Summertime short story
Directions: Write a fictional short story that happens during the summertime.
Part 1:
Use the graphic organizer to brainstorm the elements of your short story before you start to write.
Characters (Who are the main characters?)

Settings (Where will it take place?)
Conflicts (What’s the problem the main character is trying to solve?)

Introduction (How will you grab your reader’s attention?)
Rising Actions: (what events happen in the story that lead to the climax?)
Climax (What’s the turning point in the story? The main event before the problem is solved?)
Resolution (How will the story end? Is the problem solved or not?
Part 2:
Directions: using your graphic organizer, write the first draft of your summertime story. Be sure to include a beginning, middle, and end.
Bonus: Type your short story and add pictures. Then, gather your family and friends to read it aloud!