2022 September

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Retailing VOLUME 36 I ISSUE 5 I SEPTEMBER-OCTOBER 2022 Insight Magazine NEW AGE SPIRITUAL COACHES State of Mind Learn how to select talented Psychics for your store KABBALAH DREAMS MIND MATTERS A Guide to Achieve Positive Thinking ASTROLOGY Navigating by the Stars in 2023 SEASONAL BUYERS GUIDE

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RETAILING INSIGHT September-October 2022

We cannot solve our problems withthe samethinkingweusedwhenwecreatedthem . –AlbertEinstein

| 6 RETAILING INSIGHT September-October 2022 Contents
Features 10 Mind Matters A Guide to Achieve Positive Thinking 22 Kabbalah & Dreams: The Path to Healing Discover how this ancient mystical teaching can reveal layers of wisdom and knowledge through dreams 32 Exchanges & Returns Real-life experiences 42 Shamanism Simple steps and tips to enrich your life 52 Navigating by the Stars in 2023 Stay aware of the astrological changes next year to help avoid any financial disruptions Bonus 48 Divination & Decks New Age Spiritual Coaches 28 The Four Bodies Part 3: The Physical Body 09 Product Deals Holiday Offers 59 Buyers Guide Seasonal 38 Editor’s Favorites 22 In every issue 03 FROM THE EDITOR 20 BUSINESS & MARKETING Candles Channel Mindful State of Mind 56 FINE PRINT Curated titles in body-mind-spirit 55 PLAYLIST Reviews of great music to sell and enjoy 64 ADVERTISER INDEX
10 52 28 32 42
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Mind Matters A Guide to Achieve Positive Thinking

WHAT DOES IT MEAN to have a “successful state of mind”? Is there magic to it? Does it consist of only thinking positive thoughts and ignoring those doubting, self-sabotaging voices in your head? Maybe it’s about mastering creative visualization, diligently putting together vision boards while reciting a list of affirmations?

Why do some people seem to succeed without really trying? At least it appears that way. Are they just working harder than others? Were they born with a silver spoon or able to secure financial backing? Perhaps it was merely coincidence, destiny or good karma?

There are many schools of thought and lots of opinions

about what it takes to be successful. But first, let’s take a moment to understand how success might be defined.

Defining Business Success

The most common definition of success is the amount of money a business brings in — profitability with little or no debt. It can mean

that a business is growing, thriving, expanding. Lately, it implies being able to stay afloat in the midst of ongoing global challenges. But what about feeling good about what you’re doing? Knowing you are making a difference in even a small way by helping people or the planet is a profit to your personal well-being. Doing no harm, selling products in harmony with nature is profitable to your spirit. Knowing that what you do is

ABOUT THE AUTOR: ROYCE AMY MORALES is the founder of Perfect Life Awakening. Morales is also a transpersonal development speaker and author of Know: A spiritual wake-up call. Royce was an independent retailer for two decades in Redondo Beach, California. To know more about the author, visit her page at www.perfectlifeawakening.com.

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meaningful and it’s what you are meant to do delivers dividends.

On a personal level, success could be realizing your innate wisdom, attuning to spiritual awareness. Or being authentic, not trying to prove something or make someone wrong.

Internal or External

What motivates your desire for success? Is it the promise of external reward? Or is it more from intrinsic inspiration?

Enlightened philosophies teach that success has nothing to do with physical possessions. It is a state of being as opposed to having or doing.

While external rewards such as money, validation and recognition can be helpful, many feel more incentive when doing things for personal satisfaction. That means doing what you enjoy, finding meaning, or witnessing how your

business impacts the life of others. Especially in the mind, body, spirit enterprise.

But in a society that emphasizes material values — outward appearances rather than inner — it’s hard to separate the two. It’s especially difficult if you own a retail business designed around selling “things.” The spiritual lesson to learn is being unattached to results, quite a challenge when rent and payroll are due.

Mind Matters

The most important aspect of business success is your state of mind. It impacts everything. It goes beyond what you think about consciously or even logically. It is what your subconscious programmed belief system is dictating. In other words, if part of you does not feel deserving, lack will manifest no matter how hard you struggle. Of course, the reverse is true: If you believe you deserve success, that is what will show up.

Positive Thinking Magnified

A powerful key to business success is trusting that there are infinite possibilities in every challenging situation. This is referred to as “possibility thinking,” and is more specific than just “positive thinking.”

Possibility thinking means believing, even for an instant, that anything is possible no matter the appearance. It is choosing to reframe the most stubborn problems as infinite opportunities in disguise. By looking at situations in new and creative ways, unrealized pathways for change open up. It means countering confusion and hopelessness with a moment of…

And, what if?

The right thinking can shift things instantly. It is allowing yourself to think as big as you want, imagining huge goals that are possible without limiting them to anything set. It sees the world as open instead of closed, magnifying the positive and minimizing the negative.

Limited thinking lands in dead ends, keeps you stuck in feeling hopeless. Possibility thinking reminds you of infinite possibilities

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— that there are more solutions, options, and avenues available than you’ve allowed yourself to see. This brings added momentum and is always available if you choose it.

Possibility thinking can even help you get past feelings of shame. Unconsciously, shame has programmed you to believe you are undeserving of success. It devalues you, especially your abilities. By incorporating possibility thinking, you are adding value to who you are. While overcoming shame requires inner work, having a mindset that allows possibilities to flow certainly makes the work easier.

Possibility thinking creates options, a business owner’s best friend. Then, others catch the

energy and are inspired to move forward as well.

Change Your Perspective

It takes discipline to find potentials in a negative situation, but they are always there. Being open to possibilities swings the door wide to greater flexibility and more constructive action.

Possibility thinking starts with the conviction that you and your business make a difference, that you are capable of doing great things. Sometimes it involves discovering options that might not be under your nose. Often, the simpler they are, the more likely they will elude.

Possibilities become apparent when you reconfigure your interpretation of a situation, looking at it with new eyes, using an opportunistic thinking style. It also means attuning yourself to your higher knowing, your wise intuition, your connection to and trust in the bigger picture playing out. Possibility thinking gives space to feel human emotions, simultaneously recognizing they are triggered reactions to fear with no power over truth.

You Do Know

What gives possibility thinking its power — there is a part of you that already does know. Here is an exercise to help you get in touch with your knowing.

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When a situation is going on that has you stumped and you find yourself saying I don’t know, ask yourself: “ What if I did know? ”

By giving yourself permission to

know, the answer often appears instantly. Trust


If no answer arrives, that’s okay. You’ve put the question out there and the Universe is required to provide an answer. Get ready!

During these transformational times, be the one who inspires others to see more than just problems — be the one who sees possibilities and opportunities within problems. Don’t discount

the impact you have as a small business owner.

As the planet shifts in countless ways, things may feel hopeless, confusing and as if things are crumbling. Let yourself get a sense of this new world being created and your integral part in that. With enough of us thinking in terms of possibilities rather than gloom and doom, we will have a positive impact on big levels. On a business level, perhaps your customers will not hesitate to spend money when greeted with your possibility attitude. It is no coincidence that you are living through this awakening and evolutionary time of quantum shifts. You chose to be here to experience, learn and do things that could not have happened by any other circumstance. Your business is a part of that.

Recognize and embrace these huge lessons. No use resisting, running or hiding from them. Know that being a conscious business owner will expand things exponentially, becoming the accepted reality of planetary existence. Start by

believing, even for an instant, that it is all possible.

Because… It Is

Here are some effective suggestions to increase being successful in business:

Set goals and define them clearly – In order to achieve success, start by setting clear goals. These goals do not necessarily need to be easy to reach, but by having something to aim for, you will be better able to move forward and overcome obstacles.

Clarity is vital to attain what you want. Unclear goals create unclear results. Try writing down exactly what you want, noticing any fears or self-limiting beliefs that pop into your thoughts and countering them with the truth: You are capable and deserving.

See setbacks as learning opportunities – Rather than seeing a bump in the road as a stop, see it as a

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way to discover a different route, learning and enjoying as you go.

Deservingness – Every day, clean up areas of your life where you feel any amount of guilt. Trust what you feel drawn to do, even if you don’t know exactly what you are cleaning up.

Keep commitments no matter what – It is often far too easy to walk away from commitments when the going gets tough. The more committed you are, the more the Universe keeps its commitments to you. Perseverance for long-term goals is why you are doing what you are doing. Deserve to keep the promise you made to yourself and the planet.

Be strong – Know that you have the resilience to continue on even in the face of obstacles. Believe that you have control over your own destiny and feel confident in your ability to succeed.

Passion – Remember why you started your business. Get back in touch with the passion, the inspiration, the excitement that was there from the start. Don’t ever lose the higher purpose for what you do.

Conscientiousness – Being careful, being thorough and desiring to do something well is a statement of success.

Trust your intuition – What is your heart telling you to do? Trust and allow your innate wisdom to lead the way. Listen to the signs and apparent coincidences that the Universe presents to you. They are important messages.

Be authentic – Posing a fake a Pollyanna outlook only suppresses your humanness. Acting as if rarely works for long and is not what you are designed for. Choosing to not hide from uncomfortable emotions and fears does not mean believing them. Recognize you’re being triggered: feel those emotions and do some digging to see what they are really about.

Believe in yourself – Notice negative self-talk and don’t buy it as truth. Be your own supportive parent by acknowledging and encouraging yourself.

Ask for and find support – Having a strong support system can make things easier, cheering you

on when things get tough, offering advice and assistance that can help you improve your chances for success.

Remember, there are people out there waiting for someone like you to help them. You have empowering, healing and awakening offerings for your customers. You created your shop to bring something sacred and special to share with the world.

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Your individual calling to help others is automatically a success in ways you may never know. You are making a difference with your gifts as well as with what you sell. That is success all on its own. The world is waiting for what you offer, no matter what it is. And people want to support your success. No matter what you are facing, what uphill battle you are in, whatever you are afraid of, there are unlimited solutions waiting to be discovered. Unlock the power to discover them by choosing to believe there is a way out of any challenge you are facing. Know that not only is anything is possible, but everything is possible.

Here is an example of what can happen when you tap into your successful, possibility thinking mindset:


STARTED MY OWN BUSINESS OVER EIGHT YEARS AGO based on an intuitive sense that this was what I was supposed to do; this was what the world needed from me. Success began to flow effortlessly and then, out of the blue, I experienced some major bumps that almost put me out of business .

Most dramatically, someone ripped off my business plan and stole all my website information, changing a few words here and there. I toyed with filing a lawsuit but decided to do some deep inner processing work

instead to see what my subconscious had to say about it. I discovered that part of me did not feel deserving of success due to some things I had done that I had pushed way down into my subconscious mind. Once I remembered and processed those events, forgave myself, cleaned them up and let them go, everything immediately shifted in my business. The person who had stolen my material ended up deleting it and several new clients showed up! Shift your deservingness, gain success’ should be the motto hanging over every business door! – E.L. •

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Candles Channel Mindful State of Mind

WHEN WE WANT TO CHANNEL A CALM and more relaxed state of mind, it’s good to know what tools can help us and our customers. There is a good reason many of us rely on candles.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: MEGY KAR YDES is a Chicago-based writer. Her new book 50 Ways to More Calm, Less Stress: Scientifically Proven Ways to Relieve Anxiety and Boost Your Mental Health Using Your Five Senses, will be available summer 2023. Sign up for her free monthly newsletter at www.megykarydes.com. BUSINESS & MARKETING

“There’s something so powerful about candles – they take all the strength of a bonfire and make it portable,” says Amanda Glazebrook, owner of Pine & Burn Candle Co. While we don’t rely on them for light and heat as early cultures did, we still look to them to provide that light and warmth we crave both during the winter months and throughout the year. Part of the appeal, Glazebrook feels, is burning a candle is a mindfulness activity that stimulates many of our senses.

“No matter what’s happening around you, lighting a candle requires you to stop and focus on what you’re doing,” she adds. “From striking a match or flicking a lighter, to waiting for the wick to catch the light, to finding a somewhere safe to settle the candle — the whole process is kind of a mini mindfulness exercise, requiring your full attention and presence to bring this small flame to life. I think that’s why they’re so often part of religious ceremonies – there’s a great deal of ritual and intention to lighting a candle. It’s an invitation to focus your mind on something specific.”

Scent also comes into play when it comes to candles helping us be in the moment. Glazebrook thinks candles help bring a sense of calm because scents remind us of certain times in our lives. They have a real power to bring us back in time.

“Scent is so strongly tied to memory,” Glazebrook notes.
“And there’s science that backs that up, related to the interaction between the olfactory bulb and the limbic system, which is what controls emotion and memory.”

All of Pine & Burn Candle Co.’s candles feature a scent as the brand is loosely inspired by tropes in romance novels – the attractive small-town florist, the strong ranch hand, a sweet Main Street coffee shop, a holiday party with family.

Retailers sell candles well because not only do people love to buy them for themselves, but they also make great gifts throughout the year — especially during the fall and winter months. Part of the reason, according to Glazebrook, is they’re so symbolic.

You’re bringing someone light and warmth in a season of cold and darkness.

“They’re small enough to be great gifts for hosts, and they pair really well with any number of other gifts (books, champagne, essential oils, linens) to create really luxe gift sets,” she adds. “They’re also a consumable product, which is perfect for the minimalist in your life, and they have that element of memory –when your recipient lights a candle, they’re going to think of the person that gave it to them.”

Different candle lines have different selling points that are important to retailers. Some who are more sensitive to scent might steer away from scented candles while others appreciate candles made from soy wax.

Their candles are made from all-soy wax, which is more eco-friendly than paraffin, according to Glazebrook, and there are some signs that it’s cleaner burning. Every candle is poured by hand and her business is entirely woman-owned and woman-operated. To support retailers who sell her line, Glazebrook created a full library of social media assets they can use. Retailers can opt to wholesale order her branded candles or create custom-labeled candles or have them without any label at all.

Her best sellers online are Elizabeth Bennet (which smells like juniper and rose, fresh and bracing and bright) and Mr. Darcy (which smells like mahogany and bergamot and comes across as warm and inviting). I’ll be honest, this is my favorite and part of the reason is I’m a big Jane Austen fan. Glazebrook isn’t surprised. She says many people buy both of these candles based on the label because they love Pride and Prejudice, or they know someone who does.

To carry through that love of this well-known and well-loved British author, she recommends pairing the candles with a printed copy of the book or other Jane Austen swag for really thoughtful gifts.

At a pop-up shop or in-store, sales of the candles are more varied as each scent is so personal. “The last market I was at, I came out with a six-way-tie for best seller,” she notes. “But I sell a lot of The Beach Escape, which truly smells like ocean air, all cool and wet and just a tiny bit salty, and Morning After Mimosas, which is a bright, bubbly citrus scent, and The Billionaire, which is this lovely soothing sandalwood and rose. Those are reliably good sellers.” •

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Kabbalah & Dreams: A Path to Healing

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: LINDA YAEL SCHILLER , MSW, LICSW is an international teacher, psychotherapist, dream worker, and consultant in Watertown, MA. As professor emeritus from Boston University School of Social Work, she taught group work and clinical practice, and at the post-graduate Trauma Certificate programs both at BUSSW and Simmons College. She regularly presents at the International Association for the Study of Dreams (IASD) annual conference, as well as other venues in the fields of dreams, trauma treatment, energy psychology, Kabbalah and healing, and the integration of mind, body, and spirit. She is also the author of PTS Dreams: Transform Your Nightmares from Trauma through Healing Dreamwork, and Modern Dreamwork: New Tools for Decoding your Souls Wisdom, both published by Llewelyn Worldwide Publishing, and Integrated and Comprehensive Treatment of Trauma, published by Western Schools Publisher. To know more, visit: www.lindayaelschiller.com

OUR DREAMS ARE PORTALS to other layers of consciousness and sources of wisdom. When we attend to and work with our dreams, we have access to healing and knowledge beyond our conscious daily minds. There are many ways to work with the multiple layers of meanings that our dreams can provide, and one method is based in the ancient mystical teachings and practices of Kabbalah. Many books, amulets, tarot cards,

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poetry, prayer, works of art and sources of divination are based on the mystical and practical studies of Kabbalah.

Kabbalah Healing and Inner Gaze

The word kabbalah itself means to receive. It is received or transmitted knowledge from the source of the Universe. In ancient times our biblical ancestors lived in tents in the desert, and tents can be seen as a metaphor for looking within, to gaze with our inner eyes. Dreaming through the lens of kabbalah invite us to attend to our own inner light through this gaze. Author and mystic Catherine Shainberg reminds us that in Genesis 1:2, just before the creation of the world, the “…Spirit of God hovers over the darkness.”

One of my favorite words in Hebrew is from the line, merechefet, meaning hovering. It sounds to me like the flapping of wings as I say it out loud. (Try it! And move your wing/arms as you do so for the embodied effect.) Shainberg teaches that as our own consciousness hovers over us nightly as we dream, we too can make order out of chaos, and co-create our own world. Dream healing allows us to realign ourselves with the inner blueprint of our soul path, that at some level we already know. Through deep dreamwork we sift through the rubble of our dreams and nightmares to find this inner

gift – the light within that was always there.

This inner gaze speaks to the shamanic roots of kabbalah as we seek both our daytime visions and the night visions we call dreams.

The biblical priests were the early shamans of our tribe, and they channeled the names of God. The priestly blessing of making a lattice with our hands and fingers, the same gesture that Spock used on Star Trek to mean “live long and prosper,” is a mudra to channel the divine and a ritual of transformation. According to the commentator Rashi, the original purpose of it was to get rid of nightmares. Derived from the Song of Songs, 3:7-8, the 60 letters in the blessing correspond to the 60 soldiers that surrounded King David as he slept to protect him from night terrors.

Aspects of Kabbalah

Practical Kabbalah, known as Kabbalah Ma-aseet, refers to the kabbalah of doing and action in the world. Mystical kabbalah is known as Kabbalah Merchava, with merchava meaning chariot.

This visionary and mystical layer of kabbalist practice is based on the visions of Ezekiel in the bible, who saw a Chariot descend from the heavens with inscrutable angels and messengers and beast of many kinds at the four wheels. Here Kabbalah takes us to ascendence of the spirit to the heavenly realms to experience oneness with the divine. It shares this concept with Christian Gnosticism.

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Kabbalah is the study of creation, of the divine, of the cosmos, and the function, structure, and dynamics of the universe.

On a personal level, it is about the journey of our own Soul. Personal Kabbalah takes us on our soul’s journey to human nature, life, death, reincarnation, love, destiny, and service. It focuses on our individual relationship with the universe and our reason for being here on this plane. The Kabbalistic Tree of Life is a map offering pathways to spiritual enlightenment and transformation at personal and universal levels based on a system of triads and of balance.

Tikkun: Repairing our Brokenness

Other key kabbalistic concepts include the concept of divine sparks and of fallen or broken aspects of the divine in the world below that must be re-united with the divine above. This is tikkun, or repair of the lost or broken parts of ourselves, and is a key part of kabbalistic healing and of healing through dreams. Barak Obama used the phrase Tikkun Olam, meaning “repairing the world” at his inaugural address to America.

Kabbalah teaches that the path towards healing is paradoxical – it often starts with a brokenness, a broken-openness. This corresponds with the Japanese art of Kintsugi, the art of repairing broken pottery with gold. It contains the message that both the vessel and we ourselves are more valuable for having been broken and repaired than

| 24 RETAILING INSIGHT September-October 2022
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never broken at all. The Star of David, consisting of two triangles superimposed upon each other, one facing up and one facing down represent this idea of “as above, so below.”

We unite the divine and the worldly aspects of ourselves to be whole.

Kabbalah and Other Mystic Paths

It has been said that mystics of all religions often find more in common with each other than they may find with their parent tradition. We find common themes across both eastern and western wisdom traditions of an experiential connection with the divine, of creation, of parts within unity, and of essential unknowingness. Psychoanalyst and dreamworker Carl Jung was aware of this, and his mystical themes trace their arc from alchemy though Gnosticism, through the Chinese golden flower, and find their oldest roots in Kabbalah. Knowledge gleaned from the Dead Sea scrolls may point to similar origins of Gnosticism, Kabbalah, and Islamic Sufi traditions.

The book of the Zohar is the primary spiritual and mystical written commentary and comes from Lurianic Kabbalah which began in Spain in the 13 th century. Jung owes most of his connections with Kabballah to the work of Isaac Luria. The

major Kabbalistic ideas that concerned Jung were those that had parallel ideas in alchemy and Gnosticism, namely the notion of a divine spark of life contained within humanity, the concept of a Primordial man who contains within him/herself the confluence of opposites, and the theory of divine unifications.

The PARDES: Healing Dreamwork though a Kabbalist System

As mentioned before, our dreams are multi-layered. Dreams are not unilaterally determined; that is, they do not mean just one thing. The many layers are simultaneously true. It is not a case

of either/or but, rather, of both/ and. I have created a system of dreamwork based on the mystical tradition of the Kabbalah called the PARDES system. When we read the Torah and other sacred texts, the teachings of Kabbalah invite us to read them through four layers of ever-deepening understanding by utilizing the system of the PARDES. The word PARDES translates as orchard in Hebrew and is also an allegory for the Garden of Eden; our first orchard. In addition, the word itself is an acronym for the four layers at which we read the Torah. The four-tiered system of the PARDES in Kabbalah corresponds to the first letters of each word in the acronym. “P” is the first letter of the word P’shat, which in Hebrew means simple or basic. Both in dreams and in sacred text, this is the literal story line. “R” is the first letter of the word Remez, which means hinted at. This layer is what we quickly associate with when recalling our dream or reading the text. “D” is for Drash, which comes

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from the root of the word Lidrosh, to chase after or pursue and may not be literally contained in the dream or text itself. It means to expound on. When we delve deep into the dream or the text, using a variety of methods of exploration, we are exploring on the Drash level. Metaphors, puns, or plays on words may be part of this layer. Finally, “S” is for Sod, which means secret or hidden. Here we may find layers of the dream that reference many sacred texts, sacred geometry, sacred landscapes, or connections with angelic beings or departed relatives. This also can be the transpersonal layer, where we dream not only for ourselves and for our world, but

of worlds and dimensions of other time and space.

Here is an example of a nightmare to demonstrate how to delve into the hidden dream depths. My client Joann had a dream “My house is on fire.” That was the whole dream as she first reported it. She experienced, as expected with a dream image like this, fear and its henchmen panic and anxiety. That would comprise the first or simple layer of inquiry (P’shat): The nightmare story and the accompanying emotions. Questions help us get to the next layers.

To follow possible hints (Remez) to get to this second layer, I ask for

more detail and inquire if she is inside or outside the house in the nightmare, and if she recognizes the house from anytime in her life or not. It will make a difference as to the meaning of the dream if this is her current home, her college apartment, a childhood home, or something else. Each option will have a different layer of meaning and association for her. Her perspective and relative safety also change if she is inside or outside of the house. At this level I am checking in with the dreamer about things that were already contained in the dream, but that they forgot to mention or didn’t notice when they first reported it. When she told me that she was inside the house and that it reminded her of her college apartment, we could then place some of the roots of the dream into that period of her life. As we move into the third layer of pursuit (Drash) and examine potential meanings of a house on fire in her late teens and early twenties, the questions become oriented around that time of her life and its connection to her current life.


this third layer we look for deeper associations, metaphors, puns, and plays on words. We follow the associations to elements that were not necessarily contained in the original dream, but that the dream may have been pointing toward to help us connect that

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period of her life with her present-day life.

I ask if the possibilities of burning with love or burning with passion for something resonated. Was she burning mad about something then? At this time in her life in college, was she learning of something new that lit her up, that caught fire in her imagination? By stretching out the possible metaphors, Joann was able to access meaning and emotion beyond her initial responses. She had studied anthropology in school and was lit up by the idea of ancient connections of peoples across time and distance and recalled learning how the acquisition of fire helped to change the lives of hunter-gatherers

to farmer-householders. She did not however go on in her career to pursue this work as an adult and missed the sensation of being fired up by her work or studies. So, in one way a house on fire was a positive for Joann, something she missed feeling. So, although she woke with a fear response, that was not the only truth for her in the dream. Fire is often a two-edged sword — both a tool and a danger.

This thought brought her to a transpersonal layer as well (Sod), and she resonated with current issues of climate change, the heating up of the planet, and the danger to current and subsequent generations. Now she was full circle to her studies of people and civilizations. A final question for

her to ponder about this dream was then, “What does this dream want from you? What is the dream asking of you?” Sometimes the dream or nightmare comes with a message or an invitation for us and is inviting us to do something for ourselves or our planet. This takes us back to the personal layer of practical

kabbalah. She went home to think about where she needed to re-engage with her passions and get fired up to take action in her life. •


September-October 2022 RETAILING INSIGHT 27 |
Publishing Books That Change Lives
Available from your favorite distributor, or call (800) 972-6657 Ext. 20 Also available as ebooks | www.newworldlibrary.com CONVERSATIONS WITH THE Z’S, BOOK ONE The Energetics of the New Human Soul LEE HARRIS with DIANNA EDWARDS Paperback | $17.95 97 8-1-6 0868-838-8 ANGEL WEALTH MAGIC Simple Steps to Hire the Divine & Unlock Your Miraculous Financial Flow CORIN GRILLO Paperback | $17.95 9 78-1 -60868-812-8 THE HOLY WILD GRIMOIRE A Heathen Handbook of Magick, Spells, and Verses DANIELLE DULSKY Paperback | $18.95 978-1-608 68 -800-5 YOUR BODY WILL SHOW YOU THE WAY Energy Medicine for Personal and Global Change ELLEN MEREDITH Paperback | $19.95 978-1-60 868- 822-7

TheFour Bodies Part 3:

The Physical Body

YOUR PRESENCE HERE ON EARTH depends upon being in a body. In terms of the four lower bodies, your physical body is the most important element even though each of us want balance between all four lower bodies. It’s funny when you think about this, but you could be walking around with pains in your emotional or etheric body or even your mental body. But when you suffer from pain in the physical body… you very likely stop everything to fix it. Your physical body is the conduit through which you receive and convey your experiences of the world. Your presence here is extremely important. As part of the recognizance team here on earth, you may be surprised to learn that your presence on the

Earth may be a function of bringing more light to the planet. Being present in your body is sometimes difficult when you have had emotional trauma. Whether you are fully human or a hybrid, your physical presence is paramount.

Your physical body is the experiencer of consciousness. Without a body, you are only consciousness. When you lose your physical body (as in death) you lose your emotional body and mental body as well. The etheric body can move and replicate a feeling of having a physical body to the etheric senses, but not to other people. Your etheric body (as a ghost) could also move into someone else’s body. We call that spirit possession.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: MAUREEN J. ST. GERMAIN is the founder of Transformational Enterprises and has led trainings in personal development and spiritual awakening in more than 24 countries. The founder of Akashic Records Guides International, she is also the author, musician, and producer of more than 15 guided-meditation CDs. An internationally recognized teacher and intuitive, she is the author of several books including her latest release Mastering Your 5D Self. Visit www.stgermainmysteryschool.com to know more about her.

If you are reading this, you have a physical body. If you have a physical body, you also have a body elemental. Your body elemental is a gift from Mother Earth. She bestowed this body elemental in you, to help you acclimate to this earth. In one study conducted to learn the natural rhythm of the human, done in Las Vegas at a place without windows, subjects were allowed to do whatever they wanted with their time, play games, read, sleep, etc., but not any timed

| 28 RETAILING INSIGHT September-October 2022

events like movies or music. What they found is that the average cycle for humans is 20 hours awake, 10 hours of sleeping. When I learned this, I realized that humans couldn’t be from here. It is one more reminder of how very important the body elemental is to help us fit in here. Physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual violence of all kinds leave an energetic imprint until cleared. This is why the Understanding Your Four Lower Bodies series was created (see prior issues of Retailing Insight) so you could begin to understand the power you hold in each of your four lower bodies and how to maximize that power.

If your body is a spaceship, and it is; and you name it “The Enterprise,” then your body elemental is “Scotty.” It helps to have a perspective on what exactly the body elemental does. It runs all your autonomic processes, and it keeps your body running smoothly. You can train your body and body elemental to respond to your commands with autogenic training. There is a lot of scientific evidence to prove you can train your autonomic muscles, the lungs, and stomach, along with other organs.

As a healing technique Autogenesis has been around for over 80 years, autogenics is a modality, a self-regulating technique that teaches your body to respond to your commands, so you can gain control of your heart rate, digestion, breathing, and more. Although it is not completely understood how it works, it is scientifically proven to help individuals with chronic stressful conditions such as asthma to train the body not to drop into a crisis modality. I recorded a guided autogenics meditation for myself and then made it available to the public. I added binaural beats to enhance the efficacy of the training. I used it myself when I was going into anaphylactic shock from sensitivity to mold and some other breathable foreign substances when I was suffering from lung issues.

You may give your body elemental continuing education for a variety of skills that you may need, health issues that need to heal, and also instructions so you can stay younger. You can have your Higher Self escort your Body elemental to schools in the etheric to learn new skills and to acquire the latest technology

September-October 2022 RETAILING INSIGHT 29 |

for rapidly emerging crystalline-based bodies. Never send your body elemental for continuing ed on its own. It doesn’t have a will, and relies on programing. That’s why your Higher self must be the escort. I have also activated the self-healing DNA cells that were disengaged from our original divine DNA blueprint.

I meditated for a year trying to figure this out once I knew there were beings that had disconnected this self-healing part of ourselves which also regulates aging. Concerning our missing DNA strands, the fallen angels could not steal them, only hide them. I finally realized they had tucked them into a lower dimension, where we would not look, as we ascend.

Your body will give you messages when you train yourself to do it. Have you ever had that sinking feeling when you know bad news is coming, or the feeling of joy or anticipation when you know good news is on the way? Maybe your heart has “skipped a beat” when you meet someone, or you connect with a long-lost friend. My Higher Self Training relies on you recognizing the body sensations that may come in as yes/no signals, which we train you to recognize.

Your body is your temple and that means you can choose to act accordingly, keeping your body in

good health, with proper fitness, maybe walking in the park to connect with Mother Earth. Ideally, you will find places you can be barefoot, since that offers the most connection with Earth. You also need proper rest. All of your functions rely on proper rest. Including your higher-purpose glands like the chakras.

The pineal gland is the connection to the higher states of consciousness. One of the ways to proactively give your pineal a rest and chance to rejuvenate is to use an eye mask for sleeping during any kind of sleep including naps. This powerful gift of no-light means your pineal gland, your gateway to spiritual work, is getting the rest and rejuvenation that it needs. This means you schedule time for breaks or walks into your busy day along with naps and enough rest to rejuvenate. Some of you are so busy with your day-to-day chores or work that you push yourself beyond healthy limits for your body, and then can be overtired, which adds stress on all your four lower bodies, especially your physical body.

The physical body is the experiencer who receives all the information from the three other bodies and helps you learn who you really are. It is the fullest expression of Source in the physical. Let’s make the most of it. This brings us to Ascension Symptoms. The physical body has three areas of progression – the upper physical body thrives with balanced rest, food, exercise and time in nature. The middle physical body calibrates with Mother Earth. This is why your connection to your earthstar chakra is so very important. This is emphasized in numerous of my guided meditations, such as 5D Merkaba or the Spiral Chakra Meditation. Your lower physical body is focused on desires such as greed, lust and avarice. This is where working with the five Dhyani Buddhas is so helpful. I have made a recording of singing their names along with the five poisons they clear that will be available publicly.

Certain ascension symptoms are now presenting in your world. Being aware of them will give you a peace of mind, even with the discomfort. Understand that ascension symptoms can be extremely mysterious and hard on the body. A short list is given below that may be helpful in case your doctors cannot find the cause.

When you cannot determine the cause of these symptoms through traditional doctors or through alternative healers, consider they may be coming

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from the many upgrades you may be getting in your body. Remember your physical body will become the ascended master you. You will not need to die to make this happen.

Symptoms can include headaches due to the expansion of your pineal. You may experience vertigo, dizziness, forgetfulness, joint and body pain or aches, cramps in your legs, changes in your sight and in your awareness of your immediate space. You may feel feverish, or flu-like symptoms, cramps, and diarrhea, or even kundalini experiences. This may result in anxiety attacks that come and go quickly. Many of these upgrades can occur at night, and you might wake up for “no reason” and decide to use the bathroom. This is often a signal that you are “giving permission” to whatever upgrade the ETs of the light may be assisting you with. Announcing “I am waking up well rested no matter what the night holds” will also ease this transformation.

Remember that as a vessel of light, you are being upgraded in many ways. We have chosen this path,

albeit painful. One way to address this is to notice this is happening, and to say the following prayer:

I ask that this divine upgrade assist me and allow me to pursue my highest purpose in this lifetime with the most evolved appearance possible and expressing the kindest and most generous and gentle way. Amen

Self-care of the physical body is your highest priority right now. Massage, body work, cranial sacral work, long baths, etc., will do much for the integration of this new evolved energy. You are becoming fifthdimensional. Seek not to understand, but to integrate it with grace and ease. •

September-October 2022 RETAILING INSIGHT 31 |
| 32 RETAILING INSIGHT September-October 2022 Exchanges &Returns: Real-Life Experiences FEATURES


and exchanges encourages business owners to turn their worst experiences into their customers’ best. The writers insist, “customer service is paramount!” We read that every displeased customer is an opportunity to convert them to loyal fans of your establishment. Yet, none of these articles give us those real-life experiences of when those moments happen and how to dig yourself out of the moment.   Standard customer service issues that require a return or exchange are easy-peasy. You have your state-law researched policy clearly posted in your store and on your site. It is included on the receipt and invoice. The customer kept the tags and receipt and the return is within the allotted time. You have a replacement item and voila! Perfect case scenario. How often does that happen? Hopefully most of the time, but that is not the harrowing tale that wakes you up in the middle of the night wondering sometimes if you did right by that customer or if they will recruit their friends to leave bad reviews on the web about your business.

It’s the ugly moments of customer service that can make you want to quit the business. But don’t despair, you are not alone. The following are some tips on how to manage certain cases and as well as examples of

best practices by real business owners and store managers like you and me.

Customer on a Rampage

You can see this customer from the door as they come in spoiling for a fight. They are ready to go all 10 rounds until they get what they want. It could be they are missing the receipt; they are dissatisfied with the item and someone needs to pay for their time, or they got up on the wrong side of the bed and you are in the line of fire.  They will demand a refund, a manager, an owner, or anything that will pass their pain and anger from their space to yours. They will cut in line, raise their voice, and even tell people not to buy from your store because (whatever the proof they are waving around), while you are shaken out of your pleasant mood and into a defensive position with all armor up. Of course, you are, because someone is trying to energetically kill you with a refund demand!

Double down that this is the holiday season, the store is full, and you are ready to escort them out the door. Instead, you put on your best customer service voice,

plaster on a smile, and say: “Oh my goodness, let me take care of you in just one moment, I can tell you are upset. Are you willing to wait for me to finish up with the customers who have been patiently waiting?”

This pause allows you to take a breath, center yourself, and be present for the customer hoping to de-escalate the situation. You know that if there were no customers in line, you would still take that breath while smiling and ask the customer, “Can you tell me what is troubling you with this item?”

You listen to everything they are saying and gently reflect back with confirmation of their concerns. “ What I hear you saying is that you bought this item… And then… And now you want…” You make sure you empathize with the customer, “I can see why you are frustrated.”

The customer feels heard and you think that de-escalation has occurred, and you are ready to let them know what you can do, “What I can do today is exchange this item for one of equal value. Let’s get you something that will suit you for replacement.” Then boom… it all goes wrong. You didn’t de-escalate, it was a ruse to make you think all was well and then they went in with the aggressive behavior.

“I demand a full refund and payment for emotional damages! I have called my lawyer, and the press! I will get what I want from you!” Now, what do you do? Your policy clearly states that this is an exchange-only situation. This person is trying to intimidate and manipulate you. You want them

September-October 2022 RETAILING INSIGHT 33 |
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: JACKI SMITH is the co-owner of Coventry Creations. Her passion for personal empowerment and small business has been the driving force in her success and her journey of lifelong learning. Jacki is a regular contributor to the magazine and loves sharing her experience, successes, and cautionary tales.

out of your store. But you breathe and start again.

“I can see you are really upset about this item. Tell me more about what is upsetting you? What were you expecting from this?” You listen more, you empathize more, and then you ask them how you can support them in getting the result they wanted from the item in the first place. In your head, you decide if you can’t appease them. You will refund, but you are going to take one more crack at an exchange.

“How about this, you said you wanted… and that didn’t happen. How about you try this item and do… I think you will like it even better.” Once the negotiations end and the customer leaves, it’s ok to take a walk, scream into a hole,

or punch a bag for a few. You did great and kept your cool!

The Uncontrollable Owner


That out-of-control customer may come in on the wrong day, the day when you are not able to breathe, smile, and put on your customer service voice. That day you got up on the wrong side of the bed and your trigger button was waiting to be pushed. The story went a little different this time…

You can see this customer from the door as they come in spoiling for a fight. They are ready to go all

10 rounds until they get what they want and you are ready to meet them round by round. “Not today, lady!” You are done with abusive customers trying to bleed every dollar and dime out of you and you are ready to make an example of this one stomping into the middle of your holiday rush.

“I demand a refund” is the battle cry of the disgruntled customer. “I demand intelligence,” is the battle cry of the burnt-out ego-driven business owner who has lost all control of their senses. You know you are crossing a line when you meet that customer aggression for aggression, but you can’t seem to stop. In your head, this becomes a choose your own adventure book and you keep

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choosing the wrong path. What do you do?

You can’t get clear, you can’t find compassion, you can’t be calm. You refund their money and stop the escalation you are creating. In a moment of clarity, you realize that not only will no one win, your business can lose really hard.

You take a breath and apologize for your anger and lack of patience. “This was not acceptable on my part; I can only offer a moment of explanation that I am having a bad day. Please accept my apology. I am refunding your item and I hope you will return to our shop in the future.” As much as you hate to, you eat that humble pie and then go for that

walk or take the rest of the day off. You know we all have bad days, and when they leak out onto our customers it’s time to take yourself off the floor and into a timeout.

The Untrained Employee

As much as you wanted to complete the training manual, you could not find the time to get to the last few items like the guide to doing an exchange or return. You drilled the policy into their head and make sure they tell every customer at the time of sale

what it is. You just didn’t do the uncomfortable role playing on the type of customer service you want them to offer in tense situations. You thought you had time. You thought you did until the two back-to-back phone calls you received on your one day off. The first was from the customer who somehow had your mobile number and the second is from the employee who was clearly upset and not sure how much trouble

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they were in. It was a dumpster fire with fuel being added by every phone call.

You have an employee who is ready to defend their actions to the bitter end and had no problem making sure you knew how crazy the customer was.

The customer, on the other hand, has no problem asking for your employee’s head on a platter. The story got bigger, and they want to let you know how much of a problem you have at your store. As a favor of course. The day off is now shot to hell, the hell within the dumpster fire. You breathe, stay calm, show empathy, and assure your customer on the phone that you will look into the situation thoroughly. You ask how you can be of service at the moment and invite the customer to come in at a time that you will be in the building to take care of any product issues they may have. One crisis is handled, and the next is the employee.

You talk to your staff member on the phone and ask them to take a moment to breathe, have a glass of water, take a walk and then write down what happened. You know now is NOT the time to dig into

corrective behavior. You have to wait until everyone is calm and you have time to review their training and finish writing up the missing training you meant to get to.

The stories of returns and exchanges can go on. I have stories of people trying to return candles that have been burnt all the way down, but they didn’t like the smell. I have customers who didn’t like what the psychic reader told them, so they wanted a refund. Then there are the digital return issues that are another article altogether. The harrowing tales will happen, the trick is preparing for them in order to limit their impact on your day.

Reviewing dozens of articles and books on the subject there is a consistent list of best practices in preparing your business for handling returns and exchanges with style and turning your worst customer into your most loyal.

Returns and Exchanges: Best Practices

Know the laws in your state — to check the laws, you can visit smallbusiness.com/selling/federalstate-return-regulations/

Clearly post your policies and inform your customers in more than one way.

Include your return and exchange policies in your customer service training.

Train your staff on how to de-escalate angry customers:

Identify the issue
Apologize Present a solution
Use the feedback Repeat as necessary

Stay calm with customers — practice and roleplay with your staff to make this second nature.

Apologize when you lose your cool and when you are wrong. We all break from time to time, but more than once is a habit.

Returns and exchanges are easy, emotions are hard. It’s not the customer’s responsibility to know when that exchange is inconvenient. It’s not personal that someone wants to return an item. This is a normal part of the business. Big box stores figure a 10% return rate into their profit and loss. While 10% may be high for you, figure a bit into your bottom line and celebrate when you don’t hit that goal. Make this holiday season joyful for you and your customers! •

September-October 2022 RETAILING INSIGHT 37 |
| 38 RETAILING INSIGHT September-October 2022 1. Turquoise Twilight Ring R-572 by EspritCreations.com 2. Wine Tote by TheLittleMarket.com 3. Wood & Vetiver Tassel Room Freshener by ConnectedGoods.com 4. Candle by AnecdoteCandles.com 5. Bee Italian Linen Tissue Box Cover by Chairish.com 6. 2 in 1 Greeting Card + Seeds by ShopSeedsTheDay.com 7. Eau de Parfum, Discovery Set by MaisonMatine.com
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Editor’s Favorites
September-October 2022 RETAILING INSIGHT 39 | 8.
Puzzle by Galison.com 9. Flat Beaded Bracelet, Turquoise by TheLittleMarket.com 10. Handwoven Lighting by Ilala.co 11. Wood Incense Storage Box, Eye of Buddha Gold by KheopsInternational.com 12. Beneficial Bee & Butterfly Pack by AmborellaOrganics.com 13. Chakra Affirmation Kit by MamaWunderbar.com 8 10 11 9 12 13
Piece Shaped



Simple Steps & Tips to Enrich Your Life

What is Shamanism and How Can it Help Me in the Modern World?

MANY HAVE LOST THEIR WAY, feeling separate and alone, frightened by the chaotic landscape of our world. This chaos reflects soul loss, trauma, and a lack of spiritual awareness. Humanity is crying out for spiritual guidance and healing.

Shamanism is a spiritual mapping system that offers practical and profoundly spiritual guidance for a world in need. The medicine of the natural world, visible and invisible, brings harmony, healing, and restoration. It can be adopted by anyone, regardless of religion, culture, or location. The principles and practices are universal, irrespective of tribal origin,


is a creative, visionary artist and author, teacher, shamanic practitioner, and painter of souls. She brings beautiful heartcentered vision, words, and imagery to educate, to inspire, and to awaken the soul, and to heal the human experience. Katherine is the author of Artist Shaman Healer Sage - Timeless Wisdom, Practices, Ritual, and Ceremony to Transform Your Life and Awaken Your Soul, the 2022 COVR Visionary Awards Book of the Year as well as the author and artist of the Masters of Light Wisdom Oracle, coming out late fall 2022, both published by Satiama Publishing along with Mythical Goddess Tarot

September-October 2022 RETAILING INSIGHT 43 |

returning one to the sacredness in all life. Take time to adopt shamanic practices offered here today. Practice brings direct experience, knowledge, and wisdom. As a result, harmony, peace, and happiness will return as a natural way of life, regardless of the chaos in the world around you.

Shamanic Principles to Work With: The Rules of the Dream Called Life

Life is but a dream — you are a soul dreaming your reality. As a soul, you are the dreamer of the great adventure of life. The dream of life is a place of learning,

growth, and experiences to develop mastery as a creator. Before incarnation, you and a team of guides work together to craft your dream. You choose your family situation, culture, geographical location, gender, sexuality, and so forth. You make agreements with souls you will meet, who you will have learning experiences with, and who you will work with to clear karma. Then you jump into your 3D reality and physical body, falling asleep in the dream, knowing there will be events and people that will prompt you to wake up within the dream.

Everything is alive with energy, animated, and connected by Spirit

The invisible world of Spirit weaves the dream’s energy into form in the physical reality. Everything is connected. Energy and matter are the same. However, varying frequencies and vibrational rates distinguish whether the matter is in form and what form it takes.

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| 44 RETAILING INSIGHT September-October 2022
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Gemstone Guardians Cards
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$19.99 • Boxed Set Includes 42 full-color cards and 160-page booklet ISBN 978-1-64411-539-8
now from Simon & Schuster and Wholesalers Nationwide

Ordinary Reality & Non-Ordinary Reality

Ordinary reality is the finite, dualistic, linear, physical, material world. Non-ordinary reality is the highfrequency, invisible world of Spirit that is life-giving, infinite, and possible. Both are connected and correspond, reflecting the principle of “As above, so below, as within, so without.”

Thoughts, Beliefs, Emotions, Words, and Actions Create

Understanding how you create is essential to dreaming a good dream. Your thoughts, beliefs, emotions, words, and actions carry energy, and vibration that create experience. Pay attention to where you place your focus. Focus on your desires, you create more of your desires. If you focus on your fears, well, you create your fears.

There Are No Mistakes or Coincidences

Synchronicity reflects the invisible world of thought, belief, and emotion coming into form in the visible world. “As above, so below, as within, so without.”

All is Well. No Matter the

Appearances of Things

Life is much more than what appears in our physical reality. There is spiritual meaning and purpose in all experiences. This world is a school for our souls to learn and grow.

Timeless Practices to Enrich Your Life

Be Response-able

Stop. Reflect. Choose differently. You are powerful! Learn the principles and practices given so you can learn to consciously respond to the events of your soul’s dream rather than unconsciously react and suffer. You have the power to change patterns that create either harmony or chaos. Stop and observe your thoughts, beliefs, emotions, and situation. Then take 100% responsibility and choose anew.

September-October 2022 RETAILING INSIGHT 45 |

Clear Your Energy

Fear, trauma, and all negative emotions create a lack of harmony, leading to painful experiences and even illness. Regular clearing of your energy mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and physically is as essential as brushing your teeth. Add one or more of these practices to your day, and in a short time, you will experience a shift into greater harmony and peace:

Connect to Nature

Step into nature, away from electronic devices and the stress of linear reality. Release your worries as you are present with nature’s energy and beauty.

Earth Connection, Release, and Restore

Lie face down on the earth in your backyard, park, by a stream, or somewhere deep in the forest. Feel the ground below and nature all around you. Say, “hello.” Gratefully ask Mother Earth and Father Sky to clean you with their pure energy. Bathe in this powerful life force, clearing dense energy and restoring your body and soul. Rest for as long as you need.

Earth Grounding

Imagine a large root or grounding cord from the base of your spine into the earth. Connect into her center in gratitude for her healing energies. Imagine this cord is a lifeline to her alchemical powers that clear negative energy and restore life force. Be still and receive.

Plants, Fire, and Sacred Smoke

Burning sage, cedar, pine, palo santo, frankincense, or copal is an ancient way to clean energy. Place one or more of these healing plants into a shell or ashtray. Speak to the spirit of the plant(s) in an offering of prayer, gratitude, and direction to clear the energy. Light and burn for a short while. Then blow out to create a billowing smoke. Use a feather to move the smoke through your energy field or that of another person. Similarly, move the smoke to clean spaces of your home, office, car, or land.

Sea Salt Bath

Set aside an hour (at least) for a sacred bath ritual. Light a candle and draw a warm to hot bath. Prayerfully place two pounds of bulk sea salt in the water. Add a cup of epsom salts, relaxing essential oils, or flower petals to the back of the bath. Lower the lights and step in to rest and relax for 25-30 minutes. This will clear and reset your energy bodies and reset your physical self.

Gratitude, curiosity, and wonderment — what if…?

Gratitude brings happiness and the return of appreciation from others. Curiosity and wonderment stir the quantum field and open possible experiences and outcomes. So before you begin your day and throughout the day or night, focus on all you are grateful for. Then work with the energy of curiosity and wonderment for How Good It Can Get! What would it be like if the day, your health, or any life situation improved? What if you were happy? What if? Try this every day for a month to change your life and how you experience it.

Prayer and Speaking to Your Allies

Prayer is a conversation with the Divine. Mystics and shamans are in constant prayer and communication. Set your focus and intention on connecting. Find quiet spaces to ‘tune in.’ Be curious! Look for signs, symbols, and messages that are answers to your prayers. The Divine is always present, loving, and guiding you.

Enjoy the journey! •

| 46 RETAILING INSIGHT September-October 2022

Divination &Decks New Age Spiritual Coaches

How to Select High-Quality Professional Psychics for Your Store

TALENTED EXPERT PSYCHICS in Astrology, Tarot, Mediums, etc. can provide a highly polished vibe in your businesses, whether you have a spiritual specialty store, wellness center, or a boutique shop. Like any other career, divination has great psychics, respected and beloved… so-so psychics, new or with limited skills, it also has bad physics, with bad reputations or not intuitive at all. Each of these varieties of readers may either enhance your business reputation and increase your bottom line or lead to its destruction.

As a professional psychic medium, I have traveled

nationwide appearing at various businesses and events. I do notice when a store suffers through issues with their psychics such as talent mismanagement, relationship breakdowns, and loss of business reputation. Counseling beleaguered store owners to find solutions to their ongoing issues between their psychics, employees and customers is my area of

expertise. Here are some tips on how to search for a high-quality professional psychic for your store:


Scout your locale and determine the top five psychics in your area. These are the most popular and accurate psychics that have been reading professionally in your

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: MELINDA CARVER is a spiritual business expert and an awardwinning author, psychic medium, and speaker. She is the President of the Church of Radiant Lights located in Cleveland, Ohio. Visit www.psychicmelinda.webs.com to learn more.

| 48 RETAILING INSIGHT September-October 2022

community for years. They are business minded and have amassed a huge following. Invite them to visit your store to check it out and to discuss hosting their events. Allow them to advise you on how to price their readings, classes, event, etc. You are engaging them to reap the benefits of their skill level, experience and reputation so their pricing should reflect that. Hosting a higher quality psychic boosts your bottom line through increased customer attendance, adds to your good reputation and enhances your social media engagement.

Testing the Psychic

You can announce an opening for a psychic reader on your website or social media. Oftentimes, a psychic approaches you requesting to read at your store. In either scenario,

if they are unknown to you, you must test them by receiving a reading. Never allow an unknown psychic on your floor to provide customer readings. Make this your store policy that any unknown or inexperienced reader shall be tested by you. If they provide a very poor reading, tell them they cannot provide sessions at this time. If they pass the test by providing

a good reading, then book a date. Note that their pricing should differ from the top five or more experienced psychics. Any student reader should be advertised and priced as such.

Conditional Time

Before booking any psychic for multiple weeks, only book one day of readings so that you may observe and learn. You should watch their client interaction and listen to customer feedback about their session with the new reader. Are they acting professionally? Did the customer find valuable assistance in the session? How does the psychic treat your employees? If the day has been positive, go ahead and schedule another date. If they performed negative behaviors or poor consultations, do not schedule them again.

September-October 2022 RETAILING INSIGHT 49 |

Energy & Purpose Alignment

You opened your store for a specific purpose and created the energetic vibe and aesthetic to attract your customers.

Have a discussion with the psychic about the culture and goals of your store. Determine whether their comments or questions align with what you are building. Does the psychic’s behavior and consultation style flow well in the sacred space that you created? Are they excited

to be there with you or are they making complaints throughout the day? If they do not vibe within your store, let them go.

Zero Tolerance

Psychics are the guest talent, not your employees. Your employee handbook does not pertain to them. However, you may provide behavior guidelines. High drama among your store readers or between the psychic and your employees is a huge no-no. Do not allow nor participate

in creating negative behaviors or emotions between psychics, staff and customers. Notice how they interact with the other psychics and your staff. Are they dismissive of others’ knowledge and experience? Are they bad mouthing or gossiping about a reader to you in hopes of increasing their scheduled dates? If the psychic’s actions and words cause a disturbance, eject them from your store. By choosing to enact zero tolerance of bullying, drama and gossip, you will experience less problems and unwanted harmful social media wars.

Empower yourself and your business when you utilize the steps above. Ensure that your selection of talent enhances your store’s reputation versus destroying it within your community. •

| 50 RETAILING INSIGHT September-October 2022
pms 683 maroon pms 581 green

Navigating by the Stars in 2023

| 52 RETAILING INSIGHT September-October 2022

If there is one thing we can all agree on: the past few years have been extraordinarily difficult. How do you move through your daily life when dealing with a pandemic, divisive politics, and a climate crisis? More importantly, where can you find hope when it seems as if the whole world is falling apart?

While there are never neat or easy answers to this thing called life, astrology can be a helpful tool for navigating the hard parts. Once you understand what’s happening in the skies, you can figure out best practices for living here on the earth.

I’ve used astrology for over forty years for everything from business planning to scheduling dental appointments. It also provided clarity when the world seemed to be turning dark.

Astrology is the study of cosmic patterns in the sky. I compare it to a weather map showing how the currents are blowing so you know which way to point your sails.

You can manage what’s going down when you see what’s up. This knowledge can be used as a guide to move with the stream rather than against it.

For example, Uranus is currently in the sign of Taurus. Uranus is the planet of change and disruption, while Taurus is associated with money. Astrologers know this combination means the probability of an unpredictable economy is pretty high. Over the past few years, this has proven to be the case with record stock market profits, losses, and inflation (the last time this transit was active was during the Great Depression, which led to the New Deal). Does this mean you’re destined to be broke? Nope. Instead, it’s time to take right action to secure your fortress with smart investments and budgeting.

This is applied astrology. Instead of looking at your situation as out of your hands, you can see the writing

on the sky and plan accordingly. As I like to say: be prepared, not scared.

As we begin cruising toward the end of the year and into a new year, many folks are asking astrologers if things will ease up soon or if we need to wait until 2023 to see the light at the end of the tunnel. In my opinion, there are improvements, but we’ve got work to do, both personally and collectively.

The rest of 2022 requires a nimble approach due to a few factors. For one, Mars moves into Gemini for an extended stay reaching into 2023. This can be a brilliant transit for writers, teachers, and journalists. If you’re in that field, you could produce some of your best work quickly. However, once Mars stations retrograde from October 30th until January 12th, words become weapons of mass disinformation. During this period, it’s best not to believe everything you hear, especially on social media. Use caution with what you ingest, and be sure to search for the facts rather than relying on what so-and-so said on Facebook. You’ll also want to think before you open your mouth or hit send. If it’s not in the best interest of everyone, it might be wiser to zip your lip or delete that tweet.

Mercury joins the retrograde party from September 9 th – October 2nd and once more from December 29th – January 18th. Most folks have heard about Mercury retrograde, a transit associated with travel woes, tech drama, and communication breakthroughs. While those situations are possible, they are not a guarantee, especially if you apply the “re” principle, which is simply applying “re” to everything: redo, rethink, renovate, restore. Also, a bit of patience goes a long way during these weeks.

October is the beginning of eclipse season, with a solar eclipse in Scorpio on October 25th and a lunar eclipse in Taurus on November 8th (which falls on election day). Eclipses are astrology’s “wild cards”. They can bring all sorts of surprises, both good and not so great. Around these days, it’s best to exercise caution and hold off before making significant decisions. Wait until a few days have passed – you’ll better understand where things stand.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: THERESA REED , also known as The Tarot Lady, is a long-time tarot reader and astrologer. Her new book, Twist Your Fate: Manifest Success with Astrology and Tarot, is available now wherever books are sold. Learn more about Theresa at www.thetarotlady.com September-October 2022 RETAILING INSIGHT 53 |

December 18th finds Jupiter sliding into passionate Aries after moonwalking back into Pisces for a few months.

This transit brings opportunities to blaze all the trails. Consider this your cue to start new things, take a few risks, and go where you’ve never gone before. As the saying goes: fortune favors the bold. Be brave, and you could see your horizons expand in exciting new ways as 2023 unfolds.

Speaking of which, the year begins with Mercury retrograde. So, the best way to start off your 2023 is quietly. Use the first three weeks to reflect (there is that “re” thing again!) on the past year, lessons learned, and what you want going forward.

The big news for next year: Pluto will spend a few months in Aquarius from March 23rd through June 11th. After many years of being in serious Capricorn, this period will feel like a taste of what’s to comeand it’s a breath of fresh air.

Pluto is the planet of transformation. In innovative Aquarius, we can expect technological and scientific advances, as well as major political reform, especially around issues such as equality. Instead of “me me me,” this is a cycle of “we the people.”

This is important because Pluto in Capricorn has been creating the conditions for tearing down and rebuilding structures and government, both of which are ruled by Capricorn. As a result, issues of power, both the use and abuse of, have been on the table since it began in 2008. During this time, we’ve seen this play out worldwide, particularly in the United States, which is undergoing its first Pluto return.

The Pluto return happens approximately every 250 years. While no human will ever experience this transit personally, countries do. This symbolizes a time of upheaval and awakening. It’s a chance to pivot – and it often has destruction before the actual change sets in.

Pluto will be back in Capricorn from June 11th, 2023, through January 20th, 2024, and one last time from September 1st, 2024, through November 19th,

2024. During these periods, the United States will face more tests around power and democracy. So this is the time for everyone to ask this question: what kind of world do I want to live in?

No matter where they live, everyone should consider how to create a just world where everyone gets an equal seat at the table. This is the heart of Aquarian principles, and the way to get there is to stand up, speak up, and vote. Instead of complacency or apathy, it’s time to take part in shaping a future for all rather than the few.

The following two elections could define the United States for a long time to come.

2023 also finds Saturn stepping into Pisces starting on March 7th. Saturn is the planet of lessons, and we are learning to swim in new waters in the sign of the Fish. This transit brings structures that can make dreams come true. What you believe, you can conceive. This is a beautiful time to nail down your big vision and plot the steps to make it real. But be careful of pie-in-the-sky thinking. While manifesting is a popular buzzword, sober Saturn will remind you that you still need to do the work.

The eclipses of 2023 show up on April 20th in Aries, May 5th in Scorpio, October 14th in Libra, and October 28th in Taurus. These dates could bring changes in attitudes around individuality, sex, identity, partnerships, and money. But, of course, the same advice above applies to eclipses: stay calm, wait it out, and see how things settle before making your move.

Lastly, you’ll want to mark the Mercury retrograde dates for 2023. As I mentioned, we begin the year with three weeks of retrograde tricks and treats. The other periods are April 21st – May 14th, August 23rd – September 15th, and December 13th – January 1st, 2024. You’ll want to follow the same advice about applying “re” to everything during those times.

These are some of the main cosmic events to pay attention to as this year winds down and 2023 kicks in. There are other astrological happenings as well, such as various retrogrades and daily lunar changes, which can impact everything from the public’s mood to your own. And remember: no matter what’s going on in the cosmos today, you are in charge of the decisions you make or don’t make. Choose wisely. •

| 54 RETAILING INSIGHT September-October 2022




Heidi Breyer, Winterhall Records www.heidibreyer.com

Amor Aeternus translates from the Latin to “eternal love.” Gorgeous and reverent only scratch the surface of describing these 10 pieces. Along with Heidi, a cast of world-class producers, musicians, and vocalists lend their talents to the project. With piano, strings, orchestra, vocal soloists, and full choir, the compositions are sung in Latin giving the music a “prayerlike” quality. For the unsung heroes and the everyday person, this is not about death. It’s about life. Every piece speaks directly and deeply to the heart and soul of humanity. This is what makes us weep and at the very same time lifts us up. Eternally.


David Vito Gregoli & Ricky Kej, Audioverse www.vitogregolimusic.com

A dynamic musical collaboration between guitar virtuoso, David Vito Gregoli and two-time Grammy® winner, Ricky Kej, the 10-track album was years in the making. It also features guest vocalist, Kimberly Haynes, on one track, Badra (rain). Renowned flutist, Wouter Kellerman, joins in on Mahatma. Well done in every regard, the album has an “East meets West” world beat, with flowing grooves and a cinematic feel. Instrumentation includes, flutes, synths, piano, drums guitars, bass, and charango. It is a celebration of the music in nature and an encouragement to find harmony and balance. Seems like we all need that invitation right about now.


Paul Adams And Elizabeth Geyer, Lakefront Records www.pauladams.org

Dynamic musical duo, Paul Adams and Elizabeth Geyer, bring forth their exceptionally beautiful album where from the very first low, gentle flute notes, you know this is something special and extraordinarily healing. Nine ultra-soothing tracks, which one can consider sound healing, but not what we typically think of as sound healing these days. A bed of soft wind and water sounds, along with flute and sitar, wrap like a soft blanket around Elizabeth’s twinkling piano and gentle ethereal vocals, anchoring the tracks and giving them a groundedness, while at the same time, effortlessly comforting and uplifting the spirit. Timeless and magical.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: DYAN GARRIS is an award-winning New Age recording artist, award-winning author, and music reviewer, who has recorded and produced 14 albums. Garris’ recordings include a series of independently tested music and meditation CDs that earned The National Health & Wellness Stamp of Approval. Her music is found on Pandora, Spotify, iTunes, SiriusXM, Muzak, Music Choice, airlines, website, and more. Visit www.dyangarrismusic.com to know more.

September-October 2022 RETAILING INSIGHT 55 |



A curated selection of new & upcoming releases in body-mind-spirit

Healing Through Words by Rupi

Published by Andrews McMeel Publishing

ISBN: 9781524873264

Pages: 320 I Price $24.99

Poet and expert on what the heart holds most closely, Rupi Kaur’s Healing Through Words gives us the words that help heal best. Touching, empathetic and knowing is what we all need. Healing Through Words is a guided tour on the journey back to the self, a cathartic and mindful exploration through writing.

A Life in Light: Meditations on Impermanence by Mary Pipher

Published by Bloomsbury Publishing

ISBN: 9781635577587

Pages: 320 I Price: $25.22

From the bestselling author of Women Rowing North and Reviving Ophelia — a memoir in essays reflecting on radiance, resilience, and the constantly changing nature of reality. In her luminous new memoir in essays, Mary Pipher — as she did in her New York Times bestseller Women Rowing North — taps into a cultural moment, to offer wisdom, hope, and insight into loss and change. Drawing from her own experiences and expertise as a psychologist specializing in women, trauma, and the effect of our culture on our mental health, she looks inward in A Life in Light to what shaped her as a woman, one who has experienced darkness throughout her life.

| 56 RETAILING INSIGHT September-October 2022

Talking to Spirits: A Modern Medium’s Practical Advice for Spirit Communication

Published by Llewellyn

ISBN: 9780738773476

Pages: 216 I Price: $16.99

Through step-by-step guidance and fascinating stories from her decades of experience, Sterling Moon teaches you how to develop your own spirit communication practice. She shows that everyone can connect with spirits—you, too, can enrich your life, find peace, and make the world more fun and interesting through mediumship.

Talking to Spirits  presents a comprehensive overview of spirit communication as well as techniques for managing haunted people, places, and objects. Learn to identify and connect with different types of spirits, including ancestors, deities, and elementals.

Sweet Dreams Journal: Prompts & Rituals to Record, Decode & Reflect on the Meaning Behind Your Dreams

Published by Hay House

ISBN: 9781401967550

Pages: 128 I Price: $14.99

A guided journal filled with prompts, quotes, exercises, and plenty of space to write down your dreams as you explore the signs and messages you receive each night as you sleep. Wander through the wild dreamscape inside your mind with this journal as your trusty guide. The writing prompts, exercises, and quotes in this colorfully illustrated book are designed to help you decode the whispered messages and subtle signs you receive from the Universe as you sleep. Each page is a new surprise with plenty of space to write, inspiring and motivating you to use the wisdom of your dreams to create a happier, healthier, more joyful life.

September-October 2022 RETAILING INSIGHT 57 |


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