REVzine #10

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REV REVzine #10 spring / summer 2014







REVzine #10 Interactive Print

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02 Around the world by motorbike From Germany to Iran


Create your own playground

New Spring-Summer dynamic line


Poseidon GTX jacket and pants


Let’s get personal

The gear to travel around the world

With the REV’IT! riders 2014


Adventure essentials


Jerez Pro glove

Don’t leave home without them

Ready when you are

We’ve embedded enhanced digital content on top of


Spark your sense of adventure


TT circuit Assen

standard stories and features. Scan the pages with the

At the Enduro park Aras Rural

Facts & figures

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REVzine, Revolutionized In this REVzine pages come to life with the Layar app.

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14 54


38 34

Women of the world


The symbol of cool


Not just a shop

Breaking down the stereotype

The legendary story of Vespa

Your local dealer


Cheer to be heard, stunt to be seen


Urban cool stuff


Dress up, dress safe

Gadgets to complement your lifestyle

Choose your favorite look

Interview with Sarah Vignot


Be fast or be last

60 These boots are made for more than walking

New Spring-Summer precision line

A new line of motorcycle shoes

for urban use


Not your average denim

The jeans collection

REVZINE | #10 spring / summer 2014


The KRUZ Company

Born from passion and

fuelled by pure enthusiasm


Customized to fit your attitude

New Spring-Summer integration line


Behind the scenes

Word of thanks


Germany to IraN Hannes and Juri, two friends from Germany built their own bikes and set off for a trip around the world. Their first goal is to ride from Germany to Australia. Technical issues and visa troubles give them a rough start but the friendly people they meet and exciting roads they travel make up for it all. This story tells the difference between an adventure and a holiday.

Ar und the world by motorbike


Russia Black Sea





Trabzon Armenia





Caspian Sea

Tabriz Urmia


Tehran Syria Cyprus Iraq Mediterranean Sea




Persian Gulf

Bandar Abbas

Berlin Bangkok



“exploring the hilly green-andblue landscape between forest and cliffs on smooth and slippery roads“

REVzine | #10 spring / summer 2014

I feel stuck. Ahead of me the German Autobahn stretches towards the horizon in an endless straight line. Riding on and on, the tireless boxer engine of my 800-pound travel enduro hums along. I can hardly hear it – the 4x4 pickup in front of me, which is serving as our support vehicle, is just too loud. Cramped in between tank bag, top-case and my aluminum pannier boxes I desperately try to watch “The Long Way Round” on DVD, but some kind of strange system alerts flick up and down my screen and spoil the whole experience. Presently my engine starts knocking, an obnoxious sound, and it just does not stop.

I awake soaked in sweat. The room is tiny, the stifling air measures at least 35°C (95°F). Crammed between four small walls are two beds and a huddle of dusty soft panniers, pants, jackets and boots. The knocking persists. Half awake I scale the gear pile and open the door. I stare into the face of my roommate and riding buddy, Hannes—tall, blond and naked if not for the towel slung around his waist. A large grin forming behind his straw-like beard, he mumbles something about forgetting the key and climbs into his bed. Somewhere in the distance a Muezzin starts his call, and slowly, waking up, I register where we are: Hannes and I finally got on our way, heading towards Australia.


The preceding weeks had been all about our motorbikes and the imminent start of our round-the-world journey. We worked day and night between my student apartment’s basement and a friend’s workshop to convert our two Honda XR650R desert racers into roundthe-world bikes. Originally we planned to travel in a team of five, but by our departure day our numbers were down to three, and with Hannes and me still waiting for parts for our bikes to arrive, the third member of our team jumped on the sheep-skinned saddle of his TT600R and rode on ahead. We planned to follow the next day, but one day became two and numerous days and nights went past as we kept on working on our bikes.

Our teammate had already made it into Turkey and was struggling with his solitude. He had left his girlfriend behind and with nobody to distract him, he was missing her. On top of that he arrived in Istanbul at rush hour on his air-cooled bike, and it seemed he was quickly growing weary of the road. One day he left us a message saying he was on the verge of aborting the trip. It had taken two extra weeks between his departure and this distress call. We finally set out of Kiel and rushed via Berlin towards our designated meeting point Istanbul. Riding from the Brandenburger Tor to the Bosporus in four days and one all-nighter, we were caught in that kind of hypnotic boredom that only comes with endless highway riding. We hardly saw any of Europe at all.

We made it to Istanbul yesterday morning at sunrise, but quickly found it was in vain. Our colleague had turned around and headed back to Germany, leaving us suddenly as a duo. Slightly stunned by the loss of one of our riders so early in the trip we settle into Istanbul for a few days to get our bearings. The city never sleeps and neither do we. A big part of this owes to the fact that the closest mosque’s loudspeaker system is mounted directly opposite of our bedroom window. At the workshop Line Motor our XRs enjoy some TLC, two auxiliary fans are mounted and, with a lot of sign language and even more smiles, we make new friends. In the end we get a generous discount—as we are now part of the family, master mechanic Okan says. Istanbul’s streets teach us a lot and despite of all anxiety caused in the first days they’re not the worst we’ll see this journey. It takes us a while to get the idea: he who dares, wins. Noise, maneuverability and the suppression of non-essential survival instincts get you to your destination with relative speed. Those who do not play the game and go defensively into Istanbul’s traffic-choked streets, however, fall prey in no time. After days spent dodging between pavement, tram rails and taxi lanes we realize the seemingly stupidly reckless chaos is not so bad. On the contrary, everyone seems to have very good situational awareness and gives way to motorbikes whenever possible, especially when gently prodded with a horn switch.

The Black Sea Coast While waiting for our visa for Iran we ride a few kilometers to the north and pitch our tents along the Black Sea coast. The surrounding area is a great playground for our trailies: Roads wind endlessly between looming cliffs, sandy beaches and dense forests. The bends are narrow, the tarmac slippery. We explore deserted gravel and sand trails and discover an old fishing trawler covered in bullet holes, sitting in the sand. The visa has still not been granted, there are protests in Istanbul’s Gezi Park and Hassan Rouhani is elected as the new president of Iran. We pick our way eastward along the winding coastline to Çide, camping at the beach – these belong to the government and are therefore free for everyone to camp. Again and again we meet fellow travelers, who join us exploring the hilly green-

and-blue landscape between forest and cliffs on smooth and slippery roads. The final days by the sea are dominated by highway-like country roads. Even those are rarely boring – after any curve might lure traffic lights or an unsuspected transition to road work gravel. The beautiful winding coast road is being modernized, only some particularly hard to access spots remain untouched. For now.

East Anatolia and mount Ararat The new Iranian government is up and running, everything seems to be going normal again and so we finally get our visas issued in Trabzon. We leave the Black Sea, heading south, upcountry. We take in the mist-covered and thoroughly impressive Sümela Monastery, and after a foggy and wet crossing of the Eastern Pontic Mountains, we dry out underneath the hot Anatolian sun. Having passed dense forests and steep cliffs for weeks, now we are cruising through the sandy-brown vastness of gently rising mountains. Nice weather, open terrain with unlimited visibility and an easy-flowing road let us relax in pure moto-meditation. Some days later we are in the utmost northeastern part of Turkey. Close to the Armenian Border, the snow covered peak of Mount Ararat peers through the surrounding clouds. The area is safe to explore, we are told, as the rebel PKK troops retreated earlier in May. We leave the heavy luggage behind and head for the mountain’s flank, coming in from the northwest. On our way, we pass by some military vehicles, but no one seems interested in the two riders, or much of anything, for that matter. The weather is clear and our enduros are in their natural habitat. We wind upward through countless twisties, following a narrow tarmac road. The ascent is smooth, brownish grass covers the sandy soil, here and there are piles of sharp-edged rock boulders with the occasional scrubby bush in between. The terrain is rich in detail and the view vast and breathtaking. The passing scenery is an undulating mosaic of rock formations and little valleys, with the tented homes of local nomadic Kurdish shepherds popping in and out of view as we pass them by. Coming out of a long turn we find ourselves stuck in a small flock of sheep being driven uphill by a handful of nomad

“The passing scenery is an undulating mosaic of rock formations and little valleys.“

children. After a short exchange of suspicious looks, the two strange-looking tourists on their tall, red motorbikes seem to become the highlight of the day. Waving and smiling we shamelessly use up our complete Turkish vocabulary: “Merhaba! Arkada�! Motosiklet! Avustralya!“ (Hello! Friends! Motorcycle! Australia!) A hundred meters along the road we meet a moped rider on his way downhill. As soon as he has spotted us, the old man jumps off his bike with a broad smile, insisting we shake hands. We are having a great day. After a while the tarmac ends and we follow a sandy trail, leading to some large tents surrounded by goats and poultry. One of the inhabitants starts walking towards us. Dressed in an old military parka, he scowls, attentive eyes pressed to slits framed by his old flat cap and a bushy mustache. His face is deeply wrinkled and his remaining hair turned grey long ago. Green binoculars are dangling from his leathery neck and suddenly all the forgotten warnings of friends and by-passers are spinning in my mind. Another shape appears behind some boulders, wide shoulders, and a face so brown it seems almost dark red. The two men stop a few meters away and eyeball us in depth. We decide to flee forward and step of the bikes, taking off our helmets. Armed with

REVzine | #10 spring / summer 2014

the broadest smile I can muster, I slowly walk towards the two, shouting a greeting while waving with both hands. The man in the military parka waves us toward to his tent and points to the entrance. We take our heavy boots off and crouch through the narrow door flap. I begin to feel a little queasy as he starts talking to someone outside the entry in an urgent voice. By the look on his face, Hannes seems to be on the same page. Then suddenly the old man’s head peeks through the door. Smiling, he asks: “Çay?” Within seconds we each hold a glass of steaming tea and discover how cozy this tent is. Huge pillows cover the red carpet, sunlight beams through the open doorway. Our host and his friend keep us company and although we do not share a language, we are quickly engaged in lively conversation. Various goats and birds passing outside the doorway are proudly pointed out. Despite Ramadan we are served plenty of fresh bread, olives, tomatoes and home-made goat cheese, our tea glasses are refilled again and again and out of thin air a bowl of lovely sweets appears. Our host’s friend has a few bites while the landlord himself maintains his fast, seemingly unfazed by our feasting. This way, we sit through a great part of the afternoon and are being invited to pitch our tents next to his for a few nights.

The offer is tempting, but time is short. After a hearty goodbye we ride on, discovering more of the grassy and rocky landscape. We meet another local, riding towards us on his motorbike, and are being invited to another cup of tea. From somewhere between the rocks a few kids appear, and as we are setting up our camera to take a few photos of ourselves in the loneliness, we find we are far from lonely.

Descending the mountain, we come across the rider we met earlier, who waited by the road for us and is holding a huge rock melon. Waiting patiently, he watches us clearly very content as we munch the sweet and juicy fruit until there is nothing left.


Into Iran Leaving Turkey, we cross into Iran on the northern border. The process is surprisingly unremarkable and in less than one hour we are in the land of cheap motor biking – fuel is less than € 0,20 per liter, exactly a tenth of what we paid in Turkey. We trace the border on a dull but scenic highway in southern direction and spend the first few days at Hossein’s Guest House in Urmia, where the eponymous owner provides loads of helpful information about riding Iran.

“Some of the terrace fields are still in crop and unguided donkeys carry bundles of hay to their owner's homes...“


Leaving the city, we head towards the cave-dwelling village Kandovan. Given the petrol prices in Turkey, we did not visit the famous caverns of Cappadocia, but now this does not seem such a missed opportunity. We rent a private cave guest room for a night and rise early the next morning to explore the little alleyways, undisturbed by tourists. Some of the terrace fields are still in crop and unguided donkeys carry bundles of hay to their owner’s homes, stopping now and then to take a bite or two of the loads on their shoulders.

Amid the organic formations of sandstone and rustic flat-roofed huts I feel cave dwelling might be the right thing to do, and I start to daydream about my very own little lair up in the rock. But this doesn’t last long. As soon the hot sun rises clambering up and down the narrow lanes and stairs of this troglodyte village becomes less comfortable by the minute. We head to Tabriz to see the world’s largest covered bazaar before turning north toward the Caspian Sea.

Gilan The landscape, so far not very different to the Turkish side, changes to a lush green as we cross the grass-covered hills and slope forests of the Alborz mountain range. We suddenly feel as if we never left Central Europe. The Gilan region is pretty, but not particularly interesting for motor biking— coastal roads turn out to be highways; the sea and beautiful beaches hide behind houses and trees. Visiting the stepped buildings of Masouleh, we are not very impressed, which might be due to the weekend. The streets are packed with

REVzine | #10 spring / summer 2014

visitors and cars and trucks are being worked very hard climbing the mountain roads, making the heavy smell of burned clutches a ubiquitous scent. Shortly after sunrise the next morning we crawl out of our sauna-like tents. For most visitors it is still too early, so we have plenty of time to take a leisurely walk through the narrow and shady alleys. The sweet smell of bakeries is everywhere and we treat ourselves to a sumptuous breakfast of freshly baked bread and local honey cookies before setting out for Tehran.


Tehran and Esfahan Crossing the Alborz for the second time we wind upward on serpentine roads that rival the Norwegian Trollstigen—equal in all aspects except maybe for the road surface quality. We ride up the small road through the skiing region of Dizin, which is only open for traffic in summer.

“We're quite busy avoiding potholes, loose chippings and opposing traffic as we climb the narrow hairpin bends...“


It quickly becomes evident that the view isn’t the only breathtaking aspect of this road.We’re quite busy avoiding potholes, loose chippings and opposing traffic as we climb the narrow hairpin bends. At the crest of the peak we are rewarded with cups of tea and a gorgeous view down the ski slopes.

After promising each other to return for a snowboard vacation one winter, we start the descent down to Tehran, sprawled out extensively across the misty basin below. We explore the Iranian capital under the slick guidance of our friend Homayoun, who we met a few weeks earlier in Tabriz.

Tehranian city traffic makes Istanbul seem like a bunch of golf cars zipping along the course. Nobody gives way to anyone or even appears to be aware of any road user but the one slowing things down up ahead. Drivers harass their way through the jammed roads. Alas, after having had a very near miss with a truck in Gilan, this is not really new to us.

whole new level. As we arrive, he has already booked a hotel for us – we should not worry about payment, he tells us, as he dealt with that. The next days we are exploring the stunning historic city with him or his friends and get to know and love it in detail.

Soon we get the hang of it and develop a great fondness for riding bus lanes or one way roads in the opposite direction, like the majority of local motorized twowheelers. On we go, south to the city of Esfahan. Here we also have a contact Hannes got to know in Masouleh. Iranian people are famous for their generous hospitality, but our host Mehdi and his friends are at a

REVzine | #10 spring / summer 2014


The End? The following week we reach Persepolis. The tents are pitched at the first and only official camp site we have seen in Iran, and we stride through the Gate of All Nations early the next morning. The burned-down ruin is more than epic. Sitting among giant pillars, old palace foundations and incredibly detailed bas-reliefs, we muse about the not-fullysolved question of the city’s burning. Favoring the hypothesis that the pomp city was lit a fire by accident, during the victory celebrations following its sacking by Alexander the Great, we conclude it had a dignified ending.

It is a delicate situation and the expenses are high, both in terms of money and nerves, as we fight the smothering heat and humidity in Bandar Abbas. Nonetheless, with the invaluable help of our friend Mehdi, Hannes flies back to Germany and I fly to Thailand. Bangkok’s big bike scene gives me a more than hearty welcome and with the help of my new friends, I manage to pick up our two bikes in Malaysia a month later and together we ride them up to Bangkok.

That evening we are sitting by our tents and talking to an Iranian family on holidays we’d just met, when Hannes’ mobile rings. As he tells me the news I can see the familiar smile has left his face. He has to cancel the journey for a family emergency and return to Germany as soon as possible. After careful consideration we decide to pause the trip at this point. Hannes’ bike has to leave Iran due to custom restrictions and if I was to ride through Pakistan and India on my own, he would have to ship it back to Germany. We agree to end the journey as we started it, as a team, and take off the next morning to ship the bikes and myself to Southeast Asia.

After a few jaunts into the muddy Thai monsoon I take a plane to Australia trusting the two XRs in the care of a good mate. It is a hard call to leave my beloved bike behind, but my girlfriend is waiting for me in Australia, determined to buy a 4WD car. As much as I dread it, I give my trusty Honda a final loving scrub and board the airplane. Knowing she will be safe, I stop being a motorbike traveller for a while, counting the days until I will finally meet up with Hannes again and continue the ride heading east again. Always east; first to Australia, and then a little further, inshallah, as our Iranian friends would say.


Poseidon GTX

If you are a true explorer stopped by nothing, don’t let your gear stop you. This is the gear Juri and Hannes use to travel around the world. fJT169 | Jacket Poseidon GTX | 01 fPT060 | Trousers Poseidon GTX | 02 fAR021 | Socks Enduro/MX | 03 fGS079 | Gloves Sand Pro | 04 fGS068 | Gloves Phantom GTX | 05


fAR038 | Cooling Vest Insert Challenger | 06





REVzine | #10 spring / summer 2014


Adventure Essentials

“Planning to get lost on purpose? Don’t leave home without these essential items...”

HERO3+ Black Edition

myfC PowerTrekk

The HERO3+ Black Edition is 20% smaller and lighter than its best-selling predecessor. Auto Low Light mode intelligently adjusts frame rate for stunning low-light performance. Combined with 30% longer battery life, 4x faster Wi-Fi and a sharper lens, the HERO3+ Black Edition is the most advanced GoPro yet.

The myFC PowerTrekk is the world’s first portable fuel cell charger for consumer use that runs on ordinary water. With it’s revolutionary technology and Swedish design, it creates instant power anywhere, anytime.

Generates electricity from water

Smaller, lighter, mightier still



The WAVE multitool by Leatherman

The Leatherman Wave multi-tool is famous for its outside-accessible blades that can be deployed with just one hand. Larger knives, stronger pliers, longer wire cutters, and all-locking blades make the Wave perfect for any adventure. Info

Rhino Shield

The Impact Resistant Screen Protector

The specially designed shock-damping layer is able to take at least 5 times the impact energy of Gorilla Glass 2 on its own thanks to the unique polymer technology. High transparency, yet, only 0.029 cm thick. Special coating technology provides strong hardness of up to 3H thereby preventing direct scratch damage to your screen. Info


Gekko Backpack with mOVEO® neck brace Safety first

The Moveo neck brace ensures your safety while all your belongings fit in the backpack that comes standard with a 2L hydra bag. The Gekko Backpack is compatible with all MOVEO® neck braces. Info

SPOT Gen3™

Satellite powered GPS messenger

SPOT Gen3™, the latest version of SPOT’s satellite powered personal GPS messenger, is a rugged, pocket-sized consumer-friendly communications device. It delivers even more enhanced functionality than earlier generations with more tracking features, improved battery performance and more power options including rechargeable and USB direct line power. Thanks to the Tracking feature, SPOT automatically updates the user’s location on Google Maps™. Info

The Wedge

Inflatable 2 person tent

The Wedge is a comfortable geodesic 2 person tent from Heimplanet, that offers a lot of space and surprises with its easy handling and a great stability. Unroll, inflate and welcome home! Info

Hella Slingshot Hunting slingshot #1

This Hella Slingshot is the real deal. It’s just like the wood weapons you used to make as a kid, but with an added touch of grown-up craftsmanship. Each one-of-a-kind slingshot is handmade in San Francisco from reclaimed Rosewood. They’re carefully varnished and outfitted with a leather projectile pouch using natural latex tubing and imitation sinew. So grab one, head outside and cause some mischief. Info

REVzine | #10 spring / summer 2014


SPARK yOUR SENSE Of ADVENTURE! Visit the toughest training terrain of Spain and test your strength, courage and determination.

Enduropark ARASRURAL Visit for inspiring movies and more information.


Ninety kilometers from Valencia, Spain, in what’s known as the Alto Turia region, lays a beautiful and serene natural landscape marked by deep canyons, high mountains, and unspoiled nature. Traces of civilization are sparse, especially in the heart of the area: The Enduropark Aras, an adventure motorcyclist dreamland that sprawls over 60 km2 of true offroad paradise. The genesis of this area came in 1995, when a motorcycle enthusiast named Roc Lloret got together with a few other adventure motorcyclists for an enduro trip through Spain. This was the start of the first travel agency for adventures on motorcycles in Spain, and the organization quickly gained momentum as a place for like-minded motorcyclists to share experiences, adventures and a common passion for the sport. In 2001, after years of experience within expedition, enduro and adventure travelling on trail bikes, the adventures travel agency Enduropark Adventours became a reality. Based on passion, experience and a huge network of motorcycle lovers the company has had a massive impact on the off-road motorcycle community, and has become one of the most important off-road schools in Southern Europe.

REVzine | #10 spring / summer 2014


In 2003 BmW motorrad decided to use the Enduropark Aras as its field headquarters and training facility, the school was catapulted into worldwide fame. The founders of the school became official certified BmW motorrad instructors, and the additional knowledge they’ve gained from the training combined with their own significant experience has led to the development of exclusive facilities to practice and train all off road disciplines.

Since 2003 the school has been growing continuously. It’s still managed by Roc who now has a team of instructors and guides who are all driven by the same passion for riding. Besides their vast experience riding on-and off-road, this elite team also has the ability to share that knowledge with their students. To date more than 1,700 students from all over the world have gone through the training courses in the Enduropark. Students practice with their own bikes; mostly used are BMW GS, Yamaha Teneré and Super Teneré, KTM Adventure, and the trail models of Suzuki and Triumph or Honda…whatever bike you ride everybody is welcome. The borders of the park are no limitation to what the school has to offer. Riders who wish to explore Africa, Libya or Spain can easily make arrangements with the instructors. The school can provide complete support with a 4x4 vehicle, communication systems, medical support, mechanics, local food and places to stay—you name it, they will take care of it. Custom itineraries are limited only by your own imagination.




REVzine | #10 spring / summer 2014



BATTLED AND CONQUERED THE TERRAIN Whether you are a rookie to off-road riding or an adventure bike veteran there are suitable training options for everyone. One instructor and an assistant will supervise a maximum of 8 students. This allows them to communicate and train each rider individual and personal, which makes the experience valuable and practical for everyone. The mission they have is based on what many of their students said after finishing their course; ‘for your perception of motorcycling there is a before and after’. Because most training courses cover more than one day the park also offers accommodation. There is a three-star hotel and there are premium cottages on the park and the possibility to enjoy an excellent meal in the restaurant. The first level course teaches students the basic techniques, including how to control the bike in difficult situations, and valuable insights in how to ride on different types of terrain. After two days of intensive training the student will have all the skills to safely and independently ride an off-road trail.


The next level teaches students how to navigate in deserted areas—both how to orient and how to set out a trail and as importantly, the course covers important basic mechanic skills to keep your bike running. The first day of the course is dedicated to the theory of these skills and the last two days are spent practicing newly learned skills and techniques in the real life situations under the supervision of an instructor. A customized course is also a possibility in the park. After an interview an individual program will be developed and may have any goal and contain any request you might have. The sky is the limit here. Whether you’ve ever ridden on anything but asphalt or you are an veteran adventurer to the bone, if your sense of adventure is sparked and you fancy riding on the toughest terrains that demands strength, courage and determination visit for inspiring movies and more information.

REVzine | #10 spring / summer 2014



Create your own playground

REVZINE | #10 spring / summer 2014



FJT184 | Jacket Sand Ladies’ 4020 / Silver - red

FJT150 | Jacket Sand 2 4020 / Silver - red

FPT064 | Trousers Sand Ladies’ 4051 / Silver - black

FPT059 | Trousers Sand 2 4051 / Silver - black

FGW056 | Gloves Centaur GTX Ladies’ 0010 / Black

FGS079 | Gloves Sand Pro 4020 / Silver - red


Any Time... Man FJT150 | Jacket Sand 2 1500 / Black - orange FPT059 | Trousers Sand 2 1011 / Black FGS079 | Gloves Sand Pro 0010 / Black FBR011 | Boots Apache 0010 / Black


REVZINE | #10 spring / summer 2014


Any Place... Man FJT169 | Jacket Poseidon GTX 3610 / Light grey - black FPT060 | Trousers Poseidon GTX 3610 / Light grey - black FGW055 | Gloves Centaur GTX 0010 / Black FBR011 | Boots Apache 0010 / Black


REVZINE | #10 spring / summer 2014




personal With the REV’IT! riders 2014

This season REV’IT! will be represented at racecourses around the world by some of the best riders in competition today. Alvaro Bautista will be battling for the podium in the MotoGP championship. PJ Jacobsen will fly the REV’IT! flag in the World Super Sport Class, and Garrett Gerloff will represent the brand in the AMA Pro Daytona SportBike Championship. Randy de Puniet will be seen as a test rider for Suzuki’s MotoGP team. We talked to this year’s REV’IT! ambassadors in order to get to know them better, and we even posed a few very personal questions. Their answers are surprising, funny and sometimes unexpected. Let’s get to know these heroes better, let’s get personal.

ALVARO BAUTISTA Residency: Talavera de la Reina, SPAIN Birthday: 21-11-1984

FAVORITES Animal Country City Holiday destination Actor Actress Movie Book Game Cartoon Athlete Band/singer Dream car Color Body part Smell Season

Lion, the king Spain The city where I live The Caribbean and Indonesia, I love the climate and the beach Brad Pitt Angelina Jolie All movies made by Tarantino The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown Solitaire Dragon Ball Rafael Nadal, after recovering from an injury he became the nº1 of the world Depends on the moment; at this moment I really like Bruno Mars Batmobil hehehe! Red and white Legs The smell of 2 stroke; I grew up with this smell 2006, then I won World Championship in 125cc

REVZINE | #10 spring / summer 2014

Alvaro Bautista Championship: MotoGP Team 2013: Go & Fun Honda Gresini Q&A

Time of the day Heaven on earth is Bad habit Guilty pleasure Last song I listened to on my iPod Weirdest dream Favorite quote Biggest fear Hidden talent Most valued possession One thing about me that would surprise most people

Every time of the day can be good! It depends on yourself Every time I ride my bike, I am in heaven Not eating breakfast Sweets… Hand on heart by Olly Murs I once dreamed someone gave me a human eye, it was very scary! “Only with a positive mindset, you can get positive things” Loneliness Cooking My friends I have vertigo


GARRETT GERLOff Residency: HOUSTON, TEXAS, USA Birthday: 01-08-1995

fAVORITES Animal Country City Holiday destination Actor Actress Movie Book Game Cartoon Athlete Band/singer Dream car Color Body part Smell Season

Q&A Cheetah Spain Albacete, Spain Race track mark Wahlberg melissa mcCarthy fighter Not a book guy.. haha motoGP South Park Kenny Coolbeth Lil Wayne Audi R8 Blue my hands Apple pie Winter

Time of the day Heaven on earth Bad habit Guilty pleasure Last song I listened to on my iPod Weirdest dream Favorite quote Biggest fear Hidden talent Most valued possession One thing about me that would surprise most people

12:00 Lunch Racing motorcycles. Biting at my fingers. I cannot lie, when I try to, I start smiling right away. I guess this is a good thing. Lil Wayne - God Bless America. I have weird dreams all the time so I can’t really just put one down. Too many! ”If you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe then you will be successful.” Crashing without being in control of something. Racing motorcycles is all I got. I wish I had more. My trophies are my most valued possession, they mean the world to me, and I have worked so hard to get them. I like to shop for home stuff….yea I know. Weird right?

RANDY DE PUNIET Residency: ANDORRA Birthday: 14-02-1981

Randy De Puniet Championship: MotoGP Team 2013: Power Electronics Aspar


fAVORITES Animal Country City Holiday destination Actor Actress Movie Book Game Cartoon Athlete Band/singer Dream car Color Body part Smell Season

Q&A french Bulldog Outside of the United States I have only been to Spain, but I really liked Spain. Owensboro, Kentucky Houston, Texas matt Damon Jennifer Lawrence faster Book? I don’t read!! I watch movies! forza motorsports 5 Classic Looney Tunes mark Cavendish Pillar 2013 mercedes-Benz SLS AmG Black Series Blue Legs Race gas on a cold morning fall

Time of the day Heaven on earth Bad habit Guilty pleasure Last song I listened to on my iPod Weirdest dream

Favorite quote

Biggest fear Hidden talent Most valued possession One thing about me that would surprise most people

Right before the sun rises. A racetrack all to myself with no one watching or doing lap times. I just ride. Picking at my fingernails. Eating junk food. When Tomorrow Comes by Pillar. I forgot I had a race and then realized I missed it after it was too late and I lost the championship. It was more of a nightmare! “A champion is someone who gets up even when he can’t”, “Don’t quit; suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion” Losing. Sharp shooter. None, they’re all replaceable. I actually like cars more than motorcycles (on public streets, not on a racetrack) I’m a gear head!

PJ JACOBSEN Residency: mONTGOmERy, NEW yORK, USA Birthday: 07-08-1993

fAVORITES Animal Country City Holiday destination Actor Actress Movie Book Game Cartoon Athlete Band/singer Dream car Color Body part Smell Season

Q&A Tiger USA Paris The Bahamas Vincent Cassel Angelina Jolie Rush Undisputed truth by mike Tyson Squash South Park Ayrton Senna House music ferrari White I don’t know Chocolate Summer

REVzine | #10 spring / summer 2014

Time of the day Heaven on earth is Bad habit Guilty pleasure Last song I listened to on my iPod Weirdest dream Favorite quote Biggest fear Hidden talent Most valued possession One thing about me that would surprise most people

10 am Racing motorcycles Let’s keep this a secret… To do like I want Where I stand by Fabo Losing the front on my bike during a race “Never give up” Rollercoaster Singer (lol) My wife That my hidden talent is singing


READy when you are

01 Aluminium shield

02 Ventilated TPU protector

The Jerez Pro is an evolution of the original award-winning Jerez glove. The Jerez Pro is the exact same glove used by professional riders on the MotoGP circuit, and by any serious rider that places paramount importance on safety and performance. Thanks to feedback provided by the REV’IT! motoGP riders the glove has gotten even better—with innovative new safety and ergonomic features.

13 PWR | yarn

08 Stretch lips at fingers

14 Temperfoam® 15 Kangaroo leather 09 TPU hard-shell finger knuckles

01 02

03 04

Ventilated dual-comp protector For ultimate sliding the protector is topped by an aluminum high-impact shield, the protector has been perforated to allow airflow to enter the gloves keeping your hands cool and comfortable.


Dual Comp protectors The TPU protector consists of a 3D, pre-shaped honeycomb structure, topped by an aluminum shield, for ultimate sliding. Increasing the level of protection significantly.




Ventilated TPU protector The TPU protector consists of a 3D, pre-shaped honeycomb structure and protections the rider against impact. The protector has been perforated to allow airflow to enter the gloves keeping your hands cool and comfortable.

TRyONIC Seesoft Impact Protection Technology This is made of the impact absorbing Seesoft memory foam. It has been incorporated in this garment to effectively reduce the energy of impact transmitted to the ulna bone in case of a crash.

Double cuff closure


stretch lips at fingers


TPU hard-shell finger knuckles Thermoplastic Urethane (TPU) is a highly durable synthetic material, used in many REV’IT! products for protection.


Harmonica construction Based on the Engineered skin® design philosophy the harmonica construction mimics the natural anatomy of the hand; providing a perfect fit and allowing perfect freedom of movement.

03 Aluminium shield

04 TPU protector

07 Double cuff closure 05 Ventilated TPU protector

11 Cowhide

06 TRYONIC Seesoft Impact Protection Technology

10 Harmonica construction

18 Double TPU hard-shell palm slider

12 Pittards® Digital™ grip patches

16 Protective leather thumb protector

17 TPU hard-shell Thumb protector FGS092 Jerez Pro 3200 / White - red




PWR|yarn PWR|yarn is a 100% nylon thread with a unique internal bonding, which imparts excellent durability, high tensile and breaking strength, and ultimate abrasion resistance.


Protective leather thumb protector


TPU hard-shell Thumb protector Thermoplastic Urethane (TPU) is a highly durable synthetic material, used in many REV’IT! products for protection.


Double TPU hard-shell palm slider One slider has been placed on the right side of the palm to protect the triquetrum bone. The second slider has been placed on the left side to protect the scaphoid bone.


Pittards® Digital™ grip patches REV’IT! digital grip features a digital print, which offers an excellent grip under high-performance riding conditions.

REVzine | #10 spring / summer 2014


Temperfoam® Self-contouring foam


Kangaroo Leather Compared with cowhide, kangaroo leather is known specifically for its lighter weight and higher abrasion resistance. This provides greater protection in case of a fall on the roadway.


TRACK Special facts & figures



The circuit in Assen has been host to the most Grand Prix races worldwide. Its history and importance on the race calendar has led to its being called ‘the Cathedral of Motorsport’.

The Netherlands is REV’IT!’s homeland and therefore the TT circuit Assen has a special place in our hearts. And that is not the only reason we dedicate an article to it, the TT circuit is a place where history was written and a place with a story to tell. The first race in Assen took place in 1925 when the first edition of the Dutch TT was held. The Dutch TT is the longest running event on the MotoGP calendar. That first race was held on brick-paved country roads and led through small villages. Thousands of people visited the race, because until then motor races were illegal. Those who couldn’t attend listened on the radio, sitting in their living rooms with their families and keeping track with a list of names and numbers. It was these radio shows that gave names to corners of the track—‘Bocht van Bartelds’, de Oude Tol, Laaghalerveen, Strubben and Mandeveen.


In 1955 a new circuit was built and in 2006 it got an update. But one section of the circuit was never altered; the finish line is in the same place it always was. However the name TT circuit Assen has a story of its own. TT stands for Tourist Trophy and originated from the British island Man where they held motor races as far back as 1907, when it was illegal elsewhere. The first prize at that race has always been the famous Tourist Trophy. After a few years the “TT” name was adopted by many other motor races around the world, until the English organization complained to the international union. A decision was made and no other race has since been allowed to use the TT name ever again—with Assen being the sole exception.

Total Distance Dutch TT





09 Mandeveen

fastest motoGP lap

1’33.713 Casey Stoner | 2012


03 Ossenbroeken



119 2nd


08 De Bult


Circuit width

4.542km 14m Longest straight










10 Duikersloot








12 Ramshoek

12 Right



Madijk Strubben Ruskenhoek

32A 220V


Veenslang 05


Ensuring the safety of the drivers along the track





first Dutch TT 1925 The first World Championship every year since its creation

Assen circuit was built for the Dutch TT 1955 The

REVzine | #10 spring / summer 2014

Meeuwenmeer Geert Timmer bocht

11 13

10 31 90


6.0m x 12.0m x 4.0m


02 04 06


Driver & Team Garages



07 Stekkenwal


01 Haarbocht Circuit lenght




131.000 Visitors 09


TT 2013

modifications: New grandstand, control tower, press centre and renovated boxes.



during the Dutch TT

modifications: Lenght of the Assen circuit cut from 6.000km to 4.542km




Thursday Practice

friday Qualifying

Saturday Race







Circuit Employees

Reception & Guidance

Journalists Media Centre

medical Staff

Staff Members

Radio & TV Employees



1930 Bessie B. Stringfield


First AfricanAmerican woman to travel cross-country by herself.

Leslie Porterfield


Multi-record holder for land speed racing at the Bonneville Salt Flats.

Jutta Kleinschmidt First woman ever to finish the grueling Dakar rally.

Augusta & Adeline van Buren Made a transcontinental journey on a pair of 1000cc Indians.



1916 | Augusta & Adeline van Buren

Since the early 1900s, women motorcyclists have been breaking down gender, stereotype and cultural barriers by being inspirational role models and enabling women worldwide to muster the courage to ride. In a time before women even had a right to vote, sisters Augusta and Adeline van Buren set out to make a transcontinental journey on a pair of 1000cc Indians. In 1916 they rode from coast to coast in order to convince the US military that woman were as capable as men to become dispatch riders—motorcycle borne messengers with the dangerous task of delivering messages across hostile territory between military outposts.







2013 Ana Carrasco Gabarrón First female rider to score points in the Moto3 class.


Elena myers

Sarah “Lezito”

First woman to win an AMA Pro Racing sprint road race.

Besides the physical challenges of navigating their way on mixed road surfaces across an entire country, the sisters also had to face down serious social stigmas along the way. They were harassed and even arrested for wearing military style leggings and leather breeches. They persevered and made it from New York to California, and even though the military would eventually reject their application, the sisters had already proven what women on motorcycles were capable of.

map and go wherever it landed. She traveled through all of the lower 48 states during the ’30s and ’40s at a time when racial prejudice and sanctioned segregation reigned. She was once run off the road by a bigot in a pickup truck, and another time she was denied a trophy for winning a flat track race after she removed her helmet and revealed she was a woman—but nothing stopped her.

The courageous exploits of riders like the sisters Van Buren and Bessie Stringfield have helped pave the way for future female riders, and set a precedent for finding freedom and adventure on two wheels. Today there are numerous women riding, racing and stunting on their bikes, Ana Carrasco Gabarrón is the first female rider to score points in the Moto3 class. This season she will be a REV’IT! rider.

She went on to train as a military dispatch rider during World War II and later settled in Florida, where she became known as the motorcycle Queen of miami. In total she made eight solo crosscountry trips and owned 27 motorcycles over a lifetime of riding.

1930 | Bessie B. Stringfield

Bessie B. Stringfield is another important figure in the history of female motorcyclists. She started riding when she was only 16 years old, and just three years later became the first AfricanAmerican woman to travel cross-country by herself. And she didn’t’ stop there— Bessie was said to toss a penny on a

REVzine | #10 spring / summer 2014

2013 | Ana Carrasco Gabarrón


2008 | Leslie Porterfield

Leslie Porterfield is a multi-record holder for land speed racing at the Bonneville Salt Flats. Jutta Kleinschmidt won the Ladies Trophy in the 1992 Paris-Dakar Rally, being the first woman to finish the race and placing 23rd in the motorbike class. During the race in 1997 she led two stages, becoming the first woman to do so in the history of the desert rally. And in 2010 Elena myers became the first woman to win an AMA Pro Racing sprint road race.

Women have been riding motorcycles all over the world, and over the years this became easier thanks to the better infrastructure, open borders, better bikes and other improvements. REV’IT! riders such as Nita (We Love MotoGeo), Cristina (Madnomad), Sarah Lezito (stuntrider see P38.), are constantly searching for their next adventure, pushing themselves to the limit. Luckily we are far past the point where women would be arrested for wearing men’s leather riding pants, as happened during the adventures of the sisters van Buren.

2010 | Elena Meyers

And today if someone wins a motorcycle race and takes her helmet off to reveal she’s a woman, she’s more likely to be celebrated than scorned. Today, women can wear clothes that match their style in every aspect, and REV’IT! is proud to support female riders however we can. History has proven that nothing will stop a determined woman on a motorcycle, and our range of women’s specific motorcycle gear has been designed to keep women safe and stylish as they chase after their next challenge and discover their next adventure.

2012 | Nita

2014 | Sarah Lezito





The Sand jacket and trousers are specifically designed for serious adventure riding. Equipped with lady specific CE-protectors, reflection panels, and prepared for the Seesoft back protector there’s no need to worry about safety—this outfit is ready for anything.



REVzine | #10 spring / summer 2014

It is incredibly versatile, too, as both the thermal liner and waterproof membrane can be removed individually to allow for the ventilation zippers to better do their job while riding in warm climates. The adjustment straps allow for a precise fit, and as the straps are also height adjustable each rider can choose exactly how the jacket fits. If you are a true explorer stopped by nothing, don’t let your gear stop you.

fJT184 | Jacket Sand Ladies’ | 01 fGS087 | Gloves Dirt 2 | 02 fAR021 | Trousers Sand Ladies’ | 03 fBR028 | Boots TCX Lady Aura | 04



Sarah Vignot aka

Cheer to be heard stunt to be seen! Sarah Vignot—aka ‘Lezito’—is one of the few female riders aspiring to make the difficult and dangerous sport of stunt riding her full-time occupation. Her goal is to make a career from training, competing and performing in stunt shows. Even though she doesn’t come from a motorcycle riding family, and even though stunt riding has traditionally been a male dominated sport, Sarah has been riding since she was 13, and has been on the path to becoming one of the discipline’s elite athletes ever since she first started riding quads with friends. Inspired by the French Stuntquad team from Nice, she learned how to stunt ride immediately. At the age of 15, after seeing Jorian Ponomareff’s videos, she got on a Yamaha 125cc DTX and began practicing stunt riding on two wheels. Sarah is now 21 years old, living in the Champagne Country in France. Outside of her job in her parents’ winery she is training daily to improve her skills. Her weapon of choice is a 2003 Kawasaki zx636r. “This bike is just perfect for me, with a reactive engine and a good design to stunt with. Also there are a lot of spare and extra parts available for this bike. The first big bike I owned was a Honda CBR 600 RR, which was really too powerful for stunt riding”.


Stunting like

tunting like a pro REVZINE | #10 spring / summer 2014


In 2013 Sarah was the only woman competing in the Stunt GP in Poland, and earlier this year she also participated in the Street bike competition in London.

SARAH SAyS: “THERE ARE REALLy ONLy A fEW WOmEN ENTERING IN COmPETITIONS AROUND THE WORLD, AND IT’S HARD TO PLACE AT THE SAmE LEVEL AS THE mEN”. But girls are always welcome, and for Sarah it is no problem to ride next to the guys even though some of them are really crazy.


Her results in both competitions were groundbreaking—she made it to the finals of both contests. Next year her aim is to compete in all the competitions she can enter, and earn even better results. To meet these goals she trains with her bike every day, and off the bike she uses a slack line to improve balance and coordination. In case you want to stunt on your bike it is Sarah’s advices to always start practicing in the company of someone else and to ride in a safe and secure place.

“PREfERABLy START Off WITH A SmALL BIKE, 50CC OR 125CC BECAUSE IT IS LESS DANGEROUS AND WILL BE CHEAPER TO fIX If yOU fALL AND JUST RIDE HARD! The most difficult trick to learn are the slow tricks such as a circle, the straight line combo tricks are easier for beginners.” In the future you can expect to see Sarah appear next to the men in various competitions worldwide. It is her ambition to travel the world stunt riding, make a living from her passion and enjoy the ride as long as she can. Keep an eye on this one—we’re confident she can do it!


REVzine | #10 spring / summer 2014


Open the Throttle 42

Man FJT180 | Jacket | GT-R Air | 3050 / White - black FPJ003 | Jeans | Nelson | 6351 / Medium blue FGS078 | Gloves | Striker | 1600 / Black - white

REVZINE | #10 spring / summer 2014



Pour on the speed Man FJL063 | Jacket GT-R 1450 / Black - neon yellow FPL029 | Trousers GT-R 1601 / Black - white FGS079 | Gloves Chevron 1600 / Black - white

REVZINE | #10 spring / summer 2014


Exceed all expectations

Man FOL020 | One Piece Suit | GT-R | 1850 / Black - acid green FGS092 | Gloves | Jerez Pro | 1850 / Black - acid green


Woman FJT150 | Jacket | Xena Ladies’ | 3450 White - Acid green FPT059 | Trousers | Xena Ladies’ | 3451 White - Acid green FGS079 | Gloves | Xena Ladies’ | 3450 White - Acid green

REVZINE | #10 spring / summer 2014



Man FJT183 | Jacket Vapor 4020 / Silver - red FPT063 | Trousers Vapor 1011 / Black FGS091 | Gloves Vapor 1600 / Black - white

Be Fast REVZINE | #10 spring / summer 2014



Or be Last Man FJL063 | Jacket GT-R 1450 / Black - neon yellow FPL029 | Trousers GT-R 1601 / Black - white FGS078 | Gloves Striker 1600 / Black - white

REVZINE | #10 spring / summer 2014


NoT youR


“Until the 1950’s denim was traditionally best known for its use as functional work wear. long-lasting jean overalls were the perfect uniform for hard work. of course, this durable, comfortable material has endured as a casual lifestyle category...”


By caREfUlly SElEctinG JUSt thE RiGht MatERialS WE haVE cREatEd a collEction that BalancES tRaditional fUnction and contEMpoRaRy faShion. JEanS With REV’it! StylinG and yEaRS of EXpERiEncE in top claSS MotoR GEaR incoRpoRatEd.

pWR | shield knit protective layer

prepared for hip protectors

comfort seat with

The line consists of 7 models; 5 of which designed for men and 2 for women. various washings and fits will make sure you can fi nd your next favorite among them. Naturally these jeans are designed to protect you in the best way possible. kNoX® protectors in height-adjustable pockets will protect you against impact in case of a crash while the innovative PwR | shield panels—a material we developed in-house—and triple needle stitching will help protect your skin while sliding over abrasive asphalt. The real feat with the new denim is the sheer level of comfort you will experience when wearing these new jeans. The combination of Cordura® denim and CoolMAX® treatment provides fantastic moisture management functionality to keep riders cool and in control. we’ve relocated the crotch seams of a traditionally constructed jean pattern to allow for greater freedom of movement and comfort while sitting on the bike, which is especially noticeable on extended rides.

triple needle stitching

adjustable protector pockets included knee protectors

pWR | shield knit protective layer

REv’IT! jeans are more than your average denim, they are bound to become your second skin.

Reflection at turn up

Abrasion resistance (in seconds) level 2





level 1

2.00 1.50 1.00 0.50 0.00

Regular denim

3.00 2.50




1.21 0.83

#10 spring / summer 2014



Cordura® denim


Regular denim + Aramide


cordura® denim + REV’it! pWR | shield

7.00 6.50

Cordura® denim construction

PWR | shield knit protective layers

outer shell

100% Cotton


WhEn EnRico piaGGio SaW thE VESpa MotoR foR thE fiRSt tiME in apRil of 1946, hE coMMEntEd...

‘SEMBRa Una VESpa!’ ‘it looKS liKE a WaSp!’ ...and that iS hoW thE lEGEndaRy VESpa Got hiS naME.



#10 spring / summer 2014


ThE vESPA wAS BoRN FRoM ThE uRgENT NEEd FoR A ModERn and affoRdaBlE ModE of tRanSpoRtation foR thE italian pEoplE AT ThAT TIME.

ThE hISToRy of VESpa in the first year the piaggio group produced 2,484 Vespas and that is the start of a legend. Six years later production would increase to 171,200—and this was just the start. to date Vespa has produced more than 18 million units.

In 1963 Europe was enjoying the economic boom that had started in the period of post-war reconstruction. But the world was changing rapidly. A new generation of young people would stand up that within a few years and would no longer accept the “rules” that had been in place since the nineteenth century, and would instead demand independence and new freedoms. vespa, was ahead of its time, responding to a need that was still struggling to emerge. Piaggio identified an important trend: the changing needs of commuters. This was being driven not only by an increase in urban congestion, but also by the high costs and increasing unreliability of public transport.


People were beginning to demand independence and reliability at a time when auto travel was becoming more impractical due to congestion, lack of parking and the expense of owning a car. By tapping into these functional needs, while recognizing that consumers would not want to comprise comfort and style, Piaggio spearheaded the evolution of the scooter. Such was the genesis of the vespa 50—the smallest engine on the company’s most famous scooter offered teenagers affordable mobility, and with it, freedom and independence. over the years the vespa scooters were designed to adapt to the changing city lifestyles and traffic by equipping the vespa’s with new technologies such as an electronic ignition system and integrated indicators. And in 2000 they created a vespino that could ride 500km on one single tank, paving the way for digital revolution. over the course of more than 65 years however, vespa motor scooters have evolved into more than just transportation. For both riders and non-riders alike, vespas have come to serve as unique expressions of style, independence, and passion.

MP 6 Prototype

vespa 98

vespa Circuito 125

vespa Montlhery

vespa Siluro

vespa 150 Side Car

vespa 400

vespa 150 gS vS5

vespa dali

vespa 50

vespa 180 Rally

vespa 50 Special

1955 vespa 150 gS

An important milestone in the vespa history was the Vespa GS in 1955, when vespa discovered an aptitude for sport and a capacity for startling performance. These were the years when rock ‘n’ roll was finding its way over from America and onto the radio, and when an entire generation with an affinity for speed was coming of age.

1978 vespa 150 PX

Another milestone was the Vespa pX, in 1978. As the 1970s drew to a close, the younger generations were longing to travel, to step outside their boundaries. They wanted a two-wheeler with enhanced performance, that broke the mold with distinctive modern lines, and was geared to a world that was racing towards the social and technological revolution of the 1980s—a decade opened by the missions of the Columbia Space Shuttle. The vespa PX was the scooter of its age; it set the style for a number of subsequent vespa families and spearheaded the brand’s greatest commercial success, with more than three million sales.

a symbol of cool created to make an entire nation mobile, the Vespa put the whole world into a higher gear as it made its appearance on the roads of every continent, uniting young people from every culture and every background through a common passion. 2014 vespa Primavera

Today the Vespa primavera makes its debut as a new model destined to become a legend in the vespa epic. The new vespa Primavera was born taking on all the values which determined the success of the first version of the Primavera. In 1968 the first vespa to bear this name was revolutionary: young, innovative, on the technological cutting edge of design and efficiency. Its modern day descendant—once again called vespa Primavera— returns as a key player in its own time, inheriting all the freshness of youth of its predecessor.


#10 spring / summer 2014

vespa established itself as a symbol of Italy and the ‘continental’ lifestyle of young people with a spirit of romance, riding carefree in wide sunlit boulevards or buzzing busily among ancient shadowed alleyways. Not only is the vespa one of the world’s most famous and long lasting symbols of cool, but it has reached this status from humble beginnings. The fact that its appeal has withstood the changing fads and fashions of nearly 60 years adds weight to its iconic stature. Today, vespa stands as an acknowledged symbol of style. No other scooter has ever come close to the vespa in terms of image, status or appreciation.


Man FJT174 | Jacket | Manzoni | 0010 / Black FPJ001 | Jeans | Carnaby | 6391 / Solid dark blue FBR017 | Shoes | Turini | 0010 / Black


Urban cool Stuff

“Beautiful gadgets that will complement your lifestyle”

The Ride

Velodyne vtrue®

The Ride explores motorcycle riding as it is meant to be: as a means of getting around with attitude, an extension of one’s own body, an expression of personal freedom, but also a significant challenge to technical expertise, craftsmanship, physics, discipline, and driving skill.

vTrue® raises the bar for studio headphones, combining velodyne’s legendary audio technology and unrivaled design to bring a true sound experience to the most discerning of music lovers.

New Custom Motorcycles and Their Builders


True sound. True style.


Makr x deus tool Roll

Individually hand-crafted

Built to accommodate all the tools you’ll need to strip down an engine by the side of the road: 8 spanner pockets, 7 socket pockets, 2 utility pouches for drivers and the stash. Info

Espresso Veloce V12

The ultimate in functional automotive art

These iconic half-scale, 3-litre grand Prix “motors” come in v10 and v12 configurations and are limited to just 500 numbered units worldwide. Not only does the “motor” produce a rich Italian-style coffee, thanks to an oil-filler that doubles as a grappa reservoir, the Espresso veloce also creates the ultimate caffe corretto ! Info


#10 spring / summer 2014



GEBRandt aaRtS, cREatiVE diREctoR at REV’it! WaS BoRn and RaiSEd aRoUnd ShoES. Many, Many ShoES. 60

thESE BootS ARE MAdE FoR MoRE than WalKinG… history growing up in waalwijk, the one-time epicenter of the dutch shoe industry where a granddad owned a shoe factory, a father was shoe designer and a mother owned a shoe store; it is needless to say gebrandt Aarts, creative director at REv’IT! was born and raised around shoes. Many, many shoes. The destination of their family holidays used to be Civitanova and Ancona in Italy to see and be inspired by the center of the Italian shoe production. And that’s how a passion for shoes is born. For gebrandt, designing a brand new fashionable shoe line to complement the Tailored Technology collection is a lifelong dream coming true. The motivation to develop a shoe line stems from the mission to offer urban riders a complete outfit. The Tailored Technology collection was launched in 2012 and consisted of jackets, pants and gloves, purpose built for motorcycling, yet highly fashionable. The only thing missing in that collection was stylish motorcycle footwear; an essential piece of safety equipment for any rider.

StayinG tRUE to oUR RootS WE’VE KEpt in Mind that thE pERSon WEaRinG thE ShoES iS a MotoRcycliSt and that idEntity ShoUldn’t BE hiddEn. thE ShoES haVE to intEGRatE into daily lifE BUt don’t nEcESSaRily haVE to hidE thE fact yoU’RE RidinG a BiKE.


#10 spring / summer 2014

design philosophy

Safety and functionality

All REv’IT! products are designed following the Engineered skin® philosophy that consists of three core principles: safety, functionality, design. The urban collection, however, is designed according the Tailored Technology design credo, which uses the same REv’IT! core principles, albeit with a different order; one that puts design first, followed by safety and functionality. All three principles are equally important in both philosophies; only the sequence in which they are used and the vision per design differs.

That’s the fashion part of the design process; the next steps are functionality and safety. The toe, heel and ankle area have been reinforced for safety. These reinforced areas protect riders’ feet and contribute to better foot position without sacrificing comfort. The shoes have been fashioned from the finest leather. It is tough and comfortable material that is highly abrasion resistant and durable, yet naturally adaptable to various conditions. Shoes with laces have gusseted tongues to keep out wind, water and dirt. Shoes with zippers have a v-flap behind the zipper for the same purpose. The leather won’t mar when you shift gears as the shoes are equipped either with a gear shift pad or come with a shifter strap. And all shoes are equipped with reflective stripes to enhance the rider visibility.

In search of inspiration, innovation and possibilities, the creative team looked at archtype shoes (design), work shoes (function) and added their own expertise on traditional motorcycle shoes (safety). Today’s trends, the identity of the user and the question: “how can we improve shoes?” all had a massive impact on the first designs. Inspiration was found in classic styles of shoes from Red wing, dr. Martens and Timberland. These shoes are making a huge comeback in city streets, the desire for quality, style and authenticity is clearly evident. Staying true to our roots we’ve kept in mind that the person wearing the shoes is a motorcyclist and that identity shouldn’t be hidden. The shoes have to integrate into daily life but don’t necessarily have to hide the fact you’re riding a bike; it should fit your attitude and style.

Motorcycle shoes that fit your attitude and style


features 01







01 Reection 02 anatomically shaped ankle cup 03 Gusseted tongue 04 Gear shift pad 05 Thermoformed heel cup 06 anatomically shaped foot bed 07 Thermoformed toecap

ThESE ShoES ARE dESiGnEd to intEGRatE IN youR dAIly lIFE, coMfoRt iS hiGhly iMpoRtant.

fBR016 | Shoes Stelvio


fBR017 | Shoes Turini

fBR018 | Shoes ginza

your entire body weight is borne by a few small parts of the foot. to best support these critical areas—the heel, arch and toes—the shoes incorporate an anatomically correct foot-bed design that is as comfortable both when walking as it is when riding.

The result of applying the Tailored Technology approach to a fashionable line of urban-ready, motorcycle specific shoes has yielded six different motorcycle shoes that can be worn to the café at the end of the workday and no one will suspect you are wearing highly functional motorcycle shoes. According to gerbrandt this is only the beginning of fashion inspired motorcycle footwear. Shoe trends will continually change

fBR019 | Shoes Mohawk


#10 spring / summer 2014

fBR020 | Boots Rodeo

in the future. The demand for quality will only increase but the current desire for authenticity will eventually trigger innovation. with consumer awareness concerning safety growing each year, there is an increasing demand for shoes that protect you without it being to obvious. Both these trends will lead to a blend of technology and fashion in a way we’ve not seen before. Quality, functionality and personalization are going to be important design pillars for the future shoe collection.

fBR021 | Boots Bleeker


thE KRUZ coMpany

CREATES EFFICIENT, hIgh-PERFoRMANCE BIkES wITh SIMPlE ANd ClEAN dESIgNS. Something that ‘kruzes’ is something that rolls, that is running smooth and performs exactly as it should. And that is exactly the philosophy of the kruz Company.

For more information please visit

KRUZcoMpany.coM 64


#10 spring / summer 2014


thE KRUZ coMpany Brice hennebert, one half of the boutique builder, was born into a motorcycling family and was raised with bikes. he started working on motorcycles at the age of 15 when his father gave him a broken down motorcycle that had been run over by a tractor. he taught himself how to fix the bike and unwittingly launched a career in the motorcycle business.

The kruz Company got its start when Brice met oliver, known as l’amiral, who was brought up around old rally cars but fixed up an old 50cc motorcycle as soon as he was old enough and set in motion a lifelong love for motorcycling. Together they worked as mechanics at the superbike races where they improved and learned all their mechanical skills. They shared a passion and had a mutual dream; open their own workshop. Together they saw a way to make their dream come true. In 2012 the kruz Company became a reality. Something that ‘kruzes’ is something that rolls, that is running smooth and performs exactly as it should. And that is exactly the philosophy of the kruz Company. They create efficient, high-performance bikes with simple and clean designs. Bikes that will run every morning, that will allow you to ride across the globe and have a certain class. They seek a perfect balance between modern and classic.

For more information please visit

KRUZcoMpany.coM 66

They are working on their own projects but will only sell bikes if they had enough of their current bike. Brice owns a honda CB café racer, a CB 750 tracker, a yamaha XT500 from 1983 and a Royal Enfield Bullet. olivier owns a CB750 k6 and a bunch of CB 400, dax and CB650 hondas. The most efficient way to reach potential customers for olivier and Brice is to just go out and ride one of their bikes or park their bikes on the street. People will always be waiting next to the bike and will ask ‘you did it yourself?’ Most of their customers own a bike and will bring that one in to the kruz Company for a makeover. The only condition the kruz Company sets is that the bike should have an engine.

when a bike arrives in the workshop they first make a plan, they will design the bike and for example use a headlight from a thirties model, brakes from modern sports bike and an exhaust from the fifties to create a unique style. Everyone has his own specialty; Brice dissembles the bike and does the mechanics and oliver rebuilds and gives it the finishing touch. This works well as they never work on the same bike at the same time.


#10 spring / summer 2014

But it is never a bed of roses as the parts never perfectly fit or match; there is a continuous flow of adjusting and cropping and remodeling of parts to make everything fit. And once a bike is finished it will receive a unique production code in the order of the production and each code starts with the letters kC.

that thE KRUZ coMpany iS BoRn fRoM paSSion and fUEllEd By pURE EnthUSiaSM iS EVidEnt WhEn yoU aSK thESE GEntS What thEiR faVoRitE BiKE iS: “thE laSt onE, BEcaUSE it iS thE laSt onE.” thE KRUZ coMpany haS a BRiGht fUtURE that May EVEn inclUdE WoRKinG on ElEctRic BiKES. and if onE day a hdR VincEnt Will EntER thEiR WoRKShop thEiR dREaM WoUld BE coMplEtE.

pRoJEct Kc#001 | yaMaha XS 400 thE SMall yaMaha XS 400 aRRiVEd at thE atEliER in a tRUly Bad ShapE. toRn apaRt, ShaBBy, fadEd, and With a cRooKEd EnGinE; thiS WaS GoinG to BE a challEnGE! The first time we saw it, we knew it was a “tracker,” because of it 80s wheel rims. The original line was too heavy and we decided to get rid of it. That way we made room to fit a modified tank of a honda CB125. A mutual effort and shared vision between the kruz Company and the workshop Niyona resulted in the two colored saddle.


The mudguards had been lying around the workshop for quite some time and after we remodeled them they turned out to be the perfect finishing touch for the bike. The urban nature of the bike inspired us to place a 320mm disc at the front to match the bike to its distant Supermoto cousins. In the same spirit the handlebars were shortened to make it easier to dodge cars when riding in busy traffic. The engine has been completely restored and went through many metamorphoses to maintain its sturdy original character. Changing the tires and installing the beautiful exhausts and the bike was already to go.

tRUE BiKER SpiRit thE photoS accoMpanyinG thiS aRticlE haVE BEEn MadE By thE tRUE BiKER SpiRit. thiS iS a collEctiVE of thREE paSSionatE MotoRcyclE RidERS Who loVE BiKES, opEn RoadS, fREEdoM and EnJoy ShaRinG thEiR ViEWS thRoUGh ViSUal EXploRationS. in ShoRt; thEy RidE, Shoot and ShaRE. Between the 3 of them they own enough bikes to ride a different one every day (almost kidding). The founders are Fred, Sebastién and Jon. True Biker Spirit is born from passion and they share that passion freely with the world. They started as a blog because they missed interesting content on the web in their language and all the photographs were lacking “glamour, sex and rock n’ roll.” Soon after the launch of their blog they discovered they were no writers and cared more about visuals.


#10 spring / summer 2014

That is when they decided to skip the blog and fully focus on photography, which inherently made it easier to reach a more international audience as there were no more language barriers. Starting with visitors from Belgium and France only, they now reach an audience in 77 different countries. Their magazine ‘Stay True’- whatever people do, whatever they ride, as long as it’s true- is not to be considered as a traditional magazine, it is a visual exploration of the motorcycling world.

Their magazine doesn’t need words as the photos tell the story and speak to the minds of motorcycle enthusiasts all over the world. luckily next year the magazine will also be available in print.

For more information please visit

tRUEBiKERSpiRit.coM 69

Pictures were taken at the Union Garage, NY, USA.

“Good shops are riding destinations in themselves. A place where like-minded riders can gather to talk bikes, pass on that tribal knowledge, and help feed our collective enthusiasm for motorcycles...�



There are plenty of very good reasons to visit and support your local motorcycle gear shop, and safety is just one of them.

Riding gear is expensive equipment, and being able to put your hands on a wide selection of quality motorcycle gear is a true luxury to those who can find such places. And any motorcycle rider should appreciate buying good gear, because after all it can be a life or death decision.


#10 spring / summer 2014

Good brick-and-mortar gear shops are few and far between, and the bar is set high. There are plenty of online superstores and gear reviews to sift through in the quest for finding just the right gear for you.

Good shops are riding destinations in themselves. A place where like-minded riders can gather to talk bikes, pass on that tribal knowledge, and help feed our collective enthusiasm for motorcycles. Good shops get it.

So how can a local shop compete? The good ones have a lot to offer and can compete plenty. They’re a trusted source for picking the right gear, and making sure it fits right. They answer questions, offer expertise, and stand behind the product they sell. And when was the last time a website pressed a cold beer into your hand at a hot summer barbeque? Or organized an early morning ride or got you a group rate with a local motorcycle riding school?

Find the local REV’IT! dealer in your areas and support local shops that sell great gear—because you’re really buying a lot more than just riding equipment. You’re investing in your safety, gleaning advice and engaging with other riders. Every retailer listed on the REV’IT! dealer allocator is a knowledgeable and experienced REV’IT! reseller that strives to offer you the best service and product range locally. Need more reasons? The best shops throw pretty good parties, too. If there isn’t a local retailer near you, there’s the authorized online reseller as an alternative.


Wild Rose Jacket FJT175 Jeans FPJ007 Gloves FgS071 Shoes FBT058

Melrose ladies’ Madison ladies’ Fly ladies’ TCX X-Street lady



Summer Chic Jacket FJT178 Jeans FPJ001 Gloves Fgw046 Shoes FBR019

windsor Carnaby hybrid wSP Mohawk

The equipment choices many fashion-conscious urban riders make are driven by style and personality over safety and substance. in the everyday urban life, that’s what counts most. Sacrifices regarding safety are made daily by many urban riders who choose everyday fashion over decidedly unfashionable protective gear. we fully understand this phenomenon, but don’t fool yourself into becoming a true fashion victim!

Runaway girl Jacket FJl058 Jeans FPJ005 Gloves FgS086 Shoes FBT048

Roamer ladies’ Broadway ladies’ Bomber ladies’ TCX X-Street waterproof

california Cool Jacket FJl060 Jeans FPJ002 Gloves FgS085 Shoes FBR020

Flatbush Campo Bomber Rodeo

What iS yoUR

faVoRitE looK? Vote and win the look! Go to or scan the page!


#10 spring / summer 2014


Customized to fit your attitude 74

Man FJL057 | Jacket | Roamer | 0010 / Black FPJ004 | Jeans | Lombard | 6371 / Dark blue FBR020 | Shoes | Rodeo | 0010 / Black

Woman FJL058 | Jacket | Roamer Ladies’ | 0010 / Black FPJ007 | Jeans | Madison Ladies’ | 6352 / Medium blue


#10 spring / summer 2014


Man FPJ002 | Jeans Campo 6371 / Dark blue FBR017 | Shoes Turini 0150 / Grey



#10 spring / summer 2014



Man FJT176 | Jacket Hillcrest 0010 / Black FPJ004 | Jeans Lombard 6371 / Dark blue FBR016 | Shoes Stelvio 0760 / Sand


#10 spring / summer 2014



Man FJT178 | Jacket Windsor 0810 / Dark green FPJ002 | Jeans Campo 6371 / Dark blue FBR019 | Shoes Mohawk 0700 / Brown


#10 spring / summer 2014


Man FJL059 | Jacket Redhook 0700 / Brown FPJ002 | Jeans Campo 6371 / Dark blue FBR018 | Shoes Ginza 0100 / Titanium




FJL058 | Jacket Roamer Ladies’ 0010 / Black

FJL060 | Jacket Flatbush 0720 / Camel FPJ004 | Jeans Lombard 6371 / Dark blue FBR020 | Shoes Rodeo 0010 / Black


#10 spring / summer 2014



Man FJL059 | Jacket Redhook 0010 / Black FPJ004 | Jeans Lombard 6371 / Dark blue FBR020 | Shoes Rodeo 0010 / Black


#10 spring / summer 2014


Man FJL060 | Jacket | Flatbush | 0780 / Dark brown FPJ006 | Jeans | Vendome | 6351 / Medium blue FBR020 | Shoes | Rodeo | 0010 / Black


BEHIND THE SCENES Special thanks to Helmets

Bikes & cars

Piaggio Group USA

Davida, United Kingdom

Daniel Rose

Schuberth North America

Jamie Waters

Vespa USA

Ducati Triumph New York

SHOEI (Europa) GmbH

Cross Country BMW, Metuchen, NJ

Triumph Motorcycles North America, Atlanta

Rockwell Cycles, Fort Montgomery, NY

Location NYC Norton

Kenny Cummings

MV Agusta USA, Bristol, Pennsylvania


#10 spring / summer 2014

Pro Riders Lloyd Bayley Gino Piscopo


Fans of the REV’IT! Facebook have shared their pictures with us. Watching this gallery everyday makes us happy.

Thank you for riding with us Keep sharing your photos on

REV’IT! Europe REV’IT! Sport International B.V. Reggestraat 17, 27a & 27b 5347 JG Oss The Netherlands P.O. Box 103 5340 AC Oss The Netherlands T +31-412 69 67 40 (Europe) F +31-412 69 67 50 T +39-049 8986749 (Italia) T +33-1 440 96 007 (France) I REV’IT! U.S.A. REV’IT! Sport U.S.A. P.O. Box 1964 NY 10156 New York U.S.A. T +1-888 6810180 F +1-646 6072274 I

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