San José de
CALASANZ Ikastetxea
Newsletter nº 26 - Aldizkaria 26 zk. • December/Abendua 2016
Calasanz invited to the StartInnova Summit 2016
Our project “Start to learn” shone next to institutions from Valencia, Madrid, Girona and Tenerife.
Calasanz was present in the European Week of Advanced Management
Calazanz took part in the talk “Innovative Competence in Vocational Training schools”
The 22nd European Week of Advanced Management organized by Eukalit was held between the 7th and 18th November featured more than 54 events organised by 70 institutions. During these days the topics on Advanced Management in industrial, educati-
ve, sanitary, etc, spheres were dealt with. Amongst the many talks given in Palacio Euskalduna, San José de Calasanz took part in the talk “Innovative Competence in Vocational Training Schools” organized by Ikaslan Gipuzkoa – Tknika. Pág. 14
Calasanz in the 44th CECE Congress
The talk “Coexistence and emotional management in Nursery and Primary classrooms” was presented.
The 21st October, Eider Aguirre and Belén Mejuto, nursery and primary school coordinators, presented a communication in the CECE National Congress (Confederación Española de Centros Docentes) under the title “ Coexistence and emotional management in Nursery and Primary clas-
srooms”. This talk was attended by over 50 managers coming from other schools who learnt about the tools used in Calasanz to give children all the resources which will allow them to self regulate, identify, understand and express emotions, in short get to know themselves better.
Calasanz in the International Project ¨Peat – Eu¨
Ibericus 2016 underway, innovation project together with Col•legi Badalonés Pág. 11
Pág. 13
Pág. 15
C/. Hospital Bajo, 11 • 48980 SANTURTZI (Bizkaia) • Tel. 94 461 35 19 •
Pág. 2
San José de Calasanz presents a report in the 44th CECE Congress On the 21st October, Eider Aguirre and Belén Mejuto, nursery and primary school coordinators, presented a communication in the CECE National Congress (Confederación Española de Centros Docentes) under the title “Coexistence and emotional management in Nursery and Primary classrooms”.
This talk was attended by over 50 managers coming from other schools who learnt about the tools used in Calasanz to give children all the resources which will allow them to self regulate, identify, understand and express emotions, learn to coexist and solve conflicts, and know themselves better. They showed real
classroom experiences such as “the panel of feelings”, “the space to be on my own”, conflict management with Txikimedias. After the talk, all the attendants showed great interest and a questions round was started which made the session end over the scheduled time.
Haur Hezkuntzako umeak Tximiparken
Urtero bezala, Haur Hezkuntzako umeak Tximiparkera joan ginen. Elkarrekin primeran pasatu genuen psikomotrizitatea landuz eta beldurrak kenduz txirrista erraldoietan. Arratsaldean, bokata hartuta, autobusez Santurtzira bueltatu ginen
C/. Hospital Bajo, 11 • 48980 SANTURTZI (Bizkaia) • Tel. 94 461 35 19 •
IBILTARI, a project to accompany children to school Since the beginning of the school year, San José de Calasanz has started an innovative project which could be considered a “school bus on foot”, that is to say, a scheme in which older students from Infant Teacher Training Course accompany children from 3rd to 6th grades of Primary Education to school every morning. In order to do so four lines or routes have been established which cover different areas of the town. There is a starting point in each of them where families take their children and a group of older students picks them up from this point and accompanys them to school as well as collecting other children who live enroute. This “walking bus” is always on time, delay-free, five minutes before the classes begin. These older students, boys and girls aged 19-22 years old, are currently doing a High Performance
Cycle (ETHAZI) as well as completing their last course before joining the labour market. Ibiltari is a part of APS (Aprendizaje y Servicio) an
important project consisting of offering an educative service to other organisations and which will also help them learn.
Exciting election to Txikimedias School Year 2016-2017 As every year, the most awaited day for Primary students is that of the election of Txikimedias, which takes place in the school frontis. An emotive farewell and thanks were given to txikimedias of the previous year, responsible for a good coexistence amongst peers and who have helped so much with their mediation and good work. After this, and with great expectation amongst children, those chosen by teachers and peers to represent coexistence during the school year 2016-2017, were proclaimed. The scenes of joy and happiness had nothing to envy from those watched in the ceremony of the Oscars. Congratulations to those chosen and good luck.a (From left to right): Joseba Sánchez, Naia Álvarez, Paula Navarro, Laida Besga, Leire Lantarón, Izaro Cortés, Ane Sánchez, Yanira Beloso, Yeray Vázquez, Aitor Lombera, Naia Masa, Izaro Pérez, Paolo Arcela, Laura Aguilar, Iratxe Ruiz, Gorka Lombera and Egoitz Marcos.
C/. Hospital Bajo, 11 • 48980 SANTURTZI (Bizkaia) • Tel. 94 461 35 19 •
Gure Batzorde Berdeko Kideak
Aurten, gureTxoko Berdea berritu dugu. Gainera, barruko baratze bat prestatu dugu, basiliko, aneta eta melisa landatuz. Gure gaia Ekonomia Zirkularra da, hau da, ikasten ari gara nola murriztu, birziklatu eta berrerabili behar ditugun gauzak, gutxiago kontsumitzeko.
Historiaurrerako Bidaia Pasa den urriaren 26an, denborako makina bat hartu izan balute bezala, gure DBHko 1. eta 2. mailako ikasleak Santimamiñeko kobazulora abiatu ziren. Gizarte klasean Paleolitoa eta Neolitoa ikasita zituzten aprobetxatuz, gure arbasoak nola bizi ziren ikustera hurbildu ziren. Han utzi ziguten ondarea ezagutzeko aukera izan zuten. Bisita gidatua bi fasetan egin zen. Lehenengoan haitzulora joan ziren era birtualean. 3Dko betaurrekoak utzi zizkieten bisita birtuala egiteko. Han, antzinako irudikatutako bisonteak, hartzak, zaldiak, oreinak eta ahuntzak ikusi ahal izan zituzten. Ikaragarria izan zen, eta ikasleek gogotsu disfrutatu egin zuten esperientzia hori. Izan ere, benetako haitzuloa zeharkatu izan balute bezala izan zen, estalaktitak saihestuz eta estalagmitekin talka egitea eragotziz. Bigarren partean, berezko haitzuloraino hurbildu ziren, baina sartzerik ez dagoenez, han duela 14.000 urte bizi izan zirenak nola egin behar izan zuten imajinatu zuten ikasleek. Hantxe aurkitutako zenbait aztarnen bi-
dez eta adituaren azalpenaren bidez, Bizkaian eta Euskal Herrian haitzulo honen garrantzia ezagutu ahal izan zuten hurbiletik.
Amaitzeko, bokatak hartu zituzten eta inguruneaz gozatu zuten gure arbasoek haien garaian egin zuten bezala duela milaka urte.
C/. Hospital Bajo, 11 • 48980 SANTURTZI (Bizkaia) • Tel. 94 461 35 19 •
Opera Euskalduna Jauregian ABAO-OLBEren eskutik Pasa den urrian, gure DBHko 1. mailako ikasleak opera mundura hurbildu ziren. ABAO-OLBEren eskutik, Euskalduna Jauregia eta opera mundua barrutik ezagutzeko aukera izan zuten. “Lucrezia Borgia” izan zen egun haietan lehen aldiz antzeztekotan zegoen opera, eta gure ikasleok ikuskizun munduaren magia hori sentitu ahal izan zuten. Ibilbide gidatua egin zieten ikasleei, eta Euskalduna Jauregiaren leku guztietatik sartzeko abagunea izan zuten. Txoko guztiak kuxkuxeatu zituzten: entsegu gelak, kamerinoak, antzeztokia… Baina, dudarik gabe, ikasleentzat erakargarriena ileordeak, soinekoak eta atrezzoa izan ziren. Izan ere, baten batek kapelaren bat probatu ahal izan zuen. Laburbilduz, egun zoragarria pasatu zuten eta egun batetik ikasgela alde batera utzi zuten eta opera
munduan murgildu ziren, eta honek liluratuta utzi zituen. Agian gure ikas-
leen artean geroko aktore bat ezkutatzen da… Auskalo!
Froggy, our new pet The students of 2nd grade were looking after a tadpole. At the same time, they were learning about the metamorphosis. Tadpole’s name is Froggy and it stayed with us until it became a frog. Last month, the students went to the Serantes Mountain and released Froggi, the little frog. They had a lovely weather and could know our environment and nature. And they made some new friends too! They met Bimba, Raul’s beautiful dog. What a great day they had!
C/. Hospital Bajo, 11 • 48980 SANTURTZI (Bizkaia) • Tel. 94 461 35 19 •
Euskal Astea Abenduaren 5etik 7ra Euskal Astea ospatu genuen gure eskolan. Motibazioa ezinbestekoa da ikasleen artean euskararen erabilera bultzatu nahi denean eta hori izan zen gure helburua aste horretarako. Horregatik, gure eskolako neska-mutilek mota desberdinetako ekintzak izan zituzten euskaraz gozatzeko. Euskal asteari ongi etorria emateko, gure ikasleek, Euskara Batzordeak lagundurik, pregoia irakurri zuten. Memento unkigarria eta berezia izan zen. Gero, nor bere klasean Euskal Asteko ekintzak prestatzen hasi zen. Musikak beti izan du garrantzi handia euskal kulturan, eta gure kultura sustatzeko eta betiko eta gaurko abestiak ezagutarazteko Euskaraokean parte hartu zuten gure ikasleek. Primeran pasa zuten bai haiek eta irakasleek ere. Geroago, barreak eta umore ona jarraituz, Euskal Yinkana izan zen protagonista. Hori gutxi izan balitz bezala, ikasle handien eta txikien arteko harremanak bultzatzeko eta haien artean euskaraz mintzatzeko tailer desberdinak antolatu ziren: aurpegiak margoztu, txantxangorrien txapak sortu, makarroizko lepokoak egin… Gainera, ikasle batzuk ipuin kontalari bihurtu ziren eta joan zitzaien txikiei ipuinak kontatzera eta ipuinetako pertsonaiak ezagutaraztera.
Bigarren jardunaldian, dantzek lekukoa hartu zuten. Baina ez ziren betiko dantza tradizionalak izan. Euskara sasoi onean dagoela eta edozein egoeratara moldatzen dakiela egiaztatzeko, gure ikasleak eta irakasleak bibratu ziren eta dena eman zuten Euskalzumbaren erritmoarekin gozatuz. Kultura ere ez genuen ahaztu. Aitor Arana idazlearen bisita izan genuen. Aitorrek lagundu zigun bere liburuei buruz hitzaldi bat emanez, eta letretaranzko maitasuna kutsatzen saiatu zen. Kulturarekin jarraituz, ikasleek Euskal Tribiala prestatu zuten eta
denbora luze pasatu zuten jolastuz eta bere galderekin eta erantzunekin ikasiz. Aste euskaldun honi bukaera borobila emateko, herri-kiroletan arratsalde osoa eman zuten. Ikasleek izerditan blai amaitu zuten astea. Laburbilduz, aho-zapore ona utzi zigun Euskal Asteak eta hausnarketa sakona ere: Euskara erabil dezakegu edozein egoeratan edota lekutan eta berarekin goza dezakegu klasetik kanpo. Eskerrik asko bihotzez antolatzaileei eta parte hartu izan zutenei. Euskara presente egon dadila ez aste honetan bakarrik, baizik eta egunero!
C/. Hospital Bajo, 11 • 48980 SANTURTZI (Bizkaia) • Tel. 94 461 35 19 •
Learning through Comprehension Projects Nursery, Primary and Secondary teachers are undergoing training about “Teaching for Comprehension Framework” developed by Harvard University, and offering a different
approach to educating and learning through the development of Comprehension Projects. These projects are the supporting axis in the students´learning. They
stem from previous work conducted by teachers who will have to develop the project involving several areas and answering to essential questions such as “What do we want them to understand about this subject? How are they going to understand about it? And above all, what do we want them to understand it for?” Training is very much focused in the learning of strategies which will enable thinking. It is a means of learning through stimulating thinking by means of thinking routines or skills, mind maps or thinking keys which will allow our students become persons capable of thinking, solving problems and learn how to act from what they know.
New friends from Poland! The students of 3rd grade of Primary are taking part in an exciting e-twinning project with Szkola Podstawowa nr 2 im. Marii Konopnickiej from Cracovia, Poland. They are sharing videos in which they introduce themselves and show San José de Calasanz School. Last week, we received some of their videos and the students enjoyed discovering Polish school life. They are also ma-
king beautiful Christmas Cards to wish them a Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year. After holidays, we are going to start recording lessons that are going to be run by them about the metamorphosis and life cycle while they are doing the life cycle of a plant. If you want to watch some of the videos of our students talking to Polish students visit our web page.
C/. Hospital Bajo, 11 • 48980 SANTURTZI (Bizkaia) • Tel. 94 461 35 19 •
Nursery children learn with the older students The 5 year-old classes in Nursery School are developing a project on the human body and what´s the best way to learn then in the X-ray chamber? Thus three students from the Course Image for Diagnostic explained the youngest ones which are the main bones in the human body. The little ones were also capable of discovering the skeleton, identifying the bones in legs and arms, and they could also see X-rays of healthy and broken bones. But the best moment came when they could see through the scan the baby in a pregnant mum´s womb who kindly offered herself to give these children an unforgettable learning experience.
DYAra bisita: Giza Gorputzari buruzko proiektuaren jarduera
Haur Hezkuntzako 5 urteko ikasleek bisitatu zuten Santurtziko DYAren egoitza. Klasean garatzen ari ziren gizakiaren gorputzari buruzko proiektua eta bisita hau izan zen beste urrats bat proiektu barnean. Anbulantzia bat barrutik ikusteko aukera izan zuten eta ezagutzen ez zituzten aparatu asko ikusi ahal izan zituzten. Panpinekin lehen laguntzetako jarduerak ere egin zituzten. Primeran pasatu zuten eta asko ikasi ere bai!
C/. Hospital Bajo, 11 • 48980 SANTURTZI (Bizkaia) • Tel. 94 461 35 19 •
Euskochef proiektua Eroskin Urriaren 26an 4. mailako ikasleak Eroskira joan ginen elikadura osasungarriari buruzko tailer bat egitera. Eskolan EUSKOCHEF proiektua lantzen
egon ginen, elikagaiak ezagutuz eta elikadura osasungarria landuz. Oso aberasgarria izan zen irteera gelan ikasitako praktikan jartzeko. Gauza
berriak ezagutzeaz gain, erosketa txiki bat egiteko aukera izan genuen. Ez ahaztu elikadura gure bizitzaren oinarria dela, beraz, elikatu osasuntsu!
Our little artists
Five-year old´s children learned and enjoyed a lot with Vincent Van Gogh´s co-operative project. In this project of Arts and Crafts, they painted like artists with different types of plastic and visual motor techniques and learned many things of Van Gogh´s life. Finally, they showed to the others all they learned with a mind map.
C/. Hospital Bajo, 11 • 48980 SANTURTZI (Bizkaia) • Tel. 94 461 35 19 •
TKNIKA´s IKASENPRESA and URRATSBAT stronger year by year As usual TKNIKA (Centre for innovation in Vocational Education) has opened its star programmes for entrepreneurial culture
URRATSBAT to support real entrepreneurial projects Within the support to entrepreneurial actions in Vocational Training San José de Calasanz takes part in the Urratsbat programme coordinated and driven by TKNIKA, in order to support those people belonging to our school who wish to start up a real business. There will be at their disposal an office to inform, assess and give real support in San José de Calasanz where they will find orientation in any process needed while creating the project. During the past school year, which was the first year of this programme, we were able to offer assessment and solve many doubts and many prospective entrepreneurs used this service to create their business projects as Jon Mikel Morales did while creating his company Fotomatón and which has received several awards as entrepreneur. Javier Moratinos, Jon Mikel Morales y Jesús López (INGURALDE).
IKASENPRESA entrepreneurial education and life competences Ikasenpresa, coordinated and launched by Pilar Díez, is also a programme of Entrepreneurial Education which has started with great strength in our school as it always does. It is followed during the second courses of Medium and Superior Degrees and this year it has summoned the creation of 16 Educative Cooperatives on behalf of the almost 200 students taking part in it. They will soon attend the Solidary Market to sell their products after spending most of the term acquiring and developing entrepreneurial competences in the classroom as well as in different congresses the have taken part in, three of which were held in our school. Congreso de Ikasenpresa en Calasanz
C/. Hospital Bajo, 11 • 48980 SANTURTZI (Bizkaia) • Tel. 94 461 35 19 •
ENPRESARI starts stronger than ever Once again Vocational Education students have started the course taking part in ENPRESARI, DEMA´s star project related to entrepreneurial education. Each year it gets harder and harder to reach the final phase owing to the quality and quantity of schools present. This year our participation has been as intense as always and some data which prove so are: • 250 students taking part in 11 entrepreneurial workshops. • 95 business ideas forwarded by our students. • 25 business ideas have been personally defended during the second phase • 5 business projects selected for the final phase. Congratulations to all and good luck in the final phase for all those projects opting to an award. You are already winners to us and that is our best award. Alumnado de Marketing y Farmacia junto a su profesor Álvaro García en DEMA
Ibericus 2016 underway, innovation project together with Col•legi Badalonés Heading for Barcelona with students of the second year of Administration and Marketing
Alumnos catalanes y vascos integrantes de IBERICUS2016.
Ibericus 2016 is an innovative exchange programme with Colegio Badalonés where they will share training, work and experiences. It will be a unique opportunity for students and schools to widen collaboration. During the month of March the Catalonian students will visit Calasanz to complete the project. It is indeed a nice collaboration between Euskadi-Catalonia Vocational Education schools in an excellent environment which has been accepted by the European Commission as good practice in the EUROPEAN WEEK OF VOCATIONAL EDUCATION; this event is being held throughout Europe in December under the slogan “DISCOVER YOUR TALENT”. It means a great opportunity for these students to show their talent to the European education community AMAZING!
C/. Hospital Bajo, 11 • 48980 SANTURTZI (Bizkaia) • Tel. 94 461 35 19 •
Employment Promotion Week in Santurtzi Once again, and a further year, San José de Calasanz has actively taken part in the Employment Promotion Week. Apart from having a stand in Casa Torre with information to find a job or improve it, the workshop “Digital Portfolios: place your personal brand in the bull´s eye of companies searching for jobs” was also offered in Kulturgune in Mamariga. In a pleasant and participative atmosphere we shared new techniques in job search. Asistentes al Taller sobre Portfolios digitales para mejorar la empleabilidad.
Calasanz in BYEF
(Bilbao Youth Employment Forum) organized by Fundación Novia Salcedo, with juvenile employment as challenge for the decade Students from the second course of Administration and Marketing have actively taken part in BYEF organized by FNS and with first order international gurus such as Michael West or Mª Teresa Fernández de la Vega. Our students have been able to listen first hand advice and suggestions to obtain a quality job in the forthcoming years, a great luxury. They have surely noted down future trends in juvenile employment. It all took place in a Premier League event where Teresa Laespada member of the Bizkaia Parliament in Employment Affairs and Mª Teresa Fernández de la Vega, former vice president of the Spanish Government, were also present togrther with the wonderful staff of Fundación Novia Salcedo organising and collaborating in the event. Congratulations to all of them!
C/. Hospital Bajo, 11 • 48980 SANTURTZI (Bizkaia) • Tel. 94 461 35 19 •
Alumnas junto a Teresa Laespada, Diputada Foral de Empleo de Bizkaia y la exvicepresidenta del Gobierno, Mª Teresa Fernández de la Vega.
Gabriel Feijoo y Ariane Barrios en Startinnova Summit 2016.
Todo el equipo de Calasanz tras el éxito en el Congreso.
Calasanz chosen to participate in StartInnovaSummit 2016 Our project “Start to learn” shone together with schools from Valencia, Madrid, Girona and Tenerife The 11th October in the Science Museum in San Sebastian, and organized by El Diario Vasco and supported by the Education Department of the Basque Government amongst other institutions STARTINNOVA SUMMIT 2016 took place, one of the most important events in the agenda of educative start up. Calasanz together with Carmen Pellicer, President of the Trilema Foundation, shared with the attendants the ultimate models and
San José de Calasanz in the magazine Actualidad Docente
experiences in entrepreneurial education matters. San José de Calasanz was the Basque representation in StartInnova with its project “Start up to learn” which incorporates in a holistic way programmes to create entrepreneurial awareness in all of the educative syllabuses in the school. Two students belonging to the Marketing and Publicity Degree who had been awarded in Tknika´s IKASENPRESA programme
also shared their experience in such a professional way that cause great admiration and applause. Ariane Barrios and Gabriel Feijoo shared their experience and satisfaction with the education authorities, entrepreneurs and teachers. A great honour for the school. They are our best award! More info: Startinnova Summit 2016
tive vision the school has in reference to emotional management and coexistence in Nursery and Primary Education. Regarding Vocational Education they have mentioned the new and innovative methodology developed at school and the learning of new professional competences which will allow our students integration in the labour world.
The magazine Actualidad Docente has published an article about the innovating education offered by San José de Calasanz both in compulsory education and Vocational Education. The article has mentioned the innova-
C/. Hospital Bajo, 11 • 48980 SANTURTZI (Bizkaia) • Tel. 94 461 35 19 •
San José de Calasanz present in the European Week of Advanced Management The 22nd European Week of Advanced Management was held between the 7th and 18th November and was organized by Euskalit counting with more than 54 events organized by 70 institutions. The main subjects dealt with were advanced Management in industrial, health, education fields, etc. Amongst the talks given in Euskalduna, San José de Calasanz took part in “Innovative Competence in Vocational Education Schools” which was or-
ganized by Ikaslan Gipuzkoa -Tknika. During this talk our colleague Raúl Setién explained how innovation management is conducted in San José de Calasanz. There was a special emphasis in the application of the model “Innovation Routines” as the fundamental base in the school´s innovative management when proposing systematically innovation projects to apply in the organization. San José de Calasanz was one of the
first Vocational Education schools in Euskadi to implement the model “Innovation Routines” suggested by Tknika. This model lays out 3 routines. Observation routine – detects relevant signs in the environment -. Portfolio routine – classifies the proposed projects from the signs collected throughout the previous routine – and Exploitation routine – fosters the return of the results obtained from those projects that were carried out.
C/. Hospital Bajo, 11 • 48980 SANTURTZI (Bizkaia) • Tel. 94 461 35 19 •
Education and Employers, London 2016 San José de Calazanz takes part in the prestigious event on Education and Innovation Organized by the British Education Department this International Conference has launched a world level research on new trends related to the relationship between companies end education institutions in the training of the professionals of the future; one of the main aspects worked on was that of how to revolve education in such way that young people can acquire the personal and professional competences required by the labour market in the forthcoming years. It was held in ¨The Westminster Conference Centre¨ in the heart of the City the 21st and 22nd of July under the slogan ¨ Business, Innovation and Competences¨ . Prestigious Universities such as London, Oxford,Manchester were present as well as other organizations such as OCDE, CEDEFOP and OIT. It is im-
portant to mention Robert Schwartz from Harvard University who closed the event with an innovative view of the new role of education in society. San José de Calasanz was invited to show the innovative view on labour orientation and the development of competences for professional excellence through a Ministry of Education award winning project. Rafael Balparda in charge or labour orientation in Calasanz, together with Iván Diego de VALNALON showed the experience developed in Calasanz in order to bring professional profiles together to the new requirements of companies and the society of the XXI century. A great honour being able to participate in such prestigious forums! More info: Education and Employer
Rafa Balparda and Robert P. Schwartz from Harvard University.
Calasanz in the International Project ¨Peat – Eu¨ San José de Calasanz is still participating in innovation projects of international prestige
San José de Calasanz has participated in the international project ¨Peat – Eu¨ together with universities from Wales, Sweden, Iceland and Valnalon from Asturias. PEAT – EU is a research project aiming at improving the systems and tools for the development and evaluation of entrepreneurial competences of young people so they can have a labour and personal future which will allow them to face the challenges awaiting them throughout their personal and professional lives. The first meeting took place in October in Swansea University, Wales. Rafael Balparda was there as a member of the work team. San José de Calasanz is particularly interested and shows great dynamism in participating in innovation projects of international prestige which will help improve the training of its students.
C/. Hospital Bajo, 11 • 48980 SANTURTZI (Bizkaia) • Tel. 94 461 35 19 •
Calasanz actively participates in PRESTIK 2016, Bizkaia´s Employment Fair PRESTIK 2016 was held in October in Escuela Naútica in Portugalete, the most important Employment Fair in Bizkaia. This Fair was organized and inspired by DEMA – Diputación Foral de Bizkaia with the objective of becoming a meeting point for all those young people interested in finding a job, improving
the one they already have, creating their own company or simply becoming aware of the trends concerning Vocational Education in the coming years. Our school actively participated with a Stand where our students offered demos on their professional competences and studies.
Stand with Job demos During the Prestik Fair held in the left margin the authorities were also interested in visiting the Stand set up by San José de
Calasanz where our students performed different and varied demos. Aintzane Urkijo and Joseba Ramos, Mayoress and
City Councillor for Employment in Santurtzi, congratulated our students for the excellent image given of our town.
During Prestik Exkerraldea 2016 the authorities were genuinely interested in visiting the Stand set out by San José de Calasanz and watching the demos conducted by our students: amongst them were Aintzane Urkijo and Joseba Ramos, Mayoress and City Councillor for Employment in Santurtzi. They both congratulated our students for the excellent image the offer of our town.
C/. Hospital Bajo, 11 • 48980 SANTURTZI (Bizkaia) • Tel. 94 461 35 19 •
Talks and Workshops Being as we are a Vocational Education school one of our most important objectives is to facilitate the social and labour insertion of our students. This is the reason why we have a great interest in participating in all kind of programmes oriented to reaching this objective. One of the lines of work we are following is DUAL TRAINING as a means of insertion while training is being conducted. Rafa Balparda shared our experience with Luis Saratxaga who is in charge of Dual Training in the Basque Government and a student from Somorrostro, an example of the compromise with insertion and institutional cooperation. The school also offered the workshop “Digital portfolio: put your personal brand in the bull´s eye of those companies searching for talent” which crowded one of the biggest rooms in Naútica.
En la imagen, Luis Saratxaga, responsable de Formación Dual del Gobierno Vasco junto al resto de ponentes
Visits from students and teachers As could be expected young people were the most interested in visiting the fair. It is for this reason that from the Career Orientation Department in Calasanz students were encouraged and a visit was organized with the maximum
number of them to Prestik with the possibility of enjoying a light stroll along the riverside towards the fair. Hundreds of students as well as teachers enrolled and actively participated in the various activities that were programmed.
C/. Hospital Bajo, 11 • 48980 SANTURTZI (Bizkaia) • Tel. 94 461 35 19 •
Once again the students turn to organising the Charity Market For another year the students have turned in in one of the most expected events in Santurtzi, the traditional Charity Market which was held on the 16th December in Gernika Park in Santurce. The donations have been allocated to two of the Associations we closely collaborate with: Cáritas and Irriklicown. During the Market, the cooperatives of students taking part in the entrepreneurship programme Ikasenpresa, fostered by TKNIKA (Institution for Innovation in Vocational Education) took the opportunity to show and sell the products they had produced thus collaborating in the charity.
Technological Camp for young talents
During two weeks in July Aledia Consultores and San José de Calasanz organized the Technological Camp. This camp is framed in the programme ¨Young Talents¨ which has been taking place in the past years. The camp, held in the school premises for two weeks, has counted with participants of ages between 6 and 17 years old developing projects in Robotics and Programming. Taking these disciplines as a starting point other kind of personal competences have also been worked on such as team work, leadership, communication, planning tools, emotion management, creativity and motivation which are all so important in learning. Owing to the success this camp will be held during the Christmas break between the 26th and 30th December.
C/. Hospital Bajo, 11 • 48980 SANTURTZI (Bizkaia) • Tel. 94 461 35 19 •
A blackboard for Gorkha, cooperative project with the Nepalese people A blackboard for Gorkha is a cooperative project towards the development of the Nepalese population in the District of Gorkha which was the epicentre of the earthquake that devastated this country in April 2015. Gregori is the person in charge of this initiative and pretends to cycle all the way between Santurtzi and Nepal with the object of collecting money. All the money collected will be destined to the following: • Reconstruction of several school buildings. • Provision of specific school furniture. • Provision of school materials. • Training of professionals. From San José de Calasanz we encourage you to collaborate spreading the news and the project on social media or contributing in the account BBK 2095 0065 30 9114726007. If you follow the blog of the project you will be updated with all the travel experiences and all the improvements in schools with all the support received.
C/. Hospital Bajo, 11 • 48980 SANTURTZI (Bizkaia) • Tel. 94 461 35 19 •
Winners of the Audiovisual Contest Beldur Barik For a further year the students have presented their videos to the audiovisual Contest Beldur Barik. The objective of this contest is to create awareness on sexist violence and inequality situations. The winners in the different categories, from 12 to 17 years old and from 18 to 26 years old, have been students from Sanitary Documentation Cycle and Basic Formation respectively.
Students from Calazanz collaborate with the Immigrants Association BaoBat Students belonging to the second course of the Formative Cycle Pharmacist and Parapharmacist are offering various theoreticall-practical workshops on the promotion of health in the Association BaoBat aiming at developing health education programmes and obtaining a life quality improvement. They have started promoting several habits related with nutrition and exercise which will ensure a healthy life and they will continue giving information about gynaecological care and a responsible usage of medication.
C/. Hospital Bajo, 11 • 48980 SANTURTZI (Bizkaia) • Tel. 94 461 35 19 •
Research Based Learning
San José de Calazanz and Aledia Consultores have reached an agreement to launch the Research Unit. Students of the second year of Laboratory, in a pioneer way, will conduct within this unit a series of research
projects on different health and social areas (labour stress in teachers, substance abuse in young users of social premises, biological health markers in people practicing sports, etc.)
This style of work allows the acquisition and development of new professional competences by applying the method “ Learning by doing” and fostering the transfer of the theoretical knowledge to the practical side.
Commemoration International Day Against AIDS
The 1st of December and commemorating the International Day against AIDS students and teachers created a great ribbon with red balloons as a gesture to sensitize and support people suffering this illness.
C/. Hospital Bajo, 11 • 48980 SANTURTZI (Bizkaia) • Tel. 94 461 35 19 •
Formative Action in the Down Syndrome Foundation During the school year 2015-2016 we have given lessons through Lanbide on the Certificate of Professional Standards for Auxiliary Operations on administrative and
general services to 8 students with intellectual handicap belonging to the Down Syndrome Foundation and to other intellectual desabilities in Euskadi.
San José de Calasanz se suma un año más al rosa en el Día Mundial Contra el Cáncer De Mama El 19 de Octubre, con motivo del Día Mundial Contra el Cáncer de Mama, el alumnado de Marketing y Publicidad organizó, un año más, un evento solidario con el fin de recaudar fondos para la AECC (Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer). El evento tuvo lugar en el frontón del Colegio, y a él acudieron alumnos y profesores de los demás Ciclos de Formación Profesional. Fue dinamizado con un mural de manos rosas, un photocall y la venta de pintxos y artículos que nos dio la asociación. Todo ello ambientado con buena música. La participación fue extraordinaria y todo el mundo aportó su granito de arena para colaborar, así que solo tenemos palabras de agradecimiento para todos/as los/as que hicieron posible ese gran día.
C/. Hospital Bajo, 11 • 48980 SANTURTZI (Bizkaia) • Tel. 94 461 35 19 •
San José de CALASANZ Ikastetxea
UF0674 Modelos de actuación ante múltiples víctimas .............................................. 40h UF0675 Logística sanitaria en catástrofes ............... 60h UF0679 Organización del entorno de trabajo en transporte sanitario ........................................... 40h UF0680 Diagnosis preventiva del vehículo y mantenimiento de su dotación material .. 60h UF0682 Aseguramiento del entorno de trabajo para el equipo asistencial y el paciente................... 40 h UF0683 Traslado del paciente al centro sanitario útil.......................................................... 60 h UF0120 Administración de alimentos y tratamientos personas dependientes en el domicilio.... 50h UF0121 Mejora de las capacidades físicas y primeros auxilios para las personas dependientes en el domicilio ................................................................ 50h UF0122 Mantenimiento y rehabilitación psicosocial de las personas dependientes en domicilio.. 80h UF0123 Apoyo a las gestiones cotidianas de las personas dependientes ................................... 50h UF0124 Interrelación, comunicación y observación con la persona dependiente y su entorno .......................................................... 80h. Chino Mandarin I................................................. 120h Autodefensa ......................................................... 30h
C/. Hospital Bajo, 11 • 48980 SANTURTZI (Bizkaia) • Tel. 94 461 35 19 •
Navidades 2016
Del 26 al 30 de diciembre De 9:30 a 13:30 horas
Zorionak Merry Christmast
Feliz Navidad