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FREE | SEPTEMBER 24 - OCTOBER 1, 2020 | @phillyweekly

Tailgating and dining in, bad. Homeless camps and looting, good.



When conservative became alt in Philly

Are you fed up with an inept city government? Join us


lternative journalism is in Philadelphia Weekly’s DNA. But today, “alt” in Philly isn’t what it used to be. We want to reflect that change and continue to be a voice for the voiceless, but we need to know if you support such a move. In 1972, we opened our doors as the Welcomat. Frank Rizzo was lording over City Hall, and the LGBT crowd, the punks and people of color kicked around by his police force needed a voice. It was us. Twenty years later, another Democrat promising to clean up Philly was in City Hall, and we became Philadelphia Weekly — a platform to push back against the city’s transformation into Ed Rendell’s gubernatorial campaign. For the people who called Philly home and didn’t have a voice – against City Hall, against whomever – we were there. Then something happened in Philly: Alt became mainstream. We elected a district attorney who is anti-cop and doesn’t want to prosecute crimes. We elected a mayor who protects homeless encampments instead

of local residents. We elected “leaders” who cater to special interests, while ignoring the needs of hard-working, taxpaying Philadelphians. The alternative voices we spoke to aren’t the alternative today – they’re in power. Whose voice is ignored today? Who’s “alt” in Philly in 2020? Conservatives. People enraged by an inept and ineffectual city government. Those who oppose socialist and intrusive government programs and public policy. Those who watch garbage pile up in front of their homes and see their neighborhoods ravaged by senseless violence and rampant drug use – while their elected leaders refuse to help under the guise of social justice. Being “alt” in Philly today means being a voice for people who are fed up and ready for those in power to hear what this city needs to be. We want to write about a district attorney who is anti-cop and a mayor who effectively sanctions ongoing homeless encampments, while at the same time tells Eagles fans they can’t tailgate.

We want to advocate for those who are fed up with nonsensical public health policies that defy science and crush local businesses. We want to be – once again – a voice for those who are truly voiceless in this city. For us to speak up in this way and make this shift, we need to know that you care and that our new approach will be sustainable. By October 15, we are asking Philadelphians to step up and pledge $5,900 toward funding this journalism — toward funding a conservative voice to cut through the progressive echo chamber that is Philadelphia media. We’ll say thanks by giving you some great swag, and more importantly, by recasting our publication to be the pragmatic conservative voice so lacking in this city. You want to help make this happen? Then go here: So, Philly, what do you think? Should Philadelphia Weekly continue to be a voice for the people in the city who are ignored by politicians and mainstream media – even if those people aren’t the same ones we’ve fought for in the past? Let us know.

If you agree that conservative is alt and want to join us, visit our Kickstarter at




Image: Brian Biggs

You had me at “conservative” T

his week, Philadelphia Weekly announced an intent to place more conservative voices and insight within its pages. In retrospect, Philadelphia Weekly didn’t have to announce it, there could’ve just been the sourcing of more conservative writers taking a stance on what they believe are the failures of our society sprinkled within our arts and entertainment coverage, our letters from you, our readers and our general progressive-led coverage advocating for the rights of the marginalized and disenfranchised. But to be honest, I’m not sure the hundreds who took to social media to throw shade, denounce the paper as “finished” and deliver death threats to both myself and our publisher would’ve even noticed. I know this because even before this suggestion arrived, the homework was done. For months, I have been telling our owner Dan McDonough that our audience is still a progressive-leaning Philadelphia. This was backed by weekly audit numbers of our physical copies moving on the streets, digital traffic and engagement across our social media platforms. It was this insight that fueled the creation of altPhilly this summer, a membership platform designed to bring these voices together. We believed that in an ever-evolving Philadelphia, one ravaged by COVID-19, a series of protests that fueled full-scale riots following the death of George Floyd in addition to an upcoming election year, the opportunity to have a hub for our readers to discuss these issues really excited us. To date, after advertising, social media cam-

paigns and even our own outreach to special has been hemorrhaging capital to the point where some weeks I was surprised we were groups for support, altPhilly has less than 20 still planning upcoming issues. McDonough subscribers. If you’re a member of altPhilly and you’re reading this, I want to personally isn’t MAGA, he’s not waving Trump’s flag and in no way shape, or form in our discussion thank you for your support of this publicadid he ever suggest the viewpoints of alt-right tion. But if all of these efforts to garner mass hacks would ever grace these pages. Knowing his character, I believe support from what you believed was him. your audience fails – coupled with He recently admitted that he an ever-declining advertising revecouldn’t promise sustainability unnue with organizations that would less a shift came, one backed by a normally support our efforts still faithful audience and organizations climbing out from the shit COVID-19 that support alternative journalism. dumped on them – you have to quesThis is believed to be that shift. tion if the audience you thought you To have a variety of voices, some had truly exists. that don’t speak for me and some It’s funny, after all the hate rethat I align with all mixed in with ceived on Tuesday from those we the same A&E content and robust originally believed was our “audicalendar this pub has delivered ence,” I really wish they had that since becoming Philadelphia Weeksame energy when we repeatedly ly in 1995. asked for their support to build a I have been with PW for half a community and help keep this pub@SPRTSWTR decade and my times sitting in quarlication sustainable. I lost count terly meetings at Trump National of the number of people who liked Golf Club in New Jersey discussing the pacomments dumping on the publication but if per’s direction weren’t while McDonough was every one of those same people had an interthe publisher-owner. est and showed support, I wouldn’t be writing I’ll leave it at that. this. Let me end by saying, that I fucking deWhile I wasn’t surprised at all the trollspise this desire to become more consering on Twitter, I was surprised how much vative. of it was directed at our publisher, Dan McPersonally, I don’t believe in this curDonough. When McDonough took over this rent climate there is a middle ground when publication in 2018, he took it over with a viit comes to conservative viewpoints. To see sion to not change anything. someone proudly waving a Trump flag or In single ownership, he provided a fresh wearing a MAGA hat, you know what they’re platform, moved the publication back to the city where it belonged and delivered a new all about right off the bat. They aren’t true adwebsite. But since taking it over, McDonough vocates for equality, because equality doesn’t


benefit them. I’ve questioned how much they truly care about the rights and protections of LGBTQ persons, women’s rights, all the things that this publication proudly supports. It’s why I’m using this column to announce that I’ll be stepping down as Editor-in-Chief if Philadelphia Weekly makes this shift. While I do believe this idea to move to more conservative voices alongside our usual contributor corps should receive the support it needs to keep PW sustainable and offer a collection of diverse voices, after giving this a great deal of thought, I don’t believe I can effectively lead this move if it happens with the same vigor as I have for the last five years. It’s been a privilege to run this publication and keep alt-journalism sustainable in Philadelphia, but for me, if this is truly the direction, it will be the right time to put a -30- on being at the helm. I have been asked to remain in a writing capacity to routinely call out the bullshit that might hit pages from time to time and that, to me, is intriguing. Not that I’ll sway minds but pointing out what is amiss in these diatribes isn’t a bad thing. I understand we live in a world of knee jerk reactionism and summations based on headlines. In my opinion, the real issue here is not the suggested switch but what the word “conservative” truly means today. And at the end of the day, it doesn’t speak for the majority of Philadelphia, myself included. But a good alt-weekly isn’t supposed to look out for the majority. It’s in support of shuttered voices – whether you agree with them or not. I don’t have to ride with it, but at its core, that’s what I’ve always believed the best alt-weeklies do.








Wow, Philly. Wow. On Tuesday, we proposed the idea of shifting our direction to a more conservative voice as we looked at the same voices pushing similar progressive agendas within Philadelphia’s media landscape. Needless to say, many of you voiced your opinions on the idea via social media. So we figured, fuck it, why keep them locked within an echo chamber on Twitter? Why not share your sentiments with the rest of the world? The following are a few of our favorites. For those of you who can see past the word “conservative” and read this as a shift we’re considering for the sustainability of alt journalism in Philadelphia, we’re asking for your support. Read more of what we’re trying to accomplish via our Kickstarter campaign:

Philadelphia Weekly Holdings, Ltd. 1520 Locust Street, suite 501 Philadelphia, PA 19102 215-543-3743 @phillyweekly SEPTEMBER 24 - OCTOBER 1, 2020 | PHILADELPHIA WEEKLY

Dan McDonough, Jr. Chairman & Publisher Kerith Gabriel Editor in Chief

John Montesano Art Director

Alan Bauer Managing Editor

Contributors: A.D. Amorosi, Tom Beck, Courtenay Harris Bond, Resolve Philadelphia, Dan Savage, Timaree Schmit, Ryan K. Smith, Eugene Zenyatta. Intern: Zachary Bard.

To contact the news department:

Ed Lynes Chief Revenue Officer Stephanie Hawkins Controller

Michael Chambers Director of Circulation

To purchase advertising in Philadelphia Weekly, contact Sales at 215-543-3743, ext. 104, or



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‘Some people are afraid’ Amid apprehension, census enumerators find education the key in ensuring complete count



Census enumerators have been fanned out throughout the region in an effort to ensure a complete count, given the deadline for self-response of the 2020 census was curtailed from October to Sept. 30. | Image: Kerith Gabriel



merators nned out he region ensure a nt, given r self-rehe 2020 curtailed to Sept. e: Kerith Gabriel

Since Aug. 11, census enumerators have been spread throughout parts of New Jersey and Philadelphia in an effort to ensure a complete count in the 2020 Census. | Image: Kerith Gabriel


ince Aug. 11, Census enumeration enumerator named Nicole who spoke on conhas begun throughout the state of dition of not releasing her full name, people New Jersey in an attempt to achave been more willing to get educated on the count for the millions of people facts. who neglected to complete the on“I really think the upcoming election has line questionnaire. The onslaught something to do with it,” said Nicole, who has of people knocking on been canvassing homes, apartments doors, smartphone in and condos throughout Camden County since mid-August. “I did this hand in an effort to get a complete BY KERITH work in 2010 and it was a lot harder count has been noticeable, particuGABRIEL to get people to listen and underlarly in South Jersey. stand how important this is. But I With the Trump Administration think that people understand that moving up the timeline to complete the form to Sept. 30, both enumera- while this is a federal thing, it’s not directly tied to politics but more of what ensuring the tors and the U.S. Census Bureau alike have count can do for you, politically.” been in a scramble to get the word out on Nicole’s summation isn’t off and it appears the importance of the vote. In marginalized communities, where some would find this her cursory lesson in civics to apprehensive a daunting task, this year, according to an residents throughout Camden is working.

According to independent data website Hard to Count, approximately 22% of the population in the Garden State reside in “hard-to-count” neighborhoods like Camden. Specifically, in Jersey cities like Camden, almost a quarter of its residents did not mail in census questionnaires or do any self-response in 2010. Coincidentally, these communities make up a large concentration of Black and Brown New Jersey residents. Unsurprisingly, these regions also tend to lack much-needed social support like high quality education, the latter Nicole uses as leverage in speaking with people who aren’t exactly ready to give out personal information to a complete stranger. “I had a conversation with a lady the other day, she was Latino,” Nicole began. “She said one of the things she wished we had here in Camden were more activities for kids to do so they stay out of trouble.” According to current Census data, of the 73,562 living in the city, only 9.1% of residents have a bachelor’s degree or higher. Conversely, 36.8% of residents live in poverty making just $27,070, according to 2018 statistics. Census funding pumps dollars into things like better schools, hospitals and infrastructure, creating opportunities that otherwise might not exist. And while Census organizations are doing their utmost like Nicole to deliver this message to the tune of millions in marketing and promotional costs, it still tends to fall on blind eyes and deaf ears. Some believe there’s a potentially damaging effect to that, one that could directly impact the election. In February, J. Phillip Thompson, deputy mayor of New York’s Bill de Blasio suggested an undercounting of Black and Brown communities in this current census could very well lead to voter suppression throughout many states. Voter suppression is widely regarded as an effort to minimize the electoral power of certain minority groups. “What that means in terms of transfer of power is an existential threat – more than climate change – for conservatives in this country and there are different strategies at play to suppress, to try to delay the impact of that, one of which is voter suppression but another piece of it is undercount,” Thompson noted during an event in Albany earlier this year. “And these things are being done deliberately, and intimidation and fear is being stoked up deliberately.” The fear arrived earlier this year when President Donald Trump tried to classify who exactly qualifies as a citizen and who does not, going as far to suggest the implementation of a citizen origin question on the census. This


Image | Enayet Raheem

knowledge has stoked fear of many particularly in the Latino community, who fear that completing the census could find Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents showing up at their door. It’s why the job of people like Nicole has been vital in squelching fears in an effort to gain a complete count. “I understand why people are afraid, and at the end of the day, if they pass on filling it out, I can only do what I can do, she said. “I tell them that I too take a lot of risk in doing this job. I tell them that I can go to prison and pay a fine that frankly I can’t afford if it’s ever found out I dimed on them or gave their name to someone. I think people don’t know who to trust these days so the more I can come in and explain why I’m there, I’ve found the better this has gone since I’ve started.” This story was part of the “2020 Census: New Jersey Media Counts,” an initiative of the Center for Cooperative Media at Montclair State University.





Sign from above

Many relieved with federal eviction moratorium, yet some question true motive


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amera Morris looked from behind ting people out on the street isn’t the goal of the curtain inside her two-bedany landlord, he notes that he has a business room apartment at least once daito run. Narducci, owner of a pair of South Jerly. sey properties in Haddonfield and CinnaminWhen she rented her Camden in son, notes that while this moratorium is ben2016, she was promised a price fix eficial for renters, landlords now face going for five years from her landlord, through the hoops of applying for their own whose name is being withheld per assistance funded by state and federal coffers Morris’ request because “he can still make my and can take months to process. life a pain if he wants,” she tells Philadelphia Not to mention initial payments of court Weekly. Morris, 31, who lost her job at a Cherfees to begin the eviction process to begin ry Hill car dealership as an administrative with. assistant, and has been struggling to pay her “I get it, but that doesn’t make this suck any landlord said, “The other day when less,” Narducci said. “The state had his car pulled up I felt like I was havits own thing and that’s who should ing an anxiety attack, I feel like he’s be handling this. For the [Centers for BY KERITH going to come here at any time with Disease Control and Prevention] to GABRIEL police and kick me out.” be supplying policy is interesting. If Recently, when a shocking deciyou ask me, this all goes back to votsion by the Trump Administration ing, not COVID-19. How many people to create a federal moratorium on evictions stand to lose their homes? Thousands? That’s came down, the news arrived as a blessing to also thousands of voters too that could look Morris, a blessing she never knew existed unat their predicament unfavorably and vote on til it was revealed by this reporter. that emotion. These politicians aren’t stupid.” By the time COVID-19 became big in New Theories abound but the fact remains that Jersey in April, Morris said she had enough people like Tamera Morris are safe for now money if she lost her job to rent for about one as the push for a vaccine that would protect month and still take care of herself. When she against the spread of COVID-19 will be the was let go at her dealership in June, she noted only time landlords might find themselves that she saw the writing on the wall and was with leverage when it comes to evictions. able to prepare for the next two months of Although Lassiter notes that landlords living and maintaining before things became won’t stop trying or filing paperwork as a dire. At the time of this end of August report, scare tactic to underpaid and overstressed Morris, who says she has applied to what tenants. “feels like hundreds of jobs,” is still waiting “[Everyone has] basic legal rights,” Lasfor an interview to turn into her next chapter. siter explained. “You cannot be evicted from “Even before the pandemic shuttered busiyour residence of more than 30 days or more nesses and plunged the U.S. into record high without a court order. If your landlord tries unemployment, the state of New Jersey to evict you without a court order, don’t leave, had over 15,000 evictions on file with Camden instead call 911. If you find yourself in this County courts had a backlog of close to 900 predicament, pay attention to your mail. Pay pending evictions. Just across the bridge in attention to notices on your door.” Philadelphia, those courts had nearly 2,000 For Morris, the knowledge and the secuplanned evictions on the docket. rity that there’s hope to get herself back on “If elected leaders don’t extend it, that numtrack is paramount: “I was part of a wave [of ber could spike exponentially as moratoriums evictions] that they were soon coming after. I soon end,” said Duane Lassiter, a Philadelmean I’m going on three months late on my phia-based attorney specializing in legal housrent, I get it. But the stress from the weight of ing issues and evictions. Lassiter also noted it has been more than I can bear sometimes.” that in cases like Morris’ not everything is This story was produced as part of a taken into account, yet courts lean to the side four-month COVID-19 reporting fellowof landlords. “There are two sides to every disship with NJ ethnic and community mepute … [it’s important for people to] rememdia organized by the Center for Cooperaber you have a right to a day in court.” tive Media at Montclair State University ‘The timing is too perfect’ @SPRTSWTR While Hal Narducci understands that put-

LOUD AND PROUD It’s been more than a week since the city told those living along the Parkway to vacate – to no avail. It’s truly an impasse in a fight for fair housing in Philadelphia with many pledging to not leave the area without a fight. We thank reader Damian Lobato who sent us this image. We also want to know your thoughts on the Parkway encampment. Send them our way via voices@ and tag us on social using #PWBigPic









Leadership from Kenney needed to solve encampment situation We are residents of the Fairmount area, and until the encampment came, we were able to walk to Target and Whole Foods for groceries. However, we no longer can do so because it is no longer safe. We wish the mayor would make low-cost housing available so that the people in the encampment would feel they are being listened to and there is hope of their demands being met. New York City has a certain amount of



low-income housing available in parts of their buildings that have regular rental costs. With all the houses lying empty in Philadelphia and houses whose owners refuse to pay their taxes there should not be so many rules and regulations that make it impossible for people to use them for low income housing. If the mayor wants to be re-elected, he should show some leadership in this terrible situation.

Anonymous | Fairmount

Put people’s health before profits NOAA (The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) just published a shocking report indicating that the Northern Hemisphere had its hottest summer in recorded history. One would think that in light of this news, Andrew Wheeler, the EPA Administrator, would reconsider his stance on the assault of existing methane rules. These rules have been successful in preventing the emissions of millions of tons of the highly-potent greenhouse gas methane. Yet, Wheeler, who also happens to be a former coal industry lobbyist, has failed to meet the dire needs of the current moment. It’s no secret that the current administration prioritizes the oil and gas industry over public health. Wheeler, like his predecessor, Scott Pruitt, perfectly embodies the Trump administration’s stance when it comes to public health: profits come before peoples’ health. Unfortunately, in this time of climate emergency, Wheeler has bent over backward by methodically diffusing Obama-era regulations in order to please Trump and other climate deniers in office. Climate scientists have repeatedly warned us of the dangers that greenhouse gasses like carbon dioxide have to our atmosphere. Methane, carbon dioxide’s lesser-known cousin, is in fact up to 87 times more potent than carbon dioxide as a greenhouse gas. Methane is not solely emitted from cow and sheep flatulation, as is most commonly believed, but rather occurs at every phase of natural gas production. Additionally, the increase of deadly summer heat recently seen around the world has drastically exacerbated the negative effects of methane by further trapping it in the

atmosphere. The understanding is that more heat equals more methane trapped in the atmosphere. The record-level heat experienced around the globe these past few years has in fact caused up to 25 percent of the devastating effects of climate change. In 2012 and 2016, the EPA passed the New Source Protection Standards (NSPS), which required the oil and gas industry to conduct regular inspections for methane leaks and required them to repair their equipment to prevent the leaks. The EPA first began rolling back these regulations in 2019. A direct quote from the EPA website regarding the initial rollback says, “the proposed amendments are estimated to save the oil and gas industry $17 to 19 million a year, for a total of $97 to $123 million from 2019 through 2025.” But the Trump administration wasn’t done putting profits before health: As of Aug. 13, Wheeler and his misguided EPA have now fully rolled back the 2012/2016 NSPS, a decision that will allow methane leaks to go unchecked for longer periods of time. In an age when the hottest temperature on record is beaten every year, it is the wrong decision to rollback methane regulations. The EPA said it themselves that this decision will allow hundreds of thousands more tons of methane to leak over the next five years alone. With more extreme heat on the horizon, this methane is therefore predicted to cause unprecedented levels of climate change. While a few may profit in the short-term, decisions of Wheeler and the EPA are causing untold harm to the globe, which will be felt for generations to come.

Akiva Weinstein | Queens Village


Image | Claire Anderson

Last week’s death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg created an opening on the U.S. Supreme Court.

Your turn: Should President Trump appoint her replacement or should the decision be made by whomever is elected president in November? Send your thoughts to



Green Party of PA will end housing insecurity The elected leaders of Philadelphia are debating how to deal with three encampments of people who have no permanent homes. There have been several threats to remove the unhoused citizens using police force, and some of these threats have been reversed by the courts. As a Green Party of PA leader, I do not approve of evicting the encampments. This would endanger those living in them and get us further from a resolution. In today’s climate we cannot ask the police force to do anything responsibly or expect any accountability from them for the damage done in the process. However the encampments are really just the surface of the core issue. How do we end housing insecurities? The Green Party would begin by ensuring that people do not become homeless. That part won’t be easy. The Green Party’s Howie Hawkins, candidate for president of the U.S., has put forth an Economic Bill of Rights. This would include ending poverty as we know it. Hawkins says, “We will end poverty by guaranteeing every person has an income above the poverty line. The income guarantee will be built into the federal progressive income tax structure. If your income is below poverty, the federal government will send you a monthly check to bring your income above the poverty line. . . . We will update the official poverty line to reflect a realistic income needed for self-sufficiency to pay for basic needs. Researchers find that 200% of the current poverty line is a more realistic poverty line.” Hawkins continues, “The income guarantee we will enact is often called the Negative Income Tax (NIT). We prefer it to the Universal Basic Income (UBI) because it targets the benefits to those who need it, provides a sufficient benefit to end poverty, and costs a fraction of a UBI.” Hawkins would also guarantee every person a job. His Economic Bill of Rights says, “We will enact . . . a federal job guarantee to every American willing and able to work in public services and public works (infrastructure). If you cannot find a living-wage job in the private sector, you go to the Employment Office – not the Unemployment Office – and get your living-wage job. The program will be like New Deal’s Works Progress Administration (WPA) in the 1930s, but expanded to guarantee full employment.” This would help citizens become independent and buy their own homes as opposed to renting and being at the mercy of landlords. It is also a great way to build generational wealth. There are many families that are not able to leave an inheritance to their heirs. This exacerbates the wealth gap and is especially devastating to Black and Brown communities. The Green Party’s next step will be to pick

up the pieces and make people who have already lost their homes whole again. “There are 10 abandoned houses for every homeless person in Philadelphia right now,” said Cheri Honkala, director and co-founder of the Poor People’s Economic Human Rights Campaign. Honkala was the Green Party’s candidate for vice president in 2012. Hawkins’ Economic Bill of Rights says, “Public housing and universal rent control is how we will provide affordable housing for all who need it within a decade. We will build 25 million new units of public housing in a 10-year, $2.5 trillion public housing program that is part of our Ecosocialist Green New Deal. 40% of the units – 10 million units – will be set aside for low-income people seeking affordable housing. This set-aside will more than cover the current shortage of 7.8 million units of affordable housing for low income (7.5 million) and homeless (400,000) households and individuals. These public housing developments will be high quality, humanly scaled, and designed to be energy efficient and powered, heated, and cooled by clean energy. This housing program will be a jobs program, a clean energy program, desegregation program, and a walkable communities program as well as an affordable housing program.” Offering affordable housing is a good start. To accomplish it, universal rent control and public housing will need to be widespread. It will be controlled federally so that local organizations like the Philadelphia Housing Authority cannot use funds inappropriately. A good example of that would be the $45 million PHA headquarters, where one of the encampments has staged itself. Instead, a community lead board should be elected to establish and enforce laws regarding the illegal repurposing of properties. This would apply to developers removing people from their homes or landlords charging unreasonable amounts. These actions need to be taken with utmost urgency. The unhoused population is expected to increase by 250,000 people in the U.S. This is the beginning of a crisis situation in our country. On Sept. 10, a third attempt by the city of Philadelphia to evict the encampments was unsuccessful. Activists (including GPPA & PPEHRC) from all around the city showed up in force to prevent the removal. They were successful. In a press conference, Mayor Kenney stated, “We’re going to continue to try to do it the way we’ve been doing it, in an amicable way, in a non-forceful way. And we’ll continue doing that until we have to move it.” So as of now, there is still a stand off. The city offers temporary housing as a solution to a problem that is not temporary. We are going to need to think outside the two-party box to curtail this crisis.

Justin Bell is a member of the Green Party of Philadelphia City Committee.

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Image | Ben Hershey

Icepack needs somebody new to yell at


omewhere between this week’s either. Know what else? I DO NOT WANT official grey-greening arrival of TO WEAR A COAT OUTSIDE TO DINE IN autumn, the virtual ting of an on- DECEMBER. I love you my restaurant-e-pregoing Philly Tech Week and other neurs, but, I can’t get to winter outdoor dining local usually communal festivals, with you. We might as well just go camping. the steely feel of an Emmys lived Just get me a plate. I’ll eat in your foyer. out on even smaller sets than usuI’m looking forward to fall, and looking al, and the mean ennui of an election cycle further forward to doing some real serious emboldened on both sides by RBG’s passing, bitching. but, six months in, I’ve finally hit the Feastival wall that is the pandemic blues. CerSo, very recent Masked Philly subtainly I’ve bumped into those of you on ject Nick Stuccio’s predominantly virBY A.D. the street – OK, no I haven’t – masked AMOROSI tual Philadelphia Fringe Festival is goor not, I’m standing and shuffling six ing gangbusters through October, and feet away from all of you at all times, that’s delicious. What is usually doubly so more than likely I just heard you griping delicious when it comes to the Fringe is its loudly on your phone – under COVID’s cloud annual post-Fest, all-chefs goodly gathering and woozy from the mixed mists of protest. for fest funding, Feastival. Created by Audrey It’s a feeling of enervated disgruntlement and Taichman, Stephen Starr, Michael Solomonov palpably chewy disgust; something akin to and now with Nic Elmi in the mix, the multiwhat Eagles fans must feel every season since chef event happens at a hangar-like space or the last Super Bowl win, up to and including pier near Fringe HQ, everybody gives money this week, or those forced to drink EVERY to eat, drink and sample menu items from FUCKING COCKTAIL THEY CAN by 11pm’s every great Philly restaurant, and the Fringe last call. and FringeArts get needed money. And hang. Maybe I just need a fresh messy argument Everybody loves to hang, stand, nosh and try to blow away the webs. Kenney and Krasner not to spit food while doing all that. are usually up for something good and stupid. This year, however you won’t need to worry Yet, the mayor has been absent since he got about getting spit on – unless you want to – as caught dining mask-less in Maryland. Isn’t Feastival will be a multi-day (rather than one there a statue to be knocked down, a culinary night) virtual event (Oct. 8-11), where you can industry and a dining capacity he can fuck order from five separate culinary experiences over, or a group of homeless people that Ken- and receive a box with dinner and everything ney can ineffectually gesture toward? I could else in which to participate in the experience very well yell at Comcast Chief Brian Roberts from home – all while ZOOMing into a Fringe for pushing Peacock down my throat every performance. Plus Feastival will share some chance he gets. And no, I don’t want Quibi, of its cash by donating to other causes in need


PHILADELPHIAWEEKLY.COM @PHILLYWEEKLY of donations: Cooking for the Culture (for Black culinary talent and greater equality in kitchens across the U.S.) and the Pennsylvania Restaurant and Lodging Association’s Hospitality Assistance Response of Pennsylvania fund for financial grants to unemployed restaurant workers. Aid for musicians Give it up for Fred Knittel. The man behind all things Folkadelphia just released Volume 3 of its standing rootsy series “Co-Mission: An Artist Relief Compilation” on Bandcamp with the usual unusual suspects, such Image | Courtesy ROZES as Miwi La Lupa, They/Live, Jake Blount, Giri and Uma and Faustina Masigat playing for funds for COVID19-struck musicians. Plus, Fred and Folkadelphia get ZIP, as 100 percent of your purchase/donations goes to helping local artists. Designer postcard set The punk rock booze, pierogi and corn dog palace that is Tattooed Mom’s on South Street may still be on C-19 outdoor curbside service mode, but that doesn’t mean that they’re not cranking out indoor weirdness. The artsy, craftsy TMOMs Crew (which includes Frank Chappell and Robert Enders) just created and is releasing a spooky designer postcard set where 15 percent of all sales get donated to the Black & Brown Workers Coop, an organization that promises to “actively challenge, resist and dismantle systems of oppression that adversely impact the Black and Brown worker.” Do that here, now: https:// Who’s on that ATV? Do you know how you keep saying to yourself, “Hey, I may not love how loud those ATVs are, en masse and right around 2:30 a.m. in front of my front door, but, they sure look cool. Who is riding them?” I can tell you, firsthand from having him ride past me repeatedly on Washington Avenue in South Philly, that one of the riders is the 215’s own Lil Uzi Vert, whose long hog is a truly impressive beast on wheels. Hey,

if the platinum-plated rapper is still driving his ATV next summer, he’ll have to go a different route since the Wash is going to be a pared down fucking mess what with this City’s approval to dropkick the Avenue occurring on Monday, but, hey, progress. Masked Philly: ROZES In Icepack’s continuing saga of asking mask-donning local celebrities what they’ve been up to beyond the pale during C-19, this week I reached out to Elizabeth Mencel, the Montgomeryville native-now-Fishtownian singer-songwriter-disco-diva better known as ROZES. Though she made her bones and big cash from her EDM collaborations such as “Roses,” The Chainsmokers and Galantis’ “Girls on Boys,” ROZES has a sterling solo career’s worth of EPs such as 2017’s “Burn Wild,” 2018’s “I Don’t Know Where I’m Going, But I’m On My Way,” and her fresh September released EP, “Crazy.” So, she’s been busy making hard music during the start of the pandemic’s lockdown. What else? “I actually started teaching myself how to sew,” she exclaimed. “It’s been an amazing hobby that forces me to be present and focus on the current moment. I’ve been doing a lot of self-discovery and I know that I am privileged to be able to do that during such a troubling time.” When it comes to wearing the masks, it doesn’t bother ROZES one bit. “I don’t mind wearing masks, especially if it means I’m keeping others safe by doing it. I have some masks with cute patterns. My mom loves sewing them so I pretty much have one for every outfit.” And as for what she’ll do when the masks come off – if they can come off - beyond getting out there and touring for “Crazy,” ROZES sounds definitive as to her next step. “Go dancing,” she said. “I miss going out to bars and just hanging out with friends.”


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P The Philly rapper’s next project drops next month


Philly rapper Close Cash’s next project, ‘The Pregame,’ is set to drop next month. Image | Daquan Harris @lost96er







hiladelphia rapper Close Cash is preparing for the release of his upcoming project entitled “The Pregame,” a five-single masterpiece set to drop in mid-October. Since the pandemic started, Cash has been working hard in the studio. Back in August, he dropped a video from a joint project featuring local creative Hashland. The single “Flavors” racked up more than 20,000 streams on Spotify. He was also most recently featured on Holland producer Teeze’s Meditape, with his track, “Whats da Vision?” Cash’s first taste of music was with a children’s choir, and later adolescent choir, at Willingboro Presbyterian Church in New Jersey. Cash began to learn piano in the second grade and then percussion (via Cherokee High School band and orchestra) from his sophomore to senior years of high school. His first start in rap was with the “Rhyme Soul-Jahs” in the sixth grade. He released his first mixtape, “Smooth Sailings” in January 2012 under the name of Alovett. After taking a hiatus from music, he released his first self-produced project, “Neck Of The Woods (Part One)” in November 2017. In May 2018, he relocated to Philadelphia, where he met Hashland (an artist and DJ) via an iffe Lifted show at Kung Fu Necktie. Close Cash became fully immersed in the Philadelphia music scene and released his first album, “4:08,” a year later on May 30, 2019. This January, Cash teamed up with Hashland and Myka to create the supergroup known as TIL-3. All three mesh together to create an alternative hip-hop sound that embodies the true spirit of underground nightlife and all it has to offer. Close Cash tributes his singing influences to the likes of Michael Jackson, Justin Timberlake, T-Pain, Kid Cudi, The Weeknd and Travis Scott. He also tributes his rapping influences to the likes of Lil Wayne, Kanye West, Drake, Big Sean and A$AP Rocky. PW recently caught up with him to talk about the Philly music scene and his upcoming projects. How did the pandemic and all of its closures affect you? Other than working in the studio, how did you spend your self-isolation time? More than anything, this pandemic has given me a new mindset and expanded my purpose. Having the time to really stretch my versatility and exercise all avenues of my potential has been crucial to sharpening my sound and brand. I’ve really been able to get better with my workflow, what sounds I add to give the music more texture, and being recognizant of how different flows appropriate to certain parts of the instrumental. My last project, “4:08” was a lot less organized. If I had to compare the next two projects, they really blow it out of the water. We’re at the point now where making a hit record is pretty effortless, all that’s lacking is the exposure.

Close Cash has been working hard in the studio since the pandemic started. Image | Daquan Harris @lost96er Working with NoCap215, my visuals are now going to be shot with both a camera and a drone. Allowing for a solid step up in quality as of recent. I want to stay in the lane of making films, not necessarily music videos. Something that tells a story, makes you feel something, and grips you from start to finish. How would you describe the Philadelphia music scene? Is this the place you want to be right now? In terms of hip-hop? Philadelphia’s music scene is the most slept on in the world. Like when you want to talk about talent per capita, I don’t see a city higher than Philly to be honest. But it’s fated with the same “egosystem” as many other places. To which there’s a commonality of mindset that it’s “one vs. other” as opposed to everyone can win. Shoutout to the many beacons speaking out against this though and I believe the city is (slowly but surely) getting closer to a point

where all the artists will share a similar page. Either way, competitive nature isn’t bad either and it’s needed for everyone to want to be the best they can. I believe the only difference is how you carry your wins and how you carry your losses. Other than the release of “The Pregame” in mid-October, what’s ahead for you? Assuming the pandemic clears up at some point, what do you want to be doing and working on? More clothing in my store! That’s one of my low-key, yet high-key priorities right now alongside my music. Before November, expect a plethora of items to be dropped on my website. Also going to be doing some more giveaways. Also, we’re planning to not only drop “The Pregame” but also my next album “Private Party” before the year is up as well. Depending on the status of COVID, I would like to try some album-release events because that is something I never got to do with

the release of “4:08.” I miss doing shows more than life itself. That’s really my favorite part of being a musician. Performing live is really an adrenaline like no other. My people know how crazy we get when the gloves are off. Soon as that kick hits, it’s go time. Energy at 10, I don’t like any dead silence… like none whatsoever. I need it to be controlled mayhem, like you could lose your life but you’re in heaven at the same time. I really hope live shows aren’t a thing of the past, that would be devastating and really make me question my career. Until then, it’s just about creating the best content imaginable and finding out all the ways that we can continue to personally push the envelope. What are the best ways for your fans to keep up with what you’re doing? Easily, my website and Instagram! My website is simple: and all of social media handles are @closecash.






‘Cadia: The World Within’ is out now


hen this world began, it existed and “The Andy Griffith Show” and “The Sound of Music.” I had done musicals in high school back in only in my head. To know that so many people will be able to northwest Ohio, and when I got to college at Capisee this film and celebrate the tal University, I auditioned for some of the plays for incredible work of this bril- fun. Some of the students that were in those plays liant cast and crew, the tal- were also in the film program, and before long I ented artists that brought the found myself on student film sets. I sort of tangentially absorbed a lot of the things world of Cadia out of my head I didn’t know about filmmaking by being and into reality, is incredibly humbling an actor, and I found myself wanting to and special to me,” says Cedric Gegel, writlearn more and trying writing a short film er and director of “Cadia: The World WithBY EUGENE or two. Thankfully, the students and proin” and current resident of Philadelphia. ZENYATTA fessors at Capital were really giving with “Cadia: The World Within” features their knowledge, and I tried to soak it all Corbin Bernsen (“LA Law,” “Major up as much as possible. I found that I loved League,” “Psych”) and James Phelps (Fred telling stories and that film was the lens Weasley of the “Harry Potter” film series) and was recently released on Amazon Prime and through which I wanted to tell them. How did you come up with the concept and Vudu. Check out for more informastoryline for “Cadia: The World Within”? Did tion. The movie tells the story of Matthew, David and the film turn out the way you thought it would? The base concept came when I was in “The AddRenee Addams, three 14-year-olds whose journey ams Family Musical” back in fall 2015. Keegan, Carinto a mystical realm teaches them about grace, love, doubt, and the nature of good versus evil. ‘Ca- ly, and Tanner Sells, who are the leads in the film, dia’ makes for an entertaining and emotionally up- were in the musical with me, and the actor playing lifting fantasy, one that provides hope and encour- Uncle Fester, Chris Johnson, and I would come ages philosophical discussion on how we interact up with movie ideas to entertain them during the downtime. “Cadia” was an amalgamation of sorts with the world around us. between “Narnia” and “Spiderwick” and a lot of the PW recently caught up with Gegel to talk about fantasy stories I grew up loving. his career and the film. After my spring 2017 graduation, I moved to Talk a little about your early interest in film. Michigan to work at Camp Arcadia (which the When did you know you wanted a career as a world of the film is named after), where I would writer and director? I got started with acting. I think a lot of my early lead hikes every day through the forests and along interest in acting came from my family, who were the beaches of Lake Michigan. After working six really into shows and movies like “I Love Lucy” days a week, I would go to local coffee shops and

‘Cadia: The World Within’ is streaming now on Amazon Prime and Vudu. Image | Cadia: The World Within





‘Cadia: The World Within’ tells the story of three 14-year-olds whose journey into a mystical realm teaches them about grace, love, doubt, and the nature of good versus evil. Image | Cadia: The World Within just spend hours writing and working on the story and expanding the world. We shot the film in summer 2018. It was a grueling 13-day shoot, which is not very much time at all in the film world, and we were shooting in mid-July, so most days were in the 90-degree range. As a result, there were some scenes that I wish I could have back, but again – I think any creative project is a learning process, and this was no exception. There was a steep learning curve for me, and ultimately, I’m extremely grateful for the brilliant cast and crew I had around me that could compensate for my many weaknesses. When I think of that, in retrospect, I’m beyond proud of this film. I don’t think it turned out the way I thought it would. It’s less sweeping and grand than I necessarily expected, but I think, in turn, it is much more intimate and honest and pure, in a sense. The performances are so candid and everyone on the project bought into the story we were telling, and I think that jumps off the screen in a very unique way. I think the film benefited from becoming what it did instead of my initial, largely naive vision. It’s much more relatable and enjoyable now. I also got to write David, Renee, and Matthew, the Sells’ characters, as they themselves were growing up, so the performances from the three of them are quite true and real, which is very fun to see. I’m so proud of them. Did the pandemic and all of its closures impact production in any way? Did it delay the release? It did. We were in the process of lining up our release, and we had even started the very beginning of a marketing push, but unfortunately, everything ground to a halt. The in-

dustry was pretty much shut down for everyone. Even though we were delayed for several months, I think we were exceptionally lucky to get a release, especially since there aren’t too many films coming out right now. Hopefully audiences will be willing to take a look at an indie fantasy film that beat the odds and made it. Independent filmmakers always face a lot of hurdles the big studios don’t. What were some of the challenges you overcame while making this film? You’re so right. Lots of hurdles. Laps and laps of hurdles. Frankly, the fact that any movie can get made is a miracle, because there are just so many moving parts that are required to fall perfectly into place, and for indie films, most of those moving parts are out of your control. We operated on a significantly smaller budget than most films – and certainly any studio films – do, which meant that we had to make the most of our shooting dates, because every day is money. It took careful planning, flexibility, and teamwork to get all the logistics in place. We were blessed to get several investors that believed in the story and what we were trying to do, which helped us land big-name talents like Corbin Bernsen and James Phelps. For a lot of indie films, that’s the biggest hurdle. Can you get a name that can attract an audience? People want to see actors they like. For me, as a “Psych” and a “Harry Potter” fan, signing Corbin and James was a huge step, and we immediately saw an increase in interest in the film. Of course, it helps that James and Corbin are both exceptionally gifted actors and wonderful people. We also signed Nicky Buggs, who appeared in “The Secret

Life of Bees,” and had veteran indie actors John Wells and Rick Montgomery Jr join the cast. I think – and maybe this is my own bias, as an actor, talking – that an indie cast has to be good for an audience to be interested. Even with them, though, we still had to actually make it. We had a mixture of levels of experience on the cast and crew, and there’s a lot of pressure in making a feature-length film, especially in 13 days. Filming was usually 12 hours a day, but the production team was often pulling 18-hour days. I even got heatstroke one day, during the battle scene, so we had to restructure the whole day. Then we had to find a composer, which is an oft-overlooked detail in film. Can you imagine a fantasy film without excellent music? It wouldn’t go over very well. We were really, really blessed to work with Erick Schroder, who is an amazing composer. Ultimately, indie films succeed because the people that made them care about them and care about each other. Indie films can only be born from intense collaboration, hard work, attention to detail, and a devastatingly large amount of pure dumb luck. What’s ahead for you? New projects? Waiting for things to open up again? Who knows? That’s the exciting thing about this industry. It’s also the worst part about it. Ambiguity isn’t my favorite thing, but I’ve learned to lean into it. I moved here because my wife, Sarah, started graduate school, so we aren’t quite sure what’s ahead long-term. I’m really glad she chose to go to school here. Philly’s home right now, and I’m finding myself growing very attached to the vibrancy

and enthusiasm that is so central to this city. I’ve really enjoyed being here, even if it has been hampered by COVID-19, and the talent here is outstanding. I can’t wait to meet more artists in the area and see what projects are coming. That’s been the best part of moving to the East Coast – there are so many gifted people here that I wouldn’t have met if I was still living in Ohio. I love Ohio, mind you, and always will, but meeting passionate and gifted actors and filmmakers and writers and whatnot is always such an exciting thing. In the meantime, though, I’ll be writing, auditioning, and taking as many trips to the beautiful local forests and mountains as possible. I’ve got a film that I wrote and will be directing coming up that I’m really excited about. It’s a feature about mental health and religion, and I hope it sparks some meaningful discussions. We held a table read pre-COVID that featured some awesome Philly-area talent. We’ve got some great big-name actors already attached, and we’re currently working on getting a few more on board and securing the financing. I’m also currently writing another feature film, which is a coming-of-age drama/comedy, as well as collaborating with someone on a musical film and co-writing a comedy television pilot with two wonderful writers from New York City. As an actor, I’ll be entering production soon on “Window With a View,” a horror flick in Kentucky, and I’ve got a few other projects circling overhead. We’ll see where the wind takes me. Whatever is ahead, I’m excited for it.





THE RUNDOWN Image | Nathan Ansell

Upcoming National Hispanic Month music

A special musical celebration of National Hispanic Heritage Month will be presented by the NPR-distributed daily music program “World Cafe” through Oct. 15. World Cafe, produced by public radio WXPN in Philadelphia, is heard from 2 pm to 4 pm weekdays. Exclusive content will feature special guests, live music sessions, artist interviews and more that highlight the exciting music of Hispanic/Latino/ LatinX artists. Check out for details. In the meantime, here is some of what you’ll hear.

Rodrigo Y Gabriela Known for their mind-blowing guitar work, the duo delivers an amazing interpretation of Pink Floyd’s “Echoes,” talks about why they chose that song, and how they make their two-piece acoustic guitar duo sound so huge. Oct. 1

Jorge Drexler

The first Uruguayan to win an Academy Award (for the 2004 film “Motorcycle Diaries”) also trained as a doctor before becoming a musician and moved around the world. The charming and poetic overachiever performs a whimsical set of live songs from his album Salvavidas De Hielo, and reflects on the many twists and turns his professional life has taken. After this interview was recorded, Drexler was awarded Record of the Year, Song of the Year, Best Singer-Songwriter Album for Salvavidas De Hielo at the Latin Grammy Awards. Oct. 7


In an interview hosted by Felix Contraras of NPR’s Alt. Latino, Afro-Caribbean artist Otura Mun (ÌFÉ) – who was raised in Indiana but fell in love with Puerto Rico after a chance trip there – talks about arriving on the island with only $150, sleeping on the streets, and finding himself immersed in music. He also shares his longtime love of artist Steve Winwood, and presents a special extended live version of his cover of Winwood’s “Higher Love” that was recorded at the World Cafe Live concert club in Philadelphia. Oct. 8


La Santa Cecilia

The acclaimed Los Angeles-based band takes listeners to the place where it started: Olvera Street, the Mexican marketplace that is one of the city’s oldest sections. Lead singer Marisol and her longtime brother in song, Pepe, talk about busking among the vendors, being inspired to give a surprise performance there, and how the street has played an important role in her family’s life: from her parent’s first date to the day she decided to take over running the stall that her grandfather first started there in the ‘60s. Oct. 14

Latin Roots programming

New World Cafe Latin Roots correspondent Byron Gonzalez discusses what defines Latin Alternative music in his home area of Southern California, and presents a music mix that highlights artists of Hispanic heritage. He’ll explore Latin music today in cities of Mexico, Central America and South America on various days. See the website for details.




Image | Courtesy Philadelphia Theatre Company

Virtual play

Philadelphia Theatre Company is back for its 46th season starting with the rolling world premiere of The Days of Re-Creation: A Virtual Play on Sept. 30 at 7pm. The play cycle (collection of short plays around the same theme) is the brainchild of Devenand Janki, artistic director of the company Live & In Color, which commissioned seven prolific BIPOC playwrights, including B.D. Wong (Tony award winning actor), Lauren Yee (Signature Theatre resident and writer of Cambodian Rock Band and The Big Leap), and Masi Asare (winner of the Billie Burke Ziegfeld Award), AriDy Nox, SEVAN, Nandita Shenoy, and Philadelphia playwright Erlina Ortiz, who contributed the play La Egoista. Tickets for the play are free, but patrons must register for a link at, or by calling 215-985-0420. All performances are performed virtually and are able to be viewed on any streaming device, including YouTube.

Here’s a list of some of the upcoming events that caught our attention this week.

Various events that are sure to keep you entertained Night Tours at Eastern State Penitentiary

Advance tickets required, starting at $19. Select evenings through Nov. 15. New this fall! Experience the dark, abandoned cell blocks like never before with Night Tours. At night, the cell blocks fall into darkness and the penitentiary takes on a different energy – its imposing architecture emphasized by dramatic lighting, its quiet stillness even more striking. You may have visited Eastern State before, but never like this. Visit for dates, times and more information.

Philadelphia Film Festival

The Philadelphia Film Society announced that badges for the 29th Philadelphia Film Festival are now on sale. PFF29 will host screenings virtually with a selection of films screening at the PFS Drive-In at the Navy Yard. PFF29 is offering three badge levels – Streaming Pass ($200), Spotlight All Access Badge ($300), and Premiere All Access Badge ($600). The full PFF29 lineup will be unveiled in early October. Individual tickets will be available shortly thereafter, subject to availability. For more information, visit Filmadelphia. org.

Morgan’s Pier Fall Fest

Morgan’s Pier Fall Fest returns for the sixth season to Nov. 1. Head to the expansive dining destination as it converts into an autumn wonderland – with weeks of stunning views, entertainment, fall food and cocktails, seasonal beers and much more. New for 2020, Morgan’s Pier Fall Fest for the first time ever in its history will operate fully at seven days a week. Hours will be from Monday to Sunday, from noon to last seating at 9:30pm. Hours are subject to change based on local and state guidelines. Reservations are available on Resy or by visiting www.morganspier. com.

Football fun

Tailgating, stadium fans and crowded bars may be prohibited in Philadelphia this NFL season, but The Bourse Food Hall has a solution for fans looking for a safe and socially-distant watch party. Football lovers are invited to a Tailgate with Freebyrd Chicken during every Sunday 1pm Eagles game, featuring brews, cider, wings, games, and more. Watch the Eagles on The Bourse’s multiple large screen TVs, while enjoying game day specials from Freebyrd Chicken. Jumbo Jenga and corn hole will be set up with hand sanitizer for guests’ safety. Reservations for each game can be made at

Image | Michael Ermilio

The Way Out

The Way Out is an in-person, 100 percent socially distanced, immersive performance for a drive-through audience, as part of the 2020 Fringe Festival. This unique site-specific show unspools across 78 acres of historic Laurel Hill Cemetery (3822 Ridge Ave.) from Thursday, Oct. 1 through Saturday, Oct. 3. The Way Out is an evening of live performance made for the pandemic, all without risking COVID transmission to audiences, performers, or crew. The Way Out’s performers navigate a complexly woven dance-theater story in this unusual show designed with all COVID-19 precautions in mind. All performance times are rolling (7pm8:40pm). One $100 ticket covers one car, for any number of people within.





Women 100

This series of programs and events – recently extended through March 2021 to coincide with Women’s History Month – celebrates American women and sparks new ideas about the path to gender equality. Presented by Drexel University’s Vision2020, Women 100 is the largest centennial celebration in the United States honoring the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. In addition to reimagined individual events, residents and visitors can take a womenand-public-art self-guided tour compiled by the Association for Public Art and listen to WHYY’s weekly series on American women who changed the world. Through March 21, 2021.

For centuries, Philadelphia was an incubator of suffrage thought, home to many suffrage leaders – and a testing ground for some of the most famous demonstrations. In 2020, Philadelphia honors the centennial of the ratification – and the future of the women’s rights movement – with special exhibitions and events, both in-person and online. Go to for all the details, but here are some of our favorite events.

How we’re celebrating 100 years of women’s right to vote When Women Lost the Vote: A Revolutionary Story, 1776-1807 at the Museum of the American Revolution

The Museum of the American Revolution’s special exhibition features the stories of New Jersey women who legally voted in elections shortly after the Declaration of Independence was released. Though the loophole in the law was eventually closed, the impact of their votes and their fight to maintain their suffrage echoed through generations. Oct. 2 - April 25, 2021 | 101 S. 3rd Street.

A Seat at the Table Virtual Experience

A free interactive art exhibition at the Kimmel Center that’s been reimagined as a virtual experience, A Seat at the Table invites the public to learn more about gender barrierbreakers throughout women’s history in six categories, including politics and government; business and finance; science, technology, engineering and math; sports; and more. Through June 30, 2021.

Taking Space: Contemporary Women Artists and The Politics of Scale at the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts

The Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts presents impressive, political, space-claiming large-scale artwork from its own collection by women artists. Massive paintings, drawings, sculpture, installation and mixed media – including major pieces by Betye Saar and Njideka Akunyili Crosby – examine the historic, present and future roles of women in art and the world. Nov. 19, 2020 - April 11, 2021 | 118 N. Broad Street.


Women 100: SHE Leads Road Rally

Follow along from home as female race car drivers pull an all-night road trip from East Falls in Philadelphia to Seneca Falls, New York, site of the first Women’s Rights Convention. After exploring women’s rights sites up north, the drivers make the return trip to Philly on October 17. Oct. 16-17.

Women 100: Celebrating Women at the Kimmel Center

At the Kimmel Center for the Performing Arts, this celebration of American women includes a ceremony featuring music, performance segments and a salute to women who have blazed trails for others to follow in a multitude of fields. Monday, March 22, 2021 | 1:30-5 p.m. | 300 S. Broad Street.


Take advantage of Dining Days deals and show your support for local restaurants through Oct. 4. This year features new ways to save, including to-go cocktails, add-on items, and deals for takeout, delivery, and dining out. More than 25 West Philly restaurants are participating. Please contact restaurants for questions about seating and availability, and make sure to order directly from them for takeout when possible. More info at, but here are some of our favorites.



48th Street Grille

Receive a free cup of Red Bean Soup, Side Garden Salad, or Bread Pudding with the order of any entree at dinner. Available for indoor & outdoor dining, takeout, and delivery. 215.244.4764 | 310 S. 48th St. |

How we’re eating out for University City Dining Days Copabanana

Any appetizer, entree and cocktail for $35 at lunch and dinner. Available for outdoor dining and takeout. 215.382.1330 | 4000 Spruce St. | www.


Free cocktail with any entree at dinner. Choice of Summer Breeze, Woo Woo, or Red Sea Sunrise. Available for outdoor dining, takeout and delivery. 215.726.6464 | 4708 Baltimore Ave. | www.

Bridgewater’s Pub

Order Shrimp Tacos (3) or Pork Tacos (3) and receive a free margarita (or comparable cocktail) for $17 at lunch and dinner. Available for takeout. 215.387.4787 | 30th Street Station Market St. |

Dock Street Brewery

$30 plain or pepperoni pizza meal kit with a four pack of Summer Haze or Barracuda Dock Street Beer at dinner. Available for takeout. 215.726.2337 | 701 S 50th St. |

Louie Louie

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Missed Connections

Q: Strai ago, just e my dating my area. tion and p I have a Mr. Fortie is in his 2 vacation t Mr. Twen ties worke a home to Q: Married guy here. I’m 33, the wife is 31. problem. No sex worker likes having things The pro Our fifth anniversary is next month but we’ve sprung on them. A sex worker who doesn’tMr. Fortie been together for almost eight years. do kink is going to feel very uncomfortable if ing apps. I We’ve recently both come out to each oththere’s a bunch of bondage gear laid out whenperfectly er as bi. She tried to tell me a long they arrive; even a sex worker whohim to sa time ago, whereas I came to the redoes kink is going to feel uncomfort-business,” alization only recently. We’re both able if kink wasn’t discussed in ad-him why. interested in new sexual encounters vance. Similarly, BICOUPLE, if youme they w and this weekend we met up with a didn’t explain to your sex workerimplying male escort. It was my first sexual that there were two of you, your sexMr. Twen experience with a man and the first worker might’ve felt uncomfortableon his pr opted a fe sexual encounter between my wife when they arrived. and another man in eight years… If you weren’t clear about yourhave a sor and we found it lacking. It was too wants and your sex worker didn’tbehavior short, and too impersonal. ask or you couldn’t articulate themwife start Is this how it usually goes with after he asked, you put your sexmy replac escorts? Should we have been more worker in the position of having tofiled divor upfront with our interests ahead of guess. And your sex worker mayly don’t l time? We don’t want to keep spendhave guessed wrong – some clientsWhat do I ing the money if we’re not getting prefer sex that’s athletic, imper-Forties? M the experience we want. We need to sonal or aggressive. And if yourness and @FAKEDANSAVAGE stay fairly discreet for most of these sex worker had a bad experiencedoesn’t cru encounters due to our careers. Apwith a husband who got upset when – Fumb preciate any input. his wife seemed a little too into him, he mayExpanded – Basking In Confusion Over Underwhelm- have erred on the side of maintaining some Maybe ing, Pitifully Lackluster Experience emotional distance even as you got physicallyhave an o a closed r P.S. A shoutout to my amazing wife for goclose. ing from learning I’m bi to fucking another If what you wanted – if what you were moston dating dude with me three months interested in – was a morewas charg later! intimate and connected ex-star for a t Some sex workers love perience, then you weren’tprofiles on their jobs, some don’t; just expecting sexual laborson you ex some sex workers are from the sex worker youfiles, FIFT good at their jobs, some hired, BICOUPLE, but his If it wa aren’t. Sometimes a sex emotional labor too. Whileinnocent worker doesn’t click with a affection and intimacy cango with, “ particular client for some certainly be faked, we don’t“We some ephemeral, hard-to-define typically expect a strongmy experi reason; sometimes a cliemotional connection whenhave a har ent gives off a bad vibe – or we’re hooking up with athe kind o a bad odor – and the sex stranger. Being sexuallygay male worker bails or hurries intimate can build that con-ed gay peo things along not because nection, BICOUPLE, butimagine a they’re a shitty sex worker, it can take time and a fewhonest wi reaction a BICOUPLE, but because meetings to get there. their client is shitty or To avoid winding up in– much le smells shitty. bed with another sex work-his sex lif But here’s the thing, BIer you don’t click with, Igave you COUPLE: no sex worker would advise you to takeand some can read minds. You tell me the time – and spend theask point you’re wondering if you should’ve been “more money – to make a real connection. By whichthey assum upfront with [your] interests ahead of time.” I mean: Go on a date. Find a sex worker you’reI’m not sl If you left something important out when you interested in and make a date – for dinner. Payfiles! My m made the booking, well, that could’ve been the them for their time, pay for their meal, andwant me t


“A sex worker who doesn’t do kink is going to feel very uncomfortable if there’s a bunch of bondage gear laid out when they arrive.”


if you clic could conn


PHILADELPHIAWEEKLY.COM @PHILLYWEEKLY if you click, BICOUPLE, if you feel like you could connect, book them for a sex date.

Q: Straight male here, divorced four years ago, just entering my 50s. I recently expanded my dating app parameters to see everyone in my area. I wanted to check out the competition and possibly give myself a little ego boost. I have a gay male friend who is in his 40s. Mr. Forties has a boyfriend of two years who is in his 20s. They are great together – they vacation together, they quarantined together, Mr. Twenties and Mr. Forties worked on redecorating a home together, etc. ng things The problem is I spotted ho doesn’tMr. Forties on several datfortable if ing apps. It would have been out whenperfectly acceptable for orker whohim to say, “none of your ncomfort-business,” when I asked sed in ad-him why. Instead he told LE, if youme they were old profiles, ex workerimplying they pre-dated u, your sexMr. Twenties. He lists pets mfortableon his profiles that he adopted a few months ago. I bout yourhave a sore spot about this ker didn’tbehavior because my exulate themwife started “auditioning” your sexmy replacement before we having tofiled divorce papers. I realrker mayly don’t like being lied to. me clientsWhat do I do? Confront Mr. c, imper-Forties? Mind my own busid if yourness and hope Mr. Forties xperiencedoesn’t crush Mr. Twenties by cheating? Help! pset when – Fumbled Into Fraught Terrain Involving m, he mayExpanded Search ning some Maybe Mr. Forties and Mr. Twenties physicallyhave an open relationship. Maybe they have a closed relationship, but both regard flirting were moston dating apps as harmless. Maybe Mr. Forties as a morewas charged with finding a very special guest nected ex-star for a threesome. Or maybe Mr. Forties has u weren’tprofiles on dating apps for the exact same reaxual laborson you expanded the parameters on your proorker youfiles, FIFTIES: for the ego boost. E, but his If it was any of the above – if there was an oo. Whileinnocent explanation – why did Mr. Forties macy cango with, “Those were old profiles,” instead of, d, we don’t“We sometimes have threesomes”? Well, in a strongmy experience, FIFTIES, some straight people tion whenhave a hard time wrapping their heads around p with athe kind of non-monogamy practiced by most sexuallygay male couples. Hell, some closed-mindd that con-ed gay people have a hard time with it. I can PLE, butimagine a scenario where Mr. Forties was and a fewhonest with people in the past and got a bad ere. reaction and consequently no longer feels safe ing up in– much less obligated – to share the details of sex work-his sex life with straight or gay friends. So he k with, Igave you the answer a lot of straight people u to takeand some gay people prefer to hear when they spend theask pointed questions of partnered friends By whichthey assumed to be monogamous: “Of course ker you’reI’m not sleeping around! Those were old proinner. Payfiles! My monogamous boyfriend would never meal, andwant me to shove my monogamous dick down

his throat while some other dude non-monogamously rearranges his guts! Heavens! We’re far too busy redecorating our lovely home to arrange threesomes! Which we’re totally not interested in having!” Look, FIFTIES, you put a question to Mr. Forties that he wasn’t obligated to answer at all, much less answer truthfully. So what do you do now? What you should’ve done when you first stumbled over Mr. Forties’ dating profiles: You do nothing. You drop it. The issue you shouldn’t have brought it up in the first place? You don’t bring it up again. Even if Mr. Forties is auditioning replacements for Mr. Twenties – even if he lied to you for a selfish, self-serving reason – it’s still none of your business.

“So what do you do now? What you should’ve done when you first stumbled over Mr. Forties’ dating profiles: You do nothing. You drop it.”

Q: My boyfriend and I first heard the terms “sexual monogamy” and “social monogamy” on your podcast. They describe us: not sexually monogamous, but we present that way socially and most people in our lives assume we are. Including my mother. We’re both from very Republican families that struggled to accept us. My attitude is that if my brothers don’t have to tell our parents about their kinks, I don’t have to tell them about my threesomes. (Both of my older brothers have confided in me about their kinks, which I wish that hadn’t.) But it got back to me via my sister that my Trump-worshipping, Obama-despising mother only accepts me and my boyfriend because we are “good” gays. Good because we’re monogamous, like good straight people, and not promiscuous, like bad gay people. Now I feel like I should say something. But what? – They Really Underestimate My Proclivities “Good people can be ‘promiscuous,’ Mom, and awful people can be monogamous. Take Donald Trump. That asshole has been married three times and cheated on every one of his wives. Barack Obama, whom you despise, has been married once and has never been caught cheating. Which means Obama either doesn’t cheat or, like everything else he’s ever, from being someone’s husband to being our president, he’s better at it than Donald Trump.” On the Savage Lovecast, learn a thing or two from power sub Lina Dune.


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Legal Notice

Newspaper Notification of Receipt of Combined Remedial Investigation Report/Cleanup Plan 2215 E Tioga Street, Philadelphia, PA Notice is hereby given that East Tioga Lofts LLC has submitted a Combined Remedial Investigation/Cleanup Plan to the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, Southeast Regional Office, to demonstrate attainment of the residential site-specific standard for a site located at 2215 East Tioga Street, Philadelphia, PA. East Tioga Lofts LLC has indicated that the remediation measures proposed will be in compliance with the residential site-specific cleanup standard established under the Land Recycling and Environmental Remediation Standards Act. This notice is made under the provision of the Land Recycling and Environmental Remediation Standards Act, the Act of May 19, 1995, P.L. #4, No. 2.


Legal Notice

Windows IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF SPOKANE SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION DEPENDENCY STATE OF WASHINGTON TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN AND TO: TREY BEY and PATERNAL INTERESTS of CHRISTIAN PIERCE, DOB 7/28/12, Dependency Petition 19-7-02363-32, filed 9/26/19. A Dependency Petition has been filed in the above court. A Fact Finding hearing will be held on this matter on October 15, 2020 at 9:00 am at the Spokane County Juvenile Justice Center, 902 N Adams St, Spokane, WA 99260. YOU SHOULD BE PRESENT AT THIS HEARING. THE HEARING WILL DETERMINE IF YOUR CHILD IS DEPENDENT AS DEFINED IN RCW 13.34.050(5). THIS BEGINS A JUDICIAL PROCESS WHICH COULD RESULT IN PERMANENT LOSS OF YOUR PARENTAL RIGHTS. IF YOU DO NOT APPEAR AT THE HEARING THE COURT MAY ENTER A DEPENDENCY ORDER IN YOUR ABSENCE. To request a copy of the Notice, Summons, and Dependency Petition call DSHS at (509) 363-3550. To view information about your rights in this proceeding go to DPY.aspx.

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Children should be included on your 2020 Census form—and not just children related to you, but any kids living at your address most of the time. When babies and children are included, the programs that support them get the funding they need. Count your children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, foster kids, and the children of any friends or relatives staying with you, even if it’s only temporary. Babies count, too! Even if they’re still in the hospital, as long as they were born by April 1, 2020, make sure the person completing the Census for your address includes them on the form. For more information about the 2020 Census, visit or call 844-330-2020. | #2020Census #CountAllKids




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Dr Wes Prokop TopDoc2020 who is Pain Management specialist helps patients with variety of chronic pain problems in our office at 15 Presidential Blvd, Bala Cynwyd, PA We accept Medicare, and major commercial insurances. We offer same day appointments, and since our practice is office based typically patients pay lowest out of pocket exp e n s e s . For appointment please call tel:610-795-7366 or cell 610888-1839 (voice/text) or email: WANTED Help Wanted Window and door installer needed ASAP. Call Oregon Window 215-336-3448

NOTICES Public Notice T-Mobile proposes to modify an existing facility (new tip heights 71.4’) on the building at 645557 N BroadSt, Philadelphia, PA (20201005). Interested parties may contact Scott Horn (856-809-1202) (1012Industrial Dr., West Berlin, NJ 08091) with comments regarding potential effects on historic properties.

Public Notice AT&T Mobility, LLC is proposing to collocate antennas on a 110-ft smokestack at 7301 Germantown Avenue, Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, PA. Public comments regarding the potential effects from this site on historic properties may be submitted within 30-days from the date of this publication to: Amanda Sabol – CBRE, 201 Tresser Boulevard, Suite 201,Stamford, CT 06901, or (717) 601-1436.


WHEREAS, on November 09, 2009, a certain mortgage was executed by Cherry L. Savage, as mortgagor in favor of Bank of America, N.A. as mortgagee and was recorded in Office of the Recorder ofDeeds of Philadelphia County in Mortgage Document ID 52146138 (“Mortgage�); and WHEREAS, the Mortgage encumbers property located at 1627 Conlyn Street Philadelphia, PA 19141, parcel number 135N03-0323; 171142800 (“Property�); andWHEREAS, the Property was owned by Cherry L. Savage, by virtue of deed dated June 29, 1959and recorded July 1, 1959 in Book CAB 1099; Page166; andWHEREAS, Mortgagor/Record Owner Cheryl L. Savage died on March 2, 2016 intestate and is survived by no known heirs; andWHEREAS, the Mortgage is now owned by the Secretary of the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (“Secretary�), pursuant to an assignment recorded on July 30, 2015 in Document ID 52947454, in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds of Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania; andWHEREAS, a default has been made in the covenants and conditions of the Mortgage (paragraph9 (a)(i)), as died on , and that upon the death the entire principal balance becomes due and owing, and that no payment was made, and remains wholly unpaid as of the date of this Notice; andWHEREAS, the entire amount delinquent as of August 22, 2020 is $207,017.98 plus interest, costs and other charges through the sale date; and WHEREAS, by virtue of this default, the Secretary has declared the entire amount of the indebtedness secured by the Mortgage to be immediately due and payable;NOW THEREFORE, pursuant to powers vested in me by the Single Family Mortgage Foreclosure Act of 1994, l2 U.S.C. 3751 etseq., by 24 CFR Part 29, and by the Secretary’s designation of me as Foreclosure Commissioner, recorded on in Misc. , in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds of Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania, notice is hereby given that on October 13, 2020 at 10:00 AM at the Southeast Entrance of Philadelphia City Hall located at Broad Street and Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19107all real property and personal property at or used in connection with the following described premises will besold at public action to the highest bidder: ALL THAT CERTAIN lot or piece of ground with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, described according to a Plan and Survey thereof made by Joseph F. Delany, Esq., Surveyor and Regulator of the Fifth District, on the Fourteenth Day of April, A. D. 1936, as follows, to wit:SITUATE on the Northeasterly side of Conlyn Street {50 feet wide} at the distance of one hundred fifty-three feet six inches Southeastwardly from the Southeasterly side of 17th Street (60 feet wide}, in the Forty-ninth Ward of the City of Philadelphia.CONTAINING in front or breadth on the said Conlyn Street eighteen feet one inch and extending of that width in length or depth Northeastwardly between parallel lines at right angles to said Conlyn Street, one hundred feet to the Southwestwardly side of a certain twenty feet wide driveway, extending Northwestwardly into 17th Street and Southeastwardly into 16th Street (60 feet wide).BEING No. 1627 Conlyn Street.TOGETHER with the free and common use, right, liberty and privilege of the aforesaid driveway as and for a passageway, driveway and watercourse at all times hereafter, forever, in common with the other owners, tenants and occupiers of the lots of ground bounding thereon and entitled to use thereof.BEING parcel No. 135N03-0323; 171142800.The sale will be held on October 13, 2020 at 10:00 AM at the Southeast Entrance of Philadelphia City Hall located at Broad Street and Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19107. The Secretary of Housing and Urban Development will bid $207,017.98 plus interest, costs and other charges through the sale date. Ten percent (10%) of the highest bid is the deposit required at the sale.The amount that must be paid to HUD by the mortgagors or someone acting on their behalf so that the sale may be stayed is the total delinquent amount of $207,017.98 as of August 22, 2020, plus all other amounts that would be due under the mortgage agreement if payments under the mortgage had not been accelerated, advertising costs and postage expenses incurred in giving notice, mileage by the most reasonable road distance for posting notices and for the Foreclosure Commissioner’s attendance at the sale, reasonable and customary costs incurred for title and lien record searches, the necessary out-of-pocket costs incurred by the Foreclosure Commissioner for recording documents, a commission for the Foreclosure Commissioner, and all other costs incurred in connection with the foreclosure prior to reinstatement.There will be no proration of taxes, rents or other income or liabilities, except that the purchaser will pay, at or before closing, his prorata share of any real estate taxes that have been paid by the Secretary to the date of the foreclosure sale.When making their bid, all bidders, except the Secretary, must submit a deposit totaling ten percent 10% of the Secretary’s bid as set forth above in the form of a certified check or cashier’s check made out to the Secretary of HUD. Each oral bid need not be accompanied by a deposit. If the successful bid is oral, a deposit of ten (10%) percent must be presented before the bidding is closed. The deposit is nonrefundable. The remainder of the purchase price must be delivered within thirty (30) days of the sale or at such other time as the Secretary may determine for good cause shown, time being of the essence. This amount, like the bid deposits, must be delivered in the form of a certified or cashier’s check. If the Secretary is the high bidder, he need not pay the bid amount in cash. The successful bidder will pay all conveyance fees, all real estate and other taxes that are due on or after the delivery of the remainder of thepayment and all other costs associated with the transfer of title. At the conclusion of the sale, the depositsof the unsuccessful bidders will be returned to them.The Secretary may grant an extension of time within which to deliver the remainder of the payment. All extensions will be for fifteen (15) days, and a fee will be charged in the amount of $150.00 for each fifteen (15) day extension requested. The extension fee shall be paid in the form of a certified or cashier’s check made payable to the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development. If the high bidder closes the sale prior to the expiration of any extension period, the unused portion of the extension fee shall be applied toward the amount due.If the high bidder is unable to close the sale within the required period, or within any extensions of time granted by the Secretary, the high bidder’s deposit will be forfeited, and the Commissioner may, atthe direction of the HUD Field Office Representative, offer the Property to the second highest bidder for an amount equal to the highest price offered by that bidder. There is no right of redemption, or right of possession based upon a right of redemption, in the mortgagor or others subsequent to a foreclosure completed pursuant to the Act. Therefore, the Foreclosure Commissioner will issue a Deed to the purchaser(s) upon receipt of the entire purchase price in accordance with the terms of the sale as provided herein.KML LAW GROUP, P.C.Foreclosure Commissioners(215-825-6305)

Public Notice

Public Notice

Public Notice

Public Notice

T-Mobile proposes to modify an existing facility (new tip heights 104’) on the building at 1709 BenjaminFranklin Pkwy, Philadelphia, PA (20201401). Interested parties may contact Scott Horn (856-809-1202)(1012 Industrial Dr., West Berlin, NJ 08091) with comments regarding potential effects on historicproperties.

T-Mobile proposes to modify an existing facility (new tip heights 195.4’) on the building at 6100 City LineAve, Philadelphia, PA (20201663). Interested parties may contact Scott Horn (856-809-1202) (1012Industrial Dr., West Berlin, NJ 08091) with comments regarding potential effects on historic properties.

T-Mobile proposes to modify an existing facility (new tip heights 46.4’) on the building at 6325 FrankfordAve, Philadelphia, PA (20201095). Interested parties may contact Scott Horn (856-809-1202) (1012Industrial Dr., West Berlin, NJ 08091) with comments regarding potential effects on historic properties.

We Love Philly hereby gives notice that articles of incorporation have be filed with the Department of State of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, under the provisions of the Pennsylvania Non Profit Organization Law of 1988 The purpose for which the Non Profit Organization is to be organized is for youth education.


break up? PW Classifieds is a great place to sell your ex’s stuff. PHILADELPHIA WEEKLY | SEPTEMBER 24 - OCTOBER 1, 2020



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Men’s Virility Restored in Clinical Trial; 275% More Blood Flow in 5 Minutes A newly improved version of America’s best-selling male performance enhancer gives 70-year-old men the ability and stamina they enjoyed in their 30’s.

America’s best-selling sexual performance enhancer just got a lot better. It’s the latest breakthrough for nitric oxide – the molecule that makes E.D. woes fade and restores virility when it counts the most. Nitric oxide won the Nobel Prize in 1998. It’s why “the little blue pill” works. More than 200,000 studies confirm it’s the key to superior sexual performance. And this new discovery increases nitric oxide availability resulting in even quicker, stronger and longer-lasting performance. One double-blind, placebo-controlled study (the “goldstandard” of research) involved a group of 70-year-old-men. They didn’t exercise. They didn’t eat healthy. And researchers reported their “nitric oxide availability was almost totally compromised,” resulting in blood flow less than HALF of a man in peak sexual health. But only five minutes after the first dose their blood flow increased 275%, back to levels of a perfectly healthy 31-year-old man! “It’s amazing,” remarks nitric oxide expert Dr. Al Sears. “That’s like giving 70-year-old men the sexual power of 30-year-olds.”

WHY SO MUCH EXCITEMENT? Despite the billions men spend annually on older nitric oxide therapies, there’s one well-known problem with them. They don’t always work. A very distinguished and awarded doctor practicing at a prestigious Massachusetts hospital who has studied Nitric Oxide for over 43 years states a “deficiency of bioactive nitric oxide… leads to impaired endothelium-dependent vasorelaxation.” In plain English, these older products may increase levels of nitric oxide. But that’s only half the battle. If it’s not bioactively available then your body can’t absorb it to produce an erection. Experts simply call it the nitric oxide “glitch.” And until now, there’s never been a solution.

oxide boosters in a new formula called Primal Max Red. In clinical trials, 5,000 mg is required for satisfying sexual performance. Primal Max Red contains a bigger, 9,000 mg per serving dose. It’s become so popular, he’s having trouble keeping it in stock. Dr. Sears is the author of more than 500 scientific papers. Thousands of people listened to him speak at the recent Palm Beach Health & Wellness Festival featuring Dr. Oz. NFL Hall of Fame quarterback Joe Namath recently visited his clinic, the Sears Institute for Anti-Aging Medicine. Primal Max Red has only been available for a few months — but everyone who takes it reports a big difference. “I have the energy to have sex three times in one day, WOW! That has not happened in years. Oh, by the way I am 62,” says Jonathan K. from Birmingham, AL.

HOW IT WORKS Loss of erection power starts with your blood vessels. Specifically, the inside layer called the endothelium where nitric oxide is made. The problem is various factors THICKEN your blood vessels as you age. This blocks availability causing the nitric oxide “glitch.” The result is difficulty in getting and sustaining a healthy erection. How bad is the problem? Researcher shows the typical 40-year-old man absorbs 50% less nitric oxide. At 50, that drops to 25%. And once you pass 60 just a measly 15% gets through. To make matters worse, nitric oxide levels start declining in your 30’s. And by 70, nitric oxide production is down an alarming 75%. Primal Max Red is the first formula to tackle both problems. Combining powerful nitric oxide boosters and a proven delivery mechanism that defeats the nitric oxide “glitch” resulting in 275% better blood flow. There’s not enough space here to fully explain how it works, so Dr. Sears will send anyone who orders Primal Max Red a free special report that explains everything.

MORE CLINICAL RESULTS Nutrients in Primal Max Red have logged impressive results.

A new discovery that increases nitric oxide availability was recently proven in a clinical trial to boost blood flow 275% Then he used ingredients in Primal Max Red and, “The results were off the charts. I first woke around 3 a.m. on Tuesday very excited. My nitric oxide levels measured at the top end of the range.”

FREE BONUS TESTOSTERONE BOOSTER Every order also gets Dr. Sears testosterone boosting formula Primal Max Black for free. “If you want passionate ‘rip your clothes off’ sex you had in your younger days, you need nitric oxide to get your erection going. And testosterone for energy and drive,” says Dr. Sears. “You get both with Primal Max Red and Primal Max Black.”

HOW TO GET PRIMAL MAX To secure free bottles of Primal Max Black and get the hot, new Primal Max Red formula, buyers should contact the Sears Health Hotline at 1-800-303-4136 within the next 48 hours. “It’s not available in drug stores yet,” says Dr. Sears. “The Hotline allows us to ship directly to the customer.” Dr. Sears feels so strongly about Primal Max, all orders are backed by a 100% money-back guarantee. “Just send me back the bottle and any unused product within 90 days from purchase date, and I’ll send you all your money back,” he says.

The Hotline will be open for the next 48 hours. After that, the phone number will be shut down to allow them to In a Journal of Applied Physiology study, one resulted in restock. Call 1-800-303-4136 to secure your limited supply a 30 times MORE nitric oxide. And these increased levels of Primal Max Red and free bottles of Primal Max Black. You Upon further research, America’s No. 1 men’s health lasted up to 12 hours. don’t need a prescription, and those who call in the first 24 expert Dr. Al Sears discovered certain nutrients fix this “I measured my nitric oxide levels, you can buy a test kit hours qualify for a significant discount. Use Promo Code “glitch” resulting in 275% better blood flow. from Amazon,” reports 48-year-old Jeff O. “Monday night I NP0920PMAX355 when you call in. Lines are frequently busy, but all calls will be answered. He’s combined those nutrients with proven nitric showed depleted.” THESE STATEMENTS HAVE NOT BEEN EVALUATED BY THE FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION. THIS PRODUCT IS NOT INTENDED TO DIAGNOSE, TREAT, CURE OR PREVENT ANY DISEASE. RESULTS MAY VARY


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