2 minute read
0 Leadership and governance ................ 10
Welcome to multimedia reunion planning!
1.0 Introduction to Reunion Planners Notebook . . . 4 1.1 Reunion social media: online index 1.2 Reunion planning timetable 2.0 Surveys ................................... 8 2.1 Family reunion survey 2.2 Class reunion survey 3.0 Leadership and governance ................ 10
3.1 Leadership roster 3.2 Committee responsibilities 3.3 Committee notes/progress
4.0 Budget ...................................12
4.1 Budget form
5.1 Convention and Visitors Bureaus (CVB) 5.2 Request for Proposal (RFP) 5.3 Hotel negotiation 5.4 Site inspection checklist
Fairfax County VA CVB ........................15 6.0 Promotion/communication/social media .....16
7.0 Fundraising ...............................17
7.1 Program book copy 7.2 Ad book order form
8.0 Registration ..............................18
8.1 Family reunion registration form 8.2 Class reunion registration form 8.3 Military reunion registration form 8.4 Optional order form 8.5 Reunion activity signup form
9.0 Food .................................... 20
9.1 Food/cooking plans 9.2 Menu planning 9.3 Picnic checklist 9.4 Potluck signup form 9.5 Questions to ask the caterer
10.0 Reunion Day ............................_23
10.1 Reunion Day countdown 10.2 Reunion Days for the planner 10.3 Reunion Day volunteer list 10.4 Registration check-in/attendance roster
Reunion Day Programs
10.5 Sample Banquet program 10.6 Sample Business meeting agenda 10.7 Sample Worship/memorial program
11.1 Reunion member event evaluation 11.2 Committee member event evaluation 11.3 Member long form evaluation Don’t Let Your Memories Fade by VIVID-PIX® ... 29
Catalog of Reunion Resources ................. 42 Multimedia Reunion Planning Infographic ....... 44
Text in red indicates this is an actionable planning form. Forms can be printed at https://reunionsmag.com/free-stuff/. Scroll down and click on the link “Print blank reunion planning forms.”
2022 Reunion Planners Notebook Volume 31 • Number 3 PUBLISHER Rick Voight EDITOR IN CHIEF Edith Wagner editor@reunionsmag.com EDITORIAL ASSISTANT Mary Catherine Stern ART DIRECTOR Jennifer Rueth
SALES ACCOUNT MANAGER Roberta McLoud roberta@reunionsmag.com WEB WIZARDS Mickel Arce • Howard Ehrenberg Chris Thompson
Richmond High School Ladies of the Class of 1967
Reunions magazine, Inc. (ISSN #1046-5s235), is published virtually 4 times per year. Send correspondence, queries, submissions, subscriptions, advertising to Reunions magazine, PO Box 11727, Milwaukee WI 53211-0727. Written permission from the publisher is required for reproduction of any part of this book except pages which encourage sharing. Please explain your intended use when requesting permission to reprint. Email: editor@reunionsmag.com. Tear sheets of reviews and reprints required. Reunions magazine, Inc., will not be liable for information presented as facts contained in any of our advertising, byline stories or materials. We reserve the right to edit and/or refuse any material submitted for publication. We solicit participation and take responsibility for submitted materials. Unless accompanied by a self-addressed stamped envelope (SASE), submissions and photos will not be returned. All materials sent for purposes of publication become property of Reunions magazine, Inc. Advertising rate information available from Reunions magazine, Inc., PO Box 11727, Milwaukee WI 53211-0727; 414-467-8104 | e-mail roberta@reunionsmag.com | www.reunionsmag.com. © 2022 Reunions magazine, Inc.