2 minute read
0 Reunion Day ............................_23
Essential to leadership
Make a checklist.
Organization is essential to planning a successful reunion. No detail is too small and keeping track of all the details is a must. All these steps are the foundation for hosting a successful event.
A timeline keeps you on the calendar, a checklist makes sure you don’t forget anything. There are many details and it can be a lot to remember. Make a checklist in whatever format you’re comfortable with. Make sure everything is on that list; make copies. Give others responsibility for items on the checklist.
3.2 Committee
Planning a reunion should be a group effort. Volunteers and committees are crucial to a successful event. Committees share planning, set a timeline for completing tasks and assignments, generate and implement ideas, and inspire attendance. Family reunions should involve members from each branch and young family members. Committees add to the fun and “ownership” of reunion organizing. Committees meet as needed, in person or via Zoom!
Volunteers or committees for the follow- ing responsibilities help to lighten the load. • Finance/fundraising. Develops budget and long-range fundraising projects and plans. Stages reunion day fundraisers. Selects and purchases personalized souvenirs. Collects and organizes items to sell, auction or raffle at the reunion. • Destination/location/site selection. Selects reunion destination and location. Makes site visits, negotiates contracts, makes reservations and site arrangements. • Communication/invitation/social media. Promotes reunion to increase attendance. Designs, produces and distributes announcements, invitations, newsletters, follow-ups. Sets up/manages website and social media. Encourages attendance and involvement among members. This is a great committee for tapping the talents of younger people. • Program/entertainment/activities (including kids’ activities at family reunions). Plans and coordinates reunion day activities (for all age groups) based on reunion members’ interests. Arranges event facilities or locations. Chooses and coordinates tours, entertainment, sports, games, ice breakers; books a band or DJ, and arranges for AV system, if necessary.
Plans age-appropriate activities for kids throughout the reunion to fend off boredom and encourage participation.
The following responsibilities also can be considered for assignment to a committee or an individual volunteer: • Signage. Produce clear, high-visibility signs that make the reunion easy to find and/or guide attendees to specific activities or areas within the reunion. • Photography/videography. Hire professionals or designate reunion members to perform the duties of photographer, video- grapher, and/or memory album organizer. • Worship/Memorial/Fellowship. Plans and presents service, rituals, ceremonies, memorials. Arranges clergy, speakers, music, activities, volunteers. Allocates time to remember births and passings, honor accomplishments and comings and goings. • Food. Plans, chooses and provides food, or works with a caterer or banquet manager. Chooses options such as a picnic or banquet, potluck. Determines whether to hire a caterer or have everyone pitch in to help in planning and cooking—or some combination of those. If both a banquet and/ or dance and a picnic/barbecue are planned, have a separate coordinator for each.
3.1 Leadership Roster