less stressful than being a boss as it is a more balanced relationship; it also invites you to improve your own skills constantly
Four Pillars of a Successful Business
Embracing the magic of execution — the key to independent retail shop success — is the third article in a series that explores the four pillars of a successful business. These pillars, based on the book, Scaling Up, by Verne Harnish, helped me increase my revenue and profits 10-fold. With the business roller coaster ride of the past three years combined with the unsteady retail economy, this is the perfect time to get back to basics and I am bringing you with me.
Scaling Up as well as Traction by Gino Wickman became my how-to guides over the past decade for building a business that is sustainable and scalable. The things that I have learned allowed my store to weather the pandemic shutdowns and the wild swings in sales that followed. I am revisiting the guides this year to inspect my business’s foundational pillars. Those pillars are:
About the Author: Jacki Smith is the co-owner of Coventry Creations. Her passion for personal empowerment and small business has been the driving force in her success and her journey of lifelong learning. Jacki is a regular contributor to the magazine and loves sharing her experience, successes, and cautionary tales.
Seasonal Delights
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Yuletide Tarot
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Spirits, Seers & Séances
Steele Alexandra Douris Spiritualism in the age of Sherlock Holmes and Edgar Allan Poe.
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The Secret History of Christmas Baking
Linda Raedisch
Explore the surprising and sometimes dark origins of beloved holiday bakes.
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5¼ x 8 • 320 Pages AVAILABLE SEPTEMBER 2023
Creating a business growth strategy that you can live every day.
Leading is about letting go and building a team.
The plan is only as good as the execution.
Manage your cash flow, manage your growth.
In the bustling world of retail, the dream of sustainable growth and success is often intertwined with the art of execution. As an entrepreneur or business leader, crafting and executing a living business plan is the key to turning visions into reality. In this pillar of success, we dive into the world of business execution in a small retail shop, exploring how aligning strategies with core principles can propel businesses to new heights.
In this journey of discovery, we’ll rely on the wisdom of Harnish, a business strategist renowned for guiding entrepreneurs and business leaders along a path to success. Let’s explore the magic of execution together and uncover the secrets to driving remarkable results in your retail venture.
There is an art to executing your business vision. It starts with understanding the unique challenges of your business. Every retail business faces its share of hurdles when it comes to executing plans. From resource constraints to communication breakdowns, the challenges are real. Not only are they real, but they can also pull you off the path of your plan and next thing you know, you are drowning in everyone else’s emergencies. But fear not! A systematic approach can help overcome these hurdles. By embracing a clear focus and determined mindset, businesses can navigate through the challenges and thrive.
You can find your power in a systemized execution. Effective execution isn’t just another business saying. It’s a transformative force that can revitalize your retail shop in this changing economic climate. Stories abound of companies that achieved remarkable results by focusing on steady execution. Through their journeys, we see that dreams do come true when coupled with unwavering execution strategies. Remember, these stories only tell you the outcomes of the plan and not all the stumbles that the owners went through to get there. No one executes perfectly, what they do is stay true to their vision and fight to stay on course. Harnish has a Rockefeller Habits Checklist to help you stay on course and create a systematic execution plan.
Crafting Your Execution Plan
The 10 Rockefeller Habits all fall within these three disciplines making it easier to build the habits of execution that will help your company grow.
Really, it’s not priorities, it’s THE PRIORITY. Just like the Highlander, there can be only one. There is one guiding star that is born from a clear vision, mission, and core values. This North Star is what keeps your leadership team in alignment and focused on the number one thing that needs to be accomplished in the next three months.
Vision: “A vision is a dream with a plan,” writes Verne Harnish. This is a quick who, what, when, where, and why of your business. It distills down to one sentence that is memorable, which is important, because you will want everyone in your company to memorize it!
Mission: This is the ‘how’ of your vision. How are you going to deliver your vision? Again, this is another simple, memorable sentence that connects your vision statement.
Core Values: These are the five values and beliefs that drive the culture and personality of your business. There may be five simple words or phrases. If you choose descriptive phrases, keep them to four words or less to keep them memorable and instill them in everything you do.
Purpose or Guiding Star:
This is one word or phrase that encompasses everything and aligns your team. “At Coventry, it is Magic! When we move away from Magic, we lose our focus.”
There are five habits in the Priority discipline:
Priorities #1: The executive team is healthy and aligned
Many of the independent retailers I talk to laugh at the idea of an executive team as they ARE the executive team. Whether you are a team of one or have a few team leads and managers on staff, making sure your leadership is working in alignment is important. If you have just a few part-timers helping you, they are, by default, a part of your exec team, and making sure that you all understand each other’s differences, priorities and styles is part of staying healthy and aligned. Meetings regularly, continuing your education, and constructive debates that all members are comfortable participating in are signs of a healthy and aligned team.
Priorities #2: Everyone is aligned with the number one thing that needs to be accomplished this quarter to move the company forward
This is where the visibility of your priority is critical. From this singular focus, you can identify the three to five goals that will move that one priority forward. Everyone on your team gets a goal to champion and together you celebrate the wins at the end of the quarter. Why not create a theme for the quarter to keep everyone aligned and in a fun mindset?
Priorities #3: Every Facet of the organization has a person assigned with the accountability for ensuring goals are met
This is the secret sauce of execution and empowers your team to do more. Everyone is accountable and
empowered and it helps you ensure you have the right person in the right seat. This also starts the process of making everything measurable. Yes, everything is measurable from sales to customer satisfaction, and knowing the number helps you hit your goals. Not all goals are equal, assign the appropriate level of responsibility to each person.
Priorities #4: Core values and purpose are “alive” in the organization
What good are your core values if no one knows them? When they are alive in your business, they are referred to when making decisions. This supports your team in making decisions in a way that you would support because everyone is using the same core values and purpose.
Priorities #5: Employees can articulate the key components of the company’s strategy accurately
Everyone in your business is in sales. They talk about where they work, what they do there, and if they like it. When they understand the strategy and BHAG (Big Hairy Audacious Goals) of your company and can speak excitedly about them, they are your best salesperson.
Data-driven decision-making is the path to success in the retail world. It may seem dry and boring, but tracking key metrics that matter to your business will guide your way to growth. There are four habits that drive the data in your business, and the discipline needed to get them makes it worth the work.
Data #1: Ongoing employee input is collected to identify obstacles and opportunities
Harnish says “bring every brain into the game.” He recommends having start/stop/keep conversations in oneon-ones with your team members every week. This gives your team time to think and communicate and builds the habit of them giving your input on the obstacles and opportunities they are seeing throughout their day.
Data #2: Reporting and analysis of customer feedback data is as frequent and accurate as financial data
Collect and share customer conversations, reviews, and complaints in your weekly meetings. This is everyone’s job and it’s not personal.
from EnlightenUp
These insights can make a difference when you are wondering why sales are down. Social media is an obvious choice, making sure to look at your Google reviews, and even parting comments from customers as they leave your store.
Data #3: All employees can answer quantitatively whether they had a good day or week
Everyone has at least one number they can report that tells of their productivity. This KPI (Key Performance Indicator) is simple and aligns with the goals and North Star of your store — things like the number of sales, average sales per customer, number of walk-in customers, engagement on your social media, etc.
Data #4: The company’s plans and performance and visible to everyone. Visibility is transparency
If your goals are not visible, they are not top of mind, measured, or cared about. Keep them in a place where they are seen, reported on, and celebrated! The whiteboard in the break area or office is an easy place to start. This is also where everyone tracks their KPIs in preparation for the weekly meeting. Whiteboard, Google Docs, sticky notes . . . as long as all parties have access. Make a system and then make it better.
Meeting Rhythm
As an owner and manager, meetings can feel like they run your life and are a waste of time, but really, they can have the biggest return on investment if you run them with the right rhythm, have them for the reason, and have the right people there. It is so important that we only have one habit listed in this discipline:
Meeting Rhythm #1: Communication rhythm is established and information is moved through the organization accurately and quickly
If you want to sabotage your success, ignore internal communication. It’s challenging, annoying, and at times feels juvenile and petty, but wellrun internal communication can be the fine line between hitting your goals and feeling like you can never achieve them. Having a daily huddle, a weekly staff meeting, days of learning and quarterly planning meetings keep your momentum going and communication transparent across all levels.
There are four critical meetings to establish to create a powerful communication rhythm in your business:
Daily huddles
Weekly staff meetings
Monthly manager meetings, and Quarterly planning meetings.
These are timed meetings with a clear purpose and agenda to keep them from becoming emotional energy and time sucks.
Daily huddles: For the staff that is in for the day to review what goals, challenges, and information from the previous day they are working with.
Weekly staff meetings: For everyone on your team that has a number they are responsible for.
Your team will be reporting on their numbers, challenges, and items they will need to inform the entire team of and use their help resolving.
Monthly Manager Meeting:
For a day of learning, resolving big issues, and what Verne Harnish calls a “DNA transfer” of knowledge, values, and strategy. This is an approach from upper to middle management.
Quarterly/Annual Planning Meeting: All-day offsite meeting once a quarter to set your theme for the next 90 days or year and set the strategic direction. Additionally, you have a 30-45 minute meeting with your entire team to communicate what was decided at that meeting.
In the exhilarating journey of retail entrepreneurship, execution is the magic that turns dreams into reality. By adopting the Rockefeller Habits, you can conquer challenges, craft solid plans, and master the art of execution.
Strategy is only as good at the execution you achieve. This is the discipline that will allow you to watch your small retail shop soar to new heights of sustainable growth and success. Remember, the magic lies within your grasp, waiting to transform your vision into a vibrant, thriving reality. As you embark on this exciting adventure, let the magic of execution lead you to triumph!
Flip through any magazine or scroll through any social media app and it’s likely you’ll come across some self-care inspirational message, whether it’s to go for a hike or treat yourself to warm bath. At its core, “self-care is any activity that we do deliberately in order to take care of our mental, emotional, and physical health,” according to PsychCentral.
While each person approaches or defines self-care in their own way, it doesn’t mean they need to do it on their own all the time. It can involve family and friends, their community and other entities. What’s more important is taking the time to practice self-care regularly so when we need to rely on it when times get tough, it’s more accessible and familiar. That’s when the power of self-care really benefits our overall health and well-being.
How can we squeeze in time to practice self-care when we’re busy living busy lives? The key is to prioritize selfcare and incorporate it in your life, either daily or weekly. Here are five ways to practice self-care daily:
About the Author: Megy Karydes is a Chicago-based writer. Her new book 50 Ways to More Calm, Less Stress: Scientifically Proven Ways to Relieve Anxiety and Boost Your Mental Health Using Your Five Senses will be available December 2023. Sign up for her free monthly newsletter to receive more self-care tips at www.megykarydes.com.
#1. Get Outside
Whatever that means to you, spend some time outdoors. It could be for a daily walk, I could be for a run, it could be to simply step outside for five minutes, take a seat on a bench and absorb the scenery.
Do What You Love
Take stock of what you enjoy (or want to try) and do more of it. I’ve always enjoyed architectural sketches, but it never occurred to me to try it myself since I’m not an architect. Then I came across a global movement called Urban Sketchers and learned anyone is welcome to practice drawing on location. I found a weekend seminar devoted to urban sketching, so I took a chance and signed up. Were my sketches good? Not at all. Was the experience fun? Absolutely. It got me out of my routine and allowed me to try something new and I had the opportunity to meet new friends. Love live music? Crocheting? Reading? Writing? Gardening? You get the idea. Whatever you love, set aside to do more of that or take a class and learn something new.
#3. Eat Healthy and Nutritious Foods
This is one of those things that when we’re on the go, we tend to grab
whatever we can quickly and that’s not usually the healthiest option. Research published in the Canadian Journal of Public Health notes that “one’s mood or psychological state can affect what and how much one eats, and eating affects one’s mood and psychological well-being.” If you know your week is going to be busy, plan your meals ahead of time. Can’t do it for all your meals? Then consider ramping up your snacks. It’s just as easy to grab a piece of fruit as it is to grab a candy bar.
Meditate –Your Way
Meditation can take many forms and they don’t all involve sitting with your legs crossed and chanting Ommm — although that’s great too! Meditation is about being present and connecting with your inner being. I journal every morning as my form of meditation while one of my friends swears by her daily yoga practice to center her. You can also pray, meditate using an app or go for a walk.
#5. Put in on Your Calendar
Self-care is not a waste of time. Selfcare is not selfish. Someone once compared it to flight attendants asking you to put on your oxygen mask before you put one on another person during an emergency when flying. We cannot take care of others (at least not for very long) without taking care of ourselves first. For some of us, if it’s not on the calendar as an
appointment, it won’t get done. For others, it’s a great reminder.
Self-care is an important part of our overall health and well-being and the more time we take to incorporate it into our lives, the better off we and those in our community will be in the long run.
Your CrYstal a llies series: BooK 2
The Art of Giving, Receiving, and Thriving
As a child, I survived and thrived because of prayer. I was born an empath and highly developed in the spiritual arts, but with no human to whom I could communicate about it. My ability to connect with spirit was mainly a nighttime ritual I facilitated through tearful expressions, meditation, and dreaming — until I discovered crystals. I could feel the life emanating from them and the elevation of my thoughts, ideas, and experiences while in their presence. They were
my first teachers of channeling and the conscious understanding of spiritual input and output. My very first relationship to the dynamics of giving, receiving, and connecting with the Cosmos.
Almost 20 percent of the Earth’s crust is made up of quartz. It is the reason humans have relied on the vibrations of gems and minerals, over time and through many cultures, for guidance, understanding, wisdom, and spiritual healing — for our very
About the Author: Tracee Dunblazier, GC-C is a Los Angeles-based empath, shaman, and 31-time award-winning author. Tracee has spent decades working with crystals, and was born multi-spirited, with a profound innate awareness of the multi-dimensional world and deep compassion for all who hurt. Her national and international award-winning GoTracee Publishing creates spiritual tools that have become game-changers for those who suffer. Tracee is a charismatic keynote speaker and enjoys podcasting from her CHAT-Cast and Be A Slayer Platforms, and currently serves as president of COVR.org. Contact GTP at www. GoTraceePublishing.com, and Tracee at www.TraceeDunblazier.com.
evolution. It is the original teacher of love and transformation. In, Your Crystal Allies: The 12 Best Gems and Minerals for Giving Love, Receiving Comfort, and Connecting with the Cosmos, I connect you with the three most important building blocks of a life well-lived.
Giving with a generous heart and without attachment:
Receiving in trust and openness:
When we are able to address ourselves and others in generosity and without expectation, new energetic channels open to supply the additional flow of energy supporting such a vibration, and certain crystal allies like aventurine (heart, integrity, healing, and leadership), orca agate (communication, spiritual strength, family, and community), Caribbean calcite (spiritual awakening, joy, offerings, and vision) and transchanneler quartz (focus, inspire, transmitting, and light codes) are wonderful companions for awakening your ability and desire to give.
The ability to receive, on any level, is a true skill set, and as counterintuitive as it may seem, not everyone is good at it. To receive new ideas means one must have an open mind, uncluttered from bias. To deeply empathize with others means we must have an open heart, and willingness to feel our own pain, and sometimes the pain of others. To receive spiritual energy, we must surrender the illusions of ourselves we hold tight. And, finally, our ability to receive money and other physical world resources requires us to shift our understanding of safety and disconnect it from the illusion of control.
Our ability to do all these things is learned over time and are easily supported by these powerful crystal allies: amethyst (sobriety, clarity, dignity, and dreaming), prehnite (truth, serenity, unconditional love, and receptivity), and pyrite (psychic protection, humor, prosperity, and optimism).
Your Crystal Allies: The 12 Best Gems and Minerals for Giving Love, Receiving Comfort, and Connecting with the Cosmos
By Tracee DunblazierPublished by GoTracee Publishing
ISBN 978-1960345899
194 Pages $18.95
Allows the wisdom and structure of the quartz-based stones to help you emotionally process grief, access guidance from your spirit guides, angels, and the Cosmos, shift your spiritual and karmic imprints, connect with your ancestors, and transmute physical patterns and habits to help find peace. It can also help you cultivate your ability to discover the ancient wisdom of the Earth, learn the art of mindfulness and self-awareness, and open to authentic love on all levels.
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exactly who we are, with love and without judgement. When we connect with any other element in our universe, we are in a state of selfacceptance. This acceptance allows us to be seen exactly as we are in the moment: good, bad, or indifferent; to love ourselves and others. The crystal allies that serve you in connecting (higher realms, visions, chryso(integration, patience, beauty, (light bringer, amplification, growth, and (forgiveness,
In a world where we can no longer afford to soften our voices, or harden our hearts, we must make powerful choices. The lives we live have become our greatest fear or our dreams fulfilled — depending on the day and vantage. Now is the time to cultivate
your relationships to your crystal allies and embrace your ultimate birthright of receiving love on every level, honing your ability to self-soothe and give comfort to others, and to recognize your always present power source — your ancestors, guides, and cosmic beings here to serve all of us in this ecstatic time of change.
Achieving Business Goals: MISSION STATEMENT
To increase revenue and get your business known in your community or the world, you’ll need to have a clear vision for growing your business and clear business goals. This helps hone and focus the energy of your intention into the right direction which helps to actualize your goals — and that all starts with a mission statement. A company’s mission statement is its identity and is separate from a company’s vision, values and goals.
Why a Mission Statement?
Buyers of your product and services value mission-driven companies. The mission doesn’t have to be about saving the world. It does need to be truthful, focused, clear and genuine. People will react to this type of energy of your business mission in a much more positive way — that will lead them to connect with you, get to know you and purchase products or services from you.
A Zeno Group 2020 study found if consumers think a company has a strong purpose, they will be:
About the Author: Linda Mackenzie, founder/GM of Creative Health & Spirit, a media and publishing company, which includes HealthyLife.net - Positive Talk Radio is a globally known radio/TV psychic, bio-energetic healer and award-winning author who has appeared on almost all TV networks and in several award winning documentaries. After 23 years, her 4th book ‘Symbols of You: A Self-Discovery Reference Guide’ was released in January 2023 and is available from New Leaf, Ingram or your favorite supplier.
• 4 times more likely to purchase from the company
• 4.5 times more likely to recommend the company to family and friends
• 6 times more likely to defend the company in the wake of public criticism
People value connection and a shared sense of purpose, so your company’s mission statement can be a powerful differentiator.
Define Your Mission
A mission statement is normally one sentence used by a company to
explain, in simple and concise terms, its purpose (or purposes) for being.
Purpose of a Mission Statement
• Outlines company goals and industry position for customers and competitors.
• Clarifies a company’s purpose and shows the public exactly who you are
• Increases values, guidelines, inspiration and motivation for employees
• Adds validity and a better reputation to a business
• Exhibits thoughtful leadership to potential investors or donors
• Is a perfect introduction for someone who doesn’t know your company
Therefore, a company’s mission statement defines its culture, values, ethics, fundamental goals, and agenda. Even though a mission statement might slightly overlap other marketing content, it is different from your vision statement, brand or slogan. Mission statements aren’t just for companies. There are many successful individuals and professionals who craft personal mission statements.
Creating a Mission Statement
Creating a business gives it life. So just like your personal life, your business life needs these six aspects to help you (or your business) be balanced, happy and successful. These aspects include making time for:
1. Yourself (operating the business)
2. Significant others (partners and suppliers)
3. Family (employees)
4. Community (customers)
5. Career (finance and business growth)
6. Spirituality (your greater mission and goals)
To create a mission statement, try considering how your company impacts your customers or your community. Then, think of why you want to help them and finally, how your business does provide service to them. It may be hard to narrow down the focus of your company in a single sentence, so here are some tips on how you might try to do that.
• Outline what your company does.
• Describe how your company does what it does. The key points to outline in your mission statement should be the values that are in your core business. For example, is it quality products, great customer service or being sustainable? How is your
business unique or creative? These are key points to outline in your mission statement.
• Lastly describe why you are doing this business. This shows how you stand out as a business and what sets you apart.
Some ways to get ideas for your mission statement include thinking about your personal experiences, brainstorming with employees, or asking customers about their experiences when entering your store or interacting with your business.
Bottom line, remember to keep the mission statement short and to the point. Don’t make it too patronizing or arrogant. Remember once it’s made and out there in the public, it’s never ideal to change it because it changes the perception of your company.
Once you’ve come up with a mission statement, carefully edit it and then get a couple of people to look it over. Make sure you take your time and get it right the first time. Here are some examples of mission statements, in cluding that of my company Healthy Life.net Radio:
The Chopra Foundation:
Dedicated to improving health and well being, cultivating spiritual knowledge, expanding consciousness, and promoting world peace to all members of the human family.
Gaia Inc.:
Our mission is to create a transformational network that empowers a global conscious community.
Inspire and nurture the human spirit – one person, one cup and one neighborhood at a time.
Bring everyone the inspiration to create a life they love.
Help all families discover the joy of everyday life.
Harley Davidson:
More than building machines, we stand for the timeless pursuit of adventure. Freedom for the soul.
HealthyLife.Net Radio:
To help eliminate fear, advance positive thought and encourage the concept that we are all one – here for the greater good of all.
Differences Between Mission and Other Statements
There are many organizational statements that may get confused with your mission statement. Here are some of the other types of organizational statements and how they vary from a mission statement.
Mission Statement vs. Vision Statement: A company’s mission statement is its identity that remains unchanged. A company’s Vision Statements are the journey to accomplishing its mission and can change.
Mission Statement vs. Company Goals: A company’s goals is its more specific business plan. It is important to remember that a company’s mission statement should drive the goals that are set.
Mission Statement vs. Value Statement: A company’s value statement is the guide to how decisions will be made, such as being ethical or doing the right thing.
A mission statement describes the highest level of purpose; a vision statement starts to describe how that purpose will be achieved and the value statement tells you how the purpose should be implemented.
Using Your Mission Statement
Now that you have crafted your mission statement, it’s time to make it publicly known. You can share it with your employees, vendors, existing and potential customers.
Since it is the core of your company, your mission statement can also be incorporated into your marketing material and your website. You can use it in your customer sales pitch and networking events. Plus, post it in your store for customers to see.
If done correctly, the energy of your mission statement becomes a steadfast foundation of your business which encapsulates what your company does, what it stands for and guides the company to profitability and longevity.
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It is the Season of the Witch – when magic and manifesting energies are extremely powerful during the fall. This strong divination flow allows people to view their past, present and future or to connect to Spirit more easily than any other time of the year. The archetype of the witch assists seekers into feeling and claiming their power and to manifest their goals. Stir up new sales at your store with these witchy themed guidance oracles.
About the Author: Melinda Carver is a spiritual business expert and an award-winning author, psychic medium and speaker. She has appeared on TV, radio, podcasts, corporate events, expos and stores. She is the president of the Church of Radiant Lights located in Cleveland, Ohio. www.PsychicMelinda.webs.com
By Lorriane Anderson and Juliet Diaz Illustrated by Tijana LukovicPublished by Rockpool Publishing
ISBN 9781922579751
44 cards, 144 page book
Mabon traditions come to life in Lukovic’s Autumnal colors artwork. These gilded cards feature inclusive people, activities, symbols and keywords. The full-color book provides detailed information and word spells assisting the seeker to tap into intuitive energies for guidance. This is the fourth deck in this series. Include this deck in your Mabon celebration display this September!
By Rosemarie AndersonIllustrated by Susan Dorf
Published Destiny Books
ISBN 9781644114964
64 cards, 176 page book
Experience 3,000 years of Celtic ways of knowing, myths, folklore and traditions leaping into one’s consciousness through Dorf’s black and white minimalist artwork of this deck. Cards are named and numbered. Anderson’s detailed interpretations of the history and culture of the Celts provides a hands-on learning tool for divination to the modern seeker. Customers with Celtic heritage or those that follow Celtic magical practices will really enjoy this deck!
By Angi SullinsIllustrated by Silas Toball
Published by U.S. Games Systems, Inc.
ISBN 9781646711222
44 cards, 216 page book
A fierce call to unleash your Feminine power, Sullins urges woman to heed their primal energies to release fear and to move forward on their path. Toball’s art brims with magical symbols, animals, elements and multi-cultural people. Cards are gilded. This wife and husband team created a generous guide for reclaiming one’s inner strength and knowing. Showcase this empowering deck to your Sisterhood circles and witchy customers!
sharing Peace
tHrouGH M usic
In the early 1990s, our office got a call from Grammy award-winning country singer, Naomi Judd. She was ‘the mom’ in The Judds, one of the most successful country music duos in history. She had been using our album Ocean Dreams in her own healing process, telling us she played it every day to help her through her Hepatitis C which the doctors had told her was incurable. She wrote to us about how much the music helped her and eventually she ordered all of Dean Evenson’s music. For years, she would hand out our CDs to friends she met on her tours, from Bill
Moyers to the head of the CIA to the doorman at the Biltmore. As she said to us, “Everyone can use some peace in their lives.”
When we heard of her death last year we were devastated. After her tremendous success in The Judds duo and even after surviving her liver disease, Naomi faced many personal challenges. We realize for some celebrities who find success early on in their lives, that personal happiness doesn’t necessarily follow. The day after her death, The Judds were inducted into the Country Music
About the Author: Dudley and her husband Dean Evenson are sound healing pioneers. Their motto of Peace Through Music is reflected in their music, videos, and books. A Year of Guided Meditation: 52 Weekly Affirmations is now available. Find more information at www. soundings.com.
Hall of Fame. Both her daughters were there to represent her. We had met Naomi and Wynonna when they toured together but we had never met Ashley, the younger daughter who had pursued a successful acting career.
That changed recently as we were honored to connect with Ashley Judd when she was keynote speaker at our local Western Washington University. She graciously invited us to her presentation and to the reception that followed. In her talk, we learned more about her advocacy and humanitarian work. She has traveled the world with her international public health work dealing with maternal health, child survival, sex trafficking, human rights, disease prevention and treatment. She was also named one of Time Magazine’s persons of the year for her role as a silence breaker
and changemaker in the #MeToo movement when she bravely spoke out about sexual abuse and harassment in Hollywood.
As she told her story, we were impressed to learn how much courage it takes to act when others won’t. Too often, people turn a blind eye to issues that may be uncomfortable or controversial. Not so with Ashley. From an early age, she spoke out about injustice because in her mind it was the right thing to do. As she has grown and her platform has broadened, she has used her fame to call attention to important concerns while at the same time giving a voice to the voiceless around the world. For over 20 years she has been the global ambassador to Population Services International and other public health
non-profits working to improve lives in Asia, Africa, and around the world. She has been on the front lines of the battle against preventable diseases and issues that especially affect women and vulnerable populations.
In her deeply moving memoir, All That Is Bitter & Sweet, Ashley describes her journey from childhood challenges, depression, and rape, to becoming a fierce advocate for the oppressed. In her recent talk she reminded her audience of the importance of being able to stand for something without standing against our fellows. In speaking about the polarization in America today, she encourages putting principles above personalities because “we can learn how to do this without being personally punitive, without being an
incitement to controversy, and without putting ourselves in unqualified authority over our fellows.” She adds “I try to do the harder thing in life, and I try to be a woman of integrity. And I try to stand up for other girls and women because no one stood up for me.”
We are grateful for strong women like Ashley Judd who uses her platform to call attention to issues in our world that can and need to be corrected. We are also glad that she has now started listening to our music and we hope that it supports her personal spiritual practice and brings some solace to her as she uses her voice in such a powerful way. May she be an inspiration to all of us to use our platforms to support causes we care about.
Books F ine P rint
Published by Penguin Publishing Group
ISBN 9780593653142
304 Pages
Hidden Potential offers a new framework for raising aspirations and exceeding expectations. Adam Grant weaves together groundbreaking evidence, surprising insights, and vivid storytelling that takes us from the classroom to the boardroom, the playground to the Olympics, and underground to outer space. He shows that progress depends less on how hard you work than how well you learn. Growth is not about the genius you possess—it’s about the character you develop. Grant explores how to build the character skills and motivational structures to realize our own potential, and how to design systems that create opportunities for those who have been underrated and overlooked. This book reveals how anyone can rise to achieve greater things. The true measure of your potential is not the height of the peak you’ve reached, but how far you’ve climbed to get there.
by Brad StulbergPublished by HarperCollins Publishers
ISBN 9780063253162
240 Pages
A revelatory book on rethinking change and creating a rugged and flexible mindset amidst life’s intensifying flux, from expert on sustainable excellence, coach, and bestselling author of The Practice of Groundedness.
From social disruptions like economic recessions, pandemics, and new technologies to individual disruptions like getting married, career transitions, and becoming a parent, we undergo change and transformation—both good and bad—regularly. Change is not the exception, it’s the rule. Yet we endlessly fight it, often viewing it as a threat to our stability and sense of self. Master of Change flips this script on its head and offers a path for embracing and even growing from life’s constant instability.
by Richard Sexton and Randolph DelehantyPublished by Schiffer Books
ISBN 9780764365980
224 Pages $45
New Orleans: Elegance and Decadence focuses on the interiors, furnishings, art collections, and gardens of a handful of creative people in New Orleans in the 1990s. Dreamers and urban pioneers, they included bohemian artists, artisans, architects, preservationists, activists, antiquarians, restaurateurs, and teachers, all living outside the American mainstream. They tolerated crumbling plaster, exposed lathe, and sagging galleries in exchange for communal festivity and joie de vivre. Photographer Richard Sexton documented how and where they lived; what they hoarded, collected, and worshipped. In this second edition, historian Randolph Delehanty weaves together the history of New Orleans from the fragments he saw in those photographs. The authors explore in words and images how the combination of climate, a strongly European and Catholic culture, African influences, and the revelry of Mardi Gras have created a modern ambience unlike that of any other city in America. Much has changed in New Orleans over the 30 years since this book first appeared, but far more has stayed the same. The book celebrates the joyous spirit of this distinctive culture, an inspiration to everyone who pursues the art of living.
by Brigitte Mars, A.H.G. and Chrystle Fiedler Forewordby Rosemary Gladstar
Published by Healing Arts Press
ISBN 9781644117866
352 Pages
In this comprehensive guide to natural methods to maintain a healthy mind, herbalist Brigitte Mars and natural health expert Chrystle Fiedler explore many common mental health concerns and stress-related issues— such as anxiety, depression, panic attacks, anger, insomnia, brain fog, and trauma—and share remedies and practices to address and heal their root causes. Citing recent medical studies, they examine the influence of diet and nutrition on mental health concerns and explore the benefits of specific foods, herbs, supplements, essential oils, and self-care techniques like acupressure, massage, and color therapy. The authors also explore holistic practices and treatments for moving through grief, breaking free from addiction, working with ADHD and epilepsy, supporting chronic conditions like bipolar disorder, PTSD, and Parkinson’s disease, and recovering from traumatic brain injury (TBI) and stroke. Presenting a wealth of holistic self-care therapies for mental well-being, emotional balance, and neurological health, this guide enables each of us to heal the mind and nurture the soul, two essential keys to a happy, joyful life.
by Noa BellingPublished by Rockpool Publishing
ISBN 9781922785633
272 Pages $18.95
A simple guide to all the tools, methods, and exercises to manage your stress. What if you could feel in control of your stress levels? Or be able to access qualities like self-worth, grounded confidence, inspiration, and inner peace when faced with stress? Stress, anxiety and depression have become a sign of our times. How have your stress levels been lately? Maybe stress has left you feeling depleted and tired. Or maybe it has wired you up to feel moody and irritable. International bestselling and award-winning author, Noa Belling has put together a tried and tested, scientifically backed and power packed toolkit to help you. It targets different ways that stress can show up in our lives, that might leave some of us depleted and depressed and others wired and anxious.
Peter Sterling, Harp Magic
This nine-track album is a captivating musical journey transcending boundaries and taking listeners on an enchanting musical voyage to realms where time and space melt away. The compositions showcase Peter’s exceptional musical talent, as he weaves a tapestry of melodic beauty and ethereal ambiance throughout. Joining Peter on the album is a host of other first-rate talent: #1 Billboard charting guitarist, Steve Oliver, Grammy®-winning pianist/vocalist, Darlene Koldenhoven, Grammy®nominated flutist, David Young, violinist, Dov, vocalists, Chianne, Seay, and Nina Starsong, and Richard Hardy on flute and saxophone. With its seamless flow, the multi-layered, mesmerizing melodies evoke a sense of deep inner peace.
Samir Bodhi, Momojo
The second EP release from Indianborn composer, guitarist, and producer, Samir Bodhi, has a central theme running through the six tracks — deep exploration of the power of empathy. The EP is inspired by Samir’s belief that the gap between the “haves” and the “have nots” is widening, and that through people’s self-absorption, empathy for our fellow humans is fading. The richly textured, melodic, rhythmic compositions, with some vocal tracks, have an “East meets West” kind of vibe, evoking a wide range of feelings and emotions. Listeners are inspired to delve into the complexities of the human condition and return to compassion.
About the Author: Dyan Garris is an award-winning New Age recording artist, awardwinning author, and music reviewer, who has recorded and produced 14 albums. Garris’ recordings include a series of independently tested music and meditation CDs that earned The National Health & Wellness Stamp of Approval. Her music is found on Pandora, Spotify, iTunes, SiriusXM, Muzak, Music Choice, airlines, website, and more. To know more, visit www.dyangarrismusic.com
Terry Lee Nichols, Soundscape Productions
Known for his captivating, evocative music, Terry’s new album is an exciting musical journey that showcases his unique style and artistic vision. The piano music on “Metamorphosis” is characterized by lush melodies, intricate arrangements, and Terry’s breathtaking keyboard skills. One of the remarkable aspects of “Metamorphosis” is the emotional range it covers, reflecting themes of change, growth, and personal and cultural evolution, i.e., metamorphosis. Each of the 14 tracks unfolds like a chapter in a story, with its own distinct mood and atmosphere. The use of dynamics, pacing, and extended piano techniques creates an immersive experience. The result is spectacular.
Are you seeking a balanced and productive workspace? Do you feel your business isn’t as prosperous or successful as it could be? If so, the ancient art of Feng Shui may hold the key. Feng Shui is a centuriesold practice involving the placement of objects and flow of energy in a space to enhance harmony and prosperity. By applying its principles to your business, you can create a positive and supportive environment that stimulates growth and success.
Even if you’re new to Feng Shui, you can begin incorporating this practice into your business today. Here are five ways to get started:
Focus on Your Front Door
In Feng Shui, the front door is often referred to as the “mouth of chi,” or the primary place where energy flows in and out of your business. If your front door is shabby and creaky, with a door handle that jiggles or gets stuck, that can convey negative energy to whoever passes through. Even a tiny spark of annoyance can lead to a bonfire of frustration.
INSTEAD: Keep your front door in good repair. Consider painting it a bold, welcoming color to usher in positive energy and potential clients.
About the Author: Julie Ann Segal is a Minneapolis-based Feng Shui interior designer with a new book release: Change Your Space to Change Your Life published by Llewellyn Worldwide. Her book provides the necessary tools and practical steps for discovering your true desires, reimagining your surroundings, and creating profound comfort. Contact Julie Ann at www.metrointeriors.com
Properly Place Your Desk
Did you know the position of your desk can influence your moods and productivity? When our backs are to the door, our fight-or-flight instinct kicks in, making us feel stressed and uncomfortable. Similar feelings arise if windows are positioned directly behind us.
INSTEAD: Place your desk in the “command position.” The command position in Feng Shui involves placing your desk so your back is facing a solid wall. If you must place
your desk in front of windows, hang curtains to give the illusion of a solid surface.
Bonus Tip: Keep your desk decluttered! A cluttered desk can easily translate to a cluttered mind.
3Intentionally Place Your People
The placement of your company’s employees matters. If you haphazardly assign office spaces to your people, some spaces might be ill-suited to the type of work they do.
INSTEAD: Have a clear understanding of your employees’ roles and type of work. Place your sales force close to your front door to boost sales and drum up bright, positive energy. Place executives in the “command position,” far from the main entry and facing the door, to give them space to concentrate and strategize.
4Boost Concentration with a Windchime
Early in my Feng Shui career, I experienced a time when I wasn’t generating much business, and I felt unfocused. To improve focus and clarity, I hung a metal windchime above my desk chair and rang it whenever I needed to concentrate. I also hung a windchime by my front door to usher in clients and opportunities. I would ring it and state my intention to acquire more clients. The very week I started using my windchimes, a property management company hired me for a large project. I’m confident the windchimes helped propel my intentions. In short, you don’t have to feel stagnant and unproductive.
INSTEAD: Strategically hang windchimes, and use them.
5Pay Attention to Your Predecessors
In Feng Shui, predecessor energy is the energy left behind by a space’s previous occupants, and it can influence the current occupants in positive or negative ways. If the previous business experienced failure or hardships, that energy can linger and have a negative impact.
INSTEAD: Be intentional about selecting your space. If possible, rent a space that was occupied by a successful, vibrant business. You can also clear predecessor energy by utilizing space clearing techniques, like burning cleansing herbs.
Using Feng Shui as a guide, you can improve the energy and efficiency of your workplace, while creating a harmonious and thriving environment. Even a few simple steps can make an incredible difference. Isn’t it time to create a space that supports and amplifies your success?
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