6 minute read
Communist Party of Kurdistan-Iraq
For a more rich, free and open world
Kawa Mahmoud Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Kurdistan-Iraq
61The humanity pass is on the eve of confronting the threat of the nouvelle CoronaVirus andis also currently going through a sensitive transitional phase that did not begin since the emergence of the virus and its global spread.
For more than two decades, political, economic, and social phenomenahave accumulated quantitatively at the global level.These occurrences have always been the focus of conflict between internationally dominant powers in cooperation with political forces at the internal level of a group of countries working to drive humanity towards policies of retreat, protectionism, and the conflict of civilizations whilemoving away from shared responsibility.The primary issues that concern humanity, such as confronting poverty and pollution, preserving the environment and addressing migration between international and national forces have been neglected. It is crucial that we promote the notion of shared global responsibility and identifythe risks and challenges to achieve that we are currently facing in order to achieve common development.
The emergence of the delinquent virus to humanity contributed to exposing the forces that work against the shared global responsibility.The contradictions in the world began to appear in front of the global public opinion in a vivid way. This allowed global citizens to question whether their governments in regards to being the epicenter of global civilization while being unable to face the risks,provide aid to their population. The tendency of governments to retreat itselffrom taking serious and necessary preventive health measures whilefollowinga path of dealing with risks and disasters in according with the free market mechanisms has increased the risks and further destabilized the situation.
The new painting contest the contradictions that exists and is providing an alternative which includes serious research in regards to defining its features and manifestations to progress towards a new stage. This new path must be different from the predecessors where the current aim should be defined by drawing fundamental features and assigning tasks that benefit societies and results in common victory.
The new panel indicates that the right-wing and conservative forces escape shared responsibility and link the fate of humanity with the mechanisms of neoliberalism, an uncontrolled market economy and the concept of the guardian state where security is only regarded as a military concept. This notion of the right-wing and conservatives neglect health security and international governance by using out-
62 dated arguments and muddling logic to establish a false sense of social awareness based on two fundamental factors. The first one is hate speech which intends to isolate China who was a victim of the virus. Trump’s use of the expression “the China Virus” and his tendency to confront this global pandemic without following international guidelines are certain examples. Populism is the second factor which completes hate speech by spreading false information based on conspiracy theories that the Chinese government is responsible for the spread of the epidemic. Right-wing forces have not abandoned their ideological weapons of denouncing government interference and the responsibility to fund public health because they perceive government intervention as a policy of totalitarian states that violate human rights. The current international approach to the epidemic since its emergence has highlighted that capitalist health care policy is not capable of dealing with pandemics. Diagnosing and studying cases and phenomena are still a process in progress and they are associated with humanity’s endeavor to confront the epidemic I believe that all the left and progressive parties and groups that take into consideration the common destiny of mankind must first contribute within their own national borders in devising constructive means to reduce risks and reduce losses by taking advantage of the successes achieved by the Chinese experience in dealing with the epidemic. This can be done by sharing successful experiences and working together in order to study the political, economic, social and cultural repercussions at the national level and its relation to international responsibility and the possibility of achieving it. In crystallizing what the new situation might be, the following points must be indicated in order to participate seriously and to continue research in regards to them: ‣ The current contradictions are an expression of the depth of the current capitalist system’s crisis and its periodic crises. The question is whether the problem of capitalist modernity and nihilism is associated with the postmodern view. It is important to acknowledge that the current situation will not be the end of history. While the current neoliberal model cannot renew itself, it is important that we formulate a new concept to modernity in which we deal with today’s problems in accordance to socialist principles. This is defined by prosperity, common victory and destiny of mankind as well as finding convincing and practical answers to urgent questions that are proposed by life especially in regards to environmental preservation, poverty, and migration. ‣ An other question that we need to ask ourselves is whether the current global system and its existing international bodies are able to achieve certain goals. There is a major imbalance within the international system that existed before the spread of the pandemic. The failure of the current unipolar system in regards to (America-Europe) leading the world based on European centrality is part of them problem. The world requires a new global order that has the capacity to secure principles of joint cooperation. ‣ The new situation resulting from the position of indifference in regards to what happened in Italy and the failure of the EU to provide aidas well as Britain’s exit from the Union before established the question whether the EU’s positions is practical and efficient ‣ The current global economic power structure with the cessation of global manufacturing/trade as well as the drop of oil prices on the other side are problems caused by the current capitalistic system. This has resulted into an economic crisis where the working class particularly in developing countries have been hit. It is important that a new campaign manifests against these activities in which marginalized groups have fallen victim. ‣ The increase in the ongoing conflict between the forces calling for a globalization based on the common destiny of mankind and the achievement of a well-off society through common victory, must be in adherence to international governance in all fields, including global health governance, especially after the failure of health policies in the European Union countries due to their subjection to mechanisms. The uncontrolled market economy, and the forces that call for protectionism, isolation, retreat, and self-sufficiency are distancing themselves from discussing issues of international character, such as the issue of migration, preservation of the environment, and international responsibility for human health. ‣ Sustainable development at the national level is crucially important and this means that governments must participate in development and perform its economic and social functions by providing job and investment opportunities and combating poverty, and guaranteeing a form of general social security in the face of disasters and epidemics. This situation creates a great challenge for failed coun-
tries, especially the Middle East countries that witness a problem in the state’s structure, including Iraq, which depends on the renter economyat a time when the price of oil is falling sharply. ‣ In conclusion ... we are witnessing a new phase of contradictions and conflicts at the national and international levels, and the quantitative accumulations that we have mentioned have not yet turned into qualitative shifts. However, we can do this through the national and international struggle to activate the strength of the human spirit and its success in the face of danger, and the struggle for a richer, freer and more open world.