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FREE | OCTOBER 15 - 22, 2020 | @phillyweekly

Beam up for The Roddenberries’ first full-length film

Libertarian presidential candidate visits Philly, talks poverty, War on Drugs, more. | Page 16





ate last week, I received a letter in Jim Kenney appeased this lawless and violent my inbox from former City Coun- mob by removing my dad’s bronze sculpture cil at-large member Frank Rizzo, in the cover of darkness. Jr. At home and at work, Frank Rizzo was Actually, it was sent by Mont- the same man. He never pretended to be gomery County commissioner somebody else. He was a no-nonsense, Joseph Gale, which I thought was straight-talker who believed in law-and-order. He was the embodiment of strength. a little weird but at the same time, nothing is surprising any more. This week, I’m giving A guy’s guy who was larger than life. Indeed, for many decades, Frank Rizzo proved Rizzo the opportunity to speak his mind from afar in this letter. He had plenty to say on Phil- he was literally bigger than either political party by winning Mayoral primary races as adelphia as it stands today, the civil unrest both a Democrat and a Republican. experienced this summer as people My dad was a true populist: It was lashed out over the killing of an unthe people who enabled an Italarmed Black man in the streets and ian-American kid from South Philly the desecration of his late father, to go from beat cop to the top spot in former Philly mayor and police City Hall. commissioner, Frank Rizzo. This summer, as communities I felt this was the perfect time to across the country were burned, drop this given part of Rizzo Jr.’s looted and devastated by rioting gripe was timely, referencing what criminals, we were reminded that he believes is the continued cancel our republic needs leaders like culture sweeping the nation, speFrank Rizzo more than ever. cifically its impact on Christopher And in my search for people like Columbus – and the Columbus Day my father, I have found only one holiday– on American society. person other than President DonIn July, we ran a column from a ald Trump who has the courage writer entitled Growing Up in Rizand toughness to speak the truth, zo’s Philly who described growing @SPRTSWTR defend history, uphold traditional up in a much different Philadelphia values and demand law and order. that apparently Frank Rizzo Jr. remembers. However, in the spirit of balance That man is Montgomery County Commissioner Joe Gale. and a shift in approach while I remain at the When Philadelphia was under attack, Comhelm of PW, it’s probably fitting to share this missioner Gale had the leadership skills to op-ed from Frank Jr. with the rest of you. talk openly and honestly about those who If you have something to say after reading it one way or the other, I encourage you to do so torched police cars, destroyed private property and terrorized innocent families. Joe Gale via was also the only elected official in the ComIt goes without saying that 2020 has been a turbulent and trying year for our monwealth of Pennsylvania with the guts to address the failures of Mayor Kenney and nation and its people. Nearly every major U.S. city has suffered Police Commissioner Danielle Outlaw who destruction and unrest at the hands of radi- ordered law enforcement to stand down as the cals fueled by a hatred of America and a hun- city burned. For his candor, Commissioner Gale has ger to erase its history. An example that hits close to home is the ongoing effort to remove been the victim of reprisal and revenge on Philadelphia’s Christopher Columbus monu- multiple fronts. In addition to having his home surrounded by protesters on three ocment. In fact, as we approach the annual October casions, he also faces bogus impeachment celebration of Columbus Day, Columbus him- charges by partisan state legislators in Harrisburg. self is not the only historic figure of Italian My family and I are proud of Joe Gale and descent that has been targeted in the City of Brotherly Love. Another man whose legacy we encourage the people of Philadelphia and has been smeared and tarnished is that of my its suburbs to follow and support Joe in his late father, former Philadelphia Police Com- role as Montgomery County Commissioner and whatever lies ahead for him in the future. missioner and Mayor Frank Rizzo. Back in May, anarchists brazenly vandal- I have no doubt my father would also be proud ized and desecrated a statue dedicated in his as he looks down upon us from Heaven. God Bless America and Happy Columbus honor as thousands watched on television in Day. horror. Then, days later, Philadelphia Mayor


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Philadelphia is among a list of counties with a surge in cases per 100,000 people, according to Secretary of Health Rachel Levine. At the time of this report, Philadelphia County had 163 cases. Delco? From 94 to 125. Mask and hand sanitizer, all day y’all. All day.





If you’re reading this a day early as part of our altPhilly subscription base or its Thursday drop then that means you still have time to consider funding our Kickstarter. We’re using it to test the satiety of conservative news among Philadelphia’s counterculture. Or mainstream culture. Or any culture that just craves what we believe is an alternative viewpoint. If you like the way that sounds, we encourage you to check out the community we’re building for a moderate audience that hasn’t teetered to either side too far just yet.

HE SAID IT... “What’s harder to locate is any official explanation as to why the image — of a person in a Native headdress — is on the ground in the first place, or how it came to represent the area.” – This is writer Imran Siddiquee, a South Philadelphia resident baffled as to why there are images of Native Americans on manhole covers throughout the East Passyunk corridor. Two years later, it appears that Siddiquee’s comments didn’t fall on deaf ears. On Monday, which was also celebrated in Philadelphia as Indigenous People’s Day, the East Passyunk Business Improvement Association announced that it is beginning steps to remove the manhole covers and signage that depicts the well-known orange-brown Native American plastered all over the area.

Philadelphia Weekly Holdings, Ltd. 1520 Locust Street, suite 501 Philadelphia, PA 19102 215-543-3743 @phillyweekly OCTOBER 15 - 22, 2020 | PHILADELPHIA WEEKLY

Dan McDonough, Jr. Chairman & Publisher Kerith Gabriel Editor in Chief

John Montesano Art Director

Alan Bauer Managing Editor

Contributors: A.D. Amorosi, Tom Beck, Courtenay Harris Bond, Resolve Philadelphia, Timaree Schmit, Ryan K. Smith, Eugene Zenyatta. Intern: Zachary Bard.

To contact the news department:

Ed Lynes Chief Revenue Officer Stephanie Hawkins Controller

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To purchase advertising in Philadelphia Weekly, contact Sales at 215-543-3743, ext. 104, or



We don’t want to strike fear and mobilize the 25 members of local network StormWeather teams, but an email we received on Tuesday from AccuWeather noted that we’re in for a nasty weekend, one that could bring our first snow to the region. Now, we already know to not believe everything we read but we’d be lying if we say that the best part of the first snowfall was not watching all of the local news teams lose their minds over the first snowfall and the all of the round the clock coverage that comes with it, especially from the guy with the bow tie. We’re ready for ya, Glen.

Are you ready for sno now? w? snow?

want to


Drama? WITHOUT the

SPEAKING OF WHICH... If the shift in Philadelphia is to move the city from removing what’s deemed racist, oppressive or bigoted, then why is it still honored? Monday was Indigenous People’s Day in Philadelphia, a holiday the city has recognized for the past four years. However, according to the Inquirer, city employees who had a paid day of rest did so under the observance of Columbus Day. Philadelphia has gone to lengths of removing the statue of Christopher Columbus in Marconi Plaza and denouncing the explorer, yet city employees are still given Columbus Day off? We’re not seeing the logic here, someone help us out. Yo, Mayor Kenney, either keep Columbus or keep IPD, just keep some consistency in your messaging for Pete’s sake.

TEXT "EQUALINFO" TO 73224 and get straight answers about casting your ballot in Philly


“This city is already a fucking powder keg. I expect it to blow one way or another the first week of November.” — We were made privy to this premonition by way of Kyle McCabe, a reader who shot us a text saying that this would be perfect for SOOC. The context regarded the Nov. 3 presidential election and fears that a final decision one way or another could cause turmoil nationwide, including right here in the City of Brotherly Love. Here’s hoping that’s not the case and also, thanks Kyle for thinking of us. If you hear something you want us to share, send it our way via NM-00428291






2020’ The battle to be lifetime Klingon chancellor opens Oct. 29

The Roddenberries first full-length film premieres later this month. Image | Courtesy The Roddenberries




PHILADELPHIAWEEKLY.COM @PHILLYWEEKLY (Author’s warning: this story is bathed in “Star Trek” terms. Best to get a glossary if you’re not a fan of the show.) t’s late in the evening on a Thursday in October, and Scott Johnston has no time for chatting. That’s not uncommon, as Johnston has forever flitted from gig-to-gig. Beloved to burlesque aficionados as the emcee/co-founder of Philadelphia’s Peek-a-Boo Revue, presently prepping for Halloween season as a live Haunter at the newly-opened Nightmare Before Tinsel, Johnston has been a crafter of YouTube videos under the Evilolive3000 tag, a FringeFest after-party organizer, a professional Frank-n-Furter, and a bouncer/ booking agent for all things in the Mark Bee empire like Silk City, N3rd and Franky Bradley’s. On this night, however, Johnston is behind a hot laptop editing console, working the final trims to the 90-minute, feature, “Showdown: 2020” (a film’s co-written/co-directed with Beth Kellner and Billy Tayoun) before its Oct. 29 opening in his guise as Captain Scotch Whiskey of The Roddenberries, Philadelphia’s – no, the planet’s, seriously, the entire solar system’s – premier “Star Trek” tribute band/multi-media panto, performance experience. Visit for tickets, times and more. By its own account, The Roddenberries – the present version 11 members strong, costumed and pointy eared to the Vulcan nth degree – was forged to “explore sensible new parodies, seek out new allies, unite the Nerd-O-Sphere, and BOLDLY go where NO Star-Band has gone before.” The Roddenberries are darkly comic and bawdy too, using a handful of Peek A Boo dancers (Sophie Sucre, Ginger Leigh, Lefty Von Blitz, Bugalu Boogie) to burlesque-sex up the wooly spaceman act. But, there’s something so sweet and sincere about The Roddenberries’ prime directive that they have become both weirdly infectiously fictitious and vividly real, beyond any claims of kitsch. Nerds or not, in reality, The Roddenberries are so much more than their tag line. Not just because, during their near decade-long reign, the band has come to include other artful oddball obsessions within the Trekkie mix, such as those from the computer gaming world, “Rocky Horror Picture Show,” “Star Wars,” “Doctor Who,” and the Marvel/DC Comics universe long before each superhero’s origin story became scrubbed-clean, billion-dollar blockbusters. (Drummer Chris Pires was lured into The Roddenberries when Billy Tayoun told him it was a “Lord of the Rings” band. “He never saw ‘Star Trek,’ and was made to wear a red shirt because of these reasons”). To this author, The Roddenberries represent the purest ideals that the band’s namesake, Gene Roddenberry, put forth as part of his mantra, and its notions of optimism, love, ingenuousness, openness, otherness, respect and equality for all, especially during a time


‘Showdown: 2020’ drops Oct. 29, and someone will be named Klingon Chancellor for Life. Image | Courtesy The Roddenberries Trek” creator Gene Roddenberry, the CEO when negativity, division and partisanship of Roddenberry Entertainment, and the exrule the earth. The Roddenberries live up to ecutive producer of “Star Trek: Discovery” Roddenberry’s Theory of Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations, a future-forward vision and “Star Trek: Picard” has sung their praiswhere humanity overcomes its problems and es. “We had them perform for us for the 50th anniversary,” he wrote on The Roddenberoutruns its differences – a way of coming tories’ site. “They did take our name, but you gether, not against a common enemy but rathknow, I think they actually brought er for a common good. it up a level – not with just the mu“When we take the stage, we let sic they do, and not just the perforour freak-flag fly: gender-swapped BY A.D. mance they have, but the integrity heroes, and rainbow-Klingons singAMOROSI that the group has. They have fun ing parodies of ‘Star Trek’ songs with it, they are genuine, and they seems to be a uniting-force,” Johnreally know how to bring a house ston told me last year during the Gaaays in Spaaace benefit at World Café Live. down. The Roddenberries are a great musical group.” “We hope that our efforts at celebrating IDIC Then there is J.G. Hertzler, the actor from principals has some small effect at advocating equality to the larger body of fans who need to “Star Trek Deep Space Nine” – notorious Chancellor Martok, high-ranking Klingon be exposed to such progressive messages via leader on the Federation-Bajoran space stashowbiz.” So great is the tracking beam love and lure tion – who thought so dearly of The Roddenberries’ unique melding of sci-fi rock-n-roll of The Roddenberries that stars and creators of “Star Trek’s” many offshoots have become cabaret and parody, their “talent, humor, grit, fans and collaborators of the Philadelphia insanity and sheer superhuman brilliance,” troupe during their travels to Las Vegas for that he utilized their talents as film and music-makers for his congressional run in 2018. ComicCon conventions and like-minded soiNow, pandemic bound, Hertzler is currently rees such as “Star Trek’s” 50th anniversary co-starring in “Showdown 2020” with fellow events in Vegas. Robert Picardo – the Emerthespian Robert O’Reilly, Chancellor Gowron, gency Medical Hologram known as The Doctor, on “Star Trek: Voyager” – has performed the leader of the Klingon Empire, from “Star Trek: The Next Generation” and “Star Trek: with them. Rod Roddenberry, the son of “Star


Deep Space Nine,” and a “Super Secret Special Star Trek guest star” to be named at airtime. “There is no fucking way to describe or explain what the hell it will become,” said Hertlzer of the still-unfinished (at the time of our interview) “Showdown: 2020.” “It’s The Roddenberries, man. Deal with it.” To deal with The Roddenberries, you have to know what their whole deal is in the first place. Flying far into the wayback machine, The Roddenberries were born long before that one night at a Johnston-run Fringe Late Nite Cabaret in 2011 when a handful of soon-tobe band members started playing the iconic Trek “Amok Time” fight song. “We just didn’t figure it out and accept it until that night,” said Billy (“Spocknik”) Tayoun. “Suddenly, everything became dilithium crystal clear.” Before that night, for example, Kellner (Sister Spock)’s earliest life memories were of watching the original Shatner/Nimoy “Star Trek” with her family. “Stellar parenting that created a lifetime of magic,” said Kellner, who had her first Fringe Late Nite Cabaret experience back in 2002 with an all-female Trek cover-band for one night, “Sister Spock.” As for Billy and Joe (“J-Warp”) Tayoun – brothers, members of a musical family of Lebanese heritage with ensembles such as Jaffna and Barakka – their favorite thing to do as kids was to hit the piano and drumming to Trek music. “Most of us started very young with our love of ‘Star Trek’ and essentially grew up with it,” said Tayoun. “Most of us were introduced to ‘Star Trek’ with the original series in syndication, and it was a family experience which affected us profoundly.” Kellner finished a thought with, “It informed us musically, and also taught us some of the most basic lessons of life: equality, exploration outside of ourselves to find and embrace that which is different from us; acceptance of all species and the celebration of our differences. Basically, the ideals that Gene Roddenberry embraced through his utopian vision of ‘Star Trek’ were some of our earliest and most lasting lessons. Most of us would even go so far as to consider the principles of ‘Star Trek’ to have helped mold us into who we are today. Yes – we are nerds. EMBRACE US!” Move beyond childhood and into the 21st century, it was the union of Kellner and Johnston and their love of all Trek ideals (“acceptance, tolerance, logic, courage, and unity,” noted Kellner) that created a bedrock – or spacejunk – for Roddenberries revelry. When Kellner and Johnston met in 2006, their connection was as much about a shared obsession with all things “Spider-Man,” “Doctor Who,” “Rocky Horror Picture Show,” the original “Battlestar Galactica,” “Buck Rogers,” pasties-and-G-string-style burlesque, and “HitchSEE MUSIC, PAGE 8





The Roddenberries are the premier ‘Star Trek’ tribute band. Image | Courtesy The Roddenberries

MUSIC, FROM PAGE 7 hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy” as it was a budding romance. “The first night Beth and I met for a date thingy, I saw she had all the original Trek series on VHS, labeled on her shelf, as well as all ‘The Prisoner’ episodes on VHS, labeled similarly,” said Johnston. “If that isn’t a divine signal from the geek gods, I don’t know what is.” Kellner recalled that the first time she saw him in his role with Peek-a-Boo, that Johnston did a “crazy, awesome number” based on Ralph Bakshi’s animated “The Lord of the Rings,” pretty much every cycle to boot. “I was mesmerized. I instantly wanted in.” The pair shot satirical shorts (including “Star Trek: The Sexperience,” a sort of Trek meets Cirque du Soleil) and documentaries about Trek conventions. They even nearly got hitched in 2010 for the sake of a Star Trek Wedding Giveaway contest at the Franklin Institute. Between that, KellSton (their co-joined production team moniker) union and The Roddenberries exact birth, their ensemble gained steam (and eventual, like-minded members) from incestuous crossover performance art music that includes the likes of multi-instrumentalist Ned (“Zephram Coque-Ring”) Sonstein who played for the Striptease Orchestra, Peek-a-Boo and other cabarets, including The Big Mess and Martha Graham Cracker’s ensemble. “I’d like to think that we’re all just friends within the same circle and so we pool from each other,” said Kellner. “Having members in the band with past cabaret experience including has been an essential asset that informs much of our live performance approach.” Once united under the Trekian space-theme sound, the rarity of a


band started getting booked to play at conventions such as the national Wizard World tour and the Hollywood-bound ComicCons. The more that The Roddenberries played out to the comic book crowd, the more wide-ranging their music and performance. “It was only natural to start including even more themes into our material to appeal to more of the fellow nerds there to enjoy the conventions,” said Tayoun. “We really don’t know many Trekkies that also do not love other sci-fi or comics. We have gamers in The Roddenberries, and most of us love Marvel and DC stuff, so again, it was just a natural – but also a conscious and intentional – progression for us. When we did Keystone ComicCon, we performed with popular anime/gaming/ animation voice actor Troy Baker (‘The Last of Us,’ ‘BioShock Infinite’, ‘Batman: Arkham Knight’) for the official after-party. When we found out that we were double-billed with him for the after-party, we learned the ‘Last of Us’ game theme to add to our set. Also the ‘Mass Effect’ theme, because it’s popular with gamers and, well, it ROCKS.” Far beyond the galaxy that is Star Trek-Star Wars-Battlestar Galactica, old sci-fi movie and TV show themes, branching out into other sonic brands is crucial to The Roddenberries. “It just seemed organic and natural, and, anyway, people get bored easily with just one thing,” said Tayoun. “Even if you don’t get our general sci-fi theme, there will be plenty of original pop-rock and classic material mashed up into what we do.” With that, Roddenberries-recorded albums such as the new “Eat The Roddenberries,” produced by superstar sound-crafter Joe “The Butcher” Nicolo at his Joe’s Garage studio complex, are lush and lustrous percussion-driven, post-punk affairs that, more often

than not, resemble The B-52s at warp speed and hormonal overdrive with the death disco density of LCD Soundsystem in their zotzed-out mix. “We hold equal importance to both the serious music we choose as well as the need to be silly – it’s all meaningful and a part of who we are and what we want to present,” noted Tayoun. “Our ‘Eat The Roddenberries’ album was recorded after a push for us to come up with a bunch of newer, ST: The Next Generation-themed material around the 30th anniversary of the show. The world of ‘Star Trek’ has always been beautifully peppered with the duality of the profound and the ridiculous. For example, we do our own version of the ‘Inner Light’ episode’s most well-known song, in one of the most-loved episodes. It’s an emotional song and many fans have remarked to us how it has touched them deeply. Then we’ll give them ‘Spock Lobster,’ because that’s how we roll. In the words of Jean-Luc Picard, ‘Sometimes you just have to bow to the absurd.’ Albums aside, it is The Roddenberries’ vividly colorful and frenetic live show that made their bones, locally and nationally, with true Trek celebrations at conventions and the like. “Bottom line, these are our people,” said Kellner. “What first initiated these relationships in the ‘Star Trek’ realm was that Roddenberry Entertainment heard about us through some of our fans at conventions that kept bringing us up, and then they stalked us online – there’s the biggest benefit of having filmmakers in the band for great content – and reached out to us to perform on the Roddenberry Stage for the Star Trek Las Vegas 50th Anniversary Star Trek celebration.” From there, The Roddenberries were immersed into the magical realm of the “Star Trek” universe, and blessed to connect with

generals and majors in that close-knit realm. “If you talk to anyone who is involved in the Trekiverse, they all say the same thing: that this is a family,” stated Tayoun. “We were in a changing room with Trevor Roth and Rod Roddenberry, and off of a loading dock behind the Roddenberry Stage, which brought many of the Trek guests into the backstage panel catacombs where we were preparing for our sets. So, yeah – pretty sure that Shatner, and maybe Kirstie Alley, saw Sister Spock’s boobs while she was changing behind a monitor out there on that loading dock.” There’s no need to go on-and-on here about how COVID-19 fucked up things on this planet. It fucked up everything in every distant star galaxy light years away, especially at a time when The Roddenberries were just planning a touring cycle back in March for its freshly-released “Eat” LP. “We had this huge show lined up for World Café Live in June, with these amazing special guests who had already agreed to be involved – like Hetzler and O’Reilly, and John Paladin, (famed FX makeup artist for “Star Trek” actors, all) was going to come in to do their makeup and prosthetics as he does for conventions,” said Tayoun. “Then the pandemic hit, and then our June show became our October show. And then we realized that, even if the safety regulations/barriers/boundaries/restrictions expanded, it still wouldn’t be enough to safely accommodate a show of this nature and magnitude – for the performers as well as the audience.” Kellner, Tayound and Johnston knew, then that they needed to go virtual, not just by necessity, but, because The Roddenberries en masse didn’t want to pass up the opportunity to work with both Hertzler and O’Reilly, the amazing Klingon DS9 duo. “When they both agreed to be involved in a virtual show with us – however that was going to work out – we set out to figure how we could best make a show that would be fun for us, entertaining for us and for our audience, SAFE for all involved, but also different than anything we had done in the past,” said Kellner. “Not just because the show was now to be virtual, per se; but because we had a theme and a storyline – and these amazing actors – including our secret guests. And the drive to figure out how to bring what was to be a huge live show into audience homes around the globe. And then came some little vignettes, and faux-mercials, and every other crazy aspect of what we’re including in this virtual spectacle – and our first, full-length film 90 minutes of pure. Star Trek. Klingon. Roddenberries. Magic.” Before getting to “Showdown 2020,” a word about J.G. Hertzler, the 12th Roddenberry. Going back to that Star Trek 50th Anniversary celebration in Vegas in 2016, The Roddenberries were playing onstage in one room, rocking out like their lives depended upon it, while J.G. and Bob O’Reilly were in the next room over doing their Klingon Karaoke night. “And by next room, we mean a huge, stadi-



nit convention room, partially divided ved in theby some moving walls,” said Tayoun. “We hing: thatwere running over into their act on the othWe were iner side of this HUGE partition. JG ran over h and Rodto freak on us as we were apparently “invadck behinding” their show. He was pissed. We kept going. ght manyScott made him a cardboard guitar to use, as age panelthey didn’t have one. JG accepted said shitty ng for ourcardboard guitar for the karaoke extravaganatner, andza, then proceeded to destroy it and throw it ck’s boobsto the fans. Scott was sad; JG was as happy as onitor outa Klingon in a huge pile of the freshest Gagh that Kahless has ever seen. He pretended to here aboutstrangle Scott onstage at Klingon karaoke. his planet.The shows ended. We became friends. Blame stant starScott’s sacrificial guitar for the beginning of at a timeour friendship.” planning a Kellner called Hertzler a kindred spirit to freshly-re-The Roddenberries, their Rock-N-Roll Klingon uncle. “After we forged our relationship for Worldin Scott’s imaginary blood, we made our first ng specialfull-band trek – all puns intended – to upstate e involvedNew York to perform for his congressional ohn Pala-candidacy fundraiser (Hertzler announced, in Star Trek”June 2017, his candidacy as a U.S. House Repo do theirresentative for New York’s 23rd congressional s for con-district in the 2018 midterm elections). pandemic It was that weekend that solidified the Hertme our Oc-zler/Roddenberries friendship, so-much-so that, eventhat when he travelled to Philly to shoot addi/boundar-tional campaign promo videos, he also agreed ouldn’t beto get all dolled-up as Martok for the band’s ow of thisprevious album release last year at World Café ormers asLive, and actually played keyboards with the band. “JG’s a rockstar too, and we only hope new, thenthat he wants to align himself with us forevust by ne-er,” said Tayoun. berries en Hertzler, aware of the oddball tightrope he pportunitywalks as an actor in the “Star Trek” universe Reilly, the(“You go out on the weirdest interviews ever and you sink or swim, but with ‘Star Trek’ olved in ayou’re on water skis traveling at warp speed was goingon the thinnest of ice into the future...but w we couldso fast that you drag along your entire past for us, en-with you. Greatest feeling in this or any othnce, SAFEer world”), remembers the anger and joy of than any-meeting The Roddenberries. “‘F-this,’ I went d Kellner.storming to the Rodds show because they were w to be vir-supposed to be finished, but they kept on playeme and aing, making our show impossible. I walked s – includ-to the stage transfixed by the weirdest-looke to figureing and best-sounding rock and roll band huge liveever... stormed up to the stage yelling…’what the globe.the F are you doing’ while Scott was down ettes, andstage-center in some oddly conceived costume y aspect of of leather chaps, Klingon makeup, and sespectaclequin-pasties.” minutes of That was the beginning of a beautiful relaries. Mag-tionship. “They made the best damn political campaign videos with the band and me includ0,” a worded, and if the rest of my campaign for Conberry. gress in 2018 was as well-handled as the Rodds h Anniver-commercials, I’d be in Congress right now. I The Rod-would have given my right... to be in Congress one room,with access to the press, so that I might speak d upon it,about Trump and his push to Make America n the nextGangster Again. Anyway, one thing led to anoke night.other and now we’ve all sworn our love and aluge, stadi-legiance to each other come hell or Rura Pen-

the. Same thing.” Hertzler joked about getting involved in “Showdown: 2020” as some funny form of Trek financial aid. “They sold tickets, spent the money, couldn’t pay it off, had to do some kind of show. I work cheap, got Gowron committed, he hates me now, then (Super Secret Special Star Trek guest star)...he’s always hated me... the rest is history,” said Hertzler. “How does my duel with Gowron work? Only the Rodds can answer that. Bill, Scott, Beth and Kevin, and Falon – there are about 50 members of the Rodds, all making up the most unusual and complicated show band ever conceived – shot my footage in upstate New York state. They shot footage with Robert O’Reilly in California. They assembled footage behind a soundproof Iron Curtain made of pure bullshit, and added their incredible music, the Star Trek Parodies, the Aaron Copeland, the Beethoven. They got me to sign a NDA for our entire relationship, made a enormous cash settlement, and promised enduring love for the rest of our time on this planet.” Put in human terms, the trio of writer-filmmakers, producers (Tayoun, Kevin Gallagher, Andrew Geller) and choreographer Danielle Currica, brought “Showdown: 2020” to Rittenhouse Filmworks where Gallagher is employed. Tayound and Kellner both credit the studio’s involvement and environment with pushing “Showdown: 2020” to look like an actual movie, as opposed to a series of quarantine-style music videos. As for the film’s concept beyond its dramatic showcase for The Roddenberries soundtrack (check the preview https://www. “Showdown: 2020” was is about Gowron vs. Martok in a battle for lifetime Klingon Chancellor. “With this being the most important election year we’ve seen in our lifetimes, we definitely wanted to have an election theme,” said Kellner. “So, why not a Klingon election?” Tayoun noted the bond between “J.G. and Bob” having worked together for decades made their appearance as part of “Showdown: 2020” as comfortable with one another as with the Philly crew. “They argue like old pirates,” he said. “Just seeing the natural chemistry they have together for Klingon karaoke at conventions – you can’t bottle that. We don’t want to give too much away, but, they’re definitely frenemies in ‘Showdown: 2020,’ and have our utmost respect for the crazy shit we’ve made them do. We’re setting the stage for a fun and funny, whimsical farce belonging to the Klingon nation. Who will be Chancellor for Life… we’ll see. We’ve also peppered in winks to Halloween as ‘Showdown: 2020’ premieres that weekend. We LOVE Halloween.” Beyond Trek or Halloween, a human aspect of The Roddenberries is the long-term, homebound relationship between Kellner and Johnston who have been together ever since that 2006 date. As both live and work as Peek-a-Boo Revuers, Roddenberries and joint filmmakers,


The Roddenberries, like each of the ‘Star Trek’ series, come with a message of humanity and acceptance of our differences. Image | Courtesy The Roddenberries the pair are together more than Gowron and Martok. “Scott and I are used to bouncing ideas off of one another, and try to be honest with mutual feedback,” said Kellner. “That’s helpful when creating a show; good to have someone else around who has your back and can jump in to rhinestone, sew, write or voiceover something if time is tight. Sometimes it’s rough to be in a band together when you live, sleep and work together. For instance, the absolute shit-show of costumes and props that takes over the entire downstairs of our house before and after a show, or in the case of ‘Showdown: 2020’; a shoot, can be overwhelming. Between the two of us – sometimes I alone have upwards of 10 or so costume changes – to say nothing of costuming band-members, dancers, props, etc., it ends up being an awful lot. And I’m the one who does the laundry. So, we’ve gotten tense around each other surrounding show days and band responsibilities. But we support each other and never finish the day on a sour note between us. It’s one of our relationship choices. He’s more of a big-picture, ideas guy, whereas I tend to be detail-oriented and stress about the process of

preparing for a show. We balance each other out: that’s the foundation of an 18-year friendship and love.” Real world – or at least, one of those worlds – aside, The Roddenberries, like each of the “Star Trek” series, comes with a message of humanity and acceptance of our differences. “‘Star Trek’ began as a very progressive, socially conscious and highly liberal series,” Johnston told me last year. “It walked ahead of much of pop-culture.” So too does The Roddenberries’ debut cinematic effort, “Showdown: 2020,” walk ahead of much of what is out there. “By the end of the film, there shouldn’t be any question of our dedication to entertain, regardless of the limitations and challenges imposed by a global pandemic,” said Tayoun. “What were we thinking in undertaking such a mammoth and multi-faceted project? That’s our job as a Star band, creating things we haven’t seen or done yet. Who knows where our next adventure will take us, but for now, The Roddenberries’ “Showdown: 2020” on Halloween weekend is us… going boldly.”


VOICES CITY Conserve energy to THE SHOUT OUT stop climate change




Wednesday, Oct. 7, was National Energy Efficiency Day, and unfortunately, it’s not very well known. If Americans want to stop the worst effects of climate change and air pollution, we need to start taking action in our own lives to conserve our precious energy. Research shows that Americans have the potential to reduce their energy usage by 4060 percent by 2050, and this is a huge number that would reap so many benefits. It doesn’t take much to unplug TVs, com-

puters, or kitchen appliances when they aren’t being used, and simple actions like that can make big changes in our Earth and our energy bills. Additionally, it’s also important for our legislators to understand and support energy efficiency policies to promote even more change. I hope that people see that energy efficiency is achievable and that we each have the power to make big changes in our environment by making small changes in our daily lives.

Gloria Lee | PennEnvironment Fall Intern

Workplace diversity is good for business For many small business owners, their workforce often naturally reflects their own cultures and experiences rather than that of their communities. However, bringing together people of various backgrounds with different life experiences provides unique perspectives that can be of benefit not only to employees, but to the business owner. In short, workplace diversity is good for business. Gallup studies have found that businesses with diverse workgroups have higher profits. They also found companies that emphasized diversity in the workplace had employees who were more likely to stay at the company. Creating an environment of inclusion is a must in the workplace that results in a happier, healthier company and community. Everyone has their own way of viewing situations shaped by their individual experiences. Diversity empowers groups to use those unique experiences to find unique solutions and improve intergroup understanding. The values and culture of a company have a direct effect on employees, customers and ultimately the bottom line. Diversity is a major ingredient in enabling

innovation to truly take a business to the next level. Embracing differences fuels productive thinking, different takes on the customer experience, and even the business process itself. Diversity disrupts the “echo chamber” effect in which businesses tend to falter and fail because “we’ve always done it this way,” or, “everyone else does it this way.” A wide community of ideas gives us more data to make smarter, more informed decisions. Recruiting and retention are impacted by diversity as well. Candidates naturally ask themselves, “Do I see myself fitting in here?” Gender identity, race, age and other factors help candidates decide if they will feel safe and welcome. Once the candidate is on board, those same factors help them decide if they will stay. A happy, consistent workforce makes for a productive team. I encourage small business owners to embrace inclusivity so that people of all backgrounds feel safe and welcomed, from gender identity and sexual orientation to race and socioeconomic background. Businesses that commit to a diverse workforce can make a stronger team and a stronger community.

Acting SBA Mid-Atlantic Regional Administrator Steve Bulger


Image | Steve Woods

Philadelphia could record 400 murders in 2020, officials have said.

Your turn: What’s your solution to end violence in Philly? Send your thoughts to



Reinventing fitness in the COVID-19 era COVID-19 is a terrifying wake-up call for out-of-shape Americans. More than four in 10 U.S. adults are obese, and 60 percent have at least one chronic disease, putting them at high risk of serious COVID-19 complications – or worse. Individuals with chronic illnesses are 12 times more likely to die from the virus. In light of President Trump’s recent COVID-19 diagnosis, the dangers of having any of those conditions have been thrust into the national spotlight. Trump is in a high-risk age group, clinically obese, and has “elevated” blood pressure – all of which put him at risk for more severe complications. For decades, healthcare professionals have cautioned people about the dangers of obesity. But those warnings have largely gone unheeded. Until recently, too many Americans viewed exercise as the ticket to a beach body – not the first line of defense against deadly diseases. COVID-19 is changing that mistaken belief. Now, it’s incumbent upon health professionals to help Americans get in shape. Everyone knows that exercise promotes good health. But many don’t understand how. Exercise increases blood flow throughout the body, meaning that more immune cells can circulate at a higher rate. Over time, that immune response builds up. A study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine found that among people who engaged in aerobic exercise five or more times per week, upper respiratory tract infection decreased by 40 percent over 12 weeks. Staying active also reduces body fat and inflammation, which helps to fend off infections and prevent chronic conditions. Americans are starting to finally realize that staying fit isn’t just about looking good – it’s about strengthening the immune system.

Fortunately, the fitness industry is trying to accommodate this mass awakening. Many gyms moved fitness classes outdoors and online for the first time. Organizations like the American College of Sports Medicine have actively campaigned for outdoor fitness resources in disadvantaged communities. Further transforming Americans’ relationship with exercise – and making it a critical component of their health and wellness plans – will also require the help of exercise science professionals. These individuals are trained to develop individualized wellness programs that consider people’s age, health, culture, and other factors that influence their ability to maintain a healthy routine. Someone at risk of developing high blood pressure may know they need more exercise, but have no idea where to start. An exercise science professional can help set realistic and achievable goals – something as simple as a short morning walk. That person can then develop longer-term habits that incorporate more vigorous exercise into their routine. Or, exercise science experts can educate chronic disease patients about the ways physical activity can help manage their conditions – from reducing the pain associated with rheumatoid arthritis to increasing insulin sensitivity for diabetics. These professionals can also adjust their methods based on clients’ individual comfort levels. Many Americans still don’t feel safe entering brick-and-mortar gyms. In response, exercise science professionals can build other innovative tools and training models, such as remote platforms and outdoor workout settings. COVID-19 has disrupted our society. But it has also created an opportunity to improve our country’s health – by transforming exercise into the primary weapon in our fight against disease.

Alex Rothstein is an instructor and program coordinator for the exercise science degree program at New York Institute of Technology. This piece originally ran in Fortune.

READY TO REBOUND? PHILLY IS REOPENING: LET CUSTOMERS KNOW YOU’RE READY AND OPEN. Philadelphia Weekly is ready to help your business rebound from the lockdown. Your customers are ready to get back out and support you. PW hasn’t missed a week since the lockdown began, and our readers are the people most excited to be in your establishment!


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PHILLY IS PRIMED TO GET BACK TO BUSINESS CONTACT: JCOOPER@PHILADELPHIAWEEKLY.COM OR CALL JOURDAN AT 267-296-1094 PW puts its money where its mouth is! All payments deferred until two weeks after your business reopens. PHILADELPHIA WEEKLY | OCTOBER 15 - 22, 2020





Image | Geralt



HAPP... Stop! Enough already with the repetition thing


Organ jazz hiladelphia. This is something I have wanted to say to you for a Speaking of Philly-born organ jazz by the long while. Hey, I’m only bother- way – and we can do this all day with the Deing to say it now as it’s become a Francesco family, Jimmys Smith and McGriff, real problem between you and I. Trudy Pitts, Richard “Groove” Holmes, Bill The repetition thing where you Doggett – on Friday, Oct. 16, Philly’s Arpeggio take an almost clever line (I said Jazz Ensemble will celebrate one of the finealmost) or something of a funny as-wine local organ players, jazz and blues joke and run it deep into the ground. Take the man Charles Earland (“The Mighty Burner”) Eagles’ “bleed green,” meme. I got it. We’re with special guest Will Wright on organ as green. Or making sure to pause then hastily part of the Bynum Bros’ South’s Live & Live include “sisterly” in the ancient phrase “City Streamed series. That’s right, you can either of Brotherly AND__ Love.” Point taken. Fun. buy the gig online or head to the club and see Now, it’s Trump’s “bad things hapit in person ALL in tribute to the Bypen in Philadelphia” quote snipped num’s Zanzibar Blue and its 30th annifrom Biden debate No. 1 and turned versary. Check www.southjazzkitchen. BY A.D. into the most quoted Philly political AMOROSI com. line since Mayor Kenney said he’d get New Sandler comedy rid of the Art Museum encampments Philly born-and-raised baller Kyle first back in May (personally, I think the Lowry – Toronto Raptors point guard and homeless just got bored having to hear KenOlympic gold medal winner – will appear ney repeat himself, and left). Within an hour, in bearded Geno Steaks’ enthusiast Adam the dumb Trump quote became a (still, as of Sandler’s new “Hustle” comedy for Netflix, this date) heavily repeated and over-used by currently being filmed around town by local every local news outlet, scribe and TV/Radio director Jeremiah Zagar. Before or after his host, a decal on way too many T-shirts, and a cheesesteak, the Sandman also stopped by constant Zoom conversation starter. George’s Music in Berwyn to hold some guiENOUGH, PEOPLE. Bad things always tars with a FB snap to prove it: www.facebook. have and always will occur in the City of com/GeorgesMusicBerwyn. Brotherly AND…. GOT YOU. We don’t need Restaurant news Trump to inform us of our minuses or our So, gaining two upcoming restaurants from plusses (that is, if you turn “bad,” into the flavor king, Guy Fieri – one self-named “baaaad” and remind everyone that Philly Taco Joint, one self-named Burger Joint, both gave the world great things such as Marian with “super melty cheese” ugh, and both at Anderson, Jerry Blavat, The Roots, organ trio the too-close-for-comfort opening of Philajazz and Scrapple – YES, SCRAPPLE), and redelphia Live Casino in South Philly – does ally, people should be saving the money they’d not make up for losing Stephen Starr area spend on those stupid T-shirts, and use it for restaurants (Buddakan, Continental) even hand sanitizer, paper towels, steroids and the if that area is miles away in Atlantic City. bootleg Regeneron coming down the (BaltiReading the fine print of the Starr announcemore) Pike. ment, though, reveals an unhappy possibility:



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that Starr’s towering tony hacienda Alma de raising bucks is the number that Philly AIDS Cuba, his longtime collab with Chef Doug- Thrift has awarded in 15 years, raised and givlas Rodriguez, may soon go under the knife en away to dozens of organizations. Proceeds and re-freshen its concept in the near future from the weekend sale and the drive-in will like what Starr is doing at The Continental now be the first monies toward the next milOld City? I better get my Rodriguez fix of ba- lion. The new grant cycle will open in November. con-wrapped dates and pork bellies soon. During the stretch of the lengthy quaranBeirut benefit tine, however, Christina and her husband, Looking at my cover on The Roddenberries Chef Bobby Saritsoglou, were able to spend a on his week’s PW – and I look at each of my Weekly covers lovingly and collectively, of- lot of time together. “Which is so rare since ten, like a big bouquet of paper roses – I am we’re both working constantly at either Philly reminded that the Trekkian space ensemble’s AIDS Thrift and at our restaurant, Stina,” she said. “It was actually such a treat to have my percussionist, Joe Tayoun, has his own thing husband at the house, making three homebrewing this weekend. Unless it rains, then cooked meals, it is the weekend from scratch, evafter. To benefit ery single day. those families and Each Friday we properties torn would pick a differasunder by Aug. ent country, put to4’s ammonium gether a menu and nitrate accident dress up. It was so in Beirut, Tayoun much fun.” and the Bitar famWhen it comes ily of Cherry Hill, to making sure who own Norma’s she’s masked up, Mediterranean Christina is vigiRestaurant, have lant. “It’s importcreated a nonprofant that we wear it organization, our masks to keep the Cedar Diaspoone another safe, ra, and will host and since we spend an all-day benefit so much time event Oct. 18 (rain wearing them now, date Oct. 25) on the it’s also really imlawn of the Scotportant to be comtish Rite mansion fortable and have in Collingswood. fun at the same The event, Baba time. I’ve found a and Beers: A Benreally great mask efit for Beirut, feamaker, Anh Dang tures multi-course mage | Courtesy Christina Kallas-Saritsoglou (https://dang-detasting menus and signs-philadelphia. local brewery, laborations as well as day-long, back-to-back performances by West Philadelphia Orches- whose creations range from images of fantastra, Monko, Kenny Ulancey’s band, Jaffna, the tic Cats, the Golden Girls, Gritty, to beautiful Mid-East Ensemble, and Barakka, Joe Tay- vintage Japanese floral prints. Plus, he donates a portion of his sales to local nonprofoun’s ensemble with his fellow Roddenberry and keyboardist (and brother) Billy Tayoun. its.” Like everyone, Kallas-Saritsoglou is dreamPlus, there’ll be belly dancing by Meesha and ing of the day when we can finally take off our Nyla if focusing on charity isn’t your thing. Tickets start at $100 (food, booze and Barakka masks forever. “I’d apply a fresh new coat of all day, people), the event is 21 and up, and you Va-Va Violet lipstick and give big hugs and kisses on everyone’s cheeks,” she said of the can find out more at momentous post-pandemic occasion. Until Masked Philly: Christina Kallas-Saritthen, she’ll start gathering steam on the next soglou In Icepack’s continuing saga of asking Philly AIDS Thrift fundraising cycle, which begins this November, and is planning for Halmask-donning local celebrities what they’ve loween. “Even though things are different this been up to beyond the pale during C-19, this week I reached out to Philly AIDS Thrift year, Halloween is always something we’re excited about at Philly AIDS Thrift. October Co-Founder Christina Kallas-Saritsoglou. She is busy as hell this week, running a 15th anni- is always the most lively, busiest time of the versary store sale and screening “Beetlejuice” year. And although there won’t be parties like in a drive-in theater setting, all to benefit HIV/ before, there are folks who are in social bubbles who can still gather safely and have fun AIDS service organizations – 26 in number dressing up.” last year, splitting nearly $300,000 in award monies – with 2020’s achievements topping @ADAMOROSI that: a whopping $3 million donation in fund-

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HEART ON HER SLEEVE Laura Lizcano’s first full-length studio album drops tomorrow BY EUGENE ZENYATTA

Laura Lizcano’s first full-length studio album, ‘Heart,’ will be released on Oct. 16. Image | Allis Chang







hiladelphia’s Laura Lizca- Laura Lizcano says the local music scene in Philly has no returns with her new taught her everything she knows about how to be a and improved sound on her musician. Image | Allis Chang upcoming debut album, “Heart,” out tomorrow, Oct. 16. Lizcano is a Colombian born singer-songwriter now residing in Philadelphia. Although she has built most of her musical career off of her jazz roots, she no longer defines her genre as just that. This is clearly showcased on “Heart.” While still implementing the carefree and easy listening style of Lizcano’s music, she’s able to evolve her sound by adding elements of folk and pop to her already established jazz roots. “Overworked & Underpaid” is a lighthearted track bringing listeners back to pre-COVID times (or maybe even current COVID times) when life and work are intertwined to the point of burnout, but we do it to survive. “’Overworked & Underpaid’ is all about millennial burnout: the idea that we must work harder and harder to build a better financial future for ourselves,” Lizcano said. “Yet, minimum wage has remained stagnant throughout most of the country and people have to work multiple jobs to make ends meet. Meanwhile, the ‘American dream’ idea tells us that if we just work more, things will get easier. Now, during the COVID era, many folks have lost several of their part-time gigs. I think it illustrates that job security is a myth, and that the 9-5 job is a rarity.” Influenced by artists such as Norah Jones and Natalia Lafroucade, Lizcano combines her formal training as a jazz vocalist with her love for folk and pop music. This combination of styles is evident within her own lyrically-driven compositions. Lizcano has performed at the Kimmel Center for the Performing Arts for the Sittin In’ Series at Innovation Studio and at Dizzy’s Club Coca Cola in New York City as the featured vocalist for the Temple University Big Band. She has also opened for Gaby Moreno and Sammy Miller and the Congregation at World Cafe Live in Philadelphia. Most recently, she has been featured in the I wrote that I wanted to be a singer. virtual Wawa Welcome America Festival and I’ve always been obsessed with vocalists. Philadelphia’s iconic Philly Folk Fest in 2020. Some of my earliest influences were ‘90s pop stars: Britney Spears, Chrstina Aguilera, and PW recently caught up with Lizcano to talk there was also a very young pop star from about her music and career. Spain – Melody. She’s kind of famous for this Let’s go back to the beginning. When did song called “El Baile del Gorila.” But I rememyou first become interested in performing? ber watching that music video as a little girl Who were some of your earliest influences? and being like, “I WANT TO DO THAT!” I’ve always wanted to perform! A couYour debut album, “Heart,” drops Oct. ple years back, I found a first-grade assign16. Talk a little about how it came together. ment. You know, the kind of assignment Are you happy with the way it turned out? where you have to write about your family How can people hear it once it’s out? and what you want to be when you grow up.

After releasing my EP, “Chance on Me,” in 2018, I was just excited to go through the whole process of recording again. I really wanted to do something that was a reflection of me. I wrote all the songs for “Chance on Me” while I was still in college, and they very much sound like songs you write in jazz school. I was trying to impress my professors and prove that I was a true jazz vocalist. But for “Heart,” I wanted a departure from that. I wanted something that felt more like a singer-songwriter record. While writing the songs for “Heart,” I was thinking a lot about


this idea of “wearing your heart on your sleeve.” You bear your soul for the audience and you hand over these life experiences in these beautiful little musical packages. I’m really excited about the way it turned out. The band plays so beautifully, and I’m just incredibly lucky to have these musicians on this record. They really killed it! “Heart” will be available on Bandcamp https://lauralizcano.bandcamp. com/ and on all your favorite streaming platforms (Spotify, iTunes, etc.) Did the pandemic interrupt the production of “Heart” or disrupt your career? How did you spend your time in self-isolation? Yes. We were supposed to release this in May, but I really felt like I needed time to figure out what was going on and if it was a good idea to release music. There were, and still are, so many unknowns. While it was a huge bummer, I’m glad we waited. I think everyone’s worlds just completely fell apart, and it would’ve been extremely taxing to figure out how to get everything out by May. During self-isolation, I’ve been making lots of collages, watching movies, reading books, and really just taking time to take care of myself. It has been a silver lining of all of this, and I’m actually enjoying a slower paced life. Why did you settle in Philadelphia? Have the local music scene and local musicians had an impact on your career? I moved to Philly to go to school at Temple. Once I graduated, I just stuck around. The local music scene in Philly has taught me everything I know about how to be a musician. I’m constantly inspired by all the independent artists who are chasing their dreams and building a community that supports each other. I think that’s so important. It often feels like one big family! We are so lucky to have this network and support system. What’s ahead for you once the pandemic passes? Live shows? More new music? I have no idea! I’ve been writing quite a bit of music in the last two months, and I’m very excited about that. But the world has changed so much that I just don’t know. It’s exciting. It feels like a clean slate. What are the best ways for your fans to keep up with what you’re doing? Follow me on instagram at @lauralizcanomusic. Follow me on Sign up for my mailing list on my website:





MEET JO JORGENSEN Libertarian presidential candidate talks War on Drugs, poverty, more


Clemson University since 2006 and the party’s ou know Trump, Biden and even vice presidential candidate in 1996, made a camKanye are running for president. paign stop in Philly recently, and PW caught up But have you met Dr. Jo Jorgensen? She’s the presidential candidate with her to talk about the issues of the day. Philadelphia only recently exof the Libertarian Party – panded its indoor dining capacity the third-largest political for restaurants from 25 percent to party, according to voter BY EUGENE 50 percent, and many other restricregistration. Its 2016 canditions and closures remain in place. date, Gary Johnson, pulled in just over ZENYATTA What are your thoughts about gov3 percent of the popular vote. Accordernments forcing businesses to close ing to its website,, “Libertarians during the pandemic? strongly oppose any government interThe shutdown of our economy to stop ference into their personal, family, and business COVID-19 is a classic case of government decisions. Essentially, we believe all Americans should be free to live their lives and pursue their “solutions” being potentially worse than the interests as they see fit as long as they do no problem they intended to solve. Millions have lost their jobs, and an estimated one-sixth of harm to another.” small businesses will close their doors for good. Jorgensen, a senior lecturer in psychology at

Libertarian presidential candidate Jo Jorgensen was in Philly recently on a campaign stop. Image | Courtesy of the Jorgensen campaign



PHILADELPHIAWEEKLY.COM @PHILLYWEEKLY Others have lost their homes. The sensible way to handle the COVID-19 pandemic was to focus on protecting the most vulnerable, while encouraging individuals and organizations to make the choices best suited to their level of risk. Instead, the “solution” damaged our overall health, as shown by rising rates of alcoholism, mental illness, depression, suicide and domestic violence under “lockdown” orders. Fear of contracting coronavirus also led individuals to skip necessary medical treatments, including chemotherapy, and even stay home when they were showing signs of a heart attack or stroke. CDC and FDA didn’t protect us – they lied about the advisability of masks and blocked test kits and PPE from being produced. The $2.2 trillion CARES Act provided a pittance to working families and the unemployed, but 90 percent of the “relief” went to big business, government cronies and special interests. On the other hand, retailers and local communities stepped in where government failed. They delivered hand sanitizer, personal protective equipment, food and water to those in need. They set special hours to help vulnerable populations access basic staples, and developed new protocols to protect employees. While the pandemic brought out the worst in government, it brought out the best in everyday people. When I am president, I will make sure that the federal government does not bungle and worsen a situation like this ever again. We must reduce red tape and regulation so that medicine and treatments, as well as testing, can get to patients at all times, but particularly in the direst of times. As we have seen, days, weeks and months can mean dozens, hundreds and thousands of lives saved or lost. Philadelphia recently resolved a monthslong standoff with a homeless encampment by providing the protesters with vacant homes. What role should governments play in addressing homelessness? The U.S. government has barely made a dent in poverty in the past 50 years despite massive spending on programs to aid the poor. Throwing more money at a problem creates what’s been called a Homeless Industrial Complex, where bureaucrats, nonprofit executives and city planners siphon off most of the money into salaries and overhead, with little incentive to fix a problem which is providing them a comfortable living. Most people who are chronically homeless face some other major barrier: untreated mental illness (including veterans facing PTSD) unresolved immigration status, substance abuse issues, or criminal records. Each of these groups would benefit from the libertarian solutions of the Jorgensen presidency: lower barriers to housing and employment, a more vibrant economy, better access to health care including behavioral health support, more expungements, and less incarceration. Philadelphia recently launched seven satellite election offices – with more to come – as kind of one-stop-shopping spots for

POLITICS voters. What are your thoughts on mail-in voting and the voting process in general in 2020? While it is the purview of the states to set election rules, I will encourage them to make voting fair and easily accessible for all voters. Voting methods should be transparent and provide a means for voters to ensure their vote was properly counted. This summer, President Trump said he would consider sending federal agents to several cities – including Philadelphia – to deal with protesters and unrest. As president, under what circumstances, if any, would you consider sending federal troops into cities? President Trump had the legal authority to deploy National Guard troops, ICE, Border Patrol, U.S. Marshals, or other federal agents to control the population of U.S. cities. That authority – illegitimate, but for now, legal – comes from the 2007 and 2008 National Defense Authorization Acts (NDAA), which libertarians opposed, partially because the law treats American citizens as enemy combatants within their own neighborhoods. As president, I would not deploy federal troops or law enforcement to any locality or state that hadn’t specifically asked for help with a situation. Governors and mayors can effectively handle situations on the ground. Ending such over-use of federal agents to harass and terrorize Americans (often “excused” by the War on Drugs or immigration enforcement) has been a centerpiece of my campaign. You have called the War on Drugs “racist,” and vowed to end federal civil asset forfeiture prior to conviction and to pardon people convicted of nonviolent, victimless crimes. Why do you think these issues will resonate with voters in 2020? The War on Drugs provides a pretense to target and harass the poor and people of color, to violate our civil liberties, ruin lives and corrupt our police and courts. Neither Republicans nor Democrats have the courage to change the status-quo: 74 percent of Americans already believe marijuana should be legal in every state. The War on Drugs has led directly to noknock raids, Stop and Frisk, civil asset forfeiture abuses, federally sponsored militarization of local police, and other violations of our sacred liberties. Each has disproportionately victimized people of color and devalued their lives. On my first day as president, I will pardon the 80,000 people serving federal time for nonviolent drug convictions and send them home to their families. I will dismantle the racist War on Drugs by decriminalizing all substances at the federal level. The Libertarian Party, in its almost 50-year history, has consistently advocated for justice and the rights of individuals. We continue to fight the abusive government policies that perpetuate racism and inequality. Learn more at

learn more and sign up for early access at





THE RUNDOWN Image | Nathan Ansell

How we’re hitting up happy hour

It’s 2020, and we all could use a good drink. The good news is, if you’re tired of imbibing at home, Philadelphia restaurants and bars are slowly reopening. Here’s a list of a few places in town where you can celebrate happy hour.

Assembly Rooftop Lounge Square 1682

Urban Farmer

Logan Square’s modern American steakhouse offers guests the perfect happy hour program to pair with their locally-sourced steaks, including select $5 local drafts, $5 select wines and a $5 daily changing bartender cocktail. Urban Farmer’s happy hour is available Tuesdays through Saturdays from 4 - 5 pm. The restaurant is currently hosting guests on two beautiful outdoor patios and inside its sociallydistanced dining room. 1850 Benjamin Franklin Parkway | 215.963.2788 |


The modern American kitchen with subtle Caribbean influence near Rittenhouse, is bringing back its irresistible happy hour programming from Monday - Thursday from 5 - 7pm. Happy hour at Square 1682 wouldn’t be complete without $5 bites, including the signature Waffle Fries with chipotle aioli, chicken wings with organic honey and sesame lime, Whipped Burrata alongside country bread with heirloom tomato and bagna cauda, a helping of Gnocchi served with rustic tomato sauce, kale, and parmesan, or a classic cheeseburger topped with Cooper sharp cheese and bacon. Libations available include $4 domestic beers, $6 house wines, and $8 classic cocktails (daiquiri, sidecar, margarita). Happy hour is available outdoors on the socially-distanced patio or for indoor dining with limited capacity. 121 S 17th Street 215.563.5008 |

Center City’s rooftop lounge with views of the Benjamin Franklin Parkway, City Hall and the Philadelphia Museum of Art is the best place to celebrate happy hour in style. On Tuesdays through Saturdays from 4 - 6pm, Philadelphians can cheers to the end of the workday with $5 beers, $8 bubbles and a $10 daily changing bartender cocktail while enjoying the change of seasons. 1840 Benjamin Franklin Parkway | 215.963.2723 |

Red Owl Tavern

The modern American restaurant across from historic Independence Hall recently brought back its fun happy hour programming, including $5 bites and $5 select cocktails available outdoors on the patio or inside with limited capacity. On Mondays through Fridays from 5 - 7pm, guests can enjoy delicious bites such as Hummus with grains, seeds, and warm pita, Truffle Parmesan Fries, Rigatoni with wild mushrooms, spinach-basil pesto, and pecorino. Imbibers can sip on a Tropical Cosmopolitan with vodka, cointreau, peach, mandarin, cranberry, lime or Sangria with red wine, brandy, fresh fruit, and fresh juice. 433 Chestnut Street | 215.923.2267 |

The Twisted Tail

Philadelphia’s hub for virtual music events and elevated pub far on Headhouse Square boasts one of the city’s best happy hour programs running daily from 4 - 6 pm. During the restaurant’s “Social Hour,” guests are invited to indulge in select $4, $5, $6 munchies, including Smoked Bacon and Corn Fritters, Heirloom Tomato Bruschetta, and Truffle Mushroom Rice Balls and cheers to the end of the workday with half-priced select draft beers and $4 house wines. The Twisted Tail also offers daily rotating happy hour duos, including a dish and cocktail for $16. 509 S. 2nd Street | 215.558.247 |

Devil’s Den

The South Philly spot for pub fare and an extensive beer selection is inviting guests to enjoy happy hour in the restaurant’s new and expanded beer garden out front on Mondays through Fridays from 5 - 7pm. Imbibers can look forward to $4 select beers and $5 house wines and ciders, as well as $6 Old-Fashioneds and happy hour bites while unwinding from the stress at work. 1148 South 11th Street | 215.339.0855 |




Pet costume contest

The Bourse and Morris Animal Refuge invite Philadelphians and their furry friends to the food hall’s 5th St. patio for the ultimate fall fashion show on Saturday, Oct. 24 from 1-3 pm. Tickets are $10 and include pet entry into the contest, a strut down the red carpet, plus one fall-themed photo of pets in their Howl-o-ween best. For those unable to attend, but would still like to participate, there is an option to submit photos via Instagram or Facebook. Virtual tickets include a hashtag and tag-able accounts needed to be entered into the contest. All proceeds from ticket sales benefit Morris Animal Refuge. |

From a classic concert rewind to help for homeless pets, here are a few of the exciting events coming soon in Philly.

Here’s what’s happening around the town Hit the trails

Have you ever wondered what it will take to create more trails, and more safe places to walk, bike and be active in Philadelphia, the surrounding suburbs and into New Jersey? If so, join the leadership of the Circuit Trails Coalition, the group behind the regional vision to connect nine counties in Greater Philadelphia and South Jersey by trail, for a rally on Facebook Live on Oct. 20 at 6pm. They’re gearing up to kick off new efforts to build 500 miles of Circuit Trails by 2025. They only need to complete 160 miles in the next few years, they have a plan to do it, and you can help! Learn more at

Harvest Celebration

East Passyunk Avenue Business Improvement District, home to a diverse and celebrated culinary and retail scene, will host its first-ever Harvest Celebration, showcasing local businesses while enjoying the autumnal season with a bevy of fall-themed food, beverage, and shopping, from Friday, Oct. 16 through Sunday, Oct. 25. Many restaurants and bars along the Avenue will offer seasonal dishes and drinks available to the public during the seasonal celebration. With indoor and outdoor dining options as well as takeout, folks will enjoy fall flavors from one of our local businesses, or in the comfort of their own home.

Pearl Jam performance

On Oct. 22, the 30th anniversary of Pearl Jam’s first live performance, the band will stream its historic April 29, 2016, Philadelphia concert on The blistering three-hour show from Wells Fargo Center kicks off with Pearl Jam’s multi-platinum debut album “Ten” performed from beginning to end. The PPV stream will be available from Oct. 22 through Oct. 25. Tickets are available on for $14.99 with a portion of each ticket going to support the work of Pearl Jam’s Vitalogy Foundation.

Milford Graves: A Mind-Body Deal

See an exhibition gathering the many-layered and multi-faceted works of free jazz pioneer and polymath Milford Graves presented by Ars Nova Workshop at the Institute of Contemporary Art, Philadelphia. Where: Institute of Contemporary Art. 118 S. 36th Street. The exhibition gathers the many-layered and multifaceted work of Graves, exploring the practices and predilections of this extraordinary “jazz mind.” The exhibition includes a collection of Graves’ hand-painted album covers and posters, idiosyncratic drum sets, multimedia sculptures, photographs and costumes, with elements from his home, scientific studies, recording ephemera and archival recordings, as well as space for performance and a reading room. Through Jan. 24, 2021 |

Art exhibit

A debut solo installation by recent Philly transplant Dillon Gray, titled “Someday I Will Marry My Mom,” will take place at the Wine Dive, 1506 South Street, through Oct. 31. All works in the show were done with oil on vintage vinyl wallpaper over birch wood panel. Replacing canvas with wallpaper, the artist questions traditional understandings of fine art media. The title of the show reminds us that time is cyclical, and that themes from our childhoods often determine what we seek in our adult lives. Times are Monday-Friday 3pmmidnight, weekends 1pm-midnight.





Concourse Dance Bar

Concourse Dance Bar, at 1635 Market Street, back entrance, has reopened. Continuing until it is safe for bars and nightclubs to re-open, Concourse will return and operate temporarily as a restaurant serving up a special pre-paid three-course, small-plate menu of Philadelphia food favorites that are paired with three cocktails (or non-alcoholic mocktails). Guests will enjoy their food and drink pairings as they move through three rooms of the 15,000 square-foot space. While moving through the space, socially-distanced patrons will step back in time for a full sensory experience filled with nostalgia, ‘90s tunes, eclectic and vintage decor, Instagrammable art, colorful lights and lasers - and the brand new Philadelphia-inspired ice room. Pre-paid tickets are $35 per person and include all food and drink. Tickets are on sale now at www.concoursedancebar. com. Advance reservations are required.

From reopenings to new places to dine and special events, Philly’s restaurant scene is beginning to get back to normal. Here are a few exciting events you’ll want to know about.

Food, food and more delicious food Guest chefs at Barbacoa

Come out to Barbacoa to enjoy some delicious food from guest chef residencies. During the week of Oct. 19, Mani Thillai will be the chef. He participated in #Right2Work dinners and People’s Suppers over the last couple years, serving great food and advocating for the rights of undocumented workers in the restaurant industry. When COVID hit, and they launched the People’s Kitchen at El Compadre, they tapped Mani to come in and cook, and he has been creating delicious curries and dishes for the people every Tuesday as a part of the regular line-up. Follow him on Instagram @mani_thillai6942. 1140 S 9th St. | (215) 694-3797

New Fieri spots

Emmy-Award winning chef, restaurateur, New York Times Best Selling author and TV personality Guy Fieri announced that he will open two premier venues at Live! Casino & Hotel Philadelphia when the property opens in early 2021. Both restaurants will serve as key venues at the 10th Street Market in Live! Casino & Hotel Philadelphia, joining previously announced local favorites Lorenzo and Sons Pizza, Sang Kee Noodle Bar & Kitchen and Termini Brothers Bakery. Inspired by the many great food markets in Philadelphia, guests will be able to enjoy a wide variety of food offerings, as well as a bar open 24/7 to satisfy any sports fan or late-night gamer.


Dinner at MAAS

What has been called “a secret oasis in the city,” the MAAS Building teams up with Chef Michael Ferreri for a dinner in the MAAS Garden. Appetizers, followed by three protein dishes, and a dessert, will complete your meal. Ferreri will be utilizing the fire pit for grilling... and more importantly, for your viewing pleasure. Because of the nature of this dining experience, we are not able to accommodate any dietary restrictions. If you have questions, please contact Lauren@MAASBuilding. com. The event is BYO. Thursday, Oct. 15, 7-11pm | 1320 North 5th Street |

Grand opening

Craft Concepts Group and owner Teddy Sourias announce the grand opening of Sueño at 114 S. 12th Street. Sueño showcases Day of the Dead-inspired decor, original art pieces from the region’s top artists, traditional and fusion Mexican cuisine by Executive Chef Caroline Hough, Puerto Rican-style empanadas from Tata’s Empanadas, margaritas and cocktails, and an extensive list of tequilas. This new pop-up restaurant will occupy the first two floors of the building that Sourias recently purchased before the global pandemic. For more information about Sueno, call 215-909-9406 or visit @SuenoPhilly on social media.



Every autumn across the Greater Philadelphia area, the leaves turn to vibrant reds, oranges and yellows in one of nature’s greatest shows. In fact, Pennsylvania has a longer and more varied fall foliage season than any other state in the nation, according to the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources. The best times to view fall foliage is mid-October through early November, so don’t delay. has a longer list, but here are a few of the places we’ll be checking out.


Fairmount Park

Soak in the season at Fairmount Park, a 2,050acre gem scattered throughout the city that offers about 30 miles of designated trails, 43 sculptures, two performing arts centers, the Philadelphia Zoo, Shofuso Japanese House and Gardens, historic mansions, the Smith Memorial Playground and Playhouse, renowned museums and amazing foliage. Belmont Plateau, 1800 Belmont Mansion Drive

How to check out the fall foliage Wissahickon Valley Park

Enjoy the autumn foliage and breathe in the sweet smells of fall in Wissahickon Valley Park, one of Philadelphia’s natural treasures. Bordering Chestnut Hill and Germantownto the south, the 1,800 wooded acres of the Wissahickon Valley Park include the lovely Wissahickon Creek, more than 50 miles of hiking and walking trails and Forbidden Drive, a wide, no-carsallowed road beside the creek, which intersects with a number of gorgeous trails that criss-cross the park. Wissahickon Valley Park, Wises Mill Road & Forbidden Drive

Morris Arboretum

Schuylkill River Trail

The twisting, turning pathway along the Schuylkill River is a fantastic spot for a brisk fall walk, run or bike ride. In addition to great foliage, the river trail features spectacular views of Boathouse Row, the Philadelphia Museum of Art and the city skyline. Schuylkill Banks Boardwalk, along the east bank of the Schuylkill River from South Street to Locust Street

With 92 acres of gardens to explore, Morris Arboretum is a spectacular setting for the beautiful colors of autumn. The historic grounds are home to thousands of plants, including gorgeous maples, dogwoods and oaks. 100 E. Northwestern Avenue

Benjamin Franklin Parkway

The Benjamin Franklin Parkway, Philadelphia’s answer to the Champs-Elysées, is lined with trees that form a canopy of red, orange and yellow during the autumn months. Some of the world’s most renowned museums, including the Barnes Foundation, The Franklin Institute, the Rodin Museum and the Philadelphia Museum of Art, can be found just steps away. Various locations including Eakins Oval, 2451 Benjamin Franklin Parkway


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Q: When is the right time to reveal your they are unwilling to share with their friends kink to a potential partner? In my and even long-term partners. Aircase, I’m a hetero male X-dresser. plane seatmates, fellow waiting At what point does it become “unroom attendees, and even elevator fair” to the girls I date not to tell ride companions have spilled some them? I realize this is a potential real juicy stuff to me over the years, deal-breaker for many women. How and let me be clear: I LOVE IT. I also do you even open up the topic? I’m understand it. newly single and haven’t had to Talking about this stuff is hard worry about dating and kink in 20 and scary, especially if you feel like years! rejection or ridicule are potential Dating is complicated and havoutcomes. Sometimes people deing a kink adds an extra element lay talking up the point where it of excitement. It can save a lot of feels impossible to bring up withtime and heartbreak if we have a out starting a fight for having not clear goal. I don’t mean vague ideas mentioned it sooner. A surprised like: fun, companionship or love. I partner might feel lied to, confused mean you need to figure out what @TIMAREE_LEIGH about how to react, or simply freak your next partner’s relationship out in the moment, and if you’re not will be to your kink. able to create space for those reacA fun part of being a sexuality educator is tions, it can escalate into something much bigthat I frequently am entrusted with the fanger than necessary. tasies and fears of absolute strangers: secrets So often I will get questions like “how do



I bring up my fetish to my wife of 20 years?” or hear “I’ve always wanted to try an open relationship, but there’s never a good time to talk about it.” And my answer to them is some variation on: How do you talk to them about anything? Literally. You’ve had to have tough money discussions in those two decades, no doubt. You’ve had dumb roommate arguments, awkward family situations, plus they had that super annoying habit you had to either squash or learn to live with. In loving, mutually respectful relationships partners talk openly and honestly about hard shit. Work together as teammates: being clear about your needs and boundaries and listening to theirs, not trying to argue a case. It requires multiple conversations, usually. It takes a lot of patience, compassion and hard work. We give our lovers the chance to be cool with our vulnerabilities, to be the rad, loving, kind human that we chose. But you’re not talking about how to bring it up to a eir friendsspouse of 20 years. ners. Air-You’re in the dating w waitingpool, and that means n elevatoryou have it even easlled someier. You can decide the years,right now that your E IT. I alsonext partner is not only going to accept ff is hardyour cross-dressing, u feel likebut they are going potentialto be absolutely cool eople de-with it, maybe even where itcome to love indulgup with-ing in it with you. aving not Because you, my surprisedfriend, have the , confusedbenefit of living in mply freak20goddamn20, a year you’re notwhere anything can hose reac-happen, nothing is much big-off the table and kink-specific dating sites are absolutely a thing. e “how do Sure, you can go on Plenty of Fish and chat

SEX WITH TIMAREE about Game of Thrones and the election for two weeks with a cute lady, finally meeting up for some wine in Rittenhouse Park on a Tuesday night, and after a couple hours, gather up the gumption to mention your fetish, only to find out your date is relentlessly, intractably vanilla. Or you can head to the kink community, put up a profile on Fetlife, knki,, whplr, kinky zoo, kinkd,, kinksters, open…. (you get the idea) and save everyone a ton of time. Maybe you already have an IRL target in mind, though. Perhaps that friendly woman from down the hall, the cute redhead you always see at the dog park or a friend of a friend. If so, keep building rapport. Once you’ve spent a handful of dates getting to know this human, providing context for who you both are and how you exist in the world, then you can start to casually bring up fetishes, nerdy obsessions, odd collections, or any other potential “deal-breakers.” You can straight up ask, “what’s the weirdest thing about you?” or just say, “what’s a thing you love that very few people share with you?” Then it’s a mutually intimate situation and you can suss out their threshold. Because it’s not just a potential impasse for them – something that they may decide they can’t learn to deal with – it’s also a dealbreaker for you: if they can’t get down with thing that is a part of who you are and brings you great pleasure, they’re not the right one for you either. Have a question for Timaree? Send an email to asktimaree@philadelphiaweekly. com.

“You can decide right now that your next partner is not only going to accept your crossdressing, but they are going to be absolutely cool with it, maybe even come to love indulging in it with you.”

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NEW TIMES REQUIRE NEW THINKING Better read this if you are 62 or older and still making mortgage payments. It’s a well-known fact that for many older Americans, the home is their single biggest asset, often accounting for more than 45% of their total net worth. And with interestratesnearall-timelowswhilehomevaluesare stillhigh,thiscombinationcreatestheperfectdynamic for getting the most out of your built-up equity. But, many aren’t taking advantage of this unprecedented period. According to new statistics from the mortgage industry, senior homeowners in the U.S. are now sitting on more than 7.19 trillion dollars* of unused home equity. Not only are people living longer than ever before, but there is also greater uncertainty in the ecomony. With home prices back up again, ignoring this “hidden wealth”may prove to be short sighted when looking for the best long-term outcome. All things considered, it’s not surprising that more than a million homeowners have already used a government-insuredHomeEquityConversionMortgage (HECM)loantoturntheirhomeequityintoextracashfor retirement. It’s a fact: no monthly mortgage payments are required with a government-insured HECM loan; however the borrowers are still responsible for paying for the maintenance of their home, property taxes, homeowner’s insurance and, if required, their HOA fees. Today, HECM loans are simply an effective way for homeowners 62 and older to get the extra cash they

need to enjoy retirement. Although today’s HECM loans have been improved to provide even greater financial protection for homeowners, there are still many misconceptions. For example, a lot of people mistakenly believe the home must be paid off in full in order to qualify for a HECM loan, which is not the case. In fact, one key advantage of a HECM is that the proceeds will first be used to pay off any existing liens on the property, which frees up cash flow, a huge blessing for seniors living on a fixed income. Unfortunately, many senior homeowners who might be better off with a HECM loan don’t even

Request a FREE Info Kit & DVD Today! Call 800-928-4586 now. bother to get more information because of rumors they’ve heard. In fact, a recent survey by American Advisors Group (AAG), the nation’s number one HECM lender, found that over 98% of their clients are satisfied with their loans. While these special loans are not for everyone, they can be a real lifesaver for senior homeowners - especially in times like these. The cash from a HECM loan can be used for almost any purpose. Other common uses include making home improvements, paying off medical bills or helping other

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*Source: Reverse mortgage loan terms include occupying the home as your primary residence, maintaining the home, paying property taxes and homeowners insurance. Although these costs may be substantial, AAG does not establish an escrow account for these payments. However, a set-aside account can be set up for taxes and insurance, and in some cases may be required. Not all interest on a reverse mortgage is tax-deductible and to the extent that it is, such deduction is not available until the loan is partially or fully repaid. ich grows over time. When the last borrower AAG charges an origination fee, mortgage insurance premium (where required by HUD), closing costs and servicing fees, rolled into the balance of the loan. AAG charges interest on the balance, which or eligible non-borrowing spouse dies, sells the home, permanently moves out, or fails to comply with the loan terms, the loan becomes due and payable (and the property may become subject to foreclosure). When this happens, some or all of the equity in the property no longer belongs to the borrowers, who may need to sell the home or otherwise repay the loan balance. V2020.06.30 NMLS# 9392 ( American Advisors Group (AAG) is headquartered at 3800 W. Chapman Ave., 3rd & 7th Floors, Orange CA, 92868. Licensed in 49 states. Please go to for full state license information. These materials are not from HUD or FHA and were not approved by HUD or a government agency. NM-00442640




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FLAGGERS ($12.50/hr) Traffic Plan seeks Flaggers to set up and direct traffic around construction sites. A valid PA driver license and clean driving record a must, good pay and benefits. If interested please fill out an application at 510 Hertzog Blvd, King of Prussia, PA on Mondayʟs 9am - 12pm or online at Public Notice T-Mobile proposes to collocate antennas (new tip heights 71.4’) on the 73.1’ building at 1701 S. 28th St, Philadelphia, PA (20201404). Interested parties may contact Scott Horn (856-809-1202) (1012 Industrial Dr., West Berlin, NJ 08091) with comments regarding potential effects on historic properties.

Call us at 215-564-7656 or visit 2017 Chancellor Street Philadelphia, PA 19103




PHILADELPHIAWEEKLY.COM @PHILLYWEEKLY                                                                                             

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                                                                      

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                                                                                   

                                                                                 

“QUARANTINE IS KILLING ME! I CAN’T STAND THE INSIDE OF THIS APARTMENT ANYMORE!” -Literally Every Young Person in Philly Philadelphians have been trapped in their house for months. Work from home, eat at home, live at home. They’re craving a change of scenery. Don’t wait for them to start searching online. Give PW readers a reason to move today. Contact today to get your property listed. All real estate ads come with a FREE Real Estate Reggie listing each week! OCTOBER 15 - 22, 2020 | PHILADELPHIA WEEKLY




REGGIE Former Sylvania Hotel

$1,000 / 345ft2 - Arts Condo, 1324 Locust #615-Center City Studio w/ Utilities Included. 1324 Locust St. The Arts Condominium building, formerly the historic Sylvania Hotel, is located in the Avenue of the Arts section of Washington Square, just off Broad Street. This studio includes a kitchenette with a microwave and mini refrigerator, AC unit, ceiling fan, hardwood floors throughout and bathroom with retro black and white tile and shower. The building features include a 24 hour concierge, wheelchair accessibility, 24 hour fitness center, secured bike storage room, coin operated laundry facility on site, community room, business center, and free wifi in common areas! Sorry, no pets. $250 move in fee. Moving permitted weekdays and Saturdays from 8-4:30 pm. UTILITIES INCLUDED (Electric, water and basic cable). Calls us today for a tour! OCF Realty LLC. 215-735-7368. www.

Spring Arts Point

$2,000 / 3br - 1566ft2 - Gorgeous Condo Unit for Rent in Center City. 1121 Hamilton St. Gorgeous 3 bedrooms, 2 & 1/2 baths Bi- bevel-condo unit in the burgeoning Spring Arts Point neighborhood. Beautiful granite and stainless custom kitchen opens to the spacious and open living/dining area. Awesome counter and cabinet space plus pantry. Stainless steel appliances. 9’ ceilings and large, plentiful windows, Hardwood floor on the first level with a large bedroom. Second-floor featured soft carpet with two bedrooms and two full baths. Lovely Spring Arts Point condominium community. Less than 5 minutes to all major highways and so many premier restaurants and nightlife around the complex to choose from, as well as shopping, public transportation, access to Independence Mall, Penn’s Landing, the PA Convention Center and the Reading Terminal Market. Available immediately! Come take a look – you will love it. Proof of income required. $50 for credit history checked and processing fee. $2000 per month plus utilities. Please contact Kin: 267-912-7888.

Renovated Brownstone

$2,899 / 3br - Private Roof deck - Renovated Center City Philly Brownstone. Stunning 3 bedroom 2 bath with a roof deck! Renovated kitchen and bathrooms, washer / dryer, and charming details throughout. Cats Allowed. Range. Resident Pays Electricity. Small Dogs Allowed. Smoke Free. Unfurnished. Washer & Dryer. Kitchen and Bath. Dishwasher. Refrigerator. Microwave. Utilities and Extras. Air conditioning. Watchtower Property Co. Julie Foyle. 215.515.0942.

Amazing apartment

$1,600 / 3br - 1000ft2 - Amazing Apartment for Rent in Center City Philadelphia (Spring Garden St at Spring Art Point). Amazing 3 bedroom, 2 full baths apartment at Spring Art Point neighborhood. Beautiful granite and stainless custom kitchen opens to the spacious and open living/dining area. Plentiful windows with a lot of natural sunshine. Premium hardwood floors throughout the entire unit. Additional features are private laundry room and individual heating and air conditioner units. This development is conveniently located in the Center City district with plenty of restaurants and nightlife to choose from as well as shopping, public transportation, access to Independence Hall, Penn’s Landing, the PA Convention Center and The Reading Terminal Market. Available immediately! Come take a look at and you will love it. Proof of income required. $50 credit history checked and processing fee. $1600 per month plus utilities. Unit 4A. (S/F 1000). Please contact Kin #267-912-7888.

Want to list your apartment with Real Estate Reggie? For only $75, you get 100 words to describe your place. For only $125, you get 100 words, plus a photo. Need something more or different? Reggie can make it happen. happen Deadline is every Monday at 10 am for Thursday’s issue. Email him at for details.

Near Temple

$1,700 / 2br - Two Bedrooms available for rent near Center City (1306 N Carlisle St). Large two bedroom two bathroom apartment available for rent near Temple University. Close to all public transportation and close to grocery store. Laundromat a block away. Sharing large and modern kitchen. Each bedroom has a large closet space. Beautiful and spacious bathroom. $1700/month. Water and internet included. Will need to do a $60 credit check. First month, last month, and one month security deposit to move in. Please call, email, or message to schedule an appointment or for any further questions. Diana. (201)-889-0583.

Near Kimmel Center

$1,350 / 1br - Blocks from Center City!1BR, HW Floors,Central Air!+1 month free rent! Beautiful one bedroom apartment with central Air and hardwood flooring throughout and New Bathroom! This apartment also features a new large kitchen, spacious closets, decorative fireplace and great sunlight! Hot water and cooking gas are included with rent, and tenant pays electricity. Laundry and additional private storage in the building! Building is located on 15th Street between Pine and Spruce Street, across the street from the famed Kimmel Center, and conveniently near the Avenue of the Arts, Broad Street and Rittenhouse Square! To view this apartment or any others we have available, contact us at Centra Associates: 215-733-0480. Hardwood Floors. Cat Friendly. Close to Public Transportation. Washer/Dryer in Building. Microwave. Decorative Fireplace. Recessed lighting. Conveniently Located near Ave of the Arts and Rittenhouse Square. Additional Storage for Apartment. Window A/C Unit. Hardwood Floors. Garbage Disposal. Dishwasher. Central Air Conditioning. Cable/Internet-ready. Conveniently located near Rittenhouse Square. Close to public transportation. Building Amenities: Laundry in Building. Easy access to public transportation. Bike Rack. Cat Friendly. Conveniently Located in Rittenhouse Sq. Area. Pet Friendly. Conveniently Located near the Ave of the Arts. Brownstone Building.

Chancellor Apartments


$910 Experience Center City Living!!! Heat and Water Included In Rent! 206 S. 13th Street. Sunny, Studio AND One Bedroom Apartments available for rent! Apartments feature upgraded kitchens and baths. STUDIOS range $910 to $1,080 based on availability. ONE BEDROOMS range $1,265 to $1,455 based on availability. Apartments feature large windows and 9 ft. ceilings. Ask about our No Security Deposit Program! Cats are welcome (add’l fee)! All apartments are rented unfurnished. Chancellor Apartments is a convenient high rise apartment community in an amazing location in Center City. We are close to most major schools and universities, public transportation, historical attractions, shopping, restaurants and theaters. Center City at its best! Rent includes: heat, hot/cold water, 24-hour front desk attendant, free bike storage room, package acceptance service, 24-hour emergency maintenance service, on-site smart card laundry plus card access system and BuildingLink resident services portal access for all residents. The Chancellor boasts several different studio and one bedroom floor plans. Apartments feature high ceilings, large bright windows, ceiling fans in most units, hardwood floors and breathtaking views of the Philadelphia skyline and Delaware River. Many apartments have large walk-in closets, too! We have partnered with Optimal Sport Health Club to offer a generous discounted gym membership (we pay your initiation fee!). There are several off street parking lots and garages in the area, too! 215-735-8404.

Center City Studio

$1,175 / 400ft2 - BRIGHT CENTER CITY STUDIO, INCLUDES ALL UTILITIES! 1324 Locust Street. Premium Fixtures and Decor adorn this Avenue of the Arts-Center City apartment. This apartment is located in a high rise luxury condo, and rent includes all utilities as well as Comcast Cable. It doesn’t stop there, the building amenities also include secure entry, 24hr concierge, marble Art Deco lobby with elevators, and fitness center, community room with complimentary wireless access – and laundry onsite. Really one of the nicest addresses you will find in the city, below market rent and all-utilities included is so convenient. Private Storage space ($100 a month, Optional). Refrigerator. Dishwasher. Central A/C. Double pane / Storm windows. Cable-ready. COMMUNITY FEATURES: Vintage well managed building. Elevator. Secured entry. Controlled access. High Floor, Great View. Doorman. Disability access. Fitness center. Near transportation. Business center.

New condo

$1,700 / 2br - 930ft2 - Brand New 2 Bedroom Condo for Rent in Center City. 211 N Camac Street. Brand-New 2 bedroom condominium with 1 full bath in the heart of Center City. Gorgeous custom-kitchen with granite countertop and stainless appliances, opens to the spacious living/dining area, premium hardwood floors throughout. Additional features include private laundry room and individual heating and air conditioner units. This building is conveniently located in the Center City district, just across from PA Convention with plenty of restaurants and nightlife to choose from, walking distance to shopping mall, Greyhound Bus Station, Jefferson Train Station and still bustling Reading Terminal Market. Available immediately! Come take a look – you will love it. Proof of income required. $50 for credit history check and processing fee. $1700 per month plus utilities. Please call Kin at 267-912-7888.

The Preston at Falls Center

$1,599 / 2br - 1000ft2 - 2BR 15 mins from Center City Huge closets HW floors (Temple University, Drexel Med, Temple Hospital). 3300 Henry Avenue. Life by design. The Preston at Falls Center designed a lifestyle that is unparalleled in apartment living. Our exclusive amenity package offers a living experience that is focused on wellness and convenience. Wake up each morning to a cup of gourmet coffee in our onsite café. Enjoy a true live-work environment by staying connected with free wifi in our club room. Relax and rejuvenate by taking a complimentary yoga class in our yoga studio. End your day with specialty pizza in our on-site restaurant. Afterwards we invite you to relax by one of our fire pits in the main courtyard or to enjoy a movie in our on-site theatre room. Cats Allowed. Elevator In Building. Exercise Facility. Large Dogs Allowed. Parking. Range. Resident Pays Electricity. Small Dogs Allowed. Washer & Dryer. 215.515.0942.

Midtown Philadelphia

$1,595 / 1br - 700ft2 - 1 Bedroom – Midtown Center City – Modern Amenities (220 S. 16th St.) 1 Bedroom Apartment home with Hardwood Floors; Central Heating; Central Cooling; Microwave; Building Features Laundry In-Unit. Known for its popular restaurants and nightlife spots, Midtown Philadelphia is a fun and exciting place to live. Just steps away from some of Philadelphia’s best culinary experiences, you will revel in the hustle and bustle of Center City life! Living room. Range / Oven. Refrigerator. Microwave. Heat: forced air. Central A/C. Double pane / Storm windows. Cable-ready. Hardwood floor.

Near Center City

$775 / 1br - Studio available for rent near Center City (1220 N. Carlisle St.) Studio apartment available for rent near Temple University/Center City. On the second floor. Close to Broad St/Girard St line. Close to grocery stores and laundromat right across the street. Hardwood flooring and tiles for easy cleaning. Lots of cabinet space. $775/month. First month, last month, and one month security deposit to move in. $60 credit check required. Water & internet included. Tenant pays for electricity. No gas. Please message, email, or call to schedule an appointment or to schedule an appointment. Diana. (201)-889-0583.

Corporate apartment

$3,500 Beautiful 1BR Corporate apartment Center City Skyline Views. 201 S. 18th Street. Looking for a new home? Come check out our Corporate Apartment 1109, a newly renovated 1 bedroom apartment with hardwood floors located in Center City on Rittenhouse Square! Call 844-808-1705 to schedule your tour today. AMENITIES: Brand-new 8000 square foot resident lounge with top-of-the-line fitness center & free Wi-Fi. Pet friendly – dogs large and small and cats welcome. Elevator building with 24/7 doorman and concierge desk staff. Amazing roof deck with great views. APARTMENT FEATURES: Renovated, modern granite kitchens with dishwashers. All utilities included (except cable/internet). Oversized floor plan. Large closets. Upgraded carpet or hardwood-style floors. Gorgeous CITY VIEWS from your living area & bedroom. The Rittenhouse Claridge offers you the opportunity to live in Philadelphia’s most vibrant, walkable neighborhood. We are located in the best neighborhood at the best address – at the corner or 18th and Walnut – right on Rittenhouse Square! This apartment will rent quickly, so call John at 844-808-1705 to schedule an appointment or reserve this apartment.

Near Rittenhouse

$2,000 / 2br - Beautiful 2 bedroom apartment in Center City. Chestnut St. near 22nd St. Bright, well kept and new. Great light. Wonderful hardwoods and moldings. Beautifully tiled bath. Kitchen: granite counters, stainless appliances (microwave, too), small washer/dryer. Historic building, near Rittenhouse Square. Steps from restaurants, cafes, nightlife and shopping. Near public transportation. Short walk to 30th Street and Suburban Stations. Easy commute to UPENN and Drexel. Near Schuylkill River Walk/Bike path. Central AC. Affordable utilities – heat, A/C and water included (Tenant pays cooking gas and electricity for lighting and fan for heat/ AC). $500 move-in fee if move-in is completed in one day. $1000 for multi-day move (not to exceed 5 days). Move-ins are permitted M-F 9AM-4PM. Abbolone & Scullin Realty, LLC. 215.546.2030.

The Point at City Line

$1,650 / 1br - 885ft2 - Schedule a Tour, On City Ave, Fitness Center. 6100 City Ave. Located in the second-densest business district for Philadelphia,The Point at City Line is less than 10 minutes away from Center City Philadelphia, Bala Cynwyd, Manayunk, Penn Valley, Wynnewood and Ardmore Station. Steps away from Overbrook train station and St. Joseph’s University, this high rise is the most Urbane on the district’s strip. Refrigerator, Microwave, Dishwasher & Electric Stove. Furnished Options Available, Call for Pricing. Vertical Blinds. Private Balcony. Washer and Dryer in unit. Roommate Friendly Floor Plan. Linen Closet. Disposal. Dishwasher. Air Conditioning. Extra Storage. Pre-wired for internet and cable. Electric Stove. Walk-in Closet. 855-459-6293

Modern elegance

$1,575 / 399ft2 - Center City Studio. 1401 Arch Street. Located in Philadelphia’s historic Center City neighborhood, One City offers modern elegance with timeless grandeur. With views of Philadelphia’s City Hall, and just steps away from Philly locations such as the Pennsylvania Convention Center, Reading Terminal Market and Love Park. One City offers the most discerning residents the ultimate living experience. Inside this historic building, located at 1401 Arch Street, each apartment residence holds unique original features coupled with contemporary sophistication. Thoughtful design details include custom built-in storage, stainless steel appliances, and modern connectivity offering luxury and convenience to a range of lifestyles. Control is always at your fingertips with your app based smart home features including keyless entry. With community spaces for every activity One City offers multiple lounges and entertainment experiences. Our tech-connected fitness center, lobby lounge, and rooftop sky lounge with demo kitchen enhances your city life. Immerse yourself in the historical architecture, modern convenience and innovative charms that One City has to offer. Be one with the city. Amenities Include: Guest Suites. Fully Equipped Kitchens. Additional Storage Available. In Unit Washer & Dryer. Rooftop Sundeck. Custom Built-In & Historic Detailing. Interior & Exterior Entertainment Lounges. Stainless Steel Appliances. Quartz Countertops. Dapper Lounge. Smart Thermostat. Bike Storage. (844) 204-7536.

Top of the world

$975 / 3br - 1800ft2 - Top of the World Townhome Enjoy stunning views of Center City. Private rooftop deck. Corner 3 story Victorian in an urban setting. Three (3) spacious Bedrooms with three (3) full baths for each Bedroom, Den, 2nd floor laundry, 1st floor powder room, stucco villa all in move-in condition. This lovely home features tile floors, wide & open living areas, newly installed oak floors, new wall to wall carpets in Bedrooms, recessed lighting, ceramic tiled baths, all in a neutral palate. Slick and sophisticated gourmet Kitchen with flecked ebony granite countertops, maple cabinetry, stainless appliances, exiting to rear secluded patio. New mechanics, CENTRAL AIR, new roof, new electric, LOW real estate taxes better than an abatement. Class and Comfort. Convenient to everything. Are you tired of throwing away your money month after month just renting? Then you need our Rent to Own Program. Call us Now. Over the Years we come across way too many people that are not qualified to Rent To Own. So we created the Mortgage Ready Program. There are many properties available in this neighborhood. Under our Rent to Own program you can Customize Your tell us where you want to live, It will be fixed according to your liking. All of our clients own their houses in a very short period of time. Most landlords use “Rent to Own” only as a way to charge you more rent and could care less if you buy the property. Some even prefer you don’t. Tenant Buyers must be looking for purchase and will be required to work with a company that will help you qualify for a loan. This lovely Spacious house is an example of the type of house you could OWN! Call us to get started! Call for details. PHILADELPHIAHOUSE.COM. 215-302-1134.


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