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FREE | SEPTEMBER 16 - 23, 2021 | @phillyweekly

Image | Elias Ginsberg

Philly-born Sally Boy to drop ‘Lies I Tell Myself’ EP next month

Lying to


Fiery fretwork, vulnerable vocals: JD Simo to drop new album, perform at 118 North. | Page 14

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zon is not coming to save us from ourselves. eginning in 2017, Amazon When the trillion-dollar corporation came launched a yearlong process of encouraging cities across the na- courting, city politicians rolled out the red carpet. tion to pitch themselves as locaTax breaks, flashy ad campaigns, the works. tions for a second headquarters And none of it mattered. But when a small for the tech giant. The HQ2 projbusiness tries to do just about anything in this ect embodied the ethos of Silicon Valley: a rational, unbiased town, it’s a different story. For Jeff Bezos, Philly pols roll out the red search for the best fit between a location and carpet; for the rest of us, it’s nothing but red a rapidly expanding company. No emotiontape. al choice, no favoritism, this was a contest of Making this city a reliable place of employfacts. ment does not mean giving away the store to Except it wasn’t. one massive corporation while making life difPhiladelphia, like many other cities, spent ficult for everyone else. It means being friendhundreds of thousands on promotion efforts lier to business across the board, revising our and promised millions in tax breaks in an eflaws and improving our regulatory agencies fort to lure Amazon here and reap the benefits of thousands of new, high-paying jobs. But so that employers don’t have to be bribed to move here. after all that, as reported in the book Amazon As hard as the City Hall clique tried to get Unbound earlier this year, the same old paroAmazon, they haven’t tried at all to get anyone chial thinking actually accounted for the decision. Author Brad Stone details in his book else. As Christian Hetrick and Joseph DiStefano wrote for the Inquirer last year, how Philadelphia’s objective case Philadelphia is one of the hardest for the prize was strong, finishing cities in which to do business. with Chicago and Raleigh as the top And this was not a simple comchoices. parison between poor cities and Instead, the whims of incoming their rich suburbs. We already CEO Andy Jassy made the deciknow it is easier and cheaper to sion, dividing the HQ2 site between start a business in King of Prussia New York and Washington. Stone than Philadelphia. This was comwrites that “Jassy, according to paring apples to apples, big cities to one person’s recollection, opined big cities. that he disliked the city, which was The wage tax, at 3.8398% for resithe bitter rival of his favorite footdents and 3.4481% for non-residents, ball team, the New York Giants, is the highest in the country. High and suggested that his employees taxes are the main culprit, but inefwould never want to live there.” A ficient services also hamstring nimcouple of months later, a new top @KYLESAMMIN ble new businesses looking to grow list emerged with none of the three quickly. cities on it. When Hetrick and DiStefano wrote their First of all: your team has to be good to be a rival to the Eagles. Since 2010, the Eagles have article in 2020, the website WalletHub ranked Philadelphia 97th out of 100 cities in terms of beaten the Giants in 17 of 22 meetings. Our rithe best place to start a new business. In 2021, val is the Cowboys, not the Giants. that same site ranks us 93rd. Progress? Hard“Jassy was apparently joking,” Stone ly. We seem to be benefiting from a methodwrites, but it fits a pattern, and one that Philological change now that they take COVID-19 adelphians are often all too ready to embrace. infection rate into account — one of the few “No one likes us, we don’t care,” Jason Kelce things we’re above average at doing. But that famously said after the Eagles’ Super Bowl will not make a business move here once the win in 2018. We, as a city, have been an underdog so long pandemic ends. Moving up in these rankings will not bring that we have made it a part of our identity. When Amazon puts its thumb on the scale to Amazon knocking at our door: Raleigh, another city they spurned, ranks 7th out of 100. But take away something we ought to have fairly that goes to show that we should not base our won, there is hardly a murmur of complaint. We’re used to it. That’s just how things go, city’s prosperity on the whims of one billionaire. right? Making things better for all entrepreneurs, That attitude is fine in sports. But as far as jobs, growth, and innovation go, we have a say. from the mom-and-pop to the corporate titan, Instead of electing the same old hacks and will give us job growth more like Raleigh’s. A better environment for business can make having the same old mediocre economy, Philamore jobs and higher wages for all Philadeldelphia voters can and should demand better. The lesson of the HQ2 fiasco is not that the phians, even if some corporate exec likes the wrong football team. deck is stacked against Philly; it is that Ama-


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Cuba Libre celebrates

National Hispanic

In 2018, Marvel Studios’ “Black Panther” quickly became a global sensation and cultural phenomenon, showing a new dimension of what superhero films could be. Now you can relive the excitement of T’Challa becoming king and battling Killmonger, all while the Mann Center Festival Orchestra performs Ludwig Göransson’s Oscar- and Grammy-winning score. The fun takes place Sept. 25 at 8pm at the Mann Center. Check out manncenter. org/events for more information.

Cuba Libre Restaurant & Rum Bar is celebrating National Hispanic Heritage Month (Sept. 15 through Oct. 15) with a Cuban-inspired celebration of hope. The month-long commemoration will feature an “Esperanza Sparkling Mojito” and, from Oct. 1-15, a special prix-fixe Esperanza menu. At $39, the three-course meal includes numerous traditional dishes from the restaurant’s menu, as well as a limited-time reintroduction of a pre-COVID favorite and classic Cuban entrée, Vaca Frita (braised, shredded and seared brisket, roasted onions, citrus-garlic mojo, white rice, Cuban black beans). For more information, visit

Image | Sara Espinoza

Image | Courtesy of wikimedia

Heritage Month

Some food with your art Stir, the elevated restaurant concept designed by architect Frank Gehry and helmed by executive chef Mark Tropea, is reopening Sept. 18 at the Philadelphia Museum of Art for walk-ins. As part of the reopening, Stir will also be debuting a newly imagined menu that features ingredients from farms around the Greater Philadelphia region. Reservations via OpenTable will be available beginning Sept. 23. Learn more at

Philadelphia Weekly Holdings, Ltd. 1520 Locust Street, suite 501 Philadelphia, PA 19102 215-543-3743 @phillyweekly SEPTEMBER 16 - 23, 2021 | PHILADELPHIA WEEKLY

Dan McDonough, Jr. Chairman & Publisher Anthony Hennen Executive Editor

John Montesano Art Director

Kyle Sammin Senior Editor

Alan Bauer Managing Editor

Contributors: A.D. Amorosi, A. Benjamin Mannes,Jesse Bunch, Paul Davis, Timaree Schmit, Ryan K. Smith, Stu Bykofsky, Eugene Zenyatta. Intern: Genevieve Wittrock

To contact the news department:

Ed Lynes Chief Revenue Officer Stephanie Hawkins Michael Chambers Controller Director of Circulation Signature Supporter: Ted Kazantzis

To purchase advertising in Philadelphia Weekly, contact Sales at 215-543-3743, ext. 104, or



Image | Tim Mossholder


Fake Navy SEAL steals from VA




’m a proud veteran, although my effectively receiving health care before other role in the Vietnam War was a minor deserving military service members. one. I served as a teenage sailor on Meleski also filed for monetary compenan aircraft carrier that performed sation from the VA for PTSD that he suffered combat operations on “Yankee Stafrom action in Beirut in which he rescued tion” in the Gulf of Tonkin off the injured teammates. In his application for discoast of North Vietnam in 1970 and ability benefits for PTSD, Meleski claimed 1971. falsely that he had been awarded the Silver As a writer, I’ve interviewed a Star for heroic actions as a Navy SEAL. Megood many veterans over the years from wars leski also submitted another application to ranging from World War II to Afghanistan. the VA for monetary compensation in which If there is one common denominator beyond he included obituaries of actual Navy SEALs shared service, it is a disdain for non-veterans alongside whom he claimed he had served. who flat-out lie about being military combat The U.S. Attorney’s Office noted that Meveterans. It is valor stolen from the actual leski also filed for disability benefits from the men and women who sacrificed and suffered U. S. Social Security Administration for injuhardships, faced danger, and were ries he said he received during his wounded or died in combat. time in the SEAL teams. Meleski Under the Stolen Valor Act of testified falsely under oath in con2013, it is a crime to obtain money, nection with an SSA Disability proproperty, or other tangible beneceeding. fits while fraudulently claiming to “The defendant faked a record have been awarded the Congresas a decorated U.S. Navy SEAL in sional Medal of Honor, the Distinorder to collect numerous forms of guished Service Cross, the Navy taxpayer-funded compensation,” Cross, the Air Force Cross, a Silver Acting U.S. Attorney Jennifer ArStar, a Purple Heart, and other bittier Williams said. “The fact that combat medals. The Stolen Valor Meleski chose to put himself ahead Act criminalized the act of lying to of true war heroes to take advanreceive employment reserved for tage of benefits designed specificalveterans, and other benefits affordly for those serving in the U.S. miled to true veterans. itary is profoundly offensive. Our It is not a crime to tell phony veterans fought for the freedoms stories about military service and we hold dear, and as we approach PAULDAVISONCRIME.COM combat duty, but many true vetthe 20th anniversary of the attacks erans wish it was. It is a crime, of 9/11 this Saturday, their sacrifichowever, to defraud the Veterans es are even more meaningful. The Administration for medical benefits based on defendant’s actions dishonor all of their legalies about military service. cies.” On Sept. 8, the U.S. Attorney’s Office in PhilMatthew Varisco, the Special Agent in adelphia announced that Richard Meleski, 58, Charge of the ATF Philadelphia Field Diviwas sentenced to three years and four months sion, added, “This defendant defrauded the in prison, three years of supervised release, government in many different ways for severand ordered to pay $302,121 in restitution for al years. The outcome of this investigation is his fraudulent scheme to steal VA benefits by the result of several law enforcement agencies lying about being a Navy SEAL who had been working together for a common goal – to keep captured by the enemy during combat actions. our communities safe from criminals like MeIn fact, Meleski never served a day in unileski.” form, let alone served as a Navy SEAL. Christopher Algieri, the Special Agent in The U.S. Attorney’s Office stated that, in Charge of the Department of Veterans Affairs July of 2020, Meleski pleaded guilty to one Office of Inspector General, Northeast Field count of health-care fraud, two counts of mail Office, stated that with support of the United fraud, one count of stolen valor, two counts States Attorney’s Office and their law enforceof fraudulent military papers, as well as two ment partners, they were able to secure juscounts of aiding and abetting straw purchastice in this case for America’s true heroes. es, and one count of making false statements “Today’s sentence sends a clear message in connection with receiving Social Security that those who benefit from falsely claiming to Administration disability benefits. have served in the United States military will According to the Justice Department, Mebe held accountable,” Algieri said. leski claimed fraudulently to have served as Meleski belongs in prison, where he will, at a Navy SEAL and had been a prisoner of war last, actually wear a uniform. so he could receive health-care benefits from Paul Davis’ Crime Beat column appears the VA worth more than $300,000. He received here each week. He can be contacted via health care from the VA in Priority Group 3,






CATCHING UP with Sally Boy Erez Potok-Holmes says growing up in Philly shaped his career

Philadelphia-born, Los Angeles-based singer songwriter Sally Boy just released his single/music video ‘Bongo’ from his upcoming EP, ‘Lies I Tell Myself.’ Image | Elias Ginsberg






hiladelphia-born, Los AngeHow does being from the Philadelphia les-based singer songwriter area influence your music? Sally Boy (Erez Potok-Holmes) It’s everything. I wouldn’t be here withjust released his single/music out my experiences in Philly growing up. I video “Bongo” from his forthlearned how to perform in front of people at coming EP “Lies I Tell Mystuffy basements in West Philly, learned how self,” out in October. to record in North Philly, and was formed by “Bongo” is a rip-roaring the artists in the Philly scene. If those records track about trying to escape I mentioned prior were the foundation to my the endless cycle of the mundane and mean- career, the Philly music scene was the basement and part of the first floor. Forever grateingless. Another report done, another email sent, all to do it again the next day. Anchored ful for this city; it easily has my heart. Your EP, “Lies I Tell Myself,” is out in by a hard-bodied trap beat and skittering October. Talk a little about how it came tosynths, “Bongo” hits a deeply relatable note of being stuck in work, sleep, repeat “Groundhog gether. How will people be able to get it? “LITM” was a labor of love. Been workin’ Day” loop. Sally Boy hit the scene in 2020 with the on most of it for probably the past 8-10 months release of his debut EP “EREZ,” all while or so, and I’m just happy other ears are gonna ingest it. Super proud of how it turned out. being a senior at USC majoring in popular Feels like a new step for me sonically and in music and minoring in philosophy. The EP my writing. In the past, certain lines have garnered accolades, including being listed as stood out as fillers, or just don’t feel true to me one of Pigeons & Planes Best New Artists in September, and features in Wonderland Mag- anymore, but this project is entirely intentionazine, Flaunt Magazine, American Songwrit- al, and I’m proud of that. I take that last question in two ways. One, er’s Bringing It Backward Podcast, One’s To you can get it on any streaming platform on Watch and more. the face of the Earth; Apple Music, Spotify, Sally Boy’s music is playful, with drums that get into your system at the molecular lev- Amazon Music, Deezer, Tidal etc. Or, two, you can get it by pretending like el, forcing you to move; the lyrics you wrote these lines. My dad the have swagger, even when dabother day said that sometimes bling in self-deprecation. It’s an BY: EUGENE he feels weird listening to muamused celebration of accepting ZENYATTA sic because of how he is feeling yourself, flaws and all. these emotions about experiencPW recently caught up with es other people went through, Sally Boy to talk about the new music and how growing up in Philly shaped and I replied by saying that though the details are unique, the underlying emotions are unhim. Let’s go back to the beginning. When did equivocally human. That’s what this project you first become interested in music? Who is all about, the human experience through love, growth, self-doubt, etc. So just rememwere some of your earliest influences? I don’t think there was a time when I wasn’t ber those themes and feel them yourself and interested in music. I started playing very you’ll more than get the project, you’ll feel it. In addition to the EP drop, what’s ahead young, and writing songs came naturally. I for you? More new music? Live performancdon’t even have distinct memories of any of es? those firsts really. I just always did them. Man, everything’s ahead. I have like 50 Influences, on the other hand, I have a better grasp on. When I was really little, I had songs I can’t wait to see daylight. I’m itching to hit the stage and meet people I’ve been two records always running; one was a Bruce Springsteen album, and the other was the talking to online for over a year and more. I’m Spongebob movie soundtrack. I think that just excited. Really feel like I’m only just now understanding shit at a different level. I’m alreally laid the foundation for what became ways learning. Gonna be cool to see how that my musical fervor later in life. Always gotta all manifests. show love to Ray Charles for teaching me to What are the best ways for your fans to sing, and the Beatles for showing the extent to which the boundaries of music can be pushed, stay current with what you’re doing? Socials, baby. Sallyboy or Sallyboyboi on and that even if you go weird, people always every platform. I post a lot, I talk a lot. If you come around. hit me, I’ll do my best to respond. Never really What’s the inspiration for the name Salhad an email chain, but maybe I’ll hop on that, ly Boy? I wrote this song called Sally Boy when I idk. In the meantime, hit my Insta, and if you want unreleased, then hit my TikTok. Easy was just sittin’ listening to my dad and his friend talk, and then when it came to picking peasy. a name that just felt like the natural choice. I often get this question, and I feel like it’s an underwhelming response but that’s the truth! RIGHT: Sally Boy (Erez PoSometimes you just gotta do what’s easy. tok-Holmes) says he wouldn’t Should be easy! have made it this far without his

experiences in Philly growing up. Image | Elias Ginsberg





Call a murder A MURDER Accountability, words matter in keeping people safe BY: A. BENJAMIN MANNES


hiladelphia had more murders in the first half of 2021 than the entire year from 2013 to 2017, denoting the grim reality that neither elected nor appointed leaders have a plan to stop the rise of violent crime in the city. Meanwhile, the media have universally labeled the seemingly uncontrolled crime uptick as a “gun violence” epidemic. By using the term “gun violence” instead of the legal definitions of murder, attempted murder, and assault, the accountability for the criminal who committed these violent crimes is semantically shifted to the mere tool they illegally used to victimize others. Furthermore, by labeling a preventable surge in violent crime as “gun violence,” we are failing to hold our state and municipal leaders accountable for refusing to enforce the law and address the criminality that is slated to cost between 500 and 600 Philadelphians their lives by the end of 2021. This is not a new phenomenon. For over a century, politicians have been trying to obfuscate their responsibilities to keep their constituents safe by trying to shift the blame to gun control laws. Economist and native Philadelphian Walter E. Williams is famously quoted by saying, “Most of the great problems we face are caused by politicians creating solutions to problems they created in the first place.” Williams’ quote applies when reviewing our official response to the alarming rise in murders impacting Pennsylvania’s most vulnerable population. “It is a fact that less than 1% of the time, legitimate gun owners discharge their firearms, and usually when that occurs, it is done legally in defense of themselves, in defense of family member(s), in defense of an innocent victim, or in defense of their property,” said a senior Philadelphia police commander, who


spoke to PW under a condition of anonymity due to a fear of reprisal from the department. “We do not have people with gun permits and registered firearms, going around the streets of the city, randomly shooting people. Recidivist criminals, the overwhelming majority who were let out by [Philadelphia District Attorney] Larry Krasner, are committing the shootings.” One of the earliest American gun control laws was the Sullivan Act, enacted in the state of New York in 1911. The act did little to curb violent crime in New York, which peaked through the 1970s to the 1990s. This steady rise in New York’s violent crime rate was stopped in the mid-1990s, following the elections of Gov. George Pataki and Mayor Rudolph Guiliani, who focused on law enforcement as opposed to new laws that do little when existing ones go unenforced. Instead of the successes of the Guiliani administration marking a sea change in municipal accountability, federal, state, and local politicians are still using terms like “gun violence” and proposing a myriad of costly strategies to avoid accountability for their constituents’ safety. Here in Pennsylvania, this became evident in March, when Gov. Tom Wolf and Attorney General Josh Shapiro took part in a “gun violence” town hall organized by CeaseFire PA. It was during this virtual event that Wolf admitted to an increase in violent crime in Pennsylvania, by saying “2020 gun violence rates were up all across the board.” Wolf went on to say, “Last year we saw more firearm-related murders, more shootings, more mass shootings.” In response, Wolf advocated for changes to Pennsylvania gun laws. Similarly, Shapiro said it’s time for change, saying, “You can be both pro-Constitution and pro-common sense and pro-public safety.” In response, House majority spokesman Jason


PHILADELPHIAWEEKLY.COM @PHILLYWEEKLY Gottesman, said in a statement that “new gun laws will only lead to more opportunities for illegal gun use and will do little to prevent the senseless tragedies that have recently occurred.” Those on the street have a clearer perspective to the issue. Mike Bresnan, head of Local 22, the union representing the city’s firefighters and paramedics, said, “This isn’t about guns, it’s about a total lack of accountability by our city’s criminal justice leaders.” Bresnan continued: “Every day, our members treat and transport repeat victims of violent crime, addiction, and accidents.” At a national level, homicide rates are at levels not seen since 1998. In June, the Biden administration offered its comprehensive plan to address the problem. The Biden plan contains firearms regulation, federal resources to support local law enforcement, community violence interventions, social services, and support for released prisoners. Biden describes his strategy as focusing on the disruption of two hazardous forces: “the ready availability of illegal firearms and the willingness of people to use them.” The problem with Biden’s strategy is it remains focused more on firearms used to commit crimes, which already violate existing law, and less on facilitating and assisting municipal law enforcement. This may be because of the inconvenient fact that the root cause of rising crime is directly correlated to state and local policies implemented by the progressive wing of his party. When looking at the cities that account for the majority of the violent crime increase over the past two years, there is a clear link to the election of a radically progressive prosecutor or a criminal justice reform law enacted by state legislatures, which limit traditional bail and charging thresholds. These policies were enacted in the name of racial equality, but the resulting murders and shootings victimized disadvantaged communities with historically high rates of violent crime. Locally elected prosecutors, mayors, and state legislators failing to incarcerate violent criminals has directly contributed to rising murder rates. While charges are declined and bail is granted in arrests where the cycle of criminality could have been interrupted, criminals graduate to more violent acts. Meanwhile, declining morale among the ranks of law enforcement has resulted in less active policing. In an almost tone-deaf manner – President Biden, Gov. Wolf, and Mayor Kenney’s answer to this issue is to further restrict the rights of citizens who seek to legally protect themselves. “Many of our firefighters and medics are also assaulted in the line of duty, but the criminals committing these crimes rarely face prosecution from Larry Krasner,” said Bresnan. “This means that we’re forced to encounter victims of criminals that are left on the streets to harm the community, instead of being behind bars. And it makes it that much more difficult for our members to carry out their duty of caring for the citizens they swore

to protect.” If our leaders truly wanted to get control over the issue of rising crime, history has already shown us that enforcement is the answer. When examining the uptick in shootings, perpetrators and victims have similar profiles; young men, most often under the age of 25, concentrated among interlinked social networks like gang affiliation or shared neighborhood. The vast majority of guns used in shootings are illegally obtained, with removed serial numbers, bought from straw purchasers, or are stolen. The Biden administration seeks to restrict illicit gun sales by hiring additional Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives agents and launching firearm trafficking task forces in several jurisdictions. At the same time, they seek to provide the public with more information about delinquent dealers, increase taxes on guns and ammunition, and prohibit trade in certain types of guns and accessories.

These initiatives seek to lessen the number of illicit guns on the street in the future but are unlikely to address the rise of murders in violation of numerous existing gun laws. That’s because the guns that are driving the current homicide spike have long been possessed illicitly, changing hands periodically, often within a criminal subculture. As is demonstrated by high shooting rates in cities like Chicago, Washington, D.C., and New York whose highly restrictive gun laws have been subject to constitutional scrutiny, neither proximity to licensed gun dealers nor legal gun laws have been predictive of armed crimes among the groups that have seen the greatest increases in shootings. With over 390 million firearms owned in the United States, the Supreme Court has affirmed that the Second Amendment protects an individual’s right to possess a firearm. Therefore, many Pennsylvanians are critical of the governor’s gun control focus, while little has been done by prosecutors like Shapiro


and Krasner to increase the law enforcement and prosecution of those in violation of existing laws. New York’s example of the 1990s shows that effective policing and prosecution turns up illegal firearms and removes parole/probation violators and wanted criminals from the streets before they graduate to murder. Pennsylvania voters should be holding officials accountable and demanding they move away from the specter of a “gun violence epidemic” and toward proven strategies to address the immediate life and death issue of violent crime. Police departments cannot flatten the rising rates of murder alone: they require the partnership of our state and local prosecutors and correctional authorities supported by the funding and coordinating capacity of the federal government to assure that their duties are not performed in vain.







Image | Courtesy of Ancient Spirits and Grille


on’t think of this as a downer being cut down in his prime with all-manner start to a column, but rather of Job-like health problems. He loved his fama celebration. Because I want ily (to whom I spoke then, and send condoto bid a fond farewell to Big lences now), he loved telling stories and the Daddy Graham and Jonathan concept of FM radio as the great transmisValania. Graham, the sion in the sky. He loved classic rock. longtime PhiladelHe loved sports. He loved the Jersey phia radio voice and Shore. And he loved mixing that all up BY: A.D stand-up comedian, in a great big comic, immensely sociaAMOROSI ble bag, and gifting it to local audiencpassed last week in-between deades with love. That simple. lines, and his latter-day story – told to Valania, who passed away shockingly and me for the cover of Philadelphia Weekly ( – suddenly on Nine-Eleven, also was a gifted communicator throughout his tenure with was as heartwarming as it was heartbreaking. For this was a man, a big man (hence the so- the Philly-based Magnet Magazine during its briquet), who could not be made small despite alt-rock ‘90s prime, his self-made online cul-



First Ayurvedic herbal restaurant, cocktail lounge in U.S. opens here

ture-jamming commentary site Phawker, and this very paper, Philadelphia Weekly, among other local and national publications. His level of communication might not have always shared the exact glee of Big Daddy’s, yet it was no less joyful in its incisive telling. See, Jonathan (in my estimation) liked words, the way they felt and tumbled through, and down, a page’s set of phrases like a pebble down a dusty hill, kicking up more dirt as it landed. And he was a pretty fabulous curmudgeon. On both these counts, I could very much relate. That’s what made Valania readable to me, and, I’m guessing, too, to those of you who also dug his work on the regular. Plus, you always knew it was Valania coming toward you

from that hat of his – like a week-ago pumping gas near my house, with the hat visible over the hood of his vehicle. I’ll miss seeing him and his hat and his dusty words. There’s no good or great segue from two eulogies. Seriously. A first of its kind What cost $2.25M to renovate, features three stories, five dining rooms, a wraparound 50foot high “green” wall, and provides you with cocktails and customized menus before you’re even seated? Ancient Spirits and Grille at 17th and Chestnut (yes, the old Davio’s white linen Italian Steakhouse), the first Ayurvedic herbal restaurant and cocktail lounge in the United States. It’s surprise opening Sept. 17, with a charity benefit party for Penn Medicine’s Abramson Cancer Center, will debut its QR code app with questions about your body type suggesting food and cocktails based on your personal metabolism, and some herbal nibbles from Executive Chef Chris Tavares. Excited about the future-forward Ancient Spirits, especially since I was/am a fan of the legendary Davio’s space (who are still rumored to be moving into a new property nearby the old one, very soon). Changes at Visit Philadelphia Cara Schneider, the longtime – and defining – friendly face and fast response PR tactician at Visit Philadelphia, is leaving the tourist bureau gig on Sept. 15. Having started in October 1999, Schneider is one of the reasons (seriously) that people outside Philly wound up coming to Philly in droves – a record number of droves, as in top tourist destination in America droves – as well as turning this town into something beautiful and awesome that maybe you, the jaded local, never realized before. It sounds as if Schneider will still handle on-theground tourism projects and visiting media, while shifting from marketing to teaching – and good on her. Philly needs great teachers, and if she is half as good at providing vision and education to those who need it as she is aiding grouchy journalists like me, Philly students will be in great hands. Bankroll Club’s new home Long discussed for Broad Street’s Drexel Building, the food and bet-bet-bet-bet-driven Bankroll Club, a mix of fine dining, live entertainment and sports gaming/gambling, will now come, fast and furiously, to the beloved, emptied Art Deco Boyd Theater on Chestnut. Along with Stephen Starr as one of its investors (and, of course, its restaurateur), let’s give a big welcome home investment op to Lansdale’s Paul Martino, a guy who has spent time and money in the tech-start-up sector of Silicon Valley. New museum executive Ashley Jordan, the one-time senior director of development at the National Underground Railroad Freedom Center in Cincinnati, and the director of the Evansville African American Museum, congratulations. Jordan is the new president and CEO of Philadelphia’s esteemed and undervalued African American


PHILADELPHIAWEEKLY.COM @PHILLYWEEKLY Museum on Arch Street. We’re looking forward to seeing the fruits of her labor and vision. New music Gamble, Huff and Bell fans, unite: Vinyl Me, Please just dropped a VERY LIMITED vinyl box set experience - VMP Anthology: The Story of Philadelphia International Records - to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the PIR label that put Philadelphia on the soulllll train. Limited to 1,000 pressings, the box include 8 records - each lacquered and AAA-mastered directly from tapes and cut, plated and pressed on high-quality 180g color vinyl - from Leon Huff, The O’Jays, Billy Paul, MFSB, The Three Degrees, Dexter Wansel, Harold Melvin & The Blue Notes featuring Teddy Pendergrass and more. Around the town Some good WHO WHAT WHERE sightings in September, so far, Image | as Justin and Hailey Bieber Courtesy of dined at JG Sky High at the Izakaya by Yanaga Four Seasons, and Steak 48, during their time in town for Made in America. The still-fresh-paint smelling DePaul’s Table in Ardmore got big name visits, first from one-time 76er-turnedcutting color commentator Charles Barkley, then by thespian and guitarist Adam Sandler last weekend, moving from in front of the lens (for the still-filming-in Philly, “Hustle”) to behind the suburban dining room table. (The Sandman also dined at Steak 48 as well as Pietros in Radnor). And another of Sandler’s co-stars, Jaleel White (yes, Urkel from “Family Matters”) was walking into Fishtown’s very new Izakaya by Yanaga on Saturday night, as I was walking out (no I didn’t snap any photos, and didn’t ask him to say, “Did I do that?”). I did find out, though, that we ate and drank the exact same menu items: Duck Onigiri, Tuna Chirashi, Spider Maki, Salmon Skin Maki, Hamachi Sashimi, Oishii Shrimp Tacos, Pork Gyoza, Toro Scallion Maki, Tan Tan Mazeman and a “Dance of the Celestial Maiden” Sake. WFT? AM I URKEL? Did I do that? Which reminds me: Masked Philly: Kevin Yanaga In Icepack’s way too-long and now way overly complex and continuing saga of asking mask-donning local celebrities what they’ve been up to, beyond the pale, during C-19 – from lockdown to the current reopening, present-day unmasking and re-masking, worrying about Delta variants, freaking out about Fauci’s call for a potential third round of vax shots mere five months after the last, and new mask and vax card mandates – I reached out this week to Kevin Yanaga, the executive chef and partner of Izakaya by Yanaga on Frankford Avenue in Fishtown, and its soon-to-drop

sister suite/tasting room Omakase by Yanaga. Yes, you know the always-busy Yanaga from POD, Morimoto and Double Knot. Yes, the famous-before-it-opened on Sept. 9 Izakaya by Yanaga is backed by the GLU Hospitality team. This means that the ambitious Yanaga probably didn’t have scores of down-time, during the pandemic’s lockdown/slowdown or Delta’s current disruption. Still. “For the first time in many years, the pandemic gave me extra free time to pursue things outside the kitchen,” says Yanaga. “The life of a chef can be a hectic one, nonstop. It’s rare that I have time outside of work to take up new passions and hobbies. However, I was able to expand my love for running. I have been an avid runner for some years now, but during the pandemic I was able to focus more and have more time to pursue running. It was great not only for my physical health, but also my mental health – especially during such a challenging time in life. This all prepared me for my recent adventure – look at me – I just did the Philadelphia 10K and can’t wait for the next race.” Yanaga’s mask is practical and versatile – “a blue running mask made by a Chinese running company, good for my weekly runs – and it’s very comfortable and easy to speak through – and it’s very breathable. Masks are this necessary thing, and for me it’s all about being comfortable, practical and not letting it get in the way of work, play or anything in between. I have no problem with people wanting to wear it. It is about looking after the well-being of others. I am fully vaccinated and took the first chance when it was my turn to do so. COVID-19 isn’t something that we will wake up and it will be gone tomorrow. So, my personal thoughts are to do everything possible to protect myself and those around me – and not let the pandemic impede everything I want to do.” What Yanaga wants to do – he’s doing: one brand new restaurant, now, with its 12-seat tasting room to follow by Halloween. “It is a dream come true to get my own restaurants and reconnect with sushi lovers that have been keeping tabs on me for the last decade,” says the Philly veteran. “What’s even more exciting is the opening coming up for our Omakase room. My life is either spent working non-stop to perfect Izakaya by Yanaga, or my time is spent preparing the perfect Omakase concept. I still find time to run, of course, but otherwise, my life has completely been transformed in the last few months with these projects.”

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• are breastfeeding or plan to breastfeed. Do not breastfeed if you take DOVATO. ° You should not breastfeed if you have HIV-1 because of the risk of passing HIV-1 to This is only a brief summary of important information about DOVATO and your baby. does not replace talking to your healthcare provider about your condition ° One of the medicines in DOVATO (lamivudine) passes into your breastmilk. and treatment. ° Talk with your healthcare provider about the best way to feed your baby. What is the most important information I should know about DOVATO? Tell your healthcare provider about all the medicines you take, including If you have both human immunodeficiency virus-1 (HIV-1) infection and Hepatitis B prescription and over-the-counter medicines, vitamins, and herbal supplements. virus (HBV) infection, DOVATO can cause serious side effects, including: Some medicines interact with DOVATO. Keep a list of your medicines and show it to your • Resistant HBV. Your healthcare provider will test you for HBV infection before you start healthcare provider and pharmacist when you get a new medicine. treatment with DOVATO. If you have HIV-1 and hepatitis B, the HBV can change (mutate) • You can ask your healthcare provider or pharmacist for a list of medicines that interact during your treatment with DOVATO and become harder to treat (resistant). It is not known with DOVATO. if DOVATO is safe and effective in people who have HIV-1 and HBV infection. • Worsening of HBV infection. If you have HBV infection and take DOVATO, your HBV may • Do not start taking a new medicine without telling your healthcare provider. Your healthcare provider can tell you if it is safe to take DOVATO with other medicines. get worse (flare-up) if you stop taking DOVATO. A “flare-up” is when your HBV infection What are possible side effects of DOVATO? suddenly returns in a worse way than before. DOVATO can cause serious side effects, including: ° Do not run out of DOVATO. Refill your prescription or talk to your healthcare provider • See “What is the most important information I should know about DOVATO?” before your DOVATO is all gone. • Allergic reactions. Call your healthcare provider right away if you develop ° Do not stop DOVATO without first talking to your healthcare provider. a rash with DOVATO. Stop taking DOVATO and get medical help right away ° If you stop taking DOVATO, your healthcare provider will need to check your health often if you develop a rash with any of the following signs or symptoms: fever; and do blood tests regularly for several months to check your liver function and monitor generally ill feeling; tiredness; muscle or joint aches; blisters or sores in mouth; blisters your HBV infection. It may be necessary to give you a medicine to treat hepatitis B. Tell or peeling of the skin; redness or swelling of the eyes; swelling of the mouth, face, lips, or your healthcare provider about any new or unusual symptoms you may have after you tongue; problems breathing. stop taking DOVATO. • Liver problems. People with a history of hepatitis B or C virus may have For more information about side effects, see “What are possible side effects an increased risk of developing new or worsening changes in certain liver of DOVATO?” tests during treatment with DOVATO. Liver problems, including liver failure, What is DOVATO? have also happened in people without a history of liver disease or other risk DOVATO is a prescription medicine that is used without other HIV-1 medicines to treat human factors. Your healthcare provider may do blood tests to check your liver. Tell immunodeficiency virus-1 (HIV-1) infection in adults: who have not received HIV-1 medicines your healthcare provider right away if you get any of the following signs or in the past, or to replace their current HIV-1 medicines when their healthcare provider symptoms of liver problems: your skin or the white part of your eyes turns yellow determines that they meet certain requirements. HIV-1 is the virus that causes Acquired (jaundice); dark or “tea-colored” urine; light-colored stools (bowel movements); nausea Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS). It is not known if DOVATO is safe and effective or vomiting; loss of appetite; and/or pain, aching, or tenderness on the right side of your in children. stomach area. Who should not take DOVATO? • Too much lactic acid in your blood (lactic acidosis). Too much lactic acid is Do not take DOVATO if you: a serious medical emergency that can lead to death. Tell your healthcare • have ever had an allergic reaction to a medicine that contains dolutegravir or lamivudine. provider right away if you get any of the following symptoms that could be • take dofetilide. Taking DOVATO and dofetilide can cause side effects that may be serious or signs of lactic acidosis: feel very weak or tired; unusual (not normal) muscle pain; life-threatening. trouble breathing; stomach pain with nausea and vomiting; feel cold, especially in your arms and legs; feel dizzy or lightheaded; and/or a fast or irregular heartbeat. What should I tell my healthcare provider before using DOVATO? • Lactic acidosis can also lead to severe liver problems, which can lead to Tell your healthcare provider about all of your medical conditions, including death. Your liver may become large (hepatomegaly) and you may develop fat in your if you: liver (steatosis). Tell your healthcare provider right away if you get any of • have or have had liver problems, including hepatitis B or C infection. the signs or symptoms of liver problems which are listed above under • have kidney problems. “Liver problems.” • are pregnant or plan to become pregnant. One of the medicines in DOVATO (dolutegravir) • You may be more likely to get lactic acidosis or severe liver problems if may harm your unborn baby. you are female or very overweight (obese). Your healthcare provider may prescribe a different medicine than DOVATO if you ° are planning to become pregnant or if pregnancy is confirmed during the first 12 weeks • Changes in your immune system (Immune Reconstitution Syndrome) can happen when you start taking HIV-1 medicines. Your immune system may get stronger of pregnancy. and begin to fight infections that have been hidden in your body for a long time. Tell ° If you can become pregnant, your healthcare provider may perform a pregnancy test your healthcare provider right away if you start having new symptoms after you start before you start treatment with DOVATO. taking DOVATO. ° If you can become pregnant, you and your healthcare provider should talk about the use of effective birth control (contraception) during treatment with DOVATO. ° Tell your healthcare provider right away if you are planning to become pregnant, you become pregnant, or think you may be pregnant during treatment with DOVATO.

Important Facts About DOVATO

©2021 ViiV Healthcare or licensor. DLLADVT210015 March 2021 Produced in USA.

SO MUCH GOES INTO WHO I AM HIV MEDICINE IS ONE PART OF IT. Why could DOVATO be right for you? DOVATO is proven to help control HIV with just 2 medicines in 1 pill. That means fewer medicines* in your body while taking DOVATO. It’s proven as effective as an HIV treatment with 3 or 4 medicines. Learn more about fewer medicines at DOVATO is a complete prescription regimen to treat HIV-1 in adults who have not received HIV-1 medicines in the past or to replace their current HIV-1 medicines when their doctor determines they meet certain requirements. Results may vary. *As compared with 3- or 4-drug regimens.


What are possible side effects of DOVATO? (cont’d) • The most common side effects of DOVATO include: headache; nausea; diarrhea; trouble sleeping; tiredness; and anxiety. These are not all the possible side effects of DOVATO. Call your doctor for medical advice about side effects. You are encouraged to report negative side effects of prescription drugs to the FDA. Visit, or call 1-800-FDA-1088. Where can I find more information? • Talk to your healthcare provider or pharmacist. • Go to or call 1-877-844-8872, where you can also get FDA-approved labeling. Trademark is owned by or licensed to the ViiV Healthcare group of companies. March 2021 DVT:6PIL

New to treatment? Considering a switch?

Ask your doctor about DOVATO.





Chicago-born and Nashville-based singer, songwriter, guitarist and producer JD Simo will appear with GA-20 at 118 North on Sept. 29. Image | Adam Abrashoff


JD Simo to drop new album, perform at 118 North


hicago-born and Nashville-based singer, songwriter, guitarist and producer JD Simo connects the missing link between Motown and Woodstock as he fuses fluid and fiery fretwork with vital and vulnerable vocals. You can catch him and GA-20 at 118 North on Sept. 29. For tickets and information, visit Logging hundreds of gigs annually, he has collaborated with Jack White, Tommy Emmanuel, Luther Dickinson, Blackberry Smoke, and more. He also graced the bills of festivals, including Bonnaroo, Warren Haynes Christmas Jam, and Mountain Jam. Phil Lesh, iconic co-founder of The Grateful Dead, invited him to join Phil Lesh and Friends. Throughout 2019, he maximized rare time off to write what would become “JD Simo.”



JD Simo’s new album, ‘Mind Control,’ drops in November. Image | Adam Abrashoff

Returning home after 150 gigs, he worked out of a “funky little eight-track studio” in his house. When it came time to record, he sought out a co-producer for the first time. Enlisting Eddie Spear behind the board, he recorded the album to tape in just three days during January 2020. And then the pandemic hit. “Like everyone, I was unprepared in how to deal with this new ‘normal’ so I turned to the thing that always helps me: music,” he said. “I just started playing, opening up my socials and jamming and from that, ‘Mind Control’ was born.” “Mind Control,” which is being released on Nov. 5, is Simo’s most unique, original and rawest effort to date. During lockdown in 2020, along with playing live weekly on his socials, he began cutting tracks in his makeshift studio joined by longtime collaborator Adam Abrashoff on drums and the addition of his good friend, bassist-producer-engineer Adam Bednarik (Justin Townes Earle), where they mused and fused a proverbial “stew” of shared musical influences. PW recently caught up with Simo to talk about his career and new album. Let’s go back to the beginning. When did you first become interested in music? Who were some of your earliest influences? I saw Elvis on TV when I was 3 and that was it! I wanted to be Scotty Moore, his guitarist. Not long after that, my older sister showed me the Blues Brothers movie and I was just as obsessed with Steve Cropper (the guitarist from Stax and Booker T & the MG’s). I was a real loner as a kid and all I did was sit in my room with my records. I’d take my allowance money for my chores and go to the Pickwick Record Store on the north side of Chicago not far from the apartment I grew up in and get three to five records a week and just obsess over them. I also had access to the Lincoln Park Library that had every record ever made, hahaha!! I’d check out piles of records! Elvis, Buddy Holly, Little Richard, Link Wray, Eddie Cochran, Fats Domino. Then it just expanded from there. The first blues I was exposed to was John Lee Hooker. Buddy Guy too. It just never ended. Who are some of the musicians you are listening to today? I love Brittany Howard a lot! Mad respect! Khruangbin is dope! Budos Band, The Altons, Antibalas, anything Daptone-related I’m way into. Michael Kiwanauka, The Wood Brothers, Aaron Frazer, Durand Jones, Common, Dinosaur Jr, King Gizzard and the Wizard Lizard, Swamp Dogg, Yola! Anything Colemine-related too! Kelly Finnegan, Delvon Lamarr Organ Trio with my bro Jimmy James! My tour mates GA-20! I could go on and on!


“Mind Control” drops in November and was developed largely during the pandemic. Talk a little about both the challenges and the opportunities the pandemic offered in how “Mind Control” came about. How will people be able to get it? Since about 2015 I’ve done at least 150-plus shows a year. As many as 250 in 2016! I was running from project to project and the pandemic allowed me the first time in my adult life to STOP! All of a sudden music was not my job anymore. Nothing was. It was terrifying! However after a few months, stuff started falling out of the sky seemingly and all started to become better than it had ever been. After several weeks, I had to make music, so me and my buds would get tested on Monday and if clear, we’d get together later in the week masked up and distanced. There was no album to make or anything. It was just to have fun and mess around! Out of that, a rather huge amount of material amassed. In February of this year, I went back through it all and several things really stood out and they seemed to fit together too. They were like Hill Country raw as hell Trance Blues on Top, and Afro Beat type grooves underneath. It was a combo I’d never heard or thought of before. It just happened. So we started to formulate the album afterward out of what was rad instead of having a plan and making a specific kind of record. It allowed me to get out of my own way and really BE for the first time. People can stream and pre-save on all platforms – Spotify, Apple Music etc – or pre-order it now at and it will be available in local record shops when it drops on Nov. 5. Also, we’ll have advance copies at all the shows on the tour. You have just launched an ambitious tour that runs through January. How excited are you to get back before live audiences? What will your fans see at your show on Sept. 29? Wow, It’s hard to really put it into words! I mean, I haven’t had this kind of break since I was like 13 or something like that! There is so much pent up emotion that I’m not sure how it’s going to feel. The folks are going to see a bunch of guys super grateful to be playing. That’s for sure. What are the best ways for your fans to stay current with what you’re doing? The socials are the way! Instagram, Facebook, Youtube, Twitter. I’m @jdsimomusic on all platforms. Follow me on Spotify. My website is Bandsintown has all my up to date tour info.





THE RUNDOWN Image | Nathan Ansell


Local concert stages are filling up with great acts. Here are a few that we’ll be looking to catch in the coming days.

Jared James Nichols Waxahatchee

In spring of 2020, Waxahatchee – aka Katie Crutchfield – released her critically acclaimed album “Saint Cloud” while the world was shutting down. The New Yorker described the album as “A talisman of the self-isolation era… ‘Saint Cloud’ evokes a sense of freedom and belonging that has been elusive in this era of constraint and distance.” On Oct. 15 and 19, she’ll make her way to Philadelphia to perform at Union Transfer. Tickets and details:

Image | Courtesy of Waxahatchee


As Jared James Nichols gears up to release his new “Shadow Dancer” EP – out Sept. 17 on Black Hill Records – the Nashville-singer-songwriter-guitarist has announced he’ll join Black Stone Cherry for a U.S. tour this launching on Oct. 5 at Ardmore Music Hall. Get all the details at


The iconic stoner metal band from North Carolina, formed in 1998, will be headlining shows with support from Joe Buck Yourself and Adam Faucett. Known for their energetic and lively stage shows, which are emphasized by frontman Dixie Dave’s animated facial expressions and dance moves, you can catch them Sept. 18 at Kung Fu Necktie. Tickets:

VREID (‘Wild North West’ Movie Screening)

The Norwegian band, founded in 2004 and known for creating the “Sognametal” sound, will perform a free, matinee event. Those who RSVP via a ticket link will be entered to win a raffle prize, including signed merch. Catch them Sept. 25 at Kung Fu Necktie. For info:

Wesley Stace

Philly resident Wesley Stace (formerly known as John Wesley Harding) has a new album, “Late Style” out Sept. 17. Stace invites you to his upcoming gig at The Loft on Sept. 29. Tickets:




Heartless Bastards

Acclaimed rock ’n’ roll band Heartless Bastards just released “A Beautiful Life,” the band’s sixth studio album and first new music in more than half a decade. You can see the band live and in person Oct. 1 when it plays World Cafe Live, downstairs.

Image | Anna Webber


Dayglow – a.k.a. Austin’s Sloan Struble – released his sophomore album “Harmony House” earlier this spring, and made his late-night TV debut performing “Can I Call You Tonight?” on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert. He’ll be taking the new album on the road and making a stop in Philadelphia at the Theatre of Living Arts on Oct. 15.


Gustaf will be in town at The Fillmore on Oct. 13 in support of their forthcoming debut album, “Audio Drag For Ego Slobs,” which drops Oct. 1. The New Yorkbased post-punks made a name for themselves over the last couple of years while touring across the states with no music released, sharing the stage with bands like James Chance, Bodega, Dehd and Omni, while catching the ear of Beck, who named them one of his new favorite bands.


The critically acclaimed Los Angeles-based trio MUNA will make a stop in Philadelphia at the Skyline Stage at the Mann with Bleachers on Sept. 23. Recently, the group released their first new music in over a year. Tickets:

XPoNential Music Festival

The performance times for artists who will perform at the 2021 XPoNential Music Festival presented by Subaru taking place Sept. 17-19 were announced recently by radio station WXPN 88.5 FM, which produces the annual three-day outdoor music festival. Some 25 artists will perform on three stages at two adjacent outdoor venues: Wiggins Park and the adjacent BB&T Pavilion, both located on the Delaware Riverfront in Camden, directly across the river from Philadelphia. Tickets and all festival information are available at the festival’s website:

Ultimate 70s show

Want to go back like 40 or 50 years? Catch Orleans, Pure Prairie League and Atlanta Rhythm Section at the Ultimate 70s show in Glenside at the Keswick Theatre on Oct. 7. Get all the details at keswicktheatre. com.

Rain - A Tribute to the Beatles

The Kimmel Cultural Campus presents “Rain – A Tribute to the Beatles” with “The Best of Abbey Road Live!” from Oct. 29 – 31 at the Merriam Theater. In celebration of “Abbey Road,” this show brings the album’s greatest hits to life, in addition to all your early favorites. Tickets:





SET NoLibs

Northern Liberties restaurant and sports bar is the city’s newest hot spot for Eagles day action with giant big screen televisions throughout the entire dining room, plus access to televisions in the covered dining tents and at the outdoor streetery. Look for food and drink specials for sharing at the table with your squad. 1030 N. 2nd Street | (267) 761-9480 |

Football season is back! Get ready to bleed green with these Philadelphia restaurants and bars with great game day grub, watch parties, football specials and season features. Check with the restaurants for details and COVID rules and regs.

Image | Courtesy of Set NoLibs

Are you ready for some football food and drink? Image | Courtesy of Craft Hall

Craft Hall

Philadelphia’s largest football venue and family friendly venue in the entire city is back for football season with house-made brews, a brand-new BBQ menu and the most indoor seating in the city. This 35,000 square-foot location is equipped with two projection screens, bars and 8 HD TVs throughout, leaving every spot the perfect spot for an ice cold brew and view of the game. 901 N Delaware Ave. | (267) 297-2072 |


Vesper Center City

Vesper Center City is back open in time for fall football as one of the very top spots in the region for Eagles fans. On Sundays for football and Birds’ action, check out Spiked starting at 11:30am each week, plus Spiked returns on Monday and Thursday nights when there is an Eagles game. Spiked is Center City’s biggest Sunday party with live DJ entertainment, dancers and pyrotechnics, in a lively atmosphere that spans three floors. 223 S. Sydenham St. | 267-214-0086 |

Sonny’s Cocktail Joint

Sonny’s Cocktail Joint, Philly’s brand-new neighborhood feel good bar, will be airing Eagles games rain or shine. Watch the Birds in their covered backyard on their drop down projector screen. Inside, look for the game on four big screen TVs with surround sound on. 1506 South Street | 267-900-9463 |

El Camino Real

El Camino will offer the game on the big screens inside and outside for indoor and outdoor viewing, with the sound on and the drinks pouring. Don’t miss heated covered outdoor dining that even includes heated seats for red hot game day action. Look for signature BBQ and Tex Mex cuisine, cocktails and 30-plus choices of beers in draft, can and bottle. 1040 N. 2nd St. | (215) 925-1110 |

Hawthornes Beer Cafe Enjoy the game at Hawthornes in the massive outdoor Beer Garden with $5 local drafts, and $8 cocktails. Hawthornes will also be airing games at the bar. Brunch & Birds, what more could you ask for? 738 S. 11th St. | (215) 627-3012 |




Evil Genius Beer Company

Evil Genius Beer Company celebrates its 10th anniversary with a big fall block party on Front Street in Fishtown. The carnival-themed, open-air event will shut down the block outside the brewery to make room for games, outdoor beer sales, beer features, a DJ, food trucks and other fall fun. Look for the release of Just Vibin’ 10th Anniversary Beer ABV 7%, which is a Hazy Mango, Pineapple, Guava IPA. The event is family friendly, so bring the kids and the pup too! No admission charge. Food, drink and select activities are pay as you go. Sept. 25. 1727 N. Front St.

Your chances to see great theater, strut for mutts and more are coming up soon. Here are a few events that you’ll want to be sure to check out.

Image | Frank Ockenfels

See a play, celebrate dogs, more Theatre Exile

South Philadelphia-based theater company Theatre Exile has announced three in-person productions for its 25th anniversary season. Theatre Exile will present the world premiere of Extreme Home Makeover by up-andcoming Texas-based playwright Makasha Copeland. This inspirational story follows a modern Tejano family that goes to great lengths for a chance to appear on the famous home renovation TV series of the same name. Next, The Motherf**ker with the Hat by Pulitzer Prize-winner Stephen Adly Guirgis is a fast-paced, brutally funny, foul-mouthed look at modern love, friendship, addiction, and the challenges of adulthood. Lastly, award-winning screenwriter and playwright Susan Soon He Stanton’s Today is My Birthday is an eccentric comedy about an out-of-work writer who attempts to turn fantasy into reality to escape isolation.

15th Annual PAWS Mutt Strut

The PAWS Mutt Strut is the must-attend fall festival for dogs and the people who love them, and on Oct. 23 at 10am at the Navy Yard, Philadelphia will once again go to the dogs! Enjoy a scenic walk, canine costume contest, activities for kids, food trucks, live music, prizes, and much more to help save homeless pets.

Clay Fest 2021

Celebrate clay and community at Clay Fest 2021, a fun day of muddy festivities hosted by The Clay Studio at its soonto-be new home in South Kensington. This year’s event offers exciting, family-friendly entertainment, including several hands-on clay activities, screen printing, wheel throwing battles, and artist demonstrations. Attendees can also look forward to yoga, face painting, and an ice cream social or check out special projects from notable artists Cesar Viveros and George Rodriguez. Sept. 18 at noon. 1425 N. American Street.

Kandy Muse

Inaugural Northern Liberties Night Market

2nd St. Festival announced the launch of its Northern Liberties Night Market Series. A mini 2nd St. Festival of sorts, this seasonal midweek food truck fair will take place bi-annually in both the spring and the fall. To kick things off, the first Northern Liberties Night Market will take place Sept. 23 from 5pm to 10pm on 2nd St. between Fairmount and Poplar St. Night Market meets mini-2nd St Festival with food trucks, circus performances, vendors, music acts, family fun, lawn games, and more.

Kandy Muse, runner-up of Season 13’s “RuPaul’s Drag Race,” hits the circular, hydraulic stage at Fabrika’s uber popular brunch show on Sept. 19 at 2 p.m. Guests can meet the fan favorite at noon at an exclusive VIP Meet & Greet session before the show ($60 per person). General admission tickets are $40 per person with the show starting at 2 p.m. Kandy will be joined by host and Philly’s own “genderful glamour monster” and award-winning drag queen Eric Jaffe. The entertainment will also feature Mz. Peaches, Sapphira Cristal, Sutton Fearce, Sir Donyx and Anita Manhattan.



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Q: I’ve read your column for awhile and thing that neither my wife nor my best know you often write about polyamory and friend enjoys. We talk about getting togethwhat monogamous people can learn from er to play, but I always find a reason not non-monogamous relationto, because it feels oddly close ships. I know we’re supposed to cheating. I’m so attracted to to talk openly about attracher but deathly afraid of ruintions and feelings, but I’m in ing any of our relationships. a situation where that can None of us are swingers or reonly hurt things. I’m a marmotely comfortable with openried man, and I love my wife, ing up our marriages, so I feel but I have a crush on my best like there are no options for friend’s wife. even talking through it. What Here’s the situation: My can I do to make these feelings wife and I have been together go away? for almost 10 years, and we A: Yikes on several bikes! have two kids. We have the That DOES sound complicated. usual marriage stuff, but for Let me start by validating that the most part we’re both hapthis is a tough one. It’s admirapy and our sex life is good. ble that you’re concerned with @TIMAREE_LEIGH She’s very attractive, smart, the potential fallout of following and fun and I don’t want to your desires and it’s very wise do anything to to contemplate risk losing her. beyond the scope Meanwhile, I’ve of your own marknown my best riage. Many have friend for over imperiled not 15 years, and he only their own and I also work relationships in together. Two the pursuit of years ago, he passion, but commet this woman pletely ignored online and they the dramatic imdated long-dispacts of infidelity tance until she on the rest of the moved from the family or social west coast renetwork. cently, when they got married. In any household, community or closeI was smitten immediately. She’s beauknit group of friends, a change in one person tiful and funny and we share a lot of the is going to have ripple effects on the others. same interests. We both play tennis, someThat’s true whether the change is negative or


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positive. In this case, the situation poses challenges not only for your friend’s marriage but also your connection with him and your work together. That’s not to say we need to live for others or stifle ourselves for the sake of maintaining stability. It just means that your crush is more complicated than a standard question of opening up a previously closed unit. As far as your crush goes: it makes absolute sense that you would be enamored by this woman. You and your friend likely share a lot of similar tastes and preferences and anyone who would be attractive to one of you would probably intrigue the other. She’s also brand new to your life, so her presence comes with the sensation of novelty, something you may not have had for a while. Additionally, she’s likely on her best behavior as a recent import, trying to make a good impression with her new husband’s friends. You haven’t had enough time to learn her annoying quirks, frustrating habits, or the unreasonable, un-curated parts of her. So: my first bit of advice would be to just hang the fuck on. Maybe one day all four of you will find yourselves at an Airbnb in the Adirondacks, drinking wine, smoking weed, and getting more…. intimately acquainted. Perhaps at some point down the line, all of you will realize you ARE open to something a

little nuanced in your relationship. But it’s also possible that you won’t. Non-monogamy isn’t for everyone – and you know better than I do if you’d be able to handle it. Maybe a year from now the luster will wane and you’ll realize that she’s a perfectly good friend – a hot one at that – and you’ll thank the stars that you didn’t make it a whole THING. One way to manage the feelings in the meantime is to talk this through with someone trusted and not directly involved: maybe a close family member, a friend from a different city, or a therapist. Work out what parts of this crush are actual chemistry and what are your projections. Continue to think through the positive and negative implications of openly acknowledging this attraction: to your wife, your friend and to the collective social group. You can also spend this time cultivating the relationship with your wife. It’s entirely unfair to expect her to be the only light in the sky, but the bounty of a marriage is based directly on what we invest into it. Be the best version of a partner that you can be to this woman whom you love, and you might be surprised if that doesn’t start yielding rewards that eclipse the allure of fresh meat. Have a question for Dr. Timaree? Send an email to

“Many have imperiled not only their own relationships in the pursuit of passion, but completely ignored the dramatic impacts of infidelity on the rest of the family or social network.”

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