CareAvailability .com
Page 2
Alzheimer's Association
Page 35
A–Z Index . . . 128
How to Use This Guide 10
Information & Guide Request 7
Letter from the Publisher 9
Caregiver Checklist 124
Sponsor Index 126
How to Reduce Fall Risks 22
Oregon Cascades West Council of Governments . 30
Alzheimer's Association 34
The Basics About Planning Ahead 38
Navigating Hospice 60
Acronyms for Long-Term Care 62
Urgent Care or Emergency Room? 64
Arthritis & When to Have Surgery 68
Assisted Living Resources 116
At Home Care & Health
Home Care Defi nitions 12
Home Health Agencies 14
Home Care Registry Services 14
In-Home Care Classifi cations 17
In-Home Care Agencies 18
Adult Day Centers 28
Advocacy 28
Aquatic Classes & Therapies 29
Area Agencies on Aging . . 32
Associations for Specific Conditions 32
Attorneys & Elder Law . . . 36
Bereavement . . . . 39
Care Management . . . 39 Caregiving Resources & Support . 39
Chemical Dependency . . . 78
Computer Classes . . . 39 Conditions & Treatments . . 40
Consumer Affairs . . . 40
Continuing Education . . . 42
Counseling . . . . 42
County Health Departments . . 42
Dental Resources & Services . . 43
Diabetic Resources . . . 43
Dialysis 43
Disability Programs 44
Emergency Preparedness 44
Emergency Response Systems 45 Employment 45
Energy Resources 46
Entertainment & Recreation 47
Estate Planning . . . 48 Events . . . . . . 48
Faith-Based Organizations . . 48 Fiduciary Services . . . 72
Financial & Clothing Assistance . 48
Financial Services
. . . . . 49
Fitness, Health & Wellness . . 50
Food Resources . . . . . 50
Foot Care . . . . . . . 53
Funeral, Cremation & Pre-Planning 53
Government Resources . . . 54
Guardian or Conservator . . . 54
Health Clinics 55
Health Insurance & HMOs 56
Health Screenings 57
Hearing Resources & Services 57
Home Modification & Repair 58
Hospice & Palliative Care 58
Hospitals 65
Housing Placement & Referral . 87
Housing Resources . . . . . 87
Identity Theft . . . . . . 65
Joint Replacement . . . . . 65
Legal Aid & Resources . . . . 65
Libraries . . . . . . . 66
Long-Term Care Insurance . . . 67 Medicaid . . . . . . . 67
Medical & Drug Trials . . . . 67
Medical Equipment & Supplies . 67
Medicare . . . . . . . 69
Medication Assistance . . . 70
Medication Review . . . . . 70
Mental Health Services . . . 70
Mobility Equipment . . . . 71
Money Managers 72
Move Management 72
Organ/Whole Body Donation . . 72
Pet Resources . . . . . . 72
Physicians . 74
Political Contacts 74
Real Estate Services 74
. 76
Senior Centers . 77
Senior Organizations . 78
Social Groups 78
Social Security . 78
Substance Abuse . 78
Support Groups & Education . 80
Tax Advice & Preparation 80
Tell us a bit more about your needs so we may offer the best resources to help you Please complete only the amount of information you feel comfortable sharing . We will follow up with you by phone or email (whichever you prefer) .
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Publisher: Amy Schmidt
Regional Marketing: Erin Greeno
VP of Operations: Meghan Parsons
CareAvailability.com: Barret West
Web Communications: Kyle Manning
Executive Assistant: Elizabeth Hansen
Web Developer: Steve Beliveau
Content Writer: Anthony Statham
Marketing Coordinator: Karlee Kent
Billing: Jill Bilka
Graphic Artist: Michelle Zobeck Retirement Connection Guide PO Box 820067 Portland, OR 97282
Phone: 503-505-5865
Fax: 503-334-2868
www .RetirementConnection .com mktg@RetirementConnection .com
Contents of this guide may not be reproduced in whole or part without consent of the publisher While every effort has been made to include accurate data, the publisher cannot be held liable for material content or errors Copyright 2022 by Retirement Connection The opinions and beliefs expressed in advertisements and by authors of all articles do not reflect the opinions, beliefs or official policies of Retirement Connection Guide Content published herein is submitted by colleagues and advertisers with the sole purpose of providing education on aging and retirement issues, and to help people make informed decisions
Tax Credit 81
Telephone Reassurance . 81 Transportation . 82
Travel Resources & Services . 83
Veteran Services 84
Vision Resources & Services . 86
Assisted Living & Residential Care 100
Housing Defi nitions . 88
Housing Placement & Referral . 87
Housing Resources 87
Independent & Retirement 90
Life Plan Communities (CCRC) . 87
Memory Care . 112
Skilled & Intermediate Care 120
Inquiring for: self friend relative
If other than you, what is the name and age of person needing assistance: first name: age: Desired location for the housing, service(s) or product(s) to be provided: I would like extra copies of the guide sent to me .
Mid-Willamette Valley Portland/Vancouver Puget Sound Southern Oregon ✂
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Attn: Help & Information Retirement Connection Guide PO Box 820067 Portland, OR 97282
You may also fax the form to: 503-334-2868
Or you may contact us online at: www .RetirementConnection .com
Ambulatory Aids
Care Management
Emergency Response Systems
Health Insurance/Medicare
Home Health/In Home Care
Medical Equipment/Supply Prescription Assistance
Respite Care
Preferred Location
Professional Services
Financial Planning
Long-Term Care Insurance
Additional Information
Reverse Mortgages
When do you expect to need housing, service(s) or product(s)?
Now Within 6 months 6 to 12 months Later
What type of funding will
Private Pay
Long-Term Care Insurance
I thought last year was tough, and the year before that, and then 2022 happened. Our family started the year with positive news that my husband had won his battle against cancer. After several emergency room visits, significant weight loss, a change of physician and many, many tests laterwe learned his cancer had grown and was now effecting other organs. We quickly shifted our priorities to plan for what we could, and celebrate as many milestones as possible. The first milestone was my daughter’s high school graduation and prep for college, then my son getting his drivers license, birthdays, and renewing our 20 year wedding vows.
These past few months sometimes feel like I am living in limbo- not able to move forward, but still thankful for the present. While managing our own struggles, two of our dear friends passed away unexpectedly. I share this, not to be somber, but as a reminder. A reminder to be our own best healthcare advocate, to ask questions, and even switch providers if necessary. A reminder to plan for the things you can: your will, advanced directives, bank account access, digital legacy with passwords, and more. We never know how long each of us has, so do not take time or relationships for granted.
professionalism of those we met with. Luckily, I am a planner and our family already had some measures in place, such as: purchasing a long term care insurance policy years ago and sharing our preferred healthcare and final wishes.
Medicaid or Public Assistance
Health Insurance
Veteran Benefits
This Retirement Connection Guide has helped me more than I expected. I received advice and support from insurance representatives, elder law attorneys, hospice and home care providers. Our family personally used the companies included within the pages of our publication. It has been very fulfilling to see our work come to fruition. I have also been touched by the care, compassion and
My advice…please plan ahead when possible, be patient with yourself, and ask as many questions as you need. The providers we work with have been amazing in serving seniors and their families. Sometimes it's not possible to plan and a crisis may occur. CareAvailability.com and Retirement Connection Guide are both great tools to help you connect with the providers in the Mid-Willamette Valley. Retirement Connection is provided free of charge because our sponsors/ advertisers have provided financial support to maintain and update the guide and the website. Please return the favor by contacting our sponsors when you encounter a need. If your physician’s office, church, or other organization would like additional copies, we are happy to provide these at no cost. Please call us, visit our website or email us at: mktg@RetirementConnection.com to order as many as you need.
Amy Schmidt, PublisherCardiac Care refers to services including patient assessment, specific diet information, and management of the disease process, medication management and education. Cardiac rehabilitation is a program designed to help a person with heart disease return to health and modify risk factors to prevent further heart damage.
Diabetic Management refers to services including patient assessment, diet information, management of the disease process, medication management and education on all of the above. Services are provided by a Registered Nurse under the supervision of an M.D. Some agencies may employ certified diabetic nurse instructors or cardiac care specialty RN’s.
Home Health Care includes skilled nursing services, physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech language therapy and medical social services. A Home Health care agency may choose to be Medicare certified to be reimbursed for their services. Home Health agencies may also teach you how to care for yourself.
Hospice is a comprehensive program of care to patients and families facing a life threatening illness. Hospice emphasizes palliative rather than curative treatment. The dying are comforted. Professional medical care is given, and sophisticated symptom relief provided. Very few Home Health Agencies are also licensed for Hospice care.
In-Home Care/Personal Care is care related to activities of daily living, including: mobility, eating, toileting, bathing and personal hygiene, dressing and grooming or cognition support. These services are typically not covered by medical insurance and do not require a physician’s order.
Intravenous Therapy is any medical treatments/medications that need to be introduced to the body via a patient’s veins. Numerous IV Therapies can be provided inhome under supervision of a MD. Some of these include: inter-infective/antibiotic therapies, hydration therapy, pain management, chemotherapy and central line care and maintenance.
Medicaid Certified is a joint Federal and state program that helps with medical costs for some people with limited income and resources. Medicaid Certified facilities can offer services to individuals receiving Medicaid benefits in exchange for reimbursement from Medicaid. Some people qualify for both Medicare and Medicaid (these people are called “dual eligibles”).
Medical social services provide assistance with social and emotional concerns related to an illness, including counseling or help finding community resources.
Medicare Certified facilities can offer services to individuals receiving Medicare benefits in exchange for reimbursement from Medicare. A Physicians order is required to be reimbursed by Medicare. Medicare is a Federal insurance health insurance program for those 65 and over, or who meet other criteria.
Indicates sponsor link available at www.RetirementConnection.com
Nurse Delegated Tasks; A licensed registered nurse may delegate specific nursing care tasks to qualified nursing assistants in a community-based and in-homecare settings. One task taught and delegated to one caregiver for one client. Before delegating a task, the registered nurse delegator must determine that specific criteria are met and ensure that the patient is in a stable and predictable condition.
Psychiatric Services refers to the agency's ability to offer services related to psychiatric support with the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of mental illness. Services may include counseling or administering of medications.
Respite Care is short-term or temporary. It is designed to give families a break from the stress of daily caregiving. Respite care can be for a few hours, overnight, or for days. The amount of care changes with the needs of the family and the ill or disabled person.
Telehealth is a developing application of clinical healthcare, where medical information is transferred and assessment derived through interactive audiovisual media. Telemedicine can also be used to conduct examinations and remote medical procedures, such as: tracking blood sugar, automated blood pressure and weight checks.
Therapy Services (OT, PT, RT, ST)
Occupational Therapy, (OT) refers to services to assess and treat patients to help them develop, recover, or maintain daily living and work skills. Occupational therapists help clients not only to improve their basic motor functions and reasoning abilities, but also to compensate for permanent loss of function.
Physical Therapy (PT) refers to services for the treatment and rehabilitation process where a physical therapist will often stretch, strengthen, facilitate muscles, challenge balance, test coordination abilities, teach home exercise programs to enhance basic mobility skills; to help lessen disability and pain and improve overall function and quality of life.
Respiratory Therapy (RT) refers to services for care of patients with deficiencies and abnormalities associated with the cardiopulmonary system. It may include the therapeutic use of medical gases and their equipment, humidification, aerosols, ventilator support, bronchi pulmonary drainage and exercise & respiratory rehabilitation.
Speech Therapy (ST) refers to services to assess and treat speech and swallowing disorders. Speech therapy can treat speech, language, cognitive skills or swallowing.
Wound Ostomy Continence Nurse (WOCN) WOC nurses have advanced training in acute and chronic wound care, as well as the physical, emotional and social issues of patients with ostomies (those who have had some kind of bowel or bladder diversion), stomas, acute and chronic wounds, and incontinence (those with bladder and bowel control and associated skin care issues).
Sources: Oregon Department of Health & Human Services, Administration on Aging and National Institutes of Health.
15 At Home Care & Health AD PAGE # Home Health 503-874-4199
under any descriptive title
than the classifi cation title established by the Division and under which the agency is licensed This not only applies to the name of the agency but where stationery,
In 2019, there were 3 million emergency visits for older adults who had fallen. Falls among adults 65 and older resulted in 34,000 deaths that same year, according to the Centers for Disease Control. Thankfully, falls are not an inevitable part of aging. There are things you can do to reduce the risk of falls and remain independent.
Why Do Falls Happen?
Those who are younger or living independently are at a lower risk of injury from a fall than those who are older, more frail or institutionalized and require assistance or support. Frail adults are the most likely to experience a serious injury, fracture, traumatic brain injury or death from a fall than any other age group.
What Can Older Adults Do to Reduce Their Fall Risks?
It is important that older adults accept that falls are not a normal part of aging and if they are falling, there is almost always a reason why. Discussing noticeable changes with a physician can identify underlying causes .
The primary role as a fall risk manager is to pay attention every day. Regularly screening for risk factors will allow for early identification and intervention.
Older adults and their families need to know that many medications can lead to an increased risk of falls and other
problems. Be aware of medications that cause confusion or sleepiness.
Older adults' nutritional needs change. The better they eat, the more energy they’ll have to engage in the activities that keep them strong and steady on their feet.
Most older adults lead sedentary lives. The more we sit, the weaker our legs become and the more likely we are to experience a fall due to lack of strength and poor balance.
Home is one of the safest places to be, but it is important to educate older adults to continually monitor for fall risk factors and modify as needed. Place daily items within reach. Ensure clear pathways and ample light throughout the home. Install grab bars in bathrooms and inside showers.
Aging can impact our balance and other risk factors associated with falls. However, understanding what can lead to a fall is the first step in reducing your risk of falling along with managing risk factors which lead to improved outcomes. Request a fall screening, look at ways to make your home safer and don’t accept that falls are a normal part of aging.
Article Provided by: ComForCare 503-400-6637
Center for Hope and Safety, 605 Center St NE, Salem, 97301 503-378-1572
Long-Term Care Ombudsman 800-522-2602
NorthWest Senior & Disability Services, Protective Services, ( Ad pg #31) Marion, Polk, and Yamhill Counties 800-846-9165
NW Human Services Crisis Hotline 503-581-5535, 800-560-5535
Oregon Cascades West Council of Governments, (pg #30) 541-967-8630
Oregon Department of Human Services, 500 Summer St NE #E2, Salem, 97301 503-945-5944
Oregon Elder Abuse Hotline 855-503-7233
Oregon Governor’s Advocacy Office, 500 Summer St NE #E17, Salem, 97301 503-945-6904
Victim's Services, 3610 Aumsville Hwy E, Salem, 97317 503-540-8041 Adult Day Centers
Among Friends–Center 50+, (Ad pg #79) 2615 Portland Rd NE, Salem, 97306 503-588-6303
Grace Center for Adult Day Services, 980 NW Spruce Ave, Corvallis, 97330 541-754-8417 Advocacy
AARP - Oregon, 9200 SE Sunnybrook Blvd #410, Clackamas, 97015 866-554-5360
Community Services Consortium (We Care), 120 NE Avery, 2nd Fl, Newport, 97365 541-265-8505
Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians, 2468 W 11th Ave, Eugene, 97402 541-484-4234
Disability Rights of Oregon 503-243-2081
Fair Housing Council of Oregon 503-223-8197, 800-424-3247
Home Life Inc, 2068 NW Fillmore Ave, Corvallis, 97330 541-753-9015
Homeless Outreach & Advocacy Project 503-588-5827
Jewish Family & Child Services, 1221 SW Yamhill #301, Portland, 97205 503-226-7079
LeadingAge Oregon 503-684-3788
Long-Term Care Ombudsman 800-522-2602
NorthWest Senior & Disability Services, (Ad pg #31) 503-304-3420, 866-206-4799
Indicates sponsor link available at
Oregon Cascades West Council of Governments, (pg #30) Albany, 1400 Queen Ave SE #201, Albany, 97322 . 541-967-8630, 800-638-0510 Corvallis, 301 SW 4th St, Corvallis, 97333 . . . 541-758-1595, 800-508-1698 Toledo, 203 N Main St, Toledo, 97391 . . . . . 541-336-2289, 800-282-6194
Senior & People with Disabilities - Oregon DHS, 500 Summer St NE, Salem, 97301 . . . . . . . . . . 503-945-5811
State of Oregon, Dept of Consumer & Business Services, 350 Winter St NE, 4th Fl, Salem, 97301 . . 503-947-7984
Albany Community Pool, 2150 36th Ave SE, Albany, 97322 541-967-4521
Clemens Community Pool, 2054 Applegate St, Philomath, 97370 541-929-3584
Dallas Aquatic Center, 1005 SE La Creole Dr, Dallas, 97338 . . 503-623-9715
Jefferson Community Pool, 1298 N 2nd St, Jefferson, 97352 . . 541-327-3581
Lincoln City Community Center, 2150 NE Oar Pl, Lincoln City, 97367 541-994-2131
Mid-Willamette Valley YMCA, 3201 Pacific Blvd SW, Albany, 97321 541-926-4488
Newport Aquatic Center, 225 SE Avery St, Newport, 97365 . . 541-265-7770
Newport Senior Center, 20 SE 2nd St, Newport, 97365 . . . 541-265-9617
Osborn Aquatic Center, 1940 NW Highland Dr, Corvallis, 97330 541-766-7946
Salem Health Rehabilitation Center, (Ad on BC) 890 Oak St SE, Salem, 97301 503-561-5986
Salem Health Rehabilitation Services – Dallas, (Ad on BC) 525 SE Washington St, Dallas, 97338 . . . . . . . . . 503-623-7305
Silver Falls YMCA, 601 Miller St S, Silverton, 97381 503-873-6456
Sweet Home Community Pool, 1641 Long St, Sweet Home, 97386 541-367-7169
The Salvation Army Kroc Center, 1865 Bill Frey Dr NE, Salem, 97301 . . . . . . . . . 503-566-5762
Woodburn City Aquatic Center, 190 Oak St, Woodburn, 97071 . . 503-982-5288
Oregon Cascades West Council of Governments (OCWCOG) is a regional governmental entity created in the mid1960's by the local governments within Linn, Benton, and Lincoln Counties. OCWCOG supports local and regional members and their communities in developing solutions to common issues, and connecting member governments, businesses and individuals with a wide array of resources.
Over the years, OCWCOG has assisted our members and their citizens in a variety of areas: access to a wide variety of human service programs supporting older adults and people with physical disabilities, community development, economic development, and business lending programs. In addition, transportation services, transportation planning, and technology services are also available throughout the region.
Senior and Disability Services (SDS)
primary goal is to help older adults and people with disabilities preserve an independent lifestyle and support their desire to live in community settings rather than institutional care. The SDS program is a comprehensive direct service organization. By integrating a number of essential services, SDS helps individuals and families who need physical, emotional, medical or financial support to sustain a dignified, independent life. SDS programs include:
Case Management— Case Managers provide access to state and federally funded programs through assessment, options counseling and developing service plans for seniors and people with disabilities in Linn, Benton and Lincoln Counties.
Income and Medical Assistance Basic income and medical assistance are provided to qualified individuals through programs such as the Oregon Health Plan (OHP), Food Stamps (SNAP) and Medicaid Long Term Services and Support.
Adult Protective Services — Each year staff members assist hundreds of people who experience abuse, neglect, exploitation or unsafe living environments.
Over 200,000 meals are provided to our citizens living in Linn, Benton and Lincoln Counties each year through eleven meal sites.
Our regional Aging and Disability Resource Connection (ADRC), with offices in Albany and Toledo, assists over 11,000 callers per year.
Advocacy — The Senior Services Advisory Council and the Disability Services Advisory Council provides an opportunity to become more involved in the issues and programs serving seniors and people with disabilities in the region.
Veterans Services
Serving seniors and people with disabilities in Clatsop, Marion, Polk, Tillamook, and Yamhill Counties.
“Working together to assist older persons and people with disabilities in making and implementing choices that maximize their independence and quality of life.” www.nwsds.org
(NWSDS) is a local intergovernmental agency that was created in 1982. NWSDS is responsible for planning, developing, coordinating, and arranging services for seniors and people with disabilities in the counties listed above.
Helps veterans, their dependents, and their survivors apply for benefits from both the U.S. and the State of Oregon Department of Veterans Affairs (ODVA).
Article Provided By: Oregon Cascade West Council of Government
Albany: 54 1 -967-8630, 800-638-05 1 0
Corvallis: 54 1 -758- 1 595, 800-508- 1 698
Toledo: 54 1 -336-2289, 800-282-6 1 94
or 1-866-206-4799 or TTY 888-370-4307
Retirement Connection Guide • 1-800-462-1316
National Association of Areas Agencies on Aging
NorthWest Senior & Disability Services, (Ad pg #31)
. . . . . . . . www . n4a . org
. . . . . 866-206-4799 Dallas, 260 NE Kings Valley Wy, Dallas, 97338
. . . . . 866-206-4799 McMinnville, 300 SW Hill Rd, McMinnville, 97128
. . . . . 866-206-4799 Salem, 3410 Cherry Ave NE, Salem, 97309 866-206-4799
Oregon Association of Areas on Aging & Disabilities, 3410 Cherry Ave NE, Salem, 97309
. . . . . . . . . . . 503-463-8692
Oregon Cascades West Council of Governments, (pg #30)
Albany, 1400 Queen Ave SE #201, Albany, 97321 . 541-967-8630, 800-638-0510
Corvallis, 777 NW 9th St #202C, Corvallis, 97330 541-758-1595, 800-508-1698
Toledo, 203 N Main St, Toledo, 97391 . . . 541-336-2289, 800-282-6194
ALS Association- Oregon and SW Washington Chapter 800-681-9851
Alzheimer’s Association, (Ad pg #35) Center 50+, 2615 Portland Rd NE #2, Salem, 97301 800-272-3900
American Cancer Society, 330 SW Curry St, Portland, 97239 . . 503-295-6424
American Diabetes Association, 4380 SW Macadam Ave #270, Portland, 97239 . . . . . 503-736-2770
American Heart Association, 4380 SW Macadam Ave #480, Portland, 97239 503-820-5300
American Liver Foundation Pacific Northwest Division . . . 212-668-1000
American Lung Association, 16037 SW Upper Boones Ferry Rd #165, Tigard, 97224 . . 503-924-4094
American Stroke Association, 4380 SW Macadam Ave #480, Portland, 97239 503-820-5300
Crohn's & Colitis Foundation of America . . . . . . . . 503-715-7610
Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Oregon, 2701 NW Vaughn St #203, Portland, 97201 . . . . . . . 503-226-3435
Epilepsy Foundation NW, 5251 NE Glisan St #A338, Portland, 97213 503-205-1404
Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Oregon, 9320 SW Barbur Blvd #350, Portland, 97219 . 503-245-9866, 800-466-6572
Multiple Sclerosis Society, 5331 SW Macadam Ave #290, Portland, 97239
. . . . . 503-223-9511 Oregon Ostomy Association, PO Box 25629, Portland, 97298 503-644-5331
Indicates sponsor link available at www.RetirementConnection.com
Parkinson’s Resources of Oregon, (Ad pg #33) 8880 SW Nimbus Ave #B, Beaverton, 97008 . . . . . . . 800-426-6806
Willamette Valley Intergroup, 687 NE Cottage St, Salem, 97301 . . 503-399-0599
Alzheimer’s Association, (Ad pg #35) . . . . . . . . . . 800-272-3900
American Speech Language Hearing Association . . . . . 800-638-8255
Arthritis Foundation 800-283-7800
Cancer Society . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 800-227-2345
Diabetes Association 800-342-2383
Heart Association . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 800-242-8721
Lung Association 800-586-4872
Lupus Foundation of America
Mental Health America
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 800-558-0121
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 800-969-6642
Multiple Sclerosis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 800-344-4867
National Alliance for Caregiving . . . . . . . . . . . . 301-718-8444
National Institute of Mental Health . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 866-615-6464
United Ostomy Associations of America
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 800-826-0826
Bridging the gap between medical care and wellness for Northwest families living with Parkinson’s disease through education, resources, and inspiration.
We are relentless. We are optimistic. We are inclusive. We are a group of people— staff and volunteers—determined to end Alzheimer’s and all dementia. Serving 38 counties in Oregon and Washington, the Alzheimer’s Association® Oregon & Southwest Washington Chapter fights for the more than 69,000 Oregonians and 120,000 Washingtonians living with Alzheimer’s disease. Our services include free and confidential support groups, community education classes, and extensive online resources. If you, or a loved one, are navigating Alzheimer’s, dementia, mildcognitive impairment or memory-loss, call our 24/7 Helpline at 1.800.272.3900.
Alzheimer's and Demential Caregiving Center (ALZ.ORG/ CARE)
Caring for a person with Alzheimer’s or dementia often involves a team of people. Whether you provide daily caregiving, participate in decision making, or simply care about a person with the disease — we have resources to help.
Caregiver Support Group and Community Education Classes (ALZ.ORG/CRF)
Get easy access to resources, community programs and services. Our Chapter provides support, education, training, and other resources. Visit our Community Resource Finder for real-time support group and educational program listings.
Online Caregiver Forum (ALZCONNECTED.ORG)
ALZConnected® is a free online community for everyone affected by Alzheimer’s or another dementia, including: people with the disease, caregivers, family members, friends, and individuals who have lost someone to Alzheimer’s. Connect with others who know, first-hand, how this experience affects your life.
Alzheimer’s Navigator helps guide caregivers to answers by creating a personalized action plan and linking to information, support, and location resources.
Alzheimer's Association TrialMatch (ALZ.ORG/ TRIALMATCH)
TrialMatch® connects individuals living with Alzheimer's, caregivers and healthy volunteers to clinical trials that may advance Alzheimer's research. TrialMatch allows users to search for studies without creating an account, choose whether to receive email notifications of new opportunities, and directly contact research teams.
Alzheimer's Disease Facts and Figures Report (ALZ.ORG/ FACTS)
The number of Americans living with Alzheimer’s is growing—and growing fast. More than 6 million Americans are living with Alzheimer’s. By 2050, this number is projected to rise to nearly 13 million.
Walk to End Alzheimer's (ALZ.ORG/WALK)
Across the nation, the Alzheimer's Association Walk to End Alzheimer's® is full of flowers, each carried by someone committed to ending this disease. Because like flowers, our participants don't stop when something's in their way. They keep raising funds and awareness for a breakthrough in the fight against Alzheimer's and all other dementia.
Article Provided by: Alzheimer’s Association Oregon Chapter 800-272-3900 www.Alz.org/ORSWWA
The Alzheimer’s Association® is here for you, day and night. Our free programs and support services help you make the plans and adjustments necessary to meet the changes ahead.
Retirement Connection Guide
Attorneys & Elder Law
Douglas, Conroyd, Gibb & Pacheco, PC, (Ad pg #36)
528 Cottage St NE #200, Salem, 97301
McGinty & Belcher Attorneys, (Ad pg #37)
694 High St NE, Salem, 97301
Willamette Elder Law, (Ad pg #36)
3855 River Rd N, Keizer, 97303
. . . . . . . 503-364-7000
. . . . . . . . . . 503-371-9636
. . . . . . . . . . 503-908-4529
The Old Garfield School Building
528 Cottage St. NE, Suite 200 Salem, OR 97301 (503) 364-7000 www.dcm-law.com
Serving the needs of our clients for more than 50 years in the areas of Elder Law, Medicaid, Veterans’ Aid & Attendance, Long Term Care Planning, Estate Planning, Guardianships & Conservatorships, Probate Matters and Related Litigation.
Even in a pandemic, we are here and ready to serve you
- Wills
- Living Trusts
- Trust Administration
Choosing a law firm to handle issues affecting the emotional, physical, and financial well being of you and your loved ones is a very important decision.
At McGinty & Belcher Attorneys, we believe in cultivating long term relationships. We know our success is based on our clients' satisfaction. Come see why clients say, "Excellent care and attention," "Wonderful, caring, helpful serv ice, definitely would recommend this firm."
Retirement Connection Guide • 1-800-462-1316
Enjoying retirement, traveling, spending time with family or exploring new activities and interests are part of growing older. But age can also bring with it anxiety and worry, and some unique concerns about health and wellbeing and taking care of family. These concerns are usually grouped together in an area of law known as “elder law”. The following is a thumb-nail of topics that an elder law attorney can help with.
Estate planning is really caring for your loved ones, seeing that they are provided for, and making sure your property is distributed according to your wishes. This can be accomplished through a variety of techniques, including wills and/or living trusts.
A person can appoint someone else to manage his financial affairs if he is unable to do so. This Durable Power of Attorney is a preferred way of providing for the proper management of one’s financial affairs in the event of incapacity.
A person can give health care instructions to his physician and name a person to make health care decisions, such as the selection of hospitals, doctors or type of medical treatment, if he is unable to make those decisions for himself. This is called an Advance Directive for Health Care.
This document also allows a person to give specific instructions about life support measures.
Guardianship & Conservatorship
If a person becomes incapacitated and has done no advance planning, the only legal means by which even a family member can take care of that person is to petition the court for the appointment of a guardian and conservator. This process is an ongoing and court controlled proceeding that is time consuming and expensive. It is the least desirable way of property and personal management.
Medicaid eligibility rules are complex and ever changing. Strategies for long term care planning and asset protection are always in a state of flux. An elder law attorney can guide you and your family through the many challenging issues that arise as life circumstances change.
When the end nears
Healthcare crisis management is one of the biggest reasons people seek out an elder law attorney. But, the best time to find an elder law attorney is before a crisis. Advance planning avoids many problems, and helps achieve peace of mind for yourself and your loved ones.
Article Provided by: McGinty & Belcher Attorneys 503-371-9636 www.McGinty-Belcher.com
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Bereavement (See also Funeral page 53 & Hospice page 58)
Center 50+, (Ad pg #79) 2615 Portland Rd NE, Salem, 97301 503-588-6303
Compassionate Friends, 1115 Madison St NE, Salem, 97301 503-743-3930
First Candle 800-221-7437
NorthWest Senior & Disability Services Salem, (Ad pg #31)
Serving Marion, Polk, and Yamhill Counties . . . . . . 866-206-4799
Oregon Cascades West Council of Governments, (pg #30)
Albany, 1400 Queen Ave SE #201, Albany, 97321 . . 541-967-8720, 800-638-0510
Corvallis, 777 NW 9th St #202C, Corvallis, 97333 . 541-758-1595, 800-508-1698
Toledo, 203 N Main St, Toledo, 97391 . . . . 541-336-2289, 800-282-6194
Salem Hospital, (Ad on BC) 890 Oak St SE, Salem, 97301 . . . 503-814-1808
Caregiving Resources and Support
Alzheimer’s Association, (Ad pg #35)
Center 50+, 2615 Portland Rd NE #2, Salem, 97301 800-272-3900
National Alliance for Caregiving . . . . . . . . . . . 301-718-8444
NorthWest Senior & Disability Services, (Ad pg #31) . . . . 866-206-4799
Dallas, 260 NE King Valley Hwy, Dallas, 97338 . . . . . . 866-206-4799 McMinnville, 300 SW Hill Rd, McMinnville, 97128 . . . . . 866-206-4799
Salem, 3410 Cherry Ave NE, Salem, 97309 . . . . . . . 866-206-4799
Oregon Alliance of Senior and Health Services, 7340 SW Hunziker #104, Tigard, 97223 . . . . . . . 503-684-3788
Oregon Cascades West Council of Governments, (pg #30)
Albany, 1400 Queen Ave SE #201, Albany, 97321 . . 541-967-8720, 800-638-0510 Corvallis, 777 9th St #202C, Corvallis, 97333 . . 541-758-1595, 800-508-1698 Toledo, 203 N Main St, Toledo, 97391 . . . . 541-336-2289, 800-282-6194
Oregon Project Independence – Marion, Polk, Yamhill . . . . 503-945-5600
Chemeketa Community College, 4000 Lancaster Dr NE, Salem, 97305 503-399-5000
Getting Older – What You Need to Know, The Basics About Planning Ahead
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Conditions And Treatments (See also Physicians page 74)
Advanced Lifeline Respiratory Services, (Ad pg #41)
. . . 800-928-9036
Salem Hospital, (Ad on BC) 890 Oak St SE, Salem, 97301 503-561-5200
Willamette Valley Medical Center, (Ad on IBC) 2700 SE Stratus Ave, McMinnville, 97128 503-922-6991
Attorney General Consumer Hotline
. . . . . . . . . . 503-378-4320
Attorney General Oregon 503-229-5576, 877-877-9392
Chambers of Commerce, Albany, 435 W 1st Ave, Albany, 97321
. . . . . . . . 503-832-0227
. . . . . . . 541-926-1517 Corvallis, 420 NW 2nd St, Corvallis, 97330 541-757-1505 Dallas, 168 SW Court St, Dallas, 97338
Depoe Bay, 223 SW Hwy 101 #B, Depoe Bay, 97341 877-485-8348 Lebanon, 1040 Park St, Lebanon, 97355
. . . . . . . 541-258-7164
Lincoln City, 4039 Logan Rd, Lincoln City, 97367
. . . . . . 541-265-8801
. . . . . 541-994-3070 Monmouth/Independence, 355 Hwy 99 #A, Monmouth, 97361 503-838-4268 Newport, 555 SW Coast Hwy, Newport, 97365
Philomath, 1010 Applegate St, Philomath, 97370
. . . . 541-929-2454 Salem, 1110 Commercial St NE, Salem, 97301
. . . . . 503-581-1466 Silverton, 426 S Water St, Silverton, 97381
. . . . . . . . 503-873-5615 Stayton/Sublimity, 175 'E' High St, Stayton, 97381 503-769-3464
Sweet Home, 1575 Main St, Sweet Home, 97386
. . . . . . . . 541-336-3183
. . . . 541-367-6186 Toledo, 311 NE 1st St, Toledo, 97391
Waldport, 320 NW Hwy 101, Waldport, 97394 541-563-2133 Woodburn, 270 Montgomery, Woodburn, 97071
. . . . . . 503-982-8221 Yachats, 241 Hwy 101, Yachats, 97498 541-547-2345
Construction Contractors Board, 201 High St SE, Salem, 97301 . . 503-378-4621
Department of Consumer and Business Services, 350 Winter St NE #410, Salem, 97309 503-378-4100
Fair Housing Council of Oregon, 1221 SW Yamhill St #305, Portland, 97204 503-223-8197, 800-424-3247
Governor’s Advocacy Office . . . . . . . . 503-945-6904, 800-442-5238
Oregon Consumer Complaints .
. 503-378-4320
Oregon Department of Justice Financial Fraud/Consumer Protection, 1162 Court St NE, Salem, 97301
Oregon State Division of Finance & Corporate Securities
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Center 50+ Lifelong Learning, (Ad pg #79) 2615 Portland Rd NE, Salem, 97301 503-588-6303
Chemeketa Community College, 4000 Lancaster Dr NE, Salem, 97305 . . . . . . . . 503-399-5140
Linn-Benton Community College, 6500 Pacific Blvd SW, Albany, 97321 541-917-4999
Oregon Coast Community College, 400 SE College Wy, Newport, 97366 . . . . . . . . . 541-265-2283
Oregon State University, 4943 The Valley Library, Corvallis, 97331 541-737-4197
Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at The University of Oregon 800-824-2714
Lutheran Community Services Northwest, 435 NE Evans St #A, McMinnville, 97128 . . . . . . . 503-472-4020
New Perspectives Center for Counseling and Therapy, 565 Union St, Salem, 97301 503-585-0351
Northwest Human Services, 1233 Edgewater St NW, Salem, 97304 503-588-5816 681 Center St NE, Salem, 97301 . . . . . . . . . . 503-588-5828
Pastoral Counseling Center, 2001 Commercial St SE #200, Salem, 97302 503-370-8050
Salem Veterans Center, 2645 Portland Rd NE #250, Salem, 97301 503-362-9911
Senior Peer Counseling Program . . . . . . . . . . . 503-304-3414
West Salem Clinic Mental Health, 1245 Edgewater St NW #C, Salem, 97304 . . . . . . . 503-378-7526
Community Health Centers of Benton and Linn Counties- Adult Dental, 530 NW 27th St, Corvallis, 97330 . . . . . . . . . 541-766-6677
Lincoln County Health Department, 36 W Nye St, Newport, 97365 . . . . . . . . . . . 541-265-4179 4422 NE Devils Lake Blvd #2, Lincoln City, 97367 . . . . 541-265-4196
Linn County Health Department, 2730 Pacific Blvd SE, Albany, 97321 541-967-3888
Marion County, 3180 Center St NE #2100, Salem, 97301 503-588-5057
Polk County, 182 SW Academy St #302, Dallas, 97338 . . . . 503-623-8175 Yamhill County, 412 NE Ford St, McMinnville, 97128 . . . . 503-434-7523
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Benton County Health Services-Adult Dental, 530 NW 27th St, Corvallis, 97330
Community Outreach Inc, 865 NW Reiman Ave, Corvallis, 97330 . 541-758-3000
Community Services Consortium (We Care), 545 SW 2nd St #A, Corvallis, 97333 541-752-1010
Northwest Human Services Total Health Community Clinic, 180 Atwater St, Monmouth, 97361 . . . . . . . . . . 503-606-3288
NW Human Services West Salem Dental Clinic, 190 Kingwood Ave NW, Salem, 97304 503-378-7526
OHSU Dental School, 2730 SW Moody Ave, Portland, 97201 . 503-494-8867
Oregon Tech Dental Hygiene Clinic, 4000 Lancaster Dr, NE Bldg 8, Rm 101, Salem, 97305 . . . 503-584-7101
Salud Medical Center, 1175 Mt Hood Ave, Woodburn, 97071 503-982-2000
Smile Keepers, 2825 W Devil's Lake Rd, Lincoln City, 97367 . . . 541-227-2870
Yamhill County Dental Association . . . . . . . . . 503-434-7525
Diabetic Resources (See also Support Groups page 80)
American Diabetes Association
. . . . . . . . . . . 503-736-2770
Samaritan Diabetes Education, 1046 6th Ave SW, Albany, 97321 . . . . . . . . . . . 541-812-4839
3615 Samaritan Dr, Corvallis, 97330 . . . . . . . . . . 541-768-6973
Davita, 200 NE Norton Ln, McMinnville, 97128 800-424-6589
3550 Liberty Rd S #100, Salem, 97302 800-424-6589 1220 Liberty St NE, Salem, 97301 . . . . . . . . . . 800-424-6589
4792 Portland Rd NE, Salem, 97305 . . . . . . . . 800-424-6589
1840 Newberg Hwy #140, Woodburn, 97071 . . . . . 800-424-6589
Fresenius Medical Care, Albany, 605 NW Hickory St, Albany, 97321 . . . . . . . 800-881-5101
Corvallis, 3580 NW Samaritan Dr, Corvallis, 97330 . . . . 800-881-5101
Lebanon, 665 N 5th St, Lebanon, 97355 800-881-5101 Newport, 957 SW Coast Hwy, Newport, 97365 800-881-5101
Newberg, 3100 Haworth Ave, Newberg, 97132 800-881-5101
Salem, 440 Lancaster Dr NE, Salem, 97301 800-881-5101
West Salem, 1060 2nd St NW, Salem, 97304
. . . . . . 800-881-5101
PNRS Dialysis, Evergreen Dialysis, 345 SE Norton Ln #B, McMinnville, 97128 800-881-5101
Salem Clinic, (Ad pg #54)
2020 Capitol St NE, Salem, 97301
. . . . . . . . . . 503-399-2424
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Alliance of People with Disabilities, 1120 E Terrace St #100, Seattle, 93122
. . . . . . . . . 866-545-7055
Disability Rights Oregon, 511 SW 10th Ave #200, Portland, 97205 . . . 503-243-2081
Grace Center, 980 NW Spruce Ave, Corvallis, 97330
. . . . . . 541-754-8417
Home Life Inc, 2068 NW Fillmore Ave, Corvallis, 97330 541-753-9015
Interfaith Disabilities Network of Oregon, 22115 NW Imbrie #237, Hillsboro, 97124
. . www .interfaithdisabilities .org
Living Independently For Empowerment (LIFE), 1435 Liberty St SE, Salem, 97302 971-209-7277
NorthWest Senior & Disability Services, (Ad pg #31) 866-206-4799 Dallas, 260 NE Kings Valley Wy, Dallas, 97338 . . . . . . . 866-206-4799 McMinnville, 300 SW Hill Rd, McMinnville, 97128
. . . . . . 866-206-4799 Salem, 3410 Cherry Ave NE, Salem, 97309 . . . . . . . . 866-206-4799
Oregon Cascades West Council of Governments, (pg #30) Albany, 1400 Queen Ave SE #201, Albany, 97321 541-967-8720, 800-638-0510 Corvallis, 777 NW 9th St #202C, Corvallis, 97333 541-758-1595, 800-508-1698 Toledo, 203 N Main St, Toledo, 97391 . . . 541-336-2289, 800-282-6194
Oregon Department of Human Services 503-945-5811, 800-282-8096
Oregon Disabilities Commission, 500 Summer St NE #E-2, Salem, 97301 . . . . . . . . . 800-282-8096
Oregon Office of Disability & Health, 707 SW Gaines St, Portland, 97239
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 503-494-1205
Senior & People with Disabilities - Oregon DHS, 500 Summer St NE, Salem, 97301 503-945-5811
Verizon Center for Customers with Disabilities . . . . . . . . 800-974-6006
Willamette Valley Rehabilitation Center, 1853 Airway Rd, Lebanon, 97355 . . . . . . . . . . . 541-258-8121
Emergency Preparedness
American Red Cross Willamette Chapter, 1860 Hawthorne Ave NE, Salem, 97301 . . . . . . . . . 503-585-5414
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Columbia Medical Alarm, (Ad pg #45) 11950 SW 2nd St, Beaverton, 97005 . . . . . . . . 503-644-4736
DHS Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP), 4074 Winema Pl #100, Salem, 97035 877-872-5627
Easter Seals of Oregon, Employment Program, 750 Front St NE #210, Salem, 97301 . . . . . . . . 503-587-7389
Lebanon-East Linn WorkSource Development Center, 44 Industrial Wy #B, Lebanon, 97355 541-259-5787
Self-Sufficiency Office, Albany, 118 SE 2nd Ave, Albany, 97321
. . . . . . . . 541-967-2078 Corvallis, 4170 SW Research Wy #100, Corvallis, 97333 . . . 541-757-4201 Lebanon, 44 Industrial Wy #D, Lebanon, 97355 . . . . . . 541-259-5860 Newport, 120 NE Avery St, Newport, 97365 541-265-2248 Polk, 190 W Ellendale Ave, Dallas, 97338
. . . . . . . . 503-623-5526
Vocational Rehabilitation Services DHS, 500 Summer St NE #E87, Salem, 97301 . . 503-945-5880, 877-277-0513
WorkSource Oregon Development Centers, Albany-Linn, 139 4th Ave SE, Albany, 97321 541-967-2171 Corvallis-Benton, 4170 SW Research Wy, Corvallis, 97333 . . . 541-757-4261
Lebanon-East Linn, 44 Industrial Wy #B, Lebanon, 97355 . . . 541-259-5787 Salem, 605 Cottage St NE, Salem, 97301 . . . . . . 503-378-4846
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City of Salem Water and Sewer Low Income Donation Program 503-588-6099
Community Services Consortium (We Care), Benton, 545 SW 2nd St #A, Corvallis, 97333 541-752-1010 Lincoln, 120 NE Avery St, 2nd Fl, Newport, 97365 541-265-8505
Linn, 250 SW Broadalbin St SW #2A, Albany, 97321 541-928-6335
FISH, Albany, 1880 Hill St SE, Albany, 97322
Lebanon, PO Box 2477, Lebanon, 97255
. . . . . . . . 541-928-4460
. . . . . . . . 541-259-3200
Grand Ronde Tribe/LIEAP, 9615 Grand Ronde Rd, Grand Ronde, 97347 . 503-879-2034, 800-242-8196
Assistance Plan, 1850 45th Ave NE, Salem, 97305
. . . . . 503-588-9016
NW Natural - Gas Assistance Program (GAP) . . . . . . . 800-422-4012
Oregon Energy Assistance Program (OEAP), 1850 45th Ave NE, Salem, 97305
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 503-588-9016
Oregon Energy Fund, 1020 SE Taylor St #620, Portland, 97205 971-386-2124
Polk County Resource Center, 182 SW Academy St #220, Dallas, 97338 503-623-9664
Salem Electric, 633 7th St NW, Salem, 97304
. . . . . . . 503-362-3601
Salvation Army, Linn County, 345 Columbus St SE, Albany, 97322
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Entertainment and Recreation
Benton County Natural Areas & Parks Department, 360 SW Avery Ave, Corvallis, 97333 541-766-6871
Lincoln County Parks, 880 NE 7th St, Newport, 97365 541-265-5747
Linn County Parks & Recreation, 3010 Ferry St SW, Albany, 97322 541-967-3917
Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife Hunting and Fishing Licenses, 4034 Fairview Industrial Dr SE, Salem, 97302
Oregon State Parks and Recreation, 725 Summer St NE #C, Salem, 97301
. . . . . 503-947-6000
. . . . 503-986-0707, 800-551-6949
Oregon Tourism Commission . . . . . . . 503-967-1560, 800-547-7842
The Salvation Army Ray & Joan Kroc Corps Community Center, 1865 Bill Frey Dr NE, Salem, 97301 503-566-5762
Willamette Heritage Center, (Ad pg #47) 1313 Mill St SE, Salem, 97301
. . . . . . . . . . . 503-585-7012
Woodburn Recreation and Parks Department, 270 Montgomery St, Woodburn, 97071
. . . . . . . 503-982-5266
. . . . . 541-928-4774 McMinnville, 1950 NW 2nd St, McMinnville, 97128 . . . 503-472-1009 Salem, 1977 Front St NE, Salem, 97301
. . . . . . . . 503-585-6688
Sewer Rate Assistance Program . . . . . . . . . . . . 503-588-6099
South Lincoln Resource Center, 3710 S Crestline Dr, Waldport, 97394 541-563-2388
St Vincent de Paul, Lebanon, 233 2nd St, Lebanon, 97355
. . . . . . . . 541-258-5405 Salem, 3745 Portland Rd NE, Salem, 97303
. . . . . . 503-364-3210 St Luke’s Church, 417 Harrison St, Woodburn, 97071 . . . 503-981-5011
Weatherization Assistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . 503-315-7055
White Cap,1317 NE Dustin Ct, McMinnville, 97218
. . . . . 503-472-0457
YCAP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . www .yamhillcap .org
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Douglas, Conroyd, Gibb & Pacheco, PC, (Ad pg #36)
528 Cottage St NE #200, Salem, 97301 . . . . . . . . 503-364-7000
McGinty & Belcher Attorneys, (Ad pg #37)
694 High St NE, Salem, 97301 . . . . . . . . . . . 503-371-9636
Willamette Elder Law, (Ad pg #36)
3855 River Rd N, Keizer, 97303 503-908-4529
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Memories In The Making Art Auction & Gala . . . . . . . March 10, 2023
Catholic Community Services, 3737 NE Portland Rd, Salem, 97301 . 503-390-2600
Community Action Partnership of Oregon 503-316-3951
Ecumenical Ministries, 245 SW Bancroft St, Portland, 97239 . 503-221-1054
Northwest Parish Nurse Ministries, 2801 Gantenbein Ave #2027, Portland, 97227 . . . . . 503-413-2341
The Salvation Army Kroc Center, 1865 Bill Frey Dr NE, Salem, 97301 503-566-5762
Financial & Clothing Assistance
Community Services Consortium (We Care) – Utility Assistance, 865 NW Reiman Ave, Corvallis, 97330 541-243-8029
Congregations Helping People, 600 State St, Salem, 97301 503-391-4365
FISH Services of Corvallis, 968 NW Garfield Ave, Corvallis, 97300 541-752-4688
FISH of Lebanon, PO Box 2477, Lebanon, 97255 541-259-3200
Good Days from Chronic Disease Fund 877-968-7233
Polk County Resource Center, 182 SW Academy St #220, Dallas, 97338 503-623-9664
Public Utilities Commission 503-378-6600, 800-522-2404
Self-Sufficiency Office, Albany, 118 2nd Ave SE, Albany, 97321 541-967-2078 Corvallis, 4170 SW Research Wy #100, Corvallis, 97333 541-757-4201 Lebanon, 44 Industrial Wy #D, Lebanon, 97355 541-259-5860
Silverton Area Community Aid, 421 S Water St, Silverton, 97381 503-873-3446 South Lincoln Resource, 3710 S Crestline Dr, Waldport, 97394 541-563-3710
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St Vincent de Paul, Lebanon, 233 2nd St, Lebanon, 97355 . . . . 541-258-5405 Salem, 3745 Portland Rd NE, Salem, 97303 503-364-3210
St Luke’s Church, 417 Harrison St, Woodburn, 97071 503-981-5011
Sweet Home Emergency Ministries, 1115 Long St, Sweet Home, 97386 . . . . . . . . 541-367-6504
Veteran’s Affairs, 700 Summer St NE #10, Salem, 97301 503-373-2085
Yamhill County Community Action Partnership (White Cap), 1317 NE Dustin Ct, McMinnville, 97128 . . 503-472-0457
Kjerulf Goto Wealth Management, (Ad pg #49)
421 Water Ave NE #4100, Albany, 97321 . . 541-967-9328, 800-585-9132
TrueLife Financial Solutions, (Ad pg #49) 3111 Santiam Hwy SE #F, Albany, 97322 . . 541-730-5064
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Community Health Education Center, 939 Oak St, Bldg D, Salem, 97309 503-814-2432
Community Services Consortium (We Care) – Utility Assistance, 865 NW Reiman Ave, Corvallis, 97330 541-243-8029
Lincoln City Community Center, 2150 NE Oar Pl, Lincoln City, 97367 541-994-2131
Mid-Willamette Family YMCA, 3201 Pacific Blvd SW, Albany, 97321 541-926-4488
Newport Recreation Center, 225 SE Avery St, Newport, 97365 541-265-7783
SamFit, Albany, 380 NW Hickory Ave, Albany, 97321 541-812-3300 Corvallis, 777 NW 9th St #310, Corvallis, 97330 541-768-5850 Lebanon, 35 Mullins Dr #3, Lebanon, 97355 541-451-6990
The Salvation Army Kroc Center, 1865 Bill Frey Dr NE, Salem, 97301 503-566-5762
Woodburn Family Medicine, 1475 Mt Hood Ave, Woodburn, 97071 503-982-2174
AWARE Food Bank, 152 Arthur St, Woodburn, 97071 . . . . 503-981-5828
Baker Creek Community Church, 325 NW Baker Creek Rd, McMinnville, 97128 . . . . . 503-857-6498
Coastal Range Food Bank, Corner of Nashville Rd and Logsden Rd, Blodgett, 97326 541-456-2141
Cover Orchard Pantry, 22125 Hwy 47, Yamhill, 97148 . . . . . 503-662-3753
Dallas Food Bank, 322 N Main St #180, Dallas, 97338 . . . . 503-623-3578
Dayton Food Pantry, 300 Flower Ln, Dayton, 97114 . . . . . 503-864-2474
Ella Curran Food Bank, 845 N Main St, Independence, 97351 www ellacurranfoodbank .org
Food Share of Lincoln County, 535 NE 1st St, Newport, 97365 . 541-265-8578
Grand Sheramina Food Bank, 120 N Bridge St, Sheridan, 97378 . 503-843-3133
Hope on the Hill, 500 NW Hill Rd, McMinnville, 97128 . . . . 503-472-8476
Isaiah 58 Food Pantry,118 Maddox Ave, Amity, 97101 . . . . 503-583-0635
Lafayette Community Church 288 Jefferson St, Lafayette, 97127 503-864-8409
Lincoln City Food Pantry, 1505 NE 6th Dr, Lincoln City, 97367 541-994-3699
Manos Abiertas/Open Hands . . . . . . . . . . . . 503-472-1559
Meals on Wheels - Food Pantry . . . . . . . . . . . 800-452-1694
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Newberg Fish Food Pantry, 125 S Elliott St, Newberg, 97132 . . 503-538-4444
Newport Food Pantry at First Presbyterian, 227 NE 12th St, Newport, 97365 541-992-5723
Philomath Community Food Bank, 360 S 9th St, Philomath, 97370 541-929-2499
Promise Pantry, 23330 SE Fulquartz Landing, Dundee, 97115 . . 503-554-9070
South Corvallis Food Bank, 1800 SW 3rd St #110, Corvallis, 97333 541-753-4263
St Vincent de Paul Food Pantry, 501 NW 25th St, Corvallis, 97330 . . 541-286-4183
Village Food Pantry, 7234 NE Arnold Ave, Corvallis, 97330 541-257-1159
Yamhill- Carlton Storehouse/ Carlton Community Church, 500 E Main St, Carlton, 97111 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 503-852-6031
Yamhill County Food Bank, 800 NE 2nd St, McMinnville, 97128 . 503-472-0457
Meal Sites
Albany Senior Center, 489 Water Ave NW, Albany, 97321 541-967-7647
Corvallis Senior Center, 2601 NW Tyler Ave, Corvallis, 97330 541-766-6959
Chehalem Senior Center, 101 W Foothills Dr, Newberg, 97132 . . 503-537-9404
Dallas Senior Center, 955 SE Jefferson St, Dallas, 97338 . . . 503-623-8554
Lebanon Senior Meals, 80 Tangent St, Lebanon, 97355 . . . 541-451-1139
Lincoln City Senior Center, 2150 NE Oar Pl, Lincoln City, 97367 541-994-2131
McMinnville Meal Center (NorthWest Senior & Disability Services), (Ad pg #31) 2250 NE McDaniel Ln, McMinnville, 97128 . . . . . . 503-472-4214
Meals on Wheels People- Meal Sites . . . . . . . . . . .503 .736 6325
Newport 60+ Center, 20 SE 2nd St, Newport, 97365 . . . . 541-574-0669
South Linn Senior Center, 117 N Main St, Brownsville, 97327 . . 541-466-5015
South Salem Senior Center Meal Site, (Ad pg #77) 6450 Fairway Ave SE, Salem, 97306 503-588-0748
St Barnabas Soup Kitchen, 822 SW 2nd St, McMinnville, 97128 . . 503-472-5831
Stayton Meal Site, 400 W Virginia St, Stayton, 97383 . . . . 503-769-7995
Sweet Home Community Center, 880 18th Ave, Sweet Home, 97386 541-367-8843
Trinity Methodist Church, 383 NE Beech St, Toledo, 97391 541-336-2450
Waldport Senior Center, 265 Hemlock St, Waldport, 97394 541-563-8796
Woodburn Meal Site, 950 Boones Ferry Rd, Woodburn, 97071 . 503-981-3470
211 Info . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211
Albany Helping Hands, 619 SE 9th Ave, Albany, 97322 541-917-7760
Faith Lutheran Church, 4505 River Rd N, Keizer, 97303 503-393-4507
First Presbyterian Church, 950 Boones Ferry Rd, Woodburn, 97071 503-981-3470
Fish of Albany, 1035 SE 2nd Ave, Albany, 97321 . . . . . . 541-928-4460
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, 1910 34th Ave SE, Albany, 97322 541-926-4875
Keizer Salem Seniors, 930 NE Plymouth Dr, Keizer, 97303 503-390-7441
Linn Benton Food Share, 545 SW 2nd St #A, Corvallis, 97333 541-752-1010
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Marion-Polk Food Share, 1660 Salem Industrial Dr NE, Salem, 97301 503-581-3855
Meals on Wheels, Albany, 1400 Queen Ave SE #206, Albany, 97322 541-967-8630
Monmouth/Independence, 180 S Warren Ave, Monmouth, 97361 541-838-5678
Salem-Keizer, 2615 Portland Rd NE, Salem, 97301
. . . . . . 503-364-2856
Monmouth Senior Community Center, 180 S Warren St, Monmouth, 97361 . . . . . . . . . 503-838-5678
Mt Angel SNAP, 195 Charles St, Mt Angel, 97362 503-845-9464
Newport Meal Calvary Baptist, 903 SW Alder St, Newport, 97365 . 541-265-5232
North Marion Adult Center SNAP Benefit, DHS Self-sufficiency, 120 E Lincoln St #120, Woodburn, 97071
. . . . . . . 503-980-6677
Oregon Food Bank https://foodfinder .oregonfoodbank .org/ Salem Capital Baptist Church, 3000 Lansing Ave, Salem, 97301 503-362-5319
Indicates sponsor link available at www.RetirementConnection.com
Foot Care (See also Physicians page 74 & Senior Centers page 77)
Salem Clinic, (Ad pg #54)
Inland Shores, 5900 Inland Shores Wy NE, Keizer, 97303 503-399-2424 Main, 2020 Capitol St NE, Salem, 97301 503-399-2424
Salem Clinic South, 2531 Boone Rd SE, Salem, 97306 503-399-2424
Urgent Care, 2020 Capitol St NE, Salem, 97301 503-399-2424
Urgent Care at Inland Shores, 5900 Inland Shores Wy NE, Keizer, 97303 503-399-2424
Urgent Care South, 2531 Boone Rd SE, Salem, 97306 503-399-2424
Funeral, Cremation & Pre-Planning
Farnstrom Mortuary, (Ad pg #53)
410 Monmouth St, Independence, 97531
Johnson Funeral Home, (Ad pg #53) 134 Missouri Ave S, Salem, 97302
Keizer Funeral Chapel, (Ad pg #53)
. . . . . . 503-838-1414
. . . . . . . . . 503-990-6936
Safeway Grocery, (Online Delivery)
. . . . . . . . . . . . www .schwans .com
. . . . . . . www .shop .safeway .com Schwan's, (Online Delivery)
Self-Sufficiency Office, Albany, 118 2nd Ave SE, Albany, 97321 541-967-2078 Corvallis, 545 SW 2nd Ave #B, Corvallis, 97333 541-757-4201
Lebanon, 44 Industrial Wy #D, Lebanon, 97355 . . . . . . 541-259-5860
Marion DHS, 4074 Winema Pl, Bldg 53 #100, Salem, 97305 . 503-378-2731
Polk DHS, 177 SW Oak St, Dallas, 97338
. . . . . . . 503-623-5526
Sheridan Church of the Nazarene, 917 S Bridge St, Sheridan, 97378 503-843-3262
Silverton Area Community Aid, 421 S Water St, Silverton, 97381 . 503-873-3446
Silverton SNAP Senior Center, 115 Westfield St, Silverton, 97381 503-873-3093
Stone Soup Supper, 410 SW 9th St, Newport, 97365 . . . . 541-265-5251
St Vincent de Paul Society, 3745 Portland Rd NE, Salem, 97303 503-364-3210
St Vincent de Paul St Luke’s Church, 417 Harrison St, Woodburn, 97071 . . . . . . . . . . 503-981-5011
The Salvation Army Albany Corps, 345 SE Columbus St, Albany, 97321
. . . . . . . . . 541-928-4774
Waldport Food Share, 3710 Crestline Dr, Waldport, 97394 541-563-2508
Work Source Oregon, Marion DHS, 605 Cottage St NE, Salem, 97301 . . . . . . . . . . 503-270-7869
Yamhill Community Action Partnership, 1317 NE Dustin Ct, McMinnville, 97128 503-472-0457
4365 River Rd N, Keizer, 97303
. . . . . . . . . 503-393-7037
Oregon Health Decisions, Advance Directives 503-692-0894, 800-422-4805
Restlawn Memory Gardens & Restlawn Funeral Home (Ad pg #53)
201 Oak Grove Rd NW, Salem, 97304 503-585-1373
Retirement Connection Guide • 1-800-462-1316
Governor’s Commission On Senior Services, 500 Summer St NE #E-02, Salem, 97301
. . . . . . . . 541-618-7854
NorthWest Senior & Disability Services, (Ad pg #31) . . . . . . 866-206-4799 Dallas, 260 NE Kings Valley Wy, Dallas, 97338 866-206-4799 McMinnville, 300 SW Hill Rd, McMinnville, 97128
Indicates sponsor link available at www.RetirementConnection.com
Adventist Health Sheridan, 222 SE Jefferson, Sheridan, 97378 . . 503-843-4909
Chemawa Indian Health Center, 3750 Chemawa Rd NE, Salem, 97305 503-304-7600
Clinica Medica Nuestra Senora De Guadalupe, 1495 Liberty St NE, Salem, 97305 . . . . . . . . . . 503-364-5818
. . . . . . . . 866-206-4799
. . . . . . 866-206-4799 Salem, 3410 Cherry Ave NE, Salem, 97309
Oregon Cascades West Council of Governments, (pg #30) Albany, 1400 Queen Ave SE #201, Albany, 97321 541-967-8720, 800-638-0510 Corvallis, 301 SW 4th St, Corvallis, 97333 541-758-1595, 800-508-1698 Toledo, 203 N Main St, Toledo, 97391 . . . 541-336-2289, 800-282-6194
Oregon Department of Human Services Aging & People with Disabilities, 500 Summer St NE #E12, Salem, 97301 503-945-5944, 800-282-8096
Oregon Department of Justice,1162 Court St NE, Salem, 97301 503-378-6002
Oregon Governor’s Advocacy Office . . . . . . . . . . 503-945-6904
State of Oregon, Dept of Consumer & Business Services: Identity Theft Protection Act, 350 Winter St NE, 4th Fl #410, Salem, 97301 . 503-378-4140, 866-814-9710
Yamhill County Health & Human Services, 627 NE Evans St, McMinnville, 97128 . . . . . . . . . 503-434-7523
Guardian or Conservator
Oregon Department of Veterans’ Affairs Conservatorship, 700 Summer St NE #150, Salem, 97301 . . . . . . . . . 503-373-2000
Community Health Centers of Benton and Linn Counties, Alsea Rural Health Center, 435 E Alder St, Alsea, 97324 . . . 541-487-7116
Benton Health Center, 530 NW 27th St, Corvallis, 97330 541-766-6677
East Linn Health Center, 100 Mullins Dr #A-1, Lebanon, 97355 541-766-0200
Lincoln Health Center, 121 SE Viewmont Ave, Corvallis, 97333 . 541-766-3546
Monroe Health Center, 610 Dragon Dr, Monroe, 97456 . . . 541-766-6000
Sweet Home Health Center, 799 Long St, Sweet Home, 97386 541-367-3888
Community Outreach Clinic, 208 S Water St, Silverton, 97381 503-873-0815
Lancaster Family Health Center, Salem, 3886 Beverly Ave NE, Bldg J #40, Salem, 97305 . . . 503-588-0076
Woodburn, 1175 Mt Hood Ave, Woodburn, 97071 . . . . 503-982-2000
Legacy Medical Group-Silverton, 347 Fairview St, Silverton, 97381 503-873-5667
Lincoln Community Health Center, Lincoln City, 4422 NE Devil's Lake Blvd #2, Lincoln City, 97367 . . 541-265-4196
Newport, 1010 Pacific Coast Scenic Byway #203, Newport, 97365 541-265-4947
McClaine Street Clinic, 442 McClaine St, Silverton, 97381 . . . 503-873-1764
Mid-Valley Medical Plaza, 425 N Santiam Hwy, Lebanon, 97355 541-451-7800
Mid-Willamette Valley YMCA, 3201 Pacific Blvd SW, Albany, 97321 . 541-926-4488
Northwest Human Services Total Health, 180 Atwater St, Monmouth, 97361 . . . . . . . . . . 503-606-3288
Park Street Clinic, 325 Park St, Lebanon, 97355 541-451-7200
Salem Clinic, (Ad pg #54)
Inland Shores, 5900 Inland Shores Wy NE, Keizer, 97303 . . . 503-399-2424
Main, 2020 Capitol St NE, Salem, 97301 . . . . . . . . 503-399-2424
Salem Clinic South, 2531 Boone Rd SE, Salem, 97306 . . . 503-399-2424
Urgent Care, 2020 Capitol St NE, Salem, 97301 503-399-2424
Urgent Care at Inland Shores, 5900 Inland Shores Wy NE, Keizer, 97303 503-399-2424
Urgent Care South, 2531 Boone Rd SE, Salem, 97306 503-399-2424
Salem Health Medical Clinics, (Ad on BC) . . . . . . . . 503-814-4400 Dallas, 525 SE Washington St, Dallas, 97338 . . . . . . . 503-814-4400
Edgewater, 1049 Edgewater St NW, Salem, 97304 . . . . . 503-814-4400
Retirement Connection Guide • 1-800-462-1316
Salem Health Medical Clinics, (Ad on BC) (continued)
Keizer, 5100 River Rd N, Keizer, 97303 . . . . . . . . 503-814-4400
Monmouth, 512 Main St E #300, Monmouth, 97361 . . 503-814-4400
River Road South, 2925 River Rd S #110, Salem, 97302 . . . 503-814-4400
Woodburn,105 Arney Rd #120, Woodburn, 97071 503-814-4400
Salem Free Clinics, 1300 Broadway St NE #104, Salem, 97301 . . 503-990-8772
Samaritan Family Medicine, Albany, 1700 Geary St SE, Albany, 97322 . . . . . . 541-812-5570
Albany, 400 NW Hickory St #300, Albany, 97321 . . . . . 541-812-5700
Brownsville, 157 Spaulding Ave, Brownsville, 97327 541-451-6940
Southwest, 3517 NW Samaritan Dr #201, Corvallis, 97330 . . 541-768-5142
Samaritan Heartspring Wellness Center, Albany, 534 Pleasant View Wy NW #100, Albany, 97321 . . . 541-812-5656
The Corvallis Clinic, Aumann Building, 444 NW Elks Dr, Corvallis, 97330 541-754-1150
Immediate Care Center, 3680 NW Samaritan Dr, Corvallis, 97330 541-754-1282 North Albany, 633 N Albany Rd, Albany, 97321 . . . . . 541-926-3441
Philomath Family Medicine, 1219 Applegate St, Philomath, 97370 . 541-929-2922
Total Health Community Clinic,180 Atwater St, Monmouth, 97361 503-378-7526
Virginia Garcia Memorial Health Center, 115 NE May Ln, McMinnville, 97128 . . . . . . . . 503-472-1338
West Salem Clinic, 1233 Edgewater St NW, Salem, 97304 . . . 503-378-7526
Willamette Valley Medical Center, (Ad on IBC)
2700 SE Stratus Ave, McMinnville, 97128 . . . . . . 503-472-6131
Willamette Family Medical Center, 435 Lancaster Dr NE, Salem, 97301 . . . . . . . . 503-585-6388
Health Insurance & HMOs
NorthWest Senior and Disability Services, (Ad pg #31)
3410 Cherry Ave NE, Salem, 97303 503-304-3479
Oregon Insurance Division, 350 Winter St NE, Fl 3, Salem, 97301 503-947-7980
Oregon Health Plan, 500 Summer St NE, Salem, 97301 800-690-9075
Statewide Health Insurance Benefits Assistance (SHIBA), (Ad pg #57) Lincoln County, 203 N Main St, Toledo, 97391 541-574-2684, 800-722-4134 Linn & Benton Counties, 1400 Queen Ave SE #206, Albany, 97322 541-812-0849
Indicates sponsor link available at www.RetirementConnection.com
Community Health Education Center, (Ad on BC)
Salem Health, 939 Oak St, Bldg D, Salem, 97301 503-814-2432
Legacy Silverton Medical Center, 342 Fairview St, Silverton, 97381 503-873-1500
Marion-Polk County Medical Society, 4985 Battle Creek Rd SE #102, Salem, 97302 503-362-9669
Providence Newberg Medical Center, 1001 Providence Dr, Newberg, 97132 503-537-1555
Hearing Resources & Services
Corvallis Hearing Center, 1025 NW 9th St #D, Corvallis, 97330 541-754-1377
Hearing Loss Association of Linn and Benton Counties 541-220-8541
Hearing Loss Association of Salem, 3253 Dallas Hwy NW, Salem, 97304 503-409-5491
Lions Club - Waldport . . . . . . 541-563-6309
Oregon Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services (ODHHS), 500 Summer St NE #E, Salem, 97301 503-945-5600
Oregon Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf, 503-236-3656
Oregon Speech-Language and Hearing Association 503-378-0595
Telecommunication Device Access Program (TDAP), 550 Capitol St NE #215, Salem, 97308 800-848-4442
West Salem Mental Health Clinic–Deaf and Hard of Hearing, 161 High St SE #254, Salem, 97301 503-585-1907
Oct 15–Dec 7 is the time to sign up or change Medicare Advantage and prescription drug plans. We can help you compare plans and make enrollment changes
800-722- 4134 • S HIBA .O REGON .GOV
SHIBA provides free, objective, publicly funded Medicare counseling yearround. We can help you apply for Medicare savings programs & know how to detect & report Medicare fraud, waste & abuse.
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Retirement Connection Guide • 1-800-462-1316
Home Modification & Repair Services
Community Services Consortium Benton (We Care)
. . . . . 541-243-8029
Polk Community Development, 657 Main St, Dallas, 97338 503-831-3173
Salem Electric, (Weatherization) 633 7th St NW, Salem, 97304 503-362-3601
Yamhill Community Action Partnership, 1317 NE Dustin Ct, McMinnville, 97128
Hospice & Palliative Care
Bristol Hospice, (Ad pg #61)
. . . . . . . . . 503-472-0457
. . . . . . . 503-698-8911, 541-844-0151
Kindred Hospice, 698 12th St SE #230, Salem, 97301
. . . . . . 503-315-1003
Legacy Hospice, 2275 NE McDaniel Ln, McMinnville, 97128 800-361-8506
Lumina Hospice & Palliative Care, (Ad pg #61)
720 SW 4th St, Corvallis, 97333
. . . . . . . . . . . 541-757-9616
Oregon Hospice Association . . . . . . . . . . . . . 503-228-2104
Salem Health Palliative Care, (Ad on BC)
875 Oak St, Bldg C, Salem, 97301 503-814-3262
Samaritan Evergreen Hospice, (Ad pg #63) 4600 Evergreen Pl SE, Albany, 97322
749 SW 11th St, Newport, 97365
. . . . . . . . . . .541-812-4662
. . . . . . . . . . . 541-574-1811
Serenity Hospice, 6444 Fairway Ave SE, Salem, 97306 503-991-5228
Signature Healthcare at Home Hospice, (Ad pg #59)
1220 20th St SE, Salem, 97302
. . . . . . . . . . . 800-936-4756
820 SE Hwy 101, Lincoln City, 97367
. . . . . . . . . . 541-264-7823
1200 Executive Pkwy #400, Eugene, 97401 541-461-0325
Traditions Health Hospice, (Ad pg #63)
2290 Commercial St SE #108, Salem, 97302
Willamette Vital Health, 1015 3rd St NW, Salem, 97304
. . . . . . . 503-485-0840
. . . . . . . . . . . 503-588-3600
Considering and beginning hospice care are sensitive times not only for the individual, but for their loved ones too. Here are answers to a few questions to help as you begin this journey.
What is hospice?
Those who receive hospice care are seeking comfort and compassion as they near the end of life. The goal of hospice is to help the patient rest comfortably. Caregivers will focus on providing comfort, companionship, and peace.
They provide care wherever the individual calls home, whether it be their own home, a skilled nursing facility, an assisted living community, or an adult foster home.
What does hospice care involve?
Hospice care includes four levels of care: routine home care, continuous care, general inpatient care, and respite care.
Routine home care is a starting point for most patients in hospice. It allows the patient to live wherever they call home while receiving the care they need to help them feel comfortable.
Continuous care is provided for brief periods when the patient has high needs. Hospice nurses or aids care for these patients round-the-clock to avoid hospitalization.
General inpatient care includes any needs that can’t be managed at home. Patients needing this type of care are sent to a hospital or inpatient unit until their symptoms are alleviated enough to be able to return to their home.
Respite care is temporary care provided to give family caregivers a break.
How will I know when it’s time to consider hospice?
The right time for hospice is different for each individual and family. Hospice is an individualized approach to end-of-life care. It meets the patient wherever they are in their care.
Frequent hospitalization, doctor visits, and skilled nursing stays are a few factors to watch for. Talk with a physician to discuss what will work best for your loved one.
My family member is ready for hospice. Where do I begin?
People who qualify for hospice have a life expectancy of six months or less. To determine if your loved one is ready for hospice, he or she needs recommendations from two physicians. They will determine the life expectancy based on a physical assessment, medical history, and other diagnoses.
How long does hospice care last?
Hospice is an elected benefit meant to serve patients the last six months of their lives. Your loved one is welcome to remain in hospice care as long as they meet the criteria.
Some patients remain on hospice longer than six months and some improve and graduate from hospice care, moving on to independent living or home health. Others remain in hospice care and receive help and comfort as they prepare to pass.
Article Provided by: Signature Hospice 541-689-3508 www.SignatureHCH.com/Hospice
As an independent nonprofit,
care—not profit—is our top priority. 541.757.9616 | luminahospice.org
AAA Area Agency on Aging
AARP American Association of Retired Persons
AD Alzheimer’s Disease
ADL Activity of Daily Living
AFH Adult Family/Foster Home
AL Assisted Living
ALF Assisted Living Facility
AOA Administration on Aging
APS Adult Protective Services
CCRC Continuing Care Retirement Community
CHF Congestive Heart Failure
COPD Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
CPR Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
DHSSPD Department of Human Services, Seniors and Persons with Disabilities
DHS Department of Health Services
DNR Do Not Resuscitate
DSS Department of Social Services
ED Emergency Department
EMS Emergency Medical Services
ER Emergency Room
H&P History and Physical
HIPAA Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
I&R Information and Referral
ICF Intermediate Care Facility
ICU Intensive Care Unit
IHSS In-Home Supportive Services
IL Independent Living
ISP Individual Support Plan
JCAHO Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations
LOC Level of Care
LTAC Long-Term Acute Care
LTC Long-Term Care
MAR Medication Administration Record
MMA Medicare Prescription Drug Improvement and Modernization Act
MMSE Mini-Mental State Examination
N4A National Association of Area Agencies on Aging
OT Occupational Therapy
PACE Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly
PERS Personal Emergency Response System
POA Power of Attorney
POLST Physician Order for LifeSustaining Treatment
PRN Pro re nata (commonly used to mean “as needed” in Latin)
PT Physical Therapy
QA Quality Assurance
SHIP State Health Insurance Assistance Programs
SLS Support Living Services
SNF Skilled Nursing Facility
SPD Seniors and People with Disabilities
TCU Transitional Care Unit
TPN Total Parenteral Nutrition
URAC Utilization Review Accreditation Commission
UTI Urinary Tract Infection
VA U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
WHO World Health Organization
Information provided by: Retirement Connection
End-of-life care … in our home, or yours.
Serving the entire mid-Willamette Valley and the central Coast, including Benton, Linn, Lincoln, Marion, Polk and Tillamook counties.
Valley: 541-812-4662 Coast: 541-574-1811 samhealth.org/Hospice
Our Hospice Care Team is here for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Serving Salem and surrounding communities.
most comprehensive online resource for senior housing
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When you are sick or in pain, it can be hard to make good health care decisions. You just want to feel better as soon as possible.
That’s why understanding the pros and cons of your options today can help you make better choices when it counts.
Your regular doctor’s office is the best place to start when you aren’t well. They know you and your health history best. When you call them about an illness or injury, they can help you choose the tests and treatments that are best tailored to your needs.
But what if you need help at a time that your doctor’s office is closed?
If your problem is not life threatening, you might save time and money by going to an urgent care clinic instead of the emergency department (ED).
Urgent care clinics (also known as convenient care) are designed to see you on the same day that you make the appointment.
They have X-ray and lab services like a hospital, but often without the long wait time or expense of going to the ED.
Local data shows that at least 25 percent of people who go to the emergency department could be treated faster at a clinic.
For example, you might go to an urgent care if you have:
Cold/ flu symptoms
A bite or sting
Minor burns
A cut needing stitches
Joint or muscle pain
A strain or sprain
Suspected broken bones (no visible bone)
A urinary tract infection
Of course, some conditions really are emergencies. The ED is the best place for treating severe and life-threatening conditions.
They offer the widest range of services for emergency after-hours care, including diagnostic tests, specialists and the option to be admitted to the hospital for longer-term treatment.
They’re also open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. But emergency care is also the most expensive type of care.
Emergency conditions include:
Suspected appendicitis
Chest pain
Difficulty breathing
Bleeding that won’t stop
Compound fractures (broken bones you can see through the skin)
Head and neck trauma
Infants with fever
Suicidal thoughts or actions
Sudden behavioral changes (can be a sign of brain injury)
Keep in mind that even if your condition is on the emergency list, you may not be seen right away. The most severely ill or injured patients are always seen first
Article provided by:
Salem Health 503-561-5200
Legacy Silverton Medical Center, 342 Fairview St, Silverton, 97381 503-873-1500, 888-873-1500
Providence Newberg, 1001 Providence Dr, Newberg, 97132 503-537-1555
Salem Health, (Ad on BC)
Salem Hospital, 890 Oak St SE, Salem, 97301 503-561-5200
West Valley Hospital, 525 SE Washington St, Dallas, 97338 503-623-8301
Samaritan Health Services, 800-863-5241 Albany General Hospital, 1046 6th Ave SW, Albany, 97321 541-812-4000
Corvallis Good Samaritan Regional Medical Center, 3600 NW Samaritan Dr, Corvallis, 97330 . . . . . . . 541-768-5111
Lebanon Community Hospital, 525 N Santiam Hwy, Lebanon, 97355 541-258-2101
North Lincoln Hospital, 3043 NE 28th St, Lincoln City, 97367 541-994-3661
Pacific Communities Hospital, 930 Abbey St, Newport, 97365 541-265-2244
Santiam Memorial Hospital, 1401 N 10th Ave, Stayton, 97383 503-769-2175
Willamette Valley Medical Center, (Ad on IBC)
2700 SE Stratus Ave, McMinnville, 97128 . . . . . . . 503-472-6131
Legal Aid Lincoln County, 304 SW Coast Hwy, Newport, 97365 541-265-5305
Legal Aid Services-Benton/Linn, 433 4th Ave SW, Albany, 97321 541-926-8678
Marion-Polk Legal Aid Services, 105 High St SE, Salem, 97301 503-581-5265
Oregon Department of Justice 971-673-1880
State of Oregon, Dept of Consumer & Business Services, Oregon Consumer Identity Theft Protection Act, 350 Winter St NE, 4th Fl, Salem, 97301 503-378-4140, 866-814-9710
Joint Replacement
Willamette Valley Medical Center, (Ad on IBC)
2700 SE Stratus Ave, McMinnville, 97128 503-435-6571
Legal Aid & Resources
Disability Rights of OR, 610 SW Broadway #200, Portland, 97205 503-243-2081
Legal Aid Services of Oregon (LASO), . . . . . . . . 800-359-1845
Benton/Linn, 433 4th Ave SW, Albany, 97321
. . . . . . 541-926-8678
Lincoln County, 304 SW Coast Hwy, Newport, 97365 . . . 541-265-5305
Marion-Polk,105 High St SE, Salem, 97301 . 503-581-5265, 800-359-1845
Marion County Victim’s Assistance, 555 Court St NE, Salem, 97301 503-588-5253
Oregon State Bar Lawyer Referral, 16037 SW Upper Boones Ferry Rd, Tigard, 97224 503-684-3763
Yamhill County Legal Aid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 503-472-9561
Retirement Connection Guide • 1-800-462-1316
Albany Public Library, 2450 14th Ave SE, Albany, 97322 541-917-7580
Alsea Community Library, 19192 Alsea Hwy, Alsea, 97324 . . . 541-487-5061
Amity Branch, 307 S Trade St, Amity, 97101 . . . . . . . 503-835-8181
Brownsville Public Library, 146 Spaulding Ave, Brownsville, 97327 541-466-5454
Carnegie Library, 302 SW Ferry St, Albany, 97321 541-917-7585
Community Health Education Center, 939 Oak St SE, Salem, 97301 503-814-2432
Corvallis Public Library, 645 NW Monroe Ave, Corvallis, 97330 . 541-766-6793
Dallas Branch, 950 Main St, Dallas, 97338 . . . . . . . . 503-623-2633
Driftwood Public Library, 801 SW Hwy 101 #201, Lincoln City, 97367 541-996-2277
Harrisburg Public Library, 354 Smith St, Harrisburg, 97446 . . 541-995-6949
Independence Branch, 175 Monmouth St, Independence, 97351 503-838-1811
Jefferson Public Library, 150 N 2nd St #B, Jefferson, 97352 541-327-3826
Lebanon Public Library, 55 Academy St, Lebanon, 97355 . . . 541-258-4926
Library Outreach Services, 35 NW Nye St, Newport, 97365 . . . 541-265-2153
Lyons Public Library, 279 8th St, Lyons, 97358 . . . . . . . 503-859-2366
Mary Gilkey Branch, 416 Ferry St, Dayton, 97114 503-864-2221
McMinnville Branch, 225 NW Adams St, McMinnville, 97128 . 503-435-5562
Monmouth Branch, 168 S Ecols St, Monmouth, 97361 503-838-1932
Monroe Community Library, 380 N 5th St, Monroe, 97456 541-847-5174
Mt. Angel Branch, 290 E Charles St, Mt Angel, 97362 . . . . 503-845-6401
Newberg Branch, 503 E Hancock St, Newberg, 97132 503-538-7323
Newport Public Library, 35 NW Nye St, Newport, 97365 541-265-2153
Oregon State Library: Talking Book & Braille Services, 250 Winter St NE, Salem, 97301 . . . . . 503-378-5389, 800-452-0292
Philomath Community Library, 1050 Applegate, Philomath, 97370 541-929-3016
Salem Branch, 585 Liberty St S, Salem, 97301 503-588-6315
Scio Public Library, 38957 NW 1st Ave, Scio, 97374 . . . . 503-394-3342
Sheridan Branch, 142 NW Yamhill St, Sheridan, 97378 . . . . 503-843-3420
Siletz, 255 S Gaither St, Siletz, 97380 541-444-2855
Silver Falls Branch, 410 S Water St, Silverton, 97381 . . . . 503-873-5173
Stayton Public Branch, 515 N 1st Ave, Stayton, 97383 . . . . 503-769-3313
Sweet Home City Library, 1101 13th Ave, Sweet Home, 97386 . 541-367-5007
Toledo Public Library, 173 NW 7th St, Toledo, 97391 . . . . 541-336-3132
Wagner Community Branch, 111 N Main St, Falls City, 97344 503-787-3521
Waldport Public Library, 460 Hemlock, Waldport, 97394 . . . 541-563-5880
West Salem Branch, 395 Glen Creek Rd NW, Salem, 97304 . . . 503-588-6315
Willamina Branch, 382 NE ‘C’ St, Willamina, 97396 . . . . 503-876-6182
Woodburn Branch, 280 Garfield, Woodburn, 97071 503-982-5252
Indicates sponsor link available at www.RetirementConnection.com
Long-term Care Insurance
Kjerulf Goto Wealth Management, (Ad pg #49) 421 Water Ave NE #4100, Albany, 97321 . 541-967-9328, 800-585-9132
TrueLife Financial Solutions, (Ad pg #49) 3111 Santiam Hwy SE #F, Albany, 97322 541-730-5064
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid . . . . . . . . . . 877-267-2323
NorthWest Senior & Disability Services, (Ad pg #31) . 503-304-3420, 866-206-4799
OMAP Office of Medical Assistance . . . . . 503-945-5772, 800-527-5772
Oregon Cascades West Council of Governments, (pg #30) 541-967-8720
Oregon Health Plan (OHP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 800-699-9075
Oregon Supplemental Income Program Medicaid (OSIPM), 1400 Queen Ave SE #206, Albany, 97321 . . . . . . . 541-967-8630
www.ClinicalTrials.gov is a registry of federally & privately supported clinical trials conducted in the United States & around the world . The website contains information about a trial’s purpose, who may participate and phone numbers for more details
Access Technologies 503-361-1201, 800-677-7512
Apria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 888-492-7742
Bio-Tek . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 503-581-9433
Epic Medical Solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 503-802-2397
Linn Care 503-566-8763
Norco Medical . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 503-378-1756
Pacific Medical . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 503-585-2027
Pneu-Med . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 541-738-6076
Providence Home Medical Equipment 503-585-4027
RSVP DME Program, Benton, Lincoln & Linn Counties 541-574-2684, 541-812-0849
Samaritan Medical Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . 541-768-7500
Retirement Connection Guide • 1-800-462-1316
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Arthritis is a term often used to mean any disorder that affects joints. Symptoms generally include joint pain and stiffness. Other symptoms may include redness, warmth, swelling, and decreased range of motion of the affected joints.
Hip or knee pain due to arthritis or related conditions can have a significant negative impact on a person’s quality of life. Arthritis pain can lead to limitations in mobility and daily function, sleep disturbance, and loss of enjoyment with recreational activities. Per the Arthritis Foundation, nearly 50 million people in the United States have some form of Arthritis.
There are over 100 types of arthritis. Osteoarthritis, the most common form of arthritis, is a wear and tear condition that destroys joint cartilage. Joint cartilage is a tough, smooth tissue that covers the ends of bones where joints are located. It helps cushion the bones during movement, and because it is smooth and slippery, it allows for motion with minimal friction.
Sometimes, as the result of trauma, repetitive movement, or for no apparent reason, the cartilage wears down, exposing the bone ends.
Over time, cartilage destruction can result in painful bone-on-bone contact, along with swelling and loss of motion. Osteoarthritis usually occurs later in life and may affect only one joint or many joints.
Prior to surgery you will usually have tried some conservative treatments such as simple analgesics, heat and ice, weight loss & exercise, anti-inflammatory medications,
modification of your activities, canes, or physical therapy.
Once these have failed it is time to consider surgery. Most patients are between 60 to 80 years, but each patient is assessed individually and patients as young as 20 or upwards of 90 are occasionally operated on with good results.
The decision to have surgery, is a cooperative one between you, your surgeon, family and your local doctor. It also depends on your age, health, and activity level, and on how much pain and disability you have. Most people have knee replacement only when they can no longer control arthritis pain with medicine and other treatments and when the pain severely interferes or limits your activities of daily living.
Following surgery, you will feel the benefits of severe pain relief for everyday activities, such as walking, shopping, visiting friends, getting in and out of chairs, gardening, sleeping positions, and stiffness.
If you are having hip or knee pain that is limiting your quality of life, don’t wait another minute, call your doctor and see what options are available.
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid
. . . . . . . . . . 877-267-2323
NorthWest Senior & Disability Services (NWSDS), ( Ad pg #31)
Serving Marion, Polk, Yamhill and Tillamook Counties . . . 866-206-4799
Oregon Cascades West Council of Governments, (pg #30)
Serving Benton, Lincoln and Linn Counties
Oregon Health Plan (DMAP), 500 Summer St NE #E12, Salem, 97301
. . . . . . . 541-967-8720
. . . . . . . 800-699-9075
Qualified Medicare Beneficiaries (QMB) Program, 500 Summer St NE #E02, Salem, 97301 503-945-5600
Samaritan Health Plans, (Ad pg #69) 2300 NW Walnut Blvd, Corvallis, 97330
. . . . . . . 800-832-4580
Senior Health Insurance Benefits Assistance (SHIBA), (Ad pg #69)
350 Winter St NE, Salem, 97301 800-722-4134
TrueLife Financial Solutions, (Ad pg #49) 3111 Santiam Hwy SE #F, Albany, 97322
. . . . . . . 541-730-5064
Resources &
Oct 15–Dec 7 is the time to sign up or change Medicare Advantage and prescription drug plans. We can help you compare plans and make enrollment changes
800-722- 4134
SHIBA provides free, objective, publicly funded Medicare counseling yearround. We can help you apply for Medicare savings programs & know how to detect & report Medicare fraud, waste & abuse.
68 69 Community Resources & Services Community Article provided by: Willamette Valley Medical Center Joint Replacement Program 503-435-6571 www.WillametteValleyMedical.com
Paid for in whole or in part through a grant from the federal ACL.
Retirement Connection Guide • 1-800-462-1316
DHS Senior Prescription Drug Assistance Program, 500 Summer St NE E-55, Salem, 97301 . . . 503-945-7834, 800-913-4284 Medicine Assistance Tool (MAT) 888-477-2669
Oregon Prescription Drug Program 503-580-9928
Indicates sponsor link available at www.RetirementConnection.com
National Suicide Prevention Hotline 800-273-8255 Benton County . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 541-766-6835 Crisis Line 888-232-7192
Linn County . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 541-967-3866
Oregon State Hospital Psychiatric Services, 2600 Center St NE, Salem, 97301 503-945-2800
PEARLS Program, 203 N Main St, Toledo, 97391
. . . . . . . . 877-877-7637
Senior Prescription Drug Assistance Program (SPDAP), Dept of Human Services, 500 Summer St NE, Salem, 97301
AARP Medication Savings Card for Members
Lilly Cares . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 800-545-6962
Lipitor Choice Card 800-717-6005
Medicare . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 800-633-4227
Merck Patient Assistance Program 800-727-5400
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 800-503-6897
Pharmaceutical Research & Manufacturers of America 202-835-3400
Rx Benefits 800-377-1614
. . . . . . 541-336-2289
Psychiatric Crisis Center, 1118 Oak St SE, Salem, 97301
Salem Hospital, (Ad on BC) 890 Oak St SE, Salem, 97301
. . . 503-585-4949
. . . 503-561-5200
West Salem Clinic, 1245 Edgewater St NW, Salem, 97304 . . . 503-378-7526
Yamhill County Adult Mental Health, 627 NE Evans St, McMinnville, 97128
. . . . . . . . . 503-434-7523 2251 E Hancock St, Newberg, 97132
. . . . . . . . . 503-538-8970
Yamhill County Adult Mental Crisis 844-842-8200 Mobility Equipment
Access Technologies, 2225 Lancaster Dr NE, Salem, 97305 . . 503-361-1201
Pacific Medical Supply, 1090 Commercial St NE, Salem, 97301 503-585-2027
Samaritan Medical Supplies, 777 NW 9th St #200, Corvallis, 97330 541-768-7500
Salem Clinic, (Ad pg #54) Inland Shores, 5900 Inland Shores Wy NE, Keizer, 97303 . 503-399-2424 Main, 2020 Capitol St NE, Salem, 97301
Verizon Center for Customers with Disabilities
. . . . . . 800-974-6006
. . . . . . 503-399-2424
Salem Clinic South, 2531 Boone Rd SE, Salem, 97306 503-399-2424 West, 1245 Edgewater St NW, Salem, 97304
. . . . . 503-399-2424
American Mental Health Alliance of Oregon 503-222-0332
Homeless Outreach & Advocacy Program, 694 Church St NE, Salem, 97302 . . . . . . . . . 503-588-5827
Lincoln Community Health Center, 1010 Pacific Coast Scenic Byway #203, Newport, 97365 . 541-265-4947
Lincoln County Mental Health, Newport, 51 SW Lee St, Newport, 97365 . . . . . . . 541-574-5960
Marion County Behavioral Health, Salem, 3180 Center St NE, Salem, 97301
. . . . . . 503-588-5351 Woodburn, 976 N Pacific Hwy, Woodburn, 97071 503-981-5851
Marion County Psychiatric Crisis Center, 1118 Oak St SE, Salem, 97301 . . . . . . . . . 503-585-4949 NAMI National Alliance for Mentally Ill, 524 NE 52nd Ave, 97213 . . . . . . . . . . . . 503-228-5692
Oregon Cascade West Council
Oregon Rep Payee Program
1740 Shaff Rd #404, Stayton, 97383
Indian School Rd NE, Salem, 97305
2nd, Scio, 97374
Indicates sponsor link
Portland, 97201 503-494-7888
KarenSalem Clinic, (Ad pg #54)
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Inland Shores, 5900 Inland Shores Wy NE, Keizer, 97303
. . . . . . 503-399-2424 Main, 2020 Capitol St NE, Salem, 97301 503-399-2424
Salem Clinic South, 2531 Boone Rd SE, Salem, 97306 503-399-2424
Urgent Care, 2020 Capitol St NE, Salem, 97301
Urgent Care at Inland Shores, 5900 Inland Shores Wy NE, Keizer, 97303
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 503-399-2424
. . . . . . . . . . . . . 503-399-2424
Urgent Care South, 2531 Boone Rd SE, Salem, 97306 503-399-2424
Salem Health Medical Clinics, (Ad on BC) 503-814-4400
Dallas, 555 SE Washington St, Dallas, 97338
Edgewater, 1049 Edgewater St NW, Salem, 97304
Keizer, 5100 River Rd N, Keizer, 97303
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 503-814-4400
. . . . . . . . . . . . 503-814-4400
. . . . . . . . . . . . . 503-814-4400
Monmouth, 512 Main St E #300, Monmouth, 97361 503-814-4400
River Road South, 2925 River Rd S, Salem, 97302
Woodburn,105 Arney Rd #120, Woodburn, 97071
Willamette Valley Medical Center, (Ad on IBC)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . 503-814-4400
. . . . . . . . . . . . 503-814-4400
2700 SE Stratus Ave, McMinnville, 97128 503-922-6991
Political Contacts
Attorney General’s Office, 1162 Court St NE, Salem, 97301
Governor’s Office, 900 Court St NE #160, Salem, 97301
Oregon State Legislature, 900 Court St NE, Salem, 97301
. . . . . . 503-378-4400
. . . . . . . .800-332-2313
. . . . . . . 800-332-2313
Secretary of State’s Office, 225 Capitol St NE, Salem, 97301 503-986-1523
State Treasurer’s Office, 900 Court St NE, Rm 159, Salem, 97301
pg #75)
4285 Commercial St SE #100, Salem, 97302
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 503-373-1903
. . . . . . . . . . . . . 503-779-4844
Oregon Association of Realtors, PO Box 351, Salem, 97308
Parsons Home Team, (Ad pg #73)
. . . . . . 503-362-3645
38823 SW 2nd, Scio, 97374 503-413-0350, 503-910-8909
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Rehabilitation (See also Skilled Nursing, page 120)
Avamere, (Ad pg #123)
Avamere Court at Keizer, 5210 River Rd N, Keizer, 97303 503-393-3624
Avamere Rehab of Junction City, 530 Birch St, Junction City, 97448
. . . . . . . . 541-998-2395
Avamere Rehab of Lebanon, 350 S 8th St, Lebanon, 97355 . 541-259-1221
Avamere Rehab of Newport, 835 SW 11th St, Newport, 97365 541-265-5356
Salem Transitional Care, 3445 Boone Rd SE, Salem, 97317 503-576-3000
Transitional Care at Sunnyside, 4515 Sunnyside Rd SE, Salem, 97302
Dallas Retirement Village, (Ad pg #1)
. . . . . . . . 503-370-8284
377 NW Jasper St, Dallas, 97338 503-623-5581
Life Care Center of McMinnville, (Ad pg #76) 1309 NE 27th St, McMinnville, 97128
. . . . . . . . 503-472-4678
Salem Health Rehabilitation Services, (Ad on BC)
Indicates sponsor link available at www.RetirementConnection.com
Albany Senior Center, 489 Water St NW, Albany, 97321
Canyon Senior Center, 844 SW 1st St, Mill City, 97360
. . . . 541-917-7760
. . . . 503-897-4176
Center 50+, (Ad pg #79) 2615 Portland Rd NE, Salem, 97301 . 503-588-6303
Chehalem Senior Center, 101 W Foothills Dr, Newberg, 97132 503-537-9404
Corvallis Senior Center, 2601 NW Tyler Ave, Corvallis, 97330 . . 541-766-6959
Dallas Senior Center, 955 SE Jefferson St, Dallas, 97338 . . . . 503-623-8554
Friends Of McMinnville Center, 2250 NE McDaniel Ln, McMinnville, 97128 503-435-0407
Grand Sheramina, 120 N Bridge St, Sheridan, 97378 503-843-3133
Heritage House of Woodburn, 943 N Cascade Dr, Woodburn, 97071 . 503-982-1506
Lebanon Senior Center, 80 Tangent St, Lebanon, 97355
. . . . 541-258-4919
Lincoln City Senior Center, 2150 NE Oar Pl, Lincoln City, 97367 . 541-994-2722
Monmouth Center, 180 S Warren St, Monmouth, 97361 503-838-5678
Mt Angel Community Center, 195 E Charles St, Mt Angel, 97362 . 503-845-6998
Dallas, 525 SE Washington St, Dallas, 97338
. . . . . . . 503-561-5986
. . . . . . 503-623-7300 Monmouth, 512 Main St E #300, Monmouth, 97361 503-838-1182 Salem, 755 Mission St SE, Salem, 97302
Newport Senior Center, 20 SE 2nd St, Newport, 97365 . . . . 541-265-9617
Salem Area Seniors Keizer, 930 NE Plymouth Dr, Keizer, 97303 . 503-390-7441
Santiam Senior Center, 41818 Kingston-Jordan Rd, Stayton, 97383 503-767-2009
Scio Senior Center, 38957 NW 1st Ave, Scio, 97374 503-394-2511
Silverton Senior Center, 115 Westfield St, Silverton, 97381 . . . 503-873-3093
South Salem Seniors Center, (Ad pg #77) 6450 Fairway Ave SE, Salem, 97306 . . . . . . . . . . 503-588-0748
Sweet Home Community Center, 1661 Long St, Sweet Home, 97386 541-367-6901
Waldport Senior Center, 265 Hemlock, Waldport, 97394 541-563-3042
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AARP 866-654-5903
AARP Oregon State Office, 9200 Sunnybrook Blvd SE #410, Clackamas, 97015
. . . . . 866-554-5360
American Society on Aging, 575 Market St #2100, San Francisco, CA 94105 415-974-9600, 800-537-9728
Elder Care Locator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 800-677-1116
Seniors and People with Disabilities, 500 Summer St NE, Salem, 97301 503-945-5811, 800-282-8096
The Red Hat Society, Inc Hatquarters, 431 S Acacia Ave, Fullerton, CA 92831
McGinty & Belcher Attorneys, (Ad pg #37)
694 High St NE, Salem, 97301
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 866-386-2850
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Marion County Health- Alcohol and Drug Treatment Program, 2045 Silverton Rd NE #A, Salem, 97301 . . . . . . . 503-588-5358
Narcotics Anonymous–Hotline 503-990-0861
Oregon Recovery Behavioral Health, 1184 Mcgee Ct NE, Salem, 97303
. . . . . . . . . . . . 503-371-9636
Social Security Administration Salem, 1750 McGilchrist St SE #110, Salem, 97302
. . . . . . . . 800-772-1213 Substance Abuse / Chemical Dependency
Alcohol and Drug Helpline . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206-722-3700
Alcoholics Anonymous, Benton/Linn-District 21, . . . . . . . . . . . . . 541-967-4252 Salem, 687 Cottage St NE, Salem, 97301 . . . . . . . . . 503-399-0599
Bridgeway Recovery, 3325 Harold Dr NE, Salem, 97305 . . . . . 503-363-2021
Clear Paths, 171 SW Court St, Dallas, 97338 503-831-1423
Creekside Counseling, 2586 12th Pl SE, Salem, 97302 503-371-4160 Depaul Treatment Center, 1312 SW Washington St, Portland, 97205 . . 503-535-1151
Lincoln County Addiction Council Alcohol, 36 SW Nye St, Newport, 97365 . . . . . . . . . . . . 541-265-2971
Lincoln County Health & Human Services, Addiction Program–Lincoln City, 4422 NE Devil's Lake Blvd #2, Lincoln City, 97367 . . . . . 541-265-4196 Adult Mental Health, Addiction Program–South Beach, 51 SW Lee St, Newport, 97356 541-574-5960
Linn County Health Drug/Alcohol Treatment, Albany, 104 4th Ave SW, Albany, 97321
. . . . . . . . . 800-304-7468 Lebanon, 1600 S Main St, Lebanon, 97355
. . . . . . . . 541-451-5932
. . . . . . . . . 503-304-4358 Pacific Recovery, 1235 Woodrow St NE, Salem, 97301
. . . . 503-362-4980
Polk County Alcohol and Drug Treatment, (Behavioral Health Services) 182 SW Academy St #333, Dallas, 97338 503-623-9289
Psychiatric Crisis Center 503-585-4949 Seasons, 730 Hawthorne Ave NE, Salem, 97301 503-585-8129, 503-873-3941 Serenity Lane, 960 Liberty St E #120, Salem, 97302
. . . . 503-588-2804
Tahana Whitecrow Foundation, 2350 Wallace Rd NW, Salem, 97304 503-585-0564
Willamette Valley Treatment Center, 1160 Liberty St SE, Salem, 97302
. . . . . . . . . 855-716-4423
Yamhill Co-Chemical Dependency Services, 627 NE Evans St, McMinnville, 97128
. . . . . . . 503-434-7527 1901 Esther St, Newberg, 97132 503-434-7527
Retirement Connection Guide • 1-800-462-1316
ALS Support Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 800-681-9851
Alzheimer’s Association, (Ad pg #35) Center 50+, 2615 Portland Rd NE #2, Salem, 97301 800-272-3900
Blindskills, 680 State St, Salem, 97301 503-581-4224
Brain Injury and Stroke, Samaritan Hospital, Corvallis, 97330 . 541-768-5157
Diabetes Support Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . 503-585-1335
Family Caregiver Support Program, 203 N Main, Toledo, 97391 . 541-336-2289
Grief Support Group, 140 NE 4th St, Newport, 97365 541-574-4751
Multiple Sclerosis, Samaritan Health Services 541-921-8149
National Family Caregivers Support Program . . . . . . . 800-677-1116
NorthWest Senior & Disability Services, Family Caregiver Support Program, (Ad pg #31) 410 Cherry Ave NE, Salem, 97303 . . . . . . 866-206-4799
Parkinson's/Alzheimer's Support Groups, Corvallis Chintimini Senior & Community Center, 2601 NW Tyler Ave, Corvallis, 97330 . . . . . . . . 541-766-6959
McMinnville Senior Center, 2250 NE McDaniel Ln, McMinnville, 97128 503-435-0407
Mennonite Village, 5353 SE Columbus St, Albany, 97322 541-928-7232
Partnerships in Community Living . . . . . . . . . . 503-838-2403
Prostate Cancer Support Group, Salem Hospital, 890 Oak St SE, Salem, 97301 . . . . . . 503-814-2432
Salem Health Cancer Institute, (Ad on BC) 875 Oak St SE, Salem, 97301 . . . . . . . . . . . 503-814-1449
Samaritan Albany General Hospital - Ostomy . . . . . . . 541-812-4945
Stroke Caregiver Support Group, Salem Health Regional Rehab Center
2561 Center St NE, Salem, 97301 . . . . . . . . . . 503-561-5986
Willamette Valley Medical Center, (Ad on IBC)
2700 SE Stratus Ave, McMinnville, 97128 503-472-6131
Tax Advice and Preparation
AARP Oregon Office, 9200 SE Sunnybrook Blvd #410, Clackamas, 97015
Indicates sponsor link available at www.RetirementConnection.com
Benton County Property Tax Deferral Program, 4077 SW Research Wy, Corvallis, 97333 541-766-6855
Lincoln County Property Tax Deferral Program, 225 W Olive St, Rm 207, Newport, 97365
Linn County Property Tax Deferral Program, 300 4th Ave SW, Rm 214, Albany, 97321
. . . . . . . 541-265-4102
. . . . . . . . 541-967-3808
Marion County Property Tax Deferral Program 503-588-5144
Oregon Property Tax Deferral for Disabled & Senior Citizens . . 503-378-4988
Polk County Property Tax Deferral Program
Yamhill County Property Tax Deferral Program
Telephone Reassurance
Lions - Waldport, PO Box 660, Waldport, 97364
. . . . . . . 503-623-8391
. . . . . . . 503-434-7521
. . . . . . 541-563-6309
The Friendship Line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 800-971-0016
. . . . 866-554-5360
IRS: Volunteer Income Tax Assistance 800 829-1040
RSVP of Linn & Benton Counties, 1400 Queen Ave SE #206, Albany, 97322
. . . . . . . 541-812-0849
Retirement Connection Guide • 1-800-462-1316
AARP Driver Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 888-227-7669
Albany Transit System, PO Box 490, Albany, 97321 . . . . . 541-917-7667
AM's Riders, (Ad pg #83) 971-283-9231
Angel Flight West
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 888-426-2643
Indicates sponsor link available at www.RetirementConnection.com
. . . . . . . . . . . 503-873-1784
Call-A-Ride Albany, 541-917-7770 Carevan (Legacy Medical Center)
Center 50+, (Ad pg #79) 2615 Portland Rd NE, Salem, 97301 . 503-588-6303
Cherriots, Administrative office, 555 Court St NE #5230, Salem, 97301 . 503-588-2877
Reservation Line
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 503-315-5544
CherryLift, 555 Court St NE #5230, Salem, 97301
Connections Van Services, (Service for Salem Health)
. . . . . 503-588-2424
. . . . 503-831-3474
Corvallis Transit System, 931 NW Reiman Ave, Corvallis, 97330 541-766-6998
Dial-A-Bus, 4077 SW Research Wy, Corvallis, 97333
. . . . 541-752-2615
Dial-A-Ride of Woodburn, 202 Young St, Woodburn, 97071 . . 503-982-7433
Faith-in-Action 503-537-1549 Lebanon Dial-A-Bus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 541-258-4920
Lincoln County Transit 541-265-4900 Linn Shuttle, 880 18th Ave, Sweet Home, 97386 . . . . . 541-367-4775
Oregon DMV, 1905 Lana Ave NE, Salem, 97314 503-945-5000
Oregon Department of Transportation/Intercity Busses, 555 13th St NE #3, Salem, 97301 www .tripcheck .com
Salem Ambulance Service, 2742 25th St SE, Salem, 97302 503-588-6428
SMART, 28879 SW Boberg Rd, Wilsonville, 97070 . . . . . 503-682-7790
The Silver Trolley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 503-873-4546
TLC Medical Transport, (Ad pg #83) 2475 Lancaster Dr NE #1A, Salem, 97305
. . . . . . . 503-509-6406
Trip Link Yamhill for OHP Plus Patients . . . . . . . . . 888-315-5544
Veterans Medical Center Shuttle, Market & Hawthorne, Salem, 97302
. . . . . . . . . 503-220-8262
Willamette Valley Transportation, 1440 13th St SE, Salem, 97302 503-569-7070
Willamette Valley Yellow Cab, 2425 Fisher Rd, Salem, 97305 . . 503-362-2411
Woodburn Transit, 202 Young St, Woodburn, 97071
. . . . 503-982-5233
YAMCO 503-472-0457
Yamhill-Carlton Volunteer Transit . . . . . . . . . . . 503-437-5231
Yamhill County Transit Area, 800 NE 2nd St, McMinnville, 97128
. . . . . . . . . 503-474-4900
Yamhill Community Care Organization Well Ride OHP Patients . 844-256-5720
YCTA Dial-a-Ride
Retirement Connection Guide • 1-800-462-1316
American Legion:
Albany Post 10, 1215 Pacific Blvd SE, Albany, 97321 . . . . 541-926-0127
Dallas Post 20, PO Box 669, Dallas, 97338 971-241-2775
Independence Post 33, 1242 'D' St, Independence, 97351 805-574-9733
Lebanon Post 51, 480 Main St, Lebanon, 97355 . . . . . . 541-451-1351
McMinnville Post 21, 126 NE Atlantic St, McMinnville, 97128 503-435-2218
Mt Angel Post 89, PO Box 1118, Mt Angel, 97362 . . . . 503-845-2400
Newberg Post 57, 125 S Elliot Rd, Newberg, 97132 503-703-2757
Newport Post 116, 424 W Olive St, Newport, 97365 . . . . 541-265-9017
Philomath Post 100, 148 N 13th St, Philomath, 97370 . . . 503-685-5006
American Legion:
Salem Post 9, 630 Hood St NE, Salem, 97301 503-364-0261
Sheridan Post 75, 125 N Bridge St, Sheridan, 97378 503-779-9473
Timber City Post 133, 1127 Long St, Sweet Home, 97387 . . 541-367-2814
Woodburn Post 46, PO Box 371, Woodburn, 97071 . . . . 503-981-1470
AMVETS Post 1993, PO Box 1709, McMinnville, 97128 . . . 971-261-7339
Vets Helping Vets, 237 SW 3rd Ave, Albany, 97321 541-241-1139
Veterans of Foreign Wars, James Brumbaugh Post 4227, 268 Pioneer Mountain Lp, Toledo, 97391 . . . . . . . 541-336-3446
Lincoln County Post 2624, PO Box 211, Seal Rock, 97376 . . 541-563-2810
Linn Post 584, 1469 Timber St SE, Albany, 97322 541-928-7925
Portland VA Medical Center, 630 Hood St, Salem, 97302 . . 503-689-4811
Stayton Post 5638 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 503-689-4881
Sweet Home Post 3437, 580 Main St, Sweet Home, 97386 . 541-367-4435
Willamina Post 4211, 771 NE Main St, Willamina, 97396 503-876-2447
Yamhill County Veterans Affairs, 340 NE Kirby St, McMinnville, 97128 . . . . . . . 503-434-7503
National Resources
Debt Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 800-827-0648
Education Benefits 888-442-4551
Health Eligibility Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 800-929-8387
Life Insurance Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 800-669-8477
Telephone Assistance Service . . . . . . . . . . . . 800-827-1000
Indicates sponsor link available at www.RetirementConnection.com
Resources & Support
Benton County Veterans, Albany, 330 3rd Ave SW, Albany, 97321 . . . . . . . . 541-967-3882 Corvallis, 301 SW 4th St #140, Corvallis, 97333 541-758-1595
Department of Veterans Affairs-National Suicide Prevention . 800-273-8255
Disabled American Veterans Oregon, 100 SW Main, Portland, 97204 . . . . . . 503-412-4750, 888-604-0234 Douglas, Conroyd, Gibb & Pacheco, PC, (Ad pg #36) 528 Cottage St NE #200, Salem, 97301 503-364-7000
Oregon Department of Veterans Affairs, 700 Summer St NE #150, Salem, 97301 . . . . . . . 503-373-2000
Oregon Paralyzed Veterans of America, 3700 Silverton Rd NE, Salem, 97305 503-362-7998, 800-333-0782
Oregon Veterans Home, 600 N 5th St, Lebanon, 97355 . . . . . . . . . . 503-497-7265 700 Veterans Dr, The Dalles, 97058 . . . . . 541-296-7190, 800-846-8460
Veterans Health Services for Women, 3710 SW US Veterans Hospital Rd, Bldg 104, Portland, 97239 503-402-2852
Veterans Medical Center Reintegration Services, 3710 SW US Veterans Hospital Rd, Portland, 97207 . . . 503-220-8262
Veterans Medical Center Shuttle . . . . . . . . . . . . 503-220-8262
Veterans Van, 112 SE Douglas, Newport, 97365 800-949-1004
Benton County Veterans Service Office, 777 NW 9th St #202C, Corvallis, 97330 . . . . . . . 541-758-1595
Lincoln County Veterans Service Office, 1231 SE Bay Blvd #A, Newport, 97365 . . . . . . . 541-265-0570 4157 NW US 101 #250, Lincoln City, 97367 . . . . . . 541-265-0570
Linn County Veterans Service Office, 330 3rd Ave SW, Albany, 97321 541-967-3882
Marion County Department of Veterans Affairs, 700 Summer St NE #150, Salem, 97301 . . . . . . . 503-373-2085
Newport Outreach Clinic, 1010 SW Coast Hwy, Newport, 97365 541-265-4182
Polk County Department of Veterans Affairs, 240 SW Washington St, Dallas, 97338 503-623-9188
Salem Veterans Center, 2645 Portland Rd NE #250, Salem, 97301 . 503-362-9911
Veterans Administration Oregon Department of Veterans’ Affairs, 700 Summer St NE #150, Salem, 97301 . . . . . . . 503-373-2085
Retirement Connection Guide • 1-800-462-1316
Veterans Administration Clinic, 1660 Oak St SE, Salem, 97301
. . . . . . . . . . . 800-949-1004 3710 SW US Veterans Hospital Rd, Portland, 97239 . . . . 503-220-8262
Veterans Outreach Center, 2645 Portland Rd NE #250, Salem, 97301
. . . . . . . 503-362-9911
Yamhill County Veterans Office, 340 NE Kirby St, McMinnville, 97128 . . . . . . . . . 503-434-7503
Eagle Point National, 2763 Riley Rd, Eagle Point, 97524 541-826-2511
Veterans of Foreign Wars, 12440 NE Halsey St, Portland, 97230 . . 503-255-5808
Willamette National, 11800 SE Mt Scott Blvd, Portland, 97086 . . 503-273-5250
BlindSkills 503-581-4224
Braille Plus, 2659 Commercial St SE #264, Salem, 97302 . . . 503-391-5335
Oregon Commission for the Blind, 780 Commercial St SE #200, Salem, 97301
. . . . . . . 503-378-8479
Oregon State Library, Talking Book and Braille Services, 250 Winter St NE, Salem, 97301 800-452-0292
Indicates sponsor link available at www.RetirementConnection.com
Housing Placement & Referral
Senior One Source, (Ad on IFC) 503-420-9011
Housing Resources
Fair Housing Council of Oregon 503-223-8197, 800-424-3247
Housing Authority, Camas Commons, 5140 SW Meadowflower, Corvallis, 97333 541-753-6885
Clayton Meadows, 2080 SE Queen, Albany, 97322 . . . . . 541-791-9175
Lincoln County, 1039 NW Nye St, Newport, 97365 . . . . . . 541-265-5326
Linn-Benton, 1250 SE Queen Ave, Albany, 97322 . . . . . . 541-926-4497
Marion County, 2645 Portland, Rd SE #200, Salem, 97302 . . . 503-798-4170
Polk County, 204 SW Walnut Ave, Dallas, 97338 503-623-8387
River View Place, 635 3rd Ave SW #100, Albany, 97321 . . . 541-791-7398 Salem, 360 Church St SE, Salem, 97301 503-588-6368
Yamhill County, 135 NE Dunn Pl, McMinnville, 97128 . . . . 503-883-4300
Leading Age Oregon 503-684-3788
Long Term Care Ombudsman . . . . . . . . . . . . . 800-522-2602
Marion County Housing Authority, (Ad pg #97) . . . . . . . 503-798-4170
Mid-Willamette Valley Community Action . . . . . . . . . 503-399-9080
Oregon Elderly Rental Assistance Program
. . . . . . . . . 800-356-4222
Salem Housing Authority Affordable Housing Property Management, 360 Church St SE, Salem, 97301
. . . . . . . . . . . 503-588-6368
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development 202-708-1112
Yamhill Community Action Partnership (White Cap) . . . . . . 503-472-0457
Due to the large amount, not all are listed in the guide . These links provide a complete list: Linn, Benton, and Lincoln Counties -https://www ocwcog .org/seniors-disability/ medicaid/long-term/adult-foster/ Marion, Polk, and Yamhill Counties - https://nwsds .org/index .php/home/careworkers-providers/
Life Plan Communities (Continuing Care Retirement Communities)
Capital Manor Tower & Townhomes, 1955 Dallas Hwy NW, Salem, 97304 503-717-6627
Friendsview Retirement,1301 E Fulton St, Newberg, 97132
. . . 503-538-3144 Hillside McMinnville, 300 NW Hillside Park Wy, McMinnville, 97128 . 503-272-1158
Mennonite Village, (Ad pg #111) 5353 Columbus St SE, Albany, 97322 . 541-928-1122
Adult Day Care Programs offer a protective setting during the day, for those who cannot be left alone due to health care and social needs. The structured program within a community setting offers: socialization, planned activities, care services, companionship and meals. Adult Day Care provides daytime respite for the caregiver who typically works, needs time for other responsibilities, or simply to take a break. Some programs are designed for older adults with dementia and/or physical limitations. Programs through senior housing communities that are listed in this guide must be able to accept non-residents to be included.
Adult Care Homes or Family Care Homes are private residences that provide a home-like setting, and serve 5 or less residents. The caregiver may perform several functions, such as personal care, housekeeping and activities and group meals. There are three levels of Adult Foster Care Home licenses. The classification system is based on level of care the Adult Foster Home may provide to residents who live in the home as well as the experience and training of the providers and their ability to assist residents with: personal hygiene, mobility, eating, dressing, toileting, and behavior management. Residents may require very light assistance or may be dependent with several care needs; it is best to ask individual locations for their specific policies and license.
Assisted Living Communities are State-regulated rental properties where six or more residents may reside. Care assistance is available, including: medication management, bathing, dressing, toileting and eating. Apartments must be fully self-contained private living units with a lockable door, private bathroom, and kitchenette facilities. The fee schedule is regular monthly rent along with additional fees for specific services and amenities. Assisted living communities are best suited for individuals who want to remain as independent as possible and who are able to direct their own care.
CCRCs (Continuing Care Retirement Communities) are communities that include a continuum of care with independent living, assisted living, residential care and skilled nursing services all on one campus, allowing individuals to live within the same community as their needs progress through the spectrum of care. They typically offer the full selection of amenities associated with retirement living. An endowment fee in addition to a monthly maintenance fee can be expected.
Independent Living Communities provide residents with an independent living setting without the burden of home ownership. Typically, residency is established on a monthly rental basis. Residents live in fully equipped private apartments or cottages from studios to large two-bedroom units that may be rental-assisted or market-rate depending on the community. Amenities and hospitality services such as housekeeping, linen service, transportation and social and recreational activities may be included, provided for an additional charge, or may not be available at all. These communities do not provide assistance with activities of daily living or personal care.
Indicates sponsor link available at www.RetirementConnection.com
Intermediate Care Facilities (ICF) are nursing facilities that are most appropriate for people who need 24-hour medical oversight in a structured setting. Most residents must share their room, but residents are allowed to bring personal items to encourage a more home-like atmosphere. Additionally, nursing facilities offer residents planned social, recreational and spiritual activities.
Memory Care or Dementia Communities offer or provide care for residents with Alzheimer’s disease or other dementia in a home-like environment. These communities, must receive an endorsement and are governed by additional regulations that are specifically intended to support individuals with dementia, including: a secure building that alerts staff if a resident has exited, a secure outdoor area that provides outdoor freedom safely, interior finishes that are non-glare and well lit, and visual contrasts between floors, walls and doorways. Alzheimer’s units must also have programs, which include: gross motor, self-care, social, craft, sensory enhancement and outdoor activities.
Rehabilitation & Therapy is treatment for an injury, illness, or pain with the goal of restoring function, including nursing and therapy services. Rehab is ordered by a physician and services are provided by nurses and physical, occupational, and speech therapists. Examples include working with a physical therapist to help you walk and with an occupational therapist to help you get dressed.
Residential Care Facilities provide housing and supportive services for six or more people who do not require 24-hour nursing care. Pricing can vary greatly depending on the level of care provided and the size and amenities of each apartment. Accommodations are typically in a home like setting and may range from a shared bedroom with common bathroom, to private apartments with kitchenette and private bathroom. Monthly fees vary greatly based on unit amenities and care services. Many residential care facilities specialize in caring for individuals with Alzheimer’s or dementia.
Respite Care is short term relief for family caregivers to take a break from the caregiving responsibilities and allows for a healthier and better quality of life for both the caregiver and care receiver. Respite services include: companionship, personal care, recreational activities and security. Respite care can be provided as short stay or for a longer period that allows the family caregiver to go on vacation or a business trip. Longer duration respite care is generally found at select senior housing communities although some Companion services may provide this service in the home.
Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) is a State-licensed facility that provides a safe, therapeutic environment for individuals who require rehabilitative care. Skilled Nursing Facilities offer 24-hour skilled nursing care and medical services by licensed nurses and support professionals. This is the highest level of care that can be provided that is not a hospitalization. Additionally, nursing facilities offer residents planned social, recreational and spiritual activities.
Sources: Salem Health and Oregon Department of Health & Human Services.
AD PAGE # Housing Independent Living and Retirement Communities Housing 9190 CONTINUUMCCRC TELEPHONE STUDIOAPT 1BEDROOM MEALS2BEDROOM ACTIVITYAVAILABLE PROGRAM SCHEDULEDHOUSEKEEPING TRANS PETSALLOWED HANDICAPACCESS STARTING#OFUNITS PRICE Indicates sponsor link available at www.RetirementConnection.com 1 Dallas Retirement Village Apartments, 310 W Ellendale Ave, Dallas, 97338 503-623-9211 • • • • • • • • • • 73 $2,465 1 Dallas Retirement Village Garden Homes, 377 NW Jasper St, Dallas, 97338 503-623-9211 • • • • • • • • 45 $2,165 1 Dallas Retirement Village Lodge Residences, 249 NW Jasper St, Dallas, 97338 503-623-9211 • • • • • • • • • 69 $2,095 La Creole Family Townhomes, 228 SW Walnut Ave, Dallas, 97338 503-623-8387 • • • 8 sliding La Creole Manor, 345 SW Donald St, Dallas, 97338 503-623-8387 • • • • 60 sliding DAYTON Palmer Creek Apartments, 995 Ferry St #102, Dayton, 97114 503-864-4292 • • • • 20 sliding DUNDEE Rose Park Senior Apartments, 179 SW 7th St, Dundee, 97115 503-537-4026 • • • 45 $750 INDEPENDENCE Arbor Court, 610-628 Arbor Ct, Independence, 97351 503-831-1051
• • • 28 sliding Grandview in Mt Angel, 1050 Linden St, Mt Angel, 97362 971-237-3362
AD PAGE # Housing Independent Living and Retirement Communities Housing 9392 CONTINUUMCCRC TELEPHONE STUDIOAPT 1BEDROOM MEALS2BEDROOM ACTIVITYAVAILABLE PROGRAM SCHEDULEDHOUSEKEEPING TRANS PETSALLOWED HANDICAPACCESS STARTING#OFUNITS PRICE 106 Vineyard Heights Cottages, 345 SW Hill Rd, McMinnville, 97128 503-435-1000 • • • • • • • 16 $3,135 MONMOUTH 99 Heron Pointe Senior Living, 504 Gwinn St E, Monmouth, 97361 503-838-6850 • • • • • • • 10 $3,395 MT ANGEL 97 Edelweiss Village, 150 N Garfield St, Mt Angel, 97362 503-472-6212
177 $2,439
106 $2,014
• • • • • • • • • 541-687-5820
Jason Lee Manor, 1551 Center St NE, Salem, 97301
sliding Madrona Hills, 707 Madrona Ave SE, Salem, 97302
• • • • • • • • • • 142 $3,295 Capital Manor, 1955 Salem Dallas Hwy NW #1200, Salem, 97304 503-589-1200
• • • • • • • • • • 299 $2,200 Englewood West, 1068 Park Ave NE, Salem, 97301 541-743-7134
Kingwood West, 1947 Salem-Dallas Hwy NW, Salem, 97304
Pioneer Village, 375 Taybin Rd NW, Salem, 97304
99 Providence Place, 3524 Fisher Rd NE, Salem, 97305
Ratcliff Dr SE, Salem, 97302
Madrona Hills,
• • • • • • • • 66 99 Boone Ridge Retirement, 2990 Boone Rd SE, Salem, 97306 503-364-3383
• • • • • 54 $525 Four Oaks, 1051-1099 23rd St SE, Salem, 97301 503-738-5526
• • • 24 sliding Gibson Creek by Bonaventure, 1615 Brush College Rd NW, Salem, 503-843-3807
Church St SE, Salem, 97301
• • • • • • • 8 $3,350 Hidden Lakes, 400 Madrona Ave SE, Salem, 97302 503-212-9413
AD PAGE # Housing Independent Living and Retirement Communities Housing 9594 Indicates sponsor link available at www.RetirementConnection.com CONTINUUMCCRC TELEPHONE STUDIOAPT 1BEDROOM MEALS2BEDROOM ACTIVITYAVAILABLE PROGRAM SCHEDULEDHOUSEKEEPING TRANS PETSALLOWED HANDICAPACCESS STARTING#OFUNITS PRICE SALEM Bonaventure of Salem, 3411 Boone Rd SE, Salem, 97301 503-588-6368
Lancaster Dr NE, Salem, 97301
Salem, 97305
Salem, 97306
Assisted Living, Residential & Family Care Home LICENSETYPE TELEPHONE 1BEDRMORSTUDIO BEDRMORLARGER KITCHENETTERESPITECARE INAPT MEMORYNURSEONSTAFF NURSINGCAREONSITE PETSHMONSITE ACCEPTALLOWED NUMBERMEDICAID STARTINGOFUNITS PRICE Housing 103102 Housing Indicates sponsor link available at www.RetirementConnection.com AD PAGE # A =Assisted Living, R =Residential Care, F =Family Care Home NEWBERG 123 Avamere at Newberg, 730 E Foothills Dr, Newberg, 97132 503-554-0767 A • • • • • • • 54 $4,011 109 Brookdale Newberg, 3802 Hayes St, Newberg, 97132 503-610-0356 A • • • • • • • 83 $4,290 Willow Place, 1307 N College St, Newberg, 97132 503-537-9100 A • • • • • • • 26 $4,450 NEWPORT 108 Oceanview Senior Living, 525 NE 71st St, Newport, 97365 541-574-0550 A • • • • • • 71 $3,350 SALEM Bonaventure of Salem, 3411 Boone Rd SE, Salem, 97301 503-480-0004 A • • • • • • 52 $4,420 Boone Ridge, 2950 Boone Rd SE, Salem, 97306 971-332-3434 A • • • • • • • • 90 $4,495 106 Cedar Village, 4452 Lancaster Dr NE, Salem, 97305 503-390-9600 A • • • • • • • • 51 $3,990 Farmington Square, 960 Boone Rd SE, Salem, 97306 503-715-1159 R • • • • • • • 43 $3,465 Gibson Creek by Bonaventure, 1615 Brush College Rd NW, Salem, 97304 503-845-2544
“Great staff, clean environment, and plenty of activities. My grandfather is here and we are so grateful.”
Carter P. ~ Grandson of Resident
Independent/Retirement Living Assisted Living | Memory Care
“I feel very fortunate that my parents are residents at the Junction City Retirement & Assisted Living. They consistently receive outstanding care by incredibly helpful, attentive and friendly staff.”
Dan D. ~ Son of Resident
Ba y side Terrac e
(AL, MC)
192 Norman Ave. Coos Bay, OR 97420 541-888-2255
Ce d ar Vi l l ag e
(AL, MC)
4452 Lancaster Dr. NE Salem, OR 97305 503-390-9600
Junction C it y
(RL, AL)
500 E 6th Ave. Junction City, OR 97448 541-998-6060
L o ne Oa k
2615 Lone Oak Way Eugene, OR 97404 541-463-7700
N eawanna by the Se a (RL, AL)
20 N Wahanna Rd. Seaside, OR 97138 503-738-5526
O cean Ri dg e (AL)
1855 Ocean Blvd. SE Coos Bay, OR 97420 541-267-4000
Pheasant Po i nt e (AL, MC)
835 E Main St. Molalla, OR 97038 503-829-3777
Re dw o od H ei g ht s
4050 12th St. Cutoff SE Salem, OR 97302 503-540-0822
S il ver C ree k (AL, MC)
703 Evergreen Rd. Woodbur n, OR 97071 503-981-4142
T he Oaks at Le b an o n (RL, AL) 621 W Oak Lebanon, OR 97355 541-258-7777
T he Vil l a g e a t
Kei z er Ri dg e
(AL, MC)
1165 McGee Court NE Keizer, OR 97303 503-390-1300
T im b er wood Co ur t (MC)
2875 SE 14th Ave. Albany, OR 97322 541-967-9700
Vi ne y a rd H e i ght s (RL, AL)
345 SW Hill Rd. McMinnville, OR 97128 503-435-1000
F rontier M gmt.co m
Rd. NW Salem,
5595 SW West Hills Rd. Corvallis,
(541) 753-7136
Knowing when to talk to Mom or Dad about getting help with daily tasks isn’t easy. But know that our caregivers will treat you and your parents like family. When you need us, we’ll be there.
Call a community near you to schedule an introductory meeting or tour!
Brookdale Forest Grove Assisted Living (503) 610-6953
Brookdale Geary Street Assisted Living Alzheimer’s & Dementia Care (541) 209-6733
Brookdale Grand Prairie Independent Living (541) 837-1777
Brookdale Heritage Plaza Independent Living (541) 837-1757
Brookdale McMinnville City Center Assisted Living Alzheimer’s & Dementia Care (503) 610-6947
Brookdale McMinnville Town Center Independent Living Assisted Living (503) 868-5224
Brookdale Newberg Independent Living Assisted Living (503) 610-0356
Brookdale River Road Assisted Living (503) 749-9779
Brookdale Salem Alzheimer’s & Dementia Care (503) 610-6486
97306 503-316-0687
Salem, 97301
N • • • • • • 14 $8,040 106 Pheasant Pointe, 835 E Main St, Molalla, 97038 503-990-6679
R • • • • • 12 $4,135 NEWBERG Arbor Oaks Terrace, 317 Werth Blvd, Newberg, 97132 503-581-4239
Salem, 97301
Salem, 97304
R • • • • • 48 $6,950 123 Avamere at Newberg, 730 E Foothills Dr, Newberg, 97132 503-912-4551
Memory Care Housing 115114 Housing TELEPHONE ALZ/DEMENTIALICENSETYPE FURNISHEDONLY APT ADULTDAYCARE SEMI-PRIVATE NURSINGNURSESONSTAFF ACCEPTHMONSITE MEDICAID PRIVATEROOMS RESPITECARE STARTING#OFALZUNITS ALZPRICE AD PAGE # MOLALLA 119 Bear Creek Memory Care, 250 Kennel Ave, Molalla, 97038 503-759-9989 R • • • • • • 34 $5,500 Molalla Manor Care Center, 301 Ridings Ave, Molalla, 97038 97301
Licensing requirements for Assisted Living Facilities vary by state and can be known by as many as 26 different names including: residential care, board and care, congregate care, and personal care. A complete list of each state’s terminology and state regulations can be found at: https://aspe. hhs.gov/reports/guide-assisted-livingstate-policy
A good match between a community and a resident’s needs depends as much on the philosophy and services, as it does on the quality of care.
The following suggestions can help you get started in your search for a safe, comfortable and appropriate assisted living community:
What are your future needs and how will the community meet those needs?
Is the community close to family and friends? Are there any shopping centers or other businesses nearby (within walking distance)?
Visit each community more than once, sometimes unannounced.
Visit at meal times, sample the food, and observe the quality.
Observe interactions among residents and staff and ask questions.
Ask about social, recreational, and spiritual activities.
These steps should also be considered:
Contact your state’s long-term care ombudsman to see if any complaints have recently been filed against the assisted living community you are interested in. In many states, the ombudsman checks on conditions at assisted living units and nursing homes.
Windsong at Eola Hills is a Montessori Inspired Lifestyle® Memory Care Community. We serve those who have been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Disease and other forms of dementia.
ENABLE: WindSong encourages residents to do for themselves as much as possible.
Ask about the type and frequency of staff trainings.
Review state licensing reports.
If the assisted living community is connected to a nursing home, ask for information about it, too. (Information on nursing homes can be found on the Medicare website at http://www.medicare. gov/nhcompare/home.asp).
Source: https://eldercare.acl.gov/public/ resources/Index.aspx
Due to the large number of Adult Foster Homes, not all are listed in this guide. These links provide a complete list: Benton, Lincoln & Linn Counties
https://www.ocwcog.org/seniors-disability/ medicaid/long-term/adult-foster
Clatsop, Marion, Polk, Tillamook & Yamhill Counties
By Retirement Connection Staff
ENGAGE: Our skilled staff are trained to be the link between who they would be if they did not have dementia, and who they are now.
ELEVATE: Our mission is to change the way we think about dementia. We consider what they CAN do and work to circumvent the deficits.
“Everything you do for me, you take away from me.….”
~Maria Montessori
Our philosophy is: 503.912.4551 WindsongMemoryCare.com 2030 Wallace Rd NW • Salem, OR
Birth Place: Mother’s Maiden Name: Social Security Number: Driver’s License Number:
Medicare Number: Medicaid Number:
Case Worker: Phone: Health Insurance: ID #: Monthly Income: Debt: Health Information
Medical Conditions:
Allergies: Surgeries: Pharmacy:
Primary Physician: Phone: Physician #1: Phone: Physician #2: Phone: Dentist: Phone:
Checking Accounts
Credit Cards IRA’s CD’s Stocks/Bonds Mutual Funds
Home Owner Insurance Car Insurance Life Insurance Long-term Care Insurance Other Insurance Real Estate Mortgages Deed to House Car Title Tax Records Health Care Records Birth Certificate
Marriage Certificate Will Power of Attorney Advanced Directives/POLST Safety Deposit Box Valuable Objects
A Golden Hand Home Care . . . . . . 27
Advanced Lifeline Respiratory Services . 41
Affordable at Home Care . . . . . . . . 26
Alzheimer's Association . . . . . . . . 35
AM's Riders 83
Avamere Family of Companies . . . 123
Battle Creek Memory Care 118
Bayside Terrace . . . . . . . 106-107
Bear Creek Memory Care 119
Blue Haven . . . . . . . . . . . 119
Boone Ridge . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
Bristol Hospice . . . . . . . . . . 61
Brookdale Senior Living . . . . . . . 109
Cal's Moving and Storage . . . . . . . 72
CareAvailability .com . . . . . . . . . . 2
Cascade Park . . . . . . . . . . 97
Cedar Village . . . . . . . . 106-107 Center 50+ . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Chris & Gerry Stewart Realtors . . . . . 75
Clearstone Memorial Partners 53
Columbia Medical Alarm . . . . . . . 45
ComForCare Home Care 23
Country Meadows Village . . . . . . 108
Dallas Retirement Village . . . . . . . 1
Douglas, Conroyd, Gibb & Pacheco . . . 36
Edelweiss Village . . . . . . . . . . 97
Emerald Gardens . . . . . . . . 119
Family Resource Home Care . . . . . 25
Farnstrom Mortuary . . . . . . . . . 53
Fetch Pet Care . . . . . . . . . . 71
First Call Home Health Care . . . . . . 3
Frontier Management . . . . . 106-107
Hazelwood Estates . . . . . . . . . . 97
HDE Home Care . . . . . . . . . . 27
Heron Pointe Senior Living . . . . . . 99
Home Instead . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Interim Healthcare 24
Iuditas Memory Care . . . . . . . 119
Johnson Funeral Home 53
Junction City . . . . . . . 106-107
Keizer Funeral Chapel 53
Kjerulf & Goto Wealth Management . . . 49
Lakeview Senior Living . . . . . . . 108
Life Care Center of McMinnville . . . . . 76
Lone Oak . . . . . . . . . 106-107
Lumina Hospice . . . . . . . . . . 61
Marian Estates . . . . . . . . . . . 98
Marion County Housing Authority . . . . 97
McGinty & Belcher Attorneys . . . . . 37
Meadowlark Senior Living . . . . . 110
Mennonite Village . . . . . . . . . 111 Neawanna by the Sea 106-107
New Horizons In-Home Care . . . . . 24
NorthWest Senior & Disability Services 31
Oak Park Village . . . . . . . . . . 97
Ocean Ridge . . . . . . . 106-107
Oceanview Senior Living . . . . . 108 OCWCOG . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Orchard Heights . . . . . . . . . 108
Parkinson's Resources of Oregon . . . . 33
Parsons Home Team . . . . . . . . 73
Pheasant Pointe . . . . . . 106-107
Premier Care Homes . . . . . . . 110
Prestige Senior Living . . . . . . . 108
Providence Benedictine 16
Providence Place . . . . . . . . . 99
Radiant Senior Living . . . . . . . . 119
Redwood Heights . . . . . . . 106-107
Restlawn Memory Gardens & Funeral . 53
Salem Clinic . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Salem Health . . . . . . . . . . . BC
Salem Transitional Care . . . . . . 123
Samaritan Evergreen Hospice . . . . 63
Samaritan Health Plans . . . . . . 69
Senior Helpers . . . . . . . . . 24
Senior One Source . . . . . . . . IFC
Sheridan Senior Estates . . . . . . 97
SHIBA 57, 69
Signature Healthcare at Home . 15, 59
Silver Creek 106-107
South Salem Seniors Center . . . . 77
Southern Hills . . . . . . . . . 108
Stayton Elder Manor . . . . . . . . 97
Sweet Bye N Bye . . . . . . . . . 117
Sweetbriar Villa . . . . . . . . . 119
The Arbor at Avamere Court 123
The Oaks at Lebanon . . . . . . 106-107
The Village at Keizer Ridge . . . 106-107
Timberwood Court . . . . . . . 106-107
TLC Medical Transport . . . . . . . 83
Traditions Health Hospice . . . . . 63
Transitional Care at Sunnyside . . . . 123
TrueLife Financial . . . . . . . . . 49
Vineyard Heights . . . . . . . 106-107
Visiting Angels . . . . . . . . . . 24
Waverly Place . . . . . . . . . . . 111
Wellness at Home . . . . . . . . . 111
West Hills . . . . . . . . . . . 108
Westmont 108
Willamette Elder Law . . . . . . . . . 36
Willamette Heritage Center 47
Willamette Valley Caregivers . . . . 16, 26
Willamette Valley Medical Center . . . IBC
Windermere Pacific West Properties . . 75
Windsong at Eola Hills . . . . . . . 117
Abuse . . . . . . . . 28
Adult Day Centers . . . . . 28
Advocacy . . . . . . . 28
Aquatic Classes & Therapies 29
Area Agencies on Aging . . . . 32
Assisted Living & Residential Care . 100
Associations for Specific Conditions 32
Attorneys & Elder Law . . . . 36
Bereavement 39
Care Management . . . . 39
Caregiver Checklist . . . . 124
Caregiving Resources & Support . . 39
Chemical Dependency . . . . 78
Computer Classes . . . . 39
Conditions & Treatments . . . 40
Consumer Affairs . . . . . 40
Continuing Education . . . . 42
Counseling . . . . . . . 42
County Health Departments . . 42
Dental Resources & Services . . 43
Diabetic Resources 43
Dialysis . . . . . . . . 43
Disability Programs . . . . 44
Emergency Preparedness . . . 44
Emergency Response Systems . . 45 Employment 45
Energy Resources . . . . . 46
Entertainment & Recreation . . 47
Estate Planning . . . . . 48
Events . . . . . . . . 48
Faith-Based Organizations . . . 48
Fiduciary Services . . . . . 72
Financial & Clothing Assistance . . 48
Financial Services . . . . 49
Fitness, Health & Wellness . . . 50
Food Resources . . . . . 50
Foot Care . . . . . . . 53
Funeral, Cremation & Pre-Planning 53
Government Resources . . . . 54
Guardian or Conservator . . . 54
Health Clinics . . . . . 55
Health Insurance & HMOs . . . 56
Health Screenings 57
Hearing Resources & Services . . 57
Home Care Definitions . . . . 12
Home Health Agencies . . . . 14
Home Modification & Repair . . 58
Homecare Registry Services . . 14
Hospice & Palliative Care . . . 58
Hospitals . . . . . . . . 65
Housing Definitions . . . . . 88
Housing Placement & Referral . . 87
Housing Resources 87
How to Use This Guide . . . . 10
Identity Theft . . . . . . . 65
In-Home Agency Classifications . . 17
In-Home Care . . . . . . . 18
Independent & Retirement 90
Information & Guide Request . . 7
Joint Replacement . . . . . 65
Legal Aid & Resources . . . . 65
Letter from the Publisher . . . 9
Libraries . . . . . . . . . 66
Life Plan Communities (CCRC) . . 87
Long-Term Care Insurance . . . 67
Medicaid . . . . . . . . 67
Medical & Drug Trials . . . . . 67
Medical Equipment & Supplies . . 67
Medicare . . . . . . . . 69
Medication Assistance 70
Medication Review . . . . . 70
Memory Care . . . . . . . 112
Mental Health Services . . . . 70
Mobility Equipment . . . . . 71
Money Managers 72
Move Management . . . . . 72
Organ/Whole Body Donation . . 72
Pet Resources . . . . . . . 72
Physicians . . . . . . . . 74
Political Contacts . . . . . . 74
Real Estate Services . . . . . 74
Rehabilitation . . . . . . . 76
Senior Centers . . . . . . 77
Senior Organizations . . . . 78
Skilled & Intermediate Care . . 120
Social Groups . . . . . . . 78
Social Security 78
Sponsor Index . . . . . . 126
Substance Abuse . . . . . . 78
Support Groups & Education . . 80
Tax Advice & Preparation . . . 80
Tax Credit 81
Telephone Reassurance . . . . 81
Transportation . . . . . . 82
Travel Resources & Services . . 83
Veteran Services . . . . . . 84
Vision Resources & Services . . 86
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Enhanced cleaning, mask requirements and social distancing to help keep you safe.