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Palestinian People’s Party
PPP activities during the Corona period
Since the emergence and expansion of the “Corona” virus in Palestine, it has imposed on our people, leadership, political parties and institutions, including our party, a new challenge to confront this epidemic, which required special and high-level attention in order to address this matter, including taking every extraordinary measures to confront this situation in order to protect the health of our people, with all the effort and responsibilities it requires. In this regard, while our party has kept pace with the developments of the spread of the epidemic and the efforts made to confront it, it showed special interest in public awareness and commitment to all preventive measures, without intimidation or miscalculation , to provide all health requirements for citizens and treatment for the affected , and address the negative effects on citizens, especially the popular groups, as a result of the state of emergency and the exceptional measures resulting from it, and confront all shortcomings or exploitation of the situation by any side.
The party and its civil institutions have also put all possible energies and capabilities in the service of the official, civil and popular national effort to confront this epidemic. Despite the obstacles resulting from some official policies of a factional and confrontational nature , many party cadres and institutions joined in official, civil and popular emergency committees at different levels, as many of the party’s youth committees were formed to support the affected and poor family providing possible living assistance to them.
The following is an extensive review of the most prominent roles that the party and its sectors played:
first - politiCal performanCe - media and puBliC awareness:
The party issued (9) public and press statements, in addition to many statements and interviews on television and radio and other means of publication, in which the party and its representatives addressed: preventive public awareness of citizens, all the issues, challenges and requirements related to confronting the situation and addressing its effects, criticism of inappropriate government (PA) policies and procedures, the demand By improving performance, taking into account priorities, providing health and living requirements for citizens, and following up on achieving this.
The most prominent of these issues were: 1. Adhere to the precautionary measures taken by the National Authority and the competent authori-
ties, respect all requirements for this on the ground, and follow all general and preventive measures for every citizen. 2. Promote alignment, unity and all means of solidarity and cooperation between the various components of society and its various sectors to confront the state of the epidemic, and focus the official, civil and popular national effort in order to harness all available capabilities to confront the dangers of the spread of this epidemic, and the integration of this effort on the basis of partnership, cooperation and professionalism at work. 3. Demanding the provision of all basic needs, therapeutic and preventive materials and food for all citizens, and tightening procedures for controlling the prices and preventing any kind of monopoly over them or raising the prices, and asking the competent authorities to oblige all private industrial, commercial and service sectors, in addition to the private health sector, not to raise prices whatever products it was, as well as ensuring the provision of services for all vital sectors of electricity, water and communications. . 4. Demand to provide adequate quantities of basic preventive measures for all medical, relief, humanitarian and journalistic teams working in all governorates of the country, and to follow-up the implementation of sterilization procedures comprehensively in all regions, public places and all institutions. 5. A request to postpone the payment of the monthly installments of loans to citizens, especially the categories of employees and workers, in favor of banks for a period of four months, subject to renewal.
6. Demanding to take urgent measures and policies to provide social protection requirements for citizens, and to address the living needs of hundreds of thousands of poor families whose salaries have been cut off or whose salaries have stopped and are unemployed in light of closures, travel bans, and many sectors of work.
1. Several committees of the party’s youth were formed in some governorates and regions, in order to collect in-kind and material donations to support and help the affected and poor family by providing them with their living requirements and possible means of protection. 2. Initiate and / participate in civil and popular emergency committees in many cities, villages and camps, to participate in public awareness-raising and preventive missions, to monitor the provision of public services, to collect donations and aid to provide them to the affected and poor family, and to provide possible preventive means for them. Assignment of local medical staff and social assistance in isolation, prevention and sterilization measures in neighborhoods and public institutions. 3. The involvement of a number of party cadres of social activists and medical workers in some of the higher and local emergency committees in the governorates and some locations, to participate in their various work programs. 4. Civil organizations affiliated with and friendly to the party, working in the agricultural and human rights fields in particular, implement emergency programs to help citizens of the affected and poor family, in addition to exercising lobbying and advocacy work.
Our party paid attention also to the rights of Palestinian workers in Israel through the closures, their health care , economical rights and the exploitation from the Israeli side .