Resources Special Edition/ January 2019

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RetailingInsight MAGAZINE

Connecting the Best in Body-Mind-Spirit Volume 33 | Issue 1 | January 2019

Vol 32 | Issue 1 | 2018

2019 Special Edition


Ring Bowl by Karma Gifts

“The most leveraged issue of the year” Retail Trend Forecast + Wholesale Directory Readership Survey + Trade Shows… and more!

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2019 Special Issue – RESOURCES January 2019

Inside... 4 | EDITOR’S NOTE 10 | RETAIL TREND FORECAST What direction brands and stores are taking to reshape the retail market

24 | READERSHIP SURVEY Trends in the body, mind, spirit industry

28 | TRADE SHOWS The most comprehensive list of trade shows to plan your buying trip 48 | FRESH! A galleria of NEW Advertisers & Products (Special Advertising Section)

62 | WHOLESALE DIRECTORY A resourceful guide of wholesalers in the body, mind, spirit community


COVER IMAGE: Ring Bowl by Karma Gifts


Features 6 | INVENTORY & PROFIT Counting your inventory matters 18 | ENLIGHTENED MANAGEMENT FOR RETAILERS How to run a store using participative democracy

38 | BOOKS & JOURNALS BEST PICKS A selection of best books and journals in the body, mind, spirit category

44 | TAROT FROM THE TRENCHES Educating your customers about card decks

50 | BEST OF SHOP TALK A special section of selected questions from the past five years

2 January 2019 |

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editor'snote Welcome to the Resources special issue. The most leveraged issue of the year! For the past few months, we’ve worked closely with our partners to ensure that we can provide you with complete information about new products and deals for your store year round, plus the latest topics in the retail marketplace including a report from Alliance Data showing what brands and stores are doing to reshape the retail industry this year, and the latest survey conducted in partnership with COVR to understand the changes many independent store owners are facing in the body-mind-spirit community. We exclusively selected some articles in business management as Inventory & Profit by Uma Silbey, Enlightened Management for Retailers by Carol L. Schroeder, and Tarot from the Trenches written by our collaborator Anna Jedrziewski. Not to mention that we’ve spotted new trade shows for you and listed the most recent wholesale directory with new vendors in different categories. To finish this round, you can read the Best of Shop Talk – a selection of best questions and responses to continue helping with your resource. As you’ll see, this issue is a keeper!

retailing insight magazine is published exclusively for independent retailers of unique and meaningful products for the body, mind, and spirit. Our purpose is to nurture retail store success by providing excellent business advice, honest product reviews, advertisements from leading wholesale companies, and outstanding coverage of the dynamic body, mind, and spirit market.

publisher editor copy-editor

The next issue, Top Trends, will be in-stores next month! Until then… Have an insightful reading,

Roberta Gazzarolle Roberta Gazzarolle, Editor, Retailing Insight Magazine

Editor’s Note – Footnote

Sean Ruck

graphic design

Stephanie Biddle


Anna Jedrziewski Carol Schroeder Uma Silbey

circulation sales

If you have any retail stories or store ideas to share within our community in 2019, please send us more details at We want to open this opportunity to share your story with our readers nationwide.

Joe Mount Roberta Gazzarolle

Katie Slocombe Karen Johnson

Retailing Insight® magazine is published by Continuity Publishing Inc.

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©2019 Continuity Publishing Inc. All rights reserved. ISSN 2372-7977. Volume 33/Issue 1/Year 2019. The magazine is published bimonthly/ six times a year (Jan, Mar, May, Jul, Sept, Nov) by Continuity Publishing Inc., P.O. Box 5108, Winter Park, FL 32793. Periodicals postage paid at Winter Park, FL. and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER send address changes to Retailing Insight Magazine, P.O. Box 5108, Winter Park, FL 32793.

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4 January 2019 |


& PROFIT by Uma Silbey

6 January 2019 |


ost storeowners, especially of smaller stores, can do what is called an “eyeball” inventory. It is easy to feel as if this is sufficient because, after all, it is easy to see when a box of stones is empty, when you’re getting short of a particular book, or running low on anything else you carry in your store. This form of inventory maintenance may be sufficient to keep your store well supplied, but it really isn’t enough for cash management and the determination of profitability. Instead of just the eyeball approach to inventory maintenance, it is very important to count your inventory, not only to make sure your store stays well supplied, but also to get an accurate picture of your profit (or loss.) Not only that, if you find yourself cash short, counting inventory will tell you if and how much your profit is tied up in inventory instead of being available to fund your business expenses and provide for an adequate capital reserve. If your cash is tied up in inventory, this is a problem easily remedied. Increased Inventory Increased Profit/ Decreases Inventory Decreases Profit

A business truism is that the more your inventory increases, the more your profit increases. This is because inventory is just another form of cash. When you purchase inventory, you are not losing cash, just re-allocating it into another form… goods instead of coin. Likewise, when your inventory decreases, your profitability decreases. This is true even if your sales have increased and you have more cash on hand. By decreasing inventory, you have again re-allocated your cash. Rather than spending cash from profit, by over-selling inventory, you instead spent the cash invested in the goods. You may initially seem to show a profit because you now have some cash on hand, but if your inventory has dropped more than you made, you have actually lost money. If you don’t initially seem to show a profit, but your inventory has increased more than your loss, you have actually made a profit. This is shown in your Profit & Loss Statement in the following manner: In a Profit & Loss Statement, you first notate your sales (that can be broken down by category.) Then you subtract or add an inventory decrease or increase as an inventory adjustment from your cost of sales. Then after also subtracting your other costs of sales (ie.material costs, labor, and freight in), you are able to see your true gross profit. Of course, then you then have to subtract your other expenses, like advertising, accounting, phones, postage etc. from your gross profit to arrive at your net profit, the profit that you have when all expenditures in every form are accounted for. In short, you cannot know your true net profit without some form of inventory adjustment that takes into account an increase or decrease in inventory.

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Learn How to Read and Understand a Profit & Loss Statement

How often your inventory should have an actual count varies depending on your need for accuracy in purchasing as well as your accuracy in determining profitability. It more often than not also depends on the size of your business. When my business was smaller, it was enough just to do a final inventory count at the end of the year since we had a small enough product line that was accurately priced, so we had plenty of cash on hand for purchasing. We knew we were more or less profitable since we always had enough cash for all expenses, adequate purchasing, and to pay our employees and ourselves. It was primarily for tax reporting and our own curiosity that we needed an accurate inventory count for reliable profitability determination. As my company continued to grow we had to count inventory more often. We eventually carried approximately 1000 items with an average of 10 parts needed per item. We needed an accurate inventory count, not only to determine profitability, but also so that we could keep purchasing enough to keep everything in stock. There was no way we could eyeball all of these parts. Plus, some of the parts could take as much as three months to get to us, so by counting we were also able to predict the number of each item that was likely to sell as well as the parts we would likely need. We knew, for example, that we needed to keep at least 500 amethyst 6mm round cabochon stones on hand every month. If we counted and had only 500 and had orders placed for 200 more that were arriving in three weeks, we would need to order approximately 800 more to cover the orders for the next two months. If we had just eyeballed the 6mm amethyst cabochon supply instead of counting, the 500 would have looked like enough and our production would have halted in about a month and a half or so for items needing this stone. (Of course, giving and

receiving terms makes this process a little more difficult, but the idea is the same.) To make sure that we had enough supply, then, we counted inventory monthly. We also counted inventory to not only give us an accurate profitability picture every month, but also to accurately guide the direction of our business. If our inventory grew too much, even though we knew that it increased our profit, we knew that we had too much money tied up in the inventory. With too much money spent for inventory, we wouldn’t have enough to pay all of our expenses and we would enter into a cash short position that would slow or even have the potential to halt our business. After all, unsold inventory doesn’t pay the bills.

cash is too tied up in inventory, decrease your inventory with accurate analysis. Do you really need the number of variations of a product, for example? Do you sell enough of a particular product to warrant carrying it in your store? If you drop it, will it affect your overall sales that much? Do you have “dead” inventory in your back room that you can put on sale and turn into cash? The opposite inventory issue is also something to be noted and considered. If your inventory has dropped so much that you are not showing a profit (all other expenses being equal), and you never seem to have enough money to adequately purchase the inventory you need, you need to figure out where the cash is going. Are your prices too low and do you have the demand to raise them? Your pricing determinations should not only consider demand, but also if what you can charge will cover your expenses and the re-purchase of necessary inventory, as well as an adequate profit. If not, every time you sell an item you will lose money and need to keep drawing down your inventory. If everything is in line with pricing, margins and sales, yet your inventory keeps dropping, find out if there is theft in your store, (I hate to mention this, but it is a reality.) When you have a downward trend in inventory that isn’t covered by sales, theft is a likely possibility. At Uma Inc. we carefully tracked each item sold and subtracted each part from inventory. If our actual inventory count didn’t match that, we had a problem. Inventory counting can be quite time consuming as well as a “pain in the neck.” Sometimes you even have to close your business for a day in order to do a count. (We had to close for three days.) In order to avoid shutting down our business more than quarterly, we had a revolving inventory. Each container of stones, finished items and parts had an initial inventory count on the front of it. When we used

If you find yourself in the position of being cash short, then, take a look at your inventory. Count it. If you find that your cash is too tied up in inventory, decrease your inventory with accurate analysis.

8 January 2019 |

Now, other considerations like pricing and sales levels determine profitability other than inventory levels, but a careful and consistent count of inventory is also vitally important. There is often a tendency in business to overbuy, thinking that the more you have the more you will sell. However, more is not necessarily better. A carefully targeted and streamlined inventory is much more important than having lots of everything. Careful sales forecasting and knowledge of your customers’ buying habits and financial positions are also more important than just having copious amount of product. Knowing your customer helps you purchase more accurately so that you don’t unnecessarily build up your inventory and deplete your available cash. If you find yourself in the position of being cash short, then, take a look at your inventory. Count it. If you find that your

any of the stones or parts, or shipped any of the items, the stockers and shippers changed the number on front of the box to reflect how many they took out or added. This meant that on our monthly count, we had only to look at the number on the front of the box to know what we had in the box. When we added it all together, we had a total count. In a store you could do this at the cashier’s counter with a simple chart. Or you could have a revolving count discretely on the shelf. Any way you do it is fine. The point is to have a revolving way of counting that adjusts inventory with each sale. Very importantly, is even though you have a revolving inventory, you will still need to do an actual count. Depending on the size of your store, you may need to do this yearly, bi-annually, quarterly or monthly. Even though you may take great pains to keep an accurate revolving

inventory count, more often than not you will find some discrepancy in an actual count. If it’s a tiny amount, don’t worry. Just correct your count. If it’s a large amount, you have some sleuthing to do to find out the reason and correct it. Another way to help with an inventory count is to use a scale. Obviously, this is only useful with smaller parts like stones etc. When we did our actual count once a month, we were able to weigh all of our smaller parts in order to get our count. This saved an enormous amount of time. Basically, we weighed one stone of a category, for example, and then to get an inventory count later of the total number of that stone, we weighed the entire batch, divided by the weight of one stone and got our actual count. As long as several items fit on any size (accurate) scale, you can do this. There are scales made expressly for this purpose.

Whether hand counting or weighing, then, maintaining an accurate inventory count will give you a true picture of your business’s profitability. Increased inventory will mean more profit. Decreased inventory will mean decreased profit. Knowing these numbers will ultimately help you run your business with less stress and more profit because you will be able to use you cash with more efficiency based on precise information. “One of America’s Renaissance Women,” Uma Silbey was one of the first to pioneer quartz crystals, gemstone and ‘energy’ information to the world through her jewelry designs, books and music for 45 years. Besides running her hugely successful quartz crystal jewelry company, Uma is also the author of six books, including her latest The Ultimate Guide to Crystals and Stones. She has also recorded 18 albums of meditation music and guided visualization. To know more about Silbey, please visit



Empowering women through fair trade Resources | 9

2019 RETAIL TREND FORECAST Source: Alliance Data

Customers are reshaping the retail industry, making brands and stores step up their game to offer deeper levels of personalization, customized experiences, and greater convenience. This report will detail how brands and stores are placing customers at the center of their strategies, elevating new tools and experiences to maintain relevancy and deepen engagement. Check out what you should know within the industry. What’s trending now, what’s new, and what’s coming next!

10 January 2019 |







Bold leaders have implemented new models for meeting their customers’ needs, as others closely monitor their success.

Brands have taken notice and are incorporating these ideas at a growing rate.

A select few trendsetters are exploring and testing concepts that may gain popularity in the next two to three years

WHAT IS TRENDING NOW BE CONNECTED Brands are going beyond simply creating consistency between their various channels and are moving to deploy technology and solutions that truly enable fluid, customer-directed experiences by strategically connecting all of the brands assets and channels. Retailers are removing friction and serving up the right information on demand and in real time. Major brands are using more:


obile technology, geofencing, loyalty data, social media, and human interaction to deliver a next-gen experience, so customer can use their mobile-enabled loyalty pass to unlock products and discounts, book personal shopping appointments, and access curbside service.


obile apps that have brick-and-mortar capabilities built right in, so customers can “scan & find” to track down outof-stock items, live chat customer service, rate & review products, and find in store.

Functionality that enables its cross-channel customers to add items to their wish list, search options and find information in store and online, and add images to their social media profiles. Customers can request styles to try on in-store through the “express try-on” service via their mobile device.


pps that connect the online and offline experiences by giving personalized fashion advice and voice-enabled customer service, and then direct customers to their local stores with the desired items in stock.

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MORE INCLUSIVE Customers are becoming more culturally and socially aware. There is a growing expectation that brands will recognize the value in every individual. Brands are responding by making conscious efforts to design more inclusive services, products, and experiences that empower individuals to engage with the brand on their terms. Major brands are:

Embracing the body positivity movement by adding plus sizes to their stores, going up to size 18 in every style sold. Some brands are also featuring curvier models in their marketing and advertising campaigns.

Requiring all women’s apparel brands to produce clothing in sizes 00 through 24. They’re also incorporating plus sizes into

the regular rack rather than separating them into another section of the store or website.

Incorporating a line of gender-neutral kids clothing called the “everybody collection” created in response to customer

feedback that parents and children did not want to be confined to specific colors or styles when shopping across genders.

MORE CONSCIOUS Today’s socially conscious consumers appreciate brands adopting platforms designed to make the world a better place. Tapping into sustainability and eco-friendly initiatives in authentic, transparent ways, these brands are forging deeper connections with consumers by demonstrating that the causes close to their hearts also matter to the brand. Major brands are teaching customers how to live sustainably and mindfully. In addition to featuring renewed and remade lines of recycled garments, retailers are also offering workshops, movie screenings, art exhibitions, and other events.

12 January 2019 |

AS A RETAILER YOU CAN‌ ENABLE ENGAGEMENT ON THEIR TERMS All customers have unique expectations. Design an experience where they can decide whether to engage online or in store, enabling them to get quick access to personalized help in the moment. DELIVER RELEVANCY Ensure customers have visibility online to which items are in stock at the store by using geofencing and beacon technology to serve up relevant, targeted messaging and offers when they are in-store. EMBRACE NEW OPPORTUNITIES Strategically extending programs, products, and services to new audiences can provide access to new customer bases in addition to offering more robust data collection opportunities. ENGAGE FRESH PARTNERS As retailers expand their product lines to be more inclusive, they should consider partnering with an expert in disabilities. Brands are now focused on bringing actual product usage into the branded space. These adjacent experiences and services increase the value and the amount of time consumers spend in store and deepen customer connections with the brand in an authentic way. KNOW WHAT MATTERS MOST Look at your most loyal customers to find out which causes matter to them and intersect with what matters to the brand. STAY IN THE CONVERSATION As customer sentiment around environmental causes evolves, evaluate sustainability programs on an ongoing basis to ensure the brands you carry in your store are resonating and making a measurable impact.

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The resale market for apparel generates $20 billion in sales and is projected to grow to $41 billion by 2022 Source: 2018 Resale Report, thredUP

WHAT IS NEW PRECISE PERSONALIZATION Brands are looking at opportunities to deliver a deeper level of precision in customization and bespoke products and services. New innovations in data-driven, tailor-made offerings are giving consumers new inspiration and ways to “make it mine.” The results are so customized to the customer’s needs that their satisfaction is nearly assured.

MAINSTREAM SECONDHAND The secondhand market is looking more like traditional retail, with curated offerings, higher-touch store experiences, and tech-enabled customer journeys. As customer feelings around ownership continue to evolve, more brands – from secondhand stalwarts to new players – are embracing the resale market as an attractive opportunity. Some major brands are:

Offering lightly used luxury goods from luxury brands on their site, appealing to their high-end, aspirational customer base.


olling out more categories and brands on their resale site, tapping into customers’ desires for sustainability coupled with lower price points.

Featuring luxury goods for men and women, and using buzzy pop-ups to create brand awareness and engagement, and as a product acquisition opportunity.

14 January 2019 |

SOCIAL SHOPPING REVOLUTION As social media platforms roll out new commerce-enabling features, retail is on the cusp of revolution in social shopping. Brands are embracing this new functionality through new shoppable content, testing new platform technologies and enabling customers to move more seamlessly from inspiration and discovery to purchase. Some major brands are:

Adding more interactivity to their ads by testing augmented reality-enabled ads within Facebook’s newsfeed. Mobile

device users also can use the augmented reality feature to try on a pair of sunglasses, for example, and then tap “shop now” to purchase on the store’s e-commerce site.

Empowering customers to move from discovery to purchase without leaving the platform. An example of this can be seen with what Kylie Jenner is doing, where she offers an eyeshadow palette exclusively through Snapchat. Customers purchase by swiping up on their screens, then checking out.

Celebrating their anniversary by creating a limited-edition collection only available on Instagram, enabling customers to complete their purchase by swiping up on the Instagram story or tapping the link within the brand’s Instagram bio.


eaning on Facebook Messenger to reduce cart abandonment. If a shopper adds an item then abandons their cart, the brand sends reminders via Messenger. They will also send alerts if the item goes on sale or reaches low stock.

BRIDGING THE GAP As brands continue to look to their digital channels as an avenue for growth, retailers are leaning into innovative digital solutions to help overcome the inherent challenges of shopping online. Whether solving for fit, product visualization, service, or personalized guidance, the goal is to create leading-edge services and solutions that enhance customer satisfaction and increase comfort with buying specialized products online. Some major brands are:

Mixing-reality experience that project life-size images of furniture and décor into the desired environment, enabling customers to interact with products.

Offering “Bodygram,” a service that creates precise measurements by scanning your body through front and side photos. Resources | 15

DRIVEN BY ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Brands are experimenting with AI throughout the customer journey, with some of the most exciting innovations occurring when brands turn over decision-making to data-driven algorithms. These can determine website design, ad messaging and placement, and product recommendations in real time, generating impressive efficiencies and enabling 1:1 personalized journeys at scale. Some major brands are:

Empowering their AI-based engine to use real-time data to independently make decisions on what personalized marketing messages and product recommendations should be served up directly to customers.

Using search behavior, social media insight, and Amazon integration by developing a new set of algorithms to identify whether someone is a general customer or a professional within the industry.

ACTIONABLE SIMPLICITY As technology begins to permeate every element of consumer’s daily lives, and as time becomes a more critical commodity, products are quite literally working smarter and harder. From managing dinner reservations to correcting yoga poses, brands are finding ways to make daily life a little easier.

31% of consumers say they shop while flipping through their social media accounts. Source: Shopper’s Voice Survey Epsilon, 2018

16 January 2019 |

AS A RETAILER YOU CAN… UNDERSTAND THEIR MOTIVATION Value is not the only driver in the secondhand space. Some customers respond to sustainability messaging, the uniqueness of vintage items, or even the ability to resell the item after using it. ENGAGE TOMORROW’S CUSTOMER TODAY Consider offering resale as an opportunity to control the presentation and experience or partnering with a trusted resale company to ensure products sold are authentic. LOOK FOR UNIQUE INSPIRATION SOURCES Engage data points around emotional drivers like music, social causes, or location to develop a deeply personalized products offering, creating a unique connection with each consumer. CONSIDER BIG DATA Complement owned data to create a more complete picture of your consumers and their needs. Look to social media, digital interaction, and more to provide unique insights into your customers’ needs and expectations. GET INTERACTIVE Engaging elements, like augmented reality filters, polling features, and shoppable image carousels, invite social media users to interact with content and create deeper brand connections. LEAN INTO MOBILE-FIRST OPPORTUNITIES With nearly universal ownership, smartphones support a wide array of solutions that help solve for common customer challenges, like augmented reality-based try-on capabilities, or human-and-Al-powered chat conversations. START SMALL Artificial Intelligence and machine learning are powerful tools that can add value throughout the retail experience. Consider small pilot programs to see where the technology can add the most value for you as retailer and for your customer. GET CONNECTED As smart devices grow in popularity, consider how the brand could integrate with complementary products or services to solve common consumer challenges or remove a hassle from daily life. EXTEND THE EXPERIENCE Look to mobile devices and emerging technology opportunities to extend interaction with the product and brand long after the initial sale is complete. To know more about Alliance Data and their services, please visit:

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for Retailers by Carol Schroeder

18 January 2019 |


he small shop my husband Dean and I own in Madison, Wisconsin is similar to many other gift and kitchenware stores across the country – aside from the fact that Orange Tree Imports has been around for 43 years. That’s over 300 dog years, or whatever the retail equivalent might be, so we’re rather proud of our longevity. But it is our unusual alternative form of management that sets us apart from most retailers, and sharing this approach to running a small business is one of the main reasons that I wrote the first edition of Specialty Shop Retailing: How You Can Succeed in Today’s Market back when the store was only 20 years old. It’s a great joy to me that the book, which recently came out in a 4th edition, continues to find an attentive audience around the world. It’s even been translated into Russian, which is a bit of a surprise considering that one of the main tenents is how to run a store using participative democracy, a form of business management based on the concept that employees should have a voice in all aspects of running the business. This means that everyone on our sales staff, and even our two bookkeepers, are in charge of doing the restocking and displays of specific departments of the store. Our employees are privy to all our financial data and give input

on major decisions, from hiring to visual merchandising and remodeling. Dean and I do own the store, so we are not a true cooperative, but we try to function as democratically as possible. Delegating Effectively

In order to make management by participation effective, we realize we must share some real power with our employees, even though final decisions do rest with us. “Giving away responsibility and authority is the ultimate expression of leadership,” according to Jammie Baugh, author of The Nordstrom Way (New York: John Wiley & Sons, 2012). It may be particularly difficult for you to learn to delegate responsibility, especially if you are used to doing everything yourself. An employee will rarely perform a task exactly the way you would have, but in order to be an effective leader, you must learn to give employees the authority to own the jobs they are doing. Changing a display or second-guessing a customer refund decision undermines staff members’ confidence. There is a fine line between wanting the very best in window displays, customer service, restocking, and product selection—for the sake of the store and its customers— and wanting to let employees set their own standards for their job performance.

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The day may come when you begin to delegate buying responsibility beyond just the placing of routine reorders. Staff buyers need to understand the focus of the shop and the criteria you use to evaluate merchandise so that the store will retain your personal touch. It is helpful to review all orders initially, especially if you do not provide a buying budget. Don’t expect every item on every order to sell well. All buyers, even you, make some mistakes. Being able to delegate effectively is an enormous advantage. The skills and ideas that our 25 employees bring to Orange Tree Imports allow us to do much more than we could if Dean and I were trying to run the store alone. The variety of ages and interests of our staff members reflects the diversity of our customer base, and their varied opinions help us keep in touch with different perspectives. And because we encourage them to take on as much responsibility as possible, our employees’ many talents are ref lected in creative touches throughout the store. Leading the Team

Even with everyone sharing responsibility, there is still an important role for the store’s manager or owner. Many shopkeepers are uncomfortable taking on the role of boss, especially if they’ve had a bad experience in a previous job. But managing a retail store is an opportunity to show just how effective a leader you can be: educating, motivating, and rewarding your employees. Keep in mind that a good boss does all of the following: • Treats employees as individuals, caring about their success • Routinely spends time on the sales floor • Is always available to employees when they need guidance, support, or just someone to talk to • Welcomes the input of all staff members • Praises the contributions, large and small, that each employee makes to the store’s success • Is as generous as possible in rewarding employees for their efforts Even a good boss cannot always please everyone, but as a leader you need to make

20 January 2019 |

sure all employees can count on being treated fairly and with respect. If you have never managed employees before, read some of the many books available on personnel policies and business management. Enlightened management techniques can have an enormous impact on your employees’ level of job satisfaction, and you will find that a happy and enthusiastic workforce is essential for providing good customer service. Hiring by Consensus

Finding and keeping good employess is a challenge for most shops today, and having our staff involved in hiring and training is undoubtedly one reason for our store’s relatively low turnover. One of the most important elements in the success of this approach is the entire staff’s involvement in the interviewing process. We have used this technique for many years, so almost all of our current employees have been hired by their colleagues. A preliminary interview of all the most likely candidates is usually done by the personnel manager, myself, and sometimes an assistant manager. The questions we ask during this 10 minute interview are similar to those that are on our application form, plus some open-ended queries such as, “Tell us about an achievement you are particularly proud of,” and “Give us an example of how you handled a difficult situation in one of your previous jobs.” The applicant is given a chance to talk informally and to ask us questions about the job. The key to good interviewing is to put the candidate at ease and allow him or her to talk as much as possible. The three or four candidates selected for second interviews after this first round of screening are asked to come before the store opens for a staff interview. As many as 15 of our current employees usually attend these informal interviews. We sit in a circle and meet with one candidate at a time, asking the applicant to tell us a bit about him- or herself. The staff is free to ask anything they want, except of course about topics prohibited by law. (We make a point of briefing them in advance about

what needs to be avoided.) Questions sometimes range from “Do you have any pets?” to “Do you like to cook?” In the interest of fairness, we try to ask every candidate a few of the same questions. One employee usually tells the candidate a bit about what it’s like to work at Orange Tree Imports and describes what the job entails. After the last candidate has left, the staff discusses the notes they have taken and then votes by secret ballot (if it looks like it will be a close vote) or a show of hands. Some candidates find it very intimidating to face this large group, and we take their nervousness into account when evaluating their interview performance. We look for indications that the candidate really wants to work at our store, as evidenced by a positive attitude and by good grooming for the interview. The stress of the staff interview is not unlike facing a number of customers all wanting immediate attention, so the process helps us see if the candidate is comfortable talking with strangers. The staff has a vested interest in the success of the new coworkers they have selected. The new employees come on the job having already met a number of the staff members and with the knowledge that their coworkers want them to be there. Of course, as with any other democratic voting process, candidates are sometimes selected by a narrow margin, but most staff members are comfortable with the concept of the majority vote ruling. I can think of one instance, however, when some members of the staff were so vehemently opposed to the final candidate for personnel manager that we started the process over again. (Yes, even the personnel manager is hired by staff interview.) We check references after the selection process is completed, and offer the job to the chosen candidate as soon as we are able to get in touch with their references. Those not selected are given the courtesy of an email, and often their applications are kept on file for future consideration.

Facing Challenges

The main difficulty facing an employer using the participative democracy style of management is keeping confidences. When openness is the norm, it is painful not to be able to explain to other staff members that one of their colleagues is feeling particularly emotional because of a personal problem or to know that someone is leaving soon without being able to mention it. But part of employer-employee trust is promising that when something is said in confidence, it will not be repeated. Thankfully, no one has ever asked that my husband Dean and I not talk to each other about staff concerns, so we always have someone to discuss an issue with without violating confidentiality. Employee records are of course kept in a locked cabinet that can be accessed only by those entrusted with a key. An employee has the right to see everything in his or her own file at any time, but there is no reason for employees to see each other’s records. Although we also ask employees to keep the store’s financial information confidential, we are realistic enough to realize that everyone talks about their work at home. We have never had anything that we were trying to hide from the outside world, so fortunately it has not been detrimental to have our store’s operations be somewhat publicly known. In fact, we usually find that when our employees talk about their work, it is with a sense of pride and satisfaction – which is one of the positive results of the democratic management approach. Carol Schroeder and her husband Dean have been co-owners of Orange Tree Imports in Madison, WI since 1975. The shop was recently chosen as one of four finalists for Retailer of the Century in a national competition. In addition to running the store, Carol writes extensively on all aspects of bricks and mortar retail. A newly updated and expanded edition of Specialty Shop Retailing: How You Can Succeed in Today’s Market, her best-selling handbook for independent shopkeepers, was published in2018. It is available wherever books are sold, including the website of her weekly blog for independent retailers: HYPERLINK "" www.

Resources | 21


Trends in the Body-Mind-Spirit Retail Industry by Karen Stuth, president of COVR

In a survey sponsored and conducted by The Coalition of Visionary Resources (COVR) and Retailing Insight in July 2018 some fascinating trends emerged. The body-mind-spirit industry is healthy and growing, but with important changes to product and customer mix, and in public attitudes toward the industry, many business owners believe Amazon is a significant deterrent to growth. This offers brick-and-mortar businesses the opportunity to build a stronger brand promise and to implement measures to build more loyalty and commitment among their customer base. Take a glance at the results:


Trends Impacting Growth

Are seeking information or products about spirituality


Believe the body-mind-spirit industry is becoming more mainstream


Moderate to substantial business growth in the body-mind-spirit industry

Nearly 3 in 10 say customers are younger, FOLLOWED BY an increase number of male customers, and a growth interest in meditation.

Changes in Product Mix & Sales How retailers in the body-mind-spirit community are responding to industry changes: “We do experience challenges due to Amazon, but people still want an in-person, human, caring experience.”

48% 30 to 45 years 34% 46 to 59 years

“Business owners within the body-mind-spirit industry are responding to industry changes by adapting their MARKETING & INVENTORY acquisition strategies.”

1 in 4 customers are MALE

Upward: meditation products, books, healing and massage tools, home décor and garden accessories, and angel and fairy products

Downward: music, books, and feng shui products

Steady: gems, stones and minerals, tarot and divination decks, jewelry, aromatherapy, essential oils, and incense

Yet with the mainstream of the body-mind-spirit industry, many perceive a nomenclature problem. What should our industry call itself? Attribute industry growth to growing social media engagement with their brand or store


33% 33%

“I’m not sure if spirituality is the right word. I think that is part of a marketing problem. What do we call ourselves? The old words don’t seem to work.”

Inventory composition has substantially changed

Social Media Platforms Most Used

Reported holding more events

To market business









What do industry members need to continue to thrive and grow? Mostly had reported…

Their greatest training or information needs include marketing and advertising information, social media management, and industry trends information. A second tier of desired training includes information or tools for online shopping cart, website development, event management, fiscal and financial information, and inventory acquisition. While most would prefer to receive information through…



Courses & Mentoring

Who Are The Survey Respondents? They mostly are...

Publications Webinars

47% 40% 13% 9%


Own or operate other types of business within the body-mind-spirit marketplace Owners/Managers of brick-and-mortar conscious living, new age, metaphysical, or body-mind-spirit retail stores

Healing or Wellness businesses

General retail gift stores


<50% 50-65yrs

Most survey respondents reside in‌

Business Owners

>10+yrs in their current position

5.48% Washington

5.56% New York 4.58% Pennsylvania

9.48% California

4.25% North Carolina 5% Colorado

6.21% Texas

8.17% Florida

The Coalition of Visionary Resources in partnership with Retailing Insight Magazine is in the process of developing a series of webinars for COVR and industry members to help mind-body-spirit businesses to thrive and grow, continuing to support the upward growth trend reported by this latest survey. COVR members can also apply for mentoring assistance from other industry members. For more information about COVR, please visit

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2019 TRADE SHOWS Use our comprehensive list of trade shows to plan your 2019 buying trips. For a continually updated list of trade shows, visit Retailing Insight strives to assure the accuracy of show schedules listed here, however, please contact the show promoter directly to confirm dates, times, and locations prior to making travel plans.

JANUARY ► Body Soul & Spirit Expo, Vancouver Dates: Jan 4-6 Location: Vancouver, Canada Showcases products for wellness, alternative therapies, healing arts, aromatherapy, natural healing, intuitive arts, esoteric philosophy, metaphysics, and more. Next Show Feb 8-10 ► Philadelphia Gift Show Dates: Jan 4-7 Location: Oaks, PA Thousands of lines from hundreds of exhibitors, with these special product showcases: souvenir and resort, made in the USA, outdoor living, home accents, and handcrafted gifts.

26 January 2019 |

► Philadelphia National Candy, Gift & Gourmet Show Dates: Jan 5-7 Location: Oaks, PA As the premier show for those seeking retail, wholesale and manufacturing solutions within the Specialty Confectionery Industry, the Philadelphia National Candy, Gift & Gourmet Show is the place for retailers to get a first-hand look at breaking trends, new introductions and the latest offerings in every category. It’s all herefrom candy, chocolate and gourmet specialties to candy-making equipment, packaging and plus items and more. ► Buyer’s Cash & Carry, The Dates: Jan 7 Location: Madison, WI Features unusual gift items, handcrafted furniture, gourmet food, jewelry, and handcrafted reproductions. Next Shows Mar 27, Jun 24, Sept 16

► Heimtextil Dates: Jan 8-11 Location: Frankfurt, Germany the biggest international trade fair for home and contract textiles. ► Atlanta International Gift and Home Furnishings Market Dates: Jan 8-15 Location: Atlanta, GA the largest and most comprehensive market of the year. Offering more than 8,000 brands in all categories including home décor, furniture, rugs, accessories, gifts and more. ► Alaska Gift Show Dates: Jan 10-12 Location: Anchorage, AK Jewelry and metalwork, clothing and apparel, ivory, antler, and bone products, books, greeting cards, prints and paintings, souvenirs, and fine art.

► WESA International Western/English Apparel & Equipment Market Dates: Jan 11-14 Location: Denver, CO The trade show for the equestrian wholesale and retail industry, featuring over 250 exhibitors of Western and English apparel, accessories, leather goods, and equestrian-related décor and gifts. Next Show Jun 19-21 ► Dallas Total Home & Gift Market Dates: Jan 16-22 Location: Dallas, TX A destination for connecting retailers and manufactures in home décor, gifts, gourmet, housewares, accessories and lighting. Next Shows Mar 27-30, Jun 19-25, Sept 5-7 ► Criativation Show Dates: Jan 17-21 Location: Phoenix, AZ The largest and longest running creative industries trade event. ► LA Mart (Winter Market) Dates: Jan 17-21 Location: Los Angeles, CA LA Mart is one of the West Coast’s wholesale marts, encompassing the western states’ most comprehensive collection of world-class, regional and national showrooms and temporary exhibits available to the trade buying community. Comprised of more than half a million square feet of gift, home, furniture and lifestyle brands. Next Shows Mar 31-Apr 2 , Jul 18-22, Sept 22-24 ► Columbus Marketplace Dates: Jan 18-22 Location: Dublin, OH The newest and finest lines of gifts, home décor, accessories, stationery, and more in an easy-to shop, single-floor layout. Next Shows Feb 17-19, Mar 22-26, Apr 27-28, Jun 23-25, Jul 21-23, Aug 16-20, Sept 29 – Oct 1, Nov 2-4 ► Minneapolis Mart Gift, Home & Accessory Show Dates: Jan 18-22 Location: Minnetonka, MN More than 5,000 lines of home, décor, accessories and apparel merchandise in 140 showrooms. Next Shows Mar 8-12, Apr 28-30, Jun 23-25, Aug 2-6, Oct 6-8

► St. Louis Gift Show Dates: Jan 20-21 Location: Collinsville, IL Thousands of products from around the world, including giftware, gourmet foods, jewelry, made in the USA crafts, furniture, bed and bath, handbags, floral, and accessories. Next Show Aug 11-12 ► NW Trend Show Dates: Jan 20-22 Location: Seattle, WA Brings the latest in fashion from women’s apparel, accessories and jewelry, to children’s, men’s shoes and gift items. Next Shows Apr 7-9, Nov 3-5 ► Northeast Market Center Show Dates: Jan 20-23 Location: Hudson, MA More than 1,000 gift and decorative accessory product lines, including home décor, bath and body, jewelry and accessories, and more. Next Shows Feb 24-26, Mar 24-26, Apr 29-30, Jun 10, Jul 14-17, Aug 5-6, Sept 15-17, Oct 7-8 ► KidsWorld Market Dates: Jan 23-26 Location: Dallas, TX The most comprehensive market for children’s product in the nation. A vast selection of baby, children’s, and juvenile products including apparel and fashion accessories, shoes, gifts, toys, décor, textiles, and more. Next Shows Mar 27-30, Jun 5-8, Aug 21-24, Oct 23-26 ► Dallas Apparel & Accessories Market Dates: Jan 23-26 Location: Dallas, TX Showcases apparel and accessories ranging from classic looks to contemporary edge in the permanent showrooms and a wide range of temporary exhibitors. Next Shows Mar 27-30, Jun 5-8, Aug 21-24, Oct 23-26 ► New Orleans Gift & Jewelry Show Dates: Jan 24-27 Location: New Orleans, LA Cash-and-carry and order-writing show for qualified buyers featuring fine and trendy jewelry, accessories, apparel, gourmet foods, specialty arts and crafts, gifts, and more.

► Halloween & Party Expo Dates: Jan 25-27 Location: New Orleans, LA The industry event for Halloween and party supplies, costumes, accessories, and décor featuring 350 domestic and international exhibitors. ► Biloxi Gift Show Dates: Jan 26-28 Location: Biloxi, MS More than 300 booths with manufactures from 22 states features a huge selection of new and trendy merchandise including holiday, home décor, tabletop, garden accessories, souvenirs, gourmet, jewelry, apparel, floral, and gift wrap. Next Show Aug 3-5 ► STYLEMAX Date: Jan 27-29 Location: Chicago, IL Women’s apparel and accessories featuring categories such as Contemporary, Bridge, Better, and Accessories. Next Shows Apr 7-9, Jul 28-30, Oct 27-29 ► Las Vegas Winter Market Dates: Jan 27-31 Location: Las Vegas, NV An international furnishing showcase featuring thousands of lines in furniture, bedding, lighting, flooring, accessories and gift resources, wall art, home textures, tabletop, lifestyle product and much more. Next Show Jul 28 – Aug 1 ► Toronto Gift Fair Dates: Jan 27-31 Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada With 1.3 million square feet of display space, this show is North America’s largest temporary trade gift show. Featuring 1,000 exhibitors, it is Canada’s largest one-stop buying venue.

FEBRUARY ► International Fashion Jewelry & Accessory Show, IFJAG Dates: Feb 2-5 Location: Las Vegas, NV More than 200 lines of fashion jewelry and accessories. No cash and carry permitted. Open to wholesalers and volume buyers only. Next Show May 9-11

Resources | 27

► Seattle Gift Show Dates: Feb 2-5 Location: Seattle, WA More than 30 artisans from Seattle’s largest indie craft show. A wide range of products from general giftware, collectibles, decorative accessories, table top, home décor, souvenir and resort apparel, jewelry and more. ► Arizona Mineral & Fossil Show Dates: Feb 2-16 Location: Tucson, AZ More than 400 dealers from around the world. No admission fee or registration required.

► AGTA American Gem Trade Association Dates: Feb 5-10 Location: Tucson, AZ Features loose gemstones and pearls, extensive lines of finished jewelry, and equipment. ► JCK Tucson Dates: Feb 6-9 Location: Tucson, AZ This B2B fine finished jewelry event features luxury, silver, fashion, bridal, and designer jewelry. Held during Tucson’s Jewelry Week, with more than 40 complementary events.

► Buyer’s Cash & Carry, The Dates: Feb 3-4 Location: Valley Forge, PA Open to the trade only. Featuring unique, American-made gifts and home décor products. Next Show Sept 29

► OASIS Gift Show Dates: Feb 7-9 Location: Phoenix, AZ Features 200 exhibitors of trendy merchandise, world imports, home décor, jewelry, Native American art and crafts, and western flair plus a jury-chosen Artisans’ Showcase.

► National Stationery Show Dates: Feb 3-6 Location: New York, NY The world’s most comprehensive collection of stationery and related lifestyle products. Over 800 exhibitors of greeting cards, invitations, giftwrap/ribbons, stationery, and more.

► Body Soul & Spirit Expo, Prince George Dates: Feb 8-10 Location: Prince George, Canada Showcases products for wellness, alternative therapies, healing arts, aromatherapy, natural healing, intuitive arts, esoteric philosophy, metaphysics, and more.

► NY NOW Winter Dates: Feb 3-6 Location: New York, NY Drawing 35,000 attendees from all 50 states and 80+ countries, NY NOW hosts 2,800 exhibitors showcasing the very best lines across the home, lifestyle, and gift spectrum. Next Show Aug 11-14

► American Handcrafted Show Dates: Feb 16-18 Location: Philadelphia, PA American Handcrafted, formerly ACRE, events focus on artisan craftsmanship and design. A curated marketplace to find the best in North American wholesale handmade products. Next Shows May 30 – June 3, Sept 5-7

► Spring Fair Dates: Feb 3-7 Location: Birmingham, UK The U.K.’s largest retail trade event and the most comprehensive collection of gifts in Europe.

► Toy Fair Dates: Feb 16-19 Location: New York, NY More than 1,100 international exhibitors showcasing toy and entertainment products: action figures, dolls, games and puzzles, baby and preschool toys, software, and video games.

► MAGIC Las Vegas Dates: Feb 5-7 Location: Las Vegas, NV A must-see buying destination event for fashion retailers, featuring 10 can’t-miss markets of apparel, footwear, and accessories.

28 January 2019 |

► Louisville Gift Show Dates: Feb 17-18 Location: Shepherdsville, KY More than 100 order-writing and cash-and carry vendors in giftware, gourmet foods, clothing, jewelry, accessories, candles, and seasonal. Next Show Aug 25-26

► Columbus Marketplace Dates: Feb 17-19 Location: Dublin, OH The newest and finest lines of gifts, home décor, accessories, stationery, and more in an easy-to shop, single-floor layout. Next Shows Mar 22-26, Apr 27-28, Jun 23-25, Jul 21-23, Aug 16-20, Sept 29 – Oct 1, Nov 2-4 ► Rocky Mountain Gift Show Dates: Feb 20-25 Location: Denver, CO The Rocky Mountain region’s premier wholesale buying event for gift, home, jewelry, resort and related industries. The largest showing of imprinted sportswear in the country. Next Show Aug 21-26 ► American Craft Council (Wholesale Show) Dates: Feb 21 Location: Baltimore, MD Wholesale-only, juried marketplace featuring high-quality American craft from more than 550 of the top contemporary jewelry, clothing, furniture, and home décor artists. ► TransWorld’s Jewelry, Fashion & Accessories (Winter Show) Dates: Feb 21-24 Location: Rosemont, IL The latest in fine and fashion jewelry, giftware, beauty products, watches, handbags, and more. Professional Gem Sciences Laboratory, Ltd. Is on site to give professional appraisals. Next Shows Apr 25-28, Jul 18-21, Oct 10-13, Dec 5-8 ► American Craft Council (Public Show) Dates: Feb 22-24 Location: Baltimore, MD The annual juried marketplaces in Baltimore, Atlanta, St. Paul, and San Francisco feature original work by 1,500 contemporary craft artists, with wholesale-buying opportunities. Next Shows: Mar 15-17, Apr 5-7, Aug 2-4 ► Northeast Market Center Show Dates: Feb 24-26 Location: Hudson, MA More than 1,000 gift and decorative accessory product lines, including home décor, bath and body, jewelry and accessories, and more. Next Shows Mar 24-26, Apr 29-30, Jun 10, Jul 14-17, Aug 5-6, Sept 15-17, Oct 7-8

► Alberta Gift Fair (Spring Show) Dates: Feb 24-27 Location: Edmonton, Canada The largest show in Western Canada features more than 700 exhibitors in five product categories living, style, gifts, gourmet, and Made in Canada products.

► International Home + Housewares Show Dates: Mar 2-5 Location: Chicago, IL Housewares marketplace featuring 2,200 exhibitors from more than 100 countries. The show is conveniently organized into four “Show within a Show” expos.


► Lansing Gift Show Dates: Mar 3-5 Location: Lansing, MI A wholesale order-writing show featuring gift, souvenir, specialty food, resort, home décor, tabletop, retail point-of-sale systems, and label and packaging.

► The New Earth Expo Dates: Mar 1-3 Location: Edmonton, Canada The expo showcases a variety of providers and practitioners focusing on the many areas of health & wellness including alternative healing practices, physical, metaphysical, spiritual, nutritional, environmental, holistic and more. Next Shows Oct 4-6, Oct 18-20 ► Atlanta Jewelry Show Dates: Mar 2-4 Location: Atlanta, GA This show features hundreds of companies showcasing designs in an extensive range of categories.

► Natural Products Expo West Dates: Mar 6-9 Location: Anaheim, CA The leading trade show in the natural, organic, and healthy products industry including natural foods, organic, health and beauty, supplements, and pet products.

► Minneapolis Mart Gift, Home & Accessory Show Dates: Mar 8-12 Location: Minnetonka, MN More than 5,000 lines of home, décor, accessories and apparel merchandise in 140 showrooms. Next Shows Apr 28-30, Jun 23-25, Aug 2-6, Oct 6-8 ► JA New York (Spring) Dates: Mar 10-12 Location: New York, NY More than 700 major designers and manufacturers from around the world will showcase the latest jewelry designs, with an easy-towork marketplace. Next Show Aug 11-14 ► Buyer’s Cash & Carry, The Dates: Mar 13 Location: Springfield, OH Open to the trade only. Featuring unique, American-made gifts and home décor products. 250 exhibitors. Next Shows Aug 14, Oct 16

Arizona Mineral & Fossil Show

February 2 - 16, 2019 Ballroom Dates: Jan 31 - Feb 13

Hotel Tucson City Center 475 N. Granada Ave. at St. Mary's

Over 250 dealers selling earth-related natural treasures from around the world.

✦ Open to the Public ✦ Free Admission Free Parking Open 10-6 daily 10-5, Feb. 16

Gems, Minerals, Crystals, Meteorites, Fossils, Polished & Rough Stones, Beads, Jewelry Home Decor Artists' Gallery Fossil Hall

Photo by Jeff Scovil©

LLD Productions, Inc. PO Box 665, Bernalillo, NM 87004 Wholesale & Retail Mineral, Fossil & Gem Shows For the Trade and Collectors

Resources | 29

► American Craft Council (Public Show) Dates: Mar 15-17 Location: Atlanta, GA Featuring original work by more than 1,500 of the country’s top contemporary craft artists, with wholesale-buying opportunities at all four locations. Next Shows Apr 5-7, Aug 2-4

► Buyer’s Cash & Carry, The Dates: Mar 27 Location: Madison, WI The Buyers Cash and Carry features unusual gift items, handcrafted furniture, gourmet food products, jewelry, and handcrafted reproductions, all for immediate delivery. Next Shows: Jun 24, and Sept 16.

► New England Made Giftware & Specialty Food Shows (Spring Show) Dates: Mar 16-18 Location: Portland, ME A juried, wholesale-buyers show featuring 250 manufacturers of unique, quality New England made products including home décor, apparel, jewelry, toys and games, candles, and more.

► Dallas Total Home & Gift Market Dates: Mar 27-30 Location: Dallas, TX A destination for connecting retailers and manufactures in home décor, gifts, gourmet, housewares, accessories and lighting. Next Shows Jun 19-25, Sept 5-7

► ASD MARKET Week Dates: Mar 17-20 Location: Las Vegas, NV A destination wholesale buying event. With 2,800 vendors in Gift and Home, Jewelry/ Cash and Carry, Value and Variety, Fashion Accessories, Health and Beauty, and Toys and Novelties. Next Show Jul 28-31

► KidsWorld Market Dates: Mar 27-30 Location: Dallas, TX The most comprehensive market for children’s product in the nation. A vast selection of baby, children’s, and juvenile products including apparel and fashion accessories, shoes, gifts, toys, décor, textiles, and more. Next Shows Jun 5-8, Aug 21-24, Oct 23-26

► Columbus MarketPlace Dates: Mar 22-26 Location: Dublin, OH The newest and finest lines of gifts, home décor, accessories, stationery, and more in an easy-to-shop, single-floor layout. Next Shows Apr 27-28, Jun 23-25, Jul 21-23, Aug 16-20, Sept 29 – Oct 1, Nov 2-4

► Dallas Apparel & Accessories Market Dates: Mar 27-30 Location: Dallas, TX Showcases apparel and accessories ranging from classic looks to contemporary edge in the permanent showrooms and a wide range of temporary exhibitors. Next Shows Jun 5-8, Aug 21-24, Oct 23-26

► Northeast Market Center Show Dates: Mar 24-26 Location: Hudson, MA More than 1,000 gift and decorative accessory product lines, including home décor, bath and body, jewelry and accessories, and more. Next Shows Apr 29-30, Jun 10, Jul 14-17, Aug 5-6, Sept 15-17, Oct 7-8

► LA Mart (Spring Market) Dates: Mar 31 – Apr 2 Location: Los Angeles, CA Permanent showrooms featuring 7,000+ lines, national brands, and local artisans in a range of categories: gift, home/garden décor, holiday/ seasonal, fashion, toys, stationery, personal care, gourmet, tabletop, textiles, and more. Next Shows Jul 18-22, Sept 22-24

► 360o Fair Trade Conference & Expo Dates: Mar 26-28 Location: Austin, TX Fair Trade Federation wholesalers display their latest and greatest products in a relaxed atmosphere. Held in conjunction with the annual Fair Trade Federation Conference.

30 January 2019 |

APRIL ► American Craft Council (Public Show) Dates: Apr 5-7 Location: Saint Paul, MN Featuring original work by more than 1,500 of the country’s top contemporary craft artists, with wholesale-buying opportunities at all four locations. Next Show Aug 2-4

► NW Trend Show Dates: April 7-9 Location: Seattle, WA Brings the latest in fashion from women’s apparel, accessories and jewelry, to children’s, men’s shoes and gift items. Next Show Nov 3-5 ► STYLEMAX Date: Apr 7-9 Location: Chicago, IL Women’s apparel and accessories featuring categories such as Contemporary, Bridge, Better, and Accessories. Next Shows Jul 28-30, Oct 27-29 ► Colorado Mineral & Fossil Show (Spring) Dates: Apr 12-14 Location: Denver, CO Retail and wholesale dealers specializing in fossils, meteorites, amber, petrified wood and related items. Held in conjunction with the Denver Gem and Mineral Show. Next Show Sept 6-14 ► Buyer’s Cash & Carry, The Dates: Apr 17 Location: Marlborough, MA The Buyers Cash and Carry features unusual gift items, handcrafted furniture, gourmet food products, jewelry. Next Show Sept 29 ► TransWorld’s Jewelry, Fashion and Accessories, JF&A (Spring Show) Dates: Apr 25-28 Location: Rosemont, IL The latest in fine and fashion jewelry, giftware, beauty products, watches, handbags, and more. Professional Gem Sciences Laboratory, Ltd. Is on site to give professional appraisals. Next Shows Jul 18-21, Oct 10-13, Dec 5-8 ► Petoskey Gift, Gourmet & Souvenir Show Dates: Apr 27-29 Location: Petoskey, MI Featuring hundreds of cash-and-carry and order-taking exhibitors in more than 25,000 square feet of exhibit space, all on one floor. Wholesale only.

► Columbus Marketplace Dates: Apr 27-28 Location: Dublin, OH The newest and finest lines of gifts, home décor, accessories, stationery, and more in an easy-to shop, single-floor layout. Next Shows Jun 23-25, Jul 21-23, Aug 16-20, Sept 29 – Oct 1, Nov 2-4

► Northeast Market Center Show Dates: Apr 29-30 Location: Hudson, MA More than 1,000 gift and decorative accessory product lines, including home décor, bath and body, jewelry and accessories, and more. Next Shows Jun 10, Jul 14-17, Aug 5-6, Sept 15-17, Oct 7-8

► Northern Michigan Gift and Souvenir Show Dates: Apr 28-30 Location: Harbor Springs, MI A wholesale trade market located at the Boynes Highland Resort. Exhibitors are gift and souvenir manufacturers, their representatives, and other independent reps.


► Minneapolis Mart Gift, Home & Accessory Show Dates: Apr 28-30 Location: Minnetonka, MN More than 5,000 lines of home, décor, accessories and apparel merchandise in 140 showrooms. Next Shows Jun 23-25, Aug 2-6, Oct 6-8

► International Fashion Jewelry & Accessory Show, IFJAG Dates: May 9-1 1 Location: New York, NY More than 200 lines of fashion jewelry and accessories. No cash and carry permitted. Open to wholesalers and volume buyers only. ► West Coast Gem & Mineral Show (Fall) Dates: May 10-12 Location: Santa Ana, CA Featuring retail and wholesale dealers from all over the U.S. and abroad, offering minerals, fossils, gems, jewelry, crystals, meteorites,

Seeds of Happiness

decorator and gifts items, lapidary and metaphysical supplies. ► International Jewelry & Merchandise Show Dates: May 16-19 Location: New Orleans, LA This cash-and-carry and order-writing show features 700 booths showcasing fine jewelry, semi-precious and precious stones, trendy costume jewelry, accessories, and more. ► Book Expo America Dates: May 29-31 Location: New York, NY The premier North American publishing industry event featuring books in all formats, gift merchandise, and other nonbook products, technology, and services for retailers. ► JCK Las Vegas Jewelry Show Dates: May 29-31 Location: Las Vegas, NV Shop with ease for fine fashion and bridge jewelry at JCK. More than 100 exhibitors offering affordable collections to help customers make every day a special occasion.

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Resources | 31

► American Handcrafted Show Dates: May 30 – June 3 Location: Philadelphia, PA American Handcrafted, formerly ACRE, events focus on artisan craftsmanship and design. A curated marketplace to find the best in North American wholesale handmade products. Next Show Sept 5-7

JUNE ► Dallas Apparel & Accessories Market Dates: Jun 5-8 Location: Dallas, TX A home to thousands of emerging and established women’s apparels, fashion accessories, and footwear product lines across dozens of categories. Next Shows Aug 21-24, Oct 23-26 ► Mississippi Market Wholesale Show Dates: Jun 6-7 Location: Jackson, MS The South’s premier order-only wholesale show featuring Mississippi companies. Decorative and garden accessories, gifts, jewelry, spiritual and inspirational products, and more. ► Contemporary Crafts Market (Summer Show) Dates: Jun 7-9 Location: Pasadena, CA The West Coast’s premier event for one-of-akind functional and decorative jury-selected crafts: jewelry, glassware, ceramics, handpainted textiles, mixed media, and much more. ► International New Age Trade Show, INATS Dates: Jun 7-9 Location: Denver, CO The only show specifically designed for retailers who carry metaphysical, spiritual, inspiring, and Magickal books, music, and gift related products. ► Northeast Market Center Show Dates: June 10 Location: Hudson, MA More than 1,000 gift and decorative accessory product lines, including home décor, bath and body, jewelry and accessories, and more. Next Shows Jul 14-17, Aug 5-6, Sept 15-17, Oct 7-8

32 January 2019 |

► World Tea Expo Dates: Jun 10-13 Location: Las Vegas, NV An annual trade event featuring hundreds of tea companies, tea products, educations sessions and more. ► Dallas Total Home and Gift Market Dates: Jun 19-25 Location: Dallas, TX More than 20,000 gift items, home accessories, textiles, furniture, holiday and seasonal items, gourmet food, stationery, toys, and jewelry/ fashion accessories. Next Show Sept 5-7 ► Minneapolis Mart Gift, Home & Accessory Show Dates: Jun 23-25 Location: Minnetonka, MN More than 5,000 lines of home, décor, accessories and apparel merchandise in 140 showrooms. Next Shows Aug 2-6, Oct 6-8 ► Columbus MarketPlace Dates: Jun 23-25 Location: Dublin, OH The newest and finest lines of gifts, home décor, accessories, stationery, and more in an easy-to-shop, single-floor layout. Next Shows Jul 21-23, Aug 16-20, Sept 29 – Oct 1, Nov 2-4 ► Buyer’s Cash & Carry, The Dates: Jun 24 Location: Madison, WI The Buyers Cash and Carry features unusual gift items, handcrafted furniture, gourmet food products, jewelry, and handcrafted reproductions, all for immediate delivery. Next show Sept 16 ► WESA International Western/English Apparel & Equipment Market Dates: Jun 19-21 Location: Denver, CO The trade show for the equestrian wholesale and retail industry, featuring over 250 exhibitors of Western and English apparel, accessories, leather goods, and equestrian-related décor and gifts.

► KidsWorld Market Dates: Jun 19-25 Location: Dallas, TX The most comprehensive market for children’s product in the nation. A vast selection of baby, children’s, and juvenile products including apparel and fashion accessories, shoes, gifts, toys, décor, textiles, and more. Next Shows Aug 21-24, Oct 23-26 ► GlobalShop Trade Show & Conference Dates: Jun 25-27 Location: Chicago, IL The nation’s largest trade show and conference that combines store design, visual merchandising, retail technology, and shopper marketing.

JULY ► Atlanta International Gift & Home Furnishings Market Dates: Jul 9-15 Location: Atlanta, GA The industry’s largest gift and home furnishings market, featuring more than 8,000 brands across all categories of gift, home décor and furnishings. ► Northeast Market Center Show Dates: July 14-17 Location: Hudson, MA More than 1,000 gift and decorative accessory product lines, including home décor, bath and body, jewelry and accessories, and more. Next Shows Aug 5-6, Sept 15-17, Oct 7-8 ► TransWorld’s Jewelry, Fashion and Accessories Show, JF&A (Summer) Dates: Jul 18-21 Location: Rosemont, IL A showcase of the latest fine and fashion jewelry, giftware, beauty products, accessories, and more. An independent, on-site laboratory offers professional appraisals. Next Shows Oct 10-13, Dec 5-8 ► LA Mart (Summer Market) Dates: Jul 18-22 Location: Los Angeles, CA Permanent showrooms featuring 7,000+ lines, national brands, and local artisans in a range of categories: gift, home/garden décor, holiday/ seasonal, fashion, toys, stationery, personal care, gourmet, tabletop, textiles, and more. Next Show Sept 22-24

► Columbus MarketPlace Dates: Jul 21-23 Location: Dublin, OH The newest and finest lines of gifts, home décor, accessories, stationery, and more in an easy-to-shop, single-floor layout. Next Shows Aug 16-20, Sept 29 – Oct 1, Nov 2-4 ► ASD MARKET Week Dates: Jul 28-31 Location: Las Vegas, NV A destination wholesale buying event. With 2,800 vendors in gift and home, jewelry/cash and carry, value and variety, fashion accessories, health and beauty, and toys and novelties. ► Las Vegas Summer Market Dates: Jul 28 – Aug 1 Location: Las Vegas, NV An international furnishing showcase featuring thousands of leading manufacturers and lines in furniture, lighting, decorative accessories, gift, home textiles, tabletop, and more.

► STYLEMAX Date: Jul 28-30 Location: Chicago, IL The show hosts and extensive selection of brands from various categories such as contemporary, premium denim, bridge, footwear, activewear, gift and accessories and more. Next Show Oct 27-29

AUGUST ► American Craft Council (Public Show) Dates: Aug 2-4 Location: San Francisco, CA This show features original work by more than 1,500 of the country’s top contemporary craft artists, with wholesale-buying opportunities at all four locations.

► Minneapolis Mart Gift, Home & Accessory Show Dates: Aug 2-6 Location: Minnetonka, MN More than 5,000 lines of home, décor, accessories and apparel merchandise in 140 showrooms. Next Show Oct 6-8 ► Biloxi Wholesale Gift Show Dates: Aug 3-5 Location: Biloxi, MS More than 300 booths with manufacturers from 22 states featuring new and trendy merchandise: holiday, home décor, tabletop, garden accessories, jewelry, apparel, and more. ► Northeast Market Center Show Dates: Aug 5-6 Location: Hudson, MA More than 1,000 gift and decorative accessory product lines, including home décor, bath and body, jewelry and accessories, and more. Next Shows Sept 15-17, Oct 7-8

Resources | 33

► East Coast Gem & Mineral Show Dates: Aug 9-11 Location: Springfield, MA Featuring retail and wholesale dealers from all over the U.S. and abroad, offering minerals, fossils, gems, jewelry, crystals, meteorites, decorator and gifts items, lapidary and metaphysical supplies. ► Atlanta Jewelry Show Dates: Aug 10-12 Location: Atlanta, GA This show features hundreds of companies showcasing designs in an extensive range of categories. ► JA New York (Summer) Dates: Aug 11-14 Location: New York, NY More than 700 major designers and manufacturers from around the world will showcase the latest jewelry designs, with an easy-towork marketplace. ► NY NOW (Summer) Dates: Aug 11-14 Location: New York, NY Drawing 35,000 attendees from all 50 states and 80+ countries, NY NOW hosts 2,800 exhibitors showcasing the very best lines across the home, lifestyle, and gift spectrum. ► Buyer’s Cash & Carry, The Dates: Aug 14 Location: Springfield, OH Open to the trade only. Featuring unique, American-made gifts and home décor products. Next Show Oct 16 ► Columbus MarketPlace Dates: Aug 16-20 Location: Dublin, OH The newest and finest lines of gifts, home décor, accessories, stationery, and more in an easy-to-shop, single-floor layout. Next Shows Sept 29 – Oct 1, Nov 2-4 ► Dallas Apparel & Accessories Market Dates: Aug 21-24 Location: Dallas, TX A home to thousands of emerging and established women’s apparels, fashion accessories, and footwear product lines across dozens of categories. Next Show Oct 23-26

34 January 2019 |

► Rocky Mountain Gift Show Dates: Aug 21-26 Location: Denver, CO The Rocky Mountain region’s premier wholesale buying event for gift, home, jewelry, resort and related industries. The largest showing of imprinted sportswear in the country.

► Colorado Mineral & Fossil Show (Fall) Dates: Sept 6-14 Location: Denver, CO Retail and wholesale dealers specializing in fossils, meteorites, amber, petrified wood and related items. Held in conjunction with the Denver Gem and Mineral Show.

► Mid-South Jewelry & Accessories Fair Dates: Aug 23-25 Location: Southaven, MS Cash and carry and order writing show with free admission to qualified buyers. Fine jewelry, semi-precious and precious stones, trendy jewelry, accessories, apparel, gifts, and more.

► Northeast Market Center Show Dates: Sept 15-17 Location: Hudson, MA More than 1,000 gift and decorative accessory product lines, including home décor, bath and body, jewelry and accessories, and more. Next Show Oct 7-8

► St. Louis Gift Show Dates: Aug 25-26 Location: Saint Charles, MO More than 100 exhibitors offering thousands of products from around the world, including giftware, gourmet foods, jewelry and accessories, and made-in-the-USA crafts. ► Louisville Gift Show Dates: Aug 25-26 Location: Shepherdsville, KY Features more than 100 order-writing and cash-and-carry vendors in giftware, Kentucky handcrafted, jewelry, scarves, handbags, candles, seasonal merchandise, and more.

SEPTEMBER ► American Handcrafted Show Dates: Sept 5-7 Location: Philadelphia, PA American Handcrafted, formerly ACRE, events focus on artisan craftsmanship and design. A curated marketplace to find the best in North American wholesale handmade products. ► Dallas Total Home & Gift Market Dates: Sept 5-7 Location: Dallas, TX A destination for connecting retailers and manufactures in home décor, gifts, gourmet, housewares, accessories and lighting.

► Buyer’s Cash & Carry, The Dates: Sept 16 Location: Madison, WI Features unusual gift items, handcrafted furniture, gourmet food, jewelry, and handcrafted reproductions. ► LA Mart (Fall Market) Dates: Sept 22-24 Location: Los Angeles, CA Permanent showrooms featuring 7,000+ lines, national brands, and local artisans in a range of categories: gift, home/garden décor, holiday/ seasonal, fashion, toys, stationery, personal care, gourmet, tabletop, textiles, and more. ► Buyer’s Cash & Carry, The Dates: Sept 29 Location: Marlborough, MA Features unusual gift items, handcrafted furniture, gourmet food, jewelry, and handcrafted reproductions. ► Buyer’s Cash & Carry, The Dates: Sept 29 Location: Valley Forge, PA Open to the trade only. Featuring unique, American-made gifts and home décor products. ► Columbus MarketPlace Dates: Sept 29 – Oct 1 Location: Dublin, OH The newest and finest lines of gifts, home décor, accessories, stationery, and more in an easy-to-shop, single-floor layout. Next Show Nov 2-4


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OCTOBER ► Midwest Booksellers Association Heartland Fall Forum Dates: Oct 2-4 Location: Minneapolis, MN This members-only conference gathers booksellers, publishers, distributors, reps, vendors, authors, librarians, teachers, and other book business colleagues in the heart of the literary Midwest. ► Las Vegas Souvenir & Resort Gift Show Dates: Oct 2-5 Location: Las Vegas, NV The national meeting place for the souvenir and resort gift industries featuring more than 1,100 booths and representing thousands of lines—all under one roof. ► The New Earth Expo Dates: Oct 4-6 Location: Calgary, Canada The expo showcases a variety of providers and practitioners focusing on the many areas of health & wellness including alternative healing practices, physical, metaphysical, spiritual, nutritional, environmental, holistic and more. Next Show Oct 18-20 ► Minneapolis Mart Seasonal Sensations Show Dates: Oct 6-8 Location: Minnetonka, MN The Minneapolis Mart is a wholesale permanent showroom facility, featuring over 5,000 lines of gift and accessory merchandise in 200 showrooms. ► Northeast Market Center Show Dates: Oct 7-8 Location: Hudson, MA More than 1,000 gift and decorative accessory product lines, including home décor, bath and body, jewelry and accessories, and more. ► TransWorld’s Jewelry, Fashion & Accessories, JF&A (Fall) Dates: Oct 10-13 Location: Rosemont, IL The latest in fine and fashion jewelry, giftware, beauty products, watches, handbags, and more. Professional Gem Sciences Laboratory, Ltd. Is on site to give professional appraisals. Next Show Dec 5-8

36 January 2019 |

► Buyer’s Cash & Carry, The Dates: Oct 16 Location: Springfield, OH Open to the trade only. Featuring unique, American-made gifts and home décor products. ► The New Earth Expo Dates: Oct 18-20 Location: Red Deer, Canada The expo showcases a variety of providers and practitioners focusing on the many areas of health & wellness including alternative healing practices, physical, metaphysical, spiritual, nutritional, environmental, holistic and more. ► ABC Kids Expo Dates: Oct 23-25 Location: Las Vegas, NV With nearly one million square feet of exhibit space, this wholesale show ranks 38 out of the 100 largest trade shows in North America. Free admission to qualified buyers. ► Dallas Apparel & Accessories Market Dates: Oct 23-26 Location: Dallas, TX Showcases apparel and accessories ranging from classic looks to contemporary edge in the permanent showrooms and a wide range of temporary exhibitors. ► KidsWorld Market Dates: Oct 23-26 Location: Dallas, TX The most comprehensive market for children’s product in the nation. A vast selection of baby, children’s, and juvenile products including apparel and fashion accessories, shoes, gifts, toys, décor, textiles, and more. ► STYLEMAX Date: Oct 27-29 Location: Chicago, IL Women’s apparel and accessories featuring categories such as Contemporary, Bridge, Better, and Accessories.

NOVEMBERDECEMBER ► Contemporary Crafts Market (Fall Show) Dates: Nov 1-3 Location: Pasadena, CA The West Coast’s premier event for one-of-akind functional and decorative jury-selected crafts: jewelry, glassware, ceramics, handpainted textiles, mixed media, and much more. ► Columbus MarketPlace Dates: Nov 2-4 Location: Dublin, OH The newest and finest lines of gifts, home décor, accessories, stationery, and more in an easy-to-shop, single-floor layout. ► NW Trend Show Dates: Nov 3-5 Location: Seattle, WA Brings the latest in fashion from women’s apparel, accessories and jewelry, to children’s, men’s shoes and gift items. ► Atlanta Fall Immediate Delivery Show Dates: Nov 5-7 Location: Atlanta, GA The latest in gift, home furnishings, fashion accessories, fine jewelry, and more are not only on display-they’re ready to take back to your store. With no-minimum buying and markdowns across all categories. A cash & carry event. ► TransWorld’s Jewelry, Fashion & Accessories, JF&A (Holiday Show) Dates: Dec 5-8 Location: Schaumburg, IL The latest in fine and fashion jewelry, giftware, beauty products, watches, handbags, and more. Professional Gem Sciences Laboratory, Ltd. Is on site to give professional appraisals. Compiled by Retailing Insight Team For future updates of 2019 Trade Shows please visit

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Books & Journals Best Picks Compiled by Editor

Saraswati Journal, Peacock 5”x7” Fair Trade Winds

Softbound 96-page journal featuring a blue peacock scene with hand painted details in 100% tree-free recycled cotton paper. Artisans collect cotton waste and turn it into a pulp to create a rich textured paper with a uniquely soft feel. Tie and tassel closure.

38 January 2019 |

We’ve worked together with local and major publishers in the body-mind-spirit industry to put together a selection of some of the best books and journals in the category. Look at our inspirational list to find the book or journal that can best-fit your eager readers this season.

Mysterious Realities: A Dream Traveler’s Tales from the Imaginal Realm

Put Your Worries Here: A Creative Journal for Teens with Anxiety

The Wild Unknown Journal

Robert Moss

Lisa M. Schab

Harper One

New World Library

New Harbinger

Dreams have been called the “royal road to the unconscious,” but to bestselling author and worldrenowned dream explorer Robert Moss, they are more: portals to the imaginal realm, a higher reality that exists at the intersection of time and eternity. As a master storyteller, Moss takes you on journeys where you encounter goddesses and daimons, uncanny animals, doppelgängers from parallel worlds, and spirits of the dead.

In this first-of-its-kind guided journal, best-selling author Lisa Schab offers a creative space for teens to work through their anxiety by providing fun, engaging, and action-oriented prompts and behavior-based exercises.

Kim Krans

Welcome to the creative magic that is The Wild Unknown Journal, a brand-new product from beloved Oregon artist and Wild Unknown creator Kim Krans. In this inspirational journal, you’ll find over 160 pages of hand-illustrated artwork (watercolor imagery and black & white drawings) with word prompts on each page, to unleash the writer, artist, and daydreamer in all of us.

Resources | 39

Books & Journals Best Picks

Enlighten Up Card Deck Andrea Smith Beyond Words

Whatever answer you’re looking for, whatever inspiration you need in this moment, the Enlighten Up Card Deck features 34 original paintings by world-peace artist Andrea Smith, each a visual meditation. Designed to be easy-to-use, the Enlighten Up Card Deck will transport to a state of inner peace and awareness to help you find stillness in your being and the answers you seek.

40 January 2019 |

The Holy Wild: A Heathen Bible for the Untamed Woman

Pamela Colman Smith: The Untold Story

Danielle Dulsky

Stuart R. Kaplan with Mary K. Greer, Elizabeth Foley O’Connor, Melinda Boyd Parsons

New World Library

This provocative book invites you to create your own spiritual path based on often-suppressed ancient principles and contemporary practices. Using the elements (earth, water, fire, air, ether) rather than traditional patriarchal hierarchies, this “holy book” is designed to connect each individual to their universal — but often denied — powers. Wild woman Danielle Dulsky takes you deep as she explores and embraces sacred feminine archetypes such as the Mother Goddess, the Crone, and the Maiden. Join her as she guides you to envision and explore a world that enriches and supports your spirit, body, and mind as well as our global community and the Earth.

US Games Systems, Inc.

This richly illustrated 440-page biography chronicles Pamela’s life with personal documents, photographs, correspondence, rare archival materials, and over 400 color images. Written by four distinguished scholars, this collaborative work includes essays on the events and people that influenced her, a survey of her writings and art beyond the Rider-Waite tarot, and an exploration of her lasting legacy.

The Three Questions: How to Discover and Master the Power within You

Cannabis for Canines

Don Miguel Ruiz, Barbara Emrys

Ronin Publishing


This highly anticipated new book from bestselling author don Miguel Ruiz takes us deeper into the tradition of Toltec wisdom, inviting us on a journey to become our most complete, truest self; a journey that starts with three questions: Who Am I? What Is Real? What is Love? The Three Questions is an essential guide for any seeker pursuing self-knowledge, understanding, and acceptance of themselves and others.

Beverly A. Potter, PhD

Should your dog suffer from anxiety, upset stomach, seizures, cancer, lethargy or other aliments, cannabis therapeutics may support your vet’s treatment. Covers dosing, which is confusing because dogs are smaller than humans so need lower doses. Marijuana and human dosing schedules should never be used with your dog, because effects are more pronounced in dogs. Only Hempbased cannabis is safe for dogs. A must read for all dog lovers.

How to Use a Crystal: 50 Practical Rituals and Spiritual Activities for Inspiration and Wellbeing Richard Webster Llewellyn Publications

Bestselling author Richard Webster presents an accessible and inspiring guide filled with practical rituals. Choose your crystal and explore over 50 ways to work with it, including how to: attract love, control stress, work with pets, bless your home, enhance creativity, communicate with spirit guides, recall past lives, and find forgiveness. How to Use a Crystal is the ideal guide to finding a world of possibilities with just one stone.

Resources | 41

Books & Journals Best Picks

New Dream Catchers! Lightworker Journal Alana Fairchild

Messages from the Divine: Wisdom for the Seeker’s Soul Sara Wiseman

Gift, Garden & Home

Unique Birdhouses & Ornaments

AmericasMart Atlanta, Jan 9-13 - Global Design, #3-2-1401 - Birding & Backyard, #2-4-527 LA MART, Jan 17-21 - Gifts of Nature Showroom, #348 Las Vegas World Mkt., Jan 27-31 -Gifts of Nature Showroom, #C0806 NY NOW, Feb 3-6 - Handmade Global Design, #1862

42 January 2019 |

Llewellyn Publications

Plant the seeds of your future creations with this deluxe paperback journal. With premium quality, cream-colored, wood-free paper and a combination of lined and unlined pages, this journal is designed to be a sacred space for all facets of your self-expression. The journal features 44 full-page color art reproductions by a popular artist, interspersed throughout the journal for additional inspiration.

Beyond Words

The book shares the secrets of how to live from your soul’s wisdom, awaken to your true life’s path, and learn how to have direct connection with the Universe. Lyrical in style and meditative in experience, Sara Wiseman’s latest book inspires, empowers, and awakens your soul, helping you to answer the questions: How can I live authentically? What is my life’s purpose? How can I receive Divine guidance?

TAROT FROM THE TRENCHES™ How to educate your customers about card decks

by Anna Jedrziewski


arot card decks have become increasingly popular over the past decade. Publishers have responded to this popularity by reprinting classic decks and releasing new decks. The quality of new decks, regarding both design and content, is incredible. But audiences new to Tarot, and those familiar with the cards, often have many questions – and sometimes, they’re not even sure what questions they should have. That’s why it’s important to gain some familiarity with the decks in order to better-inform your customers. To provide a better understanding, I think the best way of help is to recount my own personal journey with tarot card decks. Hopefully, it will help you and your staff get a better sense of how to connect with that “question mark” that walks into your store with a vague expectation that they’re not quite able to express.

44 January 2019 |

How My Journey Began It was some time in the early ‘70s, at a time when tarot decks were not all that easy to come by. I honestly don’t remember what triggered my interest in tarot cards, or even when it happened, but I had attended and worked at New York University on Washington Square and I knew about Weiser’s Occult Bookstore on lower Broadway. When I decided that I must have a deck of tarot cards, that was where I headed. At that point in time, the Rider-Waite deck was the only consistently available deck, but as fate would have it, interest was developing in this almost lost art. The well-known illustrator David Palladini had just created the Aquarian Tarot. Still in print, it was and is an amazing interpretation of the ancient wisdom of the tarot. I fell in love with it at first sight. I took the deck home excitedly and sorted through it, using the brief instruction booklet that

was included to try and figure out what it all meant. Not long after, I returned to Weiser’s looking for more information on how to use the deck. I returned home with a copy of Eden’ Gray’s Mastering the Tarot. I was beginning to feel empowered. Then I began doing tarot readings for friends. I started with the basic Celtic Cross Spread (illustrated in many tarot decks and books). I had the “querent” (questioner/victim?) pick a court card that they felt represented them. That was “The Significator.” I remember it was placed in the center of the table in front of us. Then I shuffled the deck to rid it of accumulated outside vibrations. Next, I asked the querent to shuffle the deck to get their vibrations aligned with it. Then I asked them to cut the deck into three piles, using their left hand, moving to their left. I asked them to repeat this process three times in total. All of this is what I call “The Preparatory Ritual.”

Working from the top of the deck, I then turned up cards one at a time to create the tarot spread (layout). The first card was placed on top of The Significator and described the situation the querent wanted insight into. The second card was placed horizontally over the first card, describing a secondary aspect of the question at hand, either parallel or in opposition to the first aspect. Next, I placed a card to the left representing influences that had been active and were currently dissipating followed by a card to the right, representing influences that were just beginning to influence the question. A card was placed beneath the center cards, representing the foundation of the situation in question, and the next card was placed above the center card to indicate the potential/possible outcomes of the situation. The next four cards were placed to the right of the existing cards, from bottom to top. I always considered these cards to be secondary or explanatory to the spread. The bottom card represented the querent in the situation. The second card up represented people around the querent, both positive and negative. The third card up represented the querent’s ideals or fears with regard to the situation. The top card was an overview of the outcome. Not “the answer” but a description of what the outcome might look like if things continued as they were currently moving. In those early days, I would lay out the spread and read the interpretation of each card from Mastering the Tarot. Once I finished reading, I would sit back and look at the whole picture and try and make some sense of it for the querent. These early attempts at card reading were met with a certain degree of success and I was excited about my prospects as a seerer. Then one day, I had a friend who had just been married ask for a reading about the future of her relationship. I went through the process that by now had become familiar and was horrified as I turned up one negative card after another. There wasn’t a “happy” card in the spread. Rattled, I made an excuse about not understanding what I was seeing, and swiftly removed the cards from sight. The relationship ended in less than six months. This was followed by a few more “inauspicious” layouts which turned out as the cards “predicted.” I put my cherished Aquarian 1

Tarot in a drawer and told people I was out of the fortune telling business. I did, however, continue to explore metaphysics and eventually, I was led to a small Christian Spiritualist church on the west coast of Florida. That area was, for a while, a hotbed of spiritualism. I discovered it at the tail end of its popularity. I sought out similar groups in Manhattan, which led me back to the tarot and the realization that the tarot images were actually a visual bible intended to pass on esoteric wisdom to those who were ready to understand what they were seeing in the cards. That was when my serious relationship with the tarot began. I bought a Rider-Waite deck and a copy of A.E. Waite’s The Pictorial Key to The Tarot. The world that opened up to me changed my life and my career. I then realized that events in

the Tarot which was written anonymously by a scholarly member of a religious order in Europe. This monk or priest used the imagery for each Major Arcana card as the basis for a lengthy discussion of philosophy, psychology, Western esoteric history, Hebrew Kabbalistic teaching, and Eastern spiritual teaching and practice. It remains an unprecedented compendium of insight into the Major Arcana images and the power that they continue to wield. When I began to use the tarot for teaching spiritual/esoteric wisdom, I solidified my relationship with A. E. Waite and the original Rider-Waite deck. I consider him to be a cleareyed initiate into the Western mysteries who thoroughly educated himself with regard to correlated teachings. The Rider-Waite deck was my go-to deck for teaching, I explored many

The fact that the deck is sometimes said to contain doorways to the dark side only increases its popularity. In any case, it’s a deck you will want to become familiar with if you are talking to the public about tarot. my life that I had struggled with were steps along the path of an initiate, so I continued my studies with Paul Foster Cases’ Book of Tokens. Case taught me that the tarot had correspondences to astrology and Hebrew Kabbalistic teaching. I learned that there were myriad paths to the higher wisdom, which explains the current multitude of tarot decks, each depicting the path of the person who experienced and recorded it. By the early ‘90s, metaphysics and the science of spirituality had become the primary focus of my life. I returned to one-on-one consultations and began teaching. Tarot was becoming a hot topic and I created a series of tarot evenings which discussed one Major Arcana card at a time1. Those first tarot evenings began with a lecture on the established interpretations of the card, followed by a meditation on the card with channeled (information sent from disembodied guides on the Other Side) feedback and discussion. In my search for more background information on the cards, I discovered Meditations on

of the new decks coming out and used them for lighter events such as Message Circles. I am grateful to U.S. Games Systems, Inc. for delving into the substantial input that illustrator Pamela Colman Smith had in helping Waite create his classic deck. The Borderless Smith-Waite Tarot Deck which U.S. Games Systems, Inc. recently released highlights Smith’s illustrations, giving them their due. It has become my new go-to deck for all purposes. Waite was not alone in his interest in the tarot. Stuart Kaplan, of U.S. Games Systems, Inc., has also documented the roots and history of tarot in unparalleled detail in his four-volume The Encyclopedia of Tarot. The other major figure who has survived the test of time is, of course, Aleister Crowley, The Grand Beast. His Thoth Tarot continues to be a best seller. I personally feel that Crowley’s images sacrifice substance for theatricality, but you won’t have to look far in order to find someone who disagrees with me. The fact that the deck is sometimes said to contain doorways to the

A traditional tarot is divided into 22 Major Arcana cards, which are always illustrated, and 56 Lesser Arcana cards, divided into four suits, which are sometimes illustrated and sometimes just

contain simple formatted designs.

Resources | 45

New from Llewellyn TAROT KITS

9780738759821 • $36.95

9780738750057 • $29.99


9780738753492 • $16.99

9780738758213 • $12.99


9780738736921 • $16.95

9780738758015 • $19.95

dark side only increases its popularity. In any case, it’s a deck you will want to become familiar with if you are talking to the public about tarot. On a lighter note, major esoteric publisher, Llewellyn has parlayed its solid foundation in the world of all things occult into the creation of innovative, often whimsical, new card decks. Case in point, the Before Tarot and After Tarot decks capture the familiar tarot snapshots just before and just after they were recorded for posterity. It’s a lively discussion starter for group work. It’s also an indication that ancient systems of philosophy only have value if they can capture the attention of the current generation. In the last couple of decades, tarot has increasingly become associated with Carl Jung and the modern therapeutic philosophies that he paved the way for. Tarot publishers are now creating product lines that reflect this trend. I’ve read a lot about tarot in the last 50 years and not much that’s being written currently holds my interest for very long. One notable exception is Tarot at a Crossroads. It’s co-written by a therapist and an intuitive specializing in tarot. It presents tarot as a tool for helping people to reclaim their lives, rather than a means for the reader to gain power and status. True shamans are members of their tribe, often living on the edge of the group, but existing to serve the tribe in surviving and adapting. The best tarot readers perform that service, with humility and, when necessary, subservience. The best way you can be of service to your customers is to explore card decks (tarot and otherwise) and to find the meaning that they have for you. Most of the major mind/body/ spirit publishers are publishing card decks now and they are all amazing in their own way. Decks such as The Lunar Nomad Oracle, Doreen Virtue’s fabulous series of angel decks, Shamanic Power Animal Oracle Cards, and The Wild Unknown Tarot have moved into new territories and broadened the customer base. I suggest that people let their Inner Child pick their card decks for them. Leave the left brain out of it and go with what makes you happy. The Inner Child remembers joy (regardless of how deeply it is buried) and it is joy that ultimately connects us to a Higher Power — and why shouldn’t a box of pretty, intriguing pictures be the path that takes us there?

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46 January 2019 |

ANNA JEDRZIEWSKI is a new consciousness author and lecturer and creator of Tarot From The Trenches™ posts monthly on

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Elegant meditation deck with thangka style art. Set includes 50 cards and 92-page illustrated guidebook. $22.95


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Pocket-sized tarot in a tin features charming animals and natural elements. Includes 78 cards and 64-page booklet. $18.95

Stamford, CT 06902


I N C .

Glorious gilt-edged tarot deck presents angelic messages. Includes 80 cards and 184-page guidebook. $26.95


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Etch Bracelets by Nik Lub We’ve been handcrafting bracelets for 50 years in Napa Valley, California. Copper and zinc are essential minerals for human life and are the main metals in our jewelry. Third generation family member Nik Lub recently introduced a line of cuffs inspired by the organic patterns of the world such as the lotus flower, ocean waves, and honeycomb. The six stunning designs are available with a custom display. Sergio Lub, Inc 760-464-6000 I

The Body Mat...Powered by Nature A New Approach to powerful pain & stress relief, energy balancing, & healing for the Body, Mind, and Soul. Deluxe Practitioner Body Mats for professional treatments and intense personal use. Personal Portable & Mini Body Mats for yoga, meditation, sleep, & home healing. They even work great for pets and babies! The Body Mat, LLC 208-719-0175 I

String Doll Keychains String Dolls are a fair trade product that make people smile! Handmade in Thailand, each string doll is attached to a lobster clip and keyring that has a fabric nametag attached to it. The front of the tag has the doll’s name and the back has his or her special “good luck power” that is always positive and helpful. They are fun for all ages and make the perfect gift for any occasion. Kamibashi 828-333-5166 I

48 January 2019 |

Coastal Cottage Bath & Body Collection Come escape with me to a sweet little cottage by the sea. Enjoy aromas of fresh ocean air, coconut, wild roses, key lime and sand dunes. Available in award-winning formulas lotion, liquid cleanser and soy wax candle. Made in USA. Get a free sample. B.Witching Bath Co. 833-330-2284 I

Moon & Stars Blessings Carry a blessing to brighten your path. Each of these beautiful pewter charms has one of twelve blessings inscribed on the back. Magical and empowering, these pocket-sized inspirations are perfect for shining a light in the dark. Deva Designs 800-799-8308

Handcrafted Beech Wood Spoons

Sacred Geometry Glass Water Bottle Sacred Geometry glass water bottles with scratch-proof ceramic ink protected by a one-time break replacement warranty designed, created and shared by Reiki Healers at a reasonable price… what’s not to love?!? We offer wholesale online or over the phone! Vibe Bottle, LLC 805-452-0962 I

Fifteen appealing designs. Mix and match to create the ideal grouping for your customers. Handcrafted Forest Stewardship Certified beech wood spoons, 13 inches long with 2.5 inch wide bowls. When it’s time to stir up something magical (potions or dinner) Kitchen Wands are the perfect fit. Stirring magic into everything. Kitchen Wands 206-497-8755 I

Display Cases Melon Head Supplies is pleased to announce a New Display Program. We have 2 to pick from. The Cases are made of Hardwood with a Glass Front and a Locking Latch. They can stand on their side or lay down flat. Perfect for any Retail Space. Melon Head Supplies 210-386-5589 I

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Best of shoptalk

A special section of selected questions

In this special section of “Best of Shop Talk”, you can find a selection of questions from the past five years from our retail experts’ team offering tips and great advices on improving your business, from finances to sales, employee management, retirement, and more.

DO YOU TAKE ITEMS ON CONSIGNMENT? I have some artist friends who make their own jewelry, and they want me to carry their creations in my store. I am thinking of accepting their items on consignment, but I worry the jewelry won’t sell and then I won’t know what to say. I also don’t know how much to charge for this service. Do you have any ideas?

the store is liable.) Or, if the item does not sell in the agreed-upon length of time and the artist does not pick it up within a reasonable time (two weeks) after being notified, the item will be donated to a local charity. Once you have outlined all the parameters, you should be able to accept consigned merchandise with the confidence you will not be placed in an uncomfortable situation should the merchandise not sell.

We do not accept items on consignment, but I have worked with many store owners who do. Here are the most important pointers I have gleaned from them. First, any time you accept merchandise on consignment, especially from friends, make sure all agreements are very clear and in writing. I suggest you create a consignment agreement outlining your arrangement and expectations, which both parties sign. The agreement should state you have full control over which items you will accept for consignment. It should clearly state who sets the retail price (usually the artist, but you can have final say) and the percentage the artist will receive when the item sells (commonly 40 to 60 percent). Many store owners get stuck setting the commission percentage. If this happens, consider that even though you don’t have to purchase the merchandise outright, you do carry all the overhead costs for the artist to sell their creations. Without you paying rent, utilities, advertising, employee costs, insurance, and more, they would not have a space to place their wares. Splitting 60/40 or 50/50 is more than fair. Be sure to include how and when the artist is to be paid. Most stores pay out consignment commissions once per month, with the artist receiving a check five to 10 business days after month end. Give yourself enough time to process the paperwork in case your consignment offerings expand. Your agreement needs to state plainly the length of time the item will be for sale in your store. Some store owners say 60 days, some 90. Others have a plan that after 60 days the price will be decreased by 20 percent, and if the item still does not sell over the next 30 days, it will be picked up by the artist. Finally, you may want to add clauses that cover other contingencies, such as disappearance-who is responsible if the item is missing? (Usually

How can I use Instagram more effectively in my marketing efforts? And, CAN YOU REALLY SELL MERCHANDISE THROUGH INSTAGRAM? If so, how?

50 January 2019 |

Instagram is a great, free resource to promote your business. It is one of the most used social media apps, and many people have started using it instead of Facebook. Some businesses have had impressive success using only clever Instagram marketing to promote their business. One small T-shirt line here in Portland raised over 60,000 Instagram followers in less than a year! He started building his followers by posting great pics of the city and tagging them with as many local references as possible. Then he posted a photo of his locally themed T-shirts in the city with a link to his e-commerce site. He posted it on Black Friday, and even though he spent nothing on advertising, he sold $5,000 of that design on his first day! His is a great Instagram success story, and although it would be hard to replicate exactly, there is much to learn from his success. Clearly, Instagram can be a great place to market your business. Being effective and being able to sell on it are rooted in the same fundamental requirement, and that’s followers. You have to attract them before you can sell to them. Content and tags are crucial to your ability to attract followers. Since Instagram is a photo-based site, everything starts with the photo. Most important to keep in mind when taking photos for Instagram is to ensure the content is engaging. People scroll through an average of 25 photos after they log on and may follow hundreds of users. You want them to stop on your photo. In order to do that, your photos need to be stop

worthy. While you may not want to present yourself in photos of your city (though I think you should consider it), be sure your photos aren’t just product shots. It’s important to include other content in addition to your products. Since Instagram is a visual platform, the more interesting or engaging the photo, the better. Even if it’s just an odd angle or close up of a section of a product rather than a dead-on shot, that photo will have a better chance of stopping someone, if only because they want to figure out what they’re looking at. Photos of your shopping district, neighborhood, city, and other locally entwined content work because they are visually engaging and more likely to be viewed by locals or people planning to visit your area. You also can do something quirky, such as taking photos of your customers’ dogs or the customers themselves. Tell them it’s going on your Instagram, and most of the time they will end up following your page after logging on to see their photo. This kind of content mixed in with your product and display shots will keep you from losing viewership. While I recommend this diversity in your content, I also recommend continuity. Your branding needs to be consistent and make sense visually when people look at your page. Hopefully, they then will go to your website or come into your business. If everything you do visually in your business is clean and minimal, your photos should have that feel. If you have a vintage aesthetic, use one of the filters that gives them a vintage look and frame. You can distinguish the look of your Instagram feed in a number of ways consistent with your brand. Aside from attracting followers with great photos, you also can get in front of more people by using hashtags on your photo that have a lot of viewership. The name of your business, city, state, and shopping district are all important. Local slang, references, and sayings also are great. In Portland, I include such hashtags as #keepportlandweird and #portlandia, because these are popular searches and fit the quirkiness of my boulevard and store. Anything popular you can reference on your photo will get you in front of new people. By gaining followers on Instagram, you are giving your business brand recognition, visibility, and credibility. You now need to keep those followers looking. If possible, try to post once, maybe twice a day. You don’t want to over-post or some may feel you are overflowing their feed and will unfollow you. Not posting often enough also potentially will cause followers to lose interest. You always can take several photos on one day and post them individually throughout the week. Figure out what times your customers are checking social media (often morning and late afternoon) and post at those times. Random photos of what’s happening in your store in the moment are good to throw in the mix, too. Once you have followers who are engaged, selling to them will be far easier. Make sure all your product shots have a link to your website where followers can purchase the items. Include the price and any other information that might inspire them to commit, such as whether it’s a new or limited-edition item or has free shipping. Always include your location so you can be found easily. Take advantage of Instagram’s integrated sharing option, which will post your photo on Twitter, Facebook, Flickr, Foursquare, and Tumblr, for maximum exposure. I also

recommend taking the extra step of sharing your photos on Pinterest, with a link to your website. All these social media sites can lead to sales online, as well as in your store, just by using your Instagram photos, the right hashtags, and linking to your website.

IF YOU WANT TO ATTRACT YOUNGER CUSTOMERS, it’s important to hire younger employees, too.

I read that

But, every time I have hired teens and 20-somethings, it has taken a lot more time to train them up to the level of my older, more experienced staff—if they’re able to get to that level at all. I do want to appeal to a younger demographic, but do I really need to hire younger employees to make that happen? I don’t subscribe to the notion that younger employees are the best way to reach young customers. Young people want to shop at a place that’s “cool,” regardless of the age of the average staff member. There are plenty of cool non-20-somethings young people look up to who also are qualified for the position. The products, displays, and general brand of your store are more what young people are likely to respond to. Young people also are more active on social media sites such as Instagram, Pinterest, Tumblr, and Twitter than Facebook. You have to stay current on trends and brands young people are responding to and share photos they will think are cool. If this is completely out of your wheelhouse or just doesn’t fit your brand, that’s okay, too. Young people are a great demographic, but so are 30-somethings and older. It is more important to have a solid, consistent brand your current customers already respond well to than to attract another demographic and risk losing the one you have. I’m getting ready to LAUNCH OUR ONLINE STORE. Everything is in place, but I’m not sure HOW TO SET THE SHIPPING RATES. None? Flat rate? Percentage? What’s the best solution? We also struggled with this issue when we first launched our online store. An option with our website software was the ability to enter the dimensions and weight of everything we wanted to sell online and let the website calculate shipping. This seemed like a lot of work, though, and we felt the shipping calculations were cost prohibitive for our customers. Another option you mentioned was charging a percentage of the sale, but let’s say the sale was a pair of earrings for $80 and you charge a 10-percent shipping fee. The customer would get charged $8, but it might only cost you $2.95 to ship. On the other hand, we sell some mugs from our online store for $12. Ten percent of this would be $1.20, but they cost us a minimum of $6.95 to ship. Ultimately, we decided to set up shipping on our website the way we would want to be charged when we shop online. Guess what kind of shipping that is … FREE shipping! That being said, we do have a minimum purchase of $49 to receive free shipping. Orders less than $49 are charged a flat fee of $2.95. We chose $2.95 because that’s how much the majority of our orders cost to ship. Do we ever end up having to pay more than $2.95 to ship something? Yes, sometimes, such as with the

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a special section of selected questions

mugs I mentioned. Our solution is to charge a set shipping price of what the item usually costs us to ship. For large items, you might want to set a higher purchase requirement before free shipping kicks in. You also might want to charge more for your flat-fee shipping, say, $4.95 or $6.95. You know what we sell most of on our website? Greeting cards! Sometimes a customer will purchase one card for $3 and pay $2.95 for shipping. Crazy, huh? Do you think they would still purchase the card if they had to pay $4.95 or $6.95 for shipping? Probably not. Make your website’s goal to increase your sales volume and try not to get hung up on the shipping cost of every single item. Set your shipping fee based on what the majority of your orders actually cost you to ship, and don’t focus too much on the exceptions. Look for trends in your shipping costs, and if you discover a certain product is consistently costing you too much to ship, make an adjustment. Also, be careful about having too many items exempt from your flat shipping fee. Customers won’t stick around on your website for long if they think you’re pulling a “bait and switch” on them. The other day I reached under the counter for one of our printed logo bags for a customer’s purchase, but the box of bags was

empty. I went to the back room and discovered we were all out. When I asked our two sales people, neither remembered taking the last box of bags out of the back or using the last bag. How does this happen? WE SPEND MONEY TO ADVERTISE

OUR STORE WITH PRINTED BAGS, AND IT MAKES ME CRAZY WHEN WE DON’T HAVE THEM TO GIVE TO CUSTOMERS! Do you run out of your bags, and if not, how do you avoid it? Even after 20-plus years in business and many “safeguards” in place to avoid this same problem, it still happens to us occasionally, too, but not nearly as often as it used to now that we have a system in place to help alleviate this problem. When we order printed boxes or bags, 10 to 20 boxes may arrive at one time. We number each box we receive “1 of 10,” “2 of 10,” and so on. Ideally, the boxes are used in that order. We also write a description of the contents on each box, such as “flat, card-size bag.” The third step is to fill out a “Low Stock” form we created with the date we received the shipment, from whom, how many we received, and the initials of the person who put them away. This slip is taped to the second-to-last box (or third to last, if that particular item takes a


52 January 2019 |

explore. illuminate. nurture. A deck to support simple daily moments


of awakening


Elena Brower,

author of the bestselling journal Practice You

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Best of shoptalk

a special section of selected questions

long time to reprint). The person who opens that box submits the yellow slip to our store manager for reordering. This system works very well, but there are still times when someone fails to turn in the yellow slip and/or unconsciously uses the last box. However, that is a much more rare occurrence since we implemented this system. Last year I WENT OVERBOARD IN MY SPENDING AND PURCHASED WAY TOO MUCH MERCHANDISE FOR THE HOLIDAYS. It took almost three months for my inventory to sell down to a normal level! I want to avoid a repeat scenario. Is there an easy way to set up a holiday budget? You can use many methods to create a holiday budget. One of the easiest is to total your January-through-June sales and compare this total to the previous year’s sales for that same time period. Are your sales up or down? Look at the percentage of increase or decline and apply it to last year’s holiday sales to forecast for this year. Then multiply that number by your average cost of goods sold (COGS) percentage to come up with a budget figure for the upcoming season. For example: If you had sales of $100,000 between Thanksgiving and the end of the year last year and your sales are up 10 percent over last year’s first two quarters, you can reasonably predict you’ll do $110,000 in sales this year during the same time period. If your average COGS percentage is 55 percent, your budget for holiday ordering should be approximately $60,500, an increase of $5,500 over the previous year. I have a situation you may think I’m crazy for complaining about, but I’m hoping you have a suggestion for us. WE HAVE A

CUSTOMER WHO COMES IN A FEW TIMES A YEAR AND ESSENTIALLY TAKES OVER THE WHOLE STORE. She spends a great deal of money (often her one sale is three or four times our average daily total sales!), and both of our employees, as well as my husband and I, scramble to keep up with ringing, packaging, and gift-wrapping her purchases. THE PROBLEM


after closing time. As a rule, we all do, but sometimes an employee will have a commitment that does not allow them to stay. While she is in the store, she “demands” everyone’s attention, even to the exclusion of other customers. Of course, we are grateful for the business, but it doesn’t always feel good to me. Any ideas what I can say to her? I certainly understand your dilemma. How nice to have a customer who spends so much money in your store! I can also see the need to make her shopping extravaganzas a bit more manageable without deterring her from coming in to shop. One approach might be to call her, thank her for her business, acknowledge that she is a special customer, and tell her that if she would let you know a few days in advance when she plans to come in to shop, you would love to create an evening in which she is

54 January 2019 |

the sole customer so you and your staff can dedicate all your energy to providing her with great service. Maybe she will appreciate your gesture, or maybe spontaneity and not planning in advance are part of her fun, so be open to whatever her response is. If she doesn’t seem pleased by your suggestion, I would just thank her once again and ask her if there is any way you and your staff could make her experience more enjoyable when she does come in. If she is happy with the current arrangement, I would thank my lucky stars for the cash flow shot in the arm and, since she only shops occasionally, make the best of the situation. You answered a question about HOW TO HANDLE A PERFORMANCE REVIEW when the employee is not meeting job expectations. Before I had my store, I didn’t work any place where I received a performance review from an employer. Now that I have employees, I think I should do this, but I’m not really sure how. Can you recommend a book or give me some pointers? Performance reviews are very important. I commend you for wanting to learn more. One of my favorite books on this subject is Inspire and Motivate Through Performance Reviews, published by National Press Publications. We all get incredibly busy running a store, and without a formal plan to review employee performance every 90 days or at least annually, it can easily slip through the cracks. But, you have your own business, so you can set the tone and timing of the review. They don’t have to be scary or intimidating. At my store, we structure reviews so both the employee and supervisor fill out a performance rating sheet and exchange their ratings at the beginning of the review. This gives a good starting point for conversation, and employees quickly can see whether they rated themselves above or below their supervisor’s rating. Once that information has been exchanged and discussed, the review is an excellent time to listen to any complaints or suggestions from the employee. We learn a lot this way, and some great suggestions come forth. I have had my BUSINESS UP FOR SALE for a few months and have gotten inquiries but no solid offers yet. I thought this process would be much shorter, and I’m not sure how to proceed now. Some prospective buyers have had the desire but no money, and I’m not willing to finance without a large down payment. The last couple I talked to didn’t seem interested in the history of the store-how we started and grew over the years, but they appear to be the best prospects so far, because they have enough money to purchase without relying on the business for a salary right away. They said they would call, but I haven’t heard from them in a few weeks. Should I contact them or just wait to hear? It can be very tough to sell your store on your own because you may be too attached to the business to be objective. Make sure you ask for help if you need it. Did you seek professional assistance from your accountant or banker in setting the sale price? Have you considered hiring a commercial broker to screen prospective buyers and weed out the “lookie-loos”? If you proceed on your own, I suggest talking to a consultant from the Small

Business Administration or SCORE offices in your area. My research shows it may take up to a year to sell a business and far longer or not at all if it’s not priced right. As for the couple who showed interest a few weeks back, I think they would have contacted you again by now if they were interested. Unless you specifically agreed to call them within a certain time period, I would wait for them to contact you. I have questions about HOW TO PRICE OUR MERCHANDISE. I am talking about the actual numbers we use rather than the cost analysis behind the pricing. When my husband and I traveled around this summer and took the time to visit and enjoy other retail stores, I was puzzled. Some stores used prices ending in .99 or .98, while others had prices ending in .50 or .00. Still others used .97 and .95. Is there a science to all of this? Or a secret I should know? There are many pricing strategies, and although I have read that some are based on scientific findings, I have been hard-pressed to come up with the actual studies. The closest I have come is a study theorizing that customers perceive $6.99 as less expensive than $7, based on memory processing time. Apparently, rounding upwards requires an additional

brain step, which is more complicated than automatically storing the first digits. And because of the volume of information we, as humans and consumers, continually process and store, the most efficient and fastest way to do that is to accept the number at face value and not take the additional step required to compare it to the one-cent-higher figure. As a result, the customer thinks the merchandise is a better deal than it actually is. Incidentally, this is what’s known in the retail industry as “irrational pricing.” In my experience, the other prices you mentioned, such as prices ending in .98, .97, and .95, are just variations on the above theory, and I have found no data about which ones work better than others. Even dollar amounts, or prices ending in .50, may reflect a strategy designed to help retailers distance themselves from discount store pricing. For example, in higher-end retail stores, especially in the clothing industry, a dress would be marked at $600, not $599.99. A price ending in .99 in that setting might serve to cheapen the perceived value. Still other times, as we do at our store when pricing stones, a price that ends in .50, such as $5.50, might be the best way to arrive at a fair price and still be competitive. So, is there a secret? Not that I know of—but I would love to hear from you if you find one!

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a special section of selected questions

How long should we hold on TO MERCHANDISE THAT ISN’T SELLING before we mark it down? That’s tough to answer because it hinges on what your store sells and whether you sell seasonal products in a seasonal location (ski lodge vs. beachside). First, you should take time to research and learn the industry practices for your type of store in your location. All product has a shelf life, as in, it’s hard to sell a wool coat in June in Florida! Once you’ve done your research and learned the turnover, or “turn,” on product for your store, we recommend you put that per-year turn number on your calendar and then look at your product mix and depth. If your inventory turns four times a year, you need to assess four times a year. If it’s six, then six times. After that, this is how we determine what to put on sale: Is it dusty, damaged or overly handled? Put it on sale! Is it the last one of an item you will not be restocking? Put it on sale! Is it outdated, out-of-season, or a super-slow seller? Put it on sale! Is it a holiday-related item sitting on your shelf one day after the intended holiday? Put it on sale! Did you choose an item to sell that really doesn’t fit your store style and your customers’ taste? (Yes, this happens to everyone.) Put it on sale! Does the item take more than three minutes to explain to your customers? In doing so, do you change the energy vibe in your store, resulting in no money changing hands? Put it on sale! Now that you’ve determined the turnover rate for your store, if any items or products don’t turn as intended, put them on sale. For example, if your product turns four times a year, and you have product that hasn’t turned in three cycles, it shouldn’t be in your store. In the end, we have found the easiest way to deal with these slow-moving items is to have a small table or bookcase in the back of our store to move them to after we slash the tag. Holiday items may demand more space for a planned sale. One other little “insider” tip: If you have last or second-to-last items in excellent shape, donate them to local charities. They will be cherished and will raise money for a cause you care about.

I’M PONDERING THE IDEA OF CLOSING MY SHOP, which has been open for 10 years. It’s an emotionally charged decision, and I could use some advice as to whether this is a wise choice. WHAT DO I NEED TO KNOW to do it correctly (or at least smartly)? Deciding to close your shop is never an easy decision, and only you know if it’s the correct choice and the right time to do so. The first question to ask yourself is whether you are making this choice from fear and the desire to just give up, or from logic and intuition. What does your gut say? I would be shocked if this wasn’t an emotionally charged decision, since building a shop generally comes from a heart-centered place — it’s not “just a business” to you. If this is more a financial decision, have you explored all your options? There are lots of creative ways to obtain capital and generate funding solutions (such as factoring) to check into before deciding to close.

56 January 2019 |

Also, vendors will often work with you during challenging times, so it never hurts to ask. If this choice is from a place of just knowing you are done with your business (for whatever reason), there are ways to sell your shop that could end up giving you a nice nest egg. Contact a local business broker for an accurate assessment of what your business is worth. Like a real estate broker, they do the footwork to find buyer connections and handle all the red tape. You could theoretically do this yourself, but having professional help can make all the difference in obtaining full value. You might be very surprised at what your business is actually worth, and you deserve to be compensated for the blood, sweat, and tears you’ve put into it. Business brokers require lots of numbers and a few years of accurate financial statements (including payables, inventory on hand, profit and loss, etc.), so get your ducks in a row prior to contacting them. They should give you a free consultation, but their valuation service is generally not free. They also get a commission if they end up selling the business, so allow for that in your asking price. It’s very important to shop around for the right person who knows the genre of your business and will work hard for you. Don’t hesitate to ask for references. Most require a contract, but make it for as short a time as possible—you don’t want to be locked into a long-term situation. Never underestimate the power of networking, too. Send a mass email and post on Facebook to drum up interest in buying your business. Often, one of your best customers will end up being the person who wants to own a business just like yours. There are companies that create huge “Closing Our Doors” sales that will emphasize you can make more money with a good closing sale than selling your business outright. That might be true in certain situations, but be very wary of grandiose claims and fool-the-public, fake closing schemes. Be honest with yourself, and if you are making this choice out of fear, hopelessness, or desperation, spend some time in meditation or prayer, quieting your mind and asking for guidance to come from a trusting, pure place. Know that whatever choice you end up making will be the right one for you. When I first opened my store 15 years ago, I sold general gifts and home décor, a lot of it mass produced in China. A few years ago, I realized that what I AM MOST PASSIONATE ABOUT


I have overhauled my inventory to the point that I feel my store name doesn’t reflect the store it has evolved into. Is it too late to change the name? And, if I change it, what all is involved and HOW


First of all, congratulations on being in business for 15 years! According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 50 percent of all businesses survive only five years and just one-third survive 10 or more years. It’s safe to say the reason you are still in business is because you have chosen to

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remain relevant to what your customers want and you believe in what you are selling. I can say from personal experience that it’s not too late to change your store name. When I opened my store 15 years ago, I sold inexpensive Balinese handicrafts and the name of my store was “Bali & Beyond.” I didn’t love what I sold, but it had a high profit margin, and I thought I would be rich in no time. Two years later, I wasn’t rich and my local market was saturated. I realized what I really wanted to sell was upscale home accessories and furniture from Bali. I renamed my store “Bali Living Imports” and did surprisingly well, but it was difficult for me to keep my stock fresh, so I began sourcing items from vendors in the United States. I then started to focus on inspirational items, and the store quickly evolved again. When a customer suggested I change the name of my store to better reflect my evolving inventory mix, I again created a new name for my store: “Inspired Living,” with the tagline “Energy–Expression–Evolution.” So please, don’t be afraid to change the name of your store! Try to incorporate some elements of your previous logo, name, and colors into your new name and branding. Customers who stopped shopping with you may think yours is a new store and begin shopping with you again. Customers who already love you will stop in to make sure you’re still there. And, you’ll attract totally new customers who think you are a brand-new store! The legal side of changing your name is fairly easy. Register a new DBA (“doing business as”) with your local county clerk, and if your business is an LLC, you can add the new DBA to your LLC and let the old name expire. You won’t need a new Federal ID number; just let your accountant know you have changed the name of your business, and she can provide you with the necessary paperwork to file. Or, wait until the end of the year when you file your taxes and do the paperwork then. If you have a website, keep it and redirect your new website name to your old (updated) website so you don’t have to start over. Keep both domain names, though, because to many of your original customers you will always be your first store. We still get customers who write their check out to “Bali & Beyond.” Just have fun with it—we don’t get many opportunities in life to reinvent ourselves!

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Resources | 57

Best of shoptalk

a special section of selected questions


I’m moving my store. What are some ways to

Having experienced the challenge of moving my shop twice in 21 years, I’ve learned a few things, mostly the hard way. First, no matter whether you’re moving across the street (we did that), down the street (we did that, too) or miles away, your customers need to be told ... over and over again. Even then, it may be difficult for them to remember or figure out where you went. Snail mailing or emailing your customer list doesn’t guarantee you won’t lose some of your best clients because they can’t find you. People will come in for years saying, “I’ve been looking for you. When did you move?” One of the best ways to help customers find your new location is to compose a well-written press release and submit it to all the local papers. Small rags are always looking for community-interest stories, so come up with an angle (don’t hold back on boasting an interesting, exciting, or heart-wrenching story as to why you are moving). If you compose the release creatively, they may just print it as is. Make sure to submit it at least two weeks prior to your move, depending on the type of publication, and adding a high-resolution photo or two always helps. Follow up in a few days with a phone call inviting them to interview you directly. It’s rare that a reporter turns down a story idea when you take the time to call them. Don’t forget to hold a blowout moving sale. Include a flyer with your new address and get email addresses so you can notify everyone. Without overstepping into email obnoxiousness, send out at least one email a week to keep customers excited about your new opening date. Create a grand re-opening celebration with refreshments and maybe even some entertainment. Local musicians are always looking for gigs and work cheaply or sometimes for free in exchange for the promotion. Offer something special to your best customers, such as a personal invitation to attend a “soft opening” where they get “first dibs” on all your exciting, new merchandise. Posting all over social media is fast, easy, free, and a no brainer! Print ads are a good way to spread the word, too, and you might be able to get free “advertorial” space when you do. Just ask! Even if a story doesn’t get printed concurrent to when you are re-opening, any press is good. I have so many SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS for my store — Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, Instagram—that I can’t keep up. How do I figure out what to post and which ones to post on? Do I really need to have a presence on every single one or should I just choose one and really concentrate my efforts there? I do think you need to have as large a web presence as possible, and social media outlets allow you to do that relatively for free. I don’t think all outlets are created equally or have the same potential reach, however, nor do they all appeal to the same demographic. If, say, your business caters to a more urban, youthful, or tech crowd, sites such as Tumblr and Twitter will do more for you than if your demographic is older and

58 January 2019 |

more traditional. Studies show young people have moved away from Facebook, but 30-somethings and older are still heavy users. Instagram and Pinterest seem to have the widest range of users and have proven to be a great resource for businesses. Many of these sites allow you to sync them together, which makes less work for you while maintaining a broad presence. Instagram allows you to post photos on several sites at once, and Facebook will post to your Twitter. Identify the sites that will do the most for you based on your demographic and focus on those — it will be easier for you to keep them up to date. Make sure all your postings link back to you, represent your brand, and are done creatively enough to grab attention. Invest in a good camera or newer smart phone with a highly rated camera. Take funny, interesting, artful, and trend-themed photos and edit them to create posts people will want to follow. Not a great photographer? Ask vendors to send you their high-res photos of your best-selling or most exciting new products and share those instead. Our store is off the beaten path from the downtown shopping area, where most stores are located. I don’t have a huge advertising budget, but I’ve got to get more customers in the door. WHAT


I understand this problem because my store is off the beaten path, too, and, boy, do I wish more people would just walk in the door! I sometimes dream of being in a mall or shopping center where people gather and merrily walk into my store to buy stuff and leave perfectly happy! The truth, though, is you still need to offer your customers something that makes them want to stop in, no matter where you are. In the end, I believe our unbeatable customer service and welcoming smiles are what get customers to come back time and again. Marketing is one of the hardest parts of any business, but if you stay creative, friends will tell friends and new customers will continually walk in your door. How about a weekly raffle? These are always fun! For as little as $5, you can raffle off a $10 gift certificate or a $10 item. And if it’s held every week, your regulars will have as much fun as new customers. We get a lot of children in our store, so we often have a contest just for them. Parents like this because it keeps the kids busy while they shop without interruption. A good one for spring: Count how many bunnies are hiding in the store. During the holidays at year end, it could be how many Santa Clauses are in the store. This kind of game works year-round, and you are only investing a few dollars. Make sure you are involved with your local merchant association or Chamber of Commerce, and always join in their events. We have wine walks in our town. Some store owners say the walks are a bust for them, but we always succeed! Why? Because we have fun, and we have the map! People come to our store first to get the map of all the participating stores and sponsors. We also have food tastings, plus we started playing “Wine Bottle Ring Toss.” $5 gets you five ring tosses, and if you win, which, as with any carnival game, is very hard to do, you win a prize. No one really loses, because their $5 goes to the local food bank.

You have to keep reinventing yourself and your store, but fun is contagious and yours will help spread the word about how fabulous you are. Also, plan out a yearly strategy for advertising, if you can. You have to keep reminding people you are there. Our best marketing tool? Mailing a four-by-six-inch postcard. Brings them in every time! I own a mid-size book and gift store, and although we always tried to be as green as possible, in the LAST YEAR WE DECIDED TO GO EARTH FRIENDLY IN EVERY WAY. From compact fluorescents to a recycling system and even solar panels, it’s been an investment of substantial amounts of time and money. Do you have ANY SUGGESTIONS FOR PROMOTING OUR NEW ECO-COMMITMENT? My conscience feels great about our transformation, but I sure could use some ideas for free ways to market it ... and so could my pocketbook! Kudos for taking that green leap! In the long run, every eco-change will benefit your store in some way. Take advantage of the changes you made by tooting your eco-coolness horn any way you can. Here are some free and low-budget suggestions with a big pay-off:

Print your shop logo on tote bags (made of organic cotton canvas, bamboo, or recycled soda-bottle fabric) to encourage the use of reusable shopping bags. Most packaging supply companies offer these totes, and purchasing in bulk makes them very affordable. Offer them for sale, as a gift with the purchase of a specific dollar amount, or free to your best customers. Not only do they become walking billboards, they prod customers to think of you every time they use them. After all, who throws away fabric totes? Brag about your carbon footprint reduction by sending press releases to your local papers. Develop a catchy headline and a human interest angle for a “cause marketing” story. A green accomplishment you perceive as no big deal might trigger a free feature story. Hold a “Celebrate Our Green Reinvention” event. Small papers are community-event motivated, so send press releases to let them know what you’re up to and announcements for their calendar listings. Include photos of your newly “greened” store and follow up with a phone call to rattle busy reporters’ cages. Entice customers with discounts or special purchases. Hold a creative eco-contest or scavenger hunt! People want to support shops holding high principles and to feel good about making healthy-for-the-planet purchases. Wallets often talk


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Resources | 59

Best of shoptalk

a special section of selected questions

louder than consciences, though, so successfully selling green products may take some exposure and education to show they are an affordable choice. Tell customers why an item costs what it does and how it ultimately may cost less than its harmful counterpart. For example, the richer ingredients in organic body products allow them to go further and last longer—and are much kinder to their priceless skin! Use point-of-purchase signage to promote how eco-savvy you are. A simple sign by your register stating your green commitment is a great way to get the message across. Spotlight your eco-dedication in all promotional materials, as well as your website, blog, email marketing, and social networking. Add blurbs to your mission statement, tagline, and even to your cash register receipts—unless with your green commitment you’ve nixed paper receipts altogether! I want to promote impulse purchases, but I don’t want to clutter the cash wrap with random items in a jumble of different displays. Do you have any suggestions for HOW TO MERCHANDISE



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60 January 2019 |

The key to fitting a large variety of small items into a small space all comes down to the display. You need a clean, consistent display that can hold a variety of items throughout the year. My suggestion is to go on the hunt for a group of vessels that feel like they match. They don’t have to be the same size (in fact, it’s better if the sizes are varied) or even the same color, they just need to feel like they go together. Think of how you would arrange a group of treasured keepsakes. Tall with short, grouped in twos and threes, offset from each other. That is how you want to arrange your vessels. Once you like your arrangement you can fill them up with products. You can change around the items as often as you want or need, while maintaining a clean well curated look. Just mixing up the colors of items in the various vessels will make the space feel new. I also like the look of a large tray—you can arrange various items on it and change them as needed while maintaining the look of the space. I think it’s important to EDUCATE CUSTOMERS ABOUT THE BENEFITS OF GREEN PRODUCTS, but I’ve been told I sometimes come across as too preachy. I admit I’m on somewhat of a mission to promote products that are better for the planet and

Music with Vision

our overall health, but what’s the best way to share this information without turning people off? I understand completely. When I first opened my green store, I felt it was my personal mission to shove all my green-product research down everyone’s throat. I learned quickly that most people don’t appreciate being lectured to or guilted into different choices, especially when they’re just out for a nice day of shopping. The tactic I took was twofold. First, I made sure to have shelf talkers placed strategically near items I wanted people to learn more about (we made our own if the vendor didn’t provide them). That way, if I didn’t have time to give them all the information, they could read it at their leisure. With this approach, it becomes the customer’s choice to read the information or not, and most of the time, they do. When someone sees and understands why something is being carried in a shop, it makes a big difference for its sale, especially for eco products, which often come with a higher price tag. Having the background information also helps customers make a personal connection with the product, rather than seeing it as just another unnecessary thing to buy. Secondly, I found that casually mentioning to a customer something informative about a product doesn’t come off as preachy. Instead of saying, “You really need to buy only organic cotton because the textile industry is so toxic and all the pesticides they use are destroying the

planet,” I gently mention something that accentuates the positive, such as, “Oh, by the way, this adorable baby outfit is made with organic cotton. That company recently changed over to organic, and I’m thrilled to support their earth-friendly choice by carrying it.” This helps customers get the importance of buying organic cotton without using a hardball approach. If they seem receptive to hearing more about the topic, by all means, jump in. Perhaps research a website you can point them to, or better yet, send them to a page on your own website that documents the issue. Without being “salesy,” a few minutes spent talking with customers about the benefits of the earth-friendly items you carry builds rapport and helps you connect on a more personal level, which is an important aspect of positive salesmanship. Even giving a customer just a sound bite about the process of creating an eco-friendly item (“It’s so great this artist is using soy ink on recycled paper to print his cards.”) allows you to get the point across without sounding pushy or criticizing a less earth-friendly choice they could have made—or may have made previously. It can be surprising to discover how green-savvy some people are, but don’t assume they know everything or as much as you do, considering you’ve done the research. It won’t hurt to remind people of what they already know, as long as you don’t talk down to them or go way over their heads. For most people visiting your store, it’s still shopping therapy, so open a pleasant conversation and lose the tough love!

Need any help? We’ve got you covered! Send your questions to and your answer will be published in the next Shop Talk.* *visit to check more details about the 2019 media kit



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Resources | 61

A Abbeywood Records 416-441-9578 I CDs, new age, relaxation, brainwave entrainment, and binaural beats music Abbott fragrances, candles, ecofriendly ingredients Acacia Creations 717-817-1412 I jewelry, home accents, seasonal gifts, handcrafted products, eco-friendly products, Fair Trade African Market Baskets 800-766-6049 I river grass baskets, handcrafted products, Fair Trade Akasha’s Treasures 254-245-8124 Herbs, spices, herbal teas, incense, candles, bath and body products, handcrafted products

62 January 2019 |

Altiplano 800-258-4044 I jewelry, bags, scarves, hats & accessories, handmade products

Amy Kahn Russell 203-438-2133 I jewelry, pins & pendants, necklaces, bracelets, earrings, rings

Alucik 760-853-0287 Jewelry, earrings, bracelets, pendants, necklaces, made in USA

Ana by RabLabs 917-421-9313 I home décor & gifts, lighting, serveware, furniture

Amani ya Juu 423-531-6496 I bags, jewelry, kitchen & home, quilts, home goods, handcrafted products, sustainable products, Fair Trade Ameico 860-354-8765 I table clocks, tabletop, living & working, accessories, lighting, furniture Amerinda Alpern Designs jewelry, earrings, necklaces, kinetic sculptures, made in USA

Anastarr Designs 970-626-3181 geometrical shapes, sacred geometry, hand drawing, handcrafted products, made in USA Anatoli handwoven Turkish towels, kaftans, blankets, rugs, scarves, accessories, handmade products, ecofriendly products, made in Turkey AngelStar 800-264-3577 I figurines, gifts, impulse, stones, jewelry, inspiration, décor, journals, angels, tokens

Anju Jewelry 404-221-0707 I mixed-metal jewelry, brass, copper, stones, tribal, bohemian, handcrafted products

Auntie Oti 718-230-7672 I clothing, scarves, bags jewelry, bedding, blankets & throws, lines, handmade products

Anna Balkan 888-886-6721 Ext.: 101 jewelry, necklaces, earrings, bracelets, rings, handcrafted products

Applegate Valley Publishing 541-862-7021 I journals, books, greeting cards, custom illustrations, watercolors

Anne Vaughan 540-745-7947 jewelry, gemstones necklaces, bracelets, earrings, handcrafted products, made in USA Anuschka 866-403-1314 I footwear, handbags & accessories A.R.E. Press/4th Dimension Press 800-333-4499 I books, CDs, DVDs, DVD-ROM Ariana Ost home décor, tabletop, crystal healing, accessories, mobiles, décor, jewelry Art by Alyssa home & décor, gifts, handmade products, made in USA Artisan Made Gemstones, AMG 508-344-6900 tourmaline replicas, glassware, lighting, sculptures, handcrafted products, made in USA Arty 214-741-1289 I floral, lighting, and holiday products Avasol suncare products, natural ingredients, organic products, sustainable products, Fair Trade August Nine Designs 804-928-1753 I sterling silver jewelry, semi-precious stones, earrings, necklaces, handcrafted products, made in USA

Ariana Bohling footwear, alpaca slippers, shoes, accessories, sustainable products Arivka 818-634-9337 handcrafted jewelry, necklaces, bracelets, earrings, handcrafted products, made in USA

B Baabaazuzu 231-256-7176 I upcycled clothing, sweater mittens, wool hats, purses, fingerless gloves, handcrafted products, made in USA BajaZen body care, home & wellness, skin tonics, body oils, masks, candles, body wraps, vegan products, natural products, made in USA Basic Earth Essentials 717-932-6899 essential oils, pet care, gifts & accessories

Body Mat, The 208-719-0175 I powerful natural healing mats for pain relief, stress & anxiety reduction, chakra & energy work, practitioners, personal, yoga, mini portable, meditation Our beautiful Body Mats were originally designed to help practitioners and wellness centers to heal more people Physically, Mentally, and Energetically. Practitioners began reporting that their clients healing effects were greatly amplified when using the body mats in conjunction with their treatments. Clients soon began requesting to purchase their own body mats to use at home for personal use. So, in addition to the Deluxe Practitioner Body Mats, we created the Personal Portable Body Mat, followed by the Mini Body Mat that people use in pillows, on road trips, for meditation, and fits in most suitcases. We have even created a Pet Mat to help our furry friends. All our Body Mats require NO electricity which makes them 100% EMF pollution free. We proudly make our high-quality body mats in the USA. To date, we have had a 100% positive response to our products and word of mouth has carried our Body Mats nationwide. We even have professional athletes using them. Once you have experienced the relief and relaxation from the Body Mat, you will become a Body Mat lover too! Professional Mat Package & Wholesale Available.

Aspiring Artists of the Earth 267-337-1817 I aromatherapy products, healing gemstone jewelry, jewelry displays, TZ glass

Bead Bottle 505-986-4900 I jewelry, giftware, DIY, stocking stuffer, tween, made in USA

Awaken 970-846-2127 I jewelry, scarves, apparel, home goods, handcrafted products, sustainable products, Fair Trade

Be Home 510-369-4167 I furniture, frames, glassware, stoneware, home & kitchen, reclaimed wood, enamel products, handcrafted products

AzureGreen 800-326-0804 jewelry, incense, candles, giftware, wicca, santeria, statuary, herbs, smudge, tarot Resources | 63

Bell Pine Art Farm 541-895-2132 I small statuary, goddesses, animal totems, drummers, angels, essential oil diffusers Benjamin International 800-488-4699 jewelry, tapestries, candles, inspirational gifts, incense, meditation pillows, clothing, accessories, genuine gemstones BITCHSTIX face & body care organic ingredients, vegan products, sustainable products Boma Jewelry 866-366-2662 I fashion, sterling silver jewelry Bombay Incense Co., The 800-705-9995 I incense, burners, singing bowls, prayer beads, prayer flags, Om, healing Bottle Benders Inc. 706-779-5048 chimes, bottle art, recycled materials, garden dĂŠcor, handcrafted glass

64 January 2019 |

Brain Sync 800-984-7962 I guided and unguided meditation, subliminal CDs Brooklyn Candle Studio 347-565-0343 candles, gifts sets, handcrafted products, soy wax, made in USA Burton + Burton 800-221-2043 home accessories, ceramics, candle holders, seasonal gifts, baskets, vases B.Witching Bath Co. 833-330-2284 Ext.: 5 face care, home, kitchen & garden, therapeutic creams, liquid cleansers, fragrance mists, hand soaps, candles, natural ingredients, made in USA Byers McCurry Studio 505-490-7193 or 505-490-0785 I holden@ ceramics, sculptures, handmade products, made in USA

C Calliope 425-310-2285 I jewelry, necklaces, bracelets, earrings, handcrafted products, made in USA Calm My Pet 330-266-2500 I pet products, pet sprays, therapeutic music, natural pet products, holistic products Candelles soy candles, ecofriendly products, made in USA C.A.S Handmade 508-304-8440 I leather bags, handmade products, made in USA Celtic Art Store 909-273-5285 I Celtic art products, meditation tools, art prints, jewelry Carved 574-703-0634 I custom wood phone cases, wood wallets, Bluetooth speakers, handcrafted products, Made in USA

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Charity Stewart Designs art glass jewelry, gifts, handcrafted products Circles of Light Made in USA 248-593-1977 inspirational gifts, yoga, new age, metaphysical, healing arts, made in USA

Crystal Distributing Inc. 800-833-2328 tingsha, crystal bowls, singing bowls, singing pyramids, quartz, drums, pendulums Crystal Earth Studio 866-345-1910 metaphysical rings, sterling jewelry, stone rings, jewelry

Clay Factor Ceramics 503-577-1230 ceramics, drinkware, fine arts, tabletop, décor, handmade products, made in USA

Crystal Fantasies 866-526-4553 I crystal, mobiles, Swarovski crystals, multistrands, jewelry

Clayton & Crume 502-694-2615 leather goods, belts, bags, coasters, journals, wallets, handcrafted products, Made in USA

Crystal Garden, The 877-444-5099 essential oils, liquid smudge, aromatic mists, meditation CDs, chakra jewelry

Colleen Deiss Designs slab built stoneware, flower tops, bird houses, mugs, coasters, vases, handcrafted products, made in USA

Crystal Tones Crystal Singing Bowls 801-486-4973 I crystal singing bowls, sound healing, chakra, CDs, books, gemstones

Conscious Ink 541-480-8949 I temporary tattoos, greeting cards, clothing, quotes, healing, inspirational kit, ecofriendly products Coobie Seamless Bras 888-789-1037 I seamless bras, camisole, panties, leggings, accessories Cork Nature 206-972-9202 I handbags, wallets, messenger bags, backpacks, accessories, vegan products, ecofriendly products Coventry Creations 800-810-3837 candles, oils, sprays, witched union, books, votives, handcrafted products Craftstones 760-789-1620 I tumbled stones, rough and polished crystals, metaphysical jewelry, birth stones

66 January 2019 |

CTW Home Collection 800-433-5054 home décor, gift, garden décor, kitchen, lighting, and bath products, recycled materials, handmade products

Culture Spot 201-706-3416 I Buddha statues, meditation mala, meditation cushions, chakra jewelry, spiritual jewelry

D Daniela’s Vellas coconut candles, handmade products, made in USA Deep Breath Designs LLC 520-616-0235 I yoga, meditation, wellness, organic products, aromatherapy products, handcrafted products, made in USA Dekorasyon Gifts & Décor 425-640-9888 seasonal gifts, décor, sustainable products, home décor, tabletop DeLaRosse LLC 612-867-1041 I aura greetings cards, aura posters, greetings cards Design Ideas 800-426-6394 I home & office accessories

Dragon's Eye Incense I Makes Good Scents Call Spirit Sales 800-774-0301 incense, oils, sprays Since 2009 all of Dragon’s Eye and Scented Sensations incense is made with the finest essential oils from around the world and uncut, aromatherapy-grade, skin-safe fragrance oils of the highest quality, which are carefully blended to produce the finest line of incense, made right here in the USA. Dragon’s Eye is hand-dipped, and made in small batches, sometimes on the day it is ordered, to maintain the freshest quality. With currently over 70 fragrances and more in the works, Dragon’s Eye is available in 11” & 19” sticks and 1” cones that can be packaged or in bulk. For those that don’t like burning incense, we have ½-ounce oils and 2-ounce pump spray, both with the same quality of oil as the Dragon’s Eye incense. Want private label? We will be happy to set you up with your own name brand of incense, and we will work with you to create a custom label banded especially for you. Our wholesale prices are not available to the general public, create a log-in, email us your wholesale credentials, then we will then grant you access to our wholesale pricing.

dZi Handmade 800-318-5857 I conscious gifts, mystical jewelry and seasonally inspired home & garden décor, Fair Trade dZi Handmade features five unique and exclusive Fair Trade product lines including Fair Trade Holiday, Fair Trade Home & Garden, Lunar Revolution Jewelry, Tibet Collection, and Wild Woolies. For almost 30 years, dZi Handmade has worked directly with over 1,000 Tibetan, Indian and Nepalese artisans to create and market designs that celebrate exploration of both the natural and spiritual world, as well as the amazing culture of Tibet. Hundreds of unique designs are all handmade and produced by Fair Trade artisans. Each product includes thoughtful designs with minimal packaging and informative labeling, while incorporating the use of sustainably and locally sourced materials wherever possible. The dZi marketing team also provides its customers with great graphics that tell the story for use in social media and in-store signage. As a founding member of the Fair Trade Federation, dZi Handmade is committed to enhancing the lives of its artisan partners and their communities through the development and marketing of their craft traditions. Register to access our trade-only website and experience our commitment to quality, customer service and unique products, sure to excite your customers!

Designing Fairy Products and Books 928-713-0408 I card sets, fairy cards, mugs, books, art prints, postcards

Destination Oils 319-290-9555 I essential oils, wellness, relaxation, diffuser jewelry, stainless steel jewelry, aromatherapy products

Deva Designs 800-799-8308 I pocket charms, jewelry, gifts, sterling silver jewelry, pendulums, handcrafted products, made in USA DeVorss & Company 800-843-5743 I metaphysical books, spirituality books, video, audio, books Dragonhawk Publishing 731-987-3334 books, audio, mysticism, magic and nature books Duluth Pack 800-777-4439 backpacks, handbags, duffels, apparel, handcrafted products, made in USA

There’s No Place Like Ohm®

© Sound Universe, llc

SOUND HEALING is known to help reduce stress and inflammation, lower blood pressure, and promote deep and balanced breathing. The following tuning fork applications can help ease pain, enhance the immune system and stimulate the body’s healing process. USE OHM TUNING FORK to relax tight muscles, for example on the neck and shoulders. Apply to the jaw to help relieve clenching and headache pain. This effective and portable tool also helps to relieve symptoms from sinus and chest congestion due to colds and allergies. Applied vibration is effective because sound waves travel extremely well through water. Because our bodies are 70-80% water, the human body is a great conductor and resonator of sound!


Hold the stem of the tuning fork with a firm yet relaxed grasp between your thumb and fingers. If the tuning fork is held too high up on the

Information and products are provided for informational and educational purposes only and not for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem, promptly contact your physician or health care provider for professional advice.

© Sound Universe, llc


The measured frequency of Ohm is based on the elliptical orbit of the Earth as it travels around the Sun through four seasons. Ohm is elemental—an earth tone—and represents a yearly cycle, characterized by the rhythmic flow of the seasons, lunar cycles, and the pulse of day and night. Resonating with this tone through the application of Ohm Tuning Forks positively affects our biological rhythms and our circadian clock. It allows us to sync or entrain with natural cycles which, in turn, enable us to find our balance and homeostasis, where profound healing begins. Human conversation ranges between approx. 200-400 hz. Significantly, the Mid Ohm is just under this range at 136.1 hz. This lends to its tonal familiarity, and ability to provide a sense of relief and calm.

© Sound Universe, llc


for Tuning Forks

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Rbra i I V A Tt i vO ”v ate

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Resources | 67

Eachanoriginal Design Company 800-490-9445 I magnets, handcrafted products, gifts, art, made in Canada At Eachanoriginal we DESIGN fridge magnets, HANDPAINT our fridge magnets, INSPIRE with fridge magnets . . . we simply LOVE our magnets and we know you will too! Created and assembled by artisans in the beautiful Okanagan Valley in British Columbia, Canada. Each magnet is an original work of true ART to dress up any metal surface. Our hand painted tile magnets are sold individually in the form of letters, imagery, and inspirational words. We also combine these into various sets packaged in a subtle clear sleeve as Statements, Funpacks and Prepacked Words. We have custom designed various galvanized metal merchandisers to best showcase our product in your store and each is available as a great, fully stocked Starter Kit. Our whimsical magnets make wonderful gifts for all ages and all occasions in a wide variety of price points. We truly have something for everyone! Please visit our website to view the full range of our line colorful brights, earthy Zen and bold black & white. Esprit Creations 352-316-6130 I jewelry, gemstones jewelry, sterling silver jewelry, bracelets, rings, pendants, earrings, metaphysical, symbols, nature, chakras, handcrafted products Esprit Creations is a leading manufacturer and wholesaler of fine sterling silver gemstone jewelry since 1993. GIA Gemologist Elaine Sheth, owner and designer of Esprit Creations has been called the ‘Gemstone Queen’ because she uses the best gemstone quality, color, clarity and cut for her exclusive designs with meticulous workmanship. Esprit Creations is especially known for high ethereal glowing Rainbow Moonstone and Labradorite as well as unique stones in Moldavite, Larimar, Kyanite, Herkimer Diamond, Black Tourmaline and more. We carry the largest selection of authentic Chakra and Metaphysical Symbols in a wide range of aesthetic appeal like Angels, Lotus, Egyptian, Nature, Celtic. See our website to select from thousands of artisan designs. We provide promotional cards on our website with brief descriptions of the meanings of Gemstones, Metaphysical Symbols and Chakras. Feel free to download and use them to enhance your displays. In these highly competitive times, different is what everyone is searching for. We offer you the most sought-after practical and versatile styles that compliment any occasion and sells quickly. We will help you make your store stand out. For friendly, personal service e-mail or call Elaine. Get 10% OFF your first online order.

E-F 864 jewelry, cuffs, necklaces, handbags, totes, accessories Earth Luxe 833-275-5893 I bath & body care, essential oils, soy candles, air diffusers, Himalayan crystal salt scrub bars, natural ingredients, wellness & therapeutic products Earth Rugs Inc. 800-562-1885 I Eco-Chic Rugs, braided rugs, printed rugs, table accents, jute baskets, handmade products

68 January 2019 |

Earth tu Face skincare products, natural ingredients, organic products, made in USA E.Drumm Designs 978-318-1900 I home décor, ornaments, mirrors, clocks, collages, houseware, handmade products, Made in USA Enter the Earth 828-318-8607 gems, minerals, gifts, books, fossils

Fairies Pyjamas, The women’s clothing, accessories, plus sizes, organic products, Fair Trade Finch Berry 352-900-3070 I bar soaps, fizzy salt soaks, lotions, gift sets, vegan products, natural ingredients, handcrafted products, made in USA Findhorn Press 800-343-4499 I books, card sets, meditation audio CDs Fitccessory yoga mats & towels, water bottles, barbell pads, resistance bands, organic products, ecofriendly products Flipside Hats 503-272-1359 I hats, men, women, kids, accessories, organic products, ecofriendly products Flying Wish Paper 503-626-8784 I wish paper, card kits, inspirational cards, DIY

G-I Gaia’s Healing Gifts 239-253-3303 I essential oils, spritzers, soaps, perfumes, organic products, aromatherapy products Ganapati Studios 360-914-4463 I greeting cards, booklets, journals, art prints, magnets, handmade cards Ganesh Himal Trading 509-448-6561 jewelry, clothing, bags, knits, handmade paper, meditation and yoga supplies, hats, scarves, Fair Trade GiftCraft 877-387-4888 home décor, giftware, garden décor, essential oils, candles, lighting

Gaia’s World Ceremonial Herbs™ 866-605-1191 I ceremonial herbs, sage, resins, abalone shells, powered incense blends, candles With over 200 products to choose from, Gaia’s World Ceremonial Herbs has become a one-stop shop for a wide variety of wild crafted and organic herbs, resins, sage, sweetgrass, abalone shells, ritual candles, smoking blends, tumbled stones, smudging kits and more. No minimum order requirement and FREE shipping for orders over $500 makes buying your supplies from Gaia’s World a smart business decision. Call us today to get started!

Global Crafts 866-468-3438 I accessories, bags, home décor, jewelry, books, gifts, clothing, handmade products, Fair Trade Goddess Design Studio 570-982-3230 sterling silver jewelry, necklaces, earrings, rings Gongs Unlimited 402-474-4664 gongs, singing bowls, tuning forks, gong stand, chimes, sound healing

Grandmother’s Buttons 225-635-4107 antique button jewelry, necklaces, bracelets, rings, earrings, charms, brooches, hairpins, Czech glasses, handmade products, made in USA Great Cosmic Happy Ass Card Co., The 828-645-0188 I greeting cards, magnets, prints, t-shirts, coloring books, handmade products

Harlequin Light by Molly Woods 802-490-4635 I table lamps, wall scones, candlesticks, hand painted shades Harper Collins 800-242-7737 I books, children’s books, kids and teens, romance, Christian Hawkeye Publishers editing, design, layout, distribution services HawkHouse raw crystal jewelry, necklaces, earrings, rings, bracelets, handcrafted products, made in USA

Retailing Insight 10-2018.qxp_Layout 1 10/9/18 10:12

Vernon Howard

E FRE G PIN ad P I H S his

t tion I2019 men de R er o c r o t1p (limi mer) o cust

Hand in Hand Soap 267-714-4168 bar soaps, body washes, lotions, sugar scrubs, vegan products, natural ingredients, ecofriendly products, made in USA

Books, MP3 CDs & More 800.867.4344 •

Your Power of Natural Knowing

This book will reveal precise methods for awakening intuitive knowledge existing within you. $10.95 ISBN 978-1-943362-22-6

Symbolic Jewelry with Purpose Fantasy Art Cards and Prints Gifts for Personal Transformation

700 Inspiring Guides to a New Life

The stories and similes in this book contain dynamic principles for revealing a new world for you. $8.95 ISBN 978-1-943362-38-7 More titles available from:

DeVorss ▪ 800-843-5743 New Leaf ▪ 800-326-2665 New Life Foundation ▪ 800-293-3377 (Publisher) Order Today! “I have found Vernon Howard books to be a powerful beam of light in this confused world.”

— Dr. George Collins, DDS


Heart and Lotus 604-378-2100 I jewelry, yoga center, healing sessions, handcrafted products Heartfelt Expressions 800-255-9737 Cast granite hearts, Inspirational gifts Hearts for Love 760-632-1999 Sacred Geometry, jewelry, ornaments, cards, stickers, books, art prints, accessories Highest Self Elixirs 845-217-7751 Gem essences, sprays, organic products, made in USA Honeyberry Studios greetings cards, art prints, notepads, calendars, ceramics, bags, totes, stickers, classes & events, handmade products House Phoenix, The 250-801-5065 I bohemian décor, gifts, curtain wedding hangings, macramé hangings, crystal soaps, dream catcher kits, handcrafted products, made in Canada Hugger Mugger 800-473-4888 I Yoga products, clothing, meditation, props, mats, accessories, ecofriendly products, made in USA I was a Sari jewelry, apparel, bags, accessories, scarves, handcrafted products, upcycling materials I & E Organics Apothecary 866-577-7574 Homeopathic remedies, chakra products, healing products, gem essences, soaps, herbal teas, vitamins and supplements, bath salts, flower essences, organic products Ibis Press & Nicolas Hays 800-423-7087 I Indie publisher, books, psychology, astrology, magic, new age

70 January 2019 |

Incense Wholesaler 516-822-2066 Gemstones, crystals, herbs, smudge supplies, incenses burners, oil burners, candles, air sanitizer, oils, perfumes IndieMe 888-427-2381 I Indie artists, handcrafted products, e-marketplace for retailers, made in USA INE Imports & Exports Inc. 206-783-2775 I Buddhas, chimes, lamps, accents, candleholders, handcrafted products, made in Bali Inner Traditions/Bear & Company 802-767-3174 I Books, card decks, CDs Inner Waves Organic 866-573-9283 I Yoga clothing, organic products, made in USA

J-K JadeYoga 888-784-7237 I Yoga products, mats, blocks, ecofriendly products, made in USA Jenna Vanden Brink ceramic wares & jewelry, handmade products, made in USA J. Davis Studio rattles, raku ornaments, handcrafted products, made in USA

Jodi Bombardier Jewelry 520-419-4183 wire jewelry, leather & metal edge, handcrafted products, made in USA John Met Betty faux leather handbags, purses, totes, wallets, ecofriendly products, vegan products, handmade products, made in USA Jonathan Goldman’s Healing Sounds 303-443-8181 I Healing music, sound healing, sound therapy, meditation, relaxation Julie Powell Designs 720-394-0956 I glass beads jewelry, cuffs, bracelets, necklaces, watercolors, handcrafted products, made in USA KADLETZ I Cast of Stones jewelry, stone sets, bracelets, earrings, rings, home décor, roll on essential oils Karma Gifts 800-725-4807 I drinkware, bags, purses, apparel, accessories, home, gifts Kate’s Magik 520-743-1486, aromatherapy products, essential oils, chakra oils, natural perfumes, soaps, mists, diffuser oils, incense burners, lotions, teas, herbs, organic products Kazi 858-333-8484 I Woven bowls, décor, wall décor, dinning accessories, serving, jewelry, handcrafted products, sustainable products

Kahiniwalla 330-612-5850 I baby gifts, rattles, toys, dolls, hats, blankets, handmade products, Fair Trade Pebble is a colourful and quirky handmade brand made up of baby rattles, toys, dolls, hats and blankets. We have a variety of themes including Seaside, Storytime, Organic, Food rattle, and much more. We are committed to reflecting the breadth of diversity of the world share. Our products are machine washable, durable and safe. Our toys can be passed on for generations! We also provide sustainable livelihoods to thousands of women in rural Bangladesh by partnering with organizations who are committed to protect fragile environments such as the Sundarban, home to the Royal Bengal Tiger.

Kamibashi 828-333-5166 I string dolls, fun, ganesh, Dalai Lama, yoga, animals, handmade products, Fair Trade The String Doll Gang© by Kamibashi has been making people smile for over 10 years. Handmade in Thailand, each string doll is attached to a lobster clip and keyring that has a fabric nametag attached to it. The front of the tag has the doll’s name and the back has his or her special “good luck power” that is always positive and helpful. For example, Chakra (pictured) “keeps your points of energy open and in balance.” They are fun for all ages, and with over 250 characters to choose from, string dolls make the perfect gift for everyone you know, including yourself!

Kheops International 800-215-8705 singing bowls, crystals, incenses, sage, salt lamps, candles, pendulums, metaphysical tools, meditations & rituals, gifts, home & garden Meaningful gifts that stimulate consciousness, inspire beauty and create harmony, as well as, support environmentally sustainable and humane manufacturing practices whenever possible. Our Vision is to create a world of harmony, where a balance and a collaboration exist between people, as it exists in nature, with ethics, care and respect for our surroundings, people and nature.

Kitchen Wands 206-497-8755 I kitchenware, kitchen wands, tea towels, handcrafted products, Made in Canada Kitras Art Glass 800-439-6393 I Decorative glass, ornaments, garden, accessories Krista Bermeo Studio glass jewelry, earrings, necklaces, handcrafted products, made in USA

L Laurie Pollpeter Eskenazi 630-390-8310 ceramics, artworks, rattles, hearts, vases, handcrafted products, made in USA Lakhays 877-525-4297 Jewelry, tapestries, yoga, rasta, sarongs, hats, belts, bags, headbands, scarves

Resources | 71

Lifeforce Glass 800-828-3870 I inspirational gifts, sea glass stones, words on glass rocks, recovery gifts, custom work Lifeforce Glass helps to make your customers’ dreams come true by providing empowering messages on glass stones, plaques and other items. For 28 years we have served many market niches, from general gift to spiritually-centered retailers. Custom work is available with low minimums. Displays are free and shipping is half off in the US with credit card payment. Turnaround is swift, often the same day. We value and treasure your business. How can we serve you?

Level Naturals 800-951-6807 I home & bath care, bar soaps, soy candles, bath bombs, body polishes, handmade products, natural ingredients, sustainable products, vegan products, made in USA Life is Grand™ 214-924-4609 I power penny jewelry, accessories, gifts, handcrafted products, made in USA Llewellyn Worldwide 877-639-9753 I books, card decks, paganism, self-help, tarot, astrology, magic, paranormal Lori Portka 315-491-6488 I blessing banners, art prints, greeting cards, hand painted necklaces, wood prints, pouches, handmade products, Made in USA

M-N Magickal Needs 603-465-9091 mystical jewelry, necklaces, talismans, rings, pendants Malimba Records 800-334-1179 I New Age music, yoga, meditation, relaxation, wellness Mandala Arts 800-344-8072 I wall hangings, meditation banners, affirmation banners, stickers, tattoos, mandalas, chakra products Matr Boomie 512-535-5228 I jewelry, apparel & accessories, home décor, gifts, handmade products, Fair Trade

Lotus Light Enterprises, Inc. 262-889-8501 I teas, books, audios, candles, incenses, salt lamps, meditation tools, pet care, massage tools, homeopathic products, aromatherapy products

Melon Head Supplies 830-627-2922 natural stone pipes, carved skulls, carved natural stone products

Love Lingo 608-935-5936 I positive apparel and accessories

Milk Reclamation Barn 410-693-7270 candles, soy melts, made in USA

Lucky Feather 818-947-0496 I jewelry, inspirational gifts, keychains, charms, journals, pet tags

Mixture 913-944-2441 I candles, bath & body products, home, accessories, handmade products, ecofriendly products, made in USA

Lynn Garlick Retablos 575-758-3033 I retablos, plaques, ornaments, handcrafted products

Modern Sprout

72 January 2019 |

hydroponic plants, indoor garden kits, eco seed starters, grow lights, sustainable products Moldavite/T.W. Designs Moldavite-TWDesigns-102836839790683 800-962-4015 Jewelry, incenses, pendulums Moonlight Mysteries Wholesale 616-275-1176 mystical jewelry, sterling silver Jewelry, statues, plaques, brooches, chains, pewter MZ Fair Trade 888-211-1625 I bags, totes, clutches, duffels, rugs, pillow covers, handcrafted products, made in Mexico, Fair The Naked Bee 888-871-1811 I body care, hand & foot care, scents, natural products Namu Baru Inc. 206-723-4042 I Mala beads, prayer beads, beaded bracelets, accessories Nashville Wraps 800-547-9727 I Retail packing, gift packing, gourmet packing, ribbons, bows, boxes, bags, ecofriendly products NettleSea Studio 360-914-4463 Greeting cards, journals, handcrafted products, made in USA New Earth Records 541-488-3344 ambient, world, reiki, yoga, and meditation music New Life Foundation 928-476-3224 I books, booklets, CDs, MP3CDs, DVDs, Blu-Rays, e-Pubs, e-Talks New Page Books 800-423-7087 I coloring books, adult, nonfiction, chakras, health, UFOs, and self-help books

New World Library 800-972-6657 Card decks, gift, spirituality, meditation, yoga, aromatherapy, and personal growth books

Ohm Therapeutics Sound Healing 505-455-7556 I Ohm tuning forks, sound healing instructional manual, DVDs, CDs, bowls Ohm Therapeutics offers quality tools and instruction for individuals and healthcare professionals to explore the healing power of sound. Featuring beautiful, retail-ready Sound Healing packages, Ohm Therapeutics is known at home and abroad as a leading producer of quality sound-healing tools since 2003. Each product package includes detailed instructions for use (photos and illustrations) that are practical and easy to understand. Ohm Therapeutics tuning forks nourish the Qi and balance the Chakras, while attuning the vital energy flowing through the body. Bestsellers include the Chakra Balancing Set, Intro to Sound Healing Set, Mid Ohm Tuning Fork Kit, and Ohm Octave Set. Practitioners will find the Instructional Manual and DVD on Tuning Fork Application full of practical information, and retailers will find the Ohm Therapeutics Catalog offers an exciting range of tools for the holistic marketplace. Our mission is to provide clear, succinct, and practical information about the healing power of sound. Ohm Therapeutics features music plus tuning forks tuned to the sacred healing frequency of OM through sustainable practices to supply the international marketplace with high-quality and affordable sound-healing tools featuring the ancient tone of OM. Our product range goes from sound healing tools, chakra balancing and professional starter sets to Ohm and Luna tuning forks, vibrational healing with Ohm tuning forks, instructional manual, DVD: tuning fork application, sound healing CDs, Ohm Crystal, and Tibetan-style singing bowls.

Nicole Denise Designs 877-768-4843 Art prints, posters, drawings, wall art, handcrafted products Nobl St personal care, natural products, sustainable products, made in USA

O-R O.B.Designs 904-293-6715 I children’s gifts, décor, blankets, toys, mobiles, ecofriendly products Oh My Gosh 866-646-9467 I crystal chakra, angels, hummingbirds, butterflies, dragonflies, suncatchers Om Gallery 831-425-9107 I gifts, lighting, décor, jewelry, books, chimes, garlands, paper star lanterns, handmade products, Fair Trade

Organic, Vegan & Paleo

Oxgut Hose Company furniture, mats, totes, accessories, upcycled fire hoses, handcrafted products, made in USA

Picasso Jasper yoga supplies, tees, tanks, graphic tees, sweatshirts, custom Printing, branded tees, malas

Peace Waters encaustic art, handcrafted products, made in USA

Pinch Me 800-331-5785 I therapy doughs

Peter Stone Jewelry 800-397-8787 I sterling silver, metaphysical Jewelry, mystical jewelry

Polaris Rising 402-502-9928 spiritual candles, condition oils, mercury retrograde reversal™ products

Infused with Flower Essences

Melt-in-the-mouth meditation chocolate reduces stress & supports positivity!

9 Luscious Flavors

Wei of Chocolate 602-753-3216

Resources | 73

Pretty Peacock 425-954-7097 I jewelry, personalized products, inspirational pendants, mandala, chakra, handmade products, made in USA Pure Art 866-567-4325 I jewelry, accessories, clothing, home, gifts, handcrafted products, ecofriendly products, Fair Trade Printfresh 267-908-9868 I pouches, notebooks & journals, décor, handcrafted products QMT Windchimes 888-345-2530 I wind chimes, bell chimes, bird houses, bird feeders, displays & accessories Q Square 888-978-8895 I melamine products, dinnerware, serveware, flatware, placemats & linens Rare Rabbit +61 7 3899-0111 jewelry, scarves, sunglasses, bags Raz Imports Inc. 800-443-3540 I candles, seasonal gifts, décor Recover 877-360-6251 I clothing & accessories, sustainable products, ecofriendly products, made in USA R. Expo USA / Song of India 800-231-2201 I fragrances, incenses, singing bowls, burners, bells & cymbals, henna, oils, soaps, décor, figurines Raiders of the Lost Art 800-527-4367 I quartz crystals, mineral specimens, tumbled stones, crystal jewelry, Shiva lingams Rainbow Ridge Books LLC 877-900-2665 I metaphysical, spiritual, and self-help books, indie publisher

74 January 2019 |

Sequoia Records 800-657-0975 I meditation music, yoga music, shamanic drumming, massage music, spa music, Native-American flute music, celtic music, sacred chant, devotional chant, chakra music, healing music, relaxation music Discover the most in-demand music for meditation, yoga, relaxation, wellness and chilling out from founders David & Steve Gordon and award-winning artists from around the world. For over 35 years, Sequoia Records has been the #1 source of music in New Age bookstores and gift stores. Our music is sought after at spas, healing centers and yoga boutiques everywhere. We have everything your customers want - from soothing meditation and massage music, Native-American flute music, sacred yoga-chant music, smooth downtempo electronica, soul-stirring Shaman drums, beautiful enchanting Celtic and Fairy music to guided meditations and chakra music. All our music is sold with our 100% guarantee: return for full refund or exchange – no time limit! We donate a portion of the proceeds from every sale The Rainforest Action Network. Call now for your Retailing Insight special: Get 1 Free CD for every 4 you buy! Or you can order from New Leaf Distributing or White Swan Music.

Sergio Lub Jewelry 800-234-2346 I silver, copper, bracelets, magnet, handmade products, jewelry Sergio Lub Jewelry has been making copper bracelets for over 50 years. Trained as an architect, Sergio realized early on that his creative passion was more authentically expressed through making jewelry. After traveling from the Andes to the Himalayas to study his craft with master ancient metalworking artisans, he settled in Napa Valley, California where he and his family continue to handcraft every bracelet today with a firm belief that wearing metals next to the skin can increase health and vitality. There are hundreds of inspired designs to choose from for him or her.

Raku Potteryworks 619-478-1218 Raku art, spirit angels, ornaments, vases, plates, tiles, dreamcatchers, coasters, handcrafted products, made in USA Real Music 800-398-7325, music label, relaxation, meditation, health, yoga, sleep, massage, comfort, and rejuvenation music Red Wheel Weiser 800-423-7087 I card decks, journals, metaphysical, health, meditation, tarot, spirituality, and nonfiction books Ronin Publishing, Inc. 510-420-3669 I Aging, health & cannabis books, indie publisher

S Sacred Pendants 310-836-8145 I semi-precious jewelry, sacred geometry, functional healing jewelry, pendants, amulets, medallions Scents of Success 800-580-5579 I essential & carrier oils, extracts, chakra blends, aromatherapy products, health & wellness products Schiffer Books 610-593-1777 oracle decks, tarot, metaphysics, astrology, numerology, palmistry, self-discovery, and conscious living books Seeds of Happiness 877-764-4157 I ceramic seeds, apparel, handmade products, made in USA

Solmate Socks 802-765-4177 I socks, accessories, recycled, eco-friendly, craft, unique, colorful, cozy, made in USA Life is too short for matching socks, especially when you can wear these fun and beautiful socks. Solmate Socks is a highly soughtafter brand and their products are a top selling item at many gift shops, galleries, and museum stores nation-wide. Knitted with ecofriendly recycled cotton yarn, these whimsical, multi-patterned, and vibrant mismatched socks are available for adults, children, and babies. These socks are a unique, top-quality, and eco-friendly gift – the kind of product that keeps customers happy and coming back for more. Solmate Socks was founded to celebrate a love of color and quality. Passionate about sharing their designs, patterns, and love of color - they are textile artists and crafts people and take great pride in all that they do. Deeply committed to responsible manufacturing, Solmate Socks are knitted with recycled cotton yarn that is created by recovering scraps from the production of other cotton products, mainly t-shirts. The colors in a pair are the same, but they knit the colors in a different order so that the socks will coordinate in a mismatched manner. Much like a soul mate, they are not identical, but they are meant to be together. Hats, scarves, and mittens available. Soundings of the Planet 800-937-3223 I music, video, books, meditation, chakra, chant, world, and affirmation music Soundings of the Planet celebrates 40th anniversary! Sound healing pioneers Dudley and Dean Evenson, have produced award-winning music and videos that are extremely popular for massage, yoga, meditation, relaxation, and all healing arts. Over the years, they have collaborated with outstanding musicians such as Scott Huckabay, Li Xiangting, Tom Barabas, d’Rachael, Tim Alexander, and Peter Ali in support of the Peace Through Music mission. Now, Dudley and Dean share their first book Quieting the Monkey Mind: How to Meditate with Music bringing together what they have learned in over four decades of practicing and teaching meditation and how music and sound can support the process. This beautiful guidebook is filled with practical tips, exercises, photos, and illustrations to support advanced or beginning meditators on an empowering journey of finding peace within. They address sound tools and techniques using chanting, toning, mantra, affirmations, kirtan, singing bowls, and listening to recorded music in this very accessible and user-friendly book. Testimonials include Jack Canfield, Jonathan Goldman, Naomi Judd, Joan Borysenko, Larry Dossey, Iyanla Vanzant, Cyndi Dale, and Madisyn Taylor.

Sekoya Originals 512-251-1973 I furniture, lighting, candlesticks Self-Realization Fellowship 888-773-8680 I audio, video, books, calendars, yogananda, chants, recordings, awake, meditation, affirmations, bookstore Serene House USA 856-673-4117 I wooden scent diffusers, home fragrance sprays, wooden scented sticks, scentilizers, aromatherapy products

Smart Ash Holders 972-351-1952 I Exotic woods, incense holders, crystal grids, sacred geometry, handcrafted products Soul Flower 952-679-7758 I organic clothing, accessories, ecofriendly products, recycled fibers, hemp fibers, handmade products, Fair Trade Sound Therapy Center of Los Angeles, The 800-276-8634 I sound healing music, sound therapy books, sound healing products & services Spiral Spectrum 407-929-3564 I astrology, moon, calendar, chakra, lunar calendar, art, home decor, zodiac Spirit Voyage 888-735-4800 Kundalini yoga, meditation, mantra, and healing books, music, online courses

Shaman’s Dawn 855-229-7928 I sprays, soy candles, baths, crystals & gemstones, gemstones pouches, incenses, smudging supplies, stone of lights, aromatherapy products Shanti Boutique 406-322-3190 I sterling silver jewelry, recycled jewelry, mantras, Fair Trade Silver Sky Imports wholesale.html 800-494-1369 I singing bowls, incenses, chimes, bells, prayer flags, tongue drums, tingshas

Resources | 75

Sounds True 888-303-9185 I inspirational books, videos, audio, music, retail displays Sounds True is an independent publisher with a mission to inspire, support, and serve personal transformation and spiritual awakening. From bestselling authors to new voices in spiritual wisdom, our books, audio, music, and video products represent a variety of popular topics—including meditation, mindfulness, yoga, health and healing, shamanism, self-help, and psychology. With a new line of children’s books, we’re planting the seeds of mindfulness, compassion, kindness, self-care, and other personal growth skills that will benefit our little ones for a lifetime.

Sun’s Eye Inc. 800-786-7393 oils, sprays, incense, gifts We are a metaphysical perfumery – creating atmosphere through intention. The definitive line of hand formulated blends and unique fragrance accessories. From our bestselling Chakra oils and Clearing Sprays to our exclusive Ancient Elements incense line, Sun’s Eye continues to bring the highest quality products and customer service for over 20 years!

Sunshine Joy 401-769-8800 I art, mandala, beach, traditional Indian & more in tapestries, premium apparel, baja hoodies, custom tie dyes, bandanas, home décor Have you heard? Hippie and Boho Style is in. Keep up with the trend by taking a look at our collection of soothing colors, designs, and art print tapestries. Attract more customers by creating a beautiful display in your store. Over 214 styles to choose from in our 64-page catalog.

Synchronicity Foundation 434-326-5500 I Spirituality, Meditation, Soundtracks, Essential Oils, Perfume, Mandala, Technology, Books, Music Synchronicity Foundation is a contemporary meditation center with a vision to bring balance, wholeness, and fulfillment to the lives of participants through the study and practice of Modern Spirituality. Our store features leading-edge products carefully selected by our Founder and Spiritual Director, Master Charles Cannon, to support this vision and make it a reality for people living a contemporary, Western lifestyle who want to enjoy meditation’s Many benefits with ease. Start by trying our High-Tech Meditation soundtracks, which will literally meditate you and provide a precision meditation experience each time you put on your headset. Or, enjoy Master Charles’ essential oil blends. Made from all-natural ingredients, our oils and perfumes are designed to support the contemporary meditative lifestyle. Visit us to find many more products including books, jewelry, and art objects carefully selected for their power to help users experience greater balance and fulfillment in their daily lives.

76 January 2019 |

Spirit Whisperings 503-701-1073 Sacred stone grids, books, little grid kits, chakra sprays, spirit boards & layout cards, stones, shells Spongellé 855-776-6433 I body contouring buffers, body wash infused buffers, gift sets, seasonal gifts, made in USA Sprout plantable pencils, customize pencils, sustainable products, ecofriendly products Starlinks 800-867-4344 I Fantasy jewelry, metaphysical jewelry, gifts, cards, books, art prints, greeting cards, witch stones, tarot bags, spell kits Stars of Creation 541-941-0515 Coloring books, window stars, crystal harmonic colored lights, dimensional stars, sacred geometry, t-shirts, magnets, stickers, buttons plexiglass stars Steven Halpern Inner Peace Music 800-909-0707 I Mindfulness, meditation, healing, chakras, brainwaves, and relaxation music, CDs, podcasts, new age music StrikeHawk eCommerce Inc 321-236-0483 I web hosting, merchant accounts, SSL certificates, dedicated servers, eCommerce consulting Studio Penny Lane 858-436-7028 I Glassware, jewelry, accessories, candles, leather goods, home décor, cards, mason jar sleeves, gifts Suga yoga mats, door mat, recycled wetsuits, sustainable products, ecofriendly products, made in USA Synergy Clothing 888-466-0411 I Organic clothing, fashion, accessories, ecofriendly clothing

T-V 314 Studio 617-821-3714 I sterling silver jewelry, handmade products, made in USA Tamara Kelly Designs 360-305-7781 Jewelry, silver, gold, copper, bronze accents, handcrafted products, made in USA Tarcher Perigee 800-847-5515 I self-empowerment, self-help, spirituality, creativity, health, and parenting & psychology books Three Wheel Studio 401-451-2350 I ceramics & gifts, handmade products, made in USA Tidepool 800-748-5790 I sterling silver barrettes, bracelets, chains, earrings, hair picks, necklaces, pendants

Touchstone Distributing, Inc. 517-669-8200 Handmade, Ceramic, Porcelain, Celtic, Wildlife, Jewelry, Ornaments, Made in America Artisanal quality, fresh design, and intrinsic meaning are embodied in each handmade piece from our DeWitt, Mich., studio. We are the sole producer of this jewelry, and we use proprietary techniques to create a richness of detail not found in other media. Our lines are known to elicit wonder and personal meaning in customers who often become repeat buyers. Thus, our lines add collectability to your product mix. With the words “Made in Michigan,” each Touchstone Pottery® jewelry display illustrates our commitment to produce American-made pendants, pins and ornaments that supports our local artists, employees, and retailers. Our lines are priced to protect your margin, while still offering your customers a made-in-the-USA product.

Typoflora +61 410 077 133 I stationery, journals, art prints, notebooks, greeting cards, handcrafted products UCM Publishing 819-321-0072 I training, courses, webinars, angel, dream, yoga, meditation, kaya, symbol, sign, symbolic, teaching & research center

Urban Charm keychains, gemstone bracelets, tribal, nature, nature, and vintage necklaces VD Importers Inc. 786-703-7852 I incenses, candles, chakras, gemstones, tapestries, incense burners, home décor, bags, malas, meditation products

Timeless Traditions Inc. 406-388-2900 tear bottles, cards & prints, Inspirational gifts, sterling silver jewelry, keepsakes, pet memorials Tina’s Natural Products 267-362-5144 essential oils, cleansing blends, floral waters, aroma diffusing jewelry, car diffusers, misters, natural products, aromatherapy products Transformational Enterprises akashic reading, books, media, essential oils, classes & events Tree Trunk Arts 248-622-0573 I jewelry, bracelets, cuffs, necklaces, rings, bangles, earrings, handcrafted products, made in USA

Proudly Sold by

Phone: 800.215.8705 Fax: 800.713.0634 Item#BL44031

Resources | 77

U.S. Games Systems Inc. 800-544-2637 I tarot, oracle decks, mudras, inspiration decks, Rider-Waite, Smith-Waite, meditation decks, yoga, divination, gift decks U.S. Games Systems Inc. is celebrating its 50th year anniversary as the premier publisher of tarot, divination, oracle and inspiration decks. For tarot aficionados a must read book is Pamela Colman Smith: The Untold Story. Rider-Waite-Smith decks and Crowley Thoth continue to be among the most popular tarot decks in the world. Modern interpretations of these classic decks include the award-winning Chrysalis Tarot, Sun and Moon Tarot, Zillich Tarot, Deviant Moon Tarot, Ethereal Visions, Crow Tarot, Bianco Nero, New Era Elements Tarot, Practical Tarot Wisdom and Tattoo Tarot. Popular animal themed decks include Paulina Cassidy’s Spiritsong Tarot and Jody Bergsma’s Spirit of the Animals Oracle. New angel themed decks include Find Your Light Inspiration Deck, Influence of the Angels Tarot, and Angel Power Wisdom Cards. For meditation practices we offer Messages from the Light Meditation Deck and Buddha Wisdom, Shakti Power Deck/Book Set. For the active, yoga products include: Yoga Cats Deck/Book Set, Yoga Dogs Deck/Book Set, Kids Yoga Adventure Card Deck, and two award-winning Mudras decks.

Uma Silbey 808-268-7704 spiritual leader, books, writer, crystals, stones, gemstones, crystal healing, energy healing, meditation, metaphysics Uma Silbey’s newest book The Ultimate Guide to Crystals and Stones is one of the most comprehensive guides to the use of stones and crystals on the market today. More than just a list of stones and properties, this keepsake hardback edition is filled with instructions on their actual use, practices to increase sensitivity to subtle energy, and ground breaking information about using “regular” rocks. From late 70’s, Uma was one of the first to introduce stones and crystals through her books, recordings, and media appearances. This practical crystal path to personal power, self-development, and healing is a “must have.”

Vibe Bottle, LLC 805-452-0962 I drinkware, sacred geometry glass water bottles, reiki, healing Sacred Geometry glass water bottles with scratch-proof ceramic ink protected by a one-time break replacement warranty designed, created and shared by Reiki Healers at a reasonable price… what’s not to love?!? “When I learned that water has memory – I learned that I have a responsibility to imprint water with the most loving, positive, powerful messages I could possibly create. Everyone drinks water and people all over the world are looking for a way to program their water in an environmentally sound, high quality, luxury bottle with excellent artwork that speaks to their soul and represents what they stand for. How do we know? Not only have we funded two successful Kickstarter campaigns in the last year, but we have grown in distribution from 20 to 70 locations domestically done so internationally. The Vibe Bottle brand has grown by over 700% in overall website and retail sales in 2018. We have a vision of a healed world, we intend to do it through delivering messages on our bottles and we invite you to be a part of it.” – Zo Peacemaker - Artist, Reiki Master IIII, CEO

78 January 2019 |

VibesUP 530-677-1248 I Clothing, footwear, home, jewelry, oils, candles, gemstones, personal care, yoga & meditation products, holistic products, vibrational therapy Vilmain 800-222-3142 I Home & accessories, jewelry, seasonal ornaments, gifts, accessories, handcrafted products, made in USA VisionWorks Postcards, Notecards, Bumper Stickers, Calendars, Magnets, Buttons, Books, Hundreds of Publishers VitaJuwel 925-291-7490 I gemwater bottles, gemstone vials, gemwater dispensers, gemwater accessories

W-Z Ways of Change artisan jewelry & accessories, handmade products Wakami 888-532-3915 Ext.: 701 jewelry, accessories, bags, handmade products, Fair Trade Wei of Chocolate 602-577-2338 I organic chocolates, vegan products, healthy products, Fair Trade Welman Group, The 888-333-0870 I necklaces, rings, bracelets, pendants, chains, hoops, gifts, sterling silver, stainless steel, and costume jewelry Wellstone Jewelry 800-544-8773 metaphysical, symbolic, and mystical jewelry, handmade products, made in USA

We’Moon 503-288-3588 I datebooks, calendars, cards, astrology & spiritual journals, fine arts White Swan Music, Inc. 800-825-8656 yoga, meditation, relaxation, and Asian & Indian music, healing meditation tools, books, clothing, DVDs Whitney Howard Designs 818-884-8478 jewelry, bracelets, rings, cuffs, pendants, ornaments, pet memorial, ecofriendly products, made in USA Windrose Trading/Triloka 800-229-3731 I incenses, smudges, diffusers & accessories, oils, jewelry, gifts, ecofriendly products, aromatherapy products WineBlock wine & coffee anti-stain lip balm and teeth balm, natural products Wish Beads whishbeads kits, bracelets, journals WorldFinds 800-609-9303 recycled textile jewelry, accessories, metal Jewelry, scarves, handmade products, Fair Trade World Peaces 614-5961-303 I jewelry, accessories, home decor, brass, horn, reclaimed metal, Fair Trade Xeonix Divination 972-296-5999 I Essential oil pendants & pendulums, scrying mirrors, L-Rods, cremation pendants, dowsing charts

World Buyers Fax 760-734-4448 capiz shell tea light holders, chakra tea light holders, chakra healing Hand crafted Lotus Flower Tea Light holders now available in 7 Chakra colors! Ideal for use in personal and professional places. Shop owners and practitioners will enjoy the soothing colors they add to store displays and sacred spaces. Lit with tea light candles, their colors brighten and dance with the flicker of flames. Their warm light aids in meditation, healing rituals and general relaxation. The 7 major Chakra colors include violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange and red. Each color being assigned to energy centers in the body. Chakras are believed to connect your physical body to your spiritual body to promote healing, greater, harmony and wellness in our lives. Find countless gifts to complement your sacred spaces and displays in our online catalog.

Zen and Meow 717-451-9159 I crystal grids, jewelry, sacred geometry, flower of life, engraved crystals Zen and Meow is a woman owned business that offers one of a kind wood engraved crystal grids. There are over 65 designs to choose from ranging from sacred geometry, animal totems, mandalas, celestial grids and more. Aside from crystal grids, Zen and Meow offers wood cut pendants and earrings made from walnut and alder woods, engraved stones such as selenite, black obsidian and carnelian as well as engraved palo santo. They are the leading producer of wood engraved crystal grids and are adding new designs and products all the time. The goal of Zen and Meow is to bring people together with tools that will help promote healing and increase spiritual awareness.

Yak & Yeti 310-618-1700 I clothing & accessories, bags, prayer malas, greeting cards, ritual objects

Zafuko yoga cushions, meditation pillows, ecofriendly materials, Fair Trade

Yogavated activewear clothing, tops, leggings, sustainable products, made in USA

Zen Stone Garden, The 541-961-1285 I wishing stones, stones tables, garden art, bronze sculptures, handcrafted products, made in USA

Yolanda’s Spirit Drums 575-635-0545 I Native American products, drums, rattles, supplies, music, DVDs, videos, workshop

Zoë + Piper 480-268-9518 I aromatherapy jewelry, aromatherapy home & body products, home, gemstones, gifts, essential oils

Yorwerth Associates 406-994-0031 I publishing consultants & literary agents

Compiled by Retailing Insight Team

Your Heart’s Delight by Audrey’s 717-865-6524 I home décor, garden, seasonal décor, gifts

Resources | 79

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Free Resources for Independent Retailers at Alucik..........................................................................33 760-853-0287 I

Kahiniwalla  ..........................................................70 330-612-5850 I

Shaman's Dawn........................................................65 855-229-7928 I

Aspiring Artists of the Earth......................... 37. 75 267-337-1817 I

Kheops International, Inc.  ......71, 77, Back Cover 800-215-8705 I

Solmate Socks .................................................. 55, 75 866-762-5523 I Soundings of the Planet  ............................ 43, 75


Benjamin International .........................................52 800-488-4699 I

Body Mat, The  ......................................48, 63, 65 • I Comprehensive 2018 208-719-0175


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Lifeforce Glass ........................................................72 888-303-9185 I of wholesalers in • Browse hundreds Trade Show 800-828-3870 I our online directory Spirit Whisperings  ..............................................71

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Deva Designs .................................................49, 57 800-799-8308 I

New Leaf Distributing Co.,...................................53 800-326-2665 I

Dragon’s Eye Incense ........................................66 800-774-0301 I

New Life Foundation ..........................................69 800-293-3377 I

dZI Handmade ..............................................42, 67 800-318-5857 I

Ohm Therapeutics Sound Healing.............. 67, 73 505-455-7556 I

Each And Original ..................................................68 800-490-9445 I

Om Gallery ...............................................................71 831-425-9107 I

Esprit Creations Inc. ...................................... 1, 68 352-316-6130 I

Raiders of the Lost Art...........................................65 800-527-4367 I

Gaia’s World...................................................... 55, 69 866-605-1191 I

Ronin Publishing ..................................................65

Goddess Design Studio.........................................64 570-982-3230 I

Scents of Success ................................................20 800-580-5579 I

Indie Me  .................................................................. 5 888-427-2381 I

Seeds of Happiness ...............................................31 877-764-4157 I

Inner Traditions Int./Bear & Co  ......................59 800-246-8648 I

Sequoia Records ........................................... 61, 74 800-778-8777 I

World Finds ................................................................ 9 800-609-9303 I

Kamibashi ..........................................................48, 71 828-333-5166 I

Sergio Lub  .....................................................48, 74 800-234-2346 I

Zen and Meow.................................................. 47, 79 717-451-9159 I

Synchronicity Foundation .................................76 434-326-5500 I Touchstone Distributing .......................................77 517-669-8200 I Uma Silbey ........................................................60, 78 READ THE ONLINE EDITION 808-268-7704 I

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US Games Systems Inc.  ............................. 47, 79 800-544-2637 I

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Vibe Bottle,and LLC  products .......................................... 49, 78 topics 805-452-0962 I

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Wei of Chocolate ....................................................73 websitesI 602-753-3215

Windrose Trading  ..............................................63 540-948-2268 I World Buyers.............................................. 28, 52, 79 800-996-7531 I


80 January 2019 |

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