Published by Southwest Texas Publishing, Inc., a private firm in no way connected with the Department of Defense or the U.S. Army, Air Force, Navy or Marine Corps. Contents of the Joint Base San Antonio Relocation Guide are not necessarily the official views of, or endorsed by, the U.S. Government, the Department of Defense or the U.S. Army, Air Force, Navy or Marine Corps. The appearance of advertising in this publication, including inserts or supplements, does not constitute endorsement by the Department of Defense, Southwest Texas Publishing, Inc., or the U.S. Army, Air Force, Navy or Marine Corps of the products or services advertised. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for purchase, use or patronage without regard to political affiliation or any other nonmerit factor of the user, purchaser or patron.
Contact us at rex@swtxpublishing.com 22111 IH-10 West Suite 1206
San Antonio, TX 78257
Phone: (210) 818-7581
9 April 2020
JBSA Fort Sam Houston Military & Family Readiness Center 3060 Stanley Road, Bldg. 2797 J BSA Fort Sam Houston TX 78234
Mr. Rex SouthwestMiddleton Texas Publishing Inc 4857 Fredericksburg Rd San Antonio TX 78229
Dear Mr. Middleton
On behalf of staff and patrons of the Joint Base San Antonio (JBSA) Fort Sam Houston Military & Family Readiness Center (M&FRC), thank you for supporting our mission of developing and sustaining resilient, ready Service Members and families. As you can imagine, the M&FRC is an essential first stop for military personnel and their families moving into the San Antonio area.
The Relocation Guide and the Installation Map produced by your company, Southwest Texas Publishing lnc., have become popular and highly sought after in our community. Our relocation team makes them readily available to all newly arrived active duty personnel, civilian employees, and family members as a pattof our newcomers’ orientation. We make them available in our waiting area for visitors, retirees, military on temporary duty, and authorized civilian contractors that participate in any of our 30+ programmed activities offered monthly. We provide them to military units to include in the welcome· packets they send to newly assigned families as well as welcome packets provided for VIP visitors. Because we don’t have funding to produce and regularly update these kinds of materials, we are always pleased when we find them available in the community and can pass them along at no cost to our military-affiliated customers.
While this is not intended as a Federal endorsement of your product or organization, we do appreciate all you do to take care of the military community. It exemplifies the spirit of Military City, USA.
Interim Director·
JBSA-Fort Sam Houston M&FRC
elcome to Joint Base San Antonio and the great state of Texas. The joint basing idea was born as a result of Congress authorizing the Department of Defense to conduct a Base Realignment and Closure Round (BRAC) in 2005. BRAC was implemented in the hope of achieving several goals: to eliminate excess infrastructure; to reshape the military; to pursue cooperation between all five military services, or “jointness;” to optimize military readiness and to realize significant monetary savings in support of transforming the DoD.
BRAC 2005 was designed to reconfigure current infrastructure into one in which operational capacity maximizes both war fighting capability and efficiency. By creating these joint organizational and basing solutions, DoD will facilitate multi-service missions, reduce waste and duplication of capabilities and services, save money, and free up resources to recruit quality people, modernize equipment and infrastructure
and to develop the capabilities needed to meet 21st Century threats.
Under the BRAC Joint Basing plan for San Antonio, a city which at one time was home to five military bases and is still aptly termed “Military City USA,” installation support functions at Fort Sam Houston have combined with those at Randolph and Lackland Air Force Bases to form the DoD’s largest military base organization, Joint Base San Antonio.
In San Antonio, 49 support functions at the three joint base installations are run by the 502nd Air Base Wing, a command headed by an Air Force brigadier general. The 502nd ABW encompasses three subordinate support groups - one at each of the three San Antonio military bases. Support functions are designated by the following categories:
• Command Support - safety, public affairs, legal, inspector general, procurement, chaplain, history and financial management
• Community Services - morale, welfare & recreation, youth programs, family
services and lodging operation
• Environmental Services - compliance, pollution prevention, conservation and restoration Facilities: utilities, pest control, custodial & refuse collection, grounds & pavement maintenance, real property leases and management & engineering
• Fire & Emergency Services - fire department, emergency response services and readiness (crisis response)
• Housing - family housing and dormitory management
• Human Resources - military personnel and management analysis
• Information Technology - IT services
• Logistics - supply, munitions, laundry, vehicle operations and food services
• Operational Mission Services - airfield operations and small arms & firing ranges
• Security Services (Military Police) - law enforcement, physical security and installation protection
With the advent of joint basing, Fort Sam Houston now houses the Medical Education Training Campus (METC). This means all enlisted medical service members, from every branch of the military, train to become combat-capable medics and other medically-centered technicians there.
About 10,000 servicemen and women are under instruction at METC at any one time; approximately 47,000 of them will graduate yearly. The METC complex, which is completed, encompasses about 1.9 million square feet of facilities, including dorms, classrooms, laboratories, a physical fitness center and an 80,000square foot dining facility that is believed to be the largest in the Army’s inventory.
When one considers also that all Air Force enlisted personnel are trained at Lackland AFB in San Antonio, and when the number of instructor pilots and unmanned aircraft system operators trained at nearby Randolph AFB are added to those student totals at Lackland AFB and the number of METC graduates, the result is this: Joint Base San Antonio now teaches and houses more DoD students than at any other U.S. military installation.
Also, with the inclusion of aerial operations happening at Randolph and Lackland Air Force Bases, Joint Base San Antonio controls and administers more active runways than at any other DoD base.
Additionally, Joint Base San Antonio now hosts the San Antonio Military Entrance Processing Station Headquarters, which services as the region’s processing station for all applicants preparing to join the Army, Navy, Air Force and Marine Corps. All new recruits in the region must process through the San Antonio MEPS before being assigned to initial service training. Besides hosting a number of widely diverse tenant units, Joint Base San Antonio is home to the DoD’s largest hospital, Fort Sam Houston’s Brooke Army Medical Center (BAMC).
BAMC itself is an integral component of San Antonio Military Medical Center (SAMMC), a command created in 2005 when BRAC directed the realignment
of the inpatient medical function of the 59th Medical Wing, located at Wilford Hall Medical Center at Lackland AFB, to BAMC.
By September 2011, BAMC absorbed all inpatient services from WHMC and provides all inpatient tertiary care as well as all trauma and emergency medical care. Changes made to BAMC as a result of new construction there added almost 760,000 square feet to the existing hospital, expanding it by roughly 50 percent.
A multi-story addition houses a stateof-the-art Level 1 trauma center, operating rooms, clinical and administrative spaces and an extension of the hospital’s internationally-acclaimed burn center. Additionally, about 288,000 square feet of the existing BAMC facilities have undergone renovation. Renovations to Wilford Hall Medical Center converting that former hospital into an ambulatory care clinic cover almost 146,000 square feet, re-inventing it into “SAMMC-South,” the DoD’s largest ambulatory outpatient clinic.
Another primary component of BRAC concerns military medical research facilities. The 150,000 square-foot Joint Center of Excellence for Battlefield Health and Trauma research next to BAMC will bring together tri-service research teams to enhance the delivery of combat casualty care. The nearby Tri-Service Research laboratory is a 181,000 square-foot structure housing research efforts that examine the health and safety effects of exposure to a variety of stressors in the field.
Plus, the Intrepid National Armed Forces Rehabilitation Center is providing state-of-the-art care for servicemen and women who have experienced debilitating wounds on the battlefield. It provides military amputees with improved rehabilitation resources by using advanced prosthetics, computerized and video monitoring, bio-mechanical
studies and advanced physical therapy modalities and methods. The Center, which cost about $30 million, offers healthcare on a comprehensive approach – physical, occupational, social, mental and nutritional help. It also houses an administrative center for physician teams including orthopedic surgeons, prosthetists, physical therapists, occupational therapists, gait therapists, dieticians, social workers, technicians and researchers.
Two 21-room houses are built next to the Center to house the families of veterans undergoing rehabilitation there. Known collectively as the Fisher House, this residential facility has a day care and a recreational center for residing families. Plans for improvement there also include a children’s support space to help children of wounded warriors understand and manage challenges associated with their parent’s condition and treatment.
Additionally, a 132,000 square-foot, state-of-the-art medical facility opened on Fort Sam Houston. The facility provides outpatient services in Family Medicine, Adolescent Medicine, Behavioral Health, Occupational Therapy and Physical Therapy, as well as Laboratory, Radiology and Pharmacy services.
Active-duty military personnel and their families as well as military retirees may receive healthcare services at the facility. They will also treat additional personnel coming to Fort Sam Houston as part of other BRAC actions.
Its location is extremely convenient for active-duty military personnel and their families, and even for many military retirees who live in San Antonio. It also contains the TRICARE service center offering assistance and information on the military beneficiary care program.
As you can see, Joint Base San Antonio serves many purposes and has been a great success. We hope you enjoy your stay.
elcome to Joint Base San Antonio – Fort Sam Houston! You are now part of a history that goes back to 1845, when the original Post at San Antonio was founded in the Alamo City. During that time, the Army established a garrison and regional headquarters utilizing rented buildings from the city and a Quartermaster supply depot in the Alamo. The Post was officially designated as Fort Sam Houston in 1890 and expanded again in 1905 with the Cavalry and Light Artillery Post.
Fort Sam Houston eventually evolved into the “Home of Army Medicine” after World War II and into the “Home of Military Medicine” with the establishment of the Medical Education and Training Campus in 2010.
The long history of the installation is one of the primary reasons that Fort Sam Houston boasts the largest number of historic structures out of any base in the United States. Careful preservation of these
more than 900 buildings, and other historic areas, allows the post to live with its history while being surrounded by examples of the traditions of excellence established when the first soldier arrived here.
The post is proud of its historic role and the many initiatives to retain the historic character of the installation while serving as a modern model Joint Base for the future. A future that will most likely see many changes occur, and a future that the Army is ready for.
Many of America’s finest military personnel have served at Fort Sam Houston over the years. We hope you take pride in the legacy to which you belong now.
Upon arrival at Fort Sam Houston, officers should sign-in or register at the headquarters unit to which they have been assigned or attached. Enlisted soldiers should sign-in at the orderly room of the organization to which they have been assigned or attached. All soldiers, officers and enlisted should check with their unit personnel NCO and reference security processing.
• DA Form 31 (original), Leave Form
• Unit Clearance Documents
• Five copies of orders
• Records: Dental, Medical and Personnel
Newcomers’ Briefing is designed to help integrate the family into the community and to link support services and information to newly arrived families. Newcomers have the opportunity to gather information from more than 50 agencies. Each month the Extravaganza celebrates a different theme. Newcomers’ Extravaganza is held the last Tuesday of each month, January through November (not held in December).
1704 Stanley Road, Building 367
Fort Sam Houston, TX 78234
Processing at Fort Sam Houston is all done in one convenient location. This processing center has the following offices:
Phone: (210) 221-9274/1008
Hours of Operation:
Monday-Friday: 7:30-15:00
Closed for Lunch: 11:30-13:00
In-Process: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday
Out-Processing: Tuesday and Thursday
Personnel processing administers the installation’s electronic out-processing system, processes incoming military personnel to verify accuracy and completeness of their military records and ensures soldiers are deployment ready upon reporting to their ultimate assignment unit. It coordinates with
the officer or Enlisted Strength Management Section appropriately, to ensure proper assignment of incoming personnel.
Phone: (210) 221-0415
Hours of Operation:
Monday-Friday: 7:30 a.m. 3:00 p.m.
Thursday: 7:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
The ID card section issues identification and /or privilege cards to active duty, reservist and retired Army personnel and their authorized family members, and to other authorized recipients. It also issues civilian ID cards to designated civilian personnel. This service is by appointment only, so call ahead.
Phone: (210) 221-1605
Hours of Operation:
Mon, Tues, Thurs. Friday: 7:30-15:15 Wednesday: 7:30-13:45 (Limited service on Fridays)
The transportation department arranges shipment and storage of personal property in connection with official orders (PCS, TDY Deployment). Requests for shipment/storage are done at group briefings.
2410 Jassup RD.
Phone: (210) 221-2025 Building - 4023
Hours of Operation:
Monday-Friday: 7:30 a.m.-3 p.m./Lunch: 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Thursday open at 10:00 a.m.
The Finance Department provides in and
out processing, separation and retirement, and permanent change of station travel processing. Individual payments processed include PCS travel advances and settlements, advance of military pay for PCS, DITY payments, TLE payments and emergency payments when necessary due to missing entitlements or erroneous collections. During in, out, and transition processing, soldier accounts are reviewed and corrected to ensure proper and timely payment of military pay and allowances. These include changes in Basic Allowance for housing, family separation and overseas.
Phone: (210) 221-1629
Hours of Operation:
Monday-Friday: 7:30 a.m.-4 p.m.
This department prepares reservations and issues tickets for all OCONUS travel (TDY and PCS) for all civilian, permanent party, students and their dependents.
Phone: (210) 221-0881
Hours of Operation:
Monday-Friday: 7:30 a.m.-4 p.m.
The Housing Management Office assists Soldiers in finding suitable Off-Post Housing in the San Antonio Area. Assistance is provided for PTDY, in home and apartment rentals, purchasing, selling or renting a home, and applying for utility waivers.
Phone: (210) 221-0881
Hours of Operation: Monday-Friday: 7:30 a.m.-4 p.m.
Fort Sam Houston Independent School District educates the children of active military personnel. The district is coterminous with the Fort Sam Houston Installation, meaning it has the same boundaries as the installation. We are diligent in our efforts to maintain a strong partnership with the Installation for the sake of our military-connected children.
Children of military personnel residing on the military reservations of Fort Sam Houston and Camp Bullis are eligible to attend Fort Sam Houston schools. The District comprises two campuses – Fort Sam Houston Elementary, for grades PK-5, and Robert G. Cole Middle and High School, for grades 6-12. The District is proud of its achievements, having earned high ratings in the Texas Public School Accountability System and met all state compliance requirements.
Phone: (210) 221-2570
Hours of Operation:
Monday-Friday: 7:30 a.m.-3:45 p.m.
To register your car on post, bring your vehicle registration receipt, insurance card, driver’s license, and military or civilian ID card.
1633 Pat Booker Road
Universal City, TX 78148
Phone: (210) 945-1900
Hours of Operation:
Monday-Friday: 8 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
Tuesday: 8 a.m.-6 p.m.
Active-duty military and family members who have a valid driver’s license from their home state do not have to get a Texas driver’s license; it is only necessary to take the written test. However, if the driver’s license has expired, even if only by one day, then the driving test will also have to be taken. If you own a vehicle and wish to obtain a Texas driver’s license, you need to show proof of insurance and Texas registration.
The minimum age for driving in Texas and Fort Sam Houston is 16 yrs. old with a driver’s education course.
Annual automobile inspections are required in Texas and must be completed before registering an automobile or obtaining a Texas license plate. Vehicle inspections are done at some local gas and inspection stations at the cost of $14.50 for in-state vehicles.
You and your passengers must always wear seatbelts while driving. You will be ticketed and issued heavy fines if seatbelts are not secured. State law requires that all children under age eight or at least 4 feet 9 inches be properly restrained in child seats.
Texas State law requires you to have sufficient liability insurance and a valid driver’s license in order to operate a vehicle. The term “vehicle” generally includes automobiles, motorcycles, vans, trailers and boats regularly parked or garaged overnight. Furthermore, your vehicle must be properly registered. Motorcycles and their operators are subject to special laws.
In Texas, drivers who wish to operate their automobiles must be covered with at least liability insurance in accordance with the Texas Motor Safety Responsibility Act of 1981. Minimum limits are $30,000 to $60,000 bodily injury liability and $25,000 property damage liability for any licensed motor vehicle.
Vehicle drivers cannot use hand-held or hands-free communication devices such as cell phones, two way radios or electronic devices such as personal data assistants (PDA’s) while driving a vehicle. Vehicle drivers can operate these devices only once the vehicle has been safely stopped and the vehicle placed in park. This policy applies to all military and civilian personnel who operate vehicles on Fort Sam Houston and Camp Bullis.
Vehicle Inspection – What You Need
• Vehicle
• Proof of Current
(Any State)
• Photo ID
• Payment: Cash, Check, Credit Card
Registering/Titling Vehicle in Texas – What You Need
• Valid Driver’s License
• Proof of Current Liability Insurance
• Your Current License Plate
• VI-30 Issued During Vehicle Inspection
• Payment: Cash, Check, Credit Card Texas Driver’s License – What You Need
• Current Driver’s License
• Payment: Cash
For additional information, please visit www.officialinspectionstation.com.
Westland Real Estate Group in San Antonio offers 1,980 units over nine apartment communities with various styles and amenities like laundry, dog parks, fitness centers, and pools. We focus on providing stable and clean neighborhoods with exceptional customer care.
U.S Medical Command
he MEDCOM took over the buildings and personnel of the 2-year-old U.S. Army Health Services Command (HSC), which was deactivated. The MEDCOM gives the Surgeon General direct command authority, for the first time, over all Army medical activities and operations in the U.S. and Europe except field medical units.
Army Medical Department Center and School
In support of the health service, AMEDDC&S provides concepts, doctrine, and organizational structure that meet force requirements. AMEDDC&S provides the appropriate skills set to DOD, non-DOD, and Allied soldiers and leaders through individual training, soldierization, specialized/ functional skills and leadership development. This command also creates training strategies, products and programs. AMEDDC&S consults and collaborates with internal and external agencies and commands in matters of common interests. In support of the Joint Base San Antonio community, AMEDDC&S provides base operations support and leadership development which provides the appropriate skill sets to DOD, non-DOD and Allied soldiers and leaders.
U.S Army Institute of Surgical Research, Medical Research and Material Command
The mission of USAISR is to provide requirement-driven combat casualty care medical solutions and products for injured soldiers from self-aid through definitive care across the full spectrum of military operations. It also provides state-of-the-art burn, trauma, and critical care to DOD beneficiaries around the world, and supports Burn Special Medical Augmentation Response Teams.
U.S. Army North (Fifth Army)
The purpose of USARNORTH is to conduct Homeland Defense (HLD) and Civil Support (CS) operations, and Theater Security Cooperation (TSC) activities as the Army Service Component Comment (ASCC) to U.S. Northern Command in order to protect the American people and their way of life.
On order, USANORTH commands and controls deployed forces as a Joint Task Force (JTF) or Joint Force Land Component Command (JFLCC).
U.S. Army South (Sixth Army)
USARSO’s mission is to provide and sustain trainee and ready Army forces in order to support full-spectrum military operations – from theater security cooperation to war fighting. This is part of the U.S. Southern Command’s effort to promote regional stability and to ensure successful crisis response or decisive victory.
Installation Management Command
The mission of IMCOM is to provide staff supervision, policy guidance, interpretation, program evaluation and technical assistance concerning the equitable, effective and efficient management of budget and manpower resources for IMCOM –and assigned garrisons.
San Antonio Recruiting Battalion
The Brigade’s mission is to recruit with integrity the high quality of men and women necessary to meet the needs of the United States Army and Army Reserve, including AMEDDC&S, Chaplains, Officer Candidates, Warrant Officer Flight Candidates and Technical Warrant Officers (USAR).
Military Entrance Processing Station
MEPS is responsible for evaluating applicants to the Army, Navy, Air Force and Marine Corps by applying established DoD standards during processing in order to determine eligibility for military service.
he privatization of Fort Sam Houston housing took effect on March 1, 2005. The partnership between the Department of Army and Lincoln Military Housing is called Fort Sam Houston Family Housing, LP (FSHFH), which owns and operates military housing on post. The goal of the public-private partnership is to eliminate inadequate housing and provide soldiers and their families with improved homes and high quality community and recreational amenities. The FSHFH partnership will construct, improve and maintain Fort Sam Houston family housing for the next 50 years, and assume responsibility over every aspect of family housing operations on post. Property management services are provided by Lincoln Military Housing (LMH).
Lincoln Military Housing Office
Building 407
Phone: (210) 270-7638
“Lincoln at Your Service”
Phone: (210) 225-5564
(24-Hr Emergency Service Line)
The Fort Sam Houston Family Housing, LP website contains wait lists, floor plans, photos, maps, resident newsletters and other miscellaneous information for future and current residents of Fort Sam Houston.
The Housing Office has current listings of off-post homes and apartments, and they can also assist you by answering questions on purchasing a home or qualifying for a home loan. This office will handle your application for on-post government
quarters. If you are going to be looking for off-post housing, the news is fairly good. The cost of living in San Antonio is the lowest among large U.S. cities, according to the Greater San Antonio Chamber of Commerce.
The local cost of living is presently 5.5% below the national average. However, housing rental costs are high. If you are considering buying in the San Antonio area, you are in a choice market. Ideal year-round weather, reasonable land costs, and favorable city regulations and fees make owning a home affordable.
3171 Zinn Rd. Bldg. 1161
Phone: (210) 221-0881
Hours of Operations
Monday-Friday: 7:30 a.m.-4 p.m.
Building 592 and Building 3625
Phone: (210) 357-2705
Hours of Operation
24 hours a day, 7 days a week
This office provides lodging for TDY personnel, OBC/OAC students and retirees on leisure travel or hospital appointments.
2091 Wilson Way
Fort Sam Houston, TX 78234
Phone: (210) 221-2087
Benner Barracks with 144 coed suites is for unaccompanied single soldiers E-5 and below. Each suite has two separate rooms with a common area that has a kitchenette and latrine. Almost self-contained, it offers a mailroom, laundry room and a recreation room. Since cooking is not allowed in the rooms, a kitchen is available
for those who enjoy cooking. The facility also has common areas where you can watch TV, entertain guests, DVD rental machines, and vending machines. Visitors are allowed to visit residents during visiting hours. For those who like outside activities, Benner Barracks boasts basketball, volleyball and tennis courts. For those lazy days in summer, you can use the large pavilion for a Texas size cook-out.
Weather in the Fort Sam Houston area tends to be hot in the summer with temperatures in the 80s and cool in the winter with the temperatures in the 50s. Annual rainfall in the area is 32 inches with the wettest month being May. August is the warmest month, and January is the coldest. Local housing options are available nearby in cities such as San Antonio, Kirby and Converse. Fort Sam Houston’s units include the United States Army South, the Fifth Recruiting Brigade, and The San Antonio Military Entrance and Processing Station.
Fort Sam Houston is home to the command headquarters of the United States Army North, the United States Army South, the Army Medical Command headquarters and the Navy Regional Recruiting.
It is commonly referred to as the “Home of Army Medicine”. The host wing at Fort Sam Houston is the 502nd Air Base Wing. In October of 2010, Fort Sam Houston joined Lackland and Randolph Air Force Base to become Joint Base San Antonio under the Air Force administration.
The www.jbsa.af.mil website contains wait lists, floor plans, photos, maps, resident newsletters and other miscellaneous information for future and current residents of Fort Sam Houston.
Jefferson Bank put its roots down in San Antonio nearly 80 years ago, so we know a lot about the community we serve. As a local, family-owned bank, let us be the first to welcome you home!
Fort Sam Houston Family Housing offers the quality living your family deserves and the pricing and flexibility your family needs. Located in San Antonio, also known as “Military City, USA”, at Fort Sam Houston, Fort Sam Houston Family Housing is made up of three distinct, vibrant communities encompassing 925 new, renovated, and historic single-family homes. We are pleased to offer hous-ing to our military families stationed at Fort Sam.
Fort Sam Houston Family Housing is managed by Hunt Military Communities, a national real estate services leader that has been providing Service Members and their families with expertly designed homes, fully developed communities, and exceptional management services, for over 40 years. We are proud to offer housing to Active Duty Service Members, Retirees, Veterans, DOD Employees, and Other Service Branches.
We take pride in serving families just like yours and strive to make the move-in process as streamlined as possible. That’s why we offer a payment in arrears structure, meaning there’s no up-front rent costs or security deposits for Active Duty Members.
The passion for what we do is sparked by the fact that we are one of you. Many of us have personally served in the military while others have a family member or close friend who has served or is serving our country. This special bond with the armed forces allows us to understand first-hand some of the challenges military families face and helps drive our desire to take care of everyone who is a part of a Hunt Military Community.
We aim to provide more than just housing. We are entrusted to create quality communities that meet the needs of our residents and we take that responsibility very seriously. We are deeply committed to honoring and serving these heroes and their families.
When you live at a Hunt Military Community, you’ll always feel at home. Our promise is to provide 5- Star Service and deliver on our core values of loyalty, enthusiasm, partnership, selflessness, and quality of service.
he Morale at Fort Sam Houston is responsible for all things recreational and for helping increase morale of the Soldiers and their Families through support services to ensure the welfare of all family units. The MWR has four major programs including Business Operations; Child, Youth, and School Services; Military and Family Readiness and the Community Recreation
Division. All of these programs and the many others coordinated by the MWR seek to improve the quality of life and morale for all who serve at Fort Sam Houston. The MWR can be contacted by phone at (210) 221-2606.
The following programs are offered for Soldiers serving at Fort Sam Houston and their Families:
General Information
Building: 272, Benner Barracks
The Fort Sam Houston BOSS Program was implemented in June 1994 with the primary intent to improve the quality of life for the single Soldier on the installation. Since its implementation, the BOSS Program has won many awards. At the 2007 Department of the Army Worldwide BOSS Forum, the Fort Sam Houston BOSS Program won “Best Installation in the Army” for the small category and the Silver Award for the President’s Volunteer Service Award category. In August of 2008, this program won that distinction again for the second consecutive year. The program has won over $30,000 in award money that is used to further the goal of the program: To improve the life of the single Soldier.
The single Soldiers on the BOSS Program Committee know that their program exists on the installation as the United Voice of the Single Soldiers and that someone is listening.
BOSS is a dynamic Department of Army Program that single Soldiers can join to enhance their Quality of Life, Contribute to Community Service and assist in the planning and execution of their own Recreation and Leisure activities. It is designed to be the collective voice for the single Soldier and supports and compliments the chain of command’s mission.
Although the BOSS Program is focused on single Soldiers, it is open to Marines, Navy, Airman, Reserve, National Guard, Coast Guard, unaccompanied Service members, Foreign Service members, Department of Defense personnel, married personnel and any other guest; just about anyone can participate in this dynamic program.
To enhance the morale and welfare of single Soldiers, increase Soldier retention, and sustain combat readiness through planning and executing, community service events, recreation and leisure activities, and identifying quality of life issues for resolution.
Quality of Life includes those issues that Soldiers can directly or indirectly influence to enhance their morale, living environment, or personal growth and development. Issues raised during BOSS meetings will be directed to the appropriate command or staff agency for resolution on the installation. Army-wide issues are forwarded to the Army Family Action Plan Conference for possible DA resolution.
Fun activities are planned by the BOSS council working in conjunction with the MWR Advisor and the Garrison CSM. These events are geared towards the desires of the single Soldiers on that installation.
BOSS makes a difference by volunteering in community projects and events. This is always voluntary in nature, and Soldiers find this to be personally rewarding.
hild & Youth Services (CYS) programs are basic supports for the family. The aim is to enhance and expand the parent relationship with the child. The CYS programs do not substitute, compete with, or diminish the role of the parent, but act as a support system to the family. Therefore, we encourage parents to take part in the program and participate in various aspects of the program. Parents will be given the opportunity to observe their child(ren) and childcare providers within each program, have daily contact with staff members, serve as volunteers and submit suggestions. CYS Services mission statement: Army Child, Youth & School Services (CYSD) -Reducing the conflict between mission and parental responsibilities.
Child and Youth Liaison
Education Outreach Services (CLEOS)
2797 Stanley Road
Phone: (210) 221-4871
Hours of Operation
Monday-Friday: 8 a.m.-4 p.m.
Fort Sam Houston CLEOS offer a variety of programs divided into age-appropriate categories: before and after school care, seasonal holiday camps, clubs/activities, homework center and computer lab, community service, leisure and recreation, instructional classes, youth sports, music, arts and crafts, and Schools of Knowledge,
Inspiration, Exploration and Skills. These programs are in addition to Parent Central.
Child Development Center
Building - 2530
Phone: (210) 221-5002
Hours of Operation
Monday-Friday: 5:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m.
The Child Development Center (CDC) offers a developmentally age-appropriate program for infants and children six weeks through five years of age.
Building 2515
Phone: (210) 221-3164
The Teen Center provides a number of programs designed to help teens successfully transition to adulthood and to instill character and leadership qualities in them. There are several programs associated with the new Teen Center including:
Younger adolescents need positive group experiences to help them gain qualities like tolerance, civic responsibility, community involvement, and leadership skills so they can become responsible, caring and productive American citizens. Boys and Girls Club members aged 11-13 are eligible for the Tuesday meetings. Torch Club members learn to work together to plan and implement activities in four areas: service to Club and community, education, health and fitness, and
social recreation.
Boys and Girls Club teens aged 14-18 can participate in the Keystone club, designed to promote and cultivate character and effective leadership. Keystoning is one of the premier leadership and service programs in America since its inception in 1964. With adult guidance, teens are give opportunity to make decisions and serve others. The Club, which meets on Wednesdays, consists of an adult advisor and approximately eight to 15 youths who elect officers and implement activities in six core program areas: Character and Leadership, Service to Club and Community, Education and Career Exploration, Free Enterprise, Unity, and Social Recreation. All activities stress service and leadership.
This program is for small-groups to focus on health, fitness, prevention/education and selfesteem enhancement. It is designed to help the development of girls ages eight to 12 and 13-17. Meeting on Tuesdays, Club girls explore their own and societal attitudes and values as they build skills for eating right, staying physically fit, getting good health care and developing positive relationships with peers and adults.
Passport to Manhood
This program promotes and teaches responsibility to Club boys ages 11-14, and consists of 14 sessions, each of which concentrates on a specific aspect of manhood. Meeting on Fridays, the program underscores the notion that each youth is on a personal journey of maturation and growth and reinforces positive behavior.
National Fine Arts Exhibit Program
This year-round program, which meets on Mondays, encourages artistic expression among Club members ages six to 18. Displaying members’ drawings, paintings, prints, collages, mixed media and sculpture pieces at local and regional exhibits, the program gives children and youths the opportunity to have their art shown and judged by a panel for potential inclusion in the National Fine Arts Exhibit.
Other Programs
Club Tech (Thursdays), Imagemakers National Photography Program (ages six to18), and Triple Play (Mondays), which helps youth learn how to make healthier choices for the mind, body and soul.
School Liaison Services
Building - 2797
Phone: (210) 221-2256
Hours of Operation
Monday-Friday: 0:700-16:00
Services offered include: registering youth in the local school system, coordinating education transition related resources, collaborating with parents to ensure academic success, educating parents on the local school system policies, supporting home school families, and supplying resource materials on primary, secondary, and
post-secondary education.
Hours of Operation
Monday-Friday: 7:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. (Admin)
Family Child Care (FCC) offers age-appropriate care for infants and children four weeks through 12 years of age in certified FCC homes on and off the installation. Hourly, full and part-time, extended and long-term care is offered. The FCC program offers family members self-employment opportunities, which include no-cost training and start-up support
1705 Dodd Boulevard
Phone: (210) 221-4466/4455
Hours of Operation
Monday-Friday: 6 a.m.-6 p.m. (Administrative)
Monday-Friday: 9 a.m.-18:00
School Age Services (SAS) offer age-appropriate activities for children in first through fifth grades. Some activities offered through SAS are: Computer technology/lab, homework center/ power hour, science, nature, cooking, fine arts, special interest clubs, bowling, life skills, 4-H clubs, Boys and Girls Club of America affiliates, games, arts and crafts, music and sports.
Programs include: self-directed and programmed age-appropriate activities, before and after school care, holiday, summer, and day camps, hourly program/open recreation, and special needs inclusion.
SAS has a new program offering pick-up for school aged children who are participating in after-school activities. The following schools are currently part of the program: Royal Ridge, Wilshire Elementary, St. Pius X, and East Terrell Hills Elementary. Fees are assessed according to Total Family Income Category.
1630 Watkins Boulevard
Phone: (210) 221-3502
Hours of Operation
Monday-Friday: 15:00-20:00
The Middle School/Junior Teen Program offer programs for youths in 6th through 8th grades. Some programs and activities offered are: before and after school programs, holiday/summer camp, clubs/activities, school partnership, homework center and computer lab, high adventure, sponsorship, community services, Ultimate Journey, Junior Teen Council, San Antonio Teens (SAT), Smart Moves, developmental programs, and accelerated reading.
Building: 1630
Phone: (210) 221-5513
Hours of Operation
Monday-Friday: 10 a.m.-7 p.m.
Youth Sports offer recreational sports opportunities for children and youths aged 3 to 18 years. Football, cheerleading and soccer are offered in the fall, basketball, T-ball, coach pitch, and track are offered in spring; golf, track, coed softball, sports clinics, and Summer Hoops are offered in the summer. For more information, contact the Sport office or Central Registration.
Phone: (210) 221-3381
Hours of Operation
Monday-Friday: 10 a.m.-7 p.m.
School Liaison Services offer instructional classes in the following arenas: Gymnastics, Martial Arts, Tennis, Driver’s Education, Piano and Dance. Please see the website for current class offerings.
Family Child Care providers participate in the USDA Child and Adult Care Food Program. This program reimburses providers for meals to the children in their care, including their own. It also ensures the children are receiving nutritious and well-balanced meals and that providers receive financial compensation for participating. The Family Child Care Program also sponsors an off base affiliate program. These providers are approved by both the Texas Department of Human Services (DHS) and the FCC Office. The affiliates must follow the same regulations as the on base providers, and will receive the same benefits.
(contact the FCC office at (210) 221-3820 for all services below.)
Required to work primary UTA weekend and there is no one available to provide care during the hours required to work.
Returning from a deployment of 30 days or more.
For use before deployment - 16 hrs. of child care for military members scheduled to deploy within 30 days. Provide a copy of orders with request.
During deployment - 16 hrs. of child care for each child when spouse is deployed for 30 days or more. Provide a copy of orders with request.
Experiencing a medical emergency for a family member.
Wounded Warrior requiring hourly child care for appointments.
Fallen military family member requiring hourly child care for appointments.
Permanent Change of Station Child Care - I am an Army, Marine, or Navy member assigned to an active duty AF Installation and I am requesting 20 hours of child care during my PCS move. A PCS move is never easy and children can feel stressed too. The intent of this program is to provide parents the opportunity to have their children cared for while they are getting ready to leave a base or arriving at a new base....while packing, unpacking, in-processing, house hunting, attending briefings, etc. The Family Child Care office in collaboration with Military & Family Readiness and the Military Aid Society provide the child care only in licensed Family Child Care homes
for the PCS program. Certificates are issued by the Airman and Family Readiness Center, bldg. 693, 555 F St. West on Randolph, AFB to active duty member or spouse on PCS orders either arriving at JBSA-bases or departing. (Please bring one copy of your orders.) Certificates are good for child care within 60 days of issue. Certificates must be shown at the time care is provided to verify eligibility.
The Family Child Care subsidy program will help working parents find high quality and affordable Infant care services. Parents seeking full-time child care services will be set in one of the six categories based on the family’s total annual income and pay the same rates in FCC homes as they would at one of the child care centers or school age programs on JBSA bases. Families eligible for the subsidy program at JBSA-FCC are active duty members, DOD employees, and Armed Forces retirees who have dependents between 6 weeks to 12 months of age and who are on the waiting list for the child development center. Additionally, the subsidy program is offered to dependents with special needs and dependents needing child care services during swing and midnight shifts.
Those who volunteer through the Red Cross, Military Aid Society and Family Support Center for twenty or more hours a week are eligible to receive free child care services in a licensed FCC home. Certificates are issued by the Airman and Family Readiness Center, bldg. 693, 555 F St. West on Randolph, Certificate must be shown at the time of care to verify eligibility. For additional information, contact FCC at JBSA/FSH at 221-3820.
Air Force Instruction 34-144 Family Child Care Programs and the Housing Regulations prohibit the use of privatized or base quarters for child care unless licensed by the 502d Force Support Group commander. Additionally, unlicensed providers are not permitted to advertise in base publications or post advertisements on base bulletin boards. Licensed homes can be identified by the FCC logo displayed in the window or on the front door.
Only licensed providers may provide care in government quarters. It is illegal for anyone in government quarters to provide more than 10 hours of care in a week or any amount of care on a regular or recurring basis. Failure to comply could result in loss of base housing privileges or possible personal liability suits. Families should be aware that the United States Air
Building 2901, Harry Wurzbach Road
Ph: (210) 221-5863/5675
Hours of Operation
Monday-Saturday: 6 a.m.-6 p.m. (Lighted Driving Range 6 a.m.-9 p.m.)
The Gold Club features two 18-hole championship golf courses, the La Loma and Salado Del Rio. In the past, both the All-Army Championships and the Texas Open have been held on these courses. The Gold Club features a practice chipping green, lighted driving range, private car storage, rental clubs, and 150 rental carts. Within the clubhouse, Mulligan’s offers a full menu of snack bar items.
The club also features a Pro Shop with top-of-the-line equipment, men’s and women’s apparel, year-round lessons and clinics for beginners or seasoned players.
Building 1395, Chaffee Road
Phone: (210) 808-1376
Hours of Operation
Tuesday-Friday: 10 a.m.-2 p.m.
Saturday: 10 a.m.-5 p.m.
The MWR Ticket office, located in the Sam Houston Club, offers discount tickets to local theme parks and attractions such as SeaWorld and Fiesta Texas, and to vacation destinations such as Walt Disney World. The ticket office also sells tickets to movies and special events happening in the local area.
Building 2652, Harney Road
Phone: (210) 222-9694
Box Office Hours
Monday-Friday: 12:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Saturday: 1:00 p.m.- 3:00 p.m.
The Fort Sam Houston Harlequin Dinner Theatre provides a full evening of dining and live theatre. The theatre is nationally recognized and has won the coveted “Best in Festival” award
seventeen times in the Army’s Festival of Performing Arts. A variety of shows are presented throughout the year in genres from musicals to mysteries and authors from Shakespeare to Simon.
Building 1395, Chaffee Road
Phone: (210) 808-6262
Hours of Operation
Monday-Friday: 7:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
The Sam Houston Community Center provides a relaxing atmosphere to meet friends or coworkers for lunch during the week and a hang out on the weekends. The Community Center also serves as a venue for conferences, training and social events.
The facility features the Ticket Office, Java Café, free WiFi, a game room for adults with pool tables and 12 flat screens with Direct TV cable. With over 3,000 sq ft, the Event Center has 5 different venues available for hosting your special event to include full service catering.
Building 2521, Schofield Road
Phone: (210) 221-3683/4047
Hours of Operation
Monday/Wednesday: 10 a.m.- 3 p.m.
Thursday/Saturday: 10 a.m.- 10 p.m.
Sunday: 11 p.m.- 6 p.m.
The Bowling Center offers a family-friendly atmosphere, perfect for a night out or a unit or office gathering. The center includes 24 lanes, a video arcade and a snack bar. Every Saturday evening the center features “Bowl-AJam.” Sundays are Family Bowling Day, and Soldier Appreciation Day is held on Saturdays from 11 a.m.-8 p.m. Leagues are available for all skill levels.
Phone: (210) 295-7577/7529
Hours of Operation
Monday-Friday: 8 a.m.-4 p.m.
Saturday-Sunday: 7 a.m.-5 p.m.
Hunting at Camp Bullis is open to all DOD ID card holders; however, active duty military personnel have priority. A Texas stage hunting license and a Camp Bullis hunting permit are required to hunt. The facility includes 125 rifle-hunting stands, 17 turkey hunting blinds, 20 archery hunting areas, 15 dove hunting areas, RV storage lot, and a hunting lodge. The lodge can be rented for unit parties or group get-togethers.
Another highlight is the pay-as-you-go catfish pond. The pond is restocked in March and June with three to five pound channel catfish. A fishing license is not required. There is no daily fee.
Camp Bullis also features a Sportsman’s Range where shooters can fire personal firearms.J
Phone: (830) 226-5357
The recreation area, located 50 miles north of San Antonio on the shore of Canyon Lake, offers a variety of activities which include: camping, fishing, boating, swimming, three covered picnic areas and two large pavilions. Various lodging accommodations are available: three-bedroom mobile homes, screened cabanas, primitive camping sites and an RV park.
A full-service marina provides water sport equipment at reasonable prices. RV and boat storage are also available onsite.
Building 1477, Corporal Johnson
Phone: (830) 224-7250
Hours of Operation
Monday-Thursday: 8 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Friday: 8 a.m.-5 p.m.
Saturday: 1-10 p.m., Sunday: 1-9 p.m.
The three-level building, situated in the heart of the Medical Education and Training Campus, sits on the grounds of the old Hacienda Recreation Center.
The main level features a large foyer with multiple seating areas where students can sit and visit, study or relax during lunch or after class.
Building 3550, Hawkins Road
Phone: (210) 224-7207
Hours of Operation
Monday-Friday: 8:15 a.m.-5 p.m.
Saturday-Sunday: 7 a.m.-5 p.m.
The Equestrian Center offers a variety of activities for patrons of all ages and skill levels. Group and private lessons, pony rides, trail rides and boarding are available. Open horse shows are held throughout the year to give riders a chance to display their talents.
Building 320, Wilson Road
Phone: (210) 221-1234
This 68,000 sq. ft. facility includes a gymnasium, therapeutic massage sessions, scuba lessons, aerobics, martial arts, water aerobics, swimming lessons, a 25-meter indoor pool, lifeguard classes, racquetball courts, exercise room, cardiovascular room, weight rooms, locker rooms, sauna baths, towel services and hot tub. There is also a smoothie bar offering a variety of delicious beverages.
Building 961, Patch Road
Phone: (210) 221-3593
The Central Post gym supports the needs of the 187th Medical Battalion, 32nd Medical brigade, and the Army Medical Center and school faculty. The facility includes a full-size basketball court, cardiovascular equipment, weight room, and locker room.
Building 1369, Williams Way Rd.
Phone: (210) 808-5709
The Fitness Center on the Medical Education and Training Campus (METC) is dedicated to providing fitness programs designed to enhance readiness and performance, promotes total fitness, esprit de corps and quality of life. Our goal is to provide fun a fitness environment that meet the needs of all fitness levels and keep exercise enthusiasts motivated as they pursue their fitness goals.
Fitness Center on the METC is also home to the Sports Office. Sports programs include Joint Students’ Intramural Sports and Special Events, Intramural Sports, Varsity Sports and the Service Member Adaptive Reconditioning Program. Sports provide patrons with the opportunity to enhance morale and unit esprit de corps and offered to individuals and teams with competition and noncompetitive games.
Building 3300, Williams Road
Phone: (210) 221-4887
Our Center features a 50-meter Olympic size swimming pool which is open to patrons May through September. The center also features three large amusement park-style water slides, children’s pool, and playground. Lap lanes are also available.
Building 1222, Harney Road
Phone: (210) 221-4702/ 4387
Keep up with the latest news or check out your favorite book for some reading. The library offers: various materials and equipment for active duty military, dependents, retired military and Ft. Sam DOD civilians.
The 79th Texas Legislature passed HB 1076, which directs the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission to waive all fees for hunting and fishing licenses for Texas residents currently on active duty as a member of the military. The new Texas Resident Active Duty Military “Super Combo” Hunting and All-Water Fishing Package (Type 510), which is free, will be available to any Texas resident who is a member of the U.S. Armed Forces on active duty, including members of the Reserved or National Guard on active duty. This package includes all five state stamp endorsements (archery, freshwater fishing, and migratory game bird, saltwater fishing with a red drum tag and upland game bird). The Federal Waterfowl (duck) Stamp is not included. For a member of the military to qualify for a free “Super Combo,” he or she must have continuously resided in Texas for more than six months before obtaining the license. A member of the military who does not qualify as a Texas resident for the purpose of obtaining a military “Super Combo” in Texas may purchase any resident hunting and fishing license. For more information, call (512) 389-4846.
In accordance with new Army regulations, every person hunting on Army land is required to successfully complete a hunter’s education course. This requirement is mandatory at Camp Bullis as of the 2005 Hunting Season. The Outdoor Recreation Center at Camp Bullis will provide these classes in an effort to afford each individual that opportunity.
s part of MWR, Military & Family Readiness/ Military and Family Readiness (MFR) equips people with the skills and support they need to face the challenges of military life (today as well as tomorrow). Their motto is “Selfhelp, Service, and Stability” and this defines the activities and services offered by MFR. All active-duty, U.S. Army Reservists and National Guard Service members on active duty exceeding 30 days, DA civilians, retirees and family members are eligible to use these services offered by MFR.
MFR is a worldwide organization composed of hard working and caring individuals. Some of these individuals are civilian personnel who direct MFR activities, while others are volunteers who support staff and assist with various community service projects. When you join the Military and Family Readiness Volunteer family, you become a valuable asset to soldiers, their families and the agency staff.
The volunteer program provides an opportunity for you to gain experience in a professional atmosphere. We will assist you in finding a volunteer position that allows you to use your specific talents and interests.
2414 Stanley Road, Bldg 131 (210) 221-1612
Hours of Operation
Monday-Friday: 730 a.m.- 12 p.m. 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
After duty hours contact the American Red Cross at (210) 224-5151
Army Emergency Relief is the Army’s own emergency financial assistance organization and is dedicated to “Helping the Army Take Care of Its Own.”
3060 Stanley Road, Bldg 2797 (210) 221-2336/2705
Hours of Operation
Monday-Friday: 7:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
The Armed Forces Action Plan (AFAP) is a program designed to ensure that the well-being of soldiers and families in the Army keep pace with the changing times. AFAP gathers input from the people of the Army and Army leadership. AFAP is a way for Soldiers and families to say what is working and what is not, as well as to provide possible solutions for areas of concern.
3060 Stanley Road, Bldg 2797
Phone: (210) 221-2336/2705
Hours of Operation
Monday-Friday: 7:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
The Armed Forces Team Building (AFTB) program at Fort Sam Houston is fortunate to have an active volunteer staff of 12 master trainers and 11 instructors. Fort Sam is the home of the Army Medic, the Army Medical Department (AMEDDC&S) Center and School, San Antonio Military Medical Center (SAMMC), and the Fifth U.S. Army Headquarters. With a large number of medical soldiers and their families and an ever-rotating number of soldier students and their families, the AFTB program runs a little differently than at other installations.
AFTB encourages new spouses, family members, soldiers and DA civilians to find out about Army life. Family member classes are offered in levels I, II, and III on a quarterly basis. These classes are open to soldiers (active and reserve), civilian employees and their family members.
3060 Stanley Road, Bldg 2797
Phone: (210) 221-0918/2705
Military and Family Readiness is the home to the Army Volunteer Corps, which is the center of volunteer recruitment, referral, recognition and advocacy efforts for Fort Sam. Volunteers are needed in a wide variety of positions throughout the installation. Through volunteer service, individuals can learn or enhance skills, get to know the community and meet new people, build their resumes, and more. Volunteers are asked to register through the Volunteer Management Information System, or VMIS, which can be accessed through ARMY OneSource. By doing this, volunteers can record and track their hours, which are then verified by their volunteer supervisor. This is a great tool for tracking your volunteerism. You can use the information on resumes, in job interviews, and as a part of nomination packages for volunteer awards.
3060 Stanley Road, Bldg 2797
Phone: (210) 221-2380/2705
Hours of Operation
Monday-Friday: 7:15 a.m.-4:15 p.m.
Consumer Affairs and Financial Assistance (CAFA) offers basic education on financial matters. Individual financial counseling is also available by appointment. Courses include: checkbook management, credit management, debt reduction, investment thrift savings plans, and the introduction to personal financial management (mandatory for soldiers new to the Army).]
33060 Stanley Road, Bldg 2797
Phone: (210) 221-2705
Hours of Operation
Monday-Friday: 7:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Closed 1st & 3rd Thursday from 1:00-4:30 p.m.
The Employment Readiness Program helps patrons improve essential skills needed to secure employment in a competitive job market. Services include job counseling, local employer information, job bank, resume writing assistance, education information, Military Spouse Preference, and so much more!
Classes are offered in-person and online covering Your Pathways To Employment, Interviewing Skills, Resume Writing – general and federal formats – and LinkedIn 101. To ensure each client’s needs are continuously met the Employment Readiness Program is available for one-on-one appointments to assist in creating cover letters, updating resumes to fit job announcements, certification/re-licensure planning, and the translation of skills to meet your employment goals.
3060 Stanley Road, Bldg 2797
Phone: (210) 221-2705
Hours of Operation
Monday-Friday: 7:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
Enrollment in the Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) is mandatory for active-duty personnel who have family members with exceptional medical,
psychological, developmental, or educational needs. The aim of the program is to assist in assigning active duty members to an area where their exceptional family member’s special needs can be addressed. The Installation Exceptional Family Member Program offers: community resource information, assistance with Exception to Policy for priority housing, assists families with enrollment into EFMP, client advocacy, early intervention referrals, relocation assistance, service coordination for Individualized Education Plans, respite care services, health education workshops, child activities and a community special needs resource team.
3060 Stanley Road, Bldg 2797
Phone: (210) 221-0349/ 2705
Hours of Operation
Monday-Friday: 7:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
The Family Life Program (FLP) offers a variety of services to assist service members and families in their knowledge, skills, and abilities to anticipate and meet the challenges throughout the various stages of the family life cycle. Supporting the Readiness mission of JBSA, the FLP also assists in many ways to provide extra support during separations. Today’s military family (which includes active duty military members, Guard, Reserve, DoD civilians, retirees, and family members of active duty) are supported by a team of professionals working together to support the mission of all the United States Military Services. Family life resilience and self-enhancement skills are addressed through this education based program. Emphasis is placed on providing the skills and knowledge you need to help cope with challenges and make sound life choices.
3060 Stanley Road, Bldg 2797
Phone: (210) 221-2705 (Army, Air Force)
Hours of Operation
Monday-Friday: 7:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
Deployment is never easy and it often takes a toll on both the Soldier and the family. The Mobilization & Deployment Program and stability and support operations provide support services during disaster events and all phases of deployment to eligible family members at, or as near to,
their hometown or home installation as possible. The Family and Soldier Readiness System addresses the state of preparedness of the Army Family through proactive education and support programs that promote resiliency and enhance wellbeing. The MFR Mobilization & Deployment Program ensures that all Soldiers and Civilians returning from deployment or redeploying from other operations are provided support in personal reconstruction, family reunion, and personal readiness.
Soldier and Family Readiness is inextricably linked to Mission Readiness. Because of the high value the Army places on both military and personal readiness, programs like Operation READY (Resources for Educating About Deployment and You) have been initiated. The Fort Sam Houston Mobilization and Deployment Office maintains a library of Operation READY materials, as well as offering workshops and briefings on all of the Operation READY training modules. All Operation READY materials can be found in the Mobilizations and Deployment Office in the Military Family Readiness Center or can be viewed or downloaded from the ARMY MFR website www.fortsammwr.com.operations provide support services during disaster events and all phases of deployment to eligible family members at, or as near to, their hometown or home installation as possible. The Family and Soldier Readiness System addresses the state of preparedness of the Army Family through proactive education and support programs that promote resiliency and enhance wellbeing. The MFR Mobilization & Deployment Program ensures that all Soldiers and Civilians returning from deployment or redeploying from other operations are provided support in personal reconstruction, family reunion, and personal readiness.
Soldier and Family Readiness is inextricably linked to Mission Readiness. Because of the high value the Army places on both military and personal readiness, programs like Operation READY (Resources for Educating About Deployment and You) have been initiated. The Fort Sam Houston Mobilization and Deployment Office maintains a library of Operation READY materials, as well as offering workshops and briefings on all of the Operation READY training modules. All Operation READY materials can be found in the Mobilizations and Deployment Office in the Military Family Readiness Center or can be viewed
or downloaded from the ARMY MFR website www.fortsammwr.com.
3060 Stanley Road, Bldg 2797
Phone: (210) 221-9698
The Relocation Readiness Program is a congressionally mandated program designed to eliminate or diminish the personal and family stress that military families experience with a permanent change of station by providing assistance, counseling, education and training throughout all phases of the relocation process. This program is the first point of contact for relocation information and assistance. You can get up-to-date information about your new base and community before you move. Learn how to prepare for your move and get help in planning your moving cost, check out the job market and learn new skills to reduce the stress of moving. The following programs and events can be found through the Relocation Assistance Program:
This program helps integrate Military Spouses quickly and efficiently into the community. The Fair provides information and face to face contact giving the spouse an opportunity to ask questions with a real person concerning the services that are offered here on Fort Sam Houston. The Spouse Information Fair takes place on the second Thursday of each month 9:00 AM until 12:00PM. Children are allowed and the layout is stroller friendly.
Got questions about immigration? Need assistance with the forms? We can help! We are offering a monthly orientation to assist Soldiers and Family members. An Immigration and Naturalization Service representative will answer question about Immigration and Citizenship.
This is an automated system that provides Soldiers and Family members with extensive updated information about Army, Air Force, Marine, and Navy installations worldwide prior to departure. The information consists of housing,
child care, medical facilities, etc. and can be found online at www.militaryhomefront.dod. mil. Instructions: Go to “Troops & Families” then go to “moving” and click on “Installation Overview.” Once you select the installation, click on “Print Booklet.” If you are unable to print, the office can either print the information for you or download the information to a CD.
This program is designed to integrate new service members into the community. It provides information about vital services that are offered here on Joint Base San Antonio Fort Sam Houston. The Newcomers Briefing takes place at 8:00 AM at Building 2797 Stanley Road. It is mandatory for all new arrivals to Fort Sam Houston. The Army and Navy personnel will take place on the first Friday of each month and the Army and Air Force will attend on the third Friday of each Month.
You’ll experience ghost haunts to high tech centers as we drive by and visit historic post sites. For DoD card holders only. For additional information, call (210) 221-2418.
Hours: 8 a.m.-3 p.m.
The Closet provides temporary loans of household items to incoming and departing Permanent party personnel (first priority), Students (second priority) and TDY, Retirees and Civilians (third priority) assigned to the area. List of items: High Chairs, Cribs, Strollers, Pots and Pan, Dishes, Silverware, Coffeepots, Baking Dishes, Iron, Ironing Boards, Toaster, Futon, Vacuum Cleaner, Table and Chairs. There is a 30-day time limit on borrowed items.
Sponsorship Training is conducted quarterly for designated sponsors at Army Community Service or at the unit upon request. The sponsor receives a guide with step-by-step instructions on how to assist their assigned service member and family.
Overseas orientations are offered monthly and targeted according to destination such as Korea, Germany, Japan, Hawaii, Italy and Belgium. Topics include entitlements, reimbursements, household goods shipments,
recognizing and dealing with the emotional stress of relocation, Command and Non-command Sponsored tours, Employment, and Education. If you want to learn the culture, language and special concerns of the area.
Warrior & Family
Support Center (WFSC)
3628 Rawley E. Chamber Rd.
Fort Sam Houston, TX 78234
Phone: (210) 916-8219
The Warrior & Family Support Center (WFSC) offers a comfortable environment for injured soldiers and their families to relax and socialize during the soldier’s medical rehabilitation. As the Global War on Terrorism (GWOT) continues, injured Soldiers, Marines, Sailors, and Airmen are transported to major medical facilities located on military installations.
BAMC physicians recognize the need for family members to be directly involved in the rehabilitation of their service members. A vital part of a patient’s recovery is to have a familiar environment where they can feel comfortable.
The facility itself includes a central
reception area, computer and meeting area with internet access, and a recreation/entertainment area. The WFSC also serves as a resource center for information and referral services.
Health Care - Beneficiary Counseling Assistance Coordinators Health Benefits/Tricare
3851 Roger Brooke Drive
Fort Sam Houston, TX 78234
Phone: (210) 916-1876
San Antonio Military Medical Center
Building 3600
Fort Sam Houston, TX 78234
Phone: (210) 916-4141
Dental Clinics - Budget Dental Clinic
2981 Garden Avenue, Building 1268
Fort Sam Houston, TX 78234
Phone: (210) 808-3735
Rhodes Dental Clinic
1967 Stanley Road, Building 2375
Fort Sam Houston, TX 78234
Phone: (210) 295-4095
Veterinary Treatment Facility (VTF) 2332 Harney Road, Building 2635
Fort Sam Houston, Texas 78234
Phone: (210) 808-6104
The Fort Sam Houston Veterinary Treatment Facility (VTF) is located in Building 2635 on Harney Road behind the Harlequin Dinner Theater. They are open for over the counter sales and appointment scheduling from 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Monday through Friday. The clinic is closed on or about the last working day of every month for inventory. Sick calls and vaccination services are conducted by appointment and available Monday through Friday.
Vaccinations and routine preventive medicine procedures are performed on healthy pets by veterinary technicians. If your pet needs to be seen for something other than routine vaccinations or procedures, please make sure your appointment is with a veterinarian rather than a technician.
General Sam Houston
he namesake of the post, Sam Houston, was born in Virginia on March 2, 1793. At age 15, he left home in Tennessee and was adopted by the Cherokee tribe. Houston was called “The Raven” by the Cherokees. He returned to Maryville, Tennessee, and became a schoolmaster. Enlisting in the Army during the War of 1812, Houston rose to the rank of First Lieutenant. Wounded three times at the Battle of Horseshoe Bend in Alabama serving under General Andrew Jackson, he resigned from the Army in 1818 and became an Indian Agent. Houston studied law and was elected prosecuting attorney and was then appointed a major general of the Tennessee Militia. At age 30, he became a Congressman from Tennessee and four years later, Governor. Houston married in 1829, but shortly afterward his wife left him. He resigned from the office and rejoined the Cherokees.
There, he decided his destiny awaited him in Texas. Houston arrived in Texas in 1832, became involved in the struggle for independence, and on November 12, 1835, he was elected Major General of the Texas Army. He was delegate to the Convention
if 1836 and signed the Declaration of Independence on March 2. On March 11, he was appointed Commander-in-Chief of the Texas Army at Gonzales. Withdrawing to the east, Houston decisively defeated the Mexican Army under General Santa Ana at San Jacinto on April 21, 1836. Sam Houston was elected President of the Republic of Texas under the Constitution of 1836 and took office in October 1836. After the annexation of Texas by the United States, Houston was elected to the U.S. Senate and served from 1846 until 1859. Elected as the seventh Governor of Texas in 1859, he opposed secession from the union. When Texas seceded from the Union, Houston refused to take the oath of allegiance to the Confederacy and was deposed on March 16, 1861. He retired to his farm in Huntsville, where he died on July 26, 1863
The U.S. Army has maintained a presence in the Alamo city since 1845. During that time, the installation has performed five distinct and important roles: headquarters, logistical base, mobilization and training site, garrison and provider of medical support.
At first, the Army leased facilities in the City of San Antonio, including its most famous landmark, the Alamo. In fact, the Army repaired the Alamo structure and added a roof so it could be used as a headquarters. In 1876, the Army began to move its facilities to the present site of Fort Sam Houston upon completion of the Quadrangle. The post has since increased in size from the original 92 acres donated to the Army by the city, to approximately 3,000 acres today.
As it expanded, additional facilities were built to meet the Army’s needs. The headquarters and garrison have always constituted one of the Army’s most important commands. Prior to the Civil War, the headquarters controlled 25 percent of the Army’s forces. From 1910 until World War II, Fort Sam Houston was the largest Army post in the continental United States. Many of America’s most distinguished soldiers have served here, including no less than 13 Army Chiefs of Staff and two United States presidents. The post’s prominence led to significant tactical and organizational innovations.
Military aviation was born here in the 1910s and revitalized during the 1940s and 1950s. Large scale troop maneuvers have
been conducted, including the first effective use of the Command Post Exercise in 1911. Field exercises in the 1930s developed the Triangular Division. This streamlined, mobile organization was the foundation of the Army combat power in World War II. The delivery of troops to the battle field by air was also tested here from 1939-1941.
Aeromedical evacuation of casualties was first developed here as early as 1917. At the end of the Second World War, the Army decided to make Fort Sam Houston the principal medical training facility. In conjunction with this decision came the determination to develop Brooke General Hospital into one of the Army’s premier medical centers.
Today, Fort Sam Houston is the largest and most important military medical training facility in the world. Throughout its existence, a close and harmonious relationship has prevailed between Fort Sam Houston and the City of San Antonio. The two have grown and matured together. The city has often been called the “mother-in-law of the Army” because so many soldiers including Dwight D. Eisenhower met their future spouses here.
The significant contributions of Fort Sam Houston to the United States were recognized in 1975 when the post was designated as a National Historic Landmark. As one of the Army’s oldest installations, Fort Sam Houston boasts the largest collection of historic structures - more than 900 buildings.
Even more consequential than the numbers, is the historical integrity of the post’s different sections which represent the different eras of construction and reflect Army concepts in planning and design. Careful preservations of these areas allows the post to live with its history, surrounded by existence of the traditions of excellence established when the first soldiers arrived here. But Fort Sam Houston does not dwell in the past. It is a dynamic and growing installation, taking on new missions such as the home of the Army Medical Command Headquarters. In addition to command headquarters, Ft. Sam is also home to U.S. Army North, U.S. Army South, Fifth Recruiting Brigade, 12th ROTC Brigade, U.S. Navy Regional Recruiting, The San Antonio Military Entrance and Processing Station and the U.S. Naval School of Health Sciences, and Bethesda Detachment.
Also located at Ft. Sam Houston are Brooke Army Medical Center, the Great Plains Regional Medical Command, Headquarters Dental Command, Headquarters Veterinary Command, the Institute for Surgical Research (trauma/burn center), the Defense
Medical Readiness Training Institute and the Army Medical Department NCO Academy.
Designated as a National Historic Landmark, Fort Sam Houston has a collection of historic buildings and sites second to none. Most of these historic points of interest are located within one mile of the National Historic Landmark marker on Stanley Road.
The Fort Sam Houston Museum tells the story of historic Fort Sam Houston and the U.S. Army in the San Antonio area from 1845 to the present. Central exhibits depict the history of the post in chronological order and are grouped to cover the major periods of development. Each exhibit contains text and images explaining the major events during the period, along with images and examples of the uniforms and equipment in use at that time. Supplemental exhibits focus on common military subjects, military units and some of the soldiers, both the distinguished and the ordinary “GI Joes” who have served here. Audio visual programs are shown daily in the Activities Gallery.
The Museum maintains an expanding collection of 6,000 + artifacts. The collection includes insignia, equipment, firearms, edged weapons, accoutrements, vehicles and artillery from 1832 to the present. Archival holdings include a photograph collection of about 10,000 items, and a small document collection. There is also a reference library of military manuals and publications and secondary sources dealing with the period which covers Fort Sam Houston’s existence.
The Fort Sam Houston Museum is open to the public and admission is free. Hours are Wednesday through Sunday from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. The museum will be closed Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day and New Year’s Day.
The AMEDD Museum depicts the history of military medicine from 1775 up to the present. It supports the training and professional development of soldiers attending the AMEDD Center and School. Exhibits depict the history of the Army Medical Department with emphasis on the medical field service, the progress in science and technology, the contribution of key members of the AMEDD in peace and war, and the branches of the AMEDD. A display of vehicles used in the chain of evacuation of
causalities, including an ambulance train and aircraft, is located adjacent to the main exhibit gallery.
Artifact collections amount to more than 7,000 items and are increasing. These include medical department uniforms and insignia, individual and organization equipment, medical devices, kits and systems and transport used in the evacuation of casualties. The Museum maintains a considerable collection of archival, photographic and reference materials related to the AMEDD and military medicine.
The AMEDD Museum is open to the public and admissions are free. Hours are Tuesday through Saturday from 1000 to 1600. The museum is closed Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, and New Year’s Day.
Construction of this neighborhood between 1905 and 1912 made Fort Sam Houston the largest Army post, a distinction it held until World War II. The barracks and hospital have been converted to office space, the Guard House became the Learning Center, and the bakery became the Military Police Station.
Designed by Alfred Giles, the homes on the Staff Post were built for the officers of the headquarters in the Quadrangle. The largest quarters, set aside for the Commanding General, were designated the Pershing house in honor of General John J. Pershing who lived there in 1917. The Post Hospital, built in 1886, has
become the Sam Houston House, temporary lodging for VIPs.
Oldest structure on the post, this former Quartermaster Supply Depot served as headquarters for the Third and Fourth Armies. Today, the Fifth U.S. Army/ARNORTH occupies these historic grounds. The Quadrangle has become the focal point of the Fort Sam Houston National Historic Landmark District. The 624foot, square limestone structure encloses an eight-acre courtyard. Along the west, south and east sides were storerooms for supplies and equipment. Originally, only the center third of the south side had a second story. There, offices for the supply officers were located. When the Department Headquarters was to move the Quadrangle in 1881, the second story was extended to the remainder of the south side. The 90-foot tower in the center of the Quadrangle originally held a water tank. This was replaced by a clock in 1882. The current faces on the clock were installed in 1907. The expansion of the headquarters’ staff eventually required the movement of all supply functions out of the Quadrangle in 1922. Since then, headquarters has been the sole occupant. Generals Frederick Funston, John J. Pershing and Dwight D. Eisenhower are a few of the distinguished soldiers whose offices were here.
Visitors may take a walking tour around the Quadrangle. Points of interest are marked with explanatory signs. Additional information is available at the kiosk near the Sally Port (entrance). Additionally, military vehicles and artillery are on display west of the Quadrangle.
As an active military headquarters, the Quadrangle is operational around the clock everyday. A Military Police checkpoint is located at the entrance. The public is welcome to visit the Quadrangle from 8 a.m.-6 p.m. weekdays and from noon-6 p.m. on weekends. The Quadrangle is closed to visitors on Christmas, Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day.
Designed by Alfred Giles and built east of the Quadrangle between 1885 and 1894 for a 12-company garrison, completion of the Infantry Post made Fort Sam Houston the second largest Army Post. Building 688 was home to Lieutenant and Mrs. Dwight Eisenhower from 1915 - 1917.
Constructed in 1917 for the mobilization of draftees, Camp Travis was comprised of 1,400 temporary buildings covering the area from the Gift Chapel to Old BAMC and as far east as Garden Street. Camp capacity exceeded 50,000 soldiers and 1,500 horses and mules.
Completed in 1996, BAMC is a stateof-the-art medical treatment facility and teaching hospital. It is home to the Institute for Surgical Research renowned burn treatment center. It is named for Colonel Roger Brooke who commanded the Station Hospital at Fort Sam Houston from 1929-1933. BAMC includes a medical treatment facility, a medical research laboratory and a central energy plant. The multi-storied medical treatment facility is the primary structure in the medical complex. It has 1.5 million square feet of operational space and a normal bed capacity of 450. The hospital is capable of expanding
to 653 beds if needed to support a wartime mobilization.
Completed in 1937 as a General Hospital, it was designated the Brooke Army Medical Center, a role it filled until 1996 when New BAMC was built. Today it is the home to the headquarters of US Army South and Installation Management Command - West.
Lackland AFB is home to the 37th Training Wing. This wing consists of five training groups and graduates more than 80,000 students annually. The 737th Training Group is responsible for Basic Military Training (BMT), and since this is the only enlisted basic training base in the Air Force, all new recruits attend training on Lackland AFB. This includes basic military training of all enlisted recruits entering the Air Force, Air Force Reserve and Air National Guard.
Those driving to Lackland AFB will find it conveniently located at the intersection of IH-410 and US Hwy 90 in southwest San Antonio. The location of the base allows for easy access from any of the major highways
If you will be arriving via San Antonio International Airport there is an information kiosk located in each of the terminals. These kiosks will be able to provide answers to questions about getting to the base, including which shuttle service is next to depart.
Lackland Air force base has ten gates and each require and ID check. Tow of the gates are open 24 hours a dat and each have a visitors’ recepetion center. Be sure to have your driver’s license, proof of vehicle insurance, car registration, or vehicle rental papers available for inspection.
Reception Center Driving Directions: Entering through Valley Hi Gate (Off
Loop 410W) This gate is open 24-hours, however the Airman’s Visitor Reception Center (VRC) for those requiring a Visitor Access Pass to gain access to the base is only open daily from 6 a.m. - 10 p.m. This gate allows easiest access to the 321st, 322nd, and 326th in the area.
Once cleared by Security Forces, drive straight through the Valley Hi. At the stoplight, turn right onto Carswell Avenue. Drive straight for approximately four blocks. Parking acriss the street from the BMT Reception Center is permitted.
Additional authorized parking locations are:
Lot A - Continue to drive to next parking lot on Carswell Avenue.
Lot B - Continue to drive past the Reception Center to stop sign. Parking is available immediately on your left. This lot is located near the building labeled “Tops in Blue.”
Lot C - Continue to drive down Carswell Avenue to stop sign. Turn left onto Selfridge Avenue. Drive to Second Street on left and make a left onto Walker Avenue. Parking is permitted in the lot located behind the multimedia center (first building on left).
Lot D - Continue to drive down Carswell make a left onto Walker Avenue. Continue to drive straight until you reach a stop sign. Parking lot is directly in front of you behind Building 5725.
The Force Support Squadron division at Lackland AFB is responsible for all things recreational and for helping increase morale of the Soldiers and their Families through support services to ensure the welfare of all family units.
Building 1249
Lackland AFB, TX 78236
Phone: (210) 671-3722
Airman and Family Readiness assists DoD employees and family members with information and referral to help resolve issues that occur as a result of the military mission or daily life by clarifying needs, determining appropriate resources, and making referrals to agencies on and off base
Some of the programs offered include:
Air Force Aid Society (AFAS)
The Air Force Aid Society (AFAS) is the official charity of the United States Air Force, incorporated in 1942 as a private, non-profit organization. For over 67 years, the Air Force Aid Society has supported the Air Force mission by providing worldwide emergency assistance, sponsoring education assistance programs and offering an array of base community enhancement programs that improve quality of life for
Airmen and their families.
Air Force School Liaisons (SL)
These individuals help parents ease the impact of the mobile military lifestyle for children and youth. The SL provides you information prior to your move, upon arrival, while stationed at your installation and when you prepare to depart for your next duty station. One of the important roles of the SL is to connect families, schools, and the military community to facilitate the educational transition and academic experiences of children and youth.
Casualty/Survivor Benefits Program (SBP)
Air Force Casualty Services provides dignified and compassionate notification of death, duty status, missing or captured, to family members as promptly as possible.
Employment Assistance
Employment Assistance was previously known as Career Focus. Employment counselors assist family members and other ID card holder with their job assistance.
Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP)
This is a mandatory enrollment program, based on carefully defined rules. EFMP works with other military and civilian agencies to pro vide comprehensive and coordinated community support, housing, medical, educational and personnel services to families with special needs.
Family Readiness
Personal and Family Readiness provides mobility and deployment assistance to help single and married DoD personnel and families meet pre-deployment, sustainment, reintegration, and post-deployment challenges.
Personal and Family Life Education assists with adaptation to the stresses of the military lifestyle, as well as improve general family functioning. Most of the educational programs offered at the center under Personal and Family Life Education are in response to the Air Force needs assessment surveys, targeted toward family and active duty members with family concerns. Family concerns are defined as relating directly to one or more of the following areas: family stability, family life education, marital and family enrichment, economic issues and the family, minority and cross-cultural families, changing
family roles, diversity of family styles, families and work, and family separation.
Personal Financial Readiness (PFM)
Airman and Family Readiness PFM assists Airmen and their families to improve their personal financial status by learning how to function as informed consumers and more effective money managers. Assistance is provided to develop a budget based on individual income and expenses; manage credit and cur rent debt; plan for insurance expenses, and prepare for personal financial readiness.
Relocation Assistance
Relocation Assistance is a congressionally mandated program that supports mission readiness and retention by providing DoD personnel and their families with relocation information, education, and skills development to manage and adapt to the mobile military lifestyle.
The mission of the Tech Training Airmen Readiness Element is to provide immediate, short-term support and referral to assist new Airmen and their families adapt to demands of life in the Air Force. This student element is located in Building 5616, Room 108. For more information, call (210) 671-4057.
Transition Assistance
Sooner or later all service members will transition from military life to civilian life; i.e., retire or separate. It is important for every service member separating or retiring from the military to take full advantage of the services offered through Transition Assistance. At least 90 days prior to retirement or separation every service member must attend a mandatory pre-separation counseling session. Without this briefing on the DD Form 2648, the separation or retirement process cannot be completed.
Bowling Alley -
Skylark Bowling Center
Building 6476
Lackland AFB, TX 78236
Phone: (210) 671-1234
The entire family will enjoy bowling at Skylark. Cosmic Bowling is a favorite of many.
Child Development Centers on Lackland AFB
Lackland Child Development Program
Building 8206
Lackland AFB, TX 78226
Phone: (210) 671-3168
This center offers full-time care for preschool children ages three to five. The After School Pre-K Program is after school care for children enrolled in the Lackland AFB Elementary four year old, Pre-K classes. Part-Day Enrichment Program located at the Lackland Elementary offers a Monday, Wednesday, and Friday session from 9 a.m.-noon for ages three to five.
Arts & Crafts
Building 7041
Lackland AFB, TX 78236
Phone: (210) 671-2515
Take advantage of the skills and equipment to get all of your engraving needs done At the Arts & Crafts building. Available projects include laser wood, glass, metal, matboard, and gravoply. Engraving and sublimation (heat press) is done on glass, metal and gravoply.
They also carry an array of military statues, awards, coin displays, plaques, and more.
Kelly Field Child Development Program
Building 61
San Antonio, TX 78226
Phone: (210) 925-5747
This program cares for children from infant to five years old.
Gateway Child Development Program
Building 3220
Lackland AFB, TX 78236
Phone: (210) 671-1040
This program cares for children from infant to five years old.
Gateway Club
Building 2490
Lackland AFB, TX 78236
Phone: (210) 645-7034
The Gateway Club offers specials throughout the week that include wing specials, “You are the Cook,” and a Champagne Brunch on Sunday.
Food Service Office Building 7065, Room 228
Lackland AFB, TX 78236
Phone: (210) 671-6840/6841
The food service office is responsible for meals on base. They also host the Team Lackland birthday celebration the second Wednesday of each month at the Live Oak Inn, Building 10810, at 6 p.m. This event honors our permanent party and technical training students E-5s and below during their birthday month.
Dining Facilities
Amigo Inn, Building 7532
Phone: (210) 671-5112/5113
Amigo 2, Building 5570
Phone: (210) 671-0833/1952
Defender Inn, Building 5420 (Camp Bullis)
Phone: (210) 295-8344
Flight Kitchen, Building 1650 at Port S.A. (Kelly AFB)
Phone: (210) 925-8350/1488
Lackland Training Annex Dining Facility, Building 124
Phone: (210) 671-4818/4819
Live Oak Inn, Building 10810
Phone: (210) 671-4720/4721
Medical Training DFAC, Building 6361 (Camp Bullis)
Phone: (210) 808-3481/3491
Mesquite Inn , Building 10175
Phone: (210) 671-4939/4940
Training Squadron Dining Facilities
Squadron: 331st - Building 6582
Squadron: 322nd - Building 9110
Squadron: 326th - Building 9210
TRSS: 324th - Building 9310
Squadron: 321st - Building 6582
Squadron: 323rd - Building 6582
Squadron: 320th - Building 6592
Education & Testing Center
Building 5725
Lackland AFB, TX 78236
Phone: (210) 671-8711/8712
The Education & Testing Center can help you obtain your college degree as well as provide information on tuition assistance, GI Bill, certifications, and testing for PME, CLEP/DSST, and foreign languages.
Fitness Centers on Lackland
Medina Fitness Center Building 199
Lackland AFB, TX 78236
Phone: (210) 671-4477/4525
The Medina Fitness Center offers TRX suspension training, strength training equipment, free weights, cross trainers, treadmills, exercise bikes, dry heat sauna, basketball courts, volleyball courts, football field, soccer field, one mile dirt track, 1/4 mile track and the center also issues equipment ( i.e., Balls, weight belts, locks, etc.)
Warhawk Fitness Center
Building 2418
Lackland AFB, TX 78236
Phone: (210) 671-2016
The Warhawk Fitness Center offers free weights, life circuit, Cybex, cross trainers, treadmills, stairsteppers, exercise bikes, 1/4 mile track, infrared heat sauna, basketball courts, volleyball courts (inside), TRX suspension training, medicine balls, pull up bars and the center also issues equipment ( i.e., balls, weight belts, locks, etc.)
Building 7246 (Inside the BMT
Reception Center)
Lackland AFB, TX 78236
Phone: (210) 671-2028
The General Store is open to all personnel and offers a wide variety of Lackland AFB, San Antonio and BMT Graduation souvenirs including: Golf shirts, t-shirts, caps, shot glasses, coffee mugs, coins, & plush animals. There is also an on site Snack Bar available.
Building 2901
Lackland AFB, TX 78236
Phone: (210) 671-3466
This course is laid out on 200 acres and features extreme elevation changes. The course contains many strategically located bunkers and a host of oak and mesquite trees. This facility provides an excellent practice area which includes a driving range, bunker, green, and a lob wedge practice green and two practice putting greens.
Building 5506
Lackland AFB, TX 78236
Phone: (210) 671-3133
Information, Tickets & Travel has a wide array of discounts to theme parks, water parks, sporting events, festivals, parades, and theatrical performances in and around the San Antonio and Texas area.
ITT also carries discount tickets to numerous attractions and dinner shows in Florida, California and various other places across the U.S.
Building 6114
Lackland AFB, TX 78236
Phone: (210) 671-2678
The library uses an automated catalog (Patron Access Catalog, or PAC) and circulation system. Users may access their own records and place reserves on materials using their barcode and pin number. The library also offers internet, scanners, memory card readers, digital cameras, computers, study booths, conference room and fax service.
Outdoor Recreation Building 871
Lackland AFB, TX 78236
Phone: (210) 925-5532
This office assists with your outdoor recreation needs and operates several programs including:
FamCamp & RV Storage
Lackland has a FamCamp located on Foster Street behind the Fisher House. RV customers can take advantage of a laundromat, cable television, and WiFi. Visit Building 2804 or call (210) 671-5179 for more information.
Parks and Pavilions
Lackland Outdoor Recreation Equipment Checkout will take pavilion reservations. Customers must fill out a reservation form in person. Payment is due at the time of reservation. Pavilions are available at Lion, Stillman, Stapleton, and Upson parks. The pavilion at the Lackland Training Annex (next to the Weight Belts, Locks, etc.) swimming pool can also be reserved.
Resale Lot
If you have a vehicle to sell put it on the Resale Lot. The authorized personnel that can use the lot include all active duty military, retired military personnel and their families, and DoD civilians with legal title to the item offered for resale. This authorization excludes all dealers and commercial operations. Individuals must register their vehicle at Outdoor Recreation. The owner must pro vide proof of ownership by providing a permanent title and/or registration, a current base registration, current license plate, and proof of insurance. The cost is $7 for 15 days.
Lackland has four pools that can be used by Service members and their families. The Skylark Aquatic Center Pool in Building 6482 can be reached by calling (210) 6713780 and is the only pool opened all year. The Warhawk Pool, Building 2502, can be reached by calling (210) 671-3445.
Saddle Club Building 2954
Lackland AFB, TX 78236
Phone: (210)671-3166
The Lackland AFB Saddle Club is a family friendly, self-care boarding facility. They offer quality accommodations and amenities for your horse at a fraction of the cost you would pay to board off base. Located off Kelly Drive and across from Stillman Park, this 24-hour facility features forty-six 11’ X 11’ stalls, each with a 30’ X 12’ attached outside run, and a 9’ X 11’ tack and feed room. Wood shavings for bedding are provided by the stables and dry lot turnout is available for your horse. In addition to our two lighted arenas, Saddle Club members also enjoy use of a round pen, a hot walker, and trails located behind the stables. Limited parking for horse trailers is offered for an additional fee, and our Clubhouse is available to rent for private parties (members only).
Center Building 8420
Lackland AFB, TX 78236
Phone: (210) 671-7343
The Teen center offers many programs for youths to participate in. Some of these pro grams include:
The Lackland Teen Center is now register-ing teens for a new fitness program. Teens will be rewarded for starting and maintaining a fit lifestyle. Come by the center, register for an account, and start accumulating points to earn rewards.
Y.E.S. Program
Your child can start earning money for college as soon as they are enrolled in high school. With the YES Program, they will gain valuable work experience and eligible youth can earn up to $1000 in the form of a scholarship. The scholarship is not competitive and there is no limit to how many teens can enroll in the program. There are a variety of jobs on Lackland AFB. Job placement depends on skill level, career interest and time availability. To find out if your child qualifies for enrollment in the YES program, for more information, or an application come by the Teen Center.
Lackland T.R.A.I.L. Club
This is an outdoor leadership club, where the fun is planned (skiing, rockclimbing, ropes course, camping, etc.) Meetings are held every Wednesday at 7p.m.
Lackland Titan Keystone Club
Monthly in house activities include: Arts & Crafts, DJ Training and events, electronic games, pool, table tennis, computer lab, and just having fun hanging out. Field trips are available and the cost of the trip is the admission price to the event. Some examples are: Swimming, movies, roller skating, skate boarding, game rooms, theme parks, eating out, to name a few. Teens need a permission slip for all off-base events. Field trips will be cancelled if we do not receive at least five per mission slips on the day prior to the event. Meetings are Wednesdays at 6 p.m.
Torch Club for Pre-Teens
Titan Keystone Club mentors an ongoing preteen leadership group called Torch. Torch is for youth ages 10-12, and the group meets on Wednesdays at 4:30 p.m.
Housing Management Office
2525 Fairchild Street, Building 1524
Lackland AFB, TX 78236
Phone: (210) 671-1840
Hours of Operation
Monday-Friday: 7:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
The Housing Management Office (HMO) offers support to you during the transition to your new home and community. Use the resources available at this office to become familiar with the housing options and support services available to you and your family. This office will assist you in finding housing in the local community.
When you first arrive at Lackland AFB, you must visit the HMO to receive counseling and guidance before entering into any written lease or rental/sales contract for housing.
(Balfour Beatty Communities)
2254 Brian McElroy San Antonio, TX 78236
Phone: (210) 674-9366
Hours of Operation
Monday-Thursday: 8 a.m.-6 p.m.
Friday: 8 a.m.-5 p.m.
In addition to the option of purchasing or renting housing in the local community, you
now may choose to live in privatized housing. Balfour Beatty Communities owns the family housing and is responsible for maintaining, repairing, constructing and managing the community.
Contact the HMO as soon as you know you are going to be stationed at Lackland AFB. The government housing team will provide you the latest information about privatized housing and details about the application process. The HMO will also update you on any base specific policies regarding residing in privatized housing.
Unaccompanied Housing Office
2525 Fairchild Street, Building 1524
Lackland AFB, TX 78236
Phone: (210) 671-0090
Hours of Operation
Monday-Friday: 7:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
UH is provided for unaccompanied Airmen in the ranks of E-1 to E-3 and E-4 with less than 3 years of service. Each service member is provided a private sleeping room, furnishings, bed linens and supplies required for comfortable living.
Construction began on what would become Lackland Air Force Base in 1941. In 1942 it separated from Kelly Field and became an independent organization called the San Antonio Aviation Cadet Center and would hold that name until officially designated as Lackland Air Force Base after Brigadier General Frank Lackland in 1947.
In 1943, the War Department approved the creation of the 78th Flying Training Wing (Preflight) at San Antonio and assigned it to the AAF Central Flying Training Command. The 78th FTW instructed aviation cadets on the mechanics and physics of flight and also initiated policies that the cadets had to pass courses in mathematics and other classes. These cadets were then taught to apply this knowledge by teaching them aeronautics, deflection shooting, and thinking in three dimensions. Once all of these criteria were met, the graduates were designated as aviation cadets and were sent to one of the primary flight schools for pilot training.
The training population at Lackland increased to 28 basic military training squadrons (BMTS) within the 3700th Military Training Wing during the Korean War. These numbers were so great that temporary facilities had to be built to replace the vast amount of tents that recruits were staying in. The number of BMTS was reduced to 16 in 1955.
During the buildup that occurred for the Vietnam War a “split-phase” training was initiated from August 1965 to April 1966. This program provided for 22 days at
Lackland and 8 days at a technical school, with directed duty assignees receiving the full 30 days at Lackland. After that, basic training was set at a length of six weeks . Training during this time was expanded to include teaching English to Allied military members from foreign countries.
More permanent facilities were constructed during the 1960s, including four 1,000-person steel and brick Recruit Housing and Training (RH&T) dormitories. These units included living space, dining halls, and training areas for four basic training squadrons under one roof. By the end of this construction phase six full-size dormitories, and two 600-person facilities, were constructed, enabling excess space to be converted to classroom use.
In late 1951 Air Defense Command selected Lackland Air Force Base as one of twenty-eight radar stations built as part of the second segment of the permanent radar surveillance network.
In February of 1953 the 741st Aircraft Control and Warning Squadron was activated at Lackland and utilized an AN/ FPS-3 search radar along with an AN/FPS-4 height-finder radar. In 1958 the AN/FPS-4 height-finder radar was upgraded to AN/ FPS-6 and AN/FPS-6A sets.
In late 1959, Lackland was performing air-traffic-control duties for the Federal Aviation Administration and in 1963, the site was redesignated as NORAD ID Z-75.
In September 1972, the Houston based 630th Radar Squadron sent a detachment
(OL-D) to this FAA-operated site to set up an AN/FPS-6 height-finder radar to join the AN/ FPS-66A search radar already in place (Z-241). The Air Force ceased using the Lackland AFB radar site on 30 September 1976.
Today the Lackland ADC site has been taken over by the FAA and remains in operation. This now-FAA long-range radar site is data-tied into the Joint-Surveillance System. The site still operates the AN/FPS-66A search radar.
With the end of the Cold War, base realignment and closure (BRAC) actions in the 1990s moved several specialized training programs from Lackland. This included Air Education and Training Command’s relocation of Air Force Officer Training School (OTS) from Lackland to Maxwell Air Force Base.
Along with the closure of Kelly AFB, Lackland gained a portion of the base known as Security Hill. Security Hill is home to numerous units such as Air Force Space Command’s 24th Air Force and 67th Network Warfare Wing and the Air Force Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Agency. All units on Security Hill are considered tenant units.
Lackland now includes part of the Kelly airstrip, Security Hill, main base Lackland, and the old Medina officer training base now named Medina/ Lackland Training Annex.
In April of 2012, Lackland served as an overflow shelter for an influx of illegal immigrant minors after the Administration for Children and Families determined that all other local shelters were filled to capacity.
The Visitor Control Center (VCC) is located at the Main Gate. Hours of operation for the VCC are Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. - 6 p.m. Randolph AFB requires an ID check. All personnel must have a pictured ID to enter the base. All non-military affiliated personnel will need to obtain a pass at the Visitor Control Center (VCC). To obtain a pass all visitors must have:
- Valid driver’s license
- Current proof of auto insurance
- On-base sponsor
- On-base sponsor phone number
The Main Gate is open 24/7. For more information, call (210) 652-3939.
Once you arrive at Randolph AFB, report to your orderly room with your sealed records. Upon signing in with your unit, you will be scheduled for required in-processing appointments. If you or a family member needs an ID card or CAC card that will be handled through the MPF. Military members can and are encouraged to make appointments for ID cards. If you arrive after 4:30 p.m. or on a weekend or holiday, please go to Randolph’s 24-hour arrival point, the Randolph Lodging office, located in Building 112. Report to your orderly room the next duty day.
Welcome / Visitors Center
1 Harmon Drive, Building 1032
Randolph AFB, TX 78150
Phone: (210) 652-3939
Hours of Operation
Monday - Friday: 7 a.m. - 10 p.m.
This center processes incoming military
personnel to verify accuracy and completeness of their military records and ensures soldiers deployment ready upon reporting to their ultimate assignment unit.
This is also the place you must register your vehicle at on base. To register your vehicle you must have proof of insurance, a valid driver’s license, your government ID and a state registration or title for the vehicle.
The Force Support Squadron division at Randolph AFB is responsible for all things recreational and for helping increase morale of the Soldiers and their Families through support services to ensure the welfare of all family units.
Arts & Craft
Building 895
Randolph AFB, TX 78150
This center houses two shops that military members can utilize. These include:
Framing Shop
Phone: (210) 652-2707
This shop includes a wide selection of mold ings and mats to make your print complete. Experienced staff on hand can assist you in selecting combinations from an extensive line of frames and mats.
Engraving Shop
Phone: (210) 652-4149
The engraving shop features state-of-the art equipment to meet all of your engraving needs. They offer plaques, trophies, clocks, pen sets and much more.
Auto Skills Center
Building 873
Randolph AFB, TX 78150
Phone: (210) 652-5142
Auto Skills has experienced mechanics to provide assistance and guidance for all of your automotive needs. The facility includes work stalls, lifts, a 4-wheel alignment machine, and a computer analyzer for American made auto mobiles. They offer wheel balancing, front end alignment, air conditioning service, and resurfacing of disc rotors and drums.
Bowling Alley
Building 870
Randolph AFB, TX 78150
Phone: (210) 652-6271
The Randolph Bowling Center is a state of-the art facility where you can relax and bowl your troubles away. This facility offers 24 lanes and with the recently installed QubicaAMF pinsetters and the very latest Bowler Entertainment System scoring system the bowling experience is better than ever. The alley now has 42” flat panel monitors and 15” touch screens.
Clubs on Base
Kendrick Club Building 1039
Randolph AFB, TX 78150
Phone: (210) 652-3056
The club offers a great variety of services with the largest bingo program in AETC and all of CONUS. It has a 200-seat ballroom, four party rooms, a nightclub, pub and outdoor patio area. The club offers a large selection of spe cials and programs to its members. Whether you’re looking for entertainment, friendship or that special meal, you can’t beat the Randolph Kendrick Club for first-class service.
The club is consistently conducting mem bership drives to attract new club members and most important ly to retain them. Club management and staff vigorously pursue new ideas, programs and members.
Parr Club
Building 500
Randolph AFB, TX 78150
Phone: (210) 652-4864
The Parr Club has been serving Randolph for over 80 years, and is AETC’s flagship club program. This club is open seven days a week and offers four party rooms, a large ballroom, two lounges, a large patio and deck. The Parr Club is the largest in AETC, catering as many as 150 special functions per month. Texas sized hospitality awaits you in the recently opened Air City Bar & Grill which features freshly prepared entrees, great sandwiches, awesome salads and the signature Chicken Tortilla soup. The Air City Bar & Grill is open seven days a week and Sunday Brunch is offered in the Clark Room.
The Parr Club has three special venues you need to experience to appreciate; the world famous “Auger Inn” and “Sky Lounge” where members meet for social hour buffets and live entertainment and a beautiful outside deck located under four gigantic oak trees.
Fitness Center
Building 999
Randolph AFB, TX 78150
Phone: (210) 652-7263
The Rambler Fitness Center at Randolph Air Force Base offers many opportunities for you to stay fit and have fun. Whether you prefer to work out alone or play on a team, the center’s staff is waiting to help you. Call for a full list of services.
Building 1300
Randolph AFB, TX 78150
Phone: (210) 652-4653
The Randolph Oaks Golf Course is an 18-hole championship golf course measuring 7,172 yards from the championship blue tees, 6,744 yards from the white tees, 5,873 yards from the yellow tees, and 5,486 yards from the red tees. Open year round, they host over 45,000 rounds of play annually.
The golf course also offers:
Our Pro Shop has everything you could ever want or need at a golf course! We offer a full range of equipment and clothing including brands from Callaway, PING, Nike and more. We also offer full service club repair. The ProShop has Ping, Nike and Callaway fitting carts for irons & woods and a TaylorMade fit ting cart for woods.
This deck boasts a full bar and a luxurious, relaxing atmosphere away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Located just yards from the clubhouse, the Tee Time Deck is the perfect place to unwind. Customers can reserve the deck for special functions such as a business meeting or wedding.
Mulligan’s Grill offers some of the best food available on Randolph AFB. This facil ity is open 7 days a week and provides snack bar service for breakfast, lunch and special function dinners.
Building 598
Randolph AFB, TX 78150
Phone: (210) 652-2617
The Randolph Library strives to provide access to mission critical information, support professional military and voluntary education programs and enhance the quality of life for our community. They offer access to popular fiction, non-fiction, children’s
books, young adult books, public computers, Chief of Staff of the Air Force reading list, CLEP and DANTES test books and DVDs, fax machine, typewriters, language course packages, research assistance, magazines, newspapers, online research databases, Interlibrary loans, books on CD, Playaways, popular movies, music CDs and videogames.
Building 895
Randolph AFB, TX 78150
Phone: (210) 652-5142
This office offers many services for your entertainment and travel needs. These include:
Offering discounted tickets for admissions to movie theatres, sporting events, SeaWorld, Six Flags Fiesta Texas, and much more. We also provide discount tickets to most local special events throughout the year such as Fiesta, Folk Life, Wurstfest, Renaissance, etc., as well as local Broadway shows. This office also offers discount tickets for both Disney and Universal Studios. ITT is a TicketMaster outlet which offers special event tickets for the San Antonio, Corpus Christi, Dallas, and Houston areas.
Armed Forces Vacation Package is a “Space Available” program offering time shares to resort destinations at significantly reduced prices. This club offers terrific discounts for
getaways at Lake Tahoe, Myrtle Beach, Reno, Puerto Vallarta, and many other resort loca tions worldwide. Unbelievable rates are available to all active duty, retired, National Guard, reserve, and DoD civilian personnel. For more information on resort getaway, visit ITT or visit the AFVC website at www.afvclub. com.
Kinder Gambling Trip - Let’s go gambling to the Grand Casino Coushatta in Kinder, Louisiana. Bus departs from ITT at 8 a.m., lunch in Beaumont and arrives in Kinder at 3 p.m.. Check-in to your hotel room and at your leisure you can choose to go to the casino or play a round of golf. A bus runs every 15 min utes from the hotel to the casino. Package includes onenight hotel accommodations, continental breakfast, voucher for $23.00 from Casino, round trip motor coach transportation and the friendly service of a tour guide. Tour will return at approximately 10 p.m.
A wide selection of brochures depicting local area attractions, parks, sports and civic events is always available.
Equipment is available for various indoor and outdoor activities to include birthday parties, hiking, backpacking, camping, hunting, fishing, cycling, water activities, lawn and garden and sports. Click on our brochure link above to review prices and other rental details. When reserving equipment we need you to come into the facility to reserve equipment. We only take reservations 30 days in advance. A deposit for each of these items along with payment is required. The deposit is refundable once the equipment is returned, inspected and determined to be in good condition.
Eberle Park - Choose from the grill house, two covered pavilions, or the serving house. Rent all facilities for $50, each pavilion for $35, grill house and serving house for only $20 each. Active duty military assigned to Randolph AFB are authorized to make reservations for the facilities at Eberle Park six months in advance and all other eligible personnel may make reservations 30 days in advance. A base unit/ organization using the park for an official function may reserve the park one year in advance. Units reserving the park for an official function receive a Sports Package free of charge.
Texas Parks and Wildlife sanctioned Boater’s Safety Course is offered daily
Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. at Building 895, Outdoor Recreation/ ITT. Learn boater safety tips and requirements along with the “rules of the road” for water travel. The course is $2 and takes about 2.5 hours to complete. Call (210) 6523702 to sign up.
One lot is located on East Perimeter Road adjacent to the Recycling Center. The second is located on West Perimeter Road adjacent to the K-9 Kennels. There are some spaces in a secure, lighted RV storage area, with 24 hour access. Fees are $40 per month, $300 per year or $100 per 1/4. You can make a payment on a monthly or yearly base. Insurance and registration is required for the RV lot. We usually have a waiting list for this lot. Reservations are taken based on priority: 1st priority - active duty on JBSA, 2nd - active duty other bases; and 2nd priority is retirees, reservists and DoD civilians.
U-Store-It Units
Each unit is lockable with an individual padlock, has easy access through 4 ft. wide roll up doors and 53 sq. feet of space. The
units are located by Building 1139 adjacent to the Recycling Center on East Perimeter Road. They rent for @25 per month.
This lot is located on West E Street, which is off West 5th Street between Hangars 63 and 64. This provides a low cost service for you to sell your privately owned vehicle. Anyone who wishes to place a vehicle/boat or RV lot on the used car lot can sign up with proof of insurance and title or registration. You must also fill out a permit that is to be placed in the window of the vehicle. You my only sell vehicles that are 18 feet or less. This permit can be for two weeks or a 15 days. For more info. call (210) 652-3702.
Open on the second Wednesday of the month as advertised. Open for E1-E4 from 8 a.m. - 9 a.m. and from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. for all others. The facility is located ate Building 1139, adjacent to the Recycling Center on East Perimeter Road. All items are cash and carry. Limits may apply. Cash and checks are accepted. See quarterly calendar for sale dates.
Airmen’s Dining Facility
Building 860
Randolph AFB, TX 78150
Phone: (210) 652-2555
This facility is dedicated to serving the best food in AETC. Open seven days a week, you can expect to find the delicious dishes featuring fresh fruits & vegetables, pastas, breads and top quality meats. The facility can seat 360 people per meal and serves an average of 305 meals per day; 60 breakfasts, 200 lunches and 45 dinners. We also offer ethnic meals every week. Free WiFi is offered here.
Building 693
Randolph AFB, TX 78150
Phone: (210) 652-5321
Hours: Monday-Friday
07:30 a.m. - 16:30 p.m.
The Airmen & Family Readiness Center is staffed by prepared to empower individuals and families as well as support commanders by providing education, programs, referrals and services to Department of Defense employees, family members
civilians and retirees in all areas across the family life cycle. These programs include transition, Air Force Aid Society, employment assistance, Air Force Aid Society, employment assistance , Air Force Wounded Warrior (AFW2) services, survivor benefits and casualty, relocation services, personal and family readiness and deployment planning/support, personal and family life education, information & referral and follow-up. These programs and services include:
Provide assistance to single & married personnel during all phases of the deployment cycle.
Information & Referral Service
Assist customer by identifying their needs, and refer them to the appropriate on or off base resource. This program also provides re-integration information and training to equip families with tools to assist in a successful transition from deployment to home life.
Provide customers with DoD wide installation information along with pre-departure and post-arrival information so they can make informed relocation decisions.
This aspect of the facility offers internet, scanners and job search material.
Air Force Aid Society
This organization provides emergency financial assistance in accordance with AFAS guidelines. They help with child & car care during deployments, emergency assistance, Falcon loans and sponsor the Bundles for Babies program.
This program provides information and personal financial counseling to assist in helping family members maintain financial readiness.
These consultants provide short term, solution focused, confidential non-medical consultation for individuals and families.
Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) Coordinator
This program coordinates EFMP support services with on & off base agencies.
School Liaison Services
This service advocates for the educational needs of military children. Ensure school personnel are aware of unique educational challenges associated with a mobile lifestyle.
Transition Assistance Program (TAP)
This program assists separating/retiring members in adapting to their transition to civilian life. They offer mandatory pre-separation counseling, San Antonio military community job fairs, monthly TAP seminar and VA briefings and Air Force Wounded Warrior (AFW2) services.
This program supports customers in achieving employment, education/training, and career goals. They help with interviewing skills, individual employment counseling, resume writing and listing job posts.
These consultants, in collaboration with leadership, identify and resolve personal and family readiness issues. Services available include unit feedback assessment, Four Lenses Team Building Workshop and focus groups.
This office provides prompt reporting, dignified notification and compassionate
assistance to family members and beneficiaries. Survivor Benefit Plan
This plan offers individual counseling for projected retirees, spouses, & surviving spouses on benefits of program.
Building 1072-734/ Annex
Randolph AFB, TX 78150
Phone: (210) 652-4946
The Child Development Program (CDP) welcomes children between the ages of six weeks and five years. The CDP provides activities and programs which support children’s social, emotional, physical and intellectual development. The program is accredited by National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC). The CDP is a USDA certified center, providing breakfast, lunch and two snacks each day.
Building 152, Building 652, Building 3668 and Building 4169 Randolph AFB, TX 78150
Phone: (210) 652-3668
For parents who prefer a home environment, Family Child Care (FCC) is the answer. The FCC screens dedicated child care providers who watch children in their homes. The FCC program assures parents that child care is developmentally appropriate for each age level. FCC is available for infants as young as two-weeks old.
The Extended Duty Child Care Program assists military families working extended hours by increasing the hours of care available in Air Force licensed family child care homes. It provides services beyond the standard fifty hours of care that families are already pur chasing in the child care programs on or off base. The family child care coordinator sup ports the program by ensuring family child care providers are screened, trained and licensed to provide child care.
The Family Child Care Subsidy Program is now available to those who want to enroll. The program assists working parents in finding quality, affordable child care in Family Child Care homes by sharing the cost of their child care fees. Parents of children from infant to 12 years of age will pay FCC fees according to their Total Family Income (TFI). This is the same method fees are collected in the base Child Development Programs. Parent fees for full time care of children infant to 12 years of age, children with special needs and children needing care at night due
to swing or mid night shifts will be subsidized.
If you are within 60 days of arriving or departing Randolph you can take advantage of 20 hours of free child care (per child) avail able to Air Force members of all ranks. This program gives parents the opportunity to have their children cared for on-base by a licensed Family Child Care provider while unpacking, packing, out processing, in pro cessing, house hunting, attending briefings, etc. A copy of PCS orders is required.
This Air Force Aid Program’s purpose is to enhance and expand participation in the volunteer program by ensuring the availability and accessibility of child care for volunteer’s children. Volunteers are a necessity in maintaining some of the programs offered throughout the base, especially at the Airmen and Family Readiness Center.
There is a Parent Involvement/Advisory Committee established to strengthen the partnership between home and the program. The Parent Involvement/Advisory Committee meets the second Wednesday of every month at Building 652. There is an open door policy welcoming parents to visit the centers at any time throughout the day.
In order to become a provider, an application must be filled out and then the candidate must attend an orientation class. Orientation classes are offered each month. Training in CPR, First Aid, child guidance, health and nutrition will be provided. One training
module must be completed during the orientation training.
Applicants must obtain liability insurance. Home inspections are performed by the base fire department, safety office, military public health and family child care office. The next stage is for the family childcare panel to offer their recommendation to the Mission Support Group Commander for approval or disapproval on licensing.
Building 584
Randolph AFB, TX 78150
Phone: (210) 652-3298
Youth Programs provide a safe and supervised program based on the interests and needs of the children. This curriculum focuses on Boys & Girls Clubs of America Youth Development Strategy, which states all enrolled children will have a positive experience that contributes to a high self-esteem by assuring the children develop a sense of competence, sense of usefulness, sense of belonging and a sense of influence.
Youth Programs (YP) provides activities and programs that improve and maintain the physical and mental well-being of youth up to age 18. The YP facility has a gymnastics room, dance room, preteen/game room and teen room. Also supporting the center programs are our state-of-the-art playground, six baseball fields, one softball field, a football field, and the use of the base tennis courts, Bowling Center, Golf Course, pool and Rambler Fitness Center. Youth Programs in affiliation with Boys & Girls Club promotes the five core areas of character and leadership: education and career; health and life skills; the arts; and sports, fitness, and recreation.
Youth, ages nine to 18, are eligible to pur chase an annual membership (children ages six to eight must be accompanied by a parent or sibling over 16 years of age unless they are par t icipating in an organized, supervised activity). The annual fee is $36 per youth. All membership will expire the next year at the same day. With each membership, youth receive a membership card. Children five years of age and younger are allowed to participate only in those activit ies organized specifically for their age group. Family members of active duty, retired military, DoD and NAP civilian personnel are allowed to participate in programs and activities. Parents are asked to stay in the facility if their children are five and younger.
Youth Programs provides a wide range of programs based on the recreational interests of the entire Randolph AFB youth community. The year-round, comprehensive pro gram includes self-directed activities such as the latest titles from Playstation, X-Box and computer educational programs and games, arts and crafts, billiards, foosball, board games, puzzles, basketball and volleyball. Special interest clubs meet throughout the month with age-specific activity on
Friday and Saturday nights. Special events, field trips and holiday programs are scheduled through out the year. Scouting opportunities exist for both boys and girls.
Ongoing instructional classes are a popular portion of the Youth Programs section. Classes include guitar, piano, gymnastics, martial arts, dance and more. Contact the office staff for class specifics.
Youth Programs provides a wide range of activities designed to assist youth with their early challenges. Programs such as youth development or leadership development through club organizations, health education, youth/ parent activities, youth sponsorship pro grams and relocation assistance are available. Being affiliated with the Boys & Girls Clubs of America, we have incorporated many of their programs such as the Power Hour, Keystone Club, Torch Club, Smart Girls and others.
The Randolph Youth Sports Program provides a highly organized sports environment, ensuring that all youth have the opportunity to grow and develop emotionally and physically through participation in sports. This program provides safe
playing areas and proper equipment for each sport and ensures the adults involved have a responsibility to create a positive youth sports experience by ensuring a safe, positive and fun environment for the children. Randolph participates in an interlocking schedule with offbase organizations and teams and has always maintained excellent community relations in support of the total sports environment.
There is a Parent Advisory Committee established to strengthen the partner ship between home and the program. The Parent Advisory Committee meets the second Wednesday of every month at Building 152, the Family Child Care Office. There is an open door policy welcoming parents to visit the center at any time throughout the day.
The program has received accreditation through the National School Age Association. The commitment is to provide your child with a quality program that is also committed to providing each child with a unique growing and learning relationship. We accomplish our goals by offering children opportunities to develop socially, emotionally, educationally/ intellectually and physically.
Children attending the after-school pro gram are brought back to the center by bus when school is out. Fees are based on a sliding scale determined by DoD. It will be necessary for you to provide the youth center staff with proof of your family income and they will help you determine your category/fees.
Housing Management Office
610 Harmon Drive
Randolph AFB, TX 78150
Phone: (201) 652-1840
Hours of Operation
Monday - Friday: 07:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
The Housing Management office (HMO) offers support to you during the transition to your new home and community. Use the resources available at this office to become familiar with the housing options and support services available to you and your family. This office will assist you in finding housing in the local community. When you first arrive at Randolph, you must visit the HMO to receive counseling and guidance before entering into any written lease or rental/sales contract for housing.
Unaccompanied Housing Office
2284 McChord St., Bldg. 1423
Randolph AFB, TX 78150
Phone: (210) 671-5008
Hours of Operation
Monday - Friday: 7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Unaccompanied members in the ranks of E-1 to E-3 and E-4 with less than three years of service are required to reside in Unaccompanied Housing (UH). An E-4 residing in UH reaching three years of service may be authorized to move out of UH and into local community housing. In some special situation, you may be permitted to move out of UH before reaching E-4 with greater than three years of service. In these cases the most senior members are released first. When there is an excess of dormitory rooms, personnel in the ranks of E-4 with greater than three years of service and above may be eligible to reside in UH on a space available basis.
205 New B Street
East Universal City, TX 78148
Phone: (210) 659-9061
Hours of Operation
Monday-Friday: 8 a.m. -5 p.m.
Wednesday: 8 a.m. -7 p.m.
Saturday & Sunday: 10 a.m. -4 p.m.
In Addition to the option of purchasing or renting housing in the local community, you now may choose to live in privatized housing. Hunt Companies owns the family housing and is responsible for maintaining, repairing, constructing and managing the community.
Contact the HMO as soon as you know you are going to be stationed at Randolph. The government housing team will provide you the latest information about privatized housing and details about the application process. The HMO will also update you on any base specific policies regarding residing in privatized housing.
The Air Corps Act of 1926 created two new brigadier general positions and started a five year program to expand the Air Corps. Frank P. Lahm took one of those positions and was placed in charge of all flying training.
The Air Corps Training Center was formed by General Lahm in August of 1926. This center was originally housed at Duncan Field in Texas, however he deemed that the facilities were insufficient and that a new location was needed. It was recommended that an additional training field be built in San Antonio, and in early 1927 a
board of officers approved the layout.
The base was named after Captain William Millican Randolph, a graduate of Texas A&M from Austin, who was killed in February of 1928 during a crash. Captain Randolph had been serving on the committee to select a name for the new field at the time of his death, and the committee thought it a fitting tribute to him.
Randolph Field was dedicated in June of 1930 and during the ceremony an estimated 15,000 people cheered as a fly-by of 233 planes occurred. The School of Aviation Medicine from Brooks Field and theinitial service squadron began relocating to Randolph in early 1931. In October of that year the Air Corps Training Center moved its headquarters from Duncan Field to Randolph and other personnel fol lowed. Operations were underway when the Primary Flying School opened at Randolph in November of 1931.
Because of a requirement in the Air Corps Act of 1926 mandating that all rated pilots com prise 90% of all commissioned officers of the Air Corps, nearly all new officers of the Air Corps underwent Randolph’s pilot
training program. This was a partial reason why Mayor Chamber’s term “West Point of the Air” became the unof ficial nickname for Randolph Field.
In 1941, the Army Air Corps changed to the Army Air Forces. Randolph continued basic flying training until March of 1943, this was when the central instructors school took over. For the next two years, Randolph had 15,396 instructor graduates from this course before it moved to Waco Field in 1945. When the school moved to Waco Field it was replaced by the Army Air Forces pilot school and primary pilot training returned to Randolph.
In September of 1947, the U.S. Air Force became a separate branch of its own and Randolph Field was officially renamed Randolph Air Force Base in January of 1948.
Randolph became the Air Force’s Instructor Pilot (IP) training base and had that as its primary mission until requirements for new pilots during the Vietnam War revived its basic training function. More than 1,260 pilots earned their wings at Randolph between 1967 and 1971.
ounded in 1691 by Spanish missionaries, San Antonio became a Military Garrison in 1718, and was settled by white settlers in the 1720s and 1730s under Austin’s colonization program. It is most famous for the legendary Battle of the Alamo in 1836, when the Mexican General Santa Anna, seeking to curb the aspirations of the Anglo Americans who had claimed San Antonio from his brother-inlaw, wiped out a band of Texan volunteers. San Antonio’s claim to be the “birthplace of the revolution” was borne out by its role during Texas’ ten subsequent years of independence. After the Civil War, it became a hard-drinking, hard-fighting “sin city,” at the heart of the Texas cattle and oil empires.
San Antonio is now the seventh largest city in the U.S., but it retains an unhurried, organic feel, thanks to a winning combination of small-town warmth, respect for diversity and a self confidence rooted in its own history.
San Antonio has major interstate freeways leading into it from every direction. The city is surrounded by two loops, Loop 410 and Loop 1604. All freeways lead into the central business district, which is linked directly to the airport by expressway. Downtown travel is a breeze on the VIA
Streetcar, an open air, authentic reproduction of a rail streetcar, which traveled the streets of San Antonio more than 50 years ago. Four streetcar routes to downtown locations include the Alamo, the Spanish Governor’s Palace, La Villita, Sunset Station, the Southwest School of Art and Craft, the Institute of Texan Cultures, the King William Historic Distric area and downtown shopping. Convenient access to all routes are available from the downtown street car station on Convention Plaza.
One of the city’s top-level professional sports teams is the San Antonio Spurs of the National Basketball Association. The San Antonio Spurs have called the Alamo City home for the past 43 years. Over the last 18
years, the Silver and Black have enjoyed a tremendous amount of success on and off the court. Since Tim Duncan joined the team in 1997, the Spurs have captured five NBA Championships and have posted the best regular season winning percentage of any team in the four major sports (MLB, NBA, NFL, and NHL). During that time, San Antonio has posted the NBA’s best record five times (1998-99, 2000-01, 200203, 2011-12 & 2013-14) and has won eleven division titles. The Spurs organization has been named the best franchise in professional sports three times (2003, 2005, 2014) in the annual ESPN The Magazine Ultimate Standing survey (each year the Ultimate Standings ranks every professional team in a formula using analysis of team financial
data combine with fan feedback in which over 30,000 fans judge teams by eight factors including players, bang for the buck, owner ship, and stadium experience).
The Spurs are led by head coach Gregg Popovich, who has been at the helm since 1996 and is the longest tenured coach in the four major sports. Popovich is one of only five coaches in history with five-ormore NBA Championships (along with Red Auerbach, Phil Jackson, John Kundla and Pat Riley).
San Antonio is expanding and giving the residents what they are asking for. The city is currently constructing multiple amateur sports facilities and also creating a dedicated performing arts venue. The city spent $4 million in county funds to develop and build the new Dolph and Janey Briscoe Western Art Museum on the River Walk.
The urban core and the East Side are being overhauled to encourage new development in those areas, creating more businesses and a safer environment in which to live and work in. The Greater San Antonio Chamber of Commerce has worked hard on these projects and many others, such as the build ing of Freeman Coliseum, over the past few decades and has plans for many more renewal undertakings.
The Alamo
300 Alamo Plaza
San Antonio, TX 78205
Phone: (210) 225-1391
On the east side of Alamo Plaza is the most famous spot in Texas where 189 defenders fell on March 6, 1836, after repeated attacks by Mexican General Santa Anna’s army. Mission San Antonio de Valero (The Alamo) was established in 1718 as the city’s first mission. The chapel is one of the most photographed facades in the nation. The Long Barracks Museum and Library are near the chapel. The museum contains relics and mementos from the Republic of Texas and offers a narration on the fall of the Alamo. The Alamo is located in the heart of the city, inside beautifully landscaped grounds. Admission is free.
Animal World & Snake Farm
5640 1H 35 South
New Braunfels, TX 78132
Phone: (830) 608-9270
Animal World & Snake Farm (as seen on “Dirty Jobs with Mike Rowe”) is located at exit 182 on IH 35 in New Braunfels, Texas. New Braunfels is just 30 minutes north of San Antonio. A three acre park with over 500 animals from around the world, Animal World and Snake Farm has reptiles, birds, tortoises, alligators & crocodiles, primates & lemurs, hoof stock, warthogs & hyenas, a rattle snake pit, a petting zoo and much, much more.
Botanical Gardens
555 Funston
San Antonio, TX 78209
Phone: (210) 207-3250
Connecting guests with the plant world since 1980, the San Antonio Botanical Garden is a 33-acre urban oasis located just north of down town. Experience a dazzling array of colors in the formal gardens, explore the world of exotic plants in the glass Lucile Halsell Conservatory, and discover the unique plants of Texas along the Texas Native Trail. Join us for year-round family programming, plus art exhibits and summer concerts. Enjoy a delicious meal in the Carriage House Bistro which is open for brunch Saturday and Sunday from 9 a.m.-2 p.m., and for lunch Tuesday through Friday from 11 a.m.-2 p.m.. There’s something for everyone in the Garden Gate Gift Shopcreative children’s toys, exquisite clothing and jewelry, home decor and a large variety of gardening books and tools.
600 HemisFair Park
San Antonio, TX 78205
Phone: (210) 223-3101
Originally built to hold the 1968 World’s Fair, San Antonio’s HemisFair Park has
been one of the state’s most popular attractions since its inception.
Located near downtown San Antonio, just a short walk from the Riverwalk, the 15-acre HemisFair Park has undergone extensive renovations and additions over the years.
Among other things, the Park features exhibits remaining from the ‘68 World’s Fair, a labyrinth of cascading waterfalls, a children’s playground, and the landmark of the San Antonio skyline, the 750-foot Tower of the Americas. An attraction in and of itself, the Tower offers an observation deck, cafe, restaurant and a 4-D theatre.
One AT&T Parkway
San Antonio, TX 78219
Phone: (210) 444-5618
Spurs Sports & Entertainment is the premier sports and entertainment provider in South Texas. The NBA’s San Antonio Spurs, the AHL’s San Antonio Rampage, and the WNBA’s San Antonio Stars host games at the AT&T Center and Freeman Coliseum a few miles east of downtown. These franchises pro vide a military discount for all games that can be accessed online at www. spurs.com/jbsaon demand. Discounts for additional shows will also be provided at this site as they become available.
514 West Commerce Street
San Antonio, TX 78207
Phone: (210) 207-8600
From early morning until late at night, Market Square is alive with activity. Visitors browse through the 32 shops at “El Mercado,” an area patterned after an
authentic Mexican market. In addition, there are 80 specialty shops in Farmers Market Plaza. Market Square is also the scene of many Hispanic festivals where food and beverage booths spring up alongside the Guadalajara lamps and the strains of mariachi music blend with the excitement of Mexican dances. Admission is free.
Natural Bridge Caverns
26495 Natural Bridge Caverns Road
Natural Bridge Caverns, TX 78266
Phone: (210) 651-6101
Take the North Cavern Tour and see what millions of others have seen - an incredible underground world of natural beauty. This 75 minute tour travels through a half-mile of the largest and most spectacular show cavern in Texas. Other cavern tours include the Jeremy Room Flashlight Tour and the South Cavern Adventure Tour. Or take the Watchtower Challenge and climb and zip from one of the tallest and longest climbing tower and ziplines in Texas! Also, be sure to visit the Natural Bridge Mining Company, where you can pan for gems and minerals like miners panned for gold. As each tour comes with a different price attached and there are combo-packages, please see the website or call for more information.
Natural Bridge Wildlife Ranch
26515 Natural Bridge Caverns Road
Natural Bridge Caverns, TX 78266
Phone: (830) 438-7400
Have you ever dreamed of going on an African Safari? Then Natural Bridge Wildlife Ranch is your dream come true. The Ranch boasts hundreds of animals from all over the world roam- ing freely in the picturesque Texas Hill Country. Animals are enticed with the complimentary feed given to visitors upon entrance to come up for nose-to-nose encounters. The Petting Zoo and Walk-a Bout areas are included in admission and everyone is invited to travel through the ranch as many times as they would like during their visit. Entrance times vary, so please call or check the website.
Rivercenter Mall
849 East Commerce San Antonio, TX 78205
Phone: (210) 225-0000
The Rivercenter Mall in San Antonio has something for everyone. With over 125 stores including popular men’s and women’s apparel stores, fine jewelry, numerous shoe stores, department stores, specialty stores, accessories, health and beauty, home, music,
electronics stores and more, Rivercenter Mall shoppers are sure to find great deals on everything they are looking for. When hunger strikes, whether you are looking for a quick bite to eat or a tasty sit-down meal, visitors to Rivercenter Mall will find great restaurants including Luciano Ristorante Italiano, Morton’s Steakhouse, Tony Roma’s, Steers & Beers and a variety of fast food restaurants and snack stands in the food court. The IMAX and AMC theatres and the Rivercenter Comedy Club in Rivercenter Mall offer some of the finest entertainment in San Antonio.
110 Broadway, Suite 440 San Antonio, TX 78205
Phone: (210) 227-4262
The Riverwalk, also known as Paseo Del Rio, in the heart of downtown, is the pride of the city. Lush green foliage lines the banks of this peaceful, historic river. Cobblestone walkways lead visitors to the river-level restaurants and shops. The river bubbles to the surface on the grounds of the University of the Incarnate Word and flows to downtown.
It threads its way through the city one level below the hustle and bustle of city streets. It was first called Yanaguana by the Payaya Indians, meaning “Place of Refreshing Waters.” Along the horseshoe shaped riverbend, the river is shaded by towering cypresses, oaks and willows and bordered by gardens of flowering ornamental plants. River cruisers travel the Riverwalk’s three miles past unique retail shops, restaurants and nightclubs. Last year, the City opened up another two miles of the Riverwalk.
Pearl Farmers Market
312 Pearl Pkwy.
San Antonio, TX 78215
Saturdays 0900-1300 and Sundays 1000-1400.
A San Antonio institution, our weekend markets are a true feast for the senses. Named one of the top 10 farmers markets in the nation by USA TODAY, Pearl Farmers Market is an open-air grocery store held every Saturday dedicated to farmers and ranchers located within a 150-mile radius of San Antonio. Sundays celebrate local artisans, featuring unique culinary-inspired home goods, pottery, wood crafts, and more.
239 E. Grayson Street
San Antonio, Texas 78215
Phone (210) 910-5547
Food & Drink of South Texas. Our menu features fresh seafood from the Texas Coast, botana platters worthy of the Rio Grande Valley, brisket, barbacoa, and other smokehouse favorites from pits forged in the Texas Hill Country, South Texas standards like nachos, queso, micheladas, and our soon to be famous margaritas. Carriqui offers the best of South Texas hospitality, in a beautifully renovated 130-year old house with tables for every situation, from date night, to family meals, meetings and private events
Food Hall at Bottling Department
312 Pearl Pkwy Building 6, San Antonio, TX 78215
Phone (210) 564-9140
San Antonio’s first food hall is located at The Historic Pearl and features chef-driven vendors and exciting, accessible cuisine. At the Food Hall you’ll find Park Bar and 5 quick service restaurants. For up to date menus check out the website www.bottlingdepartment.com
Brasserie Mon Chou Chou
312 Pearl Parkway, San Antonio, TX 78215
French Comfort Food. Brasserie Mon Chou Chou is a vibrant place, bustling with energy and celebrated food prepared in a French style, with free-flowing drinks and people connecting over the everyday and the special. Founded by three Frenchmen, Mon Chou Chou’s menu highlights the cuisine of their homeland, featuring many dishes directly influenced by the trio’s respective grandmothers.
San Antonio Missions National
Historic Park
2202 Roosevelt Avenue
San Antonio, TX 78210
Phone: (210) 534-8833
The chain of missions established along the San Antonio River in the 18th century are reminders of one of Spain’s most successful attempts to extend its New World dominion from Mexico. The park contains the historically and architecturally significant structures of Missions Concepcion, San Jose, San Juan and Espada. Other important cultural resources included are the historic Espada Dam and Aqueduct, acequia (irrigation) systems and the Rancho de las Cabras. The visitor center is located next to Mission San Jose and contains a theater showing a 20-minute depiction of early life at the mission, a museum and book shop.
San Antonio Zoo
3903 North St. Mary’s Street
San Antonio, TX 78212
Phone: (210) 734-7184
Ranked as one of the best zoos in the nation, it exhibits over 3,500 animals of 750 species. At the headwaters of the San Antonio River, the Zoo encompasses 35 landscaped acres and includes one of the largest bird col lections in the world. Kronkosky’s Tiny Tot Nature Spot is a mini-zoo designed specifically for children under five. The Zoo is open from 9 a.m.-5 p.m. daily.
SeaWorld San Antonio/Aquatica
10500 SeaWorld Drive
San Antonio, TX 78251
Phone: (800) 700-7786
SeaWorld San Antonio’s combination of unique animal attractions, entertaining shows, state-of-the-art coasters and educa tional experiences for all ages make this park an exciting place to visit.
Take the plunge into SeaWorld by geting up close with Shamu. You can see SeaWorld’s
biggest star day and night in Believe and Shamu Rocks Texas. Believe is the most ambitious killer whale show in the world with breathtaking visuals, inspiring music, and the beautifully amazing relationship between trainers and these glorious creatures. Take a wild ride on the part water ride, part roller coaster Journey to Atlantis. Brace yourself for thrills on the Steel Eel or the Great White, two signature roller coasters. Formerly known as Lost Lagoon, SeaWorld spruced their former water park with exciting new rides, incorporated your favorite marine animals, adorned the area with tropical plants and a colorful new look, all to bring you Aquatica! The water park opened on May 19, 2012, and features a wide array of attractions for all ages and swimming abilities, some of which pass by or through animal habitats. Aquatica offers a completely original experience filled with plenty of splashing and other watery fun for the whole family.
The 20-acre park offers the usual assortment of slides and other rides but after tackling twisting, turning, over-banked water slides, visitors can meander into a simulated tropical reed for friendly encounters with stingrays.
Perhaps the most intriguing combination of water park rides and animal interactions can be found aboard Stingray Falls. The family raft ride, which accommodates four passengers navigates a harrowing course before depositing riders in an underwater grotto. There they can view tropical fish and other sea creatures in a large tank embedded alongside the ride. Another family raft ride, Walhalla Wave, send its passengers racing up a sheer wall where they experience a moment of weightlessness before falling back to earth. Sea World is a proud participant in the “Here’s to the Heroes” program. For more information on this program, visit www.herosalute.com
17000 IH-10 West
San Antonio, TX 78257
Phone: (210) 697-5050 www.sixflags.com/fiestatexas/index.aspx
Experience the best in thrilling rides, exciting live entertainment and a free waterpark all at Six Flags Fiesta Texas. Begin your adventure by facing your fears on the park’s eighth roller coaster, Goliath. Towering 105 feet, Goliath propels riders down an 80-foot drop, two massive loops and five heart-pounding inversions all at 50 mph! Continue the thrills by soaring high on the Superman Krypton Coaster, taking gut-wrenching turns on Tony Hawk’s Big Spin and enjoying a daring freefall down on Scream. Get drenched on over 15 wild rides and slides, including Tornado,
Big Bender and The Lone Star Lagoon, a wavepool not only shaped like Texas, but almost as big! Wiggles World is complete with children’s rides, an outdoor theater, gift shop and delectable food options all dedicated to the popular children’s show.
Six Flags Fiesta Texas is a visually stunning 200-acre family entertainment theme park located at highway IH-10 and Loop 1604, approximately 20 minutes form downtown San Antonio.
Fiesta Texas features award-winning live entertainment and thrilling rides in six themed areas that celebrate the rich cultural heritage of Texas and the Southwest.
3600 North IH-35
San Antonio, TX 78219
Phone: (201) 227-1400
San Antonio’s family waterpark has something fun for everyone. The incredible Kid’s Kove is an extensive Kiddie Area featuring scaled-down rides, slides and attractions for our youngest guests. Splashtown attractions include the Siesta Del Rio, a relaxing river ride, and the largest Wave Pool in South Texas. Splashtown proudly presents the seven-story Lone Star Luge. This exciting ride will send you twisting down the length of two football fields. And don’t forget Starflight, a soaring double-tube trip through total darkness for a state-of-theart thrill! We even have a Jr. Starflight for the kids! As always, we have scheduled a number of fun concerts, contests and special events for the 2013 season, including “Drive In” Movies every Friday night
3801 Broadway Street
San Antonio, TX 78209
Phone: (210) 357-1900
The Witte Museum is San Antonio’s premiere museum of South Texas history, culture and natural science. Located in Brackenridge Park on the banks of the San Antonio River, the Witte offers permanent exhibits that include dinosaur skeletons, cave drawings, wildlife dioramas, and even some live animals. Several historic homes have been reconstructed on the campus, which also features the very popular H.E.B. Science Treehouse. The Witte Museum has for 80 years embodied the almost universal goals of museums: to engage the imaginations of young and old and provide encounters with artifacts and information only available in a museum. The Witte has offered a look at a still natural world, a glimpse at the tenacity of a pioneering community, and a journey into the worlds only high technology can provide.
Coyote Ugly Saloon is the most famous bar in the United States and is now in 14 locations across the country.
The Coyote Ugly Saloon officially opened its doors on Jan. 27, 1993. Over the years Coyote Ugly has meant different things to different people. Some come in just to get abused by Lil and drink cheap tequila out of her boots some to watch Jacqui long term bartender-turnedmanager down 151, set it on fire, then shoot the flames down the bar and others come just to drool over the new bartender dancing on the bar. Quick wit, unshakable assurance, and the ability to take your last dollar has made the Coyote Ugly what it is today.
Dick’s Last Resort is a small bar and restaurant chain in the United States, known for its intentional employment of an obnoxious staff. The name consists of seven restaurants, including one near Petco Park, California and another in Las Vegas. The restaurant, which uses picnicstyle tables and no tablecloths, has its origins in the owners’ original opening of a “fine-dining” establishment. The establishment was a failure, which resulted in bankruptcy. Rather than continue with the upscale restaurant motif, the owners retooled their efforts and decided to “go sloppy”.The end result was a success, leading to the creation of six additional locations.
200 S Alamo St 78205
Despite the name, you don’t have to be Irish to enjoy Durty Nelly’s. This drinking establishment is widely known for having one of the best beer selections in San Antonio. Situated on the Riverwalk, Durty Nelly’s attracts quite a bit of pedestrian traffic ready for a cold one consequently, it can be very busy during the tourist season. It also fills up quickly on regular weekends, so be sure to get there early. But no matter what, put this place on your list of things to do.
Crafted cocktails and fine food. Jeret Pena, our award winning bartender creates and serves the best cocktails in the City! Our Chef, Brooke Smith has been named one of the upcoming chefs to watch in San Antonio. Open 7 days a week 11 am until midnight S-TH, 11am-2am Th-Sat.
111 West Crockett St. #201 78205
Howl at the Moon is a highly successful dueling piano concept that has grown to eleven locations since its inception in 1990. By providing its customers with an outstanding entertainment experience reminiscent of the best of New Orleans, Howl at the Moon has attracted a diverse and loyal following in every market that it has entered. The focal point of the nightclub is a stage featuring a pair of baby grand pianos. The piano players are the ringmasters responsible for creating the excitement that characterizes a night at Howl at the Moon. These piano players are hand picked from the finest regional talent and are thoroughly trained to continually thrill and entertain the audience. Howl at the Moon strives to keep their shows fresh with a mainstream and recognizable format that allows their typical customer to sing along with 90% of the songs.
210 College St. San Antonio, TX 78205
Kremlin – San Antonio’s Most Upscale Nightlife Scene on the Riverwalk. With a dance floor that inspires ultimate energy and sensuality, Kremlin is your upscale destination in Downtown San Antonio. Experience Vegas on the Riverwalk.
125 E. Houston Street • San Antonio, TX 78205
Chef John Besh welcomes you to Lüke San Antonio, on the city’s famed River Walk. This is Besh’s first restaurant outside of his home state of Louisiana, and it features a menu of authentic Old World cuisine, combining classic German and French cooking techniques with a New Orleans touch. Lüke is conveniently situated in San Antonio’s popular downtown district.
A new spin on an old tradition awaits you at Barriba Cantina. Barriba Cantina serves fresh Mexican food with a flair. Folks come from miles around to sample our slow cooked Mango Pork Carnitas, Baja Pescado and our house specialty Tacos del Ray.
123-19 Losoya (78205)
Maddogs British Pub – San Antonio Welcome to Maddogs British Pub. We are located on the San Antonio Riverwalk, directly underneath the San Antonio Hyatt Regency Hotel. Unlike other San Antonio Bars and Clubs – Maddogs British Pub is an authentic British Theme Pub. We offer a full range of imported beers, excellent riverwalk dining with a tasty food and drink menu (including an extensive vegetarian menu). Maddogs British Pub is a relaxing place to enjoy the beautiful San Antonio Riverwalk during the day and a great night spot to soak up the San Antonio nightlife. Maddogs British Pub offers a wealth of evening entertainment, including Karaoke, Live Music and a resident DJ & MC. Not to mention we have a pool tables and big screen TV’s to watch all the sporting events live.
123 Losoya St San Antonio, Texas
The first and only tequila & mezcal bar on the San Antonio Riverwalk.
234 Riverwalk
The atmosphere of the pub speaks for itself. Whether you are sitting at the rich mahogany back bar, enjoying a pint in one of our many cozy booths or just taking in the tranquil river view outside on our Irish stone patio, you will feel the authenticity of the pub. Every stool, table and chair, every stone in the rustic front bar and all the artwork and lighting fixtures have made the long journey from The Emerald Isle. We feel this is the only way to experience and enjoy the true atmosphere and “craic” of an Irish pub.
• San Antonio was anmed for the Portuguese saint Anthony, whose “Feast Day” is June 13, the day in 1961 when a Spanish expedition stopped in the area.
• The San Antonio River starts at “Blue Hole” spring, University of the Incarnate Word, San Antonio.
• The San Antonio River is 240 Miles Long.
• San Antonio has the top tourist attractions in Texas: The Alamo and the River Walk.
• Each year, more than 26 million visitors make their way to San Antonio.
• Except for the Alamo, the five Spanish colonial missions established along the San Antonio River are all active Catholic parishes.
• The original River Walk was built from 1938 to 1941 as a WPA (Works Progress Administration) project at a cost of $430,000.
• San Antonio is the seventh-largest city in America and the secondlargest city in Texas.
• San Antonio enjoys 300 days of sunshine annually and an average temperature of 70 degrees.
• The Spanish missions were not churches but Indian towns. In the 1700s, native people learning to become Spanish citizens had to be Catholic; that is why the king of Spain sent missionaries to acculturate them.
• Historic “Old Brack” Brackenride Golf Course, constructed in 1915 and one of very few public courses designed by A. W. Tillinghast, opened in 1916. The first public golf course in Texas, it hosted the Texas Open from 1922 to 1959.
2023: 2,454,000
2022: 2,413,000
2021: 2,368,000
2020: 2,028,000
San Antonio - Local Rate: .0125
Overall Rate: 8.125
San Antonio ATD: .25
San Antonio MTA: .5
Sales: 8.25%
San Antonio boasts a large number of locally or nationally designated historic districts, from commercial districts downtown to many significant historic neighborhoods. The rich architectural diversity of San Antonio is reflected in the city’s historic commercial buildings, ornate Victorianera mansions, and early 20th-century Craftsman bungalows.
San Antonio’s iconic Alamo Plaza is located at the center of the city and includes the Alamo Chapel and complex, open/public use space formerly part of the courtyard of the Mission San Antonio de Valero (the Alamo), and the commercial resources that developed around the plaza during the late nineteenth and twentieth century.
HemisFair Park was the site of the 1968 World’s Fair, a planned cultural fair to celebrate “the confluence of civilizations in the Americas” and the City of San Antonio’s cultural diversity.
The National Register of Historic Placeslisted King William Historic District is generally located between the San Antonio River, Cesar Chavez Boulevard, South St. Mary’s Street, and South Alamo Street.
The National Register of Historic Placeslisted La Villita Historic District is located a few blocks from Alamo Plaza near downtown San Antonio. It includes twenty-seven nineteenth century dwellings representing unique examples of early residential development in the city.
The National Register of Historic Placeslisted and locally designated Lavaca Historic District is located southeast of downtown San Antonio about two blocks east of the King William Historic District and south of HemisFair Park.
The National Register of Historic Placeslisted Mission Parkway Historic District encompasses most of the Mission Trails hike-and-bike trail alignment and includes a variety of historic resources including archeological sites, buildings, and structures.
South Alamo Street - South St.Mary’s Street Historic District
The National Register of Historic Placeslisted South Alamo Street-South St. Mary’s Street Historic District is generally located between the San Antonio River, South Alamo Street, and South St. Mary’s Street.
South Presa Street and South St. Mary’s Street (formerly Garden Street) are parallel roads that begin near the center of San Antonio and travel southeast through the city. These streets bisect two of the oldest residential areas in the city, the National Register of Historic Places listed King William and Lavaca neighborhoods.
San Antonio is one of the hottest housing markets in the United States. The reason behind the city’s recent explosion may be attributed to the strength of its local job market. Accordingly, it is the job market that continues to serve as the main component of local supply and demand. With an unemployment rate of 5.1% (a whole point below the national average), and a one-year job growth rate of 2.5%, employment remains strong compared to that of other markets. Perhaps even more importantly, San Antonio has brought their unemployment rate down 1.5% in the last year. The numbers are encouraging for the housing sector, as more people will be permitted to transfer from renters to buyers.
With the recent expansion of the economy and the encouraging job sector, construction is on the rise. Single-family housing permits increased 9.7% over the course of a year, suggesting that local inventory levels have stabilized. Despite recent appreciation rates, the San Antonio housing market remains affordable. In fact, it is more affordable than most comparable markets. In 2014,
the average homeowner in San Antonio has allocated approximately 10.4% of their income to their mortgage payment. On a national level, the average homeowner dedicated 16.1% of their income to a mortgage.
It is no myth that the consumer is the driving force in the real estate industry in Texas. Below are some interesting changes that have occurred and will continue to mold the future of the housing market.
• The average age of a repeat buyer in Texas is 42
• The average age of a 1st time buyer in Texas is 31
• 35% of buyers are first time home buyers.
• Texas sellers stay in their home an average of 9 years
• Homeowners want information about real estate updates and relevant news about their community
• A 2012 poll revealed that sales equal 96% of asking price. This does not include price reductions or seller contributions
• There are 1900 people moving to Texas a day
• 92% of Texas home sellers used a real estate agent to sell their home. Only 8% were For Sale By Owner
• The best day to put a home on the market is on Friday
• The best day to hold an open house is Tuesday
• 74% of consumers believe the economy has gotten better and 71% think the economy will continue to get better in the next year
Big: The population is the 2nd largest in the U.S. with over 25 million people Young: 27% of the Texas population is under 18 and only 10% is older than 65 Diverse: Approximately 9.5 million or 38% of Texans are of Hispanic descent; 12% are African American; 6% are other (primarily of Asian descent.
A mix of the suburban and urban, a variety of small communities are a part of this area. Phil Hardberger Park, considered one of the premier parks in San Antonio, is a central part of this area with a variety of recreation options. The former dairy farm includes historic buildings, nature trails and picnic spots over an area that covers three eco-systems.
North Central is home to numerous shops, cafes, and national chain stores and the Sheldon Vexler Theatre. The theater is a community fixture, known for producing innovative, intimate, locally focused performances. Varied dining options dot the area, including established standbys like Green Vegetarian Cuisine or Myron’s Prime Steakhouse. Stellar examples of San Antonio’s Tex-Mex cooking are served at Los Barrios.
Containing the main campus of University of Texas at San Antonio, the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio and the Northwest Campus of the University of the Incarnate Word, Northwest is a draw for students in the San Antonio area.
The Medical Center District is also a part of this suburban community, which is the location of the South Texas Medical Center. A bustling business hub as well, USAA, Valero and NuStar Energy are among the major corporations located here.
It’s not all business and academics in this part of town: Six Flags Fiesta Texas is also located here, offering thrill rides and fun. Shopping is anchored by the national chains and local shops at The Shops at La Cantera.
Your new home at The Crossvine is nestled between hike and bike trails, pocket parks, and family-friendly amenities. Why not start your greatest adventure today?
There’s plenty of history in this community, which is the location of historic Government Hill, built along with Ft. Sam Houston in 1876. Other notable landmarks include the Bullis House Inn, now a bed and breakfast. A neighborhood experiencing exponential growth and renovation, it’s less than 10 minutes from downtown’s core. Renowned BBQ, Mexican, and Chinese restaurants dot the area.
Fort Sam Houston and Brooke Army Medical Center are located here, along with the restored Hays Street Bridge, which offers stellar city views of the city.
Sports fans flock to the East Side to visit the Alamodome, the AT&T Center (home of the San Antonio Spurs), and the Freeman Coliseum. Once home to actress Joan Crawford, this part of San Antontio includes charming Saint Paul Square and the Knob Hill San Antonio Historic District, with its landmark Victorian home the Elizabeth Bowen
Comanche Park and Salado Creek Greenway offer walking, biking, and outdoor recreation. Neighborhood eateries and national chain options are found close to the centrally located Rigsby Avenue.
Historic buildings serve as the backdrop for some of San Antonio’s most cutting edge and creative restaurants and shops in this neighborhood. The former Pearl Brewery is located here, featuring an eclectic farmer’s market, and home to the Culinary Institute of America and Brackenridge Park Golf Course and San Pedro Park offer recreational fun.
Urban in density, this community offers a good mix of single-family homes and apartment complexes, many of which are historic. Popular with the LGBT community, colorfully bright buildings house restaurants, bars and boutique shops.
It’s a popular area for young professionals,
with walking and biking trails along the quieter stretch of the San Antonio River known as the Museum Reach.
Just south of downtown San Antonio, the King William Historic District is just one part of this art-heavy community, packed with galleries, cafes, bars, antique and thrift stores and artist lofts. At the Blue Star Contemporary Art Center, next door to the Blue Star Brewing Company, mixed use residential and business housing is the norm. A showcase of locally made products and art called Second Saturday takes over South Flores Street once and month and an annual art fair, S.M.A.R.T. also supports area artists.
The area is also home to Palo Alto College and Texas A&M University-San Antonio. Shopping venues include South Park Mall, with its major national chain stores, and the McCreless Mall, an open-air shopping center that includes a Cinemark Theaters venue. For outdoor recreation, the Medina River Recreation area beckons with trails and picnic spots.
Eight miles from downtown, Uptown is home to trendy boutiques, major corporate office space and national chain retail outlets. Bustling North Star mall, San Pedro Town Center, and Park North Plaza offer numerous shopping opportunities Well-regarded indie movie chain Alamo Drafthouse also has an outpost here.
The San Antonio International Airport is part of this centrally located community, with both domestic and international flights daily. One of the oldest streets in the city of San Antonio, Fredericksburg Road, a link in the Old Spanish Trail, is a major thoroughfare here. The community includes a number of historic Spanish Colonial-style buildings.
Edged by Olmos Basin Park, this San Antonio community is home to the San Antonio Zoo, the Witte Museum, and the McNay Art Museum. Located 4.5 miles north of downtown, this vibrant community has a quaint, suburban vibe. The San Antonio Country Club and Quarry Golf Club are popular with local golfers and Shopping is plentiful, with the Shops at Lincoln Heights and Quarry Village. Broadway, the heart of the community, has many boutique shops, galleries, bars and cafes. Olmos Creek runs through a corner of the community, offering walking paths and a great opportunity to enjoy the outdoors.
Some of San Antonio’s best-known attractions are located here, including the historic Alamo and the beautiful Riverwalk, which wends past restaurants,
shops, hotels and museums. Whether strolling along the river or riding a riverboat, Riverwalk is one of the most popular tourist destinations in all of Texas. Rivercenter Mall is the main shopping enclave here, with more than a hundred shops and three movie theaters.
The Majestic Empire Theater host national touring music acts, musical theater and dance companies throughout the year. The Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center and the 750-foot-tall scenic viewing tower, Tower of the Americas, are also a part of downtown’s cultural scene. The average home price in San Antonio is $184,200. Even after the high levels of appreciation that have swept through Texas, the current median home price in San Antonio is nearly $30,000 less than the national average of $212,267. San Antonio is a relatively healthy and consistent market. Gaines in the last three years have extended the trend of positive price growth after the recession. In fact, over the course of three years, San Antonio homes have appreciated 20.2%.
San Antonio has shown steady growth in the past year, with an average home value of $286,195, an increase of 6.1% from the previous year. The market is currently fine, with homes going on pending in just 37 days and an average sale to list ratio of .985. However, the market is expected to cool slightly over the next year, with a 0.3% 1 year market forecast.
Investors and buyers can expect to see a decrease in the percentage of sales over list price, which currently ranks at 17.3%, and an increase in sales under list price, which is currently at 60.8%.
Looking at the current market trends and the forecast provided by Zillow’s research, it is likely that the San Antonio housing market will continue to see growth in 2023-2024.
Overall the San Antonio Market is expected to remain strong in 2023-2024, with continued growth in home values and competitive market for buyers and sellers alike. Investors should consider taking advantage of this market and inveting in the area while the market is hot!
an Antonio continues to land amongst the top living destinations for affordability, friendliness, being Military City USA, outdoor experiences, and a rich culture. There are many areas to live based on desired factors, but luckily you will find the right help. A REALTOR® with experience in relocating military families can make the transition more efficient as they will know the process inside out. To find a San Antonio area REALTOR® with a Military Relocation Professional (MRP) certification, visit www.sabor.com and search by specialty. Listed below are the great features of San Antonio that you and your family can look forward to when relocating to the Alamo City.
1. San Antonio is a lively city.
You may have heard of fiestas before, but perhaps have not yet experienced San Antonio’s Fiesta. A yearly celebration, Fiesta is a two-week community event of vibrant parades, flavorful foods, and colorful and fun events. These city-wide events raise funds for local non-profits. Get to wear your true Texan boots and hat out at the San Antonio Stock Show and Rodeo, one of San Antonio’s largest
events that offers a fun array of livestock exhibitions and horse shows. Throughout the city, you will encounter warm and welcoming people who will help you feel right at home. For this reason and those below, San Antonio has become among the top-rated places to live. In March 2020, the median house price was $240,000, making it an affordable city to live in.
2. There are plenty of kidfriendly activities that can help your kids get adjusted.
Remember your kids will want to explore their new city with you. San Antonio is home to a variety of museums that hold fun exhibitions for your children. Explore Texas history, dinosaurs, and contemporary exhibits at the Witte Museum or the Briscoe Western Art Museum, or have fun using tools with interactive activities at the newly constructed Doseum. The San Antonio Museum of Art often displays ancient art, international exhibits, and contemporary works that provide children the opportunity to learn while having fun. A 1920’s mansion, the McNay Art Museum brings unique American and European art ranging from medieval to contemporary times. The McNay also offers 23 acres of beautiful grounds to take a stroll in or picnic, and even holds special public events on specific days.
3. The Alamo City continues being Military City.
San Antonio is famously known as the Alamo City due to the well-known battle fought in 1836. Having already been a militaristic site, San Antonio is also known to be Military City USA now due to its high military presence, whether on active service or as veterans. The Alamo’s distinctive history shapes the Joint Base
city it is today.
The Missions and Spanish influence in the city.
Along with the Alamo, Missions National Historical Park is a popular attraction where one can learn of San Antonio’s Hispanic culture. Four Spanish colonial missions—Concepción, San José, San Juan, and Espada—offer an eight-mile path for cycling or walking. You can canoe or kayak on the river alongside the parts of the Mission Reach. This rich history embedded in San Antonio adds more value to living in the city, especially if you and your family are history buffs. Looking for a Spanish or historically-styled home? Areas around downtown like Southtown or King William as well as neighborhoods like Alamo Heights, Olmos Park or Terrell Hills provide a variety of these styles of homes. A REALTOR® can help you find exactly what you’re looking for while taking into account additional factors.
5. San Antonio is a dog-friendly city.
If your family includes Fido, then you’re coming to the right place. With San Antonio already being a large city, homes are built with large spaces in mind. It’s easy to find a home with a good-size yard for your fourlegged family member to have plenty of room to run. There are also several parks around the city with fenced, “leash off” areas to give your dog a safe space to make other furry friends. Additionally, parks like Eisenhower, Phil Hardberger, Brackenridge, and McAllister offer long paved and natural trails for you to take your dog on a nice walk, run or hike.
6. The South Texas heat can break a sweat.
Texas is known to have a wide range of weather patterns, especially when living in the southern most parts of Texas. San Antonio, along with surrounding southern cities, experiences the summer heat much longer than most northern or western parts of Texas. The summer heat starts in May and can last up until October with triple digit heat waves peaking in July. If you’re relocating from cooler states, it’ll be vital to adjust to the Texas heat by staying hydrated and avoiding outdoor activities during the hottest times of the day.
It is also important to note that during the summer months, electric bills may go up. However, San Antonio is full of old oak trees that can create much shade over homes and help keep the electric bill down. For this, a San Antonio area REALTOR® can help you narrow down your search on a home with surrounding oak trees.
For more information on buying, selling, or leasing your home visit SABOR.com and use a San Antonio area REALTOR®. And if you actively serve, have served or support a veteran, we thank you for your service.
So you’re a buyer in San Antonio...congratulations! As one of the fastest-growing real estate markets in the country, San Antonio is an amazing place to own a home. Whether you’re new to the city or simply switching neighborhoods, there are a few things you need to know about San Antonio’s unique buying culture. Don’t start the process without these key insights!
If you’re a buyer in any market, it’s important to know the average and median home prices so you can know where you stand in relation to other buyers. Since every city is different, maybe you can afford luxury in San Antonio when you couldn’t before. On the other hand, you might be forced to downsize a bit to accommodate big-city prices. In May of 2015, the median price for a San Antonio home increased above $200k for the first time, resting at $202,500. The average price last month was recorded at $246,772. About 49% of home sales were under $200k, approximately 45% were between $200k-$500k,
Texas is one of the 19 states in the US that requires the use of a title company in a real estate transaction. Many states require or allow an attorney to oversee the transfer of a property title; however, if you’re buying a home in San Antonio, you’ll definitely need to know the role of a title company. Title companies ensure that the home you’re buying is clear of anything illegitimate or unpaid. This process is important as it will catch any remaining mortgages, etc. The title company will be with you every step of the buying process up through closing paperwork.
In real estate, the market is usually classified as either a buyer’s or seller ’s market. These two terms simply indicate who has the advantage in the current market. For example, in a buyer’s market, there is more supply than demand...and vice versa in a seller’s market. In March of 2014, Forbes named San Antonio the #3 top seller’s market in the US…and it has only grown stronger in the past year! As more and more people join the housing market, interest rates go down for buyers and prices become more favorable for sellers. For the buyer, this means that competition is greater for each house. This is a good thing because it means that the city’s real estate market is thriving, and people want to live in San Antonio!
The most important part of real estate is location! So, where is the market trending? Where is everyone buying? Currently, northern San Antonio is booming with new, up-and-coming neighborhoods, along with some established, thriving areas. The Northwest side in particular is expanding at an exciting rate. Below are some of the bestselling communities in the city.
1. Alamo Ranch | Northwest | $150k-$575k
2. Canyon Springs | North Hwy 281 | $129k-$800k
3. Fair Oaks Ranch | North I-10 |
4. Northwest Crossing | Northwest |
5. Sonoma Ranch | Northwest | $244k-$659k
When buying a home, it’s important that you find a knowledgeable, reputable REALTOR® specific to your needs and personality. You’ll want to ensure that your agent is certified in all the necessary areas. For example, if you’re working with luxury real estate, you might want to check and see if your REALTOR® has experience with upper-tier home sales. Your agent should know the San Antonio area very well so that he or she can help you find the right neighborhood for you. Since San Antonio is quite spread out, there is a lot of ground to cover. If you choose a REALTOR® who isn’t familiar with the city, there’s a real chance you could miss out on the best home for you and your family. Locally sourced realtors will also have connections with local lenders, builders, or others who might need to be involved in your home buying process.
Because the demand for housing in San Antonio is so great right now, the San Antonio Board of Realtors reported that homes sold in May 2015 only stayed on the market an average of 59 days! Homes are selling quickly right now. This means that, if you’re buying a home in the San Antonio real estate market, you might want to act fast. Know what you want and be ready to start the buying process if you feel the time is right. That being said, remember to stay calm and not rush into such an important decision...one of the reasons it’s important to have an experienced REALTOR® on your side who is knowledgeable about the San Antonio area!
Seeing as it’s a seller’s market, interest rates in San Antonio are currently on the low side of the spectrum. According to the San Antonio Economic Development Foundation, these low interest rates have continued to drive forward San Antonio’s real estate market! Each dollar you spend as a buyer goes further than ever before. This only further confirms that your decision to buy a home in San Antonio is a good one.
What makes a city a top shopping destination? According to Forbes.com, it’s “options, ease and affordability,” and that esteemed publication places San Antonio in the top ten of America’s 25 Best Cities for Shopping. You’ll have lots of fun whether you’re a bargain hunter, designer diva or window shopper.
Alamo Quarry Market was constructed on the 1908 historic site of the Alamo Cement Company and carries the architectural flavor as many of the old structures are integrated into the center’s design. Follow the smokestacks to San Antonio’s premiere open-air lifestyle center featuring Regal 16Plex Cinemas, more than 75 distinguished stores and a fabulous collection of fine and casual dining. Alamo Quarry Market is located within minutes from the airport or downtown, just off Hwy 281. For additional information visit www. QuarryMarket.com.
For a truly unique experience, the New York Times recommends La Villita, a charming “little village” of art galleries, shops and boutiques, steps away from the River Walk and downtown hotels. Hand-crafted items available here, many made by local artisans, include copperware, jewelry, pottery, paintings, and textiles. Browse among the fascinating collection of eclectic objets d’art in La Villita’s antique store.
Have a leisurely lunch and cold drink in one of the cafés, and in the evening, enjoy steaks, seafood or other continental fare at one of the two elegant restaurants in historic buildings overlooking the River Walk. The rich culture of San Antonio abounds throughout the plazas of Market Square. A three-block outdoor plaza lined with
restaurants, shops and produce stands near San Antonio’s city center, Market Square is the largest Mexican market in the U.S. It is one of America’s top -ten outdoor markets according to Frommer’s. Dozens of shops sell everything from hand-embroidered dresses to leather belts. Market Square’s working artists, musicians, dancers and major cultural events give it a rich and lively cultural atmosphere. Visitors browse through 32 shops at “El Mercado,” and 80 specialty shops in the Farmers Market Plaza. Market Square is also the scene of many Hispanic festivals where food and beverage booths spring up alongside Guadalajara lamps while the sounds of mariachi music blends with the excitement of San Antonio locals and tourists.
7400 San Pedro, San Antonio, TX 78216
San Antonio’s internationally acclaimed shopping destination boasts over 200 specialty stores and restaurants, including
Saks Fifth Avenue, Apple, Armani Exchange, Michael Kors, GUESS by Marciano and Montblanc and The Cheesecake Factory. Home to the largest cowboy boots in the world. Courtesy shuttle service to North Star is available from most Airport Area Hotels.
849 E. Commerce St. Ste. 895, San Antonio, TX 78205
Resembling a monolithic glass house teeming with life, Rivercenter Mall blends many of the conveniences of indoor shopping with a genuine outdoor feel. In the heart of the city on the River Walk, the mall is home to an array of shops, restaurants and entertainment venuesincluding: Macy’s, Morton’s Steakhouse, a movie theater, an IMAX theater and the Rivercenter Comedy Club
When the summer sun burns bright, continue your River Walk experience indoors at the remodeled and expanded
Rivercenter Mall. Scheduled for completion in fall 2015, the mall will host over a hundred shops, restaurants, and recreational activities. New offerings will include Dave & Buster’s, H&M, It’s Sugar candy shop, Jimmy Buffet’s Margaritaville and Yard House modern public house, boasting more than 100 beers on tap and globally-inspired cuisine.
3939 IH-35 South #900, San Marcos, TX 78666
Conveniently located off Interstate 35 between San Antonio and Austin, San Marcos Premium Outlets® features 140 stores including Saks Fifth Avenue Off 5TH, Last Call by Neiman Marcus, Prada, Gucci, Fendi, Victoria’s Secret, Tory Burch, Diane Von Furstenberg, Nike Factory Store, Polo Ralph Lauren, Coach and more all at a savings of 25% to 65% every day. An open-air shopping environment brings new vitallity and sophistication to shopping. Neiman Marcus, Nordstrom,
www.samilitaryrelocationguide.com www.jbsaondemand.com
Anthropologie, Brio Tuscan Grille, BOSS Hugo Boss, Burberry, Kona Grill, Lacoste, Perry’s Steakhouse & Grille, Sur La Table, Yard House and Whiskey Cake.
Downtown San Antonio
All of the restaurants on the River Walk offer a unique experience that you won’t find anywhere else in the world. Take a break and soak in the beautiful views while you dine along the world famous River Walk. Keep in mind that almost all the restaurants on the River Walk offer Texas sized portions to make sure you and your guests get the most bang for your buck. From fine dining, to BBQ, to Tex-Mex, all of the restaurants on the River Walk offer an abundance of choices to suit your taste and budget.
17503 La Cantera Parkway, San Antonio, TX 78257
The Rim is a 1,812,492-square-foot, outdoor retail center that is situated at the corner of the Interstate 10 and Highway 1604 in Northwest San Antonio, one of the fastest growing areas in the city.
9333 Southwest Loop 410 at Old Pearsal Rd, San Antonio, TX 78242
One of America’s largest weekend flea markets and entertainment complexes. And it just got even bigger with a major expansion that includes six new amusement rides, four food outlets and 300 vendor spaces at the sprawling shopping and family entertainment complex. Each year over a million guests shop for treasures from more than 1,000 vendors. More than 100-acres to browse, shop, trade and play. Shoppers from around the world come for the bargain hunting and discover everything from hand-made crafts to oneof-a-kind treasures.
There are festivals and special events all year long with an American Indian Pow Wow, Cajun Festival, Live Concerts Every Weekend, Cinco de Mayo and much more. When it comes to food there are various specialty restaurants serving freshly made corn dogs and tacos, Texassize burgers, roasted corn-on-the-cob, just out of the oven pizza, turkey legs and cool sweet treats, all in a state fair atmosphere. Traders Village is fun for the whole family with theme park rides too.
Traders Village San Antonio is a swap meet, treasure hunt, shopping complex, county fair, and festival attraction all rolled into one. There are high-flying midway rides, like the towering, all-new Star Dancer where riders soar 80 feet into the air as well as an Allan Herschelldesigned antique carousel and much more.
http://atpearl.com | 303 Pearl Pkwy #300, San Antonio, TX 78215
Pearl is a neighborhood and like all great neighborhoods it has a rich history that is added to and upheld by the many people who have ties to the place - the buildings, the river, the brewery since it was founded in 1881. Pearl is also a place where we like to get together – to share meals, to learn, to work, to live. With 324 apartments, fifteen restaurants and cafes, thirteen retailers and eighteen resident businesses as well as a twice weekly Farmers Market, this neighborhood is always full of life and activity.
We invite friends, neighbors and visitors to join us in our plaza, in our park spaces and at our year round series of music, food and cultural events and enjoy our position on the beautiful Northern reach of the San Antonio River steps from the San Antonio Museum of Art, The Do Seum and Brackenridge Park.
The original idea behind the development of Pearl was to create a true neighborhood that is a culinary and cultural gathering place. In the last two years we have opened seven new restaurants, eight new retail locations and have completed 300-plus residential units at the Can Plant Apartments, which are now 100 percent occupied. Because Pearl is a living, breathing neighborhood, it offers both locals and visitors truly distinct San Antonio culture—from our twice weekly farmers market to our 15 chef-driven restaurants and our vibrant, all-local retail community, there is nothing else like it.
Located along the Museum Reach, Pearl is a great jumping-off point for seeing the public art along River Walk, jogging or exploring the many museums and parks along the river.
7101 Broadway Street
San Antonio, TX 78209
Phone: (210) 824-2483
The Alamo Heights Independent School District (AHISD) understands that nothing causes more stress and turmoil for a family than moving to a new base/post, city, and school. Because of this understanding, they want to make sure you know about the option of living and or going to school in Alamo Heights.
If you choose to live within the AHISD school district you will be able to enroll your child in one of the premier school districts in the United States; if you choose not to rent or purchase in Alamo Heights, you may want to consider
applying for tuition. AHISD does allow a limited number of tuition students each year. Their unique location allows for easy access to and from Fort Sam Houston, Randolph AFB, and other neighborhoods throughout San Antonio.
The staff and facilities combine the sophistication of the 21st Century with the intimacy of a small town. The teachers and administrators are focused, highly motivated, and recognized for academic and extra-curricular excellence.
Alamo Heights Independent School District covers 9.4 square miles and serves students from the communities of Alamo Heights, Terrell Hills, Olmos Park, and a portion of north San Antonio.
The Alamo Heights Independent School District, the heart of our community whose passion is excellence, will educate and empower every student to excel academically and as a confident, compassionate citizen with
impeccable character and a global perspective through engaging, personally challenging, and relevant experiences that inspire learning for life.
5358 West Commerce Street
San Antonio, TX 78237
Phone: (210) 444-4500
Edgewood ISD takes great pride in providing education to area youth. Staff members of the district are held to the highest standards and excel at teaching.
To prepare and educate students to maximize their potential in becoming productive members of society.
1902 Winans Road
San Antonio, TX 78234
Phone: (210) 368-8700
Fort Sam Houston ISD educates the children of active military personnel. The district is coterminous with Fort Sam Houston, meaning it has the same boundaries as the installation. We are diligent in our efforts to maintain a strong partnership with the Installation for the sake of our military-connected children.
To develop the hearts and minds of all students, empowering them to become successful, active contributors in a changing global community.
8012 Shin Oak Drive
Live Oak, TX 78233
Phone: (210) 945-5100
The JISD encompasses 55.87 square miles and currently serves the incorporated cities of Converse, Kirby, and Selma as well as portions of Live Oak, Universal City, San Antonio, and Schertz. The Judson Independent School District is the fourth largest school district in Bexar County. The district is fully accredited by the Texas Education Agency.
All Judson ISD students will receive a quality education enabling them to become successful in a global society.
2460 Kenly Avenue
Lackland AFB, TX 78236
Phone: (210) 357-5000
Lackland ISD has some of the best teachers and support staff in the state who are willing to go above and beyond the call of duty to ensure that their students are successful. Lackland ISD has a proud tradition of academic excellence but this great tradition cannot continue without your help and support. The dedicated administrators, teachers, and staff look forward to serving our students and ensuring they have a successful school year.
To provide world-class instructional programs that promote lifetime success for the military child.
5900 Evers Road
San Antonio, TX 78238
Phone: (210) 397-8500
Northside often is called San Antonio’s “destination district” because the majority of people building new houses in the area chose to make NISD home.
The Northside Independent School District is committed to the belief that children come first. The mission of the district is to encourage each student to strive for personal excellence .
8961 Tesoro Drive
San Antonio, TX 78217
Phone: (210) 407-0541
With a rich history of 70+ years, North East ISD has become a top school district in San Antonio by establishing quality schools, developing various magnet programs, hiring skilled and compassionate educators, and providing updated technology to our students. North East ISD educates close to 58,000 students across 70 campuses and is the second-largest school district in San Antonio. Sixty five of these campuses have a Purple Star Designation from the Texas Education Agency.
North East ISD’s mission is to challenge and encourage each student to achieve and demonstrate academic excellence, technical skills and responsible citizenship.
P.O. Box 2217
Universal City, TX 78148
Phone: (210) 357-2300
Randolph Field School District is committed to providing an environment where learning is fun. The experienced staff takes great pride in offering the best possible education to the student body.
The purpose of education at Randolph Field ISD is to prepare individuals to be continual learners who are successful, productive, responsible citizens. To achiev
141 Lavaca Street
San Antonio, TX 78210
Phone: (210) 554-2200
For more than 100 years, San Antonio Independent School District (SAISD) has been educating some of San Antonio’s most notable citizens, those whose contributions have made the world a better place. Today, SAISD serves more than 54,000 students and is the third largest public school system in the Bexar County area.
To transform SAISD into a national model urban school district where every child graduates and is educated so that he or she is prepared to be a contributing member of the community.
19644 Somerset Road
Somerset, TX 78069
Phone: (866) 852-9858
The school seeks to contribute to the mental, emotional, physical and social growth of the student.
To provide quality educational experiences for all students to reach their full potential.
1460 Martinez Losaya Road
San Antonio, TX 78221
Phone: (210) 882-1600
The school is committed to giving students top notch education by using experienced staff in conjunction with technology.
Southside Independent School District provides engaging, dynamic and relevant experiences that develop and empower all students to become exceptional and productive members of society.
River City Believers Academy
16765 Lookout Road Selma, TX 78154
Phone: 210.656.2999
River City Believers Academy exists to glorify Jesus Christ by partnering with parents to prepare students for real life.
11914 Dragon Lane
San Antonio, TX 78252
Phone: (210) 622-4731
With more than 11,000 students enrolled and more than 1,500 employees, this district is on the fast track to be a leader in educational innovation. Located in Bexar County, this school district has a budget of over $111 million and they are dedicated to providing their student body with the highest quality level of education possible.
The mission of Southwest Independent School District is to deliver exemplary educational experiences that prepare and inspire all students for life-long success in a competitive global society. This will be accomplished through a systematic process supportive of a safe environment, state of the art facilities, effective programs and caring, quality personnel.
5622 Ray Ellison Drive
San Antonio, TX 78242
Phone: (210) 977-7040
The South San Antonio Independent School District encompasses 21 square miles in the south and southwest portion of San Antonio. Portions of the school district adjoin Lackland Air Force base and Kelly USA. Total student enrollment in South San Antonio Independent School District is about 10,000 students. Ten elementary schools serve approximately 5,600 students in pre-kindergarten through fifth grade. More than 2,100 students are enrolled in four middle schools. The district’s high school has an enrollment of over 2,100. Students are also enrolled in the Career Education Center and Alternative Center.
Working together for a brighter future for every child.
UIW offers degrees and student support tailored for active-duty military, veterans and their families with the motivation to succeed.
•100% online or in-person, eight-week terms
•In-person16-week terms available
•Special rates for veterans, DoD and active-duty dependents
•Textbooks included for undergraduate and graduate active-duty students
•Military and Veteran Center: in-person or online help
•UIW is recognized #1 Best for Vets Colleges by Military Times 2023.
Your Journey. Our Mission.
At the University of the Incarnate Word, it is our mission to help you on your journey to advancing your career with a college degree. The School of Professional Studies (SPS) offers flexible degree options for the working professional, with classes available online or in person. Earn your degree through accelerated eight-week courses with six terms offered each year. Explore our undergraduate, graduate and doctoral programs in growing fields such as business administration and health sciences and
choose a degree plan that best fits your educational goals.
Faculty members at UIW are scholar-practitioners with real-world experience to provide high-quality support to students. With a 12:1 student-to-faculty ratio, students experience small class sizes and have the opportunity to connect with their professors in and out of the classroom. UIW faculty value the benefits of helping students network with industry professionals to propel students into the workforce while making meaningful connections.
Benefits of pursuing a degree from the School of Professional Studies include tuition discounts, no academic fees, and free textbooks for undergraduate students and all active-duty military. Veterans and active-duty dependents also receive special tuition rates with SPS. Offered 100% online, students pursuing a degree from SPS can study anywhere and complete a degree while still benefiting from student support resources like free online tutoring.
UIW is a proud Hispanic-Serving Institution and Yellow Ribbon School with
24% of our population having military affiliation. UIW counts more than 40,000 alumni all over the world. We invite you to become part of the Cardinal community and start your journey at UIW. Offices such as the Military and Veteran Center are available to help students through their entire college experience, and UIW is committed to providing the best resources for our community. Many faculty members have military experience and understand the needs of active duty and veterans. At UIW and in San Antonio, Military City, USA, we know the meaning of honoring our service members through action as well as recognition. UIW consistently falls among the topranked colleges for military student support, and we hope to continue offering this high level of support.
UIW instills its core values of education, truth, faith, service and innovation in everyone who forms its community. At UIW, we invest in you as a student and as a person. It is our Mission to educate our students to become concerned and enlightened citizens within a global community. In addition, our personal approach to education and hands-on learning experience prepares students for success in their careers. Take the first step towards your future at UIW! Start your journey today.
111 Dallas St., 210-297-7000
RECOGNITIONS: Medicare Value-Based Care Center (cardiac and orthopedics); U.S. News and World Report Best Hospital 2013-14 metro area high-performing specialty ratings in diabetes and endocrinology, nephrology, and pulmonology; accredited Chest Pain Center (Society of Chest Pain Centers); Get With The Guidelines Target Stroke Honor Roll, Stroke Gold Plus Award (American Heart Association); Ethics in Business Award (Ecumenical Council of SA); Primary Stroke Center (The Joint Commission); certified by the Centers for Medicare / Medicaid Services; CARF; Center of Excellence for Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm. SERVICES: Cancer care, cardiac care, emergency care, medical imaging, men’s health, mother and baby care, neurosciences, orthopedics and rehabilitation, pediatric care, stroke care, surgery, vascular, surgical weight loss, intensive care unit, neonatal intensive care unit, women’s health, wound healing. SPECIALIZED SERVICES: Acute Rehabilitation Unit, Audiology, accredited Chest Pain Center, San Antonio AirLIFE medical transport, infectious disease, mental health, nephrology, occupational health, pain management, therapeutic nuclear medicine, Vascular Institute of San Antonio,
The Wound Healing Center, Level IIIA NICU.
7930 Floyd Curl Drive, 210-297-5000
RECOGNITIONS: Medicare Value-Based Care Center (cardiac and orthopedics); U.S. News and World Report Best Hospital 2013-14 metro area highperforming specialty ratings in diabetes and endocrinology, nephrology, and pulmonology; accredited Chest Pain Center (Society of Chest Pain Centers); Get With The Guidelines Target Stroke Honor Roll, Stroke Gold Plus Award (American Heart Association); Ethics in Business Award (Ecumenical Council of SA); Joint Replacement and Primary Stroke Center (The Joint Commission); Joint Commission Center of Excellence for Total joint, hip and knee; certified by the Centers for Medicare /Medicaid Services; CARF. SERVICES: Cardiac catheterization, cardiology, diagnostic imaging, diagnostic tests, dialysis, emergency medicine, endocrinology, endoscopy, family practice, gastroenterology, general practice, intensive care, intensive care–neonatal, internal medicine, neurology, nuclear medicine, obstetrics/gynecology, otolaryngology, pulmonary medicine, rehabilitation and
physical medicine, respiratory care, short stay-recovery-infirmary, neurosurgery, cardiac, general, oral maxillofacial, orthopedic, plastic, and podiatric surgery services, urology, vascular medicine.
SPECIALIZED SERVICES: Accredited Chest Pain Center, Acute Rehabilitation Unit, robotically assisted surgery, San Antonio AirLIFE medical transport, hub of Brain and Stroke Network, including advanced neurosurgical surgery in the Neuro Interventional Suite; The Wound Healing Center; Level IIIB NICU.
8811 Village Drive, 210-297-2000
RECOGNITIONS: Medicare ValueBased Care Center (cardiac and orthopedics); U.S. News and World Report Best Hospital 2013-14 metro area high-performing specialty ratings in diabetes and endocrinology, nephrology, and pulmonology; accredited Chest Pain Center (Society of Chest Pain Centers); Get With The Guidelines Target Stroke Honor Roll, Stroke Gold Plus Award (American Heart Association); Ethics in Business Award (Ecumenical Council of SA); Joint Replacement and Primary Stroke Center (The Joint Commission); Joint Commission Center of Excellence for Total joint, hip and knee; certified
by the Centers for Medicare /Medicaid Services; Center of Excellence for Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm.
SERVICES: Bariatric surgery, canceroncology, cardiac catheterization, cardiology, diagnostic imaging, diagnostic tests, dialysis, emergency medicine, endocrinology, endoscopy, family practice, gastroenterology, general practice, hospital, infectious diseases, infusion therapy, intensive care, intensive care–neonatal, internal medicine, nephrology, nuclear medicine, obstetrics/gynecology, otolaryngology, pain management, pulmonary medicine, rehabilitation and physical medicine, vascular medicine, respiratory care, rheumatology, short stay-recovery-infirmary, cardiac, urology, neurosurgery and general, orthopedic, plastic and podiatric surgery services.
SPECIALIZED SERVICES: Brain and Stroke Network, Center of Excellence for Weight Loss, accredited Chest Pain Center, bariatric surgery, infectious disease, infusion therapy, lithotripsy, nephrology,
pain management, rheumatology, San Antonio AirLIFE medical transport, The Wound Healing Center, Hernia Center, Vascular Institute of San Antonio, ACE designated in Cardiology, ACE designated in Cardiology and Orthopedics, robotically assisted surgery, Level IIIA NICU, Baptist Heart and Rhythm Center.
333 N. Santa Rosa St., 210-704-2011
SERVICES/SPECIALIZED SERVICES: Center for Miracles, Center for Reconstructive Pediatrics, Childhood Cancer Survivorship Program, Children’s Cancer and Blood Disorders Center, children’s emergency room services, Children’s Heart Program, Child Life Services Children’s Kidney Center, children’s outpatient surgery (COPS), Children’s Sleep Center, David Christopher Goldsbury Center for Children and Families, Neonatal Intensive Care Unit and
Special Care Nursery, Pediatric Medical and Surgical Intensive Care Unit, Pediatric Mobile Unit, Ramiro Estrada Respite Station, Ronald McDonald House, The Asthma Program, Spinal and Thoracic Treatment and Research Center, transport services.
7700 Floyd Curl Drive, 210-575-4000
RECOGNITIONS: Consumer Choice Award; Accredited Chest Pain Center (2008), accredited by the Diversity Healthcare Institute of Mexico, Texas Ten Step Designation stroke center of excellence.
SERVICES: Cardiology, including heart transplants, neurosurgery, orthopedics, maternity care, gynecology, oncology, renal dialysis, stereotatic breast biopsy services, stroke, emergency services, inpatient rehabilitation, weight-loss surgery.
Hello from Live Oak, Texas. We’re a tightknit community of shopkeepers, restauranteurs, fashionistas, friendly residents, and health enthusiasts who want to welcome you to our neighborhood. Located at the interchange of Interstate 35 and Loop 1604 in Northeast San Antonio. Live Oak is conveniently located 7.2 miles from San Antonio International Airport and 20 minutes from downtown San Antonio Riverwalk and Six Flags Fiesta Texas. Here, life moves at the pace you set. Take a moment to linger over a cup of coffee, take a stroll in the park, or do a little fishing lakeside in the Main City Park.
Our community evolved from a rich farming and ranching tradition to peaceful residential neighborhoods. “Our town” has grown to over 18,000 residents which includes a bustling retail and business district. Live Oak is home to Randolph Brooks Federal Credit Union’s cor-
porate headquarters, Northeast Lakeview College and Wayland Baptist University campuses, and a state-of-the-art medical industry while maintaining its original hometown feel.
Methodist Hospital Northeast offers a full array of services for the entire Northeast region including emergency and specialty care services. The facility offers 207 beds, five operating suites, and three cardiac
Cath labs, and it is home to the Joint Replacement Academy, offering the latest treatment options for knee and hip pain. The hospital is an accredited chest pain
center and has received Joint Commission certification as a stroke center. It also prides itself with community outreach efforts throughout the year to help children in need of medical care.
Within its 5.5 square miles, Live Oak offers a variety of residential options. Top-quality, multi-family, townhomes, and single-family housing continue to provide an ample supply of quality housing to accommodate any income level. Live Oak is known for its top level police and fire public safety protection to the community and offers mutual-aid to surrounding cities within the region.
A number of hotels with impressive amenities are situated within walking distance of an energetic business district, and you’ll be steps away from shopping, dining, and entertainment. Six hotel/motel establishments provide accommodations for travelers and extended families, including Hampton Inn & Suites, La Quinta, Stay APT Suites, WoodSprings Suites, and Live Oak Hilton Garden Inn & Conference Center. You’ll experience unparal-
leled standards of comfort and hospitality at any of Live Oak’s hotels.
Two separate independent school districts, Judson ISD and Northeast ISD serve the families of Live Oak. Both Districts are the most diverse school districts in the San Antonio area. The Alamo Community College District is expanding higher college educational opportunities for local residents through the expansion of the Northeast Lakeview campus. It offers a variety of credited and non-credited courses. Judson Early College Academy is located near the Northeast Lakeview campus allowing select high school students to graduate with both a high school diploma and an Associate’s Degree. Offering more than 20 degree programs, Wayland Baptist University is one of the leading Christian colleges in Texas with a new campus centrally located in Live Oak. Each of our higher learning institutions offer classes in the evening, weekends, and online to better accommodate student’s goals while managing busy work schedules.
8001 Shin Oak Dr. • Live Oak, TX 78233
Incorporated in 1960, City founders considered the Interstate 35 and Loop 1604 interchange a perfect location amid gentlyrolling hills.
Live Oak has evolved from a rich farming and ranching tradition to developments of peaceful residential neighborhoods, multiple shopping centers, a major hospital and medical complexes, college campuses, and financial resources.
With just under 150 acres of parks and open space, Live Oak offers several recreational opportunities for family members of any age. Created in 1971, the Main City Park contains a 20-acre lake which is the focus of an annual fishing event for children. Walking trails, football field, basketball court, skate spot, three baseball fields, multiple playscapes, a nationally known disc golf course, pavilions, swimming pool, and a clubhouse are just a few of the amenities offered. In addition, the Woodcrest Park is approximately 32 acres and offers a large playscape with an artificial turf surface and concrete walk/run trails in a natural woods setting. The walking and jogging trails are thoughtfully looped to get you back to the starting area with several trails, park benches, and picnic tables so you can stop, rest, and enjoy nature.
Live Oak’s Lakeside Park is an ideal location for picnics, walks, or a day of fishing which is stocked twice a year with a variety of fish. Its gazebo is the perfect location for getting those oneof-a-kind photos with the picturesque lake as a backdrop. In the cooler months, fishermen can expect to find sizable trout; in the summer months, they can find a plenty of catfish and bass.
Relax, sit back, and enjoy the natural sights of our waterfowl including swans, ducks, and Egyptian geese. For water enthusiasts, paddle boards, kayaks, canoes, and other non-motorized boats are allowed during daylight hours.
Live Oak has a municipal swimming pool that is perfect for the hot summer months in Texas! Spend a day soaking up the sun and cooling off in the six-lane pool. For the little ones, we offer a baby wading pool that is 2 feet in depth. The pool features durable shade canopies, one which covers the entire baby pool area and in and around the surrounding pool deck. Lawn chairs and tables are spaced throughout the pool grounds for guests to enjoy. Being fully handicap-accessible, including a wheelchair water lift for disabled patrons, makes the Live Oak pool a prime destination. In fact, the pool and clubhouse are a favorite gathering place for birthday parties and family reunions.
Need a little competition during your stay? Try out Live Oak’s renowned two 18-hole disc golf courses shaded with beautiful Live Oak trees. Both courses run throughout the entire park system. This championship course is home to some of the best disc golfers in the State of Texas. The course begins in the Main City Park near the sports fields and winds throughout the entire park.
The City opened The Oaks Plaza skatepark in 2016. This is the “spot” you will find skaters of all ages. The skate park is located near the shade of the Live Oak tree canopies between the baseball fields. It consists of a bi-level, plaza-style skate path with features installed along the way. The upper level includes a manual pad and turn-around wall. The lower section
has a flat rail, ledge, and quarter pipe. The skate park has a stair set, down rail, and bank. The long plaza skate path, together with all the features and positioned skate amenities, allows skaters, bikers, and parkour athletes to perform and practice multiple tricks over the course of several hundred feet. Natural seating areas and installed rocks provide enjoyable resting spots within the skate park area.
The park system is soon expanding with Montonyo Park near the newly constructed Vista Ridge Subdivision. A walking trail will connect the residents of Vista Ridge to Avery Road and a future connection to Woodcrest Nature Park.
Live Oak is known as a retail market destination with one of the largest open air shopping centers in Texas. The Forum is known throughout the area for its diverse shopping and fantastic restaurants. It offers a variety of over 120 stores and restaurants to meet your shopping needs.
The Live Oak Town Center offers 870,000 square feet of retail, restaurant, and entertainment. It is also the home of IKEA, serving the south region of Texas. Other Live Oak shopping destinations include Gateway Plaza, a 138,510 square foot shopping center located at the Northwest corner of IH-35 and Loop 1604, which offers eateries, shops, and entertainment with easy access to the Live Oak Town Center.
The Village at Forum Parkway has restaurants and retail choices to compliment the other shopping centers, and Live Oak Crossing is anchored by the Live Oak Regal theaters which compliments the newly revitalized Pat Booker Business District.
Start your day and finish your night with one of Live Oak’s quality and creative eateries! Whether you are looking for an area original, pasta or pizza, hamburger or steak, sweet treat or international flavors, Live Oak has what you’re craving for with over 80 restaurants and bars to choose from. With options from family friendly dining to a special night out, you will enjoy what “Our Town” has to offer in the heart of Live Oak.
In the beginning Barbee and Murray Winn had a vision. In the middle of their vacant fields, where crops had been harvested, they viewed a city, not yet developed, where people could live and raise their families; where friendships could grow; where patriotism and civic pride would thrive; where peace and tranquility could be experienced; a city of quality, large enough to be self-sufficient, yet small enough for its residents to shape their destiny. They saw a place where residents could be involved and a place to proudly call home. Through many years of development and nurturing, the efforts of these visionaries have created the unique City you see today.
-An Excerpt from: History of Windcrest:1959 to 2009 By Joseph Regan and Danette Foxx
In honor of the late Council Member Charlotte LaBasso, Mayor Rick Bruns proclaimed the day of February 22, 2010 as Charlotte Labasso Day.
Charlotte Labasso was very special member of the Windcrest community. From serving on City Council (2002 to 2008), to being an active member of Windcrest United Methodist Church and a member of several Windcrest civic organizations, Charlotte represented so much that makes our Windcrest community great.
At the February 22, 2010 City Council meeting her husband, Frank LaBasso, was presented with the proclamation and the knowledge that a grove of trees would be planted in the City in honor of his late wife. The grove of trees and bench will allow her friends and family to sit and remember her fondly in serenity of Takas Park.
The Windcrest Civic Center is located at 9310 Jim Seal Drive, Windcrest, Texas.
It is 6675 Square feet with two meeting areas. The meeting areas can accommodate:
• 196 maximum occupancy,
• The center is equipped with a state of the art sound system and a two (2) video screen to aid in video presentations or DVD/Blu-ray movies.
• An additional fee is required for use of the sound system which includes:
• DVD/Blu-ray player,
• Two hard mounted projectors,
• Two projection screens,
• A CD player,
• Three wireless microphones,
• A full kitchen is available, as well as an attached 1,400 square foot covered patio.
• Tables and chairs are provided with the rental of the center. (60 inch round tables and/or 6 foot rectangle tables)
• We also have Table Cloths and Chair Covers available for rental
For Civic Center reservations and rates please contact Liz Dick 210-383-4301.
The City maintains a recreational vehicle storage area located on Jim Seal Drive, across the street from Takas Park and the Civic Center. The vehicle storage area offers parking spaces in several sizes; with or without electricity, for off-street parking of RV’s, boats and trailers. Every stored vehicle must be currently insured, have valid up-to-date registration, and must be operable.
The fees vary depending on the size and whether electricity is available. Electricity is available for charging batteries only. A $50 deposit is also required for an entry key that lets you access the area at any time.
Description Annual Rate (tax additional)
Small space
8 feet by 15 feet
Medium space
10 feet by 20 feet $360
Large space
12 feet by 33 feet
Large space - with electricity 12 feet by 33 feet
Extra Large space - with electricity 12 feet by 40 feet $744
The Vehicle Storage Area is for Windcrest Residents ONLY. Each lessee is required to fill out a new lease agreement and submit current insurance, registration and proof of residence (per space), annually in July.
There is currently a waiting list for any size space. To put your name on the waiting list, please fill out and submit a waiting list at the end of the page. You can also print out and turn in a waiting list form (PDF) in person at the Windcrest City Hall
Additional Information
You may email the Finance Department if you have any questions about the vehicle storage area.
Golf Club
The City of Windcrest was one of the first communities in the United States built around a central golf course. Windcrest has a 68 nine-hole golf course with 3 par 3’s, 5 par 4’s and 1 par 5; complete with a clubhouse, which is located in the heart of the city. The course rating is men’s 63.1 and ladies 64.4. The Windcrest Golf Club is open to the public. Call 210-655-1421 for more information.
Takas Park
Park Hours
All parks and open spaces located within the City of Windcrest are open between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. per the Code of Ordinances Sec. 26-53.
The City of Windcrest’s Takas Park was acquired and developed under the administration of Mayor E. James Seal (1971 to 1974). Takas Park is built on land, which originally was in the City of San Antonio, Texas, and through a de-annexation process the land was obtained by the City of Windcrest for a community park serving Windcrest and its surrounding areas. In addition to its use as a community park, a portion of the park was dedicated for Little League baseball fields.
Park Dedication
On April 10, 1995, Takas Park was officially dedicated to Steve and Louise “Lou” Takas for their years of service to the City of Windcrest.
Steve Takas
Steve Takas, Sr. served as the Windcrest Volunteer Fire Department’s Fire Chief, City of Windcrest’s Building Official, Code Enforcement Officer, and Fire Marshall.
Louise ”Lou” Takas
Louise “Lou” Takas was involved in many aspects of City government. She was a member of the Windcrest Volunteer Fire Department and was responsible for the Annual Firemen’s Picnic. Lou is most noted for the Christmas Angel Project which provided needy area
families with Christmas food and gift items. Lou was the driving force behind the Angel Project until her passing; the program continues today with Windcrest Elementary School and continues to provide many needy families with a joyous Christmas. Steve Takas Jr., son of Steve Sr. and Lou, has served as the City of Windcrest’s Municipal Court Judge since 1980.
Sports Facilities
Takas Park features basketball and tennis courts, walking and jogging trails along the tree lined banks of Rosales Creek, a playground for children of various ages with shade Shelters, Little League baseball fields, a soccer field, and a Civic Center for private function rental.
A new addition to the City of Windcrest’s amenities is the Takas Park Pond. Located adjacent to the Takas Park, with limited parking at the end of Windy Hollow.
Park Hours
All parks and open spaces located within the City of Windcrest are open between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. per the Code of Ordinances Sec. 26-53.
Park Addition
The newest addition to the City of Windcrest’s Park is Takas Park Pond. This park has a concrete path surrounding it with benches, trash receptacles and dog stations. There’s plenty of shade to relax
under and the pond is stocked with a variety of fish, even Large-mouth Bass.
Park Hours
All parks and open spaces located within the City of Windcrest are open between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. per the Code of Ordinances Sec. 26-53.
Local Parks Grant from the Texas Parks & Wildlife Department
In May of 2006, former Mayor Jack H. Leonhardt and Public Works Director, Charles Lackey applied for and were awarded a grant to beautify the walking trails from Takas Park to Windy Hollow. The State of Texas sales tax on sporting goods partially funded the project and the Windcrest Public Works Department spent several months putting in the bridges, benches and exercise equipment along the trails. Now one of the most scenic parts of the City of Windcrest, the walking trails have seen a lot of traffic since their completion in September of 2009.
City of Windcrest Pool Update
The City of Windcrest public pool is closed until indefinitely. City leadership and the City Engineer are currently assessing the next steps for repairs or other options for this amenity. For up to date information, please refer to this webpage our the City of Windcrest Facebook page. Please feel free to contact our City Administration office at 210-655-0022 x 2100 if you any additional questions.
Cultural and recreational activities contribute to the vibrant pulse of Universal City. The City’s vibrant volunteers and steadfast staff work to provide family and military-oriented events that speak to the core values of its residents. Parades, festivals, movies in the park, walks/runs, animal related events, and sporting events provide ample opportunity for celebration and community fun. For those outdoor enthusiasts, Universal City has 447 acres of parkland that provides trails, organized and recreational sports, disc golf, play areas, pavilions and community events. In 2021, Universal City invested nearly $1.2 million in park upgrade with more funding and improvements slated for 2022.
Recognized as one of the nation’s top public golf courses, the Olympia Hills Golf Course and Event Center hosts golf tournaments, fun runs, family-friendly events, and movies under the moonlight, and can also be rented out for weddings, parties and private events. In addition to Universal City events, the Northeast Lakeview College (NLC) hosts a series of community events for the young and the
young at heart. To top it all off in a nice, neat package, Motovo ranked Universal City as #7 for the most affordable suburb citing the low cost of living, affordable homes, and other community attributes. New subdivisions opening in 2021 and 2022 add to the diverse and affordable living opportunities in Universal City.
The Universal City Library was designed with innovative technology as its key component. Whether it is computer classes, job research, Mad Science labs, reading and language programs, quiet spaces, or book reservations, the library has something to offer for everyone. Along with the building, the library serves as a cultural activity cen-
ter in its assortment of meeting rooms, outdoor activity area, and an adjoining park. The adjoining park features a Splashpad, children’s play areas, a soccer field, and a walking trail. The Park is also a host site for community music, parties, and general community gatherings.
Universal City boasts many unique features that set it apart from surrounding communities. Universal City has always been a leader in identifying and participating in environmental and energy saving programs. Specifically, the City is known for its reuse water practices, and as the first Green Power Community in the State of Texas through the use of wind power. Universal City became the first municipality in Texas to purchase solar power. Over
the lifetime of the solar project, Universal City’s solar use will result in the equivalent of almost 10,000 trees being planted or over 7.3 million miles of car travel will be avoided.
In addition to being a leader in clean energy, Universal City is also a leader in clean water. Since 2009, Universal City has consistently been awarded the title of “Best Tasting Ground Water” for the Southwest Texas region. In 2015, Universal City was awarded the best tasting water in the State of Texas and the 2nd best tasting water in the United States!
There are a plethora of businesses that are symbols of the City’s history and growth. Some of the early businesses are still present today, but new and expanded businesses have joined them. Cafes, bakeries, coffee shops, grocery stores, medical facilities, physical fitness facilities, professional trades, and an array of retail offerings are abundant within the business districts with more still to come. The City’s Aviation District revitalization plan was put in place in 2020. The Aviation District Masterplan focuses on the
redevelopment potentials of the East Aviation area, a commercial thoroughfare, that is South of Pat Booker Road and a gateway into Randolph Air Force Base. The goal of the Masterplan is to provide a vibrant public realm that is anchored with well-defined town center, mixture of uses, life-at-night and open spaces around a major transportation corridor that encourages walkability and a sense of community. Recent business openings the
Aviation District include a craft brewery, a food truck park, a craft pizza restaurant, and a gourmet burger joint with much more to come soon.
For more information on Universal City services, events and cultural activities, and business happenings, visit its website at www.uctx.gov or on Facebook at Facebook.Com/UniversalCityTexas.
At present, the City of Converse is addressing the current and future water needs of our growing community. With the majority of growth anticipated in the southern por‐tion of the city, an additional water storage facility will be constructed there and current facilities upgraded to ac‐commodate the increased demand. A central monitoring system, SCADA (Supervisory Control and Acquisition Data), will be installed to monitor water utility functions throughout the entire city. Also, new radio–read meters are currently being installed to more accurately deter‐mine water usage for billing purposes.
The Utility Billing Department
Hours of Operation: 8am‐5pm Monday‐Friday Phone Number: (210) 658‐1965
Water/Garbage Service
To start new service you will need to come to the Utility Billing Department to fill out the new service form and make a $60.00 deposit, refundable after 5 years. If you are unable to visit in person, you may use the online form to start the process. Fill out the Residential Deposit or Commercial Deposit form, scan your drivers license and email it back to utdeposit@conversetx. net . You will need to call the office to pay for the deposit by credit card if you choose to use the email option.
Garbage and Recycling services are set up with your new water account and charges for these services are included on your monthly water bill.
There is a drop box in front of the building to receive payments after hours and on weekends. We also offer online bill pay for utility customers at our website. Please visit billpay.conversetx.net.
Vehicle Registration
As long as you present the 3 part form from TxDOT in Bexar County, you DO NOT need new plates and have cur‐rent auto insurance, you may renew your tags at our office. Cost of processing is only $0.75.
Pet Registration
As per city ordinance 717, all dogs and cats residing in the city of Converse, whether indoor or outdoor, must be registered with the city. You must bring your pet’s current vaccination records to complete the form. Cost is $5.00 for non‐neutered or non‐spayed animals per year or $25.00 lifetime. Neutered or spayed animals are only $3.00 per year or $20.00 lifetime. Please note that the ordinance also states how many pets are allowed per household.
The City of Converse has two beautiful recreational parks: Converse City Park & Converse North Park. Both park facilities are open everyday from 8:00 A.M. until Midnight. Converse Parks are home to several youth sports pro‐grams: Pony League Baseball Organization, Judson Youth Sports Foundation, & the Converse Youth Sports League.
Located at 305 School Street, Converse City Park houses a swimming pool, baseball & softball fields, a football field and a recreational pavilion. It is also the festival home of NIGHT IN OLE CONVERSE which is held annually during the first week in October. Converse North Park on Spring Town Street houses a fishing lake, baseball & football fields, basketball court, and a children’s playground.
Reservations for Pavilion, Pool or Ball Field rentals can be made by visiting the Utility Billing Department. For more information, please call during normal business hours.
Hours of Operation:
8 am‐5 pm Monday‐Friday Phone Number: (210) 658‐8285
Building Permits
The Converse Building Department (CBD) would like to remind all residents that construction/renovation permits are required for most home improvements including but not limited to swimming pools (above ground included), re‐roofs, enclosing garages, installation of siding and fences, plumbing and electrical repairs such as replacing water
heaters, water softeners or heating ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) units.
CBD will conduct inspections to ensure compliance with our building codes which are a measure of protection to ensure that safe and sound construction practices are the standard for Converse. We recommend that you secure quotes from at least three (3) contractors before signing an agreement, secure at least a one (1) year written warranty and never provide funds prior to the completion and final acceptance of the work. You may contact the CBD to ensure your Contractor is licensed and eligible to obtain permits within the City of Converse. Permits must be posted on the job site and visible from the street. Please contact the CBD at 658‐8285 for questions or to
obtain a current list of contractors that are licensed to work in Converse. If you are concerned about construction activities in your neighborhood and do not see a permit posted, please call the CBD. Please visit the CBD page at www.conversetx.net for forms, fees or information.
Before starting any construction project, find the plot plan or survey drawing in the papers that you received when you bought your home. Be sure that you do not build over any utility easements or setback lines. You must call 811 or 1‐800‐Dig‐Tess before digging anywhere on your prop‐erty. This service is free and will relieve you of responsibil‐ity for any damages that may occur.
The Economic Development Corporation Hours of Operation: 8am‐5pm Monday‐Friday Phone Number: (210) 659‐9163--
The EDC is empowered to issue bonds, notes, and other forms of debt instruments on behalf of the City of Con‐verse. The EDC was also sanctioned to acquire, maintain, lease, and sell property and interests on behalf of the City of Converse. To date, the EDC has worked diligently to fulfill its commitment in promoting economic develop‐ment within the City to eliminate unemployment and un‐der employment by promoting and encouraging service in the public sector.
Over the past seven years, the Board has served as an in‐tegral part of the City by successfully supporting the con‐struction and erecting of several new city buildings. It has also supported new business growth, which has provided new jobs to the residents of Converse.
A major EDC project is the widening of Toepperwein Road. This is an ambitious and lengthy project, but one with great long‐term benefits for our city. With better access into the city, we should be able to attract more business. More business will help shift the tax burden from the residents to the business sector. We have begun acquisition of right of way and expect to complete this portion of the project in about six years.
The Converse Public Library is located at 601 S. Seguin Rd.
Hours of Operation:
Monday & Tuesday 9am‐6pm
Wednesday 10am‐7pm,
Thursday 9am‐6pm
Friday 9am‐5pm
Saturday 10am‐2pm,
Sunday Closed Phone Number: (210) 659‐4160
In 1988, the Converse Lions Club came up with the idea for a community library and presented a resolution to the City Council. Upon the passage of this resolution, the Lions’ Club, the Converse Grange, and a host of volunteers combined their efforts to make the library a reality. On September 1, 1991, the Converse Area Public Library officially opened its doors and in 1993 was accredited by the Texas State Library System. The Converse Library currently has over 20,000 fiction & nonfiction books; a reference area; a variety of audio books, biographies, and videos are also available to the public. Some of the services currently offered to the public are computers with internet access, wi‐fi and copy/fax services. The library staff can also pro‐vide research assistance.
The Converse Public Library holds a Story‐Time for children, from lap‐babies to pre‐K, every Wednesday from 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. It features stories and fun crafts. During the summer, the library hosts a Free, six‐week, Texas Summer Reading Program for children in Kindergarten to 5th grade. Prizes are awarded to top‐readers and all participants receive an award certificate from the Governor of Texas.
The Converse Public Library is happy to accept donations of new or gently used books and DVDs to add to its collection.
Converse Fire & EMS has two stations to serve our community. Station #1 at 102 Station St. also houses the Fire Department’s administrative offices. Station #2 is located at 8425 Thornton Lane.
Phone Number: 24 hour Non Emergency (210) 658‐8900
In January of 1952, after a couples home burned to the ground, a group of 23 men organized the Converse Volunteer Fire
Department. Their first fire truck was a 1946 Dodge truck converted into a fire truck. Alvin J. Brucks was appointed as the first Fire Chief and Eddie Kneupper was ap‐pointed the first Fire Marshal and later was the first mayor of Converse.
As Converse has grown, so has the fire department. The Converse Fire Department has developed from an all volun‐teer staff to a staff of paid firefighters, dual medical and fire certified, working along side a core of volunteers that dedicate hundreds of hours per month, helping the paid staff maintain equipment, complete fire and health inspec‐tions, public relations/fire prevention as well as making fire and EMS calls. Converse is one of the busiest departments in Bexar County, running over 2000 calls for fire and EMS service a year. Converse runs 3 MICU ambulances, 3 class A pumpers, 1 Aerial Truck, 1 rescue truck with a cascade unit and the “jaws of life”, 2 brush trucks, a command vehicle, a hazardous materials trailer and a communications trailer.
In early 2004, the Converse Fire Department took delivery of a 2003 Pierce Aerial Truck. Truck 7 has a 100’ platform that can carry 6 people in a fully enclosed cab. As CFDs newest fleet addition, it enables Converse to provide better capabilities to its citizens and those of surrounding areas at multi‐story structure fires and rescues.
The Converse Fire & EMS Department
has a notable rapid response time and has achieved an ISO rating of “2” thus making it possible to lower home owners insurance rate for our citizens.
The Converse Fire Department has a program in which they will do Home Fire Safety Inspections and if needed will install smoke detectors and fire extinguishers at no cost to the residence of it’s service area. For added security, the Converse Fire Department can provide information on Emergency Key Boxes for your home to allow for fire depart‐ment access in the event of an emergency.
In 2010, the Converse Fire Department instituted the Converse Citizens Fire Academy Alumni. The Fire Academy meets one evening per week for 8 weeks to learn fie safety and department procedures to assist the CFD. Upon completion , citizens are then able to join the Alumni. The CCFAA provides special assistance to the fire department and are responsible for hosting the annual Breakfast with Santa event.
The Converse Police Department is located at 402 South Seguin Rd. in the Justice Center.
Phone Number: 24 hour Non‐Emergency (210) 658‐2322
The men and women of the Converse Police Department are dedi‐cated to providing a
safe environment to citizens and visitors alike.
The employees of the Police Department are very active within the community and officers are involved with Judson High School’s Pro‐ject Graduation, a drug and alcohol free graduation party. The Police Department hosts several events (basketball game with local officers vs senior boys, girls and coaches as well as a golf tournament which is open to the public) to help raise money for Project Graduation. Officers also help Special Olympics with fund raisers and attending State events.
An important part of the CPD program is the Converse Citizen’s Police Academy Alumni Association (CCPAAA). From the very beginning, the association’s primary objective was to assist the Police Department and to develop a better understanding between the police and the citizens. Some Association special events include an annual picnic, with a special CPD vs Alumni softball game and occasional fund‐raising activities. The community has always been very gener‐ous in their support.
The Converse Police Department offers an eleven‐week training and familiarization course every year. This course is a prerequisite to joining the alumni. If you are interested in being a part of this very worthwhile organization, please contact the Converse Police Department at 658‐2322.
In the City of Schertz we enjoy welcoming new families and businesses, and we strive to serve our community with excellence, style, and grace. We are proud of all the services we provide to the community and look forward to serving you.
Our public safety services are outstanding. Our Police, Fire, and Emergency Medical Services Departments are staffed with dedicated and well-trained public servants. We pride ourselves on responding very quickly to emergency situations, and we do our best to ensure the community has a safe and comfortable environment in which to live, work, and play.
City Council and staff strive to live up to our core values to do the best you can, treat others the way you would like to be treated, do the right thing, and work cooperatively as a team. You will see this displayed in every area the city touches.
We also understand the needs of military
families, and we provide a welcoming atmosphere. You will find that many of our staff and council members are military veterans, and we honor your service and look forward to helping you in any way possible.
The Schertz Public Library promotes the love of reading and the joy of discovery for persons of all ages. We provide instructional and recreational programming for adults in high-interest areas such as computers and computer software, health and fitness, financial planning, crafts, and literature.
One of the primary missions of the Schertz Public Library is to serve the children of our community and their families. We are committed to promoting the benefits and joys of reading and discovery to children and adolescents through our large collection and services.
We offer an environment welcoming to all
children and their families, and provide diverse materials that support classroom and independent learning, exploration of the world, and critical thinking.
In addition to our print, e-book, and e-audiobook collections, the library provides access to many online resources to meet your recreational, educational, and business needs.
Through your Schertz Library card, you have free access to Ancestry.com, Morningstar Investments, Rocket Languages, and Kanopy, a streaming video service. America’s News by Newsbank provides access to thousands of local, state, and national newspapers and news sources.
Need a tutor? We’ve got you covered with our live, online tutoring service called Brainfuse HelpNow. We participate in the State’s TexShare database program which gives you access to another 50 plus databases including Learning Express,
Chilton’s auto repair library, Gale Legal Forms, Small Business Reference Center, and Medline.
The library’s primary service area includes the City of Schertz, the City of Selma, the City of Cibolo, and Guadalupe County. We offer both full-access cards and digitalonly access cards. To obtain a library card, visit our webpage at schertzlibrary.org and complete the card application. Fullaccess cards require you to bring a photo ID and current proof of residence to the library to complete the process. Children under 18 will need a parent with photo ID and proof of residence present to sign for their card.
Schertz hosts many City events each year including the Music & Movies in the Park series during the summer, Holidazzle during the Christmas Season, Movin’ on Main –– an outstanding outdoor activity for families in our downtown area, and Jubilee, our fantastic 4th of July celebration which features a parade, music, and fireworks. Our events are regional in nature, drawing crowds of up to 10,000 from across the Northeast side of San Antonio and beyond. Residents and visitors have many opportunities throughout the year to enjoy a familyfriendly atmosphere with some great entertainment.
Go to Schertz.com or follow Schertz Parks and Recreation on Facebook to learn more!
Movin On Main: First Sunday in April
This active event is intended to get folks outdoors. In partnership with the Schertz Family Y, Movin on Main invites you and your families to bring your bicycle, skateboard, stroller, and tennis shoes for an afternoon full of fitness demos, exercise stations, cycling, live music, health & wellness vendors, food & refreshments, and much more!
4th Of July Jubilee: July 4
Schertz is proud to host the annual 4th of July Jubilee, one of South Texas’ largest tributes to freedom and the men & women who serve in the armed forces! Complete with live music, a downtown parade, ‘Let Freedom Run’ 5K, carnival,
and festival food, Jubilee offers something for the whole family. And what would the Fourth of July be without the rockets’ red glare? Schertz is home to the only annual Star-Spangled Spectacular firework show - the perfect way to end a celebration!
Music & Movies in the Park
The Music and Movies in the Park series was established by the Schertz Parks and Recreation department back in 2016 as an initiative to get the community to come out and enjoy their local parks. Each year the schedule includes featured movies and live music events at different area parks. Residents are encouraged to bring lawn chairs, refreshments, friends, and neighbors out for a free day of fun and entertainment.
Holidazzle: First Saturday in December
Join the City for the official holiday kick-
off celebration. The yuletide festivities begin with a tree-lighting ceremony and continues with a lighted night parade through the downtown area and ends at the Hal Baldwin Municipal Complex. Held the first weekend in December, Holidazzle also features pictures with Santa and Mrs. Claus, tasty holiday treats, jolly music from the district’s school choirs and bands, and Mt. Schertz, a sledding snow peak!
Grab a few friends and create a team or register as an individual! Schertz Parks and Recreation offers seasonal programs such as the Adult Social League and Tactical Laser Tag.
Beat the heat and dive into one of the area pools. Schertz has two outdoor pools that operate from Memorial Day to the beginning of the public school year. The indoor recreational pool facility at the Schertz Aquatics Center is open year-round. For a full list of aquatics programs, swim lessons, lifeguard camps, swim team, and other programs, visit Schertz.com.
Does your little one enjoy being outdoors looking under leaves and rocks? The Nature Discovery Series is perfect for your family! The program is designed for elementaryage children but is open to all ages. Texas Master Naturalist volunteers lead the themed programs held the second Saturday of each month; programs are FREE and begin at 10:00 a.m. at Crescent Bend Nature Park. Registration is required.
The Schertz Senior Center provides comprehensive services to help seniors stay active and independent. The center offers a hot nutritious lunch for those who wish to socialize, make new friends, and participate in activities to improve both physical and mental health and enhance the quality of their lives. Membership dues are $36.00 per year and include activities such as art classes, bible study, bingo, gardening, dances, health screenings, and more!
Schertz Parks and Recreation owns a 12-field recreational soccer complex and a 7-field recreational baseball and softball complex. There are also several practice fields in various parks. The maintenance and scheduling of the fields are handled through agreements with various youth sports organizations that have approximately 3,800 registered youth athletes in soccer, baseball, softball, football, cheer, volleyball, basketball, and swimming.
CLocation: ibolo has a rich history in the development of south Texas. Cibolo is located in the extreme western corner of Guadalupe County in south central Texas. Situated along Farm Market Road 78 and north to south along FM 1103, and paralleled by two major interstate highways, IH 10 to the south and IH 35 to the north. The City of Cibolo is within easy access of Seguin and San Antonio. Cibolo lies approximately 13 miles east of the San Antonio metropolitan area.
Surrounding Area:
Cibolo is part of an area known as the Metrocom, the Northeast corner of Bexar County and the Southwest corner of Guadalupe County. The sister cities of the Metrocom include Universal City, Schertz, Selma, Live Oak, Gardenridge, Converse and Kirby. In this area you will also find Randolph Air Force Base a major pilot training facility for the United States Air Force.
Cibolo voted to become an independent
township on October 9, 1965; the first “City Fathers” were M.O. Grooms, Mayor, and Carl Biser, Ted Dykes, Alwin Lieck, Fred Niemietz and D.O. Trotti, Councilmen. However, the City of Cibolo’s history begins long before this historic date.
First Settlers :
There were many settlers in the Cibolo area long before 1876. The Comanche’s and other tribes roamed this area before the first German settlers arrived. In fact, the name Cibolo is an Indian word meaning “buffalo.” The City of Cibolo was named after the creek that flows through the area. In fact the story goes that Mr. Schlather, a local businessman, was asked by the railroad to name the town; thus he decided on the name Cibolo. Generally, the history of Cibolo begins with 1876 because that is the year the Southern Pacific Railroad cut through present day Cibolo; it connected with other larger cities such as Houston and San Antonio. For several decades cotton was the major cash crop in Cibolo. The fertile land and the flowing Cibolo Creek in the Cibolo Valley provided ideal conditions for a boom in agriculture. Corn, wheat, oats and milo maize were all major crops of the farming city.
Today, Cibolo is quite different from what it was in the early 1900s. Cibolo is home to a diverse group of people. As a result of the military base and Cibolo’s location, many business and industries have located in the Cibolo area. Cibolo is now awakening to the challenges of the future. In fact, the housing industry has been booming in Cibolo for several years. Cibolo is a charming city that provides a “country-style” way of life. Cibolo is a “City of Choice.”
The population for the City of Cibolo in 1970 was estimated by the U.S. Census to be 440. According to the U.S. Census the 1990 population of Cibolo was 1,757 and in 2000 3,035 people called Cibolo their home. After a challenge to the information published in the 2010 census, Cibolo’s population was reflected at 19,580 residents and 6,575 households. Today Cibolo has an estimated population of 25,403 and growing. Cibolo is truly a wonderful place to live, work, and raise a family.
Functions :
The Cibolo Police Department is made up of 58 employees (40 sworn) who are dedicated to improving the lives of the citizens of the City of Cibolo by reducing crime and making Cibolo the safest place to live in the United States. The City of Cibolo enjoys the lowest crime rate in the Metrocom area and the Police Department strives to maintain this ranking even through the rapid growth which has occurred within our community. View the organization chart here. The Police Department practices a community oriented philosophy to form partnerships with citizens and community organizations in an effort to enhance the quality of life within our community.
The Cibolo Police Department has four main divisions: Patrol, Investigations, Animal Services, and Administration. Click on each title to be directed to each division.
Chief’s Welcome :
We at the Cibolo Police Department share a set of values built upon accountability, leadership and respect. We strive for excellence in our professional and courteous delivery of police services.
Our officers work diligently to serve our community members in a manner that establishes and maintains trust and mutual respect.
The employees of the Cibolo Police Department value the relationships we have formed with our community and we strive to foster those relationships on a daily basis. We have implemented numerous programs that benefit our community and we constantly search for ways to serve our citizens better.
Please follow us on social media and review our website to see how we work tirelessly to serve you.
Thank you, Bryan Hugghins
The City of Cibolo was recently named as the 34th Safest City with cities over 10,000 population. Down from 43rd. Learn more on the Safewise website.
Cibolo Police Department Mission Statement: To provide professional police services while enforcing the law and fostering positive community partnerships.
The Cibolo Police Department is centrally located within the city behind City Hall at:
162 Loop 539 E Cibolo, TX 78108
24hr Dispatch (210) 619-1274
Office (210) 659-1999
See It, Say It, Send It Mobile App Download the Cibolo Police Department mobile app from Apple App Store or Google Play Store.
Most of the necessary information to get you started off right are located on this page. Should you need further assistance, you may contact City Hall at 210-658-9900. All of the following information is also provided in a complete Welcome Packet (PDF) which may be picked up at:
City Hall
200 S Main
Cibolo, TX 78108
To determine if the community you are located in is provided water from the City of Cibolo, call us at 210-658-9900. Most subdivisions receive water, sewer, garbage and recycling. To apply, you must fill out the Utilities Application (PDF). You can bring or mail the form to City Hall along with your deposit. Make sure you apply at least one working day prior to needing services set up. Any area that does not receive water from the City of Cibolo receives water from Green Valley Special
Utility District. If you are one of those residents, you must submit the application to the city first and then you will receive a certificate, signed by a representative of the city to take to Green Valley.
As a new resident, you will pay the city average for sewer. The meter readings from November 15 through February 15 each year will determine your sewer charge for the next twelve months. If your water is obtained from Green Valley, the readings will be provided to us by them.
Your bill will also include the fee for garbage and recycling collection. Garbage will be collected twice weekly for the months of June, July, August, and September. Recycling remains once weekly. To determine your collection day, Contact City Hall at 210-658-9900. Please set your garbage out by 7 a.m. so as not to get passed over. Do not place rocks or dirt in garbage cart. You may make special arrangements with garbage contractor to
do a special charge pickup. Bulk pickup is available for residents every regular trash day. You may schedule a pickup every 60 days. Please visit the Garbage and Recycle page to schedule a pick up.
A complete list of recyclables is available in the Welcome Packet and may be obtained at: City Hall
200 S Main Cibolo, TX 78108
Should you decide to build, remodel or do any type of construction to your home, be advised you may need a city issued permit before you begin. If you are using a contractor, the contractor must contact the city to see if he needs to obtain a permit. More details can be obtained by contacting 210-658-4175.
City ordinance requires pets to have rabies shots and be registered with the
city. These may be obtained from the Police Department. More information on number of pets, bite reports, registration or other animal control information can be obtained by calling Police Department at 210-659-1999 or Animal Control at 210-658-4175
Electric, Telephone and Cable Utilities
Guadalupe Valley Electric Cooperative or GVEC provides electricity for most of the city, with a few areas being provided by CPS Energy. Telephone, Cable, and Internet services are provided by several different companies in our area.
Senior Guidance is a website that provides helpful information and links to services available for seniors living in Texas, outlined by state programs. This link also provides easy access to assisted living facilities in every city, town, and county in Texas. The link below is a guide about technology that helps seniors live on their own more independently. Please visit the Senior Smart Home Guide.
oerne is a unique city nestled in the Texas Hill Country, approximately 22 miles northwest of San Antonio. You can find Boerne via Interstate 10 West exits 543, 542, 541, or 540. Boerne offers many benefits and attractions, including its small-town charm, historic architecture, and gorgeous natural surroundings. Boerne offers residents both convenient access to San Antonio and the big-city life and a quality of life founded on its small-town heritage. In fact, Progressive Farmer named Kendall County, where Boerne is located, its number five pick for the “2007 Best Places to Live in the Southwest Region.”
One of the great attributes of Boerne is its weather. The weather was actually the cause for Boerne’s settlement and growth since it brought early settlers and visitors to the area in search of better health. Before 1900, Boerne had grown into a popular tourist resort. It became famous for “the purest air God ever made for man or woman, either”, according to a brochure from that era. Boerne still boasts that pure air set in a small town, and the town is still a
popular destination for tourists.
Many people from the northern parts of the United States, or “snow birds” as they are generally referred to, venture down to the Hill Country to escape the cold climate. Once again, even on a seasonal basis, it is Boerne’s weather that continues to attract part-time residents and visitors.
The City of Boerne is a full-service municipality, providing all basic government services such as streets, police, fire, animal control, solid waste collection, electric, water, wastewater, gas, cemetery, library, parks, and recreation.
Boerne, Texas offers visitors and residents a fabulous combination of Old World charm and Texas hospitality. The tastefully restored Main Street boasts a ton of antique shops, gift stores, art galleries, restaurants, coffee shops, turn-ofthe-century European architecture, and picturesque gardens and greenbelts. No matter what you’re looking for, Boerne has it. The small-town feel warms the heart and provides the perfect setting to relax the body and restore the soul.
The following are just some of the attractions that Kendall County is proud
to provide its residents and tourists:
Agricultural Heritage Center and Museum
Phone: (830) 249-6007
This facility is located in Boerne City Park on over five acres. It includes a blacksmith shop, woodworking shop, pioneer house, wagon house, main museum building and many outdoor exhibits showcasing antique farm machinery and implements.
Boerne Community Theatre
907 East Blanco Road
Boerne, TX 78006
Phone: (830) 249-9166
Boerne Community Theatre has been the nonprofit community theatre of Boerne, Texas since 1991. They present five regular productions, two Teen Troupe shows, three children’s summer drama camps and a “Theatre on the Edge” special.
The Buckhorn Golf Course
36 FM 473
Comfort, TX 78013
Phone: (830) 995-5351
The Buckhorn’s championship layout utilizes the natural 100 foot elevation changes, pristine creeks and valleys that
one would hope to find in such a tranquil setting. Known for its consistent, superb conditions, The Buckhorn is as challenging as you want to make it. Vast, rolling fairways and large greens await tee and approach shots. Players can select any one of several sets of tees that enable the high and low handicapper to choose their level of test. Outstanding strategy and an excellent variety of golf holes make The Buckhorn Golf course one of the most fun and memorable golf courses you’ll ever play.
Cascade Caverns
226 Cascade Caverns Road
Boerne, TX 78015
Phone: (830) 755-8080
Cascade Caverns was discovered by the Lipan Apache in the 1700s as evidenced by artifacts and a cave fireplace. Kendall County youth in the 1840s rediscovered the cave and carved their initials in stalactites in the Caverns’ first room. Local stories about what was then called “Hester’s Cave”, after the owner, were adapted into a German language novel that was published in the 1870s and later translated into English. Although not commercially operated until the early 1930s, Cascade Caverns is the first of the six Texas cave attractions to have been discovered and has been entertaining folks ever since.
Cave Without a Name
325 Kreutzberg Road
Boerne, TX 78006
Phone: (830) 537-4212
The Cave is filled with spectacular formations of Stalactites, Stalagmites, delicate Soda Straws, Cave Drapery, magnificent Flowstones, Rimstone Dams, and more. Enjoy a tour of the six major rooms in comfort with a provided 66 degrees year-round, easy walkways and brilliant lighting.
Cibolo Nature Center
140 City Park Road
Boerne TX, 78006
Phone: (830) 249-4616
This nature center provides visitors with a 100 acres of trails and wilderness to explore in the Texas Hill Country.
Enchanted Springs Ranch
242 West State HWY 46 Boerne, TX 78006
Phone: (800) 640-5917
Enchanted Springs Ranch is family owned and dedicated to “Keeping the Old West Alive” with its friendly atmosphere. Western history is preserved and presented in a new and exciting way. This 86 acre working ranch is home to a herd of Texas Longhorns, horses, buffalo, deer and a wide variety of exotic animals.
Fair Oaks Ranch Country Club
7900 Fair Oaks Parkway
Fair Oaks Ranch, TX 78015
Phone: (210) 582-6700
With minimal changes to the original historic home, the addition of 8,000 square feet of space, 36 holes of championship golf on the Live Oak and Blackjack Oak courses, tennis courts, pools and additional event space, the Club quickly became the center of activities for the residents of the developing Fair Oaks Ranch Community. The Club has created an oasis and a home away from home for the residents, Members and guests.
Guadalupe River State Park
3350 Park Road 31
Spring Branch, TX 78070
Phone: (830) 438-2656
www.tpwd.state.tx.us/state-parks/ guadalupe-river
The park has 4 miles of river frontage and is located in the middle of a 9-mile stretch of the Guadalupe River. Park visitors may enjoy a variety of outdoor activities, including canoeing, fishing, swimming, tubing, picnicking, hiking and camping. The park recently opened a 5.3mile equestrian trail that is also open to mountain biking. No equestrian camping is available at the park. Opportunities also exist for less vigorous pursuits, such as bird watching and nature study.
Joshua Creek Ranch
132 Cravey Road
Boerne, TX 78006
Phone: (830) 537-5090
Joshua Creek Ranch opened for guests in 1990 on some of the finest hunt country
in America. Over the last 22 years, it has been developed into a sportsmen’s paradise. The ranch is a rare combination of natural Texas Hill Country beauty, from fertile creek and river bottom land to lightly wooded grass pastures with intervening limestone bluffs and ledges, all managed to produce prime wildlife habitat for quail hunting, pheasant hunting, Texas deer hunting and turkey hunting. The hunting season is September through April, although Axis deer hunting is offered year-round.
Tapatio Springs Golf Resort and Conference Center
1 Resort Way
Boerne, TX 78006
Phone: (800) 999-3299
Once known as Thunder Valley, Clyde B. Smith purchased the property in 1981 and transformed the limestone cliffs, oak trees and clear springs into a small resort with an outstanding and acclaimed 18-hole championship golf course. His goal was to create a golf club for local residents and an active retreat for visitors, a goal he succeeded at.
In the 1990’s, new owners added an executive 9-hole course and conference center, attracting a wider range of uses for the beautifully sited property.
In 2011, Country music legend George Strait purchased the resort, determined to return it to its original grandeur and beyond.
Ye Kendall Inn
128 West Blanco Road Boerne, TX 78006
Phone: (800) 364-2138
Today the newly restored Kendall Inn has everything guests could desire. Dine at the renowned Limestone Grille, 10-time Wine Spectator Award of Excellence winner. Relax fireside at Tavern 128. Rejuvenate at the Ritz Spa & Hair Studio. Enjoy a rest in one of 36 rooms, suites and cottages. Make a little history for yourself and host your wedding, conference, retreat or event in the new Kendall Halle Conference Center, on the bluff overlooking the beautiful Cibolo Creek or in our beautiful antebellum courtyard. The 5.2 acre campus features high speed wireless Internet everywhere from the privacy of your guest room to the banks of the Cibolo.
he lure of the waters of the Guadalupe River drew the first settlers to this area. By the mid 1800s, settlements began to take hold. Flooding was a major problem all along the Guadalupe, and after major floods hit in 1936 and 1938, the people began to demand that the government take some action. After thorough research, the US Army Corps of Engineers selected the spot for the dam about 16 miles north of New Braunfels.
Canyon Lake, as we know it, happened once the dam was built. Since its dedication in 1966, the area has flourished as a water recreation destination. Tubing along the Guadalupe is a perennial favorite, but the river is also known for its trout fishing, a favorite among anglers below the dam. The lake also offers fishing, stocked primarily with bass and catfish. Boating, water skiing, swimming and personal watercraft use also attract many visitors to the lake, along with a relaxed, laid-back atmosphere in all its communities.
One visit is all it takes to become enchanted with what is now known as the
“Water Recreation Capital of Texas.”
Things to Do in Canyon Lake
Archers Haven
23655 FM 306
Canyon Lake, TX 78133
Phone: (210) 393-4168
There is a practice range with distances from 20 yards to 80 yards, and a 28 field target walk-thru range with 14 targets available. Archery lessons are available and are conducted by Mr. Bubba Bateman IV, a certified level II instructor. Lessons are for all ages with an emphasis on youths. This club is a members-only club with a daily shooting fee for non-members.
Archers Haven is a family oriented club and we are seeking new members who are like minded and love the sport of archery. Active military personnel and those who have been injured will receive a discount on their membership.
Canyon Lake Gorge Rocks www.canyongorge.org
The Canyon Lake Gorge is a beautiful
and natural insight into the geology and hydrologic dynamics of Glen Rose limestone in Comal County near Canyon Lake. The Gorge was created, or “cut”, when floodwaters escaped over the spillway at Canyon Lake during the Flood Event of 2002.
The Gorge Preservation Society is pleased to be able to open the Gorge to visitors through guided educational tours. Learn about the “Power of Water” while hiking to see dramatic Gorge vistas, several waterfalls, beautiful lagoons, biologic succession, the Hidden Valley Fault, geologic formations, an aquifer in action and numerous springs. The GPS mission is to promote the enjoyment and conservation of a unique natural phenomenon by encouraging responsible, quality access opportunities through academic partnerships, economic initiatives and citizen involvement.
Hiking through the Canyon Lake Gorge can be physically demanding and is not recommended for people with bad knees, ankles or heart conditions. Children must be at least 7 years old. One adult must be present for each child, ages 7-10, while for ages 10-15 there must be one adult present for every 3 children. For youth ages 16-20,
one adult should be present for every 5 young adults. Tours last an average of 3 hours.
Each year, outdoor enthusiasts enjoy a variety of activities on the Guadalupe River near Canyon Lake. Fishing, especially trout fishing, is a popular activity on this beautiful central Texas river. The Guadalupe is over 250 miles long and flows from the western edge of the Texas Hill Country to the Gulf of Mexico. For the first 15 or so miles below Canyon Lake Dam, the river is also commonly called the Canyon Reservoir Tailrace. This stretch of the river is one of the state’s most popular freshwater trout fisheries and is the only year-around trout fishery in Texas. It has been voted one of the Top 100 Trout Streams in America. The cold water released deep from Canyon Lake makes year-around survival of trout possible. Trout stockings by the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) and the Guadalupe River Chapter of Trout Unlimited (GRTU) take place each year from November through March. In a typical year, well over 25,000 trout are stocked in the tailrace, ranging in size from 8 to 22 inches in length.
At other times of the year, this portion of the river is home to several species of bass (largemouth, smallmouth, spotted, and Guadalupe), sunfish, catfish, and other game fish. There are even schools of large striped bass that arrived in the river thanks to the flood of 2002. The Guadalupe’s clean, cool waters make it a pleasant place for the fish and those who fish for them. In order to fish on the river you will need a valid fishing license with a fresh water fishing stamp,
unless exempt. Fishing license exemptions can be found in the current TPWD Outdoor Annual. Much of the fishing activity in the Guadalupe River below Canyon Lake, especially during the winter months, is for raiow and brown trout. There is a special regulation for these species in a portion of the river (check the TPWD annual for details). This regulation is intended to provide a high quality catch-and-release trout fishery. In this section of the river only one trout per day over 18 inches may be harvested, and it must be caught on an artificial lure. Outside this area, from Canyon Lake dam downstream to the eastern most bridge on Highway 306, and from the second bridge crossing on River Road downstream, there is no minimum length limit for trout and the daily bag limit is 5. In these areas, trout may be harvested regardless of the bait type used. When planning a trip, consult the TPWD at www.tpwd.state.tx.us, TPWD publishes trout stocking dates in late October.
The Guadalupe River is the most popular river in Texas for water recreation due to its scenic beauty, cold clear water and proximity to large metropolitan areas.
Among the favorite sections for tubing or “toobing” is what is known as the “Horseshoe” or “Tube Loop”. The starting point for this section is the western bridge on FM 306 and its end is the east bridge of FM 306, although most tubers continue floating downstream to the 4th Crossing Bridge on River Road or beyond, depending on water flow. Release rates are controlled flows from Canyon Dam and can range from a leisurely float to
an exciting run through several rapids. Always check with a reputable outfitter for current flows and use caution anytime you are on the water by wearing a life vest. If needed, use straps on your glasses and remember, no glass or polystyrene on the lake or rivers. This beautiful part of the Guadalupe can become crowded on summer weekends, so try to plan your trip for weekdays if possible. There are many lodging and camping facilities in the area, some with river views or access that can make your Guadalupe get-a-way even more enjoyable.
Heritage Museum
4831 FM 2673
Canyon Lake, TX 78133
Phone: (830) 899-4542
The Heritage Museum of the Texas Hill County is located between Sattler and Startzville near Canyon Lake. Its mission is to encourage and foster awareness of the natural and cultural history of Comal County and the Texas Hill Country through the collection, preservation and interpretation of its rich history. The Heritage Museum offers displays on Native American and pioneer history, fossils, the construction of Canyon Dam, and much more. For groups of ten or more, special tours may be scheduled.
Lodging in Canyon Lake
A visit to “The Jewel of the Hill Country,” as Canyon Lake is called, and to the nearby Guadalupe River on a day trip is most enjoyable, but a longer visit is even better, maybe even irresistible. And for overnight visits there are plenty of places to stay to round out the enjoyment of your visit. All kinds of lodging possibilities are available, from the luxurious to the rustic – bed and breakfasts, lodges, cabins, RV parks, campgrounds, condos, and home vacation rentals. Some are near the lake and some near the river, so you can be close to where you enjoy your favorite water sport activities.
Canyon Lake is managed by the US Army Corps of Engineers which maintains five designated trails with a variety of uses and levels of difficulty. Designed for recreational use, these trails are well-maintained. Please check for specific difficulty of a train before attempting it.
Port Aransas is an island getaway for the whole family. With beaches and loads of sun, Port Aransas is perfectly located to meet your relaxation and adventure needs. Located between the dunes of Mustang Island and the Corpus Christi Ship Channel, its lovely shoreline is a great place to wander among the seashells, frolic in the waves, soak in the sun, and relax in the breezes. Just next door, the rest of Mustang Island offers a number of nature related places, which provide fabulous opportunities for birding, kayaking, fishing, surfing and swimming. With a laid back attitude unique to this area, the intimate community of Port Aransas has many boutiques, shops and galleries, cafes, exceptional restaurants. There is also ample lodging in the area, ranging from cozy cottages, conventional motel rooms, and RV parks to high rise condos and upscale private homes.
Port Aransas is located on the northern tip of Mustang Island. Take your choice of two ways to access the island. From Corpus Christi, the island is linked by the JFK Causeway, which climbs high above the Laguna Madre making a direct line to SH 361 and Port A. Alternately, you can take the ‘scenic route.’ The free ferry system brings visitors to the island across the Corpus Christi Ship Channel via car ferries, which operate 24 hours a day, seven
days a week. Delightfully often, bottlenose dolphins accompany the ferries back and forth. Seagulls and pelicans are frequent flyers along the short trip too! The beaches of Mustang Island are incredibly unique. There are eighteen miles of uninterrupted public shoreline which is open to those on foot or in a vehicle. The shoreline includes: the Horace Caldwell Pier, open 24/7, which extends from the beach into the Gulf of Mexico; certified lifeguards to watch over the crowds in designated areas during peak season; and outdoor showers and bathrooms. Pets are welcome, but they must remain leashed at all times.
The Lighthouse Lakes Trails are located in an area called North Harbor Island, just west of Port Aransas and north of the Highway 361 Causeway. There are a series of three individual, but interconnected, trails that can be accessed by launching from the north side of the causeway and by following a series of trail markers. Fishing in these areas can be excellent, as is bird watching and just general paddling around. Your ability to access some of these areas is dependent upon tidal level, so it is a good idea to check before you go. Higher tides make for much easier access. Also, these trails can be pretty tough paddling in winds greater than 20 mph. Much of the bottom is
easily waded, but there are numerous oyster reefs in the area, so sturdy shoes are a must. You must cross a deep shipping channel to access the trails, but the channel is not excessively wide and you can cross it in less than five minutes with moderate paddling.
Mustang Island State Park
Located just south of Port Aransas on the coast of the Gulf of Mexico, this area covers more than 3,900 acres and has a 5-mile beachfront for visitors to enjoy. The land was acquired from private owners in 1972 and opened to the public in 1979.
Fisherman’s Wharf
900 Tarpon Street
Port Aransas, TX 78373
At Fisherman’s Wharf, our deep sea fishing schedule is based on the seasonal migrations and availability of various species of fish in the Gulf of Mexico. We offer half and full day drift fishing trips aboard the Wharf Cat for king mackerel, ling, dolphin, bonito, shark, etc., from mid-May through Labor Day. Year round, the Scat Cat, equipped with “electric tackle” makes 12 hour and special extended trips to far offshore banks (coral and rock formations) for red snapper, grouper, amber jack and other highly prized bottom fish. Bait, tackle, rods and reels are included and no fishing license is required on deep sea fishing charters. The Wharf
Cat and Scat Cat offer a full concession on board serving hot and cold foods, snacks and beverages served by friendly, helpful crews. Both “Cats” are comfortable, smooth riding catamarans for deep sea fishing at its finest.
The University of Texas Marine Science Institute
750 Channel View Drive
Port Aransas, TX 78373
Phone: (361) 749-6729
Interest in Marine Science is promoted by the Visitor Center where self guided tours and educational movies are among the attractions offered. Seven aquaria display typical Texas coastal habitats and the organisms that live in them, including Spartina, black mangrove marsh, oyster reef, open bay bottom, rock jetty and offshore artificial reefs. Other displays in the main building highlight current and past research projects and feature representative specimens or photographs of local plants and animals.
Over 40,000 visitors have tour the facility annually.
The City of Rockport, located 30 miles northeast of Corpus Christi on Texas Highway 35, is the County Seat of Aransas County. Rockport was incorporated by a Special Act of the Legislature of Texas Charter granted on May 29, 1871. Surrounded on three sides by the waters of Aransas, Copano and Port bays, the sheer variety of outdoor activities are what makes Rockport appeal to the many tourists as well as local citizens.
The fishing village of Rockport has been a favorite coastal hideaway for wealthy Texans since the 1800s. Rockport is located along the Texas Tropical Trail and is a noteworthy stop along the Great Texas Coastal Birding Trail. Other points of interest such as Texas Maritime Museum, Fulton Mansion, Rockport Center for the Arts, Connie Hagar Wildlife Sanctuary and The TX Dot Demonstration Gardens and Wetlands
Ponds draw tourists and “Winter Texans” alike to Rockport.
Rockport is a popular tourist destination because of its beach, ski basin, and the sport fishing available there. There are also various historic sites such as the Fulton Mansion and a Heritage district. The historical downtown area offers a great shopping environment with its friendly attitude. Key Allegro Marina is also a popular attraction, especially during The Rockport Offshore Challenge. Goose Island State Park, 321.4 acres, is located north of Rockport in Aransas County. The area is also the home of “The Big Tree”, named State Champion Coastal Live Oak (Quercus virginiana) in 1969. It is thought to be one of the largest in the nation including the Redwoods on the nation’s west coast. Estimated to be over 1000 years old, the “Big Tree” has a circumference of 35 feet, is 44 feet in height and has a crown spread of 90 feet.
Corpus Christi offers some of the best beaches in Texas. So come dance on the beach, run in the surf, and make a splash in sunny Corpus Christi, Texas! There are miles of beaches for fishing, boating and floating. Additionally, there are multiple historic and fun attractions like the USS Lexington and the Texas State Aquarium just waiting to be explored. Music, art festivals and sporting events are held in Corpus Christi year round.
Located on the Gulf of Mexico, about halfway between Houston and the U.S.Mexico border, Corpus Christi has the same latitude as Tampa, Florida and has the same tropical weather. Situated on a bay and surrounded by islands and hundreds of miles of beaches. Corpus Christi is a popular spot for family vacations and provides endless recreational opportunities for visitors of all types.
The Corpus Christi Municipal Marina is at the center of it all, and boasts many of the amenities and services Corpus Christi Bay has to offer. The marina is protected from the Gulf of Mexico by scenic barrier islands off the Texas Coast, so the water is calm and the beaches are expansive. Come enjoy the waterfront and see the sailboats!
Come and see the Victorian charm in South Texas! Heritage Park and Cultural Center holds eleven historic homes, each of which is unique. One such home, the 100 year old Galván House is an awardwinning center that hosts artistic cultural programs showcasing the diverse culture of Corpus Christi and South Texas. For cultural education and historical knowledge, the Heritage Park and Cultural Center is the best place to be!
For military history, you can step aboard the U.S.S. Lexington, a famous naval aircraft carrier from World War II. The Lexington features incredible rides in a flight simulator, a chance to climb behind the controls of a jet fighter, or preview a movie in the mega theatre, which is also located on board. The museum is open seven days a week, so no matter when you visit Corpus Christi, you can see this historic treasure.
Travel on an ocean adventure deep into the Gulf of Mexico without ever leaving
the shore at the Texas State Aquarium. Observe aquatic life from dolphins to jelly fish, and learn about environmental conservation and wildlife rehabilitation.
You can also visit the largest remaining natural barrier island in the world. The Padre Island National Seashore covers 130,000 acres of pristine barrier island, providing a safe haven for sea turtles and many birds. The barrier island offers spectacular bird watching and is a focal point for bird enthusiasts throughout Texas. In addition, bird and animal enthusiasts can explore a coastal highway dedicated to bird and wildlife watching on the Great Texas Coastal Birding Trail. The trail surrounding Corpus Christi has observation platforms and kiosks with helpful information about the environment and all of its natural inhabitants.
If you’ve had enough of wildlife, you can find a peaceful and relaxing nook at the gorgeous Corpus Christi Botanical Garden. The garden features walking trails surrounded by roses, desert and tropical flowers, and 2,500 varieties of orchids. So
whether your taste runs to pristine nature or man-made beauty, Corpus Christi has the right place for you. The Botanical Garden offers tours of the facilities and grounds.
When the day is done, you can enjoy an entertaining evening of music, comedy, or drama at Corpus Christi’s outstanding non-profit Harbor Playhouse community theatre. All productions at the community theater are family-friendly, so no matter your age, you will find evening entertainment from the local talent.
Whether you’re planning a relaxing weekend escape or an extended stay, Corpus Christi and the surrounding area offers a wide assortment of hotels to choose from. Regardless of your budget or no matter if you are looking for the perfect golf getaway, fun-filled family adventure, romantic getaway or corporate meeting venue, Corpus Christi has the perfect place for you!
You can find additional information, hotels in the area, and locally scheduled events at www.visitcorpuschrisitx.org.
Things to Do in Corpus Christi
Corpus Christi Museum of Science and History
1900 North Chaparral Street
Corpus Christi, TX 78402
Phone: (361) 826-4667
Featuring History, Archeology, and Natural History Exhibits, the Corpus Christi Museum offers hours of fun for everyone in the family.
Take a journey back in time on a tour of the replica of Columbus’s ship, Pinta. Discover alligators, snakes, and turtles in our live animal exhibits. Explore guns and gold from the oldest scientifically excavated shipwreck in the Western Hemisphere. With all this and so much more, you never know what you’ll find around the corner.
Funtabulous Family
Entertainment Center
5858 South Padre Island Drive #21
Corpus Christi, TX 78412
Phone: (361) 994-1111
This center features a laser maze, human spheres, human foosball, bazooka ball, ice skating, and a play zone. The play zone includes an inflatable obstacle course, kiddie area, giant checkers, X-Box Kinect (Dance Central/River Adventure), ping pong, air hockey, and table games.
South Texas Botanical Gardens & Nature Center
8545 South Staples Street
Corpus Christi, TX 78413
Phone: (361) 852-2100
One of the Coastal Bend’s major visitor destinations and leading nature tourism facilities, the 180-acre South Texas Botanical Gardens & Nature Center showcases nine uniquely-designed floral exhibits and gardens, including the acclaimed Orchid House and Plumeria Garden--plus the Bromeliad
Conservatory and Butterfly House.
South Texas Institute for the Arts –
Art Museum of South Texas
1902 North Shoreline Boulevard
Corpus Christi, TX 78402
Phone: (361) 825-3500
In 1997 the Art Museum of South Texas, Creative Arts Center, and Center for Hispanic Arts came together to form the South Texas Institute for the Arts (STIA). This organization continues the Art Museum’s affiliation with Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi. As a result of this merger, art outreach capabilities were increased tremendously and almost 50 years of arts programming experience was brought together.
Texas State Aquarium
2710 North Shoreline Boulevard
Corpus Christi, TX 78402
Phone: (361) 881-1200
The Texas State Aquarium is a private, not-for-profit organization that receives no city, state or federal funding for its operations. The Aquarium relies on general admissions, memberships, retail sales, event rentals and the generous
support from donors to maintain its operations.
Texas Surf Museum
309 North Water Street
Corpus Christi, TX 78401
Phone: (361) 888-7873
This museum is housed in a 3,000 square-foot building and boasts hundreds of pieced of surfing memorabilia. These include several surf boards.
USS Lexington
2914 North Shoreline Boulevard
Corpus Christi, TX 78403
Phone: (361) 888-4873
In January of 1992, the USS Lexington arrived at Naval Station Ingleside and became a permanent Texas resident. In June of that year, the United States Navy officially signed over the ship to city officials and she was towed to her final berth on North Beach. The USS Lexington was opened to the public in October of 1992 and in November was dedicated in a formal ceremony attended by representatives of the City, State and Federal governments, as well as former crew
members and members of numerous veterans organizations.
South Padre Island lies on the southernmost tip of Texas and is situated on the south end of Padre Island, the longest Barrier Island in the world and the largest stretch of undeveloped ocean beach in North America. It sits just 30 miles north of Mexico and is linked to the mainland by the Queen Isabella Memorial Causeway, a two and a half mile long bridge. The Town of South Padre Island is called home by an estimated 5,000 people, giving the place
a small-town, friendly feel. However, over one million people visit the island every year according to the Convention and Visitors Bureau. It is a hotspot for retirees from northern regions to stay throughout the winter months. These residents are known throughout the Rio Grande Valley as “Winter Texans.”
South Padre Island is one of the best kept secrets in Texas, but the value of the place has finally been discovered by the world. Offering a unique setting, South Padre Island lures people to return again and again to enjoy the spirit of adventure and relaxation that can be found there. South Padre Island is a year-round
vacation destination located at the same latitude as Fort Lauderdale, Florida, and it enjoys a sub-topical environment with mild, dry winters, and warm breezy summers. With a winter average temperature of 65 degrees, a summer average temperature of 82 degrees and an average of 253 days of beautiful sunshine, it’s no wonder why so many people love South Padre Island.
South Padre Island has a council-manager form of government. The City Council, consisting of the Mayor and five city council members, has three-year staggered terms. The City Manager is the chief executive officer of the city.
eep in the heart of the Texas Hill Country just 25 miles from the big city lies beautiful New Braunfels, Texas. New Braunfels is an easy drive from major Texas cities. San Antonio is a mere 25 miles to the south on I-35 and Austin is only 40 miles to the north. Founded in 1845 by German settlers, Prince Carl of Solms-Braunfels region of Germany and a group of German farmers and craftsmen settled in New Braunfels, Texas. German names can be seen on the billboards and street names thoughout the city. New Braunfels has a population of over 98,000 and is growing at a nice pace. You can take a walking tour of the city, visit the many fantastic museums and historic district. New Braunfels is also home to Texas’ oldest bakery, oldest dance hall and WURSTFEST, an annual 10-day salute to
sausage. There are also many performing arts shows featured at local venues. With the Guadalupe and Comal Rivers running through the city visitors and the local folk enjoy a variety of water recreational activities. These water and sun activities take center stage during the summer months with shopping, local festivals, and local shows taking center stage every fall. Join in on any of the Greater New Braunfels’ exciting events, or learn to relax in the Gruene Historic District.
The historic town of Gruene, Texas and Canyon Lake are only minutes away, making New Braunfels the perfect middlepoint for all kinds of tourists. No matter what time of the year Gruene Historic District is a unique part of New Braunfels that is great for families, couples, and friends due to the variety of boutiques and activities available. Quench your thirst at any of the local wineries as well, there’s sure to be something for everybody.
Join in on the many water activities this beautiful city has to offer such as: Tube, swim, raft, or kayak the rivers. Sail, boat, water ski or fish in Canyon Lake, or fly fish in the Guadalupe River. Thousands of tourist and locals will gather together and enjoy some fun in the sun in one of the two rivers that run through this great city.
5640 South IH 35
New Braunfels, TX. 78132
Phone: (830) 402-4603
Animal World & Snake Farm Zoo is located at exit 182 on IH 35 in New Bruanfels, Texas. A 3-acre park with over 500 animals from around the world, Animal World and Snake Farm Zoo has reptiles, birds, tortoises, alligators & crocodiles, primates & lemurs, hoof stock, warthogs & hyenas, a rattle snake pit, a petting zoo and much, much more.
26495 Natural Bridge Caverns Road
Natural Bridge Caverns, TX. 78266
Phone: (210) 651-6101
Explore Natural Bridge Caverns, Texas’ largest and one of the world’s premier show caves. Take a guided tour through huge underground chambers. Find your way through one of the only permanent outdoor mazes in Texas. Pan for treasure, like miners panned for gold. Or, test your balance, agility, and strength against our ropes course and zip rails. It’s Naturally Amazing.
Explore the Discovery Tour, where stateof-the-art lighting illuminates massive, otherworldly formations formed by single drops of water and the slow passage of time. Or, explore our Hidden Passages Tour, where shadows dance over delicate formations, and mystery awaits in every shadow. Take to the skies high above Texas as you ascend the Twisted Trails or for a true test, try tackling our Adventure Tours. Experience a sense of discovery finding your way through our AMAZEn’ Ranch Roundup, a 5,000-square-foot outdoor maze.
26515 Natural Bridge Caverns Road
Natual Bridge Caverns, TX. 78266
Phone: (830) 438-7400
Have you ever dreamed of going on Natural Bridge Wildlife Ranch
Travel the Safari Drive-Thru in the comfort of your own vehicle. Over 40 species from all over the world roam rolling hills, meandering creek beds, and amongst magnificent live oak trees on this scenic, historic 450-acre Texas Hill Country ranch. If a guided tour might sound more adventurous, Safari Adventure Tours will offer visitors a guided tour on NBWR’s Safari Adventure Trek. Our official adventure guides are our animal specialists who work in a hands-on environment to see the care of animals every day. We focus on species that have a conservation need. Our Safari Adventure Trek allows explorers
to learn more from our guides in our custom-built Safari
Main Castle Entrance – Schlitterbahn West
400 North Liberty Avenue
New Braunfels, TX. 78130
Phone: (830) 625-2351
Schlitterbahn New Braunfels is on every summer bucket list for things to do near San Antonio or across the great state of Texas. The World’s Best Waterpark provides a staggering variety of river rides, pools, waterslides, and adventures from mild to wild. With four distinct sections, any single area of Schlitterbahn is as large as most regional waterparks. Every section contains a swim-up bar, not-so lazy river, a children’s area, and unique signature attractions.
Schlitterbahn New Braunfels Waterpark
Resort has become a summer vacation destination for many families. With seven distinct accommodation styles and room types ranging from a basic hotel room to a multi-room vacation home, Schlitterbahn’s resort is ready to host your family. Stay during the water park season and enjoy waterpark admission included in your reservation. The Resort is open for year-round fun in the beautiful Texas Hill Country.
Ranked as the 2nd fastest growing County and fifth fastest growing City in the Nation, Comal County and New Braunfels are experiencing an unprecedented growth rate – growing at an average of 5% per year, a 66% increase since 2012. The City’s population surpassed 90,000 in 2020 and is projected to reach 120,000 by 2025. New Braunfels population consists largely of German and Hispanic Decedents.
Comal County and the City of New Braunfels have two school districts: New Braunfels ISD is primarily within the city limits and Comal Independent School District which spans 589 miles of Central Texas, including parts of five central Texas counties: Comal, Bexar, Hays, Kendall, and Guadalupe. CISD has 12 elementary schools, 5 middle schools, and 3 thigh schools in the district and is rated as a Recognized school district by the Texas Education Agency. NBISD has 15 total schools within the district and rated as an academically accepted school district. To keep pace with the explosive population growth in the area, both CISD and NBISD have passed bond issues to build and expand schools, upgrade technology and purchase land for future schools. On May 9, 2015 voters in the Comal Independent School District approved a nearly $150 million bond package. The $147.7 million bond is based on the district’s plan to address growing enrollment in middle schools, along with capital projects at existing facilities and student safety and security. An estimated $94 million of the bond package will go toward the construction of two new middle schools. For additional information please visit www.innewbruanfels.com.
The Mayor is elected at large by the citizens of New Braunfels. The city has an updated comprehensive city master plan supervised by a Planning and Zoning Commission. The commission also oversees the application and enforcement of the City Zoning Ordinance. The city has 122 police personnel with 66 patrol cars; the Fire department has 103 firemen, 5 stations, and 5 fully equipped ambulances. Because of the efficiency of the Fire Department, New Braunfels has the state’s maximum good fire record credit of 20% with a key rate of fourteen cents. The City operates ambulance service with Emergency Medical Technicians and Paramedics. As of 1990, 911 service has been a part of New Bruanfels and Comal County.
The New Braunfels area continues to
experience growth in the healthcare sector and provides a variety of medical facilities and professionals who offer full-service, state-of-the-art healthcare right here, locally. Everything from a skinned knee to open-heart surgery can be accessed here with highly-skilled and compassionate healthcare professionals who will be with you every step of the way. These comprehensive services minimize the need to travel to Austin or San Antonio. The community provides the latest in diagnostic, treatment, rehabilitation and specialized care. Enjoy the convenience of shorter travel distances, reduced wait times and the support of your friends, family and community. According to Texas Comptroller’s Office, it is estimated that prior to the multi-million dollar investments brought to the area by heath providers since 2008, more than $125 million (60%) of medical services were outsourced to San Antonio or Austin. A healthcare economic impact reported in 2011 that for every $1-million increase in demand for healthcare services would result in more that //44 billion dollars in direct income and produce 180 direct and indirect healthcare jobs.
Whether you are interested in owning or leasing, the New Braunfels housing market offers a variety of choices. Texas continues to lead the country in the economic recovery with the real estate industry being the key factor. Texas has the most affordable housing in the country. And considering the housing growth in New Braunfels and Comal County is amongst the highest in the state, these components make New Braunfels not only a great place to live but a good investment.
Residential neighborhoods range from conventional subdivisions to gated communities. New Braunfels Housing will vary from garden home lots to standard size city lots. Or if acreage is your preference, the New Braunfels Housing Market area offers several acreage subdivisions. If being on or close to the water is in your desire, then consider the opportunities available on one of our two rivers or many of our area lakes.
Downtown New Braunfels is alive with shopping, dining, art, history, and fun! Lush and beautiful Landa Park is located just a few blocks from the city center, as are the Wurstfest grounds. Numerous charming businesses line both sides of San Antonio Street — the main thoroughfare of Downtown New Braunfels. Visitors love to stroll along the tree-lined avenues, window shopping under the awnings, or popping into a shop for a tasty snack or refreshing drink. Several times a year, the streets near the historic downtown square are closed for festivals, parades, street fairs, and other community activities. The city of New Braunfels was built on two traditions: a strong work ethic and good times, known in German as Gemütlichkeit. Tourists and residents alike will find both in abundance, no matter what time of year they plan a visit to downtown New Braunfels. The median price of residential property sold in New Braunfels for 2022 was approximately $374,500, while the average price was $405,712. In 2022, the average days on the market for a residential property was 64 days. Whether you are buying or renting, the New Braunfels Housing Market offers a variety of price ranges to fit your budget. In addition to the custom built homes or the larger national home builder subdivisions, the New Braunfels area does offer mobile home sites and RV parks.
Originally settled over a century ago, Gruene is a snapshot of Texas culture and history come to life. With 15 walkable acres designated a National Historic District, visitors can shop, dine, and dance within the walls of the original township buildings. The ideal balance of preservation and progress, Gruene Historic District is a Texas travel industry darling for good reason. From tacos to onion rings, antiques to cowboy hats, and Americana music to blues, every doorway leads you to something unforgettable. Gruene is for people who love good music, fun times, and old things!
Retiring from Military…
If you’ve been in San Antonio for any length of time, you’ve probably noticed its strong sense of cultural and patriotic pride. The Alamo City boasts a unique blend of Mexican, Spanish, Texan, and American influence. The heritage and pride of the city is strongly impacted and reinforced by its military-friendly culture. It’s no surprise that military families love their stay in San Antonio...and many of them stick around or return to retire in Bexar County. The numbers don’t lie: almost 50,000 military retirees are currently living in San Antonio!
For years, San Antonio has been nicknamed “Military City USA”. Not only is San Antonio the proud home of Joint Base San Antonio (a conglomerate of three different military installations), but it also boasts numerous military support organizations, veteran resources, and a strong sense of military community. Consequently, on nearly every list we found San Antonio was one of the top cities listed as “military friendly”. The military installations combine to form Joint Base San Antonio, which is made up
of Fort Sam Houston, Randolph AFB, and Lackland AFB. The full base employs over 80,000 people, making it one of the largest in the country.
One of the huge perks of military retirement in San Antonio is the widespread availability of military resources. Both on and off-base, service support organizations and squadrons exist almost solely to assist military members, retirees, and their families transition to civilian life and/or take full advantage of military benefits. These perks are totally unique to San Antonio! Just a few of these services are: USAA
headquarters, Brooke Army Medical Clinic’s outstanding facility, Office of Military Affairs, the largest chapter of Air Force Association, and Association of USArmy, among others.
One of the biggest reasons why military men and women love the Alamo City is its combination of quality amenities and relatively low cost of living. The level of affordability in the housing market is one big draw...and buying a home is often a priority for former military members, especially considering the high volume of moves made in the past. And to top it off, Texas requires no state income tax on retirement income (pension).
Physical Address: 1422 E. Grayson St., 4Th Floor, San Antonio, TX. 78207
Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday: 8a - 5p (By Appointment Only)
The Bexar County Military and Veterans Services Center (MVSC) is an advocate agency that provides professional and tailored services to the military and veteran communities throughout the Veteran Cycle.
The Bexar County Military and Veterans Services Center takes appointments for benefits counseling and referral services. Contact our office to set up an appointment at 210-335-6775 or by e-mail at Vets@Bexar.org. For Additonal Information on VA Compensation & Pension, Education, Employment, Housing, Burial Benefits, Homeless Veteran Burial Program, County & Local Resources, State of Texas Benefits, and How to Guides please visit website: https://www.bexar.org/509/Military-andVeterans-Services-Center
Veteran Senior care is expensive. Veterans benefits may help. What do you know about the VA Aid and Attendance (A&A) pension benefit? Millions of veterans have earned this benefit and it can help them and their families pay for senior care — but many people don’t know about it. When families do find out about the A&A benefit, they sometimes find the VA’s application process and eligibility requirements confusing and difficult. Some mistakenly believe the program is only for combat veterans. Others don’t realize their loved one served during a qualifying time of war, because the VA definition of wartimes extends beyond the dates of conflict. Recipients don’t need to be impoverished to qualify for A&A, either. The VA doesn’t include the value of your car, home or personal effects when it reviews assets and income for eligibility.
Are Aid and Attendance benefits worth the effort to apply?
In many cases, the answer is yes. As of December 2018, a single veteran who qualifies for A&A can receive up to $1,881 per month, a married vet can receive up to $2,230 per month and a surviving spouse can receive up to $1,209 per month to pay for needed care at home, in an assisted living community, memory care or in a nursing home. For many families paying for senior care, this income can make the difference between comfort and hardship.
When you are ready to retire from the City of San Antonio, there are a few things that you will want to do to get the process started:
1. Call the Texas Municipal Retirement System or TMRS at 1.800.924.8677 to request your personalized retirement estimate. Remember, to be eligible to retire your TMRS account, you need to have five (5) years of service at age 60 or 20 years of service at any age.
2. Call Human Resources Customer Service at 210.207.8705 to schedule your retirement appointment.
3. Provide your department with your retirement date. This should be done in writing, and you should plan to give at least two weeks’ notice.
4. Contact the Social Security Administration at www.ssa.gov to find out when you are eligible to apply for Social Security retirement benefits.
5. Reach out to your Mission Square Retirement (formerly known as ICMA-RC) or Nationwide Retirement Solutions representative if you contribute to one of the City’s 457 (Deferred Compensation) plans.
Where do retirees live in San Antonio?
Popular Neighborhoods for Retirement in San Antonio
• River North. Retirement can be enjoyed in one of San Antonio’s most popular and bustling districts
• The Dominion
• Cordillera Ranch
• Hollywood Park
• Olmos Park
• Alamo Heights
Is San Antonio expensive to live in?
Although San Antonio isn’t a small city, it’s usually compared to its big city siblings Dallas, Houston, and Austin, which can be more expensive. Comparatively, the San Antonio cost of living is much lower—12% lower than the national average, actually.
Is San Antonio a Safe place to live?
According to statistics recently released by the FBI, San Antonio had the 38th highest Violent Crime rate in the country in 2019, 707.50 incidents per 100,000 residents. It also ranked 19th for Property Crime rate in the country, 4,844.84 per 100,000 residents.
Why are houses in San Antonio so cheap?
This thriving job market allows more renters to become homeowners, further fueling growth in the San Antonio real estate market. Though San Antonio is
a metropolitan area, the cost of living is extremely affordable. ... Low cost of living and a rising economy make San Antonio a very attractive place to buy a home.
Is it worth moving to San Antonio?
San Antonio has an unemployment rate below the national average and the state average. This thriving city saw job growth of about 3% from 2016 to 2017 (approximately 30,000 more jobs added), which is higher than other Texas cities. For Millennials looking for a job and affordable housing, San Antonio is a great option.
How much do you need to make a comfortable living in San Antonio?
The median household income in a city certainly helps gauge the cost of living. The median household income in San Antonio is $52,455, which is 15% less than that of the state. The median income for an individual is $30,031, which is 10% less than that of the state.
Is San Antonio Dry or Humid?
In San Antonio Texas, the wet season is overcast, the dry season is partly cloudy, and it is warm year round. Over
the course of the year, the temperature typically varies from 44°F to 89°F and is rarely below 38°F or above 94°F.
What is the hottest month in San Antonio?
August! The hottest month of the year in San Antonio is August, with an average high of 95°F and low of 75°F. The cool season lasts for 2.8 months, from November 27 to February 20, with an average daily high temperature below 70°F.
What is San Antonio like in the winter?
Winter in San Antonio is generally short and very mild, with average temperatures in January reaching 63° for a high and 41° for a low. January is typically the coldest month of the year. December temperatures are similar, with an average high of 64° and a low of 42°.
Does San Antonio get Hurricanes? Hurricanes can hit the gulf coast but San Antonio is well inland, 120 miles or so. Any hurricanes would only affect San Antonio in terms of rain but obviously no storm surge or heavy winds that far inland.
502d ABW 221-9363
502d FSS (Family & MWR) 221-2606
AF ED 221-1294
AMEDD Museum 221-6358
AMEDDC&S Personnel Office 221-6951
American Red Cross 224-5151
Aquatic Center 221-4887
Army Emergency Relief 221-1612
Army Substance Abuse Program (ASAP) 295-4094
Behavorial Medicine 539-9589
Billetting, InterContinental Hotel Group (IHG) 3572705
Bowling Center / Snack Bar 221-4740
Broadway Bank 227-7131
Car Care Center - Firestone 224-0209
Cemetery, National at Fort Sam Houston 820-3891
Central Issue Facility 221-3219
Chapel, AMEDD - Regimental 221-3231/4210
Chapel, DODD Field 221-5010
Chapel, Main Post 221-2754
Child Development Center (CDC) 221-5002
Child Youth & School Services Office 221-4871
Civilian Personnel Office/ AIR FORCE 808-7577
Civilian Personnel Office/ARMY 221-1425
Class 6/ Beverage Store 221-2728
Cole Sr./Jr. High School 368-8730/8729
Commissary 221-4678
CY&S Central Parent Central 221-4871
Dental Clinic (Budge) 808-3735
Dental Clinic (Rhoades) 295-4095
Dining Facility (Rocco) 221-3608
Dormitories, METC Air Force 808-2656
Dormitories, METC Navy 808-1016
Dormitories, METC Navy 808-1016
Education Center 221-1738
Elementary School 368-8809
Enterprise Rental Car 222-8251
Equestrian Center (Riding Stables) 224-7207
Evans Theatre (Reservations) 221-4227
Exchange (BX,PX,NEX) 225-5566
Exchange (Home & Garden) 225-4785
Finance/ Military Air Force 221-5864
Finance/ Military Army 221-2025
Fisher House 916-6000
Golf Course 221-5863
Harlequin 222-9694
Housing, Off-post 295/8569/8539
Housing On-Post Lincoln 270-7638
HQ, 502d Mission Support Group (MSG) 221-0287
HQ, 5th Army/Quadrangle 221-1232
HQ, MEDCOM (Medical Command) 221-6710
HQ, US Army South (USARSO) HHBN 295-0663
ID Card Section 221-0415
IMCOM Headquarters 466-1189
Inspector General (FSH & AMEDDC&S) 221-1461
Legal Assistance Office (JAG) (ASA) 221-2282
Legal Assistance, 502d FSG 808-0169
Library (Main Post) 221-4702
Medical Clinic, FSH 808-3500
Middle School Teen Center 221-3635
MIF1 899 808-1857
MIF2 890 808-1267
MIF3 1356 808-1267
MIF4 1364 808-1267
MIF5 1393 808-1267
Military & Family Readiness (ACS) 221-2705/2418
Military Clothing Sales 221-3595
Military Personnel 221-2076 Motor Pool, 502d Vehicle Operations
Center (SAMMC) 9164141
Shoppette, Patch Rd.
Shoppette, Williams Rd. 221-4612
(WFSC) 916-8219
ABW Headquarters
Aquatic Center & Park
Army Emergency Relief (AER)
Army Community Services (ACS)/M&FRC
Medical Center of Excellence, MEDCoE
Army Substance Abuse Program (ASAP)
Behavioral Health/ Medicine
Billeting Office, Temp Lodging, IHG
Bowling Center & Snack Bar
Burger King/ Popeyes
Casualty Affairs - Army
Car Care Center - Firestone (AAFES)
Cemetery, National at (FSH) VA
Central Issue Family
Chapel, MEDCoE
Chapel, Dodd Field
Chapel, Main Post
Child Developement Center
Civilian Personnel Office (Air Force)
Civilian Personnel Office (Army)
Class Vi/ Beverage Store
Cole Sr/ Jr. High School
2080 Wilson Way
3548 Williams Rd, Bldg 330
1304 Stanley Rd, Bldg 131
3060 Stanley Rd, Bldg 2797
3630 Stanley Rd, Bldg 2840/41
Moreno Clinic 3100 Schofield Rd, Bldg 1179
Moreno Clinic 3100 Schofield Rd, Bldg 1179
3325 William Hardee Rd, Bldg 1384
2521 Schofield Rd
2449 Winfield Rd, Bldg 382
1304 Stanley Rd, Bldg 131
2305 Schofield Rd, Bldg 2610
1520 Harry Wurzbach Rd
2640 Harney Rd, Bldg 2640
3834 Garden Ave
5584 Dodd Blvd
1605 Wilson Way
1703 Dodd Blvd
2400 Jessup Rd, Bldg 4026
2438 Stanley Rd, Ste B Bldg 144
2490 7th St
4001 Winans Rd
Dental Clinic (Budge)
Dental Clinic (Rhoades)
Dining Facility (Rocco)
UPS Store
Education Center (Air Force)
Education Center (Army)
Elementary School, Fort Sam Houston ISD
Exchange (BX, PX, NEX)
Equestrian Center, Riding Stables
Family Advocacy Program
Finance, Military Finance (Air Force)
Finance, Military Finance (DFAS)
Fisher House/ Powless House
Golf Course
Off Post Housing Referral - MHO Main Office
On Post Housing, Management (HUNT)
HQ, 5th Army, Quadrangle (Army North)
HQ, MEDCoE (Medical Command)
HQ, US Army South (ARSOUTH)
ID Card Section
2400 Funston Rd, Ste 6, Bldg 360 3145 Garden Ave, Bldg 1278
2940 Stanley Rd, Bldg 2375
2500 Funston Rd
2766 Harney Rd
2427 Hood St Trailer, 4011-a
2408 N New Braunfels Ave, Bldg 2248
4351 Nursurey Rd
2500 Funstun Rd, Bldg 2542
Bldg 3550 Trooper Rd
2770 Stanley Rd, Bldg 198
2400 Jessup Rd, Bldg 4026
2400 Jessup Rd, Bldg 4023
3623 George C. Beach Rd, Bldg 3636
1050 Harry Wurzbach Rd
3171 Zinn Rd, Bldg 1161
407 Dickman, Bldg 407
1400 E Grayson St
2450 Connell Rd
4100 Stanley Rd
2400 Jessup Rd, Bldg 4023
In/ Out Processing
Inspector Feneral Offices, MEDCoE
Jimmy Brought Fitness Center
Legal Assistance, 502nd FSG
Library (Main Post) Keith/ Campbell
Medical Clinic, Moreno Clinic
Medical Clinic, Mc Wethy Clinic
Middle School Teen Center
Military Clothing Sales Store
Military & Family Readiness (,&FRC)/ ACS
Military Police, FSH
Museum, MEDCoE
Museum, Fort Sam Houston
Outdoor Equipment/ Recreation Center
Pharmacy (Call-in Refill)
Police Station (SFS/MPS)
Sam Houston Community Center
Brooks Army Medical Center (BAMC)
2400 Jessup Rd, Bldg 4023
3161 McIndoe Rd, Bldg 1152
320 Wilson Way 2422 Stanley Rd, Bldg 134
3011 Harney Path, Bldg 1222
3100 Schofeild Rd, Bldg 1179
3051 Garden Ave, Bldg 1279
2814 Funston Rd 4188 Commissary St
3060 Stanley Rd, Bldg 2797
2233 Wilson St 3898 Stanley Rd, Bldg 1046
1405 E. Grayson St, Bldg 16
3490 Trooper Rd 2401 Winfield Scott Rd 2233 Wilson St 2492 Stanley Rd
2400 Jessup Rd, Bldg 4026
2440 Reynolds Rd, Bldg 366
1395 Chaffee Rd 3551 Roger Brooke Dr 221-9274
School Age Services (SAS)
Security Office/ ECC/ BDOC
Shoppette, Firestone Car Svc
Shoppette - PATCH
Shoppette - Service Station on Walters
Shoppette - Williams
Medical Readiness Command, West
JBSA Sexual Assult
Transition Assistance Program (TAP)
Suicide Prevention
Survivor Outreach Services (SOS)
Theatre, Evans Theatre, Harlequin
Thrift Shop
Ticket Office (ITT)
Veterinary Services
Vogel Resiliency Center
United Services Organization (USO) BAMC
United Services Organization (USO) FSH
Youth Activity Center
3571 WInans Rd
2484 Stanley Rd
2305 Schofield Rd
890 Patch Rd
2610 Schofield Rd
1387 Williams Rd
4070 Stanley Rd, Bldg 1029
3555 Patch Rd
3931 Okubo Barracks, Bldg 3639
2430 Stanley Rd, Bldg 143
2414 Stanley Rd
3695 Garden Ave, Bldg 1396
2652 Harney Rd
1210 Stanley Rd, Bldg 123
1395 Chaffee Rd
2400 Jessup Rd, Bldg 4023
2332 Harney Rd, Bldg 2635
2490 Stanley Rd, Bldg 367
3138 Rawley East Chambers
1395 Chaffee Rd, Bldg 1395
5557 Watkins Blvd, Bldg 1630
This map can not be used for legal purposes, especially for determination of public access adherent to sale or transfer of real estate where official government plan maps must be used to verify any traffic way shown on this map. Southwest Texas Publishing, Inc. assumes no responsibility in cases of misrepresentation by others of map data not confirmed by actual surveys.
The Flats at Big Tex, is designed to meet the needs of individuals in any type of living situation. That’s why we offer flexible lease terms ranging from one to 12 months. Whether you’re PCS or TDY, we have a selection of beautiful spaces for you to call home, all just minutes from Fort Sam Houston, Lackland AFB, and Camp Bullis.