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FREE | DECEMBER 2 - 9, 2021

Study: Want less crime? Hire more officers

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Fewer police = more crime Murder City: Crime Beat weighs in as Philly tops 500 homicides. | Page 2




MURDER CITY Philly reaches 500 homicides in 2021


n my first Crime Beat column here in October of 2020, I wrote about Philadelphia’s 400 murders. Sadly, on Nov. 24, 2021, the city recorded its 500th murder this year. “I’m personally heartbroken and outraged that we lost 500 Philadelphians, including many of our children and teenagers to needless violence this year,” said Mayor Jim Kenney reacting to the high murder rate. “I never stop thinking about the victims and their families and the incredible loss these senseless deaths leave behind.” The mayor, not surprisingly, blamed guns and called for tighter and more gun control laws. “The volume of guns that are in circulation in our communities is at a record-high,” Kenney said. “Crime guns join a sea of illegal and legal guns that are accessible in the heat of the moment, turning what could have stayed an argument into a homicide.” Yes, if there were no guns, violent drug gangs would settle their “arguments” with rhetoric. If there were no guns, armed robbers would settle their “arguments” with victims by a discussion about wealth distribution. And if there were no guns, drunk and drug-addled aggressors would settle their “arguments” with their antagonists by sharing a cup of coffee.


Veteran investigative reporter Ralph CipriThe mayor went on to blame the Republiano at his popular blog noted that can-controlled Pennsylvania State Legislain 2017, the year before District Attorney Larture. “The Pennsylvania General Assembly ry Krasner took office, Philadelphia recorded must allow us to enact reasonable controls on 289 murders. guns in our city,” the mayor said. “If Philadelphia continues on its The mayor blames poverty, socurrent record pace, the city will cial injustice and state legislators finish the year with 563 murders, who won’t let him make his own a 95 percent increase since Larry draconian gun laws, but he ought Krasner has been D.A.,” Cipriano to lay the blame on the criminals wrote. “And yet, according to Larry who actually committed the 500 Krasner, the outrageous rise in the murders. murder rate isn’t his fault. Krasner The mayor proclaimed proudblamed the rising murder rate on ly that the city has doled out $155 the backlog in the courts, due to million to private organizations for the pandemic. He also blamed the anti-violence programs designed Police Department, for failing to to reduce and prevent violence. solve most of the murders. Krasner But do these social programs stop has previously blamed the city’s murders? Do they truly affect the gun violence epidemic on the pancriminal behavior of drug gang demic, poverty, the city’s failing shooters and armed robbers? schools, as well as systemic racism. A disgruntled police officer who The one person Larry Krasner nevcontacted me doesn’t think so. PAULDAVISONCRIME.COM er blames is Larry Krasner.” “Some of that big money going Cipriano went on to state that to private social worker groups would be better spent recruiting more cops according to statistics kept by the D.A.’s office, the conviction rate for prosecuting gun and giving overtime to cops to crack down on crimes in the D.A.’s office has dropped from 73 the high-crime areas and sweep up the criminals with guns,” the officer said to me. “But percent in 2015, when Seth Williams was D.A., all the way down to 35 percent this year under the murders won’t stop until we have a mayor Krasner. Cipriano also stated that according who supports the police and a district attorto the D.A.’s own statistics, the number of gun ney who puts away the bad guys.”


crime cases withdrawn or dismissed by the D.A.’s office has risen from 17 percent in 2015, all the way up to 42 percent this year under Krasner. This is an increase of 147 percent. “Those stats that I just cited would lead a reasonable person to conclude that the one public official most responsible for the rising tide of gun violence and the epic murder rate in Philadelphia is District Attorney Larry Krasner,” Cipriano wrote. Cipriano concludes that the D.A.’s lack of vigorous prosecution means more armed and dangerous criminals out on the streets ready to commit more crimes. Retired Deputy Commissioner for Patrol Operations Joseph Sullivan, whom many cops and concerned citizens believe should have been appointed commissioner, commented on the 500 murders. “As a lifelong Philadelphian, this is a heartbreaking statistic. It is even more disturbing when one considers how many of the lives lost were the result of the hasty implementation of radical policies and illogical management decisions driven by personal ideologies instituted without community input and proper consideration of the possible impacts and unintended consequences and without any form of independent third-party evaluation.” Paul Davis’ Crime Beat column appears here each week. He can be reached via









I have been reading the articles on the horrific treatment and killing of this poor dog. The handler for this dog is still employed. What is the problem here? Why aren’t these individuals fired and charged? This disgusting place is still in operation? PLEASE CLEAN HOUSE and bring in a new, responsible, and caring staff. I don’t care how you do it, just do it.

“The Pennsylvania Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (which has a close relationship with ACCT PHILLY) inexplicably found that conditions at ACCT PHILLY did not meet the criteria for cruelty. They also refused to investigate the haunting death of Saint.” Are you kidding me! They should also be investigated. How dare they. I am sick to my stomach!

Debbie Marks | Red Bank, N.J.


Christmas Village has returned to LOVE Park and City Hall for its 14th consecutive season.

Your turn: Do you plan to visit? What’s your favorite part of Christmas Village? Send your thoughts to

To the delight of high school biology teachers everywhere, messenger RNA is having a moment. It’s the technology behind Moderna’s and Pfizer-BioNTech’s vaccines against COVID-19, the safest and most effective yet developed. These vaccines are the first successful biomedical application of mRNA technology. But they won’t be the last. Moderna, BioNTech, and other firms are working on mRNA therapies that could prevent or cure everything from HIV and cancer to malaria and the flu. They’re also harnessing mRNA technology to develop vaccines against the most dangerous COVID-19 variants. All this progress is the product of animal research. When the next generation of vaccines and therapeutics fueled by mRNA technology arrives, we’ll have animal research to thank. The tale of mRNA vaccines begins in the 1990s. Inspired by University of Wisconsin researchers who successfully injected mRNA encoding luciferase – the enzyme that makes fireflies bioluminescent – in laboratory mice, scientists at the University of Pennsylvania recognized the potential for mRNA to carry genetic information to cells for therapeutic purposes. They discovered mRNA-based vaccines could compel cells to develop disease-fighting proteins. It wasn’t until 2005 that mRNA’s scientific pioneers developed a method that would allow the vaccines to do their work without triggering an inflammatory response in mammals, including humans. The next challenge was to figure out how to deliver mRNA without having it degrade immediately upon injection. It took decades of research with animal models and then human patients to develop the lipid nanoparticles that serve as the escorts for the mRNA molecules

with their immunization instructions. And yet, time has a way of racing forward when success is at hand. According to Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla, the all-hands-on-deck push for the COVID-19 vaccine generated a decade’s worth of work into one year. Potential mRNA vaccines for other respiratory viruses, autoimmune disorders, cancer, and congenital genetic disorders are already showing promising results with animals. Moderna announced it would begin human trials for two mRNA-based vaccines against HIV. BioNTech is using mRNA to combat a form of multiple sclerosis in mice. The experimental treatment stopped muscle deterioration and restored some lost motor functions without impairing the entire immune system. Future research with nonhuman primates could lead to a vaccine against this debilitating disease for use in humans. Another promising application of mRNA technology is in prenatal gene repair. Researchers at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and the University of Pennsylvania injected mouse fetuses with RNA that instructed the cells to produce certain proteins necessary for health after birth. This experiment could be among the first steps toward developing preventative treatments for genetic diseases. Animals are the closest living systems for predicting how a potential therapy – mRNA or otherwise – might perform in a human. Rhesus macaques share about 93% of their DNA with humans. In order to keep advancing mRNA science so that vaccines and therapeutics can deliver on their potential, scientists must rely on laboratory animals before attempting new therapies in humans. Like so many medical advancements before, if mRNA lives up to its potential, we’ll have animal research to thank.

Matthew R. Bailey is president of the Foundation for Biomedical Research ( This piece originally ran in the Boston Herald.








Image | Rob Laughter

Image | Ioana Cristiana

Treat you and yours with a limited-time offer from Assembly Rooftop Lounge: for every $100 gift card purchased, you’ll receive a $25 bonus card on them. For all those last-minute shoppers, Assembly has you covered. Order a physical card by Dec. 15 to ensure delivery in time for Christmas, or choose a virtual option for same-day delivery. This offer is valid through Dec. 31. Bonus cards will be valid for redemption between Jan. 1 – March 31, 2022. For details, visit


Live! Casino & Hotel Philadelphia has announced Matt Fraser – America’s top psychic medium and star of the hit television series on E! Entertainment – has sold out his first Live appearance on March 5, 2022, and now, by popular demand, a second show has been added on March 6 at the new Event Center. Fraser, known for his astonishing accuracy, celebrity readings and vibrant personality, will take guests on a spiritual journey with live audience readings. Tickets start at $55 and can be purchased at Philadelphia.

Sweet treat: Cookies and beer

Image | Society Hill Films

On Dec. 9 from 7pm – 10pm join Devil’s Den in celebrating 150 years of brewing excellence by noted Duvel Moortgat Brewery. Imbibers can spend the evening sipping on an impressive selection of Belgian beers including La Chouffe, Duvel Single, Ommegang Witte, N’ice Chouffe, and so on. In the spirit of the holidays, guests are in for one sweet treat with a spirited cookie and beer pairing. To learn more, visit

Philadelphia Weekly Holdings, Ltd. 1701 E Cathedral Rd Ste 45 PMB 445 Philadelphia, PA 19128 215-543-3743 @phillyweekly DECEMBER 2 - 9, 2021 | PHILADELPHIA WEEKLY

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Baroness is back on stage after a two-year absence, and will be playing three shows at Kung Fu Necktie Dec. 11-13. Image | Courtesy of Baroness


ven though it’s been a minute scope, ‘Gold & Grey’ feels like a callback to the – two years, to be exact – since heyday of the rock album as art object — that Baroness released their “Gold & period in the late ‘70s when a radio-friendly rock bands like Led Zeppelin released Grey” album, the band the sprawling ‘Physical Graffiti,’ and is now ready to tour betheir even more heady compatriots hind it. The reason for BY: EUGENE in Yes released the monolithic ‘Tales the delay? You know it: ZENYATTA from Topographic Oceans.’” the pandemic. Baroness’ current lineup consists Now Baroness is playing not one of John Baizley, Nick Jost, Sebasbut three hometown shows this tian Thomson and Gina Gleason. PW recently month. They’ll be at Kung Fu Necktie Dec. 11caught up with Philly’s own Baizley to talk 13. Get all of the details at At the time of release, NPR said: “In its about the band.


Band to play three shows at Kung Fu Necktie

How long have you lived in Philly? Why do you choose to live here? I moved back to Philadelphia in 2010, after living mainly in the South for most of my life. My family is originally from here, and I spent several years living here as a child. I’ve always loved the city, and my wife and I thought it would be a great place to move with our daughter, who was 1 at the time. In addition to music, you’re also an accomplished artist. How did you get into art? Do you see a connection between your art and your music?





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CONTACT SALES AT 215-543-3743 OR SALES@PHILADELPHIAWEEKLY.COM Ever since I was a child, I’ve had a creative drive that is difficult to ignore. I started making art at a very young age, and I’ve never stopped. I can’t help it; If I’m not creating, I don’t feel right. Visual art, music, writing… it all feels like the same thing when I’m making it. I know myself well enough to understand that I’m a neurotic person, and I live in a state of mild perpetual chaos. I use creativity to help calm myself and to find focus and meaning in the world. In the context of Baroness, I don’t see much of a distinction between the visual work and our music; it’s always seemed obvious to me that the two aspects feed one another to help create a more personal, unique finished piece of art, which can be appreciated in a more three-dimensional way as a result of their synchronization. The current iteration of Baroness has been intact since 2017 when Gina came onboard. Can you talk a little about why this lineup is so successful? I think it’s simple: We have a beautiful and genuine chemistry. We’ve become a family, whereby the trust and respect we give freely to one another helps drive us all forward personally to create things that we’d be unable to create alone. We love touring and performing live, and take it extremely seriously. Nothing feels better than working with this band to become a better songwriter, musician, artist and performer. I am thrilled after two decades to have some much-needed stability in our lineup. 2019’s “Grey and Gold,” the band’s sixth album, drew rave reviews. Unfortunately,

you weren’t able to tour in support of it due to the pandemic. How does it feel to be back on the road before live audiences? What will your fans see when they show up for your three shows at Kung Fu Necktie? It feels fantastic. Last year was awful, for all the obvious reasons, but also because the album we spent so long creating, and poured so much time and energy into, was left on the shelf while touring came to a standstill. Playing live again feels like waking up after a twoyear nap. We will be playing all the music we possibly can, and most definitely supporting our last record, which didn’t get nearly the stage time it deserves. It wasn’t an easy record to make (not by a long-shot), and it would be a personal tragedy not to play these songs for people. We are going to play every last song we know at KFN, from our early EPs through to “Gold & Grey.” Personally… I can hardly wait. What’s ahead for Baroness? Are there plans for a new album? New album is in its finishing stages. We’re looking to 2022 for a release date, and (fingers crossed) a whole lot of touring after that. What are the best ways for your fans to stay current with what you’re doing? We have a website, and an Instagram account, and we probably still have a Facebook account. I’m sure our music is on Spotify, Apple Music and YouTube and a variety of websites but you know what… BUY IT AT A LOCAL INDEPENDENT MUSIC RETAILER!!! I, for one, love Main Street Music (Manayunk) and Creep Records (Philly).

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Proactive POLICING Academic study calls for increased local law enforcement


hiladelphia is the most violent ed crime, then creating policies that limit law major city in America. The city re- enforcement’s ability to address crime is going corded 506 murders by the close of to cause greater amounts of (and more seriThanksgiving weekend, placing it ous) crimes. on track to have its deadliest year In Philadelphia, the upward trajectory in in recorded history. crime statistics directly correlates with the Going into the weekend when election of a slate of “woke” politicians, who Philadelphia marked its 499th hohave defunded policing while funding unacmicide, tying 2020’s total number, more than countable community programs to “reduce a dozen leaders came together to address the crime.” Most notably, the re-election of DA “ongoing gun violence crisis” in the city. The Krasner who has created practices in which announcement of the meeting between fedprosecutors are lowering charges or asking eral, state, and local law enforcement was for little or no bail for suspects charged by pocapped with a predictable call by Democratic lice. This practice has neutralized the ability Mayor Jim Kenney for more municipal gun for an effective police presence to work, even control laws to combat violent crime. in locations where specialized police forces District Attorney Larry Krasner, the city’s are paid for by private organizations, as evitop elected law enforcement officer, was notadent by recent examples of violent crime at bly absent from the gathering. Temple University and on SEPTA trains and Despite the predictable talking points from buses. Philadelphia’s second-term mayor, research This is echoed by Lou Barletta, the leading shows that the city’s policies respective to the Republican candidate for Pennsylvania govdeployment of the Philadelphia Police Departernor, who said “Philadelphia’s crime rate is ment, and District Attorney Krasner’s abysobviously out of control.” Barletta continued: mally low rate of prosecution and “Instead of local leaders supportpretrial confinement are the true ing the police to protect our comcause of the dangerous rise in vioBY: A. BENJAMIN munities, they pass laws to make MANNES lent crime. communities less safe. Therefore, A recent academic study proves as governor, I’d work with state what the public safety community officials to hold local leaders achas previously warned regarding policies that countable and send resources in to help local decrease proactive policing strategies or have officials fight crime.” [Full disclosure: I serve defunded portions of police department budas an unpaid member of Barletta’s Public gets altogether: that “hands off” policing polSafety Advisory Board with other members of icies have caused an increase in crime. the state’s public safety and criminal justice In the spring of 2021, Dr. Sarit Weisburd, reform community.] an assistant professor with the Eitan Berglas Rather than defunding the police, Weisburd School of Economics at Tel Aviv University in suggests that citizens work with law enforceIsrael, studied the issue of the impact of police ment to determine which services to prioritize deterrence in the United States. Dr. Weisburd most in its budget, asserting that this could published a study called, “Police Presence, improve relations between the public and law Rapid Response Rates, and Crime Prevenenforcement, helping to reestablish trust in a tion,” which found a 10% decrease in police profession where public scrutiny is high and presence results in a 7% increase in crime. morale has been low. This study proves what both news reports “I think the key issue for these people who and the FBI’s annual Uniform Crime Report are supporting defunding the police is that have shown throughout the United States, that they just don’t have faith that the police deviolent crime in America’s cities has surged partments can get better,” Weisburd said. since a series of riots in the summer of 2020. “I would say, ‘What about thinking of what “From my research, I do find that officer needs to change within the police to improve presence is important for creating deterthis interaction?’” rence,” Weisburd said. “It just really creates As a former police officer who frequently this complicated problem where, on the one spoke at community meetings in a predomihand, you want officers in different locations nantly African-American community, I have to create deterrence.” never been to a meeting where residents asked Here in Philadelphia, this issue is exemfor less policing. plified in the record number of homicides “To be clear, it’s not that I don’t understand, reported in both 2020 and 2021. Even though nor do I agree with the factors that drove peoPhiladelphia has the nation’s fourth-largest ple to the defund-the-police movement,” Weismunicipal police force, which is racially diburd said. “I just am not sure that defunding verse, local politicians continually blame a the police is going to make police forces bet“community distrust in police” for the city’s ter.” He went on to say, “In order for law enunbearable crime rates. The argument that forcement to provide the services the public rising crime rates have been spurred on by wants, law enforcement needs financial redistrust between the community and law ensources to recruit and retain its officers.” forcement ignores the simple “chicken and Despite a horrific number of murders and a egg” of how policing works. continual debunking of the dangerous politiIf more police are being called to a commucal narratives that have seen a sharp decrease nity in response to higher amounts of reportin policing, the continual reelection of the of-




ficials responsible for the promotion of these narratives shows no end in sight for this crisis in violent crime. It appears that Philadelphia’s only hope to stem the tide of violence is strong state oversight. In neighboring New Jersey, state troopers were commonly deployed to high-crime municipalities, including Camden, which saw an end to its municipal police department in 2013 after the city failed to manage its public safety properly. Recently, Barletta publicly came out against the passage of the “Driving Equity Bill,” a municipal law in Philadelphia that limits the lawful enforcement of Pennsylvania vehicle code violations. “We are in the midst of what will probably be the bloodiest year in Philadelphia’s history, and Mayor Kenney’s reaction is to tie the hands of police even further,” Barletta said. “The answer to our growing violent crime problem isn’t less policing – it’s letting our men and women in blue do their jobs to keep our communities safe.” As the 2022 election nears, will Philadelphia’s rising crime rate become a statewide issue? If so, how will Democratic candidate Josh Shapiro address this issue, considering that his tenure as the state’s top law enforcement officer has directly coincided with Philadelphia’s drastic rise in violent crime? The Shapiro campaign did not reply to our email request for comment. At this point, only time will tell.








in Philly Deck the halls, light the tree BY: A.D. AMOROSI

Image | Chad Madden


hile sending deep and abiding condolences for the family of the victim, first and foremost, it only figures that Philly would be the first city in America in which to set rack up a record setting 500th murder. And counting. Fast. Because Philly’s weak administrators obviously won’t rest until we hold an unbeatable, unattainably untouchable violent death record, thus marring the all-around merriness of the Christmas-Hannukah-Kwanza season, and whatever eked out positivity we found and held in 2021. As the United States’ first city in the days of building declarations of independence and initial constitutional mandates, I just can’t help but worry that this new first is something our forefathers (with their own shames to bear, trust me) would’ve planned out or been proud of. Ho ho ho. It’s holiday time That reminds me. With a surprisingly calm


and un-bad/not lousy/hardly messily, uneventful Thanksgiving Day parade behind us, the holiday season of shopping, drinking, oil smoking and MDA-sucking has officially commenced. That means the boozy Tinsel Christmas pop-up bar is now up and running in Center City (hey, remember Center City), that NoLibs Evil Genius Beer Company will host its woozily brew-heavy crooked star topping tree ceremony Dec. 2 at 6 pm, that Old City’s series of events including a virtual tree lighting (huh?), a parade of lights and its shopping stroll all light up between Dec 1 and 15. And, of course, there is Mayor Kenney’s corporate sponsored tree-lighting celebration on Thursday just to pretend that he cares about any form of real and just good will. Again, ho and ho and ho. Barstool Mountain space Speaking of Center City, the besieged and bedraggled Barstool Mountain crew (its boss, Dave Portnoy, is currently under scrutiny and real investigation for hardcore sexual harassment charges) and its partial ownership CEOs from the Wyomissing-based Penn National Gaming just took over 1213 Sansom Street for an upcoming new BM-themed bar/dining establishment currently in build out mode. What could a Barstool Mountain-themed space be since it won’t be any sort of betting salon? Something ragingly misogynistic, loud, boyish, testosteroni, sports bar-like and yell-y, for sure. Apply well-bar booze to that oozing wound, and you have every party I did my best to miss out on in college. Sounds like fun. Reef the Lost Cauze music While you weren’t looking over the T Day/ Black Friday break, Philly’s legendary avatar of conscious hip hop, rapper and producer Reef the Lost Cauze dropped a new album, Reef the Lost Cauze IZ ALIVE, (my favorite track is “Batman Returns”), creating a first: his own answer rap in response to his album Reef the Lost Cauze Is Dead. Walking On Another thing that dropped before Thanksgiving, this time on streaming services (no, not the miserable Kevin Hart True Story drama on Netflix) is Delco filmmaker and screenwriter Lydia Peterson’s b-ball flick Walking On. The Amazon Prime film marks her cinematic debut, was paid for mostly by a hearty GoFundMe campaign, can be purchased for digital download on iTunes, and her Instagram hypes up the making of Walking On – in great detail. Chef in Residency In the still-new and ever continuing continuing revolv-


ing door Chef in Residency program created says. Plus, I live seven blocks from where my for the post-still-here-COVID re-opening of great-grandparents settled after emigrating Volvér on Broad Street’s Kimmel Cultural from Italy. The East Passyunk neighborhood Campus, its owner/CEO/Chef Jose Garces holds memories from growing up, so I was welcomes Chef Phila Lorn to the party. Deable to shop in the Italian Market more often, signed to hype-up rising star minority chefs and I found charming side streets that I nevwith a focus on Black, Brown, LGBTQ and er had time for. I also discovered FDR Park, female chefs impacted by the pandemic, Lorn have been keeping up with the major redevel(in a residency that will run until Jan. 17) is opment plans for that huge swath of land, and seeking cash so to open his first restaurant definitely bonded with our two cats who seem showcasing Cambodian food, music and culto like having me at home.” ture, and will serve up like-minded dishes at Beyond the quiet of home and family, GehVolvér such as Pleah, Roasted Hamachi Collar, rman has busied himself being proactive in Mawn “Pho Don” and more. helping those facing food insecurity in our Disco Biscuits’ NFT backyards. “I’ve been donating to the Saint Sure, you know what you’re talking about Gabriel’s Church Food Cupboard, which prowhen it comes to cryptocurrency and NFTs. vides food to those in need in Southwest PhilSo why not buy in big to Philly’s longtime faadelphia. I also try to stock up the community vorite jam-electro-ensemble The Disco Biscupboard around the corner from my home, cuits’ newly-dropped VIP-heavy NFT co-cremaking runs with a variety of meal supplies ated with the crypto CEOs of every week or two.” YellowHeart out-of-NYC and Good on him. visual artist The Real TheoGehrman is big on vaxxes ry. The Biscuit NFT dropped and masks, got his face covon Monday with some groovy ering while shopping local in psychedelic artwork (buy it Chestnut Hill at Serendipity, here:, the full and gets the whole protect-yacollection went live on Dec. neck vibe from his travels. “I 1 exclusively in the Yellowtraveled to China for business Heart marketplace, and along for six years and observed with the red carpet treatment people wearing masks on a to upcoming Disco Biscuits daily basis to protect them concerts and other treats, from germs,” says Gehrman. you’ll also get access to scads “Faced with a true pandemic, of new live music recorded wearing a mask is a simple by the University of Penn courtesy and an important grads from several secret losymbol that you care about cal warehouse locations. those around you. And, the Masked Philly: Bill Gehvaccines are not only critical rman to health and safety but are Image | Courtesy of Bill Gehrman In Icepack’s way too-long, also the only way the econway overly complex and conomy can rebound. We are tinuing saga of asking mask-donning local ceseeing this week, new COVID variations are lebrities what they’ve been up to, beyond the emerging that continue to extend the threat. pale, during C-19 – from lockdown to the curVaccines have been the key to public health rent reopening, present-day unmasking and for decades, and I’m hopeful that they will re-masking, worrying about Delta variants, help us get to a point where we are living with freaking out about Fauci’s call for a potential COVID without needing restrictions.” third round of vax shots mere five months afSpeaking of an economy’s rebound, over ter the last, new mask and vax card mandates, the last 18 months Gehrman has collabed ignored or not ignored (I mean why did I wait with his En Route team and their clients to in line at the Convention Center if you’re not help them manage through uncertainty and asking to see my card?), the possibility of mix- financial challenges. “We helped create virtuand-matching vaccines which is weird, AND al programs, fundraisers, and kept audiences NOW, YEAH OF COURSE, the whole worldengaged through social and online content. wide B.1.1.529 Omicron variant scare, so welToday I am focused on encouraging people to come to ROUND THREE, I reached out this buy local and support small businesses, nonweek to Bill Gehrman. profits, museum stores, artists and makers. Gehrman is the capo de capo of Philly’s En With the current supply chain issues and inRoute Marketing and PR who, in the next sevcreased costs of consumer goods, I want to eral weeks, will celebrate 15 years in the biz leverage this opportunity to put the spotlight when 2022 rings in. Dig it. on the local economy. We don’t need to look When COVID hit (and now that its variants beyond our neighborhoods to find special gifts are ripe and spreading), Gehrman and his and experiences. Supporting independent Center City-located En Route crew worked stores and organizations is good for Philadelfrom home, but missed their out-and-abouts. phia, and avoiding online shopping and ship“I explored my South Philly neighborhood ping supports sustainability.” for diversion and much-needed exercise,” he


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THE RUNDOWN Image | Nathan Ansell


Ferris Wheel

Get ready to take in a view of the Christmas magic from on top of the tallest Christmas attraction in Philadelphia. Christmas Village will again feature a 65-foot high Ferris Wheel presented by T-Mobile on the North Apron, keeping watch over the City of Philadelphia Christmas Tree, and facing down North Broad Street. The Ferris Wheel will be open from Friday to Saturday 11am to 8pm and from Sunday to Thursday from 11am to 7pm.

Christmas Village has returned to LOVE Park and City Hall for its 14th consecutive season. Through Christmas Eve, Christmas Village transforms Center City into an authentic open-air German Christmas market. Holiday sights and sounds featuring thousands of twinkling lights, festive Christmas decorations, theme weekends and live music are waiting to bring you all the Christmas-time feels. Visit for details, but here are a few things that you’ll want to check out.

Image | Courtesy of Christmas Village

The Christmas Village Carousel

Look for a special two-tiered Christmas Village Carousel this year, located in the middle of City Hall Courtyard, surrounded by a new food court. This old school carousel is great fun for the whole family with its horses, carriages and reindeers to ride on. The carousel will be open from Friday to Saturday 11am to 8pm and from Sunday to Thursday from 11am to 7pm. Image | Courtesy of Christmas Village

New Food Court and Beer Garden

The most exciting new upgrade for Christmas Village this year is the transformation of the City Hall Courtyard into a German-style food court and beer garden. Step through City Hall’s majestic stone passageways to the Courtyard and travel from Philadelphia to the streets of Munich. The old layout and vendor tents have been replaced with an all new layout, the addition of the charming and signature wooden booths from LOVE Park, the addition of outside seating, and a new beer garden. Cheese lovers will now also have the opportunity to purchase the popular cheese sandwich from Raclette Chalet in this new location. Image | Courtesy of Christmas Village


Sweet Treats from Ritter Sport

This year, the rides at Christmas Village are twice as sweet as usual: Every ride on the Christmas Village Carousel, the Ferris Wheel and the Kids Train comes with a sweet surprise from Ritter Sport on top. If you can’t get enough of German chocolate, you have the chance to run into brand ambassadors every weekend as they stroll through the market and hand out free chocolate bars, or you can also visit the Ritter Sport Hut in the City Hall Courtyard.

Family Sunday with A Moment of Magic

Dec. 5 is family day at Christmas Village. Come celebrate the bonds of family and celebrate with your little ones with University of Pennsylvania’s nonprofit organization A Moment of Magic. With the help of lovingly detailed dresses, students transform into the children’s movie heroes and heroines, making their hearts beat faster. The characters will visit the Christmas Village on Family Sunday, Dec. 5, giving children the opportunity to meet them at the market. Together with Christmas Villages mascot Phil the Reindeer, they can either be watched on stage for two hours starting at 3pm, or before and after their performance during a walk through the market.




Made in Philadelphia Market at Dilworth Park

Until Jan. 1, Christmas Village in Philadelphia will be accompanied by the Made in Philadelphia Holiday Market (across the street in Dilworth Park). More than 50 local artisans, designers, crafters and confectionaries will offer unique selections for gifts and special holiday foods in white, festively lit tents topped with original Herrnhuter Stars. In contrast to the authentic German Christmas Village with international vendors, the Made in Philadelphia Holiday Market offers a wide variety of arts and crafts from local vendors from the greater Philadelphia area.

Image | Courtesy of Christmas Village

Kids Train

Choo choo, all aboard the Christmas Village Kids Train presented by SEPTA. This classic ride rides into town with a new design ready to bring joy to the market’s littlest visitors. The train will be located with great views of the Ferris Wheel and the Christmas Tree – plus all of the festivities and vendors around the North Broad Section of Christmas Village. The Kids Train will be open from Friday to Saturday 11am to 8pm and from Sunday to Thursday from 11am to 7pm.

German American Weekend To celebrate Philadelphia’s rich German American heritage, Christmas Village is welcoming all visitors to the annual German American Weekend on Dec. 11 and 12. Enjoy traditional German dance performances by the local Schuhplattler Dancers from GTV Almrausch, where performers stomp, clap and strike the soles of their shoes, thighs and knees with their hands held flat. Wash down a delicious Bratwurst with some beer to embrace the full authentic German experience on this side of the Atlantic.

German Games at German American Weekend

On Dec. 12 from 4pm to 6pm, Christmas Village will host its German Games competition again. Contestants can put their skills to the test in three exciting disciplines, like a beer stein holding competition and other traditional Bavarian games. The winners will receive a gift package containing a variety of Christmas Village products. Interested in participating? Sign-up by sending an email with your name and contact details to event@

Make-A-Wish Wall

Christmas time is also time to make wishes that come from the heart. Together with the MakeA-Wish Foundation of Philadelphia, Delaware & Susquehanna Valley, visitors will have the chance to donate by buying a hanger for the Wish Wall, which can be purchased at the events info-booth at LOVE Park. After writing their personal wish on it, the heart-shaped message can be hung up on the Wish Wall to be seen by everyone. One dollar of each sold heart will be donated to the MakeA-Wish Foundation of Philadelphia, Delaware & Susquehanna Valley to support their goal.

Dog Adoption Events with PAWS

Once again, the Philadelphia Animal Welfare Society will be coming back to Christmas Village with their furry friends. PAWS is a nonprofit dedicated to saving Philadelphia’s homeless, abandoned, and unwanted animals. Come meet homeless dogs that need a forever home on Dec. 3 and Dec. 17 from 5pm – 7pm.





Killswitch Engage

Image | Courtesy of Wikicommons

Gold-selling and three-time Grammy-nominated hard rock heavyweights Killswitch Engage will embark on their rescheduled headline tour for winter 2022. The Atonement Tour is making its way to the Franklin Music Hall on March 12. The tour returns with the same powerful lineup, and includes Lancaster, Pennsylvania’s August Burns Red as main support, and Light the Torch as the opening act. As fans are more than well aware, LTT frontman Howard Jones served as KsE’s singer from 2002 through 2012.

Philly’s stages will come alive with music in the coming days and weeks. Here are some shows that you’ll want to catch.

Live music to your ears Tweed + Jimkata

Philly’s own electro-rock quintet Tweed makes their homecoming at Ardmore Music Hall on Dec. 4 alongside Ithaca, New York’s Jimkata. Tweed is known for their disco-tinged dance parties and the band recently added a violinist to the lineup.

The Weather Station

“Ignorance,” the new album by The Weather Station, begins enigmatically; a hissing hi hat, a stuttering drum beat. A full minute passes before the entry of Tamara Lindeman’s voice, gentle, conversational, intoning; “I never believed in the robber.” Hear it for yourself on Jan. 29 at World Cafe Live. worldcafelive. com



Silverstein will play TLA on Dec 7. The legendary post-hardcore outfist just celebrated 20 years together, marking two decades of relentlessly pushing themselves from their underground roots to becoming one of the most influential bands in their scene. This show was initially part of their worldwide 20th Anniversary Tour which, like so many others, was postponed due the pandemic.

Jason Boland

Catch Jason Boland on Dec. 14 at City Winery. Boland is a cult singer-songwriter and has a Shooter Jennings-produced existential country concept record dropping Dec. 3 about a time-traveling alien abducted cowboy. No, we’re not making that up.




Jingle Jams

WXPN’s annual one-of-a-kind, 24/7, uninterrupted holiday music channel curated by DJ Robert Drake is the hand-selected, eclectic holiday music mix that creates the perfect workday backdrop and makes the holidays extra enjoyable. Through Jan. 1. Listen live worldwide at

WXPN is your home for holiday music. Check for details, and listen to WXPN in greater Philadelphia at 88.5 FM. Meanwhile, here are a few things that caught our attention.

Holidays with WXPN Breaking the Thermometer to Hide the Fever

Presented as part of WXPN’s year-long Kanaval: Haitian Rhythms and the Music of New Orleans project, the original production Breaking the Thermometer to Hide the Fever combines storytelling, dance, video projection, and audio clips in a multidisciplinary performance that explores the legacy of Radio Haiti-Inter, set to new music by Haitian-American singer-songwriter Leyla McCalla and directed by Kiyoko McCrae. There will be two free performances at FringeArts. Dec. 10 and 11.

The 29th Annual Night Before on XPN

For the 29th consecutive year, DJ Robert Drake hosts 24 hours of live, nonstop, eclectic holiday music on Christmas Eve. Interact with Robert and all the #XPNNightBefore fans at the show’s page at and join the Night Before XPN community on Facebook.

End of the year happenings

On New Year’s Eve starting at 7 pm, catch Rockin’ New Year’s Eve. Host Dan Reed says bye to 2021 and welcomes the musical spirit of the new year in rockin’ XPN style. Then, on New Year’s Day from 10am to 5 pm, catch the Top 100 MostPlayed Songs of 2021. Listen to the songs that most captured our ears during 2021.

Home For the Holidays 2021

WXPN’s annual live holiday concert presents some favorite artists sharing holiday music cheer at Strand Of Oaks, Carsie Blanton, Ben Arnold, Mondo Cozmo, Queen of Jeans, Secret American, Hoochi Koochi, Kuf Knotz & Christine Elise, Jello Vibes, Lizdelize and more, with special holiday messages from WXPN on-air hosts. Dec. 21, 8pm, with a re-broadcast on Dec. 24 and Dec. 25.

2,021 All-Time Greatest Albums

WXPN’s popular year-end countdown this year will be its biggest yet: the albums selected by listeners as the 2,021 All Time Greatest Albums, starting with No. 2,021 and going straight to No. 1. Listen to hear how many of your favorite albums made the final list. All special programming will be preempted during the countdown. Starts Dec. 2 at 6am.






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Q: I’m not sure if this is even really a Same thing goes for the ideal duration of problem, but it’s been a point of contention intercourse. There’s a trope of women left with my girlfriend, so I guess it is. I’m a unsatisfied, but when surveyed, heterosexu33-year-old heterosexual man and it takes al women actually wanted shorter bouts of me about 40 minutes to cum during sex. It banging than their male partners. What evfeels crazy that this is a problem for her, eryone wanted more of – regardless of genbased on what I hear from most guys and der – was the type of play that happens before all these “last longer” ads. But the penetration. The heterosexual my girlfriend finds it frustrating. orgasm gap has more to do with When we have sex, she gets off too little focus being paid to clitoral several times and is ready to be stimulation and too much emphasis done and on to the next thing afon penetration. ter 20, 30 minutes. But I still need That information is not meant way more time, so lately she gets to make you feel bad about your up and I finish myself off. Othdelayed orgasm, it’s just a reminderwise, I end up feeling like I’m er that what matters is the actual just bothering her. For context: experiences of the people in a relawhen I’m by myself, I have a solid tionship, not the cliches about sex routine and can take care of busifloating about in the ether. ness in 5 to 10 minutes, though I To your question about whether DR. TIMAREE there usually draw it out more. Is there is something wrong with you – something wrong with me? I wouldn’t say that. People vary and If we were to take all the sitcom @TIMAREE_LEIGH that’s OK. But you are consistently jokes and dick medhaving a challengication commering time orgasming cials literally, we’d with your partner get the impression – but not with masthat the only qualiturbation – and this ty sex is marathon is causing distress deep-dicking with in your relationfoot-long schlongs. ship. Those factors While there is defiindicate you might nitely a market for be an appropriate that, it’s far from candidate for a dithe only satisfying agnosis of delayed menu option. ejaculation. Mainstream porn It’s probably the and spam emails least understood will also have you sexual dysfunction, thinking that the and – to your point ideal penis size is so – entirely counter to big that it complia lot of heterosexual cates going through cultural narratives, airport security, but in reality: the biggest because premature ejaculation (where orgasm penises are not the most highly desired by typically occurs less than a minute after penwomen. And for long-term relationships, etration or even before) is an exponentially women say they want their partner’s penis to more common issue. The cause could be somebe slightly smaller than if it’s just a hookup. thing physical like nerve damage, chronic illAmong gay men, it’s even more complicated. ness, or the side effects of medication or too


“Mainstream porn and spam emails will also have you thinking that the ideal penis size is so big that it complicates going through airport security, but in reality: the biggest penises are not the most highly desired by women.”



much alcohol. Or it could be something psychological like boredom, trauma, anxiety about sexuality or just off-putting ambiance. What is sometimes the case – and it sounds like this might be applicable to your situation – is that you have developed a highly specified masturbatory ritual or idiosyncratic technique when uration of jerking off that omen left makes it difficult eterosexu- to cum any othbouts of er way. If you’re What ev- getting yourself ss of gen- off in a fraction ens before of the time, it’s not erosexual probably o do with a biological isto clitoral sue…unless you emphasis have some undiagnosed penile not meant sensitivity issues bout your and have been a remind- using an excepthe actual tional amount of in a rela- friction or presabout sex sure on yourself – something that t whether your partner’s with you – vagina is unable e vary and to replicate. nsistently The frustratchalleng- ing thing about orgasming discordant sexr partner ual desires bewith mas- tween partners – and this – whether it’s g distress that one person relation- wants to do it se factors more often than you might the other, or that ppropriate one has a strong for a di- interest that the f delayed other does not – is that the chasm n. grows bably the usually nderstood wider and widsfunction, er. The feelings your point of pressure and counter to rejection build erosexual upon each other, narratives, making the probre orgasm lem worse over after pen- time. onentially You told me about your girlfriend’s experid be some- ence: she gets off a few times and then is mayhronic ill- be feeling a little raw and needs to pee. What ion or too


SEX WITH TIMAREE is it like for you? Are you turned on the whole time? Are you able to stay present in the moment? Were you raised with ideas about sex that make you feel guilty? Have you had some negative sexual experiences that still have an impact? When you masturbate, is there a specific fantasy or type of stimulation necessary to get your engine revved that is missing from your partnered sex? Could you share your fantasies or show her your preferred jerk off method? If you devoted more time to pleasuring each other before penetration, would that lead to a reduction in how long it takes to get off? These are all things that could really change the game for you two … or point to the issue being something else entirely. It’s always a good idea to get a physical wellness check and sex is usually benefited by regular bouts of sobriety, exercise, and sleep, so keep that in mind too. Regardless, try working together on having the most pleasurable, connective sex you can and not focusing on orgasms or clocks so much. Have a question for Dr. Timaree? Send an email to

“The frustrating thing about discordant sexual desires between partners – whether it’s that one person wants to do it more often than the other, or that one has a strong interest that the other does not – is that the chasm usually grows wider and wider.”

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The plague SUPPORT masks won’t GREAT CONTENT and help us make it. save us JOIN US W

Some people may get a psychological comill we ever give up on outdatfort in seeing others wearing a mask, but ed rules, or are we stuck with the city government has no business lying “mask before you go” guidto its residents so they’ll feel safer than they ance through 2035? actually are. Just as sanitizing surfaces and How quickly we forget the promise that getting vacci- erecting plastic barriers (as The New York nated meant no more masks. Times finally noted) are useless or sometimes counterproductive, we need to actually follow Even though 75% of adults in Philadelphia are fully vaccinated, and 93% are the evidence and reject the siren song of “it’s better to be cautious, just in case.” Otherwise, partially vaccinated as of November 30, acbad policies won’t go away. cording to the Department of Public Health, When health becomes the endthe mask mandate is here to stay. all argument in politics, there’s It’s time to end the mask manno limiting principle. Everything date already. must, and will, be sacrificed for it. The city needs to focus on It’s one thing to shut down the city making it easy to get tested for for two weeks at the beginning of COVID-19 and encourage the midan unknown pandemic; it’s another dle-aged and elderly who remain to pretend we’re still living under unvaccinated to get the vaccine. the threat of death when we know The hypochondriac impulse to much more and have an extraordicling to masks gives people a false narily effective vaccine. sense of security; if cases spike Of the 773,812 Americans who in the future, people need habits have died of COVID-19 since the bethat actually stop the spread of ginning of the pandemic, 93% were COVID-19, which means getting age 50 or older, according to the tested, not masks. CDC. Fewer than 5,000 people 18The mask mandate is a farce. @ANTHONYHENNEN 29 have died, and 621 children. Yet Everyone in the city knows it’s a we are still forcing children in the farce because grocery stores ask School District of Philadelphia to mask and you to wear one for a 10-minute trip, but sitcolleges remain strict about mask and vaccine ting in a cafe or restaurant for 2 hours maskmandates, despite the extremely low risk of less provokes no reprimand. Nor is there a students getting a severe case of COVID-19. push for people to wear the more-effective Life could return to normal, if only the N-95 masks instead of cloth masks. We have high-anxiety caucus of local and national pola highly effective vaccine; we should embrace itics weren’t in charge. its liberating qualities. It’s okay to examine Philadelphia could follow the lead of New the scientific evidence on mask mandates and York City, which has free test sites set up admit that they don’t do much. As Jeffrey H. across its five boroughs and offers in-home Anderson concluded in an August article for testing for immunocompromised and elderly City Journal, “Americans’ many months of residents. Philly could do one better than New mask-wearing has likely provided little to York and end the mask mandate, as a way to no health benefit and might even have been counterproductive in preventing the spread acknowledge that masks won’t stop a pandemic, but testing and detecting COVID-19 will. of the novel coronavirus.”







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Notice of Public Sale: The following self-storage Cube contents containing household and other goods will be sold for cash by CubeSmart, 456 N. Christopher Columbus Blvd., Philadelphia PA 19123 (215)922-3715 to satisfy a lien on December 14th 2021 at approx. 6:00 PM: B169 Jahdiera Moore, D457 Michael Perekupka, G644 Erick Vega, C258 Paige Osborne, A054 Erin Branche, B206 Malik Seward General Employment

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Notice of Public Sale: The following self-storage Cube contents containing household and other goods will be sold for cash by 1645 N American St, Philadelphia, PA 19122 (445)300-5955 to satisfy a lien on December 14th, 2021 at approx. 8:00pm PM: Keola Thomas 4002 Yesenia Henningham 4018



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