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Kembalinya ke Kafan Buki kecil ini mula-mula dipersembahkan oleh Majlis AlMadinat-ul-Ilmia ke dalam Bahasa Urdu. Majlis Penterjemahan (Dawat-e-Islami) telah menterjemahkannya ke dalam Bahasa Inggeris. Jika terdapat sebarang kesilapan di dalam penterjemahannya ataupun dari segi karyanya, sila hubungi Majlis Penterjemahan supaya beroleh pahalanya.
DiKelolakan Oleh: Majlis Penterjemahan (Dawat-e-Islami), Maktaba-tul-Madina Pusat Antarabangsa Madanī, Faizan-e-Madina, Muhalla Sodagran, Old Sabzi Mandi, Bab-ul-Madina, Karachi, Pakistan Contact #: +92-21-34921389 to 93,34126999 Faks:+92-21-34125858 translation@dawateislami.net, maktabaglobal@dawateislami.net, www.dawateislami.net
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Kembalinya ke Kafan
ada suatu masa dahulu, seorang wanita tinggal di Basra. Apabila hampir menuju ke saat ajalnya, dia mewasiatkan kepada anak terunanya, “Anakku, kafankanlah ibu nanti dengan pakaian yang selalu ibu pakai ketika beribadah di sepanjang bulan Rajab yang diberkati.� Sewaktu wanita itu meninggal dunia, jenazahnya dikafankan dengan kain lain. Setelah pulang dari kubur, anaknya terkejut melihat kain kafan jenazah aruah ibunya berada di rumah sedangkan pakaian ibunya yang diwasiatkan menjadi kain kafan tidak kelihatan! Tiba-taba, kedengaran satu suara berkata, “Ambillah kain kafanmu ini. Kami telah mengkafankannya (dengan kain kafan berupa pakaian ibadah yang diwasiatkannya). Tidaklah kami membiarkan roh-roh orang yang berpuasa di bulan Rajab sewaktu hidupnya, bersemadi di dalam kesedihan di alam kuburnya.� (Nuzah-tul-Majaalis, V1, MS 155)
Kembangan Bunga-bungaan Rajab
  2 3 Hujjah-tul-Islam Sayyidina Imam Muhammad Ghazali /" 0 1 / berkata di dalam kitab ‘Mukashafa-tul-Quloob’ “Pada asalnya,
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perkataan Rajab dipetik daripada perkataan ﺮﺟـ ْﻴـﺐ ِ ( َﺗـTarjeeb), bermaksud ‘memuliakan’. Ianya turut disebut ( ا َْﻻ ََﺻـﺐAl-Asab), (maknanya deras mengalir), kerana di dalam bulan diberkati ini, rahmatNya ibarat membanjiri mereka yang bertaubat dengan begitu deras sekali. Di ketika itu, cahaya keredhaan Ilahi turun dari langit bagi menerangi mereka yang khusyuk beribadah di bulan tersebut. Ianya juga bergelar ( ا َْﻻ ََﺻـ ّﻢAlAsam) (ertinya paling pekak) kerana sepanjang bulan ini, segala suara dan bunyi ala peperangan serta peralatan perangnya langsung tidak kedengaran. Sebuah lagi namanya ialah رﺟـ َﺐ َ (Rajab) kerana di dalam syurga nanti mengalir sebuah sungai bernama Rajab. Warna airnya adalah lebih putih daripada airsusu, manisnya lebih terasa daripada madu dan ianya lebih sejuk daripada salji. Hanya orang-orang yang tetap taat berpuasa di bulan Rajab sahajalah yang meminum airnya kelak.” (Mukashifa-tul-Quloob, MS 301) Disebut di dalam kitab Ghunya-tut-Talibeen bahawa bulan ini dipanggil ( ﺷَ ـﻬـ ِﺮ َر َﺟـﻢShahr-e-Rajam) kerana pada bulan ini syaitan di baling batu bagi menghalang mereka dari menganiayai kaum muslimin. Bulan diberkati ini juga disebut ﻢ ّ ( ا َْﻻ ََﺻ ـAl- Asam) (terlalu pekak) kerana belum pernah
kedengaran berkenaan penghukuman Allah 4 - 5 terhadap sesebuah negara berlaku di bulan tersebut sepertimana Allah 4 - 5 melaksanakan hukumanNya di waktu-waktu selain daripada bulan Rajab. (Ghunya-tut-Talibeen, MS 229) 2
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‘Tiga Huruf ’ Rajab 4 - 5   ) / 6
! Wahai saudara muslimin! Perkara apakah dapat dikatakan tentang kebaikan bulan Rajab diberkati! Tersebut di dalam ‘Mukashifa-tul-Quloob’ bahawa para ulamak terdahulu
7& 8 9  
: 3
berkata, “Perkataan ‘Rajab’ mempunyai tiga huruf, â€˜â€Ťâ€™Řąâ€Ź
(Ra), â€˜â€Ť( ’؏‏jim) dan â€˜â€Ť( ’ب‏Ba) Maksud â€˜â€Ť( ’ع‏Ra) adalah ‘Rahmat-eIlahi’ (Rahmat Allah
4 - 5 ),
huruf â€˜â€Ť( ’؏‏jim) maksudnya ‘Jurm’
(jenayah) dilakukan seseorang dan huruf â€˜â€Ť( ’ب‏Ba) maksudnya ‘Birr’ (kebaikan). Umpamanya, Allah 4 - 5 berfirman, “Letakkanlah hamba-hambaku berkedudukkan di tengah, antara rahmatku dan kebaikanKu.â€? (Mukashifa-tul-Quloob, MS 301)
Bulan Bagi Semaian Benih
  2 3 Sayyidina Allama Saffauri /" 0  7& 8  1 / berkata, “Rajab-ulMurajjab adalah bulan bagi semaian benih-benih, Sha’baan-ulMu’azzam ialah bulan menyiramkannya dan Ramadhan-ulMubarak adalah bulan menuai hasil semaian. Apabila seseorang itu tiada menyemaikan benih-benih amal ibadah dalam dirinya di bulan Rajab dan tidak pula menyiramkannya dengan air mata keinsafan, begaimanakah dia hendak mengharapkan kerahmatan daripada hasil penuaiannya?� Selanjutnya, beliau berkata, “Bulan Rajab menyucikan jasad, Sha’ban menyucikan hati dan Ramadhan menyucikan rohani.� (Nuzha-tul-Majaalis, V1,
MS 155)
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Sungai Di Syurga
Sayyidina Anas bin Malik / > â&#x20AC;&#x2020; 7& 8â&#x20AC;&#x2020; 1 â&#x20AC;&#x2020; menceritakan bahawa
? kekasih Allah 4 - 5 berkata, Sesungguhnya ada sebuah sungai di Syurga bernama â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Rajab.â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Keputihan airnya lebih daripada airsusu dan kemanisannya melebihi madu. Barang siapa berpuasa sekali di bulan â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Rajabâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;, nescaya Allah 4 - 5 mengizinkan hambaNya menghilangkan dahaganya dengan meminum dari air sungai tersebut. (Shuâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;abul-Imaan, V3, MS 368,Hadis 3800)
Mahligai Tersergam Indah Di Syurga
Tabiâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ee Sayyidina Abu Qilaba / > â&#x20AC;&#x2020;7& 8â&#x20AC;&#x2020;1 â&#x20AC;&#x2020; berkata, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Barangsiapa
? berpuasa di bulan Rajab, disediakan baginya sebuah mahligai tersergam indah di Syurga kelak.â&#x20AC;? (Shuâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;abul-Imaan, V3, MS 368,
Hadis 3802)
Lima Malam-malam Diberkati
Sayyidina Abu Umaama / > â&#x20AC;&#x2020; 7& 8â&#x20AC;&#x2020;1 â&#x20AC;&#x2020; berkata bahawa Junjungan
Besar Baginda Rasulullah , â&#x20AC;&#x2020; Ů&#x2013; â&#x20AC;&#x2020; /" 0â&#x20AC;&#x2020;7& 8â&#x20AC;&#x2020;1
â&#x20AC;&#x2020;! bersabda, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Ada lima malam di mana segala doâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;a tidak akan ditolak:-
Malam pertama Rajab,
Hari ke-15 Shaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;baan,
Malam di antara Khamis dan Jumaat,
Malam Aid-il-Fitri dan,
Malam Aid-il-Adha.â&#x20AC;? (Al Jami-as-Sagheer, MS 241, Hadith 3952) 4
Kembalinya ke Kafan
â&#x20AC;&#x2020;2 3 Sayyidina Khalid bin Maâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;daan /" 0â&#x20AC;&#x2020;7& 8â&#x20AC;&#x2020;1 / berkata, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Pada limalima malam tertentu dalam setahun, barang siapa bersaksikan dirinya pada malam-malam tersebut beribadah dengan niat untuk menikmati segala kemenafaatannya, maka Allah 4 - 5 akan memasukkann- ya ke dalam Syurga:-
Malam pertama Rajab, (beribadah pada malamnya serta ber puasa pada siangnya).
Kedua-dua malam Aid (Aid-il-Fitri dan Aid-il-Adha) beribadah pada malamnya tetapi pada siangnya (Tidak dibenarkan sesiapa berpuasa pada kedua-dua hari Aid).
Malam ke-15 bulan Syaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ban (beribadah pada malam nya dan berpuasa pada keesokkan harinya) dan
Malam Assyura(malam ke-10 Muharram-ul- Haraam); (beribadah pada malamnya dan berpuasa pada esok siangnya). (Ghunya-tut-Talibeen, MS 236)
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Puasa Di Hari Pertama Rajab Mengampunkan 3 Tahun Dosa Lalu
Sayyidina Abdullah ibn Abbas & : / > â&#x20AC;&#x2020; 7& 8â&#x20AC;&#x2020; 1 bercerita bahawa
â&#x20AC;&#x2020;? ; Junjungan Besar Baginda Rasulullah , â&#x20AC;&#x2020; Ů&#x2013; â&#x20AC;&#x2020; / " 0â&#x20AC;&#x2020;7& 8â&#x20AC;&#x2020;1 â&#x20AC;&#x2020;
! bersabda, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Barangsiapa berpuasa pada hari pertama Rajab dia akan
Kembalinya ke Kafan
mendapat pengampunan ke atas 3 tahun dosa-dosanya yang lalu, berpuasa di hari kedua pula mendapat keampunan 2 tahun dosa-dosa lalu dan berpuasa di hari ketiga mendapat keampunan 1 tahun dosa-dosa lalu dan berpuasa pada harihari berikutnya di bulan Rajab mendapat keampunan bagi 1 bulan dosa-dosa lalu.â&#x20AC;? (Al Jami-as-Sagheer, MS 311, Hadith 5051)
Merebut Keberkatan Rahmatnya
? Sayyidina Usman bin Matar / > â&#x20AC;&#x2020; 7& 8â&#x20AC;&#x2020; 1 â&#x20AC;&#x2020; bercerita bahawa
; Junjungan Besar Baginda Rasulullah , â&#x20AC;&#x2020; Ů&#x2013; â&#x20AC;&#x2020; / " 0â&#x20AC;&#x2020;7& 8â&#x20AC;&#x2020;1 â&#x20AC;&#x2020;
! bersabda, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Rajab merupakan bulan mulia. Allah 4 - 5 melipat gandakan dua kali pahalanya di bulan tersebut. Barangsiapa berpuasa satu hari di bulan Rajab, seolahâ&#x20AC;&#x201C;olah dia telah berpuasa selama satu tahun dan barangsiapa berpuasa selama tujuh hari, ditutupkan ketujuh-tujuh pintu Neraka daripadanya. Berang siapa berpuasa selama 8 hari, dibukakan ke lapan-lapan pintu Syurga untuknya dan barangsiapa berpuasa selama 10 hari, Allah 4 - 5 memakbulkan segala permintaannya. Barangsiapa berpuasa selama 15 hari, satu suara dari langit berkata-kata, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Sesungguhnya telah diampunkan segala dosa-dosamu yang lalu maka hendaklah kamu memperbaharui tekadmu membuat kebaikan.â&#x20AC;? Barangsiapa melipatgandakan amalannya, Allah 4 - 5 melipatgandakan ganjaran yang dikurniakanNya. Sesungguhnya, Allah 4 - 5 telah meletakkan Nabi Nuh â&#x20AC;&#x2020; /" berlayar di dalam bahteranya pada bulan Rajab dan Nabi Nuh â&#x20AC;&#x2020; /" telah berpuasa sambil menyeru kepada pengikut-pengikutnya berpuasa bersama-samanya.â&#x20AC;? (Muâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;jam Kabir, V6,MS 69, Hadith 5538)
Kembalinya ke Kafan
Pahala Memelihara Satu Kali Puasa
â&#x20AC;&#x2020; 2 3/ Sayyidina Sheikh Abdul Haq Muhaddith Dehlevi /" 0â&#x20AC;&#x2020; 7& 8â&#x20AC;&#x2020; 1 ; â&#x20AC;&#x2020; 7& 8 â&#x20AC;&#x2020; 1 â&#x20AC;&#x2020; ! menyebut bahawa Junjungan Besar Baginda Rasulullah , â&#x20AC;&#x2020; Ů&#x2013; â&#x20AC;&#x2020; / " 0 bersabda, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Rajab merupakan di antara bulan-bulan paling suci dan jumlah hari-hari terkandung di dalamny terukit di pintu Syurga ke-enam. Barangsiapa berpuasa satu hari di bulan tersebut sambil berniat penuh ketaatan serta keredhaan kepada Allah 4 - 5 , maka pintu Syurga ke enam dan hari tersebut (hari dia berpuasa) memohonkan keredhaan baginya kehadhrat Allah 4 - 5 yang berada di ArasyNya sambil berkata, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Ya Allah 4 - 5 , kurniakanlah keredhaanMu ke atas hambamu ini!â&#x20AC;? Barangsiapa gagal berpuasa serta beramal ibadah dengan penuh ketaatan serta keredhaan kehadhrat Allah 4 - 5 maka pintu Syurga dan hari tersebut itu tidak membelanya untuk mendapat keredhaanNya. Sebaliknya, mereka berkata, Wahai hamba Allah 4 - 5 . Kamu dikhianati oleh nefsumu sendiri.â&#x20AC;? (Maaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;sabata bisâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;sunnah, MS 342)
Wahai saudara muslimin! Melalui pembelajaran dari pembacaan ini kita semua sediamaklum bahawa tujuan kita berpuasa bukanlah semata-mata menahan diri dari lapar dan dahaga, tetapi adalah lebih penting bagi kita memelihara kedua tangan dan kaki dari berbuat dosa. Amat rugi besar jika puasa itu diiringi dengan perbuatan dosa sekali.
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Kembalinya ke Kafan
Puasa Di Hari Ke-27 Diampunkan 10 Tahun DosaDosa Lalu
â&#x20AC;&#x2020; 2 3 Ala Hadarat Imaam Ahmad Raza Khan /" 0â&#x20AC;&#x2020; 7& 8â&#x20AC;&#x2020; 1 / berkata
bahawa di dalam â&#x20AC;&#x153;Fawaid-e-Nihaadâ&#x20AC;? Sayyidina Anas / > â&#x20AC;&#x2020;7& 8â&#x20AC;&#x2020;1 â&#x20AC;&#x2020;
? ; bercerita bahawa Junjungan Besar Baginda Rasulullah â&#x20AC;&#x2020;7& 8â&#x20AC;&#x2020; 1 â&#x20AC;&#x2020;
! , â&#x20AC;&#x2020; Ů&#x2013; â&#x20AC;&#x2020; / " 0 bersabda, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Sesungguhnya telah diangkatkan darjatku menjadi Rasul pada 27 Rajab. Barangsiapa berpuasa pada hari tersebut lalu berdos pada waktu Iftaar, nescaya diampunkan baginya 10 tahun dosa-dosa lalu.â&#x20AC;? (Fatawa-e-Razaviya, V4, MS 58)
Ganjaran Pahala 60 Bulan
? Sayyidina Abu Hurairah / > â&#x20AC;&#x2020; 7& 8â&#x20AC;&#x2020; 1 â&#x20AC;&#x2020; berkata, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Barangsiapa
berpuasa pada 27 Rajab, dia dikurniakan ganjaran puasanya sebesar 60 bulan puasa (5 tahun) dan Malaikat Jibraâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;il â&#x20AC;&#x2020; /" telah turun ke bumi membawa tanda kerasulan Baginda Nabi ; Muhammad , â&#x20AC;&#x2020; Ů&#x2013; â&#x20AC;&#x2020; / " 0â&#x20AC;&#x2020; 7& 8â&#x20AC;&#x2020; 1 â&#x20AC;&#x2020;
! , pada hari tersebut.â&#x20AC;? (Tanzee-hush-
Shariah, V2, MS 161)
Ganjaran Pahala 100 Tahun Puasa
? Sayyidina Salman Farsi / > â&#x20AC;&#x2020; 7& 8â&#x20AC;&#x2020; 1 â&#x20AC;&#x2020; menceritakan bahawa
; Junjungan Baginda Rasulullah , â&#x20AC;&#x2020; Ů&#x2013; â&#x20AC;&#x2020; / " 0â&#x20AC;&#x2020;7& 8â&#x20AC;&#x2020;1 â&#x20AC;&#x2020;
! bersabda, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Pada bulan Rajab ada satu hari dan satu malam dan barangsiapa berpuasa pada siang hari tersebut dan berdiri teguh (beribadah) pada malam hari tersebut, seolah-olah dia telah berpuasa selama 100 tahun. Hari yang dimaksudkan itu ialah 27 Rajab. Inilah hari yang menandakan kekasih Allah 4 - 5 diangkatkan
Kembalinya ke Kafan
darjatnya kepada kerasulan.â&#x20AC;? Besar. (Shuâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;bul-Imaan, V 3, MS 374, Hadith 3811)
Pahala Meringankan Kesusahan Orang Lain
? Sayyidina Abdullah ibn Zubair / > â&#x20AC;&#x2020; 7& 8â&#x20AC;&#x2020; 1 â&#x20AC;&#x2020; menceritakan,
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Barangsiapa merengankan kesusahan orang pada bulan Rajab, maka Allah 4 - 5 mengurniakan baginya ganjaran berupa sebuah mahligai di Syurga, besar dan luasnya adalah sejauh pandangan mata. Hormatilah bulan Rajab dengan kemuliaan dan Allah akan memuliakan kamu berlipatganda beribu kali lebih dari itu.â&#x20AC;? (Ghunya-tut-Talibeen, MS 234)
Syarat-syarat Doa Dimakbulkan
Sayyidina Anas bin Malik / > â&#x20AC;&#x2020; 7& 8â&#x20AC;&#x2020; 1 â&#x20AC;&#x2020; meriwayatkan bahawa
? Rasul Ulua â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Azmi Terbesar , â&#x20AC;&#x2020; Ů&#x2013; â&#x20AC;&#x2020; / " 0â&#x20AC;&#x2020; 7& 8â&#x20AC;&#x2020; 1 â&#x20AC;&#x2020; ! ; , bersabda, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Pada bulan Rajab ada satu malam dan barangsiapa membuat kebaikan pada malam tersebut, dia akan menerima ganjaran berlipatganda 100 tahun kebaikan dan malam tersebut ialah 27 Rajab Barangsiapa bersolat 12 rakaat, membaca Surah â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;AlFatihahâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; satu kali pada setiap rakaat diikuti dengan satu Surah lain, â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Attihiyyatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; pada setiap dua rakaat dan selepas memberikan salam ke-kanan dan ke-kiri, dia membaca
â&#x20AC;Ť Ů?ďşłŮ&#x20AC; Ů&#x2019;ďş&#x2019; ٰﺤ Ů&#x17D; اďť&#x;Ů&#x20AC;ďť Ů°Ů&#x2018;Ů&#x20AC; Ů? Ů&#x17D;Ů&#x2C6;اďť&#x;Ů&#x2019;Ů&#x20AC; Ů&#x17D;ﺤ Ů&#x2019; Ů?ﺪďť&#x;Ů&#x20AC; Ů?ďť Ů°Ů&#x2018;Ů&#x20AC; Ů? Ů&#x17D;Ů&#x2C6; Ů&#x17D;ďťľ اŮ?ďť&#x; Ů°Ů&#x20AC; Ů&#x17D; اŮ? Ů&#x2018;Ů&#x17D;اďť&#x;Ů&#x20AC;ďť Ů°Ů&#x2018;Ů&#x20AC; Ů? Ů&#x17D;Ů&#x2C6;اďť&#x;Ů&#x20AC;ďť Ů°Ů&#x2018;Ů&#x20AC; Ů? ا Ů&#x17D; Ů&#x2019;ďŽ?Ů&#x20AC; Ů&#x17D;﹪â&#x20AC;Ź100 kali, beristighfar 100
kali, Durood Shareef 100 kali, kemudian memohon doa meminta sesuatu yang dihajatkan (kemenfaatan di dunia dan kesejahteraan di akhirat) kepada Allah 4 - 5 seterusnya berpuasa pada keesokkan harinya, nescaya Allah 4 - 5 dengan penuh 9
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keredhaanNya menerima serta memakbulkan kesemua doadoa tersebut kecuali yang berniat melakukan dosa.â&#x20AC;? (Shuâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;bulImaan, V 3, MS 374, Hadith 3812)
Wahai saudara muslimin! Perhatikanlah ke-empat-empat sangat mulia di sisi Allah 4 - 5 , sebagaimana firmanNya di dalam Surah At-Taubah:
ŰĄ Ů° Ů° ŰĄ Ů° * + Ů° $Ů° % &'( ) # " ! ŰĄ ŰĄ ŰĄ ŰĄ
ۥ ۥ ۥ ۥ ۥ ٰ 1 1 ۥ ۤ ۥ * Eۥ F% GD ; Cۥ @ ۥ $ ' AB -?@ =>=< 9 : ; ۥ# 8 7 5) 6 234 . / -, ٰ ۤ ۥ ۥ ۥ ۥ ۥ ۥ ۥ ۥ TRSQ N H: $ P. ۥ $ 'O * 5=2@LM EFDIJ B :# $! 2@LM NH ! $ IJ B K Tafsiran terjemahannya oleh Kanzul-Imaan berbunyi: Sesungguhnya, Allah 4 - 5 telah menentukan ada sebanyak dua belas bulan yang terbentang di hadapanNya di dalam Kitabullah bermula sejak Dia menciptakan langit dan bumi, empat yang paling suci di antaranya; inilah agama yang lurus; janganlah kamu melakukan kesalahan terhadap dirimu sendiri pada bulan-bulan tersebut; dan hendaklah kamu menentang golongan polytheists yang sentiasa bertentangan denganmu; dan ketahuilah sesungguhnya bahawa Allah 4 - 5 berserta dengan orang-orang yang sentiasa bertaqwa kepadaNya. (Ayat ke-36, Surah At-Taubah, Bahagian 10)
Wahai saudara muslimin! Di dalam ayat-ayat suci Al-Quran tadi, tafsirannya menerangkan bahawa di dalam taqwim Hijrah terdapat 12 bulan dan setiap bulan mengandungi 29 atau 30 hari dan permulaan hari pertama setiap bulan bermula 10
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setelah anak bulan (hilal) kelihatan ketika matahari terbenam menerusi sistem pencerapan atau rukyah. Perundangan Syariah Islam turut berpandukan bulan-bulan di dalam taqwim Hijrah. Contohnya, berpuasa pada bulan Ramadhan, Zakat, Ibadah Haji dan sebagainya. Sambutan Aid-il-Fitri, Aid-il-Adha, Israâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Mikraj, Shab-e-Baraâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;at, Giyarveen Shareef, Hari Mengingati Roh Para Wali dan sebagainya diamalkan menurut bulanbulan taqwim Hijrah. Pada hari ini, keadaan begitu menyedihkan kerana sebilangan besar golongan kaum muslimin dibelenggu kelalaian tethadap sunnah-sunnah; termasuk juga tentang tarikh-tarikh penting dalam sejarah mengikut taqwim Hijrah kalendar Islam. Andaikata diadakan suatu perhimpunan secara besar-besaran dipenuhi seramai satu juta kaum muslimin untuk dikemukakan satu soalan mudah seperti, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Apakah tarikh, bulan dan tahun Islam pada hari ini?â&#x20AC;? sudah pasti hanya sebilangan kecil lebih kurang 100 orang sahaja yang dapat memberikan apannya yang tepat. Di dalam menerangkan ayat-ayat suci tersebut, Sayyidina
â&#x20AC;&#x2020; 2 3 Moulana Mufti Naeem-ud-Deen Muraadabaadi /" 0â&#x20AC;&#x2020; 7& 8â&#x20AC;&#x2020; 1 / menyebut di dalam â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Khazain-ul-Irfaanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;, â&#x20AC;&#x153;(Di antara empat bulan-bulan suci tersebut) 3 tersusun rapat iaitu, Zulkaedah, Zulhijjah dan Muharram dan 1 terpisah iaitu Rajab. Sejak zaman jahiliah lagi orang-orang Arab mempercayai bahawa membunuh (berperang) pada bulan-bulan tersebut dilarang keras dan hukumnya adalah Haram. Bagaimanapun, Islam menekankan lebih men-dalam lagi kepentingan dan kesucian bulan-bulan tersebut.â&#x20AC;? 11
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Peristiwa Mengukuhkan Keimanan Peristiwa ini berlaku pada zaman Sayyidina Isa bin Maryam â&#x20AC;&#x2020; /" . Diceritakan tentang kisah seorang pria terlalu lama mencintai seorang wanita. Akhirnya, suatu hari pria tersebut dapat berjumpa dengan wanita itu. Pria mendapati bahawa kekecohan sedang berlaku di tempat wanita itu berada menunjukkan orang ramai sedang menumpukan pandangan mereka kepada bulan di langit. Dia pun bertanya kepada wanita itu, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Bulan berapakah sedang diperhatikan mereka?â&#x20AC;? Pria tersebut bukanlah dari kalangan seorang muslimin tetapi apabila mendengar jawapannya, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Rajabâ&#x20AC;? dia terus beredar dari situ serta membatalkan niatnya hendak memperkosai wanita tersebut kerana dia amat menghormati kesucian bulan Rajab. Allah 4 - 5 telah memerintahkan Sayyidina Isa â&#x20AC;&#x2020; /" supaya menziarahi pria tadi lalu Sayyidina Isa â&#x20AC;&#x2020; /" pun mentaati perintah Allah 4 - 5 dan pergi menziarahi serta menerangkan kepada pria tersebut terhadap perintah Allah 4 - 5 di atas sebad-sebad kedatangannya. Selepas sahaja mendengar penjelasan diberikan, hati pria tersebut diterangi cahaya Nur dan dia pun terus memeluk Islam. (Anees-ul-Waizeen, MS 177) Wahai saudara muslimin! Dapatkah kamu melihat â&#x20AC;&#x153;Kembangan bunga-bungaan Rajab?â&#x20AC;? Seorang kafirin dikurniakan hidayah keimanan tiada ternilai kerana menghormati bulan Rajab. Sudah tentu jika seorang muslimin menghormati bulan Rajab, ganjaran yang akan diterimanya melimpah-limpah dengan kerahmatanNya. Kaum muslimin dituntut supaya menghormati bulan Rajab. Kitab suci Al-Quran melarang sesiapa jua yang 12
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menganiayai dirinya sendiri pada waktu bulan-bulan mulia lagi suci. Penerangan tafsiran â&#x20AC;Ť ďť&#x201C;Ů&#x17D;Ů&#x20AC; Ů&#x17D;ďťź Ů&#x17D;ďş&#x2014;Ů&#x20AC; Ů&#x2019;ďť&#x2C6;ďť Ů?Ů&#x20AC; Ů? Ů&#x2019;ا Ů?ďť&#x201C;Ů&#x20AC; Ů&#x2019;ďť´ Ů?Ů&#x20AC; Ů&#x2018;Ů&#x17D; ا Ů&#x17D; Ů&#x2019;Ů&#x20AC; Ů?ďť&#x201D;Ů&#x20AC; Ů&#x17D;ďş´ Ů?ďť&#x153;Ů&#x20AC; Ů&#x2019;â&#x20AC;ŹTafsiran terjemahannya oleh Kanzul-Imaan berbunyi: (Jangan mengkhianati dirimu pada bulan-bulan tersebut). Dan tertulis di dalam Noor-ul-Irfaan; â&#x20AC;&#x153;Janganlah melakukan dosa, terutamanya pada empat bulan-bulan mulia lagi suci kerana ia tidak lain hanyalah menganiayai dirimu sendiri, (atau) janganlah saling tindas-menindas serta menganiayai sesama sendiri.â&#x20AC;?
Ganjaran Nilai Kebaikan 2 Tahun
Sayyidina Anas / > â&#x20AC;&#x2020; 7& 8â&#x20AC;&#x2020; 1 â&#x20AC;&#x2020; ? menceritakan bahawa Junjungan ; Besar Baginda Rasulullah , â&#x20AC;&#x2020; Ů&#x2013; â&#x20AC;&#x2020; / " 0â&#x20AC;&#x2020;7& 8â&#x20AC;&#x2020;1 â&#x20AC;&#x2020;
! bersabda, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Barangsiapa berpuasa 3 hari berturut-turut (Khamis, Jumaat dan Sabtu) di dalam bulan-bulan mulia lagi suci, maka fadhilatnya samalah seperti menerima ganjaran nilai kebaikan beribadah selama 2 tahun.â&#x20AC;? (Majmaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;uz Zawaid, V 3, MS 438, Hadith5151)
Wahai saudara muslimin! Bulan-bulan mulia lagi suci dimaksudkan kepada Zulkaedah, Zulhijjah, Muharram dan Rajab. Sesiapa yang melaksanakan puasa tiga hari berturutturut bulan-bulan mulia lagi suci tersebut, 4 - 5 CD A â&#x20AC;&#x2020; B/ , dikurniakan nilai kebaikan ganjarannya setimpal dengan ibadah selama 2 tahun.
Gunung Bercahaya Suatu ketika, Sayyidina Isa bin Maryam â&#x20AC;&#x2020; /" sedang berjalan melalui sebuah gunung yang sungguh bercahaya. Lalu dia berdoa kepada Allah 4 - 5 : 13
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â&#x20AC;&#x153;Ya Allah 4 - 5 ! Berkatilah gunung ini supaya ia dapat berkatakata.â&#x20AC;? Lalu gunung itu berkata-kata, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Wahai Rohullah! Apakah keinginannu?â&#x20AC;? Jawab Sayyidina Isa â&#x20AC;&#x2020; â&#x20AC;&#x2020; / " â&#x20AC;&#x2020; & > " 6 Eâ&#x20AC;&#x2020; ! , â&#x20AC;&#x153;Ceritakanlah tentang keadaanmu.â&#x20AC;? Gunung menjawab, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Di dalam aku ini ada seorang manusia masih hidup.â&#x20AC;? Sayyidina Isa â&#x20AC;&#x2020; /" , pun memohon kepada Allah 4 - 5 , â&#x20AC;&#x153;Izinkanlah aku bertemu dengannya.â&#x20AC;? Gunung pun terbelah dua dan mencullah seorang beriman yang rupawan dari dalamnya. Orangf beriman itu berkata, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Aku adalah pengikut Sayyidina Musa 4 - 5 . Aku telah berdoa kehadhrat Allah 4 - 5 , supaya mengizinkan aku hidup kekal sehingga tiba waktu ; kedatangannya Rasul dikasihiNya , â&#x20AC;&#x2020; Ů&#x2013; â&#x20AC;&#x2020; / " 0â&#x20AC;&#x2020; 7& 8â&#x20AC;&#x2020; 1 â&#x20AC;&#x2020;
! agar aku mendapat penghormatan menatap wajahnyua, seterusnya menjadi pengikutnya. 4 - 5
â&#x20AC;&#x2020; / / !
Selama 600 tahun berada di dalam gunung ini, aku begitu khusyik bertaquwa kwpada Allah 4 - 5 . Lalu Sayyidina Isa â&#x20AC;&#x2020; /" bertanya kehadhrat Allah 4 - 5 , â&#x20AC;&#x153;Ya Allah 4 - 5 ! Adakah sesiap adi atas meka bumi ini yant lebih bermakna bagi Engkau selain daripada orang ini?â&#x20AC;? Allah 4 - 5 menyeru, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Wahai lsa â&#x20AC;&#x2020; /" ! Barangsiapa saripads ummat
; Muhammmad , â&#x20AC;&#x2020; Ů&#x2013; â&#x20AC;&#x2020; / " 0â&#x20AC;&#x2020; 7& 8â&#x20AC;&#x2020; 1 â&#x20AC;&#x2020;
! , berpuasa satu hari di bulan Rajab, dia adalah lebih bermakna bagiku daripada orang ini.â&#x20AC;? (Nuzha-tul-Majalis, V 1, MS 155) / Qafila Madani Di Bawah Jagaan Data Sahib /" 0â&#x20AC;&#x2020;1 â&#x20AC;&#x2020;2 3
Seorang saudar muslimin bercerita, Qafila Madani pernah berada
â&#x20AC;&#x2020; 2 3 di dalam Masjid terletaknya makam Data Sahib /" 0â&#x20AC;&#x2020; 7& 8â&#x20AC;&#x2020; 1 / di 14
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Bandar Markaz-ul-Auliya, Lahore (Pakistan) selama tiga hari. Pada jadualnya ketika itu, kami sibuk mempelajari tentang Sunnah dan sedang duduk di dalam satu bulatan dan tiba-tiba seorang hamba Allah 4 - 5 menghampiri kami dengan perilakunya yang penuh kesopanan terhadap saudara-saudara di dalam Qafila Madani. Orang itu lalu berkata, 4 - 5 â&#x20AC;&#x2020; / / ! Amat beruntunglah nasibku pada malam ini. Huzoor Data
â&#x20AC;&#x2020; 2 3 Ganj Bakhsh Ali Hajweri /" 0â&#x20AC;&#x2020; 7& 8â&#x20AC;&#x2020; 1 / telah muncul di dalam mimpiku lalu berkata, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Qafila Madani dari Dawat-e-Islami akan bermalam salama 3 hari di Masjid ini. Siapkanlah makanan bagi mereka.â&#x20AC;? Maka, saya telahpun menyiapkan makanan untuk menyenangkan hati-hati mereka di dalam Qafila Madani. Silakanlah menerima hidangan ini.
Melaksanakan Fikr-e-Madina Setiap Hari Ini adalah suatu pendekatan daripada huraian yang telah disampaikan oleh seorang saudara muslimin. 4 - 5 â&#x20AC;&#x2020; / / saya amat menyukai Madani Inâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;aamaat dan saya sentiasa melaksanakan Fikr-e-Madina pada setiap hari. Di bawah penyeliaan Dawat-e-Islami, sebuah badan bebas politik yang merupakan pergerakkan keagamaan antarabangsa bersandarkan Al-Quran dan Sunnah Rasul serta berpengkalan di Baluchistan (Pakistan), Saya pernah menyertai Ashiqaan-e-Rasool dalam Qafila Madani bertujuan untuk menyebarkan ajaran sunnahsunnah Rasul. Ketika bersama-sama dengan Qafila ini, Allah 4 - 5 , telah membukakan pintu kerahmatanNya bagi saya yang bergelumang dengan dosa ini. Tatkala tidur di waktu malam, 15
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maka terjadilah di alam mimpi, saya dapat melihat wajah ; Rasul Khatamun Nabiyyin , â&#x20AC;&#x2020; Ů&#x2013; â&#x20AC;&#x2020; / " 0â&#x20AC;&#x2020; 7& 8â&#x20AC;&#x2020; 1 â&#x20AC;&#x2020;
! (Rasul Allah yang paling agung). Sedang saya memerhatikan wajahnya, bibir Baginda mulai bergerak-gerak dan sejurus kemudian mengeluarkan biji-biji mutiara daripada dalam mulutnya, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Akanku bawa bersama-samaku masuk ke Syurga mereka yang melaksanakan Fikr-e-Madina setiap hari di dalam Qafila Madani.
$â&#x20AC;&#x2020; ! â&#x20AC;&#x2020;7& 8â&#x20AC;&#x2020; â&#x20AC;&#x2020;! ; â&#x20AC;&#x2020; â&#x20AC;&#x2020;
</" = / â&#x20AC;&#x2020; ! 0 ;
Return of the
Shroud â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Kafan kÄŤ WÄ psÄŤâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; This booklet was written by Shaykh-e-ᚏarÄŤqat AmÄŤr-e-AÄĽle-Sunnat, founder of Daâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;wat-e-IslÄ mÄŤ Ḥaá¸?rat â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;AllÄ maÄĽ MaulÄ nÄ MuḼammad IlyÄ s â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;AášášÄ r QÄ dirÄŤ RazavÄŤ â&#x20AC;&#x2020; â&#x20AC;Ť â&#x20AC;&#x2020; ďŽ?â&#x20AC;Ź in Urdu. The translation Majlis has translated this booklet into English. If you find any mistakes in the translation or composing, please contact the translation Majlis on the following address and gain reward.
Majlis-e-TarÄ jim (Translation Department) Daâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;wat-e-IslÄ mÄŤ â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Ä&#x20AC;lamÄŤ MadanÄŤ Markaz, FaizÄ n-e-MadÄŤnaÄĽ, MaḼallaÄĽ SaudÄ grÄ n, Old SabzÄŤ Maná¸&#x2039;ÄŤ, BÄ b-ul-MadÄŤnaÄĽ, Karachi, Pakistan.
Contact #: +92-21-34921389 to 91 translation@dawateislami.net
CONTENTS Du’ā for Reading the Book ......................................................... II Transliteration Chart ............................................................... III Return of the Shroud ....................................................................... 1 The Virtues of the Month of Rajab ..............................................1 The Three Letters of Rajab .........................................................2 The Month of Sowing Seeds .......................................................3 Rajab is the Name of a Heavenly River .......................................3 A Heavenly Palace ......................................................................4 Five Blessed Nights ....................................................................4 Fast of 1st Rajab an Atonement for 3 Years of Sins ......................5 Reap the Bounties ......................................................................5 The Virtues of one Fast ..............................................................6 The Fast of the 27th a Compensation for 10 Years' Sins ...............7 The Reward for 60 Months of Fasting.........................................7 The Reward for 100 Years of Fasting..........................................7 The Virtues of Fulfilling a Need ..................................................8 A Recipe for Acceptance of Du’ā .................................................8 A Faith Enlightening Parable ....................................................10 Reward of two years ................................................................11 A Glowing Mountain ................................................................12 Madanī Qāfilaĥ looked after by Dātā ṢāḤib ...............................13 Carrying out Fikr-e-Madīnaĥ everyday.....................................14 Glossary...................................................................................15 A: Islamic Terms ...................................................................15 B: Da’wat-e-Islāmī’s Terms ...................................................16 C: Arabic Phrases ..................................................................17 D: Titles for the Prophet ..................................................18 Bibliography ................................................................................... 20
Duâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Ä Duâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Ä for Reading the Book Read the following Duâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Ä (prayer) before studying a religious book or Islamic lesson, â&#x20AC;&#x2020; , you will remember whatever you study.
Ů° % &' ( ! " # $ TRANSLATION YÄ AllÄ ÄĽ ! Open the door of knowledge and wisdom for us, and have mercy on us! O the one who is the most honourable and glorious! (Al-Mustaášraf, V1, P40, DÄ r-ul-Fikr, Beirut)
Note: Recite DurĹŤd Sharif
[Blessing on the Prophet
before and after the Duâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Ä .
] once
Transliteration Chart
V/v, W/w
% * % - .'&/ ) ! #ۡ $ۡ
ۡ &0 ۡ ۡ1 ! 0 2' ﻋ4 + ,
ۡ # &' ۡ ( * 7 5 .ۡ 6 ! ۡ
ۡ : 7';ۡ , ۡ * ۡ 78' ۡ 9 *
Return of the Shroud
t the time of her death, a pious lady in the city of Baṣraĥ made a will to her son to shroud her in the clothes she used to wear while performing acts of worship in the Holy month of Rajab. After her demise, her son buried her, shrouding her in another piece of cloth. When he returned home from the cemetery, he was astonished to discover that the cloth, in which he shrouded his mother, was at his home and the clothes which she had instructed him to shroud her with, had disappeared! Suddenly, a voice was heard from the unknown, “Take back your shroud. We have shrouded her (in the cloth about which she had made a will). We do not leave the people who fast in Rajab to grief in their graves.” (Nuzha-tulMajālis, pp. 155, vol. 1)
THE VIRTUES OF THE MONTH OF RAJAB Ḥujja-tul-Islām, Imām Muḥammad Ghazālī & ; < ﻋ ) has stated in his renowned work Mukāshafa-tul-Qulūb, “The month of Rajab has actually been derived from the word Tarjīb ‘= >’ which means ‘to honour’. It is also known as Al-Aṣab ‘= @ ’ ? which means ‘fast flowing’ as mercy is rapidly showered upon 1
Return of the Shroud
those who repent in this month. Furthermore, the light of acceptance also descends upon the worshippers in this month. It is also called Al-Aᚣam â&#x20AC;&#x2DC; @ â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, which means â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;the most deafâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; ? because the sound of war and weapons is not heard at all during this month. Another name for this month is â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Rajabâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; (= ) ) named after a river in paradise whose water is whiter than milk, sweeter than honey and cooler than ice. Only those people will drink from it who fast in the month of Rajab. (MukÄ shifat-ul-QulĹŤb, p. 301)
The book â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Ghunya-tuáš-ášÄ libÄŤnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; adds that this month is also â&#x20AC;&#x2122; as the shayÄ ášÄŤn are called â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;the Month of Stoningâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; â&#x20AC;&#x2DC; â&#x20AC;&#x2020; A stoned in it so that they do not harm the Muslims. This blessed
month is also known by Al-Aᚣam â&#x20AC;&#x2DC; @ â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, which means â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;the ? most deafâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; because it has not been heard [or recorded] that Allah punished a nation in this month contrary to the other months when AllÄ ÄĽ has sent punishment on nations. (Ghunyat-uáš-ášÄ libÄŤn, p. 229)
THE THREE LETTERS OF RAJAB Dear Islamic Brothers, â&#x20AC;&#x2020; 7 B ' C0 [Glory be to AllÄ ÄĽ ]! What can be said about the fabulous virtues of the month of Rajab? MukÄ shafa-tul-QulĹŤb stated that our pious saints D ' >â&#x20AC;&#x2020; F â&#x20AC;&#x2020; ) have asserted, â&#x20AC;&#x153;There are three letters in the word
A ;
Rajab; RÄ ()), JÄŤm (G) and BÄ ((). The first letter RÄ ()) stands
for the Mercy of AllÄ ÄĽ [RaḼmatullaÄĽ], JÄŤm (G) stands for Crime [Jurm] of the person and the last BÄ (() stands for 2
Return of the Shroud
Good [Birr]. In other words, AllÄ ÄĽ says, â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Place my servantâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s crime between My Mercy and My Kindness. (MukÄ shifat-ul-QulĹŤb, p. 301)
â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;iᚣyÄ n say kabhÄŤ hum nay kanÄ rÄ nÄ kiyÄ Par tĹŤ nay dil Ä zurdaÄĽ ÄĽamÄ rÄ na kiyÄ Ä¤um nay to jaÄĽannam kÄŤ baÄĽut kÄŤ tajwÄŤz LaÄŤkin tayrÄŤ raḼmat nay gawÄ rÄ nÄ kiyÄ Sins, we have parted from them never You did not afflict my heart with sorrow, however To hell, we tried everything for an entry But what came in our way is your Mercy
!# Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2020; 2' â&#x20AC;Ťâ&#x20AC;&#x2020;ďť&#x2039;â&#x20AC;ŹD ' > â&#x20AC;&#x2020;2 ? â&#x20AC;&#x2020;â&#x20AC;&#x2020;
â&#x20AC;Ť ďť&#x2039;â&#x20AC;Ź = H $ â&#x20AC;&#x2020;2 â&#x20AC;&#x2020; . &?
THE MONTH OF SOWING SEEDS Ḥaá¸?rat SayyidunÄ â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;AllÄ maÄĽ ᚢaffaurÄŤ & â&#x20AC;Ť; <â&#x20AC;&#x2020; â&#x20AC;&#x2020;ďť&#x2039;â&#x20AC;Ź ) has stated, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Rajab is the month of sowing the seeds, Shaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;bÄ n for watering them and Ramaá¸?Ä n for harvesting. Therefore, if someone does not sow the seeds of worship in Rajab and does not water them with tears of remorse in Shaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;bÄ n, then how will he be able to harvest Mercy in Ramaá¸?Ä n?â&#x20AC;? The Shaykh & â&#x20AC;Ť ) ; < â&#x20AC;&#x2020; â&#x20AC;&#x2020;ďť&#x2039;â&#x20AC;Źhas further added, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Rajab purifies the body, Shaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;bÄ n purifies the heart and Ramaá¸?Ä n purifies the soul.â&#x20AC;? (Nuzha-tul-MajÄ lis, pp. 155, vol. 1)
RAJAB IS THE NAME OF A HEAVENLY RIVER ) has narrated that the K L SayyidunÄ Anas bin MÄ lik J â&#x20AC;&#x2020; â&#x20AC;&#x2020;
Beloved of AllÄ ÄĽ, the Knower of the Unseen, the Immaculate
Return of the Shroud ? Prophet &0 â&#x20AC;&#x2020; ' â&#x20AC;&#x2020; & â&#x20AC;Ťâ&#x20AC;&#x2020;ďť&#x2039;â&#x20AC;ŹD ' >â&#x20AC;&#x2020; â&#x20AC;&#x2020;
2 has stated, â&#x20AC;&#x153;In heaven, there is a river called Rajab whose water is whiter than milk and sweeter than honey. AllÄ ÄĽ will replenish the one keeping a fast in the month of Rajab with its (riverâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s) water. (Shuâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;bul ÄŞmÄ n, pp. 368, vol.
3, Ḥadčť. 3800)
!# Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2020; 2' â&#x20AC;Ťâ&#x20AC;&#x2020;ďť&#x2039;â&#x20AC;ŹD ' > â&#x20AC;&#x2020;2 ? â&#x20AC;&#x2020;â&#x20AC;&#x2020;
â&#x20AC;Ť ďť&#x2039;â&#x20AC;Ź = H $ â&#x20AC;&#x2020;2 â&#x20AC;&#x2020; . &?
A HEAVENLY PALACE L Tabiâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ÄŤ Saint SayyidunÄ AbĹŤ QilÄ baÄĽ J â&#x20AC;&#x2020; â&#x20AC;&#x2020;
K ) has stated, â&#x20AC;&#x153;There is a grand palace in Heaven for those who fast in Rajab.â&#x20AC;?
(Shuâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;bul ÄŞmÄ n, pp. 368, vol. 3, ḤadÄŤĹĄ. 3802)
FIVE BLESSED NIGHTS L Ḥaá¸?rat SayyidunÄ AbĹŤ UmÄ maÄĽ J â&#x20AC;&#x2020; â&#x20AC;&#x2020;
K ) has narrated the Merciful, the Compassionate and the Beneficent Prophet ? &0 â&#x20AC;&#x2020; ' â&#x20AC;&#x2020; & â&#x20AC;Ť â&#x20AC;&#x2020;ďť&#x2039;â&#x20AC;ŹD ' >â&#x20AC;&#x2020; â&#x20AC;&#x2020;
2 said, â&#x20AC;&#x153;There are five nights in which Duâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Ä is not rejected; the first night of Rajab, 15th of Shaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;bÄ n, the night between Thursday and Friday, the night of EÄŤd-ul-Fiášr and EÄŤdul-Aá¸?á¸ĽÄ .â&#x20AC;? (Al-Jamiâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;us-ᚢagÄŤr, pp. 241, ḤadÄŤĹĄ. 3952)
Ḥaá¸?rat SayyidunÄ KhÄ lid bin Maâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;dÄ n & â&#x20AC;Ť; < â&#x20AC;&#x2020; â&#x20AC;&#x2020;ďť&#x2039;â&#x20AC;Ź ) has stated, â&#x20AC;&#x153;There are 5 such nights in a year if one testifies and spends them in worship with an intention of gaining reward, AllÄ ÄĽ will make him enter into Heaven. â&#x20AC;˘
The first night of Rajab; worshiping at night and fasting during the day. 4
Return of the Shroud
The night of EÄŤd-ul-Fiášr & EÄŤd-ul-Aá¸?á¸ĽÄ ; worshiping during the nights and not fasting during the day (as it is impermissible to fast on the days of EÄŤd).
The 15th night of Shaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;bÄ n; worshiping at night and fasting during the day.
The night of â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Ä&#x20AC;shĹŤrÄ (10th night of MuḼarram); (worship at the night and fasting during the day). (Ghunyat-uáš-ášÄ libÄŤn, p. 236)
FAST OF 1ST RAJAB AN ATONEMENT FOR 3 YEARS OF SINS Ḥaá¸?rat SayyidunÄ â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;AbdullÄ ÄĽ Ibn-e-â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;AbbÄ s # A J â&#x20AC;&#x2020; â&#x20AC;&#x2020; ) has narrated
M that the Comforter of the Hearts, the Dignified Prophet &0 â&#x20AC;&#x2020; ' >â&#x20AC;&#x2020; â&#x20AC;&#x2020; 2 ? has said, â&#x20AC;&#x153;The fast of the first day of Rajab is ' â&#x20AC;&#x2020; & â&#x20AC;Ť â&#x20AC;&#x2020;ďť&#x2039;â&#x20AC;ŹD an atonement for three years, the fast of the second day an atonement for two years and the fast of the third day an atonement for one year and then the fast of each remaining day is an atonement for one month.â&#x20AC;? (Al-Jamiâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;us-ᚢagÄŤr, pp. 311,
Ḥadčť. 5051)
REAP THE BOUNTIES L Ḥaá¸?rat SayyidunÄ â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;UĹĄmÄ n bin Maášar J â&#x20AC;&#x2020; â&#x20AC;&#x2020;
K ) has narrated that the Intercessor on the Day of Reckoning, the Knower of the ? Unseen, Noble Prophet &0 â&#x20AC;&#x2020; ' â&#x20AC;&#x2020; & â&#x20AC;Ť â&#x20AC;&#x2020;ďť&#x2039;â&#x20AC;ŹD ' >â&#x20AC;&#x2020; â&#x20AC;&#x2020;
2 said, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Rajab is a very honourable month. AllÄ ÄĽ doubles the rewards in this month. Whoever fasts for a day in Rajab, it is as if he fasted a year; and whoever fasts for seven days, the seven gates of hell
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will be sealed to him. Whoever fasts for eight days, the eight gates of paradise will be opened for him and whoever fasts for ten days, AllÄ ÄĽ will Grant him whatever he asks for. Whoever fasts for fifteen days, a herald will call out from the sky, â&#x20AC;&#x153;The sins you have committed in the past have been forgiven so now renew your good actions.â&#x20AC;? Whoever fast for more days than that, AllÄ ÄĽ showers more bounties. AllÄ ÄĽ transported NōḼ 4 +, â&#x20AC;&#x2020; & â&#x20AC;Ť ďť&#x2039;â&#x20AC;Źin the ark in this month and NōḼ 4 +, â&#x20AC;&#x2020; & â&#x20AC;Ť ďť&#x2039;â&#x20AC;Źfasted and ordered all those with him to fast.â&#x20AC;? (Muâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;jam KabÄŤr, pp. 69, vol. 6, ḤadÄŤĹĄ. 5538)
THE VIRTUES OF ONE FAST The Master of ḤadÄŤĹĄ, Ḥaá¸?rat SayyidunÄ â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Abdul Ḥaq MuḼaddiĹĄ DiÄĽlvÄŤ & â&#x20AC;Ť; < â&#x20AC;&#x2020; â&#x20AC;&#x2020;ďť&#x2039;â&#x20AC;Ź ) cites the following ḤadÄŤĹĄ of our Beloved 2 ? Prophet &0 â&#x20AC;&#x2020; ' â&#x20AC;&#x2020; & â&#x20AC;Ť â&#x20AC;&#x2020;ďť&#x2039;â&#x20AC;ŹD ' >â&#x20AC;&#x2020; â&#x20AC;&#x2020; â&#x20AC;&#x153;Rajab is a month among the
months of ḤurmaÄĽ and its days are inscribed on the gate of the sixth Heaven. If a person fasts a day in Rajab and completes it with piety, then this fast and this day (when he fasted) will seek forgiveness on his behalf from AllÄ ÄĽ and will say, â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;YÄ AllÄ ÄĽ , forgive this servant!â&#x20AC;&#x2122; If the person fasts without piety, the fast and the day will not make the plea for his forgiveness and they will say to him, â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Your Nafs has betrayed youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;.â&#x20AC;? (MÄ ĹĄabata-bis-SunnaÄĽ, P342) Dear Islamic Brothers! We have now learnt that remaining hungry and thirsty is not the sole purpose of fasting. It is imperative that we prevent every organ from sins as well. If 6
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one carries on to commit sins despite fasting, then that person is deprived.
THE FAST OF THE 27th A COMPENSATION FOR 10 YEARS' SINS Aâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;lÄ á¸¤aá¸?rat, ImÄ m AḼmad RazÄ KhÄ n & â&#x20AC;Ť; < â&#x20AC;&#x2020; â&#x20AC;&#x2020;ďť&#x2039;â&#x20AC;Ź ) cites a ḤadÄŤĹĄ from FawÄ id-e-NiÄĽÄ d in his famous compendium of Islamic L Verdicts that SayyidunÄ Anas J â&#x20AC;&#x2020; â&#x20AC;&#x2020;
K ) has narrated that the Highly Celebrated Prophet, the Chosen One, the Spirit of Mercy, the Noble Prophet &0 â&#x20AC;&#x2020; ' >â&#x20AC;&#x2020; â&#x20AC;&#x2020; 2 ? said, â&#x20AC;&#x153;I was bestowed with ' â&#x20AC;&#x2020; & â&#x20AC;Ť â&#x20AC;&#x2020;ďť&#x2039;â&#x20AC;ŹD Prophethood on the 27th of Rajab. Whoever fasts on this day and supplicates at the time of IfášÄ r, it will be atonement for his 10 years' sins.â&#x20AC;? (FatÄ wÄ Raá¸?awiyyah (Jad ÄŤd), p. 658 vol. 4)
THE REWARD FOR 60 MONTHS OF FASTING L Ḥaá¸?rat SayyidunÄ AbĹŤ HurairaÄĽ J â&#x20AC;&#x2020;
â&#x20AC;&#x2020; K ) says, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Whoever fasts on the 27th of Rajab, AllÄ ÄĽ will inscribe a reward of fasting for 60 months and this is the day when JibrÄ ÄŤl 4 +, â&#x20AC;&#x2020; & â&#x20AC;Ťďť&#x2039;â&#x20AC;Ź descended with Prophethood for MuḼammad of Arabia ? &0 â&#x20AC;&#x2020; ' â&#x20AC;&#x2020; & â&#x20AC;Ťâ&#x20AC;&#x2020;ďť&#x2039;â&#x20AC;ŹD ' >â&#x20AC;&#x2020; â&#x20AC;&#x2020;
2 .â&#x20AC;? (TanzÄŤ-ÄĽush-SharÄŤâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;aÄĽ, V2, P161)
THE REWARD FOR 100 YEARS OF FASTING L Ḥaá¸?rat SayyidunÄ SalmÄ n FÄ rsÄŤ J â&#x20AC;&#x2020; â&#x20AC;&#x2020;
K ) has narrated that the Mercy for the Both the Words, the Master of MakkaÄĽ and ? MadÄŤnaÄĽ, the Noble Prophet &0 â&#x20AC;&#x2020; ' >â&#x20AC;&#x2020; â&#x20AC;&#x2020; ' â&#x20AC;&#x2020; & â&#x20AC;Ť â&#x20AC;&#x2020;ďť&#x2039;â&#x20AC;ŹD
2 said, â&#x20AC;&#x153;There is a day and a night in the month of Rajab; if a person fasts during the day and stands (for worship) in the night, it will be as if he
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fasted for one hundred years. This is the 27th of Rajab. This is ? the day on which MuḼammad &0 â&#x20AC;&#x2020; ' â&#x20AC;&#x2020; & â&#x20AC;Ť â&#x20AC;&#x2020;ďť&#x2039;â&#x20AC;ŹD ' >â&#x20AC;&#x2020; â&#x20AC;&#x2020;
2 declared as a Prophet.â&#x20AC;? (Shuâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;bul ÄŞmÄ n, pp. 374, vol. 3, ḤadÄŤĹĄ. 3811)
THE VIRTUES OF FULFILLING A NEED ) says, K L Ḥaá¸?rat SayyidunÄ â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;AbdullÄ ÄĽ Ibn-e-ZubaÄŤr J â&#x20AC;&#x2020; â&#x20AC;&#x2020;
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Whoever alleviates someoneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s troubles (predicaments) in the month of Rajab, AllÄ ÄĽ will grant him a palace in paradise which will be as spacious as the furthest limits of your sight. Honour Rajab, AllÄ ÄĽ will honour you with a thousand virtues.â&#x20AC;? (Ghunyat-uáš-ášÄ libÄŤn, p. 234)
A RECIPE FOR ACCEPTANCE OF DUâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Ä&#x20AC; L Ḥaá¸?rat SayyidunÄ Anas bin MÄ lik J â&#x20AC;&#x2020; â&#x20AC;&#x2020;
K ) has narrated that the Intercessor on the Day of Judgment, the Helper of the ? Helpless, the Noble Prophet &0 â&#x20AC;&#x2020; ' â&#x20AC;&#x2020; & â&#x20AC;Ťâ&#x20AC;&#x2020;ďť&#x2039;â&#x20AC;ŹD ' >â&#x20AC;&#x2020; â&#x20AC;&#x2020;
2 has said:
â&#x20AC;&#x153;There is a night in Rajab in which the worshipper is granted a reward of 100 years worth of Ĺ awÄ b and that night is the 27th of Rajab. Whoever offers 12 Rakâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;at in this night reciting SĹŤrae-FÄ tiḼaÄĽ followed by any other SĹŤraÄĽ in each Rakâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;at; AttaḼiyyÄ t E 7 after every two Rakâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;at; N O â&#x20AC;&#x2020; F
' C0 , IstighfÄ r, B
E â&#x20AC;&#x2020; F
E @ â&#x20AC;&#x2020; ' â&#x20AC;&#x2020; P â&#x20AC;&#x2020; FE ! # $ â&#x20AC;&#x2020; F â&#x20AC;&#x2020; and DurĹŤd [Blessings] each a hundred (100) times after the SalÄ m (completing the ᚢalÄ ÄĽ). Then he does Duâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Ä [supplication] asking for anything of this world or the hereafter and fasts the next day, AllÄ ÄĽ will accept all his/her supplications except those that were made for a sin.â&#x20AC;? (Shuâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;bul ÄŞmÄ n, pp. 374, vol. 3, ḤadÄŤĹĄ. 3812) 8
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Dear Islamic Brothers! AllÄ ÄĽ has ordained four months to be the months of ḤurmaÄĽ, hence AllÄ ÄĽ says in SĹŤraÄĽ TaubaÄĽ:
E â&#x20AC;&#x2020;= ' QR â&#x20AC;&#x2020;Sâ&#x20AC;&#x2020; A â&#x20AC;&#x2020; 9 â&#x20AC;&#x2020; J U â&#x20AC;&#x2020;F â&#x20AC;&#x2020; E ! J â&#x20AC;&#x2020; ) .A
9 â&#x20AC;&#x2020; -! â&#x20AC;Ť â&#x20AC;&#x2020;ďť&#x2039;â&#x20AC;ŹV â&#x20AC;&#x2020;W ) @ â&#x20AC;&#x2020; X '.#' , â&#x20AC;&#x2020;Y &Z â&#x20AC;&#x2020;4 . [â&#x20AC;&#x2020;F
T '5â&#x20AC;&#x2020;â&#x20AC;&#x2020;4 : â&#x20AC;&#x2020;<c ) â&#x20AC;&#x2020; A J â&#x20AC;&#x2020;% c
R 9 1 â&#x20AC;&#x2020; . &> \ â&#x20AC;&#x2020; ] , ^ _ â&#x20AC;&#x2020;7 A 6â&#x20AC;&#x2020; . # &` >â&#x20AC;&#x2020;+ 6â&#x20AC;&#x2020; a â&#x20AC;&#x2020;7 [! â&#x20AC;&#x2020;b â&#x20AC;ŤŰ?â&#x20AC;Ź% E â&#x20AC;&#x2020;Ů&#x201C;gâ&#x2014;&#x152; . # & â&#x20AC;Ť â&#x20AC;&#x2020; ďť&#x2039;â&#x20AC;ŹT<6 â&#x20AC;Ť_ ] â&#x20AC;&#x2020;ďŽ?â&#x20AC;Ź. &> a [â&#x20AC;&#x2020; # R â&#x20AC;&#x2020; T<6 â&#x20AC;ŤďŽ?â&#x20AC;Ź a Q 1 â&#x20AC;&#x2020;d â&#x20AC;&#x2020; F â&#x20AC;&#x2020; â&#x20AC;&#x153;Indeed the number of months before AllÄ ÄĽ is twelve in the Book of AllÄ ÄĽ, since the day He created the heavens and the earth, of which four are sacred; this the straight religion; so do not wrong yourselves in those months and constantly fight against the polytheists as they constantly fight against you and know well that AllÄ ÄĽ is with the pious.â&#x20AC;? (SĹŤraÄĽ TaubaÄĽ, Para 10, Verse 36)
Dear Islamic Brothers! In the aforementioned blessed verse, the months mentioned are the months based on the lunar calendar. The rulings under the Islamic Law are based upon the lunar months. For example, the fasts of Ramaá¸?Ä n, rulings of ZakÄ ÄĽ, and the rites of Ḥaj; Islamic celebration such as MaulĹŤd-un-NabÄŤ, EÄŤd-ul-Fiášr, EÄŤd-ul-Aá¸?á¸ĽÄ , Night of Maâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;rÄ j, Night of BarÄ -aÄĽ, the Auspicious 11th*, yearly â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Urs of Saints etc. are all celebrated according to the lunar calendar. Alas! *
The 11th of Rabiâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;-ul-Ä&#x20AC;khir; widely known as GiyÄ rwÄŤn attributed to His
Excellency, Shaykh â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Abdul QÄ dir JÄŤlÄ nÄŤ & â&#x20AC;Ť; <â&#x20AC;&#x2020; â&#x20AC;&#x2020;ďť&#x2039;â&#x20AC;Ź ) .
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Nowadays, where Muslims are so afar from the SunnaÄĽ, they are also disconnected from Islamic calendar and unaware of the Islamic dates. If a question is posed to a gathering of a 100,000 Muslims, â&#x20AC;&#x153;What is the Islamic date, month and year today?â&#x20AC;? hardly about hundred Muslims would be able to correctly reply. Commenting on the aforementioned verse, Ḥaá¸?rat SayyidunÄ Naâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ÄŤm-ud-DÄŤn MurÄ dÄ bÄ dÄŤ & â&#x20AC;Ť; < â&#x20AC;&#x2020; â&#x20AC;&#x2020;ďť&#x2039;â&#x20AC;Ź ) says in KhazÄ in-ul-â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;IrfÄ n, â&#x20AC;&#x153;[The four months of ḤurmaÄĽ are] the three consecutive months: Ĺťul-Qaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;daÄĽ, Ĺťul-ḤijjaÄĽ, MuḼarram, and one month of Rajab. Even in the age of ignorance, the Arabs considered killing (war) ḤarÄ m [Strictly Forbidden] in these months. In Islam, the ḤurmaÄĽ and greatness of these months has been emphasized and elevated.â&#x20AC;?
A FAITH ENLIGHTENING PARABLE During the sacred times of Ḥaá¸?rat SayyidunÄ â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;ÄŞsÄ 4 +, â&#x20AC;&#x2020; & â&#x20AC;Ť ďť&#x2039;â&#x20AC;Źa person was in deep love with a woman. One day he managed to grab hold of her. From the commotion of the people, he concluded that they were sighting the moon. He asked the woman, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Which monthâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s crescent are the people looking at?â&#x20AC;? She replied, â&#x20AC;&#x153;The month of Rajabâ&#x20AC;?. Although this person was a kÄ fir [non-Muslim], upon hearing the name of Rajab, he immediately moved away from the woman due to the honour of this month and refrained from fornication. Ḥaá¸?rat SayyidunÄ â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;ÄŞsÄ 4 +, â&#x20AC;&#x2020; & â&#x20AC;Ť ďť&#x2039;â&#x20AC;Źwas commanded by AllÄ ÄĽ to visit this person so Ḥaá¸?rat SayyidunÄ â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;ÄŞsÄ 4 +, â&#x20AC;&#x2020; & â&#x20AC;Ť ďť&#x2039;â&#x20AC;Źvisited the person 10
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and stated the command of AllÄ ÄĽ and the purpose of his visit. Upon hearing this, that personâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s heart became enlightened with the NĹŤr (Light) of Islam and he immediately embraced Islam. (AnÄŤs-ul-WÄ â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;iáş&#x201C;ÄŤn, P177, Maktaba-e-Arabia, Quetta)
!# Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2020; 2' â&#x20AC;Ťâ&#x20AC;&#x2020;ďť&#x2039;â&#x20AC;ŹD ' > â&#x20AC;&#x2020;2 ? â&#x20AC;&#x2020;â&#x20AC;&#x2020;
â&#x20AC;Ť ďť&#x2039;â&#x20AC;Ź = H $ â&#x20AC;&#x2020;2 â&#x20AC;&#x2020; . &?
Dear Islamic Brothers! Did you notice the virtues of Rajab? A disbeliever was predestined with the treasure of ImÄ n because of the honour he gave to Rajab. Now if a Muslim honours Rajab, what benefits and rewards could he earn by respecting the honourable month of Rajab. Muslims must greatly respect the month of Rajab. The Holy QurÄ n also prohibits people of oppressing themselves in the months of ḤurmaÄĽ. Commenting on the verse A 6â&#x20AC;&#x2020; . #
&` >â&#x20AC;&#x2020; + 6 (Do not offend yourselves in ] ^ _ â&#x20AC;&#x2020; 7 those months) NĹŤr-ul-â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;IrfÄ n states, â&#x20AC;&#x153;That is do not commit sins specially in these four months as it is an oppression on oneself to commit sins in these months or do not oppress each other.â&#x20AC;?
!# Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2020; 2' â&#x20AC;Ťâ&#x20AC;&#x2020;ďť&#x2039;â&#x20AC;ŹD ' > â&#x20AC;&#x2020;2 ? â&#x20AC;&#x2020;â&#x20AC;&#x2020;
â&#x20AC;Ť ďť&#x2039;â&#x20AC;Ź = H $ â&#x20AC;&#x2020;2 â&#x20AC;&#x2020; . &?
REWARD OF TWO YEARS ) has narrated that the K L Ḥaá¸?rat SayyidunÄ Anas J â&#x20AC;&#x2020; â&#x20AC;&#x2020;
? â&#x20AC;&#x2020;
â&#x20AC;&#x2020; & â&#x20AC;Ťâ&#x20AC;&#x2020;ďť&#x2039;â&#x20AC;Ź D > â&#x20AC;&#x2020; â&#x20AC;&#x2020; 2 & 0 ' Impeccable Prophet ' has said, â&#x20AC;&#x153;One who fasts for three days; on Thursday, Friday and Saturday in the months of ḤurmaÄĽ, a reward of two-year worship will be inscribed for him.â&#x20AC;? (Majmaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;-uz-ZawÄ id, pp. 438, vol. 3, ḤadÄŤĹĄ. 5151)
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Dear Islamic Brothers! The months of ḤurmaÄĽ mentioned in the aforementioned ḤadÄŤĹĄ are four i.e. Ĺťul-Qaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;daÄĽ, Ĺťul-ḤijjaÄĽ, MuḼarram, and Rajab. If you fast in any three days of any month among these four months, â&#x20AC;&#x2020; you will gain the reward of worship of two years. Tayray karam say ay KarÄŤm MujÄĽay kaun sÄŤ shay milÄŤ nahÄŤn JÄĽolÄŤ hÄŤ mayrÄŤ tang ÄĽay Taray yaÄĽÄ n kamÄŤ nahÄŤn Oh Merciful , from the things youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve endowed, What have I not received My containers are limited But your endowments are not constricted
!# Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2020; 2' â&#x20AC;Ťâ&#x20AC;&#x2020;ďť&#x2039;â&#x20AC;ŹD ' > â&#x20AC;&#x2020;2 ? â&#x20AC;&#x2020;â&#x20AC;&#x2020;
â&#x20AC;Ť ďť&#x2039;â&#x20AC;Ź = H $ â&#x20AC;&#x2020;2 â&#x20AC;&#x2020; . &?
A GLOWING MOUNTAIN Once, Ḥaá¸?rat SayyidunÄ â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;ÄŞsÄ 4 +, â&#x20AC;&#x2020; & â&#x20AC;Ť ďť&#x2039;â&#x20AC;Źpassed by a luminous, sparkling mountain. He 4 +, â&#x20AC;&#x2020; & â&#x20AC;Ť ďť&#x2039;â&#x20AC;Źrequested in the court of AllÄ ÄĽ, â&#x20AC;&#x153;YÄ AllÄ ÄĽ ! Grant this mountain the faculty of speech.â&#x20AC;? The mountain then spoke, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Oh RōḼullah 4 +, â&#x20AC;&#x2020; & â&#x20AC;Ť !ďť&#x2039;â&#x20AC;ŹWhat do you want?â&#x20AC;? The Prophet 4 +, â&#x20AC;&#x2020; & â&#x20AC;Ť ďť&#x2039;â&#x20AC;Źreplied, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Tell me about your state.â&#x20AC;? The mountain said, â&#x20AC;&#x153;A person lives inside me.â&#x20AC;? Ḥaá¸?rat SayyidunÄ â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;ÄŞsÄ 4 +, â&#x20AC;&#x2020; & â&#x20AC;Ť ďť&#x2039;â&#x20AC;Źrequested in the court of AllÄ ÄĽ , â&#x20AC;&#x153;YÄ AllÄ ÄĽ ! Reveal him before me!â&#x20AC;? The mountain split open and a saint with a face glowing like moon emerged from it. 12
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The man said, â&#x20AC;&#x153;I am a follower of Ḥaá¸?rat SayyidunÄ MĹŤsÄ I did Duâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Ä to AllÄ ÄĽ to keep me alive until the ? arrival of the last Prophet Muhammad &0 â&#x20AC;&#x2020; ' â&#x20AC;&#x2020; & â&#x20AC;Ťâ&#x20AC;&#x2020;ďť&#x2039;â&#x20AC;ŹD ' >â&#x20AC;&#x2020; â&#x20AC;&#x2020;
2 so that I could see him and may get the honour of getting inducted into his community. By the Grace of AllÄ ÄĽ I have been worshipping AllÄ ÄĽ in this mountain for 600 years.â&#x20AC;? SayyidunÄ â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;ÄŞsÄ 4 +, â&#x20AC;&#x2020; & â&#x20AC;Ť ďť&#x2039;â&#x20AC;Źrequested in the court of AllÄ ÄĽ , â&#x20AC;&#x153;YÄ AllÄ ÄĽ ! Is there anyone most honourable to you on this earth than this servant of yours?â&#x20AC;? AllÄ ÄĽ replied â&#x20AC;&#x153;Oh â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;ÄŞsÄ 4 +, â&#x20AC;&#x2020; & â&#x20AC;Ť !ďť&#x2039;â&#x20AC;ŹWhoever amongst the UmmaÄĽ of MuḼammad &0 â&#x20AC;&#x2020; ' >â&#x20AC;&#x2020; â&#x20AC;&#x2020; 2 ? fasts a single day in the month of Rajab, he is ' â&#x20AC;&#x2020; & â&#x20AC;Ť â&#x20AC;&#x2020;ďť&#x2039;â&#x20AC;ŹD more honourable to me than this person.â&#x20AC;? (Nuzha-tul-MajÄ lis, pp. 4 +, â&#x20AC;&#x2020; & â&#x20AC;Ťďť&#x2039;â&#x20AC;Ź.
155, vol. 1)
!# Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2020; 2' â&#x20AC;Ťâ&#x20AC;&#x2020;ďť&#x2039;â&#x20AC;ŹD ' > â&#x20AC;&#x2020;2 ? â&#x20AC;&#x2020;â&#x20AC;&#x2020;
â&#x20AC;Ť ďť&#x2039;â&#x20AC;Ź = H $ â&#x20AC;&#x2020;2 â&#x20AC;&#x2020; . &?
MADANÄŞ QÄ&#x20AC;FILAĤ LOOKED AFTER BY DÄ&#x20AC;TÄ&#x20AC; ᚢÄ&#x20AC;ḤIB An Islamic brother narrates, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Our MadanÄŤ QÄ filaÄĽ was staying inside the Masjid at the shrine of Data Sahib & â&#x20AC;Ť ) ; < â&#x20AC;&#x2020; â&#x20AC;&#x2020;ďť&#x2039;â&#x20AC;Źin the city of Markaz-ul-AuliyÄ Lahore for three days. According to the schedule, we were busy learning the SunnaÄĽ in a study circle when a person arrived and behaved in a very kind manner with brothers in the MadanÄŤ QÄ filaÄĽ. This person then said, â&#x20AC;&#x2DC; â&#x20AC;&#x2020; Fâ&#x20AC;&#x2020;E ! # $ ! My fortune awoke tonight. DÄ tÄ Ganj Bakhsh â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;AlÄŤ ĤajwaÄŤrÄŤ & â&#x20AC;Ť; <â&#x20AC;&#x2020; â&#x20AC;&#x2020;ďť&#x2039;â&#x20AC;Ź ) appeared to me in a dream and said, â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;The MadanÄŤ QÄ filaÄĽ of Daâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;wat-e-IslÄ mÄŤ is staying in my Masjid for three days. Prepare food for them.â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Therefore, 13
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I have prepared food for the happiness of the MadanÄŤ QÄ filaÄĽ. Please accept it.â&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;?
!# Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2020; 2' â&#x20AC;Ťâ&#x20AC;&#x2020;ďť&#x2039;â&#x20AC;ŹD ' > â&#x20AC;&#x2020;2 ? â&#x20AC;&#x2020;â&#x20AC;&#x2020;
â&#x20AC;Ť ďť&#x2039;â&#x20AC;Ź = H $ â&#x20AC;&#x2020;2 â&#x20AC;&#x2020; . &?
CARRYING OUT FIKR-E-MADÄŞNAĤ EVERYDAY This a summary of an account related by an Islamic brother: â&#x20AC;&#x2020;Fâ&#x20AC;&#x2020;
# E ! $ I love the MadanÄŤ Inâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Ä mÄ t and I do Fikr-e-MadÄŤnaÄĽ every day. Once I was with â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Ä&#x20AC;shiqÄ n-e-RasĹŤl in a MadanÄŤ QÄ filaÄĽ aimed at educating the Prophetic SunnaÄĽ, under the supervision of Daâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;wat-e-IslÄ mÄŤ, the international non-political religious movement of the QurÄ n and SunnaÄĽ, in Baluchistan (Pakistan). It was in this QÄ filaÄĽ that AllÄ ÄĽ opened the door of mercy for this sinner. When I slept at night, I saw the ? most greatest of all the Prophets &0 â&#x20AC;&#x2020; ' â&#x20AC;&#x2020; & â&#x20AC;Ťâ&#x20AC;&#x2020;ďť&#x2039;â&#x20AC;ŹD ' >â&#x20AC;&#x2020; â&#x20AC;&#x2020;
2 in a dream. As I was looking at him his blessed lips began to move and these were the pearls that poured out of his mouth, â&#x20AC;&#x153;I will take with me into Heaven all those who carry out Fikr-e-MadÄŤnaÄĽ everyday in the MadanÄŤ QÄ filaÄĽ.â&#x20AC;?
GLOSSARY A: Islamic Terms Ażān Du’ā Durūd and Salām
Call for Prayers Supplication Blessing and Salutation on the Prophet
Blessings on the Prophet Obligation Complete Ablution Prophetic Narration Lawful Strictly Forbidden Allowed Congregational Ṣalāĥ Close to being forbidden Reprehensible Disciple Poetry Complementing the Prophet Supererogatory Not Allowed Cycles Prostration Prayer Our Leader Supererogatory Night Vigil Prayer First Rak’at Compulsory Ablution
Farḍ Ghusl Ḥadīš Ḥalāl Ḥarām Jāiz Jamā’at Makrūĥ Taḥrīmī Makrūĥ Tanzīĥī Murīd Na’at Nafl Nā Jāiz Rak’at Sajdaĥ Ṣalāĥ Sayyidunā Taĥajjud Takbīr-e-ūlā Wājib Wuḍū
B: Da’wat-e-Islāmī’s Terms ‘Āshiqān-e-Rasūl
Devotees of the Prophet
Reading Passages aloud to a group of individuals
Self Reflection
Infirādī Koshish
Individual efforts to inspire someone towards righteousness
An Institution for Scholarly Islamic theology
Madanī In’āmāt
Self Analysis Questionnaire
Madanī Māḥaul
Righteous Madanī Environment
Madanī Qāfilaĥ
Madanī Caravans for preaching and learning
Madrasa-tul-Madīnaĥ for Adults
Qurānic Recitation class for adults
Naykī kī Da’wat
Call to Righteousness
Waking other up for Fajr
Madanī Pĥūl
Madanī Pearls
Madanī Mużākaraĥ
Question and Answer Session
C: Arabic Phrases
Mentioned after the name or title of AllÄ ÄĽ and is translated as â&#x20AC;&#x153;Exalted is He.â&#x20AC;?
? &0 ' & â&#x20AC;Ť ďť&#x2039;â&#x20AC;ŹD ' >
Mentioned after the name or title of 2 ? ' >â&#x20AC;&#x2020; â&#x20AC;&#x2020; Prophet MuḼammad â&#x20AC;&#x2020; ' â&#x20AC;&#x2020; & â&#x20AC;Ť â&#x20AC;&#x2020;ďť&#x2039;â&#x20AC;ŹD
&0 and is translated as â&#x20AC;&#x153;AllÄ ÄĽâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Bless him and Grant him peace.â&#x20AC;?
& â&#x20AC;Ťďť&#x2039;â&#x20AC;Ź 4+ ,
â&#x20AC;&#x2020; â&#x20AC;&#x2020;-.'&/
Mentioned after the Names of Prophets 4 +, â&#x20AC;&#x2020;
A & â&#x20AC;Ť ďť&#x2039;â&#x20AC;Źand is translated as â&#x20AC;&#x153;AllÄ ÄĽâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Blessing and Peace Upon him.â&#x20AC;?
J â&#x20AC;&#x2020; â&#x20AC;&#x2020; )
Mentioned after the name of a Companion of Prophet MuḼammad &0 ' & â&#x20AC;Ť ďť&#x2039;â&#x20AC;ŹD 2 ? ' >
and is translated
as â&#x20AC;&#x153;AllÄ ÄĽ be pleased with him.â&#x20AC;?
A J â&#x20AC;&#x2020; â&#x20AC;&#x2020; )
Same meaning as above except that is used for females.
â&#x20AC;&#x2020;< & â&#x20AC;Ť â&#x20AC;&#x2020;ďť&#x2039;â&#x20AC;Ź
; )
Mentioned after the name of a pious Muslim and is translated as â&#x20AC;&#x153;AllÄ ÄĽâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Mercy be upon him.â&#x20AC;?
â&#x20AC;&#x2020;< A & â&#x20AC;Ť â&#x20AC;&#x2020;ďť&#x2039;â&#x20AC;Ź
; )
Same meaning as above except that is used for females.
â&#x20AC;Ť â&#x20AC;&#x2020; ďŽ?â&#x20AC;Ź
May their blessings continue.
D: Titles for the Prophet Do Ālam kay Mālik aur Mukhtār
Authority and Master of both
Allāĥ kay Maḥbūb, Maḥbūb-e-
Beloved of Allāĥ
Dāwar Rāḥat-e-Qalb-o-Sīnaĥ
Comforter of the hearts
Raūf aur Raḥīm
Compassionate / Beneficent
Nūr-e-Mujassam, Sarāpā Nūr,
Embodiment of Nūr
Ḥuḍūr-e-Pur Nūr Khalq kay Raĥbar
Guide for Allāĥ’s creation
Highly celebrated Prophet
His Eminence
Munazzaĥun ‘anil ‘uyūb
Immaculate Prophet
Shāfi’-e-Maḥshar, Shāfi’-e-Yaumun
Intercessor on the day of
Knower of the unseen
Last Prophet
Master of Madīna-tul-
Merciful Prophet
Makkī Madanī Sarkār
Master of Makkaĥ and Madīnaĥ 18
Glossary Sarkār-e-Makka-tul-Mukarramaĥ
Master of Makka-tul-
Mercy for the both the Worlds
Raḥmat-e- Ālam
Mercy for the Universe
Munificent Prophet
Pristine Prophet
Renowned Prophet
Madīnay kay Tājdār
Sovereign of Madīnaĥ
Splendid / Dignified Prophet
Sublime Prophet
Sulṭān-e-Do Jahān, Do Ālam kay
Sultan of Both Worlds
Sulṭān Nabiyaun kay Sulṭān
Sultan of the Prophets
Sarkār-e-Madīnaĥ 5
The Noble Prophet of
The Raison D'être of Creation
Traverser of the Heavens
Bibliography Aḥmad Ṭabarānī, Sulaymān Bin. Mu’jam Kabīr. Beirut: Dār Iḥyā-ut-Turāš-ul-‘Arabī. Haishamī, Nūr-ud-Dīn. Majma’-uz-Zawāid. Beirut: Dār-ulFikr. Ḥussain Bayĥaqī, Abū Bakr Aḥmad Bin. Shu’abul Īmān. Beirut: Dār-ul-Kutub ‘ilmiyyaĥ. Jīlānī, Abdul Qādir. Ghunya-tuṭ-ṭālibīn. Beirut: Dār Iḥyā-utTurāš-ul-‘Arabī. Khān, Aḥmad Razā. Fatāwā Razaviyyaĥ (Jadīd). Lahore: Razā Foundation. Muḥammad Ghazālī, Muḥammad Bin. Mukāshafa-tul-Qulūb. Beirut: Dār-ul-Kutub ‘Ilmiyyaĥ. Ṣaffūrī, ‘Abdur-Raḥmān Bin ‘Abdus-Salām. Nuzĥa-tulMajālis. Karachi. Suyūṭī, Jalāl-ud-Dīn. Al-Jami’us-Ṣagīr. Beirut: Dār-ul-Kutub ‘Ilmiyyaĥ.