Don Giovanni My son, Mozart, Your sick rebellion, Leaves me speechless, A stone of fury. All your plans will Come to nothing. Incremental is your sinning. Powers gather for destruction, Fed by father's indignation. How dare you, me, defy? Come to alter, beg forgiveness, Lest my punishment come keenly by. Sons who resist me May fool the angels, Yet they will feel The price of resistance, Below where bellies lie. I stand commanding Legions of parents, Jealous of youth And youth's separation. Take my cold hand! Repent, I say, repent. Forget becoming whole. Loyalty to Papa Spans the roof of ages. Surrender to me. Be captive to me. Pretend to love me, For the sake of guilt. Always respect ancestral power, Lest with all your gifts, You fall straight to Hell! Carl Estrin