Calling Women to Freedom, Fullness, and Fruitfulness in Christ


In light of eternity, I want 2023 to be a year of going deeper with Christ.
dot on a line that spans all across eternity—from eternity past to eternity future. How foolish is it to live for the dot when there is all this long line of eternity ahead of us?
Pondering eternity sheds a clearer light on goals, actions, thoughts, hours—even minutes. Like me, you may be thinking through how to best invest in this fresh year of grace in light of forever. I find myself wondering: What would my friends and family say about me if I were to die in 2023?
• Will a single-hearted devotion to God be evident?
• Does my closest community feel loved and listened to, cared for, and served well?
• Are there those outside of Christ today who will be loved into His kingdom because God helped me to “do good and to share what [I] have” (Heb. 13:16 esv)?
While so much of this year still lies ahead, I’m examining my schedule and asking: Where do I need to change in order to live for Christ, His people, and His kingdom work in more eternally significant ways? Since I want this year to count, I’ve set specific, forever-focused goals. Mind if I share them with you?
I want to know Him better, love Him with greater joy and passion, and feel His nearness in my day-to-day life. I’m purposefully lengthening my daily times with Him—spending more time in His Word, lingering over passages that draw me in, and choosing verses to meditate on or memorize. I’m asking God to strengthen me as I commit to expand my time with Him to a minimum of one hour each day. I’ve found a good spot in my home to meet with Him. I’m setting a timer in another room, walking away from my computer and phone, lighting a candle, fixing a cup of tea, and sitting down with my Bible and notebook to drink deeply “from the river of [His] delights” (Psalm 36:8 esv).
In light of eternity, I want to learn to number my days. Moses knew firsthand how brief this life is. He was surrounded by funerals as he led the children of Israel through the wilderness. Scholars have estimated that an average of forty people died each day of the forty years they wandered in the wilderness. What was Moses’ prayer in the midst of all that sorrow? “So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom” (Psalm 90:12
My days are numbered—so are yours. By living in that reality, God will help us to obey this command:
Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time. (Eph. 5:15–16
me of goodbyes ch your breaTh to a mEaningful
June 7, 2017
In “My Undoing Was Your Beginning,” Colleen shared about taking the long view when it comes to dealing with frustrating setbacks: “It took me years to realize that ultimately it’s not about me and my perfection. It’s about living a life wholly surrendered to God. It’s about releasing my white-knuckled grip on my life’s plans. It’s about returning to the cross and the tomb, to remember where my worth and hope and strength are found. My life is His, to do with as He pleases.”
You ma Y hav E s EE n h E r in i ndianapolis : th E tall woman wEaring a graY basEball cap, worshiping with contagious joY. shE walkEd on stagE with distinct poisE aftEr hEr tEstimonY vidEo was shown at rEvivE ’21. at truE woman ’22, shE sat with nancY dEmoss wolgEmuth to givE a follow-up intErviEw.
When Colleen customized the design on her hat, she looked to a favorite author for inspiration. She took the phrase, “Heaven works backward,” from C.S. Lewis’ book The Great Divorce, but Lewis’ idea was not new. His words were inspired by the apostle Paul:
For our momentary light affliction is producing for us an absolutely incomparable eternal weight of glory. So we do not focus on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.
—2 Corinthians 4:17–18
Long before Colleen was diagnosed with cancer, she lived with forever in mind. As she told Nancy during a radio interview, “Eternity’s been wired into me—the thoughts and longings for it . . . for the last ten or fifteen years.”
Colleen Chao’s book In the Hands of a Fiercely Tender God overflows with the wisdom of a woman who has learned to live in light of eternity. Here are five quotes from Colleen to help you face even the darkest days with hope and purpose.
1. Nurture a spirit of gratitude: “No matter how small or meager, our thanksgiving will enlarge our hearts to trust Him more, to perceive the reality of God’s fiercely tender presence once again.” (p. 38)
April 28, 2022
In “Sacred Suffering and a Cancer Update,” Colleen said, “We’re so enamored with ease and comfort and health and beauty and longevity and financial security and influence and success . . . [But] to avoid suffering is to miss out on Christ’s life powerfully at work in us. It’s to miss out on caring deeply for others, in ways that will be felt into eternity.
2. Wait with wonder: “God is not in a mad dash to the finish line as we so often are. He knows exactly what should happen and when it should happen and how it should happen—so that we experience the absolute highest happiness in Him.” (pp. 74–75)
3. Smile big: “When I laugh now, it’s as if my heart is saying, ‘Pain, you haven’t won! Grief, get back in your place.’ God is writing a good story, and He wins in the end!” (pp. 93–94)
Since then, her name has appeared in searches across the Revive Our Hearts website:
Colleen Chao, terminal cancer. Colleen Chao, testimony. Colleen Chao, updates.
If you’ve searched for Colleen’s name, you’ve likely come across her most recent interview on Grounded. In the episode’s cover photo, she’s instantly recognizable with her radiant smile and trademark gray baseball cap. Three letters cover the front of the hat: HWB.
Heaven works backward.
Colleen doesn’t just wear those words as an accessory. The Lord has written them across every corner of her life.
Evidence of that is seen in the posts Colleen has written for the Revive Our Hearts blog. Her archives illustrate what it looks like to live in light of eternity when it comes to singleness, marriage, motherhood, chronic illness, depression, and the ordinary struggles of life in a broken world. Each post gives insight as to how we can look past what is temporary and live with an eternal perspective:
March 27, 2014
In a post called “Motherhood or Singleness: Which Is More Sanctifying?” Colleen wrote that God’s “primary instrument is not our age or stage-of-life—it’s His Spirit and Word at work within us . . . And where there is desperate need for maturing (as there is in all of us), there is a faithful God who is working in love to complete the good work He began in the first place.”
“You, dear friends, have your own sacred sufferings, and want to encourage you as I’m encouraging myself today: let’s wrap our arms around the cross we bear, the cross we bear with Him, the cross that leads to everlasting joy—not just for ourselves but also for all those our lives touch. Not one moment of our suffering is wasted. It is working miracles behind the scenes. It is ‘preparing for us an eternal weight of glory.’ There is so much purpose and hope to be had today.”
Colleen started wearing HWB in response to losing her hair as an effect of chemo, but she modeled how to live in light of eternity years before she ever heard a doctor say, “You have cancer.” She reminds us that we’re not to wait to adorn the teaching of God our Savior, but in everything—through all the days of our life, we are to fix our eyes on Jesus and live for the kingdom to come. Because soon, we’ll know the full and glorious meaning of Colleen’s message: Heaven works backward. —KL
4. Lean into Jesus: “The mess is an invitation to lean into Him who is with us in all His power . . . It frees us from our miserable self-reliance and puts us into the arms of love.” (p. 135)
5. Remember heaven works backward: “And one day soon it will turn all this momentary agony into infinite glory.” (p. 161)
Want more of Colleen’s wisdom? Scan this QR code to request a copy of In the Hands of a Fiercely Tender God.
You onlY havE onE lifE to livE. what bEttEr waY to spEnd it than living, sharing, and giving?
March is Partner Appreciation Month here at Revive Our Hearts, when we take the opportunity to say thank you to the faithful partners who give toward the needs of this ministry each month. If you’re a member of the Monthly Partner team and wonder whether your gifts make a difference, this note we recently received should dispel any doubt:
Today is my son’s birthday. He went to heaven last year. On his birthday, my dad died. It's the first anniversary, and I’m here because of your ministry —“Deborah”
She’s hanging on to hope because God used your gifts and His Word to sustain her in her darkest days. Partners, on behalf of this one woman and the thousands like her we hear from each year, we could not be more grateful for your willingness to live out the gospel by sharing what God has done and giving to help women like Deborah thrive in Christ.
While we’re celebrating, we asked a few of our partners why they choose to partner with Revive Our Hearts . Their answers tell another story of God’s faithfulness!
The change I have witnessed in my mom after she began listening to this podcast made me want to listen—and support as well! —“Lauren”
I love seeing all the women you minister to around the world. I’m grateful to partner in spreading the gospel. —“Kelsey”
I want to be a small part of helping this amazing ministry keep going. I love their heart to get women, teen girls, and tween girls all over the world in the Word! —“Melissa”
Do you sense a theme? Women see the difference Revive Our Hearts is making and want to share what God has done by giving.
Would you join them in living, sharing, and giving through partnership today? Scan the QR code or visit to learn more about exciting new changes to the Monthly Partner program and how you can be a part of helping women thrive in Christ.
on march 31, 2023, spanish-spEaking womEn from around thE world will gathEr in guadalajara, mExico, for mujEr vErdadEra ’23. according to laura gonzalEz, dirEctor of AvivA Nuestros CorAzoNes (ANC), this is morE than a confErEncE. it’s A movemeNt.
It is always exciting to see thousands of thirsty women assemble to hear from God and worship Him. I am grateful for the way this movement is gaining momentum around the world; women surrendered to God, who desire to glorify Him and live out their God-given design joyfully in all spheres and stages of life. The excitement is infectious, and the organic connections among the women are deep and kingdom-expanding. It is like a family reunion!
As more than 8,000 women prepare to gather in Mexico, there is an important role for you to play in Mujer Verdadera ’23: prayer partner.
“We are getting ready for the battle as best as we know how,” Laura says, “but the results are with Him!”
The theme for this year’s conference is libertad, plenitud, and abundancia—freedom, fullness, and fruitfulness, a message that is close to Laura’s heart.
Women look for love and satisfaction in every broken cistern. Deceit abounds. What a joy to be able to lead them to the One that can fulfill all their longings and needs, who can satiate their thirst forever and transform their hearts and lives.
Laura’s prayer is that women leave the conference clinging to the singular truth that changes everything: “There is joy and satisfaction in saying yes to Jesus. He is the One that completely satisfies our thirst and He is the One who is able to lead us to the freedom, fullness, and fruitfulness that our soul longs for.”
Here are two specific ways that Laura asks you to pray for the conference:
• Pray Psalm 67:1–2, that God may be gracious to us and bless us; that His face may shine on us and that His ways may be made known on earth and His salvation among the nations.
• Pray that the Lord’s presence invades the conference and that His Spirit will minister to each woman individually and produce long-lasting fruit and transformation from this time together.
whEn You and i know with absolutE cErtaintY that our End is nEar, god himsElf will bE our rEfugE. our strEngth. thE lord almightY will bE with us.
How is that true? The answer is that because the only righteousness with which I’m justified is Jesus Christ’s righteousness. More than a century and a half ago, the hymn writer Edward Mote said it beautifully: “Dressed in His righteousness alone, faultless to stand before the throne.”
few sentences that describe this in a way that ought to take our collective breath away.
Before arriving in this magnificent city, there was a raging river to cross. This intimidated Christian and his friend, Hopeful, but they forged ahead across the water anyway. Listen to this:
Then they addressed themselves to the water; and entering, Christian began to sink, and crying out to his good friend, Hopeful, he said, “I sink in deep waters; the billows go over my head; all his waves go over me!” . . .
Then said the other, “Be of good cheer, my brother, I feel the bottom, and it is good.”
For me, the equivalent of “feeling the bottom” is riding on an airplane as we approach a landing in dense clouds. White seamlessness out the window . . . and then, a break in the whiteness and land is spotted below. I love that sight. And that feeling.
Christian felt the sandy bottom of the river with his feet, and it made him feel safe. He saw land through the clouds, and it made him happy.
That can be you and me, headed for glory. Safely.
on januarY 1, 2018, nancY bEgan journaling through thE biblE, bEginning in gEnEsis 1.
aftEr fivE YEars of savoring god’s word vErsE
bY vErsE, daY bY daY nancY wrotE hEr final EntrY shortlY
aftEr midnight on januarY 12, 2023.
“My heart is full,” Nancy reflected. “How wondrous are His Word, His works, and His ways.”
As she meditated on the final verse of God’s Word, Nancy penned, How we all need this promised grace of God—every day. It is for “everyone,” for all who humble themselves to receive His provision for their need. This closing verse of the New Testament is heaven’s answer to the curse found in the last verse of the Old Testament (Mal. 4:6). The grace of God has come to earth in the person of Christ, bringing salvation for all who repent and believe, overcoming sin’s dreadful curse. How great is our God. We worship You. May we walk in that grace through every step of our pilgrimage on this planet— until we see You face to face. Amen and amen.
In the year ahead, Nancy and a team from Holman Bible Publishers will focus on the writing and editing of Nancy’s teaching and journaling notes for a new, devotional study edition of the Christian Standard Bible (csb).
We praise God for His faithfulness in helping Nancy reach this incredible milestone—and we rejoice that He has used this process to write a rich legacy with her life, inspiring countless women to treasure Christ above all.
Because of Jesus, there’s no reason to dread this judgment. There’s every reason to anticipate it. How good is this?
You may remember my telling you about how my mother, Grace, read from The Pilgrim’s Progress to my siblings and me when we were little. The book is an allegory of a man named Christian’s life journey from his birth to his death—to the vaunted Celestial City.
Even though I admit to not remembering the portion of the book that mother read about death, I have gone back and pulled out a
On January 12, Nancy and Robert gathered at the International Ministry Center with their pastor and his wife, members of the Revive Our Hearts staff, and a few friends for Scriptures & Songs. It was a special evening set apart to celebrate the completion of Nancy’s journaling journey through the Scriptures and commission her work on the upcoming devotional study Bible.
Enjoy this compilation of Revive Our Hearts podcast episodes to settle your soul, still your heart, and help you consider finishing the race set before you.
Seeking Him: “Carried Home”
Revive Our Hearts Weekend: “Faithful to the End”
Grounded: “Hope for Death and Dying, with John & Donna Avant and Steve Teng”
Grounded: “Glorifying God in the End of Life, with Colleen Chao”
Expect Something Beautiful: “I Forgot to Plan the Ending!”
Scan the QR code to start listening.
who arE thE womEn who havE nurturEd Your faith and EncouragEd You to fix Your EYEs on EtErnitY? is it Your mothEr or grandmothEr, an aunt or nEighbor, a sundaY school tEachEr or a swEEt friEnd?
Revive Our Hearts wants to help you honor each of these special women. Shop the Mother’s Day Sale to stock up on beautiful gifts that will let your loved ones know how much their spiritual legacy means to you.
The sale starts April 24. To start browsing the sale, simply scan the QR code below.
PO Box 2000 • Niles, MI 49120
• 800.569.5959
All Scripture, unless otherwise indicated, is taken from the Christian Standard Bible®, Copyright © 2017 by Holman Bible Publishers. Used by permission. Christian Standard Bible® and CSB® are federally registered trademarks of Holman Bible Publishers.
Scripture marked ESV is taken from the Holy Bible, English Standard Version, Copyright ©2001, Crossway Bibles, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers, Used by permission. All rights reserved.
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Photographers: Revive Our Hearts
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