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FREE | OCTOBER 29 - NOVEMBER 5, 2020 | @phillyweekly

A new album, a new direction for Philly’s Danny Black

Image | Kirby Sybert

Shift in style

Target of hate: Philadelphia activist threatened by Proud Boys | Page 6





had initially planned this, my final streets can relate Wallace to this considering column as Philadelphia Weekly’s edievery local news station showed Philadeltor-in-chief, to read a lot different. phians pulling up outside of it all morning on In my head, this would have been Tuesday to steal wigs and hair weave. me penning my thanks to the readApparel stores like Foot Locker and Snipes ers who have supported a mission of will recall this tragedy for the time Philadelkeeping alternative viewpoints alive phians once smashed their stores across the since I took over this role in 2015. I city to steal fucking Nike Air Jordans and had planned to reveal that I’ve been asked to Yeezys. Philadelphia’s older adults affected by the smash and grabs at area Walmart stores chime in periodically on a writing capacity – but that the search is on for the next person – and CVS pharmacies will remember it as the time they weren’t able to get their prescripone eager to carry out the mission of offering tions or were forced to take an alternative a platform to conservative voices, believed to drug – praying the side effects didn’t be among the voiceless here in Philaffect them. adelphia. Many of these same business I’d planned to thank all of the corridors are already reeling from staff I’ve worked with over the last the impact of when Philly turned five years, specifically the contribuinto a powder keg over the summer tors who have delivered some really at the hands of George Floyd and powerful content we felt fortunate compound that with the impact of to run across PW’s pages, given the COVID-19. Sitting at my desk Tueshistory of this cultural vanguard. day morning watching NBC10, Fox That was going to be the basis of 29 and PHL17 all provide live aerial this week’s missive. coverage of people walking out of But all of that was prior to Monthat West Philly wig shop with boxday. es of wigs, hair extensions and othBefore I witnessed the beyond er accessories was one of the most graphic video of Walter Wallace embarrassing things I’ve witnessed. being gunned down in front of his Listen, I understand the anger. I mother by Philadelphia police of@SPRTSWTR really do. This summer, I was even ficers. Before I witnessed the city momentarily naive enough to think become a series of demonstrations that because the country was so furious, myin the name of injustice and police brutality by day before watching it fall victim to looting self included, over the senseless killing of George Floyd that this assuredly would kickand vandalism by night. With that said, I’m switching it up to offer start some nationwide reform in how police the following to the looters, thieves and rob- deal with situations so that they don’t come to bers using Wallace’s name as an excuse to this. And then two months later, Rayshard burn down and smash the business corridors of our communities – you are everything Brooks got shot in a Wendy’s parking lot. Now Wallace, which hits home given it hapthat’s wrong with Philadelphia. pened right here at home, has again fueled a Frankly, you’re a fucking embarassment. Sadly, thanks to you, Walter Wallace of the realization that when it comes to police some 6100 block of Locust Street won’t be remem- are just either too ill-equipped, ill-informed or just lack the basic cultural sensitivities to bered as the father of two who yearned for help from a mental health professional and deescalate a situation before it turns into parnot bullets from a police pistol. I’m unsure tially emptying a pistol clip in a human body. This anger has to go somewhere, and to be how that wasn’t made apparent after cops showed up to his home on three separate occa- honest, I don’t know where. But I also know it doesn’t need to be directed at the small busisions on the same day, but I digress. ness owner just trying to make a living and Walter Wallace won’t be remembered as the poster child for why police nationwide need thought the neighborhood where they set up shop was the best place to do it. Who knows, trained mental health professionals on staff ready to respond the same way a hostage ne- maybe some of that anger is directed at the gotiator would be called in during a standoff. sight of Black and Brown communities chock full of only liquor stores, dollar stores, sneakIf the police, its “Fraternal Order” and the er shops and fast food restaurants – but that’s City can’t come to an agreement on that, then I’m not sure which one is the bigger fraud. an entirely different column within itself. This is not the way I wanted to bid farewell You don’t need more money for tasers, Commissioner, as you noted, but you do need mon- to a publication in which I’ve learned so much and have so much appreciation for. But the aney to hire someone with a psych degree. ger I feel as I write this, to stay the course with Instead, Walter Wallace will be rememwhat I’d originally planned instead of what bered as the dude who kickstarted days (and nights) of looting throughout the city. That you just read would have been beyond disingenuous. hair care emporium on 52nd and Chestnut


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The number of times police visited the home of slain West Philadelphia man Walter Wallace on the day two police officers shot him on the 6100 block of Locust Street Monday evening prompting civil unrest that led to a night of riots and looting that lasted into the next morning.




For better or worse? This week, Philadelphia Health Commissioner Thomas Farley inferred that the rise of COVID-19 cases is happening again at such an alarming rate it’s almost impossible to contract trace origins. OK, we couched fact, Farley said that it is impossible to contact trace the origin of cases given the rate of infection. Coming off this past weekend, Philly averaged 296 new confirmed infections, which according to Farley is the highest since May. Stay strong, Philly.

SHE SAID IT... “The shelter system is hard. They have bed bugs the size of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Where will I end up?” – Sheena Robinson, 40, who according to an Inquirer story was interviewed cleaning up around the nearly cleared encampment, wondered as she was one of the few remaining inside the now fenced in encampment along Benjamin Franklin Parkway. Robinson is an originator of the camp which opened in June shortly after the murder of George Floyd, so you know things must be bad on the inside if the outside is preferable.

Philadelphia Weekly Holdings, Ltd. 1520 Locust Street, suite 501 Philadelphia, PA 19102 215-543-3743 @phillyweekly OCTOBER 29 - NOVEMBER 5, 2020 | PHILADELPHIA WEEKLY

Dan McDonough, Jr. Chairman & Publisher Kerith Gabriel Editor in Chief

— The sentiment of Ameen Akbar, one of the eight members of the School District of Philadelphia’s Board of Education, who resigned to serve as caregiver for an ailing family member. It should be noted that Akbar is a product of Philly schools, who attended Masterman and worked for nearly 15 years at YouthBuild Philadelphia Charter School a few blocks up N. Broad St. from the school district headquarters.

John Montesano Art Director

Alan Bauer Managing Editor

Contributors: A.D. Amorosi, Tom Beck, Courtenay Harris Bond, Resolve Philadelphia, Timaree Schmit, Ryan K. Smith, Eugene Zenyatta. Intern: Zachary Bard.

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SHOUTOUT TO... The 15-20 person biker gang that pulled up in front of City Hall Saturday to exercise their right to vote. If you were there Saturday morning, then you know it felt like a party at 9 a.m. once these dudes showed up. Initially, a few told a PW reporter on hand that they did judge the group once they showed up, one South Philly man who noted he thought it was Trump’s “intimidation squad” rolling up to flex on voters...until the men also stood in line to vote. Book. Judging cover.

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“Everytime you think this time is going to change things the universe is like ‘SIKE.’ This is of course even worse when you see it’s going down in your own neighborhood.” — SEPTA subway stop conversation for a Tuesday afternoon as a group of women waited for the Westbound Market-Frankford Line train from City Hall. They were talking in reference to the Cobbs Creek man shot by police that caused West Philadelphia to erupt into a night of protests, riots and looting.

Spring classes start January 19 APPLY NOW at PHILADELPHIA WEEKLY | OCTOBER 29 - NOVEMBER 5, 2020




White supremacists continue to target Philly activist


Image | Carl Wainwright






iolent threats. Midnight stalking. A public smear campaign. Philadelphia activist Gwen Snyder is once again on the receiving end of horrific scare tactics by white nationalist group the Proud Boys. A vocal critic of the group’s racist and misogynistic beliefs, Snyder says armed members stalked her outside of her home in mid-September after a failed protest against “antifa terrorism.” It’s part of an alarming harassment trend that’s targeted Snyder for years, and lately it’s been getting worse. “We’re not fans of guns,” said Snyder of her and her husband, “but we now own a firearm. It’s really meant changing the entire way we live our lives.” Snyder is no stranger to threats from white supremecists. Her work as an anti-facism researcher played a crucial role in exposing the identities of Proud Boy members working in various sectors throughout Philadelphia. Snyder’s research, which is shared primarily through her Twitter account, resulted in the firings of several outed members in 2018. That’s when local Proud Boys and neo-Nazis from across the country began sending her death threats, Image | Sean Hackbarth along with releasing her public inthe department will intervene depending on formation and address online. For a brief pethere to protect my friend,” said Savage. He riod in July of 2019, Snyder was even forced to ended up staying with Snyder for eight hours the seriousness of the threats. From there, detectives can interview the alleged harasser that day, and says Proud Boys members cirmove residences for fear for her safety. cled the home at least five times throughout and determine whether an arrest warrant can The incident outside Snyder’s West Philbe sought from a judge. the afternoon. adelphia home occured on Sept. 19 after the When asked about how the PPD responds to “I didn’t expect them to do anything if Proud Boy’s “Belly of the Beast 2020” rally credible death threats – like the ones Snyder is someone was there. If it had just been Gwen, failed to materialize in nearby Clark Park. bombarded with – the representative said that it might have been a different story,” he added. According to reporting from The Philadel“what you think is credible and what we think Apart from stalking and harassment, memphia Inquirer, around 500 counter-protesters is credible are different.” bers of the Proud Boys recently creoutnumbered the small group of Proud Boys After the September 2020 incident, ated a false conspiracy theory that members who actually showed up for the 1 Snyder isn’t confident the Philadelpaints Snyder as a pedophile. Memp.m. rally. BY JESSE phia Police Department will do any Despite their low turnout, it didn’t stop a bers circulated a doctored flier online better in standing up against white group of Proud Boys in unmarked clothing that depicts Snyder as a Megan’s Law BUNCH supremacists. “I’ve had really negoffender, listing her home address. from gathering outside of Snyder’s house in ative experiences dealing with the Megan’s Law is a federal law requiran attempt to intimidate her. police,” she said. “They generally do ing police to alert community mem“They scheduled the rally specifically outnot take this seriously. It’s only gotten worse bers of registered sex offenders – in this inside of my house,” said Snyder. “They said exsince Danielle Outlaw took over.” stance, an outright false and damaging claim. plicitly in their chats.” Part of Snyder’s work Outlaw came under fire in 2018 during Law enforcement has been little help in ofinvolves monitoring Proud Boys chats on the her time as police chief of Portland, Oregon. fering Snyder assistance. When members of popular messaging service Telegram. the Proud Boys yelled death threats outside The Guardian reported that her officers fired In one Twitter video posted from Snyder’s of her home at midnight in July of 2019, the stun-grenades directly at citizens who were account, two members can be heard saying Philadelphia Police Department reportedly counter-protesting rallies held by the Proud “goodbye Gwen” as they walk past the camshrugged off the behavior as scare tactics and Boys and Patriot Prayer, another far-right era. group. wrote up a “cursory report.” Only after SnyThe members were reportedly armed and In her current role as chief of the Philadelder and other activists vocalized their frustracircled the residential block throughout the phia Police Department, Outlaw has drawn afternoon. Snyder was lucky to have her tion on social media did a more thorough inheavy criticism from Black Lives Matter supvestigation take place. Since then, zero arrests friend Jim Savage protect her that day. Savporters for her handling of the June 2020 inhave been made. age, a former union president, stood guard on A representative for the Philadelphia Police cident on I-676. Protesters trapped between ofSnyder’s porch with a baseball bat in case any ficers and a fenced area were tear-gassed and Department stated in a phone call that if a conflicts arose. “I wasn’t there to confront anybody. I was complaint is filed for harassment or stalking, shot with rubber bullets as they marched for


racial justice in the wake of George Floyd’s murder. Regardless of Outlaw’s ability to control her officers, connections between the Philadelphia Fraternal Order of Police and the Proud Boys are undeniable. In July, Proud Boys members reportedly rang up a $1,000 bar tab at the FOP headquarters during an afterparty for Vice President Mike Pence’s speech. Earlier in June, some Philadelphia Police officers were notably supportive of violent Proud Boys attacks against journalists during racial justice protests in Fishtown and South Philadelphia, high-fiving and taking photos with group members while refusing to make arrests. When President of the FOP John McNesby was asked about his organization’s relationship with the Proud Boys, he denied any affiliation, stating “Philadelphia police officers, FOP leadership, and members condemn their hateful and discriminatory speech in any form.” As tensions boil ahead of the November 2020 presidential election, cities around the nation are seeing renewed enthusiasm from the Proud Boys. When asked about the group in recent debates, President Trump refused to condemn their behavior, telling them to “stand back and stand by.” Trump’s fear-mongering around civil unrest has only exacerbated Proud Boys rhetoric. Philadelphia Proud Boys cited “antifa terrorism” as the main reason for the failed Clark Park rally in September. Their fears continue despite U.S. Crisis Center data that shows law-enforcement agencies are disproportionately flooded with credible threats of violence from white supremecists and that less than 10 percent of Black Lives Matter protests in 2020 have resulted in violence. While threats from the Proud Boys and white supremacists haven’t stopped for Snyder, she’s happy knowing that their numbers in Philadelphia have decreased due to her mass-identification campaigns. In this dangerous field of activism, she’s also not alone. “There’s a lot of people who have done really excellent research,” says Snyder. “But for obvious reasons, they tend to latch on to us that choose to do this work under our own name.” In the ever-growing need to combat white supremacy in communities, Snyder hopes more people will look at her research as something they can be involved with. “It’s really important for folks to see this work not as something radical. This is work that needs to be respected and in the mainstream. It’s especially important for white people to be using our privilege right now.”







City A look at Philadelphia’s high homicide rate









met a woman who liked being mostly Krasner is the problem, not the solution. housebound during the COVID-19 epAs a former defense attorney who sued the idemic. Police Department 75 times and has represent“I don’t want to be walking the ed pro-bono, anti-police groups such as ACT streets while all these murders are goUP and Black Lives Matter, Krasner is seen ing on,” the woman told me. “Philadelby many to be more sympathetic to criminals phia has become ‘Murder City.’” than cops. Krasner was opposed by many poHaving worked as a crime reporter and collice officers in the last election and many distrust him even more today. John McNesby, the umnist in the city for many years, I’ve been on president of the Fraternal Order Police, Lodge the scene shortly after a number of murders were committed, from robbery-related mur- 5, stated that Krasner was working hard to push forward his “anti-police agenda” by ders, to juvenile gang killings, to mob hits prosecuting cops. in South Philly. I’ve interviewed One police officer I spoke to nothomicide detectives at the Rounded that with the mayor and DA rehouse, and I’ve observed homicide leasing most of the people arrested detectives as they investigated murduring the looting and riots followders. I’ve seen murder victims up ing George Floyd’s murder, practiclose and I’ve witnessed the look cally the only people being proseof shock, sadness and grief on the cuted are police officers. The cop I faces of the murder victims’ loved spoke to suspects the prosecutors ones. who will be assigned to the police I recall in particular one sad, will be looking for cop scalps, and sex-related murder some years ago not for illegal gun-toting murderers. of a young woman in her Center Back in August, William McCity apartment. I had been out on a Swain, the Trump-appointed U.S. ride-along with a sergeant when the Attorney, held a press conference two responding officers called their and spoke of the escalating violent supervisor to report finding the body. The older, more experienced PAULDAVISONCRIME.COM crime occurring in Philadelphia. “Homicides, shootings, and serisergeant took charge when we enous violent crime have all skyrocktered the apartment, as the young eted in 2020 – from already intolerable levels patrolmen were somewhat shaken, as this was their first encounter with a murder victim. I that existed in 2019 and 2018,” McSwain said. “Almost all the victims are racial minorities, suspect this was not their last. the vast majority of whom are black. As of Oct. 27, there have been 400 homicides This past weekend alone, at least 25 people committed in Philadelphia. Contrast that with were shot. So far this year, the 275 homicides committed over 100 children have been at this point in 2019, as well as shot, a 68 percent increase as the total number of 356 homicompared to last year. Again, cides committed in 2019. One almost all of these child vichomicide is one too many, tims are racial minorities, the and 400 homicides are way too vast majority of whom are many. black.” Philadelphia Police ComMcSwain, a frequent Krasmissioner Danielle M. Outlaw ner critic, said the violence announced her Crime Prevenhas largely been met with intion and Violence Action Plan difference, a sense of inevitaback in June. One of the key bility, and even a shrug of the features of the plan is for the shoulders. police to work closely with the He noted that Krasner has District Attorney’s office. said that “poverty equals bul“The plan reflects the value lets.” McSwain said this conand necessity of sustained coldescending statement was laboration among law enforce“a slap in the face to every ment partners,” Commissionlaw-abiding, low-income resident in the city er Outlaw stated in a press release. She stated that a key component of her plan who respect the law, never shoot anybody, love their neighbors, and work hard to improve was working with Philadelphia District Larry Krasner, who will be assigning two assistant their neighborhood. “Poverty is never an excuse for violent district attorneys to each of the six geographcrime, and certainly not for murder.” ic police divisions. She further stated that the All of the cops that I’ve spoken to believe prosecutors will work alongside the investigators in responding to and investigating violent that the DA should prosecute violent criminals and murderers and not make sweetheart crimes, especially those crimes that involve a deals or simply drop the charges. These police firearm. officers tell me that until violent criminals are And there’s the rub, according to several taken off the street, the murder rate will only serving and retired cops that I’ve spoken to. These cops, and many others, believe that go up and up.


“Poverty is never an excuse for violent crime, and certainly not for murder.”






Trade enforcement can accelerate economic recovery The stock market has largely rebounded from COVID-19, and American retail sales are improving steadily. Even more encouraging is that the U.S. unemployment rate fell for the fifth consecutive month in September. Each of these gains are sure signs that the Trump administration’s economic response to the coronavirus crisis is working. But we are not out of the woods quite yet. Many factories and offices are still closed or operating at reduced capacity. Fortunately, the Trump administration is working to boost U.S. exports by holding our trading partners accountable to the agreements they’ve signed. Strict trade enforcement is one of the best ways to help America’s exporters get back on their feet – and put millions of Americans back to work. Too often, our trading partners tacitly allow, or even actively abet, unfair practices. Consider their treatment of America’s enormous trove of intellectual property. In countries like Indonesia and Thailand, for instance, counterfeit and pirated U.S. goods are easily obtained in markets. In Brazil, the use of unlicensed American software – as well as digital piracy of content such as film and television – remains rampant. And India routinely permits local generic firms to manufacture patented American medicines. Unfair trading practices even run rampant in countries where we’ve recently negotiated trade agreements. In Canada, for instance, online piracy, stream ripping, and copyright infringement continue to devalue the work of U.S. creators. And in both Canada and Japan, discriminatory drug pricing policies keep U.S. biopharmaceutical firms from fully accessing these important international markets. When other countries disregard the provisions of existing trade agreements, American workers suffer. That’s because trade supports

nearly 40 million American jobs and these positions are some of the highest-paying roles in the nation. For instance, manufacturing employees in heavily trade-dependent sectors earn about 50 percent more, on average, than manufacturing workers in sectors that largely don’t depend on trade. Stricter trade enforcement would especially benefit America’s small businesses, which account for 98 percent of all U.S. exporters. The administration understands this, of course. We finally have a president who stands up to the countries that condone this theft and erect barriers to U.S. trade. And our U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer – the president’s right-hand man on all trade-related matters – has also called out these abuses for years. Now is the time to double down. Enforcing existing trade deals will lead to higher standards in future agreements – and new and better deals would help U.S. firms thrive for decades to come. Consider how, in the current negotiations over a forthcoming U.S.-U.K. trade pact, the United Kingdom is resisting provisions that would require that country’s health system to pay a fair price for American medicines. The United Kingdom has also long outlawed certain chicken imports from the United States. If past administrations had taken a tougher line on Britain’s abuses, the U.K.’s position would be untenable. But since Britain’s refusal to appropriately value innovation and ban on certain U.S. agricultural products has gone unchecked for so long, it’s far tougher for America’s current trade negotiators to demand higher standards. Yet demand them they must. The coronavirus, and the ensuing shutdowns, were out of policymakers’ control. But the barriers that prevent American firms from thriving in foreign markets are well within our power to eliminate.

Rick Dearborn is a Senior Fellow for the Bipartisan Policy Center and former deputy chief of staff to President Trump.




Image | Pille-Riin Priske

COVID cases reportedly are spiking across the nation.

Your turn: Have the increased cases made you change your behavior? Are you staying in more? Do you fear another lockdown? Send your thoughts to



SHOUT BACK: A couple of weeks ago we asked how you would reduce violence in Philly. Here are a couple of your responses: Increase penalties Worth mentioning. I’ve heard police commanders/police say a few times that an effective trick to stopping gun violence is to increase the penalties for being caught with an unregistered (unlicensed?) gun. If you make it so it’s not a pat-on-the-wrist, then the criminals even tell you that they’d leave their weapons home. (I think coupled with stop & frisk would make it extra effective.) Create a strong town-watch campaign. Also, there is a service that was talked about on NPR where they hover a helicopter high over a city and take a high-res pic every second. When a crime is committed, the police download the images from that moment and

look at the cars involved, then fast-forward to see where they went home to, etc. … (and grab the bad guys) It sounded like the cities would have the helicopter up every day/night. - Chris Two moves to stop crime Sure, a no-brainer. Two moves. 1. D.A. Larry Krasner, move him out of office, homicide rate up 31 percent since he took office, lets more criminals out of jail than any other D.A. 2. Mayor Kenney, did feed the city, but cutting $33 million from the police budget, at the same time Krasner is releasing felons, it’s a no-win situation, time for a new mayor. - Chuck

Trump’s latest order will decimate U.S. innovation

With only a few months left in his first term, President Trump is trying to make good on his campaign promise to lower drug prices. He has signed an executive order directing Medicare to tie reimbursements for most medicines to the lowest prices paid in other developed countries. This “foreign reference pricing,” if implemented, would purportedly give Americans cheaper drugs. But it would stifle biomedical research, leaving valuable new therapies undiscovered and dashing the hopes of patients whose conditions lack an effective treatment. Drug discovery in the United States is diversified and collaborative. It often involves scientists at universities or government labs doing basic research without any obvious commercial application. Those discoveries might nonetheless be patented. This opens the door to collaboration with a partner from the private sector – for example, a small biotech backed by venture capital – to develop it further into a commercial product. These private firms are better equipped to develop and commercialize a drug discovery.

It’s risky, expensive, and time-consuming. Very few therapies make it from the lab into clinical trials, and of those only 12 percent receive FDA approval. On average, it takes 15 years and $2.9 billion to bring a new drug to market. This public-private partnership, backed by the U.S. patent system, has fueled incredible innovation. Today, U.S. researchers invent and develop two-thirds of all new medicines. Trump’s executive order would destroy this public-private pathway and diminish biopharmaceutical innovation in general. Having spent decades supporting innovative discoveries through technology licensing, I find this troubling. The United States has always recognized the public benefit of innovation, and encouraged it through market-based incentives. Those incentives have produced incalculable benefits in the form of drugs, vaccines, and medical devices. Now more than ever, having seen the havoc of COVID-19, we should be rewarding, rather than discouraging, innovation. Regrettably, President Trump’s executive order does exactly the opposite.

Brian O’Shaughnessy is Chair of the IP Acquisitions Group of Dinsmore & Shohl, LLP, and a past president of the Licensing Executives Society (USA & Canada), Inc. This piece originally ran in the Boston Herald.

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Image | Tiffany Tertipes



Yes, pollsters, Icepack is going to vote


one new song since releasing their fourth alur in-person Election Month, I MEAN DAY – Tuesday, Nov. bum, “A Deeper Understanding,” in 2017? 3 – draws perilously near. It Fine. We’ll take it. is, as always, THE MOST IMSandler update PORTANT ELECTION OF Downtown Philly, Italian Market Philly, OUR LIVES until the next one. Fishtown guitar-buying Philly, say so long, I get it. And, in all honesty, for now, to Adam Sandler and the “Hustle”/ not only do I always say that voting is a must, Netflix b-balling crew for a minute. Like all a right and a privilege – so get to the polls or Philly-based film productions, they’re headed your mailboxes – I’m one of those people who up to the Oaks studio facility in Chester, then state that if you don’t vote, if you cede your a gym at Coatesville High School in Eastern ability to stand up and be counted, then sit the PA until Nov. 5. 6WJAC even reports that the fuck down and shut up about everything. Your LeBron James-produced “Hustle” will give opinion doesn’t count if you don’t make yourthe high school a new scoreboard and $80,000 self count. for its troubles. Atza nize. While LeBron’s That said, oh street-strolling pollers, clipcrew has been in Philly, by the way, his Sprinboard holders, Twitterers, emailers, InstagHill Company has made a deal with CNN grammers and Zoom callers of Pennsylvania Films Team to lens “Dreamland: The Rise and and Philadelphia: You have made my summer Fall of Black Wall Street” on the controversial and autumn SUCK. Actually, everyone from topic of 1921’s Tulsa race massacre. Sandler, restaurateurs to clothiers to artists during this same time, has made his – even the most frivolous marketing bulldog, Bagel, part of the Fleetwood teams and public relations people used Mac “Dreams” TikTok craze with a BY A.D. to selling fluff – have made my season AMOROSI new video posted on the Sandman’s in the un-sun suck with their focus on Twitter, Ocean Spray and all, with voting, daily harangues that are no the pooch reunited with Sandler on a more than on-trend tics. The only thing worse Philly studio lot. than discussing public policy with someone Philadanco changes who won’t vote privately is someone blatherRight after celebrating her 50th anniversaing on about the political process as if it is a ry during the pandemic and hosting her dance commonplace hourly meme – a TikTok clip company’s first livestream performance whose importance rises then falls in the nanothrough the Annenberg Center, Philadanco second before the next short-form vid flickers. founder Joan Myers Brown is stepping down I am a grown-ass man and don’t need to be from her longtime leadership role as artistic told to “vote.” You vote, pal. YOU. GO. VOTE. director and welcomes Kim Bears Bailey in New album, song that choreographic-curatorial role. Is it me, or Sure, Philly’s space-dream psychedelic The did this seem sudden? JMB is beloved, so a deWar on Drugs has a new album, a live one parture is worth a question. entitled LIVE DRUGS coming out on Adam Restaurant overhaul Granduciel’s Super High Quality label, late By the time this Icepack runs, Philly’s Iron in November. And live albums always stand Chef and restaurateur Jose Garces will have for greatest hits, fan faves or opportunities for rearranged and overhauled everything there one member to jam while another runs out is about his Old Bar in Old City – his legendback for a smoke and someone records it all. ary Bookbinders’ buy out from 2015 – with a This time, however, as portrayed first on “The majorly redone and expanded menu and a big Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon,” the décor/space shift. Credit where credit’s due: other night, The War on Drugs’ LIVE DRUGS This pandemic has made for some fascinating hosts a new track, “Ocean of Darkness.” OK, style/décor moves in the name of safety and



PHILADELPHIAWEEKLY.COM @PHILLYWEEKLY social distancing. After that, expect Garces to move around the menu and the chairs at Old Bar’s neighbor, Amada, as well as his Rittenhouse-area Basque boite, Tinto. June Bugs music Philly’s fave-o-rite rockabilly/retro swing outfit April Mae & The June Bugs have retooled their dirty, epic Halloween hayride treat from last year, the 2019 released “Boogie Boo!” into a spanking new “Boogie Boo! Deluxe” with all 14 songs from the original, a downloadable booklet “Sharing the Stories, Songs by April Mae,” plus three additional songs. “Swingin’ At The Séance,’” “Graveyard Boogie” and the hot rod-themed “Race With the Devil.” While the first two new tracks were recorded at home during C-19 quarantine, the “Race” was recorded at the historic Sun Studios in Memphis, TN with guest drummer and legendary Sun session cat, Rockabilly Hall of Famer J.M. Van Eaton. A music video for “Race With the Devil” from that Sun session should drop in time for the spooky holiday. Masked Philly: Paige Price In Icepack’s continuing saga of asking mask-donning local celebrities what they’ve Image | Paige Price been up to beyond the pale during C-19, this week I reached out to Paige Price, the producing artistic director at Philadelphia Theatre Company. Like every theater company in town, Price’s PTC on Broad Street has been on lockdown, free from all on-stage-with-an-audience activity. So what’s Paige been doing at home? For the duel purposes of “relaxation and nesting,” Price rediscovered her love of raking leaves for the autumn tumble, as well as writing postcards to friends to get them involved in Philly’s Protect&Elect – a group of women who started a state PAC dedicated or fundraising for downballot races in Pennsylvania. “I’m writing ‘til my hands fall off,” she said. Mainly, however, Price has been doing deepdives into the world of online theatremaking.

“I went to a ton of readings and ‘shows’ online, then learned a little bit more about editing in iMovie when we had to move to a virtual Play Brawl,” she said of PTC’s annual our gala. “It was fun to learn how others were manipulating Zoom and other platforms to enhance the system to make it more versatile. Ellie Heyman, the director of The Tattooed Lady, worked on an all-star benefit for AMFAR with Glenn Close and Patti LuPone and she let me peek behind the scenes. When we got the Pew grant for The Tattooed Lady, (woohoo!), we got excited about how those methods might help us develop the show until it’s safe to get back into a rehearsal room together. These new tools will be ideal to help push the form forward.” The mask? She’s all for it. “I’ve gotten quite used to wearing them and am uplifted when I see people just going about their day, respecting that this is the way we have to do things for now. My mask was made by a composer – Jenny Giering – who personalized them according to our personalities. Mine I loved for the eyes look blue or green depending on what I’m wearing and this one definitely puts them in the green category.” While Price is waiting for the moment where she could take a huge breath and say a grateful “thank you” for continued health, the PTC producing artistic director is excited (“and experiencing terror”) about finally getting ready to produce “The Wolves.” “This play has been a year in the making, and we’ve had to pause so many times, but, we’re going to start Election Week. So...yeah, that’s happening. We’re making a fully virtual version of the play – all shot in isolation – and this is simply the first time we’re all doing this. So you don’t know what you don’t know, right? But, it’s a great challenge and we’ll come out on the other side of it having learned new things.”


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EVAN THOMAS RELEASES NEW ALBUM RELEASES NEW ALBUM Title song written as foundations of his life were falling apart

Evan Thomas’ ‘Foundations’ radiates uninhibited energy with mesmerizing vocal performances and story-telling lyricism. Image | Christian Hopkins







ennsylvania’s Evan Evan Thomas’ version of pop is influenced by Thomas has a story to gospel and Christian contemporary music intell about love – rejec- terwoven with the sensibilities of modern pop tion leading to self-ac- and R&B and the classic sounds of the 1970s ceptance. Growing up and ‘80s. Image | Harold Milton-Grovie in the “Bible Belt of the North,” his version of pop is influenced by gospel and Christian contemporary music interwoven with the sensibilities of modern pop and R&B and the classic sounds of the 1970s and ‘80s. As a singer-songwriter, he maintains a warm, soulful, expressive sound in all his music. Vulnerable, honest, and diverse, Thomas seeks to speak to the complexities of his human experience. He has released three singles and a debut album, entitled “Foundations.” In May, he was awarded the Sach’s Grants Arts Innovation Prize to create a Visual EP exploring the issues of race and sexuality in the United States. “Foundations,” a seven-track record, has a powerful aura that will have music aficionados hooked. The album radiates uninhibited energy with mesmerizing vocal performances and story-telling lyricism. “Foundations” features tracks such as “Like I Do” that radiates a self-empowering story, and “Cool Kid Rules” that tells the tale of always trying to fit in. With melodic elements and heavy basslines, each track is unique and has its role in the album. Through Thomas’ smooth and unique voice, he manages to make a timeless pop/r&b album. Moreover, Thomas radiates a nostalgic R&B style with a modern pop sound. With a distinctive style, he maintains a fully charged arsenal of high octane music that supports the fact that he is set to make a strong impact on the music industry and the charts. sons I never gave myself permission and was moil of leaving religious fundamentalism and PW recently caught up with Thomas to talk never encouraged to pursue music in the way facing the judgment and rejection from peers and mentors provided a wealth of material I wanted to. The acapella group I led in colabout his music. lege, Discord Acapella, played an important from which I could write music. Almost a year Talk a little about your early experience part in helping me to recognize that I have a later, on Aug. 21, 2020, my 24th birthday, I rewith music. Who were some of your first inleased the first version of my debut fluences? When did you know you wanted unique talent for music, singing, album. In many ways, it is my life and songwriting. to pursue a career as an entertainer? story in music. Musically, it pulls After years of intense resistance For a long time, I was resistant to pursuing BY EUGENE influences from a lot of different a career in entertainment and music. I’ve been to my sexuality and some converplaces: Christian contemporary and sion therapy, fall 2018 began a long singing my whole life. My first solo was “God ZENYATTA gospel music, the era of the 1970s, (and ongoing) process of coming Bless America” as a kindergartener during and of course pop and modern R&B. out and accepting my sexuality, culthe elementary school concert. I was highly Earlier this year, you told The minating in September 2019 when involved in music throughout middle school and high school as a lead in the musicals, I told my close friends and family that I was Daily Pennsylvanian that your album, done trying to change and trying to conform “Foundations,” addresses your experiences drum major of the marching band, and presto their ideals of masculinity and morality. It as a gay Black man from Lancaster. Can ident of the choir. you talk a little about how you settled on was during these processes of deep self-reflecNevertheless, music (especially the type of that theme for the album and also how the tion and revelation that I decided that I must music I was interested in at the time – musiproject ultimately came together? make music … was even born to make music. cal theater) was associated with girls and gays I had been writing music privately for a For better or for worse, the emotional turgrowing up, and for religious and cultural rea-


long time, usually as a way to process my feelings. Before “Foundations,” I had written enough music to release an entire Christian Contemporary album. I had written these songs to process my relationship with God and even shared them with my Christian community, but as my world view began to change, so did the subject matter and genre of my music. The title song, “Foundations,” I wrote as the foundations of my life were falling apart. Everything I worked for, relationships, stability, recognition within my religious community, was becoming null and void. “Never Admit” and “Like I Do” I used to grieve the loss of some of the most meaningful relationships in my life up until that point in life. “New Low” was an internal dialogue about my same-sex attractions. When and where can people get the album? It is out now on Spotify, Apple Music, iTunes, Google Play, etc. Evan Thomas - Foundations. This is where you’ll find my Spotify, Apple Music, and YouTube linktr. ee/theevanthomas. As a recent Wharton graduate, do you find yourself immersed in the Philly music scene? Are there any local artists who’ve influenced you? Hadji Gaviota, Gabi Diaz, Sara Seyed, Tatum Gale, Dummy Fresh are all local artists who inspire me. They are all Penn alumni who have put out music in the past couple of years. What’s ahead for you after the pandemic clears? How do you see your career progressing? I am working on the Deluxe Version of the album which will include three new songs and two remixes in collaboration with Alex Graf (producer). These songs are important to tell the full story of “Foundations” the album. In addition, I am working with Harold Milton-Grovie and Shalom Obiago on “Foundations: The Visual EP.” It is a short film featuring three of the songs from the album that tell my story of coming out and self-acceptance in a much more symbolic way. The script is written and one of the music videos has been filmed. I am excited to release it. I am planning to release the Deluxe and Visual version of “Foundations” probably next May, where we can have in-person showings and release parties. What are some of the best ways for your fans to keep up with what you’re doing? Instagram: @theevanthomas; Website:; Facebook: Evan Thomas Music






Philadelphiabased artist drops new album next month


hen he was only 8 years Guster, The Head and the Heart and old, Philadelphia-based many more. In between commitments, guitarist Danny Black Black found time to record two instrubegan learning to play mental solo albums that sent him on guitar and sing harmo- extensive tours. In contrast to Good Old War’s brand of folky-harmony ny. Music quickladen pop, these solo albums are ly developed into made up of intricate guitar piecan obsession, and by the time he EUGENE es that take the listener on cinewas a teenager he was playing ZENYATTA matic adventures in sound. in multiple touring bands, and With the release of his last spending nearly every waking two instrumental albums “Admoment developing his craft. After years of hard tours and record- venture Soundtrack” and “Themes,” ing sessions, Black found success as a Black has generated over 5 million streams and featured on numerous Spofounding member of the band Good Old War and as Joshua Radin’s sideman. He tify playlists like Electric Relaxation and Indie Folk for Focus. After develophas shared the stage with artists like Alison Krauss & Union Station, Bran- ing his immersive instrumental sounddi Carlile, Counting Crows, Josh Ritter, scapes, he found a new sound to build on

Philly’s Danny Black spent his downtime during the pandemic recording a new album of his own and working on a myriad of projects for film, collaborations and TV. Image courtesy of Facebook




with his third solo album, “Black Ryno,” due As far as why I made this record instead of out in mid-November. another instrumental album, really it’s just that it happened and I couldn’t fight the inOn “Black Ryno,” Black’s listeners will immediately hear a shift in musical style, most spiration. It was almost like the songs were guiding me and I just let the music go where noticeably being no instrumental pieces. He now evolves from his signature solo guitar it wanted. I’ve also always been a fan of artpieces by adding on lead vocals and perform- ists that do what they want to do as opposed to ing all the instruments on the album, aside what people expect of them. While some will from drums which are all performed by Ryan always prefer certain sides of an artist, I want to surprise my audience at every turn. I’m forZimmaro (of Vacationer). PW recently chatted with Black about the tunate to be at the beginning of my solo career and I’m enjoying the exploration. There will new album and his career. surely be more instrumental music to come, You jumped into music early in your life. Who were some of the people who encouraged but there might be more albums in this spirit as well. and influenced you in Have the pandemyour younger years? ic and all of its cloI definitely did. My sures impacted your original hero is my career? How have you dad. He played guitar spent your time in and wrote songs and self-isolation? I tried to be just like They sure have. As him. I was lucky to find any fan of Good Old other kids right away War knows, we have who had musical paralways toured hard. ents. We started bands We became known and wrote songs. By as a band that spent the time I was in high much of its time on school, I was playing the road. In addition to in basically every lothat, I’ve spent the last cal band and touring year or so as a sideup and down the east man for Joshua Radin, coast. Danny Black’s latest album, ‘Black Ryno,’ who also tours like a I was also fortunate is due out Nov. 13, and listeners will notice a champ. Beyond that, to start getting into dramatic shift in style. Image | Kirby Sybert I’ve been lucky enough music just as the Seto get in some good attle scene exploded, and I took a lot of inspiration from Pearl Jam, solo runs as well as join in on guitar for Maps Nirvana, Soundgarden etc. At the same time, and Atlases occasionally. Without touring being a possibility, I exI was obsessed with the Beatles, Led Zeppelin, The Doors and Clapton. Basically what be- perienced a little bit of an existential crisis. I didn’t really know who I was without that came known as classic rock. At the same time, there was a killer punk side of my life. Luckily, my wife and I had just scene happening in LA and I got deep into started renting a house in Conshohocken so I set up a home studio and dove deep into a milBad Religion, NOFX, Lagwagon and then east coast bands like Fugazi. Of course I expanded lion projects. In a lot of ways it’s been the most into so many other kinds of music as I grew productive time of my life. Besides recording a up but these were the artists that got me start- new album of my own, I’ve worked on a myriad of projects for film, collaborations and TV. ed. My main source of income now is teaching “Black Ryno” is scheduled to drop Nov. lessons, which I absolutely love and I teach 13. It’s a new venture for you, following your first two instrumental albums. Talk a students virtually all over the world. After the album is released and the panlittle about how it came together, and why did you change things up since your first demic clears, what’s ahead for you? New music? Live performances? two albums were so successful? All of that! I can’t wait to hit the road! More I never really planned on making this album, to be honest. I had been jamming regu- music, more tours, hugging my friends and larly with Ryan Zimmaro of Vacationer be- family What are the best ways for your fans to tween tours and always wished I could record hear your music and stay up to date with his playing and write to it. He’s a spectacular drummer. He’s incredibly original and solid as everything you’re doing? Please follow me on Instagram! @dannya rock. One day I got him to come over and play black. I post on there as much as I can to stay to different click tracks for an hour. Some- involved. For listening, please listen on Spohow that was all I needed to write an entire tify, Apple Music, Tidal, and I sometimes put up some random covers and interesting music album. I just dove so deep into it. Originally I on my soundcloud, expected to have other singers resing my parts or write new melodies, but I ended up feeling user-831194957. For videos I’m on youtube, pretty good about my vocal and now I couldn’t I3YwB-O8NaEw0CixTg imagine anyone else singing these tunes. NM-00428291





THE RUNDOWN Image | Nathan Ansell

How we’re getting ready for Halloween

Monday was National Pumpkin Day. Saturday is Halloween. Area establishments are certainly in the holiday mood and have a bunch of specials going on. Here are a few of our favorites. Philadelphia Brewing Company

The city’s oldest and largest operating brewery has announced the return of its classic pumpkinflavored ale: The Kenz o’Lantern is available on-site for outdoor drinking and dining at Philadelphia Brewing Company’s expansive space in Kensington, as well as in select bottle shops throughout the region. 2440 Frankford Avenue | 215.427.2739 |

Art in the Age

East Passyunk

Over on bustling East Passyunk Avenue, shops and restaurants are celebrating Pumpkin Day with a bevy of irresistible offerings. Guests are invited to stroll down the Avenue sipping a Pumpkin Pie Slushee from The Bottle Shop, known for its extensive beer and beverage selection, or perhaps a POPEkin Spice Slushie from Pub on Passyunk East. Visitors are also encouraged to check out P’unk Burger, a contemporary eatery known for its organic ingredients, and its Pumpkin Cinnamon Spice Milkshake. For those craving a crisp cocktail, try the Pumpkin Chai Margarita from Cantina Los Caballitos for some Mexican-style fall flair. 1904 E Passyunk Ave | 215.336.1455|


Old City’s cutting edge at-home bar supply and bottle shop is serving up a beverage straight from the pumpkin patch: The Roast Pumpkin Martinez cocktail is crafted with Art in the Age’s own citrusy, barrel-aged Flora Gin, dark Chicory Root vodka, saline solution made with toasted pumpkin seeds, and finished off with a sweet pumpkin butter vermouth. This festive refreshment, garnished with toasted almonds and bay leaf bitters, balances sweet and salty in a perfect homage to crisp fall weather. 116 North 3rd Street | 215.922.2600 |

Halloween at Sunset Social

Sunset Social, dubbed Sunset Socially Distanced for the 2020 season, is hosting a social distanced Halloween celebration for kids and adults on its 1.2acre, open-air, CIRA Green rooftop. Free and entirely open to the public, kids, adults and families are invited to the rooftop from noon to 3pm on Saturday, Oct. 31, to enjoy family-friendly Halloween movies “Hocus Pocus” and “Scooby Doo” on the largest screen in all of PA. Plus pumpkin painting, candy and costume contests for both kids and adults. Adults win dinner for two at Walnut Street Cafe, while kids take home a larger-than-life stuffed animal and more candy than they could have scored in the neighborhood.


The celebrated French restaurant from Chef Christopher Kearse in Old City has an all new fall menu that’s brimming with autumnal flavors. One favorite this season that is earning raves is Kearse’s silky Pumpkin Soup, poured table side and given added texture and dimension with crispy oats and cherry crème. Those in the know will order one of Forsythia’s perfectly seasonal and exceptionally curated ciders to pair with Chef’s Pumpkin Soup. 233 Chestnut Street | 215.644.9395 |

Scavenger hunt

East Passyunk Avenue Business Improvement District is keeping the spirit of All Hallows’ Eve alive by safely celebrating the spooky holiday in the form of a socially distanced scavenger hunt, seasonal eats, libations, and shopping, and pre-packed “trick or treat” bags for children in costume, through Saturday, Oct. 31. The District has set up two locations – Society Hill Dance Academy (1919 East Passyunk) and the driveway of the South Philadelphia Older Adult Center (1430 East Passyunk) – as the pick-up spots for families to come in costume and grab pre-packaged “trick or treat” bags from 11am – 1pm on Saturday,. For Halloween fans of all ages, there will be a scavenger hunt set up along the Avenue that can be filled out on mobile devices through Saturday. Check out for details.




Chris Distefano

You can catch Chris all over MTV as he is a current cast member on MTV2s hit show “Guy Code” as well as MTV’s “Girl Code.” Chris was selected from hundreds of comedians across the country to be one of Comedy Central’s Comics to Watch as part of the 2012 New York Comedy Festival as well as a New Face of 2013’s Montreal Just for Laughs Comedy Festival. In 2013, Chris made his network television debut on “The Late Show with David Letterman” and in 2015, he made his second late night appearance on “Late Night with Seth Meyers.” You can find his half-hour comedy special on Comedy Central and he is currently the star of IFC’s new hit comedy series “Benders.” Nov. 19-21.

Following its highly successful Patio Series, Punch Line Philly, the comedy club in Fishtown, is bringing comedians Godfrey, Chris Distefano, Corey Holcomb, a Philly All-Pro Comedy Series, and others to the club for a series of socially distanced performances. Here’s a look at some of what’s ahead, but visit for all of the details, ticket info, etc.

How we’re heading back to Punch Line Philly Corey Holcomb

Going from hanging in the hood to performing comedy on Jay Leno’s “Tonight Show,” not to mention the privilege of afterward being invited to take a seat on the “couch” which not many comics are asked to do, has been a long and fulfilling journey. Corey hit his first open mic in 1992 when Adele Givens called him to the stage. He was a smashing success and has been a full-time comedian ever since. He has taken top honors at the Miller Genuine Draft Comedy Search, Budweiser Comedy Competition, Chicago Home Jam, and Laffapalooza. He has appeared at the Montreal Just for Laughs Festival and the Chicago Comedy Festival. Nov. 12-15.

More performers

You can also check out Erik Terrell & Friends on Oct. 30; the Philly All-Pro Comedy Showcase on Nov. 4; and Eric D’Alessandro with special guest Joe Sib on Nov. 13-14.


As one of the most dominant forces in the comedy circuit, Godfrey has been seen on stages from New York and Los Angeles to Dubai. Along with his own one-hour special on Comedy Central, Godfrey recently starred in the FX pilot “Bronx Warrants,” adding to his onscreen credits which include “ZOOLANDER,” “30 Rock,” and a recurring role on “Louie.” Godfrey also stars alongside Shaquille O’Neal on the TruTV series, “Upload,” which is now going into its second season. Nov. 5-7.

The rules

Adhering to guidelines issued by the City of Philadelphia and the State of Pennsylvania, Punch Line Philly is now offering indoor seating with a reduced venue capacity to adhere to social distancing measures. Masks are mandatory inside the venue and must be worn at all times except while eating and drinking. Punch Line Philly will also offer an expanded menu of food and beverage options with contactless payment during the performance.





Election Day Pizza

Philadelphia restaurant SliCE will give away free pizza slices on Tuesday, Nov. 3, between 5 to 7pm. After a challenging year with the global pandemic, and a long election season, the owners will head out to six polling places that are expected to have long lines and give away free slices of pizza to those waiting to cast their ballot. No purchase is required, and this is for anyone of any political background – no matter who you are supporting you can enjoy a free slice at outside polling places when SliCE arrives while supplies last. SliCE will seek community input about which polling places will have long waits so they can best serve their community – with selections being within 1-1.5 miles of each location in Fishtown and the Italian Market.

From Halloween to Christmas to Election Day and more, area establishments are gearing up for some special days ahead. Here are a few of our favorites.

Get ready for some special days and special events Big Talent, Small Works Annual Sales Exhibition

The Black Moth Tattoo and Gallery traditional holiday art show and sale from some of the area’s most talented artists will take place Nov. 1 through Dec. 27. A wide variety of styles and themes at affordable prices, all under $300. Find a special gem for yourself or someone on the gift list this year! The gallery is open to the public five days a week. The opening reception is on Nov. 6, 6-9pm to give you a first look and to meet the artists for personal insights into their unique work. Wine and light fare will be served.

Christmas Village

Christmas Village in Philadelphia will return to LOVE Park, the North Apron of City Hall and the City Hall Courtyard like in past years, from Thanksgiving to Christmas Eve, with a special preview weekend on Nov. 21-22. Christmas Village will be set up in a socially distanced and safe way featuring only half the number of vendors. Visitors can still dine on and enjoy their favorite European dishes including Bratwurst, Raclette Cheese and Schnitzel in a fenced-off and crowd-controlled outdoor food court with spacing between tables. This year’s outdoor shopping area will be set up with a oneway system around the outer limits of LOVE Park for a linear and spaced walking concept allowing proper social distancing. Follow @philachristmas on FB, Twitter and Instagram or visit


Movies on Broad: Fright Week at Wells Fargo Center

Get your fill of spooky films old and new at Movies on Broad: Fright Week. This premier indoor movie-watching experience will allow Halloween fanatics of all ages to catch their favorite scary movies on Wells Fargo Center’s larger-than-life center screen. The fright-filled nights will feature seasonal food and beverage options to bring the spirit of Halloween to life. Limited tickets are available for all upcoming screenings now at Through Nov. 1.

Eagles Party Pack

There is no denying that the key to a successful game day is dishing out great food and drinks. Although we can’t tailgate this year, we can still enjoy good eats while watching the Birds. The Misconduct Party Pack is the perfect way to bring the tailgate to your couch. It includes six cheeseburgers, two orders of chicken tenders, two orders of chicken wings, and six different sauces. All for only $40. Don’t forget to add on your favorite beverage before you complete your order. The Misconduct Party Pack is available seven days a week for pickup only at both Misconduct locations. Call them at 215.732.5797 for Rittenhouse or 267.928.4297 for Logan Square, or order online at




The Dutch

Chef Lee Styer’s The Dutch, the popular breakfast and lunch eatery with a focus on reinventing the Pennsylvania Dutch classics, will now offer delivery services to guests. The Dutch will enlist one in-house individual to deliver to customers within a one-mile radius to start, and that radius is subject to grow by popular demand. The Dutch is located at 1527 S. 4th Street | (215) 755-5600. For additional information, go to

From online celebrations to new dinner delivery options, here are a few things that caught our eye this week that we think you’ll want to check out.

The best of the rest Theatre Philadelphia: A Celebration

The 2020 theater season came to an abrupt end in March due to COVID-19. Since then, we’ve seen the Philadelphia theater community pivot in amazing ways and shine in the face of the most uncertain times. While this year’s celebration won’t look anything like the usual traditional fall gathering, what remains is an opportunity to recognize our amazing community’s resilience and a time for us to gather to celebrate with one another. On Nov. 16, you’re invited to join artists, audiences and theater workers for a one-hour look back at the 2019-2020 season. Then, continue the conversation by choosing from three different celebrations in the Zoom Room! 7pm.


Extraction was conceived to bring together three artists whose work exists in a pointed relation to the extraction economy which underpins, well, pretty much everything around us. From the rare earth metals in the battery of the computer this is being written on, to the gas in the car we drove to pick up the frames, to a political economy that locates the value of human beings in terms of their relationship to the stock market. See work from Sam Oberter, Lale Westvind and Ellie Tomlinson. On view through 2020.

“Cool Gardens”

System Of A Down vocalist, songwriter, composer Serj Tankian has breathed new life into his highly-acclaimed poetry collection “Cool Gardens,” narrating all 88 poems for the audiobook release available now on several platforms. Additionally, Tankian has collaborated with Philadelphia-based artist/animator D. S. Bradford, featured earlier this year in PW, to create three videos showcasing an audiovisual presentation of select poems: “My Words” –; “Nil” – youtube. com/watch?v=hXoqKiSW2JI; and “City Of Blinds” – youtube. com/watch?v=IrLBnRAKeBY.

PFS on Us

The Philadelphia Film Society is bringing back PFS On Us, the free ticket program, for the 29th Philadelphia Film Festival. As in past years, PFS on Us will increase festival accessibility for the greater Philadelphia community by providing complimentary tickets to all screenings at the Drive-In at the Navy Yard, excluding marquee screenings. Dates, showtimes, and drive-in guidelines are available at There’s still time to see “Cowboys,” Nov. 2; “Enemies of the State,” Nov. 1; and “Harley,” Oct. 29. All showings start at 6:45pm.

Virtual Cocktail Carnival

This year, Paper Doll Ensemble is taking its yearly bash to the digital world on Saturday, Nov. 14 at 7pm. The evening will include never-before-seen content from the group’s recent summer workshop, deleted scenes from “Marry, Marry, Quite Contrary,” magic by Lindsey Noel of Couple of Magicians, and a grand raffle prize worth over $250. Quizzo, a signature drink recipe, and more, all hosted by Philadelphia royalty, Miss Elaine. This is a night you won’t want to miss. For more info, visit


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Q: My partner and I have been together for touching or even thinking about our crush. almost eight years and we used to have a lot We may ruminate on them obsessively, and of sex – A LOT – but now we don’t. compulsively seek out interactions My sex drive never went down but with them (more doses!) to keep it seems like his has. I understand feeling the high. But, as with any everything is very stressful now, drug, we acclimate. but for me sex would be a big stress Research indicates that we can reliever and not having that outlet sustain the brain high of infatuais making things worse. If I try to tion for a year and a half, maybe two initiate, he may go along with it, but if our interactions are spaced out I don’t want to feel like I’m the only enough. After that, what keeps us one who is into it. He says he’s still together will be the more substanattracted to me and I feel very contive facets of love: intimacy, trust fident that he loves me but none of and commitment. We can still feel my old tricks seem to be working! great passion for long-term partDing ding ding! That bell anners, but it’ll be potentially connectnounces that you are the winner for ed to different things than when we The Most Common Long-Term Relafirst started dating, like: desire for @TIMAREE_LEIGH tionship Issue! Your prize is the concomfort, positive associations from firmation that you’re not alone and past sexual touch or feelings of love. assurances that the situation is changeable. Often, what is alluring about a new partner A shift in sexual frequency may be an easy is that they’re new; we have not yet learned all or complex mystheir weird habits tery to solve. Physor really come to ical, mental and see them as people relationship issues yet. New partners may be at play. It are, in many ways, requires a lot of blank slates upon talking and making which we can projspace to have this ect an ideal of what conversation in a we want for our way that feels low(sex) lives. And to risk for everyone new people we can to be honest, and present the best to work together on versions of ourfinding a mutually selves as well, editagreeable solution. ing our behavior to And we’ll get to give the impression that; but first, the we’re more togetheasy part: explainer than we genuineing why you used ly are, in hopes it to smash all the will become true. time. Facades cannot The sensation of last forever though, new love is mostly and soon we get to your brain being meet the real, achigh. An influx of norepinephrine, serotonin, tual person with whom we fell in love. Over dopamine and adrenaline brings pleasurtime, we change too. And we must continue able sensations that we associate with seeing, to meet each other, or else a chasm of expec-


“Research indicates that we can sustain the brain high of infatuation for a year and a half, maybe two if our interactions are spaced out enough. After that, what keeps us together will be the more substantive facets of love: intimacy, trust and commitment.”

PHILADELPHIAWEEKLY.COM @PHILLYWEEKLY tation and assumption slowly fills with things we don’t say, including: feelings and thoughts about sexuality, our bodies and the relationship. Sexual frequency may fall off precipitously – if it does, the cause is easier to identify. Perhaps it’s a physical issue: recovering from illness, injury or having a kid. Maybe it’s depression as a result of a tough loss. It could be logistical issues presented by a big schedule or location change, or a crack in the relationship after infidelity is revealed or a big conflict erupts. Other times sexual frequency ebbs slowly, almost imperceptibly. It could be that we get busier and our priorities shift, or that the original frequency of sex was simply unsustainable long-term. It can happen when people get used to each other and become incredibly efficient lovers – over time many couples go from exploratory love making marathons to economical orgasm-delivery sessions, which become predictable and unexciting. Contrary to tropes, in male/female pairings, men are the partners more likely to step back from physical intimacy in longterm relationships. Therapist Stephen Snyder refers to this as men “gone missing in bed,” and he notes that while they might still masturbate on their own, some men withdraw from partners out of an anxiety about how to get their needs met without being entitled jerks. For the last couple decades women have (finally!) been encouraged to focus on their desire and pleasure, while modern men are reckoning with the fact most of the existing models of masculine sexuality are incompatible with their egalitarian values. We’re also generally socialized to believe


SEX WITH TIMAREE that to truly love and respect another person, we can’t view them as sexual objects. But for a passionate relationship, we have to see each other as sex objects at least some of the time. Or it could be something else entirely. Anyone who is convinced they know the true explanation based only on your question, without asking a ton of follow up inquiries, has something to sell you. The only person who can tell you is your partner… and be prepared for the possibility that he may not know either. The important thing is that you find time and a space where both of you are comfortable being vulnerable. Approach the conversation not looking to place blame but to express your personal needs and boundaries and listening for his. To be useful, this kind of check in will need to happen routinely. Explain what you enjoy and miss about sex with him. Why do you prefer to engage with him instead of just getting off alone? Some folks miss uninterrupted time together with skin-to-skin contact more than straight up fucking. Conversely, when does a sexual situation feel satisfying to him? Does he feel like he needs to perform a certain way? Does he feel anxiety about sex or his body? What are the things that get him excited? You’ve been together a long time, which means your current dynamic took years to evolve. Expect that it might take some time to improve as well. But opening the conversation is a good start.

“The important thing is that you find time and a space where both of you are comfortable being vulnerable.”

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ROBBERY REMAINS This may not look like much but this is what a Fishtown reader found on his car following a night of riots throughout the city in which a series of stores were looted along Aramingo Avenue fueled by the death of Walter Wallace at the hands of police on Monday afternoon. Have images you'd like to share? What's going down in your neighborhood? Send it our way via mail@philadelphiaweekly. com or tag us on social using #PWBigPic.




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13TH & LOCUST AREA1 BR, 2nd fl. front, a/c & carpet $995 + util. Available Immediately. 215-384-4202

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T-Mobile proposes to collocate antennas (tip heights 36’) on the 26.7’ building at 3138 Willits Rd, Philadelphia, PA (20201944). Interested parties may contact Scott Horn (856-8091202) (1012 Industrial Dr., West Berlin, NJ 08091) with comments regarding potential effects on historic properties.

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Notice of Public Sale: The following self-storage Cube contents containing household and other goods will be sold for cash by CubeSmart, 501 Callowhill St., Philadelphia PA 19123 (215)627-3510 to satisfy a lien on November 2nd, 2020 at approx. 6:00 PM:

FLAGGERS ($12.50/hr) Traffic Plan seeks Flaggers to set up and direct traffic around construction sites. A valid PA driver license and clean driving record a must, good pay and benefits. If interested please fill out an application at 510 Hertzog Blvd, King of Prussia, PA on Mondayʼs 9am - 12pm or online at

5053 Ballard Blend LLC 2049 Heather Friedman 4034 Glenn E Porter 5087 Victor Bernabe-perez

Driver & Warehouse - F/T Apply in person, Between 11am-3pm. 911 Christian St. No experience necessary.

T-Mobile proposes to modify an existing facility (new tip heights 45’) on the building at 18091813 Oregon Ave., Philadelphia, PA (20201743). Interested parties may contact Scott Horn (856-809-1202) (1012 Industrial Dr., West Berlin, NJ 08091) with comments regarding potential effects on historic properties.

T-Mobile proposes to modify an existing facility (new tip heights 87.4’) on the building at 1425 Snyder Ave, Philadelphia, PA (20201825). Interested parties may contact Scott Horn (856-809-1202) (1012 Industrial Dr., West Berlin, NJ 08091) with comments regarding potential effects on historic properties.


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“QUARANTINE IS KILLING ME! I CAN’T STAND THE INSIDE OF THIS APARTMENT ANYMORE!” -Literally Every Young Person in Philly Philadelphians have been trapped in their house for months. Work from home, eat at home, live at home. They’re craving a change of scenery. Don’t wait for them to start searching online. Give PW readers a reason to move today. Contact today to get your property listed. All real estate ads come with a FREE Real Estate Reggie listing each week! OCTOBER 29 - NOVEMBER 5, 2020 | PHILADELPHIA WEEKLY

Looking to Move Up?

600 Addison St 19147 Two Bedroom, two bath from $2,400 Four Bedroom, four bath from $4,000 A premium location in Society Hill for spectacular, new construction rentals in this boutique building. Full size elevator service to all floors. Site finished, hardwood floors; Samsung appliances; stone counters; custom window treatments; glass shower doors; soaking tubs; washer/dryer in each unit. Walkscore calls this location Paradise with a score of 99. The perfect location to enjoy all that Center City has to offer.

Tony DeCicci REALTOR 484-902-8880 office 610-724-3088 cell

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REGGIE New construction

$1,770 / 1br - 710ft2 - New Construction One Bedroom in Heart of Center City! (1300 Chestnut Street). Known for its popular restaurants and nightlife spots, Midtown Philadelphia is a fun and exciting place to live. Just steps away from some of Philadelphia’s best culinary experiences, you will revel in the hustle and bustle of Center City life! FEATURES: Hardwood floors. Wall-to-wall carpet. 10-foot ceilings. Oversized closets. AMENITIES: Doorman daily from 12-8 pm. Elevator. On-site laundry. Pet friendly. SERVICES: Online resident portal featuring rent payments and work order entry for your convenience. NEIGHBORHOOD: Local attractions include Rittenhouse Square, Philadelphia Museum of Art, The Franklin Institute, Walnut Street shopping, and the Benjamin Franklin Parkway. Local universities include Drexel University, University of Pennsylvania, and Thomas Jefferson University. Rittenhouse Square Park Farmer’s Market, Parc, Rouge, Dandelion, Garces Trading Company, El Vez, and Sampan offer exceptional dining within a few blocks. Easy access to Market East SEPTA station and SEPTA bus routes, routes I-95 and 76. (215) 421-9505.

Secure entry

$1,500 / 1br - 588ft2 - Splendid 1BD Condo in Center City w/ Secure Entry. 1324 Locust St 1603. Rent this condo and receive ALL UTILITIES INCLUDED with your rent (electricity, water, heat, Comcast Cable TV channels 1-100 + Free HBO). The only thing extra you would need to pay is Internet for your unit if you want it, but there is free wi-fi in the lobby of the building. Unit #1603 is on the highest floor of the building, so it has stunning southern city views. This one bedroom condo has a very large open floor plan living room, with enough space to have a dining area as well. The kitchen has an electric stove/oven, and full sized refrigerator. There are two coat closets in the living area for additional storage needs. The Arts Condominium is a doorman building with 24/7 front desk concierge, large common laundry facilities, a state of the art fitness center, business center, and free wi-fi Internet in the lobby of the building with computer/printer terminals for common usage. Two AC units come with the unit. About The Neighborhood: An ideal Center City location, The Arts Condo building is right in the heart of Midtown surrounded by the city’s best restaurants, cafes, theaters, galleries and other entertainment. Many grocery options. Walkable to almost everything. The Broad Street subway line is a half block away; City Hall just two blocks away, and a PATCO train stop right across the street.

The Point at City Line

$1,650 / 1br - 885ft2 - Schedule a Tour, On City Ave, Fitness Center. 6100 City Ave. Located in the second-densest business district for Philadelphia,The Point at City Line is less than 10 minutes away from Center City Philadelphia, Bala Cynwyd, Manayunk, Penn Valley, Wynnewood and Ardmore Station. Steps away from Overbrook train station and St. Joseph’s University, this high rise is the most Urbane on the district’s strip. This one bedroom one bathroom features private balcony and a washer and dryer! Community Features: Renters Insurance is Required. Credit Cards Accepted. Professionally Managed. Reserved Parking. After-Hours Emergency Maintenance. Concierge Service. Fitness Studio. Minutes from Restaurants, Shopping, and Much More. Covered Parking. Roof Deck. Call for details. Outdoor Grill Area. Garage Parking. Package Acceptance. Controlled Access. Elevator. Cardio Room. TV Lounge. Easy Access to Public Transportation. Bike Racks. Sun Deck. Dry Cleaning and Laundry Service. E-Lounge. Community Lounge. Short or Long Term Lease Available. Swimming Pool. Easy Freeway Access. 855-459-6293.

Want to list your apartment with Real Estate Reggie? For only $75, you get 100 words to describe your place. For only $125, you get 100 words, plus a photo. Need something more or different? Reggie can make it happen. happen Deadline is every Monday at 10 am for Thursday’s issue. Email him at for details.

Near Temple


Heart of Center City

Corner view

$750 / 1br - Studio apartment near Temple U/Center City (1220 N Carlisle St.) Cozy studio apartment available for rent near Temple University. 15 minutes walk to Temple U and 10 minutes transportation to Center City. Close to all public transportation, grocery store nearby and laundromat right across the street. Hardwood flooring, full size kitchen and bathroom. Lots of cabinet space. On the second floor front. One year lease. $750/month. $60 credit check. First month, last month, and one month security deposit to move in. Please message, call, or email to schedule an appointment or for any further questions. Diana. (201) 889-0583. $1,600 / 2br - 930ft2 - Brand New 2 Bedroom Condo for Rent in Center City. 211 N Camac Street. Brand-New 2 bedroom condominium with 1 full bath in the heart of Center City. Gorgeous custom-kitchen with granite countertop and stainless appliances, opens to the spacious living/dining area, premium hardwood floors throughout . Additional features include private laundry room and individual heating and air conditioner units. This building is conveniently located in the Center City district, just across from PA Convention with plenty of restaurants and nightlife to choose from, walking distance to shopping mall, Greyhound Bus Station, Jefferson Train Station and still bustling Reading Terminal Market. Available immediately! Come take a look - you will love it. Proof of income required. $50 for credit history check and processing fee. $1600 per month, reduced $100, plus utilities. Please call Kin at 267-912-7888.

Near Rittenhouse

$1,000 / 1br - Charming Rittenhouse Square One Bedroom, Center City (20th and Chestnut). Heart of Center City Philadelphia - Just two blocks from Rittenhouse Square, Cable & Internet-ready, Excellent Sunlight, Built-in Shelving, Laundry Facilities on-premises, Within UP & Drexel Shuttle District, Walking distance to University City - UP & Drexel & Hahnemann Hospital, Maintenance included, One cat allowed, Packages accepted at RE office for your convenience, Robin Apartments management graded A+ by University of Pennsylvania student survey eight years in a row, Leasing November 15th or before.

Modern elegance


$1,575 / 399ft2 - Center City Studio. 1401 Arch Street. Located in Philadelphia’s historic Center City neighborhood, One City offers modern elegance with timeless grandeur. With views of Philadelphia’s City Hall, and just steps away from Philly locations such as the Pennsylvania Convention Center, Reading Terminal Market and Love Park, One City offers the most discerning residents the ultimate living experience. Inside this historic building, located at 1401 Arch Street, each apartment residence holds unique original features coupled with contemporary sophistication. Thoughtful design details include custom built-in storage, stainless steel appliances, and modern connectivity offering luxury and convenience to a range of lifestyles. Control is always at your fingertips with your app based smart home features including keyless entry. With community spaces for every activity One City offers multiple lounges and entertainment experiences. Immerse yourself in the historical architecture, modern convenience and innovative charms that One City has to offer. Be one with the city. Amenities Include: Guest Suites. Fully Equipped Kitchens. Additional Storage Available. In Unit Washer & Dryer. Rooftop Sundeck. Custom Built-In & Historic Detailing. Interior & Exterior Entertainment Lounges. Stainless Steel Appliances. Quartz Countertops. Dapper Lounge. Smart Thermostat. Bike Storage. Call: (844) 204-7536.

$1,700 / 2br - Two Bedrooms available for rent near Center City (1306 N Carlisle St.) Large two bedroom two bathroom apartment available for rent near Temple University. Close to all public transportation and close to grocery store. Laundromat a block away. Sharing large and modern kitchen. Each bedroom has a large closet space. Beautiful and spacious bathroom. $1700/month. Water and internet included. Will need to do a $60 credit check. First month, last month, and one month security deposit to move in. Please call, email, or message to schedule an appointment or for any further questions. Diana. (201) 889-0583. $1,100 / 1br - 500ft2 - Center City Downtown Rittenhouse 1 Bedroom. 2135 Walnut Street. Gorgeous 1 bedroom apartment in Rittenhouse Square on a 10th floor right on the corner of 22nd and Walnut Street. Beautiful corner view with huge windows and hardwood floors. Living room view is of University City and bedroom view is of our beautiful skyline including Comcast building and Liberty Plaza. Tons of light comes through big windows. It has new appliances and is in move in ready condition. There is plenty of street parking as well as private lots within 2 block radius. There is also a bus station located right outside the building. The apartment is in an elevator building with a secure key fob entrance and a laundromat. All utilities are included in the monthly rent except electric. Apartment is pre-wired for Comcast and has central air. Rent is $1100/month with a minimum 1 year lease. First, last month and security deposit are required. GET ONE MONTH FREE WHEN YOU SIGN A 2 YEAR LEASE! Pet friendly. Call or text Sam. 267-799-6628.

Generous closets

$1,550 / 504ft2 - Walk to Center City, Panoramic Views Available, Generous Closets. 1600 Callowhill Street. Originally built amidst a sea of immense factories that made up the Callowhill branch of the Pennsylvania Railroad, Sixteen Hundred is an incarnation of the city’s manufacturing heritage. The newly updated Sixteen Hundred is timeless, modern, and distinctly Philadelphian. Features: Expansive Windows. Exposed Beams and Columns. Original Brick Walls. 14’ Ceilings. Studios, 1 Bedrooms & 2 Bedrooms. Generous Closets. Panoramic Views Available. Equipped Kitchens. Open Loft Layouts. Community Amenities: Terrace. Ride the Broad Street Line. Fitness Center. Community Room. Walk to Center City. Bike Storage. Roof Deck & Patio. Ground Floor Retail. Roof Lounge. Visit the Museums. Call Now: (267) 460-7663 x 73.


$975 / 2br - 900ft2 - 2BR/1BATH renovated near Center City & City Line Ave. 3921 Lankenau Avenue. 3921 Lankenau Ave is a 2BR/1BATH apartment located on the 2nd floor of a duplex (with a small balcony for plants). It has been updated recently and is located near City Line Ave. This is a very convenient location for those who work near City Line Ave, Saint Joe’s University, or PCOM. This unit is also located 20 minutes away from Center City. Plenty of parking and very close to Fairmount Park, ShopRite, and Fresh Grocer! Very easily accessible to SEPTA and major roads! ALSO INCLUDED IS GARAGE, Storage space in the basement, and laundry hookup! REDBLOCK Realty Inc. | (215) 331-5252.

Includes utilities

$1,050 / 1br - 400ft2 - BRIGHT FURNISHED CENTER CITY STUDIO, INCLUDES ALL UTILITIES! 1324 Locust Street. This furnished apartment is located in a high rise luxury condo, and rent includes all utilities as well as Comcast Cable. It doesn’t stop there, the building amenities also include secure entry, 24hr concierge, marble Art Deco lobby with elevators, and fitness center, community room with complimentary wireless access- and laundry onsite. Really one of the nicest addresses you will find in the city, below market rent and all-utilities included is so convenient. Private Storage space (+$100 a month, Optional). Refrigerator. Dishwasher. Central A/C. Double pane / Storm windows. Cable-ready. Vintage well managed building. Elevator. Secured entry. Controlled access. High Floor, Great View. Doorman. Disability access. Fitness center. Near transportation. Business center.

Studio available

$750 / 1br - Studio available for rent near Center City (1228 N Carlisle St.) Studio apartment available for rent near Temple University. 15 minutes walk to Temple University/ 15 minutes transportation to Center City. On the third floor rear. Hardwood floors and tiles. Large cabinet and drawer space. $60 credit check. First month, last month, and one month security deposit to move in. $750/month. Please call, email or message Diana. (201) 889-0583.

University City

$3,140 / 2br - 1009ft2 - 2 BR APT UNIVERSITY CITY-LOUNGE, ROOF DECK, FITNESS CENTER, BIKE SHARE. 3737 Chestnut Street. New and vibrant apartment rentals on Chestnut street in University City are here – at 3737 Chestnut! Another luxury community by Korman Residential Properties. Experience the excitement of high-rise University City apartments, located in one of Philadelphia’s most dynamic neighborhoods! Enjoy stunning views of the city and river from our stylish, pet-friendly, modern rentals at 3737 Chestnut. Take a virtual tour on our website or contact us to schedule a video call tour. Billiards and game room. Private rooftop lounge. Fully carpeted bedrooms. Marble countertops. Secure underground parking available. Porcelain, marble, and tile accents in kitchens and baths. Bosch stackable washer and dryer. Ground-floor retail, Hildebrandt Early Learning Center next door. Terrace garden. Outdoor grilling area. Deck with beautiful landscaping. Yoga studio. Call: 215-622-9893.

Spring Arts Point

$2,000 / 3br - 1566ft2 - Gorgeous Condo Unit for Rent in Center City. 1121 Hamilton St. Gorgeous 3 bedrooms, 2 &1/2 baths Bi-level condo unit in the burgeoning Spring Arts Point neighborhood. Beautiful granite and stainless custom kitchen opens to the spacious living/dining area. Awesome countertop and cabinet. Stainless steel appliances. 9’ ceilings and large, plentiful windows, Hardwood floor throughout with one large bedroom, two nice sizes of bedrooms and two full baths. Lovely Spring Arts Point condominium community. Less than 5 minutes to all major highways and so many premier restaurants and nightlife around the complex to choose from, as well as shopping, public transportation, access to Independence Mall, Penn’s Landing, the PA Convention Center and the Reading Terminal Market. Available immediately! Come take a look - you will love it. Proof of income required.$50.00 for Credit history checked and processing fee. $2000.00 per month plus utilities. Please contact Kin: 267-912-7888.

Midtown Philly

$1,595 / 1br - 700ft2 - 1 Bedroom~ Midtown Center City~Modern Amenities (220 S. 16th St.) 1 Bedroom Apartment home with Hardwood Floors; Central Heating; Central Cooling; Microwave; Building Features Laundry In-Unit. Known for its popular restaurants and nightlife spots, Midtown Philadelphia is a fun and exciting place to live. Just steps away from some of Philadelphia’s best culinary experiences, you will revel in the hustle and bustle of Center City life! Living room. Range / Oven. Refrigerator. Microwave. Heat: forced air. Central A/C. Double pane / Storm windows. Cable-ready. Hardwood floor. Vintage building. Elevator. Near transportation.

Center City life

$1,495 / 1br - 563ft2 - Up to 2 Months FREE!! Great Price~1 Bedroom~1 Bath~Center City (1411 Walnut St.) 1 Bedroom Apartment home with Hard Wood Floors; Central Heating; Central Cooling; Microwave; Building Features Exercise Room and Front Desk. The original home of the Philadelphia Stock Exchange; known for its popular restaurants and nightlife spots, Midtown Philadelphia is a fun and exciting place to live. Just steps away from some of Philadelphia’s best culinary experiences, you will revel in the hustle and bustle of Center City life! Living room. Range / Oven. Refrigerator. Microwave. Heat: forced air. Central A/C. Double pane / Storm windows. Cable-ready. Hardwood floor. Vintage building. Elevator. Doorman. Fitness center. Near transportation.

Arts condo

$1,000 / 345ft2 - Arts Condo, 1324 Locust #615-Center City Studio w/ Utilities Included! (Avenue of the Arts/ Washington Square West). 1324 Locust St. The Arts Condominium building, formerly the historic Sylvania Hotel, is located in the Avenue of the Arts section of Washington Square, just off Broad Street. This studio includes a kitchenette with a microwave and mini refrigerator, AC unit, ceiling fan, hardwood floors throughout and bathroom with retro black and white tile and shower. The building features include a 24 hour concierge, wheelchair accessibility, 24 hour fitness center, secured bike storage room, coin operated laundry facility on site, community room, business center, and free wifi in common areas! 215-735-7368.

Affordable Rittenhouse

$825 Affordable Rittenhouse Square Studio, Center City (20th and Chestnut). Heart of Center City Philadelphia - Just one block from Rittenhouse Square, Cable & Internet-ready, Great Sunlight, Laundry Facilities available, Within UP & Drexel Shuttle District, Walking distance to University City - UP & Drexel & Hahnemann Hospital, Maintenance included, One cat allowed, Packages accepted at RE office for your convenience, Robin Apartments management graded A+ by University of Pennsylvania student survey eight years in a row, Leasing November 15th or before.


$950 / 2br - 625ft2 - Apartment in the heart of Center City, Chinatown (13th and Arch Street). Hi, we are renting out a 2 bedroom and 1 full bathroom apartment....Available now. It’s located at 13th Street and Arch the heart of Center City, blocks away from Chinatown, Reading Terminal Market, easy access to public transportation. Excellent place to live and work, convenient to everything! Please text me at 267-231-2220 if you have any questions or want to set up an appointment to see the apartment. My name is Sue and please call me after 3 pm during the weekdays and anytime during the weekend. Thanks.


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