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meditations for an everyday relationship with Jesus The Daniel fast
Daniel:12–16 "Please test your servants for 10 days. Let us be given vegetables to eat and water to drink. Then examine our appearance and the appearance of the young men who are eating the king's food, and deal with your servants based on what you see." He agreed with them in this matter and tested them for 10 days. At the end of 10 days they looked better and healthier than all the young men who were eating the king's food. So the guard continued to remove their food and the wine they were to drink and gave them vegetables.
This is what we honor when we do the “Daniel fast.” It harks back to what we see in Genesis and Isaiah in lessons to follow. We tend to forget that God wanted us all to live in a place that was unified, balanced and serene. Obviously, we do not live in that place. If we want to know what sin brought into the world, then we must look at God’s intended and then the outcome.
We see that Daniel, and his fellow exiles in Babylon, not only ate the prescribed holy diet, but they thrived and outshone their Babylonian courtiers.
Daniel’s righteous risk-taking is a huge testimony to the protective nature of God’s original intention and what happens when we distort His will to satisfy our desires.