Abstracts nóesis 2008-2012

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Revista de Ciencias Sociales y humanidades

Abstracts de Nóesis

Myrna Limas Hernández


Javier Sánchez Carlos Rector David Ramírez Perea Secretario General René Soto Cavazos Director del Instituto de Ciencias Sociales y Administración Servando Pineda Jaimes Director General de Difusión Cultural y Divulgación Científica Myrna Limas Hernández Directora general (editora en jefe) de Nóesis, Revista de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades 2010-2012 COMITÉ EDITORIAL INTERNO DE NÓESIS (UACJ)

Consuelo Pequeño Rodríguez Jorge Chávez Chávez Sandra Bustillos Duran Luis Enrique Gutiérrez Casas Carmen Patricia Jiménez Terrazas Jesús Humberto Burciaga Robles

Ricardo Vigueras Fernández Iván Roberto Álvarez Olivas Víctor Manuel Hernández Márquez Luis Mauricio Figueroa Luis Antonio Payán Alvarado Héctor Antonio Padilla Delgado


Sofía Boza Martínez - Chile Irasema Coronado – Estados Unidos Luis Arturo Ramos – Estados Unidos Ricardo Melgar Bao – México Rafael Pérez-Taylor – México Áxel Ramírez Morales – México

Rafael Romero Mayo – México Franco Savarino Roggero - México Miguel Mujica – Venezuela Francisco Parra – España Pablo Galaso Reca – España Adrián Rodríguez Miranda – Uruguay

Asistentes profesionales de Nóesis Mayela Rodríguez Ríos Rohry María Virginia Benitez Navarro Sandra Barrientos Robles Estudiantes becarios (asistentes) Jessica Araceli Tovar Téllez Daniel Efren Villegas Torres

Presentación En el transcurso 2008-2012, Nóesis Revista de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades de la Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez se ha centrado en presentar a la comunidad en general una gama de artículos de carácter científico que abordan diversos temas relacionados con las áreas del conocimiento relacionadas con las Ciencias Sociales, las Humanidades y las Ciencias Administrativas. Este índice resume la producción editorial de este órgano de divulgación científica exponiendo el contenido de 5 volúmenes (17 a 21) sistematizados a través de 8 números (34 a 41) que refieren al periodo agosto-diciembre 2008 a enero-junio 2012. Cabe precisar que el contenido de este texto da continuidad al título denominado

Resúmenes de Nóesis: 20 años de su historia (1988-2008)

publicado en el año 2011. En esta entrega se incluyen los resúmenes en idioma inglés de cada uno de los artículos publicados en este órgano editorial. No resta más que esperar que este producto sea de agrado para cada una de sus lectoras y cada uno de sus lectores. El equipo de trabajo de Nóesis, Revista de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades agradece su preferencia.

Myrna Limas Hernández Directora general o editora en jefe de Nóesis, Revista de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades (2010-2012)

Nóesis, UACJ: Su historia en 20 volúmenes, 41 números (1988-2012) Alarcón, Armando (coord.), Revista DGIES, número 1, Año 1, Noviembre 1988, 37 págs., UACJ, Ciudad Juárez, México. Fernández, Luis Felipe (coord.), Revista DGIES, número 2, Año 1, Junio 1989, 139 págs., UACJ, Ciudad Juárez, México. Ochoa, Meza Gerardo (coord.), Revista Nóesis, número 3, Año II, Julio-Diciembre 1989, 104 págs., UACJ, Ciudad Juárez, México. Lau, Rubén (coord.), Nóesis, número 4, Año II, Enero-Junio 1990, , 122 págs., UACJ, Ciudad Juárez, México. González, Herrera Carlos (coord.), Nóesis, número 5, Año II, Julio-Diciembre 1990, 119 págs., UACJ, Ciudad Juárez, México. Loera, de la Rosa Manuel (coord.), Nóesis, número 6-7, Año III, Enero-Diciembre 1991, 185 págs., UACJ, Ciudad Juárez, México. Campbell, Ysla (coord.), Nóesis, número 8. La literatura española y colonial de los siglos XVI, XVII y XVIII, Año IV, Enero-Junio 1992, 131 págs., UACJ, Ciudad Juárez, México. Lasso, Tiscareño Rigoberto y Silvia Moreno Fernández (coords.), Nóesis, número 9-10. Conocimiento de los hechos educativos, Año IV, Julio 1992-Junio 1993, 206 págs., UACJ, Ciudad Juárez, México. García, Amaral María Luisa (coord.), Nóesis, número 11. Realidad de las ciudades y sus problemas, Año IV, Julio 1993-Diciembre 1993, 176 págs., UACJ, Ciudad Juárez, México. Pedraza, Reyes Héctor (coord.), Nóesis, número 12. Las ciencias sociales, reflexión filosófica y literaria, Año V, Enero-Junio 1994, 135 págs., UACJ, Ciudad Juárez, México. Padilla, Delgado Héctor (coord.), Nóesis, número13. Democracia y gobernabilidad, Año V, Julio-Diciembre 1994, 158 págs., UACJ, Ciudad Juárez, México. Limas, Hernández Alfredo (coord.), Nóesis, número 14. Hermenéutica e historias católicas, Año VI, EneroJulio 1995, 176 págs., UACJ, Ciudad Juárez, México. Loera, de la Rosa Manuel y Ramón Chavira (coords.), Nóesis, número 15. Frontera y región, Año VI, JulioDiciembre 1995, 200 págs., UACJ, Ciudad Juárez, México. Chávez, Jorge (comp.), Nóesis, número 16. Reflexiones sobre la identidad, Año VII, Enero-Julio 1996, 203 págs., UACJ, Ciudad Juárez, México. Calderón, Cuauhtémoc (coord.), Nóesis, número 17. La teoría general de Keynes: sesenta años después, Año VI, Julio-Diciembre 1996, 188 págs., UACJ, Ciudad Juárez, México. Rentería, Díaz Adrián (comp.), Nóesis, número 18. Filosofía analítica y filosofía del derecho en Italia, Vol. 9, Año 9, Enero-Julio 1997, 236 págs., UACJ, Ciudad Juárez, México. Morales, Julio César (coord.), Nóesis, número 19. Procesos de industrialización y política industrial, Vol. 9, Julio-Diciembre 1997, 202 págs., UACJ, Ciudad Juárez, México. Llera, Pacheco Francisco Javier (coord.), Nóesis, número 20-21. Frontera, geografía y planeación urbana, Vol. 10, Enero-Diciembre 1998, 194 págs., UACJ, Ciudad Juárez, México.

Melé, Patricia y Héctor Padilla Delgado (coords.), Nóesis, número 22-23. Medio ambiente y acción pública urbana, Vol. 11, Enero-Diciembre 1999, 150 págs., UACJ, Ciudad Juárez, México. Montero, Teresa (coord.), Nóesis, número 24. Política educativa y gestión escolar, Vol. 12, Agosto-Diciembre 2002, 130 págs., UACJ, Ciudad Juárez, México. Ampudia, Rueda Lourdes (coord.), Nóesis, número 25. Población y mercados laborales, Vol. 13, Enero-Junio 2003, 206 págs., UACJ, Ciudad Juárez, México. Zavaleta, B. José A.y Servando Pineda J. (coords.), Nóesis, número 26. Globalización, posmodernidad y teoría social, Vol. 14, Enero-Diciembre 2004, 248 págs., UACJ, Ciudad Juárez, México. Gutiérrez, Casas Luis E. (coord.), Nóesis, número 27. Desarrollo y política regional, Vol. 15, Enero-Junio 2005, 276 págs., UACJ, Ciudad Juárez, México. Pequeño, R. Consuelo y Susana L. Báez (coords.), Nóesis, número 28. Género, feminismo(s) y violencia desde la frontera norte, Vol. 15, Julio-Diciembre 2005, 188 págs., UACJ, Ciudad Juárez, México. Silva, Montes César (coord.), Nóesis, número 29. Formación y universalización, Vol. 15, Enero-Junio 2006, 159 págs., UACJ, Ciudad Juárez, México. Payán, Tony (coord.), Nóesis, número 30. Globalización y fronteras, Vol. 15, Agosto-Diciembre 2006, 278 págs., UACJ, Ciudad Juárez, México. Padilla, Delgado Héctor (coord.), Nóesis, número 31. Elecciones presidenciales del 2006, Vol. 16, Enero-Junio 2007, 300 págs., UACJ, Ciudad Juárez, México. Rojas, B. Clara E. (coord.), Nóesis, número 32. Identidades y fronteras: entramado de la política cultural, Vol. 16, Julio-Diciembre 2007, 296 págs., UACJ, Ciudad Juárez, México. Sariego, Juan Luis (coord.), Nóesis, número 33. Las Ciencias Sociales y las Humanidades en el norte de México, Vol. 17, Enero-Junio 2008, 200 págs., UACJ, Ciudad Juárez, México. Padilla, Delgado Héctor (coord.), Nóesis, número 34. Violencia: imágenes e historias, Vol. 17, AgostoDiciembre 2008, 298 págs., UACJ, Ciudad Juárez, México. Padilla, Delgado Héctor y Myrna Limas Hernández (coords.), Nóesis, número 35. 20 años (1988-2008), Vol. 18, Enero-Junio 2009, 216 págs., UACJ, Ciudad Juárez, México. Limas, Hernández Myrna (coord.), Nóesis, número 36. Nóesis 20 años. La región en retrospectiva, Vol. 18, Agosto-Diciembre 2009, 265 págs., UACJ, Ciudad Juárez, México. Ampudia, Rueda Ma. de Lourdes y Myrna Limas Hernández (coords.), Nóesis, número 37. Desarrollo: enfoques y desafíos, Vol. 19, Enero-Junio 2010, 236 págs., UACJ, Ciudad Juárez, México. Salazar, Mendoza Margarita y Walter Weller Taboada (coords.), Nóesis, número 38. La violencia. Una visión desde la Filosofía, Vol. 19, Agosto-Diciembre 2010, 256 págs., UACJ, Ciudad Juárez, México. Chávez, Chávez Jorge (coord.), Nóesis, número 39. Reflexiones en torno a la Revolución Mexicana cien años después, Vol. 20, Enero-Junio 2011, 200 págs., UACJ, Ciudad Juárez, México. Salazar, Quintana Luis Carlos (coord.), Nóesis, número 40. La obra del historiador chihuahuense José Fuentes Mares, Vol. 20, Agosto-Diciembre 2011, 198 págs., UACJ, Ciudad Juárez, México. Jiménez, Terrazas Carmen Patricia (coord.), Nóesis, número 41. Investigación en las ciencias administrativas, Vol. 21, Enero-Junio 2012, 215 págs., UACJ, Ciudad Juárez, México.

Abstracts de Nóesis Agosto/Diciembre 2008 a Enero/Junio2012 Padilla, Delgado Héctor (coord.), Nóesis, número 34. Violencia: imágenes e historias, Vol. 17, AgostoDiciembre 2008, 298 págs., UACJ, Ciudad Juárez, México. Sección Monográfica Guardia Rolando, Inés y Giannina Oliveri Pacheco. La violencia como mecanismo del debate público en Venezuela durante el siglo XX. Vol. 17, Agosto-Diciembre 2008, págs. 14-40, UACJ, Ciudad Juárez, México. The objective of the present paper is to describe the mechanisms by which the political violence has become one of the fundamental elements of the public debate in two historical conjunctures in Venezuela: The October’s Revolution and the Bolivarian Revolution. The work is developed around two ideas: first one will approach the problem of violence and fear from a theoretical perspective and the second one describes each of these historical conjunctures; finally the article makes a comparation of this phenomenon between both historical moments. Monárrez Fragoso, Julia Estela y Jaime García de la Rosa. Violencia e inseguridad en la frontera norte de México. Vol. 17, Agosto-Diciembre 2008, págs. 42-65, UACJ, Ciudad Juárez, México. The increasing importance of public insecurity in México has begun to develop an academic interest for the topics of violence and public security that prevails in different parts of the national geography. This article focuses in the complexity of these dimensions of social violence following two axes: the abstract one and the concrete one. With the first one, we position in the table of discussion the theoretical reflection of the conceptualizations of violence and insecurity that frame this work; and in relation to the concrete one, we show through the analysis of official documents and databases, the statistics of violence in the frontier states of the north of México, with six elements of analysis: victimology, murders, thefts, denunciation of the crimes, confidence in the police corporations and the perception of the safety of this population of the national territory. Santiago Quijada, Guadalupe y Jorge Balderas Domínguez. Fundamento ideológico de la acción revolucionaria del grupo armado Lacandones. Vol. 17, Agosto-Diciembre 2008, págs. 66-91, UACJ, Ciudad Juárez, México. The study of armed groups of our country proves the importance of those being part of this path from latest seventies, and contraire from recent thoughts, there exist different organizations that bring back this option as a way of fight. That is why this work analyzes the ideological character and fundaments of revolution action that supports the revolutionary praxis of Comando Armado Lacandones Pedraza Reyes, Héctor. Apuntes sobre el movimiento armado socialista en México (1969-1974). Vol. 17, Agosto-Diciembre 2008, págs. 92-124, UACJ, Ciudad Juárez, México. In the seventies the urban and rural guerrillas represented a real challenge for the Mexican government. Several organizations founded in 1973 la Liga Comunista 23 de Septiembre. Since then the President Luis Echeverría showed no mercy against the guerrillas, taking place a “dirty war”. Sección Varia Vega Briones, Germán. Salud reproductiva entre migrantes de Tijuana, Baja California. Vol. 17, AgostoDiciembre 2008, págs. 126-166, UACJ, Ciudad Juárez, México. The main idea of this article is to present the knowledge level, attitudes and myths of Mexican migrants that work or have been working in the U.S.A., and analyze the way in which their work in the United States have impacted to the migrants in terms of sexual and reproductive health.

Sousa González, Eduardo. El espacio urbano y su transformación metropolitana en la sobremodernidad. El caso Monterrey, N.L., México. Vol. 17, Agosto-Diciembre 2008, págs. 168-203, UACJ, Ciudad Juárez, México. An urban space in the U.S. represents, in our days, the main form of demographic and economic concentration of the country, this in virtue of the continued processes of migration from field to city and of growing economic investments in this (pro-civil) spaces to the high density of settlers, this modifying the perception and the way of living in cities, from there the need to reframe theoretically this U.S. social relations containers, this incorporating contextually the new variables of global cut. Sánchez Salcedo, José Fernando. Los vínculos sociales como formas de regulación. Reflexiones sobre el poder de los vínculos en la sociedad colombiana. Vol. 17, Agosto-Diciembre 2008, págs. 204-234, UACJ, Ciudad Juárez, México. Social bonds constitute particular ways of regulation, through which individuals negotiate social rules, adjusting to their needs and interests. It’s possible to find in Colombian society the origin of such bonds in traditional practices such as paternalism and patronage through the emerging of intermediation systems which develop in a parallel way to market and State dynamics. This article seeks to propose a reflection about the social bond regulation function starting with a description of its influence in some of the consolidation processes of Colombian society. Silvia Montes, Cesar. Las dimensiones de la globalización. Vol. 17, Agosto-Diciembre 2008, págs. 236-262, UACJ, Ciudad Juárez, México. This article examines how, under the pressure of powerful globalizing forces, México, which had been one of the most stable regimes in the world for over six decades, underwent a severe economic and political crisis in 1994, a crisis which prompted the arrival of the National Action Party to the Mexican presidency. The arrival of a right-wing party to the presidency did not imply an improvement of the Mexican electoral democracy in 2006, but instead diminished the social security system, increased Mexican dependence on the American economy, and added to public corruption. In Ciudad Juárez, the maquiladora model of development became further entrenched and the nexus with the global drug trafficking networks grew during the Fox administration, in spite of its aspirations to create a meritocratic State. Here, the author posits that the Zapatista movement is a new historical entity of resistance to globalization (Arriarán, 2002) and an alternative for Mexican democracy in the face of an unprofessional political class; an alternative where the citizenry can act on its own diverse interests and negotiate its own solutions. Sección Libros, entrevistas y otras narrativas Martínez Hernández, Ifigenia. Sociedad del conocimiento y energía. Vol. 17, Agosto-Diciembre 2008, págs. 264-276, UACJ, Ciudad Juárez, México. Horwath, Peter y Dulce Estévez. La novela Las casas vor Karl V (1938), de Reinhold Schneider: un disfrazado ataque a las prácticas del totalitarismo. Vol. 17, Agosto-Diciembre 2008, págs. 278-289, UACJ, Ciudad Juárez, México. Padilla, Delgado Héctor y Myrna Limas Hernández (coords.), Nóesis, número 35. 20 años (1988-2008), Vol. 18, Enero-Junio 2009, 216 págs., UACJ, Ciudad Juárez, México.

Parte I Nóesis Rojas Blanco, Clara Eugenia. La perspectiva de género: noema y nóesis de la epistemología feminista. Vol. 18, Enero-Junio 2009, págs. 17-33, UACJ, Ciudad Juárez, México. In this article I present a reflection concerned with the epistemological potential of the gender perspective to open new ways of knowing, understanding and writing the world. My interest departs from a (re)vision of the articles published in Nóesis from 1989 to 2008. This (re)revision is formed by a

gender perspective and by the theorizations of feminist epistemologies. From this point of view a limited participation of women scholars is evident, as well as a non-significant presence of research or reflections from a gender perspective. I argue that nowadays this erasure is unjustified from the point of view of post-classical or contemporary epistemologies. Payán Alvarado, Luis Antonio. Nóesis: un oasis intelectual en el desierto chihuahuense. Vol. 18, Enero-Junio 2009, págs. 34-45, UACJ, Ciudad Juárez, México. For two decades, the journal Nóesis has been an intellectual oasis in social science research in the State of Chihuahua. Its trajectory for the last twenty years points, first, to the recognition of our own deficiencies in social science research and, second, to an important commitment to correct them. This essay poses three important questions designed to explore the development of the journal Nóesis: Unde venis?, Ubi es?, and Quo vadis?, through which I intend to explore, albeit briefly, the journal’s past, present and future within the prevailing environment of our epistemic community at the Universidad Autonóma de Ciudad Juárez, within the State of Chihuahua, and in the northern region of Mexico. Limas Hernández, Myrna y Luis Enrique Gutiérrez Casas. Nóesis: un balance de los escritos publicados sobre Economía y otros temas. Vol. 18, Enero-Junio 2009, págs. 46-73, UACJ, Ciudad Juárez, México. The restlessness to present/display to the readers of a Magazine of Social Sciences and Humanities a balance of writings published on Economy throughout 20 years suggests to take like reference a central idea from the Nóesis project (paraphrasing to Ferro Gay, 1989 and to Pedraza, 1993): the own activity of the intellectual sets out to to track the cause of all the things. For that reason, it comes to make use of the exercise from the reason. For that reason the entailment between Nóesis and Economy suggests to detect and to organize what type of subjects has been reviewed and tried to share from economists and noneconomists from this common platform. The considered format to take care of this task is based on solving some basic questions that formulate: What has taken place in Nóesis on Economy?, how much has taken place in Nóesis on Economy?, and from whom or from where the articles of Nóesis have taken place that treat on Economy? The probable answers to this third of questions guide to us next. Parte II Ciencias Sociales Cital Beltran, Pedro. De ¨los límites de la planeación urbana¨ a la definición del ¨modelo de gestión urbana en Ciudad Juárez¨… ¿hacia un desarrollo sustentable al dominio de los ¨no lugares¨?. Vol. 18, EneroJunio 2009, págs. 74-87, UACJ, Ciudad Juárez, México. The present essay tries to do a brief inventory of the discussions that have presented in some of the works published in the magazine Nóesis, particularly the related with development and urban planeation including the reflections on environment and housing. Likewise, it tries to present a balance with regard to the experiences developed in the last years on this topic in Ciudad Juárez, where they have presented diverse events that have been defining the configuration and the growth of the locality. Pacheco Ladrón de Guevara, Lourdes C. Retos de las Ciencias Sociales en las universidades públicas. Vol. 18, Enero-Junio 2009, págs. 88-102, UACJ, Ciudad Juárez, México. Repeat the existence of crisis of Social Sciences as crisis of the paradigms of modernity is already almost a common place. It is not, however, when this crisis relates to the ways of thinking about society today, because if the paradigm source of the Social Sciences is on track to be replaced, has not yet have a social science that enables think what social differently to as thinks the modernity. In this way, we are caught in the inability to continue to think through social science previous and the same time, in the need to think, explain and understand the world today. With what social science do we believe in contemporary society? The question is of high relevance because the universities have the

role of forming social scientists able to interpret the social events. Hence the importance of wonder about the social thought. Ortiz Quintana, Juan Hernán III. Triste desierto: un caso de antropología y educación popular. Vol. 18, EneroJunio 2009, págs. 104-123, UACJ, Ciudad Juárez, México. This paper provides elements to discuss about two interlocking themes: how can we understand what is anthropology and what does an anthropologist do. The case study is my own, may be it is the lack of resources for a field work in exotic places, or perhaps the exoticism of the border which makes me being in a continuous field work; the truth is that part the of the typical anthropological work is being there, in the place of the facts, and certainly I am here (I will explain where). On the other hand the crises and adventures related here pretend to be submitted material for discuss about the state of the humanities and social sciences in Mexico. Parte III Sección Varia Limas Hernández, Myrna y Héctor Antonio Padilla Delgado. Nóesis: algunos antecedentes y un balance de su producción (1988-2008). Vol. 18, Enero-Junio 2009, págs. 124-182, UACJ, Ciudad Juárez, México. Parte IV Sección Libros, entrevistas y otras narrativas Hernández Márquez, Víctor M. ¿Es la ciencia política una ciencia nanata? Vol. 18, Enero-Junio 2009, págs. 184-190, UACJ, Ciudad Juárez, México. Cruz Sierra, Salvador y Sonia Bass Zavala. Cultura e identidad en la frontera México-Estados Unidos. Vol. 18, Enero-Junio 2009, págs. 192-203, UACJ, Ciudad Juárez, México. Chávez Chávez, Jorge. Reseña del libro de Eduardo Antonio Parra, Juárez, rostro de piedra, Grijalbo, 2009. Vol. 18, Enero-Junio 2009, págs. 204-209, UACJ, Ciudad Juárez, México. Limas, Hernández Myrna (coord.), Nóesis, número 36. Nóesis 20 años. La región en retrospectiva, Vol. 18, Agosto-Diciembre 2009, 265 págs., UACJ, Ciudad Juárez, México. (Nota: La sección monográfica y la sección varia incluye la reimpresión de artículos. Se indica la referencia original) Sección Monográfica Fernández, Luis Felipe (coord.), Revista DGIES, número 2. Año I, junio 2009, 139 págs., UACJ, Ciudad Juárez, México Valdivia, Guadalupe y Gustavo Calderón. La vivienda precarista en Ciudad Juárez: urbanización de subsistencia. Vol. 18, Agosto-Diciembre 2009, págs. 14-31, UACJ, Ciudad Juárez, México. (Estudios urbanos) This essay aims to highlight how the group called “outcasts” of society are endeavoring to satisfy a consumer need such as housing. Also, we analyze the role of squatter groups in a locality such as Ciudad Juárez, which is currently the most economically important frontier of the country. The limited State involvement in housing supply, has led these groups to meet the demand of this commodity through themselves, that is, outside the formal market mechanisms. Squatter groups are contingents of people on which rests the border economy. In this town, these groups have entered the housing either by obtaining urban land in most of the time by way of the invasion. To achieve this, mutual aid or solidarity, is the key that allows them to begin the long journey, whose ultimate goal is to obtain permanent housing. Lau, Rubén (coord.), Nóesis, número 4. Año II, enero-junio 1990, 122 págs., UACJ, Ciudad Juárez, México

Chavira P., Fidencio. El comportamiento del servicio de transporte colectivo urbano (1950-1989). Vol. 18, Agosto-Diciembre 2009, págs. 32-48, UACJ, Ciudad Juárez, México. (Estudios urbanos) These notes arise from the rapid reading of a database hemerographic than on urban public transport, TCU, exist in the Master of Urban Development of the Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juarez, UACJ. The intended purpose is to learn some important aspects on how to how, through events that collected these sources, perceived service performance of TCU in 1950 to date. With elements that show we try to provide an idea of the expansion that transport was having with the establishment of colonies and increasingly alienated sectors of the ancient center of the city. These elements are the movement of routers, the increase in rates, conditions of service and conditions of the roads, among others. These aspects were not select a priori, rather is considered by the frequent insistence that occurred in the period as news stories. Loera de la Rosa, Manuel (coord.), Nóesis, número 6-7. Año III, enero-junio 1991, 185 págs., UACJ, Ciudad Juárez, México Centro de Estudios Regionales y Comunicación Alternativa (CERCA). Impactos de la maquila en el medio ambiente de Ciudad Juárez. Vol. 18, Agosto-Diciembre 2009, págs. 50-75, UACJ, Ciudad Juárez, México. (Medio ambiente) In this paper we analyze, in general, changes that generated the project industry in Juárez City. First observe its effect on urban sprawl, the provision of services, etc., its impact on the environment and living conditions of the Juárez population. We propose also to locate the main problems caused by the development of the industry, particularly with regard to toxic and nuclear wastes, as well as point the trend of urban economic project that it has imposed on our city, to conclude a brief presentation of the popular reactions and proposals to the problem. It also exposes the problems of contamination resulting from other activities not related to the industry. Gracia Amaral, María Luisa (coord.), Nóesis. Realidad de las ciudades y sus problemas. Número 11. Año IV, junio 1993-diciembre 1993, 176 págs., UACJ, Ciudad Juárez, México Padilla Delegado, Héctor. Medio Ambiente y servicios en Ciudad Juárez. Vol. 18, Agosto-Diciembre 2009, págs. 76-96, UACJ, Ciudad Juárez, México. (Medio ambiente) This paper aims to show the scene of the environment and urban services in Juárez city during the eighties. Start with a sketch of the environmental problems of border cities. Continues with a description of the environmental and urban services, particularly water and drainage. Concludes with a discussion of the effects on the health of the inhabitants may be associated with environmental degradation. Sección Varia Loera de la Rosa, Manuel (coord.), Nóesis. Número 6-7. Año III, enero-diciembre 1991, 185 págs., UACJ, Ciudad Juárez, México. Quintana S., Manuel M. Chihuahua: actores sociales y modernización. Vol. 18, Agosto-Diciembre 2009, págs. 98-124, UACJ, Ciudad Juárez, México. (Política) The maquila boom, the rise and fall of neopanism, the drug empire, the culture dishes and the “six pack” ... Here begins and ends for many modernization suffered by the state of Chihuahua in the eighties. Beyond these facts, valid analyzers of changes taking place in northern society, modernization means in the Chihuahua in the past decade: increasing transformation of its productive structure and

occupational profile, new forms of work and daily life, off of bipartisanship, incresedtrade with the United States. Changes as in the structural core of society, in the scenario where actors perform. García Amaral, María Luisa (coord.), Nóesis. Número 11. Realidad de las ciudades y sus problemas, año IV, julio-diciembre 1993, 176 págs., UACJ, Ciudad Juárez, México. Gutiérrez Casas, Luis Enrique. Ciudad Juárez en los sesenta: la estructura en transición. Vol. 18, AgostoDiciembre 2009, págs. 126-152, UACJ, Ciudad Juárez, México. (Estudios urbanos) The essay is structured in a way that can be covered, generally, the various aspects that we believe explain the housing problem in Ciudad Juárez. In the first part we propose the housing problem from several aspects: deficit, low wages and loss of purchasing power of workers, housing market fluctuations, population growth, changes in the composition of the labor market, migration, and economic policies housing. In the second part we focus our analysis on the AHI. Its main features are the irregular forms of appropriation of urban land, the self-build and the smuggling of public services, among others. García Amaral, María Luisa (coord.), Nóesis. Número 11. Realidad de las ciudades y sus problemas, año IV, julio-diciembre 1993, 176 págs., UACJ, Ciudad Juárez, México. Caraveo C., Bertha. El problema de la vivienda en Ciudad Juárez: los asentamientos humanos irregulares. Vol. 18, Agosto-Diciembre 2009, págs. 154-165, UACJ, Ciudad Juárez, México. (Estudios urbanos) This paper puts forward and explained by a thorough analysis of the housing problem in Ciudad Juárez, as a result of this problem arising social problems which are explained in the drafting of this document by reference to the most outstanding in as are present financial inability to acquire housing, due to low levels of income earned by individuals residing in this city, and the increase in demand for migration from other cities to the same, as is generated whenever a shortage of supply, juice entering the property market speculation, promoted by the economic and housing policies. Morales, Julio Cesar (coord.), Nóesis. Número 19. Procesos de industrialización y política industrial, Vol. 9, julio-diciembre 1997, 202 págs., UACJ, Ciudad Juárez, México. Arroyo Galván, Manuel. Alternancia política y fomento económico en Chihuahua, 1980-1995. Vol. 18, AgostoDiciembre 2009, págs. 166-220, UACJ, Ciudad Juárez, México. (Economía) Based on research conducted in 1994-1996 to obtain the degree of Master of Regional Development by El Colegio de la Frontera Norte, the purpose in this article is to review these two dimensions that come into play in designing of economic development policies at the state level: the political dimension, understood both as exercise and the construction of power and political-electoral disputes and the institutional dimension of the exercise of government strategies including its links with the business sector. At first takes stock of the context in which they develop the political and administrative designs in terms of economic development, then in two subsequent sections, first review the characteristics of political change and then make an analysis of impact on the administrative design to finally address some conclusions and assumptions of development that can have economic development in the next administration. Sección Libros, entrevistas y otras narrativas Lasso Tiscareño, Roberto. Entre cronos y kairos de Guadalupe Valencia. Vol. 18, Agosto-Diciembre 2009, págs. 222-232, UACJ, Ciudad Juárez, México.

Vazquez León, Luis. Entre La historiografía arqueológica toma la delantera. Vol. 18, Agosto-Diciembre 2009, págs. 234-241, UACJ, Ciudad Juárez, México. Hernández Márquez, Víctor M. Entre Administrando la ciencia en las universidades de México A propósito de un libro de Adrian Acosta Silva. Vol. 18, Agosto-Diciembre 2009, págs. 242-255, UACJ, Ciudad Juárez, México. Ampudia, Rueda Ma. de Lourdes y Myrna Limas Hernández (coords.), Nóesis, número 37. Desarrollo: enfoques y desafíos, Vol. 19, Enero-Junio 2010, 236 págs., UACJ, Ciudad Juárez, México. Sección Temática Rodríguez, Miranda Adrián. La frontera Uruguay-Brasil y el desarrollo local. Vol. 19, Enero- Junio 2010, págs. 14-51, UACJ, Ciudad Juárez, México. This article proposes a conceptual framework for analyzing local development in cross-border localities between Uruguay and Brazil. The discussion takes into account previous research that analyze the development in this region and the international literature that addresses the issue of the border, about its importance as a physical, commercial and mental barrier. The conceptual framework assumes the existence of exogenous factors such as the exchange policy and legal regulations, and endogenous factors that are associated with three dimensions that affect the behavior of individuals: the actual interaction at the border, the cognitive and affective aspects. The interaction of these factors in a given local institutional framework is what explains the cross-border economic development model. Finally, I propose a research agenda to test the conceptual framework and advance the understanding of local development in border regions. Limas, Hernández Myrna. Desarrollo humano en Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua. Circunstancias en salud, educación e ingreso de las mujeres. Vol. 19, Enero- Junio 2010, págs. 52-91, UACJ, Ciudad Juárez, México. Various analyses and reports show that the development is a catalyst for the improvement of the circumstances of the people’s welfare. However, in this context are not disposable situations to be adverse for women. Because of the necessity of enriching the studies in this line, this work focuses on analyzing the scheme of human development in Ciudad Juárez highlighting the status of women from a perspective of gender (HDGP). The assumption suggests that the residents of this town do not coexist with an equitable environment for opportunities. For this reason, the circumstances of women in this border area based on the information by a survey in 2006 with the purpose of illustrating their status in three specific dimensions are emerging: health, education and income. Baza, Martínez Sofía. Desafío del desarrollo: la agricultura orgánica como parte de una estrategia de mitigación de la pobreza rural en México. Vol. 19, Enero- Junio 2010, págs. 91- 111, UACJ, Ciudad Juárez, México. Organic farming has developed as an economic sector in a continuous growth. Its high respect for the environment and for the healthy eating habits have achieved that consumers would be interested in organic food. However, the organic farming possibilities in the promotion of social an economical justice have been wasted very often. Therefore it will be very interesting to study the evolution and the consequences that organic farming have obtained in a country like Mexico, where the sector is under the control of small and low-income producers. In this research work we will analyze the opportunities and challenges of Mexican organic farming in the promotion of rural development, sustainable from an economical, social, and environmental perspective. Urbano, Pablo Martin. Balance del desarrollo. La territorialización de la innovación en las políticas de la Unión Europea. Vol. 19, Enero- Junio 2010, págs. 112- 147 UACJ, Ciudad Juárez, México.

The need to promote the R&D regions as an element of their own development and an essential part of the overall strategy of competitiveness in the EU, has been gaining ground in the design of common policies, especially in the more involved with the development and innovation. There has been, thus a greater convergence and coordination between the economic and social cohesion policies and the policy of research and technological development trying to territorialization greater innovation and integrate it in development strategies. This article, on the basis of those needs that arise in the first section, discusses the evolution of both policies influencing their interrelations. So in the second heading reviews the changes in the direction of R&D policy to favour a greater territorialisation of its contents, while the third heading reflects changes in cohesion policy to give it a more innovative content. In all cases is given particular relevance to SMEs while base fundamental of special production of the EU and therefore subject tissue of the necessary changes to foster innovation and the development. From these considerations, the fourth heading contains main conclusions showing the current state of innovation in EU regions and making some recommendations. Sección Varia Martínez, Mahr Bertha Lucía. Identificación de indicadores de desarrollo endógeno en comunidades campesinas. Vol. 19, Enero- Junio 2010, págs. 148- 179, Ciudad Juárez, México. The purpose behind this study is to determine the basic concept which marginal farm workers possess concerning a series of areas or aspects related to the development of their own particular community, especially the municipality of Atzitzihuacán, Puebla. In theory, a series of personal developmental indicators will ultimately permit an elaborate strategy to enhance the daily conditions of life of marginal farm workers in specified municipalities. There exists greater recognition indicative of the essence of education as a pillar economic and social development of a given nation attributed to not only extended programs but trough innovative investigative means. It is believed that once the areas of priority and needs are identified and perceived by the participants of the community under study, utilizing contextual characteristics, an elaborate educational strategy will primarily permit the communities to reach a productive transformational process. Barraza de Anda, Martha Patricia, Lisbeily Domínguez y Sergio Martínez. Modelos de medición como forma de gestión para resultados: Novedades y reminiscencias en las políticas de financiamiento. Vol.19 EneroJunio 2010, págs. 180- 211, Ciudad Juárez, México. The paper analyses results of nine State universities trajectories (UPE) and one national, using two employees in the public sector productivity measurement models: therein lies the discussion on its relevance and applicability for the assessment of the policies of funding to higher education and the estimation of the University institutional productivity contemporary. The strategy of study uses quantitative techniques to assess and explain some of the determinants of development and institutional performance. From the approach of analysis that takes place, they highlight and analyze those structural variables that define a part of their identity and through which they have been relevant to their environment. The results provide new perspectives of research for the analysis of the social relevance of the various models of higher education and its forms of management. This apparently leads to recover the perspective of the public sense of higher education in the field of knowledge and its social use. Sección Libros, entrevistas y otras narrativas. Ampudia, Rueda Lourdes y Myrna Limas. Género y Globalización. Vol.19 Enero- Junio 2010, págs. 212- 219, Ciudad Juárez, México.

Barraza, Martha Patricia y Lisbeily Domínguez. El modelo y su pertinencia en espacios con desequilibrios económico y territorial. . Vol.19 Enero- Junio 2010, págs. 212- 229, Ciudad Juárez, México. Salazar, Mendoza Margarita y Walter Weller Taboada (coords.), Nóesis, número 38. La violencia. Una visión desde la Filosofía, Vol. 19, Agosto-Diciembre 2010, 256 págs., UACJ, Ciudad Juárez, México. Sección Monográfica Beller, Taboada Walter. ¿La violencia tiene justificación?: lo que dicen la ciencia y la Filosofía. Vol. 19, Agosto- Diciembre 2010, págs. 19-53, UACJ, Ciudad Juárez, México. Purpose of this paper is present some views fundamental in philosophy and in science on violence: to begin with the outlook to consider the violence as a human disposition, or a trait selected by nature evolution; in the second place, I’ll present the violence as a phenomenon associated with social conditions; and, finally, I'll expose the violence as a product of the complex labyrinth of the psyche or mind like the ground of wars and criminal processes. After exposure, I propose balance about all of this, and I´ll propound one correct analysis of violence, by an approach of increasing complexity. Manjarrez, Campbell Ulises. La filosofía de la violencia. Vol. 19, Agosto- Diciembre 2010, págs. 54-73, UACJ, Ciudad Juárez, México. The paper intends a critical analysis by the concept of violence. The document begins with the representation inself to materialize as praxis. The development of the concept of violence, and several of its figures, are presented by different historical moments which have, in the base, however, the development of the concept. Therefore, the document stars with the conditions of primitive violence; advance to the instrumental violence – like essential violence- and concluded with the legal recognition of violence. In that case, we review the performances especially by Werner Jaeger, Thucydides, Machiavelli, and Hegel. Hernández, Márquez Víctor, Breve ensayo sobre la violencia. Vol. 19, Agosto- Diciembre 2010, págs.74-87, UACJ, Ciudad Juárez, México. This paper tries to expose the double standards with which some self-proclaimed postmodernist seek to conceal or minimize the commitment of thinker, like Heidegger, with violent policies, shifting the blame to his critics. León, García Ricardo. El príncipe latinoamericano: la violencia de estado en la novela de la dictadura a la luz de Maquiavelo. Vol. 19, Agosto- Diciembre 2010, págs.88-107 UACJ, Ciudad Juárez, México Latin American novelists have dealt with the dictatorship in their countries, thus, a number of readers learned about the history of this kind of political practice. States monopolize violence, but the State is just representative of dominant sectors in every society. Throughout time, instead of the insertion of democracy within official discourses, a minority group has taken advantage of fire-power for constructing dictatorial regimes. Because of this persistent appearance, dictatorship should be proposed as a natural attribute for states. However, for decades, a big writers group has published their novels on that political expression. They contribute in this way to undermine the popular support to de facto governments. Literary and historical narratives discourses seem overlap; both of them become supplementary to the public understanding on the political history. In addition, Machiavelli’s ideas give the impression of coincidence with both kinds of text. Salazar, Mendoza Margarita. Un mal antiguo, una larga historia. Vol. 19, Agosto- Diciembre 2010, págs.108131 UACJ, Ciudad Juárez, México Mankind’s history have a long directory of brutal acts committed against other human beings and Nature. Written records of that violence include to Literature. The history of Ciudad Juárez also shows barbarian measures in the present time. It is necessary to ask to ourselves: Which is the reason of that? How much useful is for us to read about such behavior in literary texts? Authors like Aristotle, Bertold Brecht, and Eduardo

Galeano deal with the social purpose of Literature. Aristotle alludes to the catharsis. Brecht makes an allusion to the spacing to exert an analysis and rational action. On the other hand, Galeano says that everything in Literature is social. The human being is a product of his history; then, the writers of Ciudad Juárez are just fruits of their context. They engage in a dialog with the speech of the city and they shape subjects, in their works, that worry to the juarenses. Stories that Literature counts to us could be helpful, because they show those constant and universal principles of the human nature we share. Thus, we are able to know which the violent actions that frequently are committed, to think about them and to look for more rational forms of coexistence. Sección Varia Cruz, Sierra Salvador. Performatividad e identidad en la experiencia de la intimidad en hombres jóvenes. Vol. 19, Agosto- Diciembre 2010, págs.132-153 UACJ, Ciudad Juárez, México.

For young males, to establish relationships considered as “intimate” in terms of publicize private information or to express feelings in open ways, in face of women, implies to put in danger the “male image” performance that fabricates their maleness for the female subject. In order to shape and protect an adequate male identity, these youngsters talk about the use of diverse masks which are useful for social interaction. These masquerades make possible the conformation, through performative acts, that resembles a sense of them attached to the gender order and to an achievement of power by means of feelings manipulation and the reluctance to disclose personal information. But, at the same time, these actions generate in them a sense of a “social hypocrisy” that prevails in diverse interpersonal links Muñoz, Ortega Antonio. Entre el niño y el sicario. Una lotería política. Vol. 19, Agosto- Diciembre 2010, págs.154-189 UACJ, Ciudad Juárez, México. In the context are invited to consider violence as a linaty of horrors on the basis of a Socratic motto stating that think for itself requires confronting common places and undergo a review that will lead us to raise that to philosophize is to free to launch a war against the stablished dogmas machine. Taking as reference ideas of Hesse, Manheim, Bajtín, Trotski, Weber o Huntington in needed need to free ourselves from a dichotomous logic to go beyond a single manner of thinking and questioning why the terror is not the same as violence, why have friends implies the presence of enemies, why the vision of the world must be severe or why the story must be always renewed. In this context there is no doubt that violence -without limits- is a literaly continent, a journey only bearable in the craft of art where the border Ciudad Juarez, childern, random, money become very similar to the prision trap mechanisms. Pacheco, Ladrón de Guevara Lourdes C. Muchacha desconocida o la imposibilidad de una ética del compromiso. Vol. 19, Agosto- Diciembre 2010, págs.190- 205, UACJ, Ciudad Juárez, México. This paper starts from the Aristotelian conception of women as inferior because of their passive role in procreation and subsequent confirmation by the discourses of modernity, the aim is to reflect on the impossibility of an ethic of commitment which would solve the murders of women. Documents the femicide in Mexico and violence of extermination as the inability of authorities to establish practices capable of stopping such violence. Finally, we discuss the limits of ethics as a discourse which aims at improving individual, as opposed to the ethics of commitment that requires the dismantling of the male-female conception within the culturenature dichotomy. Rojas, Blanco Clara Eugenia. La violencia cultural y el discurso público de prevención de la violencia. Vol. 19, Agosto- Diciembre 2010, págs.206-231, UACJ, Ciudad Juárez, México. This article present a succinct version of the findings obtained through a qualitative research based on the analysis of the relationship between discourse, text and context of the permanent campaigns on prevention of the

factors that promote violence at a local level, in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico. The study was focused on the analysis of the intersection of the public discourse on violence prevention from a socio-cultural perspective and a gender lens. It was approached from three dimensions: (1) the discursive macrostructure of the World´s Health Organization´s public discourse on violence prevention; (2) the discursive microstructure of prevention public discourse as represented in the texts used as support for the permanent campaigns on the prevention of violence, mainly related to drug addiction, sexual diversity, and gender violence; and (3) the discursive interaction of several youth groups –male and female- where they make sense of violence in general, and prevention campaigns in particular. Sección libros, entrevistas y otras narrativas. Pedraza, Reyes Héctor. Aristotle and Epicurus on voluntary action. Introduccion a Two Studies in the Geak Atomists. Vol. 19, Agosto- Diciembre 2010, págs. 232- 243, UACJ, Ciudad Juárez, México. Lara, Luis Manuel. La ciencia como calamidad. Un ensayo del analfabetismo científico (2009). De Marcelino Cereijido: Gedisa (noviembre). Vol. 19, Agosto- Diciembre 2010, págs. 244- 250, UACJ, Ciudad Juárez, México. Chávez, Chávez Jorge (coord.), Nóesis, número 39. Reflexiones en torno a la Revolución Mexicana cien años después, Vol. 20, Enero-Junio 2011, 200 págs., UACJ, Ciudad Juárez, México. Sección temática Siller, Vázquez Pedro V. Memoria e historia en la Revolución Mexicana: 13 de mayo de 1911. Vol. 20, EneroJunio 2011, págs. 22-37. UACJ, Ciudad Juárez, México. Due to the presumption of its authority, historians have privileged the witness as a reliable source in the elaboration of collective memory. However, as noted in this article about an event that occurred during the Mexican Revolution, the witness' memory can be distorted by subsequent events, due to the fact that final versions are generally social elaborations. Savarino, Franco. Algunas consideraciones sobre la Revolución fascista. Vol. 20, Enero- Junio 2011, págs. 3856. UACJ, Ciudad Juárez, México. Long considered as a "counter" or non-revolutionary phenomenon, Italian Fascism (1919-1945) is now increasingly recognized as an authentic form of modern revolution. Born in the framework of the national revolutions of the early twentieth century (China, Mexico, Turkey), the Fascist revolution is still in the furrow opened by the French in 1789 and establishes a new paradigm, alternative to the Russian Bolshevik revolution of 1917, combining socialism and nationalism. Here we explore some of the factors that determine the membership of fascism to the family of modern revolutionary phenomena. López, Ulloa José Luis. La revolución rechazada. Vol. 20, Enero- Junio 2011, págs. 58-84. UACJ, Ciudad Juárez, México. This article is divided into three parts: the first establishes that the Revolution was not an homogeneous as made him think the official story, because of cultural differences among the Mexican population there were many movements, each with its own characteristics and the revolution faced rejection by their traditional enemies: the episcopate, the old “Porfirian” oligarchy and some of his former allies in the second attempt to propose other forms of conflict analysis from the achievements once ended the armed movement, achievements in joining the Constitution became the cause of the rejection of which was the subject, finally, I establish what were the main sources of opposition to the emerging government of the revolution, among which are the separation of Church and State, secular education and calls social guarantees embodied in the Constitution

Ramírez, Morales Axel. Chicanos, frontera y revolución. Vol. 20, Enero- Junio 2011, págs. 86-101. UACJ, Ciudad Juárez, México. The Mexican Revolution of 1910 captured the immigrants attention, because they saw Mexico, not the United States, as their homeland. El Paso-Ciudad Juárez area proved to be perhaps the most strategic site for all revolutionaries factions. American authorities focused on activities of Víctor L. Ochoa and Lauro Aguirre. Chicano community as a cultural bridge had loyalty differences which does not belong to one side of the other. Sección Varia Pérez, Daniel Gustavo Herón. La Revolución Mexicana en Nuevo León (1908-1917): la irrupción pública de los empresarios en la política local. Vol. 20, Enero- Junio 2011, págs.102-123. UACJ, Ciudad Juárez, México. The Revolution of 1910 will bring the emergence of Nuevo León various armed groups in the city of Monterrey, but also the constant appearance in public administration, entrepreneurs Monterrey. Initially mean the demise of the era reyista locally. The advance economic modernization will be arrested by the revolutionary and military actions in the state. But arise the “Comuna Empresarial” as an organizational from whose presence will attempt to order the revolutionary chaos, even locally. The work is an attempt to bring the revolutionary impact in the state, but at the same time is a story from local historians policy outlines a detailed chronicle of the period. We present data, names, dates, actions and dispositions are counted. Vigueras, Fernández Ricardo. Adelita: una heroína de papel para una revolución en viñetas. Vol. 20, EneroJunio 2011, págs.124-150. UACJ, Ciudad Juárez, México. In this essay, the author focuses in the main character of Adelita and the guerrillas, by José G. Cruz, to carry out an analysis on how this protagonist was good to summarize in the popular culture some aspects of the Mexican Revolution, mainly the one leaded by Pancho Villa. First there is a review of the Mexican Revolution, mainly the one leaded by Pancho Villa. First there is a review of the Mexican popular comic history and the destination of some of their representative series, the there is a summary of the professional career of José G. Cruz and, finally, an analysis of the Adelita and the guerrillas series from the graphical and literary point of view, with special interest in the depiction of the masculine and feminine characters and the depiction of the historic period through Ávila, Cuc José. La historia como fricción: una panorámica de la temática de la Revolución Mexicana en la obra de Ignacio Solares. Vol. 20, Enero- Junio 2011, págs.152-170. UACJ, Ciudad Juárez, México. Ignacio Solares, one of México’s most important living writers, deals with themes like the Mexican Revolution and its characters –among other subjects– in his narrative and dramatic works. This can be seen especially on his novels: Madero, el otro; La noche de Ángeles, and Columbus; on his plays: El jefe máximo, El gran elector, and Los mochos; and on his collection of short stories, Ficciones de la Revolución Mexicana, in which he recreates several landmarks of that period of México’s history. The following article studies the intertextuality between these works, and how they relate with the history of the Mexican Revolution, as well as their classification under the theoretical concepts of ‘novel’, ‘historical play’ and/or ‘historical-themed text’, based on the way in which the author approaches the subject and the characters’ conflicts through the many situations they appear immersed in. Sección libros, entrevistas y otras narrativas. León, García Ricardo. Reseña del texto: Manuel Guerra de Luna (2009). Los madero. La saga liberal. Historia del siglo XIX. México: Tudor Producciones. Vol. 20, Enero- Junio 2011, págs.172-177. UACJ, Ciudad Juárez, México.

García, José Manuel. Toma de Juárez. Vol. 20, Enero- Junio 2011, págs.178-193. UACJ, Ciudad Juárez, México. Salazar, Quintana Luis Carlos (coord.), Nóesis, número 40. La obra del historiador chihuahuense José Fuentes Mares, Vol. 20, Agosto-Diciembre 2011, 198 págs., UACJ, Ciudad Juárez, México. Sección Monográfica Herrera Velasco, Jorge. José Fuentes Mares, un historiador adelantado. Vol. 20, Agosto-Diciembre 2011, págs. 14-30, UACJ, Ciudad Juárez, México. This is an assessment of the historiographic work of José Fuentes Mares. The materials analyzed are the four books he wrote about Benito Juárez and three texts where he expressed his views on the theory and the philosophy of history. The starting point is an analysis of eight of the elements that characterize his historian’s work: an awareness of one’s own historicity, interpretive dynamics, an attitude towards essentialisms, the humanization of history, narrative style, the historian’s mental attitude towards his object of study, informing about details and contingencies, and the use of certain resources of dramaturgy. The result of this analysis poses a hypothetical “theory of history by Fuentes Mares”. Finally, this study presents a portrait of the harsh environment that the historian had to face to develop his work successfully Salazar Quintana, Luis Carlos. La narrativa histórica de José Fuentes Mares: imaginar el pasado, vivir el presente. Vol. 20, Agosto-Diciembre 2011, págs. 32-46, UACJ, Ciudad Juárez, México. This paper offers an interpretation of the historical narrative of José Fuentes Mares in light of Hayden White’s thesis about the ways of explanation with respect to the historical field, while integrating the concept of Mikhail Bakhtin’s carnival in the sense of subversive strategy. From this theoretical formulation, we try to prove the satirical and anthropology-cultural approach of the historical account of Fuentes Mares, which are the basis of their critical view on the draft national identity that characterizes the historiography generated in the official discourse Ordoñez Burgos, Jorge. Fuentes Mares y el Occidente. Vol. 20, Agosto-Diciembre 2011, págs. 48-69, UACJ, Ciudad Juárez, México. The historical-historiographical labor of José Fuentes Mares bases on specific definitions that try to room essential concepts, in order to response ground-philosophical questions like: What is the Man? What is the History? How could we read the presence of man in this world? What is the Estate? What are the purposes of Politics? Is there any relations between peoples’ indentity and their history? How do they live their own history? What is the West, and how is history built in this zone This last question has special meaning, enough reason to write our article. Sánchez Benítez, Roberto. Historias e identidades narrativas. Vol. 20, Agosto-Diciembre 2011, págs. 70-85, UACJ, Ciudad Juárez, México. At present, we attended, on one hand, at the reformulation of the individual and collective identities, on whose solution the securing of the cultures in a context of global interchange depends; whereas, on the other, one does not think that such changes are going to stop at any time, since what defines to the contemporary subject is its put off center situation, their multidimensional, changing and relational aspect, their nomadic or diasporic character, being this a constant in history. A disquieting formulation, in this sense, has to do with “narrative identities” (Ricoeur), where it is maintained that the beginnings of narrative intelligibility mark those of a community and their self understanding. So, the formal limits of the identity are established by the language or, to put it another way, it is only identifiable what owns “dramatic structure”. Who thus think, maintain that the identity is a discursive profit, in a way that to be identified as somebody is to be realized in the language. In fact, to have a feeling or an idea of itself has to do with this “realization” in the language. Besides referring to the

mentioned French thinking, this article approaches expositions of Stuart Hall, Martin Heidegger, Hans-George Gadamer y Terry Eagleton to complete the exhibition of the subject. Sección Varia Noriega Mendoza, Héctor, Carlos Noriega Mendoza y Héctor Noriega Sánchez. El redescubrimiento del Germán Valdez pre-Tin Tan en XEJ Radio (1934-1943). Vol. 20, Agosto-Diciembre 2011, págs. 86124, UACJ, Ciudad Juárez, México. We present the results of the most recent research project on the artistic trajectory of the radio announcer Germán Valdés Castillo at XEJ Radio in Juarez, Mexico during the 1934-43 period. We report the first known advertising spot by Valdés as an announcer and his unpublished characters and performances, including evidence of his exploratory period at XEF and XEP. We analyze the structure of the El Barco de la Ilusión radio program during its live second season in the Valdés era (1940-43), as well as the chronology of the ValdésMiller encounter in 1943. We present the first known printed record of Topillo, the direct predecessor of el pachuco Tin-Tan, as well as his first sketches as a comedian and we conclude that this famous character had a late artistic beginning. Finally, we define the 4583 Tetrad to characterize the four most important years of Germán Valdés’ professional-artistic career at XEJ Radio and an unpublished reference regarding Tin-Tan’s name is reported. Vargas de Luna, Javier. Clavíjero y la literalidad histórica del futuro. Vol. 20, Agosto-Diciembre 2011, págs. 126-142, UACJ, Ciudad Juárez, México. In the light of Marc Bloch’s theory on the “plasticity of the history”, the present study proposes that the book Historia antigua de México, by Francisco Javier Clavijero, tries to exercise the readers in the temporary changes and to offer them, together with the vicissitudes of the mexica’s world, the intellectual habit of suspecting different ways of constructing chronologies. Clavijero encourages the experience of the relativity in history, which is a possible diagnosis of a world that premeditates the reading of his past and that, therefore, mines the access to all of its historical periods, the present included. In the establishment of this stands the conviction that the book is a clear advertisement of the claims of autonomy that will lead to the wars of independence in Spanish America. Beatriz Fernández, Cristina. Espacio urbano, espacio del consumo en las crónicas norteamericanas de Justo Sierra. Vol. 20, Agosto-Diciembre 2011, págs. 144-161, UACJ, Ciudad Juárez, México. The aim of this paper is to analyse the travel chronicles written by Justo Sierra after visiting the United States of America at the end of nineteenth century. Particularly, we pay attention to the chronicles on New York city. We are specially interested in the way that Sierra perceives the North American modernity and his textual record of the related phenomena. Sierra analysis of the interaction between economy and society is particularly meaningful. For that reason, we devoted special attention to the design of the urban space as a scene of the consumption habits. Besides, we try to demonstrate how the physical and symbolic setting-up of the cities has some features shared by the fairs and expositions, typical events of that period which are observed by Sierra too Libros, entrevistas y otras narrativas Lizárraga Gómez, Adolfo. Axel Honneth. Patologías de la razón. Historia de la Teoría Crítica (Reseña). Vol. 20, Agosto-Diciembre 2011, págs.161-167, UACJ, Ciudad Juárez, México. Anaya López, Alij Aquetza. Lo popular y sus expresiones en la narrativa breve: oral y abyección en Ni farra ni vieja ni sombreros de charro de Juan Maya. Vol. 20, Agosto-Diciembre 2011, págs.168-191, UACJ, Ciudad Juárez, México. Jiménez, Terrazas Carmen Patricia (coord.), Nóesis, número 41. Investigación en las ciencias administrativas, Vol. 21, Enero-Junio 2012, 215 págs., UACJ, Ciudad Juárez, México.

Sección temática. Macías, Martin Luis Enrique y Francisco Arturo Bribiescas Sivla. Las competencias del diseñador industrial en el ámbito manufacturero de Ciudad Juárez. Vol. 20, Enero-Junio 2012, UACJ, Ciudad Juárez, México. This paper identifies the competencies for an industrial designer, where listings are mentioned from different international institutions such as IDSA, ICSID, the School of Design DuocUC Professional Institute of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, and so on dividing the design competencies based on the French focus; area of knowledge (knowledge), know-how (skills and intellectual and physical skills) and area of knowledge to be (affective) as well as attributes, abilities and skills of an industrial designer. In order to obtain the data referred to information provided at the different sites, papers as well as a specific case study at the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile. At the conclusion of this investigation are mentioned competencies identified during the development of this paper

Picard-Ami, Vogan María Luisa y Tomás J. Cuevas Contreras. Contextualización reticular de la responsabilidad social empresarial global y el desarrollo bioregonal, Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua- El Paso Texas. Vol. 20, Enero- Junio 2012, UACJ, Ciudad Juárez, México. The study proposed to approach the phenomena by providing a networking context to corporate social responsibility, the influences it receives from globalization, and the way it influences the bioregional borderland development of Ciudad Juarez and El Paso. The lens of social responsibility serves to examine a return to the private and social contextualization which occurs when an enterprise proactively uses it capacity to invest resources in the benefit of society. In doing so, it contributes to creating an environment for investment and sustainable socioeconomic and sociopolitical growth by tapping into the support of different stakeholders and by capitalizing on transnational and personal and institutional networks. This study will use social network analysis, to analyze the civic, corporate and governmental sectors in Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua and El Paso, Texas and the proposed actions in the past decade to promote bioregional economic development.

Ochoa, Ramírez Salvador Aníbal y Juan Alfonso Toscano Moctezuma. Revisión crítica de la literatura sobre el análisis financiero de las empresas. Vol. 20, Enero- Junio 2012, UACJ, Ciudad Juárez, México.

The analysis of the financial statements by ratios has represented during decades the traditional form to diagnose the economic and financial situation of companies. The objective of the present article is to make a critical revision of the most relevant bibliography, fundamentally of empirical character related to the study of the financial analysis of accounting statements of companies by the use of the commonly known financial ratios. Kochi, Ikuho, Ramsés Jiménez y Raul Alberto Ponce Rodríguez. ¿Vertical interation or disintegration? A bergaining model of the Maquiladora’s Case. Vol. 20, Enero- Junio 2012, UACJ, Ciudad Juárez, México.

In this paper we present an analytical framework to analyze the demands of foreign and domestic factors of production of the Maquiladora industry. We derive the net profitability to demand high instead of low quality inputs. We argue that differences in the quality of inputs between foreign and domestic factors can explain the low vertical integration of the Maquiladora with the Mexican industry. We show that if the difference in quality and its positive effect in marginal production compensate the difference in prices, then the Maquiladora can be induced to integrate vertically with foreign suppliers of inputs even if the unitary cost to demand foreign inputs is strictly higher than that of domestic inputs. We also show that a depreciation of the Mexican exchange rate does not necessarily increase the Maquiladora’s demand of Mexican inputs. This explains recent empirical evidence showing this phenomenon. Conversely, a depreciation of the exchange rate might increase the Maquiladora’s demand of imported inputs if foreign and domestic factors are complementary. The above holds even if the domestic supplier participates in a bargaining game offering an efficient contract.

Sección Varia Carreón, Mendoza Héctor y Ricardo Melgoza Ramos. México hacia una sociedad del conocimiento. Vol. 20, Enero- Junio 2012, UACJ, Ciudad Juárez, México.

It is important for Mexico to become a knowledge society with a clear strategy in its development plan regarding the investment of: Transfer of technology, the increment of intellectual capital, a greater linking of entities that generate science in this country, the establishment of public policies that encourage science and technology and the protection of intellectual property. Sánchez, Isaac Leobardo. Ralentización del crecimiento y manufactura en México. Vol. 20, Enero- Junio 2012, UACJ, Ciudad Juárez, México. This article demonstrates the existence of a process of economic slowdown of the Mexican economy over the past twenty eighth years, what has been a top result a shortfall in job creation. According to the kaldorian’s theory of growth one factor explaining this situation is the lack of dynamism of the industrial-manufacturing sector. This is demonstrated through the use of an OLS model and Granger causality test. To return to growth requires, among other things, a new industrial policy that encourages the growth of manufacturing output, under the current international context. The paper suggests some elements for the construction of such a policy. Ramos, Rubio Patricio y Isabel Zizaldra- Hernández. Branding simbólico e hibridación, una aproximación de la intersección cultural fronteriza México- Estados Unidos. Vol. 20, Enero- Junio 2012, UACJ, Ciudad Juárez, México. The article examines the inclusion of cultural branding hybridization in the Mexico- United States border from the perspective of an open binational region and poly significant, where articulate complex processes and sometimes conflicting interest groups and stakeholders. Hybridization using as a tool is possible to establish a common starting point, to conceive within the dichotomy branding as the attribute of a product that leaves a lasting impression on the minds of consumers and become cultural icons makes its impact so direct in thought and attitude of people. Approaches, through an analysis of symbolic processes used in border relations by contrasting commercial culture from the boundary and crossborder conditions. For this purpose, suitable from the border, because it presents many fields of cultural intersection, this is the set of cultural elements shared by groups with different cultural nuances. The study is proposed as network theory, together with the resource dependency theory, and instrumentation is through snowball to observe the criteria established brands such as border market integration.

Sección de libros, Entrevistas y otras narrativas. Rivera, Amalia. Reseña en riesgo: impacto de la violencia en Ciudad Juárez. Vol. 20, Enero- Junio 2012, UACJ, Ciudad Juárez, México. Puga, Antúnez Delia. Un mensaje sobre la necesidad urgente de socializar. Vol. 20, Enero- Junio 2012, UACJ, Ciudad Juárez, México. Vargas, de Luna Javier. Las voces y textos contracorriente de Pedro Páramo. Vol. 20, Enero- Junio 2012, UACJ, Ciudad Juárez, México.

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