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Communist Party of Sri Lanka
Role of the Communist Party of Sri Lanka under the conditions of COVID – 19 and economic crisis.
Dr. G. Weerasinghe, General Secretary
129The global corona virus pandemic was thrust upon Sri Lanka towards the end of January 2020. The on-going economic crisis, brought about by the previous neo-liberal pro-imperialist regime got escalated and further deepened. The lock-down took place in March and the pending General elections had to be postponed twice.
The new President GotabhayaRajapakse swiftly established a Presidential Task Force, consisting of professionals in the field of Medicine, Security Forces and officials of the Public Health Services in order to combat the virus.The people responded to the call of the new President extending full co-operation.
Sri Lanka was blessed with a sound and effective Public Health system, both curative and preventive, with field officers throughout the country. This public health system was brought about in the pre-independent period by the struggle of the Sri Lankan Left movement.The Government was in a position to implement effectively and efficiently the recommendations made by the World Health Organization (WHO) to bring the situation under control.Over 95% of the infections were imported, leaving an insignificant number of locally transmitted infections of nearly 3,500 infections and there were only 13 deaths.
It should be emphasized in this connection that the free education together with free health services were instrumental to establish an effective Public Health system in Sri Lanka. Attempts by the World Bank and International Monetary Fund with Washington Consensus were resisted by the working class under the leadership of Left Movement, thereby protecting the Public Health system. Neo – liberalist moves to restrict free education and free health services were thwarted. It was precisely why Sri Lanka’s performance in controlling COVID – 19 was globally acknowledged and highly evaluated.
During the period of lock-down, steps were taken to ensure the supply of essential food and basic necessities to the people un-interruptedly.
Having brought the situation under control, the Government took the initiative to revive and restore the economy. Financial assistance to the informal economy was assured despite strain on the treasury.
The Communist Party of Sri Lanka as a partner in the current ruling alliance, together with other Left, radical and democratic forces ensured relief measures to the people. The private sector was not allowed to resort to lay off of workers or reduction of wages. The public service which accounts for 14% of the work force was not in any way affected by economic
130 downturn. Other than CPSL involvements in tackling COVID – 19 epidemic within country, it was participating in the discourse initiated internationally on the pandemic and its’ impact. Nationally the CPSL took the initiative to establish a dialogue on harsh realities of neo-liberalism which were exposed by COVID – 19 response in developed West. During the period under consideration there were two elections in the country and the CPSL was in a broader alliance with other left and democratic parties to defeat right wing pro-imperialist alliance. The CPSL contested in two districts of the country during Parliamentary elections and won in one of them. There are few more members elected to Parliament representing left parties. After three months of hard times posed by the threats of COVID – 19, Sri Lanka embarked upon a gigantic task of reviving the economy. The country is at present in the thick of that struggle. Fall of state revenue and consequent increase in Budget Deficits and drop of Foreign
Exchange earnings to dangerous levels and the on-going debt crisis are our formidable challenges. The external factor of the economy is vulnerable. Thus, the CPSL is actively propagating the necessity of alternative economic policies for the country. Globally, the colossal impact of the pandemic on the economic processes has stimulated many debates on whether the post-COVID 19 world usher in a new world order.On the one hand most of developed countries in the West have miserably failed in their attempts to combat COVID-19. In fact, through their wrong approaches, policies and strategies they allowed the spread of virus to dangerous levels.Certain reactionary governments were more concerned about protecting their business interests rather than saving the lives of the people. The current crisis brought about a more chaotic global situation as compared with the effects of global financial crisis of 2008-2009. The neo-liberalism is gasping its last breath. Historically, such economic crisis and subsequent impasses have culminated in world wars. The predictions of Marx and Engels came true in this respect with the outbreak of the First World War. And again as predicted by GeorgiDimitrov, the economic depression culminated in the World War II.Today, 75 years after World War II, the world has not seen another world war primarily due to nuclear deterrence. However, multiple proxy wars stood in for actual conflicts between the US and USSR till the end of the cold war. There were many internal conflicts instigated by US in many parts of the world.The first two decades of the 21st century witnessed wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, and Yemen all instigated by US and its allies. The two decades of wars under the pretext of fighting international terrorism imperialism brought wanton destruction of economies, death and misery to millions of people. The so-called migrant and refugee problems were direct outcome of US undeclared and declared aggressions.
It is in the context of above historical background that we are called upon to analyze the trends of world developments.
With US trying every trick of the trade in pressing its’ imperial foothold, the Asian economy with China as it’s’ nucleus has become the vanguard of the world economy. With COVID – 19 and the consequent to its impact on the US economy US is becoming desperate. Ever since China became the second biggest world economy with its increased national strength and international prestige, the US is becoming increasingly desperate, hostile and hawkish.
China was able to bring Corona virus epidemic under control within the country and ensure a speedy recovery of its economy. The US is resorting to escalation of tensions in the Asian region with threats of economic sanctions and trade wars. In our view, this is an unprecedented global situation in which Imperialism is weakening on all fronts, political, economic, technological, social and cultural.With Brexit and Turkey a NATO power out of control, and also with retreats in the Middle East, US is isolated for the first time in recent history.
In our view, US has only three options under the on-going post COVID – 19 conditions, namely, Co-operation, Competition or Confrontation. US is fearful of co-operation, incapable of competing. It is left with only one option and that is confrontation short of world wars. Thus, the current global situation warrants the unity of Left, Radical and Progressive forces.
It has been unable for US to get their strategies go due to the growing strategic alliance between China and Russia and closer cooperation between Russia, Iran and Turkey. US is focusing its attention in the Asian region – the engine of world economic growth thus, increased tensions.
The alliance between US, Japan, Australia linked with India is a desperate bid on the part of US to assert its global hegemony.
Sri Lanka, as a member country of the SAARC in South Asia region, is placed in a vulnerable position. The Communist Party of Sri Lanka is closely working in co-operation with the left and radical forces in the region.