Images from the Soul of Life
Through the hands and heart of Deborah Koff-Chapin
Portals of Presence
– Faces Drawn from the
Subtle Realms
SoulCards 1&2 – Powerful images for Creativity and Insight
72 cards (4.5 x 6”) with 36 page guidebook - $26.95
60 cards (3.75 x 5”) with 36 page manual - $24.95 each
ISBN 978-0-9964634-3-0
SC1 ISBN 978-0-9645623-0-1 SC2 ISBN 978-0-9645623-5-6
These exquisite cards speak directly to the soul without written interpretations.
The guidebook supports creative interaction with the evocative images. Each deck is complete in itself or combine for a richer range of imagery.
Enter a deeper relationship with the subtle worlds through the universal language of the human face. Think of them as allies, nature spirits, or visitors from spiritual realms. Combine with SoulCards 1&2 or other decks to bring another dimension of insight.
“The faces are primed to speak or converse.” —Caitlin Matthews
“Mysterious and revealing...these images help us to understand our own souls.” —Isabel Allende
“This deck has sacred assignments, for they are instruments that bridge us to relationships and co-creation with the most intimate forces in life.”
“Deborah has created powerful, evocative images to awaken and guide the soul’s journey.” —Jean Houston
—Orion Foxwood
Soul Touch Coloring Journals
Creative Awakening
ISBN 978-0-9645623-8-7
Fullness of Life
ISBN 978-0-9645623-9-4
Gifts of the Feminine
ISBN 978-0-9964634-1-6
Listening Within
ISBN 978-0-9964634-2-3
Opening to Love
ISBN 978-0-9964634-0-9
38 images (8.5 x 11”) on heavy paper with lined side for journaling - $13.99 each
Bring these soulful images to life in your own unique way through free-form coloring.
Drawing Out Your Soul
The Touch Drawing Handbook
48 pages with 75 illustrations - $9.95
ISBN 978-0-9645623-2-5
Give birth to your own inner images through the touch of your fingertips on paper. This book provides the inspiration and information to begin Touch Drawing. No artistic confidence needed!
“A touch that awakens, a touch that opens doors.” —Jack Weller
Published by The Center for Touch Drawing
Distributed by US Games (decks only) and New Leaf (all items). Available through wholesale books suppliers.
From the Editor
knew exactly what to do. But in a more real sense, I had no idea what to do.”
– Michael Scott, The Office
"You know? It’s okay to say no "
Who hasn’t found themselves having this same thought? This quote is comically perfect and so accurate that I couldn’t resist sharing it with you, especially after these past months where we could have really used some laughter. During hard times, we can easily feel discourage or defeated by any changes that disrupt our attempts to move forward, but it’s okay to feel this way sometimes. When you know what to do but haven’t quite mastered the way of how to do it yet, it’s alright. Just keep doing what you do with dedication, focus, boldness, and confidence because you are halfway there. Your way of thinking will help you master your decisions, reinvent your vision, pivot your plan, and set your mind for something better so that you and your business can continue to evolve. Remember, everything has to experience different seasons to survive — including your business and with it, your mindset. That is what this issue is all about, YOUR Mindset! You are learning to progress in the process. Prepare, set your mind, and let’s get ready because the season of ‘shifting’ is here. I hope this insight and all the stories that we’ve selected for this issue can encourage you and ignites the spark that will help light your way as you move forward to better times. Cheers to a new year of growth, success and positive changes for all of us!
Have an insightful reading!
Roberta G.Roberta Gazzarolle
Retailing Insight Magazine
trade magazine specializing in the conscious living retail market. The magazine is published exclusively for qualified retailers and small independent businesses in the United States. Our mission is to share one on business advice, product reviews, advertisement from top sellers and makers in the industry, and exclusive topics to help business continue to thrive.
Roberta Gazzarolle
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Contributing Writers
Tracee Dunblazier
Dudley & Dean Evenson
Dyan Garris
Megy Karydes
Royce A. Morales
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Jacki Smith
Karen Stuth
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Yvette Yanne
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Thinking vs Mindset:
The Difference Between
THE ACT OF THINKING is very different than having a mindset. Thinking means having thoughts about something, pondering, planning, debating, and logically figuring out. Mindset is your frame of mind, the way you are thinking, your attitudes, opinions, judgments, and programmed beliefs.
Mindset is the context in which you hold things. It comes from experience, education, upbringing, and the society you are in. You can have a general mindset about life or the world, or a specific mindset about a particular topic, event, item or person.
Mindset is the lens you look through that determines how you perceive, interpret and approach things. If it is positive, you see things positively; if it is negative, that’s how everything appears. With a negative mindset, you read the news and your focus is drawn to how depressing things are. If it is positive, you see possibility and opportunity in all that you read.
Mindset also defines how you see yourself. It determines your level of self-confidence and self-esteem as well as your willingness to be open to change and personal development.
A fixed mindset has you believe that your basic qualities are unalterable traits. Rather than trying to develop or enhance
those attributes, you spend time justifying or quantifying them.
Your primitive consciousness, hardwired to make sure you survive, is the groundwork that develops your mindset. Prior to the onset of your ability to think logically, traumatic incidents programed your beliefs about yourself, others, and life. These notions are stored subconsciously, and when they get triggered your mindset steps in to try to protect you.
Your mindset is always trying to prove it is correct. Why? So you can be right and say told you so. This cycle continues even with experiences that go counter to your set beliefs, even when life repeatedly shows those notions as faulty.
simplistic and may sound easy. But be patient: A fixed mindset is a challenge to shift. Those longheld notions offer predictability, comfort and security, even if subconsciously. However, if you have a strong desire to change, with dedicated inner digging, mindfulness and education, even stubborn false beliefs can be transcended. Your superpower is to question those automatic thoughts holding you back.
Mindset Shifts
The aphorism “C hange your mind and change your life” is
Mindset and Business
Based on the Law of Attraction, the energy of thoughts always manifests in some physical form. In other words, if your business mindset lives in doom and gloom mentality, that self-fulfilling prophecy is what shows up no matter what strategies you apply. The tremendous challenges of these past two years have triggered a justifiable negative mindset for indie business owners. Now that things are improving, you could still be living reactively,
stuck in that template, anticipating the next shoe to drop. So here are 11 suggestions to help you come from a more positive, growth-filled mindset:
Be aware
An important first step in shifting your mindset is to consciously notice it. Take note of your attitude during the workday, the automatic thoughts you have as people walk into your shop, your reaction to hearing news reports about retail sales numbers, your judgments about employees, and any beliefs, resentments and fears about life in general. Particularly observe the self-sabotaging, limiting thoughts
constantly dictating false information about yourself and see the patterns manifesting to prove they are right.
By observation and acknowledgment, you are starting to “bust” those thoughts as the untruths that they are, releasing some of their power to affect your life and business.
Counter them
Once you notice mindsetgenerated thoughts, it’s important to remove some of their oomph. Remind yourself that these are just false notions, untrue thoughts, and consciously, lovingly, imagine sending them off. As you do that, feel any physical sensations indicating fear (such as your stomach tightening, your breathing getting shallow, etc.) and direct your body to relax. Use visualization, mindful inhaling and exhaling, a moment of meditation or prayer or whatever helps you feel calm and trusting.
For example: You read the latest economic forecast and notice a slew of negative thoughts. As soon as you can, go somewhere by yourself,
breathe slowly and state something like this: “I choose abundance as my personal reality, and I am open to positive, infinite possibility. Thank you for helping me awaken to any false programming that I can now recognize and release.”
Allow positivity
Challenge yourself to recognize and verbally state at least three positive thoughts per day. This helps train you to acknowledge opportunities for success, suggestions for growth, willingness to change and different ways to perceive things. Try keeping a visual score by putting a dollar into
a jar only to be used for a special treat once filled.
Prioritize selfdevelopment
Take some time to do inner work that supports embracing success and expanding deservingness.
Whether you meditate, do yoga, psychotherapy, spiritually based inner work or journaling. Have the intention to grow past your mindset to generate positive change.
Change your shoes
To help alter your mindset, experience what it is like to approach
your business from a different viewpoint. Try doing the job you hate the most or have a heart-toheart with the person who has been doing it – it can completely change your attitude.
Get feedback
Ask friends, relatives and even employees what they have noticed about your mindset. Encourage honesty and be open to hear objective feedback. You might learn some important things about yourself.
Be vulnerable
Being a business owner in a position of power makes it difficult to expose vulnerability. However, being open about whatever you are going through — sharing your feelings, expressing your needs – can positively shift your mindset and help you become a better leader.
Just let go
Being invested in your business, wanting nothing more than success, is a good place to be. However, spiritually speaking, letting go of any sort of attachment is a universal lesson to learn. Consciously releasing the need for something to be a certain way is not easy but is effective to “create space” for things to change.
Power of gratitude
Pledge to write down three things you are grateful for each day, either before or after work. Notice patterns as to what you feel gratitude for – it can help you shift priorities toward what is truly important in your life.
Re-focus your vision
Your shop’s overall mission could be stuck in your negative mindset, preventing the manifestation of your long-term goals.
It could be time to change, clarify or adjust your vision in some way. Is it still relevant? Does it fit with who you are or who you want to become? Does it need to expand in some way? Perhaps re-write your mission statement to see what comes to you intuitively.
Be gentle on yourself
Change doesn’t come easily or quickly, and it always brings fear along with it.
If you are noticing resistance to shifting your mindset, allow yourself to acknowledge fears, whether they are rational or irrational, big or small. Simultaneously, know that you have the power of creation flowing through you generating positive results and all that you deserve for your business and your life. •
7 Ways to Address E-Commerce Challenges
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: KAREN STUTH is the founder and owner of Satiama Publishing, a service mark of Satiama, LLC. She is also the author of The Wisdom of Tula Card Deck, a coauthor and co-developer of the highly awarded board game Quintangled, and an author-contributor to Life Wisdom Word Search: Yoga for the Brain. Visit to learn more.
GLOBAL DATA INDICATES that consumer use of e-commerce has unquestionably risen during the COVID pandemic and now includes essential and non-essential items formerly purchased most often in-person. These purchases run the spectrum and include cars, houses, groceries, restaurant-prepared meals, jewelry, art, and electronics. There exists a rapidly growing emphasis on convenience or noncontact shopping during these very interesting and shifting changes in our global economy.
E-commerce shopping channels present a different set of challenges for retailers. For some, there exists a significant shift in income from brick and mortar to online that demands a different set of skills and tools to address the accompanying and somewhat different set of customer wants and needs. In the midst of this, the mainstreaming of the mind-body-spirit industry continues, bringing forward a new set of interested shoppers who may be more accustomed to online shopping.
Overall, retailers are experiencing the effects of global shortages and supply chain delivery issues, shortages of personnel, and looming above all of that, the severe and challenging topic of competing with Amazon or Etsy. While no one can predict how long this trend will continue, seven proven strategies can support and encourage your success in online sales as a core component of your business.
Keep your primary focus on the customer’s online experience and connection to your brand
One of the best ways to create a memorable online experience with your customers is to develop a sense of partnership. Send the message throughout your site that you are there to help meet their needs, that you are listening and responsive to their inquiries. Through newsletters, special coupons, and private sales, you can remind them why they came to be on your customer list in the first place. Using contact forms or even customer phone numbers, you can offer access to your company that closes the gap between in-person and online shopping. Ask shoppers when leaving your site to rate their experience and be actively responsive to their input.
While some e-commerce merchants send daily emails, many customers don’t like to feel over-contacted. Give them options as to how often you will contact them rather than simply the opportunity to unsubscribe entirely. Use click map software or other tools to learn which parts of your website attract the most traffic. Let the customer guide the experience you build for them. Don’t take a ‘brick and mortar ‘approach to your online store. Acknowledge this as a truism, and you will develop and maintain a successful e-commerce business.
Offer rewards or customer loyalty program with incentives and make them reachable and meaningful
Give your customers a reason to constantly shop your website by providing them with incentives and rewards. These types of programs are proven to increase customer retention, provide repeat business and help customers to feel valued, which can positively impact your bottom line. There are a reported 3.3 billion customer loyalty programs in place right now around the world, and they exist in such numbers because they help retain the customer you worked hard to gain in the first place. These programs often guide an online consumer to choose a particular online retailer from which to purchase, help to build and maintain brand loyalty, and most of all, can turn your customers into brand advocates. Offer easy-to-achieve levels of loyalty incentives that avoid customer frustration. There are many types of programs that can “plug in” to your website. Consult your website administrator for the best loyalty program for your e-commerce channel.
Offer experiential services and activities on your website
Give your customers a reason to constantly visit your site, perhaps by offering a series of free guided meditations or horoscope readings or book reviews, blogs, a Q & A column with a spiritual teacher or author, or something unique that cannot be found elsewhere. Whether for sale or offered for free, these enticers can include classes, live online readings, astrology forecasts, book excerpt readings, book reviews, or anything that especially invokes the use of something from your online or brick-and-mortar store. Your experiential offerings can change constantly, and something new may not be needed daily, but often enough that visitors will want to visit your site. Don’t forget to use a pop-up form so that you collect opted-in email addresses for your monthly newsletter. This also keeps your customers in close connection with your brand.
Create unusual offerings, including subscription boxes, product bundles, or other product sets that increase the attractiveness of buying these items online
Create offerings that appeal to customers across all generational segments, introducing them to your brand and what it offers to them personally. For example, consider offering a monthly themed box that might include several of the following: stones, herb bundles, journals, candles, meditation tools, a featured book, and a surprise inclusion for a flat price. Each monthly box can present a themed collection not available in other venues like Amazon or Etsy. Product bundles might include a book set, a coloring book collection, wisdom or tarot cards, or more. Customers will expect the price to vary according to the content. Make sure your bundles are only offered to customers who shop in your online store, continuing to ensure their loyalty.
Offer free shipping
One of the most successful ways that big ecommerce companies create repeat customers is through offering free shipping. ‘Abandoned’ shopping carts most often exist because of the final addition of taxes and shipping costs, which can sometimes surprise and consequently cause a prospective buyer to decide to wait or even reverse their decision to purchase. While taxes cannot be avoided, you can offer free shipping by modestly increasing your product price to cover some of your customer’s shipping costs, but don’t expect to cover your shipping in total. While your sales margin might appear lower than you would like, the recovered cost to get the customer to your site and to keep them as a repeat customer more than makes up
for any lower profit margin. You might want to limit your free shipping offer to the United States or your own country or to offer it for shopping above a certain level, such as $35 or more.
Create a second chance
Ensure your website software automatically delivers abandoned shopping cart customers a special email offer of an extra discount or something that strongly encourages them to return and complete their purchase! Over time this can account for a significant level of sales. This continues to support your customer’s online experience and connection to your brand.
7.Make it safe
Online shoppers have certain expectations which drive their use of a shopping channel. These include easy access to your product and service selection and equally easy checkout on your site. They also expect contact-less delivery and assurance of online safety and security. Ensure your website administrator has installed all types of security and safety software to avoid a data breach. Consider advanced technology such as a multi-factor authentication system. Prepare in advance by creating a plan to handle both minor and significant disruptions in security. Assign in advance what will be the chain of command and delegate employees to carry out each step. Don’t be caught unprepared, which will only increase the problem. By designing an advance plan, you will sleep better at night and protect the interests of your customers, employees, and company. Finally, be sure you have an easy-to-find set of Terms of Use, a Return Policy, and a Privacy Policy on your website.
By following some or all of these seven strategies, your ecommerce business can flourish and grow and keep your business and brand robust and viable for years to come. •
The Power of Color
COLOR HAS PROFOUND PSYCHOLOGICAL EFFECTS on our body and mind so it should be of no surprise that color experts like Leatrice Eiseman, executive director of the Pantone Color Institute, and her team, spend months, sometimes years, researching and discussing in order to determine the Color of the Year. Many brands and companies use either that exact color or gradations of it to inform everything from merchandise designs to marketing and branding efforts.
Many elements come into play when deciding what colors work for different purposes. Eiseman asks clients to consider their audience, their competition and what the company is trying to impart to that target audience. “There are a lot of questions that have to be asked,” she tells clients. “It’s a more complicated factor when you’re getting into product development as opposed to the colors you use around you.”
We react to colors based on a number of factors and experts understand the power certain colors have on our health and well-being. For example, for many of us, earth tone colors like greens and blues tend to be calming while red might be too bold and harsh, depending on the circumstances.
As a result, paint companies like Sherwin-Williams and Benjamin Moore also announce their own Color of the Year and palettes that reflect cultural influences, interests and observations. A pulse on the current state of affairs, so to speak.
Unlike past years in which the color selections are pretty different between the two companies, this year — perhaps as a nod toward the need for mental health, wellness and growth — shades of green were chosen as their Color of the Year by both.
For 2022, Sherwin-Williams announced Evergreen Fog as its Color of the Year.
“We are seeing many homeowners embrace earth tones as an option to neutrals and using paint to create a sanctuary in the spaces around them by incorporating natureinspired hues,” explains Sue Wadden, director of color marketing at Sherwin-Williams.
“For example, green is becoming a popular color choice as people are thinking about how plants and trees can add life to a space and want to bring that feeling inside. Because of the versatility of the color, green can
be paired with any style of design and décor to help create the mood you want for each room,” Wadden adds.
Evergreen Fog is a soothing hue that can help people feel more relaxed and allows them to unwind which is something many of us will welcome in the months and years to come. Retailers and manufacturers can harness the power of this color by considering their own color choices for product development, merchandising as well as the color they choose to paint their spaces.
Similarly, October Mist is Benjamin Moore’s Color of the Year for 2022. Described as a gently shaded sage that quietly anchors a space while encouraging individual expression through color and creates a canvas for other colors.
“As the spaces in our homes continue to evolve, we uncover more opportunities to express our individuality and leverage the power of color to design environments that serve different functions and styles,” says Andrea Magno, Benjamin Moore’s director of Color Marketing & Development. October Mist and the corresponding Color Trends 2022 palette reflect an effortless harmony of colors, while inspiring unique combinations for any paint project, according to Magno.
For those who love and appreciate design, taking color into consideration, whether it’s part of a branding refresh or product development, isn’t something to take lightly. We surround ourselves
with not only color, but products designed with colors in mind.
Even utilitarian products like our laptops can have color and reaching for them makes us happy. When I bought my laptop, I had the option to choose a silver or rose gold case. I went with rose gold because it makes me feel happy when I use it. Eiseman isn’t surprised at how I feel.
People who love design want to be surrounded by high design products or things that make them feel better, Eiseman says. And since I use my laptop almost daily, why can’t it be pretty and make me feel happy when I use it?
Eiseman admits not everyone consciously thinks about color and design the way I do, but it is likely happening subconsciously. They might be in the supermarket or the hardware store, or wherever they’re buying those mundane everyday things, and a color will speak to them, whether they are aware of it or not, she notes.
While we don’t have to default to 2022’s Colors of the Year, being mindful of how we apply color in our lives can help us harness its power in beautiful ways. •
But what does it mean to get ready these days, anyway? In the past it meant, looking at the trends and planning your investments. It meant setting new goals and getting your mindset right for that potential. Now? Now it means something very different. It means processing and releasing the trauma of the past year. Find ways to confirm that indeed you are safe in body, mind, and spirit. And dream up new ideas and plans that can be adapted to the ever-changing world.
The Season to Prep Your Mind
THE PAST TWO TRIPS around the sun have supplied business owners a unique set of stressors. It’s been damned if you do, damned if you don’t scenarios where standard practices no longer apply. Business owners have carved out new neural pathways in order to adapt or watch their business die. How many times did it look like covid was settling down and there would be a moment to breathe and the game would shift again? New strains of COVID, supply chain issues, staffing issues, economic issues, inflation, deflation, even our holiday season had been topsy-turvey. I say, stop waiting for the moment when you can take a breath and create a moment to take that breath, and get ready for the next 12 months.
This year is not going to be the stable year where we get back to the normal world we used to know. By all predictions, there are too many variables in the world to make a firm prediction. 2022’s future is unknowable, it’s time to prep your mindset to make sure you are caring not only for your business but also for your own well-being.
Read through this exercise then plan a few hours of self-care where you can dive into your prep for 2022. The revelations at the end are worth it!
Congratulate yourself
You are walking through a very stressful time in your life and in the world. You don’t have to be doing it with style, or even with any skill or success. The sheer resilience you are showing by going through it is worthy of recognition. This is hard to congratulate yourself on everything you have attempted and accomplished. Along this journey, there have been some winning moments. Look for 12 moments of joy or actions you have taken along the way that set up the wins you deserve to congratulate yourself on. Here are a few ideas to get you started:
The best sales day you had all year
The moment when your store was stocked to its fullest point
The day off you took, just for yourself
The social media post that got the most views, comments, or shares
The single largest sale
The time you and your staff laughed and danced all day
That moment you found the perfect item to bring into your store and it was in stock
When you balanced your checkbook perfectly on the first try
The positive review you got on your google business page
When the customer came back in to thank you for your help
Look back upon how many times you have succeeded in the past year, you are amazingly strong and smart.
Honor the struggle
Yes, this past year was HARD. Really hard. Honestly harder than the previous year. In 2020 there was community support, this year felt like we were on our own with a million and one additional daily decisions
added to our plate. Is there enough product? How do I find more? Where do I find more staff? How much do I need to pay? How long are they going to stay? Why did the customer traffic slow down? The highs were really high and exhausting. The lows were pretty low and damn scary making the struggle very real. Take a moment and honor all the struggles you worked your way through in the past year. Start with 12 good ones. Here are a few struggles that deserve honor:
Finding staff so you don’t have to work all the hours
Finding product in stock that your customers are looking for
Managing the needs of your employees
Balancing your cash flow
Finding time for yourself
Meeting customer demands
Navigating customer service issues
Managing your own emotions and stress
Finding time to care for your own health
When you recognize and honor what you have been struggling with and realize that you are getting through the struggle, you can stop struggling. You are no longer struggling, you are mastering.
When you recognize the struggle and realize that you are not handling it well, you can identify where you need help. Business owners tend to be heroes
and try to handle everything themselves. Honor where you are not doing well and get help. Get help so you transform that struggle into mastery.
Anchor into your strengths
Those wins and those struggles are the testaments to where your strengths lie. Look at all you have managed to overcome and accomplish with the tools at hand. Look at how much you have grown as a person. This is time to brag. No one is watching, go ahead and get into all the prideful feelings, you have earned every single one. This is not the time for humility, save that for later, right now your pride will shine the light on the strengths that will help you step into this year with the mindset you need to manifest the possibilities that are rolling around in your head. Make a list of these strengths and how they have served you. If you are having trouble feeling your strengths, here is a little exercise to wind your way into understanding your value. Take the lists you made about your winning moments and struggles and turn them face down. Imagine these lists belong to a dear friend. Give that friend a name and a story. Flip the lists over and look at the wins and struggles as if they belong to your friend. Share your observations on where you see their strengths. Talk to this imaginary person in an encouraging way and get excited for their future based on what they have proven to be excellent at. Here are a few strengths to inspire you:
Dream on the possibilities
For some, this is the hardest part of this process, imagining what could be. Breaking through the glass ceiling of your original dream and tapping into the wild possibilities of what could be, takes courage. It can be hard to imagine your business seven times the size it is now and all that it would take to run that business, but that is what you are going to do in this exercise. You are going to break through the limits that your fears have placed upon your dreams and imagine something out of bounds and brilliant! There will be no test, there is no one holding you to this outcome. Answer these questions and let yourself go WILD:
What would seven times your largest year’s revenue be?
How much product would you buy in that year?
How big of a store would you need? Would you have more than one store? How many people would work for you?
How many managers?
How many hours would you work? What would you sell?
What would your life be like?
Would you have the same business model?
Describe as best you can what the craziest possibilities would be. What kind of profit margin would you want and what changes would you need to make to get there? How would you positively affect the community, what would you give back? Is there any innovation you would like to implement to achieve the seven times? As you craft this imaginary seven times business, how would you feel? Most importantly, are you happy?
How you feel emotionally is critically important right now. Over these past two years, many business owners have put their feelings aside to double down on the survival of their business. Eventually, one by one, their need for self-care and quality of life reminded them of those big emotional feelings that are the heart of their business. Without honoring our feelings, we lose touch with WHY we have our business in the first place.
Focus on how you want to FEEL
How we want to feel every day is one of the largest unspoken drivers of why we are and stay in business. We want to feel something very important to our well-being and identity. When we find that something and align our purpose, vision, mission and values with that feeling, we are powered up to create beyond our imagination.
As you finish this prep, review everything you have written and you will find the theme of how your want to feel. There is an overarching feeling you and your business will need year to year.
One year, it may be secure, the next year it may be brave, or the next year it may be loved. You have already told yourself what it is you need this year – it is hidden in your words. Review them all and catch that feeling. Is that feeling what you really need and want or is it a reaction to the world events? Choose the word for the year wisely and use it to inspire and drive your energy.
I challenge you over this next 12 months to review your plan, does it create and honor that feeling you want to manifest? Does it align with that word? Does that word hold true all year long or do you need to update it? After this prep exercise, I hope you can discover within you brilliant ideas to lead your way filled with inspiration, peace, confidence, and surety to set your mind for a great year! •
Divination &Decks
Hearing the Voice of Spirit
NO MATTER YOUR BELIEF or background, the practice of divination predates all of it. To divine is to access, interpret, and honor the patterns of nature, and from there it’s a free-for-all. Human beings have always sought to understand the vibrations found in our Universe in order to better understand ourselves. And there are endless oracles from which to do it: from Astrology to Tarot, Iridology to Craniognomy, Tea Leaves to Coffee Grounds, or Runes to the Pendulum…and these are only the tip of the iceberg.
One of my favorite methods of divining is through books: Bibliomancy (take any book and open to any page and read the first line
that comes into view—interpret as your message from spirit).
Bibliomancy is the art of using sacred texts, books, and other periodicals for accessing messages from the Universe. The modern origins of which are centered in using prayers or lines of text from religious writings to deliver a person from negative entities or to call on the Creator for help in some way.
Looking for signs in our environment is a way of training our self-awareness to a broader synchronicity and deeper sensitivity. Our spirit communicates all the time through our friends, family, strangers, and animals, but it also speaks to us through the
illusion of non-sentient means.
It is the work of these oracles to open our hearts and minds to new possibilities of living life, solving problems, or drawing down our prosperity from on-high.
The connection to suffering and empathy is empirical when it comes to our ability to read the signs offered-up by the Universe.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: TRACEE DUNBLAZIER , GC-C, is a Los Angeles-based spiritual empath, shaman, and eleven-time national award-winning author, publisher, and the current president of COVR: Coalition of Visionary Resources. As a multi-sensitive, Tracee’s blend of intuitive information combined with different modalities, has provided the opportunity for many to achieve deep healing and create the success and peace they seek in their lives. Her latest bestseller is Conquer Your Karmic Relationships: Heal Spiritual Trauma to Open Your Heart and Heal Your Soul
black, tattered-cloth hard-cover book that had been printed in the 1960s, it was entitled The Complete Illustrated Book of the Psychic Sciences (©1966, Walter B. Gibson, Doubleday). There it was, sitting on the stool, seeming to blend in so well, almost to be unnoticeable. Someone had left that book to be found by me. I’d not seen it in anyone’s hands the entire night, and for days after, no one came forward or seemed to know anything about it.
Until then, I hadn’t spent much time looking to oracles as a means of communication with the spirit world, but at the time, every one of my nights had been filled with nightmares, dreams, and visions, for which I was not
comprehending their full meaning—my torment was great.
The book re-awakened in me my ancient desire for a visceral, tangible relationship to myself, my environment, the world around me, and the spiritual dimensions that were ready to assist. The act of divination isn’t only to connect with other worlds, but the multiplicity of our own soul language. Oracles are an invitation to better know yourself, master your relationships with others, and to cultivate the love and compassion it takes to honor the planet we live on.
Many years ago, I was in my twenties and living in New York City. A waitress at a jazz club, I spent the wee hours of the morning cleaning and clearing tables after the last guest had gone. The lights were dim, and the stage was quiet, with only a baby grand piano left and a single light that shone on a black wooden stool in the center of the floor. It was such an elegant vision captured in that moment, that for a minute I’d forgotten my pain and the questions on my heart that I’d prayed about just hours before, hoping for a speedy response from the Creator.
So mesmerized with the scene, in fact, I hadn’t noticed a
In the spirit of the prophets who’ve laid the path for us all, using Bibliomancy and The Complete Illustrated Book of the Psychic Sciences I’d like to offer a message from the Divine. Interpret as you will, to answer the burning questions of your heart and soul.
“…Woods: If you dream of green woods you will have lucky change. If the woods are on fire make plans for your welfare and security…” (Page 182, Line 15) •
To become a medium between the world and one’s own heart is the true value of any method of augury. The messages from our soul that connect us to every part of our existence, and will deliver us from our own inner bondage, to the endowment of freedom we are born to seek.
Talk with Peter Russell,
RETAILING INSIGHT MAGAZINE: Why is letting go valuable?
Peter Russell: Most of the world’s spiritual traditions encourage letting go in one form or another. Non-attachment to outcomes, surrendering desires, accepting the present, opening to a higher power, relinquishing the ego, forgiveness — they all entail a letting go. Letting go, it is claimed leads to greater happiness, open-heartedness, and inner freedom. Holding on to anger over something that someone did in the past, can keep us feeling bad in the present moment. Or, believing our interpretation of a problem is the right one, can prevent us from seeing more creative solutions. Being continually anxious about what might happen in the future, can build up an inner tension, with possible consequences for our health and well-being.
When we let go of a particular interpretation, judgment, or emotional response that is not serving us, the mind relaxes. Free from tension and the energy that went into holding on, we feel more at ease. We see things as they are without an overlay of fear or anxiety. We are more open to others, and more creative in our approach to life. And we can be more in touch with our true self.
RIM: What does “Nothing” in the title mean? How can we let go of nothing?
PR: It is partly a play on words. Nothing meaning “no thing.” When we find ourselves wanting to let go of something, maybe something that upset us, or something we desire, we may think it is the thing itself which is the problem. But what we need to let go of are not the actual things, but the thoughts and feelings that we’ve become attached to.
Letting go of an attachment is releasing our mental grip. And that grip comes from the way we see things. Our point of view or interpretation of events. Our way of seeing things is not something we experience, like a person, or a book, or the thoughts and feelings that may arise. It is not a tangible thing. In this sense it is a non-thing. Or nothing.
What we are really letting go of are these nonthings. In this sense we are letting go of nothing. Rather we are seeing things from a different perspective. It’s really about a change of mind.
RIM: Why do you emphasize letting in and letting be?
PR: As most of us have discovered, letting go doesn’t always come easily. The difficulty stems from treating letting go as another task to do. But we can’t “do” letting go, however hard we try. To let go, we have to cease the “doing” of holding on. Although this may sound unconventional — and it certainly does entail a very different approach from the frustrating “trying” to let go we easily default to — I have found it a far more effective path.
The first step is to let in the experience of holding on. To let it in to our awareness. Initially, this may sound like the opposite of what we want. We assume that letting go of something means getting rid of it, pushing it away. If we want to let go of some grievance, for example. we may try not to think about what the other person did and how awful they were. However, a central idea of this book is that we should do the opposite. In order to release the grip our mind has on some attitude or idea, we first need to let in the experience of holding on.
Having let the experience in, the second part of letting go is letting be. Don’t try to change your experience, or wish it weren’t there. Instead, accept it as it is. I recommend just being with it in an innocent curious way, almost as if you were experiencing it for the first time. When you do, the mind can begin to relax and you’ll find letting go comes much more easily.
RIM: How can we let go of uncomfortable emotions?
PR : Letting go of distressing emotions is not about getting rid of them. They’re there for a reason, and
need to be listened to. It is more about relieving any unnecessary stress and discomfort they are causing. Or impacts on our lives that we don’t want.
Our first reaction to an uncomfortable emotion may be to avoid feeling it fully. Why should we feel something unpleasant when what we want is the opposite? So we may repress it, or push it to the back of our mind. But as most of us know, that doesn’t really work; it can still be there quietly nagging at us.
So, the first step in letting go of an emotion is to do the opposite, and let it in more fully. We can notice how it feels in the body. With anger, there may be a clenching of the fists, and perhaps a gritting of the teeth. With fear, a quivering sensation in the body as it prepares to run. Then, whatever you notice, let it be there — often by opening to it, not resisting it, it ceases to grip us as much.
Along with the feelings in the body, an emotion usually has some story behind it — by which I mean something we are telling ourselves about what has happened, or might happen.
With anger, you might have a story about how someone upset your plans. Again, let it in, become conscious of what you’re telling yourself. Then ask, “is this story really true?” “How do I think they should have behaved?” As we begin to see it for what it is — a story we are telling ourselves — it’s grip on the mind diminishes and it becomes easier to let go.
RIM: Why do you say meditation should be effortless?
PR: Some types of meditation do involve effort and concentration, but the practices I’m interested in are those that allow the mind to relax, and settle into a quieter, calmer state. Here effort tends to be counterproductive, and likely to make the mind more tense rather than more relaxed.
I encourage people to simply notice their experience in the moment — the sensations in the body, the flowing of the breath, the sounds they hear. Allowing them to be there, just as they are. Not wanting some other experience; not trying to get somewhere else. It is the essence of letting go — simply letting in your experience, whatever it is, and letting it be.
People often ask “What about thoughts?” I can’t stop thoughts coming in. When you do notice your attention wandering off on some idea, don’t use effort to try and stop them. Just choose not to follow them further. Over many years of teaching meditation
I’ve found that when people stop trying to meditate, and let go completely, they drop into a quieter state of mind much more easily.
RIM: What do you mean by true nature?
PR: It is the mind in its natural unperturbed state, untarnished by complaints, desires, or concerns. It is a relaxed state of mind, at ease and at peace in ourselves. It is our true unblemished nature, how we naturally feel when we’re not threatened or worried — happy and content.
We are conditioned to believe that happiness comes through what we have or do, but what all the great spiritual teachings have pointed out is that our true nature is already one of happiness, but all our worrying about how to find happiness in the future veils our true nature in the present.
When we let go completely our true nature reveals itself and we realize that what we were seeking — safety, happiness, joy, peace of mind — was there all along, but our holding to our ideas as to how to find it veiled its presence.
RIM: How can we use this to improve our relationships?
PR : One of the most powerful practices in any relationship is that of forgiveness. The conventional notion of forgiveness goes something like: I know you did wrong, but I’m not going to punish you this time. The forgiveness I am talking about is about not letting the other off, but letting go of the judgments and grievances we may be holding against them. in this way, we actually help ourselves feel better — we’re no longer disturbing our own peace of mind. The quality of the relationship then naturally improves.
True forgiveness comes when we recognize that, deep down, the other person wants the same as us. In their own way, they are seeking happiness; to be at peace, free from pain and suffering. This is not to imply we should accept someone’s bad behavior, or even condone it. We may well feel the need to give them feedback, or make suggestions as to how they might behave better, but it is better to do so from a compassionate heart, rather than from a judgmental mind.
RIM: You say there’s no such thing as ego, what do you mean?
PR : People often talk about the ego as if it were some entity inside us, another part of our self. But when I look inside myself I cannot find any “thing” I can call ego. What I do find are various thoughts about what I want, what would make me happy, or give me more control over my world — what we might label “egocentric” thoughts. But I don’t find a distinct self, or ego — an entity that is having these thoughts.
What we call the ego is not some “part” of me; it is a mode of thinking, a process,
and is the same feeling I had yesterday, a year ago, and when I was 10 years old. My thoughts, emotions, character, personality, desires, needs, beliefs, and preferences may have changed considerably over the years, but this sense of “I” has not.
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rather than a thing, It’s a frame of mind about what we need to feel safe and secure.
At times it may be very useful, if there is some danger or some need that needs fulfilling then it is important that we should put ourselves first. But much of the time this selfcentered mode of thinking gets activated when there is no need.
Exploring the nature of this unchanging self has been encouraged by just about every spiritual tradition. It is not meant as examination of who we are as a particular person — our character, personality, needs, beliefs can change markedly over a lifetime — it is meant more as an enquiry into the nature of this ever-present sense of personal being. That which is aware of all your experience.
The question is an invitation to explore what the word “I” refers to. Not to think about it, but to look into your actual experience and enquire: What do you mean by I? What is the truth here, beyond any ideas you have of the self? Don’t look for an answer. Just sit in the enquiry, with an open mind. And the self will begin to reveal itself to itself. As we come to recognize our true identity, we feel more secure in ourselves and can act more in accord with the needs
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The difference is subtle, but very important. If we see ego as some distinct self, it is easy to fall into the belief — common in many spiritual circles — that we must get rid of our ego, transcend it, or overcome it in some way. But seeing ego as a mode of thinking we get caught in, leads to a very different approach. Letting go of ego becomes letting go a thought system. And that can be an ongoing practice rather than a faroff goal. When we notice egoic thoughts arising, we can simply choose not to follow them any further. To let them go.
RIM: What’s the value of asking “Who am I?
PR: There’s an unchanging sense of “I-ness” that has been there all my life. It’s that feeling of being “me,”
of the situation at hand than the needs of the vulnerable ego.
RIM: Why do you say letting go is now more important than ever?
PR : Today change comes ever-faster, making the future increasingly unpredictable. With events we can predict (for example, an impending hurricane), we have some idea of what will happen and how to prepare. But how do we prepare for the unexpected?
I like to draw an analogy with trees braving a storm. First, they need strong, firm roots. Likewise, we need be firmly rooted in the ground of being — to remain cool, calm, and collected amidst change, not thrown into fear or panic by every unexpected development. We’ll need to let go of our beliefs about what will make us happy;
remembering that what we are looking for in life — peace, ease, contentment — is available right here, within ourselves.
Like trees, which can sway with the wind, we, too, should be flexible.
We’ll need to let go of our ideas as to how things should be, and what the future might look like. To see things with fresh eyes, rather than those of the past.
We’ll need to let go of whatever stands in the way of our being smarter, more creative, more resourceful, and more compassionate human beings; more in touch with our self, responding to change with greater clarity and wisdom. •
Peter Russell author of Letting Go of Nothing and From Science to God, earned degrees in theoretical physics, psychology, and computer science at the University of Cambridge in England, where he studied for a time with Stephen Hawking. He studied meditation and Eastern philosophy in India and later conducted research into the neurophysiology of meditation. He coined the term global brain with his 1980s bestseller of the same name (100,000 copies sold), in which he predicted the internet and the impact it would have on humanity. He lives in Northern California. Please visit to learn more about the author.
Letting Go of Nothing: Relax Your Mind and Discover the Wonder of Your True Nature
By Peter RussellForeword by
Eckhart Tolle(An Eckhart Tolle Edition)
Published by New World Library
ISBN: 9781608687657
Pages 144 I Price $17.95
Also available as an ebook
K e e p m o v i n g f o r w a r d ,
y o u ' l l
BY THE EDITORA curated selection of new & upcoming books in body-mind-spirit
Find Your People: Building Deep Community in a Lonely World
By Jennie AllenPublished by The Crown Publishing
ISBN 9781608687596
Pages: 272 I Price: $25
The New York Times bestselling author of Get Out of Your Head offers practical solutions for creating true community, the kind that›s crucial to our mental and spiritual health.
Larger Than Yourself
By Thibault ManekinPublished by New World Library
ISBN 9781608687596
Pages: 304 I Price: $17.95
Larger Than Yourself tells this story but is about much more than Manekin himself. It also profiles the remarkable real-world change makers he has worked with and the innovative practices he has instituted in the profitable companies and nonprofit organizations he has helped to create. Manekin makes these methods accessible to all, meaningful to anyone, and inspirational to everyone with an idea, a hope, and a purpose-driven dream.
Maps of My Emotions
By Bimba LandmannPublished by Schiffer Books
ISBN 9780764362217
Pages: 48 Price: $18.99
A boy is leaving for a mysterious journey that will take him to explore faraway places. The only words describing these places, in this almost wordless book, are those of the maps that he draws. These fantastic and evocative places express all the shades of emotions from hope to fear, from wonder to sadness, to finally to love. An unprecedented and highly original itinerary with a story of friendship and great adventure plays out in graphic-novel form that unfolds on the pages between the maps. Highly visual illustrations provide an incentive for children to explore their emotions and create their own new maps for emotional discovery.
Overwhelmed And Over It: Embrace Your Power to Stay Centered and Sustained in A Chaotic World
By Christine AryloPublished by New World Library
ISBN: 9781608686773 Pages: 344 I Price: $17.95
Liberate yourself from stress and overwhelm! If you’re like most women, you’ve discovered that the tasks and pressures never end in our culture, a culture built for burnout. But there’s a way to stop stressing and start thriving — to wake up to the underlying systems and unsustainable ways of working and living that sap your strength, drain you dry, and fragment your focus. Feminine wisdom leader Christine Arylo is on your side, as she shines a light on the external forces and internal imprints that push you into overwhelm and self-sacrifice. She then shows you how to access your power to achieve what matters most, including receiving what you need and desire. •
The State of Wellness Music Industry:
A Historical Perspective
WHEN DEAN EVENSON AND I first started selling our audio cassettes in 1979, we had no idea that the music we were creating would one day become its own genre and bring a whole new aspect to the music industry itself. In fact, when we first offered our music to record stores they didn’t know where to put it. It wasn’t classical or jazz although it had elements of both categories. Store managers
said we would need to create our own genre and so we did… or actually, we and many others did who were also exploring the same kind of peaceful music that we had discovered.
In the early days we sold our tapes at swap meets which turned out to be an excellent venue for getting direct customer feedback on how the music was affecting people. We knew our music was
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: DUDLEY and her husband DEAN EVENSON are sound healing pioneers who co-founded their label Soundings of the Planet in 1979. Their awardwinning music has streamed billions of times and now reaches millions of people worldwide. Their books and popular YouTube channels are other ways they reach out. Visit to learn more.
calming, but we were surprised when people would come back to our booth week after week reporting on how it had helped them relax or deal with chronic pain or anxiety. Massage therapists and yoga practitioners were the first big fans. Remember, at that time massage, yoga, and meditation had only recently been introduced into our subculture.
As people have become more aware of the relationship between stress and health, the importance of this kind of wellness music has increased. Now over four decades later, the New Age genre has its own Grammy award,
Billboard, and radio charts, and is a respected and meaningful contributor to the music industry itself. Although some in the genre wish it had a different name, after many attempts to change it, the name may be here to stay. To get around that, people may describe the music by the mood or experience it brings up. Names such as Wellness, Ambient, Relaxation, Yoga, Meditation and Healing all convey the intention or use of the music. In fact, intention of the musician is actually quite important in this genre.
Over the decades, the market for wellness music has greatly expanded even as the process of distribution has changed drastically. Most of the early wellness
music was produced by the artist musicians themselves and selfdistributed with a lot of creative effort. It wasn’t until later that larger record companies became involved in the genre and then, they sometimes missed the point of the music when their ‘bean counters’ didn’t see sales as high as expected and they didn’t do anything to support the music.
Most of us independent musicians skipped vinyl and went from cassette tapes to compact discs. The period during the ‘90s when people were replacing their vinyl and tape collections with CDs fueled growth in the industry. For many years, musicians were able to make a good living selling their CDs through mom-and-pop shops, and independent book and gift stores. Many musicians had direct contact with massage therapists or spas who would play the music during sessions. Touring musicians could give concerts and workshops and be additionally supported by selling their CDs.
Then Steve Jobs invented the 99-cent song and things began to go digital. After the initial frenzy of free file sharing, people became used to paying for downloads and although a decent income was paid to musical producers, it was still downsizing. And then… streaming made its appearance. That along with the pandemic and gathering restrictions is where we currently have landed. Musicians are touring less but zooming more
and this may be the new normal for a while. We’re all trying to understand how to navigate the digital world and still maintain our close connections with listeners and somehow support the artists. Online concerts or digital workshops. Social media posting and promotions. YouTube videos. Zooming.
As for bringing music into stores and venues, the internet can be helpful in making that happen. Wellness music is always relevant in the visionary marketplace. Many stores subscribe to
the commercial component of their favorite streaming service so they can legally play music in their place of work. They can follow their favorite wellness musicians and continue to create a peaceful sonic ambience in their store to enhance their customers’ shopping experience. More musicians and producers are developing ways to create virtual musical and visual events across great distances. This is our challenge today and we are not alone as people around the globe are trying to figure it out. We are ever grateful for the stores
which still do sell CDs because that is one way to truly support the musicians who are creating the wellness experience. But no matter how you listen to music, now more than ever, an anxious world needs this spiritual music of peace. We can and we must figure out how to keep the music alive and enhance wellness in ourselves, our families, and communities. •
Raphael Groten, Independent
Potential is a multi-layered sound healing exploration into a New Age sub-genre, “world medicine groove,” and one’s own inner potential. This album is 14 tracks of “intentional healing music,” including several vocal pieces by Raphael. Here, the artist incorporates unusual instruments and styles, including nature sounds, flutes, percussion, stringed instruments from around the world, and various sound healing instruments. Dedicated to the healing of all life, this is a calming journey into the very depths of the soul. With its shamanic components, the music is deeply spiritual, artistically creative, and worth exploring for anyone seeking healing and deep, inner peace.
Jill Haley, Coranglais
Music from the gifted multiinstrumentalist Jill Haley is always a treat. Jill is best known for her work with the National Park system. She visits various National Parks as artist in residence and writes music based upon her inspirations from each park. However, due to the pandemic, she was not able to visit a National Park during 2020/2021. So, instead, she garnered musical inspiration from The Book of Psalms. Her new album Wrapped In Light is 10 tracks of warm, richly hued music consisting of piano, English horn, oboe, guitar, bass, and synth. Heartfelt, authentic, and brilliantly impeccable.
Byron Metcalf, Dr. Bam Music
Byron Metcalf is a transpersonal guide, counselor, educator, and shamanic practitioner. In addition, Byron is an award-winning musician and an award-winning tribal dance drummer. He’s released over 20 albums, most of those meant for shamanic journeying. Here, along with the almost otherworldly flute performance of Sherry Finzer on two tracks, plus synths, guitars, and Byron’s rhythmic drumming and masterful percussion, we have a synergistically magical album. In seven tracks and about an hour of meditative, healing music, Rhythms of Remembering feels very much like an invitation to come into deep unity between body, heart, mind, soul, earth, and sky.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: DYAN GARRIS is an award-winning New Age recording artist, award-winning author, and music reviewer, who has recorded and produced 14 albums. Garris’ recordings include a series of independently tested music and meditation CDs that earned The National Health & Wellness Stamp of Approval. Her music can be found on Pandora, Spotify, iTunes, SiriusXM, Muzak, Music Choice, airlines, and more. To know more, visit
2. An evolution of product companies into lifestyle brands through valuesdriven experiences
5 Biggest Retail CX Trends for 2022
TODAY, RETAIL BRANDS think a lot about the experiences they provide their customers, whether it’s in-person or online. Arguably, that experience, and how it’s delivered upon, is all that matters. The resilience of the retail industry was something to behold, but the work is far from over if industry professionals want to thrive in the coming year and beyond.
The future of retail is more digital and more personalized. Digital
experiences continue to be a brand’s most valuable currency in 2022, with value-added Consumer Expectations approaches shaping the trends for the year ahead. So how can you build on this momentum as CX just continue to grow?
Below are five trends that will help retail brands secure a competitive advantage in 2022 and separate the market leaders from the followers.
ABOUT THE AUTHORS: SCOTT WASSMER , GM Americas, Appnovation. Scott is a senior business leader with a passion for developing the right strategies and implementations for companies looking to drive growth and value through digital business transformation and digital marketing innovation. YVETTE YANNE , GM APAC, Appnovation. Yvette has 20 years of experience developing marketing strategies and driving seamless digital experiences with global clients within both pure-play digital and integrated agencies in Hong Kong and London.
1. Mobile-First technologies will increasingly enter physical settings
Over the last year, consumers have become more comfortable with the use of digital for everything in their lives and because of that, brands will embrace an increasingly touchless environment. The inclusion of mobile first technologies such as RFID, mobile apps and mobile driven touchless displays will be an important next step to ensure customer safety, convenience, and comfort. This creates an amazing opportunity for retailers to unify consumer data between the digital and physical worlds when 38% of consumers1 plan on a mix of both online and in-person shopping in the future.
When products are very similar, brands need to differentiate on the customer experience. This is where digital becomes more important than ever, including finding a new more agile approach to doing business, understanding new consumer groups and behaviors, identifying innovative technology solutions to drive engaging customer experience and overhauling legacy technology platforms to support this evolution.
3. Everyone is a direct competitor in the experience economy
Gone are the days when customers compared the experience of your brand with those in the same category. Rather, they compare yours against the best digital experiences out there — like those of Netflix or Uber. In 2022, retail brands will be focused on the convergence of technologies to create the CX everyone is looking for. Brands need to start looking outside the metaphorical box for inspiration with customer needs serving as the north star.
4. Brands will close the experience gap through a datadriven view of the customer
took charge when the pandemic hit and didn’t hesitate to take a digital-first approach have come out on top in the last year. In 2022, consumers will expect brands to close this ‘experience gap’ even further – and data will be an essential piece of the puzzle. While most have been collecting data, the focus will now shift to accessibility and actionable insights to ensure meaningful and valuable personalization.
5. Constant change is here to stay
Consumer expectations of retailers and the shopping experience have dramatically shifted, and with that change comes opportunity.
Investing your attention into iterative innovation now will prepare your brand to be agile and equipped to respond faster than your competition. Companies with this approach will be doing the groundwork now that will set them up to create groundbreaking products, attract top innovative thinkers, and forge a path to long-term, sustained business success that will keep their competition up at night. Values-driven experiences are the ultimate differentiator and will help shape the retail landscape in 2022.
Customers are selecting the brands they interact with based on the experience and how that experience makes them feel.
1 https://insights.appnovation. com/resources/research-report/ digital-innovation-for-the-experience-economy-retail/
Consumers are no longer willing to wait for the brands they buy from to catch up. The companies that
Looking ahead, customers’ expectations will continue to evolve, and the retail brands that deliver exceptional CX by implementing the technology that allows for personalization and scalability will ultimately grow and thrive. •
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singing bowls, crystals, incenses, sage, salt lamps, candles, pendulums, metaphysical tools, meditations & rituals, gifts, home & garden
Meaningful gifts that stimulate consciousness, inspire beauty, and create harmony as well as support environmentally sustainable and humane manufacturing practices whenever
possible. Our vision is to create a world of harmony, where a balance and a collaboration exist between people, as it exists in nature, with ethics, care and respect for our surroundings, people, and nature.
Llewellyn Worldwide 800-843-6666
astrology, health & wellness, tarot, oracle decks, divination, paranormal, magic, witchcraft, wicca, psychic development, self-help, spiritual enrichment, yoga, meditation
As the world’s oldest and largest independent publisher of books and resources for mind, body, and spirit, Llewellyn has been dedicated to bringing our customers the very best in holistic wellness and personal growth since 1901. We have long been a source of illumination, instruction, and new perspectives on a wealth of topics including tarot, magic, psychic development, earth-base spirituality, and the paranormal. Llewellyn is proud to be the exclusive US and Canadian distributor for Italian publisher Lo Scarabeo and a distributor for Australian publisher Blue Angel.
Sequoia Records
800-657-0975 I
meditation music, yoga music, shamanic drumming, massage music, spa music, Native-American flute music, Celtic music, sacred chant, devotional chant, chakra music, healing music, relaxation music
Discover the most in-demand music for meditation, yoga, relaxation, wellness and chilling out from founders David & Steve Gordon and award-winning artists from around the world. For over 35 years, Sequoia Records has been the #1 source of music in New Age bookstores and gift stores. Our music is sought after at spas, healing centres and yoga boutiques everywhere. We have everything your customers want - from soothing meditation and massage music, Native-American flute music, sacred yoga-chant music, smooth downtempo electronica, soul-stirring Shaman drums, beautiful-enchanting Celtic and Fairy music to guided meditations and chakra music. All our music is sold with our 100% guarantee: return for full refund or exchange – no time limit! We donate a portion of the proceeds from every sale The Rainforest Action Network. Call now for your Retailing Insight special: Get 1 Free CD for every 4 you buy! Or you can order from New Leaf Distributing or White Swan Music.
800- 867-4344 I jewelry, greeting cards, metaphysical, art prints, tarot bags, pendulums, talismans, runes, pagan, witch, Anne Stokes
Since 1995, Starlinks has provided our metaphysical industry with unique Celtic, Wiccan, Egyptian, Norse pagan, mystic and fantasy jewelry, greeting cards, art prints, divination tools, tarot bags and giftware. We feature the art of popular fantasy artists like Anne Stokes, Lisa Parker, Amy Brown, and Briar!
Sign up at for wholesale access. We look forward to working with you!
Steven Halpern/Inner Peace Music
New Age music, spa music, mindfulness, meditation, healing, chakras, brainwaves, relaxation, CDs, podcasts, music
Steven Halpern has been the best-selling
and most trusted name in music for relaxation, healing, meditation, and optimal wellness since he pioneered the field in 1975, years before others caught on. Steven’s classic masterpiece, Chakra Suite, is used worldwide, with over 800,000 units sold. Deep Alpha was a 2012 Grammy® nominee, selling more than ever now, with over 40 weeks on Billboard’s Top Ten New Age chart, a track record unrivalled by any other brainwave entrainment album! Steven’s landmark biofeedback research in 1973, 1977 and 1999 confirmed the healing power of his music. Support the health and immune system of your customers in the age of COVID with must-have titles like Sound Healing 432 Hz, Ocean of Bliss and Echoes of a Dream. Order direct and ask about intro discounts, and from New Leaf and Music Video Distributors.
U.S. Games Systems Inc. 800-544-2637 I tarot, divination, oracle decks, inspirational products, Smith-Waite, meditation decks, yoga, gift decks
U.S. Games Systems, Inc. has been the premier publisher of tarot and inspirational decks since 1968. RiderWaite-Smith decks continue to be the most popular tarot products in the world. For tarot aficionados a must-have set is the Pamela Colman Smith Limited Gold Edition Tarot Deck & Book Set. Other new versions include Reflective Tarot, The Apprentice Tarot, and the 100%
Plastic Rider Tarot Deck. Contemporary interpretations of tarot include bestsellers Tarot of the Abyss, Tarot of Mystical Moments, The Field Tarot, Heart & Hands Tarot, Ciro Marchetti’s Tarot Decoratif, and Paulina Fae’s Phantasm Tarot. New for 2022 are Tarot Neocolonial de las Americas, Heavenly Bloom Tarot, and Simplicity Tarot. Beautiful new oracle and inspirational decks include The Witching Hour Oracle, Dreamscape Oracle, When My Soul Whispered Oracle, Wisdom from the Epics of Hind, Oracle of Light and Dreams, Wisdom of Hafiz, Affirmations of the Fairy Cats, Gentle Creatures Wisdom Deck, and In Dreams Oracle. Among the new visionary products created for conscious living and spiritual work are Infinite Wisdom of the Chakras, Visions of the Soul, Twin Flame Ascension Oracle, Mother Earth Mandala Oracle, and Crystal Message Cards. Also of interest for divination are Tabula Mortem, A Modern Spirit Board and Reading Fortune Telling Cards Deck & Book Set.
Xeonix Divination 972-296-5999 gemstone pendulums, scrying mirrors, gemstone pendant fragrance diffusors, gemstone chamber pendants, dowsing boards, pendulum grab bags, stainlesssteel pendulums, dowsing kits
Xeonix makes high quality products that are “Made in the USA” since 1994. Most of our pendulums now use all stainless-steel parts that will never tarnish and that will last for decades. Our new stainless steel dome pendulums, without chambers, add just enough weight to lightweight gemstones to provide a perfect balance and swing for dowsing. We are the only source for gemstone necklace pendants that safely diffuse fragrances or essential oils. Check out our guide for combining the properties of our gemstone pendants with the properties of essential oils.
Zen and Meow
crystal grids, jewelry, sacred geometry, flower of life, engraved crystals
Zen and Meow is a woman owned business that offers one-of-a-kind wood engraved crystal grids. We offer over 165 designs ranging from sacred geometry, animal totem, mandalas, celestial grids, and more. Aside from crystal grids, we also offer engraved stones such as selenite and black obsidian, engraved Palo Santo, wood pendulum boards and tarot card holders – we frequently add new designs and products! Zen and Meow is the leading producer of wood engraved crystal grids, and our goal is to bring people together with tools that will help promote healing and increase spiritual awareness.
215-249-3934 aromatherapy, healing gemstone jewelry, jewelry displays, TZ glass
Abbeywood Records 416-441-9578 I CDs, new age, relaxation, brainwave entrainment, and binaural beats music
Abbott help fragrances, candles, ecofriendly, sustainable ingredients
Acacia Creations 717-817-1412 I jewelry, home décor, accessories, seasonal gifts, handcrafted, ecofriendly, Fair Trade
African Market Baskets 800-766-6049 I river grass baskets, handcrafted, Fair Trade
Akasha’s Treasures 254-245-8124
herbs, spices, herbal teas, incense, candles, bath care, body care, handcrafted
Ali Lynch Designs 416-720-6069 I tabletop accessories, cutting boards, serving boards, home décor, candle holders
Altiplano 800-258-4044 I jewelry, bags, scarves, hats & accessories, handmade
Alucik www. 760-853-0287
Jewelry, earrings, bracelets, pendants, necklaces, made in USA
Amani ya Juu 423-531-6496
bags, jewelry, kitchen & home, quilts, home goods, handcrafted, sustainable, Fair Trade
Ameico www. 860-354-8765 I table clocks, tabletop, home décor, office, stationary, accessories, lighting, furniture
Amerinda Alpern Designs jewelry, earrings, necklaces, kinetic sculptures, made in USA
Among the Flowers 530-497-0901 candles, soy wax, ecofriendly, handcrafted, natural ingredients, essential oils, made in USA
Amy Kahn Russell 203-438-2133 jewelry, pins, pendants, necklaces, bracelets, earrings, rings
Ana by RabLabs 917-421-9313 home décor, gifts, lighting, furniture
Anastarr Designs 970-626-3181 geometrical shapes, sacred geometry, hand drawing, handcrafted, made in USA
Anatoli handwoven Turkish towels, kaftans, blankets, rugs, scarves, accessories, handmade, ecofriendly, made in Turkey
AngelStar 800-264-3577 figurines, gifts, impulse, stones, jewelry, inspiration, décor, journals, angels, tokens
Anju Jewelry 404-221-0707 I mixed-metal jewelry, brass, copper, stones, tribal, bohemian, handcrafted
Anna Balkan 888-886-6721 Ext.: 101 jewelry, necklaces, earrings, bracelets, rings, handcrafted
Anne Vaughan 540-745-7947
jewelry, gemstones necklaces, bracelets, earrings, handcrafted, made in USA
Anuschka 866-403-1314 footwear, handbags, accessories
Apolis 213-984-4048
customizable market bags, accessories, sustainable
Apothecary Smudge Wands 763-233-1354 smudge jars, smudge wands
A.R.E. Press I 4th Dimension Press 800-333-4499 I books, CDs, DVDs, DVD-ROM
Ariana Ost home décor, tabletop, crystal healing, accessories, mobiles, décor, jewelry
Art by Alyssa home décor, gifts, handmade, made in USA
Artisan Made Gemstones, AMG 508-344-6900 tourmaline replicas, glassware, lighting, sculptures, handcrafted, made in USA
Arty 214-741-1289 I floral, lighting, and holiday products
Avasol www. suncare products, natural ingredients, organic products, sustainable products, Fair Trade
August Nine Designs 804-928-1753 I sterling silver jewelry, semi-precious stones, earrings, necklaces, handcrafted, made in USA
Auntie Oti
718-230-7672 clothing, scarves, bags jewelry, bedding, blankets & throws, lines, handmade products
Apothecanna cannabis, skincare, body care
Applegate Valley Publishing 541-862-7021 I journals, books, greeting cards, custom illustrations, watercolors
Ariana Bohling footwear, alpaca slippers, shoes, accessories, sustainable products
Arivka 818-634-9337
handcrafted jewelry, necklaces, bracelets, earrings, handcrafted, made in USA
Awaken 970-846-2127 I jewelry, scarves, apparel, home goods, handcrafted, sustainable, Fair Trade
Ayn Cates Sullivan book author, speaker, seminar leader
AzureGreen 800-326-0804 I jewelry, incense, candles, giftware, wicca, statuary, herbs, smudge, tarot
231-256-7176 upcycled clothing, sweater mittens, wool hats, purses, fingerless gloves, handcrafted, made in USA
body care, home, wellness, skincare, body oils, masks, candles, body wraps, vegan, natural products, made in USA
Basic Earth Essentials
essential oils, pet care, gifts & accessories
Bead Bottle
jewelry, giftware, DIY, stocking stuffer, tween, made in USA
Bee Lucia Wellness Co.
wellness candles, natural ingredients, healing, intuition, beeswax, 100% clean burning
Be Home
510-369-4167 I
furniture, frames, glassware, stoneware, home & kitchen, reclaimed wood, enamel products, handcrafted products
Bell Pine Art Farm
small statuary, goddesses, animal totems, drummers, angels, essential oil diffusers
Benjamin International 800-488-4699 I jewelry, tapestries, candles, inspirational gifts, incense, meditation pillows, apparel, accessories, genuine gemstones
Beyond Words
503-531-8700 books, film, audio, digital
Big Sky Publishing
207-592-0377I apparel, books, gifts, coaching, astrology
face & body care organic ingredients, vegan, sustainable
Blue Leaf Naturals
859-806-0521 I
CBD, cannabidiol, CBD oil, body care, pet care, wellness
Body Mat, The
208-719-0175 I sales@ natural healing mats, yoga, meditation
Boma Jewelry 866-366-2662 I fashion, sterling silver jewelry
Bombay Incense Co., The
800-705-9995 I
incense, burners, singing bowls, prayer beads, prayer flags, Om, healing
Bottle Benders Inc.
706-779-5048 bottle_
chimes, bottle art, recycled materials, garden décor, handcrafted
Brain Sync
800-984-7962 I guided and unguided meditation, subliminal CDs
Broad Street
jewelry, eclectic, rituals tools, ethically made
Brooklyn Candle Studio 347-565-0343 candles, gifts, handcrafted products, soy wax, made in USA
Burton + Burton
home accessories, ceramics, candle holders, seasonal gifts, baskets, vases
B.Witching Bath Co.
face care, home, kitchen & garden, therapeutic creams, liquid cleansers, fragrance mists, hand soaps, candles, natural ingredients, made in USA
Byers McCurry Studio
505-490-7193 or 505-490-0785 ceramics, sculptures, handmade products, made in USA
CCarina Eden 310-422-9546 I homeopathic gels, chakra gels, grounding gels, vibrational remedies
Coventry Creations 248-545-8360
I candles, oils, sprays, witched union, books, votives, handcrafted products
Calliope 425-310-2285 jewelry, necklaces, bracelets, earrings, handcrafted products, made in USA
Calm My Pet 330-266-2500 I pet products, pet sprays, therapeutic music, natural pet products, holistic products
Candelles soy candles, ecofriendly products, made in USA
Cannabliss Organic 877-747-2547 CBD, cannabidiol, hempderived, skincare
Carina Eden 310-422-9546 I homeopathic gels, chakra gels, grounding gels, vibrational remedies
574-703-0634 custom wood phone cases, wood wallets, Bluetooth speakers, handcrafted products, Made in USA
C.A.S Handmade
508-304-8440 I leather bags, handmade products, made in USA
Catherine Weitzman 888-530-9846 I jewelry, gemstones, nature, bridal, botanicals, handmade products, made in USA
Celtic Art Store 909-273-5285 I celtic art products, meditation tools, art prints, jewelry
Celtic Knot Works 928-225-2488
Celtic jewelry, keychains, accessories, pendulums, pewter pins, pocket charms, money clips
Charity Stewart Designs
art glass jewelry, gifts, handcrafted products
Child of Wild jewelry, wall décor, home décor, candles, crystals, stationary, tarot cards, Made in USA, Native American, Middle Eastern, African
Circles of Light Made in USA 248-593-1977 inspirational gifts, yoga, new age, metaphysical, healing arts, made in USA
Clay Factor Ceramics 503-577-1230
ceramics, drinkware, fine arts, tabletop, décor, handmade products, made in USA
Clayton & Crume 502-694-2615
leather goods, belts, bags, coasters, journals, wallets, handcrafted products, Made in USA
Colleen Deiss Designs slab built stoneware, flower tops, bird houses, mugs, coasters, vases, handcrafted products, made in USA
Conscious Ink 541-480-8949 I temporary tattoos, greeting cards, clothing, quotes, healing, inspirational kit, ecofriendly products
Coobie Seamless Bras 888-789-1037 I seamless bras, camisole, panties, leggings, accessories
Cork Nature wholesalecorkbags 206-972-9202 I handbags, wallets, messenger bags, backpacks, accessories, vegan products, ecofriendly products
Cosmic Reality 888-210-1500 shungite, shungite honey, shungite beehives, shungite jewelry, magnets, stickers, nuggets
Craftstones 760-789-1620 tumbled stones, rough and polished crystals, metaphysical jewelry, birth stones
Creative Co-Op 866-323-2264 home décor, accessories, fashion, seasonal products
Crystal Bar Soap crystal bar soaps, crafted products, cruelty-free, ecofriendly, made in USA
Crystal Distributing Inc.
tingsha, crystal bowls, singing bowls, singing pyramids, quartz, drums, pendulums
Crystal Earth Studio
metaphysical rings, sterling jewelry, stone rings, jewelry
Crystal Fantasies 866-526-4553
crystal, mobiles, Swarovski crystals, multi-strands, jewelry
Crystal Garden, The 877-444-5099
essential oils, liquid smudge, aromatic mists, meditation CDs, chakra jewelry
Crystal Tones Crystal Singing Bowls
crystal singing bowls, sound healing, chakra, CDs, books, gemstones
CTW Home Collection 800-433-5054
home décor, gift, garden décor, kitchen, lighting, and bath products, recycled materials, handmade products
Culture Spot 201-706-3416
Buddha statues, meditation mala, meditation cushions, chakra jewelry, spiritual jewelry
DDanforth Pewter
800-222-3142 I
handcrafted gifts, jewelry, oil lamps, lighting, keyrings, magnets, palm stones, gift cards, home décor
Deep Breath Designs LLC contact.html
yoga, meditation, wellness, organic products, aromatherapy products, handcrafted products, made in USA
Dekorasyon Gifts & Décor 425-640-9888
seasonal gifts, décor, sustainable products, home décor, tabletop DeLaRosse LLC 612-867-1041 aura greetings cards, aura posters, greetings cards
Design Ideas
800-426-6394 home, office accessories, stationary
Designing Fairy Products & Books wholesale 928-713-0408 I card sets, fairy cards, mugs, books, art prints, postcards
Destination Oils 319-290-9555 essential oils, wellness, relaxation, diffuser jewelry, stainless steel jewelry, aromatherapy products
Deva Designs
800-799-8308 I pocket charms, jewelry, gifts, sterling silver jewelry, pendulums, handcrafted products, made in USA
DeVorss & Co.
metaphysical books, spirituality books, video, audio, books
Dragon’s Eye Incense I Scented Sensations (Makes Good Sense)
Spirit Sales – 800-774-0301 incenses, incense holders, sprays, sticks, oils
Dragonhawk Publishing
731-987-3334 books, audio, mysticism, magic & nature books
Duluth Pack
800-777-4439 I backpacks, handbags, duffels, apparel, handcrafted products, made in USA
dZi Handmade
800-318-5857 I
conscious gifts, mystical jewelry, home décor, garden décor, Fair Trade
Emmis Jewelry
847-915-3443 I handmade, gemstones, sterling silver, mixed metal, gold fill, boho-chic, jewelry, necklaces, bracelets, wraps, healing gemstones, symbols, nature, chakras, hamsa, made in USA
Eachanoriginal Design Co.
800-490-9445 I magnets, handcrafted products, gifts, art, made in Canada
Eagle Crest Industries
408-605-1088 I handmade leather coin purse, bracelets, key chains, phone cases, handbags
Earth Luxe
bath & body care, essential oils, soy candles, air diffusers, Himalayan crystal salt scrub bars, natural ingredients, wellness & therapeutic products
Earth Rugs Inc.
Eco-Chic Rugs, braided rugs, printed rugs, table accents, jute baskets, handmade products
Earth Tu Face skincare products, natural ingredients, organic products, made in USA
E.Drumm Designs 978-318-1900 I home décor, ornaments, mirrors, clocks, collages, houseware, handmade products, Made in USA
Eight Acorns 617-383-1663 I floral crystal terrariums, floral jewelry, ornaments, flower preservation, handmade, wall art, Made in the USA, small batches 864 www.864 jewelry, cuffs, necklaces, handbags, totes, accessories
Emilime 512-333-1513 I Alpaca wool, apparel, hats, gloves,
Empower Bodycare THC, CBD, cannabidiol, hemp-derived, body care, natural ingredients
Energy Muse www.ener energy tools, crystals, skincare, body care, bath, jewelry
Enter the Earth 828-318-8607 gems, minerals, gifts, books, fossils
Ericka Boussarhane 850-941-4321 books, MP3 CDs, products, metaphysical, holistic, spiritual, inspirational
Eternal Ice Enterprises 307-754-4396 crystals, gemstones, books, audio
Ethics Supply Co. candles, soaks, Made in the USA, small batches
Fairies Pyjamas, The women’s clothing, accessories, plus sizes, organic products, Fair Trade
Feng Shui Import 760-761-0239 goodluck@ home décor, Feng Shui, fountains, lanterns, Chinese gifts, Kendama, jewelry
Finch Berry
352-900-3070 I bar soaps, fizzy salt soaks, lotions, gift sets, vegan products, natural ingredients, handcrafted products, made in USA
Findhorn Press 800-343-4499 I books, card sets, meditation audio CDs
Fitccessory yoga mats & towels, water bottles, barbell pads, resistance bands, organic products, ecofriendly products
Flipside Hats
503-272-1359 I hats, men, women, kids, accessories, organic products, ecofriendly products
Flying Wish Paper
503-914-3978 wish paper, card kits, inspirational cards, DIY
FridaSophie www.frieda
jewelry stone, handcrafted products, made in USA
Browse our online wholesaler directory all year round for product types, catalog links, company updates and more. Visit www.RetailingInsight .com for more details.
Gaia’s Healing Gifts 239-253-3303
essential oils, spritzers, soaps, perfumes, organic products, aromatherapy products
Ganapati Studios everyday.html
360-914-4463 greeting cards, booklets, journals, art prints, magnets, handmade
Ganesh Himal Trading
jewelry, clothing, bags, knits, handmade paper, meditation and yoga supplies, hats, scarves, Fair Trade
home décor, giftware, garden décor, essential oils, candles, lighting
Global Crafts
866-468-3438 accessories, bags, home décor, jewelry, books, gifts, clothing, handmade products, Fair Trade
Gongs Unlimited
gongs, singing bowls, tuning forks, gong stand, chimes, sound healing
Grandmother’s Buttons 225-635-4107
antique button jewelry, necklaces, bracelets, rings, earrings, charms, brooches, hairpins, Czech glasses, handmade products, made in USA
Great Cosmic Happy Ass Card Co., The 828-645-0188 I
greeting cards, magnets, prints, t-shirts, coloring books, handmade products
Grown Alchemist
skincare, body care, haircare, nutricosmetics
Hand in Hand Soap
bar soaps, body washes, lotions, sugar scrubs, vegan products, natural ingredients, ecofriendly products, made in USA
Hapi Drum
559-642-6248 I
HAPI steel tongue drums, scratch & dent drum, tini drum, mini drum, aura drum, bell, slim drum, origin drum, omni drum, handpan
Harlequin Light by Molly Woods 802-490-4635 table lamps, wall scones, candlesticks, hand painted shades
Harper Collins 800-242-7737 I books, children’s books, kids and teens, romance, Christian
Hawkeye Publishers editing, design, layout, distribution services
HawkHouse raw crystal jewelry, necklaces, earrings, rings, bracelets, handcrafted products, made in USA
Heart & Lotus
jewelry, sterling silver, rose gold, gold vermeil, handcrafted, genuine stones, hypoallergic, biodegradable packaging, Fair Trade, ethically made
Herb Essntls CBD, cannabidiol, skincare
Heartfelt Expressions
800-255-9737 cast granite hearts, inspirational gifts
Hearts for Love
sacred geometry, jewelry, ornaments, cards, stickers, books, art prints, accessories
Highest Self Elixirs
gem essences, sprays, organic products, made in USA
Hiouchi Jewels
bohemian jewelry, accessories, home décor, bags, wellness, beauty
Homesick help candles, soy wax, states candles, cities candles, countries candles, made in USA
Honeyberry Studios
www.honeyberrys greetings cards, art prints, notepads, calendars, ceramics, bags, totes, stickers, classes & events, handmade products
House Phoenix, The
bohemian décor, gifts, curtain wedding hangings, macramé hangings, crystal soaps, dream catcher kits, handcrafted products, made in Canada
Hugger Mugger
800-473-4888 I
yoga products, clothing, meditation, props, mats, accessories, ecofriendly products, made in USA
Indian Weave, The
décor, textile, accessories, scarfs, artisan products
Incredible change happens in your life when you decide to take control of what you have power over instead of craving control over what you don't.
Steve Maraboli
Inklings Paperie
stationary, greetings cards, notepads, art prints, journals, books, place cards, pop-up cards
I was a Sari
jewelry, apparel, bags, accessories, scarves, handcrafted products, upcycling materials
I & E Organics Apothecary
homeopathic remedies, chakra products, healing products, gem essences, soaps, herbal teas, vitamins and supplements, bath salts, flower essences, organic products
Ibis Press & Nicolas Hays
800-423-7087 I indie publisher, books, psychology, astrology, magic, new age
Incense Wholesaler
gemstones, crystals, herbs, smudge supplies, incenses burners, oil burners, candles, air sanitizer, oils, perfumes
888-427-2381 I indie artists, handcrafted products, e-marketplace, made in USA
INE Imports & Exports Inc.
206-783-2775 buddhas, chimes, lamps, accents, candleholders, handcrafted products, made in Bali
Inner Traditions/Bear & Company
802-767-3174 I books, card decks, CDs
Inner Waves Organic
866-573-9283 I yoga clothing, organic products, made in USA
888-784-7237 I yoga products, mats, blocks, ecofriendly products, made in USA
Jenna Vanden Brink ceramic wares & jewelry, handmade products, made in USA
J. Davis Studio rattles, raku ornaments, handcrafted products, made in USA
Jodi Bombardier Jewelry 520-419-4183 wire jewelry, leather & metal edge, handcrafted products, made in USA
John Met Betty faux leather handbags, purses, totes, wallets, ecofriendly products, vegan products, handmade products, made in USA
Jonathan Goldman’s Healing Sounds 303-443-8181 healing music, sound healing, sound therapy, meditation, relaxation
Julie Powell Designs 720-394-0956 glass beads jewelry, cuffs, bracelets, necklaces, watercolors, handcrafted products, made in USA
KADLETZ, Cast of Stones jewelry, stone sets, bracelets, earrings, rings, home décor, roll-on essential oils
330-612-5850 I baby gifts, rattles, toys, dolls, hats, blankets, handmade products, sustainable products, Fair Trade
828-333-5166 I string dolls, fun, Ganesh, Dalai Lama, yoga, animals, handmade products, Fair Trade
Kannai CBD, cannabidiol, candles, sprays, apparel
Karma Gifts
800-725-4807 I drinkware, bags, purses, apparel, accessories, home, gifts
Kate’s Magik
520-743-1486 aromatherapy products, essential oils, chakra oils, natural perfumes, soaps, mists, diffuser oils, incense burners, lotions, teas, herbs, organic products
handcrafted, sustainable materials, home décor, gits, art, wall hanging, accessories, pets, lighting, ethically made
Keeping Vigil Press
707-496-7129 greeting cards, fine art prints, made in USA
Kitchen Wands
206-497-8755 I kitchenware, kitchen wands, tea towels, handcrafted products, Made in Canada
800-439-6393 I artisans, glass blown, art glass, gifts, ornaments, handcrafted, decorative glass, garden, accessories, Made in Canada
Krista Bermeo Studio glass jewelry, earrings, necklaces, handcrafted products, made in USA
Kush Queen
THC, CBD, cannabis, oils, skincare, body care
LLaurie Pollpeter Eskenazi
ceramics, artworks, rattles, hearts, vases, handcrafted products, made in USA
Jewelry, tapestries, yoga, rasta, sarongs, hats, belts, bags, headbands, scarves
Leef Organics www.leefor
CBD oils, skincare, body care, pets
home goods, artwork, jewelry & accessories, apothecary, kitchen & table
Level Naturals 800-951-6807 I
bath care, bar soaps, soy candles, bath bombs, body polishes, handmade products, natural ingredients, sustainable products, vegan products, made in USA
Lifeforce Glass 800-828-3870 I inspirational gifts, sea glass stones, words on glass rocks, recovery gifts, custom work, environmentally friendly gifts
Life is Grand™ 214-924-4609 I power penny jewelry, accessories, gifts, handcrafted products, made in USA
Little Shop of Oils help essential oils, diffusers, mists, skincare, ritual candles, handmade, Made in USA, natural ingredients
Lori Portka
315-491-6488 blessing banners, art prints, greeting cards, hand painted necklaces, wood prints, pouches, handmade products, made in USA
Lotus Light Enterprises, Inc.
262-889-8501 teas, books, audios, candles, incenses, salt lamps, meditation tools, pet care, massage tools, homeopathic products, aromatherapy products
844-934-2665 flower elixirs, bath salts, card decks, mists, oils, botanical treatment, smoke offering, private ceremony, wellness, flower rituals, meditation
Love Lingo 608-935-5936 I positive apparel and accessories
Lucky Feather
818-947-0496 I jewelry, inspirational gifts, keychains, charms, journals, pet tags
Lynn Garlick Retablos 575-758-3033 retablos, plaques, ornaments, handcrafted products
Made from Dirt www.madefromdirtor CBD, cannabis, hemp-derived, body care
Magic Hour
ritual candles, mystical tools, readings, divination
Magickal Needs
603-465-9091 I
mystical jewelry, necklaces, talismans, rings, pendants
Maha Living crystal jewelry, crystals, journals, smudge kits
Malia Designs ethically made, fair trade, bags, totes, yoga, face masks, accessories, recycled materials
Malimba Records
800-334-1179 I new age music, yoga, meditation, relaxation, wellness
Mama Wunderbar smudge sticks, incenses, candles, herbs, crystals, stones, jewelry, wellness, décor, organic, sustainable, wildcrafted
Mandala Arts
800-344-8072 I wall hangings, meditation banners, affirmation banners, stickers, tattoos, mandalas, chakra products
Mapleton Drive jewelry, gemstones, crystals, home décor, accessories, gifts, weddings
Matr Boomie
512-535-5228 I jewelry, apparel & accessories, home décor, gifts, handmade products, Fair Trade
Melon Head Supplies
natural stone pipes, carved skulls, carved natural stone products
Milk Reclamation Barn
candles, soy melts, made in USA
913-944-2441 candles, bath & body products, home, accessories, handmade products, ecofriendly products, made in USA
Modern Sprout
hydroponic plants, indoor garden kits, eco seed starters, grow lights, sustainable products
Moldavite I T.W. Designs 800-962-4015 Jewelry, incenses, pendulums
Mona B
bags, totes, weekender, duffles, home & gifts, bar accessories, accessories, sustainable materials, sustainable business
Moon Deck, The oracle deck, divination, intuition, meditation
Moonlight Mysteries Wholesale
mystical jewelry, sterling silver jewelry, statues, plaques, brooches, chains, pewter
MZ Fair Trade
888-211-1625 info@mzfair bags, totes, clutches, duffels, rugs, pillow covers, handcrafted products, made in Mexico, Fair Trade
Naked Bee, The
888-871-1811 body care, hand & foot care, scents, natural products
Namu Baru Inc. 206-723-4042 I mala beads, prayer beads, beaded bracelets, accessories
Nashville Wraps 800-547-9727 I retail packing, gift packing, gourmet packing, ribbons, bows, boxes, bags, ecofriendly products
Natures Skin & Body 866-945-4910 skincare, body care, organic products, natural ingredients, kits, bundles
NettleSea Studio www.nettlesea 360-914-4463 greeting cards, journals, handcrafted products, made in USA
New Earth Records 541-488-3344 ambient, world, reiki, yoga, and meditation music
New Life Foundation 928-476-3224 I books, booklets, CDs, MP3CDs, DVDs, Blu-Rays, e-Pubs, e-Talks
New Page Books 800-423-7087 I coloring books, adult, nonfiction, chakras, health, UFOs, and selfhelp books
New World Library 800-972-6657 card decks, gift, spirituality, meditation, yoga, aromatherapy, personal growth books
Nicole Denise Designs 877-768-4843 art prints, posters, drawings, wall art, handcrafted products
Nirvana Jewelry
fine pewter, bronze jewelry, sterling silver jewelry
Nobl St personal care, natural products, sustainable products, made in USA
904-293-6715 I children’s gifts, décor, blankets, toys, mobiles, ecofriendly products
Oh My Gosh
866-646-9467 I crystal chakra, angels, hummingbirds, butterflies, dragonflies, suncatchers
Ohm Therapeutics Sound Healing
Ohm tuning forks, sound healing tuning fork, application book, DVD, laminated charts, CDs
Om Gallery 831-425-9107 I gifts, lighting, décor, jewelry, books, chimes, garlands, paper star lanterns, handmade products, Fair Trade
Oxgut Hose Company furniture, mats, totes, accessories, upcycled fire hoses, handcrafted products, made in USA
Paul Wagner spiritual adviser, consciousness coach, writer, book author, books, cards
Peace Waters encaustic art, handcrafted products, made in USA
Peter Stone Jewelry 800-397-8787 sterling silver jewelry, metaphysical, mystical
Picasso Jasper yoga supplies, tees, tanks, graphic tees, sweatshirts, custom printing, branded tees, malas
Pinch Me 800-331-5785 therapy doughs
Piper & Leaf Artisan Tea Co. brew kits, tea bags, drinkware, gifts, apparel, accessories, Made in USA
Points of Light 562-985-3388 I candles, purpose oils, powdered incense, books, inks, quills
Polaris Rising 402-502-9928 spiritual candles, condition oils, mercury retrograde reversal™ products
Populum 855-872-2772 I CBD, cannabidiol, hemp-derived, supplements, skincare, pets
Pré de Provence traditional French soaps, handcut soaps, bath care, body care
Pretty Peacock 425-954-7097 I jewelry, personalized products, inspirational pendants, mandala, chakra, handmade products, made in USA
Pure Art
866-567-4325 jewelry, accessories, clothing, home, gifts, handcrafted products, ecofriendly products, Fair Trade
Printfresh 267-908-9868 I pouches, notebooks & journals, décor, handcrafted products
Prosperity Candle 413-203-5444 candles, soy wax, coconut wax, natural ingredients, handcrafted products, ecofriendly products, Fair Trade
QMT Windchimes 888-345-2530 wind chimes, bell chimes, bird houses, bird feeders, displays, accessories
Q Square 888-978-8895 I melamine products, dinnerware, flatware, placemats, linens
R are Rabbit www.rarerabbit .com jewelry, scarves, sunglasses, bags
Raven + Lily 512-835-4777 jewelry, accessories, home décor, boho chic, Fair Trade
Raz Imports Inc. 800-443-3540 I candles, seasonal gifts, décor
877-360-6251 I clothing & accessories, sustainable products, ecofriendly products, made in USA
books, decks, divination, meditation, astrology, numerology, palmistry, channeled materials, metaphysics, spirituality, health & lifestyle
R. Expo USA Song of India
800-231-2201 fragrances, incenses, singing bowls, burners, bells & cymbals, henna, oils, soaps, décor, figurines
Raiders of the Lost Art
800-527-4367 I quartz crystals, mineral specimens, tumbled stones, crystal jewelry, Shiva lingams
Rainbow Ridge Books LLC
877-900-2665 I metaphysical, spiritual, and self-help books, indie publisher
Raku Potteryworks
raku art, spirit angels, ornaments, vases, plates, tiles, dreamcatchers, coasters, handcrafted products, made in USA
Real Music
800-398-7325 I music label, relaxation, meditation, health, yoga, sleep, massage, comfort, rejuvenation music
Red Wheel Weiser
800-423-7087 I card decks, journals, metaphysical, health, meditation, tarot, spirituality, books
Ritual Store, The sage flower smudges, smudge kits, sage bundles, ritual tools, ritual kits, crystals Ronin Publishing, Inc.
510-420-3669 aging, health & cannabis books, indie publisher
Rose of Sharon Candles and Incense 417-773-2980 I unique molded and jar candles, incenses, perfume oils
Royal Crafters www.royalcr
928-550-4540 I handmade relief ceramic, custom products, coasters, trivets, wall décor, magnets, hand painted
SSacred Pendants 310-836-8145 semi-precious jewelry, sacred geometry, functional healing jewelry, pendants, amulets, medallions
Satiama Publishing
conscious living, inspirational, body-mindspirit, books, divination, tarot decks, oracle decks
Schiffer Books 610-593-1777 oracle decks, tarot, metaphysics, astrology, numerology, palmistry, conscious living books
Seagrape Apothecary 503-374-6801
body care, kits, gifts, books, art prints, candles, oils, herbs, tarot, divination, essential oils, sprays, ritual, magic
Seeds of Happiness
ceramic seeds, apparel, handmade products, made in USA
Sekoya Originals 512-251-1973 furniture, lighting, candlesticks
Self-Realization Fellowship
888-773-8680 I audio, video, books, calendars, yogananda, chants, recordings, awake, meditation, affirmations, bookstore
Serene House USA
856-673-4117 wooden scent diffusers, home fragrance sprays, wooden scented sticks, scentilizers, aromatherapy
Sergio Lub Jewelry www.ser 800-234-2346 I silver, copper, bracelets, magnet, handmade products, jewelry
Shaman’s Dawn 855-229-7928 sprays, soy candles, baths, crystals & gemstones, gemstones pouches, incenses, smudging supplies, stone of lights, aromatherapy products
Shanti Boutique 406-322-3190 I sterling silver jewelry, recycled jewelry, mantras, Fair Trade
Shea Brand 718-500-4154 I CBD, shea butter, natural ingredients, skincare
Silver Dollar Candle Co. 865-263-1989 soy candles, soy wax melts, personalized, made in USA
Silver Sky Imports wholesale.html 800-494-1369 singing bowls, incenses, chimes, bells, prayer flags, tongue drums, tingshas
SKS Bottle & Packaging, Inc. 518-880-6980 product packaging, glass bottles, glass jars, plastic bottles, plastic jars
Smart Ash Holders 972-351-1952
exotic woods, incense holders, crystal grids, sacred geometry, handcrafted products
Sofia Zakia fine jewelry, necklace, rings, earrings, bracelets, bridal, made in Canada
Solmate Socks 802-765-4124 I socks, accessories, recycled, ecofriendly, sustainable made, colourful, made in USA
SoulCards 360-221-5745
center@ card decks, divination, intuition
Soul Flower 952-679-7758
organic clothing, accessories, ecofriendly products, recycled fibers, hemp fibers, handmade products, Fair Trade
SoulMakes 888-880-7547 rock & crystals, gemstone home décor, jewelry, metaphysical
Sound Therapy Center of Los Angeles, The 800-276-8634 I
sound healing music, sound therapy books, sound healing products & services
Soundings of the Planet
800-93 PEACE (800-937-3223) music, books, sound healing, meditation, wellness, yoga, Dean Evenson, Dudley Evenson
Sounds True 888-303-9185 I inspirational books, videos, audio, music, retail displays
Spiral Spectrum 407-929-3564 I astrology, moon, calendar, chakra, lunar calendar, art, home decor, zodiac
Spirit Voyage 888-735-4800
Kundalini yoga, meditation, mantra, and healing books, music, online courses
Spirit Whisperings
sacred stone grids, books, little grid kits, chakra sprays, spirit boards & layout cards, stones, shells
Spongellé 855-776-6433 I body contouring buffers, body wash infused buffers, gift sets, seasonal gifts, made in USA
Sprout plantable pencils, customize pencils, sustainable products, ecofriendly
Stars of Creation 541-941-0515
coloring books, window stars, crystal harmonic-colored lights, dimensional stars, sacred geometry, apparel, magnets, stickers, buttons plexiglass stars
Stephanie Jane 585-756-2262
StrikeHawk eCommerce Inc
web hosting, merchant accounts, SSL certificates, dedicated servers, eCommerce consulting
Studio Penny Lane
glassware, jewelry, accessories, candles, leather goods, home décor, cards, mason jar sleeves, gifts
yoga mats, door mat, recycled wetsuits, sustainable products, ecofriendly products, made in USA
Sun’s Eye Inc. 800-786-7393 oils, sprays, incense, gifts
Sunshine Joy 401-769-8800 I art, mandala, beach, traditional Indian & more in tapestries, premium apparel, baja hoodies, custom tie dyes, bandanas, home décor
Synchronicity 434-326-5500 I meditation, soundtracks, spirituality, essential oils, books, music, sacred geometry, technology
Synergy Clothing pages/wholesale 888-466-0411
Touchstone Distributing, Inc. 517-669-8200
handmade, ceramic, porcelain, celtic, wildlife, jewelry, ornaments, made in USA
Tamara Hensick Designs 310-463-2310 I wishbones, key chains, inspirational gifts, hearts, pewter figures, animals, desktop, crowns, words, made in USA
Tamara Kelly Designs 360-305-7781
Jewelry, silver, gold, copper, bronze accents, handcrafted products, made in USA
Tasha Mckelvey
handmade, gits, ceramic, pottery, Made in the USA, small batches
Ten Thousand Villages 877-883-8341
inquiry@ giftware, handcrafted products, home décor, kitchen & dinning, candles & incenses, baskets, jewelry & accessories, Fair Trade
Three Wheel Studio 401-451-2350
info@ ceramics & gifts, handmade products, made in USA
Therese Kuempel
energy bracelets, inspiration, meditation, gemstones, symbolic gifts
handmade, jewelry, lighter cases, jewelry, metalsmith, geometry jewelry, psychedelic jewelry, unique style, made in the USA Browse organic clothing, fashion, accessories, ecofriendly clothing
314 Studio
617-821-3714 I
sterling silver jewelry, handmade products, made in USA
sterling silver barrettes, bracelets, chains, earrings, hair picks, necklaces, pendants
Timeless Traditions Inc.
tear bottles, cards & prints, inspirational gifts, sterling silver jewelry, keepsakes, pet memorials
Tim’s Garage
apparel, accessories, face masks, journals, greeting cards, art, décor
Tina’s Natural Products
essential oils, cleansing blends, floral waters, aroma diffusing jewelry, car diffusers, misters, natural products, aromatherapy products
Tops Malibu
541-683-8377 sales@
Sparkles, party supplies, surprise balls, wish paper, wish capsules
Transformational Enterprises
akashic reading, books, media, essential oils, classes, events
Tree Trunk Arts
jewelry, bracelets, cuffs, necklaces, rings, bangles, earrings, handcrafted products, made in USA
+61 410 077 133 I stationery, journals, art prints, notebooks, greeting cards, handcrafted products
UCM Publishing
819-321-0072 I training, courses, webinars, angel, dream, yoga, meditation, kaya, symbol, sign, symbolic, teaching & research center
home décor, natural Himalayan Salt, candle holders, lamps, salt chunk baskets, Salt from Pakistan
Uma Silbey www.uma 80 8-268-7704
spiritual leader, books, writer, crystals, stones, gemstones, crystal healing, energy healing, meditation, metaphysics
Urban Charm keychains, gemstone bracelets, tribal, nature, nature, and vintage necklaces
Valrock Music valerieromanof
Valerie Romanoff, musician, music, new age, jazz, blues, world music, funk music
VD Importers Inc.
786-703-7852 I incenses, candles, chakras, gemstones, tapestries, incense burners, home décor, bags, malas, meditation products
Vertly CBD, cannabidiol, skincare, body care
Vibe Bottle, LLC 805-452-0962 drinkware, sacred geometry glass water bottles, reiki, healing
VibesUP 530-677-1248
clothing, footwear, home, jewelry, oils, candles, gemstones, personal care, yoga & meditation products, holistic products, vibrational therapy
home & accessories, jewelry, seasonal ornaments, gifts, handcrafted products, made in USA
Postcards, Notecards, Bumper Stickers, Calendars, Magnets, Buttons, Books, Hundreds of Publishers
gemwater bottles, gemstone vials, gemwater dispensers, gemwater accessories
World Buyers
tea light holders, candle holders, trays, candles, incenses, gifts, ceramics, boutique, magnets, fashion, jewelry, accessories, vintage, shabby chic, urban cabin, chakra, holistic, New Age
Wakami www.vir
888 -532-3915
jewelry, accessories, bags, handmade products, Fair Trade
Ways of Change
artisan jewelry & accessories, handmade products
Wei of Chocolate
organic chocolates, vegan products, healthy products, Fair Trade
Welman Group, The
888-333-0870 I necklaces, rings, bracelets, pendants, chains, hoops, gifts, sterling silver, stainless steel, costume jewelry
Wellstone Jewelry
metaphysical, symbolic, and mystical jewelry, handmade products, made in USA
We’Moon 503-288-3588 I
datebooks, calendars, cards, astrology & spiritual journals, fine arts
White Swan Music, Inc. 800-825-8656
yoga, meditation, relaxation, and Asian & Indian music, healing meditation tools, books, clothing, DVDs
Whitney Howard Designs 818-884-8478 jewelry, bracelets, rings, cuffs, pendants, ornaments, pet memorial, ecofriendly products, made in USA
Wildflower 844-876-2129
CBD, supplements, skincare, vaporizers, soap
Windrose Trading/ Triloka 800-229-3731 incenses, smudges, diffusers & accessories, oils, jewelry, gifts, ecofriendly products, aromatherapy products
WineBlock anti-stain lip balm, teeth balm, natural products
World Buyers 760-734-4448 I gifts, home décor, capiz shell tea light holders, chakra tea light holders, chakra healing
WorldFinds 800-609-9303 | jewelry, accessories, gifts, repurposed textiles, kantha, sari, handmade, fair trade, ethical, sustainable, small batch, Made in India
World Peaces 614-5961-303 jewelry, accessories, home decor, brass, horn, reclaimed metal, Fair Trade
Wyndmere Naturals 800-207-8538 essential oils, aromatherapy diffusers, nebulizers, aromatherapy jewelry, body care, skincare, bottle, jars, organic, wellness, aromatherapy
Yak & Yeti 310-618-1700 I clothing & accessories, bags, prayer malas, greeting cards, ritual objects
Yogavated activewear clothing, tops, leggings, sustainable products, made in USA
Yolanda’s Spirit Drums 575-635-0545 I
Native American products, drums, rattles, supplies, music, DVDs, videos, workshops
Your Heart’s Delight by Audrey’s
home décor, garden, seasonal décor, gifts
Yugen Tribe 240-415-8137 I jewelry, celestial collection, galaxy collection, clothing & bags, handcrafted jewelry, home & gifts, accessories, made in USA
Yuliya Shpilevaya wall décor, accessories, handmade
yoga cushions, meditation pillows, ecofriendly materials, Fair Trade
Zealandia Designs
208-342-1617 I fossilized mammoth ivory & walrus ivory, crafted jewelry
Zeppo Merchandisers, Inc. 800-326-4367 sterling silver jewelry, display materials, magical, mystical, gemstones
Zen Stone Garden, The 541-961-1285 I stone, sculpture, garden, graphite, art
www.zigzag +41 (0) 43-366-8945 wool blankets, scarves, cushions, throws, bedding, rugs, curtains, home décor, textiles
Zoë + Piper 480-268-9518
Wish Beads whish beads kits, bracelets, journals
Yorwerth Associates 406-994-0031 aromatherapy jewelry, aromatherapy home & body products, home, gemstones, gifts, essential oils Browse publishing consultants, literary agents
Advertiser Index
Center for Touch Drawing inside front cover 360-221-5745
Coalition of Visionary Resources, COVR 53 310-259-0335
Coventry Creations 52 800-810-3837 I
Crystal Earth Studio 52,56 866-345-1910 I
DeVorss 10 800-843-5743 I
DZi Handmade 49 800-318-5857 I
Esprit Creations 25,49,56 352-316-6130 I
Friendly Crystals 56 800-372-6830 or 416-385-7358 I
Gaia’s World 51,56 678-918-8403 I
Gifts of Nature 33
Goddess Design Studio 16,57 570-982-3230 I
Inner Traditions 22 800-246-8648 I
Kheops International 57 800-215-8705 I
Llewellyn Publications 34,57 877-639-97-53
Mandala Arts 51 800-344-8072 I
New Leaf Distributing 11 800-326-2665 I
Nirvana Jewelry 52 800-779-7952 I
Raiders of the Lost Art 51 800-527-4367 I
Satiama Publishing 27,49 719-487-0424 I
Schiffer Books 13 610-593-1777 I
Sequoia Records 57 800-657-0975 I
Soundings of the Planet 42 800-937-3223 I
Starlinks 49,58 800-867-4344 I
Steven Halpern/ Inner Peace Music 58, back cover 800-909-0707 I
U.S. Games Systems, Inc. 35,49,58 800-544-2637 I
Windrose Trading 49 800-229-3731 I
World Buyers 49 760-734-4448 I
Xeonix Divination 58 972-296-5999 I
Zen and Meow 31,49,60 717-229-1138 I
Browse our online wholesaler directory all year round for product types, catalog links, company updates and more.
“ Halpern is the most trusted name in brainwave entrainment music and sets the gold standard in the genre.” NewLife magazine
• With brainwave entrainment
• A Natural ‘Sonic High’
• No cannabis products necessary to enjoy the music
• The original #1 bestselling CHAKRA album of all time!
• Over 800,000 sold worldwide!
• 47th anniversary 1975 - 2022
• Every track radiates healing energy
• A 40 year retrospective from ‘the Maestro of Sound Healing’
• Tuned to 432 Hz for optimal healing resonance
• 2012 GRAMMY® nominee
• 60 weeks on Top Ten New Age chart
• Often imitated, never equaled!
STEVEN HALPERN is a GRAMMY® nominated, charting, multi-platinum selling recording artist, composer, and researcher.