Reverse Rett 2014 Infographic

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Established in 2010

to Rett Syndrome research in 4 years

In 2014 we delivered £794,445

to International research program

£45,600 to UK clinical research at King’s College


to UK clinical research foundation work

£117,774 to MECP2 Duplication projects

on the year before

in 2014 we increased funding to international research program by

our research priorities Putting the protein back Improving symptoms When MeCP2 protein is Funding laboratory and restored to the right level clinical research as well as in mice, Rett symptoms clinical trials to find go away. We’re funding ways to manage research aimed at increasing these symptoms and levels in humans. improve lives as soon as possible.

Understanding the causes Funding scientists working to better understand the causes of Rett so that we can find rational ways to fix the problem.

average of every £ we spend goes to: running the charity

charitable activities raising funds

change is possible because of you:

walking, running, cycling, swimming, rowing, climbing mountains, tackling obstacle races, baking cakes, holding coffee mornings, dinner parties, fun days, quiz nights, balls and gala evenings…

thank you

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