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Sudanese Communist Party
The Current Political Situation The struggle To Defend The Gains And Advance The Mass Movement Towards Reaching The Goals Of December Uprising ...
131Since the mass demonstrations that swept the country in 2013,protesting against the bankrupt economic policy of the dictatorial regime,the streets of the capital and other major and towns were never quite or empty.During the September mass actions the Jangaweed were brought in to quell the peacefull demonstrations which controlled the streets for72 hours. The use of excessive force and shoot to kill instructions resulted in the murder of over 240 protester andover 1000 injured.Scores of the leaders of the opposition,including member of the SCP were detained.
The September demonstrationshave unmasked the weakness and isolation of the regime,and alerted the regional and international powers,mainly the US and the EU,with the active participation of the UAE,Saudai Arabia and Egypt to advance plans to support changes within the regime making it more acceptable to certain parts of the opposition,and inviting these forces to be involved in dialogue with Albashir to establish a new government with broader social base. Thus the so-called (Soft Landing) was born.The SCP and allies started building a broad front based on the grass rootes all over the country.On the other hand Albashir called for National Dialogue with the opposition,and as concession he dismissed some of his die hard supporters,and under pressure from the international and regional powers he distanced himself from the Turkish-Qatari axis and the Muslim Brothers inside the country.
The SCP made its position clear:NO compromise with the dictatership,the only way forward is the continuation of the struggle till the overthrow of the regime of Albashir and clique,the dismantling and the liquidation of the regime leading to the establishment of the civil democratic state.
It is around these two projects,the Soft Landing,and the radical change that the contradictions and struggles were based.It is worth mentioning that the UMMA Party ,The Sudan Congress Party and part of the armed groups left the united opposition platform and accepted to articipate in the scheme proposed leading to the planned presidential election of Albashir in 2020.The EU sensitive to migration issues and human traficking supported the regime ,trained the Jangaweed and tried to convience political parties to be involved with the regime.This action was strongly comdemned by the radical opposition.
In January 2018 the SCP organization in the capital called for mass demonstrations to protest against economic policy of the regime.While the Umma party,and the Sudan Congress refused to support the ini-
132 tiative, thousands of their supporters attended and participated in the protest action.Thus proving the correctness of the line adopted by the SCP to work the basis and create grass roots organizations open to all who reject the regime This success resulted in the building and consolidation of the Resistance Committees in the residential areas,work places and the institution of education. -With the continuation of the mass political actions,the accumullation of srikes,sit-ins and demonstrations cracks started to appear and deepen in the regime.Some of those who supported the regime condemned the brutality of the security and accordingly left the regime.It became apparant that Albashirs days were numbered.His call for dialogue collapsed.Some of close supporters stayed to befriends and court some of the opposition forces.The masses were ever determined to continue their peaceful protest and fight till the end.On the 6th of April the 34th anniversary of the 1985 uprising which toppled
Numiery dictatorship the FFC called for the masses to occupy the square in front of the army headquarters.
Thousands decended in Khartoum forcing their way to the army headquarters.The success of this action was the straw that broke the camels back.Five days later Albashir was removed and the military-Albashirs security committee- declared that the army had taken the side of the people. Following the palace coup some of the opposition partiesbroke ranks and started to speak about partener with the army.However,thanks to the SCP clear stand and the support of the masses the FFC reafirmed its declared position that the generals must surrender power to the civilian leadership.Then came the pressure from outside the African Union,Egypt and Ethiopiapushed for partnership,the UAE invited a number of opposition leaders from the Umma
Party,the Sudan Congress Party and SPLM-N and through handfull of dollars and future promise of more help ,the result was that, these forces capitulated and agreed behind the leadeship of the SCP to succumb to the beginning of the implementation of the Soft Landing scheme.It is because of this that the
SCP refused to participate in the government and reserved its right to participate in the legislative council.. -Despite the limited success achieved during the past one year and a half still the struggle in Sudan is continuing between the forces of the revolution to affect radical changes against the conservative and counterrevolutionary forces who want to halt the progress of the mass movement.The role of the generals,the Rapid Support Force-former the Jangaweed support those forces which accepts the continuation of the old policies under new leadership.That is to say a decorated old regime with new faces.
Since the spread Covid-19 and as a result of the health restrictions imposed,the street mass actions were limited.This played in the hands of the generals,who control both the ministry of defence and interior to prevent and suppress mass actions.So, the mass protest actions including sit-ins and demonstrations aiming wrenching the peoples rights and demanding solutions to the economic sufferings were severly delt with.Last June the Resistance Committees staged hugh demonstrations all over the country with the estimated participation of over 15 millions handing over memorandum reflecting the demands of region but unanimous in pressing for civilian rule.
Again on the 55th anniversary of the October revolution of 1964 which toppled the first military dictatership,the masses took to the streets demanding the repealing of the economic policy,and curbing the influence of the generals.It is worthmentioning that during the demonstration in Khartoum Israeli flags were burnt.Once again the peaceful manifeations were met with excessive force and . Two young protesters were shot dead and scores were injured ,some very seriously.
The crack down on legal mass protest action continues as the generals strengthen their grip over the state.
Against an increasingly failing transitional authority,dominated by the generals,inflation has exceeded 200 percent and the Sudanese pound falling 220 to the US dollar-down from 82 since April 2019 . Sudans economy is in freefall.Bread and fuel lines are getting longer by the day across the country and discontent among the masses is growing against the government econmic policy.Neither Sudan removal from the list of state terrorismnor normalisation process will solve the present economic crisis.The only way out is the implementation of the proramm elaborated the FFC,abolishing the policy dictated by the IMF,renationalization of the main sectors of the economy,and restoring companies under the control of the army,security and the Rapid Support Forces the ownership of the state.
In addition to follow new course regarding the peace process.This requires the active participation of the representatives of concerned people:those who live in the camps, all the political parties and groups with of convocation of a nation conference to discuss and approve a plan on the fair and just distribution of wealth and power.This is the only way to reach a
comprehensive just and democratic in the country.
The handing over of criminals who committed crimes against humanity to the ICC is a step in the right direction as well as putting the culprits who committed the massacre of 3rd of June 2019 trial will help to see justice done. Important in this respect is to continue the dismantling of the old regime and the building of strong national state institutions.
The main task facing the radical opposition and the SCP in particular is the fight to correct the course of the uprising and pave the path for its further progress to reach its goals.This entitles the building of the broadest possible alliance, the adherance to the minimum programmof the FFC and giving the forces that played a major role in the , their right place in the decision making process and its implementation. In this respect it is important to rebuild and strengthen the trade uion movements ,assist in the orgaizing of the working class and the peasantry as well as the student,youth and women.It is also to engage in with the SPLM-N led by Alhilo and the Movement for liberation sudan.A central task is the development and strengthening of the role of the Resistance Committees.
To achieve all this the SCP has reaffirmed the necessity that the unity of the democratic and revolutionry forces is prerequist for the advance of the revolution and completion of the tasks of the national democratic stage.The success of all this depends on the establishment and active work of the contingents of the strategic alliance that is the working class ,the peasentary and the revolutionary intelligencia. Maintaining clear ideological stance,practicing the right tactics,strengthening its relations with the toiling masses will help to define the inspiring role of the party within the broad alliance as well as in the stragtic alliance.