5 minute read

The 6 commandments of self-love

I am here again girls, sharing a bit of myself with you in this space that Magari has given me to write to you.

Today I wanted to talk to you about a topic that is already a lot on social networks but that we rarely talk seriously and without sounding trite, self-love.


In a personal way, finding self-love has not been as easy as our beauty, fitness guru and even as the social media therapist often says.

I got to do many things as part of my “beauty routine” for trying to fit in, for wanting to see myself as X person on the internet, I felt bad and I was overwhelmed when I gained weight, when I lost weight, when I had a rush of acne, when my relationship didn’t work out and the first thing I thought about was…. it’s my physique, something in my physique must have been wrong, something in my person is wrong.

Crazy right? We women associate “how we look” with “how I deserve to be treated and how I feel”, although the external, the internal certainly influences (no matter how life coach it sounds) IF IT MATTERS AND A LOT.

On the blog I constantly receive comments from followers telling me that they would like their skin to look like me or their makeup to be so cool and things like that, thank you the flowers are appreciated hahaha but it also makes me some sad because I said and I have thought the same about other people and the truth is that not everything is what it seems, that super model with a great body I assure you that she has some insecurity with her body, something that she considers ugly and that she has had to deal with it, the blogger who seems to have the perfect life in networks, with a perfect marriage / partner surely also has its issues and its days where it wants to panic the husband / boyfriend, if I explain? We are not perfect and in that lies self-love.

After therapy, little by little, I have learned some things that I would like to share with you and that I hope will be useful to you in this search for Self-Love:

1.- Go to therapy, we all have things to improve but with professional help things flow faster and better.

2.- Self-love is born from loving yourself as you are, accepting yourself and knowing that even though you don’t like something about yourself, you love yourself and you have a thousand other things that make you feel good and that if you like them.

3.- Self-love is also pampering yourself, taking care of your face, eating healthier, exercising, dancing at home, doing what makes you happy alone or with someone.

4.- Self-love means that you will not accept less than what you really want, that you will not give up your dreams, desires or who you really are for anything or anyone.

5.- Self-love is also not comparing yourself…. You are the only comadre ... there is NOBODY like you outside and that is incredible.

6.- Self-love means letting go of everything that makes you feel bad about yourself. And now if ... how do I get that self-love?

WELL EASY…. Build it, little by little, professional help if it makes a huge change, have time for yourself, it does not matter if it is 5 minutes, you need time for yourself, learn to identify who you are and do not let go, when you least expect it you have already given it a step in the right direction, be honest with yourself and in less than a rooster crows, someone one day will tell you that you look very good, that if you did something to yourself and then you will not know what to answer because you think that You didn’t do anything but yes, you’ve been loving yourself a lot and that’s why those clothes, that makeup, that outfit that you chose makes you shine and you look spectacular, being YOU.

I love you girls very much, I hope that this month of love you will practice self-love a lot and tell me if anything I wrote you helped you.

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Life's too short to not do what you love!

-Janelle Sweeney

Janelle started taking pictures as a hobby, when she moved from New Zealand to Paris, she tried to have other jobs, but in the end the path always led to her passion, photography.

She started a business with a friend, and little by little she became more involved in photography, until it became a full-time job.

“It has been amazing to look back at the journey and to see where I am now.” -Janelle

She tells us that her father also enjoyed photography as a hobby, but beyond that, he is a person who enjoys finding the beauty of the world and capturing it.

“I love portrait photography. I love capturing emotion and genuine intimate moments. Everybody has a story, and I find people's stories so interesting. It's an honour to be able to capture special moments in a person's life and then to give them a timeless, magical gift - a photograph. So that forever, with this, they will have the memory of that moment and the emotions, feelings, and the magic they felt at that time. “


Following his dreams has not been easy, especially because "no one expects a global pandemic", but he has remained firm, since making the decision to do what he is passionate about has been the best thing for his life, to live happily and fully . For Janelle, the risk of failing is not as great as the risk of choosing a life where she is not truly happy.

www.myparisportraits.com @myparisportraits

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