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Introduction to Reunion Planners Notebook
W elcome to multimedia reunion planning
Welcome to Reunions magazine’s Reunion Planners Notebook, an online venture to make reunion planning accessible and interactive.
We also invite you to discover variations on these same pages — in several additional formats — online for your reunionplanning convenience. Throughout this Notebook, you will find references and links leading you to extensive additional information online to aid your reunion planning. This Notebook is optimized for mobile, so you can access these pages on your mobile devices as well. All of these resources are available to you 24/7 whenever you want to work on your reunion plan.
Outlines illustrated in this Notebook can be found at https://reunionsmag.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/ free_forms.pdf.Scroll down to forms to print blank reunion
planning forms. Forms are to share with your committees and to use as your planning blueprint.
Harrison Family Reunion centennial display.
How to Use This Book
Planning forms and supporting documents, information, tips and discussion compose a collection of aids that will help you plan a successful reunion. The forms illustrated in this book will lead you through the reunion planning process, establishing the perfect groundwork for a first-time reunion planner as well as a valuable framework for even the most seasoned and experienced reunion planners. Once you’ve used and completed the forms for one reunion, they will be a priceless gift to your successive planners and committee chairs. Not only will they see what was done before, but your reunion’s documented history will come in very handy when the next reunion planner needs to demonstrate the value of your business to a convention and visitors bureau, hotel, resort or other place you may wish to have your next reunion.
Full size versions of reunion planning forms in this issue are available for FREE from https://reunionsmag.com/wp-content/ uploads/2016/06/free_forms.pdf.Scroll down to forms to print blank reunion planning forms. Many of the forms can
be filled in online. Use the forms so everyone is and always can be on the same page throughout the reunion planning process. Only careful planning and execution of the plan can decrease the chance of snafus, misunderstandings and disappointments.
In addition to the forms you’ll find in this Notebook, each page includes links to extensive information on our website and Pinterest pages. Announcements of news and additions to the web appear regularly on our Facebook and Twitter pages, and in our monthly e-newsletters.
Reunions magazine has always been reader-driven, and we will continue to add reader contributions to the website and Pinterest boards and announce them on Facebook — all excellent reasons for you to be friends and fans online.
About Reunions magazine

Reunions magazine was established in 1990 when reunions were just beginning to dawn as a market for the hospitality industry. We like to think we helped that along with our commitment to provide an audience for the reunion marketplace where reunion planners meet reunion hosts and vendors! The magazine is reader-driven, and that — along with an extensive web and social media presence — has enabled us to engage with thousands of reunions over the years.
Edward Thomas Fuller Family Reunion