How to run a successful in-person Revolution Prep Digital SAT, PSAT/NMSQT, and PSAT 8/9 practice exams
Proctored by school staff members

Suggestion for school
Setup and confirm event date and time with Revolution Prep.
When scheduling the event, allow for enough time to log in. Students will need to start up their devices, navigate to the Revolution Prep student dashboard, log-in, and then will be ready to follow the proctoring directions
Recommendation: 30 minutes
Identify students to be enrolled and communicate withfamilies about the event.
Determine if students need to be pre-registered (batch enroll) or self-registered via Revolution Prep landing page
If pre-registered, notify Revolution Prep and obtain batch enroll form.
At least two weeks prior to the event, email Revolution Prep the completed batch enroll form for enrollment of students into the event
Requirement: Use student’s school email for standardization
Coordinate rooms to be used for the event
Determine the capacity for each room.
Distribute students across the assigned rooms
Recommendations: 1st period class, homerooms, last name in alphabetical order A-Z.
Determine the number of proctors needed and secure proctors
Assign one main point of contact at the school to coordinate the logistics of the day.
Provide this person’s contact information to Revolution
Obtain the day of Revolution Prep Emergency contact(s) information
Schedule and communicate proctor training
Review the proctor manual and clarify any uncleared details with Revolution Prep at least one week prior to exam
Print proctor manuals for each proctor
Assign students and proctors to rooms, print a copy of the roster for each proctor, and communicate attendance submissions with the proctors.
Watch and review what students will experience during the digital practice exam (Recommendation: share links below with families)
Click here for our Digital PSAT walkthrough video
Click here to navigate through our adaptive Digital PSAT demo
·Click here to watch our Digital PSAT Practice Test Overview
Review commonly encountered errors on page 15-17 in the proctor manual.
If a proctor is assigned to students testing with accommodations:
Review page 12-13
Recommendation: assign students testing with accommodations to the same room
Work with the school’s IT Department to ensure the following domains are not blocked (Students will be testing directly on the Revolution Prep Student Dashboard. To ensure all students can access the digital practice exam with no issues, the following domains should be removed from the blocked list).
www revolutionprep com
Work with the school’s IT Department to ensure sufficient bandwidth for the number of students enrolled to prevent any disruptions day of
Coordinate with the school’s IT Department to secure additional extension cords, devices, and/or power cords in case a student forgets their device or has a malfunction. Have scratch papers, pencils, and /or calculators readily available in case students wish to use that instead of the built-in calculator
Two-three days prior, ask all students to bring their personal devices to school to practice logging into the Revolution Prep student dashboard
Recommendation: This is a practice run to ensure all students can log in Test run during homeroom
One-two days before the exam, send reminders to parents and students
Charge their devices and bring their power/charger cords.
Remind the students to ensure they are able to log into their Revolution Prep student dashboard (login credentials were emailed to them upon registrations)
Change their sleep mode on their devices to 15 minutes or longer
Ask parents to remove any screen time limit on their devices
Revolution Prep responsibilities
Confirm event date and time with the school
Confirm if school needs Revolution Prep staff member(s) to attend the event to assist with proctoring and/or day of event
Create and add the event into Revolution Prep system.
Notify the school contact event is added and when it is live on the dedicated School + Revolution Prep landing page
Email event assets at least 8 weeks prior to event date
Flyers and/or social media-tiles.
Email templates for ease of communication with families Registration Link
Provide enrollment updates leading up to the event
If pre-registering (batch enroll), at least three weeks prior to event, email the batch enroll spreadsheet to the school contact
Share pre-register email template with the school to ease communications with the families about the event and pre-registrations.
Two weeks prior to the event, obtain the completed batch enroll spreadsheet from the school and work with our internal team members to complete the pre-registration.
Upon completion of pre-registration, notify the school contact
At least two weeks prior to the event, email the proctor manual
At least one week prior to the event, reach out to the school contact to see if a meeting needs to be set up to review event day logistics and to clarify any uncleared details.
Meet and ensure all contacts are in alignment
Provide a copy of the most up-to-date rosters and include usernames
Email rosters leading up to the event.
Day before the event, email the final roster
At least one week prior to the event, Revolution Prep to email school contact registration link (for students to register day of if needed and there is space) with directions on how to troubleshoot students who are unable to login due to forgetting passwords, Revolution Prep Day of Exam Emergency Contact information, and Revolution Prep Advisors Contact information
to run a successful in-person Revolution Prep Digital SAT, PSAT/NMSQT, and PSAT 8/9 practice examsDURING THE EXAM:
Suggestion for school
Plan for students to finish the sections at different times
This will occur on a real test day Proctors will need to provide directions about what to do if they finish early (examples: cannot leave the classroom, may read or do an activity quietly, etc )
Walk around the room and ensure students are not having issues and/or assist with troubleshooting as needed
Ensure the timetable on the board is updated as you start and end each section (refer to the proctor manual).
Revolution Prep responsibilities
If onsite with school proctors:
Be readily available throughout the event
Address any questions and/or issues that come up in a timely manner Proctor and fill in as needed
If not onsite with school proctors:
Be readily available throughout the event (via email, zoom, or phone call)
Address any questions and/or issues that come up in a timely manner.
Suggestion for school
Remind students they are entitled to a free 30-minutes Score Report Review with their Revolution Prep Advisor, who can help walk them through questions they have about the score report
Inform students they can view their score report at any time on their Revolution Prep student dashboard
Required: Email the attendance sheet(s) to the dedicated Revolution Prep contact Revolution Prep will record the attendance in their system.
Notify Revolution Prep how the event went and/or provide feedback.
Revolution Prep responsibilities
Check in with the school contact on how the event went and ask for feedback
1-3 business days after the event, Revolution Prep will send the score report spreadsheet to the school contact.
The spreadsheet will include a link to download the full score report for each student.
Overview of the score reports for each student.
Exam averages