Featured Sponsors
Senior Lifestyle, Page 158-159
Senior Lifestyle, Page 158-159
A–Z index . . . . . . . . 199
Caregiver Checklist . . . . . 194
How to Use This Guide . . . . . 10
Information & Guide Request 7
Letter from the Publisher . . . . 9
Sponsor Index . . . . . . 196
Home Health-Medicare Requirements 16
Thrive at Home: 8 Critical Elements 20
Technology Helps with Care Decisions . . 30
Depression and Aging . . . . . 34 Washington County Resources . . . 42
Alzheimer’s, Why Get Checked? 50
Help Paying for Senior Care . . . . 52
Finding Peace in the Final Years . . 64
What is PACE? . . . . . . . . . 88
The Impact of Social Atrophy 92
Downsizing, Bigger Is Not Always Better 95 Acronyms for Long-Term Care . . . . 111
3 Considerations When Downsizing 118
I'm Retired Now What Do I Do? 142
Choosing an Assisted Living 172
At Home Care & Health
Home Care Definitions . . . . . 12
Home Care Resources . . . . . 41
Home Health Agencies 14
In-Home Care 22
In-Home Care Classifications . . . 27
. . . . . . . . . . . 43
Addiction & Substance Abuse . . 106 Adult Day Services 44
Advocacy 46
Area Agencies on Aging . . . . 47
Associations for a Specific Condition 48 Attorneys & Elder Law . . . . . . 54
Bereavement 54 Care Management . . . . . . . 54 Caregiving Resources & Support . 54 Citizenship & Immigration . . . 55
Clean Out & Junk Removal Services 56 Consumer Affairs 56
Continuing Education . . . . . . 56
County Health Departments . . . 57
Daily Money Managers . . . . . 57
Dental Resources & Services 58
Dialysis . . . . . . . . . . 59
Disability Programs . . . . . . 60
Emergency Preparedness . . . . 60
Emergency Response Systems . . . 60
Employment 62
End of Life Doula . . . . . . . 62
Energy Resources . . . . . . . 63
Entertainment & Recreation . . . 63
Errand & Concierge Services 63
Estate Planning 63
Estate Sales . . . . . . . . 63
Faith-Based Organizations . . . . 65
Financial & Clothing Assistance . 65 Financial Services 66
Fitness, Health & Wellness . . 66
Food Resources . . . . . . 67
Funeral, Cremation & Pre-Planning 72 Goods & Services . . . . . 72 Government Resources . . . 74 Grocery Delivery . . . . . . 74
Guardians & Conservators 74 Health Clinics 75 Health Insurance & HMOs . . . 76
Hearing Resources & Services . . 77
Home Modification & Repair . . 77 Hospice 78 Hospitals 82
Housing Placement & Referral . 112 Housing Resources . . . . . 112
Identity Theft . . . . . . . 82
Landscaping & Tree Services 82
Legal Aid & Resources . . . 83
LGBT Resources . . . . . . 83 Libraries . . . . . . . . . 84
Long-Term Care Insurance 85 Mediation 87 Medicaid . . . . . . . . 87 Medical & Drug Trials . . . . . 87
Medical Supplies . . . . . . . 90 Medicare 90 Medication Assistance . . . 90
Medication Reminders . . . . 91 Mental Health . . . . . . . 93 Mobility Equipment . . . . . . 94 Move Mgmt & Organizing 96
Organ & Body Donation . . . 96
Palliative Care . . . . . . 96 Pet Resources . . . . . . 96
Political Contacts . . . . . . . 98
Products & Equipment . . . . . 98
Real Estate Services 98
Rehabilitation . . . . . . . 102
Reverse Mortgage . . . . . . 104
Senior Centers . . . . . . 104
Senior Organizations . . . . . 105
Social Groups 105
Social Security . . . . . . . 106
Substance Abuse & Addiction . . 106
Support Groups & Education . . 106
Support Services . . . . . . 107
Publisher: Amy Schmidt
VP of Operations: Meghan Parsons
Regional Marketing: Erin Greeno
CareAvailability.com: Barret West Web Communications: Kyle Manning Executive Assistant: Elizabeth Hansen Marketing Coordinator: Karlee Kent Web Developer: Steve Beliveau Billing: Jill Bilka
Graphic Artist: Michelle Zobeck
Retirement Connection Guide PO Box 820067, Portland, OR 97282 Phone: 503-505-5865 Fax: 503-334-2868 mktg@RetirementConnection com
Contents of this guide may not be reproduced in whole or part without consent of the publisher While every effort has been made to include accurate data, the publisher cannot be held liable for material content or errors Copyright 2023 by Retirement Connection The opinions and beliefs expressed in advertisements and by authors of all articles do not reflect the opinions, beliefs or official policies of Retirement Connection Guide Content published herein is submitted by colleagues and advertisers with the sole purpose of providing education on aging and retirement issues, and to help people make informed decisions
Tax Advice & Preparation 107
Transportation 107
Travel Resources & Services . . 108
Veteran Services . . . . . . 108
Vision Resources & Services . . 110
Adult Family Care Homes . . . . 144
Assisted Living, Residential 144 CCRC/Life Plan Communities 113
Housing Definitions . . . . . 120
Housing Placement & Referral . 112
Housing Resources . . . . . 112
Independent & Retirement 122
Memory Care . . . . . . . . 174
Skilled & Intermediate Care . . 186
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Ambulatory Aids Care Management
Preferred Location
I thought last year was tough, and the year before that, and then 2022 happened. Our family started the year with positive news that my husband had won his battle against cancer. After several emergency room visits, significant weight loss, a change of physician and many, many tests laterwe learned his cancer had grown and was now effecting other organs. We quickly shifted our priorities to plan for what we could, and celebrate as many milestones as possible. The first milestone was my daughter’s high school graduation and prep for college, then my son getting his drivers license, birthdays, and renewing our 20 year wedding vows. These past few months sometimes feel like I am living in limbo- not able to move forward, but still thankful for the present. While managing our own struggles, two of our dear friends passed away unexpectedly. I share this, not to be somber, but as a reminder. A reminder to be our own best healthcare advocate, to ask questions, and even switch providers if necessary. A reminder to plan for the things you can: your will, advanced directives, bank account access, digital legacy with passwords, and more. We never know how long each of us has, so do not take time or relationships for granted.
This Retirement Connection Guide has helped me more than I expected. I received advice and support from insurance representatives, elder law attorneys, hospice and home care providers. Our family personally used the companies included within the pages of our publication. It has been very fulfilling to see our work come to fruition. I have also been touched by the care, compassion and
professionalism of those we met with. Luckily, I am a planner and our family already had some measures in place, such as: purchasing a long term care insurance policy years ago and sharing our preferred healthcare and final wishes.
My advice…please plan ahead when possible, be patient with yourself, and ask as many questions as you need. The providers we work with have been amazing in serving seniors and their families. Sometimes it's not possible to plan and a crisis may occur. CareAvailability.com and Retirement Connection Guide are both great tools to help you connect with the providers in the greater Portland/Vancouver area. Retirement Connection is provided free of charge because our sponsors/ advertisers have provided financial support to maintain and update the guide and the website. Please return the favor by contacting our sponsors when you encounter a need. If your physician’s office, church, or other organization would like additional copies, we are happy to provide these at no cost. Please call us, visit our website or email us at: mktg@RetirementConnection.com to order as many as you need.
Amy Schmidt, PublisherCardiac Care refers to services including patient assessment, specific diet information, and management of the disease process, medication management and education. Cardiac rehabilitation is a program designed to help a person with heart disease return to health and modify risk factors to prevent further heart damage.
Diabetic Management refers to services including patient assessment, diet information, management of the disease process, medication management and education on all of the above. Services are provided by a Registered Nurse under the supervision of an M.D. Some agencies may employ certified diabetic nurse instructors or cardiac care specialty RN’s.
Home Health Care includes skilled nursing services, physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech language therapy and medical social services. A home health care agency may choose to be Medicare certified to be reimbursed for their services. Home health agencies may also teach you how to care for yourself.
Hospice is a comprehensive program of care to patients and families facing a lifethreatening illness. Hospice emphasizes palliative rather than curative treatment. The dying are comforted. Professional medical care is given, and sophisticated symptom relief provided. Very few Home Health Agencies are also licensed for Hospice care.
In-Home Care/Personal Care is care related to activities of daily living, including: mobility, eating, toileting, bathing and personal hygiene, dressing and grooming or cognition support. These services are typically not covered by medical insurance and do not require a physician’s order.
Intravenous Therapy is any medical treatments/medications that need to be introduced to the body via a patient’s veins. Numerous IV Therapies can be provided inhome under supervision of a MD. Some of these include: inter-infective/antibiotic therapies, hydration therapy, pain management, chemotherapy and central line care and maintenance.
Medicaid Certified A Joint Federal and state program that helps with medical costs for some people with limited income and resources. Medicaid Certified facilities can offer services to individuals receiving Medicaid benefits in exchange for reimbursement from Medicaid. Some people qualify for both Medicare and Medicaid (these people are called “dual eligibles”).
Medical social services are assistance with social and emotional concerns related to an illness, including counseling or help finding community resources.
Medicare Certified facilities can offer services to individuals receiving Medicare benefits in exchange for reimbursement from Medicare. A Physicians order is required to be reimbursed by Medicare. Medicare is a Federal insurance health insurance program for those 65 and over, or who meet other criteria.
Nurse Delegated Tasks A licensed registered nurse may delegate specific nursing care tasks to qualified nursing assistants in a community-based and in-homecare settings. One task taught and delegated to one caregiver for one client. Before delegating a task, the registered nurse delegator must determine that specific criteria are met and ensure that the patient is in a stable and predictable condition.
Psychiatric Services refers to the agency's ability to offer services related to psychiatric support with the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of mental illness. Services may include counseling or administering of medications.
Respite Care is short-term or temporary. It is designed to give families a break from the stress of daily caregiving. Respite care can be for a few hours, overnight, or for days. The amount of care changes with the needs of the family and the ill or disabled person.
Telehealth is a developing application of clinical healthcare, where medical information is transferred and assessment derived through interactive audiovisual media. Telemedicine can also be used to conduct examinations and remote medical procedures, such as: tracking blood sugar, automated blood pressure and weight checks.
Therapy Services (OT, PT, RT, ST)
Occupational Therapy, (OT) refers to services to assess and treat patients to help them develop, recover, or maintain daily living and work skills. Occupational therapists help clients not only to improve their basic motor functions and reasoning abilities, but also to compensate for permanent loss of function.
Physical Therapy (PT) refers to services for the treatment and rehabilitation process where a physical therapist will often stretch, strengthen, facilitate muscles, challenge balance, test coordination abilities, teach home exercise programs to enhance basic mobility skills; to help lessen disability and pain and improve overall function and quality of life.
Respiratory Therapy (RT) refers to services for care of patients with deficiencies and abnormalities associated with the cardiopulmonary system. It may include the therapeutic use of medical gases and their equipment, humidification, aerosols, ventilator support, bronchi pulmonary drainage and exercise & respiratory rehabilitation.
Speech Therapy (ST) refers to services to assess and treat speech and swallowing disorders. Speech therapy can treat speech, language, cognitive skills or swallowing.
Wound Ostomy Continence Nurse (WOCN) WOC nurses have advanced training in acute and chronic wound care, as well as the physical, emotional and social issues of patients with ostomies (those who have had some kind of bowel or bladder diversion), stomas, acute and chronic wounds, and incontinence (those with bladder and bowel control and associated skin care issues).
Sources: Oregon Department of Health & Human Services, Administration on Aging and National Institutes of Health.
Home Health, 4500 Kruse Wy #102, Lake Oswego, 97035
PT, OT, ST Divine Mercy Home Health, 4900 SW Griffith Dr #261, Beaverton, 97005
PT, OT, ST Golden Touch Home Healthcare, 9900 SW Wilshire St #170, Portland, 97225
• •
PT, OT, ST Healthy Living At Home, 1499 SE Tech Center Pl #140, Vancouver, 98683
503-379-9608 •
• • •
• • • • • • •
• • • • • PT,
• • • • • • •
• • • • •
• • • •
503-452-4545 •
360-574-5293 •
503-357-2737 •
Kaiser Permanente Home Health, 500 NE Multnomah St, Portland, 97232
Marquis At Home, 4560 SE International Wy #100, Milwaukie, 97222
Maxim Healthcare Services, 10220 SW Greenburg Rd #570, Portland, 97223
Nightingale Home Health, 11707 NE Glisan St, Portland, 97220
Northwest Healthcare, 4317 NE Thurston Wy #220, Vancouver, 98662
OHSU Hillsboro Medical Center, 372 SE 6th Ave #100, Hillsboro, 97123
Oregon Continental Home Health Care, 341 SE 3rd Ave, Hillsboro, 97123
Peace Health Home Health, 5400 MacArthur Blvd, Vancouver, 98661
Touchmark Home Health, 2911 SE Village Lp, Vancouver, 98683
Vancouver Home Health Care, 201 NE Park Plaza Dr #200, Vancouver, 98684
Indicates link available at www.RetirementConnection.com
Homebound" does NOT mean that a patient has to be "bed bound" to qualify. The patient is considered "homebound" under Medicare if:
First Criteria, One of the Following must be met:
1. Because of illness or injury, the individual needs the aid of supportive devices such as crutches, canes, wheelchairs and walkers; the use of special transportation; or the assistance of another person to leave their place of residence (which can be home, assisted living, adult family home, etc.).
2. Have a condition such that leaving his or her home is medically contraindicated.
Second Criteria, Both of the following must be met:
1. There must exist a normal inability to leave home.
2. Leaving home must require a considerable and taxing effort.
The patient can leave home for medical treatment (such as chemotherapy or dialysis) or for receiving therapeutic and psychosocial treatment (such as through a certified adult day care program).
The patient cannot be disqualified from services if they leave home for a nonmedical absence as long as the absence is "infrequent and short in duration." Some examples include attending a religious service, a trip to the barber or special family event.
The patient must have a "skilled need" that requires the skills of a licensed nurse, speech therapist, or physical therapist to perform. Once a skilled need is
established, a secondary discipline such as medical social worker, home health aide, or occupational therapist may be involved in providing patient services.
Medicare will NOT pay for personal care services (aka home care) in the absence of a skilled need. Medicare requires a progress note from a Face to Face visit that includes medical conditions related to the need for Home Health AND clinical findings which support the patient's "homebound" status.
Clinical Findings That Support A Patient's Homebound Status
Unsteady gait, frequent falls, poor balance
Home Health services
• Transitioning home after an injury, illness, or hospital stay
• Living with a long-term medical condition
• Managing a setback of a chronic medical condition
• Experiencing a decline in function to help regain independence
Unable to leave home due to mental confusion
Assistance of two or more persons to ambulate or transfer Dyspnea at rest
Medically contraindicated due to recent surgery
Medically contraindicated due to infected, draining, or complicated wound
Medically contraindicated due to immunosuppressant/serious risk of infection
Confined to a wheelchair requiring assistance or supportive device
Confined to a wheelchair requiring maximum assistance with ADLs
Dyspnea with ambulation greater than 10 feet
Article Provided by: Eden Health 360-504-0122 www.Eden-Health.com
• Struggling with a prolonged illness or injury
• Recovering from surgery, illness, or hospital stay
• Living with dementia or Alzheimer's disease
• Living with physical or developmental disabilities
Our care process is designed to maximize our patient’s quality of life. Our clinicians provide clinical care, as well as spiritual and emotional counseling. We believe that through compassionate care, our patients can approach he end of life with dignity and comfort.
Your home has given you years of memories, independence, and hard-won financial security. Aging or rehabilitation at home provides an opportunity to savor the later years of life. The decision to stay home or move to an independent or assisted living facility can be difficult.
Aging gracefully at home, however, may be more approachable than you think. It offers freedom of lifestyle and continued quality of living. Your home can serve as a great place to recuperate from a sudden injury or illness. It also offers immense financial benefits over other alternatives.
A little planning today goes a long way. A key to successful living and aging at home is establishing a group of trusted supporters and advisers—your family, friends, medical team, in-home care team and even a qualified home remodeler you can trust to help you improve and preserve your home.
Review these 8 critical elements for living at home
1. Evaluate home accessibility: Is your bedroom upstairs or downstairs? Can your current doorways handle a wheelchair or walker? Review cabinets and appliance access, along with good lighting and floor surfaces. Find a qualified Certified Aging in Place professional who can give you a comprehensive evaluation of the home.
2. Design for the long term: Your physical abilities today will change over time. Do you have a physical condition, illness, or injury that you are worried about? Make sure that any stay-at-home plan creates the ability to support you 10 or more years from now, not just today.
3. Plan for social interaction: What will you do to maintain your sense of purpose and stay socially active? Senior isolation
is real. Reviewing ways for community contact outside your home, socializing with friends, and participating in hobbies will pay emotional dividends. Accommodating the accessibility needs of your friends who visit your home is important too.
4. Strategize transportation: How will you tackle transportation for appointments or errands if you can’t drive safely? Reviewing how you’ll get around should be a part of any aging in place approach. Modern services such as Uber, Lyft, and grocery delivery are viable options today.
5. Consider security: If you’re living by yourself, how will personal emergencies in the home be confronted? Look into a home alert system and other assistive devices.
6. Create financial management: Who will manage your household, your finances, bills, appointments, etc.? Work with a trusted family member, or a qualified bookkeeper or accountant to serve your financial management needs.
7. Preserve your home: Housekeeping and yard maintenance are critical, but an overlooked item is who will help with the regular upkeep of the home? Look for a resource who can take care of the common home preservation tasks to ensure your home investment stays sound.
8. Support caregiving on site: The caregivers we have spoken with say that many of the homes that they work in are inadequate for the homeowner, and also a safety issue for themselves. Correctly planned adaptive equipment in the home helps ensure safety for everyone involved.
Article Provided by: EverLife Home 503-536-1955
• • • • • • 4
• • • • • • 4
Home Care West Linn, 18615 Willamette Dr, West Linn, 97068
• • • • • • 4
Family Resource Home Care, 2065 NW 34th St #5, Lincoln City, 97367
Home Instead, 9640 SW Sunshine Ct #400, Beaverton, 97005
Home Instead , 10415 SE Stark St #A, Portland, 97216 503-335-0626 • • • • • • • 4 •
97034 503-894-8796 • • • • • • • 2
Matters Caregiving, 4875 SW Franklin Ave, Beaverton, 97005 503-352-5634 • • • • 4 •
Social Services, 9955 SE Ash, Portland, 97216 503-252-8499 • • • • • • 4 •
• • • 1 •
• • • • • • 3
Home Care NW, 5200 SW Meadows Rd #150, Lake Oswego, 97035
SYNERGY HomeCare, 811 SW 6th Ave #1000, Portland, 97204 503-303-8388 • • • • 4 •
• • • • 4
It’s an age-old problem. Mom lives alone and her adult children are concerned about whether she’s doing okay by herself. Mom says she’s doing fine. But would she really tell us if she started having trouble getting around the house, or was slowly becoming confused about her daily routine?
Unfortunately, the statistics tell us that these changes often occur without family members knowing, and the result can be serious. Mom may end up in the hospital before anyone truly realized the risks she was facing while living alone. Falls, lack of nutrition, medication errors, or urinary tract infections are common risks that can cause hospitalizations and a downward trend in mom’s quality of life.
The good news is that technology is playing an increasingly helpful role in allowing care providers and family members to better understand when a senior living alone may be facing these risks. Proactive steps can then be taken before the risks lead to serious problems.
The different technologies vary in the way they collect information, but many of them strive to achieve a similar benefit. They collect data on a 24/7 basis to establish a baseline for normal activity. Once the baseline is established, data collected can be reviewed regularly to ensure the senior has not declined in specific high-risk areas.
If there is a sudden event causing distress, such as a fall or someone calling out for help, these technologies can often detect these events and immediately send alerts
to care providers. But the more common way these systems can help families is by identifying changes in activity data over time. In these cases, negative trends can be recognized and family members can take a proactive approach to keep them safe before an adverse event occurs.
So how is this data collected on a 24/7 basis? Three primary technologies have emerged in this space: wearables, motion sensors, and audio sensors. With wearables, activity and motion levels are typically detected through a wrist device. While with motion and audio sensors, movement and sound are detected by devices placed in strategic locations within a home.
Regardless of the specific technology device used, the data collected by the device is constantly evaluated by a computer utilizing artificial intelligence to quickly learn what is normal for the senior living alone and when changes have occurred.
While some older adults may feel their privacy is at risk by using such devices, many ultimately learn that technology allows them to live more independently. Technology will never replace the human element in providing care, but used properly it can be a valuable addition to a safe care plan.
Article provided by: Home Matters Caregiving 503-352-5634
Senior adults are often at an increased risk for experiencing depression, which is a real and treatable condition like high blood pressure or thyroid disease. However, depression does not have to be a normal part of the aging process if you understand the underlying causes and available remedies.
Approximately 80% of seniors have one or more serious health conditions, which has been found to be the number one contributor to depression. The second major contributor is when their mobility becomes limited causing further isolation from family and friends. Additionally, many senior adults are either misdiagnosed or go without any treatment because they don’t know their options whereby, they could easily feel much better. The first step is to enlist a family member or trusted in-home care agency to accompany your loved one to their health care provider and to advocate on their behalf for proper diagnosis and treatment.
Once a treatment plan is prescribed, it is imperative to establish a continuum of care that adjusts to your loved ones’ needs to help them continue to thrive at home.
Whether it’s a family member, friend, or a professional caregiver who works at a licensed agency, knowing you have someone you can trust, who treats your loved one like family and through kindness, establishes
a real relationship with them, will lessen the potential for depression or unhappiness.
The Right Caregiver...
Is a warm and loving companion
Prepares balanced meals ensuring proper nutrition
Provides medication reminders
Oversees daily exercise
Maintains a tidy and safe home environment
Accompanies your loved one to medical appointments and shopping
Ensures they have their personal care needs met
With proper diagnosis and a proactive care plan, you can ensure your loved one can continue to age happily in their home – because there’s no place like home!
Article provided by: Synergy HomeCare 503-303-8388, 360-891-1506 www.SynergyHomeCare.com
Call us today for a FREE Assessment
Portland Metro 503.303.8388 Vancouver 360-891-1506
Washington County Disability, Aging and Veteran Services provides options to help you stay independent, healthy, active, and involved in your community.
The program ensures that veterans, their families, and survivors receive all entitlements provided by Federal and State law. A Veteran Services Coordinator (VSC) serves as the advocate and assists in filing initial Federal VA claims for compensation, pension, and other benefits.
The program serves unpaid family caregivers who are caring for someone over the age of 60. Resources include paid respite services, medical equipment, one-on-one counseling, support groups, free basic caregiver training and Powerful Tools for Caregivers classes.
Senior Health Insurance Benefits Assistance (SHIBA) Service provides information about Medicare through educational seminars, Medicare 101 classes, and one-on-one counseling at community centers or private homes. Trained volunteers assist people in making informed choices for medical, prescriptions, claims and appeals.
The program assists seniors, veterans and people with disabilities in enrollment of eligible benefits. Primarily run by volunteers who meet the client at a local senior center or in the home to connect them to services and programs.
Service helps to increase the community’s access to information and assistance by helping to assess the needs of the client so that they may be linked with a range of services and resources.
Oregon Project Independence (OPI)
Provides limited in-home assistance to individuals over the age of 60 or all those with a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s type dementia under the age of 60. An in-home assessment and financial determination will determine the fee for service.
The program provides both on-site and home-delivered meal options for Washington County residents. Both options are offered through Loaves and Fishes Centers which serve hot lunches at seven locations and also provide home-delivered meals through their Meals on Wheels program.
Volunteers Program
The program recruits volunteers and interns for positions to help Washington County Disability, Aging and Veteran Services Division. (DAVS)
Article Provided By: Washington DAVS 503-846-3060 www.co.washington.or.us/HHS/DAVS
Indicates website link available at www.RetirementConnection.com
A Safe Place, 256 Warner Milne Rd, Oregon City, 97045 503-655-8600
Area Agency on Aging and Disabilities of Southwest Washington, 201 NE 73rd St #201, Vancouver, 98665 360-694-8144 Attorney General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 503-229-5576
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 503-235-5333
Clackamas County Social Services, 4382 SE International Wy #C, Milwaukie, 97222 971-673-6600 221 Molalla Ave #104, Oregon City, 97045 971-673-7600
Department of Human Services, Seniors & People with Disabilities (DHS/SPD), Adult Protective Services, 4382 SE International Wy, Milwaukie, 97222 . . . . . . . . . 971-673-6655
Domestic Violence Resource Center, 180 E Main St #200, Hillsboro, 97213 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 503-640-5352
DSHS Adult Protective Services—Vancouver, 800 NE 136th #220, Vancouver, 98684 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 877-734-6277
Elder Safe Program, 215 SW Adams Ave, Hillsboro, 97123 503-846-6048
Eldercare Locator 800-677-1116
Gatekeeper Program, Clackamas County, 2051 Kaen Rd #135, Oregon City, 97045 503-846-8640
Clark County, 201 NE 73rd St #201, Vancouver, 98665 360-694-8144
Multnomah County, 421 SW Oak St #510, Portland, 97204 503-988-3646
Washington County, 5240 NE Elam Young Pkwy #300, Hillsboro, 97124 . . 855-846-3060
Multnomah County FAST National Domestic Violence Hotline 800-799-7233
Oregon Adult Protective Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 503-945-7177
Oregon State Governor’s Commission on Senior Services, 500 Summer St NE, Salem, 97301 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 503-988-4450
Sexual Assault Resource Center, 4900 SW Griffith Dr #100, Beaverton, 97005 . . 503-626-9100, 503-640-5311
Washington State Adult Protective Services 877-734-6277
Washington State Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program, 201 NE 73rd St #201, Vancouver, 98665 . . . . . . . . . . . . 360-694-9007
YWCA SafeChoice, 3609 Main St, Vancouver, 98663 . . . . . . 360-659-0501
Glendoveer, 13007 NE Glisan St, Portland, 97230 503-215-6556
Gresham, 17727 E Burnside, Gresham, 97233
Irvington Village, 420 NE Mason St, Portland, 97211
Laurelhurst, 4540 NE Glisan, Portland, 97213
Ethnic & Cultural
Centro Cultural, 1110 N Adair St, Cornelius, 97113 . . . . . . 503-359-0446
Easter Seals Society of Oregon, 10011 SE Division St #101, Portland, 97226 503-228-5100
IRCO—Immigration & Refugee Community of Oregon, 10301 NE Glisan St, Portland, 97220 503-234-1541
Oregon Korean Community Center, 12555 SW 4th St, Beaverton, 97005 . . . . . . . . . . 503-641-7887
SOAR, Sponsors Organized to Assist Refugees, 7931 NE Halsey St #302, Portland, 97213 . . . . . . . 503-384-2482
Health Care
Acumentra Health, 2020 SW 4th Ave #520, Portland, 97201 503-279-0100
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association 800-638-8255 Lighthouse International 800-284-4422
Mental Health America, 500 Montgomery St #820, Alexandria, VA 22314 . . . . . 703-684-7722
NAMI of Washington County, 18680 SW Shaw St, Aloha, 97007 . . 503-356-6835
Resources & Referral Compassion & Choices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 503-525-1956
Independent Living Resources, 1839 NE Couch St, Portland, 97232 . . 503-232-7411
National Institute on Aging, 31 Center Dr, MSC 2292, Bethesda, MD 20892 . . . . . . . 301-496-1752
Oregon Insurance Division Consumer Advocacy Unit, 350 Winter St NE, Salem, 97301 888-877-4894
Washington County Department of Health, 4805 SW Griffith Dr, Beaverton, 97005 . . . . . . . . 503-627-0362
5240 NE Elam Young Pkwy #300, Hillsboro, 97124 . . . . . 503-846-3080
Washington County Disability, Aging & Veteran Services, (pg #42)
5240 NE Elam Young Pkwy #300, Hillsboro, 97124 . . . 503-846-3060
Housing/Care Facility
Cascade AIDS Project, 520 NW Davis St #215, Portland, 97204 503-223-5907
Washington County Housing Services, 111 NE Lincoln St, Hillsboro, 97124 503-846-4794
Area Agencies on Aging
Area Agency on Aging & Disabilities of SW Washington, 201 NE 73rd St #201, Vancouver, 98665 . . . . . . . . 360-694-8144
Oregon Association of Area Agencies on Aging & Disabilities 855-673-2372
Clackamas County, 2051 Kaen Rd, Oregon City, 97045 503-655-8640
Multnomah County, 421 SW Oak St, Portland, 97204 503-988-3620
Washington County, 155 N 1st Ave, Hillsboro, 97123 . . . . . 503-846-3060
Washington Association Area Agencies on Aging, 2404 Heritage Ct SW #A, Olympia, 98502 . . . . . . . . 360-485-9761
Washington County Disability, Aging & Veteran Services, (pg #42) 155 N 1st Ave, Hillsboro, 97123 . . . . . . . . . . 503-846-3060
Retirement Connection Guide • 1-800-462-1316
Associations for a Specific Condition
National Associations
Alzheimer’s Association, (Ad pg #51)
. . . . . . . . . 800-272-3900
American Speech, Language and Hearing Association 800-638-8255
Arthritis Foundation 800-283-7800
Cancer Society
. . . . . . . . . 800-227-2345
Diabetes Association . . . . . . . . . 800-342-2383
Heart Association . . . . . . . . 800-242-8721
Lung Disease 800-586-4872
Lupus Foundation of America . . . . . . . . 800-558-0121
Mental Health America
Multiple Sclerosis
. . . . . . . . . 800-969-6642
. . . . . . . . . 800-344-4867
National Institute of Mental Health 866-615-6464
The Michael J Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research 800-708-7644
United Ostomy Association . . . . . . . . . 800-826-0826
Local Associations
ALS Association Oregon and SW Washington Chapter, 700 NE Multnomah St #210, Portland, 97209 503-238-5559
Alzheimer’s Association, (Ad pg #51) 5285 Meadows Rd #451, Lake Oswego, 97035 . . . . . 800-272-3900
American Cancer Society, 330 SW Curry St, Portland, 97239 . . . . . 503-295-6424
American Diabetes Association—Oregon, 4380 SW Macadam Ave #270, Portland, 97239 503-736-2770
American Heart Association—Oregon and SW Washington, 4380 SW Macadam Ave #480, Portland, 97239 . . . . . 503-820-5300
American Lung Association, 16037 SW Upper Boones Ferry Rd #165, Tigard, 97224 503-924-4094
American Stroke Association—Oregon & SW Washington, 4380 SW Macadam #480, Portland, 97239 . . . . . . . . . 503-820-5300
Arthritis Foundation, 4145 SW Watson Ave #350, Beaverton, 97005 . . 503-946-6715
Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, 2701 NW Vaughn St #230, Portland, 97210 503-226-3435
Federation of the Blind of Oregon, 5005 Main St, Springfield, 97478 541-653-9153
Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, 6915 SW Macadam Ave #100, Portland, 97219 . . . . . . . . . 503-245-9866
Lupus Foundation of America, 1601 5th Ave #1100, Seattle, 98101 425-336-2309
Muscular Dystrophy Association, 4800 SW Macadam Ave #205, Portland, 97239 503-223-3177
National Kidney Foundation of Northern California & Pacific NW, 717 Market St #450, San Francisco, CA 94103 415-543-3303, 888-427-5653
National Multiple Sclerosis Society, 5331 SW Macadam Ave #290, Portland, 97239 503-223-9511, 800-344-4867
Oregon Commission for the Blind, 535 SE 12th Ave, Portland, 97214 971-673-1588
Oregon Ostomy Association, PO Box 25629, Portland, 97298 503-644-5331
Parkinson’s Resources of Oregon, (Ad pg #49) 8880 SW Nimbus Ave #B, Beaverton, 97008 800-426-6806
Susan G Komen Foundation, 1500 SW 1st Ave #270, Portland, 97201 503-552-9160
If you notice any of the 10 warning signs of Alzheimer's disease in yourself or someone you know, schedule an appointment with your doctor. An early diagnosis of Alzheimer's provides a range of benefits for the individuals who are diagnosed.
Getting checked by your doctor can help determine what's causing symptoms. If Alzheimer’s is the cause, an early diagnosis allows you:
family also have the opportunity to maximize your time together and access resources and support programs.
More Time To plan
Map out your plan to approach Alzheimer’s with Alzheimer’s Navigator®, an online tool that helps individuals living with Alzheimer's, their families and caregivers create a customized action plan to proactively face this disease.
Access to treatment options: Current medications do not cure Alzheimer’s, but one treatment — aducanumab (Aduhelm™) — is the first therapy to demonstrate that removing amyloid, one of the hallmarks of Alzheimer’s disease, from the brain is reasonably likely to reduce cognitive and functional decline in people living with early Alzheimer’s. (Access to aducanumab is limited, as is Medicaid coverage of the drug. Ask your doctor about availability.) Others may help lessen symptoms, such as memory loss and confusion, for a limited time. An early Alzheimer’s diagnosis provides you with a better chance of benefiting from treatment.
An opportunity to participate in clinical trials: An early diagnosis makes individuals eligible for a wider variety of clinical trials, which advance research and may provide medical benefits.
A chance to prioritize your health: Some lifestyle changes, such as controlling blood pressure, stopping smoking, participating in exercise, and staying mentally and socially active, may help preserve cognitive function.
Emotional and social benefits
Receiving an early Alzheimer’s diagnosis may help lessen anxieties about why you are experiencing symptoms. You and your
Do you know who you would want to make decisions for you in the event you’re no longer able to? An earlier diagnosis also allows you to be open with your family and support network about what you want during each stage of the disease. This can give you peace of mind, reduce the burden on family members and prevent disagreements.
Planning ahead allows you to express your wishes about legal, financial and end-of-life decisions. You and your family will be able to review and update legal documents, discuss finances and property, and identify your care preferences. You can also address potential safety issues, such as driving or wandering, ahead of time.
Early diagnosis saves costs of medical and long-term care for both families and the U.S. government. Among all Americans alive today, if those who will get Alzheimer's disease were diagnosed when they had mild cognitive impairment, before dementia, it would collectively save approximately $7 trillion in health and long-term care costs.
Article Provided By: Alzheimer’s Association 800-272-3900 www.Alz.org/ORSWWA
The Alzheimer’s Association® is
The storm clouds are gathering. In 2022, inflation has destroyed purchasing power by making the costs of goods and services more expensive. In an effort to curb this inflation, the Federal Reserve has raised interest rates at the fastest pace in recorded history. Many experts fear these rate increases have triggered a recession. For families dealing with dementia, stroke, or other age-related disabilities, both the increased cost of care coupled with falling asset prices are a financial storm that will significantly impact their ability to pay for long-term care (LTC). Planning for LTC now can protect families and their precious assets regardless of the financial weather.
As part of your plan, consider whether government benefits may help you pay for LTC and protect your loved ones.
Military veterans and their spouses may be entitled to a benefit called “Aid and Attendance” which can provide over $2,000.00 a month of additional income to help pay for LTC. If you served 90 consecutive days of active duty, with at least one of those days during a war-time period and you are 65 years old or older or totally and permanently disabled, you may qualify for this benefit if you meet certain financial qualifications. You can learn more by visiting va.gov or by contacting an elder law attorney.
For all others, Medicaid is available to pay for LTC if they meet certain medical and financial requirements. These requirements for Oregon are as follows:
1. Medical Need: need assistance with activities of daily living (ADL)
2. Income less than $2,742.00 a month
3. $2,000 or less of countable resources
Based on the above rules, many people mistakenly believe they will never qualify for government benefits and either never use the benefits they are entitled to or wait too long to learn about these benefits.
There are many rumors about Medicaid. While some are seeded in fact, they rarely tell the whole story. There are many exceptions for each of the above rules which allow us to qualify for these important benefits and protect assets for our loved ones. For example, while a Medicaid recipient may not have more than $2,000.00 in available resources, with proper planning their healthy spouse can keep significantly more! Also, if you have more income than Medicaid’s maximum you may still be able to qualify? And your home is an exempt asset if you or your spouse continue to live in the home. Medicaid will not forcibly take your money or your assets while you are alive.
Whether you are in care now or care is still years down the road, the time to plan is now! Only an elder law attorney can assist families when planning for LTC. With a plan in place, you can rest assured knowing you and your family are well protected.
Article Provided by: Michael J. Rose, Attorney Rose Elder Law, LLC 971-865-3171 www.RoseElderLaw.com
Oregon State Bar Lawyer Referral Service . . . . . . . . 503-684-3763
Rose Elder Law, LLC, (Ad pg #53)
5200 SW Meadows Rd #150, Lake Oswego, 97035 . . . . 971-865-3171
Conversation & Company, (Ad pg #93) 503- 825-8822
Care Management
Area Agency on Aging & Disabilities of SW Washington, 201 NE 73rd St #201, Vancouver, 98665 . . . . . . . . 360-694-8144
Clackamas County Social Services, 2051 Kaen Rd #135, Oregon City, 97045 . . . . . . . 503-655-8640 4382 International Wy #C, Milwaukie, 97222 . . . . . 971-673-6600 221 Molalla Ave #104, Oregon City, 97045 . . . . . . . 971-673-7600
Jewish Family & Child Services, 1221 SW Yamhill St #301, Portland, 97205 . . . . . . . . 503-226-7079
Metropolitan Family Services, 1808 SE Belmont St, Portland, 97214 . . 503-232-0007
Multnomah County Aging and Disability Services, Central Office, 209 SW 4th St #510, Portland, 97204 . . . . . . . 503-988-3646 East Area, 600 NE 8th St #100, Gresham, 97030 . . . . . . . . 503-988-3840
Mid Area, 10615 SE Cherry Blossom Dr, Portland, 97216 . . . . . . 503-988-5480
North/Northeast, 5325 NE MLK Blvd, Portland, 97211 . . . . . . . . 503-988-5470
Southeast Area, 4610 SE Belmont St, 2nd Fl, Portland, 97215 503-721-6760 West Area, 209 SW 4th Ave, Portland, 97204 503-988-3646
Pegasus Social Services, (Ad pg #36) . . . . . . . . 503-252-8499
Vancouver Home & Community Services, 800 NE 136th Ave #220, Vancouver, 98684 . . . . . . . 360-397-9500
Washington County Disability, Aging & Veteran Services, (pg #42)
5240 NE Elam Young Pkwy #300, Hillsboro, 97124 . . . . 503-846-3060
Caregiving Resources & Support
Alzheimer’s Association, (Ad pg #51)
5285 Meadows Rd #451, Lake Oswego, 97035 800-272-3900
Area Agency on Aging & Disabilities of SW Washington, 201 NE 73rd St #201, Vancouver, 98665 360-694-8144
Clackamas County Aging & Disability Services, 2051 Kaen Rd, Oregon City, 97045 503-655-8640
Compassion & Choices of Oregon, 101 SW Madison St #8009, Portland, 97207 503-525-1956
website link available
Family Caregiver Support Program 503-650-5724
Gatekeeper Program of Multnomah County 503-988-3646
Legacy Good Samaritan Caregiver Support Group www .legacyhealth org
Mobile Memory Enrichment, (Ad pg #55) 503-662-9222
Multnomah County Aging and Disability Services: Family Caregiver Support & Star Caregiver Program, 421 SW Oak St #510, Portland, 97204 . . . 503-988-8210
Oregon Care Partners 800-930-6851
Oregon Geriatrics Society, 3021 NE 72nd Dr #148, Vancouver, 98661 360-892-1814
Oregon Resource Association, 2405 Front St NE #150, Salem, 97301 . . . . 503-585-3337
Providence ElderPlace, (Ad pg #89) 4400 NE Halsey St, Bldg 1 #200, Portland, 97213 503-215-6556
Washington County Family Caregiver Support Program, 5240 NE Elam Young Pkwy #300, Hillsboro, 97124 . . . . 855-673-2372
Citizenship & Immigration
Asian Health & Service Center, 9035 SE Foster Rd, Portland, 97266 . . . . . . . . . 503-872-8822
Centro Cultural, 1110 N Adair St, Cornelius, 97113 503-359-0446
IRCO–Immigration & Refugee Community of Oregon, 10301 NE Glisan St, Portland, 97220 . . . . . 503-234-1541
SOAR, Sponsors Organized to Assist Refugees, 7931 NE Halsey St #314, Portland, 97213 . . . . . . . 503-284-3002
Retirement Connection Guide • 1-800-462-1316
The Junkluggers, (Ad pg #57)
10950 SW 5th St #290, Beaverton, 97005 800-584-5865
Consumer Affairs
Federal Information Center 844-872-4681
Medicare Fraud Hotline, PO Box 23489, Washington DC, 20026 800-633-4277
Oregon Attorney General’s Office 877-877-9392
Oregon Construction Contractors Board 503-378-4621
Oregon Department of Human Services 503-945-5944
Oregon Insurance Division Consumer Advocacy Unit, 350 Winter St NE #440, Salem, 97301 888-877-4894
Oregon Public Utilities Commission, 201 High St SE #100, Salem, 97301 800-522-2404
Product Safety Hotline, US 800-638-2772
US Food & Drug Administration (FDA), 9780 SW Nimbus Dr, Beaverton, 97008 503-671-9711
Continuing Education
Clackamas Community College, 19600 S Molalla Ave, Oregon City, 97045 503-594-6000
Clark College Mature Learning . . . . . . . . . . . . 360-992-2239
Corporate and Continuing Education—Mature Learning 360-992-2422
Friendly House, 1737 NW 26th Ave, Portland, 97210 503-228-4391
Life by Design NW, 1626 SE Water Ave, Portland, 97214 971-722-6634
Mt Hood Community College, 26000 SE Stark St, Gresham, 97030 503-491-6422
Oregon Care Partners 800-930-6851
Oregon State Extension Service, 1815 NW 169th Pl #1000, Beaverton, 97006 503-821-1150
Portland Community College—Senior Studies Institute 866-922-1010
PSU Senior Adult Learning Center, 506 SW Mill St, Portland, 97207 503-725-4739
West Linn—Wilsonville Community Education, 2755 SW Borland Rd, West Linn, 97068 503-673-7955
Indicates website link available at www.RetirementConnection.com
Clackamas County, 2051 Kaen Rd #367, Oregon City, 97045 . . . 503-742-5300
Clark County, 1601 E Fourth Plain Blvd, Vancouver, 98661 . . . . 360-397-8000
Multnomah County, 426 SW Stark St, Portland, 97204 . . . . . 503-988-3674
Washington County, 266 W Main St, Hillsboro, 97123 . . . . . 503-846-4402
Clackamas County Money Management Program . . . . . . . 503-655-8873
Retirement Connection Guide • 1-800-462-1316
Dental Resources & Services
Cain Denture Centers, (Ad pg #58)
232 NE Lincoln St #B, Hillsboro, 97124 . . . . . . . . 503-640-2312
Dental Clinic—Portland Community College, 12000 SW 49th Ave, Portland, 97219 . . . . . . . . . . 971-722-4909
Dental Lifeline Network, PO Box 66440, Portland, 97290 800-767-6334
Geriatric Dental Group, 6319 SE Powell, Portland, 97206 . . . . 503-772-3677
Mobile Dental Program, 4100 Plomondon St, Vancouver, 98661 360-313-1390
Mt Hood Community College: Dental Hygiene Care Center, 26000 SE Stark St, Gresham, 97030 . . . . . . . . . . 503-491-7176
Multnomah Dental Society: Senior Smile Dental Service, 10505 SE 17th Ave, Portland, 97222 . . . . . . . . . . 503-513-5010
National Dental Referral 800-336-8478
New Day Community Dental Clinic, 1201 SE Tech Center Dr #150, Vancouver, 98683 360-892-7107
Oregon Dental Society . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 503-218-2010
Oregon Health Sciences University: OHSU Dental School Clinic, 2730 SW Moody Ave, Portland, 97201 . . . . . . . . . . 503-494-8867
Pacific University Dental Health Clinic, 222 SE 8th Ave #271, Hillsboro, 97123 . . . . . . . . 503-352-7373
Providence ElderPlace, (Ad pg #89) 4400 NE Halsey St, Bldg 1, #200, Portland, 97213 503-215-6556
Indicates website link available at www.RetirementConnection.com
DaVita Dialysis, Battle Ground Dialysis, 720 W Main St #12, Battle Ground, 98604 . 800-424-6589
Cornell Road Dialysis, 1700 NW 167th Pl #230, Beaverton, 97006 800-424-6589
Gresham Dialysis Center, 878 NW Burnside Rd, Gresham, 97030 800-246-6589
Hillsboro Dialysis Center, 2500 NW 229th Ave, Hillsboro, 97124 800-424-6589
Lake Road Dialysis, 6902 SE Lake Rd, Milwaukie, 97267 800-424-6589
McMinnville Dialysis, 200 NE Norton Ln, McMinnville, 97128 800-424-6589
Meridian Park Dialysis Center, 19255 SW 65th Ave, Tualatin, 97062 800-424-6589
NE Portland Renal Center, 703 NE Hancock, Portland, 97212 503-493-3322
Portland Gateway Dialysis, 9932 NE Halsey St, Portland, 97220 866-544-6741
Portland Martin Luther King Dialysis, 2737 NE Martin Luther King Jr Blvd, Portland, 97212 866-544-6741
Sherwood Dialysis Center, 21035 SW Pacific Hwy, Sherwood, 97140 866-544-6741
Vancouver Dialysis Center, 9120 NE Vancouver Mall Lp #160, Vancouver, 98662 866-544-6741
West Linn Dialysis Center, 19056 Willamette Dr, West Linn, 97068 866-544-6741
Willamette Valley Renal Center, 1510 Division St #90, Oregon City, 97045 866-544-6741
Woodburn Dialysis, 1840 Newberg Hwy, Woodburn, 97071 866-544-6741
PNRS, Beaverton, 2715 SW 153rd Dr, Beaverton, 97006 503-520-1363
Clackamas Kidney Center, 13560 SE 97th Ave, Clackamas, 97015 503-659-8200
Clark County, 3921 SW 13th Ave, Battle Ground, 98604 360-687-8527
Ft Vancouver, 312 SE Stonemill Dr #150, Vancouver, 98684 360-254-2323
Hilltop, 328 Warner Milne Rd, Oregon City, 97045 503-650-2357
Hollywood, 2824 NE Wasco St #100, Portland, 97232 503-493-8227
Maywood Park, 11909 NE Glenn Widing Dr, Portland, 97220 503-255-3464
Noble Woods, 5333 W Baseline Rd, Hillsboro, 97123 503-615-2161
Pacific NW Home, 2701 NE Vaughn St #150, Portland, 97210 503-205-0320
Raines, 1809 Maple St, Forest Grove, 97116 503-359-0593
Rose Quarter, 4905 NE MLK Blvd, Portland, 97211 . . . . 503-288-7020
Salmon Creek, 9105 Highway 99 #102, Vancouver, 98665 360-576-1350
Sandy, 37139 Hwy 26, Sandy, 97055 503-826-1352
Scholls Ferry, 10300 SW Nimbus Ave, Tigard, 97223 503-443-4909
Tualatin, 7780 SW Mohawk St, Tualatin, 97062 . . . . . 971-224-4000
Twin Oaks, 15201 NW Greenbrier Pkwy, Beaverton, 97006 503-690-4883
Portland Home Dialysis Clinic, 10802 SE Washington St, Portland, 97216 . . . . . . . 503-254-4426
US Renal Care Portland Dialysis Center, 10595 SE Stark St, Portland, 97216 503-252-0019
Alliance of People with Disabilities . . . . . . . . . . . 206-545-7055
Clark County Washington, 1300 Franklin St, Vancouver, 98660 . 360-397-2000
Clackamas County Developmental Disabilities Program 503-655-8640
Department of Human Services, Seniors & People with Disabilities, 320 SW Zobrist Ave, Estacada, 97023 . . . . . . . . 503-630-4605
4382 International Wy #C, Milwaukie, 97222 971-673-6600 221 Molalla Ave #104, Oregon City, 97045 . . . . . . . 971-673-7600
Developmental Disabilities Program . . . . . . . . . . 503-557-2824
Disability Rights Oregon, 610 SW Broadway #200, Portland, 97205 503-243-2081
Independent Living Resources, 1839 NE Couch St, Portland, 97232 503-232-7411
Oregon Commission for the Blind, 535 SE 12th Ave, Portland, 97214 971-673-1588
Oregon Department of Human Services 503-945-5811, 800-282-8096
Beaverton, 15425 NW Greenbrier Pkwy, Beaverton, 97006 . . 503-646-9952
Hillsboro, 5300 NE Elam Young Pkwy, Hillsboro, 97124 503-693-4555
Tigard, 11515 SW Durham Rd #E-5, Tigard, 97224 . . . . 503-968-2312
Oregon Office on Disability & Health, PO Box 574, Portland, 97207 . 503-494-1205
Portland Parks and Recreation, Senior Center Project Day Program . 503-823-2525
Washington Assistive Technology Act Program 800-214-8731
Emergency Preparedness
American Red Cross, NW Oregon Chapter, 3131 N Vancouver Ave, Portland, 97227 503-284-1234 SW WA Chapter, 5109 NE 82nd Ave, Vancouver, 98662 360-553-3619
Clackamas County Disaster Management . . . . . . . . 503-655-8378
Clark County Public Health—Emergency Preparedness & Response, 1601 E Fourth Plain Blvd, Vancouver, 98661 . . . . . . . 360-397-8215
Clark Regional Emergency Services Agency 360-737-1911
FEMA—Region X, 130 228th St SW, Bothell, 98021 . . . . . 800-462-9029
Oregon Emergency Management, PO Box 14370, Salem, 97309 . 503-378-2911
Oregon Public Health Emergency Preparedness Program, 800 NE Oregon St #465-B, Portland, 97232 800-422-6012
Emergency Response Systems
Columbia Medical Alarm Inc, (Ad pg #61)
6700 SW 105th Ave #125, Portland, 97008
Connect America, (Ad pg #61)
141 N Elliott Rd, Newberg, 97132
Community In Motion
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 360-258-2103
Easter Seals Senior Employment Service, 10011 SE Division St #101, Portland, 97266 503-228-5100
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), 909 1st Ave #400, Seattle, 98104 . . . . . . 206-220-6883
Experience Works, 241 Edgeway Dr, Beaverton, 97006 503-526-2740
NW Senior & Disability Services 800-469-8772
Partners In Careers, 3210 NE 52nd St, Vancouver, 98663 . . . 360-696-8417
State of Oregon, Employment Dept, 875 Union St NE, Salem, 97311 800-237-3710
Worksource Oregon Employment Department, 241 SW Edgeway Dr, Beaverton, 97006 503-526-2700 506 High St, Oregon City, 97045 . . . . . . . . . . 971-673-6400 7916 SE Foster Rd #104, Portland, 97206 . . . . . . . . 503-772-2300 30 N Webster St #E, Portland, 97217 . . . . . . . . . 503-280-6046
End of Life Doula
Ricochet Body Solutions, (Ad pg #63) 619 Madison St #110, Oregon City, 97045 503-318-9626
Energy Resources
Care to Share, 13715 SW Walker Rd, Beaverton, 97005 503-591-9025
Clark Co Public Utilities, 1200 Fort Vancouver Wy, Vancouver, 98663 . 360-992-3000
Community Action, 210 SE 12th Ave, Hillsboro, 97123 503-640-3263
Inter-Faith Treasure House, 91 ‘C’ St, Washougal, 98671 . . . . 360-834-5786
Low-Income Energy Assistance Program (LIEAP) 503-588-9016
NW Natural: Gas Assistance Program (GAP), 220 NW 2nd Ave, Portland, 97209 . . . . 503-226-4211, 800-422-4012
NW Natural: OLGA, PO Box 8905, Portland, 97255 503-226-4211
Oregon Energy Coordinators Association, 27501 SW 95th Ave #980, Wilsonville, 97070 503-997-9580
Oregon Energy Fund, 1020 SW Taylor St #620, Portland, 97205 971-386-2124
Oregon Public Utilities Commission, 201 High St SE #100, Salem, 97301 . . . 800-522-2404
Pacific Power and Light, 825 NE Multnomah, Portland, 97232 888-221-7070
Portland General Electric, 7800 SW Mohawk, Tualatin, 97062 503-228-6322
Salvation Army Family Services, 7509 NE 47th Ave, Vancouver, 98661 360-448-2890
Salvation Army—LIEAP, 1712 NE Sandy Blvd, Portland, 97232 503-239-1264
St Vincent de Paul, Camas/Washougal, 324 NE Oak St, Camas, 98607 360-834-2126
North Clark County, PO Box 606, Battle Ground, 98604 . . 360-576-0122 Vancouver, 2456 NE Stapleton Rd, Vancouver, 98661 . . . 360-694-5388
Veterans Relief Fund Clark County Department of Community Services, 1305 Columbia St, Vancouver, 98660 . . . . . . . . 360-693-7030
Entertainment & Recreation
Encore Senior Players, 2201 SW Vermont St, Portland, 97219 . . 503-430-5939
North Clackamas Parks and Recreation District . . 503-742-4348
Oregon State Parks and Recreation 503-986-0707, 800-551-6949
Portland Parks and Recreation, 426 NE 12th Ave, Portland, 97232 . . 503-823-7529
Tualatin Hills Park and Recreation District, 15707 SW Walker Rd, Beaverton, 97006 . . . . . . . . 503-645-6433
Errand & Concierge Services (See also In-Home Care pg #22)
Catholic Community Services of Western Washington—Volunteer Chore Services, 9300 NE Oak View Dr, Vancouver, 98662 . . . . . . . . 360-567-2211
Lift Urban Portland, 2701 NW Vaughn #102, Portland, 97210 . . 503-221-1224
Estate Planning
Heartland Retirement Group, (Ad pg #66) 503-475-1974
Rose Elder Law, LLC, (Ad pg #53)
5200 SW Meadows Rd #150, Lake Oswego, 97035 . . . . 971-865-3171
Soft Landings, Solutions for Seniors, (Ad pg #97)
14845 SW Murray Scholls Dr #110, Beaverton, 97007 . . 503-893-4252
Estate Sales
Managed Moves, (Ad pg #97)
13446 NE Whitaker Wy, Portland, 97230 . . 503-780-7136
Offering relief of physical, energetic, mental, psychological, emotional, and/or spiritual pain through all stages of life, including end-of-life support. Empowering you to live every day of your life to its full potential.
It often appears that those who have lived their life well, maintained healthy relationships, have done the work of identifying their personal values and spiritual beliefs, and made plans or other preparations for the end of their life seem to have easier, more peaceful deaths. This foundation is a tremendous gift to their loved ones who can experience more peaceful, healthy grieving after the person has passed. If that description doesn't resonate, not to worry, an End of Life Doula (EOLD) can assist in many ways to bring comfort and ease in areas that feel complicated as we near the end of our days.
End of Life Doula, what's that? An End of Life Doula (EOLD) is a non-medical support and companion for a dying person and/or their loved ones. People often confuse end of life doulas with hospice. An EOLD is a supporting, holistic provider—meaning they provide guidance and support for the dying person and their loved ones' physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and energetic care. A death midwife, or death doula, is a person who assists in the dying process, much like a midwife or doula does with the birthing process. Often, an end of life doula can decipher subtle cues or messages that other providers or caregivers might not catch. This allows EOLDs to communicate important information between loved ones, care providers, and hospice, and to provide suggestions for increasing comfort through the dying person's transition.
Depending on the needs of those involved and at what stage in the living/dying process this relationship begins, they may start working together many months or
even years in advance. Services that may be provided by an EOLD include: death education for adults of all ages and levels of health, longterm support for those with slowly progressing incurable conditions, checking to see that appropriate paperwork, documents, and funeral/burial plans— whether traditional funeral/burial, home funeral, or other non-traditional funeral/ burial--are in order, and making referrals to other professionals as needed. By getting to know the person(s) involved, an EOLD can weave together personal preferences and professional recommendations into cherished legacy projects and practical end of life vigil plans which may include special rituals that may be done in the days or hours leading up to and following death, and assist in creating an obituary and meaningful eulogy.
After a person has died, the person's primary care provider—such as spouse, child, parent, friend, etc—may then continue working with the EOLD in other ways, such as being accompanied to a grave or memorial site and receiving special date, anniversary, or other grief support.
By living an authentic and fulfilling life now, facing our beliefs around life, death, and beyond to move through fear and other difficult emotions, and proactively planning for the time we move on, we can indeed accept a good end-of-life.
Article provided by: Ricochet Body Solutions 503-318-9626 www.RBodySolutions.com
Indicates website link available at www.RetirementConnection.com
Faith-Based Organizations
Catholic Community Services of Western Washington . . . . . 503-517-8663
Ecumenical Ministries, 245 SW Bancroft St #B, Portland, 97239 503-221-1054
Faith Community Nursing/Health Ministries NW, 2801 N Gantenbein Ave #2027, Portland, 97227 . . . . . . . 503-413-4920
Life PAX, 519 NE 115th Cir, Vancouver, 98685 . . . . . . . 360-885-1474
Lift Urban Portland, 2701 NW Vaughn St #102, Portland, 97212 . 503-221-1224
Financial & Clothing Assistance
Clothing Assistance
Open Door Counseling, 34420 SW TV Hwy, Hillsboro, 97123 503-640-6689
Tigard-Tualatin Resource Center, 9000 SW Durham Rd, Rm #716, Tigard, 97224 . . . . . 503-603-1585
Financial Assistance
Clackamas County Income Maintenance ADS, 2051 Kaen Rd, Oregon City, 97045 503-650-5622
Clark County Dept of Community Services—Weatherization Program, 1601 E Fourth Plain Blvd #17, Vancouver, 98661 . . . . . 360-397-2375
Clark County Public Utilities, 1200 Fort Vancouver Wy, Vancouver, 98668 . 360-992-3000
Clark County Veterans Assistance Fund, 1305 Columbia St #100, Vancouver, 98660 360-397-8478
Clark Regional Wastewater District—Low-Income Senior Citizen Discount Program, 8000 NE 52nd Ct, Vancouver, 98665 . . 360-993-8808
Community Action Partnership of Oregon . . . . . . . 503-316-3951
Open Door Counseling, 34420 SW TV Hwy, Hillsboro, 97123 503-640-6689
Oregon Department of Revenue . . . . . . . . . . . . 503-378-4988, 800-356-4222
Oregon Rep Payee Program, 1740 Shaff Rd #404, Stayton, 97383 . . . . . . . . . 503-922-0735
Portland Water Bureau 503-823-7770
Washington County Council Inc on Aging Crisis Fund 503-291-9111
West Coast Representative Payee . . . . . . . . . . . 503-317-9022
Retirement Connection Guide • 1-800-462-1316
Heartland Retirement Group, (Ad pg #66) . . . . . . . . . . . 503-475-1974
Northwest Reverse Mortgage, Robin Rosa, (Ad pg #104) 10121 SE Sunnyside Rd #300, Clackamas, 97015 503-516-6126
Soft Landings, Solutions for Seniors, (Ad pg #97)
14845 SW Murray Scholls Dr #110, Beaverton, 97007 503-893-4252
Fitness, Health & Wellness
Conversation & Company, (Ad pg #93) 503- 825-8822
Parkinson’s Resources of Oregon, (Ad pg #49) 8880 SW Nimbus Ave #B, Beaverton, 97008 . . . . . 800-426-6806
Portland Parks and Recreation, Senior Recreation . . . 503-823-4328
YMCA—Clark County, 11324 NE 51st Cir, Vancouver, 98682 360-885-9622
Indicates website link available at www.RetirementConnection.com
All Saints Episcopal Church, 372 NE Lincoln, Hillsboro, 97124 503-648-2514
Area Agency on Aging & Disabilities of Southwest Washington, 201 NE 73rd St #201, Vancouver, 98665 360-694-8144
Care to Share, PO Box 397, Beaverton, 97075 . . 503-591-9025
Church of St Michael the Archangel: Food Box and Sack Lunch Program, 424 SW Mill St, Portland, 97201 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 503-228-8629
Clackamas County Meals on Wheels Meal Centers: 503-929-8753
Canby Adult Center, 1250 S Ivy St, Canby, 97013 503-266-2970 Estacada Community Center, 200 SW Clubhouse Dr, Estacada, 97023 . . . . . . . 503-630-7454
Hoodland Senior Center, 65000 E Hwy 26, Welches, 97067 . . . 503-622-3331
Lake Oswego Adult Community Center, 505 ‘G’ Ave, Lake Oswego, 97034 . . . . . . . . . . 503-635-3758
Milwaukie Center, 5440 SE Kellogg Creek Dr, Milwaukie, 97222 503-653-8100
Molalla Adult Community Center, 315 Kennel Ave, Molalla, 97038 503-829-4214
Pioneer Community Center, 615 5th St, Oregon City, 97045 503-657-8287
Sandy Senior & Community Center, 38348 Pioneer Blvd, Sandy, 97055 . . . . . . . . . 503-668-5569
Wilsonville Senior Center, 7965 SW Wilsonville Rd, Wilsonville, 97070 503-682-3727
Community Action Organization/Energy & Emergency Services, 1001 SW Baseline St, Hillsboro, 97123 . . . . . . . . 503-648-6646
Crossroads Cupboard, 2407 NE 102nd, Portland, 97220 503-257-9345
Downtown Chapel, 601 W Burnside, Portland, 97209 503-228-0746
Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon: Northeast Emergency Food Program, 4800 NE 72nd, Portland, 97218 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 503-284-5470
First Baptist Church, 909 SW 11th, Portland, 97205 503-228-7465
Forest Grove Family Resource Center, 1341 Pacific Ave, Forest Grove, 97116 503-359-2598
Forest Grove Senior Center, 2037 Douglas St, Forest Grove, 97116 503-357-2021
Francis Center, 6535 SE 82nd, Portland, 97266 . 503-775-6784
Friends in Service to Humanity (FISH), 906 Harney St, Vancouver, 98660 . . . . . . . . . . 360-695-4903
Gladstone Senior Center, 1050 Portland Ave,Gladstone, 97027 503-655-7701
Multnomah County Aging and Disability Services:
Good Neighbor Center, 11130 SW Greenburg Rd, Portland, 97223 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 503-443-6084
Hillsboro Seventh Day Adventist, 367 NE Grant St, Hillsboro, 97124 503-648-3922
Hillsboro Community Senior Ctr, 750 SE 8th Ave, Hillsboro, 97123 . . 503-615-1090
Hillsboro Family Resource Ctr, 451 SE Walnut St, Hillsboro, 97123 . . 503-844-1688
Impact NW, PO Box 787, Forest Grove, 97116 . . . . . . . 503-294-7445
Inter-Faith Treasure House, 91 ‘C’ St, Washougal, 98671 360-834-5786
Life Pax, 519 NE 115th Cir, Vancouver, 98685 360-885-1474
Mainspring Portland, 1335 SE Hawthorne, Portland, 97214 . . . . . 503-233-5533
People, (Ad pg #71)
Clark County Office, 1681 ‘C’ St, Washougal, 98671 . . . . 360-699-6325
Portland Office, 7710 SW 31st Ave, Portland, 97219 503-736-8111
Ambleside, 600 NE 8th Ave #155, Gresham, 97030 . . . . . . . . . . . 503-953-8201
Amboy/Yacolt, Mt Valley Grange, 40107 NE 221st, Amboy, 98601 . 360-666-9158
Battle Ground, 912 E Main St, Battle Ground, 98604 . . . . 360-666-9158
Beaverton, 5550 SW Hall Blvd, Beaverton, 97005 503-643-8352
Belmont, 4610 SE Belmont, Portland, 97215 503-953-8146
Camas, 1718 SE 7th Ave, Camas, 98607 . . . . . . . . 360-210-5666
Cherry Blossom, 740 SE 106th Ave, Portland, 97216 . . . . . . . . . . 503-953-8104
Edwards Center, 4375 SW Edwards Pl, Aloha, 97078 . . . . . . . . . . 503-953-8151
Elm Court, 1032 SW Main St, Portland, 97205 503-953-8204
Forest Grove, 2037 Douglas St, Forest Grove, 97116 503-359-4818
Friendly House Center, 1737 NW 26th Ave, Portland, 97210 . . . 503-593-3068
Hillsboro, 6701 NE Campus Wy, Hillsboro, 97124 . . . . . . . . . . . . 971-808-7885
IRCO, 10301 NE Glisan St, Portland, 97230 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 503-256-2381
Juanita Pohl, 8513 SW Tualatin Rd, Tualatin, 97062 503-692-6767
La Center, 1000 E 4th St, La Center, 98629 . . . . . . . 360-666-9158
Luepke, 1009 E McLoughlin Blvd, Vancouver, 98663 . . . . 360-695-3847
Martin Luther King Jr, 5325 NE MLK Jr Blvd, Portland, 97211 . . 503-953-8207
Multnomah Village, 7688 SW Capitol Hwy, Portland, 97219 503-244-3873
North Plains, 31450 NW Commercial, North Plains, 97133 503-647-5666
Ridgefield, 210 N Main St, Ridgefield, 98642 . . . . . . 360-567-7670
Rockwood, 124 NE 181st, Portland, 97230 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 503-953-8156
Thelma Skelton, 3925 SE Milwaukie Ave, Portland, 97202 . . . . . 503-953-8209
Tigard, 8815 SW O’Mara, Tigard, 97223 503-620-4613
Two Rivers, 9009 N Foss Ave, Portland, 97203 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 503-953-8210
Washougal, 1681 ‘C’ St, Washougal, 98671 360-210-5666
Weekend/Holiday Meals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 503-736-6325
Multnomah County Aging and Disability Services: East Area, 600 NE 8th St #100, Gresham, 97030 503-988-3840
Mid Area, 10615 SE Cherry Blossom Dr, Portland, 97216 503-988-5480
Northeast Area, 5325 NE MLK Blvd, Portland, 97211 503-988-5470
Southeast Area, 4610 SE Belmont St 2nd Fl, Portland, 97215 503-721-6760
West Area, 209 SW 4th Ave, Portland, 97204 503-988-5460
New Hope Missionary Baptist Church, 3725 N Gantenbein Ave, Portland, 97227 503-281-0163
North County Community Food Bank, 17 NE 3rd Ave, Battle Ground, 98604 . . . . . . . . . . 360-687-5007
Oregon Food Bank, 7900 NE 33rd Dr, Portland, 97211 503-282-0555, 800-777-7427
Oregon Food Bank West, 1870 NW 173rd Ave, Beaverton, 97006 . 503-439-6510
Oregon Hunger Task Force, 712 SE Hawthorne Blvd #202, Portland, 97214 503-595-5501
Phat Quang Buddhist Temple, 4760 SW 160th Ave, Beaverton, 97007 503-356-5978
Portland Adventist Community Services (PACE), 11020 NE Halsey, Portland, 97220 . . . . . . . 503-252-8500
Potluck in the Park, O’Bryant Square, 450 SW Park and 9th Ave, PO Box 12443, Portland, 97212 503-255-7611
Salvation Army, 351 SE Oak St, Hillsboro, 97123 . . . . . . . . . . 503-640-4311 5325 N Williams, Portland, 97217 . . . . . . . . . . 971-340-4010
Share House—Emergency Shelter for Men, 1115 W 13th St, Vancouver, 98660 360-448-2121
SNAP for Seniors Enrollment Sites, 214 SW 2nd, Canby, 97013 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 503-263-6700 320 SW Zorbist St, Estacada, 97023 . . . . . . . . 503-630-4605 4382 International Wy #C, Milwaukie, 97222 971-673-6600 221 Molalla Ave #104, Oregon City, 97045 . . . . . . 971-673-7600
Snow-Cap/Rockwood Community Services, 17788 SE Pine St, Portland, 97223 . . . . . . . 503-674-8785
St Vincent DePaul/St. Matthew’s, 442 SE 3rd Ave, Hillsboro, 97123 503-693-7528
State of Oregon, Department of Human Services, 500 NE Summer St, Salem, 97301 . . . . . . . 503-945-5944
Multnomah County Aging and Disability Services: Store to Door of Oregon, 7730 SW 31st Ave, Portland, 97210 503-200-3333
Sunshine Division, 687 N Thompson, Portland, 97227 503-823-2102
Tigard-Tualatin Resource Center, 9000 SW Durham Rd #716, Tigard, 97224 503-603-1585
Tualatin School House Area Food Pantry, 3550 SW Borland Rd, Tualatin, 97062 503-783-0721
Union Gospel Mission, 3 NW Third, Portland, 97209 503-274-4483
Vancouver Vineyard Church—With Hands Open Ministries, 2007 E 12th St, Vancouver, 98661 360-759-4999
Washington County Department of Human Services, Aging & People with Disabilities
Disabilities/Foodstamps, Beaverton, 4805 SW Griffith Dr, Beaverton, 97005 503-627-0362 Hillsboro, 5240 NE Elam Young Pkwy #200, Hillsboro, 97124 971-673-5100 Tigard, 11515 SW Durham Rd #E5, Tigard, 97224 503-968-2312
William Temple House, 2023 NW Hoyt St, Portland, 97209 503-226-3021
Sharelife, (Ad pg #73)
Sunnyside Little Chapel of the Chime 11667 SE Stevens Rd, Happy Valley, 97086 503-659-1184 Valley Memorial Park Funeral Home, 3929 SE Tualatin Valley Hwy, Hillsboro, 97123 503-648-5444
Wilhelm's Portland Memorial, 6705 SE 14th Ave, Portland,97202 503-236-4141
Threadgill’s Memorial Services, (Ad pg #72) 4815 SW Jamieson Rd, Beaverton, 97005 503-526-3952
A death midwife, or death doula, is a person who assists in the dying process, much like a midwife or doula does with the birthing process . (Article pg #64)
Ricochet Body Solutions, End of Life Doula, (Ad pg #63) 619 Madison St #110, Oregon City, 97045 503-318-9626 Goods
Design, (Ad pg #72)
Government Resources
Aging Disability Resource Connection (ADRC) . . . . . . . 855-673-2372
Area Agency on Aging & Disabilities of SW Washington, 201 NE 73rd St #201, Vancouver, 98665 . . . . . . . 360-694-8144
Clackamas County Aging and Disability Services, 2051 Kaen Rd, Oregon City, 97045 . . . . . . . . 503-655-8640
Clackamas County Social Services, 4382 International Wy #C, Milwaukie, 97222 . . . . . 971-673-6600 221 Molalla Ave #104, Oregon City, 97045 . . . . . . . . 971-673-7600
Clark County Public Health Dept—Vital Records, 1601 Fourth Plain Blvd, Vancouver, 98661 . . . . . . . 360-397-8414
DSHS—Home and Community Services, 800 NE 136th Ave #220, Vancouver, 98684 . . 360-397-9500, 800-280-0586
Governor’s Commission On Senior Services, 500 Summer St, Salem, 97301 . . . . . . . . . . 503-947-5019
Multnomah County Aging and Disability Services, East Area, 600 NE 8th St #100, Gresham, 97030 . . . . 503-988-3840 Mid Area, 10615 SE Cherry Blossom Dr, Portland, 97216 . . . 503-988-5480
North/Northeast, 5325 NE MLK Blvd, Portland, 97211 503-988-5470
Southeast Area, 4610 SE Belmont St, 2nd Fl, Portland, 97215 503-988-3660 West Area, 209 SW 4th Ave, Portland, 97204 503-988-3646
Oregon Dept. of Human Services—Seniors & People with Disabilities, 3410 Cherry Ave NE, Salem, 97303 . . . . . . . . 503-304-3400
Oregon Insurance Division, 350 Winter St NE, Salem, 97301 . . 503-947-7980
Oregon Public Health, 800 NE Oregon St, Portland, 97232 . . . 971-673-1222
Oregon State Department of Human Services, 500 Summer St NE #E15, Salem, 97301 . . . . . . . . 503-945-5944
Senior Health Insurance Benefit Assistance (SHIBA) 800-722-4134
Washington Association of Area Agencies on Aging . . . . . 360-485-9761
Washington County Disability, Aging & Veteran Services, (pg #42) 5240 NE Elam Young Pkwy #300, Hillsboro, 97124 503-846-3060
Grocery Delivery
Store to Door of Oregon, 7730 SW 31st Ave, Portland, 97219 . . 503-200-3333
Guardians & Conservators
Impact NW, PO Box 787, Forest Grove, 97116 . . . . . . . . 503-294-7445
St. Andrews Legal Clinic, 807 NE Alberta St, Portland, 97211 503-281-1500
Asian Health and Service Center, 9035 SE Foster Rd, Portland, 97266 503-872-8822
Battle Ground Health Care, 1910 SW 9th Ave, Battle Ground, 98604 360-687-8941 Clackamas County Community Health — Public Health, 9775 Sunnyside Rd #200, Clackamas, 97015 . . . 503-655-8471 2051 Kaen Rd, Oregon City, 97045 503-655-8471 37400 SE Bell St, Sandy, 97055 . . . . . . . . . . . 503-655-8471
Coalition of Community Health Clinics, (Medicaid & Uninsured Clinic Referrals Only) 434 NW 6th Ave #303, Portland, 97206 . . . . . . . . 503-546-4991
Family Care and Urgent Medical Clinics, Cascade Park, 406 SE 131st Ave #A101, Vancouver, 98684 360-253-2822 Free Clinic of SW Washington, 4100 Plomondon St, Vancouver, 98661 . . . . . . . . . 360-313-1390
Providence Medical Group, Gresham Urgent Care, 2850 SE Powell Valley Rd #100, Gresham, 97080 503-666-5050
Legacy Medical Group, Battle Ground, 1910 SW 9th Ave #100, Battle Ground, 98604 . 360-487-4840 Bridgeport, 18010 SW McEwan Rd, Lake Oswego, 97035 503-525-7500 Broadway, 1600 NE Broadway, Portland, 97232 . . . . . . 503-525-7599 Canby, 1433 SE 1st Ave, Canby, 97013 503-525-7600 Cornell, 1960 NW 167th Pl, Beaverton, 97006 . . . . . . . 503-672-6000
Emanuel, 2800 W Vancouver Ave #230, Portland, 97227 . . . 503-413-4340
Firwood, 36860 Industrial Wy, Sandy, 97055 503-826-0206
Fisher’s Landing, 16703 SE McGillivray Blvd #120, Vancouver, 98683 . 360-566-4840
Gresham, 24900 SE Stark St, Gresham, 97030 . . . . . . . 503-674-1950
Lake Oswego, 412 ‘A’ Ave #200, Lake Oswego, 97034 . . . . 503-635-2496
Mount Hood, 24988 SE Stark St #220, Gresham, 97030 . . . 503-674-1580
Northeast, 300 N Graham St #200, Portland, 97227 503-413-4134
Northwest, 1130 NW 22nd Ave #220, Portland, 97210 . . . . 503-413-8988
Raleigh Hills, 8329 SW Beaverton Hillsdale Hwy, Portland, 97225 . 503-414-5160
Salmon Creek Family Medicine, 2101 NE 139th St #450, Medical Office Bldg B, Vancouver, 98686 . 360-487-4848
Salmon Creek Internal Medicine, 2101 NE 139th St #460, Vancouver, 98686 . . . . . . . 360-487-2727
St Helens, 500 N Columbia River Hwy #6, St Helens, 97051 . 503-397-0471
Tualatin, 19875 SW 65th Ave #100, Tualatin, 97062 503-692-7785
West Linn, 2020 8th Ave #100, West Linn, 97068 . . . . . . 503-655-3320
Woodburn, 1002 N Boones Ferry Rd, Woodburn, 97071 . . . 971-981-9526
Memorial Urgent Care Clinic, 3400 Main St, Vancouver, 98663 . 360-696-5223
New Heights Medical Clinic, 5912 NE 78th St, Vancouver, 98665 360-694-0355
Newberg Urgent Care, 2880 Hayes St, Newberg, 97132 . . . 503-537-9600
OHSU Family Medicine, Gabriel Park, 4411 SW Vermont, Portland, 97219 503-494-9992
Internal Medicine, 3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd, Portland, 97201 503-494-8562 South Waterfront, 3303 SW Bond, Portland, 97239 503-216-9254
Providence ElderPlace, (Ad pg #89) 4400 NE Halsey St, Bldg 1 #200, Portland, 97213 503-215-6556
Providence Happy Valley, 16180 SE Sunnyside Rd, Clackamas, 97086 . . . . . . . 503-582-4900
Providence Medical Group, Gateway Immediate Care, 1321 NE 99th Ave #100, Portland, 97220 . . . . . . . . . 503-215-9900 Scholls Immediate Care, 12442 SW Scholls Ferry Rd #100, Tigard, 97223 . . . . . 503-215-9200
Rosewood Family Health, 8935 SE Powell Blvd, Portland, 97266 503-772-4335
Sandy Health & Wellness Ctr, 37400 SE Bell St, Sandy, 97055 503-655-8471
Sea Mar Clinic, 7410 Delaware Ln, Vancouver, 98664 . . . . 360-566-4402
Tanasbourne Immediate Care, 10670 NE Cornell Rd #101, Hillsboro, 97124 503-216-9360
Tuality Urgent Care, 7545 SE Tualatin Valley Hwy, Hillsboro, 97123 503-681-4223
Urgent Care St Helens, 475 S Columbia River Hwy #105, St Helens, 97051 503-397-7119
Urgent Medical Center, 14201 NE 20th Ave #C101, Vancouver, 98686 360-571-9799
Virginia Garcia Memorial, 2727 SW Cedar Hills Blvd #200, Beaverton, 97005 503-352-6000 1151 N Adair St, Cornelius, 97113 503-359-5564 226 SE 8th Ave, Hillsboro, 97123 503-601-7400
Wallace Medical Concern, 254 NW Burnside St, Gresham, 97030 503-489-1760 124 NE 181st #103, Portland, 97230 . . . . . . . . 503-489-1760
Mobile Medical Clinic, 400 NE 7th St, Gresham, 97030 . . . . . . . . . . 503-489-1760
Health Insurance & HMOs
Humana Marketpoint, (Ad on IFC) . . . . . . . . . . 800-781-4203
Indicates website link available at www.RetirementConnection.com
DSHS—Telecommunications Access Service . . . . . . . 800-422-7930
Hearing Loss Association of Oregon . . . . . . . . . 541-791-3725
Lions Sight & Hearing Foundation of Oregon, 1010 NW 22nd Ave #144, Portland, 97210 . . . . . . 503-413-7399
Oregon Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services (ODHHS), 500 Summer St NE #E-16, Salem, 97301 . . . . . . . 503-454-6100
Oregon Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf - Access Services NW 503-236-3656
Oregon Speech-Language and Hearing Association 503-378-0595
Southwest Washington Center of the Deaf & Hard of Hearing, 301 SE Hearthwood Blvd, Vancouver, 98604 . . . . . . 360-334-5740
Telecommunication Devices Access Program (TDAP) . . . . 800-848-4442
Translation Solutions, PO Box 96042, Portland, 97296 503-248-9915
Washington Telecommunications Relay Service . . . . . . . 800-833-6384
Home Modification & Repair Services
Amramp, (Ad pg #77) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 888-715-7599 Clackamas County Community Development . . . . . . . 503-655-8591
Clackamas County Weatherization . . . . . . . . . . . 503-650-3338
Low Income Weatherization Assistance . . . . . . . . . . 503-986-2000
EverLife Home, (Ad pg #21) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 503-536-1955
Metropolitan Family Services: Project Linkage . . . . . . . 503-232-0007
Rebuilding Together, 12550 SW 3rd Ave, Beaverton, 97005 . . . . . . . . . 503-644-4544 5000 N Willamette Blvd, Portland, 97203 . . . . . . . . 503-943-7515
ReFit, 9755 SW Barnes Rd #290, Portland, 97225 . . . . . 503-698-8382
Unlimited Choices/Adapt-A-Home . . . . . . . . . . . . 503-234-6167
Washington County Home Access & Repair for Disabled & Elderly (HARDE), 328 W Main St #100, Hillsboro, 97123 . . . . . . . . . 503-846-8897
Washington County Older American’s Act Home Repair . . . 503-846-3060
Adventist Hospice, 5835 NE 122nd Ave #155, Portland, 97230 . . 503-251-6301
Assured Hospice, (Ad pg #80)
9320 SW Barbur Blvd #330, Portland, 97219 . . . . . . . 503-570-9766
Aveanna Healthcare, 9105 NE Hwy 99, Bldg A, #202, Vancouver, 98665 360-693-7595
Brighton Hospice,
8050 SW Warm Springs St #205, Tualatin, 97062 503-430-7699
Bristol Hospice, (Ad pg #80)
10365 SE Sunnyside Rd #340, Clackamas, 97015 . . . . . . . 503-698-8911
407 Portway Ave #201, Hood River, 97031 . . . . . . . 541-386-1942
Care Partners, 1600 NW Compton Dr #210, Hillsboro, 97006 . . 503-648-9565
Community Home Health and Hospice, (Ad pg #80)
3102 NE 134th St, Vancouver, 98686 . . . . . . . . 360-425-8510
Compassion & Choices Oregon 503-525-1956
Connected Home Health & Hospice, (Ad pg #18)
7515 NE Ambassador Pl #C, Portland, 97220 . . . . . . 503-261-8599
Eden Home Health & Hospice, (Ad pg #17) 221 Molalla Ave #102 & #120, Oregon City, 97045 . . . . 971-256-6642
Gentiva Hospice, (Ad pg #81) 4500 Kruse Wy #100, Lake Oswego, 97035 . . . . . . 503-635-2170
Gracious Care Hospice, (Ad pg #81) 8196 SW Hall Blvd #101, Beaverton, 97008 . . . . . . 503-893-9866
Homecare & Hospice SW, 5400 McCarther Blvd, Vancouver, 98661 360-759-1500
Housecall Providers Hospice, 5100 SW Macadam Ave #200, Portland, 97239 . . . . . . . 971-202-5500
Kaiser Permanente Hospice, 2701 NW Vaughn St #140, Portland, 97210 . 503-499-5200
Legacy Hospice, 815 NE Davis St, Portland, 97232 . . . . . . . 800-896-6287
Mt Hood Hospice, 39085 Pioneer Blvd #1018, Sandy, 97055 503-668-5545
Oregon Hospice Association . . . . . . . 503-228-2104
Portland VA Medical Center Community Health, 3710 SW US Veterans Hospital Rd, Portland, 97239 . . . . . . . 503-220-8262
Providence Hospice, (Ad pg #18) 6410 NE Halsey, Portland, 97213 503-215-2273
Ray Hickey Hospice House, 2112 E Mill Plain Blvd, Vancouver, 98661 360-514-4350
Royal Hospice/ Vital Palliative Care, (Ad pg #79)
18615 Willamette Dr #300 A, West Linn, 97068 . . . . . 503-406-2256
Seasons Hospice, 6500 SW Macadam, Portland, 97239 . . . 866-238-8010
Serenity Hospice, 11481 SW Hall Blvd #200, Tigard, 97223 855-839-0600
Signature Hospice, (Ad pg #19)
7632 SW Durham Rd #130, Tigard, 97224 800-936-4756
Tenderly Hospice, (Ad pg #81) 9500 SW Barbur Blvd #260, Portland, 97219 503-482-4600
Traditions Health Hospice Care, (Ad pg #80) . . . . . . 503-595-2260
Adventist Medical Center, 10123 SE Market St, Portland, 97216 . 503-257-2500
Hillsboro Medical Center, 335 SE 8th Ave, Hillsboro, 97123 . . . . . 503-681-1111
Kaiser Permanente, Sunnyside, 10180 Sunnyside Rd, Clackamas, 97015 . . . . . . . . 503-652-2880
Westside, 2875 NW Stucki Ave, Hillsboro, 97124 503-813-2000
Legacy Health System, Emanuel, 2801 N Gantenbein, Portland, 97227 . . . . . . . . 503-413-2200
Good Samaritan, 1015 NW 22nd Ave, Portland, 97210 503-413-7711
Meridian Park, 19300 SW 65th Ave, Tualatin, 97062 . . . . . . . . 503-692-1212
Mount Hood, 24800 SE Stark St, Gresham, 97030 503-674-1122
Salmon Creek, 2211 NE 139th St, Vancouver, 98686 . . . . 360-487-1000
Oregon Health Sciences University (OHSU), 3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd, Portland, 97239 503-494-8311
PeaceHealth Southwest Washington Medical Center, 400 NE Mother Joseph Pl, Vancouver, 98664 360-514-2000
Providence Health System, Heart & Vascular Institute, 9205 SW Barnes Rd, Portland, 97225 503-216-2088
Milwaukie Hospital, 10150 SE 32nd Ave, Milwaukie, 97222 503-513-8300
Newberg Medical Center, 1001 Providence Dr, Newberg, 97132 . 503-537-1555
Portland Medical Center, 4805 NE Glisan St, Portland, 97213 . . 503-215-1111
St Vincent Medical Center, 9205 SW Barnes Rd, Portland, 97225 . . 503-216-1234 Willamette Falls Hospital, 1500 Division St, Oregon City, 97045 . . 503-656-1631
Providence Milwaukie Hospital- Geriatric Psychiatric Unit, 10150 SE 32nd Ave, Milwaukie, 97222 . . . . . . . . 503-513-8300
Veterans Administration Medical Center, 3710 SW US Veterans Hospital, Portland, 97239 503-220-8262, 800-949-1004
Vibra Specialty Hospital, 10300 NE Hancock St, Portland, 97220 503-257-5500
Identity Theft
State of Oregon, Dept of Consumer & Business Services, Oregon Consumer Identity Theft, 350 Winter St NE #410, Salem, 97301 . . . . . 503-378-4140, 866-814-9710
Landscaping & Tree Services
Rebuilding Together, 5000 N Willamette Blvd, Portland, 97203 503-943-7515
Legal Aid & Resources
Area Agency on Aging and Disabilities of Southwest Washington, 201 NE 73rd St #201, Vancouver, 98665 . . . . . . . . 360-694-8144
Clark County Volunteer Lawyers, 1104 Main St #1, Vancouver, 98660 360-695-5313
Coordinated Legal Education, Advice and Referral System 888-201-1014 Lawyer Referral Oregon State Bar, PO Box 1689, Lake Oswego, 97035 . . . . . . . . . . 503-684-3763
Legal Aid Services of Oregon, 520 SW 6th #700, Portland, 97204 503-224-4086, 800-228-6958
Multnomah County Aging and Disability Services: East Area, 600 NE 8th St #100, Gresham, 97030 . . . . . . 503-988-3840
Mid Area, 10615 SE Cherry Blossom Dr, Portland, 97216 . . . 503-988-5480
North/Northeast Area, 5325 NE MLK Blvd, Portland, 97211 503-988-5470
Southeast Area, 4610 SE Belmont St 2nd Fl, Portland, 97214 503-988-3660
West Area, 209 SW 4th Ave, Portland, 97204 . 503-988-3646
Neighborhood House, 7688 SW Capitol Hwy, Portland, 97219 503-244-5204
Northwest Justice Project, 500 W 8th #275, Vancouver, 98660 . . 360-693-6130
Oregon State Bar, PO Box 231935, Tigard, 97281 503-620-0222, 800-452-8260
St Andrew’s Legal Clinic, 232 NE Lincoln #H, Hillsboro, 97124 . . . . . . . . 503-648-1600 807 NE Alberta St, Portland, 97211 . . . . . . . . . 503-281-1500
SW Washington Lawyer Referral Service . . . . . . . . . 360-695-0599
LGBT Resources (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender)
Friendly House, 1737 NW 26th Ave, Portland, 97210 . . . . . . 503-228-4391
Gay & Lesbian National Help Center 888-843-4564
Rainbow Vista Retirement Community, 1350 W Powell Blvd, Gresham, 97030 . . . . . . . . . . 503-667-5575
SAGE Metro Portland, 1737 NW 26th Ave, Portland, 97210 . . . 503-228-4391
The Q Center, 4115 N Mississippi Ave, Portland, 97217 503-234-7837
Talking Book & Braille Services, 250 Winter St NE, Salem, 97301 . . . . . . . . . . . 800-452-0292
Clackamas County, OR
Canby Library, 220 NE 2nd Ave, Canby, 97013 . . . . . . . 503-266-3394
Estacada Branch, 825 NW Wade, Estacada, 97023 503-630-8273
Gladstone Branch, 135 E Dartmouth, Gladstone, 97027 . . . 503-655-8540
Happy Valley Library, 13793 SE Sieben Park Wy, Happy Valley, 97015 . 503-783-3456
Hoodland Library, 24515 E Welches Rd, Welches, 97067 . . . . 503-622-3460
Lake Oswego Branch, 706 Fourth St, Lake Oswego, 97034 . . 503-636-7628
Ledding Library of Milwaukie, 10660 SE 21st Ave, Milwaukie, 97222 . . . . . . . . . 503-786-7580
Molalla Branch, 201 E 5th St, Molalla, 97038 . . . . . . . . 503-829-2593
Oak Lodge Branch, 16201 SE McLoughlin Blvd, Oak Grove, 97267 . 503-655-8543
Oregon City Branch, 606 John Adams St, Oregon City, 97045 503-657-8269
Sandy Branch, 38980 Proctor Blvd, Sandy, 97055 503-668-5537
West Linn Branch, 1595 Burns St, West Linn, 97068 . . . . 503-656-7853
Wilsonville Branch, 8200 SW Wilsonville Rd, Wilsonville, 97070 . 503-682-2744
Clark County, WA
Battle Ground Branch, 1207 SE 8th Wy, Battle Ground, 98604 360-906-5000
Camas Branch, 625 NE 4th Ave, Camas, 98607 . . . . . . 360-834-4692
Cascade Park Branch, 600 NE 136th Ave, Vancouver, 98684 . . 360-906-5000
Clark County Law Library, 1200 Franklin St, Vancouver, 98660 . . 360-397-2268
La Center Branch, 1411 NE Lockwood Creek Rd, La Center, 98629 360-906-4760
PeaceHealth Southwest Washington Medical Center Library, 400 NE Mother Joseph Pl, Vancouver, 98664 . . . . . . . 360-514-2045
Ridgefield Branch, 210 N Main Ave, Ridgefield, 98642 . . . . 360-906-4770
Three Creeks Branch, 800 NE Tenney Rd, Vancouver, 98685 . . 360-906-4790
Main Branch, 901 ‘C’ St, Vancouver, 98660 . . . . . . . . 360-906-5000
Mall Branch, 8700 NE Vancouver Mall Dr #285, Vancouver, 98662 . . . . 360-892-8256
Washougal Branch, 1661 ‘C’ St, Washougal, 98671 . . . . . 360-906-4860
Woodland Branch, 770 Park St, Woodland, 98674 360-906-4830
Multnomah County, OR
Albina Branch, 3605 NE 15th Ave, Portland, 97212 . . . . 503-988-5123
Belmont Branch, 1038 SE César E Chavez Blvd, Portland, 97212 . 503-988-5123
Capitol Hill Branch, 10723 SW Capitol Hwy, Portland, 97219 503-988-5123
Central Branch, 801 SW 10th Ave, Portland, 97204 . . . . . 503-988-5123
Fairview–Columbia Branch, 1520 NE Village St, Portland, 97024 . 503-988-5123
Gregory Heights Branch, 7921 NE Sandy Blvd, Portland, 97213 . 503-988-5123
Gresham Branch, 385 NE Miller Rd, Portland, 97030 503-988-5123
Hillsdale Branch, 1525 SW Sunset Blvd, Portland, 97239 . . . . 503-988-5123
Holgate Branch, 7905 SE Holgate Blvd, Portland, 97206 . . . . 503-988-5123
Hollywood Branch, 4040 NE Tillamook St, Portland, 97212 . . 503-988-5123
Kenton Branch, 8226 N Denver Ave, Portland, 97217 . . . . . 503-988-5123
Midland Branch, 805 SE 122nd Ave, Portland, 97233 503-988-5123
North Portland Branch, 512 N Killingsworth, Portland, 97217 . . 503-988-5123
Northwest Branch, 2300 NW Thurman, Portland, 97210 . . . . 503-988-5123
Rockwood Branch, 17917 SE Stark, Portland, 97233 . . . . . 503-988-5123
Sellwood–Moreland Branch, 7860 SE 13th Ave, Portland, 97202 503-988-5123
St Johns Branch, 7510 N Charleston Ave, Portland, 97203 503-988-5123
Troutdale Branch, 2451 SW Cherry Park Rd, Troutdale, 97660 . . 503-988-5123
Woodstock Branch, 6008 SE 49th Ave, Portland, 97206 . . . . 503-988-5123
Washington County, OR
Banks Library, 42461 Market St, Banks, 97106 503-324-1382
Beaverton Library, 12375 SW 5th St, Beaverton, 97005 . . . . 503-644-2197
Beaverton Murray-Scholls, 11200 SW Murray Scholls, Beaverton, 97007 503-644-2197
Cedar Mill Bethany, 15325 NW Central Dr #J-8, Portland, 97229 . 503-617-7323
Cedar Mill Library, 1080 NW Saltzman Rd, Portland, 97229 503-644-0043
Cornelius Library, 1370 N Adair St, Cornelius, 97113 503-357-4093
Forest Grove Library, 2114 Pacific Ave, Forest Grove, 97116 . . 503-992-3247
Garden Home Library, 7475 SW Oleson Rd, Portland, 97223 . . 503-245-9932
Hillsboro Main, 2850 NE Brookwood Pkwy, Hillsboro, 97124 . . 503-615-6500
Hillsboro Shute Park, 775 SE 10th Ave, Hillsboro, 97123 503-615-6500
North Plains Library, 31334 NW Commercial St, North Plains, 97133 . 503-647-5051
Sherwood Library, 22560 SW Pine St, Sherwood, 97140 . . . . 503-625-6688
Tigard Library, 13500 SW Hall Blvd, Tigard, 97223 . . . . . 503-684-6537
Tualatin Library, 18878 SW Martinazzi Ave, Tualatin, 97062 . . 503-691-3074
Tuality Health Resource Center, 334 SE 8th Ave, Hillsboro, 97123 503-681-1702
Washington County Library Mail Service to Homebound & Caregivers, 111 NE Lincoln St, Hillsboro, 97124 . . . . . . . . . . 503-648-9785
West Slope Branch, 3678 SW 78th Ave, Portland, 97225 . . . . 503-292-6416
Long Term Care Insurance
Heartland Retirement Group, (Ad pg #66) 503-475-1974
Beaverton Dispute Resolution, 12725 SW Milikan Wy, Beaverton, 97005 . . . . . . . . 503-526-2523
Hillsboro Mediation Program, 250 SE 10th Ave, Hillsboro, 97123 . 503-615-6651 Options Counseling, 11010 SE Division St #202, Portland, 97266 503-335-5975 Oregon Forclosure 855-658-6733
Area Agency on Aging and Disabilities of Southwest Washington, 201 NE 73rd St #201, Vancouver, 98665 . . . . . . . . 360-694-8144 Clackamas Co Department of Human Services, Seniors & People with Disabilities, 320 SW Zorbist Ave, Estacada, 97023 503-673-7070 4382 International Wy #C, Milwaukie, 97222 . . . . . . . 971-673-6600 221 Molalla Ave #104, Oregon City, 97045 . . . . . . . . 971-673-7600
Independent Living Resources, 1839 NE Couch St, Portland, 97232 . 503-232-7411 Medicaid Transportation, Human Services Council 120 NE 136th Ave #215, Vancouver, 98684 360-694-6577, 800-752-9422
Multnomah County Aging & Disability Services, East, 600 NE 8th St #100, Gresham, 97030 . . . . . . . 503-988-3840 Mid-County, 10615 SE Cherry Blossom Dr, Portland, 97216 . . . 503-988-5480
North/Northeast, 5325 NE MLK Blvd, Portland, 97211 503-988-5470 Southeast, 4610 SE Belmont Ave, 2nd fl, Portland, 97215 . . . 503-988-3660 West, 209 SW 4th Ave, 1st fl, Portland, 97204 . . . . . . . 503-988-3646
Providence ElderPlace, (Ad pg #89) 4400 NE Halsey St, Bldg 1, #200, Portland, 97213 503-215-6556
Social Security (SSI/SSDI), 11975 SW 2nd Ave #100, Beaverton, 97005 800-772-1213
Social Security Administration,1538 SW Yamhill St, Portland, 97005 . 800-772-1213
Statewide Health Insurance Benefits Advisors (SHIBA) Helpline, 201 NE 73rd St, Vancouver, 98665 . . . . . . . . . . 360-694-8144
Washington Aging & Disability Services Administration- Medicaid, 210 NE 73rd St #201, Vancouver, 98665 . . . . . . . . 360-735-5720
Medical & Drug Trials
www.ClinicalTrials.gov is a registry of federally & privately supported clinical trials conducted in the United Sates & around the world . The website contains information about a trial’s purpose, who may participate and phone numbers for more details .
PACE is a Medicare and Medicaid program that helps people meet their health care needs in the community instead of going to a nursing home.
PACE stands for Programs of AllInclusive Care for the Elderly.
With PACE, the focus is on you — you have a team of health care professionals working with you and your family to make sure you get the coordinated care you need. Your team is experienced in caring for older adults. Usually, they care for a small number of people, so they really get to know you.
PACE organizations provide care and services in the home, the community (which includes assisted living, memory care and adult care homes), and the PACE center. They have contracts with many specialists and other providers in the community. Most PACE participants get most of their care from staff employed by the PACE organization in the PACE center, which meet state and federal safety requirements.
Who can get PACE?
You can have either Medicare or Medicaid, or both, to join PACE. To qualify for PACE, you must be 55 or older; live in the service area of a PACE organization; need a nursing home-level of care (as certified by your state); be able to live safely in the community with help from PACE.
What does PACE cover?
PACE provides all the care and services covered by Medicare and Medicaid, and if authorized by your health care
team, may cover services that Medicare and Medicaid don’t cover. Services covered include primary and specialty medical care; dentistry, vision and audiology; emergency services and hospital care; care at home; nursing home care; physical, occupational and speech therapy; medications and medical equipment; social services; care management; and transportation to the PACE center for activities or medical appointments, if medically necessary.
How to apply for PACE
In Oregon, to find out if you’re eligible call Providence ElderPlace, or call your Medicaid office.
What you pay for PACE depends on your financial situation
If you have Medicaid, you won't pay a monthly premium for the long-term care portion of the PACE benefit. If you don't qualify for Medicaid but you have Medicare, you'll be charged a monthly premium to cover the long-term care portion of the PACE benefit and a premium for Medicare Part D drugs.
There's no deductible or copayment for any drug, service, or care approved by your health care team.
If you don't have Medicare or Medicaid, you can pay for PACE privately.
Source: www.Medicare.gov
Article Provided By: Providence ElderPlace 503-215-6556 www.Providence.org/ElderPlace www.PACE4You.org
Retirement Connection Guide • 1-800-462-1316
A Caring Closet, (Ad pg #91) 1206-C NE 146th St, Vancouver, 98685 360-258-0039
Milwaukie Center Health Equipment Loan Closet, 5440 SE Kellogg Creek Dr, Milwaukie, 97222 . . . . . . . 503-653-8100
Multiple Sclerosis Society, Medical Equipment Long-Term Loan Program, 5531 SW Macadam Ave #290, Portland, 97239 . . 503-223-9511, 800-344-4867
Providence Home Medical, (Ad pg #18) 6410 NE Halsey St, Portland, 97239 . . . . . . . . . 503-215-4663
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid . . . . . . . . . . . 800-633-4227
Humana Marketpoint, (Ad on IFC) . . . . . . . . . . . 800-781-4203
Medicare Prescription Drug Assistance . . . . . . . . . 503-655-8269
Oregon Health Plan (DMAP) 503-945-5772
Oregon Medicare Savings Connect . . . . . . . . . . . 855-447-0155
Qualified Medicare Beneficiaries (QMB) Program . . . . . . 503-945-5944
Senior Health Insurance Benefits Assistance (SHIBA), 350 Winter St NE, Salem, 97301 . . . . . . . . . . . 800-722-4134
201 NE 73rd St, Vancouver, 98665 360-694-8144
Social Security/Medicare Info, . . . . . . . . . . . . 800-772-1213
194 Beverly Dr, Oregon City, 97045 . . . . . . . . . 800-772-1213
1538 SW Yamhill St, Portland, 97205 . . . . . . . . . 800-772-1213
17925 SE Division St, Portland, 97236 800-772-1213
Vibrant USA,(Ad pg #91)
1101 SE Tech Center Dr #140, Vancouver, 98683 . . . . 866-733-5111
Clackamas County–Prescription Drug Helpline/Services 503-655-8269
Clark County Prescription Assistance Program, 1601 E Fourth Plain Blvd, Vancouver, 98661 360-397-8000
DHS—Senior Prescription Drug Assistance Program 800-359-9517
Free Clinic of SW Washington, 4100 Plomondon St, Vancouver, 98661 360-313-1390
New Heights Medical Clinic, 8000 NE 58th Ave, Vancouver, 98665 360-694-0355
Oregon Prescription Drug Program 503-947-2340
Partnership for Prescription Assistance – Oregon 888-477-2669
Providence ElderPlace, (Ad pg #89)
4400 NE Halsey St, Bldg 1, #200, Portland, 97213 503-215-6556
Senior Health Insurance Benefit Assistance (SHIBA), 350 Winter St NE, Salem, 97301 . . . . . 800-722-4134
Indicates website link available at www.RetirementConnection.com
Statewide Health Insurance Benefits Advisors (SHIBA), 201 NE 73rd St, Vancouver, 98665 . . . . . . . . . . 360-694-8144
Prescription Discount Cards
Medication savings card for members
Lily Cares 800-545-6962
Merck Patient Assistance Program
Care Card
Rx Benefit 800-377-1614
Medication Reminders (See also In-Home Care, pg #22)
Columbia Medical Alarm Inc, (Ad pg #61)
6700 SW 105th Ave #125, Portland, 97008 . . . . . . . 503-644-4736
Connect America, (Ad pg #61) 141 N Elliott Rd, Newberg, 97132
The global pandemic has changed our lives in measurable and definitive ways. Mandated social distancing and the fear of contracting COVID has led to what health professionals refer to as social atrophy, or the decline in interpersonal skills caused by limited social engagement.
Though the term social atrophy is new, researchers have spent years studying the concept in specific populations, including inmates in solitary confinement and individuals who choose hermitic lives. Their findings have shown that social isolation and loneliness have profound detrimental effects on health and wellbeing, including higher rates of anxiety, depression, heart disease and stroke, and reduced life satisfaction.
Aging is often linked with increased rates of isolation and loneliness, which means that opportunities to regain losses in social ability are more limited for older adults. As the elderly fall out of practice, socializing may cause feelings of selfconsciousness. Spending too much time alone tends to make it more difficult to relate to others and engage in small talk, and negatively affects self-esteem. With fewer positive interactions, people tend to further isolate, thus perpetuating social atrophy, the loneliness cycle, and the negative health consequences that come with both.
How can we help alleviate social atrophy in older adults?
The main objective is to help them comfortably reengage and rebuild social networks. One-on-one visits tend to be less anxiety provoking than larger groups.
When working with older adults I’ve recently met, I pair conversation with an activity like taking a walk or doing a puzzle together. I find that having a secondary focus that doesn’t require constant eye contact helps to reduce discomfort. Rebuilding social skills requires patience and persistence. It can be anxiety provoking, but the best remedy is practice.
Another method I use is creating a social calendar with the goal of having at least one interaction per day. I recommend scheduling set times to connect with others. For instance, every Tuesday is a lunch date and Thursday is a phone call to a friend. The key is creating opportunities for consistent social engagement, even if it lasts only 20 minutes. When working with older adults, reminders and prompts are particularly useful. Amazon Echo or Google Home Mini can be programmed to verbally announce meetings before they begin.
Social atrophy, if left untreated, has consequences that extend far beyond the bumbling social exchange. Research has proven strong social networks and meaningful interactions have a direct impact on quality of life and longevity. It is important to proactively take steps to include socializing as part of a healthy lifestyle—right up there with diet, exercise, and rest.
Article Provided by: Jamie Levin, LCPC Conversation & Company 503-825-8822 www.ConvoCompany.com
Providing In-Home Social Visits for Older Adults
Benefits Include:
4 Support during difficult transitions
4 Friendly, engaging conversation
4 Reducing feelings of loneliness
4 Keeping minds sharp & spirits high
503-825-8822 www.ConvoCompany.com
Cascadia Behavioral Health Care, 17070 SE Mcloughlin Blvd, Milwaukie, 97267 . . . . . . 503-303-4000
Cascadia Garlington Center, 3036 NE Martin Luther King Jr Blvd, Portland, 97212 . . . . . . 503-283-3763
Cascadia Outpatient Access Line . . . . . . . . . . . 503-674-7777
Cascadia Woodland Park, 10373 NE Hancock #200, Portland, 97220 . 503-253-6754
Clackamas County Behavioral Health, 998 Library Ct, Oregon City, 97045 503-655-8401 38872 Proctor Blvd, Sandy, 97055 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 503-722-6950
Clackamas County Crisis Services 503-655-8585
Clackamas County Info & Referral Line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 503-742-5335
Clackamas County Mental Health, 2051 Kaen Rd, Oregon City, 97045 503-655-8471
Clark County Crisis Line . . . . . . . . 360-696-9560, 800-626-8137
CODA, 1427 SE 182nd Ave, Portland, 97233 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 503-761-6006 1030 NE Couch St, Portland, 97232 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 503-239-8406
Columbia County Community Mental Health, 124 Forest Park Dr, St Helens, 97051 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 503-397-5211
Columbia River Mental Health, 6926 NE Fourth Plain Blvd, Vancouver, 98661 . . . . . . . 360-993-3000
Community Services Northwest, 1601 E Fourth Plain Blvd #B222, Vancouver, 98661 . . . . 360-397-8484
Conversation & Company, (Ad pg #93) 503- 825-8822 Dave Romprey Oregon Warmline . . . . . . . . . . . 800-698-2392
Lake Oswego Counseling, 3990 SW Collins Wy #202, Lake Oswego, 97035 503-675-2830
Lifeline Connections – Orchards, 11719 NE 95th St, Vancouver, 98682 360-984-5511 1601 E Fouth Plain Blvd, Vancouver, 98661 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 360-397-8246
Retirement Connection Guide • 1-800-462-1316
Lifeworks NW, 10700 SW Beaverton-Hillsdale Hwy, Bldg 1, Beaverton, 97005 503-641-1475 4105 SE International Wy, Milwaukie, 97222 503-496-3201
Mental Health Adult Protective Services-Clackamas County 503-742-5300
Mental Health Crisis Line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 503-291-9111
Morrison Child & Family, 1713 Penn Ln #B, Oregon City, 97045 503-258-4545
Mt Hood Counseling, 38740 Proctor Ave, Sandy, 97055 503-668-5494
Multnomah County Crisis Line . . . . . . 503-988-4888, 800-716-9769
National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), Clackamas County, 10202 SE 32nd #501, Milwaukie, 97222 503-344-5050
Clark County, 2500 Main St #120, Vancouver, 98661 360-695-2823
Multnomah County, 4701 SE 24th #E, Portland, 97202 . . 503-230-8009
Washington County, 18680 SW Shaw St, Aloha, 97007 503-356-6835
National Suicide Prevention Program, 800 NE Oregon St #772, Portland, 97232 800-784-2433
Oregon Health Authority Health Systems Division ............... 503-945-5772
Oregon Partnership Alcohol & Drug Helpline . . . . . . 800-923-4357
Pacific Psychology Clinic, 1411 SW Morrison St, Portland, 97205 . 503-352-2400
PeaceHealth Southwest Medical Center—Behavior Health, 43400 Main St, Vancouver, 98664 503-696-5300
PEARLS, 1221 SW Yamhill #301, Portland, 97205 . . . . . 971-400-3533
Providence ElderPlace, (Ad pg #89) 4400 NE Halsey St, Bldg 1 #200, Portland, 97213 . . . . . 503-215-6556
Providence Milwaukie Hospital- Geriatric Psychiatric Unit, 10150 SE 32nd Ave, Milwaukie, 97222 . . . . . . . 503-513-8080
Providence St Vincent, 9205 SW Barnes Rd, Portland, 97225 . .503-574-9235
Sandy Behavioral Health Center, 38872 Proctor Blvd, Sandy, 97005 . 503-722-6950
The Friendship Line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 800-971-0016
Tuality Healthcare- Center for Geriatric Psychiatry, Inpatient, 335 SE 8th Ave, Hillsboro, 97123 503-681-1919
VA Medical Center–Outpatient 503-220-8262
Washington County 24-Hour Suicide Hotline . . . . . . 503-291-9111
Western Psychological & Counseling Services, 880 SE 82nd Dr, Gladstone, 97027 . . . . . . . . . 503-659-5515
Mobility Equipment
Amramp, (Ad pg #77) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 888-715-7599
For seniors downsizing, the kids may have left the nest decades ago, it’s hard to keep up with the yard, and the steps up to the second floor are now a hassle…
It’s time to right-size into a smaller home to improve and broaden your lifestyle.
But, downsizing can be hard!
We often see our things as irreplaceable because of the fond memories attached to them. So how can we figure out a way to part with certain things without a sense of loss?
Where do you start? First, look at the big picture by creating a timeline and plan backward from move day. Also, focus on your new floor plan considering storage and footprints of furniture.
Here are some tips that may help start the process and give you momentum along the way!
Work in 2 to 4 hour increments to avoid getting physically and emotionally drained.
Start with your highest priority items. What makes it feel like home? Which pieces are functional and can provide storage? Are there any favorite pieces that can be repurposed?
Keep focused on what is moving with you to avoid getting bogged down with what you are leaving behind. There are easy, streamlined solutions to empty a houseful of unwanted items.
Consider your new lifestyle. To what extent will you be cooking and baking in your new home? When was the last time you used an item? If it’s been over a year, don’t move it and waste precious space.
Set up a work station with boxes marked for Keep, Family, Donate, Shred, and Recycle.
Sort “like” things together. You may realize that there is more duplication than you think and that will make decision-making easier.
Consider consignment before getting caught up in trying to sell items.
Build in time between your move and clearing out your house. This will relieve a lot of the stress in making final decisions on what you will keep.
We recommend 2 solutions for the final clear out of your house, both reach your final goal…an empty house to put your biggest asset on the market!
Estate Sale: There are positives and negatives to an estate sale.
The positive is that you make money instead of pay money to have your house cleared.
The negatives are things you may not have thought about: It can be hard to qualify for an estate sale, sales need to be scheduled months in advance and take an average of 10 days to 2 weeks.
Estate Clean Out: Estate CleanOuts have their perks and drawbacks as well. This is a great way to clear out your home quickly. Unfortunately, estate buyouts have gone by the wayside, so clean outs do have a cost attached to them.
If you are looking for a professional to assist you, we recommend the following search terms: Downsizing, professional organizer, move manager, and NASMM.
Article Provided by: Managed Moves 503-780-7136 www.ManagedMoves.com
Cal's Moving & Storage, (Ad pg #96)
1800 NW 169th Pl, #A305, Beaverton, 97006
The Junkluggers, (Ad pg #57)
10950 SW 5th St #290, Beaverton, 97005
Managed Moves, (Ad pg #97)
13446 NE Whitaker Wy, Portland, 97230
Soft Landings, Solutions for Seniors, (Ad pg #97)
14845 SW Murray Scholls Dr #110, Beaverton, 97007 503-893-4252 Organ & Body
Donate Life NW, 1515 SW 5th Ave #655, Portland, 97201
Palliative Care (See also Hospice pg #78)
Vital Palliative Care, (Ad pg #79)
18615 Willamette Dr #300 A, West Linn, 97068 503-406-2256 Pet Resources
Oregon Humane Society, 1067 NE Columbia Blvd, Portland, 97211 . 503-285-7722
Pongo Fund Pet Food Bank, 3632 SE 20th Ave, Portland, 97202 .
SnowCap Emergency Food Pantry, 17805 SE Stark St, Portland, 97223 503-674-8785
Attorney General’s Office, 1162 NE Court St, Salem, 97301 503-378-4400
Governor’s Office, State Capitol Bldg, 900 Court St, Salem, 97310 503-378-4582
Oregon State Legislature, 900 NE Court St, Salem, 97301 . . . . . . . 503-986-1187
Secretary of State’s Office, 255 Capitol St NE #151, Salem, 97301 . 503-986-2343
State Treasurer’s Office, 900 Court St NE #159, Salem, 97301 . . . 503-378-4329
Amramp, (Ad pg #77) 888-715-7599
Real Estate
Andrew Nordby, Principal Broker, GRI, SRES, Premier Property Group, (Ad pg #100), 10117 SE Sunnyside Rd #F-327, Clackamas, 97015 . 503-680-5291
Mike Peabody, SRES, EXP Realty, (Ad pg #100) 503-729-2498
Paula Wertanen, CRS, GRI, SRES, Berkshire Hathaway, (Ad pg #101)
9201 SE 91st Ave #200, Portland, 97086 . . . . . . . . . 503-502-1568
1498 SE Tech Center Pl #290, Vancouver, 98683 503-502-1568
O My Sold, (Ad pg #100)
2920 SE Brookwood Ave #A, Hillsboro, 97123 503-832-6899
Rose Anderson, ABR, AHWD, CRS, GRI, SRES, Wise Move Real Estate, (Ad pg #101)
3109 NE Sandy Blvd, Portland, 97232 . . . . . . . . 503-320-3298
Tom Harvey Estate Services & Realty, (Ad pg #99)
15220 NW Greenbrier Pkwy, #310, Beaverton, 97006 360-787-3955
Wendi Mueller, Premiere Property Group, (Ad pg #100)
5000 Meadows Rd, Lake Oswego, 97035 . . . . . . 503-747-8603
Rehabilitation(See also Home Health, pg #14 & Skilled Nursing, pg #186 )
Avamere, (Ad on IBC)
Bend Transitional Care, 900 NE 27th Ave, Bend, 97701 541-382-0479
Beaverton, 11850 SW Allen Blvd, Beaverton, 97005 503-646-7164
Cascade Park, 801 SE Park Crest Ave, Vancouver, 98683 360-260-2200
Clackamas, 220 E Hereford, Gladstone, 97027 503-656-0393
Crestview of Portland, 6530 SW 30th, Portland, 97239 503-244-7533
Hillsboro, 650 SE Oak St, Hillsboro, 97123 503-648-8588
King City, 16485 SW Pacific Hwy, Tigard, 97224 503-620-5141
Laurelhurst Village, 3060 SE Stark St, Portland, 97214 503-535-4700
Oregon City, 1400 Division St, Oregon City, 97045 503-656-0367
The Pearl at Kruse Way, 4550 Carman Dr, Lake Oswego, 97035 503-675-6055
Cedar Sinai Park, (Ad pg #166)
Harold Schnitzer Center for Living, 6125 SW Boundary St, Portland, 97221 503-535-4300
Robison Jewish Health Center, 6125 SW Boundary St, Portland, 97221 503-535-4300
Good Samaritan Society at Fairlawn Village, (Ad pg #141) 3457 NE Division St, Gresham, 97030 503-667-1965
Marquis, (Ad pg #193)
Centennial, 725 SE 202nd Ave, Portland, 97233 503-665-3118
Forest Grove, 3300 19th Ave, Forest Grove, 97116 503-357-7119
Hope Village, 1577 S Ivy St, Canby, 97013 503-266-5541
Mill Park, 1475 SE 100th Ave, Portland, 97216 503-262-6000
Mt Tabor, 6040 SE Belmont St, Portland, 97215 503-231-7166
Newberg, 441 Werth Blvd, Newberg, 97132 503-538-9436
Oregon City, 1680 Molalla Ave, Oregon City, 97045 503-655-2588
Piedmont, 319 NE Russet, Portland, 97211 503-289-5571
Tualatin, 19945 SW Boones Ferry Rd, Tualatin, 97062 503-612-5400
Vermont Hills, 6010 SW Shattuck Rd, Portland, 97221 503-246-8811
Wilsonville, 30900 SW Parkway Ave, Wilsonville, 97070 503-682-2840
ProMedica, (Ad pg #103) 2811 NE 139th St, Vancouver, 98686 360-574-5247
Sapphire Health Services, (Ad pg #163)
Belmont, 812 SE 48th Ave, Portland, 97215 503-236-2624
Cedar Crossings, 6003 SE 136th Ave, Portland, 97236 971-978-1268
East Portland Care Center, 34 NE 20th Ave, Portland, 97232 503-231-0276
Gateway, 39 NE 102nd Ave, Portland, 97220 503-252-2461
Gresham, 405 NE 5th St, Gresham, 97030 503-666-5600
West Hills Health & Rehab, (Ad pg #166)
5701 SW Multnomah Blvd, Portland, 97219 503-245-7621
Woodland Care Center, (Ad pg #103)
310 4th St, Woodland, 98674 360-225-9443
Northwest Reverse Mortgage, Robin Rosa, (Ad pg #104)
10121 SE Sunnyside Rd #300, Clackamas, 97015 503-516-6126
Clackamas County, OR
Canby Adult Center, 1250 S Ivy St, Canby, 97013 . . . . . . 503-266-2970
Estacada Community Center, 200 SW Clubhouse Dr, Estacada, 97023 503-630-7454
Gladstone Senior Center, 1050 Portland Ave, Gladstone, 97027 503-655-7701
Hoodland Senior Center, 65000 E Hwy 26, Welches, 97067 503-622-3331
Lake Oswego Adult Community Center, 505 ‘G’ Ave, Lake Oswego, 97034 . . . . . . . . . . 503-635-3758
Milwaukie Center, 5440 SE Kellogg Creek Dr, Milwaukie, 97222 . . 503-653-8100
Molalla Adult Community Center, 315 Kennel St, Molalla, 97038 503-829-4214
Pioneer Community Center, 615 5th St, Oregon City, 97045 503-657-8287
Sandy Senior and Community Center, 38348 Pioneer Blvd, Sandy, 97055 . . . . . . . . . . 503-668-5569
West Linn Adult Community Center, 1180 Rosemont Rd, West Linn, 97068 503-557-4704
Wilsonville Community Center, 7965 Wilsonville Rd, Wilsonville, 97070 . . . . . . . . . 503-682-3727
Clark County, WA
Battle Ground Senior Center, 116 NE 3rd Ave, Battle Ground, 98604 360-342-5380
Camas Community Center, 1718 SE 7th Ave, Camas, 98607 360-834-5307
Firstenburg Center, 700 NE 136th Ave, Vancouver, 98684 . . . 360-487-7001
Jim Parsley Community Center, 2901 Falk Rd, Vancouver, 98661 . 360-313-1060
Luepke Senior Center, 1009 E McLoughlin Blvd, Vancouver, 98663 . 360-487-7100
Washougal Citizen Center, 1681 ‘C’ St, Washougal, 98671 360-835-8113
Multnomah County, OR
Charles Jordan Community Center, 9009 N Foss Ave, Portland, 97203 503-823-3631
Cherry Blossom Senior Program, 740 SE 106th Ave, Portland, 97216 503-953-8104
Community for Positive Aging- Hollywood Senior Center, 1820 NE 40th Ave, Portland, 97212 . . . . . . . . . 503-288-8303
Elm Court Center, 1032 SW Main, Portland, 97205 . . . . . 503-953-8204
Friendly House Senior Program, 1737 NW 26th Ave, Portland, 97210 503-228-4391
Gresham Senior Center, 600 NE 8th St #100, Gresham, 97030 . 503-988-4870
Neighborhood House, 7688 SW Capitol Highway, Portland, 97219 503-244-5204
Urban League of Portland: Multicultural Senior Center, 5325 NE Martin Luther King Blvd, Portland, 97227 . . . . 503-988-3558
Washington County, OR
Elsie Stuhr Center, 5550 SW Hall Blvd, Beaverton, 97005 . . 503-629-6342
Forest Grove Senior Center, 2037 Douglas St, Forest Grove, 97116 503-357-2021
Hillsboro Community Center, 750 SE 8th Ave, Hillsboro, 97123 . 503-615-1090
Juanita Pohl Center, 8513 SW Tualatin Rd, Tualatin, 97062 503-691-3014
North Plains Senior Center, 31450 NW Commercial St, North Plains, 97133 503-647-5666
Sherwood Senior Center, 21907 SW Sherwood Blvd, Sherwood, 97140 503-625-5644
Tigard Senior Center, 8815 SW O’Mara St, Tigard, 97223 503-620-4613
Senior Organizations
AARP Oregon State Office, 9200 SE Sunnybrook Blvd #410, Clackamas, 97015 . . . . 866-554-5360
AARP Washington Office, 1800 International Blvd, SeaTac, 98188 866-227-7457
American Society on Aging . . . . . . . . 415-974-9600, 800-537-9728
Clackamas County Senior Companion Program, 2051 Kaen Rd, Oregon City, 97045 . . . . . . . . . 503-650-5722
LeadingAge Oregon, 7340 SW Hunziker #104, Tigard, 97223 . 503-684-3788
Life by Design NW, 1626 SE Water Ave #308, Portland, 97214 971-722-6634
Oregon Gerontological Association 503-725-3018
Portland State University Institute on Aging, 506 SW Mill #470, Portland, 97201 . . . . . . . . . 503-725-3952
Volunteers of America Oregon 3910 SE Stark St, Portland, 97214 503-335-9980, 503-760-2075
Washington County Disability, Aging & Veteran Services, (pg #42) 5240 NE Elam Young Pkwy #300, Hillsboro, 97124 503-846-3060
Social Groups
The Red Hat Society, Inc Hatquarters, 431 S Acacia Ave, Fullerton, CA, 92831 714-738-0001, 866-386-2850
Local Social Security Offices:
Beaverton, 11975 SW 2nd St #100, Beaverton, 97005 800-772-1213
East Portland, 17925 SE Division St, Portland, 97236 800-772-1213
Oregon City, 194 Beverly Dr, Oregon City, 97045 800-772-1213
Portland Metro, 1538 SW Yamhill St, Portland, 97205 800-772-1213
Vancouver, 805 Broadway St #500, Vancouver, 98660 800-772-1213
National Social Security Administration Office 800-772-1213
Substance Abuse & Addiction
CODA, 1027 E Burnside St, Portland, 97214 503-239-8400
Lifeline Connections – Orchards, 1601 E 4th Plain Blvd, Bldg 17, #A212, Vancouver, 97661 360-397-8246
Lifeworks NW . . . . . . 503-641-1475, 888-645-1666
Oregon Partnership Alcohol & Drug Helpline
Outpatient Substance Abuse Clinic–VA Medical Center 503-220-8262
Support Groups & Education
Adventist Medical Center, 10123 SE Market St, Portland, 97216 503-256-4000
Alzheimer’s Association, (Ad pg #51) 5285 Meadows Rd #451, Lake Oswego, 97035 . . . . . 800-272-3900
Alzheimer’s Association Support Groups, Visit https://www.alz .org/help-support/community/support-groups 800-272-3900
Celebrate Recovery, First Evangelical Church, 4120 NE St John’s Rd, Vancouver, 98661 360-694-2525
Grief Support Group at Providence St Vincent Medical Center, 9205 SW Barnes Rd, Portland, 97225 503-215-4622
HOPE Dementia Support Group, (Ad pg #107) 9901 NE 7th Ave #210, Vancouver, 98685 360-513-5754
Lake Oswego Adult Community Center, 505 ‘G’ Ave, Lake Oswego, 97034 503-635-3758
Metropolitan Family Service, 1808 SE Belmont St, Portland, 97214 503-232-0007
Parkinson’s Resources of Oregon, (Ad pg #49) 8880 SW Nimbus Ave #B, Beaverton, 97008 . . 503-594-0901, 800-426-6806
Providence Willamette Falls,1500 Division St, Oregon City, 97045 503-656-1631
Tuality Health Education Cntr, 335 SE 8th Ave, Hillsboro, 97123 503-681-1700
YWCA of Greater Portland: East County Alzheimer’s Support Group, 600 NE 8th St #100, Gresham, 97030 . . . . . . . . 503-721-6771
Indicates website link available at www.RetirementConnection.com
Weekly Support Groups in Vancouver & Portland • Call to find a day/time that works for you 360-51 3 -575 4 • alwaysHOPEinfo @gmail.com
Pegasus Social Services, (Ad pg #36) . . . . . . . . . . . . 503-252-8499
Ricochet Body Solutions, End of Life Doula, (Ad pg #63) 619 Madison St #110, Oregon City, 97045 . . . . 503-318-9626
Tax Advice & Preparation
AARP—Tax Aide Sites 888-227-7669
IRS: Volunteer Income Tax Assistance . . . . . . . . . . . 800-829-1040
Transportation (See also In-Home Care pg #22)
AARP—Driver Safety Program, 13501 NE 28th, Vancouver, 98683 888-227-7669
Affordable Senior Transportation . . . . . . . . . . . . 360-909-0603
Canby Area Transit, 195 S Hazel Dell Wy #C, Canby, 97013 503-266-4022
Catholic Community Services, 9300 NE Oak View Dr, Vancouver, 98662 360-567-2211, 844-851-9380
CCDCS—Veterans Assistance Fund, 1305 Columbia St #100, Vancouver, 98660 . . . . . . . . 360-693-7030
Clackamas County—Transportation Reaching People Volunteer Connection, 2051 Kaen Rd, Oregon City, 97045 . . . . . . . . . . . 503-655-8208
Community Ambulance 503-241-7283
C-Tran, 2425 NE 65th Ave, Vancouver, 98661 . . . . . . . . 360-695-0123
C-Van Paratransit Services, 2425 NE 65th Ave, Vancouver, 98661 360-695-8918
Disabled American Veterans Transportation Network, 100 SW Main St #258E, Portland, 97204 503-255-8764
Friendly House Senior Program, 1737 NW 26th Ave, Portland, 97210 . 503-228-4391
Impact NW, PO Box 787, Forest Grove, 97116 . . . . . . . 503-294-7445
Medicaid Transport Approval, Human Services Council . . . . . . 360-694-9997
Metropolitan Family Service, 1808 SE Belmont St, Portland, 97214 . 503-232-0007
Oregon Department of Transportation/Intercity Buses 800-977-6368
Oregon DMV, 1905 Lana Ave NE, Salem, 97314 503-945-5000
Oregon Public Transportation Division, 555 13th St NE #3, Salem, 97301 888-275-6368
Reserve-A-Ride, Human Services Council . . . . . . . . 360-258-2103
AARP—Driver Safety Program,13501 NE 28th, Vancouver, 98683 888-227-7669
Ride Connection, 9955 NE Glisan St, Portland, 97220 503-226-0700
Ride to Care . 855-321-4899
Sandy Area Transportation, 16610 Champion Wy, Sandy, 97055 503-668-3466
South Clackamas Transportation District–SCTD 503-735-2900
South Metro Area Rapid Transit–SMART 503-682-7790
Bus and MAX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 503-238-7433
LIFT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 503-962-8000 Personal Assistance 503-962-8200
Trip Resources Center 360-280-4700
Urban League of Portland: Transportation Services, 10 N Russell St, Portland, 97227 503-280-2600
VA Medical Transportation . . . . . . . . . . . . 503-273-5020
Travel Resources & Services
Adventures Without Limits, 1341 Pacific Ave, Forest Grove, 97116 503-359-2568
Branch Out With Travel, Hillsboro Community Center 503-615-1090
Grandtravel . . . 847-455-8897
Hagg Lake Park, 50250 SW Scoggins Valley Rd, Gaston, 97119 503-359-5732
Road Scholar, 11 Ave de Lafayette, Boston, MA 02111 800-454-5768
Senior Travel Service Inc 800-257-8910
Veteran Services
Debt Management
Disabled American Veterans, National Service Office, 100 SW Main St #258E, Portland, 97204 503-255-8764
Education Benefits 888-442-4551
Health Benefits 877-222-8387
Health Eligibility Center 800-929-8387
Life Insurance 800-669-8477
VA Benefits 800-827-1000
Indicates website link available at www.RetirementConnection.com
Resource & Support
American Legion, 3600 Ruddell Rd SE, Lacey, 98503 360-491-4373 2146 SE Monroe St, Milwaukie, 97222 503-659-1300 30450 SW Parkway Ave, Wilsonville, 97070 503-682-3162
Clark County Veterans Assist Center, 1305 Columbia St, Vancouver, 98661 360-693-7030
Clackamas County Veterans Services, 2051 Kaen Rd, Oregon City, 97045 503-650-5631
Disabled American Veterans Oregon, 8725 NE Sandy Blvd, Portland, 97220 503-255-8764
Multnomah County Aging and Disability Services: Veterans Services Office, 421 SW Oak St #510, Portland, 97204 503-988-8387
Oregon Department of Veterans’ Affairs, Fiduciary Group 700 Summer St NE, Salem, 97301 503-373-2000, 800-692-9666
Oregon Military Assistance Helpline 800-511-6944
Oregon Military Order of Purple Heart 503-412-4770
Oregon Paralyzed Veterans of America, 3700 Silverton Rd NE, Salem, 97305 800-333-0782
Oregon Veterans’ Home, 700 Veterans Dr, The Dalles, 97058 800-846-8460
Oregon Veterans’ Home of Lebanon, 600 N 5th St, Lebanon, 97355 541-497-7265 PEARLS, 1221 SW Yamhill #301, Portland, 97205 971-226-7079
Portland Honor Flight 971-264-0814
Portland Veterans Center, 1505 NE 122nd Ave, Portland, 97230 503-688-5361
US Department of Veterans Affairs Regional Office, 100 SW Main St, Portland, 97204 800-827-1000
VA Claims Status . . 800-827-1000
VA Crisis Line . . . . . . 800-273-8255
VA Medical Transportation 503-273-5020
Veteran’s Administration Hospital 503-220-8262
Veterans Community Resource & Referral Center 503-808-1256
Veterans Health Services for Women—Portland, 3710 SW US Veterans Hospital Rd, Portland, 97239 503-402-2852
Veterans Medical Center—Reintegration Services, 3710 SW US Veterans Hospital Rd, Portland, 97239 503-220-8262
Veterans Medical Center—Vancouver, 1601 E Fourth Plain Blvd, Vancouver, 98661 360-696-4061
Washington County Disability, Aging & Veteran Services, (pg #42) 5240 NE Elam Young Pkwy #300, Hillsboro, 97124 503-846-3060
Washington State Department of Veterans Affairs, 1102 Quince St SE, Olympia, 98504 . . . . . . . . 360-725-2200
Eagle Point National, 2763 Riley Rd, Eagle Point, 97524 541-826-2511
Roseburg National, 913 NW Garden Valley Blvd, Roseburg, 97471 541-677-3152
Veterans of Foreign Wars, 12440 NE Halsey St, Portland, 97230 . . 503-255-5808
Willamette National, 11800 SE Mt Scott Blvd, Portland, 97086 . . 503-273-5250
Lions Sight & Hearing, 1010 NW 22nd Ave #144, Portland, 97210 503-413-7399
Oregon Commission for the Blind, 535 SE 12th Ave, Portland, 97214 . . 971-673-1588
Pacific Eye Clinic Portland, 511 SW 10th Ave #500, Portland, 97205 . . . . . . . . 971-352-2500
Talking Book and Braille Services, 250 Winter St NE, Salem, 97301 . . . . . . . . 800-452-0292
Washington Department of Services for the Blind, 3411 S Alaska St, Seattle, 98118 . . . . . . . . . . . 206-906-5500
Indicates website link available at www.RetirementConnection.com
AAA Area Agency on Aging
AARP American Association of Retired Persons
AD Alzheimer’s Disease
ADL Activity of Daily Living
ADRC Aging and Disability Resource Center
AFH Adult Family/Foster Home
AL Assisted Living
ALF Assisted Living Facility
AOA Administration on Aging
APS Adult Protective Services
CCRC Continuing Care Retirement Community
CHF Congestive Heart Failure
COPD Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
CPR Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
DHSSPD Department of Human Services, Seniors and Persons with Disabilities
DHS Department of Health Services
DNR Do Not Resuscitate
DSS Department of Social Services
ED Emergency Department
EMS Emergency Medical Services
ER Emergency Room
H&P History And Physical
HIPAA Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
I&R Information and Referral
ICF Intermediate Care Facility
ICU Intensive Care Unit
IHSS In-Home Supportive Services
IL Independent Living
ISP Individual Support Plan
JCAHO Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations
LOC Level of Care
LTAC Long-Term Acute Care
LTC Long-Term Care
LTCO Long-Term Care Ombudsman
MAR Medication Administration Record
MMA Medicare Prescription Drug Improvement and Modernization Act
MMSE Mini-Mental State Examination
N4A National Association of Area Agencies on Aging
OT Occupational Therapy
PACE Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly
PERS Personal Emergency Response System
POA Power of Attorney
POLST Physician Order for Life Sustaining Treatment
PRN Pro re nata (commonly used to mean “as needed” in Latin)
PT Physical Therapy
RT Respiratory Therapy
QA Quality Assurance
RCF Residential Care Facility
SHIP State Health Insurance Assistance Programs
SLS Support Living Services
SNF Skilled Nursing Facility
SPD Seniors and People with Disabilities
TCU Transitional Care Unit
TPN Total Parenteral Nutrition
URAC Utilization Review Accreditation Commission
UTI Urinary Tract Infection
VA U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
WHO World Health Organization
Information Provided By: Retirement Connection www.RetirementConnection.com
Housing Placement and Referral Agencies
1st CHOICE Advisory Services, (Ad pg #1) 800-361-0138
A Caring Choice, (Ad pg #119) . . . . . . . . . . . . 360-910-2154
A Place At Home, (Ad pg #36)
4000 SE International Wy #F202, Milwaukie, 97222 . . . . 503-305-3306
All About Seniors, (Ad pg #117) 503-659-1410
Care and Keeping, (Ad pg #119) 503-444-8696
Hand In Hand Senior Placement, Joanna Mocan, (Ad pg #168) . 503-484-7994
Magnolia Senior Placement, (Ad pg #115) . . . . . . . . 360-803-1420
Mt. Hood Senior Solutions, (Ad pg #114) . . . 971-757-5142, 360-947-1278
Oregon Senior Referral Agency Association (OSRAA), (Ad pg #119) 503-305-3878
Portland Senior Housing, (Ad pg #119) . . . . . . . . . 503-487-7245
Right Fit Senior Solutions, (Ad pg #116) . . . . . . . . . 503-830-3268
Senior Living Locator, (Ad pg #116) . . . . . . . . . . 360-859-3084
Senior One Source, (Ad pg #2) 503-420-9011
Adult Care Homes or Family Care Homes are private residences that provide a home-like setting, and serve 6 or less residents. There are three levels of Adult Foster Care Home licenses. The classification system is based on the level of care the Adult Foster Home may provide to residents who live in the home as well as the experience and training of the providers and their ability to assist residents with: personal hygiene, mobility, eating, dressing, toileting, and behavior management. Residents may require very light assistance or may be dependent with several care needs. It is best to ask individual locations for their specific policies and license. You can find a complete list of adult family care homes by county using the following links:
Oregon Adult Care Homes: https://www.oregon .gov/DHS/PROVIDERSPARTNERS/LICENSING/APD-AFH/Documents/APD-AFH-Public-List xlsx
Clark County, https://fortress wa .gov/dshs/adsaapps/lookup/afhpublookup .aspx
Clackamas County Housing Rights & Resources . . . . . . . 503-650-5750
Clackamas County Social Services Adult Care Homes . . . . . 971-673-6604
Fair Housing Council of Oregon, 221 SW Yamhill #305, Portland, 97205 . . . . . . . . . . 503-223-8197
Indicates website link available at www.RetirementConnection.com
Home Forward, Clackamas County, 13930 Gain St, Oregon City, 97045 . . . . 503-655-8267
Portland, 135 SW Ash St, Portland, 97204 503-802-8300
Vancouver, 2500 Main St, Vancouver, 98660 503-802-8300
Washington County, 111 NE Lincoln St, Hillsboro, 97123 . . . 503-846-4794
Leading Age, 7340 SW Hunziker #104, Tigard, 97223 . . . . 503-684-3788
Multnomah County Adult Care Homes Program . . . . . . . 503-988-3000
Open Door Counseling, 34420 SW TV Hwy, Hillsboro, 97123 503-640-6689
Sage Metro Portland, 1737 NW 26th Ave, Portland, 97210 503-224-2640
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development . . . . . 202-708-1112
CCRCs (Continuing Care Retirement Communities) also known as Life Plan Communities, are communities that include a continuum of care from independent living, assisted living, residential care and skilled nursing services all on one campus allowing individuals to live within the same community as their needs progress through the spectrum of care. They typically offer the full selection of amenities associated with retirement living. An endowment fee in addition to a monthly maintenance fee can be expected.
Friendsview, (Ad pg #168) 1301 Fulton St, Newberg, 97132 . . . 503-538-3144
Holladay Park Plaza, 1300 NE 16th Ave, Portland, 97232 . . . . 503-280-2216
Mary’s Woods, (Ad pg #162)
17400 Holy Names, Lake Oswego, 97034 503-697-6448
Mirabella, 3550 SW Bond Ave, Portland, 97239 . . . . . . . 503-245-4742
Rose Villa, 13505 SE River Rd, Portland, 97222 . . . . . . . 503-654-3171
Terwilliger Plaza, 2545 SW Terwilliger Blvd, Portland, 97201 . . . 503-299-4911
Willamette View, 12705 SE River Rd, Portland, 97222 . . . . . 503-652-7370
National Continuing Care Residents Association 877-488-4004, www naccra .com
Please tell our sponsors you found them in Retirement Connection Guide.
In 2003, when I started my career in the Senior Living Industry, the housing market made it easy for the seniors I was helping to sell their homes for a great price and move into a Senior Living Community fairly quickly.
Following the Housing Market decline in 2008, I started seeing a shift in more seniors holding off on selling their homes, which resulted in more emergent moves and a significant decrease in the amount they received for the sale of their home. As you consider whether to stay at home longer or sell your home while it’s a sellers-market, below are 3 things to consider that can help you make this lifechanging decision.
Diane Peterson a Realtor with Premiere Property Group says, “It’s still a seller’s market. The big change is that buyers are not panicking as they have in the past; they’re taking their time, and homes are spending more time on the market. Multiple offers are becoming a thing of the past. Homes are selling at or below their asking price. Home sales have slowed in 2022 compared to this time in 2021, with closed sales down 2.5%. The housing market has shifted. So looking into my crystal ball, what do I see for the 2023 housing market? Continued slowing.”
a. Interest rates impact the number of qualified buyers.
B. Interest rates are expected to increase which will reduce the number of qualified buyers translating to slowing housing sales in many areas.
a. The housing market forecast can and will have an impact on the number of assets you or a loved one will have to utilize for Senior Housing and Care, based on when the home is sold and how much is received from the sale.
B. If you believe you will want or need to downsize and move out of your home in the next year or two, now is the time to sell your home rather than wait knowing that the housing market is slowing and it could cause a significant decrease in the amount you will gain from selling your home while the market is good.
Article Provided by: Senior One Source 541-414-4264 www.SeniorOneSource.net
Adult Day Care Programs offer a protective setting during the day, for those who cannot be left alone due to health care and social needs. The structured program within a community setting offers: socialization, planned activities, care services, companionship and meals. Adult Day Care provides daytime respite for the caregiver who typically works, needs time for other responsibilities, or simply to take a break. Some programs are designed for older adults with dementia and/or physical limitations. Day Care programs in senior housing communities that are listed in this guide must be able to accept non-residents to be included.
Adult Care Homes or Family Care Homes are private residences that provide a home-like setting, and serve 5 or less residents. The caregiver may perform several functions, such as personal care, housekeeping and activities and group meals. There are three levels of Adult Foster Care Home licenses. The classification system is based on the level of care the Adult Foster Home may provide to residents who live in the home as well as the experience and training of the providers and their ability to assist residents with: personal hygiene, mobility, eating, dressing, toileting, and behavior management. Residents may require very light assistance or may be dependent with several care needs; it is best to ask individual locations for their specific policies and license.
Assisted Living Communities are State-regulated rental properties where six or more residents may reside. Care assistance is available, including: medication management, bathing, dressing, toileting and eating. Apartments must be fully self-contained private living units with a lockable door, private bathroom, and kitchenette facilities. The fee schedule is regular monthly rent along with additional fees for specific services and amenities. Assisted living communities are best suited for individuals who want to remain as independent as possible and who are able to direct their own care.
CCRCs (Continuing Care Retirement Communities) also known as Life Plan Communities, are communities that include a continuum of care from independent living, assisted living, residential care and skilled nursing services all on one campus, allowing individuals to live within the same community as their needs progress through the spectrum of care. They typically offer the full selection of amenities associated with retirement living. An endowment fee in addition to a monthly maintenance fee can be expected.
Independent Living Communities provide residents an independent living setting without the burden of home ownership. Typically, residency is established on a monthly rental basis. Residents live in fully equipped private apartments or cottages from studios to large two-bedroom units that may be rental-assisted or market-rate depending on the community. Amenities and hospitality services such as housekeeping, linen service, transportation and social and recreational activities may be included, provided for an additional charge, or may not be available at all. These communities do not provide assistance with activities of daily living or personal care.
Memory Care or Dementia Communities offer or provide care for residents with Alzheimer’s disease or other dementia in a home-like environment. These communities must receive an endorsement and is governed by additional regulations that are specifically intended to support individuals with dementia, including: a secure building that alerts staff if a resident has exited, a secure outdoor area that provides outdoor freedom safely, interior finishes that are non-glare and well lit, and visual contrasts between floors, walls and doorways. Alzheimer’s units must also have programs, which include: gross motor, self care, social, craft, sensory enhancement and outdoor activities.
Rehabilitation & Therapy is treatment for an injury, illness, or pain with the goal of restoring function, including nursing and therapy services. Rehab is ordered by a physician and services are provided by nurses and physical, occupational, and speech therapists. Examples include working with a physical therapist to help you walk and with an occupational therapist to help you get dressed.
Residential Care Facilities provide housing and supportive services for six or more people who do not require 24 hour nursing care. Pricing can vary greatly depending on the level of care provided and the size and amenities of each apartment. Accommodations are typically in a home-like setting and may range from a shared bedroom with common bathroom, to private apartments with kitchenette and private bathroom. Monthly fees vary greatly based on unit amenities and care services. Many residential care facilities specialize in caring for individuals with Alzheimer’s or dementia.
Respite Care is short term relief for family caregivers to take a break from the caregiving responsibilities and allows for a healthier and better quality of life for both the caregiver and care receiver. Respite services include: companionship, personal care, recreational activities and security. Respite care can be provided as short stay or for a longer period that allows the family caregiver to go on vacation or a business trip. Longer duration respite care is generally found at select senior housing communities although some Companion services may provide this service in the home.
Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) or Nursing Homes are State licensed facilities that provide a safe, therapeutic environment for individuals who require rehabilitative care or can no longer live independently due to functional or cognitive impairment. Nursing Homes offer 24-hour skilled nursing care and medical services by registered nurses and support professionals. This is the highest level of care that can be provided that is not hospitalization. Additionally, nursing facilities offer residents planned social, recreational and spiritual activities. Nursing facilities are most appropriate for people who need 24-hour medical oversight and a protective/structured setting. Most residents must share their room, but residents are allowed to bring personal items to encourage a more home-like atmosphere.
Sources: Multnomah County Aging & Disability Services Department and Oregon Department of Health & Human Services.
Retirement is a major life transition for many people, and it can take some adjustment. For those who have worked their whole lives, retirement can be an especially difficult adjustment, as everything from daily routines to financial security can be affected. As people reach retirement age, many are looking for ways to make the most of this new stage of life.
Encore careers, also known as “third acts”, are one way to do this. Encore careers are a way to remain active and engaged in the community, while also providing financial stability. Maybe you have always had a passion for something else, but did not make a career change due to income, geography, or other commitments. Retirement can be a great time to go back to school or further develop an existing skill. An encore career can also be an opportunity to continue your same work, but to do it in a different setting.
Volunteerism is a great way to stay active and engaged in your communities, while also giving back and making a difference. Volunteering can take many forms, from serving meals at a local soup kitchen to mentoring a young person. There are many opportunities to volunteer, such as through churches, schools, hospitals, or other community organizations.
There are many online resources that can help connect you with volunteer opportunities. Volunteering can be a great way to make new connections and friendships, as you meet and interact with people from all walks of life. It can also be a great way to gain new skills and knowledge, as many volunteer opportunities involve working with new technologies or learning new techniques.
Volunteering can lead to new experiences, such as travel or hands-on work.
Pro bono work is another way to stay active and engaged, by working on a voluntary basis, without payment. This can include legal work, medical work, or any type of work that is not done for monetary compensation.
Pro bono work can be incredibly rewarding, as it enables you to use your skills and experience to help others in need, network and make new connections. As retirees work with different organizations and individuals, they may find new opportunities or ways to engage.
This can be a great source of satisfaction and fulfillment, as it gives a chance to make a tangible difference in the lives of others.
Retirement is the perfect time to explore new hobbies and interests. From playing an instrument to learning a new language, there are countless opportunities to develop
new skills and passions. For those who have always wanted to pursue a particular hobby but never had the time, retirement can be the perfect time to start. In addition to providing a sense of purpose and satisfaction, new hobbies can also help create new connections. Many hobbies involve joining clubs or groups, which can offer the opportunity to meet and interact with people from all walks of life. Hobbies can also be a great way to stay active and engaged in the community, as many groups and clubs host events and activities throughout the year.
Retirement can also be a great time to explore new lifestyles. For those who have always dreamed of living in a different city or country, retirement can be the perfect time to make the move. Similarly, you may also want to explore new housing options, such as a condo, RV life, or retirement community. It can also be a great way to gain new experiences, such as trying different cuisines or visiting new places. Exploring a new lifestyle can also be a great way to stay physically active by exploring their new cities or countries by walking and biking.
Retirement can also be a great time to explore new outlooks, perspectives and relationships. With more time and freedom, you can devote yourself to exploring different philosophies
and ideologies to stay intellectually engaged and stimulated and gain a new understanding of the world. Retirement can be a time to reflect on one’s life and accomplishments, and to think about the future, or gain insight into one’s own life. With more time and freedom, this can also be a time to deepen existing relationships, as well as to develop new ones.
Each of these opportunities provides a sense of purpose and satisfaction, as well as a chance to stay engaged and connected. Explore all of these opportunities, and find the ones that fit your needs and interests. With the right combination of activities, you can make retirement years some of the most fulfilling and rewarding time of your life.
Article Provided by: Retirement Connection Staff www.RetirementConnection.com
I'm Retired... Now What Do I Do?
“Great staff, clean environment, and plenty of activities. My grandfather is here and we are so grateful.” Carter P. ~ Grandson of Resident “I feel very fortunate that my parents are residents at the Junction City Retirement & Assisted Living. They consistently receive outstanding care by incredibly helpful, attentive and friendly staff.”
Dan D. ~ Son of Resident
ARBOR OAKS TERRAC E (MC) 317 Werth Blvd Newberg, OR. 97132 503.538.2288 arboroaksterrace.com
CLEA R WATER SPR I NG S (AL) 201 NW 78th St Vancouver, WA. 98665 360.546.3344 clearwaterspringsseniorliving.com
PHEASANT POINT E (AL, MC) 835 E Main St Molalla, OR. 97038 503.829.3777 pheasantpointeseniorliving.com
2205 Gilman Drive Oregon City, OR. 97045 503.657.5700 gilmanpark.com
MONTEREY COU RT (MC) 8915 SE Monterey Ave Happy Valley, OR. 97086 503.654.3200 montereycourt.net
9000 SW 91st Ave Tigard, OR. 97223 503.445.4363 washingtongardensmemorycare.com
14370 SE Oregon Trail Drive Clackamas, OR. 97015 503.558.1215 princetonvillageassistedliving.com
V I N E YARD HE I GHT S (RL, AL) 345 SW Hill Road McMinnville, OR. 97128 503.435.1000 vineyardheightsassistedliving.com
Our Mission is to provide an enriched & meaningful experience to our residents, team members, and community partners.
AVAMERE at NEWBERG Newberg, OR 97132 503-554-0767
AVAMERE at BETHANY Portland, OR 503-690-2402
AVAMERE at SANDY Sandy, OR 503-668-4199
AVAMERE COURT at KEIZER Keizer, OR 503-393-3624
SUZANNE ELISE Seaside, OR 503-738-0307
THE STAFFORD Lake Oswego, OR 503-636-4589
AVAMERE at ALBANY Albany, OR 541-928-9494
AVAMERE at OAK PARK Roseburg, OR 541-464-5656
AVAMERE at PARK PLACE Portland/Tigard, OR 503-245-8985
AVAMERE at SHERWOOD Sherwood, OR 503-625-7333
AVAMERE at HILLSBORO Hillsboro, OR 503-693-9944
AVAMERE at ST. HELENS St. Helens, OR 503-366-8070
ARBOR at AVAMERE COURT Keizer, OR 503-856-7440
AVAMERE at CHESTNUT LANE Gresham, OR 503-674-0364
AVAMERE at CASCADIA VILLAGE Sandy, OR 503-668-0300
AVAMERE at HERMISTON Hermiston, OR 541-567-3141
Life is about growing, sharing experiences and finding that next great adventure. It could be taking up a new hobby, meeting new friends or moving into a new home. You have the opportunity to do all these things and more at our communities. Come for a visit, and feel confident in starting a new adventure with us. Welcome to Brookdale. Welcome Home.
Brookdale Fisher’s Landing (360) 885-1400 Assisted Living
Brookdale Forest Grove (503) 214-2188 Assisted Living
Brookdale Oswego Springs Portland (503) 272-1222 Assisted Living
Brookdale River Valley Tualatin (503) 272-1823 Assisted Living | Alzheimer’s & Dementia Care
Brookdale Vancouver Stonebridge (360) 882-8800 Alzheimer’s & Dementia Care
Brookdale Wilsonville (503) 272-1913
Seniors may feel vulnerable leaving their home. Yet being isolated presents its own challenges, like making healthy meals, taking medications on time, and getting medical assistance. When living at Highgate, every resident has a team of advocates dedicated to their health, safety, and well-being. Individuals can pursue their interests, enjoy outstanding food, make great friends, and get the best possible
Licensing requirements for assisted living facilities vary by state and can be known by as many as 26 different names including: residential care, board and care, congregate care, and personal care. A complete list of each state’s terminology and state regulations can be found at: http://aspe.hhs.gov/daltcp/ reports/04alcom.htm
A good match between a community and a resident’s needs depends as much on the philosophy and services as it does on the quality of care.
The following suggestions can help you get started in your search for a safe and appropriate assisted living community:
• What are your future needs and how will the community meet those needs?
• Is the community close to family and friends? Are there any shopping centers or other businesses nearby (within walking distance)?
• Visit each community more than once, sometimes unannounced.
• Visit at meal times, sample the food, and observe the quality.
• Observe interactions among residents and staff and ask questions.
• Ask about social, recreational, and spiritual activities.
• Ask about the type and frequency of staff trainings.
• Review state licensing reports.
• Contact your state’s long-term care ombudsman to see if any complaints have been filed against the assisted living community you are interested in. In many states, the ombudsman checks on conditions at assisted living units and nursing homes.
• If the assisted living community is connected to a nursing home, ask for information about it too. (Information on nursing homes can be found on the Medicare website at https://www. medicare.gov/nhcompare/home.asp).
It is a good idea to review The Substantiated Facility Abuse Complaints at https://ltclicensing.oregon.gov
This website contains Facility Adult Protective Services (APS) investigations that constitute abuse as determined by Corrective Action Coordinators.
Source: https://ltclicensing.oregon.gov
Article Provided By: Retirement Connection www.RetirementConnection.com
The Web Site and Guide offer: Ω more than 150 topics of information Ω educational articles by local and national professionals Ω informative profiles Ω reference and how-to guides Ω glossary of common and not-so-common terms Ω thousands of local and national resources & web site links.
Free Resource Line: 1-800-296-6408 www.RetirementConnection.com
Mom needs help. Where do we start?
1st CHOICE Advisory Services . . . . 1
A Caring Choice . . . . . . . . 119
A Caring Closet . . . . . . . . 91
A Place at Home . . . . . . . . 36
Affordable at Home Care . . . . . 40
All About Seniors . . . . . . . 117
Alzheimer’s Association . . . . . 51
Amramp . . . . . . . . . . 77
Andrew Nordby, Premier Property Group . 100
Arbor at Avamere Court . . . . . 161
Arbor Oaks Terrace . . . . . . 156-157
Arbor Senior Living . . . . . . . 182
Arcadia Senior Living . . . . . . 170
Artegan Senior Living . . . . . . 160
Assisting Hands Home Care . . . . 40
Assured Hospice . . . . . . . . 80
Avamere Family of Companies . 161, IBC
Barbur Vista . . . . . . . . . 173
Bear Creek Memory Care . . . . . 182
Bend Transitional Care . . . . . . IBC
Botanica Floral Design . . . . . . 72
BrightStar Care . . . . . . . . 38
Bristol Hospice . . . . . . . . 80
Brookdale Senior Living . . . . . 165
Brookside Memory Care . . . . . 183
Cain Denture Centers . . . . . . 58
Cal's Moving & Storage . . . . . . 96
Canfield Place . . . . . . . . 135
Care and Keeping . . . . . . . . 119
Cascade Inn . . . . . . . . . 155
CDM Caregiving Services . . . . . 39
Cedar Senior Living . . . . . . . 170
Cedar Sinai Park . . . . . . . . 166
CherryWood Village . . . . . . . 164
Clearwater Springs . . . . . . 156-157
CLT At Home . . . . . . . . . 40
Cogir Senior Living . . . . . . . BC
Columbia Medical Alarm . . . . . 61
Columbia Ridge . . . . . . . . 160
ComforCare Home Care . . . . . 28
Community Home Health & Hospice . 80
Connect America . . . . . . . 61
Connected Home Health & Hospice . 18
Conversation & Company . . . . 93
Cornell Estates . . . . . . . . 136
Cornerstone of Hillsboro . . . . . 136
Country Side Living . . . . . . . 171
Courtyard Fountains . . . . . 158-159
Courtyard Village Raleigh Hills . . . 138
Creekside Village . . . . . . . 140
Crestview of Portland . . . . . . IBC
Eden Health . . . . . . . . . 17
Emerson House . . . . . . . . 182
Enlivant . . . . . . . . . . 173
Evergreen Place . . . . . . . . 173
EverLife Home LLC . . . . . . . 21
Family Resource Home Care . . . . 33
Farmington Square . . . . . . 185
Friendsview . . . . . . . . . 168
Frontier Management . . . . . 156-157
Gentiva Hospice . . . . . . . . 81
Gilman Park . . . . . . . . 156-157
Glenmoore . . . . . . . . . 137
Glenwood Place . . . . . . . . BC
Good Samaritan Fairlawn Village . . 141
Gracious Care Hospice . . . . . . 81
Greenridge Estates . . . . . . . 170
Hand in Hand . . . . . . . . 168
Hawthorn Retirement . . . . . . 137
Hawthorne Gardens . . . . . 158-159
HDE Home Care . . . . . . . . 39
Heartland Retirement Group . . . . 66
Highgate Senior Living . . . . . 169
HOLI Senior Living . . . . . . 170
Home Instead . . . . . . . . . 29
Home Matters Caregiving . . . . . 31
Hope Dementia Support Group . . 107
Humana MarketPoint . . . . . . IFC
Jennings McCall Center . . . . . 173
Kellogg Assisted Living . . . . . 162
Kent Place . . . . . . . . . 173
Knights of Pythias . . . . . . . 138
Koelsch Communities . . . . . 133,155
Laurel Parc at Bethany Village . . . . 3
Laurelhurst Village . . . . . . IBC
Leisure Care . . . . . . . . 135
Magnolia Senior Placement LLC . . 115
Mallard Landing . . . . . . . 164
Managed Moves . . . . . . . . 97
Markham House . . . . . . . 135
Marquis Companies . . . . . . 193
Mary’s Woods . . . . . . . . 162
McLoughlin Place . . . . . . . 160
Meals on Wheels . . . . . . . . 71
Metropolitan Senior Network . . . 110
Mike Peabody, EXP Realty . . . . 100
Miracle Heights . . . . . . . . 173
Miramont Pointe . . . . . . . 166
Mobile Memory Enrichment . . . 41, 55
Monterey Court . . . . . . . 156-157
MorningStar Senior Living . . . . 167
Mount Hood Adult Day Center . . . . 45
Mt Hood Senior Living . . . . . 168
Mt . Hood Senior Solutions . . . . 114
Northwest Place . . . . . . . 139
O My Sold . . . . . . . . . 100
Ohana Ventures . . . . . . . . 171
OSRAA . . . . . . . . . . 119
Parkinson’s Resources of Oregon . . . 49
Parkrose Chateau . . . . . . . 137
Parkview Christian Retirement Community . 140
Paula Wertanen, Berkshire Hathaway . 101
Pegasus Social Services . . . . . . 36
Pheasant Pointe . . . . . . 156-157
Portland Senior Housing . . . . . 119
Princeton Village . . . . . . 156-157
ProMedica . . . . . . . . . 103
Providence Elderplace . . . . . . . 89
Providence Home and Community Care . 18
Radiant Senior Living . . . . . . 185
Raleigh Hills Assisted Living . . . . 162
Regency Home Care . . . . . . . 36
Ricochet Body Solutions . . . . . . 63
Right at Home . . . . . . . . . 32
RIGHT FIT Senior Living Solutions . 116
River Terrace Memory Care . . . . 185
Robin Rosa, Northwest Reverse Mortgage 104
Rose Anderson, Wise Move Real Estate 101
Rose Elder Law . . . . . . . . . 53
Rosewood Memory Care . . . . . 171
Rosewood Park . . . . . . . . 136
Royal Hospice . . . . . . . . . 79
Russellville Park . . . . . . . . 135
Sapphire Health Services . . . . . 163
Senior Lifestyle . . . . . . . 158-159
Senior Living Locator . . . . . . 116
Senior One Source . . . . . . . . 2
Serenity Home Care . . . . . . . 40
ShareLife . . . . . . . . . . . 73
Signature Healthcare at Home . . . . 19
Soft Landings . . . . . . . . . . 97
Somerset Assisted Living . . . . . 137
Somerset Lodge . . . . . . . 137
SpringRidge at Charbonneau . . . 139
Springwood Landing . . . . . . . 137
SRG Senior Living . . . . . . . 139
Sunnyside Little Chapel of the Chimes . 73
Sunnyside Meadows . . . . . . . 183
Suzanne Elise . . . . . . . . . 161
SYNERGY HomeCare . . . . . . 35
Tanner Spring . . . . . . . . . 171
Tenderly Hospice . . . . . . . . 81
The Ackerly . . . . . . . . . 135
The Cottages Senior Living . . . . . 181
The Elms Retirement Center . . . . 140
The Forum at Town Center . . . . . 141
The Goodman Group . . . . . . 166
The Hampton and Ashley Inn . . . . 155
The Hampton at Salmon Creek . . . 155
The Junkluggers . . . . . . . . 57
The Key . . . . . . . . . . . 38
The Lofts . . . . . . . . . . BC
The Pearl at Kruse Way . . . . . . IBC
The Quarry . . . . . . . . . BC
The Stafford . . . . . . . . . 161
Threadgill’s Memorial Services . . . 72
Tom Harvey Estate Services & Realty . 99
Touchmark . . . . . . . . . . 134
Traditions Health . . . . . . . . 80
University Village . . . . . . . 133
Valley Memorial Park Funeral Home . 73
Van Mall . . . . . . . . . . . 135
Vancouver Pointe . . . . . . . 158-159
Vibrant USA . . . . . . . . . 91
Vineyard Heights . . . . . . 156-157
Visiting Angels . . . . . . . . 37
Vital Palliative Care . . . . . . . 79
Washington Gardens . . . . . 156-157
Waterhouse Ridge . . . . . . . 185
Wendi Mueller, Premiere Property Group . 100
West Hills Health & Rehab . . . . . 166
West Hills Village . . . . . . . 166
Wilhelm's Portland Memorial . . . . 73
Woodland Care Center . . . . . . 103
Abuse . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Addiction & Substance Abuse . . 106
Adult Day Services . . . . . . . . 44
Adult Family Care Homes . . . . 144
Advocacy . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Area Agencies on Aging . . . . . . 47
Assisted Living, Residential . . . 144 Associations for a Specific Condition . . 48 Attorneys & Elder Law . . . . . . 54
Bereavement . . . . . . . . . . 54
Care Management . . . . . . . . 54
Caregiving Resources & Support . . 54
CCRC/Life Plan Communities . . . 113
Citizenship & Immigration . . . . 55
Clean Out & Junk Removal Services . 56
Consumer Affairs . . . . . . . . 56
Continuing Education . . . . . . . 56
County Health Departments . . . . 57
Daily Money Managers . . . . . . 57
Dental Resources & Services . . . . 58
Dialysis . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Disability Programs . . . . . . . . 60
Emergency Preparedness . . . . . . 60
Emergency Response Systems . . . 60
Employment . . . . . . . . . . 62
Financial Services . . . . . . . . 66
Fitness, Health & Wellness . . . . 66
Food Resources . . . . . . . . 67
Funeral, Cremation & Pre-Planning . 72
Goods & Services . . . . . . . . 72
Government Resources . . . . . 74
Grocery Delivery . . . . . . . . 74
Guardians & Conservators . . . . . 74
Health Clinics . . . . . . . . . 75
Health Insurance & HMOs . . . . 76
Hearing Resources & Services . . . 77
Home Care Definitions . . . . . . 12
Home Care Resources . . . . . . 41
Home Health Agencies . . . . . 14
Home Modification & Repair . . . 77
Hospice . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 Hospitals . . . . . . . . . . . 82
Housing Definitions . . . . . 120
Housing Placement & Referral . . 112
Housing Resources . . . . . . 112
Identity Theft . . . . . . . . . 82
In-Home Care . . . . . . . . . 22
In-Home Care Classifications . . . 27
Independent & Retirement . . . 122
Landscaping & Tree Services . . . 82
Retirement Connection is available and free to the community thanks to the support of our sponsors. Please return the favor by supporting them when you find a need for their services.
End of Life Doula . . . . . . . . 62
Energy Resources . . . . . . . . 63
Entertainment & Recreation . . . . 63
Errand & Concierge Services . . . . 63
Estate Planning . . . . . . . . . 63
Estate Sales . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Faith-Based Organizations . . . . 65
Financial & Clothing Assistance . . 65
Legal Aid & Resources . . . . . . 83
LGBT Resources . . . . . . . . 83
Libraries . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
Long-Term Care Insurance . . . . 85
Mediation . . . . . . . . . . . 87
Medicaid . . . . . . . . . . . 87
Medical & Drug Trials . . . . . . 87
Medical Supplies . . . . . . . . 90
At Cogir Senior Living, we believe every resident is unique and has their own individual needs. Offering independent, assisted, and memory care services, along with exquisitely chef-prepared meals, a wide array of indoor and outdoor activities, attentive 24/7 staff, and resort hotel-style amenities, Cogir Senior Living has a community that is right for
or your loved one.