1 minute read

Pink by Bere

#Pink by Bere


Through the years women have been synonymous with bravery, strength and courage.

I admire all those great warriors who fought for our rights and those who still continue to do so, women who raise their voices and face the world.

Today we leave behind the fears and insecurities to go out to triumph and leave a mark.

Today we not only walk, we fly as high as we want, we reach places that we would never imagine, we support each other, we empower ourselves, we work, we undertake and we believe in our magic.

All women are born with super power and it is incredible to see and hear success stories that no matter the circumstances in which they are, they manage to move forward.

I give you my hand, I want you to know that you are not alone, let’s shout so loudly until our voices are one, the world is ours and united we are invincible.

Your guts, your perseverance and your effort will be worth it, I believe in you.

Today I hug you and applaud you because you have come very far, keep it up, I am sure that whatever your goal is, you will reach the goal triumphant and victorious but most importantly inspiring more women to be what they want to be.

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