Film Industry in CIS, Baltic and Georgia

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, Film Industry in CIS, Baltic and Georgia

2010–2011 (


With the support Intergovernmental Foundation for Educational, Scientiďƒžc and Cultural Cooperation of the CIS-countries







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The Intergovernmental Foundation for Educational, Scientic and Cultural Cooperation of the CIS (IFESCCO) was created under an agreement signed at a meeting of the Council of the Heads of Governments of the CIS on May 25, 2006 in Dushanbe. The agreement was signed by seven CIS states: the Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Republic of Kyrgyzstan, the Russian Federation, the Republic of Tajikistan and the Republic of Uzbekistan. In 2008 the Republic of Azerbaijan also signed the agreement thereby joining IFESCCO. IFESCCO s mission is to contribute to the further development of humanitarian cooperation and intercultural communication in the Commonwealth of Independent States in the area of education, science, culture, mass communications, information, archives, sport, tourism and youth matters.

Humanitarian Years in the CIS: 2008 -- the Year of Literature and Reading; 2009 -- the Year of Youth; 2010 -- the Year of Science and Innovations. 2011 -- the Year of Historical and Cultural heritage Since its inception IFESCCO has supported over 100 international projects in the area of humanitarian cooperation. PROJECTS IMPLEMENTED UNDER THE AEGIS OF IFESCCO IN 2008 BROUGHT TOGETHER OVER 10 THOUSAND PARTICIPANTS FROM THE CIS AND THE BALTIC STATES 119049, Moscow, 1st Spasonalivkovsky per., d. 4 tel: +7 495 411-6128, Fax: +7 499 238-0676

IFESCCO is operating in close cooperation with the Council for Humanitarian Cooperation of the Member States of the CIS (the Council for Humanitarian Cooperation ) whose aims are to improve and further develop humanitarian cooperation mechanisms, to ensure conditions for the realization of the abilities and talents of every person irrespective of where that person resides within the CIS based on the process of mutual enrichment with national cultures and based on the accumulated scientic and education potential of the CIS member states. The highest management body of IFESCCO is its Management Board.





BASIC INFORMATION Population ( . ) Area (Sq. Km.) (

. ) GDP (billion USD) ( ) GDP per capita (USD)

9 076 000 86 600 52,2 5 797,8

KEY FIGURES Number of lms produced ( ) State support for lm production (USD) Number of lms supported by the state ( ) Average production budget (USD) Number of lms released Number of national lms released

6 7 500 000 5 1 000 000 347 5

( ) Gross box-ofce (USD) ( ) Gross box-ofce of national lms (USD) Market share of national lms Admissions Number of cinemas

83 700 9

Number of screens ( ) Average ticket price (USD)

11 5



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SOURCES OF FILM FINANCING The Council of Experts on Cinema of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism has been examining lm projects for one year, with a view to including them in the production plans of state studios and independent production companies. Based on contracts between the Ministry and producers the lms will enter production. Each year in the state budget a separate section is allocated to lm production. Based on the monthly breakdown of funds of the Finance Ministry the support reaches the producers through the Ministry of Culture.





BASIC INFORMATION Population ( . ) Area (Sq. Km.) (

. ) GDP (million USD)

( ) GDP per capita (USD)

3 210 000 29 740 9 485 2 885

KEY FIGURES Number of lms produced ( ) State support for lm production (USD) Number of lms supported by the state ( ) Average production budget (USD) Number of lms released Number of national lms released ( ) Gross box-ofce (USD) ( ) Gross box-ofce of national lms (USD) Market share of national lms Admissions Number of cinemas Number of screens ( ) Average ticket price (USD)

5 650 000 3 400 000 57 11 576 607 155 684 27% 144 151 3 5 4 9









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NATIONAL FILM ORGANIZATION FOR CINEMATOGRAPHY NATIONAL CINEMA CENTER OF ARMENIA The National Cinema Center of Armenia was created on professional and resource bases of Haylm studio after Hamo Beknazaryan, the state lm studio in Soviet Armenia, which was privatized in 2005. NCCA is a state non-commercial organization, acting in the scope of Ministry of Culture of Armenia. It undertakes the functions of state cultural policy implementer in the eld of cinema and is in charge for archiving, preservation, circulation, distribution and production of lms, research, educational and development programs. Cinema Center s principle task is to provide Armenian lm industry with a sustainable mechanism of state support in different stages of production and postproduction, starting from the development of lm scripts, up to production, eventually promotion and distribution of Armenian lms.




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SOURCES OF FILM FINANCING The main objectives of the state policies in the area of cinematographic art include: Institution of state sponsorship in movie production and implementation of a subsidization system through tendering; Implementation of training and re-training programs for human resources; Development of low-budget movie production in Armenia (highest artistic value lms with minimum technical support); Collaboration with cinematographic associations in various countries in joint movie production (The Armenian party can provide the script, the shooting site, human resources and the partner organization can provide for the nancial and technical resources. State-level sponsorship should continue in support of creating new high value screen versions depicting the Armenian people); Formation of a school of lm producers through the implementation of a target project. The National Center of Armenian Cinema and the «Hayk» Studio of Documentary Films operate under the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Armenia. Apart from the aforementioned state non-commercial organizations, several other entities take part in the implementation of the Ministry s annual and mid-term expense projects: the Armenian Union of Cinematographers; and the Armenian Association of Film Critics and Film Reporters. Within the scope of the project «State Support to Film Production», funds are provided towards the production of two or three feature lms, three or four animation lms and 10-12 documentaries each year.





BASIC INFORMATION Population (million) ( . ) Area (Thousand Sq. Km.) ( . ) GDP (million rubles) ( ) GDP per capita (thousand rubles)

9 503 207,6 162 964 17 171

KEY FIGURES Number of lms produced ( ) State support for lm production (thousand USD) Number of lms supported by the state ( . ) Average production budget (million USD) Number of lms released Number of national lms released ( . ) Gross box-ofce (million USD) ( ) Gross box-ofce of national lms (USD) Market share of national lms ( . .) Admissions (million people) Number of cinemas Number of screens ( ) Average ticket price (USD)

6 8 155 6 988 700 411 3 15 472 000 24% 8 400 000 131 150 1 15


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NATIONAL FILM ORGANIZATION FOR CINEMATOGRAPHY THE MINISTRY OF CULTURE OF THE REPUBLIC OF BELARUS DEPARTMENT OF CINEMATOGRAPHY Department provides: Implementation of state regulation in the eld of cinematography in order to provide the realization of the rights of belarusian citizens to freedom of artistic creativity in this area and enjoy the benets of cinematogrphy; Coordinating the activities of organizations of lm video rental and cinema-video network for all forms of ownership and subordination in order to create a movievideo market of the republic and to meet the needs of the people in the movie video; Management of the organizations of cinematography, administered by the Department; State registration and state classication of lms; Taking measures to prevent promotion of pornography, cruelty and violence Issuing permits for public display without state rental and (or) state classication certicate of lms in the cinematic events; Placing social and creative orders for the production of lms, conducting national and international lm events; Organization of national and international lm events; Carrying out state policy on the use of lms on the territory of the Republic of Belarus; To foster international cooperation in the eld of cinematography.



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SOURCES OF FILM FINANCING Ministry of Culture developed in accordance with the approved by the President the Concept of the Cinematography Development of the Republic of Belarus for 20092014 Draft Law «On Amendments and Supplements to the Law of the Republic of Belarus «On Cinematography in the Republic of Belarus «. The main objective of the Draft Law: to promote development in the Republic of Belarus of lmmaking, including by attracting private capital into the sector. Objectives of the Law: Increase the interest of lmmakers (producers) in the commercial success of lms made with state nancial support, establishment of economic incentives to attract private investment in lm production, development of the institute of lmmakers. In order to promote the interest of lmmakers (producers) in promoting and selling movies there is a restriction set by a project on funding the cost of lm production in the social and creative order from the national budget to 70 percent (except for documentaries, children s, animation and debut lm nancing is provided up to 100 percent). This Draft Law provides a number of economic incentives for private investment in lm production. In particular, there is an opportunity for the organizations of cinematography to receive the preferential credit for the production of lms on social and creative order, as well as reimbursement from the budget of the producers risk of lmmakers of big-successful lm, if it was watched by more than 80 thousand within three years after the start of rental. In the development of these rules of the draft Law the Ministry of Culture developed a draft decree «On some measures to stimulate the development of cinematography», which provides the order of the reimbursement of producers risk, the procedure



for granting preferential loans for lm production, as well as the principles of public nancial support for cinematography. The Head of the State supported the proposal of the Government and signed the decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus from April 14, 2011 145 «On some issues of taxation in the elds of culture and information», which establishes a number of tax benets in the sphere of cinematography From 1 July 2011 organization of lm production will be exempt from income tax for work on the production and distribution of lms, as well as from property tax and land tax, if it is their main activity. Also, in order to achieve the goals the Head of State developed a draft Resolution of the Council of Ministers «On approval of an open national competition for lm production, produced by social and creative order», which stipulate an open Republican competition for the production of national lms and lms produced by the creative and social orders. The draft resolution sets out requirements for bidders, the list submitted for the contest and document layout, operational procedures of the competition committee and its meetings, as well as making decisions on the competition results. The project is regulating the order of detention on the results of tenders of contracts for production of feature lms, documentaries and educational lms, cartoons, movies with the use of visual-digital technologies. In general, the above regulations will provide a new approach to lmmaking in the Republic of Belarus, which will be based on a competitive basis of budget allocation and development of the private lm production.





BASIC INFORMATION Population (million) ( . ) Area (Thousand Sq. Km.) (

. ) GDP (million USD)

( ) GDP per capita (USD)

16,5 2 700 146 913 10 234

KEY FIGURES Number of lms produced


State support for lm production Number of lms supported by the state ( . ) Average production budget (million USD) Number of lms released Number of national lms released ( . ) Gross box-ofce (million USD) ( . ) Gross box-ofce of national lms (million USD) Market share of national lms ( . .) Admissions (million people) Number of cinemas Number of screens ( ) Average ticket price (USD)

23 2 230 20 50 7 10 % 10 87 196 5 23



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NATIONAL FILM ORGANIZATION FOR CINEMATOGRAPHY The Ministry of culture of the Republic of Kazakhstan represents governmental regulation in cinematography. In structure of the ministry there is the Committee of culture with the Department of cinematography and theatre art. As a body of executive branch, the Ministry of culture supports production of national lms, also organizes special events, such as Eurasia international lm festival, special days of Kazakhstan s lms abroad, presentation and premier of the national lms, created under the state order. In addition to that, the Ministry of culture: gives distribution certicate for lm production on territory of Kazakhstan; serves as a state order for budget programs, in particular concerning production and distribution of national lms.





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SOURCES OF FILM FINANCING State support of cinematography operates in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Culture and the Budget Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In accordance with legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan there are the folowing directions of the cinematography are provided by state support: full and part state nancing of production, distribution of national lms, including creation of lms for children and youth, national lms-debut, formation of cinema chronicle; preservation and development of lm production s material basis; organizing lm fectivals and other events; participation of the national lms in international lm festivals and other cultural events.





BASIC INFORMATION Population ( . ) Area (Sq. Km.) (

. ) GDP (billion USD) ( ) GDP per capita (USD)

5 494 000 199 900 1 732 315,3

KEY FIGURES Number of lms produced ( ) State support for lm production (USD) Number of lms supported by the state ( ) Average production budget (USD) Number of lms released Number of national lms released ( ) Gross box-ofce (USD) ( ) Gross box-ofce of national lms (USD) Market share of national lms Admissions Number of cinemas Number of screens ( ) Average ticket price (USD)

12 220 000 4 100 000 63 3 809 100 77 800 0,1% 398 100 41 64 2 29



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NATIONAL FILM ORGANIZATION FOR CINEMATOGRAPHY On 5th November 2010 the State Agency of Cinema of the Government of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan was created. The Agency is the state body with authority over the lm industry, implementing state policies in this eld in the Republic. The key aims and functions of the Agency are: To develop a system of governance for Kyrgyz cinema; To increase the role of cinema in the renaissance of Kyrgyz spiritual traditions; To preserve the lms of Kyrgyzstan as one of its peoples cultural achievements; To create the appropriate conditions to produce high-quality lms and provide the appropriate services; To allow citizens to have better access to Kyrgyz and foreign lms; To realise the development of international ties in the area of cinema, the representation in international organisations, work on commission, participation in conferences and other events; To organise international events, competitions, and lm festivals, aimed at propagandising the achievements of the Kyrgyz Republic; To develop projects for the state budget; To coordinate the activities of lm producers and promoters with regard to the state nancing of lm production and the material-technical basis of lm production, etc. The Agency includes the National Film Studio Kyrgyzlm named after Tolomush Okeev (founded in 1941), the Republican State Film Fund (founded in 1972), local lm organisations, cinemas, and the Direction Home cinema named after Chingiz Aitmatov.





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SOURCES OF FILM FINANCING According to the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic On state support for cinema the Agency is introducing proposals in the State Budget to full the production programme of the National Film Studio Kyrgyzlm , to support cinemas in remote areas and the Republican Film Fund, which comprises 0.1% of the Budget. In fact since the passing of this law this total has been insufcient (fullling 40-45% of demand).





BASIC INFORMATION Population (million) ( . ) Area (Thousand Sq. Km.) (

. ) GDP (billion USD) ( ) GDP per capita (USD)

140,4 17 075 2 218 15 807

KEY FIGURES Number of lms produced ( ) State support for lm production (million USD) Number of lms supported by the state ( . ) Average production budget (million USD) Number of lms released Number of national lms released ( . ) Gross box-ofce (million USD) ( . ) Gross box-ofce of national lms (million USD) Market share of national lms ( . .) Admissions (million people) Number of cinemas Number of screens ( ) Average ticket price (USD)

96 146 53 2,5 396 71 1006 153 15,3 % 165,5 866 2430 6,4 35






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NATIONAL FILM ORGANIZATION FOR CINEMATOGRAPHY Public support for Russian Film is regulated by the Federal Law #126 dated August 22, 1996 On State Support of Cinematography in the Russian Federation, which stipulates two main nancing mechanisms: 1. In accordance with the procedure of placing orders for supplies of goods, performance of work and rendering of services for public and municipal needs. Financing is carried out within the framework of the special program Culture of Russia (2006 2011) and under the article of expenditure State Support in the Domain of Culture, Cinematography and Mass Media. Distribution of nancing is carried out by means of open tenders. The tenders are held several times a year for several lots on a predetermined subject. For each lot, the starting price is set (maximum price), which cannot be exceeded. This is the amount of maximum nancial support from the state. The main tender criteria are contract price and time of performance. A company that seeks state nancial support for its lm project can reduce the price and term of the contract at its own discretion. 2. In accordance with the rules for provision of federal budget subsidies for the support of cinematography. The rules and the amount of public nancing of Russian Film as subsidies are annually approved by the Government of the Russian Federation. In 2011, the federal budget subsidies for Russian Film were allocated to the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation and the Federal Fund for Social and Economic Support to National Cinematography (the Cinema Fund).



MINISTRY OF CULTURE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Amount of subsidies: 770,960,600 RUR. Recipient organisations: lm organizations that produce and distribute National children s and youth lms; debutes; author and experimental lms; almanacs; documentary, popular science and animation lms. Recipients organisations are chosen by expert councils. Selection of applications for the subsidies announces several times per year. In 2010, the projects of the following Russian directors were supported by subsidies from the Russian Ministry of Culture: Aleksandr Mindadze, Kirill Serebrennikov, Aleksey German Jr., Nikolai Khomeriki, Aleksey Fedorchenko and others. In addition, state support was allocated to 4 co-production projects: Innocent Saturday ( . Mindadze), 4 Days in May (A. Guskov, Achim von Borries), Gulfstream under the Iceberg (E. Pashkevich) and Under Electric Clouds (A. German Jr.).

FEDERAL FUND FOR SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC SUPPORT TO NATIONAL CINEMATOGRAPHY (THE CINEMA FUND) Amount of subsidies: 2,860,927,300 RUR. Aim of activity: support in accordance with the procedures and terms set by the Cinema Fund for production, distribution, exhibition and promotion of National full-length feature and animation lms of leading national lm producers, socially important lms, and participation of National lms in lm festivals and lm markets. The supreme authority of the Cinema Fund is the Board of Guardians. Its members are approved by the Russian Government. Presently, the Chairman of the Board of Guardians is the Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation Aleksander Zhukov. Current activities are managed by the Cinema Fund s Executive Director appointed by the Board of Guardians. The Cinema Fund s structure also includes the Expert Board, permanent consultative body consisting of 11 persons. It ensures comprehensive professional evaluation of lm projects about topical issues, artistic talents, value content, distribution potential and correspondence to audience expectations. Besides, there is the Consultative Council at the Cinema Fund whose primary goals are working out the priority directions of the development of national cinematography, assistance to promote Russian cinema abroad, development of international relations in cinematography abroad and etc.






BASIC INFORMATION Population ( . ) Area (Sq. Km.) (

. ) GDP (billion USD) ( ) GDP per capita (USD)

7 215 000 143 100 14 310 1 907

KEY FIGURES Number of lms produced ( ) State support for lm production (USD) Number of lms supported by the state ( ) Average production budget (USD)

5 1 000 000 5 100 000





BASIC INFORMATION Population ( . ) Area (Sq. Km.) (

. ) GDP (billion USD) ( ) GDP per capita (USD)

28 233 900 448 900 38 973,6 1380,4

KEY FIGURES Number of lms produced ( ) State support for lm production (USD) Number of lms supported by the state ( ) Average production budget (USD) Number of lms released Number of national lms released

119 3 529,41 10 311 000 168 119

( ) Gross box-ofce (USD) ( ) Gross box-ofce of national lms (USD) Market share of national lms Admissions Number of cinemas Number of screens ( ) Average ticket price (USD)

1 340 000 70% 1 582 200 264 114 2 45





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NATIONAL FILM ORGANIZATION FOR CINEMATOGRAPHY In 2004 the National agency «Uzbekkino», was converted from a state - joint stock company «Uzbekkino» to the National Agency «Uzbekkino» on the basis of presidential decree on improvement of management in the eld of cinematography. The following areas were identied as the main tasks: development of priority directions of development of national cinematography, the implementation of state policy in cinema and lm, lming, lm studios and companies support, regardless of ownership, creative teams, to protect their interests, creating favourable conditions for entrepreneurship and competitive environment in the lm; education of talented young lmmakers, helping to realize their creative, organization of the State Film Fund of the Republic of Uzbekistan in accordance with modern requirements, improving and retooling of production and distribution of movies on a competitive basis, increasing the level of lm and serving nations lm needs ; taking measures to prevent the illegal import, use, rental and distribution in the territory of the Republic, copyright protection; And also provides expert assessment of imported and exported lm and video production, development of rules and maintenance of rental movies and videos in Republic, the development of international cooperation in the eld of cinema, national lm industry in the world market, the expansion of ties with foreign manufacturers of lm production and lm-makers, demonstrating national cinema in international lm festivals.







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SOURCES OF FILM FINANCING Funding for the maintenance of the central ofce of the National Agency «Uzbekkino» exercise by the Ministry of Finance, at the expense of state budget nancing of expenses of the territorial ofces - at the expense of local budgets; The necessary resources are ensured for the scope of modern cinema lm technology equipment from the state budget; Allocation of funds is stipulated by the state budget for the production included in the annual production of lm and video production, namely the creation of 15 fulllength feature lms, production of documentaries and 20 types of popular science, consisting of 40 parts, 10 animated lms, 60-hour spiritual education, teaching videos and making a double-negative with each produced feature lm and 15 copies for their demonstration in the regions of the Republic, and 2 copies with subtitles in foreign languages for their release to the world market.





BASIC INFORMATION Population ( . ) Area (Sq. Km.) (

. ) GDP (billion USD)

45 700 000 603 628 140

KEY FIGURES Number of lms produced ( ) State support for lm production (USD) Number of lms supported by the state ( ) Average production budget (USD) Number of lms released Number of national lms released ( ) Gross box-ofce (USD) ( ) Gross box-ofce of national lms (USD) Market share of national lms Admissions Number of cinemas Number of screens ( ) Average ticket price (USD)

41 4 000 000 31 ---169 3 74 500 000 375 000 5% 17 300 000 913 990 2,65



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NATIONAL FILM ORGANIZATION FOR CINEMATOGRAPHY The Ukrainian State Agency for Film-making is implementing the state regulation of the lm-making sector in Ukraine. As a government organisation the Agency implements support for the production and distribution of Ukrainian lms, and also for events such as lm festivals in Ukraine, Ukrainian lm weeks abroad, and the submission of Ukrainian lm-making at international lm festivals and markets. The Minister of Culture of Ukraine is the Curator of the Ukrainian State Agency for Film-making in the Ukrainian Cabinet of Ministers. The main activities of the Agency are processing and introducing new initiatives such as budget targets, new mechanisms for state support of lm-making, changing current legislation to increase the effectiveness of state regulation, and setting up direct mutual links with foreign states for the joint production of lms. Today work is being carried out on consolidating the Agency s new structure, which will allow it to full its functions completely. It is worth noting certain of these functions: The realisation of budgetary policies; Initiatives in legislation concerning lm-making; State orders; Marketing Ukrainian lms; Enabling state regulation and the realisation of state policies in distribution and public screening of lms; Processing and realising regional programmes for the development of the lmmaking sector; Enabling the effective defence of copyright; Reforming the sector s current material and technical foundations; Cooperating in developing academic, technical and industrial activities.







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SOURCES OF FILM FINANCING State support for the support of lm-making is being implemented in accordance with the Ukrainian law On the State Budget . It is allocated 6 different budgetary programmes, according to which the following aspects of state support of the lm-making sector are being realised: Partial state nancing of the production, distribution and screening of Ukrainian lms, including the creation of Ukrainian lms for children and young people, and also the work of young Ukrainian directors; Carrying out concerts and artistic events, including lm festivals in Ukraine, and also for Ukrainian lms abroad; Saving and developing the material and technical foundations of lm-making; Providing state grants, prizes and scholarships; Financial support of creative associations. State nancing of Ukrainian lms cannot, as a rule, exceed 50% of their estimated production costs and is implemented through a formal contract signed with the producer. In exceptional cases, for lms for children or the work of young directors, the Ukrainian State Agency for Film-making may decide to provide 100% of the estimated production costs. Moreover, in Ukraine the policies of state protection of the sector are changing; this will nd expression in tax cuts, which are provided for in the new Code of Taxation, quotas for showing Ukrainian lms and so on. The annual sum of state support for the lm-making sector up to 2010 has never reached $5 million US, but in 2011 the state has provided in its budget for a record $15 million US. This testies to the greater consideration of this sector by the state.





BASIC INFORMATION Population ( . ) Area (Sq. Km.) (

. ) GDP (billion USD) ( ) GDP per capita (USD)

2 248 000 64 589 23 385 14 331

KEY FIGURES Number of feature lms produced ( ) State support for lm production (USD) Number of lms supported by the state ( ) Average production budget (USD) Number of lms released Number of national lms released ( ) Gross box-ofce (USD) ( ) Gross box-ofce of national lms (USD) Market share of national lms Admissions Number of cinemas Number of screens ( ) Average ticket price (USD)

3 2 601 627 33 1 057 360 169 3 11 855 992 463 493 6,9% 2 106 227 26 63 5 57


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NATIONAL FILM ORGANIZATION FOR CINEMATOGRAPHY NATIONAL FILM CENTRE OF LATVIA The NATIONAL FILM CENTRE OF LATVIA (NFC) is a state institution under the Ministry of Culture overseeing the lm branch in Latvia, granting governmental nancial support to Latvian lms, preserving the national audiovisual heritage, promoting Latvian lms abroad, co-operating with the relevant international and national organizations and organising training for Latvian lm professionals. NFC is a member of the Eurimages as of 2001 and MEDIA programme as of 2002. At major international events NFC is together with Estonians and Lithuanians under the co-operation platform Baltic Films. We are keen on attracting lm, television, and video production to Latvia, stimulating inward investment, creating employment opportunities for creative staff, technicians and support service companies. NFC has set support for co-productions as one of the funding priorities. The condition for nancial support to co-productions is involvement of a Latvian co-production partner. NFC is a partner of Riga Film Fund- a co-nancing mechanism for foreign lm productions in Latvia.





BASIC INFORMATION Population ( . ) Area (Sq. Km.) (

. ) GDP (billion USD) ( ) GDP per capita (USD)

3 000 000 65 300 40 333 13 208

KEY FIGURES Number of lms produced ( ) State support for lm production (USD) Number of lms supported by the state ( ) Average production budget (USD) Number of lms released Number of national lms released ( ) Gross box-ofce (USD) ( ) Gross box-ofce of national lms (USD) Market share of national lms Admissions Number of cinemas Number of screens ( ) Average ticket price (USD)

4 2 912 000 39 800 000 245 4 14 440 213 593 256 4,11% 2 621 995 45 95 5 61




BASIC INFORMATION Population ( . ) Area (Sq. Km.) (

. ) GDP (billion USD) ( ) GDP per capita (USD)

1 340 127 45 277 20 256 15 112

KEY FIGURES Number of lms produced ( ) State support for lm production (USD) Number of lms supported by the state

4 8 367 585 45

( ) Average production budget (USD) Number of lms released Number of national lms released ( ) Gross box-ofce (USD) ( ) Gross box-ofce of national lms (USD) Market share of national lms Admissions Number of cinemas Number of screens ( ) Average ticket price (USD)

175 4 11 397 480 210 572 2% 2 131 441 49 74 5 63


1997 :



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Media Plus, Eurimages.



NATIONAL FILM ORGANIZATION FOR CINEMATOGRAPHY ESTONIAN FILM FOUNDATION Estonian Film Foundation (EFF) was established in 1997 by the Government of Estonia as a private legal institution with the task of nancing Estonian lm production establishing and developing international lm contacts promoting Estonian lms at home and abroad supporting the training of Estonian lmmakers and audiovisual professionals creating and maintaining Estonian lm databases. EFF is nanced from the state budget. The EFF budget for 2011 is 3,43 million to be used for nancing the national lm production, including features, shorts, animation, and documentaries. Estonian Film Foundation represents Estonia at international lm festivals, markets and organisations. Estonia is a member of MEDIA Plus, European Audiovisual Observatory and Eurimages. EFF operates under the auspices of the Estonian Ministry of Culture.




BASIC INFORMATION Population ( . ) Area (Sq. Km.) (

. ) GDP (billion USD) ( ) GDP per capita (USD)

4 400 000 69 700 11.7 2629

KEY FIGURES Number of lms produced ( ) State support for lm production (USD) Number of lms supported by the state ( ) Average production budget (USD) Number of lms released Number of national lms released ( ) Gross box-ofce (USD) ( ) Gross box-ofce of national lms (USD) Market share of national lms Admissions Number of cinemas Number of screens ( ) Average ticket price (USD)

9 2 400 000 5 700 000 50 9 2 100 000 507 000 45% 300 000 23 32 10 67



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NATIONAL FILM ORGANIZATION FOR CINEMATOGRAPHY Current Georgian legislation supporting the local lm industry consists of the Constitution of Georgia (adopted on August 24, 1995) and Georgian law On Culture (adopted on June 12, 1997) and is made up of the following legal frameworks: the law concerning state support to the national cinematography (December 5, 2000) the law concerning copyright and neighboring rights (June 21, 1999) law concerning creative labor and creative unions (adopted June 8, 1999) law concerning the protection of youth from harmful inuence and other related normative acts. The key document providing the framework of state support to lmmaking is the Georgian Law on State support to Georgian National Cinematography (dated December 5, 2000). The Georgian National Film Center (GNFC) was established on the basis of this law in April 2001. This was one of the rst structures aiming at the revitalization of the local lm sector. GNFC is a legal entity of public law under the Ministry of Culture and Monument Protection of Georgia. It operates independently and provides annual reports to the Ministry. GNFC is managed by a director who is appointed by the Minister of Culture and Monument Protection of Georgia for a term of three years. GNFC s activities are guided by the Constitution of Georgia, relevant International Laws and Regulations and the local legal framework. GNFC develops Georgian lm policy. Its main activities are outlined according to the Georgian law on «State Support to National Cinematography» GNFC s mission is to secure and coordinate public support for the development of Georgian cinema.



The objectives of the GNFC are: Financial support for Georgian lm production Denition of a strategic course for the lm sector Supporting lm education Supporting the development of the cinema network Supporting projects aimed at the preservation of lm heritage Supporting the organization of local lm festivals and other lm-related activities Developing lm export at the international level Supporting the development of lm infrastructure

GNFC Departments: Film Financing Strategy and Research Film Export and Distribution Film Commission

RECENT DEVELOPMENTS IN THE NATIONAL FILM SUPPORT SYSTEM The Georgian National Film Center s subsidy of 2.5 million GEL (1,080,000 Euros) nanced up to 30 lm projects (feature, documentary, animations) in 2010 that had won various lm nancing competitions. Apart from lm subsidizing, GNFC has prioritized support to lm export, lm education, and important research activities. In 2010 Georgian National Film Center has called for a funding competition of a European co-production with minority Georgian participation. Competition was regulated based on the «European Convention on Cinematographic Co-Production».






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