Friend or Foe?
Part 1:
Directions: Select a book to read (chapter or picture book). Then, pick a character from the story you read. Describe the character you chose by completing the graphic organizer below.
How are they described in the story? What do they look like on the outside? How would you describe their personality?
How do they feel at different parts in the story?
What thoughts go through their head at different parts of the story?
What did they do/how did they act during different parts of the story?
Book: Character:
Friend or Foe?
Part 2:
Imagine you were to meet this character in real life. Would you be the best of friends, the worst of enemies, or somewhere in between? Write 1-3 paragraphs explaining what type of relationship you would have with this character. Provide evidence from the text to support your response.
Part 3:
Type your response and add pictures to go with your explanation. Then, share your thinking with a family member or friend!