@PhillyFoodies | Instagram
It might be cheesy (pun intended) to say that this page makes us hungry but it’s no lie. Despite some of our favorite restaurants feeling the effects of the essential business order, this page has been rife with some great looking cuisine from area eateries. What would be the icing on the…(OK, we’ll chill with the puns) is if this page could get some insight on the restaurants offering deals during this difficult time. But for now, we’ll take what we can get. | instagram. com/phillyfoodies/
Consider following the following... @andrea_cipriani_mecchi Instagram
This Philly-based photographer has created a series of images of people in isolation passing the time from their front door. The black and white series entitled “Family at a Distance” takes a look at how many of us, young and old, are dealing with being forced to stay at home. Definitely worth a follow and as an independent small biz, someone we should consider giving some love to once this all clears. |
Cafe Jazz Live Radio | YouTube
For those of you transitioning into working from home with distractions in the background, this station helps to provide some calm during the interludes of quiet. It’s live so it never ends besides the five-to-15 second ads that help pay for your sanity during this time. For us, it’s been the calm to what has been quite a time to be alive in Philadelphia. |
Racist History | Facebook
Think of the most mundane thing you can imagine: medicine, food, child care, partying and this Facebook video series expertly portrays the racial insensitivity behind all of it. This isn’t hate, it’s just a really good series of digestible mini-docs on Facebook that examine how hate began here in America. Consider it a bit of education in how we shouldn’t act. |
Tony Baker Comedy | Instagram
Tony isn’t local but we don’t care. He’s hilarious and if you’re an animal lover, you’ll certainly get a kick out of his voiceovers. A touring comedian, we think after going down the rabbit hole of his greatest hits on the Gram, you’ll be amped for when he comes to Philadelphia, which was supposed to be later this spring, until some bitch named COVID-19 C-blocked that idea. | tonybakercomedy/