2024 January

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2 | RETAILING INSIGHT January-February 2024 CONTENTS 05 Beyond Profits Cultivating a workplace with spiritual purpose 20 The Spiritual Archetypes Reveal the power of your soul to explore and embrace your genuine, authentic, and spiritual essence 2 4 Connect to Spirit to Manifest Life’s Abundance Discover how to connect with yourself this year 30 Interview with deck author Matt Hughes 33 Using Crystals for Spiritual Connection The four must-have stones for your collection 38 Sharing Peace Through Music by Soundings of the Planet Dalai Lama Journey 14 BUSINESS & MARKETING Achieving Business Goals: Market Targeting 44 TAKE 5 Five Ways to Put Spirituality into Practice 46 2024 Annual Wholesaler Directory Cover Image: Stamatoyoshi CARD DECKS Spiritual Connections: Spirits from the heavens and here on Earth beckon us to connect with them 42 Connection

Behindvisionthe Matt Hughes

Matt Hughes is the creator of bestselling Ethereal Visions Illuminated Tarot Deck, Dreamscape Oracle, and Ethereal Visions Luna Edition.

Before we talk about Matt, the bestselling artist, we’d love to know a little more about Matt the person. What is your personal background? We know you currently live in Georgia, but where did you grow up, and what were your interests?

I was raised in a tiny mill town in South Carolina called Green wood. Moving away to attend college was the only escape from living there, and I jumped at the chance to move to a larger city (Atlanta) to study art. I’ve always defined myself as an artist, so there was never a moment in my life when I decided to become an artist; I already was.

From your interview on Beyond the Cards, we know you have a deep love of art dating from the late 19th to 20th century, particularly Art Nouveau. Was this always the case, or were you introduced to this later in your career?

My first introduction to Art Nouveau was in college, where I was working on a typography project. I was looking at Art Nouveau fonts when my wife, Hope, asked, “You do know that the person who designed that font was a pretty big artist named Mucha?” She then showed me some of his work and I was instantly drawn to the beauty and symbolism of Art Nouveau.

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January-February 2024


As an insightful retailer, the pursuit of spiritual balance is the cornerstone to your success. Yet, in the changing economy of independent retail stores, the drive to keep revenue at an optimal level while staying profitable can dry up the spiritual balance of your business. When your balance tips to a hyper-focus on money, culture, well-being, health, productivity, and employee retention will suffer. The integration of spiritual purpose into the business landscape is something you already understand and in the

overall business world is becoming not only a trend but a necessity for attracting and retaining top talent.

As a long-time leader in the spiritual business world, I am fascinated with the paradigm shift of corporations cultivating a workplace with a spiritual purpose. Employees are no longer content with a paycheck alone; they crave meaning, connection, and a sense of belonging in their professional lives. Where your store is already in pursuit of these human needs, the evolution of the

larger businesses infusing spiritual principles into the workplace brings validation to our market and gives us new tools for supporting the wellbeing of employees but also for the overall success and sustainability of businesses. My goal for this article is for you to acknowledge where you are infusing your business with spiritual purpose and inspire more ideas you can incorporate that is in alignment with your mission and values.


As we witness the rise of spiritual consciousness in the workplace, it becomes evident that employees are seeking more than just a 9-to-5

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About the Author: Jacki Smith is the co-owner of Coventry Creations. Her passion for personal empowerment and small business has been the driving force in her success and her journey of lifelong learning. Jacki is a regular contributor to the magazine and loves sharing her experience, successes, and cautionary tales.

routine. The modern workforce is increasingly valuing a sense of purpose, holistic well-being, and alignment with personal values in their professional lives.

Historically, the corporate world has been seen as a realm primarily concerned with profit margins, shareholder value, and quarterly reports. However, a seismic shift is occurring, challenging this conventional wisdom. Businesses are recognizing that to attract and retain top talent, they must create environments that nurture the whole individual—mind, body, and spirit.

This shift is not merely a passing trend. It reflects a deeper transformation in society as a whole. Employees are bringing their authentic selves to work and, in turn, are seeking workplaces that honor their authenticity. The integration of spiritual values

aligns with this desire for authenticity, fostering a workplace culture that values the individual beyond their job title.

In essence, the rise of spiritual consciousness in the workplace is a response to a collective need for more meaningful, fulfi lling, and purpose-driven professional experiences. Companies that acknowledge and respond to this shift are not only meeting the expectations of their employees but are also positioning themselves as leaders in a new era of corporate consciousness.


Enhanced Employee Satisfaction and Engagement:

According to 2022 research from McKinsey & Company, 82% of employees feel an organization’s purpose is important, and 70% say their work defi nes their sense of purpose. When spiritual principles such as mindfulness and compassion are integrated into the workplace, employees often report higher job satisfaction, reduced stress levels, and increased commitment to their roles.

Incorporating spiritual purpose is more than just a feel-good initiative. The answer lies in a growing body of evidence that suggests businesses embracing spiritual principles experience tangible benefits.

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for Spiritual and Healing Journeys Pleiadian Soul Healing Light Messages for Cosmic Freedom $19.99 • Paperback 11 b&w illustrations ISBN 978-1-64411-829-0 Giza: The Tesla Connection Acoustical Science and the Harvesting of Clean Energy $24.00 • Paperback Includes 16-page color insert and 91 b&w illustrations ISBN 978-1-59143-461-0 The Hoodoo Tarot Workbook Rootwork, Rituals, and Divination $19.99 • Paperback Full-color throughout ISBN 978-1-64411-633-3 Available from Simon & Schuster and Wholesalers Nationwide InnerTraditions.com 800-246-8648 •

Improved Well-being Translates to Improved Productivity:

If you want to be more productive at work, prioritize well-being. Employees who can find balance and fulfillment bring their best selves to work and become more innovative and creative.

Attracting Top Talent:

O.C. Tanner, a workplace culture and change management consultancy, reports that businesses that prioritize spiritual purpose stand out. Potential employees are increasingly considering the company culture, values, and commitment to holistic well-being when choosing where to work.

Positive Impact on Company Reputation:

Beyond the immediate benefits to employees, stores in the insightful market that embrace spiritual purpose often enjoy a positive impact on their external reputation. Consumers and clients are more likely to support companies with ethical, purposedriven values, leading to increased brand loyalty.

Long-Term Sustainability:

A workplace focused on spiritual purpose is more adaptable and resilient in the face of challenges. By fostering a culture of empathy and collaboration, businesses can navigate uncertainties with greater ease, ensuring long-term sustainability. In essence, a business that embraces a spiritual purpose has an impact that extends far beyond altruism; it is a strategic decision that contributes to the overall success and longevity of a company.


How do you cultivate a spiritual working environment while growing your business in a highly competitive market? Nurturing a spiritual work environment involves practical and intentional steps that can be seamlessly integrated into the daily fabric of the organization.

Establishing Meditation/Quiet Spaces:

One effective way to infuse spirituality into the workplace is by creating designated quiet spaces. These areas provide employees with a peaceful retreat where they can engage in mindfulness practices, fostering mental clarity and emotional wellbeing. After a particularly difficult interaction with a customer, this space will allow your staff members to regroup, ground, and collect themselves.

Encouraging Mindfulness Practices:

Incorporating mindfulness practices into daily routines can significantly contribute to a spiritually enriched workplace. Encourage short mindfulness sessions at the beginning or end of meetings, allowing employees to center themselves and approach their tasks with heightened focus.

Fostering a Culture of Gratitude and Compassion:

Gratitude and compassion create a positive and supportive atmosphere. Beginning and ending your meetings or interaction with your stall with gratitude statements can change the entire atmosphere. Encouraging team members to express appreciation for each other’s contributions, fosters a sense of unity and

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acknowledgment. Where people’s efforts are recognized publicly, a community grows.

Nurturing a spiritual work environment is not about imposing specific beliefs but creating a space where individuals can bring their authentic selves to work, feel valued, and contribute to a collective sense of purpose.


Cultivating a workplace with spiritual purpose has a profound impact on creativity and innovation. A spiritually inspired work environment has the potential to unleash untapped potential and bring forth ideas that can propel a business to new heights. (GIVE PRACTICAL USES BELOW)

Connecting with Inner Wisdom:

We all have an innate connection to our inner wisdom. That connection can get muted when we are under stress or tackling a project beyond our known ability. Helping your team slow down for a moment to reconnect to that inner wisdom can foster introspection and selfawareness, and employees can access their creative reservoirs and contribute innovative solutions to business challenges.

Mindful Problem-Solving:

Spiritual principles emphasize the importance of being present and fully engaged in the current moment. This mindfulness can be harnessed for effective problem-solving, enabling teams to approach challenges with clarity and creativity.

Embracing Failure as Growth:

Show your team that you recognize that failure is not the end but a steppingstone to growth. By fostering a culture that embraces failure as a natural part of the innovation process, employees are more likely to take risks and push boundaries, leading to breakthroughs and advancements.

As you navigate the ever-changing landscape of retail, the ability to innovate becomes a critical factor for success. Cultivating a workplace with spiritual purpose can be the catalyst for unlocking the creative potential within individuals and teams.


Emphasis on unity, empathy, and collective well-being naturally fosters a sense of team spirit and collaboration. Cultivating these aspects is not only beneficial for the individuals involved but also contributes to the overall success and harmony of the organization.

Building a Culture of Trust:

Cultivating team spirit and collaboration in a spiritually purposeful workplace is not just about getting tasks done; it’s about creating a supportive community where individuals feel valued, understood, and empowered to contribute their best to the collective success.

Trust is nurtured through open communication, transparency, and a shared commitment to the collective mission. Opening the door for the exploration of new ideas shows that you trust them, in turn, they will value and express their trustworthiness. When individuals trust their teammates and leadership, collaboration flourishes.

Encouraging Open Communication:

Communication is the lifeblood of collaboration. Creating an environment where open dialogue is encouraged, ideas are freely exchanged, and feedback is constructively given and received strengthens the bonds between team members.

Empathy in Action:

Place a premium on empathy—the ability to understand and share the feelings of others. By fostering empathy, teams become more attuned to each other’s needs, resulting in a supportive and collaborative atmosphere.

Team-Building Activities with a Purpose:

Flip traditional team-building activities into ones with a spiritual purpose. Consider activities that

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promote mindfulness, teamwork, and shared goals. This could range from meditation sessions to collaborative projects that contribute to a charitable cause.

Celebrating Successes Together:

Acknowledging and celebrating team successes is vital for morale and cohesion. It’s easy to move from one issue to another without stopping for a moment to mindfully acknowledge the collective success. In a spiritually conscious workplace, these celebrations go beyond achievements and become opportunities to express gratitude, reinforcing the interconnectedness of the team.

Cultivating team spirit and collaboration in a spiritually purposeful workplace is not just about getting tasks done; it’s about creating a supportive

community where individuals feel valued, understood, and empowered to contribute their best to the collective success.


A common concern when discussing spiritual purpose in the workplace is the potential conflict with the primary goal of any business: profitability. However, a closer examination reveals that integrating spiritual principles can, in fact, contribute to financial success while maintaining a meaningful and purposeful workplace.

Aligning Values with Business Objectives:

The key to balancing profitability and purpose is aligning the values that underpin spiritual purpose with the core objectives of your business. When there is coherence between the two, employees are more motivated, and the organization is better positioned to achieve your financial goals.

Enhancing Employee Engagement:

Engaged employees are more productive and committed to the success of the business. By fostering a workplace that values spiritual principles, businesses can enhance employee engagement, directly impacting the

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Lots of NEW Items & Designs ... and a brand-new Website! Hand-Crafted with Love Since 1989

bottom line through increased efficiency and dedication.

Attracting & Retaining Talent:

In a competitive job market, attracting and retaining top talent is crucial. Businesses that prioritize spiritual purpose not only attract individuals seeking meaningful work but also create an environment where employees are more likely to stay, reducing recruitment costs and maintaining institutional knowledge.

Innovation as a Driver of Profit:

As discussed earlier, spiritual purpose contributes to a culture of innovation. This innovation, in turn, can lead to the development of new products, services, or operational efficiencies that directly impact your store’s profitability.

Customer Loyalty and Trust:

A spiritually conscious business often earns the trust and loyalty of its customer base. Consumers are increasingly drawn to businesses with values that align with their own. This loyalty can translate into repeat business, positive word-of-mouth marketing, and long-term financial success.

Operational Efficiency and Sustainability:

A spiritually purposeful workplace tends to be more conscious of its environmental and social impact. By implementing sustainable and socially responsible practices, your store can not only contribute positively to society but also enhance your reputation and appeal to a growing market of socially conscious consumers.

Balancing profitability and purpose are not an either/or scenario but rather a symbiotic relationship where

each enhances the other. A spiritually purposeful workplace lays the foundation for a sustainable and successful business model.


Real-world examples often serve as powerful illustrations of the positive impact of spiritual purpose in the workplace. Let’s explore some success stories of companies that have wholeheartedly embraced spiritual principles and witnessed transformative outcomes.

Google: Cultivating Mindfulness

Google’s mindfulness and meditation programs, encourage employees to take short breaks for meditation. This approach has enhanced employee satisfaction and contributed to a culture of creativity and out-of-thebox thinking.

Salesforce: Putting Employees First

Salesforce offers a variety of well-being programs, including mindfulness sessions, fitness classes, and initiatives that support work-life balance. This focus resulted in high employee satisfaction and has positioned Salesforce as an employer of choice in the competitive tech industry.

Zappos: Infusing Spirit into Company Culture

Zappos’ emphasis on core values, including a commitment to a higher purpose, has created a workplace where employees feel a strong sense of belonging. By infusing spiritual principles into its culture, Zappos has built a loyal and engaged workforce.

This is a journey that goes beyond profits and leads to a deeper, more meaningful connection between individuals, organizations, and the world.

Patagonia: Environmental Stewardship as a Spiritual Principle

Patagonia, commitment to sustainability and ethical business practices aligns with the spiritual values of many employees and customers. This alignment has contributed to the company’s success and solidified its reputation as a socially responsible leader.

Aetna: Promoting Mindful Leadership

Aetna recognizes the importance of mental well-being in the workplace and actively supports initiatives that enhance mindfulness and resilience. This approach has positively impacted employee engagement and overall organizational performance.

These success stories showcase that embracing spiritual purpose in the workplace is not a theoretical concept but a practical and effective approach to creating thriving, innovative, and socially responsible businesses.

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It’s essential to acknowledge that introducing spiritual principles into your business may face challenges and resistance. Understanding and addressing these obstacles is crucial for a smooth integration process.

Cultural Sensitivity:

Cultural diversity within a workforce may lead to varying interpretations of spiritual principles. It’s essential to approach this integration with cultural sensitivity, ensuring that practices and language used are inclusive and respectful of diverse beliefs.

Leadership Buy-In:

Successfully integrating spiritual purpose into the workplace often requires strong leadership support. If leadership is not aligned with these principles, there may be resistance from employees or a lack of commitment to the necessary changes.

Employee Education and Awareness:

Some employees may be unfamiliar with spiritual principles in the context of the workplace. Implementing educational programs and raising awareness about the benefits can help overcome skepticism and build understanding.

Balancing Freedom and Structure:

Creating a spiritually purposeful workplace requires a delicate balance between providing employees with the freedom to explore and express their spirituality and maintaining a structured and productive work environment. Striking this balance may pose challenges but is crucial for

success. Addressing these challenges requires a thoughtful and strategic approach, with a focus on clear communication, inclusivity, and a commitment to continuous improvement.

Cultivating a workplace with spiritual purpose reveals a transformative journey that goes beyond the conventional boundaries of profit-centric business models. As the business landscape evolves, the integration of spiritual principles emerges as a guiding force for creating a business that survives and thrives in the face of economic uncertainties and changing paradigms.

As we navigate the complexities of the modern retail landscape, remember that profit and purpose are not mutually exclusive. In fact, they can be symbiotic forces, each enhancing the other in a harmonious dance that elevates the workplace, enriches the lives of employees, and contributes to a more conscious and compassionate global community.

May this exploration serve as a guide and an invitation for insightful retailers to celebrate the work they have done to create a workplace with spiritual purpose and to be inspired to foster even more. This is a journey that goes beyond profits and leads to a deeper, more meaningful connection between individuals, organizations, and the world.

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Business & mar KeT ing


If you’re planning to expand your business into new markets or launch new products, you need to fi nd your target markets to maximize your success. A target market is a group of people, also known as end users, that are identified to be your product or services best potential customers. They are categorized in a group because they share certain characteristics.

For example, if you’re trying to sell a book, your end-user customer is a reader who has the desire and the money to buy your book. So, knowing who your potential customer is very important and that target market is important because the more you know about your customer, the easier it is to reach them.

About the Author: Linda , Founder/GM of Creative Health & Spirit, a media and publishing company, which includes HealthyLife.net - Positive Talk Radio is a globally known radio/TV psychic, bio-energetic healer and award-winning author who appeared on almost all TV networks and in several award winning documentaries. After 23 years, her 4th book Symbols of You: A Self-Discovery Reference Guide was recently released and is available from New Leaf, Ingram or your favorite supplier.

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You will need to know your customer demographic, geographic and psychographic information. Plus, you will also have to include your own categories to really know who your target customer is. To this end you will establish and set up a Customer Profile. This will include answering these questions:

the customer will receive from a feature (fact or attribute) of your product or service.

A Benefit is Intangible. Example of a product ‘Benefit’: Symbols of You book will increase intuition, mindfulness and give insight into life’s challenges.

A Feature is Tangible. Example of a product ‘Feature’: Symbols of You has 160 pages, 40 Ancient Wisdom Topics, 83 charts, 22 illustrations.

HINT: You can get some of this information from marketing surveys and industry magazine advertising demographics Ask for them from the advertising department.


Is your customer male or female? What is their age and education level? Are they single, married or divorced? What is their occupation? What is their religious and ethnic backgrounds?


Do they live in a city, suburb or rural area? Do they rent or own their home? What groups, associations or clubs do they belong to? What do they do in their leisure time? Do they have any hobbies? What stores do they shop in? Do they buy from catalogs? Do they use cash, credit card or digital currency?


What is their lifestyle and perceived social status? What is their knowledge level about your product or service? What are their personal attitudes, values and beliefs? How are they like you? How are they different from you?


Customers buy from either a ‘want’ or a ‘need’. So, take some time to discover the wants and needs of your customer. What you do next is very important. Figure out how your product or service fills that want or need. Finally, the sale of your product or service is determined by the benefit

To create your own Benefits and Features list start with the benefits of your product or service. Start with your Benefit list. You can even brainstorm with others and write down every benefit you can think of no matter how crazy it seems. Next establish your Features list. Once you have listed all the Features match a benefit to a feature. Example of a merged Benefit and Feature: Symbols of You combines 42 Ancient Wisdom topics to help increase your intuition.

These matched benefits and features will help you in develop targeted promotional, marketing and sales materials that will engage your customers.

HINT: Create your own 30-seconds commercial.

Using your combined “Benefit & Feature List’ to create your own 30-second commercial of 75-100 words on why someone should buy your product or service. Why? You usually have one minute or less to describe a product to a buyer or distributor before they zone out. So, if you have the reason to buy ready to go it gives you an extra edge.


Now that you know your customer in depth, and how you can satisfy their needs and wants, it’s time to research your markets. Business may have more than one target market. There’s a primary target market, which is your main focus and a secondary target market, which is smaller but has growth potential.

Example: If you’re a bookstore or retail store your primary market would be your store. Your secondary market could be online sales, expos, mail order, local community functions, community and like-minded clubs and associations,

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discounts to large like-minded businesses and organizations and more.

If you are a seller of a product or service, it will be different. Here is a list of markets that I came up with for my latest book:

My Primary Market: New Age gift/ bookstores, chain bookstores, and independent bookstores.

My Secondary Market: College bookstores, libraries, gift stores, religious stores, recovery bookstores, mass market chain stores (e.g., Kohl’s), book clubs, massage & holistic practice schools, Alt. Medicine doctors’ offices, associations, supermarkets, drug stores, airport gift shops, coffee shops, discount stores (e.g., Costco, Sam’s Club), fitness centers, health food stores, hotel gift shops, newsstands, novelty

shops, prison commissaries and tourist shops. I encourage you to think beyond what I’ve put together and come up with your own new markets that are niche places for your product or service.


Now it’s time to make and implement a plan to get into these markets. Your plan should include media strategies, specific messages, and market penetration techniques.



To support your target market expansion efforts, identify your important media outlets like TV, radio, podcasts, industry and consumer magazines, newspapers, social media and digital media or other influencers. Media usually has the largest audience reach and clout. So, if you can secure media coverage you will gain greater awareness for your product

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and services in both your primary and secondary markets. Media establishes your visibility, as well as credibility while reaching your audience effectively. Remember, free stories and interviews are great but that’s a one-time hit. Advertising over a period of time gives you longevity, renders your product or service to be more visible, and believe it or not, gives you more sales in the long run because you are continually reaching your target markets effectively. Choose your outlets wisely.


It is very important to design messaging campaigns that resonate with your specific markets to reach your customer audience effectively. The types of targeted messaging you want to do include: e-mail campaigns, press releases, posts in social media (including groups), flyers and sometimes even regular ‘snail’ mail campaigns. When designing your messages keep in mind the individual interests, needs, wants and preferences of your customer in your new market and you may have to use different campaigns based on the method you are using to deliver your targeted messages. Remember to include the benefits and features and the unique value of your product or service plus how you can distinguish your business from other businesses.


Partnerships help you reach more people so that you gain more visibility for your product or service. Who can you partner with? Connect with local community leaders, influencers, and strategic partners. Then identify and collaborate with the influential individuals and organizations so that they can support your expansion efforts.


An Influencer is a person who can affect their viewers’ purchasing decisions to buy your product or service. Remember to choose the right influencers. They gain authority in their industry by building a strong reputation with their audience. An Influencer’s reputation comes from experience, expertise or knowledge. Make sure your Influencers can do what they say and that their audience metrics are real.

A strategic partnership is a business partnership that involves sharing of resources of one or more companies to help everyone succeed. Normally strategic partners are non-competing businesses that share the risks and rewards of the decisions of both. Look for ways and opportunities where you can cross-promote and market each other for mutual benefit. Again, these partnerships expand your product or service’s visibility which means expanding the sales of your product or services.

In conclusion, remember if people don’t know you are out there how will know to buy? The more markets you can expand to the greater your chances are for successful recognition of your business and the greater the sales of your products and services.

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Distributed in Nth America by Red Wheel/Weiser orders@rwwbooks.com FOLLOW US! @rockpoolpublishing The new generation of Oracle & Tarot
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From the moment we are born, and throughout our lives, we are actors performing on a stage. As William Shakespeare said in his play As You Like It, “All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players. They have their exits and their entrances. And one man in his time plays many parts.”

When we are born, we enter the world with a spiritual identity and spiritual nature that, for many people, is most innate in childhood. As people grow and experience life, the ideals and beliefs of others become prominent, and children inevitably put on their masks and become actors in their lives. As people move into adulthood, and through many people’s lives, they lose the spiritual essence and their true selves they once had, and what remains is the actor they have been playing since they stepped into the role.

Just as an actor receives awards, recognition, and respect for their

performances and become titles such as “Academy Award-winning actor,” we, too, allow our accolades to become our persona. Many people desperately strive for these titles, achievements, and identities rather than seeking their spiritual selves. They generally no longer live in their spiritual identity or do what feeds their souls. Instead, they look for an approved personality that the world approves.

The word personality is derived from the Latin persona, defined as “a mask that an actor wears.” So much of the world strives to identify, display, and fight for their personality, yet do not realize that they are only fighting for a mask, not their true spiritual self. And while our masks may not be sinister or necessarily harmful, they are still not the truth of who we are.

Our spiritual selves are our authentic selves and the truth of who we are. The Spiritual Archetypes are a powerful tool for finding, exploring, and

About the Author: Christian Kurz is an international teacher of spirituality, religion, and metaphysics. She is an ordained minister, speaker, folklorist, spirituality profiler, and author. Her award-winning book, The Spiritual Archetypes, initially created as a quiz entitled What is Your Spiritual Archetype? with correlating guidebooks, captivated audiences and has been taken and downloaded over 1 million times worldwide since its release.

honoring our spiritual selves while removing worldly identities and masks. By seeing what parts of us are authentic and which roles we have played, we can stop being actors and embody our fullest potential as souls. But what exactly is an archetype, and how can the Spiritual Archetypes help us on our path?


The definition of archetype in Merriam-Webster’s dictionary states, “the original pattern or model from which all things of the same kind are copied or on which they are based, a model or first form – prototype.” The word archetype first entered English in the 1540s, but psychologist Carl Jung created the classic psychological archetypes in 1919. Jung believed that twelve universal psychological

archetypes symbolize human motivations, visions, and goals. He defined archetypes as “a collectively inherited unconscious idea, pattern of thought, image, etc., universally present in individual psyches.” Jung found that most, if not all, people exhibited multiple archetypes and characteristics of their archetypes in their personalities. Through studying and exploring archetypes, people have learned the importance and value of understanding ourselves on a conscious and subconscious level. The Spiritual Archetypes symbolize our motivations, visions, and personal and spiritual goals. People with a specific Spiritual Archetype may identify with that archetype’s intentions, blocks, and belief systems. One of the primary purposes of the Spiritual Archetypes is to identify those struggles and provide information, guidance, and healing resources that will resonate with that specific archetype to achieve the utmost success.

The quiz, What Is Your Spiritual Archetype? pinpoints these specific nuances for each of the paths and assists quiz takers in discovering their top Spiritual Archetypes. By seeing the main, and ascendant Spiritual Archetypes, people can see what their main influence is, as well as additional Spiritual Archetypes that may be impacting them and their path. The quiz has been taken over one million times worldwide and has been monumental in people’s lives, healing, businesses, relationships, and spiritual practices. The Spiritual Archetypes are similar to astrology in that they have a prominent sign (which is your sun sign), an ascendant sign, a moon sign, houses, etc. The Spiritual Archetypes have a main influence, followed by other secondary, Spiritual Archetypes. By taking the quiz, you will discover your Spiritual Archetypes and how they influence you.

The Spiritual Archetypes are personal identities with conscious and unconscious characteristics, behaviors, and beliefs, serving as doorways into our consciousness, which provide divine revelation when we walk through them. By knowing our Spiritual Archetypes, we better can understand ourselves, our path, patterns, beliefs, and reasoning. However, the Spiritual Archetypes are not just personal attributes; they also serve as aids in the quest for God and our spiritual path. Understanding our Spiritual Archetype gives us insight and clarity to bypass everyday hardships, recalibrate our quest when needed, and identify our masks, in order to create the most rewarding spiritual path.


Sometimes, our masks appear as beliefs, unhealed traumas, and characters within our conscious and subconscious that keep us from progressing and transcending our spiritual path.

In 1961, voiceover superstar Mel Blanc, who voiced famous characters such as Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, and Elmer Fudd, as well as many others, was severely injured in a car accident while driving home in Los Angeles. In critical condition, Blanc fell into a coma and almost died. His son and wife were at the hospital for weeks, speaking to him and hoping for a sign he would recover, but he remained unresponsive. Doctors attempted everything, but the situation seemed hopeless. One day, about two weeks after his accident, his neurologist decided to try something unconventional. Upon entering Mel’s room in the morning, he loudly asked, “How are you feeling today, Bugs Bunny?” The other nurses and doctors were

shocked by his unethical behavior until they heard a small voice respond from the hospital bed: “Myeeeeh… What’s up, Doc?” Although unable to speak or react as himself, Mel could hear and answer as characters he played. The doctor addressed Mel in his character names, including Tweety Bird, to which Mel responded as that character every time until he awoke from his coma and was once again personifying himself, Mel Blanc.

Our subconscious is a powerful fragment of our mind. Even things we do not believe are causing harm may hurt us emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. Without realizing it, we may be letting one of our “character’s” triggers or fears answer for us instead of our inner self (soul) responding. Anyone who has endured an abusive relationship may have created characters as coping mechanisms while in survival mode. These characters embody the “fight, flight, or flee” qualities. If someone grew up in poverty, the character of “poverty consciousness” might emerge, regardless of how much money they are currently making. If someone has ever felt victimized, the essence of “victim mentality” may show itself, even in situations that are not relevant. Mel’s characters were distinct. They had names and personalities, were easily definable, and were created for fun and entertainment.

Motives are not always evident in our characters, and we may be expressing feelings created by hardship and strife. Often, our characters were created for self-preservation. At one time or another, they provided a sense of security, love, prosperity, or safety because they were born to aid us in struggle, trauma, or adversity. Unfortunately, as our life changes or progresses, these characters become out of place, even inappropriate. They are playing a role in a film that has ended. Alternatively, they continue their lines, keeping us stuck

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in a movie reel from the past, unable to move forward or let go. In acting, there is a process known as “typecasting,” when an actor becomes strongly associated with a specific character they play. The longer they play that character or the more intense the process of getting into character, the more difficult it is for the actor to “become” a different character.

Similarly, if we are typecast in a role that goes against our spiritual nature, the longer we cling to that identity or feed into the negative traits of that character, the more difficult it can be to shed. Finding the root of these characters and allowing God to heal our wounds releases them, thus freeing us to live in the present. The characters and stories in our subconscious determine the reel that projects and manifests into our lives. When we heal and let go of the pernicious feelings in our subconscious, we can create the story and life we desire.


As they proceed with this work, many people ask, “If we have acted in a role for so long, how do we differentiate between the worldly mask and our soul?” We study artists to learn more about a piece of art. We look at the songwriter when we want to learn about a song and its lyrics. The creators of art pieces tell us more of a story than just the work of art ever could. Knowing more about the creator paints an entire picture and allows us to see beyond the spectrum of our thoughts and perceptions. Some people have spent their whole lives researching the Mona Lisa and the secrets of the piece itself. To do so, any reasonable researcher

would additionally conclude that they would have to research the artist, Leonardo DaVinci, himself. By learning about Leonardo DaVinci, his beliefs, mindset, background, environment, interests, etc., they can learn more about his art and discover more about the pieces themselves. One of the greatest mysteries is who the Mona Lisa is. Her identity has remained a mystery for centuries. In studying the artist, people also hope to identify the mystery woman. Similarly, having God as our creator and knowing more about God helps us to learn more about ourselves. To truly discover our authentic identity, we must look to our artist, just as we would in trying to find the identity of the Mona Lisa.

We are, first and foremost, spiritual beings with a soul made in the image and likeness of God. Paramahansa Yogananda once said, “The universal everything is made of the singular consciousness of God. When a spark of that consciousness is individualized by God, it becomes a soul capable of ultimately expressing the God image in which it is made. The soul is perfect and complete, reflecting God’s ever-existing, everconscious, ever-new bliss. But when incarnate, it takes on the dualistic nature of creation, outwardly expressing primarily masculine or feminine, positive or negative, half of its essence.” Our souls are the spark

of God’s consciousness individualized. As such, we hold fragments of that spark within us. That spark, our soul, is the line that tethers us to our spiritual nature. With the Spiritual Archetypes, we tap into the sovereignty of our soul instead of focusing on the human self, which allows our true, authentic, spiritual self to shine through.


You and your business are linked by millions of tiny, golden threads that are always flowing between you both… consistently and always.

If you are feeling calm, your business is feeling calm. If you are feeling stressed, your business is feeling this stress also. If you are feeling angry/ impatient/joy/love/harmony etc then

your business is feeling the pull of these emotions from you also.


you remember a time when you noticed this?

Could you recall a day when you felt really stressed out from something happening in your life, and it was so

tricky to focus on your work or your customers? If you also explored a day when life just felt great, you were just radiating joy…did you love your day at work so much more?

There is a link, right!

You are your business, and your business is you, which makes it important to focus on what you are feeling each day.

About the Author: Multi-talented author, speaker, psychic, tantric priestess, medicine woman and Kinesiologist Nicci Garaicoa, writes in ways that connect straight to your heart and fi ll you up with love. Nicci is the author of the much-loved Moon Goddess Diaries, featured on Amazons best-selling and hot new release lists and the upcoming Moon Goddess Oracle.  She is a powerful healer, the author of 5 books, and an intuitive channel of moon goddess and sacred feminine wisdom. Nicci is known across Australia and the world for her Full Moon Meditations, which attract thousands of people to her local beach and are watched worldwide, by thousands more. She has deep connections to Mother Earth and to the Moon, which enables her to bring through abundant support into all her projects. Nicci can often be found somewhere in nature, paddling on the ocean, walking through the Australian bush or bathing under the Moon, with her children or puppies Toby and George. To know more, visit www.niccigaraicoa.com

24 | RETAILING INSIGHT January-February 2024
January-February 2024

The Magic of a New Year

You are the creatrix who weaves the millions of golden threads. You are always creating your life and what that looks like. When you start each day feeling calm, grounded, and centred, you just feel better, more fi lled up with bubbles of love and from there, you manifest ease and abundance.

I defi ne a spiritual connection as a sacred connection to something that is sacred to you . You can be spiritually connected or feel a beautiful sense of connectedness to many things such as fairies, mermaids, Vikings, runes, the moon, Goddesses, nature, the ocean, plants, people, God, angels, tarot cards, an oracle card deck, crystals, your business, the bush, a mountain range, a season, your partner, children, sunflowers, snow, music, architecture, a building, museums, animals, pets, songs, a band, etc, etc, etc. There are so many things, objects, people, places, buildings, landscapes and people that you can have a deeply spiritual connection with.

26 | RETAILING INSIGHT January-February 2024
1-800-THE-MOON Llewellyn.com Publishing for the Body, Mind, Spirit Since 1901 The Natural Home Wheel of the Year Crafting, Cooking, Decorating & Magic for Every Sabbat RAECHEL HENDERSON $27.99 • Paperback • Full-Color 9780738773698 • 272 Pages A Year in the Enchanted Garden Cultivating the Witch’s Soul with Spells, Crafts & Garden Know-How MONICA CROSSON $27.99 • Paperback • 9780738773674 • 424 Pages Season Songs Rediscovering the Magic in the Cycles of Nature EMMA KATHRYN $16.99 • Paperback • 9780738771175 • 192 Pages The Hearth Witch’s Everyday Herbal A Concise Guide to Correspondences, Magic, and Lore ANNA FRANKLIN $22.99 • Paperback • 9780738775357 • 336 Pages

Can you name three somethings’ from the list above that you feel a sacred connection to?

When you see a picture of your three somethings’ in your mind, what is the feeling you feel?

If you have somethings’ that help you feel happy, calm, held, nurtured, loved, at peace, seen, joy, pleasure, awe, ease, grounded, centred, at peace, etc…intentionally infusing these into your life more will help you feel the lovely feelings you want more of in your life.

Your somethings’ matter to you. They will help you follow your intuitive nudges and use the wisdom that flows from your own intuition to create a life fi lled with your desires. The more you focus on creating the space for your sacred connections to be part of your life, the more you trust that you are supported.

When you feel the yummy feelings you love, you are more naturally creative, you make decisions with ease, you are more patient with your customers, you can direct your staff with more elegance, you can deal with drama easier, and you are more in flow with yourself and your day.

Think about the hundreds of decisions you make every day from what to eat, when to get out of bed, what tasks are the priority today, creating your socials – what that will look like, which product to feature, what sales

are coming up, what to wear, who to call back? When you are in a place of calm, peace, and joy, you are more subtlety connected to your body, your mind and your soul essence, these decisions can then be made with a tiny shift in ease and joy.

There are so many ways to connect to yourself in deeper ways. Let’s explore a couple that I love so you can feel inspired to weave them into your life for the next month and observe the subtle difference it makes in your business, your intuition and in your life.

Seems obvious, because even reading this you are breathing right! Your


book presents you with a model with describes what’s going on in this process for this planet... There is a need for this information to go out because the fear level is so very high, especially coming from the physical and mental bodies. If you know what’s happening to you and know that it’s part of a coherent process, then you feel less crazy.” - Ariel

RETAILING INSIGHT January-February 2024 | 27
#1 Your Breath
Serving the metaphysical, spiritual, and alternative health market since 1975! www.NewLeafDist.com • Ph: 770.0948.7845 An Ascension Handbook: Channeled Material by Serapis ISBN: 9780962720932 | $15.95 What is Lightbody? ISBN: 9780962720956 | $14.95 Connect To Your Spiritual Side! Filled with exercises and techniques, An Ascension Handbook is a practical “how to” manual for ascending Lightworkers. With precision and a dry wit, Serapis reveals in today’s language what initiates have known for millennia and how we can use this knowledge during the tumultuous years ahead. As we return to the Source, we must ascend, and Serapis shows us how to do it with grace, ease, and fun!
New Leaf Distributing Company

breath is sacred and the link between your soul and your body. Bring your attention to how you are breathing now. Is it up in your throat, coming from your lungs or is it down in your belly? When you breathe from your belly you breathe from the centre of your body. Place your hand on your lower belly and try taking a few breaths from here. Can you feel that subtle little shift of difference in your muscles, your energy? Perhaps you observe that you feel a little bit lighter.

Breathing from the centre of your body enables you to feel more grounded, calmer, and far more connected to this moment. You feel a lovely sense of silence and solace move through your body. You could make an intention to become aware of your connection to your breath this month as a special way to connect to the essence of your soul.


Fill Your Space With Special Things That You Love

These are special objects that when you see them you feel a lovely feeling inside. I love implementing this one because in each moment that I see my sacred objects I feel better – lighter, calmer, more fi lled with sprinkles of joy and magic! What can you infuse through your home, business, next to your bed, or in your bathroom this month?

If you love fresh flowers, pick some or purchase a bunch and place them next to your bed so fi rst thing in the morning you feel a lovely feeling inside ; if you love a certain Goddess, choose an oracle card of her and place it on your mirror so each time you look in that mirror you feel a lovely feeling inside ; if you love elephants, place

a little elephant statue somewhere special so you can see it throughout your day and feel a lovely feeling inside. When your day is being consistently fi lled with lovely feelings from the sacred things you love…you feel more supported and held.


Prioritise Creating Time For an Activity or Activities That You Love

These could be hobbies, exercise, creativity, play, community, catching up with family, time with friends, gardening, trips to the beach, a massage, self-care, visiting places you love, adventuring or cooking. Where do you love to go? What would you love to do?

You will feel the benefits when you nurture your desires and weave more pleasure activities through your life. This suggestion can feel overwhelming when you have a busy schedule. Though, remind yourself that you are aiming for an outcome of feeling a sacred connection to yourself, and the world around you. Keep it simple and sustainable by aiming for easy, small changes through your week or month.

When you start to weave a few simple changes in your world, you start to organically feel better. In the feeling better, you feel more connected to your intuition, your desires, and the spirit realms of support available to you. When you feel like you are supported, you begin to trust in the support and in yourself…even more.

Remember that you want a life fi lled with radiant joy and sprinkles of magic! Create the abundant life you desire by aiming to allow even more

golden threads of magic to flow into your world. You deserve that!


With moonbeams of love and a sprinkle of moondust magic, Nicci Garaicoa XX

My home is filled with fresh flowers or foliage, foraged from my garden or the local neighbourhood. I have crystals sprinkled through my home radiating their magic. I create the time to do yoga and pilates three times per week. I pull one oracle card each day, and I play music every morning while I eat my breakfast. I meditate every day and breathe from my belly… tiny changes really do work, send me a message on Instagram of what you noticed in your life by making these changes @niccigaraicoa

28 | RETAILING INSIGHT January-February 2024
www.RetailingInsight.com/Subscriptions RELEVANT CONTENT, RESOURCEFUL PRODUCTS, AND MORE. Scan the QR Code to Subscribe

Behindvisionthe Matt Hughes

Matt Hughes is the creator of bestselling Ethereal Visions Illuminated Tarot Deck, Dreamscape Oracle, and Ethereal Visions Luna Edition.

Before we talk about Matt, the bestselling artist, we’d love to know a little more about Matt the person. What is your personal background? We know you currently live in Georgia, but where did you grow up, and what were your interests?

I was raised in a tiny mill town in South Carolina called Greenwood. Moving away to attend college was the only escape from living there, and I jumped at the chance to move to a larger city (Atlanta) to study art. I’ve always defined myself as an artist, so there was never a moment in my life when I decided to become an artist; I already was.

From your interview on Beyond the Cards, we know you have a deep love of art dating from the late 19th to 20th century, particularly Art Nouveau. Was this always the case, or were you introduced to this later in your career?

My first introduction to Art Nouveau was in college, where I was working on a typography project. I was looking at Art Nouveau fonts when my wife, Hope, asked, “You do know that the person who designed that font was a pretty big artist named Mucha?” She then showed me some of his work and I was instantly drawn to the beauty and symbolism of Art Nouveau.

How interesting! And how did this discovery make you feel?

It was exhilarating! From my experiences in art college, everything centered around realism, capturing an almost photorealistic quality of the subject. When I saw Art Nouveau for the first time, I felt that I was looking at a real “art movement” that had ventured more into emotion intertwined with symbolism than the mere physical appearance of the subject. It was art that evoked feeling. At that time, I was in somewhat of a dark place, so I tended to draw from the Vienna vein with Egon and Gustav and other artists of the Vienna Succession. It wasn’t until years later that I became obsessed with more nature-driven Art Nouveau artists such as Mucha and Livemont.



We also learned that you and your wife started your own publishing company, creating illustrated books in the style of early 20th-century masters such as Arthur Rackham, Edmund Dulac, Charles Robinson, and Franklin Booth. Do you approach these projects differently than your beautiful tarot and oracle deck projects?

It definitely depends on the project. Our work in the book field has been focused on re-interpreting horror classics such as Dracula, Frankenstein, and the works of Edgar Allan Poe. While very satisfying to illustrate, there was little room for creating something original. The work Hope and I have done on our deck projects has allowed us to be more creative in concept. It is all storytelling, but I prefer telling our own story. That’s why we have begun combining these genres into something new.

Would that be your latest project being published by U.S. Games Systems, Mother Mort’s Carnival of Souls, which combines your dual interests in illustrated fiction and divination decks. Please tell readers more about this fascinating set and describe what’s unique about the deck and the two books that come with it.

Mother Mort’s Carnival of Souls is the first of its kind, an original, fully illustrated fictional short story that comes with a deck of divination cards based on the story, but also intended to elaborate on it. A few years ago, Hope and I began throwing around the idea of a gothic horror story set in the Victorian era about a traveling carnival that appears randomly throughout time. The attendants dictated the carnival’s purpose. It was simply a night of fun to some, but to others, it was a reckoning. Our main character, a young girl named Jane, is the victim of a horrible fate that plays out through the different acts of the carnival. I won’t spoil the ending, but we do see many classic carnival attractions along with new archetype characters that all reside under the protection of the carnival creator, the triple goddess. The project allowed me to indulge in my love of ink drawing and book design. Throughout the short story, we see illustrated chapter headers and illustrations that help tell the story.

Your love for the project definitely shows! So, what came first, the illustrated short story or the accompanying oracle deck?

Our first step was to flesh out the story. Once we had finalized the text, I began working on the character designs. It is easier to envision the scenes to illustrate once the characters are fleshed out. This is where it gets tricky; any original character designs became the finished cards. As the characters developed, we began to create unique backstories for each that were not mentioned in the short story. This is why I described it earlier

as coming with “a deck of divination cards based on the story but also intended to elaborate on it.” Many of these characters are in our broader story but were never critical players in the main story of Jane. We shared these backstories in the second book included in the box set, the deck guidebook. Diving deeper into each card allows the reader to incorporate these cards into their readings. Through reading the short story in the book and the backstories in the guidebook, the reader will begin to develop their own scenarios and narratives.

Mother Mort’s Carnival of Souls is a unique project, and hearing the creation story makes us much more excited to use it! Will there be other projects in this series?

Absolutely! We have already begun work on the second book/deck project and should have it out in 2024. It is called Lady Stirling’s Wicked Garden and focuses on the dangers of abusing nature and ignoring the nature god Faunus. It will include an illustrated hardcover short story, 32 hand-illustrated cards, and a full-size field guide created by the main character showing the different plants in the garden. Each plant will be presented with a hand-painted watercolor sketch and a card description/message. A crowdfunding campaign should launch in early 2024.

We can’t wait to see it! Thank you so much for taking the time to share your story with us.

If you would like to learn more about Matt Hughes and his upcoming projects, visit his website www.matthughesart.com

About the Author: Tracee Dunblazier, GC-C is a Los Angeles-based empath, shaman, and 32-time award-winning author. Tracee has spent decades working with crystals and was born multi-spirited which created a profound innate awareness of the multi-dimensional world and deep compassion for all who hurt. Her national and international award-winning GoTracee Publishing creates spiritual tools that have become game-changers for those who suffer. Tracee is a charismatic keynote speaker and enjoys podcasting from her CHAT-Cast and Be A Slayer Podcast platforms, and currently serves as president of COVR.org. Contact GTP at www. GoTraceePublishing.com, and Tracee at www.TraceeDunblazier.com.

GUsing Crystals for

Spiritual Connection


ems and minerals have long been used to access, focus, and move energy and information into different levels of our human consciousness. Quartz crystal, the combination of Oxygen and Silicone atoms, is formed by billions of tetrahedrons stacked together to make one crystal; and that one crystal can be used in many ways including the promotion of spiritual connection. All the information the human soul contains can be accessed vibrationally through our heart-brain resonance—between which gems and minerals support the communication.

When we bring our focus into the heart and interpret the ideas and dynamics our rational mind receives from the spirit world, through heart/brain resonance we see more clearly the truth most connected to what we need to move forward in our current situation. Crystals can be utilized to support us in our relationships to money, our soul, our creativity and responsiveness, and the collective Universe. The following four stones will connect, enhance, and sustain all your spiritual connections and reinforce your alliance with these four important life dimensions.

RETAILING INSIGHT January-February 2024 | 33


A relationship to money is founded in how we conceptualize survival. If all our needs are and have always been met, we begin at a higher threshold of what resources it takes to fulfi ll our desires. If we fi nd ourselves struggling to “have enough” or “be enough”, the resources we desire and the ones we require become separate and our basic needs must be met before we allow the exploration of our true wishes.

Jade is a master of perspective and flow—the vibrations through which all money and other resources can be accessed. A super-attractor of higher-vibrational motion, Nephrite Jade (pictured here) is an extremely tough stone and resistant to wear and tear. It represents perseverance, luck, joy, and focus. Use Nephrite Jade for sleeping, dreaming, meditation, carrying or wearing—it makes the perfect ally to bring your awareness to all the possibilities that surround you right now, and helps to support the best choices regarding money and business by making you feel and see the bounty within your reach.


The most important relationship you will ever have is the one with yourself. As humans develop, we mature and cultivate an awareness of our subtle bodies; our subconscious energies that drive our personality, opportunities, perspective, and choices. It is paramount that we deliberately pursue understanding and making a spiritual connection to our soul.

Charoite is a powerful integrator. Your ally Charoite is a master of disguises. It helps you to parse out aspects of your personality, systems of the body, imprints of the soul, and belief systems for deeper insight and understanding. When you take something apart and put it back together, you know what works and what is no longer necessary. Charoite is a perfect stone to wear or carry as your personal medicine. It supports your confidence in any situation and helps you to innovate your responses and judgements.


Your mental patterns and beliefs systems are the energetic matrix set up to create the structure on which your choices will be guided. However, beliefs and truths can often be different as beliefs are carved out by perception and truth is revealed by facts. What you believe happened may not be what happened. The integration of the information provided by the fundamental differences of these two structures and closing the gap between them, is how we solve the mysteries of the world.

Botswana Agate is the ultimate detective and protector. On your mental frequencies, it connects you to the truth and supports your ability to innovate your beliefs until they match the universal truth—the Truth that is accurate for everyone. This special agate calms and soothes emotional responses and promotes a sense of well-being that generates the feeling of safety, all the while allowing for new information and perspective to be received. Botswana Agate also grounds one’s energy and sustains a powerful level of relaxation required for the body, mind, and spirit to heal

34 | RETAILING INSIGHT January-February 2024

Enter Your Products in the Premier Awards Program for the MindèBodyèSpirit Industry

Early Bird Entries open January 1st, 2024 (Enjoy Special Pricing thru Jan 31st) Voting April 4-25, 2024

Visit COVR.org/awards for Awards categories, rules, and timetable for submission. Membership is not required to enter.

The Coalition of Visionary Resources (COVR) is the trade association for the MindöBodyöSpirit maketplace. We support the success of our members by providing education, member discounts, market research opportunities, an awards program, targeted networking and so much more! COVR understands what you need to be successful. Join today and become part of those who are shaping and leading the MindöBodyöSpirit industry into tomorrow.

Follow our hashtags for updates. #covrorg #2024covrvisionaryawards #covrvisionaryawards

RETAILING INSIGHT January-February 2024 | 35
2024 COVR Visionary Awards!
MindèBodyèSpirit Product Creators Artists Authors Filmmakers Jewelers Musicians Podcasters Publishers and more! CALLING ALL

and transform any ideas that are outdated and no longer serve one’s highest good. Botswana Agate is a perfect stone for your community altar, meditation, or medicine bag.


Ultimately, it is a part of our divine design, to be able to connect and deepen our relationship with the collective, recognizing the “we are one” principle. We do this through the rhythm of the collective heart. The more we are aware of our own value system, we begin to see others with the lens of compassion. We connect to the vibration of cooperation and the universal life force that keeps us all moving forward.

Pink Amethyst is the perfect stone to amplify the sacred beat of the cosmic heart. Firstly, this beautiful pink stone has a unique vibration. It scrubs the higher frequencies of the auric field free of subtle debris left from the transformation caused by growth. This expansion supports spiritual connection with your most augmented self, your spirit guides

and ancestors, and all living creatures including planet Earth.

Pink Amethyst promotes your ability to recognize your impact on the environment, and its impact on you. This special amethyst will open your heart and help to sort any feelings of disempowerment you may have, helping to build strength, courage, and empathy on core levels.

Our crystal allies have been a part of Mother Earth for millions, even billions of years; no better teachers exist on human evolution and the development of our spiritual connection to all things. We have been endowed with the sacred power of being an Earth keeper and will certainly learn how to take care of ourselves while cultivating sensitivity towards others—through our collaboration with the gem and mineral kingdom—this power can be revealed in an inspiring way.

The card images are found in the Your Crystal Allies Book Series and Your Crystal Allies: 44 Sacred Altar Cards & Oracle Set, published by GoTracee Publishing.

36 | RETAILING INSIGHT January-February 2024

sharing throughpeacemusic


Although we are not Buddhists, Dean Evenson and I have been blessed that our Peace Through Music mission has allowed us to be with His Holiness the Dalai Lama of Tibet on ten different occasions. Fortunately, we have detailed memories of each of those events as we were there with high quality video or photographic cameras and often with press passes. In 1993, when he presented his teaching on Patience in Tucson, Arizona we found ourselves sitting with 1400 people, all silently meditating waiting for him to arrive. We had to laugh when he surprised everyone by walking down the aisle from the back chuckling at some internal joke. In his presence, our spirits were always uplifted.

It was at that momentous teaching that we took Bodhisattva vows and in so doing, we promised to put “others before self” and live

About the Author: Dudley and her husband Dean Evenson are sound healing pioneers. Their motto of Peace Through Music is reflected in their music, videos, and books. A Year of Guided Meditation: 52 Weekly Affirmations is now available. Find more information at www.soundings.com.

38 | RETAILING INSIGHT January-February 2024

our lives out of compassion for the benefit of all sentient beings. Five years later, in 1998, we were privileged to interview the Dalai Lama at Tibetan Children’s Village in Dharamsala, India where he has lived since escaping from Tibet in 1959. In his private temple he spoke to us and the 40 women Tara dancers from 11 countries we were traveling with. Dean was positioned front and center with his video camera to catch all the action.

Video was rolling when this humble leader-in-exile of Tibet was asked the question on everyone’s mind – how does he maintain his peace of mind regarding the Chinese who at the time had forcibly occupied Tibet for over 40 years? He answered that he sees all people as he sees his own mother or as someone who is very close to him - like a brother or sister sentient being. He explained that people may appear to be different on the outside, but inside they are very much alike. All people want happiness and an end to suffering. At that point, he glanced up and noticed Dean behind the video camera. With his jovial sense of humor, the Dalai Lama pointed to Dean and made a big fuss over how different he and Dean look. The Dalai Lama said if you take away the surface appearance, he and Dean are really the same underneath it all. All are deserving of our compassion and love.

We couldn’t help but connect that approach with Christ’s commandment that we “love our enemies.” If we can love our enemies, we may cease to have enemies, and wouldn’t the world be a much happier place if we could all be friends! This is of course easier said than done and we wondered what kind of spiritual tools are available to help us transform our consciousness so that we may be truly free to love our enemies?

Years later at another teaching in New York’s Beacon Theater, 3000 gentle people gathered to hear him discuss the “The Sharp Weapon Blade Wheel of Transformation.” In

his usual, down to earth manner, His Holiness brought ancient Buddhist wisdom into 21st century practical application. He spoke of taking our addictions (our desires, wants, cravings, indulgences, etc.) and our aversions (our fears, anger, enemies, frustrations, suffering, etc.) and using their antidotes to overcome them. The antidote to addiction is meditation and emptiness. The antidote to aversion is compassion and love. He pointed out that the best place to begin is with transformation of the heart. This can also be accomplished by putting “others before self.”

As much conflict in the world reflects religious differences, Dean and I decided to produce an album of prayers and chants from many faiths as our offering toward a harmony of spiritual paths. Prayer, A Multi-Cultural Journey of Spirit was created with a spiritual message for those looking to find unity and harmony in our diverse and often conflicted world. We wanted to bring ancient prayers into contemporary expression, so we invited leading edge musicians in our genre to contribute their songs. For the last track, Dean Evenson took the “Green Tara Mantra” that the Dalai Lama recorded at the Tucson Patience teaching and added his flute and keyboard music along with field recordings from our 1994 journey to Tibet.

Years later on the National Mall in Washington, DC at the Smithsonian Folklife Festival Tibetan Culture Beyond the Land of Snows, the Dalai Lama once again made his case for compassion and sharing. He expressed amazement that in this great land of such wealth and abundance there would be such poverty. He asked how many rings can a person really use when they only have ten fingers. He also said “War is stupid” and chided us to find our way to happiness through peaceful means. Some of the Dalai Lama and Tibetan videos can be seen on our YouTube channels: Soundings Mindful Media, Soundings of the Planet, and Dean & Dudley Living Dreams.

40 | RETAILING INSIGHT January-February 2024



Spirits from the heavens and here on Earth beckon us to connect with them

Fledging mediums, energy healers and witchy customers continue to look for the latest oracle decks to assist them in connecting to Spirit. Oracles create that bridge between the worlds, providing seekers with the guidance and inspiration that they crave for their life issues. Nurture the bonds between the seekers and Spirit realm with these marvelous decks.


Kerrie Erwin, Illustrated by Ellie Grant

Published by Rockpool Publishing

ISBN: 9781925946581

36 cards, 116 page book


About the Author: Melinda Carver is a Spiritual Business Expert and an awardwinning Author, Psychic Medium and Speaker. She has appeared on TV, radio, podcasts, corporate events, expos, and stores. Melinda is also the President of the Church of Radiant Lights located in Cleveland, OH. To know more, visit: www.MelindaCarver.com.

Pop culture icons ask seekers “are you ready to listen to the Spirit world?” Erwin channeled inspirational messages from 36 deceased celebrities including Princess Diana, Prince, John Lennon, Marilyn Monroe and Elvis Presley. The guidebook provides archetypes and the full messages of each celebrity. Star-struck fans will love this entertaining deck that connects them to the Spirit of their favorite celebrities!

42 | RETAILING INSIGHT January-February 2024


Published by U.S. Games Systems, Inc.

ISBN: 9781646711321

52 cards, 116 page book


The Earth’s natural resonance emerges from Sadler’s selfdescribed metaphorical mindscape artwork. Vibrantly hued humans and nature scenes connect the seeker to the energies within our world for deeper personal growth insights. This deck weaves new vibrations for your Reiki healer and drum circle customers!


Laura Tempest Zakroff

Published by Llewellyn Worldwide

ISBN: 9781644114964

42 cards, 151 page book


Enter the gateway of the liminal – transitions between space and time –through the ethereal Spirit art of Tempest Zakroff. Enticing the seeker to see the unseen, the primal Earth spirits beckon them to explore the possibilities of deepening their spiritual practice and magical knowledge. The full color guidebook provides astute messages. Direct your witchy and newly awakened customers towards this deck!

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Source: Why Breathing Is So Effective at Reducing Stress, pub. 2020

Spiritual practices are specific activities you do to deepen your relationships with the sacred and the world around you. They can include meditation, breathing exercises, prayer or conducting rituals. They can be done alone or in the company and with others.

#1 Plan Your Spirituality Practice

Life is full of choices and if you want to live a more spiritual life and appreciate its benefits, you’ll want to make choices that allow you to practice spirituality regularly. Studies on spirituality and psychological wellbeing show a positive association but sometimes (let’s be honest, all of the time?), life gets busy. Life isn’t about to slow down for us so if you want to enjoy the health and well-being

benefits a regular spirituality practice affords, you have to plan for it. Make it a daily habit or ritual to focus on your practice.

#2 Engage in Spiritual Self-Care

Spending time in nature, journaling, practicing gratitude, yoga, meditation, painting, all of these can be a form of spiritual self-care. They allow for deeper exploration and reflection

About the Author: Megy Karydes is a Chicago-based writer. Her new book, 50 Ways to More Calm, Less Stress: Scientifi cally Proven Ways to Relieve Anxiety and Boost Your Mental Health Using Your Five Senses, explores different ways each of our five senses can help bring more calm and less stress into our lives. Sign up for her free monthly newsletter to receive more self-care tips at www.megykarydes.com.

44 | RETAILING INSIGHT January-February 2024

for greater clarity on our emotions and thoughts.

The activities don’t need to be complicated, take a lot of time or cost anything. You can start each day meditating, saying a prayer or exercising. You can head outdoors midday to enjoy time in nature. You can read books on spirituality. Whatever you decide to do, make sure it aligns with your values because you’ll be more likely to make it a regular habit if you enjoy the experience.

#3 Learn When to Say No

Setting boundaries is an important part of our mental health and wellbeing. It’s so easy to say yes when we’re asking because we may feel guilty for saying no. It may help to remember relationships are a two-way street and no one wants their colleague, friend or family member to feel obligated or angry to do something they don’t want to do. Would you? If saying no immediately is a challenge, let the person know you’d like some time to think about the ask or suggest they reach out to someone else. We’re all in this journey of life together and learning to say no allows you to give your full attention to the people and experiences you want in your life.

#4 Don’t Forget to Breathe

This sounds simple enough since we cannot survive without breathing. Except most of us aren’t breathing correctly. I didn’t even know this was possible until my physical therapist brought it to my attention. Short and shallow breaths use your shoulders rather than your diaphragm to move air in and out of your lungs.

According to Harvard Business Review, “when you inhale, your heart rate speeds up. When you exhale, it slows down. Breathing in for a count of four and out for a count of eight for just a few minutes can start to calm your nervous system.”

Taking care of ourselves is part of a daily spiritual practice. Enhancing our sense of purpose and meaning increases feelings of happiness and well-being. Taking time throughout the day to inhale and exhale deep breaths gives us the space to also focus on what we’re grateful for at that particular time.

#5 Seek Support from a Spiritual Mentor or Therapist

We don’t know what we don’t know or sometimes it helps to have an accountability partner. A regularly scheduled meeting with a therapist or spiritual mentor who can guide and advise can help you gain insights into things you’ve never even considered. Connecting with others who have similar intentions will help you develop a healthier relationship with yourself and others.

Taking the time to put spirituality into practice can help us bring a sense of purpose and peace in our life. As we begin a new year, it’s also a great time to reflect on what is working for us, what isn’t and carve out time to do more of the things that bring us peace and happiness.



A listing with unique & mind products from makers and sellers in America. Compiled by the Retailing Insight Magazine

46 | RETAILING INSIGHT January-February 2024 2024



aromatherapy, healing gemstone jewelry, jewelry displays, TZ glass

Abbeywood Records


CDs, new age, relaxation, brainwave entrainment, and binaural beats music

Abbott www.abbottnyc.com fragrances, candles, ecofriendly, sustainable ingredients

Acacia Creations www.acaciacreations.com

jewelry, home décor, accessories, seasonal gifts, handcrafted, ecofriendly, Fair Trade

African Market Baskets www.africanmarketbaskets.com

river grass baskets, handcrafted, Fair Trade

Akasha’s Treasures www.akashastreasures.com

herbs, spices, herbal teas, incense, candles, bath care, body care, handcrafted

Ali Lynch Designs www.alilynchdesigns.com

tabletop accessories, cutting boards, serving boards, home décor, candle holders

Altiplano www.altiplano.com

jewelry, bags, scarves, hats & accessories, handmade

Alucik www.alucik.com

Jewelry, earrings, bracelets, pendants, necklaces, made in USA

Amani ya Juu


bags, jewelry, kitchen & home, quilts, home goods, handcrafted, sustainable, Fair Trade



table clocks, tabletop, home décor, office, stationary, accessories, lighting, furniture

Amerinda Alpern Designs

www.amerindaalperndesigns.com jewelry, earrings, necklaces, kinetic sculptures, made in USA

Among the Flowers www.amongtheflowers.com

candles, soy wax, ecofriendly, handcrafted, natural ingredients, essential oils, made in USA

Amy Kahn Russell www.amykahnrussell.com

jewelry, pins, pendants, necklaces, bracelets, earrings, rings

Ana by RabLabs www.annanewyork.com

home décor, gifts, lighting, furniture

Anastarr Designs


geometrical shapes, sacred geometry, hand drawing, handcrafted, made in USA



handwoven Turkish towels, kaftans, blankets, rugs, scarves, accessories, handmade, ecofriendly, made in Turkey



figurines, gifts, impulse, stones, jewelry, inspiration, décor, journals, angels, tokens

Anju Jewelry


mixed-metal jewelry, brass, copper, stones, tribal, bohemian, handcrafted

Anna Balkan www.annabalkan.com

jewelry, necklaces, earrings, bracelets, rings, handcrafted

Anne Vaughan www.annevaughandesigns.com

jewelry, gemstones necklaces, bracelets, earrings, handcrafted, made in USA

Anuschka www.anuschkaleather.com

footwear, handbags, accessories

Apolis www.apolisglobal.com

customizable market bags, accessories, sustainable

Apothecary Smudge Wands

www.apothecarysmudgewands.com 763-233-1354

info@apothecarysmudgewands.com smudge jars, smudge wands

A.R.E. Press – 4th Dimension Press www.arepress.com books, CDs, DVDs, DVD-ROM

Ariana Ost www.arianaost.com

home décor, tabletop, crystal healing, accessories, mobiles, décor, jewelry

Art by Alyssa www.alyssawatters.com

home décor, gifts, handmade, made in USA

Artisan Made Gemstones, AMG www.artisanmadegemstones.com tourmaline replicas, glassware, lighting, sculptures, handcrafted, made in USA

Arty www.artyimports.com floral, lighting, and holiday products


suncare products, natural ingredients, organic products, sustainable products, Fair Trade

RETAILING INSIGHT January-February 2024 | 47

August Nine Designs www.augustninedesigns.com

sterling silver jewelry, semi-precious stones, earrings, necklaces, handcrafted, made in USA

Auntie Oti


clothing, scarves, bags jewelry, bedding, blankets & throws, lines, handmade products

Apothecanna www.apothecanna.com cannabis, skincare, body care

Applegate Valley Publishing www.graceofgratitude.com journals, books, greeting cards, custom illustrations, watercolors

Ariana Bohling www.arianabohling.com

footwear, alpaca slippers, shoes, accessories, sustainable products

Arivka www.arivkajewelry.com

handcrafted jewelry, necklaces, bracelets, earrings, handcrafted, made in USA

Awaken www.awakenfairtrade.com

jewelry, scarves, apparel, home goods, handcrafted, sustainable, Fair Trade

Ayn Cates Sullivan www.ayncatessullivan.com

book author, speaker, seminar leader

AzureGreen www.azuregreen.net

jewelry, incense, candles, giftware, wicca, statuary, herbs, smudge, tarot

BBaabaazuzu www.baabaazuzu.com

upcycled clothing, sweater mittens, wool hats, purses, fingerless gloves, handcrafted, made in USA



body care, home, wellness, skincare, body oils, masks, candles, body wraps, vegan, natural products, made in USA

Basic Earth Essentials


essential oils, pet care, gifts & accessories

Bead Bottle www.beadbottle.com

jewelry, giftware, DIY, stocking stuffer, tween, made in USA

Bee Lucia Wellness Co.

wellness candles, natural ingredients, healing, intuition, beeswax, 100% clean burning

Be Home www.be-home.com

furniture, frames, glassware, stoneware, home & kitchen, reclaimed wood, enamel products, handcrafted products

Bell Pine Art Farm


small statuary, goddesses, animal totems, drummers, angels, essential oil diffusers

Benjamin International www.benjamininternational.com

jewelry, tapestries, candles, inspirational gifts, incense, meditation pillows, apparel, accessories, genuine gemstones

Beyond Words

www.beyondword.com books, film, audio, digital

Big Sky Publishing www.shopbigsky.com

apparel, books, gifts, coaching, astrology



face & body care organic ingredients, vegan, sustainable

Blue Leaf Naturals www.bluleafnaturals.com

CBD, cannabidiol, CBD oil, body care, pet care, wellness

Body Mat, The www.thebodymat.com

natural healing mats, yoga, meditation

Boma Jewelry www.wholesale.bomajewelry.com

fashion, sterling silver jewelry

Bombay Incense Co., The www.bombayincense.com

incense, burners, singing bowls, prayer beads, prayer flags, Om, healing

Bottle Benders Inc. www.thebottlebenders.com

chimes, bottle art, recycled materials, garden décor, handcrafted

Brain Sync


guided and unguided meditation, subliminal CDs

Broad Street


jewelry, eclectic, rituals tools, ethically made

Brooklyn Candle Studio www.brooklyncandlestudio.com

candles, gifts, handcrafted products, soy wax, made in USA

Burton + Burton www.burtonandburton.com

home accessories, ceramics, candle holders, seasonal gifts, baskets, vases

48 | RETAILING INSIGHT January-February 2024

B.Witching Bath Co. www.bwitchingbathco.com

face care, home, kitchen & garden, therapeutic creams, liquid cleansers, fragrance mists, hand soaps, candles, natural ingredients, made in USA

Byers McCurry Studio


ceramics, sculptures, handmade products, made in USA

CCarina Eden


homeopathic gels, chakra gels, grounding gels, vibrational remedies

Calliope www.calliope-jewelry.com

jewelry, necklaces, bracelets, earrings, handcrafted products, made in USA

Calm My Pet www.calmmypet.com pet products, pet sprays, therapeutic music, natural pet products, holistic products

Candelles www.candelles.com

soy candles, ecofriendly products, made in USA

Cannabliss Organic www.cannablissorganic.com CBD, cannabidiol, hemp-derived, skincare

Carved www.carved.com

custom wood phone cases, wood wallets, Bluetooth speakers, handcrafted products, Made in USA

C.A.S Handmade www.cas-handmade.com

leather bags, handmade products, made in USA

Catherine Weitzman


jewelry, gemstones, nature, bridal, botanicals, handmade products, made in USA

Celtic Art Store

www.celticartstore.net/wholesale celtic art products, meditation tools, art prints, jewelry

Celtic Knot Works


Celtic jewelry, keychains, accessories, pendulums, pewter pins, pocket charms, money clips

Charity Stewart Designs


art glass jewelry, gifts, handcrafted products

Child of Wild www.childofwild.com

jewelry, wall décor, home décor, candles, crystals, stationary, tarot cards, Made in USA, Native American, Middle Eastern, African

Circles of Light Made in USA


inspirational gifts, yoga, new age, metaphysical, healing arts, made in USA

Clay Factor Ceramics


ceramics, drinkware, fine arts, tabletop, décor, handmade products, made in USA

Clayton & Crume


leather goods, belts, bags, coasters, journals, wallets, handcrafted products, Made in USA

Colleen Deiss Designs


slab built stoneware, flower tops, bird houses, mugs, coasters, vases, handcrafted products, made in USA

Conscious Ink


temporary tattoos, greeting cards, clothing, quotes, healing, inspirational kit, ecofriendly products

Coobie Seamless Bras

www.shopcoobie.com/wholesale seamless bras, camisole, panties, leggings, accessories

Cork Nature

www.cork-nature.com/ wholesalecorkbags

handbags, wallets, messenger bags, backpacks, accessories, vegan products, ecofriendly products

Cosmic Reality


shungite, shungite honey, shungite beehives, shungite jewelry, magnets, stickers, nuggets

Coventry Creations


candles, oils, sprays, witched union, books, votives, handcrafted products

Craftstones www.craftstones.com

tumbled stones, rough and polished crystals, metaphysical jewelry, birth stones

Creative Co-Op www.creativecoop.com

home décor, accessories, fashion, seasonal products

Crystal Earth Studio LLC




sterling jewelry, gemstone jewelry, metaphysical, spiritual, natural stone,

RETAILING INSIGHT January-February 2024 | 49

New Age, healing Chakra, Goddess, Celtic, Wiccan

We are the first supplier in our industry to give stores direct access to our “stock” and “made to order” catalog with “pay after it sells” terms and the first supplier with an online Point of Sales system for stores to optimize their sales. We provide sized ring orders, drop shipping, full exchanges & replacement warranties. The owner Steve personally checks every sterling, natural stone design that leaves our shop. Joining the Crystal Earth store family will put you in the company of many successful, well-known stores. Join us at crystalearthstudio.com/salesprogram

Crystal Bar Soap


crystal bar soaps, crafted products, cruelty-free, ecofriendly, made in USA

Crystal Distributing Inc.


tingsha, crystal bowls, singing bowls, singing pyramids, quartz, drums, pendulums

Crystal Fantasies


crystal, mobiles, Swarovski crystals, multi-strands, jewelry

Crystal Garden, The www.thecrystalgarden.com/wholesale

essential oils, liquid smudge, aromatic mists, meditation CDs, chakra jewelry

Crystal Tones Crystal Singing Bowls www.crystaltones.com

crystal singing bowls, sound healing, chakra, CDs, books, gemstones

CTW Home Collection


home décor, gift, garden décor, kitchen, lighting, and bath products, recycled materials, handmade products

Culture Spot


Buddha statues, meditation mala, meditation cushions, chakra jewelry, spiritual jewelry

DDanforth Pewter


handcrafted gifts, jewelry, oil lamps, lighting, keyrings, magnets, palm stones, gift cards, home décor

Deep Breath Designs LLC

www.deepbreathdesigns.com/contact. html

yoga, meditation, wellness, organic products, aromatherapy products, handcrafted products, made in USA

Dekorasyon Gifts & Décor


seasonal gifts, décor, sustainable products, home décor, tabletop

DeLaRosse LLC


aura greetings cards, aura posters, greetings cards

Design Ideas www.designideas.net

home, office accessories, stationary

Designing Fairy Products & Books

www.ronnianndesigningfairy.com/ wholesale

card sets, fairy cards, mugs, books, art prints, postcards

Destination Oils


essential oils, wellness, relaxation, diffuser jewelry, stainless steel jewelry, aromatherapy products

Deva Designs


pocket charms, jewelry, gifts, sterling silver jewelry, pendulums, handcrafted products, made in USA

DeVorss & Co.


publishing, metaphysical books, spirituality books, video, audio, books

Dragon’s Eye Incense I Scented Sensations

(Makes Good Sense) www.dragonseyeincense.com incenses, incense holders, sprays, sticks

Dragonhawk Publishing www.dragonhawkpublishing.com books, audio, mysticism, magic & nature books

Duluth Pack www.duluthpack.com

backpacks, handbags, duffels, apparel, handcrafted products, made in USA

dZi Handmade www.dzi.com

conscious gifts, mystical jewelry, home décor, garden décor, Fair Trade

Esprit Creations www.espritcreations.com

fine sterling silver gemstone jewelry, handmade, artisan exclusive designer jewelry, unique gemstones, rings, pendants, earrings, chakras, metaphysical symbols, family owned

Emmis Jewelry www.emmisjewelry.com

handmade, gemstones, sterling silver, mixed metal, gold fill, boho-chic, jewelry, necklaces, bracelets, wraps, healing gemstones, symbols, nature, chakras, hamsa, made in USA

Eachanoriginal Design Co. www.eachanoriginal.com magnets, handcrafted products, gifts, art, made in Canada

Eagle Crest Industries www.leatherchic.com

handmade leather coin purse, bracelets, key chains, phone cases, handbags

50 | RETAILING INSIGHT January-February 2024

Earth Luxe


bath & body care, essential oils, soy candles, air diffusers, Himalayan crystal salt scrub bars, natural ingredients, wellness & therapeutic products

Earth Rugs Inc. www.earthrugs.com

Eco-Chic Rugs, braided rugs, printed rugs, table accents, jute baskets, handmade products

Earth Tu Face www.earthtuface.com

skincare products, natural ingredients, organic products, made in USA

E.Drumm Designs www.edrummdesigns.com

home décor, ornaments, mirrors, clocks, collages, houseware, handmade products, Made in USA

Eight Acorns www.eightacorns.com

floral crystal terrariums, floral jewelry, ornaments, flower preservation, handmade, wall art, Made in the USA, small batches

864 www.864design.com jewelry, cuffs, necklaces, handbags, totes, accessories

Emilime www.shopemilime.com Alpaca wool, apparel, hats, gloves,

Empower Bodycare www.empowerbodycare.com

THC, CBD, cannabidiol, hemp-derived, body care, natural ingredients

Energy Muse www.energymuse.com energy tools, crystals, skincare, body care, bath, jewelry

Enter the Earth www.entertheearth.net

gems, minerals, gifts, books, fossils

Ericka Boussarhane


books, MP3 CDs, products, metaphysical, holistic, spiritual, inspirational

Esprit Creations

www.espritcreations.com 352-316-6130 elana@espritcreations.com

fine sterling silver gemstone jewelry, handmade, artisan exclusive designer jewelry, unique gemstones, rings, pendants, earrings, chakras, metaphysical symbols, family owned

Esprit Creations is a family-owned business designing, manufacturing, and wholesaling fine sterling silver gemstone jewelry since 1993. GIA Gemologist Elana Sheth is the owner and designer, joined by her daughter Jamuna, adding an ever-fresh style that is already in high demand. Elaine is called the ‘GEMSTONE QUEEN’ because she searches out unique gemstones and only uses the best quality, color, clarity and cut for their exclusive designs, assuring meticulous workmanship. At EC we are well known for our high standard of ethereal glowing RAINBOW MOONSTONE and LABRADORITE, as well as unique stones in MOLDAVITE, LARIMAR, KYANITE, OPALS, HERKIMER DIAMOND, BLACK TOURMALINE, MANIFESTING CRYSTALS, etc. We carry the largest selection of authentic CHAKRA and Metaphysical symbols in a wide range of aesthetic appeal in Angels, Lotus, Egyptian, Nature, Celtic. We offer you the most sought-after practical and versatile styles that compliment any occasion. Your store will stand out and have quick sales. For friendly, personal service e-mail or call Elana. View website for thousands of exclusive designer jewelry!

Eternal Ice Enterprises


crystals, gemstones, books, audio

Ethics Supply Co.


candles, soaks, Made in the USA, small batches

Friendly Crystals


wholesale crystals, gemstone jewelry, healing stones, healing jewelry, silver jewelry, sterling silver jewelry, chakra jewelry, power bracelets, lava bracelets, orgone, crystals, gemstones, jewelry, bracelets, minerals, pyramids, malas, chakra, handcrafted, ornaments, gifts

Fairies Pyjamas, The www.thefairiespyjamas.com

women’s clothing, accessories, plus sizes, organic products, Fair Trade

Feng Shui Import


home décor, Feng Shui, fountains, lanterns, Chinese gifts, Kendama, jewelry

Finch Berry


bar soaps, fizzy salt soaks, lotions, gift sets, vegan products, natural ingredients, handcrafted products, made in USA

Findhorn Press


books, card sets, meditation audio CDs



yoga mats & towels, water bottles, barbell pads, resistance bands, organic products, ecofriendly products

Flipside Hats


hats, men, women, kids, accessories, organic products, ecofriendly products

Flying Wish Paper


wish paper, card kits, inspirational cards, DIY

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FridaSophie www.friedasophie.com

jewelry stone, handcrafted products, made in USA


Gaia’s Healing Gifts


essential oils, spritzers, soaps, perfumes, organic products, aromatherapy products

Ganapati Studios

www.ganapatistudios.com/everyday. html

greeting cards, booklets, journals, art prints, magnets, handmade

Ganesh Himal Trading www.ganeshhimaltrading.com

jewelry, clothing, bags, knits, handmade paper, meditation and yoga supplies, hats, scarves, Fair Trade



home décor, giftware, garden décor, essential oils, candles, lighting

Global Crafts www.globalcraftsb2b.com

accessories, bags, home décor, jewelry, books, gifts, clothing, handmade products, Fair Trade

Goddess Design Studio www.goddessdesignstudio.com

celestial, Chakra, gemstone, goddess, metaphysical, fantasy, earrings, pendants, rings, sterling silver jewelry, sea life

Gongs Unlimited


gongs, singing bowls, tuning forks, gong stand, chimes, sound healing

Grandmother’s Buttons


antique button jewelry, necklaces, bracelets, rings, earrings, charms, brooches, hairpins, Czech glasses, handmade products, made in USA

Great Cosmic Happy Ass Card Co., The www.greatcosmichappyass.com

greeting cards, magnets, prints, t-shirts, coloring books, handmade products

Grown Alchemist www.grownalchemist.com

skincare, body care, haircare, nutricosmetics

Hand in Hand Soap


bar soaps, body washes, lotions, sugar scrubs, vegan products, natural ingredients, ecofriendly products, made in USA

Hapi Drum www.hapidrum.co

HAPI steel tongue drums, scratch & dent drum, tini drum, mini drum, aura drum, bell, slim drum, origin drum, omni drum, handpan

Harlequin Light by Molly Woods www.harlequinlight.bigcartel.com

table lamps, wall scones, candlesticks, hand painted shades

Harper Collins www.harpercollins.com books, children’s books, kids and teens, romance, Christian

Hawkeye Publishers www.hawkeyepublishers.com editing, design, layout, distribution services

HawkHouse www.hawkhouse.net

raw crystal jewelry, necklaces, earrings, rings, bracelets, handcrafted products, made in USA

Heart & Lotus www.heartandlotus.com

jewelry, sterling silver, rose gold, gold vermeil, handcrafted, genuine stones, hypoallergic, biodegradable packaging, Fair Trade, ethically made

Herb Essntls www.herbessntls.com CBD, cannabidiol, skincare

Heartfelt Expressions www.heartfeltexpressions.com

cast granite hearts, inspirational gifts

Hearts for Love www.heartsforlove.com

sacred geometry, jewelry, ornaments, cards, stickers, books, art prints, accessories

Highest Self Elixirs www.invokeyourhighestself.com gem essences, sprays, organic products, made in USA

Hiouchi Jewels www.hiouchijewels.com

bohemian jewelry, accessories, home décor, bags, wellness, beauty

Homesick www.homesick.com

candles, soy wax, states candles, cities candles, countries candles, made in USA

Honeyberry Studios www.honeyberrystudios.com

greetings cards, art prints, notepads, calendars, ceramics, bags, totes, stickers, classes & events, handmade products

House Phoenix, The www.thehousephoenix.com

bohemian décor, gifts, curtain wedding hangings, macramé hangings, crystal soaps, dream catcher kits, handcrafted products, made in Canada

Hugger Mugger www.huggermugger.com

yoga products, clothing, meditation, props, mats, accessories, ecofriendly products, made in USA

52 | RETAILING INSIGHT January-February 2024

Indian Weave, The www.theindianweave.com

décor, textile, accessories, scarfs, artisan products

Inklings Paperie www.inklingspaperie.com

stationary, greetings cards, notepads, art prints, journals, books, place cards, popup cards

Inner Peace Music/ Steven Halpern www.innerpeacemusic.com

New Age music, spa music, mindfulness, meditation, healing, chakras, brainwaves, relaxation, CDs, podcasts, music

I was a Sari www.iwasasari.com

jewelry, apparel, bags, accessories, scarves, handcrafted products, upcycling materials

I & E Organics Apothecary www.iandeorganics.com

homeopathic remedies, chakra products, healing products, gem essences, soaps, herbal teas, vitamins and supplements, bath salts, flower essences, organic products

Ibis Press & Nicolas Hays www.ibispress.net

indie publisher, books, psychology, astrology, magic, new age

Incense Wholesaler www.incensewholesaler.com

gemstones, crystals, herbs, smudge supplies, incenses burners, oil burners, candles, air sanitizer, oils, perfumes

IndieMe www.indieme.com

indie artists, handcrafted products, e-marketplace, made in USA

INE Imports & Exports Inc. www.ineimports.com buddhas, chimes, lamps, accents, candleholders, handcrafted products, made in Bali

Inner Traditions/Bear & Company www.innertraditions.com books, card decks, CDs

Inner Waves Organic www.innerwaves.org

yoga clothing, organic products, made in USA


JadeYoga www.jadeyoga.com

yoga products, mats, blocks, ecofriendly products, made in USA

Jenna Vanden Brink www.jennavandenbrink.com

ceramic wares & jewelry, handmade products, made in USA

J. Davis Studio www.jdavisstudio.com

rattles, raku ornaments, handcrafted products, made in USA

Jodi Bombardier Jewelry www.jodibombardier.com

wire jewelry, leather & metal edge, handcrafted products, made in USA

John Met Betty www.johnmetbetty.com

faux leather handbags, purses, totes, wallets, ecofriendly products, vegan products, handmade products, made in USA

Jonathan Goldman’s Healing Sounds www.healingsounds.com

healing music, sound healing, sound therapy, meditation, relaxation

Julie Powell Designs www.juliepowelldesigns.com

glass beads jewelry, cuffs, bracelets, necklaces, watercolors, handcrafted products, made in USA

KADLETZ, Cast of Stones www.kadletzcollection.com

jewelry, stone sets, bracelets, earrings, rings, home décor, roll-on essential oils

Kahiniwalla www.kahiniwalla.com

baby gifts, rattles, toys, dolls, hats, blankets, handmade products, sustainable products, Fair Trade

Kamibashi www.kamibashi.com

string dolls, fun, Ganesh, Dalai Lama, yoga, animals, handmade products, Fair Trade

Kannai www.kannai.store

CBD, cannabidiol, candles, sprays, apparel

Karma Gifts www.karmagifts.com

drinkware, bags, purses, apparel, accessories, home, gifts

Kate’s Magik www.katesmagik.com

aromatherapy products, essential oils, chakra oils, natural perfumes, soaps, mists, diffuser oils, incense burners, lotions, teas, herbs, organic products

KAZI www.kazigoods.com

handcrafted, sustainable materials, home décor, gits, art, wall hanging, accessories, pets, lighting, ethically made

Keeping Vigil Press www.keepingvigilpress.com

greeting cards, fine art prints, made in USA

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800-215-8705 I sales@ kheopsinternational.com

singing bowls, crystals, incenses, sage, salt lamps, candles, pendulums, metaphysical tools, meditations & rituals, gifts, home & garden

Meaningful gifts that stimulate consciousness, inspire beauty, and create harmony as well as support environmentally sustainable and humane manufacturing practices whenever possible. Our vision is to create a world of harmony, where a balance and a collaboration exist between people, as it exists in nature, with ethics, care and respect for our surroundings, people, and nature.

Kitchen Wands


kitchenware, kitchen wands, tea towels, handcrafted products, Made in Canada

Kitras kitras.com

artisans, glass blown, art glass, gifts, ornaments, handcrafted, decorative glass, garden, accessories, Made in Canada

Krista Bermeo Studio


glass jewelry, earrings, necklaces, handcrafted products, made in USA

Kush Queen


THC, CBD, cannabis, oils, skincare, body care

LLaurie Pollpeter Eskenazi


ceramics, artworks, rattles, hearts, vases, handcrafted products, made in USA



Jewelry, tapestries, yoga, rasta, sarongs, hats, belts, bags, headbands, scarves

Leef Organics


CBD oils, skincare, body care, pets



home goods, artwork, jewelry & accessories, apothecary, kitchen & table

Level Naturals


bath care, bar soaps, soy candles, bath bombs, body polishes, handmade products, natural ingredients, sustainable products, vegan products, made in USA

Llewellyn www.llewellyn.com 800-843-6666 customerservice@llewellyn.com

Spiritual enrichment, oracle decks, tarot, divination, paranormal, magic, witchcraft, wicca, psychic development, astrology, health & wellness, self-help, yoga, meditation

As the world’s oldest and largest independent publisher of books and resources for mind, body, and spirit, Llewellyn has been dedicated to bringing our customers the very best in holistic wellness and personal growth since 1901. We have long been a source of illumination, instruction, and new perspectives on a wealth of topics including tarot, magic, psychic development, earth-based spirituality, and the paranormal. Llewellyn is proud

to be the exclusive US and Canadian distributor for Italian publisher Lo Scarabeo and a distributor for Australian publisher Blue Angel.

Lifeforce Glass www.lifeforceglass.com

inspirational gifts, sea glass stones, words on glass rocks, recovery gifts, custom work, environmentally friendly gifts

Life is Grand™ www.lifeisgrand.com

power penny jewelry, accessories, gifts, handcrafted products, made in USA

Little Shop of Oils www.littleshopofoils.com

essential oils, diffusers, mists, skincare, ritual candles, handmade, Made in USA, natural ingredients

Lori Portka www.loriportka.com

blessing banners, art prints, greeting cards, hand painted necklaces, wood prints, pouches, handmade products, made in USA

Lotus Light Enterprises, Inc. www.lotuslight.com

teas, books, audios, candles, incenses, salt lamps, meditation tools, pet care, massage tools, homeopathic products, aromatherapy products

LotusWEI www.lotuswei.com

flower elixirs, bath salts, card decks, mists, oils, botanical treatment, smoke offering, private ceremony, wellness, flower rituals, meditation

Love Lingo www.elevatemyvibe.com

positive apparel and accessories

Lucky Feather www.luckyfeatherwholesale.com

jewelry, inspirational gifts, keychains, charms, journals, pet tags

54 | RETAILING INSIGHT January-February 2024

Lynn Garlick Retablos


retablos, plaques, ornaments, handcrafted products


Made from Dirt www.madefromdirtorganics.com

CBD, cannabis, hemp-derived, body care

Magic Hour www.magichourastrology.com

ritual candles, mystical tools, readings, divination

Magickal Needs www.magickalneeds.com mystical jewelry, necklaces, talismans, rings, pendants

Maha Living www.mahaliving.com

crystal jewelry, crystals, journals, smudge kits

Malia Designs www.maliadesigns.com

ethically made, fair trade, bags, totes, yoga, face masks, accessories, recycled materials

Malimba Records www.malimba.com

new age music, yoga, meditation, relaxation, wellness

Mama Wunderbar www.mamawunderbar.com

smudge sticks, incenses, candles, herbs, crystals, stones, jewelry, wellness, décor, organic, sustainable, wildcrafted

Mandala Arts www.mandalaarts.com

wall hangings, meditation banners, affirmation banners, stickers, tattoos, mandalas, chakra products

Mapleton Drive


jewelry, gemstones, crystals, home décor, accessories, gifts, weddings

Matr Boomie


jewelry, apparel & accessories, home décor, gifts, handmade products, Fair Trade

Melon Head Supplies


natural stone pipes, carved skulls, carved natural stone products

Milk Reclamation Barn


candles, soy melts, made in USA



candles, bath & body products, home, accessories, handmade products, ecofriendly products, made in USA

Modern Sprout


hydroponic plants, indoor garden kits, eco seed starters, grow lights, sustainable products

Moldavite I T.W. Designs

www.facebook.com/MoldaviteTWDesigns-102836839790683 Jewelry, incenses, pendulums

Mona B


bags, totes, weekender, duffles, home & gifts, bar accessories, accessories, sustainable materials, sustainable business

Moon Deck, The www.themoondeck.com

oracle deck, divination, intuition, meditation

Moonlight Mysteries Wholesale www.moonlightmysteriesws.com

mystical jewelry, sterling silver jewelry, statues, plaques, brooches, chains, pewter

MZ Fair Trade www.mzfairtrade.com

bags, totes, clutches, duffels, rugs, pillow covers, handcrafted products, made in Mexico, Fair Trade

Naked Bee, The www.nakedbee.com

body care, hand & foot care, scents, natural products

Namu Baru Inc. www.namubaru.com

mala beads, prayer beads, beaded bracelets, accessories

Nashville Wraps www.nashvillewraps.com

retail packing, gift packing, gourmet packing, ribbons, bows, boxes, bags, ecofriendly products

Natures Skin & Body www.naturesskinandbody.com

skincare, body care, organic products, natural ingredients, kits, bundles

New Earth Records www.newearthrecords.com

ambient, world, reiki, yoga, and meditation music

New Life Foundation www.anewlife.org

books, booklets, CDs, MP3CDs, DVDs, Blu-Rays, e-Pubs, e-Talks

New Page Books


coloring books, adult, nonfiction, chakras, health, UFOs, and self-help books

New World Library


card decks, gift, spirituality, meditation, yoga, aromatherapy, personal growth books

Nicole Denise Designs


art prints, posters, drawings, wall art, handcrafted products

RETAILING INSIGHT January-February 2024 | 55

Nirvana Jewelry


fine pewter, bronze jewelry, sterling silver jewelry

Nobl St


personal care, natural products, sustainable products, made in USA


O.B.Designs www.obdesignsusa.com

children’s gifts, décor, blankets, toys, mobiles, ecofriendly products

Oh My Gosh www.ohmygoshjosh.com

crystal chakra, angels, hummingbirds, butterflies, dragonflies, suncatchers

Ohm Therapeutics Sound Healing www.soundhealingtools.com

Ohm tuning forks, sound healing tuning fork, application book, DVD, laminated charts, CDs

Om Gallery


gifts, lighting, décor, jewelry, books, chimes, garlands, paper star lanterns, handmade products, Fair Trade

Oxgut Hose Company www.oxgut.com

furniture, mats, totes, accessories, upcycled fire hoses, handcrafted products, made in USA

Paul Wagner www.paulwagner.com

spiritual adviser, consciousness coach, writer, book author, books, cards

Peace Waters


encaustic art, handcrafted products, made in USA

Peter Stone Jewelry www.peterstone.com/ws

sterling silver jewelry, metaphysical, mystical

Picasso Jasper


yoga supplies, tees, tanks, graphic tees, sweatshirts, custom printing, branded tees, malas

Pinch Me

www.pinchmedough.com therapy doughs

Piper & Leaf Artisan Tea Co. www.piperandleaf.com

brew kits, tea bags, drinkware, gifts, apparel, accessories, Made in USA

Points of Light www.pointsoflight.com

candles, purpose oils, powdered incense, books, inks, quills

Polaris Rising www.polarisrisingwholesale.com

spiritual candles, condition oils, mercury retrograde reversal™ products



CBD, cannabidiol, hemp-derived, supplements, skincare, pets

Pré de Provence


traditional French soaps, handcut soaps, bath care, body care

Pretty Peacock www.prettypeacock.com

jewelry, personalized products, inspirational pendants, mandala, chakra, handmade products, made in USA

Pure Art


jewelry, accessories, clothing, home, gifts, handcrafted products, ecofriendly products, Fair Trade

Printfresh www.printfresh.com

pouches, notebooks & journals, décor, handcrafted products

Prosperity Candle


candles, soy wax, coconut wax, natural ingredients, handcrafted products, ecofriendly products, Fair Trade

QMT Windchimes www.qmtwindchimes.com

wind chimes, bell chimes, bird houses, bird feeders, displays, accessories

Q Square www.shopqsquared.com melamine products, dinnerware, flatware, placemats, linens

Rare Rabbit www.rarerabbit.com

jewelry, scarves, sunglasses, bags

Raven + Lily www.ravenandlily.com

jewelry, accessories, home décor, boho chic, Fair Trade

Raz Imports Inc. www.razimports.com candles, seasonal gifts, décor

Recover www.recoverbrands.com

clothing & accessories, sustainable products, ecofriendly products, made in USA

RedFeather www.redfeathermbs.com

books, decks, divination, meditation, astrology, numerology, palmistry, channeled materials, metaphysics, spirituality, health & lifestyle

R. Expo USA I Song of India www.songofindia.com

fragrances, incenses, singing bowls, burners, bells & cymbals, henna, oils, soaps, décor, figurines

56 | RETAILING INSIGHT January-February 2024

Raiders of the Lost Art


quartz crystals, mineral specimens, tumbled stones, crystal jewelry, Shiva lingams

Rainbow Ridge Books LLC


metaphysical, spiritual, and self-help books, indie publisher

Raku Potteryworks


raku art, spirit angels, ornaments, vases, plates, tiles, dreamcatchers, coasters, handcrafted products, made in USA

Real Music


music label, relaxation, meditation, health, yoga, sleep, massage, comfort, rejuvenation music

Red Wheel Weiser


card decks, journals, metaphysical, health, meditation, tarot, spirituality, books

Ritual Store, The www.theritualstore.com

sage flower smudges, smudge kits, sage bundles, ritual tools, ritual kits, crystals

Rockpool Publishing www.rockpoolpublishing.com

publishing, books, oracle, tarot, decks, spiritual books, wellness books, journals, stationery

Ronin Publishing, Inc. www.roninpub.com

aging, health & cannabis books, indie publisher

Rose of Sharon Candles and Incense www.roseofsharoncandles.com

unique molded and jar candles, incenses, perfume oils

Royal Crafters


handmade relief ceramic, custom products, coasters, trivets, wall décor, magnets, hand painted

SSacred Pendants


semi-precious jewelry, sacred geometry, functional healing jewelry, pendants, amulets, medallions

Satiama Publishing www.satiamapublishing.com

conscious living, inspirational, bodymind-spirit, books, divination, tarot decks, oracle decks

Schiffer Books www.schifferbooks.com oracle decks, tarot, metaphysics, astrology, numerology, palmistry, conscious living books

Seagrape Apothecary www.seagrapeapothecary.com

body care, kits, gifts, books, art prints, candles, oils, herbs, tarot, divination, essential oils, sprays, ritual, magic

www.dreamseeds.com 800-378-4327 service@dreamseeds.com

handcrafted in USA, jewelry, wands, gifts, family owned, metaphysical

Seeds of Light, Inc is celebrating our 35 year anniversary! We are “the Crystal Wand company.” Susan Buzard-Buchanan is Seeds of Light’s creator and designer. Offering 1400 Hand-Crafted products including Pendants, Crystal Wands, Moldavite Designs, Earrings, Bracelets, Medicine Pouches, Pendulums, Malas, Crowns, Sun Catchers, Keychains, Journals, Home Decor and Custom

Designs by Susan. We have launched a new website and invite you to our abundant Showroom in the Blue Ridge Mountains to purchase additional items including Spheres, Towers, Custom Carvings and Specimens. FaceTime appointments also available! Seeds of Light is “Handcrafted with Love” in the USA.

Seeds of Happiness


ceramic seeds, apparel, handmade products, made in USA

Sekoya Originals


furniture, lighting, candlesticks

Self-Realization Fellowship


audio, video, books, calendars, yogananda, chants, recordings, awake, meditation, affirmations, bookstore

Sequoia Records


meditation music, yoga music, shamanic drumming, massage music, spa music, Native-American flute music, Celtic music, sacred chant, devotional chant, chakra music, healing music, relaxation music

Serene House USA


wooden scent diffusers, home fragrance sprays, wooden scented sticks, scentilizers, aromatherapy

Sergio Lub Jewelry


silver, copper, bracelets, magnet, handmade products, jewelry

Shaman’s Dawn


sprays, soy candles, baths, crystals & gemstones, gemstones pouches, incenses, smudging supplies, stone of lights, aromatherapy products

Shanti Boutique


sterling silver jewelry, recycled jewelry, mantras, Fair Trade

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Shea Brand


CBD, shea butter, natural ingredients, skincare

Silver Dollar Candle Co.


soy candles, soy wax melts, personalized, made in USA

Silver Sky Imports

www.silverskyimports.com/pages/ wholesale.html

singing bowls, incenses, chimes, bells, prayer flags, tongue drums, tingshas

SKS Bottle & Packaging, Inc. www.sks-bottle.com

product packaging, glass bottles, glass jars, plastic bottles, plastic jars

Smart Ash Holders


exotic woods, incense holders, crystal grids, sacred geometry, handcrafted products

Sofia Zakia


fine jewelry, necklace, rings, earrings, bracelets, bridal, made in Canada

Solmate Socks


socks, accessories, recycled, ecofriendly, sustainable made, colourful, made in USA



card decks, divination, intuition


organic clothing, accessories, ecofriendly products, recycled fibers, hemp fibers, handmade products, Fair Trade

Soul Flower is a conscious lifestyle brand that offers eco-friendly clothing, accessories, and gifts. We promote a sustainable, bohemian-inspired way of life, and focus on earth-friendly materials and unique, nature-inspired designs for those seeking a more mindful and vibrant style. Share the vibe and let your Soul Flower!



rock & crystals, gemstone home décor, jewelry, metaphysical

Sound Therapy Center of Los Angeles, The www.wayneperry.com

sound healing music, sound therapy books, sound healing products & services

Soundings of the Planet www.soundings.com

music, books, sound healing, meditation, wellness, yoga, Dean Evenson, Dudley Evenson

Sounds True www.soundstrue.com

inspirational books, videos, audio, music, retail displays

Spiral Spectrum www.spiralspectrum.com

astrology, moon, calendar, chakra, lunar calendar, art, home decor, zodiac

Spirit Voyage www.spiritvoyage.com/wholesale

Kundalini yoga, meditation, mantra, and healing books, music, online courses

Spirit Whisperings www.spiritwhisperings.com

sacred stone grids, books, little grid kits, chakra sprays, spirit boards & layout cards, stones, shells

Spongellé www.spongelle.com

body contouring buffers, body wash infused buffers, gift sets, seasonal gifts, made in USA

Sprout www.sproutworld.com

plantable pencils, customize pencils, sustainable products, ecofriendly

Starlinks www.starlinksgifts.com

jewelry, greeting cards, metaphysical, art prints, tarot bags, pendulums, talismans, runes, pagan, witch, Anne Stokes

Stars of Creation www.stars-of-creation.com

coloring books, window stars, crystal harmonic-colored lights, dimensional stars, sacred geometry, apparel, magnets, stickers, buttons plexiglass stars

Stephanie Jane www.stephaniejane.com

energy bracelets, inspiration, meditation, gemstones, symbolic gifts

StrikeHawk eCommerce Inc www.strikehawk.com

web hosting, merchant accounts, SSL certificates, dedicated servers, eCommerce consulting

Studio Penny Lane www.studiopennylane.org

glassware, jewelry, accessories, candles, leather goods, home décor, cards, mason jar sleeves, gifts

Suga www.sugamats.com

yoga mats, door mat, recycled wetsuits, sustainable products, ecofriendly products, made in USA

60 | RETAILING INSIGHT January-February 2024

Sun’s Eye Inc.

www.sunseye.com oils, sprays, incense, gifts

Sunshine Joy www.sunshinejoy.com

art, mandala, beach, traditional Indian & more in tapestries, premium apparel, baja hoodies, custom tie dyes, bandanas, home décor

Synchronicity www.synchronicity.org/wholesale meditation, soundtracks, spirituality, essential oils, books, music, sacred geometry, technology

Synergy Clothing www.synergyclothing.com/pages/ wholesale

organic clothing, fashion, accessories, ecofriendly clothing


Touchstone Distributing, Inc. www.touchstonedistributing.com

handmade, ceramic, porcelain, celtic, wildlife, jewelry, ornaments, made in USA

Tamara Hensick Designs www.tamarahensickdesignsusa.com wishbones, key chains, inspirational gifts, hearts, pewter figures, animals, desktop, crowns, words, made in USA

Tamara Kelly Designs www.tamarakellydesigns.com

Jewelry, silver, gold, copper, bronze accents, handcrafted products, made in USA

Tasha Mckelvey www.tashamckelvey.com

handmade, gits, ceramic, pottery, Made in the USA, small batches

Ten Thousand Villages


giftware, handcrafted products, home décor, kitchen & dinning, candles & incenses, baskets, jewelry & accessories, Fair Trade

Three Wheel Studio www.threewheelstudio.com

ceramics & gifts, handmade products, made in USA

Therese Kuempel www.theresekuempel.com

handmade, jewelry, lighter cases, jewelry, metalsmith, geometry jewelry, psychedelic jewelry, unique style, made in the USA

314 Studio www.314studio.com

sterling silver jewelry, handmade products, made in USA



sterling silver barrettes, bracelets, chains, earrings, hair picks, necklaces, pendants

Timeless Traditions Inc.


tear bottles, cards & prints, inspirational gifts, sterling silver jewelry, keepsakes, pet memorials

Tim’s Garage


apparel, accessories, face masks, journals, greeting cards, art, décor

Tina’s Natural Products


essential oils, cleansing blends, floral waters, aroma diffusing jewelry, car diffusers, misters, natural products, aromatherapy products

Tops Malibu


Sparkles, party supplies, surprise balls, wish paper, wish capsules

Transformational Enterprises


akashic reading, books, media, essential oils, classes, events

Tree Trunk Arts


jewelry, bracelets, cuffs, necklaces, rings, bangles, earrings, handcrafted products, made in USA



stationery, journals, art prints, notebooks, greeting cards, handcrafted products

UCM Publishing


training, courses, webinars, angel, dream, yoga, meditation, kaya, symbol, sign, symbolic, teaching & research center



home décor, natural Himalayan Salt, candle holders, lamps, salt chunk baskets, Salt from Pakistan

Uma Silbey


spiritual leader, books, writer, crystals, stones, gemstones, crystal healing, energy healing, meditation, metaphysics

Urban Charm


keychains, gemstone bracelets, tribal, nature, nature, and vintage necklaces




US balance, scale, digital, pocket, tabletop, kitchen, jewelry, gram, food, weighing

US Balance is a full-line scale designer, importer, distributor, and wholesaler. We have been family owned and operated since 2001. We carry digital scales

RETAILING INSIGHT January-February 2024 | 61

for a wide range of applications from mini pocket digital scales all the way to professional grade Tabletop Scales, Digital Kitchen Scales and Industrial Scales for the Educational and Research Field. Our company designs and carries the US Balance brand of Electronic digital scales. We are involved in every step of the scale’s design and construction from the initial concept & prototyping in-house to the final product

U. S. Games Systems, Inc.




tarot, divination, oracle decks, inspirational products, Smith-Waite, meditation decks, yoga, gift decks

U.S. Games Systems, Inc. has been the premier publisher of tarot and inspirational decks since 1968. Our line of Rider-Waite-Smith decks continue to be the most popular tarot products in the world. Novel versions of this classic deck include Black and White Rider-Waite Tarot and Glow in the Dark Tarot. Contemporary and multicultural interpretations of tarot include: Afro Goddess Tarot, Folklore Tarot, Mind’s Eye Tarot, Universal Folk Tarot, Way Seekers Tarot, and Sortilegium Tarot, with bilingual Spanish and English deck and book. Visionary new oracle and inspirational decks include: Nature Quest Oracle, Angel Connections, Woven Spirit Oracle, Chakras and Crystals Oracle, and Totem Guardians Oracle. Talisman Oracle and Matt Hughes’ Dreamscape Oracle are among our bestselling oracle decks. Matt Hughes’ newest projects for 2024 are Mother Mort’s Carnival of Souls Deck and Book Set, and Gjallahorn: A Norse Oracle Deck. U.S. Games Systems has partnered

with Duirwaigh Studios to produce a collection of empowering oracle deck sets with lushly illustrated guidebooks including: Treekeepers Oracle, Fearless: Fight Like a Girl, Unlocking the Secret Garden, and Wisdom of the Wild Things Oracle.

Valrock Music


Valerie Romanoff, musician, music, new age, jazz, blues, world music, funk music

VD Importers Inc. www.vdimporters.com

incenses, candles, chakras, gemstones, tapestries, incense burners, home décor, bags, malas, meditation products

Vertly www.vertlybalm.com

CBD, cannabidiol, skincare, body care

Vibe Bottle, LLC www.vibebottle.com

drinkware, sacred geometry glass water bottles, reiki, healing

VibesUP www.vibesup.com

clothing, footwear, home, jewelry, oils, candles, gemstones, personal care, yoga & meditation products, holistic products, vibrational therapy

Vilmain www.danforthpewter.com

home & accessories, jewelry, seasonal ornaments, gifts, handcrafted products, made in USA

VisionWorks www.changingworld.com

stationary, books, postcards, notecards, bumper stickers, calendars, magnets

VitaJuwel www.vitajuwel.com

gemwater bottles, gemstone vials, gemwater dispensers, gemwater accessories

World Buyers www.worldbuyers.com

tea light holders, candle holders, trays, candles, incenses, gifts, ceramics, boutique, magnets, fashion, jewelry, accessories, vintage, shabby chic, urban cabin, chakra, holistic, New Age

Wakami www.virtumade.com

jewelry, accessories, bags, handmade products, Fair Trade

Ways of Change www.bywaysofchange.com

artisan jewelry & accessories, handmade products

Wei of Chocolate www.weiofchocolatewholesale.com

organic chocolates, vegan products, healthy products, Fair Trade

Welman Group, The www.wholesalesterling.com

necklaces, rings, bracelets, pendants, chains, hoops, gifts, sterling silver, stainless steel, costume jewelry

Wellstone Jewelry www.wellstonejewelry.com

metaphysical, symbolic, and mystical jewelry, handmade products, made in USA

We’Moon www.wemoon.ws

datebooks, calendars, cards, astrology & spiritual journals, fine arts

White Swan Music, Inc. www.whiteswanmusic.com

yoga, meditation, relaxation, and Asian & Indian music, healing meditation tools, books, clothing, DVDs

62 | RETAILING INSIGHT January-February 2024

Whitney Howard Designs www.whitneyhowarddesigns.com

jewelry, bracelets, rings, cuffs, pendants, ornaments, pet memorial, ecofriendly products, made in USA

Wildflower www.buywildflower.com

CBD, supplements, skincare, vaporizers, soap

Windrose Trading/ Triloka www.windrosetrading.com

incenses, smudges, diffusers & accessories, oils, jewelry, gifts, ecofriendly products, aromatherapy products

WineBlock www.wineblock.com

anti-stain lip balm, teeth balm, natural products

Wish Beads www.wishbeads.com

whish beads kits, bracelets, journals

World Buyers www.worldbuyers.com

gifts, home décor, capiz shell tea light holders, chakra tea light holders, chakra healing

WorldFinds www.worldfinds.com

jewelry, accessories, gifts, repurposed textiles, kantha, sari, handmade, fair trade, ethical, sustainable, small batch, Made in India

World Peaces www.worldpeaces.com 614-5961-303 worldpeacesfairtrade@gmail.com

jewelry, accessories, home decor, brass, horn, reclaimed metal, Fair Trade

Wyndmere Naturals www.wyndmerenaturals.com

essential oils, aromatherapy diffusers, nebulizers, aromatherapy jewelry, body care, skincare, bottle, jars, organic, wellness, aromatherapy

Yak & Yeti


clothing & accessories, bags, prayer malas, greeting cards, ritual objects

Yogavated www.yogavated.com

activewear clothing, tops, leggings, sustainable products, made in USA

Yolanda’s Spirit Drums www.yolandasdrums.com

Native American products, drums, rattles, supplies, music, DVDs, videos, workshops

Yorwerth Associates www.publishingcoaches.com publishing consultants, literary agents

Your Heart’s Delight by Audrey’s www.yourheartsdelight.com

home décor, garden, seasonal décor, gifts

Yugen Tribe www.yugentribe.com

jewelry, celestial collection, galaxy collection, clothing & bags, handcrafted jewelry, home & gifts, accessories, made in USA

Yuliya Shpilevaya www.etsy.com/shop/YuliyaShpilevaya wall décor, accessories, handmade

Zafuko www.zafuko.com yoga cushions, meditation pillows, ecofriendly materials, Fair Trade

Zealandia Designs www.zealandia.com

fossilized mammoth ivory & walrus ivory, crafted jewelry

Zen and Meow wholesale.zenandmeow.com

crystal grids, jewelry, sacred geometry, flower of life, engraved crystals

Zen Stone Garden, The www.kellybarker.com

stone, sculpture, garden, graphite, art

Zeppo Merchandisers, Inc. www.zeppomerch.com

sterling silver jewelry, display materials, magical, mystical, gemstones

ZigZagZurich www.zigzagzurich.com

wool blankets, scarves, cushions, throws, bedding, rugs, curtains, home décor, textiles

Zoë + Piper


aromatherapy jewelry, aromatherapy home & body products, home, gemstones, gifts, essential oils

RETAILING INSIGHT January-February 2024 | 63





Retailing Insight Magazine is a bimonthly trade magazine specializing in the conscious living retail market. The magazine is published exclusively for qualified retailers and small independent businesses in the United States. Our mission is to share one on business advice, product reviews, advertisement from top sellers and makers in the industry, and exclusive topics to help business continue to thrive.


Roberta Gazzarolle


Gisely Fernandes

Digital Media & Sales adsales@retailinginsight.com

Contributing Writers

Melinda Carver

Tracee Dunblazier

Dudley Evenson

Nicci Garaicoa

Megy Karydes

Christian Kurz

Linda Mackenzie

Jacki Smith

©2024 New Way Publishing, LLC. All rights reserved. ISSN 23727977. Volume 38/ Issue 1/ January-February 2024. The magazine is published bimonthly/ six times a year (January, March, May, July, September, November) by New Way Publishing, LLC. 4117 Park Road, 12252, Charlotte, NC 28220. Periodicals postage paid at Charlotte, NC and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER send address changes to Retailing Insight Magazine, P.O. Box 12252, Charlotte, NC 28220.


Retailing Insight Magazine is published by New Way Publishing, LLC. P.O. Box 12252 Charlotte, NC 28220 circ@retailinginsight.com

64 | RETAILING INSIGHT January-February 2024

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