Editorial “I will kill you!� All already had listened to this, exactly or not, with the meaning no too clear. Soap operas, villains of animations and movies. Revenge is a common idea. See the target destroyed can be a difficult way. It does not seem simple to spend (a long) time planning, calculating the steps and bring back to mind the reasons started everytinhg, this necessity of repairing, of proper justice. The rancour is the main thing, the ingredient of this dish, they say, must be tasted cold.
Editor: Renato Loose Cover: Bruno Martins
Sections II Love
Karla Monteiro de Moraes
Matthias Austel
Bruno Dellani David GP Giulio Fontanelli Lena Gobbo James Gulliver Marcos Carneiro Maria Finna Rafael Pelisari
paste and Cut
Make art with paper is not accurately a newness. The origamis are here for years. However, is undeniable the fever that paper toys causes, more creative and elaborated. Who is crazy about it, must to confer II the Love, arm of project YM (Yebo Maycu). This magazine is in its first edition and is dedicated, exclusively, to have fun with paper, shears and much patience. The files sent, sometimes, are photographs of the dolls, but the strong point are the models published to people print and make their own version at home.
Check it: www.yebomaycu.com
Trailer is a place to divulge another magazines.
Bruno Martins Some elements that are part of ours day-byday, as tennis, telephones and computers, pass unobserved, however, for Bruno Martins, each one has a singularity capable to take off it of the common and bring it for a creativity. Those reasons made him, a designer and ilustrador of 25 years old, to created his Daily series. “These are my rewarding works, as well as an bookobject that I developed in the college and my t-shirt project called Estampido”, he detaches.
Bruno searchs inspiration in the construtivism, collage, swiss grids, graffiti and sketches. He believes the importance of not to stop in the time. “I think is always possible to improve, to try and to create new images that pass the content of attractive and objective. If you like what you do, and want to continue in the area, the research and the search for new references are basics”.
www.brunomartins.info www.brunomartins.info/estampido
www.brunomartins.info www.brunomartins.info/estampido
www.brunomartins.info www.brunomartins.info/estampido
www.brunomartins.info www.brunomartins.info/estampido
www.brunomartins.info www.brunomartins.info/estampido
www.brunomartins.info www.brunomartins.info/estampido
www.brunomartins.info www.brunomartins.info/estampido
Three stories,
one desire Vengeance; Venganza; Rache; vendetta; wraak; hevn; paghihiganti; venjança; dendam; zemsty; osveta; hævn; pomsta; kosto; atriebties; revanšas; revenge. Vingança: noun 1. infliction of injury, harm, humiliation, or the like, on a person by another who has been harmed by that person; violent revenge 2. an act or opportunity of inflicting such trouble: to take one’s vengeance. 3. the desire for revenge: a man full of vengeance. Vengeance is the common element to the three films that gave to the Korean director Park Chan-wook international recognition: Mr. Vengeance, Old boy and Lady Vengeance. It’s almost impossible to think about the second one, the most famous, without looking, in addition to Oh Dae-Su’s (Choi Min-sik) hammer, to Lee Geum-Ja’s (Lee Yeong-ae) injured love and Ryu’s (Shin Ha-Kyun) and Park Dong-Jin’s (Song Kang-Ho) unconformity in face of death. Therefore, the three characters and their stories are together in this column. The numbers 1, 2 and 3 refer to Mr. Vengeance (the first movie of the trilogy), Old boy (second) and Lady Vengeance (third), respectively. The trilogy’s point of departure and arrival is always revenge. With an intensity that doesn’t fit in it, from the retaliation of a character, born the retribution of another one. And the existence’s purpose becomes feed, plan and implement the retaliation - which is beginning, middle and end in itself. Revenge is more than an attitude, is a life project, whose production may take 15 years, such as Dae-Su’s (2), 13, such as Geum-Ja’s (3), or a few days, as Ryu’s and Dong-Jin’s (1). The Park Chan-wook’s revenge is so visceral that if we disentangle the verb (here, I remember the octopus-2 and kidney-1), we can analyze the three plots.
*To Revenge: 1. Take rematch of (harm or injury); punish, to inflict punishment;
That is the goal of vengeance: punish our offense’s perpetrator. Dae-Su wants retribution for Lee Jin-Woo (Yoo Ji-tae) for 15 years under arrest. The prison, however, was only the beginning of Woo-Jin’s (2) reprisal. It is the revenge of revenge, one inside the other, like those boxes that, when we open, find another box, and another a little smaller, and another, and another. The focus is no longer the gift there is inside. It’s open how many boxes are needed. That’s how revenge distracts us. In the end, injury becomes less of, and the rematch takes own body and existence. So, vendettas are Parnassian **: The revenge for the revenge. And in this game, anything is possible: exchange of favors – by revenge, of course, after all, enemy’s enemy is friend –, bribes, kidney trafficking, sale of hand. The punishing is body to body. Tooth by tooth - literally (2). It’s not mediated by a third part, by a justice almost always inefficient. Cops, courts, lawyers are put aside. Sometimes, they are bribed (1) or even persuaded to act with their hands either (3).
2. Correspond to an insult or injury to another; take revenge of outrage, insult or injury received;
3. Give satisfaction to: avenge the honor of the husband, avenge the blood of someone;
An injury that causes another injury, and another and another, and we doesn’t know who started. And many times, the first outrage wasn’t even purposeful. This is Dae-Su’s (2), Ryu’s (1) and Geum-ja’s (3) cases. But they all have their choices, and all the choices have consequences. This is “butterfly’s effect” which permeates all three plots. “Whether rock, whether a grain of sand, both sink”. This is Dae-Su’s enemy motto (2).
The belief in coexistence and communication with dead people, and the concept of honor above all things, so deep-rooted in eastern society, are crucial in deciding between revenge or touching the lives forward. Woo-Jin has to revenge his death sister (2), as Ryu (1); Dae-Su, his death wife (2); Geum-Ja and DongJin, the children killed in captivity (3 and 1), without mention kidnapping victims’ families (3).
Another source of problems is communication. Failures are often noted: Ryu’s dumbness is one of Dong-Jin’s little girl causes of death (1) and, therefore, crucial for revenge. Another dumbness, Dae-Su’s (2), took him from Woo-jin’s hand, and connected him to Mido (Gang Hye-jung). Before, his mistake was to speak too much. Language’s difference is another barrier, represented by the difficulty of understanding between Geum-Ja and her daughter. Speak a foreign language is an opportunity for English’s teacher kidnapper and a tragedy for many families (3).
Blood and honor weighs in the decision by revenge, even future looks more promising. Love (Dae-Su and Mido - 2, Ryu and girlfriend -1), adoption (Dong-Jin and his former employee’s sick child - 1), prosperity (Woo-Jin and his fortune - 2), motherhood (Geum-Ja and daughter, who returns - 3) are not sufficient to curb the desire for retaliation. However, once again, the opportunity of choice is placed. The family ties are always very strong and, in most cases, problematical: incest (2); brothers who take care of each other (1); mother who loses daughter’s custody, who in turn, bitter a rejection complex (3); abandoned father (1); kidnapped and murdered children (3), and even a familygang that trafficks bodies (1); out the various cases involving inmates and their husbands (3).
4. Promote the repair of: avenge a loss, a slander.
5. Being satisfied; comfort, reward
At the root of all plans of revenge, there is a great loss: freedom. Like the deaths, the captive is present in all three films. Dae-Su is stuck in a room with a TV (2), Dong-Jin’s daughter is kidnapped by Ryu (1); Geum-Ja kidnaps a kid and is unjustly arrested for his murder (3). It’s as if Park Chan-wook had elected two largest goods for humans: the lives of their families and freedom.
Avenge never repair the situation. This is fact in the whole trilogy. There is nothing to be fixed. The purpose of retaliation isn’t restorative. This is a compensation for the damage caused. The goal is to get relief, satisfaction, “redemption”, to use the term chosen in Lady Vengeance.
By the cost of having become a “monster” (Dae-Su - 2); a cold and lonely woman (Geum-Ja - 3) and have lost their lives (Dong-jin - 1), the characters abdicated everything by revenge behalf freedom or their relatives. But Chan-wook is keen to make clear that it not worth.
Redemption which, according to the daughter of Geum-Ja (3), who narrates the film, never came to her mother, despite she has fought for it. Dae-Su’s (2) desperation and Dong-Jin’s (1) perplexity also make clear the frustrations experienced at the end of their paths in search of reprisal.
There are no heroes. There are no innocents. Only humans injured, which being victims of revenge, discovered that should have failed at some point of their lives, until then, supposedly perfect.
* Dictionary Definitions of Michaelis ** Reference to Parnassian artistic movement, whose motto was “The art for art”: “the Parnassian believed that the larger meaning of art is art, in its perfection, not the outside world” Source: www.portrasdasletras.com.br.
Karla Monteiro de Moraes is journalist, graduated at History, and Social Communication professor at Espírito Santo Federal University (Ufes-Brazil). karlademoraes@gmail.com
To revenge is not to give tit for tat immediately. Plaining and conjecturas are made for the final result, a process that can be slow and agonizing. To transmit these feelings was what the photographer Matthias Austel caught in his lenses, consolidated in Pequim, China. Each movement has a song and according to him, it would complete the climate for great vendetta.
The Wings - Gustavo Santaolalla Main Theme - Basil Poledouris www.besoulmate.com
Yue Ren Ge - Zhou Xun Look Away Lucifer - Madrugada www.besoulmate.com
Mein Teil - Rammstein Burn The Crow Soundtrack - Cure www.besoulmate.com
Everyone Else Has Had More Sex Than Me - TISM www.besoulmate.com
Teach U a Lesson - Robin Thicke www.besoulmate.com
Dead - Stephen Fretwell www.besoulmate.com
Double Suicide - Sandro Perri www.besoulmate.com
Marcos Carneiro - Brazil - mco25@pop.com.br
Giulio Fontanelli - Italy - giufont@yahoo.it
David GP - Australia - www.ghostpatrol.net
Rafael Pelisari - Brazil - pelisaridesign@gmail.com
Maria Finna - Australia - www.mariarozaliafinna.com
Lena Gobbo - Italy - gobbotutti@hotmail.com
Lena Gobbo - Italy - gobbotutti@hotmail.com
James Gulliver - Australia - www.jamesgulliverhancock.com
James Gulliver - Australia - www.jamesgulliverhancock.com
James Gulliver - Australia - www.jamesgulliverhancock.com
Bruno Dellani - Brazil - www.dellani-designer.blogger.com.br
Next Issue
// deadline: may 20th
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