Halinhan Magazine Volume No. 1

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here’s nothing often hear. As we wonder tim changes will b very best of th the beautiful, to the flavor Halinhan covers what it m

Every flip of every page

g permanent except for change”, a quote we s we face a new decade within the pandemic, me-and-time again just how permanent these be. With Halinhan, we strive to showcase the he changes the new 20s introduced to us. From rsome; from the interesting, to the practical— means to be a Filipino in the new roaring 20s.

e in Halinhan takes you through a narrative

walkthrough of the modernized Filipino life. Whether you’re looking to improve your health, lifestyle, and expanding your book collection, we provide stories relevant to the Filipino experience. Halinhan is brought to you by a team of creators that are passionate in chronicling the highlights of living life, all packaged to a magazine on your coffee table. We hope that you enjoy the journey that reading this magazine will take you to. Halinhan tells stories from cover-to-cover, so sit back, relax, and let us take you to an expedition to how Filipinos’ lifestyle, interest, and future shift throughout a new decade in the global pandemic.

Table Contents of

Progression in a New Lane -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------WIP: Who's in Progress? -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Finding Nemo: Coral Garden Discovered under Ternate's Core Zone -----------------------------------------------------------How Samsung's Freestyle Changes the Game for Portable Smart Home Entertainment -------------------------------Mental Health in the Philippines During the Pandemic -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Is Food Just Fuel for the body? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ginger Tea: My Daily Go-Sip ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Got Hooked: Crochet your way out of stress; a thread ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Plants as the perfect pandemic Pals -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Pandemic Pets: Not all heroes wear capes, others have paws -----------------------------------------------------------------------Daily D.O.S.E. of Happiness: How to activate happy chemicals in our brain -------------------------------------------------Cycling: An Ever Growing Craze this Pandemic -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Wear our Filipino Roots and Culture--Loud and Proud! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thrifty Drip Check! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Anytime Cleaners: First Class Cleaning Services ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Sugar we never knew we needed; How Dalgona coffee swirled the world ---------------------------------------------Surviving ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Clean and Disinfect? Do it on your own! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Cleaning the greenway -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Upcycled Fashion ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Toktok delivers service to the Filipino People ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Role of Axie Infinity and NFT Gaming in the Philippines ----------------------------------------------------------------------7 Ways you've got quarantine fashion --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------How a family's never-ending love created a business ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------Escentials Perfume Shop ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mine! L'eau et soliel: The patricia and aleya's aesthetic clothing line business ---------------------------------------------Don't Look Up: An Accolade to Present Day -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------All of us are dead ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Encanto: Disney's take on generational trauma -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Snowpiercier ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------House of Gucci -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------What to do if the world is ending ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Nadine Lustre is not just nicknamed "President Lustre" for nothing, she has embodied the walk the talk ----SB19 in the Zone -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Monk who sold his Ferrari: A fable about Fulfilling your dreams and Reaching your destiny ----------------All my lonely Islands ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Get to experience the old Philippines in Las Casas De Acuzar ----------------------------------------------------------------------Travel Baguio City ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Big Lights in the center of Luzon -------------------------------------------------------- Page 62-63 Alitaptap Village -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 64-65 Why Should you consider a trip to Marinduque? -------------------------------- Page 66-67 A healthful Heaven within the Farm --------------------------------------------------- Page 68-69 Hidden Wonders is the new whole food plant-based haven in Cavite -- Page 70-71 Missing Boracay --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 72-73 Place to visit in Batangas City ------------------------------------------------------------- Page 74-75 #TaraSaKawit: Home of the Philippine History ----------------------------------- Page 76-77

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PAGE 01 | News


Progression in a New Lane Cybel Ranan I Writer

By: Rappler.com

PAGE 02 | News


Pasig City’s Local Government Projects


nown as the “Green City”, Pasig has been one of the thriving residential communities in the Philippines and led it to be recognized as one of the most liveable cities in the world in 2013. For decades, there have been the same initials that reigned in Pasig until the recent election where a new and fresh name evolved and won the votes of Pasiguenos which was then immediately tested to the next level when Pandemic hit just months after this. Lockdowns and their extension made everyone question “what will happen to us now?”, “When will this ever end?’, and “where’s the government and what are they doing?”

In the first months and every rollout of heavy lockdowns in Pasig, there is the distribution of food packs and cash incentives for every family, done through the house-to-house distribution system to ensure that everyone would benefit even those in condominium apartments regardless of whether you’re a new Pasig resident. The local government also prioritized the A2 population of the city or the Senior Citizens along with essential workers upon the arrival of the vaccines due to their high susceptibility to the virus. With an estimated 45,000 senior citizens living in Pasig City, all of them have already been vaccinated with at least one dose of the CoVid-19 vaccine by late July of the year 2021. The city was the first Local Government Unit (LGU) to achieve this crucial community health goal for its senior citizens. Moreover, nearly 100% in Pasig City also have received at least one dose of the vaccines by mid-August of 2021. These milestones were made possible through its government officials and volunteer efforts. Aside from building an online platform for its citizens to register for the vaccine schedule, the government also conducted several Vaccine Registration Express drives on each barangay to make it even easy for people to be reached out. Volunteers also made house-to-house vaccine registration to especially, cater to senior citizens with the low capability of going outside and/or using gadgets to register for their vaccine schedule. It also served as a way to conveniently address other people’s doubts and hesitation towards the validity of being vaccinated. Pasig City also has reached an achievement even from the start of the year 2020 on February when the City saved P1.2 Billion credited to a successful exertion of transparency on all bidding process and the reform of now Pasig City Mayor Vico Sotto for Freedom of Information – which also earned him the title of “anti-corruption champion” by the US State Department. In line with this, the local government continues

By: ManilaTimes.com to establish a pool of capable and Civil Society Organization (CSO) observers and train all government officials to abide to the said transparency order. Since July 2019, several employees also have been freed from contractual status. There were 1,957 total numbers of Contractual LGU employees that has been regularized, some of them has been working there for quite a long term now and this regularization of employees will still continue along with regularizations of nurses and other essential workers. Several streets also have been lit up and many more to come since the local government started the “Oplan Kaayusan” (OK) project that installs several LED street lights to spots in every Pasig Barangays with dim to no lighting at all that could be a major cause of safety issues. Roads with much-needed maintenance and/or fix also were and will be benefited from the project. The Local Government of Pasig also offers livelihood programs for its residents and one of the newest was for the Pasig Weavers in partnership with Bayo Foundation. This supports and promotes tour local and high-quality textiles and gives basic/intermediate/ advanced training to those who are interested. A lot more projects were made despite the challenges caused by the pandemic. It includes; building and improving drainage on flood-prone parts of Pasig; Urban Farming; “Electrification” which gave parts of Pasig a legal connection line of electricity such as in SMTI, Maybunga that is consist of 27 households with an estimation of 50 families; Mobile drug Testing Clinic and a possibility of having one for Family Planning and HIV Screening for a convenient and extensive reach to more Pasig residents; distribution of tablets and laptops for all Pasig students and teachers in Public Schools including Monthly Connection allowance for College students of Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Pasig plus the allowance increase for the Pasig City Scholars; Infrastracture projects such as multi-purpose buildings on some of the barangay that needs it and school buildings such as the reconstruction of the long-abandoned amphitheatre in Rizal High School; and many more to mention. Pasig Government just proved that progress doesn’t just need a multi-billion budget or a staggering debt from who knows where to be achieved. It comes with high-quality servant-leadership and a good decision-making from the votes of its citizens.

PAGE 02 | News


Acknowledging the problem is one step towards solving it. Hear the narrative of the people. Sustain your focus and see the patterns for action.



Who’s in Pro


he fast-spreading COVID - 19 virus caught the government o of their time at home. With the public gone and the consisten is stiff and impossible to happen. Two years of having this w are we now?

General Mariano Alvarez (GMA) is a municipality from the province of Cavite. It has 27 barangays and a 172,000 population. Outlined as small and almost unnoticed, this town is invariably active in providing the best service to offer to its people. For the early start of 2022, the GMA Local Task Force (LTF) received a certificate of commendation from the provincial government of Cavite. On top of that, GMA was awarded as 2nd Most Improved Municipality during the 1s Provincial Competitiveness Awards. The LDRRMCO GMA is also rated as a fully compliant municipality along with having a 100% record for the 2021 Good Financial Housekeeping. These awards are not only slips of advancement but the image of handed-efforts and full-acquainted strategies in acknowledging the needs of the community. Curious? Let’s have a look over. How do we provide service when there’s no one to see? Simple. Go virtual. The GMA-LGU utilized a focused website with the use of their official Facebook page for all advisories and updates. With more than 84,000 followers, the dissemination of announcements became trouble-free. Next, the sweeping implementation of the Prevent-DetectIsolate-Treat-and-Reintegrate + Vaccine (PDITR+V) Strategy. The GMA Task Force assigns checkpoints in maintaining the health protocols. Checkpoints are located in the two main entrances of the town, in every barangay entrance, and closed shortcuts where people might escape in. Health Monitoring Teams are created per barangay to allow easier contact tracing. The GMA-LGU coordinated with temporarily closed business establishments, schools, the CarSiGMA hospital, and GMA RHU to provide enough isolation facilities to all suspected and confirmed positive COVID- 19 cases. Now that vaccines are readily available, the Vaccination Operation is extended for 6 days (from Mondays to Saturdays) with the daily performance of disinfection and decontamination. In consideration of the elderly and those with commodities, the distribution of vaccines was transformed into the “Mobile ResBAKUNA” program. According to the Municipal Health Office, the total utilized

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By: Rappler.com




off-guard—resolving people to spend most nt liability to our health, providing service widespread, the probing persists—where

of January 17, 2022) reached 197, 739 people % are partially vaccinated while 73.02% are fully

ct of the COVID-19 pandemic has seriously t only the health safety of the people but economic status, education, and well-being. a no-one-left-behind stand, various programs o severely affected citizens. Through the Aid s in Crisis Situation (AICS) Program, financial as given to tricycle and jeepney drivers, as well eaved families of previous COVID-19 patients. ublic Employment Service Office (PESO), thousand jobs are offered with assistance nt requirements. In coordination with the griculture Office, the practice of organic and making was initiated for those who would like siness. Free renewal of business permits is For promotion, you will see the #TaraExplore ideos on the GMA-LGU official Facebook page places to visit in the town. nd improve the educational access and quality ents, eLearning facilities and reading materials d, allowing students a free desktop and internet ademic tasks. Educational assistance is also high school and college students– one from ive barangays and one from the municipality. th our lives itself is grueling, what more now cked up and narrowed? According to the of Health (DOH), at least 3.6 million Filipinos from mental health issues. In pursuing action, sychosocial support is conducted to the public reintegrate themselves, manage thoughts and d have guidance on positive healing. much as we value our people, pets should have h security. The “Bet ni Vet” program is free ss to all our animal pets. This indeed declares -behind community and no wonder this town is

a Clampiano I Writer

PAGE 03 | News


Neither for the few but all across the board. Be present and involved. Do something— for the good of all.

PAGE 04 | News




ral G

ore zone c s ’ e t a n Ter r arden e d discovered un Ernest H. Reyes I Creatives

ERNATE, Cavite – A group of volunteer divers discovered a coral garden under the core zone of Ternate Marine Park (TMP) in Caylabne Beach Resort last May 17.

The almost 160 square meter coral garden was found approximately 20 meters away from the seashore and is 26 feet deep, Provincial Environment and Natural Resources Office (PENRO)-Cavite Development Management Officer II Andrea Panganiban said in a The Manila Times report. The dive was primarily intended for the installation of marker buoys to protect the core zone of TMP which was part of the local government’s twoday activity for the celebration of the Month of the Ocean. The aquaculture discovery was headed by Confédération Mondiale des Activités Subaquatiques (CMAS) Dive Instructor Gerard Galza and Professional Association of Diving Instructors (PADI) Course Director Mario Elumba.

The LGU and other environmental groups believed that this will lead to boosting eco-tourism and aqua diversity. Meanwhile, Oceana Philippines, a non-profit organization, furthered that this discovery in TMP is proof that Manila Bay is not dead. “Besides plastic pollution, several reclamation projects threaten Manila Bay. If these won’t be stopped soon, we could totally destroy what remains of the Bay’s ecosystem,” Oceana Philippines said on their Facebook post. Truly, biodiversity was incredibly beautiful. It is fun if we find Nemo but more amazing if we discover these new kinds of coral gardens around the world.

By: Ulule.com

PAGE 05 | News


How Samsung's Freestyle Changes the Game for Portable Smart Home Entertainment (Product Feature)

G By: GadgetMatch.com

Mikael Mijeno I Editor one are the days of doing the arduous task of setting up and powering bulky projectors just for a 5-minute school presentation. Gone are the days of lugging a heavy device to your room whenever you want an impromptu movie night. And how could we forget about those large archaic overhead projectors?

Showcased during CES 2022, tech giant Samsung took the tech world by storm with its new addition to its lineup of great tech gadgets—The Freestyle. Perfect for those wanting a portable smart entertainment experience, this small device is a projector, smart speaker, and an ambient light system all rolled up into one sleek package. Its cylindrical design gives it a look similar to a futuristic spotlight, and with a weight of just 860g, it’s the perfect portable entertainment companion. The Freestyle can rotate up to 180 degrees, allowing users to project on anywhere from the floor to the ceiling. Smart is one way to describe this product, as it hosts numerous features only made possible by advanced sensors and technologies. Its gyroscope sensor allows it to automatically adjust its level, orientation, and focus, so no need to manually tinker just to have the perfect set up. With a built-in 360 sound system, The Freestyle immerses users into a deep cinematic experience. Last but not the least, it has the features of a Samsung Smart TV built-in, users can enjoy

access to their favorite streaming apps and websites. All of these features had people all over the web-especially Twitter--raving about how excited they are about Samsung’s new ‘TV Killer’. With one user saying, “Take all of my money, Samsung!”. “This is definitely a must-have,” said another. Netizens are also calling the product a game-changer and “insane”. ElectroCity, Ireland’s largest electrical retailer calls it big-screen magic. And with multiple review sites calling it a true innovation--Samsung’s Freestyle is due for massive success. The Freestyle is a superb choice for those looking to bring entertainment anywhere they go. And if you are the type of person that wants a smart projector that levels automatically, while being in a portable and elegant package, you’d be hard-pressed to find anything better than the Freestyle. The Freestyle costs $899.99 (PHP 45,900) and is available for pre-order as of January 4, 2022.

Health section



PAGE 06 | Health

Do you know that only 3-5% of the Philippines’ healthcare budget is allotted for mental health? This is such an alarmingly low percentage.

Mental Health in th Philippines during

PANDEMI PhilippineInquirer.com


he the


PAGE 08 | News

Precious Camua | Editorial Writer


s mental illnesses are very prevalent in the country, only 88 in every 100,000 cases are officially diagnosed and reported. These mental illnesses can stem from different reasons like familial problems, trauma, genetics, poverty, and most recently, the looming pandemic. The pandemic brought about not only death and sickness to a lot of people, but also unemployment, altered daily routines, isolation, sadness, and the feeling of hopelessness. During this time of suffering for a lot of Filipinos, talking about and improving our awareness about mental health must become a priority. During this pandemic, you might have experienced fear, sadness, anger, hopelessness as the situation got worse quickly. After 2 years of bearing this situation on our shoulders as we try to go back to our normal lives, it is okay to feel tired and anxious about the whole ordeal. During the pandemic, the amount of people who have experienced symptoms of depression and anxiety skyrocketed as a lot of people suffer from different levels of problems and stress caused by the pandemic. Though seeking professional help and support from the people around you is an advisable approach, not everyone has the privilege and luxury of getting professional help (that can cost a lot of money and can be hard to access as the Philippines lack resources), nor have a positive surrounding to ask for support from (some people live in abusive homes where mental health problems are shunned and considered non-existent).

Avoiding stigma and discrimination by making ourselves aware and sensitive about mental health and how to help is the least we can do. People who are experiencing mental illnesses and disorders can feel isolated and abandoned (especially in toxic asian households). With no support system from their own family, the hard process of getting a consultation, while also having the probability of getting discriminated against, they try to hide what they truly feel which results in depriving themselves of the help that they deserve. On the good side, as the country progresses and adapts to changes, especially in social awareness, talking about mental health is much more open and widespread today. The Philippines have had progress on laws regarding mental health as the country recently passed our first mental health act (Republic Act no. 11036) that seeks to establish and give access to services related to mental health, as well as protect the rights of people who suffer with mental disorders. This brings hope to a lot of people silently suffering, hoping that one day, they can finally get the proper help and support they need.

Layout by Andrei Tayag

PAGE 08 | Health


“Is Food

Just Fuel

For the Body?” Kate Dela Cruz | Editorial Writer


side from providing your body the energy to function and the nutrients to develop and grow, food can be one of your greatest allies in managing and even reducing stress. Being stressed can increase your need for certain nutrients, such as vitamin C, vitamin B, potassium, and magnesium. Everything has changed because of the pandemic and it is very stressful for everyone. To adapt to the changes, you need extra discipline and mindfulness. You need to decide about what you eat that affects your health and welfare.

Here are 6 stress-relieving food to add to your diet.


Whole Grain Can Lower Levels of Stress Hormones Eating whole, nutrient-rich carb food like whole grains and sweet potatoes can increase levels of serotonin and lower stress hormones. They are also packed with Vitamin C and Potassium that can boost your mood and can help you focus and concentrate better. Complex or unrefined whole grains does not include ‘white’ food like white bread and pasta, as well as cookies and cake. This type of food can have an immediate impact on blood sugar and can take longer to digest.


Citrus Fruits and Berries Can Boost Your Mood While Busting Out Stress Some studies show that Vitamin C and antioxidants that are found in citrus fruits and berries can reduce stress levels and can prevent anxiety. They assist the body to return blood pressure and stress hormone cortisol to their normal levels. Eating citrus fruits and berries like oranges, grapefruits, strawberries, and blueberries can help lessen stress-related inflammation and protect against stress-related cellular damage.


PAGE 09 | Health


Fatty Fish Offers Stress-Fighting Omega-3 Mackerel, herring, salmon, and sardines are great options to fight stress and help prevent heart diseases. Fatty fish are incredibly rich in nutrients including Omega-3 and Vitamin D that have been shown to have important roles in brain health and mood regulation. Serving fatty fish twice a week can also ease anxiety and depression. Aside from fish, you can try seaweed, spinach, and eggs, which are also high in Omega-3, to keep stress hormones under control and to regulate your adrenaline levels.

Nuts and Seeds Contains Healthy Fats and Nutrients, Which Help Fight Stress Snacking on nuts and seeds can replenish the Vitamin D that stress depletes. A couple of servings of almonds, pistachios, walnuts, or sunflower seeds is a good way to start. They are also packed with nutrients like potassium and magnesium, which are essential for stress response and blood pressure management.



Herbal Tea Can Help You Calm, Aiding Stress Management Sipping a warm beverage gives a soothing feeling that can make you calmer. It increases interpersonal warmth and relaxation. The National Institutes of Health reported that tea drinkers de-stressed faster and had lower cortisol levels. Herbal tea is great for winding down. Certain herbs like chamomile, peppermint, and ginger are rich in L-theanine, a non-protein amino acid with powerful stress-relieving properties. You can also try green tea if you need a small jolt of caffeine.

Probiotic-rich Food Provides Healthy Gut Hormones, Taming Stress Fermented yogurt drinks or fermented food like kimchi and miso are associated with a number of health benefits, including probiotics that can help boost your immune system and improve anxiety and stress. They are also rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that improve digestion and absorption of nutrients.


Certain food can help tame stress in several ways but it is a long game. In addition to getting this natural assistance, you should eat well and eat consistently to lower stress. An unhealthy eating pattern can increase stress levels and your risk of health problems. Stress management through food is just one way, you must not rely on it. The key to reducing stress is to take a holistic strategy that includes exercise, adequate sleep, and a well-balanced and healthy diet, especially these days when health is our main concern.

Layout by Andrei Tayag

PAGE 10 | Health


Ginger Tea:

My Daily

“Have you heard of it?” “Yes! It’s been going around for some time now. This news has been boiling since the year started, you see.” “Indeed! And here’s more. Not only have I heard of it but I can even smell something— GINGER!” Leila Clampiano | Writer


es, you’re right. For this year, some of us are slightly keeping down our favorite drinks and begin dealing with a more healthy intake that fits best to our “new normal” context. The blended risk of the pandemic and emotional weather highlights the significance of choosing a partner drink to keep our system-protected, balanced, and working.


Since the pandemic, personal and professional suggestions circle the media mainly tackling every smart and affordable effort to highly build up our immune track and lower the threat of obtaining the COVID-19 virus. Surely, many people have even made this as a new year resolution— “for 2022, ginger is my new cup of tea”. Don’t tell me you didn’t? Although this is a healthy and advisable trend, many people dislike the taste and even the aroma of ginger. While it is true that everyone cannot be persuaded to one thing and we acknowledge each preference, let us have a run-through of all the benefits we could acquire for a single cup of ginger. Ginger tea or salabat, is a herbal remedy that distinguishably uses ginger (luya) extract from boiling. In general, a part of ginger should be peeled, sliced, and put in enough water. In pure patience, we just have to wait until enough essence is produced (most of the time, you just have to see if the water has turned yellow). Don’t fret. After that, voila! You are now ready for a warm treat.


It keeps the body warm. No one to cuddle at the time? Neither your pillow nor blanket gives you enough warmth? That is sad to hear, but don’t you worry dear. The hyperthermic effect of consuming ginger tea is sufficient to give you a warmer temperature to improve cold sensitivity. See that? Ginger tea won’t even make you feel lonely!


Eases discomforts. Sudden headache? Woke up nauseated? Digestion problems? Cramps? Soreness? Heartburn? Aaaahh! Long list of pains— and worse, emergency medicines are out of stock! Phew. Ginger saves the day. Ginger proves to alleviate aches, sooth disturbance in menstrual cycles, has anti-inflammatory functions, and guides digestion back on track. Be relieved.


Rich in antioxidants. Diseases such as cancers are long-life disputes. And there is no cure for it. Having the rich trait of antioxidants, ginger tea subsides our apprehension to obtain such challenges. Performing as a preventive measure, it is surely a perfect partner to look forward—aspire for a healthy and stable future.


Take care of your heart and lungs. Aren’t you waiting for this? A surprise that will keep your heart thumping and your lungs rhythmically breathing? Don’t be silly and hopeless romantic– this isn’t about your love life. This is ginger tea. A growing herb crawling its way to assist in balancing blood circulation that occurs between the heart and lungs. It prevents the chance of hypertension, heart attack, and even blood clots. To take note, COVID-19 first-handedly attacks our immunity. The weaker you are, the more likely you get the virus. Considering ginger tea makes your system stronger, wouldn’t you choose to hold your health up to another level?

Fact check, the simple and affordable process of making ginger tea not only anticipates a practical and worthy drink— it makes our daily gosips exciting! Even more, it reverses the event of spreading negativity (the COVID-19 virus per se) and focuses on generating improvement to our ~beautiful~ voices. Who wouldn’t fall for that?

Now, if you’re still in doubt, challenge yourself. Give it a go and try a sip.

detoxinista.com Layout by Andrei Tayag



PAGE 11 | Health


Cybel Ranan I Writer


rends do come and go, but, they also do come back, don’t they? Well, the resurgence of ‘70s style in particular, as a fashion reference nowadays, proves it; and it’s not just about flared pants and platform shoes. We’ll be highlighting another ‘boom’ era of Crocheting wherein several people got hooked again during these overall stressful and overwhelming times. If you’re one of them, grab your tools, and let’s finish this thread together!

They say CROCHETING didn’t actually die and it will never do so. It has made its way from a decorative embellishment to a broader aspect—such as fashion—and to a simpler form—like a hobby that could lead to a business set-up. The number of opportunities and methods you could crochet for is probably the main reason it managed to be relevant up to this day. But aside from the output or the products that one could get from it, there’s also a therapeutic effect that, particularly those people who crochet for their pastime, could definitely vouch as to why crocheting is also an effective stress-reliever, thus, it’s an unsung ‘hero’ for these trying moments. Crocheting is also an art form that, of course, uses your imagination, which primarily activates the frontal lobe of your brain. It releases the ‘feel-good’ chemicals known as serotonin and dopamine. It’s no wonder that once you start it, it’s a difficult hobby to back off from. The repetitive motion that is involved relaxes the brain and creates a “forced meditation” effect that helps as a stress reliever. This applies best in simple projects such as coasters, scarves, small blankets, or any patterns that only require basic stitches. Moreover, have you noticed that while you’re working on it, your mind wanders off without you even realizing it? Now, you could intentionally try it whenever you have problems or a stressor. Crocheting allows your thoughts to flow easily, which helps you manage your emotions and decisions better. This is also why therapy counselors often recommend creative mediums like crocheting to their patients to open up easier. All of these lead to allowing more positive and healthier thinking or mindset for yourself that would also reflect on the rest of your well-being as a whole. As a result of crocheting is a great stress-reliever, it helps people cope with more difficult cases such as anxiety, depression, and other mental health disorders. According to Betty Houtman, a nurse with a background in neurodevelopmental pediatrics and an avid knitting/crocheter, she describes crocheting as “a tool to quiet the mind, mend the brain, and soothe the soul”. In the Philippines, it’s apparent that crocheting has already taken over the quarantine blues of some of its people. Especially now that Millennials and Gen Zs had also shared their love for it on several social media platforms. One of them is Tetel Cuevas, 31, who spent most of the lockdown crocheting. According to her, she loves the idea of developing a skill that she could use to make something for others, so upon searching the web and looking at other creators’ output, she finally decided to hop on the hobby. Eventually, her Instagram account for her crocheting products blew up and had reached

Tetel Cuevas some big influencers and clothing brand campaigns, while giving back through benefitting her chosen organization like AHA! Learning Center. Crocheting also has been a great coping mechanism for Donna Paguinto, 25, which helped her overcome stress through its meditative effect. It’s clear that CROCHETING is not just a business or a fashion statement, for most, it’s like “free therapy”. It’s a great way to relieve those stress or problems while being productive and unstuck. Many have been hooked, how about you? C’mon! It’s always a great time to Crochet.

Layout by Andrei Tayag

PAGE 12 | Health


PLANTS AS THE PA PERFECT PANDEMIC PALS. carbon dioxide into oxygen even at nighttime. Therefore, even if you live in an enclosed space that has no air flow, snake plants can purify the oxygen you consume.

Louie Margarette Milla I Writer


ith everyone trying to find ways to cope in these trying times, people have discovered a new friend that will fill the voids in not just our social lives, but also our homes. Nestled into little pots are our newest companion, houseplants. The influx of engagement in in-house gardening has resulted in new jargon that you may see every day. “Plantito” for males and “Plantita” for females, clever nicknames that combine the word plants with tito (uncle) and tita (aunt) that are used to address plant parents in the time of the pandemic. And being a plantito or plantita comes with several benefits. Aside from the beautification it gives your space, having plants to take care of inside your home has been proven to bring significant benefits to your physical, emotional, and mental health. Having indoor plants doesn’t just fill your house with a therapeutic feel, but also quite literally improves the air quality you and your family consume in your space. Scientists have detected over 300 pollutants known as volatile organic compounds that indoor plants can help eliminate. There are various plants to choose from. a lot of plants to choose from. The most famous ones include Pothos plants, which are also called air purifiers. Known best for removing toxins and pollutants from the air in your home. With its reputation as the easiest pot plant to grow, photos plants are highly recommended for rookie Plantito or Plantita. Mayana is also a pandemic favorite, known not only for its colorful but also for its medicinal effects. The leaves of this therapeutic herb can be used to relieve headaches, disinfect wounds, and reduce swelling. Also, one common plant is Aloe vera, a succulent that can treat skin wounds by cutting off its leaves and cleansing the air at the same time. They are durable and easy to care for. Snake plants are low maintenance plants known for providing a strong protective aura in your home. One unique thing about this plant is it can convert

Regardless of how plants vary from the aesthetic appeal it provides, medicinal gain and level of maintenance it requires, all plants grant their cultivator psychological benefits. A study has discovered a bacterium called Mycobacterium vaccae in plant soil that stimulates the secretion of serotonin, a chemical messenger that improves mood and reduces anxiety. interacting with plants can also relieve physical and emotional stress through the cardiovascular system lowering blood pressure while fostering calming and comforting feelings. It’s been long confirmed by science that connecting with indoor or outdoor plants can help to ease depressive symptoms.

Due to the travel restrictions imposed by the pandemic, we have little to no opportunity to see nature and feel the relaxing ambience of the mountains, forests, and ocean. Having plants inside your homes has served as an alternative way to be closer to nature. It can also act as a reminder of the positive experiences and emotions we used to freely experience in public green spaces, giving us that sense of normalcy we’ve been desperate for. Being trapped inside your dwellings makes it so easy to feel lonely. Fortunately, these household plants have served as our new friends to lessen the feeling of being isolated. One of the things that is special about being a plantito or plantita is that, unlike the other pandemic trends, taking care of plants is more than just a fad. It needs investment, effort, and commitment for the long term. It is something that you should be consistent about. Plants require connections with them, and we all know how being connected to others is one of the necessities we currently seek. Nowadays where we feel stuck in this seemingly incessant demotivating cycle, cultivating our little green friends has become something that we look forward to every day. Simple gestures like watering and tending to the plants can be our motivator on getting up day by day. Caring for another living entity can give us a true sense of purpose and feel better about ourselves. These plants, as small as they may be, can contribute to a huge improvement in one’s well-being.

https://www.pinterest.ph/pin/607000856011385945/ Layout by Andrei Tayag

PAGE 13 | Health


ANDEMIC PETS NOT ALL What’s better than a hug? … Hugging your fur best


Multiple problems brought by the pandemic and lockdowns, plus, working/ studying at home are our major challenges these days. Many people could vouch that a simple cuddle from their pet is a time-out well spent. Based on surveys conducted by American Pet Products Association (APPA), 72% of pet owners agree that spending time with their pet helps reduce their stress and increase their sense of well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic, but, ‘why’ and ‘how’ you ask? Well, simply petting your pet, lowers the stress hormone—cortisol while increasing the level of feel-good hormone—oxytocin. This also results in lower or healthier blood pressure. Another survey also showed that 84% of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) patients paired with a service dog exhibited a significant drop in symptoms and 40% were able to decrease their medication. It’s also evident that owning a pet eases loneliness and depression. Studies show that pet owners tend to have better self-esteem and pets show greater social support than humans in combatting depression, in addition,

raising and caring for a pet provides a sense of responsibility and purpose to its paw-parent. Not to mention, animal lovers have a huge community! So, it’s a great way to meet new people with the same interests as yours. Not all heroes wear capes, indeed, some of them have paws and fur waiting to be petted. In the Philippines, interest in owning a pet also rose dramatically during the pandemic which topped the list among the countries in Southeast Asia (SEA) on the most frequent searches on where and how to adopt animals with an increase of 118% according to a study conducted by iPrice. While owning a pet is fun, as we can see, there’s a lot more to it. They’re your responsibility and multiple years of commitment. Fortunately, the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASCPA) released data that shows a vast majority of households in America alone, that owned a pet during the pandemic, still have those pets and has no intentions of returning them to the shelters – 90% for dogs and 85% for cats. Still, the latter percentages show that there are numbers of pets being surrendered again to the shelters for some reason. This is why considering your decisions in adopting a pet should be seen as a long-term choice and goal. Lastly, let’s highlight adopting animals from the shelters other than buying one. They could be the sweetest and the ones that crave a new home and a family considering the situations that got them there. Adopting also is cheaper but helps the animal welfare organizations a lot in providing a safe and loving environment for our fur-friends without homes yet. So, guess what? Chances are, there’s someone waiting for you in one of the shelters nearby to be picked and loved with you—as its forever home.

Layout by Andrei Tayag



he pandemic hit us hard in our social life, thus, many people resolved this gap by owning a pet with cats and dogs being the most common domesticated animals that also have the highest rate of adoption, particularly, this pandemic. Numerous shelters from around the world have been emptied for the first time! Moreover, the Philippines was recorded as the highest in Southeast Asia in terms of interest in owning a pet. Are you one of them, too? Whether you already have one or are still deciding to be an official paw-parent, let’s look further on how our pets play their roles, not just during the pandemic, but, in our personal lives.


PAGE 13 | Health




Rusky Zorilla I Writer


ccupied by your hustle and bustles every day, we often comprise our “me time” just to get all things done. If we continue to do so, these tons of “I need to do this”, “I need to finish this”, “I’ll add this on my to-do-list”, will intoxicate our mood and our whole being. It will result in the tendency of not functioning effectively that will surely make us unhappy. Given the lockdown setup we are in, the luxury to relish in a staycation, movie night, or peaceful dinner in a restaurant is arduous. In this horrible time, how are we supposed to solace some time and pull-out stress in us? Did you know that by just being at home, you can be able to activate chemicals on your brain that will assuringly make you youthful, lively, and enthusiastic to continue your unending hustles and bustles? You just need to forget your to-do-tasks and pause for a moment. Take time to read this and be enlightened! What makes us feel sensations of happiness, closeness, and joy? Brain chemicals! There are four primary chemicals that can drive the positive emotions you feel throughout the day: dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin, and endorphins (sometimes referred to as D.O.S.E.).



PAGE 14 | Health

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Dopamine The reward chemical. You can activate this by having small wins. Simply check out one from your to-do list and it is a victory. Celebrate it. Being in the comfort of your home you have the time to satisfy your cravings in your own lovely kitchen or you might want to have one click on your phone, food delivery will hit you up. Eating a good meal will surely boost your dopamine. Who would have argued? A great meal is heaven. Take time to take care of yourself. There is no other best way to spoil oneself but to love yourself unstoppingly. Treat yourself, spoil yourself, take care of yourself. Do things that keep you alive and healthy. #SelfCARE first! Oxytocin The love hormone. Who does not want love or to be loved? No one. This chemical boosts when you receive affection physically or when you give compliments to the people around you. Oxytocin is often referred to as the “hugging drug” because it is released by the brain during physical contact with others. But of course, remember that hugging nowadays is forbidden because of Coronovirus, social distancing is a thing to consider. However, no one can compare the hugs from your family. Hugs as many family members as you can besides, life is short why not show your affection to them everyday with an empowering compliment, powerful! Serotonin The mood stabilizer, this pandemic makes everyone feel mood swings, yeah even guys! However, there is a way to get rid of uninvited moods – Serotonin! Practicing meditation every day helps you activate this happy chemical, perhaps meditation helps you connect to your inner being and be able to listen to the noise of nature, calming. By spending some time in nature–”plantitos” “plantitas” out there are shaking–will perfectly stabilize your mood. Might want to expose yourself to the sun and embrace vitamin D go for a short walk but make sure you wear facemask. You can also have your exercise, whether it may be at your house’s salas or at the veranda, this will surely give you a shot of serotonin. Endorphine The painkiller. All of us feel pain. I am not excused or immune to pain, but guess what, there is a painkiller chemical. We all need this. We can activate this gem by simply laughing out loud. Have some time cracking jokes with your siblings and parents. Laugh your ass off man, have fun. But don’t make it look like you are losing screw somewhere in your mind. Good movies are just one click, get your phone hit Netflix, and have your own movie marathon. But, I suggest watching movies is awesome when you have someone to share your “spur of the movie reactions” with. Go and invite your family! Watching movies increases your endorphine. Volunteering and giving back is also a way to boost your endorphine.

Who would have thought that even isolated, we can still manage to offer ourselves happiness and joy without even spending a huge amount of money. Spending some time for ourselves and focusing on serving ourselves with an open heart is not good-for-nothing. Just like how we pressure ourselves to get things done, why not let us also reward ourselves. Let your mind and body feel the sensations of blazing joy. Activate the happy chemicals gifted to you every moment of your day to enjoy life. A productive person is a happy person. Don’t forget your daily D.O.S.E of happiness. Layout by Andrei Tayag

PAGE 15 | Health

PAGE 16 | Health


Cycling: An Ever Growing Craze This Pandemic Victor Serrano I Creatives


an you still remember the day of your first ever biking experience? Do you feel the nostalgic idyllic days of your childhood? How the world seems much simpler and enjoyable than when you first stepped into the life of responsibilities? Many of us can relate to the notion that somewhere in one point of our lives, we lost the chance to feel the enjoyable feeling of cycling thanks to the weight of responsibilities pulling our attention constantly on our unending busy schedules. But all of that changed when the pandemic struck our country, with it breaking almost any aspect of our daily lives that we’re accustomed to. Though this pandemic added many difficulties in our daily lives, it also brought many realizations and changes that helped us shift our attention to what truly matters in our lives.

With that said, many of us rediscovered or discovered the joy of cycling this pandemic. Many people, mostly due to necessity, started cycling once again. When the pandemic first struck in 2020, almost all modes of public transportation were non-existent. Staples such as jeepneys, tricycles, buses, trains, and UV expresses were banned from operating to mitigate and control the spread of COVID-19. This forced many people to walk long distances to their workplace, until one day they realized they didn’t need to. This is where the trend of cycling started again and is still going strong up to this day. The benefits and importance of cycling were realized by most people today because of the virus. Closed and crowded spaces which is apparent to most forms of public transp ort were hotbeds for virus transmissions. So, people started resorting to cycling even when public transportation is slowly making a comeback. The most primary reason why cycling is much preferred nowadays is because it is much safer, good for the health, and mitigates the spread of COVID-19. Cycling eliminates the chances of COVID-19 transmissions since it is done mostly in wide open spaces such as roads, where avoiding close contact to people can easily be done. Not only that, but cycling is also much cheaper and faster compared to commuting through public transportation. Most also can control their commute time in cycling since you can choose when to leave, breeze through traffic congested roads and set your own pace. Because of these reasons, LGUs started developing biking structures aimed to protect and give cyclists the safety they need in roads, albeit still somewhat lacking. Fitness, exercise enthusiasts and your average citizen alike also found cycling as the new sport to go. For fitness and exercise enthusiasts, cycling is a sport that you can do at a safe distance. Ever since the pandemic hit, many indoor and outdoor fitness facilities have been closed. Even though they’re slowly making a comeback thanks to the easing of covid restrictions, people are still wary of going to these facilities, namely indoor gyms, because of the threat of covid transmission. For some, cycling became a new relaxation hobby, an escape from the stressful responsibilities of home. Cycling doesn’t seem like it will go away anytime soon, and that’s fine. People get to exercise more, not to mention that cycling as a primary mode of transportation that helps the environment too. Many rekindled their long-lost interest in cycling, while some found it for the first time. This pandemic also proved that we could build more greener cities by developing infrastructures that cater to the well-being of the people. This positive trend is something that should be seen as a progress and should be encouraged and supported by everyone.

rapha.cc Layout by Andrei Tayag





PAGE 17 | Lifestyle


Wear our

Filipino Roots and Culture – Loud and Proud!


Rusky Zorilla I Writer

nquestionably, the Philippine fashion industry is a sea of talent, stunning artistry, and has a unique set of fabrics that give life and flair to the industry. There is no doubt that we have amazing and great designers. We have Micheal Cinco, a Filipino designer based in Dubai; Rajo Laurel, who has been in love with Filipino fashion from a young age; Francis Libiran; Mich Dulce; Mark tumang. and many more. These designers have already dressed tons of celebrities, public personalities, and beauty queens across the globe. Indeed, Filipinos have something to boast about in the Fashion industry. Way back 2018, when Catriona Gray represented the Philippines in the Miss Universe stage, she had showcased the Filipino artistry in so many ways. She had to wear her roots and culture – loud and proud! She is one of the public figures that rang out Filipino textiles, fabrics, and designs across the globe. The latest series from ABS-CBN showcases the works of small and big names of local designers on the mainstream media. This series is the first teleserye to deliberately highlight Philippine fashion. The show “The Broken Marriage Vow” aims to present various ways of unveiling our culture through beautiful pieces made by local designers. The series plans to show clothing that is entirely local. “Most of the local designers will be there showcasing their original work. It’s the thing that excites all of us,” Connie Macatuno, the series’ director and costume design lead, shared. We are now attached to the modern fashion trends influenced by our neighboring countries. Why not let us also support Filipino textile by engaging in Filipino fashion? Filipino indigenous textiles provide a glimpse of the country’s rich cultural heritage. The textile and fabrics that have been used to create exquisite design reveal how beautiful Filipinos and our culture are. On January 27, 2022, Science and Technology Secretary Fortunato Dela Pena, urged Filipinos to use and wear local fabrics as the country’s textile industry faces tough challenges. During the 2022 Tela Conference organized by the Philippine Textile Research Institute, Dela Pena said the country’s textile industry has grown significantly over the past decades but

there have been challenges along the way. Wearing locally made outfits is like you’re presenting the Philippines. By dressing it on, we are helping our local designers to rise in the fashion industry, at the same time, we are empowering them to continue what they’ve started and be known globally. Let us support the original works of our local designers and makers of local fabrics and textiles to preserve our roots and enrich it through this changing time.

Layouted by Ernest Reyes

PAGE 18 | Lifestyle

By: Instagram_ThriftShop


y t f i r Th ! k c e h C p i r D

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PAGE 19 | Lifestyle


Anytime Cleaners:

First Class Cleaning Services Kate Dela Cruz I Editor

W By: AnytimeCleaners_FbPage

hether a new home or a long-time business, everyone understands the importance of maintaining a clean and safe facility. COVID-19 presents challenges to those efforts. This is where professional cleaning and disinfecting services come into the picture.

“The advantages of professional cleaning and disinfection services can help relieve extra managerial functions during these unexpected times,“ says Jason See, owner of Anytime Cleaners. He stresses the significance of disclosing this to current and potential customers. Anytime Cleaners offers extensive house sanitizing and disinfecting services, ranging from one-time cleaning services to pest control and maintenance, in 38 cities in Luzon. Professionally trained cleaners perform proactive cleaning and disinfection to your place, still following the protocols today. Anytime Cleaners teams use a variety of methods and cleaning products to ensure clean surfaces which cut down on the spread of viruses and bacteria. There are many key touchpoints and surfaces that people commonly share and should be regularly cleaned, including: doorknob and railings toilet flush handle computers counters and tables upholsteries Manual approaches are preferred when it comes to cleaning surfaces, but fogging is an excellent option for eliminating airborne diseases and sanitizing vast areas that require rapid re-entry. Anytime Cleaners use a fogger machine, known as ultra-low volume (ULV) disinfection fogging, to create a cloud of extremely small disinfectant liquid. This strategy can greatly reduce the number of germs on surfaces and in the air by applying disinfectants and biocides. Aside from antibacterial fogging, Anytime Cleaners use UV-Light disinfection that can kill 99.9% of Covid-19 virus in about 25 minutes. Its radiation safely disinfects surfaces, objects, and spaces while preventing bacteria and viruses from reproducing. A clear indication that UV-Light can play a valuable part in your protection strategy. Anytime Cleaners conduct different methods for whatever type of facility you have. They use EPA-registered disinfectants and cleaning supplies, which means that they are environmentally friendly. Their cleaning and disinfection services can be guaranteed to be performed using approved safety procedures, equipment, and products that comply with safety regulations. For business properties and commercial facilities, having a professional disinfection service like Anytime Cleaners sanitize your place strengthens the sense of safety of your customers that impacts their experience. The same sense of security has a positive effect on employee productivity. From the office to the warehouse, employees can focus more when they are confident in the safety of the workplace. In addition, it provides better control over schedules and tasks, ensuring smooth operation. Over the past year, we have learned first-hand how important it is to keep our clients, personnel, and our households safe. With Anytime Cleaners, you can focus on running the best possible business and keeping your family healthy and safe, with the knowledge that you have minimized the risk of an infectious disease.

Layouted by Ernest Reyes

PAGE 20 | Lifestyle


Andrei Tayag I Creatives


f you’ve been a big social media user for the past years, there’s a great chance that you’ve scrolled past somebody whipping a foamy brown whip over a glass of milk. That simple pleasure of seeing coffee melt over the purest milk gave us comfort and amusement throughout the pandemic. Yes, that is the famously known Dalgona coffee which most of us had made at one point of our pandemic life. But this coffee trend did more than just an aesthetic looking beverage. “Dalgona” actually o riginated from South Korea as a popular street food which is loved by many. If you’ve watched Squid Game you will surely know how people of all ages in South Korea know it. Through the years, modern Korean shops have reinvented the famous candy into a beverage which mesmerized the whole world with its appealing look that anyone can make. This easy-peasy sugar coffee drink became one of the most searched terms in Google last 2020. In the midst of the pandemic, the Dalgona coffee craze was a repercussion of the worldwide lockdown. It somewhat became our way of coping up with everything that is happening. Not only are the ingredients found in our kitchen, but it’s also really easy to make with its 3-ingredient formula. Combining hot water, instant coffee and sugar produces an aesthetic beverage that will give you the feel of being in a café at the comfort of your home. Dalgona coffee made everyone’s quarantine bearable. It gave way to different things many can do while isolated. Looking back, this recipe isn’t the last food trend created while we are isolated. It opened doors to different guilty-pleasure recipes like baked sushi, ube pandesal, burnt Basque cheesecake and many more that satisfied our cravings. According to statista.com, the total coffee consumed in the Philippines in 2020 was about 3.3 million 60 kg bags after Dalgona coffee swirled the country around. It opened doors to many local entrepreneurs for coffee-lovers. If you’re a cafe-hopper, you might as well visit some local coffee shops in Pampanga like Kalidad coffee, Amand coffee bar and Moon cafe. If you’re in the metro, Kape Tolyo is Manila’s own coffee shop serving a modern ambient cafe that will feature different locally produced coffee from all over the country. Dalgona coffee not just gave us satisfaction when we are stuck at home, it boosted the coffee industry and opened up different possibilities for our local coffee and small local entrepreneurs to grow and expand. It became a symbol of positivity that put a change when we are going through hard times. It’s the sugar we never knew we needed.

Dalgona How

The sugar we never knew we needed;

Coffee swirled the world.

Layouted by Ernest Reyes By: Myloveview.com


PAGE 21 | Lifestyle

Hugo Majadas I Creatives

Just like how our phones got low battery, people can be drained out from working. We all need to recharge by sleeping for enough hours. This is the time when our cells are replenished, repaired, and regrew. Sleeping early should always be the goal of everyone because with enough sleep, you can manage your time and work much better throughout the day. To achieve this, you should control your screen time by using any gadgets, especially 2 hours before sleeping. Another thing that can help you with sleeping early is by eating kiwis as they have a reasonable amount of serotonin, the chemical that can help in regulating your sleep. With the pandemic, we experienced social and personal isolation that let us turn in doing our hobbies to keep us motivated in living. Video games are one of the things that has helped some people go through this tough time and some even used this as a means of getting an income. You know why? Playing video games is one of the things the younger generation has grown into. We really do not think too much about doing something, we just

do it and take the risk. This is the last piece of advice to survive this phase: do not overthink. Let yourself do something that doesn’t make you think too much and just enjoy everything. May it be watching movies, reading, or even trying the recipes on Youtube, continue doing what you like as long as you don’t step on other people. Being deprived of all the opportunities and experiences from the outside world is already hard, but should people be content with just what the crippling government asked us to do? Shouldn’t the people be able to create their own kind of happiness in their own little boats that they are in right now? But until then, being able to eat, sleep, and do something that makes someone happy is still an opportunity not everyone has, so in everything that we do, our main goal should always be to be able to provide not only our family nor the country but to touch and help every soul possible in this world. Now, we should prioritize ourselves by starting with eating breakfast and everything will fall into their respective places, like a domino!

By: GulfNews.com


PAGE 22 | Lifestyle

Surviving In this time of pandemic, working and earning income is necessary to survive . However, we should never forget to rest for better health. Giving some time in improving yourself will support your lifestyle

Layouted by Ernest Reyes By: GulfNews.com

PAGE 23 | Lifestyle



Disinfect? and

Do it on your own! Leila Clampiano I Writer


eople’s attention has highly prioritized cleanliness and a virus-free environment since the pandemic. Regular removal of dust, wiping off excess dirt, shiny floor, and fragrant home. Not only that! Stocks of alcohol, sanitizers, soap, cleaning powder– all useful materials to prevent viruses from your body and at home. Due to this frenzy, consumption hikes had even come to a point where store shelves are empty! So what do you do? Panic? Relax. Try breathing for a while. Then look around. Check across your garden. See what’s in your kitchen. Then think. If something is unavailable, is it best to mope around? Blame the stores for not filling the shelves on time? If so, will the problem be resolved? Definitely, it won’t. So get up and be wise— do it on your own!

Create your own all-purpose cleaner!

Now, this might not be the newest trick to suggest, but come on! The fact that it works and is relevant today, people deserve to know it. Let’s encourage everyone to utilize the wide-array purpose of materials and save some coins in our pockets. Practicality is good for saving. So, let’s spray and blend things up and surprise our home with a new and homey feel. The top ingredient that we have on the table is, of course, the ever nifty, VINEGAR! This product is a flexible item to use. Yes, it does the cooking. And yes, it does the cleaning. Even Nicki Minaj can’t butt in. Kidding! This sour liquid contains mild acidity properties, making it perfect for cleaning and antimicrobial functions. You can use it on your clothes, cotton couch, kitchen, dining table— mostly all around the house. How do you feel about that? Purely unsour.

To maintain balance in every ingredient, our universal solvent leads the way— WATER. Wake up, scientist! It’s time to use your stock knowledge! When formulating liquid cleaning products, viscosity and fluidity are measured. You have to guarantee that the mix is sufficient— not too sticky and not too flowy. For thorough disinfection, add ALCOHOL. These three ingredients normally do in equal ratios. A 1:1 ratio would suffice for the whole day. If one ingredient is unobtainable, try lemon. Any product with acidity content could be an alternative. If you want to express a unique fragrance for your home, you can mix your personal essential oil.

One, two, three, and what? That’s it?

Surprised? You still have to put it in a bottle. Do some shake. Crack the chemicals for their work. Spray a little. How is it?


PAGE 23 | Lifestyle

Green Way Cleaning the


Louie Milla I Writer

leaning our homes has always been a necessity. With the virus due to this pandemic literally looming over us 24/7, it is a chore that we must prioritize now, more than ever. We often regard our homes as our “safe spaces”, being extra cautious, battling the invisible enemies such as the harmful bacteria and viruses that may attack our families. Ironically, some of these said attackers lie in the contents of our typical household care products.

With their powerful, chemical odors, they contain substances that can cause skin, eyes, and throat irritation. They can also induce headaches, dizziness, and trigger asthma even if used for a short period. The amount of non reusable packaging most of these products use also contribute to the deterioration of our environment. The situation we face today has forced us to be extra cautious and exert efforts on how we take care of ourselves, our households, and the environment. With that in mind, here’s a list of locally established brands that provide natural and plant-based cleaning products for your households: Wonderhome Naturals offers a wide variety of cleaning products that covers from laundry to kitchen, and bathroom to surfaces. Wonderhome Naturals’ products are made from locally sourced plant-based ingredients, mainly coconuts and probiotics that gets the job done without damaging your health and the environment.

Their scents are made from fruit and plants, with their packaging bottles made from a combination of upcycled ocean plastic and biodegradable wheat. They also offer to refill for their customers, even rewarding them with credits for their next purchases if they bring the bottles back for recycling. Their more popular products include the Natural Germ Kill AllPurpose Cleaner (1500ml for 290 php) derived from Pine and Citrus Rind, Natural All-Purpose Cleaning Spray (300mL for 290 php) made from dayap and lemongrass extracts, and Natural Laundry Detergent Liquid (1500ml for 330php) that lifts stains with deep penetration bioenzymes and Wildberry and Seaside Botanicals scent. Their products can be purchased individually and in bundles through their website www.wonderhomenaturals.com, Lazmall and shopee accounts.

wonderhomenaturals.com Next on the list is Ritual PH, a local company that began as a cacao-coffee shop in Poblacion, Makati. Since then, they’ve diversified to provide a wide array of artisanal products ranging from cleaning solutions for the kitchen, bedroom, and laundry, as well as a wide spectrum of artisanal products ranging from food, body-care, to household cleaners. Their supplies being plant-based makes it free from concentrated and synthetic chemicals that are typically caustic and abrasive.

Their green cleaning line includes Victoria Herbal Laundry Granules (1 kilo in a paper bag for 24php) and Victoria Herbal Laundry bar (1 bar for 35php). The laundry bar is made with coconut oil and other essential oils, and is also highly recommended for people with sensitive skin. They also have Citronella Enzyme Deodorizer (350mL for 135php) and Lemongrass Enzyme Deodorizer (350mL for 135php), enzyme-based and food-safe deodorizers against foul smells that also works as a disinfectant.

www.ritual.ph.com The Little Green Home PH offers lifestyle solutions and organic goods for sustainable living. Aside from their wellness and body care products, they also supply disinfectants, dishwashing liquids and blocks, and multi-purpose cleaners. Their Lemon + Calamansi Natural Dishwashing Block (165g for 140php and 495g for 430php) is vegan, anti-bacterial, sulfate-free and hypoallergenic, it gets the grime off your dishes. While their Natural Dishwashing Liquid for Bottles and Dishes is not just very gentle on your skin, but can also double as a handwash, due to its

castile-based formula. No colorants, fragrance-free safe for baby feeding essentials. The Little Green Home PH also extends their eco-friendly efforts through their packaging. All their packages, when shipped out, come in recycled or woven bags. They use upcycled papers, bottles, and even offer sprayers and/or pumps that turn your bottles into product dispensers for 50php. You can shop through their Instagram thelittlegreenhomeph and Lazada account.

thelittlegreenhomeph on ig


Seeing their mom’s fingertips being constantly irritated while cleaning and washing the laundry is what pushed two sisters to launch Full Circle back in 2016. Ever since then, they became a homegrown Filipino brand of gentle, plant and mineralbased cleaning supplies for different parts of the household. Naturally Derived Bathroom Cleaner (500ml for 260 php) is a spray-and-wipe helping hand in bathroom chores. It is specially formulated with Citric Acid and plant-based solvents for water spots and deposits removal. Full Circles also offer a 2-in-1

Air Sanitizer & Linen Spray (250 ml for 300php) a non-aerosol room spray that kills airborne germs, eliminates odors, and freshens up linens and clothes. It’s available in lavender and lemon scent. They also have Bio-Armor Repel (250ml for 520php), a waterbased and eco-friendly long-lasting antimicrobial coating. It lasts for 2-3 weeks and is safe for use on both hard surfaces and textiles, maximizing its durability. Place your orders at their website www. fullcircleph.com/, shopee and Lazada account.



“What you wear is how you present yourself to the world, especially today, when human contacts are so quick. Fashion is instant language.” “Fashion should be a form of escapism, and not a form of imprisonment.”

UPCYCLED PAGE 23 | Lifestyle

Layouted by Ernest Reyes


PAGE 25 | Lifestyle


Sofia Madrid I Writer


he best fashion show is on the streets. Always has been, always will be.” said by New York Times’ reputable fashion photographer Bill Cunningham. Indeed, the variety of clothing combinations can be frequently seen outdoors, whether it be tacky, neat, or stylish, it all goes down on the streets. It is where you can openly express yourself and have the satisfying feeling of wearing your best outfit while flaunting it with confidence. That’s what makes fashion fun. But with the onset of the COVID 19 pandemic, daily arrangements suddenly changed to a work-fromhome set up forcing people to stay at home. The unprecedented supply chain interruptions caused by COVID-19 caused stores to provisionally close down and for online purchasing to increase. With the risk of economic decline, numerous design studios, as well as ordinary people who lean towards practicality, opted for Upcycle fashion. The practice of reusing existing materials, fabric, textiles, etc. to create new and crafty clothes is a good alternative for the current virtual set up as it allows people to be imaginative with their clothes without the actual need to go out. Design studios also use upcycling to pivot the current dilemma caused by the pandemic and shift their businesses to online platforms. The Taytay garment industry is one of many that had a severe impact from COVID-19. About 60% of its economy is in garments and is considered no. 1 tourist attraction of the town. However, in a 2020 Business World article, Roderick F. Santos, officer-incharge of Taytay Tourism Council for Culture and Arts, said that P500 million could have been lost in sales during the stricter lockdown. In order to get back on track, Taytay

garment industry started marking and selling face masks made from retaso. “Our economy restarted because of upcycling, or retaso” Evans Joy Garcia, a member of the local garment producer’s board, said in an article from Business World dating back to 2020. “A few think that this material can’t be used again, but we use them to make face masks.” Garcia added. Another fashion brand that supports upcycling is En Route Handcrafted Accessories. The brand empowers women in Davao to become artisan-entrepreneurs through sustainable fashion and has been using their platforms to round up support for COVID-19 reliefs efforts in Mindanao. Their upcycled bracelets and necklaces provide fresh life to secondhand t-shirts sourced from local thrift stores. In addition to those brands, others who also advocates upcycling even before and on the pandemic are: Project (@ pro.jectph), Alyanna Ferrer (@ alyannaferrer), Indayog (@indayog), Riotaso (@riotasoclothing) and the KILUS Foundation. These brands opted and embraced upcycling for its sustainable nature. According to the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, the fashion industry is one of the major contributors of plastic microfibers in the ocean. About 80% of clothing waste goes to landfill or incinerate, and over 160 million tons of clothing are expected to clog landfills by 2050 if action is not taken. Upcycling is one good solution for this burden, as it not only reduces the amount of discarded materials being sent to landfill each year, it also requires less energy and water. Greenhouse gas emissions as well as pollution also decreases and most importantly, it lowers the need for new clothing production and supports sustainability.

By: SettingMind.com

PAGE 26 | Lifestyle



delivers ser


Louie Margare


ue to the COVID-19 pandemic, demand for internet delivery services is at a record high. Most Filipinos having their necessities and luxuries delivered straight to their doors is the new norm. To accommodate the continuously growing demand, Jonathan So and Carl Macadangdang have developed a local delivery service named Toktok. Launched last December 2020, it has been providing many Filipinos nationwide safe delivery with affordable fees. It serves as an alternative source of income for Filipinos who lost their jobs because of the pandemic. What’s new and unique about this delivery application is that they offer different ways on how to earn profit. Aside from being a “poging toktok driver”, as what they call their riders, you can also be an online franchisee or an operator. It’s the first delivery service in the country that offers various income opportunities to Filipinos. Another very Filipino aspect the company thrives on is its growing list of in-demand and influential Filipino Celebrity Ambassadors. Toktok launched their services with Alden Richards and Maine Mendoza as their first endorsers, they were a

By: toktok.ph.com



rvice to the


ette Milla | Writter former love team coined as “AlDub” which took the whole nation by storm. Toktok states that the stars cater to a younger generation of entrepreneurs which supports the company’s campaign of aiding Filipinos through job opportunities. Next on the list of their endorsers is the phenomenal love team, the King and Queen of Hearts, Kathryn Bernardo and Daniel Padilla. Toktok believes that having KathNiel, together with their loyal fan base will help the delivery service’s exposure to a much wider audience. The latest addition to TokTok’s family is the Unkabogable Phenomenal Star Vice Ganda. Toktok shares that Vice and their service share the same qualities: fun, trendy and up to date. Macadangdang also adds that the comedian’s colorful personality and multiple talents fit their brand. Toktok getting these celebrities who are A-listers and are very relatable to the masses has perfectly lined with the company’s branding. Toktok teaming with Filipino personalities with impressive resumes as bankable endorsers have contributed to not just its popularity, but also solidifying its vision: “Toktok, a delivery service developed by the Filipino people that aims to serve and to help the Filipino masses”.

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PAGE 28 | Lifestyle

The Role of

G By: playtoearn.com


PAGE 29 | Lifestyle


ver since this pandemic struck, millions of people lost their jobs due to their employers getting forced to close their businesses due to strict lockdowns. While most people got forced to rely on monetary aid from donors and LGUs due to the widespread unavailability of jobs and opportunities during the early days of pandemic, some turned to the potential of setting up an online business or joining online rackets to earn money. Unbeknownst to many, there was also a new option that lets you earn money by playing. Introducing the world of NFTs games, where you play to earn, and how one particular NFT game helped Filipinos survive during one of the darkest times of our history.

Non-fungible tokens or NFT for short, in simplest terms, are pieces of digital content (mostly form of arts) used in cryptocurrency trading. Cryptocurrency is a type of money that only exists in the digital world. Even though cryptos are not tangible, it still has monetary values and can be traded for real life money. This is the main principle behind Axie Infinity, a NFT game that helped many Filipinos make ends meet during this pandemic. Sky Mavis, the developer behind Axie Infinity, developed Axie Infinity with a belief that blockchain-based play to earn model could create more aligned incentives between game creators and game players long term. In Axie, players control cute creatures called Axies to acquire tokens called Smooth Love Potions. Players earn these tokens thru battling other players and successfully finishing a level in adventure. Though SLP’s main function is to breed Axies, most players trade their SLP for real life money, which is a widespread occurrence here in our country. Even though Axie Infinity required players to invest a hefty

amount of capital to play, a profit-sharing program called ‘scholarships’ exists to give players who want to play but don’t have the capital or opportunity to play Axie. Philippines instantly became one of the top players of Axie worldwide due to this system, with a staggering rate of 40.73% of the population of players compared to other countries who are mostly below 10% in the statistics gathered last August 2021. Axie really blew up in our country due to its simple yet challenging gameplay, all the while earning tokens that can be traded for real money. It also only required 2 hours of your time every day to earn around 500 pesos each day. Many of our people had already benefited from investing their time playing Axie. Most people and fresh grads who couldn’t find a job in this pandemic had turned into playing Axie to contribute and pay for their everyday expenses. Take for example Lolo Silverio & Lola Vergie from Cabanatuan City, who rely on Axie to earn extra income to pay for their medical expenses. Howard, also from the same city, frustrated


NFT Gaming in Philippines Victor Serrano I Creatives

fresh grad who couldn’t find a job during this pandemic, also turned to Axie to earn an income that he will contribute to the expenses of his household. This pandemic really tanked many of our people to the point of desperation, with most resorting to do almost any type of job, even if that job will only yield a meager income. Even though many job opportunities fished out when pandemic struck, new ones sprawled up that are also much better and more rewarding than most minimum wage day jobs today. NFT games proved to many this pandemic that it is a good source of income. With this positive image of NFTs slowly getting engraved to people’s minds, more will be enticed to invest and get a piece of the cake for their own. NFTs and cryptocurrency truly is the future, and its growing trend and strength is something that should be looked out for.


PAGE 30 | Lifestyle


ways you’ve got quarantine fashion.

Andrei Tayag I Creatives


o you miss the late night “gala” with friends? Or the smell of popcorn inside the cinemas? It’s been 2 years since Covid-19 struck the world. From a 2-hour commute to a second of logging-in for work. The virus really knows how to spread positivity in the things we considered negative in the past. It instantly affected us in certain ways. It may be from the way we communicate to others, the way we push ourselves to wake up in the mornings, and the way we choose our clothes everyday.

During the lockdowns, most of us stayed isolated inside our homes depriving us from the life we supposedly living outside. Have you attended a meeting that required you to wear something formal but worn pajamas below? We all know we are guilty of that but it also presents how we progress and adapt to the changing times with Covid-19 by our side. We try to make ourselves comfortable especially when we’re always inside our houses doing work, thus changing the way we choose our clothing. Now, we tend to wear simpler and comfortable clothes inside our homes that also influence the outfits we wear when there’s a need to go out. Gone are the days where we spend long periods of hours picking the perfect outfit for date nights ‘cause we don’t spend much time outside these days. If you’re following David Guison, Brent Manalo, Bella Racelis and other local influencers where they share their comfy, minimal and neutral fits in their Instagram accounts then you know what “fits” fits the trend . This is the so-called “quarantine fashion” that most of us do everytime we need to run some errands these days. Let’s round up the quarantine fashion statements that made everyone feel comfortable, free, and themselves most especially in these hard times. Here are 7 of the most popular fashion styles and trends that were born while we are inside our homes:


Masks-up! Masks are the most essential thing that we need whenever we are going outside to protect ourselves and others. At first it may seem a nuisance because wearing masks makes it harder for us to breathe and it covers up our faces. But fashion rides with the changing times. Local brands like Not Cool the Label have been producing their line of mask designs protecting people from COVID-19 with style. Local personalities like Heart Evangelista also shared her hacks in making her masks fit her OOTDs. Did you also notice that wearing masks makes you look more attractive? Researchers at Cardiff University said that they were surprised to find that obscuring half of peoples’ faces made them look more appealing. So mask up to protect and for a much intriguing look!



it’s been

and we


STY Be Minimal Are you the type of person who tends to over-dress? Well, if you’re good at mixing and matching your clothes then good. With these hard times, choosing clothes that are full of patterns and prints can be time consuming. If you’re looking out in your closet and wondering how to be minimal in choosing clothes, well go back to the basics. Plains will be your best friend. Having a minimal and basic closet can make you easily style yourself because you can easily pair them with one another. Not crowding yourself with different paraphernalias in your body will definitely highlight your features more for a simple yet dashing look.


Monochrome Monochrome came from two words “mono” means one and “chrome’ means color. Having a monochromatic outfit requires you to select garments of the same color but in different tones and shades. No matter what shades of brown you pair with brown, you will look stylish because monochromatic colors compliment each other, making you decide more quickly when picking for your clothes.




PAGE 31 | Lifestyle

Bring out the Classics Classic Fashion is a style that will last for many seasons or frequently will never get old. One perfect example of it is denim. We can easily see people wearing denim because it’s easy to pair with other styles of clothes. We can see the simplicity that these styles hold that made them still usable and trendy today and for many years to come. Notable shoes like Jordan ones, Chuck taylors’ and Vans are some of the shoes we considered classics and made their way back to the world.

n a while

e’re still in



Totes If you’re a bag person, then surely you have tons of tote bags in your bag collection. Tote bags are simple, spacious, and can suit any outfit you pair with it. These bags became a “must have” because you can easily drop items inside and immediately leave the house.


6 7


Bags of baggy clothing Baggy clothes became prominent even before the pandemic started with the influence of korean fashion. But who wears something uncomfortable when you’re just out for groceries? Many local influencers that showed their errand fits usually wore big sweaters, t-shirts, and jogging pants making them comfortable to move and do stuff.

Do Active! Do you usually see people in the groceries that look like they just came out of the gym? Sometimes they do come from the gym and others may like to wear their athletic clothes when doing some errands. With gyms usually closed, home workouts and virtual fitness classes became popular making people use their gym clothes more often. Activewear is made to make you feel comfortable and also increases one’s movement.


Fashion continues to adjust with the changing times adapting to what people need and sense. Quarantine fashion is simple, just wear something you feel comfortable and confident in. But whatever style you’re wearing, what’s important is that you feel you.

Layout by Andrei Tayag

PAGE 33 | Lifestyle


How a family’s never-ending love created a business Sofia Madrid | Editorial Writer


ipping something warm, thick, and flavorful while indulging fancy landscapes outdoors really does the job of relieving stress on a busy day. The Batangas Lomi will always be a local’s pick when it comes to stress relieving as it can never go obsolete with its rich gooey soup, loads of different toppings, and delicious yellow noodles.

“Ayun ang gusto ng mister ko.” says Hernanda Valdoz, owner of CTC LOMI, when asked why she started a business of lomihan. “Ang business naming ito ang iniwan ng anak naming namatay, ang kanyang perang nainvest, siya naming ginawang puhunan, iyong pinaka breadwinner naming panganay na anak.” Hernanda Valdoz started CTC LOMI in August 2020 to commemorate her eldest son who passed away, using the investments he left in creating a business that will later help the family grow financially. The Valdoz couple, together with their children put in a lot of effort in making their small business flourish. Waking up at dawn to buy ingredients, catering a full-packed business, and delivering a bunch of online orders are only some of Valdoz’s family efforts in maintaining their small lomihan. With these sweats, they’ve come to create a hearty menu for their customers. CTC offer different silogs along with the 3 versions of their lomi soup: Regular, Special, and their best seller Overload. All three vary from their toppings and serving. Regular has egg, squidball, kikiam, fishball, and chicharron. Special has the same toppings, but with siomai, shanghai, and liver. Overload has it all plus embutido and sausage, with more serving and meat. CTC has only been around for almost two years yet people always kept coming for more. When Hernanda was asked why her lomi is different from the rest, “Dito sa toyo” she answered with a bit of a laugh. “May secret recipe ako dyan” she added. Not only does her toppings do wonders to her lomi, but also her secret sauce that made people recognize her growing business more. Although CTC is not yet known in the larger public, its ongoing fruitfulness made it stay. What makes Valdoz’s lomihan stand is the fact that she does not take CTC as a mere business, but as a memory of her late son as well. She loved and treasured it as much as she did with her child, and that became the catalyst of CTC’s growing success. When visiting Batangas, come and take a taste of CTC LOMI located at Sitio, Brgy. Bilaran Camachilihan, Nasugbu Batangas. You can also visit their FB page: CTC LOMI ATBP.


Layout by Andrei Tayag

PAGE 34 | Lifestyle


Escentials Perfume shop I Louie Margarette Milla | Editorial Writer


n times where everyone feels like the whole world stopped, there is a young woman who chose to go on for her future.

“I feel like this is a good practice ground for my future,” says Shein Delos Angeles, the young woman behind Escentials, as one of the reasons why she built her online perfume shop. Shein is a 2nd-year Chemistry major at Polytechnic University of the Philippines. Growing up, she has always been fascinated by how her mom formulated/made shampoos, lip balms and cologne for their own household use. This fascination turned into an inspiration, resulting in her taking the same path with her mom. Launched last April 2021, Escentials is an online shop based in Montalban that sells different kinds of perfumes inspired by high-end brands. A locally made and produced version of these upscale brands, emitting the same feel and fragrance of luxury with a more affordable price. Shein believes that we should not deny the Filipinos the privilege of feeling posh just because of their lack of budget. Instead, we should make it more accessible to them. From candy, fruity, floral, and soft baby powder scents that will provide you with that sweet and candid finish. To fresh spicy, woody, zesty, and cool scents that boost your confidence. The products vary from two sizes, 60ml and 85ml. Aside from perfumes, she has recently expanded her products. Escentials now offer Room Sprays that refreshes your home and gives your

personal space a pleasant aroma. It is 250ml per bottle, available in 2 scents. You can choose your home perfume in the scent of lavender or coffee rush. Escentials products are continuously receiving positive feedback from its clients. The brand aims to encourage people to still give emphasis in taking care of their body and presenting themselves. It seems unusual to launch a business in the middle of a pandemic knowing the circumstances. However, Shein viewed it differently. “Since we’re stuck in our houses because of COVID, it has served as a distraction or stress-reliever since I have other things to think about. I feel free while doing what I love despite us being on lockdown.” Shein is very hands-on on this venture, from buying the perfumes’ components, product branding and designing, customer service, handling of the social media accounts up to the packaging of parcels. She meticulously handles every part of the business and assures that every product is at its best state, with every client satisfied. For Shein, Escentials is more than just a source of income. This venture, no matter how heavy the workload is, has served as a little freeing activity for her. By formulating the perfumes, she not just feels free and de-stressed, she also does her passion. Instead of treating this pandemic as a step back, Shein and her Escentials business have used this as an opportunity to be one step closer to her dream. Treat yourselves by ordering at getyour_escential on Instagram and shoppe, and getyourescential on Facebook. Camachilihan, Nasugbu Batangas. You can also visit their FB page: CTC LOMI ATBP.

@getyour_escential on Intsagram Layout by Andrei Tayag

PAGE 35 | Lifestyle







PAGE 36 | Lifestyle

Cybel Ranan | Editorial Writer


oung adults in their college life tend to have this specific notion and goal in their minds which is to finally break into independence particularly, financially, even in simple beginner’s steps, Patricia and Aleya, both in their 20s, are one of them.

Patricia May Jadoc is a Broadcasting student in her second year at Polytechnic University of the Philippines (PUP) and Aleya Nicole Vasquez was a Visual Communication student in Eulogio “Amang” Rodriguez Institute of Science and Technology (EARIST). Both Pat and Aleya are also digital artists under the name of Dafforene and Popcorncheek, respectively. Driven to help sustain their families’ finances and their own expenses, they dreamt of building their own business while also enjoying their passion. They also want to expand their salary resources from their art commissions since it couldn’t be enough to support their ever-expanding expenses. With Aleya’s talent in graphic arts or layout and Pat’s passion for modeling and the availability of space on their house, they came up with a clothing shop business idea. With the help of their parents’ guidance, support, and extra manpower of some of their close friends – L’eau et Soleil made its launch on February 6, 2022, with its aesthetic earthy brown palette-themed collection and their Encanto-themed collection of clothes. Though they encounter minor issues just moments before their planned launching schedule, Pat said that it was overall, satisfying and overwhelming when their friends and other audience shared their posts and the numbers of followers on both of their Facebook and Instagram shop pages increased. It felt even real when comment sections started to accumulate miners/grabbers/ bidders for certain clothes. Their stress paid off. They plan to continue the clothing line business for an extended period of time with a vision of making it an official company with added people to help it grow even further. Although it’s a tentative goal since the two of them also have another passion that they want to really pursue permanently, this side hustle has been a great pleasure and opportunity for them. Interested in updating your wardrobe for some aesthetic additions? Visit and follow their Facebook and Instagram Page now at L’eau et Soleil. Mine and Grab yours now! Let’s support rising and small businesses.

Layout by Andrei Tayag

Entertainm section


PAGE 37 | Entertainment


Don’t Look Up: An Accolade to Present Day


PAGE 38 | Entertainment

Victor Serrano I Creatives


on’t we all just love when we experience something that we relate to, may that feeling be good or bad. Such is the case with Adam McKay’s satirical sci-fi film, Don’t Look Up. On paper, Don’t Look Up looks like your typical end-of-the-world movie where the conflict revolves around how to beat an extinction-level threat looming over all life on Earth. What makes this different is that the conflict in this movie revolves around humanity, where we are the cause of our own demise. The conflict and the horrifying message it relays to us is something that is really relevant and currently happening in our present time. A warning that shows us the consequence if we continue treading on the path we’re currently walking on to. While the film’s primary source of conflict is a comet hurtling its way towards Earth, it is not the primary focus of what the movie wants to show us. In the movie, Professor Randall Mindy (Leonardo DiCaprio) and Kate Dibiasky (Jennifer Lawrence) faced countless criticisms and their efforts downplayed by the public for simply speaking the truth. Society always tends to automatically believe in their own little truths when challenged by facts that make us uncomfortable, scared, and anxious. Distrust between the scientific community and the public is what this film highlights, and how one day that distrust can cause the end of all life on our planet. Governments not acting

unless they have something to gain is also one of the main focuses of the film, same goes to the giant corporations. In the movie, US President Janie Orlean (Meryl Streep) used the comet threat to garner approval for the upcoming elections. She didn’t care about the comet at first and planned to sweep it under the rug until a scandal was leaked and affected her public image. BASH, a billion-tech company in the movie, sacrificed humanity by stopping NASA’s plan to deflect the asteroid and offered instead to exploit the comet for its rich minerals. The safety of the people was a sacrifice that these people were willing to make to make more money. Sounds familiar? That’s

exactly what is happening right now. During the early days of the pandemic, many people didn’t believe that it was happening, hell, we even made memes about it. Experts who expressed their concerns to the public got ridiculed and called liars. Governments and businesses profited and made this pandemic a business. The rich got richer, and the poor got poorer as the day went by. Don’t Look Up may not be about this pandemic, but it’s horrifying to think that it portrayed our current society that we live in today. Because of the changes happening in our society lately, our people with creative minds have a desire to spread awareness and call for action to bad things that we

are all experiencing lately through movies such as this. It is imperative that we open our minds, widen our eyes, and expand our ears to issues and crises that our world is currently facing. The movie did a great job on showing what will happen if we don’t change the way our society approaches dilemmas. And what I love the most about the movie is that it doesn’t beat around the bush on what it is supposed to be about. It doesn’t need deep thinking nor critical insights to fully get what it says. It bears it naked; it wants you to see it wholly for what it is. And that’s why, Don’t Look Up is the perfect representation of what society is today.

PAGE 39 | Entertainment

By: Netflix



PAGE 40 | Entertainment

S U F O ALL D A E D ARE Sofia Pristina Madrid I Writer


Layout I Victor Serrano

ho doesn’t like getting their blood rushing with excitement when watching a nerve-wracking zombie apocalyptic movie? Well, buckle up as Netflix released its latest Korean coming of age zombie horror series last January 28, 2022. “All of Us Are Dead” is a zombie cataclysm series that offer viewers an enthralling experience of catastrophe on a High School ground with fragments of students fighting for their own survival. The series has 12-episodes, each running for over an hour—just enough to binge watch in a day. The 12 long hours won’t really feel like half a day with the fast-paced storyline of the series. The first 2 episodes did not disappoint in giving a thrilling experience just when the virus is starting to spread and then rapidly infecting almost all of the students. Upon realizing the situation, the students began formulating ideas and tactics as to how they can survive and stay alive with each other. While they managed to move places, the students had a hard time maintaining the group. Sacrifice was a crucial point in the series. Had sacrifices not been made, those who are alive probably wouldn’t have made it. With the series’ gory and violent theme, the portrayal of family, friendship, and sacrifices certainly stood out and is one of the most beautiful highlights of the series. As the strong presence of love shone throughout the series, hate, revenge, and fear also share a big contribution to the plot. Jonas virus was created out of Lee Byeong-Chan’s strong will to save his son from bullies. He wanted to turn fear into power but instead of doing so, he created demise. “Ignoring minor violence would result in violence taking over the world.” This is one of Byeong-Chan’s lines that certainly left a big impact not only because it is true, but because it can and might eventually happen in real life. His love for his son made him fall short to the point of being apathetic to humanity and void of sympathy. It truly shows how one’s desire can drive a human into the pit of darkness. With the fast spreading outbreak slowly reaching beyond Hyosan, the government now tries to contain the virus, leading them to impose a martial law on the city. Certainly, handling such a situation wouldn’t be an easy task as thousands of lives depend on it and the number of the people hoping to be rescued lies in the order of the commanding officer. However, the minority of people pleading to be saved did not matter in the end as the military opted to abandon Hyosan in order to save the majority. This is another highlight in the series as it shows how the military maneuver situations in which the lives of their people are at stake. Regardless of the bigger reason for saving more people, to see the military abandon a bunch of teenagers and leave the rest neglected is truly frustrating. The act itself is inhumane enough for the commanding officer that he decided to kill himself as well. The show perfectly represented how tough it is to weigh down big decisions that carry other people’s lives and also how these decisions can greatly affect others and even oneself too. All of Us Are Dead is truly one hell of a ride. The series successfully gave a satisfying feeling to zombie movie enthusiasts with such exemplary acting, lifelike make-up, intense plotline, and worth pondering life lessons. It did not only show intense horrific scenes, it can also be emotional and funny when it wants to. The main message hidden underneath a teen zombie movie about sacrifices is also a big change to the movie scene, that we have also seen in other movies recently. A whole ride of emotions indeed. All of Us Are Dead is definitely a must watch series. It is even more worth the watch when we are in a somewhat likewise setting where a virus is widespread. Who knows? Maybe someday zombies might actually come to life!

PAGE 41 | Entertainment


on’t we all just love when we experience something that we relate to, may that feeling be good or bad. Such is the case with Adam McKay’s satirical sci-fi film, Don’t Look Up. On paper, Don’t Look Up looks like your typical end-of-theworld movie where the conflict revolves around how to beat an extinction-level threat looming over all life on Earth. What makes this different is that the conflict in this movie revolves around humanity, where we are the cause of our own demise. The conflict and the horrifying message it relays to us is something that is really relevant and currently happening in our present time. A warning that shows us the consequence if we continue treading on the path we’re currently walking on to. Throughout the whole movie, you can see how Abuela makes sure that her children use their gifts to help their community, and pressures them to be the perfect Madrigal family member. This stemmed from the trauma of her past struggles, as she needed to flee her home and

HALINHAN | BACHELOR IN ADVERTISING AND PUBLIC RELATIONS her husband needed to sacrifice himself so that they stay safe. She was scared of losing her children and their abilities so she made sure that their family uses these gifts for the common good, so that they will always be blessed with keeping their abilities and gaining new ones for new family members. Every character in the movie shows different kinds of struggles that stemmed from generational trauma passed down by Abuela. We have Mirabel who has no abilities, and always felt like she needed to prove herself and do more just to measure up and fit into the rest of her family. We have Luisa who carries a lot of pressure as she is the strong one, and always felt that her worth depends on the service that she gives to the community. We have Bruno who felt like he needed to leave and be an outcast because his family didn’t find his gift useful.

All these characters are imperfect but lovable and Disney has always been good at putting heavy themes in their animations while still keeping in mind their younger audience. During these changing times, it’s important that children get to watch these kinds of movies and though they might not fully understand it’s depth yet, the effect of media on kids in the long run has always been big. It is great for them to learn the message of this movie. The media and the reception of mental health and trauma has progressed over the years, and is something that is now taken seriously, and it shows in media and movies. Talking about the toxicity and traumas in asian households were not a popular topic of discussion or proper media portrayal years ago, but Disney has not failed in keeping up with the changes and progress our society makes, and by releasing a great portrayal of struggles in an asian household in a movie primarily meant for children, they are giving a hand in preparing these children for the progress of our society’s perception of these issues. With a beautiful soundtrack, fun and relatable characters, and beautiful animations and story, Encanto is definitely a great addition to your list of must watch movies!


Disney’s take on generational trauma Victor Serrano I Creatives

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SNOWPIERCER Hugo Elijah Majadas I Creative


his 2013 dystopian fiction movie starts off with the main character, Curtis, who’s an in denial leader of the pack of the people that form the tail of the train. He is accompanied by Gilliam, a handicapped elder and adviser of the people; Nam goong - Minsu, an engineer of the train with his daughter whom are both addicts of the flammable industrial waste called “Kronole”; Tanya, a mother who got her son stolen by the woman of Wilford (the creator of the train); and Edgar, a youngster who looks up at Curtis. There are

Layout I Victor Serrano

a lot more characters that have contributed to the main goal which is to get to the head of the train but they are prevented by the soldiers who maintain this way of living. If someone disobeys, he or she would be punished by letting them feel the cold from outside the train. This movie is all about how the people form the tail of the train, and eventually are able to conquer the whole train through teamwork, strategy, and pure will (well those and a lot of dead bodies and eaten people). It all ends with a boom! A literal boom, an explosion of the

train letting the two kids survive but leaving Curtis and Nam goong dead. It’s now up to the two kids to survive the cold that is now melting. In plain view, one could just watch this movie and leave with a smile on their faces from the ecstatic feeling of the underdogs winning and getting what they want, but if someone was to look at this movie and compared it to the current reality we are living right now, one can see how a lot of resources are limited and that the movements of the people are monitored by the government. Wouldn’t you be scared if someone told you that the tail of the train represents the people who are just left there with two choices to die or to reproduce? Although they are given the chance to eat, the things that are given to them are blocks from insects that are ground up. In reality, due to the lack of money, job, and opportunities, some people in the Philippines are forced to act like scavengers and find food at a dumpster of a fast food restaurant to re-cook for the whole family.


Halfway of the spectrum, the people at the the middle of the train, have the chance to get a proper education, can eat sushi, can get their nails done, and can party without the thought of dying in their minds. Compared to today, these people are the ones who have enough to get their bills paid, which puts them in the impression that they can do whatever they want and that they feel superior even towards the people who maintain the system. This takes form in any kind, but in took shots at Curtis and their team, as well as, the bald guy who was giving out eggs up to the tails of the train, only to shoot the people from the tail with the reason of “maintaining balance”. This represents all the policemen, armies, or everyone who has a gun that follows blindly what the superior tells them what to do. Believe me when I say they would do anything just to make people believe that it’s their fault. Why are they getting rich by scaring people to the point where they would just listen to these gun slinging savages? All of these rules would change but

it is only under Wilford’s decision. Wilford owns the train hence, all must obey. He represents the presidents, the people who actually can make a change with everything but choose not to for the sake of their power. The explosion that caused the train to stop and left the two kids on a new journey is the one that also ended the system inside the train. With the older kid knowing what has been happening inside the train, he shouldn’t do the same thing when they try to rebuild a new society in that world. Although it may not have a direct representation in the reality that we are living in right now, someone could think of it as a solution to everything everyone has been experiencing for the past years -- all the climate changes, the abuse of power, and poverty not being extinguished. Maybe, the only thing to do now is to have a metaphorical “explosion” that would stop all these businesses and rulers from continuing the destruction

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they are currently maintaining: a system of keeping the poor, poorer and the rich, richer. In conclusion, this movie can serve as a wake-up call to everyone and the world we live in. Take what a couple of governments did during the quarantine, they have put their own respective countries in debt, war, and in a difficult situation especially for the people who are not able to afford to live. These instances should not be hidden from the citizens and people should know what they are worth for them to stand up for themselves against powerful people and for the people who can manage living they should have the empathy to stand for the people oppressed. This can also be a lesson to know what path should be chosen to prevent anything, like this dystopian movie, from happening.


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Mikael Mijeno I Editor


lamour, drama, and murder—three of the main themes in Ridley Scott’s 2021 blockbuster biographical crime film House of Gucci. Based on a 2001 book of the same name, the film follows Maurizio Gucci and his murderer wife, Patrizia Reggiani, and the descent of their relationship. The film started off with a simple and rather cliché premise—a rich boy with an inheritance waiting for him, fell in love with a girl of lower status, fought for their love against the boy’s rich family, and got married. But there is an overwhelming sense of dread with how their relationship was set up, as if something would go wrong any minute—and it will.

The drama comes from Patrizia Reggiani’s—played by the incredible Lady Gaga — slow regression unto obsession, greed, and madness. Notice how I didn’t say slow and steady, more on that later. Lady Gaga—whom I am a big fan of since 2009—played the hell out of this role. She perfectly encapsulated the gradual creeping in of greed to a woman who just can’t get enough. Gaga was a triumph, stealing the spotlight from every scene she was in, commanding the viewer’s attention whenever she came into the frame—that is something not every actor can do. Many people threw flack at her Italian accent, saying it sounds more Russian, but what people don’t understand is that Lady Gaga is Italian, she knows what she’s doing, and she’s not just doing an ordinary Italian accent, she was doing Patrizia Reggiani’s accent. People forget that Signora Reggiani is a real person—with hundreds of recorded videos of her talking with the very same accent Lady Gaga used in her portrayal. What was not a good Italian accent though, was Jared Leto’s. He portrayed Paolo Gucci, Maurizio Gucci’s disgraced cousin. I initially thought it was decent, but as the performance went on, I had the impression that he was doing a caricature of an Italian man. Designer Tom Ford—someone who has actually met the real Paolo Gucci—compared Leto’s performance to a Saturday Night Live skit. Ford gave praise to the other performances though, but noted that Paolo wasn’t as crazed and mentally challenged as Leto made him seem to be. And then there’s the powerhouse cast. Jared Leto from Marriage Story (2019), Salma Hayek, and the Al Pacino, all delivered compelling performances. But that leaves us to where House of Gucci went short. What is left to criticize? Remember when I said slow regression instead of slow and steady? House of Gucci’s pacing suffered a great deal from its editing. It dragged comfortably a lot in the beginning only to end up feeling a bit rushed towards the end. The film could’ve done better with an additional 30-minutes or so in the second and third acts. It seems Regianni’s madness meter was steadily going from 0-50 only for it to go to a hundred only a few minutes towards the end. Gaga herself said it at an interview, the final product seems to be entirely different from what she imagined it to be. And that was a waste, considering how committed she was to the

role—going as far as writing a thesis-like study on Reggiani. Despite some of its faults, House of Gucci is ultimately a good film, backed up by director Ridley Scott’s years of experience in the industry—being the person behind films such as Alien (1979), Blade Runner (1982), The Martian (2015), and Thelma & Louise (1991). While having issues with its pacing, it was good in showcasing the changes within the dynamics each character has with each other. It managed to turn Gaga’s initially likable portrayal of Reggiani into the greedy monster she is known today. With the film’s production and release within the global pandemic, House of Gucci still managed to hit it big on the box office, grossing a total of $151.8 million as of February 6, 2022. Because of the pandemic, the film is also now available to online streaming platforms such as VOD and Amazon Prime and will be available soon on Blu-ray At the end of the day, House of Gucci is a film, a weirdly edited one, about a glamorous family drama that ended in murder. It is not as thrilling as some crime dramas, as we already know what happened to Maurizio Gucci, but the actors’ performances, especially Gaga’s and Pacino’s, were hair-raising enough to keep me at the edge of my seat. And with production and the cast— again, especially Gaga— taking award wins and nominations left and right, House of Gucci is set to be remembered as an unfavorably edited masterpiece.





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House of



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“But if the world was ending You’d come over, right? You’d come over and you’d stay the night Would you love me for the hell of it?” - Jp Xaxe, Singer

By: concertme.com



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What to do

“If the world is ending” by JP Saxe Ft. Julia Michaels”


Hugo Majadas I Creatives

s I wiped away the stars on my eyes one Sunday morning, I opened my cell phone and tried to look for some music I could listen to. It’s all the same routine I have been doing for a couple months since the lockdown happened. As I scroll down, I come across a story, entitled “If the World is Ending”. I don’t know anything about it but it intrigued me. It was also presented in an ASL video, which performs sign language. It is something I wanted to see because it’s new for me. The song is about two people who have recently gone through a break up and as they go through with their lives without each other, they start thinking about the others’ well-being in the midst of the end of the world. They began asking themselves whether the other person would ever want to be with them if the world was going to end. Come to think of it, shouldn’t we be grateful? The people on Pompeii were pretty clueless but at least they knew who they would die with. This made me think why that’s the only time people start longing for someone. This only shows that the reason people yearn is to make themselves feel better for how they have treated the other person. May it be romantically, platonic love for the friends or the relatives you have, but is that really what love evolved into? What if people apologize and take responsibility for what they have done for their loved ones in order to fix the relationship while they have the time. With this, a lot of people would have been with the person they want to be with. They can be truly vulnerable with every ounce of honesty to their chosen partner. A break or a time off is necessary to ease down tensions between but would you really take that chance or leave the universe to decide what happens to them while you’re separated? The message of this song shouldn’t be limited just to relationships between people, it can also be between one’s relationship with the environment or even the community that surrounds them. Wouldn’t there be a change if everyone should take a look at what is the reason why the world might be ending? What usually happens is that people get sucked up into the concept of falling in love and they tend to forget that there are things outside these tiny relationships that could actually help, like love for the environment. With this, people can educate each other to preserve the world we are in and eventually could help humans from having no world to live in the near future. By spreading this to the whole community, they can help rebuild relationships by being there with each other while changing the world to be better. A communal effort is a must for people to continue living with the person they want to be with because not every story should end like Pompeii. In our generation, we have a lot of technologies that could prevent this probable annihilation. With this, the next generation of human beings would live in a world where they would be aware of the things that we have done. They would know what it feels to grow with the values of falling in love, as well as having a responsibility in keeping the environment alive.


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Nadine Lustre is not just nicknamed “President Lustre” for nothing, she has embodied the walk the talk. Rusky Zorrila I Writter


umerous Filipino celebrities have used their platforms to be an active voice for those who are deprived with means and power. The year 2021 is filled with devastating events and created a toll on the lives of Filipinos. We can’t deny the fact that these platforms have been a great help to ease the burdens and amplify the voice of the needy. In this difficult time, they have shared their light with those who struggled. One of these celebrities is Nadine Lustre. It is evident how great an artist Nadine Lustre is, her artistry is truly awe-inspiring. Lustre proved that she is not just nicknamed – President Lustre for nothing, as became an inspiration to her fans. ‘An ambassador of change, not just an artist’, that’s what Nadine Lustre has proven. She became an Eco-warrior where she partnered with private organizations like GreenPeace and Masungi Georeserve which are committed to making the world a little better by conserving the environment. Lustre has been residing in Siargao for most of 2021. When she could’ve stayed safely in the comforts of Manila while Typhoon Odette was happening, she returned to Siargao by traveling six hours in a pump boat

just to help the locals. She was even spotted buying all the solar panels in one hardware store just to help in streamlining the communication and signal. While this pandemic affects our mental health, Lustre is transparent about the state of her sanity even before the pandemic—she used her voice and influence to create a safe space for those who are battling depression. Together with Liza Soberano and Yassi Pressman, they co-founded a company—Mind You, that aimed to have mental health services even more accessible to the public. She is also an LGBTQIA+ ally where she joined pride march and initiated fundraising for the elderly gays in 2019. She has used every platform she has to be an activist for change. Lustre is truly a philanthropist in her own ways when she donated an undisclosed amount of money on the Pride March of 2019 and lent help to those who are affected by the latest typhoon Odette together with her rumored boyfriend by donating goods and other

essentials for the locals. She is never afraid to speak her mind on certain issues and causes, which made her an inspiration to many. She is not only beautiful and artistic but the epitome of a star with a heart of purpose.


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Nadine Lustre


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Sofia Madrid I Writer


o raise one’s flag and bring pride to the P-pop industry is yet another milestone for the Philippines. Recently, a promising group artist named SB19 has been waving the Philippine flag pretty high with their growing achievements and awards. The fivemember P-pop sensation that debuted in 2018 consists of Pablo, Stell, Justin, Josh, and Ken. Since their debut, the group continuously show great representation of Pop music not only for the Philippines but also for the South East Asian countries.

With SB19’s developing fanbase together with their efforts to promote both Filipino culture and music worldwide, the P-pop pioneer is now the Youth ambassador of the National Commission for Culture and the Arts (NCCA), as well as Sentro Rizal, NCCA’s cultural center for overseas Filipinos. The group used their platform to display their honest work in order to elevate the culture and music of the Filipino people. “ SB19 was chosen

No Matter what happens, We Go up! We want to break the scene of PH with our new & fresh sound. - SB19

to be the NCCA Youth Ambassadors and face of Sentro Rizal not only because of their growing fanbase and influence in the local and international scenes, but also of their willingness to support the NCCA’s endeavors, as well as for their genuine care for advocacies to uplift the Filipino spirit, music, and culture to the global scene, which is in line with the NCCA’s mandate to promote Philippines arts and culture worldwide” announced by NCCA in their social media shared on December 16, 2021. SB19 also participated in some activities initiated and supported by the NCCA, such as NCCA’s cultural program, Padayon: The NCCA Hour; SR San Francisco’s virtual celebration of the 123rd Philippine Independence Day, Philippines-Korea Cultural Exchange Festival, Sonik Philippines 2021, and SR Berne’s Ferweh Festival. As the Youth and Sentro Rizal Ambassador, SB19 did not disappoint and remained uplifting the Filipino industry with them being one of the country’s biggest musical acts, both locally and internationally. The group

truly shows what they are capable of with different nominations on all sides. Just recently, SB19 topped Billboard’s Hot Trending Songs chart with their diss track “Bazinga” surpassing the global pop idols BTS, making SB19 the first to overtake them in chart’s history and second act to top the Billboard HITS chart. The group also achieved another milestone when they were nominated for the Top Social Artist category at the 2021 Billboard Music Awards. It was a huge step for both Filipinos and Southeast Asia as this was the very first time a Filipino was nominated for the said category. They are also the only Filipino act to be nominated at the 2021 MTV Europe Music Awards and the first Filipino act to land in the international Billboard social 50. SB19 continues to cultivate Filipino culture and music until now. They never failed to show their value as a Filipino artist and kept proving that Filipinos are worthy to stand along with international artists. SB19 really meant it when they said “we gonna go up”. They indeed stepped up and made changes to the Filipino music industry.

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The monk Who Sold His


A Fable About Fulfilling Your Dreams and Reaching your Destiny Rusky Zorilla I Writer


ooks are the kind of gifts that you can open anytime, anywhere. I was never fond of reading books. For me reading books is boring and overrated. Not until the pandemic happens where I give books a chance to flip on my life. It was 2020 when I finished reading the first book that made me appreciate every page of a book. It was the day that I understood why a lot of people have been enjoying holding and reading it. It was kind of an escapade to another dimension.

After finishing the first book that I read, Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert, I hungered for more tales and thirsted for new worlds to journey. I found a book entitled, “The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari” by Robin Sharma. I was attached to the title which made me question, what was this book all about? Why did the monk sell his Ferrari?. “This is a Fable About Fulfilling Your Dreams & Reaching Your Destiny”, an interesting book — as the subtitle suggests, it’s a fable, and it will certainly make you give some thought to your life, your goals, your dreams, and how your daily habits help you reach those dreams. I never thought that a self-help book would be this kind of magic. It never donates such complicated theories and ideologies but just an easy-to-grasp story; a fable that will invade your life. As I was reading the first few chapters, it feels like I am the main character of the story that I’m reading. This inspiring tale provides a step-by-step approach to living with greater courage, balance, abundance, and joy – wonderfully crafted fable. It tells the extraordinary story of Julian Mantle, a lawyer forced to confront the spiritual crisis of his out-of-balance life. On a life-changing odyssey to an ancient culture, he discovers powerful, wise, and practical lessons that teach us to: 1. Develop joyful thoughts 2. Follow our life’s mission and calling 3. Cultivate self-discipline and act courageously 4. Value time as our most important commodity 5. Nourish our relationships 6. Live fully, one day at a time. The wisdom that you can acquire in this book is rooted in the ancient teachings and practices, and from the books that Sharma has read and practiced. In this fable, Julian Mantle shared “The 7 Timeless Virtues of Enlightened Living” providing a great metaphor that will symbolize the virtues that would easily penetrate to the readers’ understanding. These virtues are:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Master your Mind Symbol: The Magnificent Garden Follow your purpose The Towering Lighthouse Practice Kaizen The Sumo Wrestle Live with discipline The Pink Wire Cable Respect your Time The Gold Stopwatch Selflessly Serve Others The Fragrant Roses Embrace the Present The Path of Diamonds

I must say that this book has so much wisdom to devour but is kind of hard to practice. When I finished reading it, I wasn’t able to incorporate all the teachings into my way of living, however, I got an idea of how I should act on a certain crisis in my life. I am trying to apply the virtue that resonates to what pace in my life I am today. This pandemic has isolated us from the noise of society and given us the chance to sit down and listen to our deeper selves – our core. Books are one of the best tools to have a meaningful isolation. This global lockdown has revealed something to us; reverberating the vulnerability in us and divulging what is essential to living. A lot of Filipinos get a chance to rediscover themselves in this trying time. They get to realize the essentials, ponder on the purpose of living, and comprehend what we should do to continue being alive. Having the unpredictable and everchanging situation brought by this COVID-19 Pandemic, you might want to create a life of passion, purpose, and peace. Try to flip the pages of “The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari” and it may captivate your spirit and teach you as it delights. This is definitely a superb book to add to your GoodReads list or to give to someone. Consider this book as a gift that can be unsealed at any moment to any place.

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All my

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Leila Clampiano I Writer

Lonely Islands

Every day we wait for Tita Graciella to wake up so we can kill her. Hmm.. a revelation. I silently lean my back, avoiding any sign of my presence. As I witness this event, all I can do is to occupy myself with all the details. Preventing disregard, I put up my eyes close to it – these mingled pages of words– waiting for another chapter, literally wanting more. As we pause our normal social interaction, it is ironic to find a free-travel ticket that would take you to places you never knew were possible. With a lucky hand and through the magic of generally cleaning our home, I found this book. All My Lonely Islands – come dive with me. A crime. That’s how their youth ended. These juvenile souls ran. Hide in an adult facade, only to deliver themselves to the depths of Batanes and finally have their sentence; seeking proper punctuation. A desire for brutal beating coequal to death. Carry themselves, selfishly hoping that maybe then, they are validated to live again. Crisanta is an only child of a public service doctor. Being religious and having to serve people, they were nomads; they go where the people are. They go where they could be of any help. After spending most of her childhood in Manila, she and her father flew to the realms of Dhaka, Bangladesh. Starting anew with their life, meeting new people in a Protestant church, and going to an international school-– that’s where her life circles around. Until she met Stevan, and of course, Ferdinand. The conflict begins as the silent rival between Stevan and Ferdinand has started to unfold and flicker. Ferdinand, who is prominent in being the classic bully, took Steven’s prized possession. The sculpture that he worked very hard for. And when you take something so important, you must welcome revenge. Then there’s Crisanta. The school newbie. An obvious member of the outcasts. After getting embarrassed by almost choking herself to death over spicy cafeteria food, she met Stevan. A fellow Filipino. The reason why she played the piano again. The boy who joins her whimsical adventures around their home and her buddy to her slightly naughty humor. Her best friend– and lover. And here is Ferdinand. The boy who puts on a show. The boy who lit up cigarettes but never tried for a hit. The boy, living in a dollhouse. A family of pretense. The boy who was found with illegal drugs in his belongings. The boy who lost his cricket team. For their cross-country field trip, they took

the way to Sundarbans, a wildlife park within Bangladesh. The highlight of the trip is the ‘Lookout Draw’. Five lucky students spend the night in a treehouse, looking out for Bengal tigers. It’s a tradition. The odd was pretty much weird and had them three included. Along with the tour guide, they traveled, and silently watched out the movements of the trees, focusing their hearing on any growl that might eat them after. And so a tiger came. “Run”. Their field trip is a tragedy. And there is a lie with it. Stevan died. Weeks after, the story has to be told. The Bengal tiger had Stevan. They could not do anything about it. That’s how it ended. Ten years later, Crisanta and Ferdinand come to Batanes to see Tita Graciella, Stevan’s mother. Lying in a comatose, pale, and tired soul; time is nearly ending. Will they ever be forgiven? Ferdinand and Stevan fought that day. Endless exchange of mockery. Revealing secrets. Stevan’s revenge. The boy who put the drugs in Ferdinand’s possession. The reason he lost his cricket team. The next thing that Crisanta knew, the boys were shoving themselves with each other, throwing punches, curses, and breathings of exasperation. Ferdinand thrusts Stevan’s face into the river. This is the moment when Crisanta had the strength to stop them. Letting go of Stevan’s face, Crisanta and Ferdinand were both catching up their breaths—one full of fear and one of fury. The moment they look up to see Stevan again, his body is flowing to the speed of the river. They tried. But it was too late. Graciella never woke up but left a gift for Crisanta. A message was sent years ago but never delivered to her. Ferdinand read it. Loud enough for both of them to hear. Gentle enough to have them be clear. They were in the right place, but it wasn’t Tita Graciella whom they must have for forgiveness. It’s themselves, after all. VJ Campilan wrote this as her first novel and writing exercise in her MFA fiction class. That’s the only thing written at the back of the book that I can remember. There wasn’t much of an interesting description. Good thing I’ve known her long before that—long before I read the book itself. My sister worked with VJ in a company related to religious context books. The main reason why I have this book is that ate bought it in support of her previous colleague. With too much excitement, ate shared with me bits of interesting facts about her. While reading the

book, I slowly realize that this is an impression of her life. She is a shuttered piece of Crisanta. Growing up in a Christian family, moving from place to place, and knowing different stories. This is how she grew. With much love and adventure. This book is likewise personal to me. From the beginning chapters, Crisanta mirrored my childhood. The spider mafia, patintero, tagutaguan, the colored chicks sold in the town, and even the image of Aunt Rowena waving the broom ready to hit her for going home later than six in the evening. A perfect deja vu. For all the years she spent in Manila, her illustrations were vivid for a child. The tickle and terror of Filipino myth creatures; the kapre and tikbalang—the way these were told mesmerized me. And then the turning point of moving to another country. A change of culture and lifestyle. A different sight of poverty and dominion. A glimpse not only of Bangladesh but all the cross-cultural countries she had the time to mention from her international school. Then there’s adolescence. A time from which everything matters to us. Popularity, rival, uncontrollable and new emotions, terrifying future, and welcoming young love. Love towards something you are passionate about, platonic friendship, cultural diversity and understanding, empathy towards others, and having this thin line of indifference and concern. The lie in the Sundarbans is our reality. The frustrating consequence of growing, the decreasing smile and laughter, the petrifying face of death and living—all revealed within that place. And it stayed there for a long time. This is how we become adults. See, the author gracefully and subconsciously lured me to the abstract of life. A perfect timeline and transition. Most of all, she started the novel with the love of Crisanta’s father and ended it with Graciella’s apology. The author had shown me two sides of the same coin. The value of being parents and children. The price of deep connection. Realizing the self within yourself. Treasuring adventure, pain, mistakes, regrets, forgiveness, and clarity. A deserved ransom from a long-inflicted prison. I don’t recommend you to read this. I’d rather have it on my own. But if you’ve been void for a while, feel these pages and thank me later.

Trave section

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s time passes by, our present will gradually become part of our history. I became fascinated with the idea of history and the stories that lie with it. I am living in a country that is rich in culture and tradition with beautiful islands—the Philippines. Colonized by different countries: Spain, America, and Japan, each of these countries had left a shard of their rule, culture, and tradition blended to ours. It made our home richer with culture. It is indulging to look back at the stories of the past, albeit there are stories of oppression, hardship, and despair, there are awe-inspiring stories to reminisce to–the stories of hope, triumph, and pride of every Filipino. When I recollect stories from the past, it enriches my Filipino spirit of today and has made me fall in love with my heritage even more.

I am having an ordinary day. I opened my laptop, clicked YouTube, and scroll for a while, then I found a familiar scenery on a video thumbnail with the title “Masarap maging pinoy”. That scenery reminds me of the old Philippines. In this age of modernity, there are new trends arising and the marks of our heritage made by our fellow men are gradually dying. We have been dominated by the trends and culture of other countries; both on how we live our lives and simply on how we choose what vibe and mood our houses or our outfits are. From the minimalistic vibe of Korea, the colorful and fashionista vibe of Paris to the perfect American architectural design, Filipinos have been adapting to the trends worldwide. Upon seeing familiar scenery on a vlog thumbnail I get a nostalgic feeling. Although we are too fixated on the innovations, there are also Filipinos that are trying their best to preserve our Filipino heritage, culture, and tradition. If only I could talk to them one on one, I would do it. One of these Filipinos is Jose Acuzar, he is a Filipino entrepreneur who rose from poverty to become one of the richest real estate businessmen in the Philippines. One of his estates is

the only property in the country that is part of Historic Hotels worldwide. This is the Las Casas Filipinas De Acuzar, located at Bagac, Bataan, Philippines, which is the familiar scenery I found on the youtube vlog. Formerly, Las Casas was just a private vacation house of Acuzar until it became a heritage resort and opened to the public. Las Casas Filipinas is a Spanish word for “mga bahay sa Pilipinas”, and in English, “The Philippine houses of Acuzar”. This lovely and marvelous place gives you a feeling of traveling back in time. It would give you a nostalgic unexplainable feeling where you get to experience the roots and culture before the modern age. Las Casas has 63 heritage homes and 34 structures built in the style of old houses and buildings. What’s even more wonderful is that these heritage houses were collected from different places across the Philippines. They demolished and transferred all the parts of the houses, then built it again on its exact image in Las Casas. The houses in Las Casas were named after where they came from like “Casa De Cagayan”, “Casa De Batangas”, and many more. The houses are made of

Get to experience th

Las C Filipinas D

Rusky Zor

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he old Philippines in

Casas De Acuzar

rilla I Writer

massive cut stones or brick walls while the upper floor is made of hardwood; this architectural style is predominantly what we identify as the typical Filipino heritage house. While browsing at the photos of the houses online, inside the houses you can find some of the original owner’s possessions, paintings, portraits, and even furniture. I can’t help but imagine how simple and monotonous life must have been before. The enthralling interior design of the house and the mesmerizing exterior design allows us to have a straight experience of the old Philippines. Some of the old infrastructures of Manila in the Spanish colonial period were also being built again in Las Casas. Some of them were replicas of the original one which is based on the original photos kept by the National Archive of the Philippines, like the Hotel de Oriente. This heritage resort has a collection of 27 Spanish colonialera buildings spread over 400 hectares. The resort has room accommodations, swimming pools, restaurants, and a beach. The heritage houses became the hotels that the tourists and visitors can avail themselves of. If you want to have a ride of a lifetime, in Las Casas you can have a first-hand experience of tramvia, calesa, and gondola rides while excursioning the wondrous landscape. The history was kept. The stories, artistry, tradition, and culture of the Filipinos are being cultivated, enriched, and preserved. I am astonished not just by the heritage

houses and a picturesque view of the place but also by the arts and crafts being showcased in Las Casas. They have shown Filipino artistry and craftsmanship through its landscape and infrastructures. What a beautiful reminder of how skilled and talented Filipinos are, for the past years up to this new generation. I watched vlogs and read blogs, from both showbiz personalities and content creators, showcasing their beautiful experiences in Las Casas. They have all shared the same experiences. They get to travel back in time and get to experience the colonial era. Las Casas remained authentic to its Spanish-Filipino roots. “Pride in the past, hope in the future”. This statement welcomed me when I visited their website. I get to experience a glimpse of a majestic place: Las Casas. What a perfect place to add to my Travel Bucket List. A perfect place to appreciate the triumphs of my country. And maybe, a perfect place that could somewhat reveal a piece of me. If only I could have a chance to talk to Mr. Acuzar, the owner, I would give him a tight hug and gratitude for preserving the old Philippines and for enriching our roots. There is more about the Philippines that we didn’t see. If only every single piece of the houses and structures in Las Casas Filipinas De Acuzar could speak, there will be massive hidden historic and riveting stories that will unfold for sure. I am intrigued by the stories that Las Casas will tell and maybe soon I’ll be there.

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e ave a s i g h o f re l i e f , u n w i n d , a n d l e t t h e c o l d b re e ze o f B a g u i o C i t y s w e e p y o u r t h o u g h t s a w a y. Am i d s t t h e p a n d e m i c , w h e re c o n c re t e w a l l s a n d b l e a k c i t i e s s u r ro u n d t h e d a i l y l i ve s o f p e o p l e , t h e m e re t h o u g h t o f t h e c o l d w e a t h e r a n d g re e n l a n d s o f B a g u i o i s re l a x i n g e n o u g h to p l a n a t r i p to t h e n o r t h .


he City of Pines became the center of education, commerce, a n d t o u r i s m i n N o r t h e r n Lu z o n , m a k i n g t h e c i t y ra t h e r c o n g e s t e d . H o w e v e r, t h e w o n d e r s o f B a g u i o s t i l l p r e v a i l a n d c o n t i n u e to c a p t u re t h e h e a r t s o f i t s v i s i to r s , eve n w h e n t h e p a n d e m i c h i n d e re d i t s p ro g re s s . A f t e r c l o s i n g i t s b o rd e r s a t t h e beginning of the pandemic, Baguio slowly re t u r n e d i t s s e r v i c e s to t h e p e o p l e , b u t w i t h t ra v e l r e s t r i c t i o n s . To u r i s t s c a n n o w v i s i t , o n l y w h e n t h e s e t ra v e l r e q u i r e m e n t s a r e m e t : * Fu l l y va c c i n a t e d a d u l t s w i t h vaccination card or cer tificate showing the va c c i n a t i o n s t a t u s o f t h e to u r i s t . * M u s t n o t c o m e f ro m a re a s under: Aler t level 4 and 5, or ECQ and MECQ. *Unvaccinated or par tially vaccinated minors aged 11 and below may be tested upon the discretion of their accompanying adults. *Unvaccinated or par tially unvaccinated minors aged 12-17 c o m i n g f ro m a re a s u n d e r Al e r t L eve l 3 must present a negative antigen test re s u l t t a ke n w i t h i n 2 4 h o u r s b e f o re a r r i v a l o r a n e g a t i v e RT- P C R t e s t r e s u l t t a ke n w i t h i n 7 2 h o u r s p r i o r a r r i va l . * U p o n a r r i va l , to u r i s t s m u s t p a s s the health screening at the triage. * Va l i d I D *Pre-booking at accredited hotels in Baguio.

Layout by Hugo Majadas

* R e g i s t e r w i t h v i s i t a . b a g u i o . g o v. p h a t least a day before the trip. A QR-coded to u r i s t p a s s w i l l b e i s s u e d a f t e r t h e accommodation booking has been verified. T h e QT P w i l l b e n e e d e d t o e n t e r t h e c i t y. R e g i s t ra t i o n w i l l b e o n a f i r s t - c o m e , f i r s t ser ved basis. U p o n a c c o m p l i s h i n g a l l t h e c i t y ’s requirements, The City of Pines can now w e l c o m e t o u r i s t s w i t h a j o y f u l e m b ra c e . A s i d e f r o m t h e w e l l - k n o w n a t t ra c t i o n s i n Baguio City such as the chilling Diplomat Hotel and family-friendly Burnham and Mines view park, other spots can also b e e n j o y e d i n t h e l a n d s o f B a g u i o C i t y. I f looking for rides and genuine enjoyment, S k y ra n c h B a g u i o i s t h e p l a c e t o g o t o . T h i s a m u s e m e n t p a r k i s p e r fe c t f o r k i d s a n d kids-at-hear t as it has a variety of rides a n d w h o l e s o m e a t t ra c t i o n s . O n e o f t h e s e i s t h e i r f a m o u s Fe r r i s w h e e l c a l l e d t h e B a g u i o Eye . At t h e to p o f t h e B a g u i o Eye lies a breathtaking view overlooking the c i t y. W i t h s u c h s c e n e r y, o n e c a n s u r e l y enjoy a day full of great memories. If, on the other hand, a more extreme adventure and experience is what one is looking f o r, t h e n t h e B a g u i o Tr e e To p A d v e n t u r e i s p e r fe c t f o r i t . T h r i l l - s e e ke r s l o o k i n g f o r some fun will definitely enjoy this as it h i g h l i g h t s m a n y e xc i t i n g o u t d o o r a c t i v i t i e s . Among these are zip-lining courses with t re e to p c l i m b s , t re k k i n g a d ve n t u re s s u c h a s S u p e r m a n R i d e , S i l v e r S u r fe r, C a n o p y R i d e , a n d Tr e e D r o p A d v e n t u r e . A n i n d e e d b l o o d rushing and hear t beating experience that w i l l s u r e l y l e a v e a m e m o ra b l e i m p a c t i n o n e’s B a g u i o j o u r n e y.


Sofia Madrid I Writer

The chill and cozy weather of Baguio does not only call for adrenaline rushing a c t i v i t i e s b u t a l s o to c o m f o r t a b l e a n d n a t u r e f r i e n d l y p l a c e s . Tw o o f t h e p o p u l a r p l a c e s t o u n w i n d a n d fe e l n a t u r e’s presence is the Mt. Pulag and Mt. Ulap. Mt. P u l a g , w h i c h i s Lu z o n’s h i g h e s t p e a k , a n d is considered one of the most beautiful a n d b e s t h i ke s i n t h e P h i l i p p i n e s , w i l l be a great physical and soul cleansing e xe rc i s e a s i t p rov i d e s a re f re s h i n g fe e l i n g to b o t h b o d y a n d m i n d . M e a n w h i l e , t h e u n d e r ra t e d M t . U l a p , j u s t a b o u t 4 0 - m i n u t e s a w ay f ro m B u r n h a m Pa r k , a l s o h a s a l o t t o o f f e r — t ra i l s o f p i n e f o r e s t , g ra s s l a n d ridges, and the occasional sea of clouds. A s e re n e h i ke i n t h e s e m o u n t a i n s w i l l s u re l y b e b r e a t h t a k i n g a n d m e m o ra b l e w i t h i t s b e a u t i f u l ove r l o o k i n g v i e w s f ro m a to p . A n o t h e r l o c a t i o n t o t u r n o n e’s h e a d i n i s t h e Ta m - a w a n V i l l a g e . T h i s p l a c e i s a m u s t g o - to i n o rd e r to t r u l y fe e l t h e h e a r t a n d c u l t u r e o f B a g u i o C i t y. A w a l k i n t h i s v i l l a g e can have a blend experience of culture and c ra f t s m a n s h i p t h a t e x h i b i t s t h e i n d i g e n o u s h e r i t a g e o f C o r d i l l e ra . Ta m - a w a n V i l l a g e o f fe r s a c t i v i t i e s s u c h a s p i c n i c s i n o n e o f t h e h u t s , a n d t ra d i t i o n a l C o r d i l l e ra n b o n f i re . O n e i n t e re s t i n g s o u ve n i r to u r i s t s c a n a l s o g e t f r o m t h i s v i l l a g e i s a p o r t ra i t of themselves, made especially by the resident ar tists.

has always been a f a m o u s to u r i s t s p o t among the Filipinos as w e l l a s to t h e f o re i g n v i s i to r s w h o w a n t to experience its delight. Since the city became highly urbanized,

If a relaxing, quiet, and cozy place is the re a s o n w h y p e o p l e g o to B a g u i o , t h e n t h e s e p l a c e s d e s e r ve a l o o k . Fo r t h o s e w h o l ove books, Mt. Cloud Bookshop is definitely w o r t h v i s i t i n g . W i t h i t s c o z y i n t e r i o r, w o r k s a n d b o o k s f ro m Fi l i p i n o a u t h o r s , a n d F i l i p i n i a n a t i t l e s i n d i f fe re n t g e n re s , b o o k w o r m s a n d to u r i s t s w i l l s u re l y e n j oy this place. On the other hand, for those who l i ke m u s e u m s , B e n C a b m u s e u m h o u s e s collections of tribal ar tifacts, indigenous a r t f r o m t h e C o r d i l l e ra r e g i o n , m a s t e r p i e c e s f r o m o t h e r F i l i p i n o c o n t e m p o ra r y a r t i s t s , a n d c o l l e c t i o n s o f B e n e d i c t o C a b r e ra , t h e g a l l e r y ’s m a i n a r t i s t h i m s e l f .

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Biig Lights in the




The Giant Lantern Festival


he Philippines is known for its diverse and unique cultures and one of its brightest is in Pampanga. Inhabited are the Kapampangans who are known for their cooking – from the famously known “pulutan” Sisig to its exotic yet flavorful Tugak (frogs). But Kapampangans are not only recognized for their culinary skills but also for their craftsmanship in making these ornamental star shaped Christmas lanterns which are called “parol” that light up the cold nights of December.

Pampanga is known for its beautiful and dashing parols that symbolizes the Star of Bethlehem that guided the three kings to the manger. It also represents hope that lights over the darkness in the midst of the Christmas season. Every Christmas season, kapampangans celebrate a festival of big lights which is the Giant Lantern Festival. The “Ligligang Parul” (giant lantern festival) is home to the city of San Fernando, Pampanga, making it the Christmas capital of the Philippines. It became the paramount of every kapampangans’ Christmas and became a part of their Christmas rituals. The Festival celebrates the art of lights through the craftsmanship of the kapampangans in their parol making. People from around the country gather with their families in San Fernando to witness the dancing lights in the center of Luzon. A total of 10 or so barangays in the city of San Fernando participate in the yearly “Ligligan Parul” where they compete for the best. It has been held every December for more than 80 years where they present a barrage of dancing lights in the night skies of christmas. These giant lanterns display a barrage of colored lights that spins around your eyes. It dances to the music in the background. At the back of every lantern, there are large steel barrels which many people control. These steel barrels are like switches that turn on and off that

Andrei Tayag I Creatives

add an illusion of different lights dancing with the beat of the music. Even when the world continuously changes, these lantern makers also continue to preserve the tradition, passing it from generation to generation. These lanterns aren’t easy to make, it requires people to have passion, creativity, and groove. If you ever had the chance to see the people operating these gigantic dancing lights, you’ll see them dancing as if they’re in the disco and that energy somehow radiates to the lights that will instantly hook you up with the music. These big dancing lights didn’t only light-up the whole Philippines but also shined and were recognized around the globe. It’s also been featured as the national costume of Catriona Gray in the prestigious Miss Universe where she won the title. The Giant Lantern festival annually held its competition and exhibition nights every December 16 to the first week of January. With the COVID-19 pandemic still ongoing, the organizers encourage the public to set reservations in their official site for seats and parking, for drive-ins, which are free of charge. Pampanga province, about 75 kilometers outside of Manila where culture, landmarks, people, and food are known. A place in the country that’s full of the brightest and captivating traditions you may want to see, especially in the cold holidays with your loved ones.


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Alitaptap Village

Sanctuary of Artist



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Leila Clampiano I Writer


ince the pandemic, art has been a good help for us to cope, discover and express ourselves more. And whenever we do our own work or spend personal time, having a designated space is one we highly consider. If you are thinking about upgrading your place or getting your senses for some inspiration for your art, this place is perfect for you. Alitaptap Village is an artist community located in Amadeo, Cavite. The property is owned by the Ancanan — a family of artists as well. They sold parts of their land to co-artists and this is probably the beginning of this unique path with art. The village comprises several houses with their own aesthetic and character. Distinct shapes, colors, materials used for the construction, and vibe inside and outside the houses. Each house is precisely made according to its owner’s personality and art style. At first glance, you might judge it as unfinished but the details and spirit of how these were made are incomparable to any structural standard compelled by society. Honestly, putting art in a rural area is unusual, but definitely the best choice that the founders made. The success of this village is due to its purpose— to explore and share art. Normally, people bring their art to the city for people to see. To seek opportunities. Why? The disheartening truth, art is always undervalued. It is shallowly defined as easy. That is why getting away from the sight of validation is frankly one step to redefine art. If you truly invest support and value art, have the courage to seek it wherever it may be. In addition, reconnecting art to nature allows healthy stimulation of ideas for artists and visitors. Aside from enjoying, being a good caretaker is what we owe the environment. What art can we see? Countless. Spontaneous Remarkable. There are many

faces of art present in the village. Literature, music, painting, traditional drawing, exhibits, performances— all in one place. Not only is this welcome to everyone— artists, nonartists, art enthusiasts, critics, etc.— this also encourages participation. Do you want to share? there’s definitely a space for you to talk. Do you want to observe? Feel free to walk around and switch houses to houses. Want to do art? Extend your stay for an hour (or more). You are always welcome. You are not limited to seeing things, you can definitely do your own thing! So why Alitaptap? What’s the catch? For the day, the village is likewise a simple household. Plants in the garden, pets playing and flying around, small chitchats, and some taking their rest. Because for the night, these artists are alive and having their own shine. The village is energetically awake at night. And like the fireflies, these artists are free. They bring their own light as they mingle with dark. These artists, though their lights twinkle, show no fear to change. Most of all, these artists shine best when put together. Art exists in each of us. Art is deeply marked in each being. Art should have a place of its own— one where we can see almost everything. And one we definitely can nourish ourselves from. A place where art is freely shown is a place worth seeing. Follow the trade of the fireflies and see one paradise— Alitaptap Artists Village.

ts Sample Arts in Alitaptap Village

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Why Should You Consider a

Trip to Marinduque? Kate Dela Cruz I Editor


very year, large crowds of tourists flock to the island province of Marinduque to see the Moriones Festival. But what happens when celebrating in groups becomes restricted?

Bobby Cellano is still waiting for the recurrence of the festival, as he has been for over 5 years as “Morion” or a Roman soldier participant and a tourist guide. When I asked him what he expects, he answered that he is still hopeful. I’ve come to see the province. There are beaches, falls, caves, and churches nationwide but most of the beautiful ones are in Marinduque. It is a heart-shaped island province in the southern part of Luzon—on record, the “Most Peaceful Province in the Philippines”. It is a popular and a holiday destination for Moriones Festival but due to the pandemic, festivals are prohibited. This colorful and sacred parade has been crossed out in our itinerary. However, Bobby assured us that our trip would not be wasted since there are a lot more things to do around the island. On the rented tricycle, it doesn’t present as lacking, but as underrated beauty: Bobby leads an ultimate getaway for fun, serenity, and adventure. He first shows the capital of Marinduque, Boac, where a dozen heritage houses, along with a Casa Real which is used by the local government, are found. In the center of the town, he toured us inside the National Museum-Marinduque that stores cultural pieces and historical relics from the province. Bobby ended the morning trip at the Boac Cathedral, which was built on a hilltop in 1792, overlooking the Boac River. He mentioned that its high-bricked walls are believed to have protected the town from Moro attacks in the 18th century. Christian tourists will undoubtedly

By: GulfNews.com

admire the church’s splendor from the inside out while offering prayers. The province’s second oldest municipality, Gasan, showcases a fascinating garden of insects and butterflies and a garden of sunflowers. In Marl Insect and Butterfly Garden, Bobby encouraged us to interact with the butterflies and to learn more about them. Here, about 40 species are being kept and bred—Marinduque as the country’s top supplier of butterflies. In Nature’s Way Sunflower Garden, there are rows and rows of tall yellow flowers that fill the area. He became our photographer on this farm. As he works, Bobby sings. He’s almost like a parody of a tour guide, the kind who fills the room with knowledge, lectures, and jokes. They are often about how big he got after years of not marching on the streets and hitting repentant (as part of the act in the festival). He continues the trip with a joke: “Please do not litter, the Philippines will get heartbroken.” Today, the weather is with us. Bobby takes us to the town of Santa Cruz, which is a popular island-hopping destination. He gave us some sunblock joking, “it’s better to be an espasol than a latik”, as toured us from the Maniwaya Island and Palad Sandbar to Mongpong Island and Aroma Beach. They are all great areas to get your dosage of sun, sea, and sand, with their cream-colored coastlines and turquoise waters. There’s also the Ungab Rock Formation, a stunning sea arch on one end of the island’s coasts and the Bagumbungan cave, a 300-meter cave system with a diverse collection of speleothems, which we did not manage to

HALINHAN | BACHELOR IN ADVERTISING AND PUBLIC RELATIONS see. But Bobby says that they are both well worth seeing. Some tourists are not fans of beaches. They look for somewhere fresh and not-so-hot places that still satisfy their summer getaway. Kawakawa falls, Mount Malindig, and Luzon Datum are their best destinations. In the falls, await having an adrenaline-pumping experience once you climb from the top of a waterfall towards its deep pool. Along the way to Mount Malindig, expect to see wild orchids and rich flora after some alluring mossy forests. As you climb a series of concrete stairs of more than 400 steps, believe that you’re now standing at the center of the Philippines in Luzon Datum.

Bobby is done singing for the day. He knows he shouldn’t apologize for an incomplete trip but does anyway. Before riding us back to our hotel, Bobby asks, “Sumaya ka naman?” I throw it back: “Ikaw?” “Syempre. Nakita mo pa rin naman ang ganda ng Marinduque,” he says.

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e have never felt our world as minuscule as we had for the past two years for many obvious reasons. May it be the quarantine protocols restricting us to the corners of our home or our justified paranoia and worry about the dangers of the virus that may infect us once we step outside. However, as humans, we continue to fight against these difficult times and take measures to adjust to these ever-growing changes. One of those changes is us being immensely cautious about our getaway destinations. We are meticulous in picking our vacation spots, assuring that we and our loved ones are safe. In this current age where we feel like we must choose just one between leisure or safety, there is a paradise that offers both. Nestled in a 48-hectare lush green forest in Lipa, Batangas is the paradise guise as the Farm at San Benito. A country-chic holistic medical wellness resort just a 90-minute drive away from Manila, with wonderful mountain views, fresh air, and an overall refreshing life-giving energy emanating around the whole estate. Built around their Five Pillars – Diagnose, Cleanse, Nourish, Repair and Sustain - the healing sanctuary aims for their guests to rejuvenate the body and mind and reach their comprehensive optimum wellness. To adhere to the health and safety protocols, all guests must undergo the Antigen Nasal Swab Test performed by doctors and authorized healthcare workers. There is also on-site RT-PCR testing. The Farm also offers ichroma™️ II Antibody Test, a compact, diagnostic immuno-analyzer that measures the level of your antibodies against COVID. Within your stay, they provide different health programs that you can choose fromTreatments, Aesthetic Programs, Executive Health Programs, Health Optimization programs, and Health Optimization programs- to cover all guests’ needs and



wants. Under Treatments, they offer varying kinds of spas and massages that utilize both traditional and medical approachesprograms such as hydrotherapy water wellness and the practice of Philippine healing art which is hilot. They also offer Kids Compendium, a set of treatments specialized for children. Aesthetic Programs for beautification include Anti-Aging, Body Contouring and Dental Hygiene and so on. For the Executive Health section, they have programs that focus on pain management and mental health. Their Health Optimization Programs offer a wide array of services such as Diabetes Prevention, Radiation Detox, Holistic Cancer Care, Fertility Program and their newest and timely Post-COVID Recovery, amongst others. Dr. Homer Lim, The Farm’s Medical Director shares that there are COVID-19 survivors that may experience the “PostCOVID Syndrome”. People who experience this syndrome may have symptoms like loss of smell and taste, exhaustion, breathing difficulties, stomach and digestive problems, and muscle and joint pains. The 3-Night Post- COVID Program consists of accommodation, healthy organic vegan meals with detox juices, Integrated Medical Services such as Holistic Consultation, Brain Biofeedback, Acupuncture, IV Therapy Vitamin Infusion, Nutritional Assessment and many more. It also includes Spa Treatments, Fitness Activities such as yoga sessions and Mandala Flower Meditation. Aided with the Farm’s healing and relaxing environment, these medically supervised and science-based treatments will surely help guests who experienced COVID-19 achieve their full recovery and attain optimum health. Another unique thing The Farm offers is its plant-based whole food and vegan menu. The resort houses two restaurants, Alive! Restaurant that specializes in serving delicious raw cuisine and PESCE serving pescatarian guests their delectable fish and

seafood dishes. The Farm also encourages Mindful Movement & Functional Fitness through various kinds of yoga and power walk activities. More intense body conditioning routines and resistance training such as HIIT, circuit, and core workouts. The Farm consists of varied accommodations to ensure all guests have a comfortable and luxurious stay. From villas to terraces, and suits, you can have your own choice of haven depending on your budget and taste. Named and inspired after some traditional trees and plants such as bamboo, mahogany, narra, palmera and anahaw. Every crib offers a refreshing view of the mountains, streams and forests sheltering the whole property to provide tranquility and a sense of privacy. The privileges and amenities included may vary from one space to another, but The Farm insures you that you will feel safe, relaxed, and healed every moment of your stay in your own little getaway home. Throughout the years of their outstanding service, The Farm continues to pride itself as the only premier health retreat in the Philippines and one of the premier medical wellness attractions in the Asia-Pacific region They are a member of CG Hospitality, an established and well-respected management company that manages and invests in the hospitality sector. The Farm has earned over 60 outstanding international awards like SENSES Germany’s “Best Medical Wellness Resort in the World”. This pandemic may have taken away a lot from us, but we should not let it stop us from regaining that sense of normalcy we used to have, rather find ways to adapt our way of living to this new normal. Let us not forget to feed our souls through these little luxuries that may seem trivial but are very vital to us as humans. With their worldclass service and healing environment, treat yourself to a holistic healthy holiday and improve your quality of life.


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A healthful heaven within

The Farm Louie Milla I Writer

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Ernest Reyes I Creatives




is the



f you’re a vegan who’s visiting Cavite, worry no more for the province boasts of a plant-based café called Hidden Wonders. Situated in Bacoor City, this restaurant serves wholly organic food, without salt, oil, added sugar, dairy, or GMO ingredients. Their best seller is the Utmost burger which is 95 percent organic. Its recipe is completely vegan and made from nutritious, whole food ingredients with plenty of spices that make a delicious patty. Even the burger buns are made of organic flour.

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To add flavor, the restaurant’s ketchup and mayo are made of tofu. According to the owner of Hidden Wonders, they import their ingredients from different countries such as Sri Lanka, Iran, Egypt, and Japan among others. Aside from the Utmost burger, they have the best sugar-free non-dairy Matcha milk tea. They also serve their locally grown potato no-oil fries. Their Cinnamon Rolls are made of organic all-purpose flour and dates, almond milk, organic Ceylon Cinnamon, and Sourdough Starter. They are also proud of their versions of pandesal and apple pie.

Every time they are serving anything from their menu, customers are buying not just their products, but the five years of research in mastering the recipes. They serve is not just food but a lifestyle. It is something that should be shared and continued for the people who need it the most.

Food-Based New Whole



Cavite in

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uring the hotter seasons in our country, you’d be hard-pressed to not hear someone say something along the lines of, “Imagine how much fun it is to be in Boracay right now.” or “If it’s hot here in the Metro, Boracay must be so refreshing!”. Anybody who loves traveling and beach outings, in general, has ‘Visit Boracay’ on their bucket list. I had first-hand experience of Boracay’s exhilarating nightlife and allure when we last went to the island pre-pandemic for my sister’s birthday.

It was late in the month of June, so school was pretty much at fullspeed at the time, because of that, we only had the weekend to spare.

Layout by Hugo Majadas


Our flight only lasted for about an hour, landing at Godfredo P Ramos Airport at 9 AM. From there, we were welcomed by the salty sea breeze whipping across our faces as the sea was quite close to the edge of the runway. It’s a far trudge to Boracay though, as you’d still have to ride a van and a tourist bus before finally arriving at Caticlan Jetty Port, this would take about an hour depending on which route you take. It’s a short 30-minute boat ride from the edge of Aklan to Boracay island, but it was sweet nonetheless. I expected myself to be scared because it was only my second time in recent memory to ride a boat, but everything went smoothly.

miss Mikael Mijeno I Editor


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ng boracay The island of Boracay is big. Bigger than I expected. After getting off the boat we still had to ride a motorcycle to get to the Boracay that everyone seeks— the pristine white beaches. It’s an exhilarating experience to see people from different countries enjoying the sun and sights our country has to provide. Of course, soaking, sunbathing, and sightseeing in Boracay is fun, but it has nothing on what a night in Boracay offers. Music everywhere, food wherever you look at, and people having fun whichever way you go. And as the seashore recedes a bit during the night, the beach is bigger and there are folks hanging out as far as the eyes can see. It’s not the irritating type of crowd either, it’s equally spaced out, neat-looking, and it’s all very reminiscent of what a wide park would look like. I don’t particularly consider myself a homebody—I’ve been to parties and bars—but to experience the nightlife in Boracay is a completely different vibe than the clubs around Manila. With hotels and bars lining up the shoreline it’s difficult to not find the right place to spend the night, from the luxurious buffet of Sea Breeze Cafe at Henann Regency Resort, to the drinks and spirit of the Epic Boracay Nightclub—whether you’re looking for a simple food trip or an electrifying party, the beaches of Boracay has got you covered. Of course with the pandemic, one could only imagine how different this highly social experience would be, but that curiosity fuels us to look forward to better years to come—where the pandemic will no longer have a grasp on us.

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rom different heritage sites, amazing beaches, and the amazing variety of food, Batangas City is an amazing place for tourists and locals alike who are looking for an easy and accessible place to go. The city is filled with hidden gems for everything you might like to do. May you be a beach person, or if you just want to explore and reconnect with nature, Batangas has it all for you! As the pandemic situation in the Philippines improves, we all need a breath of fresh air and a well deserved vacation as it has been a hard 2 years. As more people get vaccinated and the number of active cases drops, here are perfect destinations in Batangas City you can choose to spend your vacations in. If you and your family would like to relax in the sun and swim around the beaches of Batangas, you have a lot of options that it’s going to be hard to choose! Laiya is one of the popular beaches in Batangas, wherein the cream colored sand and it’s clear waters will entice you. Laiya also offers hotels and resorts where you can stay close to the beach and still have access to it. There are also hidden gems when it comes to beaches in Batangas like Masasa

HALINHAN | BACHELOR IN ADVERTISING AND PUBLIC RELATIONS beach whose previous tourists amazingly compliment the place and even say that they have found a “hidden paradise”. Verde Island is also an island in Batangas that is quite hidden but is now emerging amongst tourists. Under the clear waters, the marine life in the Island is breathtaking and something you need to see with your own eyes. When you feel like going to a beach is just not for you, you can try hiking up mountains in Batangas too! Of course, do your research beforehand, and find proper guides or locals to help you safely plan a hike up. There are beginnerfriendly trails, like Mt. Manabu, located at Sto. Thomas, Mt. Talamitaan in Nagsugbu, and others that you could climb when you lack experience. Mountain hiking is not only an adventure but also an exercise for your physical and mental health. You can toughen up your legs while reconnecting with nature. You will also be treated with the beautiful views that the mountains of Batangas can offer which will make the hike worth the sweat and muscle aches. But, of course there are people who would rather just relax than climb mountains. Maybe, you’re up for a relaxing time around nature? Batangas offers Cintai Corito’s Garden, which is a resort and spa wherein you can just “chill” while strolling through the gardens filled with flowers and plants that was originally built for the owner’s love for his wife. They also offer spa and massage packages that can remove the stress off your shoulder and your

Precious Camua I Editor

Places to visit in


HALINHAN | BACHELOR IN ADVERTISING AND PUBLIC RELATIONS mind as you partake in your perfect vacation away from the busy city. If you are a history buff and you like to visit places where history is etched, Batangas also has a lot to show! There are different museums around the town like Marcela Agoncillo Museum, which is an ancestral house of the mother of the Philippine flag. Another oldest “bahay na bato” in Taal, Goco Ancestral house, which preserves the history of Taal on it’s design and interior. Next is the Galleria Taal, a historical house turned into a museum that showcases old historic photographs and vintage cameras. Then, the Villa Tortuga, wherein you can dress up in Filipino traditional clothing. Taal in its entirety is a go to if you want to be momentarily taken back to the past as it’s old houses and establishments are preserved from their colonial era glory. Taal also houses the biggest catholic church in Asia which is the Taal Basilica. It contains a lot of Spanish influences with its architectural design which can definitely satisfy your thirst for seeing history before your eyes. Even though change is constant, and most of the old establishments have been updated with designs and looks of their buildings, Batangas have perfectly preserved these beautiful pieces of history. Not only are the establishments preserved, their heritage and culture are also taken care of. You can see it in the food they serve in their resorts and in the culture and history you get to learn about in their

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museums. These are no doubt one of the reasons why you too should visit Batangas and appreciate their wonderful tourist spots. As travel restrictions are slowly decreasing and people are now allowed to travel to these beautiful places again, caution should not be thrown out on the wind. Batangas is known for its gorgeous sites and beaches, and those are more enjoyable to explore when you are not sick. The pandemic changed a lot for everyone, and these places have changed their ways and policies to better accommodate tourists safely. Please always follow these guidelines for you to safely enjoy the beautiful wonders of Batangas City!

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he history of a specific country is one of the essential foundations of its present. In the Philippines, most of the places around the country provide a vigorous and immense history as well. A prime example of this would be the place where the Independence of the Philippines was declared and where the mansion of Emilio Aguinaldo was located Kawit, Cavite. Kawit became famous because of the well-known Aguinaldo Shrine—the


mansion of Emilio Aguinaldo. The house was built as a defensive base as a garrison from colonizers. Its structure— with its secret passages, hidden compartments, and camouflaged shelves—showed how the revolutionary fervor pervaded even the comfort and sanctity of Filipino homes at the turn of the century. Moreover, the Aguinaldo Mansion in Kawit, Cavite, site of the historic Proclamation of Philippine Independence on June 12, 1898, was declared

a national shrine in June 1964, shortly after the death of General Emilio Aguinaldo. Kawit is also known for its special food and delicacies to offer. From different kinds of seafood such as mussels (tahong), oyster (talaba), and shrimps (hipon) up to their special ‘suman (a dessert made from rice) sa Kawit’. For these reasons, tourism in Kawit truly reflects the rich history of the Philippines. Nevertheless, it sends the real meaning of home that people will find as well in Kawit. #TaraSaKawit.

General Otis is proclaimed American Military Governor of the Philippines and I protest a thousand times and with all the force in my soul against such pretension.

- E. Aguinaldo

Ernest Reyes I Creatives


Home of the Phi


We cannot free ourselves unless we move forward united in a single desire. Emilio Aguinaldo - E. Aguinaldo


ilippine History

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Editorial DELA CRUZ, Kate Ivy | Editor

board TAYAG, Andrei Vincent | Creatives

CAMUA, Precious Angelica | Editor

MIJENO, Greg Mikael | Editor SERRANO, Joshua Victor | Creatives REYES, Ernest | Creatives ZORILLA, Rusky | Writer

MAJADAS, Hugo Elijah | Creatives

RANAN, Cybel | Writer MILLA, Louie Margarette | Writer CLAMPIANO, Leila Mae | Writer



01 MADRID, Sofia Pristina | Writer




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Articles inside


pages 44-45

All of us are dead

pages 40-41

Encanto: Disney's take on generational trauma

pages 42-43

Mine! L'eau et soliel: The patricia and aleya's aesthetic clothing line business

pages 36-37

Don't Look Up: An Accolade to Present Day

pages 38-39

Escentials Perfume Shop

page 35

How a family's never-ending love created a business

page 34

7 Ways you've got quarantine fashion

pages 32-33

The Role of Axie Infinity and NFT Gaming in the Philippines

pages 30-31

Toktok delivers service to the Filipino People

pages 28-29

Upcycled Fashion

pages 26-27

Clean and Disinfect? Do it on your own

page 24

Anytime Cleaners: First Class Cleaning Services

page 20

Cleaning the greenway

page 25


pages 22-23

Thrifty Drip Check

page 19

Wear our Filipino Roots and Culture--Loud and Proud

page 18

Plants as the perfect pandemic Pals

page 13

Progression in a New Lane

pages 1-2

Pandemic Pets: Not all heroes wear capes, others have paws

page 14

How Samsung's Freestyle Changes the Game for Portable Smart Home Entertainment

page 6

Finding Nemo: Coral Garden Discovered under Ternate's Core Zone

page 5

Is Food Just Fuel for the body?

pages 9-10

Got Hooked: Crochet your way out of stress; a thread

page 12

Mental Health in the Philippines During the Pandemic

pages 7-8
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