Reunions Magazine Volume 19, Number 2. November/December/January 2009 (SOLD OUT)

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Dude ranch reunions Fundraising Passing the Torch Display until January 31, 2009.



November/December/January 2009 Volume 19 • Number 2 PUBLISHER / EDITOR IN CHIEF


ALUM & I – 6

Jacky Runice

Special notes for classmates, not just a football weekend ART DIRECTOR

SCRAPBOOK – 9 Yucca stars, Vacation Home Expo

BRANCH OFFICE – 10 We are the Moncures by Greg Lewis New stone for Fulghums from Ted and Libby Crossland Celebrating Kwanzaa, Frisbees

Jennifer Rueth SALES

Marion Liston Senior Account Manager OPERATIONS MANAGER


MASTERPLAN – 13 An “opossum” on Gilligan’s Island? by Ellen Clark Passing the Torch: How to ensure a smooth transition to a new reunion organizer by Shandi Stevenson and more families: Gregory and Bentley, Fountain, Lewis, Jennings, Wiser and Dugan, Bunker, McDowell-Stillwell, Kinnaird, Sloan, Aden and Sowers, Shelton Taylor Thomas, Blakely and Lilley, Woolard and Bowen.

REUNION FEATURES VENUE & PLACES – 22 Explore the Door by Edith Wagner Ranches Consider a western dude ranch, great getaways at Echo Valley Ranch, and Colorado Trails Ranch, cowboy reunion and many things western

Jean Salzer Andrew Bordeaux CONTRIBUTORS

Emily Alexander Myrtle (Fountain) Buckner-Cooper Gil Bunker • Nellie J. Chapman-Davis Ellen Clark • Libby (Fulghum) Crossland Ted Crossland • Kevin Donohue Beth Folsom • Kathy Jill Johnson Greg Lewis • Darlene Marion Sunny McClellan Morton Judy Nunn • Maxine Smith Shandi Stevenson • Anne K. Stillwell-Heard Bill Williams • Alfredia Wingate

FUNDRAISING – 32 A little retail therapy by Sunny McClellan Morton Silverton alumni success: setting up an auction by Judy Nunn Brandywine at 40 by Kevin Donohue and more …

MILITARY REUNION NEWS – 39 Military tours, Missing Man Table, memory pages.

REUNION RESOURCES – 41 A directory of reunion-friendly places, services, vendors and products.

ON THE COVER Some of the 82nd Armored Division, US Army veterans and families on tour at the US Naval Academy, Annapolis, Maryland.

REUNIONS MAGAZINE, INC. (ISSN #1046-5s235), is published 5 times per year. Send correspondence, queries, submissions, subscriptions, advertising to REUNIONS MAGAZINE, PO Box 11727, Milwaukee WI 53211-0727. Written permission from the publisher is required for reproduction of any part of this book except pages which encourage sharing. Please explain your intended use when requesting permission to reprint. Email: or fax 414263-6331. Tear sheets of reviews and reprints required. REUNIONS MAGAZINE, INC., will not be liable for information presented as facts contained in any of our advertising, byline stories or materials. We reserve the right to edit and/or refuse any material submitted for publication. We solicit participation and take responsibility for submitted materials. Unless accompanied by a self-addressed stamped envelope (SASE), submissions and photos will not be returned. All materials sent for purposes of publication become property of REUNIONS MAGAZINE, INC. Subscriptions: US and Canada $9.99/yr, $17.99/2 yrs. Foreign orders add $36 for subscriptions. All foreign payment in US funds or drawn on a US bank. Back issues available for $3 each plus postage. Payment must accompany requests for subscriptions, back issues or other items for sale. Advertising rate information available from REUNIONS MAGAZINE, INC., PO Box 11727, Milwaukee WI 53211-0727; 414-263-4567; fax 414-2636331; e-mail; © 2008 REUNIONS MAGAZINE, INC. N OV E M B E R / D EC E M B E R / JA N UA R Y 20 0 9 ❖ R E U N I O N S



Be in touch!

Welcome to the 2009 reunion season!

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subjects that will make finding info much easier. New topics include awards, memorials, themes, technology and fundraising for scholarships. Check it out!

f your reunion is during 2009, you must be immersed in the early decisions, date set, places under or fax it to 414-263-6331. serious consideration. Our research CONTACT US Or best of all, e-mail shows that reunion accommodations are We are always eager to learn about your usually secured by March preceding the reunion needs. We invite you to contact us summer runion. So to meet that norm, you with questions and suggestions for future should be looking now. issues. And we encourage you to send your reunion stories Have you called the convention and visitors bureau and reports to share with other reunions. Send to (CVB)? Don’t forget that CVBs provide lots of help during your search for a venue. Call the CVB in your reunion RESOLUTIONS FOR A NEW REUNION YEAR city/area (even if it’s your hometown CVB) and ask how For new years motivation, listen to the new years they can help: you’ll be pleasantly surprised. resolutions podcast. It might just give you some structure PLEASE PATRONIZE OUR PARTNERS and direction but most of all remind you there’s lots of help We know you look to Reunions magazine for help and as you plan. new ideas for planning your reunion. Our pages contain Resolve at the very beginning of your reunion planning, answers to your questions, and include informative to attend a reunion organizing class, workshop or advertising that describes what’s likely to appeal to you. conference. Some convention and visitors bureaus offer Take advantage of the eagerness of our advertisers and workshops or familiarization tours (FAMs) for prospective vendors to help you. Contact them early in your reunion reunion organizers. Regulars are at Atlanta’s DeKalb, planning and be sure to tell them you discovered them in Gwinnett and Alpharetta Counties in Georgia; Fairfax, Reunions magazine. Virginia (where I’ll be speaking) is new for family reunions in spring; or for the northern Chicago ‘burbs, Lake County, CELEBRATE YOUR SUMMER REUNIONS Illinois’s weekend workshop in April will convince you to We’ve been promised many reports about summer have your reunion there. These and many other reunion reunions and are starting to see them! Don’t agonize, just locations offer special events to help you learn about their report. We edit everything that finds it’s way into the area and services as well as helpful reunion organizing magazine. We’re looking particularly for material that will techniques. There is much to learn as you organize your add ideas for other reunions to flatter you by copying. reunion and many ways for you to get help along the way. We are always on the lookout for pictures which, must be MORE PODCASTS FOR PLANNING well focused. If you aspire to see your reunion on our cover New podcasts require regular visits to the picture must be a vertical image. Pictures (at 300 DPI Or subscribe and podcasts will or higher) can be emailed to or sent arrive just as soon as they’re added to to Reunions magazine, PO Box 11727, Milwaukee WI 53211. Recent new subjects include how to ask for money, ALWAYS LOTS FREE TO HELP YOU PLAN YOUR REUNION! icebreakers and upcoming subjects are how to develop an Go to anytime 24/7 for all kinds ad book and how to hire a motor coach for your reunion. of planning help: free! Look for timetable, podcasts, Please suggest topics! contests and sweepstakes, picture gallery, reunion listings, IN THIS ISSUE reunion chatter in forums, media alerts for your reunion, Finally, in this issue you’ll find some great new ideas to monthly email newsletter, reunion evaluation form and work with. One reunion passes the torch from one countless reports from hundreds of reunions … just like generation to the next, another is stranded on Gilligan’s yours: always looking for new ideas. Island. We feature reunions at ranches and lots of new ideas PLANNING A CLASS REUNION? to help you fundraise at your reunion. Over the summer we enhanced the class reunion Happy holidays to you and your reunions! EW offerings at We have isolated specific



R E U N I O N S ❖

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… not just a football weekend

cla ot b ms, Bill Willia s long reached out to , Ohio) who could n n a s e h , rr rd s a a e c W g s a ool, vide these p g High Sch loved ones. He pro special and in in rd a H n t e Warr ad los ey are ootball games and turkey dinners aren’t the only big n or who h m know th the reunio ssmates to “let the ily. m fa ’s g Thanksgiving weekend events. It is also a traditional la c in y orl signed b ichard E. N y. R te .” la weekend for high school class reunions. And the facilities ts e h g th u nt to famil our tho ard was se uch it meant to his c that host them agree that Thanksgiving weekend is the h c su e n m O to say how te most popular time of year to hold high school reunions. ro w n so His Not only is Thanksgiving a time many people come ldest son. o ’s th home, but the turkey day football gets people thinking u R d s, an Mr. William . I am Dick iate your efforts on te o about high school years. It’s a time of year for a lot of n d in k for your y apprec attending reminiscing. Thank you ther John and I reall looking forward to ts for him n en ro If they’ve moved away or are in college, they come My little b the card. He had be ven made arrangeme union. e re im e d h a th h g e to home for Thanksgiving. So it is because of the W e v r. ri e sendin d this summ ther than hn and I convenience factor to plan reunions at the same time. the reunion t class to and from ra see you guys and Jo n started io to rs Some who come home to visit families stay an extra day to travel fi set on driving back , his medical condit ow he ly n d k a te e I a . n u le b rt a for the reunion. fo is n v He was d U g was inad etter offer. From a story by Lisa D. Welsh in the worked a b where even the flyin g everyone. te in e guest th Telegram & Gazette, Worcester, Massachusetts. in to deteriora appointed to miss see te o n the is im and for really came to h f was very d o g in k in o l couple wh again for th y and Thank you nd Dad were a specia and extended famil te a ia m o ed M book. hts. the imm ny of us in good thoug inspire ma ally appreciate the re friends. We ain, Thanks ag


Bill Norlin



R E U N I O N S ❖

PO BOX 335428 • NORTH LAS VEGAS NV 89033 800-654-2776 •


Yuccas are All Stars


y parents celebrated their 40th anniversary by taking the family to Orlando for the week. The seven of us had a wonderful trip. It began in a rented full-size SUV which fit everyone and our belongings comfortably. Having just one vehicle made it easier to all stay together. Our All Star Vacation Home was phenomenal. It was a twostory with five bedrooms, giving everyone their own space. The in-ground, heated pool was a relaxing refuge at the end of each day. The game room provided entertainment for both young and old kids. A large family room provided a place for the adults to visit after the kids went to bed. Our week included visits to the Magic Kingdom, Disney Hollywood Studio, EPCOT, the Magic Kingdom (again), and Sea World. Each morning we were up early to be at the park for opening. Then, after spending the day at the park, we phoned one of many nearby restaurants to order food to pick up on our way home. This was ideal because none of us wanted to cook or deal with a crowded restaurant after a busy day. We ate dinner outside by the pool. With two young children, it was nice being able to put them to bed in their own room. We couldn’t imagine having to turn out the lights at a hotel so they could fall asleep. It was the first trip to Disney for my daughters, ages three and five. Their favorite memory varies between seeing Ariel, riding the teacups, enjoying the Princess Breakfast, visiting Sea World, or swimming in the pool. Back home again, my three-year-old keeps asking when we will go back to our other house (referring to the vacation house). A testimonial by Greg Yuccas, Naperville, Illinois, from Discover Vacation Homes, a nonprofit that raises consumer awareness of vacation rentals, one of the reunion industry’s fastest-growing categories.

Vacation Home Expo


ver 85% of the traveling public has never stayed in a condominium, villa or vacation home accommodation, one of the travel industry’s best kept secrets. To learn more about vacation homes and their advantages, you should plan to attend the Vacation Home Expo January 23-25, 2009, at the Cobb Galleria Centre in Atlanta. It is your definitive opportunity to explore this tremendous accommodation lifestyle. The expo features exhibitors from vacation rental properties and companies, from nearby self-drive markets to international destinations. Panel sessions will be presented by travel and vacation rental industry experts on topics from “new and hot” vacation rental destinations to popular consumer travel segments, such as multigenerational reunions. For more information, go to, email, or call toll free 877-604-2867.

LIST YOUR REUNION FREE! Email ( Contact name, address, phone, reunion name, date, and place. Check us out at

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We are the Moncures Kwanzaa:

a celebration of African cultural heritage wanzaa is a seven-day festival that K celebrates traditional African values of family, community and culture. It begins December 26th and concludes on New Year’s Day. The word Kwanzaa is from a Swahili phrase, “first fruits.” Created in 1966 by African American scholar and activist Dr. Maulana Karenga, Kwanzaa is a cultural celebration – not a religious or political one. The purpose is to unify people of African heritage and to celebrate their rich history, cultural ties and traditions. Millions of people with African ancestry are proud of this rich celebration and often use the principles for reunion celebrations, too. The Seven Principles (Nguzo Saba) are: 1. Unity (Umoja) 2. Self-Determination (Kujichagulia) 3. Collective Work and Responsibility (Ujima) 4. Cooperative Endeavors (Ujamaa) 5. Purpose (Nia) 6. Creativity (Kuumba) 7. Faith (Imani) Kwanzaa symbolic objects are: 1. Seven ritual candles (1 black, 3 red, 3 green) 2. A candle holder (Kinara) 3. A placemat, preferably made from straw (Mkeka) 4. Fruits and vegetables, representing Africa’s bountiful harvest (Mazao) 5. Ears of corn representing the number of children in the family (Vibunzi/Muhindi) 6. A communal unity cup (Kikombe cha umoja) 7. Gifts that are thoughtful, artistic or educational (Zawadi) On December 26th the first candle is lit and each succeeding night another is lit. To culminate the week of observance, a cooperative feast, called Kwanzaa Karumu, is prepared. During the feast an educational program includes discussion of the seven core principles and encourages guests to speak or perform songs, music and dance that reflect African cultures. 10

R E U N I O N S ❖

by Greg Lewis hat if you looked at your family tree and discovered that you were connected to famous historical figures? What impact would that have on your life? In the summer of 2003, I received an invitation to attend the Moncure Family Reunion. At the time, I had no idea who the Moncures were, but I wanted to learn. Family history has been my passion for as long as I can remember. Just after I received my Associate of Arts degree from Kent State University, my father told me about our relation to a French family, the Moncures. My father’s uncles were named Oscar and Mason Moncure. They were Creole, and worked in a sugar processing plant in Louisiana. With no hesitation, I agreed to attend the family reunion with my father, in Downer’s Grove, Illinois. A sea of people stood in the dining room. It was an incredible sight to behold. Looking around at all the faces, I saw a multitude of skin tones – some were dark black, others tan; some were pale, others completely white. Pat Moncure (family historian) officiated the reunion, which she began by speaking of our family history. “The black side of the Moncure family all started with the relationship between Robert Briggs Moncure and Charlotte Shakespeare, who worked in the Moncure home,” Pat said. “We are related to both George Washington and one of the founding fathers, George Mason.” The Reverend John Moncure came to America from Scotland. His parents were Hugeunots who fled persecution from


France to Scotland. The Reverend arrived in Stratford, Virginia, as a tutor. He soon became rector of the Aquia Church from 1738-1764. He married Francis Brown, who was a cousin to George Mason and George Washington’s mother. Pat’s mother was a Mason. I started to wonder exactly how my family became part of the Moncure family. After all, my last name was Lewis, not Moncure. How could I possibly be related? In struggling to decipher this, I invented a theory that my grandfather had sisters who married my uncle Mason and uncle Oscar. But, in studying this more closely, I discovered my grandfather only had brothers and no sisters. After my father’s death, I found the answer on the Moncure family website. Charlotte Shakespeare was actually related to me – she was my great-greatgreat-grandmother. She had seven children, both black and white. The census states that one of her daughters was the mother of my great-grandfather, George B. Lewis. You honestly never know: by researching your family history, you just might discover that you are related to George Washington or some other prominent historical figure.

About the author Gregory Lewis received an Associate of Arts degree from Kent Stark State in North Canton, Ohio. He wrote his first unpublished novel at age 18, but earlier published a poem in his elementary school newsletter. He enjoys reading and writing poems and is a green belt in Aikido.

These are the Moncures.


New stone for Fulghums uring their 1996 reunion, the Fulghums dedicated a headstone monument to Michael Fulghum (circa 1640-1687) in St. Luke’s Church cemetery in Smithfield, Virginia. The Fulghums were to be the featured family


Chase Brantley Fulghum digging to prepare the earth for laying the stone and planting the boxwood bushes.

Frisbees flew into Evanston

at the May 2007 50th reunion of the restoration of the church. During this special family pilgrimage, family member Robert Lee Fulghum (author of All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten), Seattle, Washington, was the speaker and presented a 20-minute family history in place of the sermon at the service. In 1996 Chase Brantley Fulghum (age 11), a 12th-generation descendent of the family’s new world pioneer (Captain Anthony Fulgham – father of Michael), helped install the new stone in the St. Luke’s Cemetery at Smithfield, Isle of Wight County, Virginia. In 2007, as a 21year old Hampton University student, Chase joined over 400 family members at the 400th anniversary year of the “first landing” in Tidewater, Virginia. Chase’s ancestors were contemporaries of the first legislature at JamestownVirginia, participants in the politics of Bacon’s Rebellion, magistrates in the sys-

Chase and his uncle Ted (Crossland), posing after the completed installation.

tem of law created by the colonists, and growers and shippers of tobacco. Reported by Libby (Fulghum) & Ted Crossland, Yorktown, Virginia.

Jennings Family Reunion fit for the history books

ixty-five descendants of Alice Hull ozens of Frisbees flew into Evanston, S and Milton White Jennings gathered D Illinois. Not the sporty discs flung by to celebrate their heritage. Ranging in athletes and children, but real, live Frisbees gathered for the 54th reunion of the FrisbieFrisbee Family Association of America. The Frisbie-Frisbee reunion has moved from city to city over the years. In Evanston they were greeted with welcome bags containing 3inch Frisbees. No matter which of at least 15 surname variations they use, they are related. Most descendants in the US trace their ancestry to Edward Frisbie, born in the Virginia Colonies around 1621. He had eight sons and three daughters. Despite their varied backgrounds, Frisbies have similar traits that bond them: a stubborn streak, a sense of humor, crystal blue eyes and great pride in their whimsical name. It seems every family member has a story, and a sense of humor, about the family name. From a story by Courtney Flynn in the Chicago Tribune.

age from one year to 99 years, family members made the journey to Fairfield, Connecticut, from Florida, Arizona, South Carolina, Georgia, Tennessee and New York for a weekend filled with stories, learning and bonding. Organizing a reunion this size took considerable planning, and the group’s itinerary read like a travel map of the area, visiting destinations with historical significance to this wellknown Fairfield family. First stop was a visit to the home and farm of Milton and Alice Jennings. The group also visited seven “reproduction houses” built to look like homes of the mid-1700s. A visit to Oak Lawn Cemetery allowed the group to pay respects to Captains Charles and Joseph Jennings, onion boat seacaptains who were father

and grandfather, respectively, of Milton Jennings. At Ogden House and Gardens, the group received a private tour by Walt Matis of the Fairfield Museum and History Center. After a morning filled with visits to places of their family’s past, the group gathered for a luncheon to hear the genealogy of the Hull and Jennings families. “The weekend was a great success,” said Russ Jennings. “Younger family members gained enthusiasm about their roots as older relatives relived their past and recalled life in Fairfield.” To research your family history with Fairfield connections, visit the Fairfield Museum and History Center’s research library, 370 Beach Road in Fairfield. From a story in Stamford Plus Magazine, Stamford, Connecticut.

m o r e o n w w w. r e u n i o n s m a g . c o m 12

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An “opossum” on Gilligan’s Island? by Ellen Clark


ncluding an opossum in a Gilligan’s Island theme was no easy undertaking, and little did the Ray-Clark family know of the tasks that would be involved as they planned their Gilligan’s Island reunion at South Folk Cabins at Lake Cumberland, Kentucky. Once the theme was Marvin “Possum” Ray and his chosen, the difficulty opossum cake. began. The goal of this reunion was to honor the Ray-Clark’s own Marvin “Possum” Ray, named after the one and only “Possum” George Jones. An opossum and Gilligan’s Island didn’t have very much in common. The task of making the reunion cake was assigned to Ruth Ray, the family’s legendary cake decorator. But she was uncertain about the task she’d been “assigned.” Ruth solved the dilemma by making two cakes, an opossum cake and a Gilligan’s Island sheet cake showing the entire crew. Our “Possum” pet his cake as if it were a real opossum, which was most attention-grabbing. We knew we did the right thing when we saw the pleasure on his face. “Possum” was a little shocked, however, when he saw his pictures posted on all the trees around the cabin and on the ceilings for the world to see. To show “Possum” at his very best, the computers enhanced the photos a smidgen. A photo of “Possum” hitchhiking to California in his underwear was considered by the islanders to be the best. “Possum,” being a good-humored guy, took it all in the humor meant and laughed with everyone. Unlike previous years, Mother Nature did not cooperate and it rained all reunion day. Refusing to allow the rain to spoil the reunion, the islanders persevered. The “Skipper” saved the day by bringing German Beer Tables, and seats and tables were set up on the screened porch for the islanders and the theater. After a short welcome and prayer, everyone shared potluck and sang Karaoke. By mid-afternoon everyone was ready for a nap, but instead the islanders meandered back to their cabins to get into their “Gilligan’s” costumes. Mr. & Mrs. Howell arrived, with Mrs. Howell dressed to the nines and Mr. Howell looking dapper in his PJ’s clutching his Teddy Bear. There were five Mary Annes, three Gilligans, a Skipper and two Gingers. The porch suddenly took on the appearance of an overloaded airplane as Mr. Howell introduced each islander. Arriving last and flying low, the rescuers saved the islanders and took them to the Best Little Theater in South Fork. The rain had stopped and the theater was open for business. Sister Geneva set up at the door, and refused to allow anyone entry without payment of one nickel. After they paid, of course, she handed each islander a

disclosure asking them to be kind to the director. The disclosure warned that sometimes the words might not match the picture and that there were several technical difficulties during the filming of the feature. Also, sometimes there might not be any sound or picture! The feature, This is Your Life, Possum, was shown in its entirety with no harm coming to the director. The video, dedicated to “Possum,” showed photos from his childhood, clips of “Possum” moving to the country and a clip showing a snowball being stuffed in his pants by yours truly. The final clip was entitled “Tears in Heaven” and was dedicated to our mother and brother, who passed away the previous year. All fees (nickels) collected were given to “Possum,” and door prizes were given to the weary islanders. Mrs. Howell sold 50/50 tickets all day for 50¢ or three tickets for $1. One lucky islander won 50% of the collection. The remaining 50% was used toward reunion expenses. Lots of hugs brought the reunion to a close. Rumors have it that the next reunion will be Western and will be held in Possum Holler at the Gilligan boards the air porch. Western Nest.

About the author Ellen Clark lives in Lexington, Kentucky, “Horse Capital of the World” and site of the 2010 World Equestrian Games. She is married with two sons and three grandsons. Contradictory to what most people do, she lived in Florida 32 years and retired to Kentucky! She began having reunions in 1996 and hopes the tradition continues.

Ray-Clark family on the island. N OV E M B E R / D EC E M B E R / JA N UA R Y 20 0 9 ❖ R E U N I O N S



PASSING THE TORCH: How to ensure a smooth transition to a new reunion organizer by Shandi Stevenson


he Patching Family Reunion, my paternal grandmother’s four siblings and their descendants, was a yearly tradition for as long as I could remember. For 25 years, my grandmother all but single-handedly organized invitations, food and cleanup for the July picnic. After a quarter of a century, with her ten grandchildren growing up and filling her schedule with weddings, graduations, band concerts and dance recitals, Grandma admitted she was starting to find the reunion planning a bit much. Her surviving sister, almost eighty, was unable to take on the job, and, regretfully, Grandma talked about letting the annual tradition die a natural death.

thought the reunion was important enough to work for? And so we came, not quite a decade ago, to “passing of the torch” that has kept the Patching reunion an annual event for our family, thanks to a little planning, a little flexibility and a lot of teamwork. Most reunions reach the point where a new individual or team must take over from the old if everyone wants the tradition to continue. Knowing how to pass the torch is key to keeping a reunion alive, relevant and running smoothly. Both the “retiring” and the new reunion organizers have a vital role in creating the smooth transition. These are some suggestions to help the “handover.”

Marjorie Langley and nephew Steve Patching share memories over an old photo album.

never have thought of – trash bags for cleanup, a can opener, serving spoons, masking tape to secure paper table cloths on a windy day. As time passed, I updated and changed both lists, but having the skeleton to work from was invaluable. You might also consider noting on paper a “calendar” of reunion planning – how far in advance you phone to book the picnic shelter, how far in advance you send out invitations, how far in advance you order the meal, etc. IF IT AIN’T BROKE, DON’T FIX IT.

Four generations share a beautiful day at the annual Patching Family Reunion.

To her surprise, and perhaps to our own, it was my generation, mostly teenagers at the time, who protested. We couldn’t imagine warm, hazy Tennessee summers without the Patching reunions that had marked off the years of our childhood. We noticed for the first time how many people were part of our lives only because of this annual event. We realized we didn’t want to lose it. We also soon realized that there was a great deal of work involved in making the reunion happen. While we looked forward to showing up for the generous meal and going swimming, Grandma had spent a lot of time and energy on behindthe-scenes tasks we hadn’t realized anyone had to do. A lot of people didn’t want to let the tradition die – but who 14

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If you’re currently the head organizer of a reunion and you’re planning to pass it off in the future, you can’t possibly have too much on paper. It’s a lot easier to throw out a list you don’t need than to track down Uncle Roger’s current address or dig up the local barbecue restaurant’s prices for catering – especially at the last minute before your successor’s first time in charge! My grandmother gave me the list of addresses she used to send out yearly reunion invitations and the list of supplies she checked off every year. The first let me know who would be expecting an invitation and how to reach everyone. The second saved me lots of time and headaches, as it included details I might

When I took over as the primary organizer of our reunion, I was one of several people who thought it might be a good idea to change the date on which the reunion had been held every summer for twenty-five years. We tried it the first year, and I did a lot of asking around and making notes about when people were on vacation, out of school, etc. We eventually had to admit that the reason the reunion was always the third Sunday in July was that NO weekend works for everybody in summertime – and that the ease of remembering a date that never changes helped our attendance a lot more than moving the date would have! Grandma said that was exactly what she had discovered years before. By all means be open to new possibilities, but bear in mind that if something has always been done a certain way, there just might be a good reason! When it comes to something like a reunion, confusing people is just about the best way there is to end up with lower attendance, not enough food, even some hurt feelings and misunderstandings to sort out.


There’s a good chance that the basic structure that has kept a reunion running won’t handle major changes too well. But when it comes to details, the handover from one planner to another is the perfect time to review and look for a better way. These are some good places to consider “updating.” ❖ Technology I found that most people on my mailing list preferred receiving their invitations by email, and that they were much likelier to give me an early RSVP that way. ❖ Who’s on the team The new planner may not be the only one ready to assume new responsibilities, and the retiring planner may not be the only one ready for a break. ❖ Tweaking details to fit everyone’s current circumstances For example, someone who lives close by the reunion site might think nothing of picking up a bag of ice, while someone coming from a distance might find it much easier to pitch in five dollars toward food costs. Someone who’s organized or a fast typist might be happy to take charge of sending out invitations and keeping track of RSVPs, while someone else might much rather help with setting up chairs on the day of the reunion. All such details change with moves, marriages, jobs, babies, etc., so it’s important to update them from time to time. ASK FOR FEEDBACK.

Everyone who participates in a reunion and wants it to happen is, by definition, part of the team that pulls it off. And a transfer of organizing responsibilities is the perfect opportunity to find out what your team thinks is and is not working. This is an easy time to find out what people like about the reunion the way it is, and what they would like to do differently. Try including a request for feedback and suggestions with your invitation. Send out a few specific questions by email – you’re likelier to get answers. Have a notepad, pen and suggestion box on hand at the reunion itself and announce that you really are interested in hearing from people. If you’re not overwhelmed with responses, take heart – that probably means people are happy with the way things are going already! The most

important thing is to make it clear that you remain open to suggestions and comments, and to show you mean it by responding appreciatively when you get any. DO SOME RECRUITING.

If the handover is a good time to get new ideas, it’s an even better time to get new hands on deck! I found that during the years our reunion had been going on, my generation had grown up, gotten jobs and our own homes, learned to cook, to drive, etc. – while my parents’ generation had a little more flexibility and a little more time now that children were out of the house. A reunion tends to progress from year to year with the same people doing all the work, not because others don’t want to help, but because they don’t know how they can contribute, or they don’t realize that the planners could use help. I quickly discovered that I had more offers of help than I knew what to do with, once I found ways to let people know what was needed. The key is to break down the process of “creating” a reunion into very specific steps or tasks. Then, if someone asks how they can help, you won’t have to say either “I’m not really sure yet” OR something vague such as “You could bring some food,” only to find yourself calling everyone back later on to make sure you won’t have ten desserts and no drinks, or four pots of baked beans and only a half pint of potato salad. Instead, keep a “master list” of exactly what you need, including quantities and times; if you ask someone to do or bring something, note it beside that item on your list. Why try to remember who’s arriving an hour early to set up chairs, how many people are bringing cookies, or how many hotdog buns your volunteer will need to pick up, when you can just keep it on a sheet of paper to glance at any time you need to check? Also, consider making a very specific sign-up sheet, or even two – one for tasks and one for items to bring. You’ll probably find that if you assume everyone will pitch in, they’ll be happy to! Let people sign up to bring or do certain things, according to what works well for them, and you may find yourself left with very little work to do! Be sure to be specific – one blank for each dessert you need, or the exact quantity of twoliter soft drinks you’re looking for or the kind of salad you have in mind – and be sure to keep a copy of the list, so people

can ask you what they signed up for when they forget it, and so you know what’s still not taken care of. REMEMBER TO SAY THANK-YOU.

If one person has been organizing a reunion for years, and that reunion is important enough to other people that someone else is stepping up to keep it going, it shows at least two things: somebody has been doing a lot of hard work, and it has resulted in something other people enjoy and appreciate. The handoff is a perfect time to say thank you for something that can be easy to take for granted. Offer a toast and a round of applause to the person or people that have been working hard so everyone else gets to show up and enjoy the reunion. Even more important let them know that their efforts have resulted in something valuable. There is no greater reward for the reunion planner than knowing the reunion they have “created” is important to people, and is something others look forward to. On the first reunion I organized after my grandmother stepped down, I brought along a thank you card for everyone to sign. After the reunion, we were able to present Grandma with a card full of handwritten notes from everyone who had been there, sharing what the reunion had meant to them during the 25 years she kept it going, and letting her know how much we appreciated all her hard work. Or consider presenting your guest of honor with a collage or scrapbook showcasing photos of the event he or she has been organizing, or even a surprise cake. Present the planner with a “retirement” gift, either silly or sweet, or an “award” that celebrates all s/he has accomplished in making a reunion happen. Or take a group photo at the handover reunion, and present the retiring organizer with a framed memorial. Better yet, if you have one, include a photo from the very first reunion your honoree was in charge of, side by side with the current photo that shows how long the reunion has been going, and how many people have enjoyed it.

About the author Shandi Stevenson is a freelance writer and tutor. She lives, writes, and plans reunions in Travelers Rest, South Carolina. Her insightful reports have appeared before in Reunions magazine.

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he 25th Fountain, Lewis, Jennings, Wiser, Dugan Family Reunion was held in Mexico, Missouri. The oldest attendee was 95 and the youngest three months. Attendees came from 13 states. Families supplied passing dishes. Meats (pork, chicken, burgers and hot dogs) are grilled and barbecued by the host city. Desserts are furnished by the host city merchants. T-shirts provided by the California group were sold by the host city. Games included horseshoes, volleyball, badminton and a slew of water games. As is shown in the photo, our reunion can continue because of the

many young ones who attend. My mom and brother would be proud that we continue this tradition. A family tree demonstrates how we are all related. Genealogical information is exchanged and each year the tree is updated or corrected. Music was furnished by a DJ outside during the day. In the evening, a second DJ provided music for dancing and karaoke. Music bridged the gap between the old and young when everyone got into the action. Reported by Myrtle (Fountain) BucknerCooper, Jackson, Michigan.

It’s never too late


he Gregory and Bentley Family and Friends Reunion was held at the Cheverly, Maryland, home of Donald and Maxine Smith. Maxine said, “For some reason my heart and soul will not allow me to pass this year up without having a reunion. Our ancestors are talking to me and letting me know we must continue the tradition regardless of the trials and tribulations that are faced each day.” They celebrated the 99th birthday of Ruth Bentley Staunton, the oldest member of the Bentley family, and spent a day together making new memories, remembering family history, having fun and enjoying entertainment with activities for the children and adults. All the food was catered. Their theme was “Bringing Family and Friends Together – It Is Never Too Late.” Costs were $20 per person (ages 10 to 100), $10 per child 5-10 and free for child 0 to 4. Cost covered caterer, fish fry, soft drinks, activity equipment rental and DJ. Reported by Maxine Smith, Cheverly, Maryland.


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e want to hang your relatives in Portland. We’re gonna string ’em up, and you are all invited to the “neck tie” party. Naturally I will supply the rope, but nothing as macabre as a gallows or lynch mob will be present, but the image of your ancestor/s will dance in the breeze. A clothesline exhibit of your kith and kin will be displayed during the 95th BFA reunion, however, your execution is needed for the deed to be successful. Local office supply stores sell “iron-on t-shirt transfers” that will enable you to position your favorite relative on dry goods of your own choosing. Just photocopy the image (and name) using the transfer paper, that iron on the fabric. Grab a couple clothespins and we’ll hang ’em high. With success, the exhibit will become a permanent annual display, with fresh “hangings” each year. Thanks to Gil Bunker, Turnersville, New Jersey.

A meet and greet in Atlanta


he highlight of our McDowellStillwell Family Reunion in Atlanta, Georgia, was the meet and greet. Family members poured in from Michigan and New York and, of course, our home city, Atlanta. Senita Stillwell presented a plaque of recognition to our family matriarch, Helen McDowell-Moss. We all felt privileged to be together in unity. And everyone left the reunion feeling a renewed strength in family and love. Shared by Anne K. Stillwell-Heard, Atlanta, Georgia.

Past reunion tales told


he Kinnaird, Sloan, Aden, and Sowers Family Reunion members traveled from Arizona, Illinois, Indiana, Virginia and Kentucky. In this photo Billy Joe Huntsman, Louisville, Kentucky (right), is telling memories and tales from past reunions to Ann Tefteller, Indianapolis, Indiana (left), and Brenda Breitenbach, Glendale Arizona (center) at Franklin-Simpson Community Park in Franklin, Kentucky. Shared by Kathy Jill Johnson, Alvaton, Kentucky

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Family spreads Christmas cheer


he Lewandowski family of Rosebud, Alberta, Canada, decided to forego Christmas presents last year, and used the money to travel to Vicente Guerrero, Mexico, to build a three-room wooden house for a family of six. The mini-family reunion included grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins. Mark Lewandowski said that the purpose of the trip was partially to teach his kids about issues outside of their community. “None of us are very wealthy, we work in theatre. But at the same time, we are so blessed and have so much more than others.” The family planned to fund the trip themselves, but when residents of Rosebud, population 100, heard about their plans, they dug into their pockets to help, and raised about $2,500, including $500 from 12-year-old Liam’s school council. From a story by Emily Senger on, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.

Tips for making New Year’s resolutions 1 CREATE A PLAN Setting a goal without formulating a plan is merely wishful thinking. A good plan will tell you A) what to do next and B) steps required to complete the goal. 2 WRITE YOUR RESOLUTION AND PLAN Commit your resolution and plan to writing. helps formulate a plan. 3 THINK “YEAR-ROUND,” NOT JUST N EW YEAR’S

Nothing big gets accomplished in one day. Develop a ritual or habit for revisiting your plan. 4 R EMAIN FLEXIBLE Your plan can and will change. Flexibility is required to complete all but the simplest goals. Sometimes even the goal will change. Goals are accomplished in many small increments. Acknowledge incremental successes! N OV E M B E R / D EC E M B E R / JA N UA R Y 20 0 9 ❖ R E U N I O N S



The Human Family Reunion celebration


he Cultural Division of Community College in Wyandotte County, Kansas, started an ethnic festival three years ago called the Human Family Reunion to celebrate diversity in the county. Last year the festival featured more than 40 booths, nationalities from all over the world, a food court of different tastes and delicacies, and entertainment! There were bagpipers, Panama dancers, Mexican dancers, German and Swedish singers, India and Bali dancers, and a real hit … especially with the men … Marrakesh Dancers were a big hit. Marrakesh Dancers. The event ends with everyone singing We are the World. It is called The Human Family Reunion because Wyandotte County is so diverse, and this gives us a chance to get together and celebrate! Reported by Beth Folson, Kansas City, Kansas.

Colorful Mexican dancers livened the Human Family Reunion.

Shelton Taylor Thomas reunion does Flint


he Shelton Taylor Thomas Reunion in Flint, Michigan, began with a Meet and Greet Thursday night, with plenty of food, hugs, kisses and games to get reacquainted and kick off the reunion. Independence Day was a picnic with lots of fun and games. Following the picnic attendees could participate in any of several events or just relax in their hotel rooms. Saturday included a visit to Sloan Museum to learn about the

history of Flint and the auto industry, lunch at Historic German town Frankenmuth, a visit to Bronner’s Christmasland (where it is Christmas 361 days a year) to sight-see or ride in a horsedrawn carriage. Saturday evening there was a semi-formal Family Reunion Banquet at the hotel. The reunion ended with a spirit-filled service on Sunday morning. Reported by Alfredia Wingate, Flint, Michigan.

41 years of family tradition


he Blakely Family Reunion has been meeting for 41 years. Darlene Marion reports that most of the time they all get along, except for one issue that keeps coming to the table! The older adults keep trying for a two-year reunion; most of the younger members are against this, because they don’t see each other enough as it is and each state only gets the reunion every five years! Doing a reunion generates many stories. One time they went to their home state of Arkansas and toured a cotton field. Everyone on the bus broke out in red rashes and they had to buy calamine lotion to stop itching. Another time they went to the Wisconsin Dells and never saw each other until Sunday dinner (they won’t do that again). At last year’s reunion, they had to attend a cousin’s funeral in Chicago on Friday afternoon, on their way to the Milwaukee reunion that started Friday evening. (Tyler Perry would be proud!) But Michigan in 2003 tops the mark. It was my turn to host the reunion, Marion wrote. Our mailings told everyone, “Come to Michigan because Michigan is the place to be for fun and festivities!” Five years before, our reunion theme for Michigan had been Carnival! We had it all, games, giveaways, auctions, bouncers, and of course, plenty of barbecue, potato salad and catfish. (Yuk! how can anyone eat a fish that has the word “cat” at the beginning of it?) It was a Blast! The family went away happy. Then, just five years later, we were the host again for the 2003 Blakely Family Reunion! Our theme was It’s a 70s Thang! We were giving out psychedelic bandanas, peace symbol necklaces and afro wigs!


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Our t-shirts were going to be psychedelic, too! Everything was going great! Or so we thought! Around 3:00PM on the Thursday before the reunion, parts of the Northeast, the Midwest US and parts of Canada were hit with a massive blackout! What? I couldn’t believe it! People from other states called Thursday night. “Is the reunion still on?? Should they come?” We told them yes, come on. They promised us we would have power by the next day. That did not happen. On Friday, when I awoke, we were still without power and a bus from Chicago was on its way. All I could do was lie on the living room couch! What were we going to do? But, we didn’t have time to wonder. The bus arrived and the hotel wouldn’t let people come in, not even to use the ladies room. They were hungry and tired. We had already rounded up pits for the meat and set them up in the driveway where we cooked meat all night long. My sisters took the people to a hotel that had power 23 miles away and we brought food to their rooms. Thank God, most of the people were not arriving until Saturday morning. Most of the reunion is in the daytime, so we were ok with the Saturday picnic, except for the guy who was doing our t-shirts. With no power, we had no shirts! What’s a reunion without t-shirts! Believe me, the older people were not happy with that! But, by 4:00 PM, most of Michigan had lights, our Sunday dinner went as planned and the rest of the reunion went well. We are a family that has suffered a lot, but we keep marching on. We are smart, talented (for real) and loving. We are big on family and believe that we really do need each other to survive.

Families celebrated


ellie J. Chapman-Davis has been researching the Lilley Woolard and Bowen families for over 20 years. Nellie has planned and implemented reunions each year since 1988. Their recent reunion was in Washington, North Carolina, starting Friday afternoon with a cook out, and fun and games for the children including swimming, basketball, fishing, etc. On Saturday “we had a banquet at the Civic Center in Washington, North Carolina. At our banquet we have a guest speaker, fashion show and talent show. We have many poster boards to display family history to include our military family members (past and present). We present gifts for the person who traveled farthest, the person who paid first and the oldest member present.” We are the descendants of Joe and Annie Lilley and are very proud of our heritage. We come in many colors, shapes and sizes, we live in different parts of the country, but we never forget where we come from. The same blood runs through all our veins and we continue to be grateful for who we are. Our ancestors were slaves on the J.A. Lilley Plantation in Griffin Township, Martin County, North Carolina. Many acres are still owned by the Bowen descendants. Reported by Nellie J. Chapman-Davis, Palm Coast, Florida. WHEN YOU’VE FINISHED USING THIS MAGAZINE, PLEASE RECYCLE IT.

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Hike,bike,kayak, sail or hoof it! Pictures by Edith Wagner

by Edith Wagner


ooking for a genuine family place? A four season place where summer is amazing, each spring a wonder, autumn colors are spectacular and winter boasts great cold weather sports? It’s all in Door County, Wisconsin.

FINDING YOUR WAY AROUND … Door County Trolley is a great starting point and introductory orientation, where you can get your bearings and learn more about the peninsula. Narrated tours include breathtaking vistas from Door County’s scenic bluffs overlooking the islands, local legend and lore ( In Door County you must want to be outdoors because there is so much to explore and see and do, and so many ways to satisfy your curiosity. Land and rock formations need explanation, lighthouse life and operations need telling. And for that purpose, many friendly, well versed interpreters (rangers, docents, guides) are able to take on questions. It’s so much more fun

Al Johnson’s restaurant’s goats keep the thatched roof trimmed.

when questions are answered with certainty, and these knowledgeable persons will fill your head with new information. This is a great time for kids to step up and pay attention because when they explore, they will better understand where they are and what they’re seeing. Stop and smell the flowers on a naturalist-guided hike at The Ridges Sanctuary, Wisconsin’s oldest nonprofit nature preserve, a designated State

My Segway companions, the Rahn family from Columbia, Missouri, touring Peninsula State Park in Door County, Wisconsin.


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Natural Area, an Audubon Important Bird Area and National Natural Landmark featuring native wildflowers along its five miles of rustic trails and bridges ( Shopping is a goal for some visitors and in the many attractive little towns, men and boys congregate on rocking chairs and benches waiting for women and girls who are exploring shops, galleries, studios full of treasures and souvenirs. Mixed in are bistros, restaurants and ice cream shops to soothe the spirit.

AND WHEN YOU’RE HUNGRY … Need to kick the Micky D fast food habit? Door County, Wisconsin, is the place to do it. After you leave Sturgeon Bay from the south, the door to the Door, you will find no sign, nor hint nor crumb of any fast food chain. Which is to say, you will eat good, healthy, tasty, often locally grown meals that will knock your socks off. The renowned local specialty and must-have for at least one celebration is a fish boil, known elsewhere as an Authentic Door County Fish Boil. But in Door County a fish boil requires you be

present for the spectacular boiling and the boiling over, which will really fascinate the kids. The menu is whitefish freshly caught in Lake Michigan off Door County shores boiled in large pots over a wood fire with new potatoes and sometimes carrots and onions. By all means accept the server’s offer to debone your fish. The requisite contrasting cool coleslaw finishes the main course and introduces the piece de resistance, Door County cherry pie. White Gull Inn’s fish boil was started 100 years ago by the Scandinavian settlers and is only one of many ( Door County cherry everything! Pie, cakes (try the delicate multi-layered cherry champagne cake at the Washington Island Hotel;, cookies, jam, jelly, bratwurst – yes, cherry – and many other ways to eat them, like in chicken or apple salads. And then all the cherry-themed souvenirs like dish towels, aprons, t-shirts … you get the idea. Most of the cherries are the Montmorency which thrive in this special place, where Lake Michigan breezes (mostly gentle) waft across the peninsula to the Bay of Green Bay, creating perfect conditions for growing cherries. Raspberries and apples have their seasons in Door County, too. Proud labels proclaim “Made in Sweden” (or Norway or Denmark or Iceland) – particularly in Sister Bay where the Al Johnson’s “empire” ( attracts the curious to see goats nibbling his roof. Al Johnson’s is a restaurant you’ll want to visit for a sumptuous breakfast of Swedish pancakes and lingonberries. Never heard of lingonberries? The costumed waitress is eager to explain. Catering is a wonderful option for a meal without work or a picnic that can be delivered and enjoyed in one of many Door

Need help?

Hands On Gallery is a popular Door County art barn with arts and crafts to delight kids and adults.

County parks. Buy a Wisconsin State Park sticker to go in and out of the parks. Admission to County parks, on the other hand, is free. And while you are there, you can marvel at all the agriculture going on between the two coasts of the Door County peninsula. And you will find distinct sides to this peninsula. The Lake Michigan side is notable for its high (40’) cliffs forced up by the passing glaciers millions of years ago, while the Green Bay side has soft beaches and calmer waters for relaxing and chilling out. Lighthouses abound on the Lake Michigan side, oozing their sense of purpose and adventure. On the bay side the feel is more laid back and slower.

ISLANDS IN THE SUN … Door County is surrounded by many islands, some inhabited, some not. The most prominent is Washington Island off the northern tip of Door County and reachable only by boat (every half hour in summer and every hour in winter). The Cherry Train (www.cherrytraintours .com) is a fine introduction to tiny Washington Island. This narrated tour has brief stops at the Art & Nature Center, Farm Museum, Pioneer Cabin,

Door County Visitor Bureau, 920-743-4456,

Also hear more about Door County at or a video at www.DoorCounty.dom/podcast.

Double Log Barn. But probably most impressive is the Stavkirke, hand-built recently by island craftsmen, blending ancient Norse tradition with a new form of worship. This “Church of Staves” recalls the days of shipbuilding techniques and the structure lives and breathes like a Viking ship. Want to boat? Try Washington Island ferry, pontoon tours out of Ephraim harbor, kayaking, canoeing, parasailing tethered to a boat. Or fish all around and for Bebot off Washington Island. Locals call Bebot lawyers but for the explanation, you’ll either have to go there or explore the Door County web site,

EMPHASIS ON FAMILY There are many clues and examples of the importance of family in Door County. I defy you to find as many multigenerational businesses elsewhere. This is a place where children go away to school, perhaps work away for a while, but almost invariably come home to Door County: it is magnetic. Ask as you go. Lars Johnson follows his father at Al Johnson’s in Sister Bay, Nicholas Daubner is a young version of his father Randy at The English Inn ( in Fish Creek, the whole Kwaterski family makes Floran II Lakeshore Rib and Steak House in Baileys Harbor hum, and Carrie Lautenbach Viste managers her father’s and grandfather’s Orchard Country in Fish Creek ( continued

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Hike,bike,kayak, sail or hoof it! ART AND CRAFTS Many fine artists and craftspeople call Door County home or visit often for the vast palette of nature and inspiration. Their production is well exhibited in many shops and galleries, and many encourage you to visit their studios, where you can see them in action or at least meet them in person. It is the influence of the homegrown talent and art that seems to keep plastic souvenirs from a certain Asian country from taking over. Of course, you may find a MadeSomeplace-Else label in Door County from time to time, but not as much as in other tourist destinations. There are also opportunities for everyone interested in creating art to do that, too. At Hands On Gallery (, the art barn is a microcosm of arts and crafts that keep grown-ups and kids squealing with delight. I was with a group of adults who could not be prouder of the mosaics they created, but I was most struck by the intensity of the kids stringing beads, painting clay or bird houses and doing crafts I didn’t even recognize. It is the

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perfect place for a rainy day, except that everyone in Door County knows that. Newly added is the Hands On Build Your Own Meal bar, where the ingredients are laid out and you build what you want with them--not unlike a buffet, because you end up with a sandwich, wrap or salad with exactly your choices inside.

THE DRAMA IS ALL HERE Entertainment in Door County will surprise you. Peninsula Players in Fish Creek is America’s oldest professional resident summer theatre, offering visitors professional artistic excellence combined with incredible scenic beauty since 1935 ( The American Folklore Theatre ( performs outdoors under a canopy of trees and stars at the Peninsula State Park Amphitheatre. There are also afternoon concerts in local parks and an accordian player at White Gull Inn to accompany your fish boil! SPORTS IN THE DOOR There is probably no sport associated with water or nature that is not in evidence in Door County. Parasail, hike, bike, kayak, sail, walk, golf, shuffleboard, tennis, swim, sail … it’s all here in abundance. And my personal favorite: a segway tour at Peninsula State Park ( Learn how easy the latest technology in human transport can be while surrounded by magnificent views of Green Bay and Horseshoe Island; lessons included.


ACCOMMODATIONS Sorry, there are no national chain hotels north of Sturgeon Bay, but an infinite array of one-of-a-kind comfortable, quiet accommodations for all size reunions. Condos are an option if you want to cook and have everyone close together. Condo resorts have pools, tennis courts, lovely gardens and walks, often right on the water (Bay Shore Inn, Straight Rigger Lodge). Or choose from cabins, lodges, motels, bed and breakfasts, resorts and lots of camping. Lots of places are available for smaller family reunions, reunions of friends, or reunions of siblings sans kids and grandkids. Cook in, find a place that has a restaurant or eat in and out! But it seems wise to collect provisions before or on the way because while there are plenty of grocery stores, there are few supermarkets after Sturgeon Bay. Amazing how a place so close to home can be so far away in charm and attitude. You, dear reader, may not be as close as I (three and half hour drive) but it is an atmosphere that you should consider for your next reunion that will be imbued with a new sense of nature and friendliness that exists few other places. At most times of year traffic is minimal, stop signs are few and drivers move slowly for fear of missing a scenic overlook or rare hawk flying overhead. Never heard of Door County? Neither had many of my travel companions. They were surprised at every turn, amazed and enchanted and, to a person, looked forward to coming back.

About the author Edith Wagner is editor of Reunions magazine.

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Get your fill of “Giddy Up”

W Consider a western dude ranch


he Dude Ranchers’ Association (DRA), formed in 1926, is the chief organization for guest ranch owners. More than 100 member ranches are in the Western US and Canada. The DRA promotes Western dude ranch vacations and works closely with government agencies to preserve and protect public lands. It’s not uncommon for ranches of several thousand acres to border sizeable national parks or forests, forming a vast parcel of remote wilderness and making ranchers unofficial stewards of the land. DRA ranches offer special children’s programs, pools, tennis courts, health and fitness programs, a menu of treatments and every amenity associated with resort destinations. The all-inclusive reunion is a good option for the budget-minded. Dude ranch

guests enjoy three meals a day in the allinclusive price and aren’t charged for assorted activities and extras typically tacked on to a bill at other accommodations. And dude ranches reward those who plan ahead. Book early and save big is common policy of DRA member ranches. Ask about group rates. When costs are split between families sharing space, savings can be considerable. Another option for stretching travel dollars is to take shorter trips. The traditional fullweek stay is no longer mandated at most ranches. Finally, those who can carve out time during the off-season are in the best position to snag a dude ranch deal. DRA member ranches offer genuine western hospitality along with the lodging industry’s latest quality standards. Visit

ant to be a cowboy or cowgirl next summer? Kansas features a variety of rodeo events, so grab those cowboy boots and enjoy carnival rides, bull riding, children’s activities, parades and other entertainment happening throughout the state! Learn to be an authentic cowboy or cowgirl at Moore Ranch’s Cowboy School in Bucklin. Learn cowboy skills: gather, rope and brand cattle while visiting the cowboy school. Visit Junior participants compete in the Little Britches Rodeo in Dodge City one of the oldest national junior rodeos in the country. Call 620-225-2244. At the Frontier Western Celebration in El Dorado you can relive frontier cowboy heritage. Visit Kansas’s Biggest Rodeo in Phillipsburg features hundreds of cowboys and cowgirls who duke it out for the gold belt buckle and honor of being called Kansas’s Biggest Rodeo Champion. Visit Complete list of Kansas events at

Enjoy all things western


estival of the West – four days of pure cowboy fun – will be held next on March 19-22, 2009, at WestWorld at Scottsdale, Arizona. The fun includes Western film celebrities, music, movie screenings, cowboy poetry, log home show and arena events including mounted shooting competitions, chuck wagon cookin’ competition, historical reenactments, Western art,

cowboy collectibles … anything Western. It’s a fun event for the whole family, with plenty to do and see. Plan to have more dadgum fun than you can shake a snake at! Selected by Reader’s Choice through True West Magazine as the “Best Western Event” in the Country! Contact PO Box 12966, Scottsdale AZ 852672966; 602-996-4387;

Cowboy Reunion honors past, bolsters future of sport


he annual Cowboy Reunion in Billings, Montana, gathered world champions from six decades of professional rodeo. More than 600 attended the invitation-only event. The annual reunion is the primary fundraiser for the Montana Pro Rodeo Hall and Wall of Fame and for scholarships to graduating high school seniors involved in the sport of rodeo. Last year they awarded $36,000 in scholarship money, and plan to award this year’s scholarships to six boys, six girls and the two queens. Scholarship money goes to the student’s school and is awarded after first semester. Recipients must participate on the school’s rodeo team. By honoring its past, rodeo is preserving its future. From a report by Joe Kusek in the Billings Gazette, Billings, Montana. 26

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Great getaways at Echo Valley Ranch & Spa


cho Valley Ranch & Spa, in British Columbia’s magnificent Cariboo region, draws hundreds of women from around the world each year with their friends, daughters and mothers. The tranquility of the ranch has an immediate calming effect. Friends come to share the joy of being together again, but quickly sign up for Thai spa treatments, horseback riding and hiking. Daughter and mother Katie and Debra Pritchard, San Mateo, California, said they’d “found paradise.” Mother and daughter Denise and Naomi Sobel of Peter and Rita Thomas, Scottsdale, Arizona, took their Thomas/Blais Famlly Reunion to Echo Valley ranch which they called the most amazing property ... a wonderful oasis.

Diane Wood on her mount, Sky.


olorado Trails Ranch did an exceptional job of finding a way to make the whole Lyons Family Reunion happy; grandparents in their 70s, parents in their 40s and the real challenge, grandkids ranging in age from 5 to 21. With the riding, rafting, wrangling, archery, fly fishing, shopping, touring ruins, swimming, camping, the game room, dancing, singing, well there just wasn’t any time for complaining! Everyone was thrilled. Visit 28

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New York City said, “Horses, spa, great food and people ... as we say in New York, ‘What’s not to like?’” The atmosphere of the ranch sets the mood for rekindling close friendships … the pampering spa, splendid horses, delicious food, breathtaking landscape and forested hiking trails create a perfect environment where girlfriends can renew friendships and restore their passion for life. The ranch boasts of its large, open day-lit room with top-of-the-line fitness apparatus and a peaceful solarium with a heated indoor lap pool. Echo Valley ranch owners, Norm and Nan Dove, followed their dream of creating a ranch that offers endless

activities as well as the opportunity to relax, reflect and enjoy the simplicities of life. Jackie Hill of Raleigh, North Carolina, raves about “the healing hands of the massage therapists.” Friends Diana Wood and Linda Blake of Ontario, who thought the spa treatments “were beyond words,” were part of a group of 12 friends from across Canada who have gathered at Echo Valley for the last three years. Master Chef Kim Madsen delights guests with his culinary skills while chatting with them in his open kitchen. Guests relax around the campfire long past the golden sunsets.

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A LITTLE RETAIL THERAPY A reunion auction and kids store by Sunny McClellan Morton


several crafty cousins bid up the price. unding can be one of the trickiest And Aunt Nancy’s table runners were as parts of a family reunion. At our popular as predicted. There seemed to recent McClellan clan gathering in be something for everyone. Richland, Washington, we hosted an Judging by the bidding, the most auction and a “kids store.” Not only did popular items were those with the most we raise money to launch another sentimental value. My mom brought a reunion, our “retail” activity got us all 30-year old framed reunion photo of all laughing together, and we each went the grandchildren in matching t-shirts. home with a little something extra. I’m in that picture, as are many of my An auction is admittedly not an cousins who now have children of their original idea, but it’s easily planned and own. Two 8x10 enlargements of the executed even if everyone is traveling. photo, scanned from an old slide, Each family was asked in advance to commanded prices that validated my bring items for the auction table. As the Ellen McClellan with son Richard shows off a hand-thrown pot mom’s efforts to find and scan it. A tables filled with handmade crafts, new made by her granddaughter – which she won at the auction. second picture, toys and garage-sale finds, also donated by sharp-eyed relatives watched for my mother, was a items they wanted. It became framed shot of my clear that bidding wars might young grandfather ensue over Aunt Nancy’s quilted sneaking a kiss table runners. from my Meanwhile, the oldest greatgrandmother. That grandchildren were put in charge was my favorite of a second table “the kids item, though its store.” The younger greatbidding price grandchildren quickly gathered quickly passed to buy small toys and candy with my range. their pocket change. This activity In the end, the wasn’t intended to raise a lot of auction raised money but instead got all the Robert Abbott, the oldest McClellan grandchild, runs the auction enough money to great-grandchildren involved and Jimmy McClellan (9) shows off process, while his mother Sandra supervises in the background. a bag of candy, mostly Tootsie start planning our talking to each other. They ran Pops and Dots, all bought at next low-budget get-together. I came home with soap that off from the “kids store” with the kids store. reminds of me of my cousin Stacy, a bracelet made by my new treasures: coloring books, cousin Kristi, little toys my children picked out themselves and plastic musical instruments, Tootsie a smile every time I think of the good time we all had at the Pops and bubbles. reunion auction. Finally the auction started. Robert Abbott was appointed auctioneer and his wry sense of TIPS FOR A SUCCESSFUL REUNION AUCTION humor kept everyone in stitches as 1. Give attendees advance notice to bring a worthy item or they bid, though he could have used two for auction. a little more coaching to get people 2. Include family memorabilia (like photos or to part with their money. “What do handicrafts). These may be inexpensive but to your you mean ten dollars? This isn’t family, they are priceless. worth three dollars!” But he 3. Choose an auctioneer with a sense of humor and a gift certainly kept people’s attention. for coaxing money from its owners. Many of us traveled some 4. You’ll get more participation when you have items that distance to the reunion, so auction George Ransom helps his grandappeal to different ages: tool sets, cooking supplies, daughter Elizabeth (5) bid up a toy items were mostly small sizes. But remote control cars, makeup kits, iPod accessories. thought and effort were put into the she desperately wanted at the auction. 5. Is there a family hobby? Include auction items that donations. My cousins brought appeal to the fishermen, golfers, quilters, or other hand-thrown pots and homemade jewelry and soap. One hobbyists in the group. cousin’s wife made a lap-sized jean quilt. Others brought toys 6. Remind everyone to bring a checkbook or some cash! they knew would be snapped up by their own children or Unless, of course, your reunion takes American Express. grandchildren (a remote-control car comes to mind). A Reported by Sunny McClellan Morton, Euclid, Ohio. scrapbooking binder stuffed with supplies caused a stir when


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Silverton alumni success Setting up an auction


udy Nunn is the spark behind the Silverton (Oregon) High School Alumni Association and its fundraising activities. Here she describes how they set up their auction. We fill long tables with items, each of which has a bid sheet. The bid sheets are made ahead of time, as we collect the merchandise. I take pictures of each item and print it right on the bid sheet, listing the item and who donated it. Many merchants give gift certificates. For the certificates, we make a stand-up display board (81/2''x11'' or 5''x7'') showing the item or restaurant, in the case of a meal. In the case of monetary certificates ($20 worth of merchandise, for example) the amount of the certificate is listed on the bid sheet. Where a certificate is to be redeemed for an item (Christmas tree, for Class baskets are popular. example), a description of the merchandise is listed on the bid sheet. Gift certificates bring recipients into local businesses. Class baskets were started several years ago. We encourage each class to donate one. Each is decorated, some wrapped in cellophane and usually have a “theme.” Examples have been a chocolate basket, containing different kinds of chocolate. One was a coffee basket with coffee beans, mugs, flavored ground coffee, etc. Another was all candy bars, and looked like a bouquet. One was movies, popcorn and other snacks. My class created a yarn basket containing finished crocheted and knitted items, yarn, knitting needles, crochet hook and instruction book. Several alumni members bring a bottle of wine or liquor for auction. The past two years we filled a wooden box and this year we put the bottles in an old wheelbarrow. It is a big seller every year. Another high ticket item is a motorized scooter donated two years in a row by the local medical equipment supplier. Our former high school principal, Mr. Anderson, now retired, builds furniture as a hobby. He donates tables, small wooden pianos (plays similar to a music box) and recently a gavel. The lady who won the bid on the gavel is a Superior Court judge in Washington, DC. She uses it in her court!

Display of Silverton Alumni Association auction items.


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Fundraising ideas


rom we learned some of these good ideas. Family and class reunion fundraisers are a lot of work! And one of the biggest decisions is often deciding what type of fundraiser to do. Family recipes in a custom cookbook can raise $1,500 to $3,000. Add pictures and stories – in fact, pictures sell more books. Or try t-shirts featuring a drawing of your school, family or class reunion group, caricatures or favorite activities and events. Lollipops, scratch cards, cookie dough, candy bars, candles, catalog, jewelry, desserts and personalized items … mark ’em up and add the profit to your reunion’s bottom line. Or consider events for fundraising: dinners, plays, car washes, raffles and auctions. And these ideas were found on AfriGeneas Family Reunion Forum, posted by Cynthia. Some sample ideas to buy for auction: chess game, dart game, dominoes, back to school-filled back pack, gift certificates from local stores, gas cards, movie theater gift certificate, grocery story gift certificate, 20 $1 lottery scratch-offs, a big gift bag with assorted items for the kids … be adventurous. Listen to what folks in your family like to buy and build an item around that. During the year there are always close-out items on clearance so keep an eye out. Think about the age groups from young to old. We found these ideas in the Shumpert Family Reunion newsletter (see the newsletter at First they suggested savings tips for an easy way to pay for reunion registration without breaking the bank. 1. Get an empty envelope and write ‘Family Reunion’ on the front. 2. From this week forward for each family member attending the reunion, place $10 a week per person (or $40 a month) inside the envelope. 3. Put it away so you won’t touch it until you have enough saved to register! Do you know by the time registration is due you will have saved $350 for each family member – enough to pay for registration, hotel and St. Louis souvenirs!!!! Remember small change adds up to BIG dollars. They have an ongoing fundraiser called Shumpert Yellow Pages with members’ addresses and contact information. Their goal is to make it a “very handy family heirloom.” Cleverly a form to submit your info for the book is also a form to order personal copies. Preorders were $20. Thanks to Emily Alexander, Florissant, Missouri.


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Brandywine at 40


evin Donohue and his committee from the Wilmington, Delaware, Brandywine High School Class of 1967 had specific ideas about the kind of reunion they wanted to deliver. The endeavor was greatly successful and here are some of the reasons why. 1. We wanted the ticket price to be no higher than $65 to insure maximum turnout. 2. Since this was our big 40th reunion, we wanted to put on a first class event – a really “special night” with great food in a memorable location, creatively and tastefully decorated … a reunion people would not soon forget. 3. Marilyn Monson, reunion treasurer, chose a brilliant location, the Blue Ball Dairy Barn, well known for nostalgic appeal as The big key to our success was the 40th reunion committee (l to r) Sherry Chapman Grizzel, Marilyn Monson Nimtz, Linda Fuhrmeister Potter, Kevin Donohue and Pat Walker Fox, who worked tirelessly and many hours tracking down classmates, producing quality materials, staying in touch with our class database, emailing them continuously with professional looking remainders, including a direct mail to classmates we did not have email information for. It really was a team effort and well worth it. Over 160 turned out for a 40th reunion.

We sent out a reunion fund appeal letter to 80 select classmates who we thought could handle an additional financial request. We did not specify how much they should give. Amounts given ranged from $25 to $2000. We featured Reunion Fund givers on their nametag, in the printed program and on the website.

almost every classmate was aware of this famous landmark. Blue Ball Barn had been an old but dilapidated barn located on a main Wilmington thoroughfare, the Concord Pike. Timing was great. It was undergoing a multi-million dollar renovation to become the Delaware Folk Life Art Museum. The $3500 rental added further upward pressure to the ticket price. 4. The caterer was the single largest expense. Marilyn and I worked with them on creative cost-saving solutions for food selection, tent size, food service and utensils to reduce costs without reducing overall quality. This took several strategy sessions. Marilyn was a stickler for getting value on the dollar spent and not wasting money on needless extravagances. 5. The beer was donated by Twin Lakes Brewery, a new, local Delaware microbrewer. A local liquor supplier charged wholesale prices and we chose great wines that were picked specifically to accompany the food selections. We had a cash bar and sold tickets which paid for the alcohol and soda. We raised about $11,000 – a good thing, as our original projected amount fell short of actual costs minus ticket price revenue. We finished with a little surplus, which we rolled to CDs for the next reunion. We were very fortunate to be able to raise this extra amount of money. Without it, we would have had to move the reunion to a less desirable locale and cut back in other ways. Everyone said how great the reunion was. Reported by Kevin Donohue, Ellicott City, Maryland, BHS 40th Reunion Committee-Chair

Reunion fundraiser pays tribute to classmates


embers of Billings (Montana) West High School and Senior High School classes of 1967 did not forget the people who weren’t there at their 40-year reunion. Organizers had engraved and placed a memorial bench dedicated to deceased classmates of both classes in Swords Park on the Rims overlooking downtown


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Billings. Some died during the Vietnam War. The bench is made of river rock and engraved with “It’s not the length of life, but the depth of life.” A memorial service on reunion Sunday marked the official dedication of the bench. Organizer Carol Daniel said, “It’s nice for us to have something to remember our

classmates by and for their families to know we care.” Raffle tickets were sold for $1 each during the reunion to pay for the bench. Raffle items donated by class members included homemade pies, gift baskets, wine, gift certificates and artwork. From a story by Keriann Lynch in the Billings Gazette, Billings, Montana.


Military Reunion tours


he US Naval Academy Armel-Leftwich Visitor Center hosts about 40 military groups each year. The two-and-a-half-hour Military Reunion Tour includes a theater presentation and guided walking tour (a minimum of walking), including

Memorial Hall, Main Chapel and the crypt of John Paul Jones. Call 410-293-8687; Here the 82nd Armored Division, US Army veterans and families at US Naval Academy tour.

Missing Man Table


t popular Branson, Missouri, attraction, Dolly Parton’s Dixie Stampede, military reunion groups can experience a special tribute at a dedicated “Missing Man Table & Honors Ceremony” acknowledging veterans, active duty, and those lost and missing in conflict. This remembrance is widely performed by veterans organizations honoring those who are missing from the celebration. Many narratives have been written for the presentation, but the symbolism is constant: Dixie Stampede will set the “Missing Man Table” and provide the special honors ceremony by request for military reunion groups only. As guests are seated, they see an empty table set for one. The empty place setting signifies each branch of service, with flags representing Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, Coast Guard, and Merchant Marine. The Honors Ceremony that follows describes each item on the table and its significance.


The table is round, signifying everlasting concern for the missing. The tablecloth is white, symbolizing the call to duty. A single red rose in a vase represents the lives of the missing, their loved ones and friends. The vase is tied with a red ribbon, symbol of continued determination to account for the missing. A slice of lemon on the plate is a reminder of the bitter fate of those captured and missing. A pinch of salt symbolizes the tears endured by their families. The Bible represents the faith to sustain those lost. An inverted glass signifies the missing who cannot share the evening’s celebration. The chair is empty because they are missing. The private ceremony is provided by request, free of charge, for military reunion groups of 15 or more attending that evening’s Dixie Stampede Dinner & Show. To arrange a ceremony for your military reunion, contact Pat Veach at 800-520-5101 x245; From Ozarks First, Springfield, Missouri.

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82nd Airborne Memorial


he 82nd Airborne Division reunion in St. Louis, Missouri, visited the 82nd Airborne Memorial in Jefferson Barracks National Cemetery. There was an aerial display of paratroopers at the Jefferson Barracks Park’s Army Reserve area, site of the very first Airborne parachute jump in 1912. The jump, rides and other attractions were open to the public. Archbishop of New Orleans, Phillip Hannan, a veteran of the World War II 82nd Airborne Division, came to commemorate the historic event. From the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, St. Louis, Missouri.

Vietnam Vets reunite and give back



any family reunions look for ways to acknowledge and honor members and ancestors who have served in the military. Joni Wilson, Round Rock, Texas, is making Military Memory Pages for each family member who served. This page for her husband is an example.

ndiana National Guard veterans from Company D, 151st Airborne Rangers, 151st Infantry, recently celebrated the 40-year anniversary of their deployment to Vietnam. Activities included supporting and learning about current troops. Veterans were brought up to speed about current training that mobilizing soldiers complete: convoy training and firing weapons in the engagement skills trainer 2000, a simulated firing system. “It’s also a healing process to get together with people you served with overseas,” said Larry Rhodes, a veteran from the 151st. “We were around combat quite a bit and the physical and mental wounds from that need healing … it’s easier to talk with friends who went through the same thing and understand what you went through.” The veterans hosted a free concert to honor current soldiers working and training at Camp Atterbury, where the 151st trained. From an article by Spc. Elizabeth Gorenc in NewsBlaze, Folsom, California.

Fulfilling dad’s wishes

I Former governor speaks at reunion


he highlight of the 459th Wing and 756th Squadron flying mission 18th annual reunion was a speech by the squadron’s former commander, and Governor of Rhode Island (1990 to 1994), Mr. Bruce Sundlin. Sundlin shared stories of his time spent as governor, as well as his dramatic tale of escape when Damn Yankee, the bomber plane he was piloting, was shot down over German-occupied Belgium in 1943. The Newport News, Virginia, Tourism Development Office (NNTDO) assisted with reunion planning. Cheryl Morales, Group Marketing Manager, said, “It was with great pleasure that I listened to their stories and was humbled by their sacrifices. It really was a great honor for our city to host their reunion.” Contact Morales at 888-493-7386.


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t was November 1944. Fifteen thousand members of the 95th Infantry Division fought in the bloody battle of Mentz. It took 95 days, but they liberated the French town from German occupation, paving the way for the allied victory. The soldiers came to be known as “The Iron Men of Mentz,” including a young medic from Toledo named Dick Schoen. For 60 years, hundreds of Iron Men reunited every summer. Dick offered to host this year’s event in Toledo, Ohio. But last August, Dick Schoen died from cancer at 84. “He really identified with the 95th Infantry Division. And he really enjoyed all the reunions,” says Bob Schoen, Dick’s son. So Dick’s 14 children stepped forward and planned the reunion their dad would not attend. The veterans spent the weekend reminiscing and telling war stories, grateful to the family of one Iron Man no longer with us, who made it all possible. Report by Dick Berry on WTOL, Toledo, Ohio.


Welcome to Reunion Resources! How to use REUNION RESOURCES Reunion resources is divided into sections. Reunion friendly places include destinations (convention, visitor and tourism bureaus) and locations (hotels, resorts, ranches, condominiums, bed & breakfasts, inns, dormitories, camps). They are listed alphabetically by state and city. The sections which follow list books and publishing, cruises, fundraising and mementos, invitations, photography, preserving reunions, postcards, and other products and services. Many resources include e-mail and web page addresses. Start on our web page www.reunions and in just one click, go directly to other resource pages – a wonderful way to visit, get more details and in some cases even place orders. We encourage you to tell the listings you contact that you learned about them from REUNIONS MAGAZINE. And if at any time you find any info that is inaccurate or e-mail or web links do not work, notify us immediately at; PO Box 11727, Milwaukee WI 53211-0727. And by all means, feel free to comment and/or suggest changes and additions you’d like to see in this section. REUNIONS MAGAZINE will not be held liable for information presented as facts in these ads. We reserve the right to edit and/or refuse any material submitted for publication.

DESTINATION & LOCATIONS INTERNATIONAL CARIBBEAN ISLANDS – VACATION HOMES VILLA FLOR DE CABRERA Cabrera, Dominican Republic. Relax in lavish style in our ultra-luxury beachfront vacation villa destination. Ten (10) generous bedroom suites, beachfront, tennis court, pool and fully staffed incl. gourmet chef. Only 7 miles from the Playa Grande Golf Course and several other local beaches. 90 min. from Puerto Plata. ph: +1.809.589.7065 web: or SEE OUR DISPLAY AD! GOLDEN DOLPHIN VILLA Cabrera, Dominican Republic. Enjoy a magnificent private estate and luxury vacation villa for all your vacation needs. Nine (9) gorgeous bedroom suites, ocean views, tennis court, pool, stables, full staff. Only 7 miles from the Playa Grande Golf Course and several other local beaches. 90 min. from Puerto Plata. ph: +1.809.589.7065 or SEE OUR DISPLAY AD!

WHITE STALLION RANCH 9251 West Twin Peaks Road, Tucson AZ 85743; 888-977-2624;; SEE OUR DISPLAY AD!

CALIFORNIA BUENA PARK CONVENTION & VISITORS OFFICE 6601 Beach Blvd. Suite 200, Buena Park CA 90621-2904. Come see why we are the ideal spot for reunions and family vacations. We are home to five major tourist attractions including Knott’s Berry Farm and only ten minutes away from Disneyland. Accommodations, restaurants and shopping are all within a mile! Beaches and mountains close by. Call 800-541-3953 for a free Travel Planner, or fax 714-562-3569.; www. LAUREL MILL LODGE PO Box 368, Los Gatos CA 95031; 408-353-5851;; www.laurelmil FAIRMONT NEWPORT BEACH DELUXE FOUR DIAMOND HOTEL. FREE shuttle to John Wayne Airport, Fashion Island Mall, South Coast Plaza & Balboa Island. Guest rooms feature highdefinition flat panel TV, DVD/CD player, complimentary safe, mini-bar and coffee maker. Hotel provides 22,000 square feet of meeting space, bambú Restaurant and Lounge with live music, Willow Stream Spa, complimentary 24-hour fitness center, heated outdoor pool & Jacuzzi. For group rates contact Nancy Ruffner at 949-955-5632 or email 4500 MacArthur Blvd., Newport Beach, CA 92660. www.

Hollywood; truly making Ontario the center of it all! www.; GREENHORN CREEK RANCH 2116 Greenhorn Road, Quincy CA 95971; 800-334-6939;; www. SEE OUR DISPLAY AD! PALM SPRINGS BUREAU OF TOURISM 777 North Palm Canyon Drive, Suite 201, Palm Springs CA 92262. 760-7788418, HOLIDAY INN SAN DIEGO BAYSIDE 4875 N Harbor Drive, San Diego CA 92106; 619-224-3621; 800-650-6660; fax 619224-1787. Host your reunion at the beautiful Holiday Inn San Diego Bayside across from San Diego Bay. Our experienced staff will assist you in creating a very special event. Complimentary hosp suite and special reunion rates. Beautiful guest rooms, heated pool, spa, shuffleboard, ping-pong and billiards, exercise room, family restaurant and cocktail lounge, free pkg, in-room movies, coffee makers, refrigerators, hair dryers. SEE OUR DISPLAY AD!; NORTHSTAR-AT-TAHOETM RESORT offers a great place to sleep, eat, play and relax in a beautiful mountain setting with a wide variety of accommodations and activities such as golf, swimming and tennis in the summer and snow sports activities in the winter. It’s no wonder Northstar was voted as a top 10 reunion destination by Family Travel Forum. A personal event planner is provided to help plan your unforgettable reunion. Highway 267 & Northstar Dr., Truckee, CA 96160, 800-926-5096,,

OAKLAND CONVENTION & VISITORS BUREAU 463 11th Street Oakland CA 94607; 510-839-9000. Oakland is California’s best-kept secret. Just minutes to San Francisco by rapid transit, ferry, bus or car. Breathtaking waterfront views. Unique, affordable venues for reunions of all sizes. World-class jazz, restaurants and major-league sports. Call or email today for your FREE Visitors Guide.; SEE OUR DISPLAY AD!

YOSEMITE NATIONAL PARK Take it all in. With more than 750,000 acres of natural, pristine beauty, accommodations ranging from rustic tent cabins to Four Diamond Hotel rooms, a multitude of function spaces and a virtually unlimited number of activities to choose from, Yosemite is the ideal destination for your next reunion or gathering. To book your reunion, call 877967-7275 or visit SEE OUR DISPLAY AD!

ONTARIO CONVENTION AND VISITORS BUREAU 2000 E. Convention Center Way, Ontario, CA 91764; (909) 937-3000. In the center of Southern California positioned between Los Angeles and Palm Springs, Ontario has over 30 brand name hotels and 2,500 rooms within walking distance of the convention center. LA/Ontario International Airport offers more than 250 daily flights on most major airlines. Under an hour from Ontario are mountain ski resorts, fresh-water fishing lakes, Pacific beaches, wineries, day spas, desert cities, world-class golfing, Disneyland and

BLACK FOREST B&B LODGE & CABINS 11170 Black Forest Road, Colorado Springs CO 80908: AAA-3 diamond Log Lodge & Cabins on 20 acres of pines overlooking the city lights of Colorado Springs and the Rocky Mountains. 4 guest houses can sleep up to a total of 40. Indoor gathering space for up to 50 and outdoor log pavilion for up to 100. Playground, wireless internet. Minutes away from all Pikes Peak area attractions. Ideal for weddings, reunions, retreats, conferences. 800-809-9901; 719495-4208; fax 719-495-0688;; www.


VILLA CASTELLAMONTE Cabrera, Dominican Republic. Enjoy an eight (8) bedroom private luxury vacation villa for an exceptional and unique vacation experience in the Caribbean. This is a perfect reunion destination with spacious bedroom suites, individually designed interiors, semi-private beach, massive private pool, game/media room, wine cellar and a fully dedicated staff. Only 7 miles from the Playa Grande Golf Course and several other local beaches. 90 min. from the Puerto Plata airport. ph: +1.809.589.7065 web: or SEE OUR DISPLAY AD!

To request information from display advertisers, check the box(es), fill information on back, clip and return to REUNIONS MAGAZINE, INC, PO Box 11727, Milwaukee WI 53211-0727. (list is sorted by state then name).



FOREVER RESORTS offers vacations for a lifetime with 46 destinations to choose from and enjoy. From wilderness lodging in Northern AZ to our smooth-water raft trip from the base of Hoover Dam ... from touring the famed Southfork Ranch to awe inspiring views of the Rockies. Not to mention, 12 houseboat marinas including Lake Powell. Come see why we are the ideal spot for reunions. 480-998-7199 x 7114; fax 480-998-9965;;

ARIZONA HOLIDAY INN PHOENIX WEST 1500 N. 51st. Avenue, Phoenix AZ 85043; 602-484-9009 x 517; fax 602-484-0404;; ESPLENDOR RESORT 1069 Camino Caralampi, Rio Rico AZ 85648. Esplendor Resort is a 179-room full service hotel just 50 miles south of Tucson, Arizona. The hotel offers world-class golf on the Robert Trent Jones Sr. designed golf course, tennis on four lighted courts and an Olympic sized outdoor pool. Spacious guestrooms offer private patio or balcony overlooking spectacular Arizona sunsets. Toll Free: 800-288-4746;; SEE OUR DISPLAY AD!

Reader Service Card V19N2 NOVEMBER/DECEMBER/JANUARY 2009



Caribbean ❑ Dominican Republic Villas / North Coast. . . . . . . . 9 ❑ Barcelo Crestline Hotels Resorts . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑


Holiday Inn Priority Club . . . . . . . . . . National Holiday Inn San Diego Bayside . . . . . . . . . . CA Yosemite National Park . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CA Blue Heron Beach Resort. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FL Charlotte Harbor and the Gulf Islands. . . . NC Comfort Suites World Golf Village . . . . . . . . FL Embassy Suites Intermediary . . . . . . National Radisson Hotel Nashua . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NH Heritage Hotels & Resorts . . . . . . . . . . . . . NM Circus Circus Reno. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NV Gaylord Opryland Hotel & Conference Ctr . . TN Fripp Island Golf & Beach Resort . . . . . . . . SC Sea Mist Resort . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SC Smugglers’ Notch Resort . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VT Wisconsin Innkeepers Association . . . . . . . WI Canaan Valley Resort . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WV Dude Ranchers’ Association . . . . . . . . . . . . WY

8 29 19 21 33 16 1 34 37 18 35 11 34 17 25 37 27


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Oakland CVB. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CA 18 Palm Springs Bureau of Tourism. . . . . . . . . CA 5 Greater Wilmington . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DE OBC & Brandywine Valley CVB Kissimmee CVB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FL 36 Gwinnett CVB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GA 31 Lake County CVB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IL IFC Baton Rouge CVB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LA 27 Branson Lakes Area Chamber/CVB . . . . . . MO 7 Independence Dept. of Tourism. . . . . . . . . MO 6 Wilmington/Cape Fear CVB. . . . . . . . . . . . . NC 19 Tuscarawas CVB. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OH 24 Berkeley Chamber of Commerce. . . . . . . . . SC 31 Chattanooga Area CVB. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TN 29 Killeen CVB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TX 29 Fairfax County . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VA 30 Norfolk CVB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VA 33


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Classmates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 National Association of Reunion Managers . . . . . . 6 (NARM) Prestige Travel & Cruises. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NV 34

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CATALOG OF REUNION RESOURCES ESTES PARK CONVENTION & VISITORS BUREAU PO Box 1200, Estes Park CO 80517. Estes Park may be the perfect setting for your reunion! Nestled in a valley surrounded by Rocky Mountain National Park, fabulous scenery and recreation await you. Enjoy shopping, trout fishing, horseback riding, river rafting, golf, go karts, barbecues, hayrides, miniature golf, tram rides, scenic drives and hiking. Let our group specialist help you find lodging, meals and fun things for the whole family to enjoy! 80044-ESTES; fax 970-577-1677;; www.estes COLORADO ROCKIES – BEST WESTERN LAKE DILLON LODGE located 70 miles west of Denver, within 11 miles of Keystone, Copper Mtn, & Breckenridge Resorts. Full-service hotel includes banquet & catering facilities, volleyball and horseshoe pits, indoor pool & Jacuzzi, great family rates, and O’Brien’s Restaurant & Bar. Year round recreation for everyone. Visit us at, 800-727-0607, 970-668-5094, sales@, 1202 N. Summit Blvd., Frisco, CO 80443. COLORADO VACATION RENTALS BRECKENRIDGE has something for every visitor and every visit! Vibrant history, natural beauty, and adventures for all ages make for an ideal locale, especially in our mild mountain summers. Our full-service reservation center also books activities, lift tickets, golf, and transportation. Let our reunion expert help create the Colorado getaway you’ve always imagined! Breckenridge Lodging & Hospitality P.O. Box 8329, 535 S. Park Avenue, Breckenridge CO 80424; 888-483-6140; fax 970-4535165;; www.breckresorts

DELAWARE GREATER WILMINGTON CVB Nestled in the heart of the MidAtlantic, along the I-95 corridor, Delaware’s Greater Wilmington and Brandywine Valley offers meeting/event planners and their attendees,’ unparalleled variety to experience ... tax-free! Easily accessible by I-95, Amtrak (80 trains daily) and Philadelphia International (20 minutes), Greater Wilmington offers more than 6,000 guest rooms and the ability to accommodate 1,600 attendees. To unlock all that this tax-free destination has to offer, the Greater Wilmington, DE-CVB holds the key. Please explore us at or call 800-489-6664. SEE OUR DISPLAY AD!

FLORIDA SHERATON YANKEE CLIPPER HOTEL ‘Plan your next reunion on the shores of beautiful Fort Lauderdale Beach. The Sheraton

Yankee Clipper Hotel is located right on Fort Lauderdale Beach only 10 minutes from the airport and within a short distance of a wide array of dining, shopping and entertainment options. Choose a destination where everyone will look forward to attending. Great rates are available year-round! 1140 Seabreeze Blvd., Fort Lauderdale, FL 33316; 800-823-2240; F 954-523-5376; Diana.; EMERALD COAST CVB, INC. DESTIN - FT. WALTON BEACH FL Emerald Coast CVB, Inc. Destin-Fort Walton Beach – Okaloosa Island a reunion planner’s paradise with 24 miles of sugar white beaches and emerald green waters, 16,000 first-rate accommodations, 400 events & festivals, water sports, superb coastal cuisine, championship golfing, Air Force Armament Museum, Big Kahuna’s Water Park, art galleries, nature trails and the largest fishing fleet in Florida. Emerald Coast Conference Center offers 35,000 sq. ft. of flexible meeting space and gourmet catering. Let us make your reunion planning easy! Contact Sherry Rushing, CTIS,, 1-800-322-3319; COMING TO ORLANDO? If so,there’s only one choice to host your family reunion and that’s to stay in a Florida Leisure Vacation Home. Hotels can be expensive and you need multiple rooms to house everyone. Florida Leisure has 3 to 7 bedroom vacation homes available and many of them are located close together so housing large parties is no problem. Our homes all have a fully equipped kitchen, living area, laundry, multiple TVs, private swimming pool and best of all our homes are really close to Walt Disney World and the other area attractions. Call 888678-6088 or e-mail or visit KISSIMMEE CONVENTION & VISITORS BUREAU 1925 East Irlo Bronson Highway, Kissimmee FL 34744. In Kissimmee reunions are our specialty. We offer planning assistance to reunions of all sizes and budgets. Let us help you make planning your next reunion easy. Call for information regarding Kissimmee’s meeting venues and services. 407-944-2484; fax 407-847-4114; meet@; SEE OUR DISPLAY AD! THE BLUE HERON BEACH RESORT 13428 Blue Heron Beach Drive Orlando FL 32821. The Family Suite can sleep six and the Deluxe or Sunrise Suites sleep eight. Every unit has a full kitchen, dining room, living room with a sofa sleeper, bunk beds, a second full bath, washer and dryer and a balcony that overlooks Lake Bryan. We have pools for all ages, fitness rooms, nature trails and watersports available from our dock. Enjoy the fireworks every night from the top observation landings! Guests can walk to

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BEST WESTERN CASTILLO DEL SOL HOTEL 205 S. Atlantic Avenue, Ormond Beach FL 32176. Guest rooms have pillow top beds, refrig., coffee maker, pvt balcony, oceanfront with kitchens. Restaurant open daily for breakfast, mtg space, ocean front sun deck & fire pit, ocean front htd pool, laundry facilities, business center, vending/ice machines, free parking, free WIFI, and free local & toll free calls. 386-672-6711; fax 386-676-9494;; HAMPTON INN – DAYTONA/ORMOND BEACH 155 Interchange Blvd., Ormond Beach, FL 32174; P: 877-677-9998, F: 386-6770663; Email: Hotel fully renovated by June ’08. Enjoy our beautiful new rooms featuring Hampton’s Cloud Nine Bedding Experience, along with free internet access and expanded cable with HBO & ESPN. Complimentary HOT breakfast each morning and fresh baked cookies each evening in the lobby. All reunion guests receive a welcome bag at check-in and the coordinator is sent a framed family photo after departure. Hotel features a brand new pool area and a fully equipped fitness facility. We are just 5 miles to the “World’s Most Famous Beach,” the Daytona International Speedway and Central Florida attractions are a day trip away. An ideal location for your family reunion – Make It Hampton! PANAMA CITY BEACH FLORIDA 1500 condos and hotel rooms, 40,000+ square feet of indoor conference space and the areas best collection of outdoor beachfront and bay front pavilions. All units include FREE daily maid service. Book your next reunion with Royal American Hospitality. 800-224-GULF, CHARLOTTE HARBOR AND THE GULF ISLANDS Create Memories Naturally in Southwest Florida. Discover a unique natural setting for memorable reunions. From world-class golfing and sailing, to natural adventures and pristine beaches, Charlotte Harbor offers a variety of reunion venues. Charlotte Harbor & the Gulf Islands – Southwest Florida’s newest coastal reunions destination.;941.743.1900. SEE OUR DISPLAY AD! COMFORT SUITES – WORLD GOLF VILLAGE 475 COMMERCE LAKE DR, ST. AUGUSTINE, FLORIDA 32095; 877-940-9501; Adjacent to World Golf Village, visitors have convenient access to area courses, the IMAX Theater, and the World Golf Hall of Fame. All 162 luxurious suites come equipped with desks, microwaves, refrigerators, coffee-makers, two telephones, and high-speed Internet access. A heated indoor pool, exercise facility, outdoor pool, whirlpool, and sundeck round out the hotel’s recreational facilities. Enjoy an upscale continental breakfast and drinks at the popular Mulligan Pub in the evening. Group discounts available. or SEE OUR DISPLAY AD!

GEORGIA ATLANTA’S COBB COUNTY CONVENTION & VISITORS BUREAU Home to Six Flags Over Georgia, Six Flag’s White Water and just 10 minutes northwest of downtown Atlanta, and the NEW Georgia Aquarium and World of Coke. Cobb County boasts easy interstate access, free parking, a multitude of restaurants, attractions, shopping, golf and parks. For FREE assistance with planning your reunion, contact the Cobb County CVB at 1-800-451-3480 or visit us at DOUGLASVILLE CONVENTION AND VISITORS BUREAU With a great location near Atlanta and over 1,800 hotel rooms why not choose Douglasville, Georgia! For details on complimentary services, including welcome bags and name badges, contact the Douglasville CVB today and let us help plan your next reunion. For more information call us at 1-800-661-0013 or email us at



adjacent restaurants and supermarket. Information 407-3872910: SEE OUR DISPLAY AD!

GWINNETT CONVENTION & VISITORS BUREAU (ATLANTA) Minutes from Atlanta, the GCVB provides a FREE Reunion Planner, group welcome bags with gift; and free lodging assistance! Gwinnett has 97 group-friendly hotels with 33 of Atlanta’s best parks, and easy I-85 access to Six Flags, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Home, the new Aquarium and Stone Mountain Park! Call Cricket Elliott toll-free at 1-888-494-6638, ext 6049; direct at 770-8146049 or by email at to plan your next Atlantabased reunion today! SEE OUR DISPLAY AD! SAVANNAH GETAWAYS 509 E. McDonough Street, Savannah GA 31401; 866-690-2074;; www.

CATALOG OF REUNION RESOURCES ILLINOIS RECONNECT IN LAKE COUNTY Lake County’s natural spaces and fun places are the perfect place for your next reunion. Our world-class attractions and more than 50 lodging properties will make your next reunion a resounding success. For free Reunion Planning Assistance call 1-800-Lake-Now or email us with your reunion planning questions to; www. SEE OUR DISPLAY AD!

Louisiana BATON ROUGE AREA CONVENTION & VISITORS BUREAU 359 Third Street, Baton Rouge, LA 70801 From the distinct tastes of local cuisine to the soulful sounds of blues and gospel, Baton Rouge is a city that celebrates life to the fullest! With a wide variety of museums, antebellum homes, entertainment and dining options, shopping and more, it's Authentic Louisiana at Every Turn. Visit our Web site at or call 800-LA ROUGE. SEE OUR DISPLAY AD!

MARYLAND UNITED STATES NAVAL ACADEMY Armel-Leftwich Visitor Center, 52 King George Street, Annapolis MD 21402. Designed specifically for those who participated in military operations while in US service. Tour focuses on role of Naval Academy in supplying officers and midshipmen in various conflicts. Tour includes audio-visual presentation and walking tour. Tour time: 2 hours 30 minutes. Tour price: $8.00. Call for tour package and dining information: 410-293-8687; fax 410-293-3365;;

2) arrival “Welcome” and registration areas with planned activity agendas, 3) activities including golf outings, lake cruises, picnics, fishing contests, horse drawn trolley rides and more, 4) indoor facilities to ensure you a “weather-proof” reunion, 5) private gathering areas, 6) special celebration meals, 7) professional group photos, 8) and best of all, enjoy a safe, secure friendly environment. Come to Cragun’s for your reunion. Named “One of MN’s ideal locations to hold a Reunion.” by AAA. Call for FREE Reunion Planning Packet or visit:

MISSOURI THE BRANSON/LAKES AREA CONVENTION & VISITORS BUREAU Located in America’s heartland, Branson, Missouri is the perfect destination for your next reunion because we offer so many choices of entertainment, lodging, attractions, dining and more. Remember, in Branson, our value is unrivaled, our scenery breathtaking and our time-honored Ozarks hospitality inviting. Call us toll free at 800-636-8573 or visit our website at and request a 2007 Reunion Planner Sales kit. SEE OUR DISPLAY AD! BRANSON’S POINTE ROYALE CONDOMINIUM RESORT & GOLF COURSE Spacious 1-4 bedroom fully-equipped condos on 18-hole golf course. Scenic setting on Lake Taneycomo. Golf, tennis, indoor/outdoor/kiddie pools, exercise room, trout fishing, playgrounds, meeting facilities, restaurant, lounge, catering. Convenient to shows/attractions. Concierge/packages. Condos are ideal for reunions with lots of gathering space. 158-A Pointe Royale Dr., Branson MO 65616; 800-962-4710; fax 417-3345620:;

WELCOME TO THE BWI AIRPORT COMFORT INN & SLEEP INN SUITES a pet friendly hotel & conference center with over 330 spacious guest rooms and suites. Offering a 24 hour FREE BWI Airport Shuttle, FREE Hot Breakfast and FREE wireless High speed internet. We also have over 8,000 sq feet of conference and banquet space. Baltimore Light Rail is adjacent to the hotel. We offer over 20 restaurants and shops within walking distance. Full Service restaurant onsite. 6921 Baltimore Annapolis Blvd., Baltimore MD 21225. Contact: Tammera M. Bolsch, Tele 443-4571212; Fax 410-355-2854;,

INDEPENDENCE, MO TOURISM DEPT., 111 E. Maple, Independence, MO 64050; 866-657-MEET. Let Independence welcome your reunion group, all at a great value and in a convenient location. Enjoy nationally recognized heritage and cultural attractions, one-of-a-kind restaurants, great shopping, outdoor activities, a variety of accommodations and more. Add in a trip to nearby Kansas City or an afternoon of professional football or baseball. We provide itinerary planning, discounts and other assistance. SEE OUR DISPLAY AD! www.Independence

BURKSHIRE MARRIOTT CONFERENCE HOTEL 10 West Burke Avenue, Towson MD 21204. Convenient to the Baltimore Inner Harbor, Amtrak at Penn Station, BWI airport, and accessible from I-95. The hotel offers 11,000 sq ft of flexible meeting space including 17 meetings rooms, breakout rooms, a newly renovated restaurant and lounge, and the Stoneleigh room that can seat up to 200. This Baltimore MD hotel is a favorite for business, weekend getaways, and family leisure travel. Visit and let us customize your reunion package; 410-324-8100.

When you walk into WILDWOOD SPRINGS LODGE, you take a walk back in time. You are cordially invited to visit our facilities for your next family reunion. Your meals will include freshly prepared, from scratch, home style food served in the unique setting of the historic Wildwood Springs Lodge dining room. Wildwood Springs Lodge offers a variety of activities for young and old. The Steelville area is rich with history, and natural beauty. Visit, email us at wildwood1922@ or call us at 573-775-2400.



CAPE COD BEACH COTTAGES N. TRURO, MA Kalmar Village, 674 Shore Rd., N. Truro, MA ... various size cottages and efficiency rooms are available in a superb seaside village setting across from the National Seashore sand dunes on the Truro / Provincetown line. Grand lawn areas, spacious sandy beach, and swimming pool allow for endless relaxation and recreation on the premises. Ideal for single families or gatherings. Kitchen units, cookout areas. Linens, daily maid service, cable , WiFi & more. 508-487-0585. Email:;

MONTANA'S FLATHEAD VALLEY is the gateway to Glacier National Park and home to Flathead Lake and Big Mountain Ski Resort with an abundance of recreation and cultural treasures. Discover picturesque towns, championship golf, museums, galleries, shopping, fine cuisine and true western hospitality. Flathead CVB, 15 Depot Park, Kalispell, MT 59901; 800-543-3105; fax 406-257-2500;;

MICHIGAN GREEKTOWN CASINO – HOTEL is the best venue for your group. The hotel offers theme buffets, 25,000 sq. ft. of meeting space, rates based on double occupancy, and is located in the heart of Detroit’s Greektown entertainment district. More than 26 restaurants within walking distance, over 100,000 sq. ft. of gaming space and great entertainment. There is also a people mover stop located in Greektown Casino. 1200 Saint Antoine, Detroit MI 48226; 877-GCH-5554; MISSION POINT RESORT perched on the southwestern shore of historic Mackinac Island, overlooking the Straits of Mackinaw. 243 pleasingly appointed rooms & suites, four distinctive restaurants, banquet & catering facilities. Affordable & activities for the whole family to enjoy make us the ideal setting for family reunions & retreats. 1 Lakeshore Drive, Mackinac Island, MI 49757; 800833-5583;

MINNESOTA WORRY-FREE REUNIONS AT CRAGUN’S RESORT 11000 Craguns Dr, Brainerd MN 56401: 800-CRAGUNS (272-4867). Since 1940 Cragun’s has taken pride in creating memorable reunions ... here’s why: 1) trained coordinator will help plan it all,

NEVADA Established in 1980, PRESTIGE TRAVEL & CRUISES is the largest travel agency in Nevada and a Representative office of the American Express Travel Services Network, with over 1,700 locations worldwide. By combining the strength of American Express with our local expertise, you have access to the best available rates and offers on worldwide cruises and tours. Our long established supplier relationships allow us to negotiate the best value on air fares, hotel rooms, transportation and other meeting services. We specialize in reunions and groups. Contact us at (800) 431-6117. SEE OUR DISPLAY AD! ATLANTIS CASINO RESORT SPA RENO 3800 S Virginia Street, Reno, NV 89502. Atlantis Casino Resort Spa is the destination property for adventure with exciting gaming in an exotic oasis, just minutes from Lake Tahoe. With 1,000 spacious and beautifully appointed rooms, full-service European Spa & Salon – guests truly experience paradise. Our premier chefs delight your senses at any one of the eight exceptional restaurants. Complimentary airport shuttle, acres of free parking and valet available. 775-824-4400; fax 775-825-1170; CIRCUS CIRCUS HOTEL & CASINO RENO 500 N. Sierra St. Reno NV 89503 Whether business or pleasure brings you to us, Circus Circus Reno offers over 1,500 rooms, six sensational

restaurants, a unique Midway of Fun, an expansive casino floor with all the latest gaming action, and state-of-the-art convention facilities. Free airport shuttle and parking available. Call 800894-3588 or visit for more information. SEE OUR DISPLAY AD!

NEW HAMPSHIRE NASHUA RADISSON 11 Tara Blvd, Nashua, NH 03062; 603888-9970. Have your reunion at the largest castle hotel in Boston’s north neighbor – Nashua! Attractions include Canobie Lake Park, indoor skydiving, skiing, Anheuser Busch Brewery, & tax free shopping! Newly renovated, 326 guestrooms, indoor/ outdoor pool, restaurant, free parking & health nashuanh. SEE OUR DISPLAY AD!

NEW MEXICO HERITAGE HOTELS & RESORTS New Mexico & Southern Arizona. A collection of award-winning destination hotels celebrating the rich, multi-cultural spirit of the Southwest. Casually elegant spaces that blend Spanish, Mexican, Native American and Old West influences into their enchanting edifices and intimate interiors. We offer outstanding accommodations at exceptional value. Plan your next reunion, meeting or special event at any one of our New Mexico or Arizona hotels. Ask about our special event planner incentives. 877-901-ROOM; 505-998-5458; epul; SEE OUR DISPLAY AD! HOTEL ALBUQUERQUE 800 Rio Grande Blvd NW, Albuquerque NM 87104. Hotel Albuquerque at Old Town exemplifies “Albuquerque Style,” a unique blend of New Mexico’s Pueblo, Spanish Territorial and Western cultural influences. A landmark hotel nestled in the heart of the historic Old Town Plaza and museum district. This full-service hotel offers convention facilities, two delightful restaurants and an upscale bar & lounge. Toll Free: 800-237-2133;; SEE OUR DISPLAY AD! NATIVO LODGE 6000 Pan American FWY, Albuquerque NM 87109. Nativo Lodge is a culturally distinct hotel offering a unique hotel experience. Combining rich and vibrant Native American cultural aspects with contemporary elements, this 146-room fullservice hotel features the best of modern amenities. Enjoy the indoor/outdoor pool and Jacuzzi, fitness center or relax and savor evening cocktails in the soaring atrium. Toll Free: 1-888-6284861;; SEE OUR DISPLAY AD! HOTEL ENCANTO DE LAS CRUCES 705 S. Telshor Blvd., Las Cruces NM 88011. The grand Spanish Colonial style of the full-service Hotel Encanto de Las Cruces creates an ambiance reflective of the area's rich Spanish and Mexican Colonial history and tradition. Services include an exercise room with state-ofthe-art equipment an outdoor swimming pool, and two unique upscale venues for dining and nightlife entertainment. Only minutes away from historic Old Mesilla. Toll Free: 866-383-0443;; SEE OUR DISPLAY AD! HOTEL PLAZA REAL 125 Washington Avenue, Santa Fe NM 87501. Just steps away from historic Santa Fe Plaza, Hotel Plaza Real is a picturesque boutique hotel offering 56 deluxe suites and guestrooms most featuring private balconies, wood burning fireplaces and the most luxurious bed in Santa Fe. Toll Free: 1877-901-ROOM (7666);; www.santa SEE OUR DISPLAY AD! LODGE AT SANTA FE 750 N Saint Francis Drive, Santa Fe NM 87501. The Lodge at Santa Fe is a blend of Northern New Mexico’s distinct Anasazi cultural elements. This 128-room full service “Santa Fe-style” hotel offers guests convenient access to the ultimate in world-class art, shopping, and dining. Relax and enjoy fabulous cuisine and the view from Las Mañanitas restaurant, or cocktails in the comfortable piano lounge. Toll Free: 888-5634373;; SEE OUR DISPLAY AD!

NEW YORK FORT WILLIAM HENRY RESORT AND CONFERENCE CENTER 48 Canada Street, Lake George, NY 12845 888-389-4554. Balancing traditional elegance with Adirondack charm, this New York State landmark hotel provides guests with exceptional service only surpassed by spectacular views of Lake George and the surrounding Adirondack Mountains. 193 Guestrooms, ample free parking, onsite restaurants, spa and museum. www.fortwilliam

N OV E M B E R / D EC E M B E R / JA N UA R Y 20 0 9 ❖ R E U N I O N S



QUEEN OF THE AMERICAN LAKES – Lake George, NY: 32 miles of crystal clear water ready for fun, relaxation, exploration and building memories. Surrounded by picturesque mountains, Lake George is a family destination paradise with Adirondack flare. 4 hrs from NYC and Boston, less than 3 hrs from Montreal via interstates. 1 hr from Albany International Airport. FREE VACATION GUIDE. Luisa Sherman at 518-668-5755 or 1-800705-0059., www.LakeGeorge

VALLEY FORGE CONVENTION AND VISITORS BUREAU 600 W. Germantown Pike, Plymouth Meeting PA 19462. DO WHAT WASHINGTON DID. SET UP CAMP IN HISTORIC VALLEY FORGE FOR YOUR NEXT REUNION! Quality hotels, unique offproperty meeting sites, world class shopping and fine dining. Thirty minutes from Philadelphia. Surrounded by great regional attractions. Get a free Valley Forge Meeting Planners Guide. Contact Courtney Pozo: 610-834-7971,or or visit

SMUGGLERS’ NOTCH RESORT At America’s Reunion Resort, you'll experience Mountain Resort Living, award-winning children’s programs (6wks. - 17yrs.), family activities and entertainment, swimming, skiing, hiking, dining, shopping & more. Smugglers' Notch Resort – the only resort in North America to guarantee Family Fun - Summer, Winter & Fall. For more information, call 1-800-521-0536. or visit SEE OUR DISPLAY AD!

SURFSIDE ON THE LAKE Conveniently located in the village with private sandy beach, boardwalk, pool and decks; over- looking the majestic waters of beautiful Lake George. 144 well maintained rooms with modern amenities and banquet hall overlooking the lake. Let us help plan your reunion with a complete itinerary and meal options. Scenic cruises and excursions, museums, natural attractions, shopping and more ... 400 Canada St, Lake George, NY 12845; 518-668-2442; fax 518-668-3202; website; e-mail: daniel@



At 14 stories the HOLIDAY INN RIVERVIEW stands tall. This unique Charleston landmark offers guests 180 nicely appointed guest rooms and a full service restaurant with panoramic views of Historic Charleston and the Ashley River as well as complimentary shuttle service to the heart of the city for shopping and tours. Enjoy easy planning with our experienced staff. Ask about special incentives for event planners. 301 Savannah Hwy, Charleston SC 29407. Contact Megan O’Hara Owen at 843-460-1440; fax 843766-8355;; www.holidayinn.wm/


DISCOVER BERKELEY COUNTY The Heart of the American South. If you’re looking for the “Southern Jewel” everyone is talking about, you’ve finally found it! Berkeley County, just minutes from Downtown Charleston and 1.5 hours from Myrtle Beach, cradled in what is quickly becoming known as the “emerging new south”. Known for its natural beauty, scenic landscape, rich culture and exciting history, Berkeley County lures visitors from around the world. And, because of its gorgeous climate, visitors can enjoy attractions, events, water sports and local culture all 12 months of the year. 21 hotels, of which many have received awards, offer a variety of services to ensure your stay is most comfortable and enjoyable. For planning assistance, contact Elaine M. Morgan, Berkeley Chamber of Commerce, PO Box 968, Moncks Corner SC 29461; 843-761-8238; fax 843-899-6491; Mention this ad for special group discounts! SEE OUR DISPLAY AD!

NEWPORT NEWS is minutes to Williamsburg and a short to Virginia Beach. Here you can discover the ocean, ships, history and the great outdoors from one central destination. Whether getting together with old classmates, shipmates or “familymates”, Newport News provides the perfect location and services to make your reunion a success! From our convenient location, outstanding services and support, the best value and plenty to see and do, Newport News will make your next reunion a memorable one. Call Cheryl Morales at 888-493-7386 or email her at cmorales@ to book your reunion.

NIAGARA USA With the awesome majesty of Niagara Falls, historic venues like Old Fort Niagara and the Erie Canal, wineries, quaint villages, casino gaming and world-class sport fishing, this region offers something for everyone in your group. For FREE assistance with all your planning needs, including collecting rates from area hotels and tour companies and providing welcome bags for your attendees, contact Niagara Tourism & Convention Corporation at 1-877-FALLS US ext. 305 or or visit

NORTH CAROLINA WILMINGTON/CAPE FEAR COAST CONVENTION & VISITORS BUREAU Looking for an interesting destination? Then head to Wilmington & NC’s Cape Fear Coast. You can let us know what kind of adventure you have in mind, or we can suggest some themes that’ll please the most persnickety travelers. We’ll even create a customized itinerary matched to your exact specifications so that your guests will gladly follow you anywhere. Call 866207-1969 or visit SEE OUR DISPLAY AD!

OHIO BERTRAM HOTEL& CONFERENCE CENTER 600 North Aurora Road, Aurora OH 44202. Located minutes from Wildwater Kingdom in the historic Western Reserve. Offering 224 deluxe guestrooms, suites & hospitality rooms, heated outdoor pool, two fitness, two business centers & game room, banquet facilities, casual & fine dining restaurants onsite. Area activities include spa, golf, flyfishing, shopping, museums, horseback riding, canoeing & amusement parks. Local & airport shuttles. Virtual tour at www.the For reunion packages contact Liz Palchick at 330-995-7624. TUSCARAWAS COUNTY CONVENTION & VISITORS BUREAU 124 East High Avenue, New Philadelphia OH 44663; 800-5273387; 330-602-2420; fax 330-602-2433;; SEE OUR DISPLAY AD! OHIO ATTRACTIONS NATIONAL UNDERGROUND RAILROAD FREEDOM CENTER 50 E. Freedom Way, Cincinnati OH 45202, is the nation’s newest monument to freedom, spotlighting courageous acts from the Underground Railroad and beyond. Interactive and engaging, it has 8 galleries, 2 theaters, a dialogue area, research and education areas. Group tours and facility rental available. 877-6484838 or

PENNSYLVANIA HAMPTON INN CENTER CITY PHILADELPHIA The Hampton Inn offering 250 guest rooms, Complimentary Breakfast, Indoor Pool, Fitness Center, Concierge and about 4,000 square feet of meeting space, is the perfect place for your family to gather. Our hotel is located within walking distance of Philadelphia’s most popular attractions. Contact Kerry Fledderman for special FAMILY REUNION RATES! 267-765-1104; Kerry.Fledderman@

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SEA MIST OCEANFRONT RESORT – MYRTLE BEACH SC 1200 South Ocean Blvd., 29577. REUNIONS MADE EASY! Specializing in reunions from military to family at the most affordable rates in Myrtle Beach. Sea Mist’s premier oceanfront location is near shopping, theaters and golf courses. Over 600 of our 800 units have been completely remodeled, restaurants, miniature golf, 10 pools, Jacuzzis, fitness room, 17,000-sq.ft. of versatile meeting space and much more! 800-200-8687; group; SEE OUR DISPLAY AD! SOUTH CAROLINA ATTRACTIONS RIPLEY’S AQUARIUM, Myrtle Beach SC, staffs experienced special event managers who are fully qualified to tailor extraordinary events for any group. Our catering team will create magnificent menus for any occasion including: Breakfasts, gourmet dinners, themed events, incredible family reunions & receptions. Please contact us at 1-800-724-8888 ext. 269 or at www.ripleys

TENNESSEE CHATTANOOGA AREA CONVENTION & VISITORS BUREAU We are ready to host your next family or military reunion. Our Staff works closely with the hotels, attractions, tour companies and you to provide exactly what you need to have a great reunion. Contact Christina Petro at 800-964-8600 ext. 3017 or by e-mail at for free help planning your next reunion! SEE OUR DISPLAY AD! GAYLORD OPRYLAND RESORT & CONVENTION CENTER NASHVILLE 2800 Opryland Drive, Nashville TN 37214; 615889-1000; SEE OUR DISPLAY AD!

TEXAS HILTON HOUSTON NORTH 12400 Greenspoint Drive, Houston TX 77060. 281-875-2222; fax 281-875-4596; jpaduano@sun; KILLEEN CIVIC AND CONFERENCE CENTER AND CONVENTION AND VISITORS BUREAU 3601 South W.S. Young Drive, Killeen TX 76542; Visit Killeen and Central Texas’ newest state-of-the-art Civic & Conference Center, and Regional Airport. Over 2000 hotel rooms, unique attractions and tours, of the world’s largest military installation, Fort Hood. “Where Freedom Grows!” 254-501-3888 or SEE OUR DISPLAY AD!

Subscribe! Call 1-800-373-7933

VISIT FAIRFAX / FAIRFAX COUNTY, VIRGINIA Enjoy everything the National Capital Region has to offer. From the monuments and memorials of Washington DC to the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center to George Washington’s Mount Vernon, Fairfax County is an ideal location for your military or family reunion. Call us at 703-7900643 or visit our website today at SEE OUR DISPLAY AD!

NORFOLK CONVENTION & VISITORS BUREAU 232 East Main Street, Norfolk VA 23510. Norfolk’s beautifully revitalized waterfront, rich military heritage, walkable downtown and central Mid Atlantic location make it the ideal destination for your next reunion. Home to such attractions as the Battleship Wisconsin, MacArthur Memorial, Hampton Roads Naval Museum and the world’s largest naval base. See why American Heritage named Norfolk “A Great American Place.” Offering over 2,000 committable hotel rooms in various price ranges. Call 800-368-3097;; SEE OUR DISPLAY AD!

WEST VIRGINIA CANAAN VALLEY RESORT & CONFERENCE CENTER offers 250 lodge rooms, 23 cabins, and 34 campground sites in the highest mountain valley east of the Rockies. Activities include 18 hole championship golf course, hiking/biking trails, indoor/ outdoor swimming pools, scenic chairlift rides, summer tubing, as well as winter activities. Over 10,000 sq ft. conference space available. HC 70, Box 330 Davis, WV 26260; 800-622-4121;; SEE OUR DISPLAY AD! THE WOODS RESORT & CONFERENCE CENTER is located in the Northern Shenandoah Valley & offers lodge rooms, cabins, villas & private rentals. 36 holes of golf, 3 pools, basketball, racquetball, tennis, softball, playground, exercise room, & the Sleepy Creek Spa. Conference & dining facilities. 1694 The Woods Rd., Hedgesville WV 25427; 800-248-2222; fax 304-754-8146.;

WISCONSIN LANDMARK RESORT The Landmark Resort is about creating memories that will linger long after returning home. Whether relaxation or activity is the goal, call the Landmark Resort. All suites. Pool open 24/7. Free wireless internet. 7643 Hillside Road, Egg Harbor, WI 54209; 920/868-3205; www.thelandmark SEE OUR DISPLAY AD! WAGON TRAIL RESORT & VACATION HOMES Experience Door County’s quiet side. Comfortable lodge rooms and secluded vacation homes open year round. Perfect for conferences, retreats, weddings and reunions. Restaurant, bakery, marina and gift shop open May - October. 1041 County Road ZZ, Ellison Bay, WI 54210; 800/999-2466; SEE OUR DISPLAY AD! HIGH POINT INN Door County’s High Point Inn located at the north end of Ephraim offers beautifully appointed one, two and three bedroom suites. Indoor/Outdoor heated pools, indoor whirlpool, fitness room and grilling areas. Open year round. Free Wi-Fi throughout the building. Perfect accommodations for your next reunion! 10386 Water Street, Ephraim, WI 54211; 800/5956894;

CATALOG OF REUNION RESOURCES PARKWOOD LODGE Parkwood Lodge in Fish Creek offers comfortable, affordable guest rooms and suites. Resort features an indoor pool and whirlpool, game room, tennis courts, a playground, grills and picnic tables. Great location near Peninsula State Park and all of Door County’s shops, restaurants and attractions. 3775 Hwy. 42, Fish Creek, WI 54212; 800/4337592; SEE OUR DISPLAY AD! RAMADA PLAZA WATERPARK HOTEL The Ramada Plaza Waterpark Hotel is conveniently located in the business and entertainment district of Green Bay. We feature Plaza Comforts mattress and bedding. Big D’s, a full-service restaurant and bar is on-site and serves 2-for-1 drinks all day, every day! 2750 Ramada Way, Green Bay, WI 54304; 800/2RAMADA; SEE OUR DISPLAY AD! Deals on June 2009 reunions at PESHTIGO RIVER RENTALS, Crivitz, WI. Beautifully furnished 2-bedroom waterfront condos, with great views, full kitchens, outdoor picnic and bonfire areas. Just $100/night/condo (4 night, 6 condo min.). 4 hours from Chicago, 3 from Milwaukee. 14 units available! Golf, fish, swim, white-water rafting, boating, go-carts, easy hikes. Send e-mail – we’ll tell you more!, 800-505-0485, email: THE COVE OF LAKE GENEVA The Cove of Lake Geneva is the perfect place for your reunion. Located across from majestic Geneva Lake, The Cove is walking distance to the shimmering lakefront, sandy beaches, quiet parks, delectable restaurants and exquisite shops. Our all-suite resort boasts elegant ballrooms and fabulous amenities. 111 Center Street, Lake Geneva, WI 53147; 800/ 770-7107; SEE OUR DISPLAY AD! AMBASSADOR HOTEL As our guest at the Ambassador Hotel, your enjoyable experience begins when you arrive. The Ambassador is a meticulously restored Art-Deco jewel combining historic character with modern refinement and attentive service. The Ambassador Hotel is the upscale destination for leisure travelers in Milwaukee. 2308 W. Wisconsin Avenue, Milwaukee, WI 53233; 888/322-3326; SEE OUR DISPLAY AD! RACINE MARRIOTT The ideal location for your next family reunion. Located near beautiful Lake Michigan just 30 minutes south of Milwaukee and a short drive from Northern Illinois. The Racine Marriott is an affordable full service family friendly hotel with excellent amenities, perfect for your next gathering! 7111 Washington Avenue, Racine, WI 53406; 262/886-6100; www. SEE OUR DISPLAY AD! BRIDGEPORT WATERFRONT RESORT Water view suites with a variety of options: one, two and three bedrooms, kitchens, fireplaces and whirlpool tubs … enjoy indoor/ outdoor pools, splash-park, sauna, fitness center, game room, indoor playground and complimentary breakfast for all groups – three fully equipped conference rooms are available to host meeting/banquet functions. 50 West Larch Street, Sturgeon Bay, WI 54235; 800/ 671-9190; SEE OUR DISPLAY AD! NORTHERNAIRE RESORT AND SPA Northernaire Resort and Spa is a fabulous location for your next reunion. Nestled on the shoreline of the world’s largest chain of freshwater lakes, Northernaire’s recreation is impeccable. From biking and hiking to swimming and boating, the recreation possibilities at our luxury resort are endless. 6990 Bengs Road, Three Lakes, WI 54562; 888/242-1600; SEE OUR DISPLAY AD!

WYOMING THE DUDE RANCHERS’ ASSOCIATION 1122 12th Street, Cody, Wyoming 82414. Helping people find quality Dude and Guest Ranch vacations since 1926. Let us help you find the perfect all inclusive location for your next reunion call 866-399-2339 or e-mail; SEE OUR DISPLAY AD! LARAMIE RIVER RANCH 25777 County Road 103, Jelm WY 82063;; SEE OUR DISPLAY AD! VEE BAR GUEST RANCH 2091 State Hwy 130, Laramie, Wyoming; 1-800-483-3227;; SEE OUR DISPLAY AD!

PRODUCTS & SERVICES AIRPORT PARKING Park Ride Fly USA is the fastest growing seller of offsite airport parking on the Web. All pre-paid parking reservations include complimentary shuttle service, luggage assistance, and $100,000 of Automatic Flight Insurance provided at no additional cost. Visit and click on Park Ride Fly for discount airport parking at more than 50 U.S. airports and start saving today!



NAMETAG (PHOTO BUTTON) Using the alumni’ photo we create a custom labeled button incorporating your school name, colors, and reunion year. Attachment options and accessories are available. We offer personalized service and quick turnaround. Visit us at

REUNION ’08? Colorful, embossed custom ribbons (in your words) add a “touch of class” to your event & name badges. Ideal bookmark-keepsake that says “you were there.” Created expressly for class, family and military reunions. Class Ribbons available in school colors. For sample ribbon and idea brochure: REUNION MATE 800-208-6804 or

BOOKS & SOFTWARE THE REUNION PLANNER 11661 San Vicente Blvd., Suite 306, Los Angeles CA 90049; 310-820-5554; fax 310-820-8341;;

COOKBOOKS THE COOKBOOK PEOPLE FAMILY REUNION COOKBOOK SOFTWARE Write, organize and print a family reunion cookbook from your own computer with Matilda’s Fantastic Cookbook Software. There are no extra charges or contracts. 27 templates give you a variety of cookbook designs you can print with your home printer.

GAMES Seeking ideas to build enthusiasm before your reunion? Create an online matching game of Then and Now photographs and challenge everyone to pair them up. We help you digitize old photographs inexpensively and invite everyone to contribute current pictures. 10% discount coupon: RM1. Can you recognize everyone at

MAGAZINE Subscribe to Reunions magazine Ensure a full year of reunion planning advice plus workbook. Subscribe now. Send $9.99/yr or $17.99/2 yrs to Reunions Magazine, Inc., PO Box 11727, Milwaukee WI 53211-0727. To charge to credit card call 800-373-7933 or visit our website

REUNION PLANNERS NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REUNION MANAGERS (NARM) PO Box 335428; North Las Vegas NV 89033 narm@reunions .com; IN CHARGE OF PLANNING YOUR CLASS BASH? AT CLASSMATES.COM, you’ll have access to time-saving toolsand the world’s largest alumni database-to make your job easier. Contact your entire graduating class with one message. Create surveys to find out what your attendees want to eat, see, and do. And when details (inevitably) change, post event updates on the fly. Plan at and reunite relaxed. SEE OUR DISPLAY AD!

POSTCARDS POSTCARD ANNOUNCEMENTS Notify your reunion members to SAVE THE DATE (bright red, they’ll not miss it!) and when you need reminders, send postcards that say TIME IS RUNNING OUT. Fill-in cards – $15 p/100 postcards or 20¢ each – you fill in the date and reunion name; or Custom printed cards – $45 p/100 postcards or 50¢ each. Send info to be printed: for SAVE THE DATE! (name, date, & place of reunion, contact info). For TIME IS RUNNING OUT (name & date of reunion & RSVP date) + fax number or email address to get your approval before we print. Send to Reunions magazine, PO Box 11727, Milwaukee WI 53211-0727; credit card charges call 1-800-373-7933 ext. 4 or order online;

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REUNION WEBSITES SOCIAL NETWORKING & TRAVEL BOOKING Groople, the leading online group travel planning and booking site, is now a preferred supplier for Reunions magazine. The partnership will provide several advantages for the Reunions magazine customers including the ability to have their own reunion web page on Groople’s newest social networking site, GroopVine. Other advantages include the ability to easily search for hotels that are most appropriate for reunions, get rates instantly for up 9 rooms and rates within 24 hours for more than 10 rooms, and book air and car for your reunion. Groople has booked thousands of reunions and understands the challenges and needs of the reunion organizers. Groople can accommodate special needs of all ages and help the organizer find the right travel solution. Find us at MYEVENT.COM Create your own reunion website with no skills. It’s fast and easy to use. Your reunion website has great features and planning tools. It will make planning much easier and everyone will love it! Features: Online registration, rsvp, ticket payment, message boards, family tree, guest book, quiz, poll, stories, photo albums, no ads, travel information, more. 7 day free trial. Only $9.95 / month. Create a family reunion website at or a class reunion website at

T-SHIRTS ***FAMILY REUNION T-SHIRTS by*** Experience the advantage of buying manufacturer direct. Our designs make the difference, our graphic art’s staff will help you customize a special design with all your reunion details free of charge. Free banner or cookbook offer, free shipping and friendly customer service. Don’t buy until you get our price! Call toll free 1-866-661-4348 AMERICA’S #1 SOURCE FOR REUNION APPAREL AND GIFTS T-shirts, Totes, Keepsakes & Gifts Easy-To-Order. Fun-To-Wear. Fast-Turn-Around. Beautiful and colorful reunion designs as featured on Good Morning America, personalized for your event! Browse our huge selection of quality apparel and exciting new products. Shop our Reunion Kits for great package pricing and low minimums! REUNION GEAR 1-800-451-1611 CUSTOM SCREEN PRINTING AND EMBROIDERY Customize T-shirts and many other items for your event. Use one of our fully customizable screen print templates or a stock embroidery design and there is NO set-up charge! Quick, friendly service. A portion of every sale goes to benefit children’s charities. Contact us for a no obligation quote.; store@ or 240-398-3526.

TRAVEL DIRECTORY COLORADO VACATION DIRECTORY Make your search for the perfect family reunion destination easier! FREE FAMILY REUNION DESTINATION LOCATION SERVICE: groups and click on “EMAIL US your Request for Group Accommodations.” We will then send your requirements to Cabins, Vacation Homes, Lodges, Motels, Condo’s, B&B’s, Camp grounds that can accommodate your desires and they will email you directly with additional information. OR order our free Colorado Vacation Directory for a printed copy to compare reunion locations includes Places to Stay & Fun Things to Do. 888-222-4641.

Postcards that make your reunion point! Send


save save TIME IS the the date RUNNING OUT date when you’ve set it! when it is! Custom Printing – $45 p/hundred; 50¢ each Fill-in cards $15 p/hundred; 20¢ each plus s/h: 100-200 cards – $5, over 200 – $10 Send message, check & request to: REUNION POSTCARDS ❖ PO Box 11727 ❖ Milwaukee WI 53211-0727. To charge, call 800-373-7933. N OV E M B E R / D EC E M B E R / JA N UA R Y 20 0 9 ❖ R E U N I O N S


P.O. Box 11727 ❖ Milwaukee WI 53211-0727

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