Reza Gilang Prawira
HELLO! welcome to my portfolio
Hello! My name is Reza but you can call me Ejja, I’m a creative and passionate designer who basically loves all kind of arts. An ambivert who loves to explore new things in any field to develop my skills also giving positive impact on others.

Aug 2021 - Okt 2022
Bagikan Berita
Work as a content writer, writing content for a news portal using SEO (Search Engine Optimization) technical writing.
Sept 2021 - Feb 2022
Sanggar Caraka
Work as freelance Graphic Designer, making book cover illustration for clients/author who published their book at Sanggar Caraka.
Mar 2021 - Jun 2021
Work as freelance Graphic Designer at IPPI (Ikatan Perempuan Positif Indonesia), making content posts for IPPI's Instagram.
2015 - 2019
Destinasi Bandung
Working as a Graphic Designer for a travel & lifestyle based magazine, designing layouts and social media's related such as digital poster, also logo for the product branding.
Nov 2017 - Feb 2018
Project based Graphic Designer at Taest, making design needs for Instagram post for some clients of Taest.
Mar 2015 - present
Freelance Graphic Designer, making logo and branding, posters, social media content, note taker, etc.

1. Destinasi Bandung
Logo design and rebranding of a travel and lifestyle magazine ‘Destinasi Bandung’ that also has a web portal that provides news and information such as traveling, culinary, lifestyle, health, entertainment, etc.
The logo concept is taking shape of ‘location point’ with simplification of ‘Gedung Sate’ building which is the landmark of Bandung, West Java.
*website view of

2. Toast Weh
Toast Weh is a toast product, the name itself come from sundanese words ‘Tos Weh’ (That’s Enough) when spoken. The logo concept using a font with flexible line. The top part of logo representing the bread and ingredients of the toast suc as vegetables and onions, and the two line at the bottom represent that the product is a ‘fast-food’, the orange-brown color representing the toast, green and red represent the ingredients of the toast such as meat, spicy sauce, and vegetables.

COCOROT is a drink product and the name itself is an abbreviation from ‘es COklat COcol ROTi (COCOROT)’ which the words is a combination of Indonesia and Sundanese word that mean ‘bread dipped in a chocolate ice’.
The logo concept of COCOROT using flexible line with the ‘R’ alphabet making form silhouette of a bread shape. The color of the logo is brown represent chocolate and orange represent the color of bread.

4. Other Logo Works
Logo design for a web portal media ‘Bagikan Berita’ which provide news and information such as local news, entertainment, education, crime news, television, international, etc.
Designing logo for a dance team, specifically dance cover team called ‘Snack’ (no.2) who dance covering Kpop group TXT and ‘Vitamin’ (no.3).
Logo design for ‘Tondho Tresno’, a family-like community which all the members are from Java.

Logo design for assignment making branding of a company named ‘Poliklenik’ who provide services related to supernatural case.
Logo design concept for a logo contest, rebranding of BKKBN (Badan Kependudukan dan Keluarga Berencana Nasional).

1. Greeting Cards

Designing vector graphic for a greeting card as such for celebrating Eid al Fitr which identics with ‘ketupat’ a.k.a rice cake as an Eid al Fitr special food with other dishes. It’s also an Islamic tradition to pray together celebrating Eid al Fitr and meet fellow family after praying. People also doing ‘mudik’ to meet their family.

2. Portrait Illustration
Making vector-based portrait illustration for client usually used for personal purpose, such as using it for posting it on social media or print the design on paper with frame.

1. Senjaku, kamu
Design of a cover book titled ‘Senjaku, kamu’, the concept of the cover is to represent the story and the theme is the warmth of family.
The book itself tell the story about a female who taking care of her ill father and everyting happened around her life during the pandemic, every struggle and grateful memories on her life.

2. Polaris
‘Polaris’ is an anthology of poetry book. The concept of the book cover is to illustrate the title itself, which is ‘polaris’ that called as the brightest star at Ursa Minor Constellation.
Also the stars does appear and shine bright at night skies, night time usually the calm and comfy time for relaxing and doing something that we like, including writing and reading.

3. Menggerakkan Semesta
‘Menggerakkan Semesta’ novel which tell the story about the youngest child in a family who want to achieve her dreams to become a doctor, at the same time she have to face many hardship including family issues.
The concept design of the book cover representing the main character who already achieve her dream and sat at her family oldies traditional chair which capture so many memories in her life.

4. New One
‘New One’ is a novel which tells the revenge story of a man whose life suddenly change.

The concept design of the book cover is to highlight the story and the characters in it.
The story set is in dystopian world which have an advanced technology, especially in military.

1. Happy Fit
Making design post for ‘Happy Fit’ social media, an eco friendlu yoga mat with good quality and colorful design mat. Design a post for Instagram using software such as Adobe Photoshop to Adobe Illustrator. From cutting photos to layouting the graphic material and making it into a design for promote the product, ‘Happy Fit’.

2. Wonder Brush
Design an social media post for beauty product ‘Wonder Brush by Medal’, a beauty comb with many variant type and color, promoting the product on Instagram.

The design process including photo cutting to photo editing also layouting the design material using Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator.

3. Wellness Cotton
Designing a content post for Instagram of ‘Wellness Cotton’, a beauty product of cotton with good quality also safe for skin. I design the content for promoting the product to consument on social media Instagram. The process including photo editing to layouting the graphic material using Adobe Photoshop.