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Popular Socialist Party of Mexico
Pandemic, crisis and class struggle in the world and in Mexico
National Political Directorate of the Popular Socialist Party of Mexico
CharaCteristiC features of the world, at the time of the emergenCe of Covid 19^
When the pandemic broke out, world society exhibited these characteristics:
First, the capitalist mode of production was already in an advanced degree of decomposition, prey to a “multidimensional and intense crisis, which shakes the structure of the system and all its superstructures; it unhinges the ecosystem and puts at risk the subsistence of humanity and perhaps all forms of higher life”. This is the main characteristic of our time, as the XXI Congress of our party valued.
Second, the distribution of wealth was already extremely unfair, concentrating a huge portion in very few hands - less and less, by the way - and in a handful of people, at the expense of the vast human majority.
Third, the different degrees of development of the productive forces between countries, some highly developed and others very little.
Fourth, the acute confrontation that exists between imperialism and all the peoples of the world, which constitutes the sharpestform of class struggle today. The world-dominant social class pledges all its resources - including the most perverse - in this struggle in its desperate attempt to extend its dominance, and the working class and the peoples, we strive to liquidate this unjust reality and build a superior one, which cannot be other than a socialist society, without private ownership of the means of production and exchange.
All these characteristic features of contemporary society were already present when Covid 19 broke out, and this is a factor of exacerbation, even greater, of all the aforementioned contradictions, without exception, because it is true that “the pandemic has revealed even more intensely the disgusting face of capitalism, the historically antiquated character of the system of exploitation, the need for a superior organization of society and the economy, socialism ”, as it is well stated in the IB Group communiqué of the 23th of September. And, it is also true that “in the period that we have elapsed… (Since the 21st International Meeting)… the class struggle has not stopped, nor have the struggles of the communist and workers’ parties in defense of the rights of the workers stopped, the efforts to develop joint actions and their coordination ”, as stated in the same document.
latin ameriCa in the Current Context
We cannot lose sight of the fact that the aforementioned frontal struggle between imperialism and all
the peoples of the world, being a global trait, nevertheless, takes on particular characteristics in each region and in each specific country. Our region, Latin America, and our country, Mexico, live the same planetary reality, but, according to their own situation, of course.
In Latin America, the aforementioned confrontation is manifested by: 1. The interference of Yankee imperialism in the internal affairs of our countries, increasingly intense, orchestrating “soft coups” to depose non-neoliberal governments wherever they have arisen, such as those of Argentina, Brazil, Ecuador and Bolivia, among others, and to replace their lackeys, neoliberals, now more surrendering and more violent against their peoples, as exemplified by Macri, Bolsonaro, Añez and Moreno, who border on fascism. 2. The energetic struggle of the working class and the Latin American peoples to defeat the imperialist interference, facilitated by their lackeys, and to regain their right to decide their future, in exercise of the principles of self-determination and non-intervention, that the peoples of the world, after great and energetic battles, they managed to become the cornerstone of contemporary international law.
This struggle is being waged with maximum energy, inch by inch, blow by blow, in each and every one of our countries, because our Latin American region has become one of the regions of the planet in which the confrontation between imperialism and the peoples it has manifested itself with greater dynamism in recent times.
In this context, the communist and workers parties of Latin America and the Caribbean have the great challenge of successfully carrying out theoretical reflection, a fair interpretation of the reality that surrounds us, without copying or tracing, to find the right path and strategy. In the case of our country, after the results of the elections of July 1st 2018, new challenges are presented for our Marxist-Leninist organizations, which force us, now more than ever, to maintain a fruitful and permanent interaction with the struggles of the people, necessary requirements to strengthen ourselves qualitatively and quantitatively and put ourselves in a position to fulfill in reality the historical task that corresponds us: to organize the revolution that should lead us to the construction of socialism.
the speCifiC Case of mexiCo
In Mexico, the same contest between imperialism and its lackeys, on the one hand, and the working class and the people, on the other, has resulted in the fact that, when two years ago, after decades of hard fighting, finally, Mexicans managed to get out of the neoliberal nightmare that suffocated us for a long time, immediately, imperialism and its lackeys attacked President Andrés Manuel López Obrador and his government, due to its non-neoliberal, progressive and patriotic character that it. They have used the mechanisms of the “soft coup”, which they have long experimented with other peoples of Latin America and which, for the same reason, they have been able to refine. And, with the passage of time, they have increased the intensity of their aggression and disregarded their methods.
Classist, ideologiCal and programmatiC Connotation of the Current government.
Andrés Manuel López Obrador heads a plural government due to its composition from the point of view of the social class to which its members belong, emerging from the great coalition „Together We Will Make History“; who also support different ideologies and programs, and have different agendas. That is why government policies are also diverse, because, naturally, they reflect the diversity of the government itself. The weight of the presidential authority is very important and this is useful, because in the final result that arises from that diversity of forces, the opinion of the president is decisive and pushes against neoliberalism and its disastrous consequences, although it is limited and self-regulated due to the hostile nature of the global and national economic and political environment, which leaves it a narrow margin of action, and due to the still low level of consciousness and popular organization that pushes in the opposite direction; that is, in favor of deepening the changes.
With the arrival of López Obrador to the presidency, in the conditions described, in our opinion the possibility of beginning the process of returning to our historical development path was opened again. This path started with the revolution of 1910-1917 but was put on a hold by the neoliberal governments.
the pandemiC, Crisis and Class struggle
The pandemic - and especially its economic aftermath - will be a factor that will accelerate all the contradictions of capitalism, as already mentioned, will increase its already existing state of prostration and will constitute a spur to the class struggle, which already existed before and highly exacerbated.
But, according to the laws that govern the histor-
90 ical development of the peoples, only this, the class struggle, will put an end to this unjust mode of production; Only the struggle of the peoples of the world will annihilate imperialism and its current face, neoliberalism; not the pandemic caused by the new strain of the coronavirus, nor its economic aftermath, alone, as has been stridently speculated, from the ranks of ideological diversionism. This is the most important aspect for our social class and our people; for all the peoples of the world.
Because what happens in the coming months and years will be the result of our actions, and those of our enemies, imperialism, the financial oligarchy, the big bourgeoisie and those who serve them. How we act, how we perform in the daily struggle, and how they do it, not in the abstract, but in each trench, in each country, in each region, each one in their own particular conditions; Surely, given the multiplicity of combat fronts, we will have victories in many of them, and perhaps also some defeats in some; that’s how the fight is. But today, we, are part of those who are forging the society that will emerge at the end of the pandemic and its economic aftermath; this is a fact from which we cannot divert our attention. In this framework, the Popular Socialist Party of
Mexico considers that it is the moment when the working class must intensify its struggle for the advent of socialism throughout the Earth, and all the peoples of the world must increase the struggle on all fronts against our enemy common, imperialism.
It is the moment when the peoples of Latin America must close ranks in the battle towards our second and definitive independence, now with respect to Yankee imperialism; and in which the strongest solidarity must be expressed among all the workers and all the peoples of the world, rejecting, with their organization and their actions, the pretense of imperialism and the bourgeoisie to further aggravate their living conditions, under the pretext of the pandemic and crisis.
It is time, in Mexico, to defend the government of President López Obrador with more energy than ever, and, at the same time, to decisively promote the process that has begun with him, towards its deepening, until it leads us to full independence of our country with respect to imperialism.
And it is time to redouble the battle of ideas, to defeat those of the bourgeoisie, imperialism and ideological diversionism.
With our actions today, as a social class and as a people, we are defining the society of tomorrow, nothing and no one will do it for us.
October 2020.