2018 May

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renewing and enriching life

contents eDITORIAL Pastor Dr. John K. Mathew

Thus it is written… (Old Testament prophecies fulfilled in Jesus’ cross and resurrection)


Dr. Rajeevan M.Thomas


Pastor Philip P. Sam

Cross and Atonement - A Theological Perspective

Dr. J. N. Manokaran


The Cross of Jesus and the Cross of a Christian L. Sam,Trivandrum


Dr. Domenic Marbaniang

Message of the cross - Foolishness to the World




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Vol. 11

Issue No. 5 May 2018

A magazine that will enrich and renew your spiritual life and give Christian perspective on current events. e-mail : revivemegod@gmail.com igotoibc@gmail.com visit us : www.revivemegod.org CHAIRMAN PASTOR Dr.T. VALSON ABRAHAM MEMBERS BRO. JACOB THOMAS BRO. SUNNY KODUMTHARA EDITOR PASTOR DR. JOHN K. MATHEW ADMINISTRATIVE EDITOR PASTOR SAJU JOSEPH





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The views and ideas expressed in each article are those of the writer. - Editor

May 2018


renewing and enriching life


The Blessing of Giving

Dear revive, I appreciate the efforts of revive magazine for the very beautiful themes that are being addressed each month. This is a great benefit and blessing to the readers. ‘Generosity’ was the theme for the magazine and the graduation. In a world that is extremely self-centered, you have chosen an effective and relevant subject. Dr. John K. Mathew expresses well and connects the grace of God with generosity. If we truly appreciate the grace of God extended to us, we will want to express that grace by sharing with others. True ministry means giving, not getting. Our Lord Jesus Christ said: "it is more blessed to give than to receive". Although these words are not recorded in the scriptures, they were part of the oral traditions and Paul memorized them! However let’s learn to be generous in all our dealings in life. May God help us. Jeemon Jose, Bahrain

The Intention is Important Dear Editor, Numerous philanthropic acts are advertised and published these days.


May 2018

Ironically it is the 'giver' who is gains publicity in all these. The 'receiver' or 'the one in need' is not known to anyone. This is so contrary to the method of generosity demonstrated by our Lord. Rev. Christopher Varughese emphasises the intention behind many generous acts today. He also describes several forms of generosity visible today. The failure of someone to guard their purse can lead to unintentional generosity. Sometimes, generosity is reluctant, particularly when one feels pressured to give. Generosity can also be manipulative, especially in situations where a gift is given for some ulterior motive. And it is not uncommon for generosity to be self-serving when one gives to gain some attention or advantage. Nevertheless, in stark contrast, there is another form of generosity that is intentional, not the least bit reluctant, not manipulative and definitely not self-serving. Let’s strive for practicing unselfish giving in our life. Ummen Kurien, Kochi

Model of Generosity Dear Editor, In the article of Dr. John Alex it is well stated that the supreme model of generosity is Jesus himself. Many people engage in generosity for public approval alone. But Jesus taught through his life example that unselfish giving without expecting anything in return is real generosity. Apostle Paul appreciated the generosity of the Macedonian Churches for its nature of sacrifice. Jesus set the model of generosity by self-emptying. The very act of incarnation shows that generosity is the very character of God. Jesus took the very nature of a servant. It is written about Jesus that even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many. The generous act of Jesus is well narrated by Paul. “Though he was rich, yet for your sake he became poor, so that you by his poverty might become rich” (2 Cor. 8:9). May God

help us to see Jesus as our role model in practicing generosity. Raju Varghese, Abu Dhabi

Generosity in the New Testament Dear Editor, Rev. Dr. Mathew Varkey has well explained the theme of generosity in the light of the New Testament. As the writer states ‘generosity’ has a special meaning in the New Testament. It is God’s self- disclosure in Jesus Christ and the self giving of himself to the whole cosmos. By the generosity of God the New Testament means God’s unmerited love which takes the initiative in freely giving and forgiving, in receiving sinners and seeking the lost, in restoring the fallen and the unworthy and in giving comfort and strength to the afflicted and oppressed. God has taken initiative in intervening in human history without considering the merits or demerits of human beings. What a worthy teaching for us to exemplify! Mary Thomas, Bhopal

Culture and Generosity

Dear revive, Vivyn Mathew in the April issue of revive brings out theme of generosity in its different aspects. He presented the social aspect of generosity in a very lucid manner. True that he mentions the concept of aiding others in need has been observed seen since the beginning of human existence. Historically, the ability of its members to stand with others in time of necessity determined whether their societies and civilizations flourished or diminished. This aspect of aiding others in want is seen as a reason for growth and stability of all major civilizations in the world. Using this touch stone we can measure the level of civilization in any society, including ours. Joymon George, Coimbatore

renewing and enriching life

Pastor Dr. John K. Mathew

Two thousand years ago a stark cross was reared against an Eastern sky, with a man dying on it. Did ever


any failure or defeat seem more complete than that? Since then proud empires have crumbled into ruins leaving nothing but a few moldering stones in a field where rabbits breed and feed. But the man lives on to haunt men's minds and consciences forever. He lives on in the power of his spirit of truth, love, and sacrifice. That spirit is the greatest uplifting, ennobling, re-creative force mankind has ever known. We need that spirit today. A German man once said, "Adolf Hilter has become so big, and Jesus Christ has become so small". Since then Adolf Hitler and his thousand - year Reich have gone. Jesus Christ - the man on the cross - remains alive forevermore. Christ's resurrection is the foundational event of the Christian faith. Paul goes so far as to say that, "if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins. Then those who have fallen asleep in Christ are lost. If only for this life we have hope in Christ, we are of all people most to be pitied. But Christ has indeed been raised from the dead, the first fruits of those who have fallen asleep." (1 Cor:15:17-19). Paul was not a believer in Christ when Christ was crucified and resurrected but later on, the resurrected Christ appeared to him. His faith in Christ was corroborated by the witness of the other apostles, who were accused of stealing Jesus body to claim that he has risen. The question is how these people would embrace martyrdom for a lie which was formed by themselves? Even though there are many pieces of evidence for the resurrection of Jesus Christ such as the empty tomb, and the report of the eyewitnesses, first and foremost is his disciple's willingness to die for that truth! With the exception of John, every one of the 11 disciples died a martyr's death. Tradition says Peter was crucified upside down at his own request, for he thought himself 'unworthy' to be crucified in the same way his Lord had been. Paul after several long imprisonments died a martyr's death in Rome. John, who outlived all the other disciples was boiled in oil, yet survived, and when he was approximately 85 years old he was banished to the Isle of Patmos (Tim Lahaye). Even today thousands around the globe sacrifice their lives for this truth. A Muslim said to a Christian, "We Muslims have one thing you Christians do not have. When we go to Medina, we find a coffin and know that Muhammad lived because his body is in it. But when you Christians go to Jerusalem, you find nothing but an empty tomb". "Thank you", replied the Christian, " What you say is absolutely true, and that makes the eternal difference. The reason we find an empty tomb is because we serve a risen Christ." If Christ's resurrection was true the Bible says that there is a resurrection of all


resurrection is the foundational event of the Christian faith. Paul goes so far as to say that, "if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins.

human beings. It is written, "there will be a resurrection of both the righteous and the wicked (Acts 24:15). "Some to everlasting life, others to shame and everlasting contempt (Dan.12:2). The final question is, how it shall be for you? May 2018


renewing and enriching life

Pastor Philip P. Sam Faculty, India Bible College and Seminary, Kumbanad

Thus it is written… Old Testament prophecies fulfilled in Jesus’ cross and resurrection

“thus it is written, and thus it was necessary for the Christ to suffer and to rise from the dead the third day” (Luke 24:46)

Jesus spoke these words to his disciples who were gathered together and were wondering as to what had happened to their Lord. The sudden demise of their Lord had caught them unaware, though the Lord had told them about all these things beforehand. Added to all these, talks about his resurrection and appearance to some


May 2018

renewing and enriching life

were going on. The rumors of his body being stolen were also doing the rounds. They had all kinds of perplexing questions in their mind. Why was their Lord crucified? If he was the expected Messiah, why would he suffer and die? What about his kingdom? What about all this news of the resurrection of the Lord? Jesus entered into the room where his disciples were gathered together and says to them, “all things must be fulfilled which were written…” Luke 24:44. Jesus then explains that the Scriptures bear witness that it was necessary for Christ to suffer and rise from the dead the third day. Jesus came as a long time fulfillment of the Messianic hope of the Old Testament. The idea of a Messiah (savior), though is hinted in Psalms, the ideal of a Messianic King could be traced back to the prophesies of Isaiah, Micah and many other prophets. But even these prophesies gave only a few glimpses of the coming Messiah. The prophetic image of the Messiah was that of an ideal figure who would save his people. The mission, suffering and the resurrection of the Messiah could be gleaned from these prophetical literatures. The Scriptures record that Jesus fulfilled all those prophesies about him. Let us examine the Scripture portions that prophesied the cross and resurrection of our Lord Jesus.

Prophecies fulfilled in the cross of Jesus There are numerous prophecies which point directly or indirectly to the cross and the suffering of Christ. These prophecies are important as they are a powerful evidence of the accuracy of the Bible and its divine inspiration. Even though these prophecies were written by several different authors, they were divinely fulfilled! These prophecies are significant as they point to the fact that Jesus came as fulfillment of God’s promises and that God had ordained and prepared the history of humankind for the mission of His Son. The mission of Jesus was not something that came out of the blue, as if it was an afterthought that came in the mind of God to make his Son to die for the world. The cross of Jesus was preordained by the Father, and it was communicated to His people. Let us examine some of these Scriptures that speak about the cross of Jesus. Isaiah 53 is a classic prophecy about the suffering Messiah. “He was despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows and familiar with sufferings.(vs.3) But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; the chastisement for our peace was upon Him, and by His stripes we are healed.(vs. 5)” The entire chapter is a graphic portrayal of the crucifixion of the Lord. Psalms 22:1-2 - “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” was fulfilled on the cross as Jesus cried, “Eloi, Eloi, Lama Sabchthani?” Zechariah 13:7 - “Awake, O sword, against My Shepherd, And against the Man who is My companion” declares the Lord of hosts. “Strike the Shepherd that the sheep may be scattered; And I will turn My hand against the little ones.” was fulfilled in Matthew 26:56. “But all this has taken place that the Scriptures of the prophets may be fulfilled. Then all the disciples left Him and fled.” Isaiah 50:6 - “I gave My back to those who strike Me, And My cheeks to those who pluck out the beard; I did not cover My face from humiliation and spitting.” Psalm 22:16 - “They pierced my hands and my feet.” Psalm 22:18 - “They divide my garments among them, and for my clothing they cast lots.” Psalms 34:20 - “He keeps all his bones; not one of them is broken” was fulfilled in John 19:33; “but coming to Jesus when they saw that He was already dead, they did not break His legs… For these things came to pass that the Scriptures might be fulfilled, not one of His bones shall be broken.” Zechariah 12:10 - “…so they will look on Me whom they have pierced” was fulfilled as the soldiers pierced the side of Jesus with a spear (John 19:34-37).

Prophesies fulfilled in the resurrection of Jesus The raising of Jesus from the dead was unlike all the other restorations to life mentioned in the Bible. The raising up of Lazarus and the daughter of Jairus are described as returning to ordinary life only to die again, but Jesus is portrayed as conquering death, was glorified and taken

The mission

of Jesus was not something that came out of the blue, as if it was an afterthought that came to the mind of God to make his Son to die for the world. The cross of Jesus was preordained by the Father, and it was communicated to His people. to heavenly glories. Though the resurrection of Jesus is not prophesied as such in the Old Testament yet some of the OT sayings have been applied by the New Testament writers as prophetical statements referring to the resurrection of the Lord. That the OT Scriptures does speak about the resurrection of the Lord is clearly evident from Jesus’ admonishing the disciples concerning their failure to understand the prophecies concerning His suffering and May 2018


renewing and enriching life

resurrection (Luke 24:44f). Let us examine some of these OT references to resurrection of Christ. The resurrection of the coming savior is prophesied in Isaiah 53. After describing His sufferings the prophet promises that “when thou shall make His soul an offering for sin…He shall prolong His days, and the pleasures of the Lord shall prosper in His hand” (Isaiah 53:10). Then he goes on to say, “He shall see the labor of His soul, and be satisfied. By His knowledge My righteous Servant shall justify many. For He shall bear their iniquities. Therefore I will divide Him a portion with the great…” (Isaiah 53: 9, 12) A prophecy that was used by the apostles when they first began proclaiming Christ’s resurrection is found in Psalms 16:9-11 (quoted in Acts 2:25-28; 13:35-37). “My flesh also shall rest in hope. For thou wilt not leave my soul in hell; neither wilt thou suffer thine Holy One to see corruption. Thou wilt show me the path of life: in thy presence is fullness of joy; at thy


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right hand there are pleasures for evermore” (Psalm 16:9-11). These verse poetically describe about the resurrection of Jesus. Psalm 110:1 give special insight concerning His ascension after the resurrection. “The Lord said unto my Lord, Sit thou at my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool.” The Hebrew reads: “Jehovah said unto my Adonai,” referring to God the Father speaking to the Son. This verse has been applied to Christ numerous times in the New Testament. Zechariah 12:10 is also noteworthy concerning Jesus’ resurrection, “They shall look upon me whom they have pierced, and they shall mourn for Him, as one mourns for his only son.” These are some of the explicit prophecies which Jesus fulfilled through his suffering on the cross and his resurrection. However the people of God, the Jewish nation, could not believe in the Messiah and his cross (ignoring the resurrection totally), as their hearts were hardened to understand the meaning of these Scriptures. Even the disciples failed to grasp the significance of these prophesies and they repeatedly were puzzled by the very thought of Messiah being crucified. The preconceived notions about the Messiah as their national deliverer had such a strong influence on the Jewish people (of whom the disciples were also part) that after the death of Jesus we hear the despairing statement of the disciples on the road to Emmaus, “But we were hoping that it was He who was going to redeem Israel” (Luke 24:21). Furthermore even when Jesus appeared to them after resurrection, the idea that Jesus would now restore the kingdom to Israel still lingered in their hearts. It was only after the infilling of the Holy Spirit that they could clearly understand and figure out their faith in the Jesus as their Lord.

Implications What are the implications of these prophetic fulfillments of OT prophecies about the cross and resurrection of Jesus Christ? 1. The mission of Jesus Christ was promised by the Scriptures and Jesus fulfilled each of those prophetic promises. Jesus is the hope of the humankind and the only Way to eternal life prepared and preordained by God. The plan of God, set before the foundation of the world, could be seen unfolding in the life, suffering and resurrection of the Savior. 2. That the people of God, the Jews, could not recognize the Messiah, is a sharp reminder for us today that there is a possibility for us to miss the second coming of the Savior and be locked out of the unfolding of the eternal purpose for God’s creation. With all our charts prepared about the future events, but without our hearts prepared for the Lord’s will, and with all our preconceived ideas about the future kingdom but without perceiving the true essence of God’s kingdom; there is a lurking danger that we may be caught unaware of Christ’s second coming. It is a matter of irony that when the little boy Jesus was brought to the Jerusalem Temple for dedication, the ‘holy hands’ of the Priests who were dedicating Jesus and the scholarly minds of the Scribes and Pharisees could not behold Jesus as the Son of God, but He was revealed to eyes of the old man Simon and the old woman Anna. They were the commoners in the Temple but their hearts were burning with the Messianic prophecies, their eyes waiting to see the Messiah, ears tuned to the voice of the Spirit and mouth eager to speak about redemption promised by the Lord.

renewing and enriching life

Dr. Domenic Marbaniang Christian Minister and Provost at Central India Theological Seminary. He is also author of several books on Amazon, Lulu, and Google Playstore. He prolifically blogs at Marbaniang.com

Cross and Atonement - A Theological Perspective “Atonement,” in biblical terms, means bringing God and man at-one-ment. Sin is an infinitely unscalable wall that separates man from God. But, on the cross

of Christ, this wall is broken and man is brought into an acceptable relationship with God. In the Bible, terms such as “propitiation” (appeasement of God), “expiation” (removal of sins), “redemption” (buying out with a price), “substitution” (taking the sinner’s place), “reconciliation” (making peace between God and man), and “covering” explain the meaning of atonement. The central message is that we were enemies of God because of our sins, but Jesus, taking our place as our substitute on the Cross, covered us by coming between us and God, and took the flames of God’s justified wrath on His own body, thus putting an end to our sins and redeeming us from the condemnation and curse of the Law, as a result of which we are now reconciled to God and have peace with God. Therefore, Christ is called the “Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!” (John 1:29).

Some important facts about the atonement of Christ are: 1. Christ’s Atonement is God-Ordained. Christ did not die by the will of man but by the will of God. His atonement was pre-ordained. Therefore, Christ is called the

Lamb foreordained and slain from the foundation of the world (Rev 13:8; 1Pe 1:20). 2. Christ’s Atonement is Personal. Christ died for each individual in a very personal sense; so that one can say, "I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me” (Gal 2:20). 3. Christ’s Atonement is Cosmic. Christ did not die just for me, but the sins of the whole world. “He is the propitiation May 2018


renewing and enriching life


Atonement is Invaluable. Neither work of merit normaterial offering could atone for the sins of the world. Christ sacrificed Himself and shed His blood as the price of our redemption on the cross.

for our sins: and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world” (1Jo 2:2). 4. Christ’s Atonement is Invaluable. Neither work of merit normaterial offering could atone for the sins of the world. Christ sacrificed Himself and shed His blood as the price of our redemption on the cross. “knowing that you were not redeemed with corruptible things, like silver or gold… but with the precious blood of Christ” (1Pe 1:18-19). 5. Christ’s Atonement is Unlimited. Jesus died for the sins of the whole world; He paid the price of redemption for every individual human being. In that sense, His atonement is limitless and impartial. However, every individual has the freedom to choose either to enter through the strait gate or walk in the wide way towards destruction (Heb 10:26-29). 6. Christ’s Atonement is Final.

10 May 2018

The sacrifice of Christ on the cross is the only one and final atoning sacrifice for the sins of the world. The cross is the only hope of salvation (Heb.10:12, 26) “Not with the blood of goats and calves, but with His own blood He entered the Most Holy Place once for all, having obtained eternal redemption” (Heb 9:12). 7. Christ’s Atonement is Timelessly Effective. Christ’s atonement, though it took place in time, transcends time and is effective to save people who died in time past before the coming of Christ as well as save people who are now living 2000 years after the death and resurrection of Christ. “Moreover, brethren … all our fathers… drank of that spiritual Rock that followedthem, and that Rock was Christ” (1Co 10:1-4). “And the Scripture, foreseeing that God would justify the Gentiles by faith, preached the gospel to Abraham beforehand, saying, "In you all the nations shall be blessed" (Gal 3:7-8). In the Old Testament, people offered animal sacrifices to make atonement with God. The Bible mentions sacrifices as existing from the very beginning of human history. In fact, when Adam and Eve tried to cover their nakedness with fig leaves after having fallen into sin, we read that God “made tunics of skin, and clothed them” (Gen 3:21). Obviously, an animal was killed in order to provide a covering for them. It signifies that man’s sin and shame cannot be covered by any work of man but only by God’s own work of eternal sacrifice.Then, we see that Abel offered a sacrifice by faith and God was pleased with his sacrifice (Heb.11:4; Gen.4:4). However, it is in the Law of Moses that we begin to get a very detailed understanding of sacrificial atonement. A number of sacrifices such as the Passover Lamb (Exo. 12), the Sin and Guilt Offerings (Lev. 4, 6), and the Red Heifer Offering (Num.19) point to and find fulfillment in the Atoning Sacrifice of Christ (1Cor.5:7; 2Cor.5:21; Heb.13:12). Of these, the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) sacrifices have been specifically referred to in Hebrews 9.

renewing and enriching life

The Day of Atonement Sacrifices

soul?” (Mat 16:26)

The OT law prescribed observance of the Day of Atonement on the tenth day of the seventh month. The following are some significant features of this feast: 1. Only once a year, on the Day of Atonement, could the High Priest enter into the Most Holy Place, entry to which is barred throughout the rest of the year (Lev.16:2). 2. The High Priest could only enter into the Most Holy Place, within the veil, with the blood of atonement on this day (Lev.16:3). 3. The High Priest had to first offer a sin offering for himself before he could offer a sin offering to a tone for the sins of the people. Jesus, the true and real High Priest, our Mediator, became our atoning sacrifice on the cross, thus putting an end to the sacrificial rituals of the Old Testament. Unlike the High Priests in the Aaronic line, Jesus was sinless and eternal; therefore, the atonement that He made is eternal and unending and doesn’t require any other sacrifice anymore. Also, unlike the priests of the Old Testament, He did not enter any manmade building with the blood of animals, but entered the true Most Holy Place in heaven with His own blood procuring eternal redemption for us. In His body on the cross, the veil between God and man was torn and now we have access to the Holiest Place. “Now when these things had been thus prepared, the priests always went into the first part of the tabernacle, performing the services. But into the second part the high priest went alone once a year, not without blood, which he offered for himself and for the people's sins committed in ignorance; the Holy Spirit indicating this, that the way into the Holiest of All was not yet made manifest while the first tabernacle was still standing….But Christ came as High Priest of the good things to come, with the greater and more perfect tabernacle not made with hands, that is, not of this creation. Not with the blood of goats and calves, but with His own blood He entered the Most Holy Place once for all, having obtained eternal redemption.” (Heb. 9:6-12) “Therefore, brethren, having boldness to enter the Holiest by the blood of Jesus, by a new and living way which He consecrated for us, through the veil, that is, His flesh…” (Heb.10:19, 20)

Why Jesus?

Why Sacrifice? There are some who ask, “Why doesn’t God just forgive? Why does He require a sacrifice, and that of His own Son?” The idea of sacrifice is quite repulsive to many, though it is quite obvious that nothing is free in our universe, and something is always lost to gain something else. This happens every time someone is eating or someone is working or producing something. The idea of paying the price cannot be removed from the moral and judicial scene as well. Just imagine the scenario when judicial courts start pardoning criminals whenever they say “I am sorry”. Obviously, the very ones who ask “Why doesn’t God just forgive?” would be on the streets accusingthe judicial systems of irrationality and corruption. But, how is it that one can expect free pardon, without any payment of price, from the Judge of the Universe? Some think that they can do something, some good work to merit forgiveness and salvation. They imagine that their good work will somehow outweigh the sins they have done. But, this is as irrational as a thief imagining that his crime would be pardoned because of his many charitable and generous deeds. The scales of justice do not measure good deeds against bad deeds; they measure whether an act was a criminal offence or not and whether an accused is guilty of it. Sacrifice is nothing but the payment of the price of redemption. While, in the Old Testament, people offered animal sacrifices every year, these sacrifices were only symbolic of the price-that only life can atone for life: “from the hand of every man's brother I will require the life of man” (Gen 9:5). But, no amount of animal sacrifice could atone for the sins of any individual. “What will a man give in exchange for his

Jesus was the one whom the Father sent as atonement for our sins,not just because He was sinless, for even the Father and the Holy Spirit are sinless, but because: 1. All things were created through Him (Jn.1:3); therefore, only through Him could all things also be redeemed (Eph.3:9; Col.1:16; Heb.1:2).

He did not

enter any manmade building with the blood of animals, but entered the true Most Holy Place in heaven with His own blood procuring eternal redemption for us. In His body on the cross, the veil between God and man was torn and now we have access to the Holiest Place. 2. He is the heir of all things (created for Him); therefore, He alone had the right to redeem all things (Heb.1:2,3). 3. The old creation was through Him; therefore, its end could also be through Him (1Cor.15:45; Jn.5:22) 4. The old creation was through Him; therefore, the new creation could also be through Him. (Rev.21:5) 5. It is in Him that all things consist (Col.1:17); therefore, it is in May 2018


renewing and enriching life

Him that all things (in heaven and on earth, not below earth) can be reconciled and gathered together (Eph.1:10). 6. It is by the word of His power that all things are upheld (Heb.1:3; 2Pet.3:7); therefore, it is by the word of His power alone that all things can be preserved for immortality (Jude 1:1).


the offering of His Body, the High Priest, Jesus Christ, opens up a way for us before God. We now have access to the Father. His appointment was official and His sacrifice without blemish; therefore, it was fully acceptable and satisfactory in the sight of God, and we also in Him.

7. Jesus is the only begotten Son of God; therefore, it is only through Him that humans can obtain adoption, the redemption of the body (Rom.8:15,23,28; Eph.1:5), and inheritance (Heb.9:15); so, that the only begotten Son of God could be the Firstborn among many brethren (Rom.8:29). The Bible gives us a clear picture of who Jesus is and how His sacrifice was able to procure for us eternal salvation.

12 May 2018

1. Priest A Priest is a legally appointed Mediator who represents man before God; as such, Christ, appointed after the order of Melchizedek as a Priest forever, provides a better sacrifice than the blood of animals that the priests after the Aaronic order presented for centuries before Him. Their sacrifices couldn’t have efficacy since they had to make atonement for their own sins first, then for the sins of the people. In addition, the blood of temporal animals cannot adequately atone for the sins of mankind, because human sinfulness has eternal repercussions. Through the offering of His Body, the High Priest, Jesus Christ, opens up a way for us before God. We now have access to the Father. His appointment was official and His sacrifice without blemish; therefore, it was fully acceptable and satisfactory in the sight of God, and we also in Him. 2. Surety Jesus Christ is made the surety of the New Covenant by which participants in the Covenant share in the blessings of the Covenant (Hebrews 7:22). Now, a surety is someone who provides a warrant or guarantee for another. Christ by His death and resurrection brought into changelesseffect the New Covenant and made us partakers of His eternal inheritance with the saints.

3. Son of God and Heir of All Things Since all things were created through Him and for Him, and He is before all things, and in Him all things consist (Colossians 1:16-17), He alone held the prime responsibility for the salvation of all things. They belonged to Him; so, only He had the right to redeem them. 4. Sacrifice through the Eternal Spirit Since He is God, only He by His infinite virtue could bridge the infinite chasm that sin created between God and man. His sacrifice through the Eternal Spirit made eternal and permanent atonement for mankind (Hebrews 9:14) and a way was open to the Holy of Holies through His flesh so that all who believe in Him could receive the promise of eternal inheritance (Hebrews 9:15; 10:20). No animal or man could repay the infinite penalty of human sin; but, the Son of God by His divine and endless power, by which He also overcame death and rose to life has eternally atoned for and permanently blotted out all sins of mankind, so that those who believe in Him should not perish but have eternal life.

Conclusion The doctrine of atonement is very central to the Bible. To believe in Jesus Christ is to believe in His work of atonement. The reason why the Son of God came to the world was because the world was made through Him – it ultimately belonged to Him. It was lost; yet, it was His. He was willing to leave alone the 99 in order to seek this one that was lost. But the world did not recognize Him, His own didn’t receive Him.The depth of estrangement and contortion was manifest in the kind of death administered: the death of the cross. Yet, the real story is not that the world rejected Him; the real story is that He was willing to let the world reject Him. Divine self-emptying, divine servanthood, and divine crucifixion are powerful themes that shock the philosophy of religion. Nietzsche called the greatest of all sins to be the murder of God (deicide). There was nothing more sinful than that. On the reverse, the greatest of all righteousness fulfilled was in the self-giving of the Son of God. This self-giving brought an end to the history of hostility between man and God. It cancelled all debts. Man had committed the greatest of all crimes, and God had allowed it to be done to Him in the ultimate divine sacrifice. The Cross was where Justice and Love met vis-à-vis. It was where man affirmed his estrangement and God affirmed His belongedness. It was where God accepted man as he was. The one act of righteousness by the Son of God nullified forever the writ of accusation against all humanity. The veil was torn away; the entrance is paved, now the ball is in our court. He has accepted us. Do we receive Him or choose to remain estranged?

renewing and enriching life

Dr. J. N. Manokaran A Civil Engineer by profession. God called him and his family to be missional leader in Haryana as cross cultural missionaries for eleven years. Since, 1997 they returned back to Tamil Nadu to help missionaries and pastors to build their capacities by teaching, training and writing.

Message of the cross - Foolishness to the World

“For Jews demand signs and Greeks seek wisdom, but we preach Christ crucified, a stumbling block to Jews and folly to Gentiles, but to those who are

called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God. For the foolishness of God is wiser than men, and the weakness of God is stronger than men.� (I Corinthians 1:22-25) Signs, miracles, and wonders were demanded and sought by the Jews. In other words, Jews were unable to believe until they see signs and wonders. (John 4:48) For children of Israel who were slaves in Egypt God did miracles through Moses (Exodus 4:1-9) to heal sickness and handle snakes. The sign was given so that the Israelites could trust the servant of God, Moses. Israelites believed by seeing those miracles. (Exodus 4:30 and 31) However, when Lord Jesus Christ during his earthly ministry did signs, miracles and wonders, the Israelites did not believe him, instead crucified him. The world of Greeks was pursuit of wisdom: Natural wisdom, philosophy, reason, logic, oratory, rhetoric.All human wisdom cannot find god. The search for God by humanity seems endless tunnel. But God by His grace has manifested Himself through His Son Jesus Christ. The death of Jesus Christ on the cross and his subsequent

resurrection defies human logic and explanation. Human knowledge and wisdom is not competent enough to know God. Hence, there is need for revelation of truth and the proclamation of truth. Apparently cross signifies punishment, suffering, depravation, defeat and death but the truth is it reveals forgiveness, glory, kingdom, victory and life are latent or mystery. Human mind fails to see beyond the physical cross. But Paul states that his duty is to proclaim the mystery of the cross. So convincMay 2018


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ing human mind of the mystery of the gospel is primary duty of Christians.“For the message of cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.” (I Corinthians 1:18)

1. Symbol of Punishment or Forgiveness Death penalty by nailing to the cross was the Roman system of capital punishment. And Jesus tried under Roman law was awarded death penalty through cross. The physical cross can

The cross

was a place where a person had to endure immense physical pain, emotional pain and mental agony. Jesus was losing blood and was tortured by his own creation. signify only punishment meted out a deserving criminal. But Bible emphatically teaches us that the death of Jesus Christ was vicarious. He died on behalf of sinners. It was punishment due to human being borne by Him. So cross which is a symbol of punishment is transformed as vehicle of forgiveness and reconciliation. “He forgave us all our sins, having cancelled the written code, with its regulations, that was against us and that stood opposed to us, he took it away, nailing it to the cross.” (Col 3:13,14)

14 May 2018

Jews were looking for a dramatic sign of Lord Jesus Christ coming down from the cross. (Matthew 27:40) For Greeks, the death of Son of God on the cross was incomprehensible. However, for those who believe, cross is the basis for forgiveness of sins.

2. Symbol of Suffering or Glory The cross was a place where a person had to endure immense physical pain, emotional pain and mental agony. Jesus was losing blood and was tortured by his own creation. Dehydration made him to cry for water. The weight of the body was tearing his flesh apart. The taunts of the Pharisees and Sadducees were giving him mental and spiritual agony. The disappearance of his disciples gave him emotional pain. Above all the burden of sin of the whole world was upon him, the spiritual alienation from Father and pain came heavily on him. The suffering and ignoble death in the physical realm was transformed to the glory that was bestowed upon him later. “Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is the Lord, to the glory of God the Father.” (Phil 2:9-11) So when Christ rose from the dead declared that all authority in heaven and earth was with Him. (Matt 28:18) For Jews, pain and suffering is not a symbol of God’s favour. Greeks did not know the reason or solution for the problem of suffering as they speculated many theories. Suffering and pain has purpose and meaning in the context of Fallen humanity and imperfect world, in which God’s glory is expressed and exemplified.

3. Symbol of depravation or hope of kingdom Jesus Christ on the cross was deprived of everything. Even his clothes were divided among the soldiers. (Matthew 27:35)Human dignity, honour, respect, love and relationship with Father was deprived for the sake of salvation of humanity. While the religious leaders or intellectuals or Roman officials or disciples could not understand Lord Jesus Christ as King of Kings and Lord of Lords; a robber who was undergoing punishment on the cross along with Him recognized Christ as King. So he pleaded, “Jesus remember me when you come into your kingdom.” (Luke 23:42) Christ the king deprived Himself of all to make us Kings and Priests in His Kingdom. We are citizens of heaven. (Philippians 3:20) The sign seeking Jews could not see the invisible Kingdom. Human wisdom of Greeks could not give the status of a King to a convicted criminal who died in penury. However, for the believers, cross is the way to Heaven that created through his body. (Hebrews 10:20)

4. Symbol of Defeat or Victory The coming of Messiah was the time for celebration. Many who were anticipating the Messiah expected him to come with power and pomp. The Jewish people of contemporary times of Lord Jesus taught that the Messiah would be like King David who would defeat the Romans and restore the Kingdom to Jews. But when Jesus Christ came, he took a stable as his birth place. His death was defeat to the Jewish idea of Messiah and defeat to all who followed him. But the Bible says, “And having disarmed the powers and authorities, he made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross.” (Col 2:15). It was not defeat of Jesus Christ, but the defeat of the Satan and his army. The sign seeking Jews could not perceive or discern the spiritual truth of defeat of Sin, Death and Satan. The Greeks wondered how death could bring salvation and succor? However, for the believers, the cross is the place of eternal victory over Satan and his schemes.

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5. Symbol of Death or Life The death on the cross was not the end. It was not a history of another personality whose life ended with the tomb or memorial or museum. It was with death Lord Jesus defeated death and made a new living way for His followers. “Therefore, brother, since we have confidence to enter the Most Holy place by the blood of Jesus, by a new and living way opened for us through the curtain, that is, his body.” (Hebrews 10: 19,20) The Jews expected Messiah to live forever, without seeing death. They did not understand the Scripture. Greeks wondered how death could bring life. Lord Jesus told the Greeks: “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit.” (John 12:24) In death of Lord Jesus Christ is eternal life is gift to all who believe.

Challenge to Communicate The challenge to Christians is to explain the truth about the cross, which is

divine wisdom to seekers of truth. Revealed Truth is not for debate or discussion but for proclamation. Even today, there are sign seekers and wisdom seekers instead of truth receivers. The seekers cannot have preconditions or preconceptions or presumptions and paradigms while seeking truth. They have to seek truth with open mind. Christians should continue to declare, proclaim and share the truth which is precious beyond signs and wisdom.


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May 2018


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Dr. Rajeevan M. Thomas Faculty, India Bible College and Seminary, Kumbanad




The Christ

event can be condensed or divided into three main segments: birth, death and resurrection. One can observe a progressive diagram of the theological and historical importance of these events. In other words, if Jesus is not resurrected, he is one among the many. It is vital to note that no human beings in history except Jesus has ever been predicted and credited with supernatural

16 May 2018

traits. His life is so compound and comprehensive and unable to understand fully with any scientific apparatus or articulate vividly with the methodology of history. Both history and science are primarily a human endeavour rooted in reason/ evidence, and the question of faith or supernatural segments, its counterpart, has no room in these epistemologies. Since Jesus Christ is both human and divine, one should apply an inclusive study method equally embedded with both anthropological (reason) and theological methodologies (faith) to decipher a holistic picture of Christ event and, otherwise would naturally end up with the sprouting of partial or perverted understanding of Him. But the modern world has witnessed the emergence of the exclusive terms and ideologies on the person and work of Jesus such as ‘historical Jesus’ (‘Historians’ Jesus’), ‘earthly Jesus’, ‘resurrected Jesus’, ‘mystical Jesus’, ‘Christ of faith’, and so on. Those who do not have a holistic understanding and association of the Christ event would ultimately eliminate from its efficacies (John.3:16). As per the love of God and the Great Commission of Jesus (Mathew.28:19-20), the historicity of Christ event should reach the ultimate personal benefit of all kinds of people of the globe: theistic, agnostic and atheistic people. Some even count Christ event as not

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weighs 34 to 57 kg. The executors use either rope or nail to fix the hands and legs to the cross. But the Romans use the nail which is 13 to 18 cm. long. Scholars like Gunnar Samuelsson enumerate the eight general features or the basic segments of crucifixion as follows: 1. A general scourging. 2. Attachment of the arms (mainly by nailing) to the cross-beam (patibulum).

The average

even a historical event but only a fiction! In fact, this skim write up is an attempt to recap the person and work of Jesus particularly His death on the cross and resurrection as a historical reality to convince the last and least.

HISTORICITY OF THE DEATH AND RESURRUCTION OF JESUS History is the recollection of past and also a process and product. Any history without sources is only story. The sources of history can be broadly divided into three: archaeological, literal and oral sources. After every moment and every day, the present is dying and burying into the past, it is resurrected only when we interpret and write it, and then it became a product. So that at least one can read it and hear it and see it just likes a photo Crucifixion and resurrection is a historical event corroborated by both secular and religious (Christian) sources. In fact, it is not a fabricated or mythological source. The chronological bifurcation of the world history (B.C and A.D) itself substantiate the historicity of Jesus. In one sense, there is no other historical person born in the world other than Jesus whose history/biography was foretold in the form of prophecy (O.T). The life of Jesus shows the real transformation of prophecy both in OT and Gospels into history. Before going to the details of it, let me furnish certain terminological discourses.

Brief Description of Cross and Crucifixion There are lot of models of cross with diverse shapes. The entire cross has two parts: vertical and horizontal parts. The vertical part is known as stipes and horizontal part is known as patibulum(cross bar). The titulus (title bar) is placing on the top of the patibulum.sedile /suppenadeum ( foot rest) is fixing on the stipes fixed on the execution grounds. The average weight of the cross is about 136 kg. and the pitabulum

weight of the cross is about 136.kg and the pitabulum weighs 34 to 57 kg. The executors use either rope or nail to fix the hands and legs to the cross. But the Romans use the nail which is 13 to 18 cm. long. 3. Carrying of the cross-beam to the execution spot where a fixed bare pole awaited. 4. Suspension and attachment of the victim together with the cross-beam to the erect pole. 5. The cross was shaped as either a T (crux commissa) or a regular cross (crux immissa) 6. The victim was suspended with the feet just above the ground, either nailed, tied to the pole or left dangling. May 2018


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7. A wooden plug (sedle) on the middle of the fixed pole and a footrest (suppenadeum) offered to support the victim. 8. A sign (titulus) to proclaim the nature of the crime was attached to the cross. (Gunnar Samuelsson, 2011, 294) One can see a succinct picture of the crucifixion from the Oxford Classical Dictionary as follows: the punishment of crucifixion commence with the flagellation

The empty

tomb of Jesus was the primary evidence of the resurrection of Jesus from the dead. It is well recorded by His followers and opponents. One can avail such instances from the gospel and historical narratives. of the condemned one, who was later compelled to carry a crossbeam to the execution place. He was stripped and attached to the cross-beam with nails and codes, and the beam was drawn up by ropes until his feet were clear off the ground. Some support for the body was provided by a ledge (sedile) which projected from the upright, but a footrest is rarely attested, though the feet were sometimes nailed or tied. Probably death happened through exhaustion. This could be speeded by breaking the legs. Usually the cross was destroyed after the removal of body.

18 May 2018

Brief Description of the history of crucifixion The crucifixion was one of the most painful and brutal capital punishments of the ancient world. Traditionally, it is believed that crucifixion was historically commenced in Persia. As per the available historical data, the first indication of the execution by suspension by impaling trace back to 9th century B.C and it was executed by the Assyrian king named Shalmaneser. Nevertheless, the execution by crucifixion was first done in 332 BC under the sway of Alexander the Great who is said to have hanged around 2000 people. Later, Alexander the Great initiated this system to Egypt and Carthage. Romans adopted this system to employ slow death by giving optimum pain to the slaves, traitors, revolting and similar culprits. Scholars are divided in their opinion on the exact model of cross. Some are holding the view that Jesus was crucified on Tau cross (T-shaped cross) and others are supporting the Latin cross. The earliest Christians support the later.

Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus: Possible Historical Sources There is no physical evidence or remains of Jesus body like that of other demised people at the spot of his resurrection. This is quite unusual with Jesus - neither his bones/skeleton, hair or any such fossils are quite seen. The only available archaeological evidences are the empty tomb and the cross. Nevertheless, the actual cross or the tomb of Jesus has no any historical attestation. The empty tomb of Jesus was the primary evidence of the resurrection of Jesus from the dead. It is well recorded by His followers and opponents. One can avail such instances from the gospel and historical narratives. It remains as a supernatural archaeological evidence to substantiate the resurrection of Jesus from the dead. Post-resurrection appearance of Jesus and its oral comments constitute the historicity of Christ event. One pertinent fact that verifies the resurrection of Jesus is the records of appearances (before and after the ascension) to the disciples and other men and women mentioned in the Gospels, Acts and Epistles (Mtt. 28:8ff; Mk.16ff; Lk.24:13ff; Jn.20:10, 21:1ff; Acts.1:4f, 7:55, 9:3,etc.). The 1 Corinthians chapter 15 depict the biggest crowd (more than 500) who witnessed the appearance of Christ and Revelation chapter 1 was the last recorded appearance of Christ to His disciple John. Similarly, some of the practices of early church which can be regarded as the immediate circumstantial evidences for the historicity of the birth, death and resurrection of Jesus. Scholars like Douglas Grothius identify three such important evidences (i) the Baptism (ii) the Lords Supper (iii) the Sunday worship. If the death and resurrection of Jesus is not a historical event or a truth, the disciples including Jews would not practice these dogmatic and pragmatic endeavours. There are certain literary sources coined by both religious (Christian) and secular writers with historical value besides the above mentioned archaeological and oral sources. Following are the select among them.

SECULAR SOURCES There are certain ancient non-Christian sources which show light on the historicity of Christ event The most important secular or non-biblical references about the historicity of the Christ event are the references of Cornelius Tacitus (the greatest historian of ancient Rome AD. 55-120) and Flavius Josephus (the greatest Jewish historian as well as the court historian of Roman emperor Vespasian, AD. 37-97). In his famous work Annals (15.44), while commenting on Nero’s decision to persecute Christians by alleging that they had fired the Roman city, Tacitus gives a reference about the Death of Jesus and he reported that Nero blamed the Christians had fired the Roman city and their name was derived from a man named Christus (Latin name for Christ) who suffered the extreme penalty from the hands of Pontios Pilatus during

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the reign of Tiberius. The historians like Edwin Yamachi considered this reference as probably the most important non-NT reference. All these names tally with the secular history. In his famous Jewish historical book Jewish Antiquities, Josephus gives some references about Jesus and His brother James. He has reported the story of Jesus thus, “Now there was about Jesus, a wise man, if it be lawful to call him a man, for he was a doer of wonderful works, a teacher…He drew over to him both many of Jews, and many of the Gentiles. He was Christ, and when Pilate, at the suggestion of the principal men among us, had condemned him to the cross, those that loved him at the first did not forsake him; for he appeared to them alive again the third day; as the divine prophets had foretold these…. And the tribe of Christians so named from him are not extinct at this day.”Similarly he also gives a reference about the killing of James, the brother of Jesus that, “But the younger Ananus who, as we said, received the high priesthood…so he assembled a council of judges, and brought before it the brother of Jesus the Christ, whose name was James, together with some others, and having accused them as lawbreakers, he delivered them over to be stoned.”(See Jewish Antiquities, 18:3.3; 20:9.1.) Though Josephus did not accept Christianity, his reference is pretty usable to the historical reconstruction of Christ event.

RELIGIOUS SOURCES Among the religious sources, the New Testament books, particularly the Gospels and Acts of Apostles hold the key position. The four gospels cover the four versions of the biography of Jesus. Among the gospel authors, Luke deserves special attention on the ground of his quest for historical accuracy of his two volumes: Gospel and Acts. The prologue of the Gospel of Luke (1:1-3) depicts this fact explicitly. In fact, they are the primary sources to articulate/understand the history of Christ event. The rest of the books/epistles of NT also supplement and compliment the Christ events. The brilliant comments of Brian Watson are apt to support this fact. According to him, the 27 books of the NT are the best sources to know Jesus. The NT is not a single witness but it is a cluster of 27 separate documents written by 9 different authors from different places. They neither assembled together and decided to write this nor collaborated to write a false myth or legend. in fact, each one wrote independently about what they had heard and seen as well as what God revealed to them. They even dared to express their disagreements (see, Galatians 2:11). Thus, 27 documents of the disciples/apostles about Jesus is a treasure to the historians. Even after deconstructing the faith/religious aspects from these sources, historians would get ample information to rearticulate the history of Jesus. The resurrection is the culmination of the Christ event. According to theologian Wayne Grudem, “By raising Christ from the dead, God the Father was in effect saying that he approved of Christ’s work of suffering and dying for our sins, that his work was completed, and that Christ no longer had any need to remain dead. There was no penalty left to pay for sin, no more wrath of God to bear, no more guilt of liability to punishment—all had been completely paid for, and no guilt remained”(1994, 615). Similarly, Tim Keller writes, “Jesus had risen, just as he told them he would. After a criminal does his time in jail and satisfies the sentence, the law has no more claims on him and he walks out free. Jesus Christ came to pay the penalty for our sins. That was an infinite sentence, but he must have satisfied it fully, because on Easter Sunday he walked out free. The resurrection was God’s way of stamping "paid in full" right across history so that nobody could miss it” (2011, 2). Besides the writings of Josephus, there are some other Jewish references about Jesus. The most important is their document Talmud, First century A.D document contains a reference about Jesus that Jeshu was hanged during the eve of the Passover. In the midst of all these evidences, certain people do not accep them on the ground of religious colour and flavour. Here, the comments of the great NT scholar F.F. Bruce is pretty good that, “If the New Testament were a collection of secular writings, their

authenticity would generally be regarded as beyond all doubt.”

EVALUATION AND CONCLUSION We live in the 21st century with all amenities to write/print/ record any of our documents such as the history of our local church, region/centre or the autobiography/biography of its

The 27

books of the NT are the best sources to know Jesus. The NT is not a single witness but it is a cluster of 27 separate documents written by 9 different authors from different places. They neither assembled together and decided to write this nor collaborated to write a false myth or legend.

leaders as well as the ministerial details or the chronicles. But the question is how far we did so? If the answer is not satisfactory, how we condemn the first century people for not accurately articulating an abrupt historical document? The history of the death of Jesus is not seemed to be more pertinent to both Jewish and Roman historians. To them, death on the cross is the mark of the capital punishments May 2018


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and the history of a local antiimperialist revolutionary who was neither accepted by Romans nor the Jewish people. It is not the national history but only a subaltern history.Here we need to understand that motive and motif of the historians of these streams. It is a colonial historical narration or a history from above/ elites. Nevertheless, the death and resurrection of Jesus is a historical reality. Jesus

With His

crucifixion and resurrection, Jesus has remade the edifice of human history. After the resurrection event He resurrected from the clutches of history without leaving behind any of his material relics and escaped to the present / future.

defeated history and history can/ could not absorb Jesus. Gray R Hebermas, the expertise on the topic of the resurrection, gives certain consensual facts endorsed by the biblical and historical scholars regarding the death and resurrection of Jesus as follows: (i) J e s u s d i e d b y R o m a n crucifixion. (ii) He was buried in a private tomb.

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(iii) Subsequently, the disciples were discouraged, grieved, despondent and hopeless. (iv) Jesus’ tomb was found empty very soon after His burial. (v) The disciples had experiences that they believed were actual appearances of risen Jesus. (vi) The life of the disciples was meticulously transformed during the post-resurrection period. (vii) The declaration of the resurrection took place at the very commencement of church history. (viii) The public witness and preaching of disciples about the resurrection of Jesus took place in the city of Jerusalem, at the venue of His crucifixion and burial. (ix) The centre of the gospel preaching was the death and resurrection of Jesus. (x) Sunday was the main day of public gathering and worship. (xi) James, the brother of Jesus who was a sceptic, was converted after his witness with the risen Jesus. (xii) Saul of Tarsus (Paul) who also became a Christian believer due to his experience with the risen Jesus. (Gray R Hebermas, 2003, 9-10). With His crucifixion and resurrection, Jesus has remade the edifice of human history. After the resurrection event He resurrected from the clutches of history without leaving any of his material relics and escaped to the present / future. All the people, kings, leaders and so on of this world were buried to earth (tomb) and permanently chained in the prison of history. History is exclusively a matter of past or yester years and every one/everything of present ought to go to past and have no freedom to escape from it. They became historical figures. But the case of Jesus ever remains quite contrary to this unchanging natural phenomenon. He is the only person who escaped from the clutches of history. Nevertheless, cross became an object of veneration in the later times. It is purely a token of perversion and violation of biblical/ Christian spirituality. We can take cross as a symbol and not an idol. Cross without Jesus is just like a body without soul! In the midst of the above religious and secular as well as the literary and archaeological sources to prove the historicity, some historical scholars and similar others are not ready to accept the historicity of the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus on the ground of its nexus with supernatural nature. They considered it as a matter of myth or fiction. As Daniel J Harrington stated, “Jesus of Nazareth is arguably the most famous and influential human being who has ever lived on earth. Only the most sceptical observers have denied his existence as a historical figure (2010, ix, 4). How one can negate a historical event which is having a miraculous or divine nature? Of course, Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection is not only a physical but metaphysical process. Let me refute the mystical/fiction theory with the brilliant inferences of three eminent scholars. The scholars like Michael R. Licona (2008) argue that, “Miracle is an event in history for which natural explanations are inadequate”. Similarly, Bart D. Ehrman also commented that the historians have no access to the divine and have only the tool to record observable events. Hence, they are unable to comment on God’s action in the world (2004, 225-6). Finally, F.F. Bruce also commented that, “Some writers may toy with the fancy of a ‘Christ-myth’, but they do not do so on the grounds of historical evidence. The historicity of Christ is as axiomatic for an unbiased historian as the historicity of Julius Caesar” (1997, 119). In fact, one can logically convince that the crucifixion and resurrection is historical event.

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L. Sam,Trivandrum Writer, Evangelist

The Cross

of Jesus and the

Cross of a Christian The cross

of Jesus Christ was the divine and eternal plan of God for the redemption of mankind who had fallen from the state of innocence. God the Father had entrusted to the great mission of redemption to his own son. Therefore, it is impossible to separate the cross from Jesus or Jesus from the cross. "But when the fullness of time had come, God had sent his son, born of a woman, born under the law" (Gal.4:4). Jesus knew well His mission. From the very beginning of His earthly life Jesus was aware of the reality of cross. It was evident that he had felt the cross in His inner spirit from the very beginning of His ministry as he spoke in John 3:14, "And just as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so must the Son of Man be lifted up". When Jesus started to the Mount Olives after the Passover and the sharing of bread and wine to His disciples, he quoted the prophet Zechariah saying, "Strike the Shepherd and the sheep may be scattered"

(13:7). Jesus threw himself on the ground and prayed three times like this as he entered the Garden of Gethsemane, "‌ yet not what I want, but what you want" (Mathew 26:39,42,44). It was with this commitment Jesus took up the cross. Here Jesus declares that His cross was the sacrifice for the salvation of the entire world. May 2018


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The Cross Cross was the most unsophisticated and atrocious means for killing convicts. Crucifixion was sentenced for the horrible criminals who deserve no forgiveness. Jesus knew very well the cruelty, shame and pain associated with the cross. It is written, “… and began to be distressed and agitated". And he said to them, "I am deeply grieved, even to death;…" (Mark 14:33.34).


the very beginning of His earthly life itself Jesus was aware of the reality of cross in His life. It was evident that he had felt the cross in His inner spirit from the very beginning of His ministry as he spoke in John 3:14,“And just as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so must the son of man be lifted up.” In the Biblical narrations, it was Jesus who used the word ‘cross’ for the first time. There is no mention of the word ‘cross’ in the Old Testament. But the word, cross is used in almost all the books of the New Testament. The trail of Jesus was held before the Jewish and Roman rulers. Even though Pilate said, "I find no accusation against this man",

22 May 2018

he didn’t release him free. (Luke 23:4). Responding to the cry of the crowd, Pilate released Barabbas and Jesus was sentenced for crucifixion. Following this, Jesus moved to Calvary. Apostle Paul describes the unique sacrifice of Jesus, "who though he was in the form of God, did not regard equality with God as something to be exploited, emptied himself, taking the form of a slave, being born in human form, he humbled himself and became obedient to the point of death- even death on a cross" (Philippians 2:6-8). About the full obedience of Jesus, Paul speaks in another place, "For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God" (2 Cor. 5:21). "Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law be becoming a curse for us- for it is written, ‘Cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree". (Gal.3:13). Jesus knew that he was made sin. God’s righteousness was to be fulfilled in him. Jesus cried our loudly, "Eloi, Eloi, Lama Sabachthani?" which means, "My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?" (Mark 15:34). It was also the fulfillment of a prophecy (Psalms 22:1). It was Jesus, the Son of God who cried out aloud. He gave himself to be forsaken by God the father so that mankind might not be forsaken by God. God the Father didn’t reply to the cry of His own Son!

The Day of Crucifixion of Jesus The day of Jesus’ Crucifixion is the most important day in the history of the world. Three people were crucified that day. Jesus and two thieves (wicked men). It is God’s righteousness that sin must be punished. Therefore the sinless Jesus was made sin to fulfill God’s righteousness by punishing sin through the death of Jesus. One of the thieves who was crucified with Jesus ridiculously asked him, "Are you Christ?" This wicked man went to eternal damnation from the very place where he was very close to eternal salvation. But the other criminal, understanding Jesus as Christ, cried out to Jesus, "Jesus, remember me when you come to your Kingdom!" Just before the death of this criminal, the comforting reply of the Savior came, "Truly, I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise." (Luke 23: 39-43). Jesus, who was incarnated, carried the cross, crucified, fulfilled the will of God by sacrificing Himself on the cross and finally entered paradise with the thief who was saved at the cross.

The Cross at the zenith of the world. The Cross of Jesus Christ is the royal symbol of the message of peace and reconciliation given by the loving God to humanity, who was damned for eternal punishment and hell. The Cross is the place where the loving Father embraces the prodigal son as he returns home in repentance. There is no Savior other than Jesus; and there is no other way for salvation other than the cross of Jesus. We see the ultimate consummation of the eternal plan, which was in the heart of God even before the foundation of the world for the salvation of mankind. The cross of Jesus Christ is lifted up to the highest point in the world for the remission of the sins of the entire humanity. The cross of Jesus invites all mankind for the salvation of their souls. No doubt that the cross is a symbol of victory of Jesus over Satan and death - all those who accept Jesus and the cross of Jesus will be saved. Only what a human has to do is to believe in his or her heart and confess with one’s tongue. Jesus’ last words on the cross were "It is finished". All what was needed for the salvation of a sinner was completed on the cross by Jesus.

The Cross of a Christian During the time of Jesus’ earthly ministry, big crowds had followed Jesus day and night. Looking at the crowd Jesus used to say, “One among you”, “one among you”…. "If any want to become my followers, let them deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me." (Mathew 16:24, Luke 9:23). Each one must take up his or her own cross. Another said, "I will follow you, Lord; but let me first say farewell to those at my home." Jesus said to him, "No one who puts a hand to the plough and looks back is fit for

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the kingdom of God" ( Luke 9: 61,62). This was the non-compromising stand and reply of Jesus. The basic rule for a Jesus' follower is not to look back - no turning back. Once a person decides to take up the cross and follow Jesus, Satan will array all the powers of darkness against him. It is quite impossible to follow Jesus without carrying the cross. A Christian has to face shame, ridicule, rejection, isolation, persecution, warfare and so on in the way of the cross. One has to give up all the tastes and desires of the flesh. One has to engage in constant battle with sin, flesh and satan. Even among the common crowd, a Christian bears the cross and stands alone. The rejection by one’s own family, brothers, sisters and dear ones may be felt heart rending. They will constantly compel a Christian to give up the cross and follow them. A Christian has to run straight, with his fingers in his ears, crying out like the Christian in the Pilgrims Progress, "Life, life; eternal life!" A Christian who moves in the direction of the cross understands that his or her path is full of obstacles and darkness. There will be physical strain, tiredness and even wounds. No matter what - one must always hold on the cross. Like Amy Carmichel asked, "Why there are no blood stains on your feet, if you walk the path of the cross?" and, "Why isn't there a cross on your shoulder, if you are one who follows Christ?". A Christian understands well the importance and seriousness of bearing the cross. It means that despite the wounds in the feet, one must have the cross on the shoulder. A pious Christian who really experienced persecution and rejection in life writes, "O God! one who has not eaten the bread of adversity and has not drunk the tears of affliction in life has not known you!" It is the daily experience of a cross bearing Christian. "…We are destined for persecutions…" Paul writes in I Thess. 3:3. It is through many sufferings we enter the kingdom of God. Once, a cross-bearing Christian woman saw a dream. In the dream an angel of God came to her and showed her a plain land full of crosses. Angel said, "You can put down your cross here and take any one of the many crosses- take one that you like the most." The woman was very happy. She placed down her cross among all other crosses on the plain. She began searching for a cross which would be most suitable for her. Some of them were very heavy, others very light, a few did fit / rest well on her shoulder. Yet some were very long and so on. Finally, after much searching she identified a cross which was very suitable for her to bear. Full of joy she said to the angel, "It is this cross that I want". To this the angel replied with a smile, "Dear one, please look at it closely!" She looked at it very closely and to her surprise she understood that it was the same cross which I have been carrying all throughout my past life!" Our Lord gives to each one of us the cross which is most fitting to us. Paul said, "May I never boast of anything except the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ…" (Gal. 6:14). A Christian is one who hopes for the crown of righteousness on the day of our Lord. Cross is a vision of life for a Christian. It is this vision which instills a desire of mission and evangelism in a Christian. At the end of a faithful journey in the path of the cross, when we reach the other shore, our Lord will take away the cross from our shoulder by his own hands and will place a crown on our heads! What a living hope is this!

Once a

person decides to take up the cross and follow Jesus, Satan will array all the powers of darkness against him. It is quite impossible to follow Jesus without carrying the cross. A Christian has to face shame, ridicule, rejection, isolation, persecution, warfare and so on in the way of the cross.

(Translated from Malayalam by Pastor Saju Joseph) May 2018


renewing and enriching life

Just One Minute continued from cover 2

We find Lydia, a seller of purple, a color worn only by those associated with royalty. The apostle Paul was one of the most educated people of his day, wellversed in the Jewish scriptures and contemporary literature, able to hold his own with philosophers and religious leaders of every persuasion. Early Christians even came from the royal households of the time. We find Christians in Caesar’s household (including the wife of Emperor Neroaccording to ancient historian Flavius Josephus-a Jew, not a Christian) and the household of Aristobulos, grandson of King Herod the Great; Narcissus who had a powerful influence upon the Emperor Claudius; Erastus, the city treasurer of Corinth; Luke, the physician and writer of the gospel account that bears his name; and many others who were lawyers, businessmen and the like. These are common sense, practical people not given to fables. They want what works, not just what feels good. Also, we have plenty of 2nd and 3rd century Christian

theologians from the propertied and educated classes who thought and wrote clearly in an age when Christians came under severe opposition by Roman authorities. If they had been ignorant and superstitious men as skeptics say, Christianity would never have survived the onslaughts. Their strength of character and clear articulation of the faith continued to win respect among the influential classes until Constantine the Great recognized Christianity as the faith of the Roman Empire. In more recent days, skeptics like lawyer Frank Morison have attempted to research the claimed evidence for the resurrection and write a book to disprove the resurrection once and for all. Instead, he found the evidence for the resurrection so compelling, he committed his life to Jesus Christ. An Indian lawyer, Sir Lionel Luckhoo, Guinness Books describe him as “the most successful defense lawyer in the world” winning 245 cases in a row, has also looked at the evidence for the resurrection from the standpoint of a lawyer and found it impossible to refute. The only explanation that makes sense of the evidence is that the resurrection of Jesus Christ actually happened. What difference does it make? Even if real, was the resurrection of Jesus from the dead just a stunt? If we had to time and space to relate the whole story, we would find the resurrection of Jesus Christ became the watershed of human history. Nothing has been the same since the resurrection because the resurrection breaks the mold of everything that went before. It ushers in something completely new and unknown. It breaks into our old world of death and ushers in a new world that conquers death, making that a possibility for us as well. What Jesus Christ accomplished is the “first fruits of them that sleep [that includes us].” The Christian faith spread because of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Social and cultural movements of Christianity have spread because of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The resurrection of Jesus Christ overcomes the status quo. The resurrection of Jesus Christ overcomes fate and karma. This is a story to tell to the nations. Praise be to the Name of the Risen Savior and Lord – JESUS CHRIST. *** Father God, thank you for sending your Son to conquer sin and the grave for me and for the whole world. Thank you for the new life of the resurrection. Teach me to live in the reality of this astounding event in history and show me where I can tell others of this Good News that they may experience you as well. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

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Hebron, Kumbanad, Kerala – 689 547

Iu¬kenwKv skâÀ “New Hope Counseling Center serves all who seek hope, purpose and wholeness at home, work and daily life through proven methods and Bible values” Director : Rev. Saju Joseph M.A., M.Th, (Ph.D Candidate) Coordinator : Mr. Manu Mathew B.D., MCP (Counseling) Secretary (Promotions) : Pr. K. E. Samuel M. Div., M.Th.

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24 May 2018

Personal Counseling Marriage & Family Counseling Pre-marital Counseling Trauma Counseling Supportive Counseling Psychometric Testing Intervention Programs Workshops & Training Tel : 884-883-8171 Email : nhcc@ibc.ac.in nhchebron@gmail.com Web: www.ibc.ac.in/nhcc

Our Team 1. Dr. Isaac V. Mathew M.Th, Ph.D 2. Dr. James George Venmony B.D., M.Th, Ph.D 3. Mrs. Anu Kurian M.Sc, M.Ed, DCPC 4. Rev. Dr. Cherian Mathew M.Th, D.Min 5. Mr. Vivyn Mathew MSW, PSW, M.Phil. (NIMHANS)

6. Mrs. Susee Johnson M.A, B.Ed, M.Th., DCPC 7. Mrs. Tessy Grace Mathews M.Sc, M.Phil.


Monday to Friday : 9:00 am - 4:00 pm Saturday : 9:00 am - 1:00 pm Location : NHC , Hebron, Kumbanad (Tiruvalla Kozhencherry road. 10 kms from Tiruvalla)

renewing and enriching life

news On 1 January in Mohanpur, Jehanabad district of Bihar, a Christian prayer meeting was stopped by a mob led by Hindu fundamentalists, who entered the house where Pastor Ranjit Kumar was leading the meeting. About 70 Christians were attending the prayer meeting. The Hindu fundamentalists threatened the pastor and the Christians warning them to stop gathering for prayers. Kumar has been conducting regular Sunday service/prayer meetings in Mohanpur for the past few years. Kumar approached the local police to file a complaint and seek protection, but only verbal assurance of help was given to him. (EFI NEWS) On 3 January in Uppada village under Kothappali police station in East Godavari district of Andhra Pradesh, Pastor John Bonnke of Christ Galilea Hebron Church was attacked and assaulted by 5 men belonging to his village. Bonnke was on his way to a bank after conducting a prayer meeting at the Church, these men stopped him on his way, looted his bike, mobile phone, wrist watch, gold chain and badly beat him. Bonnke approached the Kothappali police station and reported the assault. At the initiative of the Sub-Inspector, a meeting was organized at the police station where Bonnke and his attackers (Hindu fundamentalists) were summoned together. Around 70 Christians accompanied Bonnke for this meeting, where a compromise was stuck. The fundamentalists were strictly warned from threatening Bonnke or hindering the prayer service. "Since then we have been conducting Church Service without any threat or hindrances," informed Bonnke. In 2011 Bonnke and his family had faced similar assault, where they were beaten with iron rods and had sustained gruesome injuries. (EFI NEWS)

St. Mary's College (a Catholic institution) after the Director, Shaju Devassy of the college refused the demands of ABVP students studying in the college to perform worship of the Mother India goddess (Aarti of Bharat Mata) inside the college premises. They verbally abused the Director calling him an anti-nationalist and threatened to return with a mob and perform the worship and garland the Director with a garland made of shoes. A mob of 800, pelted stones injuring two police constables on duty, sloganized and tried hard to break the police barricades and enter the college premises on 4 Jan. There was a police force of about 300 to control the agitated mob. Tensions remained high for about 4 hours and then the mob dispersed only to return on 16 January. (EFI NEWS) On 14 January in Bhangarwad, Andheri East of Mumbai, Maharashtra, a group of Hindu fundamentalists forced their way into a government school where a worship service was being conducted. Threatening the Christians to stop conducting Church service, they accused Pastor Ravi Jain of carrying out religious conversion. Jain later lodged a complaint at the office of the Deputy Commissioner of Police. (EFI NEWS) On 20 January in Coimbatore district of Tamil Nadu Pastor T. Simon Rajan of Apostolic Church was summoned to the local police station. They informed him of a complaint filed against him for creating noise pollution in the locality through the regular Church Service and prayer meetings. He was asked to stop conducting prayer services with immediate effect and obtain permission from the District Collector to do the same. Earlier a mob had pelted stones on the church building in attempts to stop the service. Rajan continues to faces pressure from the police and opposition from his neighbors. (EFI NEWS)

On 4 January in Vidisha district of Madhya Pradesh, a large crowd led by the Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party's student union wing, the Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad (All Indian Student Council, or ABVP) attacked the May 2018


renewing and enriching life

QUIZ–61 Back from the Dead

Answers for Quiz - 60 TAKE A LETTER

1. What prominent leader of Israel was summoned up from the dead by a witch? 2. Eutychus, who died after falling out of a window during a sermon, was raised from the dead by whom? 3. What prophet revived the son of the Zarephath widow? 4. Who raised Dorcas from the dead? 5. What man of Bethany was raised from his tomb by Jesus? 6. A man came to life again when his body came into contact with the buried bones of what prophet? 7. What was the name of the town where Jesus raised a widow’s son from the dead? 8. Whom did Elisha raise from the dead? 9. According to Matthew, what marvelous event occurred in conjunction with Jesus’ death on the cross? 10. Whose daughter did Jesus bring back to life?

The ABC of becoming a Christian

Admit that you are in

need of someone to save you from guilt, shame and bondage or addictions. Admit that you have violated God’s Laws.

1. The Letter to the Laodiceans (Colossians 4:16) 2. Joab (2 Samuel 11:4, 15) 3. Jesus (Revelation 1–3) 4. Sennacherib (2 Kings 19:14) 5. The Ephesian church (Acts 18:27) 6. The King Darius (Ezra 5:6–12) 7. Jezebel (1 Kings 21:8) 8. King Artaxerxes (Ezra 4:17–22) 9. Naaman (2 Kings 5:5–6) 10. Sostgenes (1 Corinthians 1:1)

Believe that Jesus Christ is the

only One whois able to save you and to bring deliverence and offer forgiveness of sins. Believe that Jesus is the only One to conquer death and is the risen Saviour.

Confess with your

mouth that Jesus is your Lord and submit to His rulership in your life.

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26 May 2018

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