Post-secondary planning research project
Finding the right fit for you!
How do you see yourself now?
Directions: Use what you know about yourself to describe your strengths and interests. We will use these to help us think about career opportunities as you develop your post-secondary plans.
What are your strengths/what are you really good at?
In what areas do you do your best and achieve at your highest? Explain.
What are your hobbies?
What type of school, church, social or sports activities do you enjoy?
Which of your abilities do you want to develop/grow?What are the benefits of growing them?
How do you see yourself now?
Next, think about the specific skills you've developed through your extracurricular activities, part-time jobs or volunteer work. Track your thoughts in the chart below.
Student Council
Skills acquired
Communication, motivation, delegation, fund raising, public speaking
How do you see yourself in the future?
It’s time to envision the life you wish to have in the future. Can you picture it? Answer the following questions to start to visualize your hopes and dreams.
What do you want your life to be like five years from now?
What do you want your life to be like ten years from now?
What career interest(s) do you want to pursue?
What education and/or training is needed for the field you selected?
What skills are necessary for being successful in the field you are interested in?
What extra-curricular activities could you participate in from now until you graduate High School to help you develop skills needed for this particular field?
Develop your career plan
Create a plan of action that will help you reach your career goals and place it somewhere highly visible, like your bathroom mirror, refrigerator or the back of your bedroom door. Seeing your goals everyday will help you stay focused on making them a reality. Be sure to share them with your support network, too!
Career Goal:
Education/Training/ Certification Requirements:
Skills Needed:
Current Skills:
Develop your career plan
Plan of Action: What will you do this year and for the rest of high school to help you achieve your career goal? Outline those steps below.
Note: If your career pathway requires you to earn a college degree, indicate the prospective colleges you plan to research in your action plan.