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Communists of Serbia
higher which results in their guaranteed getting richer – not immediately, but quick enough. The same is true in regards to small and middle-sized business. These processes are manifestation of the law of capitalist monopolization and concentration. There is yet another example more applicable to Russia: if there are closed stadiums, cinemas, fitness-clubs and other entertainment facilities, the manufacturers and sellers of vodka will grow richer.
Russian state rather than use its reserve multibillion funds, stubbornly keeps looking after the interests of big capital and state officials. Many restrictive measures for all their expediency are still aimed not at protecting population against the disease, but rather at charging people huge fines and other levies. Let’s don’t forget about the bans on protest and indignation! One of the simple example to illustrate the above statement: retired persons are not banned to travel by public means of transport; they are denied their right to do it for free.
Russian Communist Workers’ Party claims that it’s not possible to put up with such anti-popular politics any longer. We demand that the whole healthcare should be immediately nationalized. We demand that all special privileges for state officials and MPs should be banned. Healthcare is not a type of servicing; it’s an indispensable right of people rather than means to enrich new riches. The same goes in respect of pharmaceutical industry and drug sores’ networks.
We call on people to call the criminal regime that has bled Russian healthcare white, to account. Both the government and the president responsible for the criminal politics of introducing capitalism, should resign and be put on trial
Nevertheless, these correct slogans are still to conquer masses. The struggle of working people is pretty underdeveloped and is limited to the most primitive forms – usually it is to do with the absence of salary. Why the struggle is so weak? Why people don’t refer to the memory of our Soviet past, of the guaranteed jobs, recreation, education and
This is a difficult topic for us themselves. Sure, we can observe the authorities resorting to elaborate anti-communist propaganda, when the former merits and fame of USSR look as if being privatized by the authorities, for example the victory over Fascism. On the other hand Soviet history has been painted black and they chose tricolor of the Hitler’s collaborator Vlasov as their national flag. Russian authorities counteract against all orthodox communist and workers’ organization. In 2007 they deprived RCWP of official registration, whereas in 2019 the Supreme Court deprived Russian United Labour Front its registration as well. Thus, we can see that class organizations of workers have been cut off from taking part in public politic, from elections.
Meanwhile the authorities support their “loyal opposition” - CPRF, that is basically our class adversary, as this party’s politics means fitting into parliamentary opposition of all dissatisfied with capitalism. All the activities of CPRF are limited to promises of “honest elections” and to dreams of possible victory in such elections and the creation of a “national trust government”. We should mention that this trend of classical opportunism, characteristic of Euroleft parties, is apparently well agreed with the ruling class. As early as in 2000 V.Putin in his interview for the book “In the first person” answered the correspondent’s question on the future fate of CPRF as follows: “communists are the only really big party with a substantial social base, still with some ideological bugs to be disposed of”. The correspondent asked him to clarify, what bugs exactly he meant, and Putin’s answer was “for example their demand of confiscation and redistribution”. Let alone the revolution and the proletarian dictatorship. Next Putin stressed again: “communists will either change their program, thus turning themselves into large left party of European type, or they’ll fail to do this and will gradually leave the political scene as they lose their social base, when their supporters will gradually die out of natural causes”. The correspondent inquires on: “Do communist leaders believe so themselves, don’t they?”
Here Putin demonstrates his understanding of the situation: “their leaders understand this, howsoever this might seem unexpected, and they do get ready for the transformation. Still they cannot do it now, they are afraid that their core supporters will percept this as a treason, whereas in such situations one shouldn’t procrastinate and it’s essential to timely decide when and to what extent they should change themselves”.
Thus, we can see large opportunist party with communist name that believes that the limit for revolutions has been used up, this party’s task being damping the energy of people’s protest by way of channeling it into parliamentary expectations and verbal protests without any real struggle. Various businesspersons and capitalists chosen by CPRF as their candidates for federal and regional parliamentary elections have become a familiar sight. CPRF put forward a capitalist candidate even for the presidential elections, despite the fact that this person had had many conflicts with his adversaries and relatives, the authorities skillfully using those facts to discredit communists. Among some 50 MPs from CPRF one cannot find a single workers’ leader or trade
118 unions’ activist. We find it difficult to talk about class war with CPRF, as there are many honest and sincere communists among rank and file of this party. Nevertheless, they suffer from the same malady that was a reason for
CPSU collapse – they take their leaders on trust and are not willing to treat communism as science. Opportunistic politics of CPRF gets deserved approval from the regime, in particular in the form of state rewards. Zyuganov himself was awarded Stolypin’s Medal that was handed over to him by the then PM D.Medvedev. We should remember that Stolypin was PM of the tsarist epoch that due to his repressions against people was called by Lenin “arch-hanger”. Apart from honorary rewards, these opportunists are granted quite substantial financing by the state budget so that they could defend people without causing problems for the authorities and the political order. Apart from CPRF the authorities have also let taking part in parliamentary activities some other artificial structures of provocative nature called “Communists of
Russia” – a splinter of CPRF, and “Communist Party of
Social Justice”, these parties to be used to create a distorted image of communists in public opinion, to discredit the communist idea itself. Thus in modern Russia the class struggle, first of all in the field of theory and ideology, is carried out first of all between orthodox Marxists – i.e RCWP and its allies on the one hand and CPRF and their supporters from bourgeois authorities on the other hand. We adhere to the doctrine originating from the
Manifest of communist party: our goal for the coming period is as follows – organizing workers’ class into the class for itself, this goal to remain unchanged under any circumstances, even in the highly improbable case Zyganov is elected to be Russian president. Organization of workers’ movement, getting support at plants and factories is essential condition for communists to reach their program goals. Young Lenin, Volodya Ulyanov then, decided that his way in life should be dedicated to serving the cause of workers’ class. We can read in the first volume of his collected work that “the awakening man in a “working horse”, is the awakening of so tremendous world-historical significance, that any sacrifices to implement it are justified”. The split in the left movement over this simple topic can be observed since long time. Some struggle for a well fed “working horse”, for adequate forage and good care. Nevertheless, even a well-fed working horse still remains cattle. Under the current level of production forces’ development, bourgeoisie has many opportunities to keep working people in the state of well-fed cattle by ensuring wages, entertainment, including sexual permissiveness, as well as a right to vote in favour of issuing fodder.
Meanwhile others do try to awaken man in working horse, to organize people for struggle for their own rights to follow the words of the old proletarian anthem: There are no supreme saviours Neither God, nor Caesar, nor tribune. Producers, let us save ourselves.
From our point of view, this task remains the most important one also for the international communist movement. We cannot expect a success unless we manage to carry out delimitation with opportunism and revisionism. This reason is further confirmed by the experience of some left leaders getting to power in a number of states (Demetris Christofias, AKEL, Cyprus, Ugo Chaves, Venezuela, Vladimir Voronin, Moldova, Alexander Lukashenko, Belorussia). We can see that without working people taking part in the state management the process cannot be considered stable and there always exists possibility of a reverse movement towards reaction.
The central subject of Marxism is the teaching on proletarian dictatorship. Soviets based on the organization of people obtained in the course of production, proved to be the most stable organizational form of proletarian dictatorship. Lenin stressed that this is not a power for working people; it’s a power of working people. This power should be conquered by working people themselves, this the beginning of Marxism.
Compass of marxism shows CorreCt direCtion!
Let’s ask ourselves: what do we construct? Our entire struggle for the workers’ cause is the struggle against exploitation, against any sort of oppression and enslavement – i.e. class struggle. Communist Manifesto defines communism as “free association, where free development of each person will become a condition for free development of all. Vice versa: free development of all becomes precondition of free development of each person. That is we construct relations between people. This is the main function of proletarian dictatorship that is intended to destroy private property, construct classless society and thus annihilate itself as well. We, Soviet communists that lived and struggled in the Soviet time, when answering to the question if the life under Socialism was better, first recall the relations between people, rather than absence of unemployment, free of charge education, medicine, accessible inexpensive housing, these relations being so much so much more honest, pure and fair. They were more human. This is something worth fighting for.
October 30 2020
The violent revolution has no alternative
119The Communists of Serbia, as a Marxist-Leninist party, remind and warn the fraternal communist and workers’ organizations of the unequivocal position of the classics of Marxism, Marx, Engels, and Lenin that a violent revolution is the only way to defeat capitalism. Unfortunately, the ideas, works, and various attitudes of the classics of Marxism are interpreted in different ways among today’s communists. On the occasion of the 150th Lenin’s birth anniversary, the Communists of Serbia will even more consistently affirm his interpretation of Marxism, which states: The essence of the entire teaching of Marx and Engels comes down to the necessity of a violent revolution.
All the revolutionaries, Tito, Mao Zedong, Kim Il Sung, Ho Chi Minh, Fidel Castro, who, along with their comrades, defeated capitalistic systems in their countries with armed revolutions, due to Lenin’s interpretation of Marxism.
Lenin, as the leader of the first socialist country and of the Third International, always asked foreign communist delegations whether they were making preparations for the revolution. Parties that considered going to the elections to prepare for a revolution would receive the sharpest criticism from Lenin. The practice of going to the elections is the priority and the most important activity of some communist organizations, is a worrying fact.
Nowadays, all capitalist states are more or less neo-fascist, and we strongly believe that it is unacceptable for communists to be the part of the capitalistic system as its decoration. For those that do not have a revolutionary capacity, protests, strikes, and riots must be the priority political activism instead of elections, social networking, and other salon-type activism.
The illusion is that social media activism can harm the bourgeoisie, let alone overthrow capitalism. There are more and more falsifiers of Marxism and more and more parties that have reduced their activities in attempts to repair and humanize capitalism, and we have cases where communists, shamelessly, cooperate with bourgeois parties. The bourgeois parties, both left and right, are not our political opponents, they are our mortal enemies. There were minor local successes in the elections. Globally, all these attempts have failed, as capitalism is more and more destructive and inhumane.
The exploitation of workers is crueler and crueler, the world is more and more hungry, poorer and poorer, we see more and more refugees and migrants. Wars and conflicts between nations are not ceasing.
120 the so-called middle class is slowly disappearing.
There is fear and global insecurity among the people as new diseases appear, ecological catastrophes are seen on all continents, etc. At the same time, the number of billionaires in the world has increased. This very year, in addition to the
Covid 19 pandemic, and the decline of economic activities in the world, a dozen more new billionaires have been registered. That is why we emphasize once again that raising a violent revolution in the world is the obligation of the communists and that there is no other alternative for overthrowing capitalism. The Communist Party of Serbia appeals to all fraternal communist and workers’ parties to raise proletarian solidarity to a much higher level. If that solidarity does not exist, there would be no socialism today. We can state that the last century was a century of socialist revolutions and a century of proletarian solidarity among communists and all progressive movements. How much the USSR helped all communist parties, in terms of personnel and organization? We remember the international brigades in Spanish Civil War, and how the Red Army had 8.5 million soldiers and killed and destroyed fascism and capitalism in Eastern
Europe in its campaign against Berlin. The Communists of Serbia, as the ideological followers of the Communist Party of Yugoslavia, remember that the Yugoslav partisans had the most casualties in the Second World War after the Red Army. The fact is that SFRY helped every communist party that needed armed, financial, organizational, or personnel assistance. We also militarily assisted in the liberation of neocolonial movements around the world. We remember that almost a million Chinese soldiers died in the Korean War. We also remember the Cuban soldiers in Congo and Bolivia. There are countless examples and we cite some as an example of magnificent sincere solidarity between fraternal organizations.
Nowadays, there are also communist and workers’ organizations that need help. Socialist states should take the lead in contributing to proletarian solidarity, as should the vast majority of parties from capitalist countries. Priority in aid should be given to communists who are fighting for freedom and socialism with weapons because they implement Marxism-Leninism in practice and in principle and courage. Over the years, the Communists of Serbia have initiated the necessity of forming a new Communist International that would strengthen the unity of the communist movement. Unity is needed more than ever. Let us be in solidarity as communists in the last century. We must all stand under the red flag of freedom and overthrow capitalism that has questioned the survival of humanity itself.