I have loved everything about my time at RGS. During my exams I felt that my teachers were right by my side, I really could not have achieved these results without their help and support.
I only have amazing things to say about RGS. It was the best decision that we ever made for our daughter to come here.
Father of a Sixth Form student on A Level results day
Mother of a Sixth Form student on A Level results day
The Good Schools Guide
The school gives a really good foundation. It provides an all-round education which is character building for the future.
The teachers and students were all so welcoming and caring I felt I belonged here straight away.
Happy kids and great results.
A world-class school with excellent High Performance Learning. Professor Deborah Eyre
Shaun Fenton, Headmaster
CN, joined RGS in the Sixth Form and secured three A* grades at A Level
Our students enjoy their school days but they also excel academically.
TD, Head Boy who leaves RGS to study Natural Sciences at Durham
Over nine out of every ten of all grades at 9-7 (A-A*)
Average grade profile is five at grade 9 and five at grade 8 I could not be more delighted with these young Reigatians, well-educated not just wellqualified, they have done so well. Whether it be today with this fantastic set of results, or throughout the school year on the sports field, drama performances, music concerts, community programmes and in other adventures such as DofE and the CCF.
79% of grades are 9 or 8 (A* or above)
Headmaster, Shaun Fenton
GCSE RESULTS 2022 Reigate Grammar School’s 2022 GCSE results are the best GCSE grades that Reigatians have ever achieved, and these results will enable students to access a wide range of A Level and BTEC courses at RGS and elsewhere. Students achieved 100% top grades (9-7) in a wonderful variety of subjects including Art, Classical Civilisation, Food & Nutrition, German, Latin, Music and Spanish.

The extra time available in the Upper School means that we are able to offer an electives programme. This innovative programme of modular options is a key component of our Upper School curriculum and contains a wide range of studies and life skills that are valuable and form part of a great education. Students in the Third and Fourth Forms will spend a double lesson each week in their chosen elective which rotates every half term. Students may choose to try something new, such as film studies or stand-up comedy, alternatively they may prefer to develop further an existing interest e.g. website design or photography. The elective courses give students the ability to choose what they learn without the pressure of an examined course. A small number of elective choices offer accreditation for the work undertaken.
TSI Friday talks are open to students in the Fifth and Sixth Forms.
Reigate Grammar School students benefit from a three-year GCSE programme, a system which has proven results for enhanced academic attainment and increased depth of learning. RGS students are already working at a level ahead of national expectations and for those students who join us in the First Form (Year 7), RGS helps students to work quickly through the important foundation stage in the first two years. This allows RGS to support students to work at the higher level of GCSE study a year earlier than at most other schools. Students’ higher level of ability and the support framework provided by the school sees RGS students working at GCSE level from the start of the Third Form (Year 9) rather than waiting until the Fourth Form (Year 10), as in most other schools. Having three years to work at GCSE level means students have three years to do what other schools rush through in just two years. The extra time supports higher attainment and higher GCSE grades that will open up additional opportunities as students apply to top universities.
RGS’s popular series of talks Thank Science It’s Friday covers topics as varied as snowflake formation and the blue blooded horseshoe crab. From the physics of auroras to mercury poisoning, eukaryotic cells to the inner workings of personal computers.
Whilst the electives available will vary over time, examples might include a new language started ab initio, an art related elective in clay modelling or special effects prosthetics, a programme of enterprise and entrepreneurship, linguistic challenges, stop frame animation, film appreciation or forensic psychology. The electives programme also encompasses the RGS Outreach and Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural (SMSC) provision encouraging and enabling students to be involved with and create benefits for the local community. Every student will undertake a rotation of Physical, Social, Health and Economic Education (PSHEE) as one of their elective choices. Upper School students will also continue with PE and games lessons each week alongside their academic studies and electives choices.
forum open to members of the Fifth and Sixth Forms, which gives a platform to engage further in areas of interest.
It is a combination of Social Sciences: Philosophy, Psychology and Economics. Each session sees a student give a short presentation on an academic issue. The presentation is followed by an open discussion on the day’s topic encouraging debate, knowledge sharing and a chance to dig deeper into a range of crosscurricular subjects.
The extended three-year GCSE course also enables RGS students to enjoy significantly greater breadth and depth in their learning.
Talks are given by students, Reigatians and staff and offer a chance to go beyond the syllabus and take a deeper dive into scientific topics.
In addition to the immediate academic gains and enjoyment, Anthropos also provides students with the opportunity to practise giving presentations in an informal setting. The forum provides valuable experience for university applications and employment and as a stepping stone to qualifications such as the Extended Project Qualification.

Ini A A superb athlete, Ini balances her studies with netball and athletics. In netball, Ini has played consistently for her age group A team at RGS and is an inspiration on and off the court, always encouraging her team.
Mrs Hillsdon, Head of Athletics and Netball, said, “Ini’s passion for sport is a joy to see – her enthusiasm, fantastic team spirit and dedication is a credit to her and an excellent example to six grade 9s and three grade 8s in her GCSEs. What a superb set of GCSE results!
We will be working with Henry and his family to support balancing his studies in the RGS Sixth Form with his aspiration to be a professional footballer.
Ini joined RGS from St Matthew’s C of E Primary School. During her time here, Ini has benefitted from the school’s bursary programme and it is a delight to see her do so well and go on to study her A Levels in the RGS Sixth Form. She has chosen to study A Levels in Biology, Chemistry and Maths.
“I am really grateful for the support and flexibility that RGS has offered me. I have often had to leave school early because of my training commitments which has sometimes been difficult but the school has been so helpful and supportive; it has made a real difference.”
Henry R Henry has balanced his GCSE programme with his commitment to becoming a professional footballer. He plays for AFC Wimbledon Academy and is an outstanding sportsman training on four nights per week as well as travelling to numerous weekend fixtures and balancing his studies.
GCSE SUCCESS STORIES With such an array of academic and extra-curricular achievements among the Fifth Form, these few individual profiles are just a snapshot of the bigger picture; we are so proud of the entire year group.
“I have been lucky enough to take part in wide-ranging opportunities. RGS allows me to do everything from playing rugby to performing at Cadogan Hall, London as well as participating in public debates” Zac S
“I feel relieved and a bit of disbelief.
I’m really grateful to RGS for all their support over the five years and for all the people that helped me. Overall, I feel happy and excited to start the RGS Sixth Form.”
at RGS is a new and developing sport and during his time here, Henry has participated in several school fixtures on top of his extensive commitment to AFC Wimbledon.
RGS always offers a flexible curriculum that can be tailored to the specific needs of individual children and Henry’s situation is no different.
Henry has achieved a string of top Footballgrades.
Yoli M A talented dancer, Yoli has played a huge part in drama, theatre and dance at RGS. She is a leading light in the culture of dance at RGS and has won a number of choreography slams during her time here. Yoli joined RGS from St Catherine’s Prep School in Bramley and has had a very enjoyable five years here. She has done so well in her GCSEs achieving a full set of 9 and 8 grades and now leaves RGS to attend the English National Ballet School, a specialist training centre for aspiring and talented ballet dancers transforming young dancers into world-class performers. We wish her all the best in her future as a ballet dancer and look forward to seeing her on the stage around the Yoli,world.delighted with her results spoke positively about her five years at RGS, “I’m really happy that my hard work has paid off. I am sad to leave to RGS but excited for the next chapter.”

BREAKING EXAM RESULTS, 47% OF GRADES AT A* 4 out of 5 grades were either A or A* 94% A*-B grades 96% received Russell Group, Top 20, Oxbridge or medical school offers
These students are setting out on life-changing opportunities with some of the very best results in the country.
Our students hold university places where the grade requirements are almost exclusively all A*-B grades. Therefore A*, A and B grades create life chances and secure university places that are aligned with the aspirations of RGS students. It is also the same as national benchmark tables.
The results are testament to our talented students, dedicated teachers and supportive parents: it takes a community to produce such success stories. Headmaster, Shaun Fenton
A LEVEL RESULTS 2022 RGS A Level School students achieved the best exam results in the school’s history, resulting in a record year for university offers to selective and worldclass universities. RGS students are well-educated, not just well-qualified, taking part in charity work, environmental projects, social justice initiatives, local community projects, DofE Gold, and much

This year’s Upper Sixth Form students head off to world-class universities having received superb A Level results that have secured a record year for offers from top universities. We are all extremely proud of the young adults they have become and all they have achieved with the support of their teachers and parents.
Candice N Candice joined RGS in the Sixth Form and immediately settled into life with the help of her new friends and classmates. Her teachers and the pastoral team helped Candice secure an incredible three A* grades and one A grade at A Level in French, Maths, Further Maths and Physics. On top of her excellent academic achievements, Candice has been an integral member of the RGS Symphony Orchestra where she played the cello, showing herself to be a fully committed Reigatian even in the short time she spent with us. “I am so excited and pleased with my results. I started RGS in the Sixth Form and whilst previously I have never found transition easy, here the teachers and students were all so welcoming and caring that I immediately felt I belonged. I have made many friends and my teachers have been amazing.”
During his time at RGS, Estuardo performed in several musical concerts playing the guitar, bass and piano. He achieved gold medals in the British Physics Olympiad Senior Physics Challenge and the UKMT Senior Maths Challenge on behalf of the school.
Katie C Throughout her time at RGS, Katie has been supported financially by the kind benefaction of the Harrison Foundation, set up by the late Peter KatieHarrison.came to RGS from St Joseph’s Primary School in Redhill and leaves with straight A* grades in Biology, Chemistry and Maths to pursue a career in veterinary medicine at Cambridge University.
“I have loved everything about my time at RGS. There’s such a great community spirit and ethos and if I had to highlight one thing, it would be the great communication with teachers. They are always there to support you and your family and they have been fantastic. I really enjoyed doing my Bronze and Gold DofE awards and am now looking forward to starting to prepare for life at university.”
Katie has been an integral member of the RGS community during her seven years at RGS performing in the Senior Maths Challenge, Chemistry and Biology Olympiads and has recently achieved her Gold DofE award.
Estuardo D Estuardo achieved a tremendous four A* grades in Computing, Maths, Physics and Further Maths. He leaves RGS to pursue a degree in Computer Science at Oxford University.
At RGS, Estuardo benefitted from the school’s bursary programme and it is a delight to see him go on to such a promising future.
Candice is going to Imperial College, London to study Materials Science and Engineering.
“I have had a wonderful time at RGS and I am very grateful for the help and support I have received from the amazing teachers. I am excited about moving onto the next chapter, having been so well prepared for life beyond RGS. I am particularly grateful to the Maths department for all the support they have given me.”
Jasmine F
I have loved my seven years at RGS. I know that is easy to say but I really mean it. I have felt so supported by all my teachers who I have always felt I could go to for help and I think this is what is so special about the teachers here.

Careers specific information evenings include: Art and Design, Health, Accounting and Finance, Engineering, Law and Green careers. This year we will include apprenticeships and degree apprenticeships. We also hold a careers convention and higher education evening.
Careers/UCAS lessons are provided in the Sixth Form, as well as a Q&A with an expert in university admissions. Former students come in to take questions from Lower Sixth Form students about their chosen paths. A dedicated member of staff advises on alternatives to university, applications overseas and interview preparation and two specialise in Oxbridge applications.
All year groups have access to Unifrog and numerous careers activities.
of students secured their first choice university place
There are careers lessons within the PSHEE programme for every year group, with Fourth Form and Lower Sixth students attending a compulsory careers course with the head of Careers.
Every member of the Fifth Form and their parents have a meeting with a senior member of staff to discuss their individual progress, A Level choices, university and career options. Careers and Higher Education profiling is available, including interviews from external experts for our Fifth Form and Sixth Form students.
for university offers to selective and world classPOPULARuniversities
Record year
Students from the Second Form upwards are invited to careers talks, academic extension societies and careers evenings, all featuring external experts in their field.

OVERSEAS NETWORK The Reigatian community spreads far and wide. From New York to New Zealand, we have ambassadors around the globe who are happy to help. They can offer advice, be a point of contact or even provide job opportunities for recent RGS leavers that are taking a gap year or moving abroad. Please contact us if you think we may be able to help: foundation@reigategrammar.org
We invite you to join our group on LinkedIn. Simply search: Reigate Grammar School Professionals
The Foundation Office was a huge help in connecting me with relevant RGS Professionals… it should be everyone’s starting point when it comes to networking, seeking introductions and advice.” Matt Taylor (Former student)
The RGS Professionals network is run by the RGS Foundation in partnership with the Careers department. Our aim is to help RGS students with their career choices whilst at school and beyond, and to encourage networking between Reigatians.
The RGS Foundation, in partnership with the Careers department, draws on its relationships with the wider Reigatian community to help students with their career choices whilst at school and beyond. In addition, each summer, Reigatians return from university to RGS for a UCAS day, organised by the Careers department. This provides Lower Sixth Form students the opportunity to ask questions about their experience of university, their course and their recommendations for a successful UCAS application and transition to university.
RGS Professionals enjoyed an evening of networking at the award-winning Inamo Restaurant in Covent Garden’
As part of the RGS Professionals group, parents and former students also provide invaluable support through participation in the school’s annual Careers Convention and the popular lunchtime careers speakers programme which runs throughout the year. Would you like to get involved? Please email foundation@reigategrammar.org
Past events include Make your money a force for good delivered by FLM Wealth Management and hosted at M Restaurant in London, and Inspiring Minds to Think Big! which was held in the Harrison Centre and brought a distinguished panel to discuss equality and diversity in the workplace. Online webinars have included Workplace Wellness, The Future of the Workspace and most recently an enlightening session on NFT’s and Crypto-currency.
The primary purpose of the RGS Professionals group is to foster meaningful relationships for professional networking. It supports the school by introducing students to a pool of experienced professionals who are willing to provide guidance and potential contact opportunities within relevant industry sectors. This group enjoys face-to-face events – to meet and network with new and existing friends and colleagues – as well as informative online webinars. With over 2,000 members, the group offers a vital source of advice, encouragement, mentorship and, in some cases, work experience and potential job opportunities.

Sixth Form seen as bridge between school and uni, with seminar-like learning. Most do three A Levels – 23 to pick from with less traditional options including Psychology (“a real growth area” ), Computer Science, Mandarin and Politics. All do the Henry Smith Studies Project (a home-grown independent research project), which around half convert to an EPQ (examples include sustainability, construction and criminal profiling of couple killers).
Has introduced High Performance Learning: “an innovative, world-class education profile that helps students become enterprising learners, advanced performers and global citizens”. And it’s not just behind-the-scenes, inset day speak – students drop acronyms and jargon such as ‘HPL’, ‘metalearning’ and ‘growth mindset’ into their conversation; they even reeled off examples – collaborative learning, focusing on effort not achievement etc.
Priorities one, two and three for this selective school are pastoral care and this – coupled with fabulous teaching, students’ almost uniquely acute awareness of their own approach to learning and a heavy dose of extra-curricular –makes for happy kids and great results.
Transformational head can take much of the credit, say parents; we agree. “They build the school around the child, not the other way round,” summed up one.
Mandarin, French, German, Spanish and Latin on offer from year 7 – students pick three, and can add Japanese, Italian and Greek from year 8, with a view to doing one for GCSE (not compulsory).
ACADEMIC MATTERS (Extract from RGS’s latest review in The Good Schools Guide
“Not a hothouse, but academic” is the general consensus, with current head credited with ramping up results, chiefly via the pastoral route and oodles of extra academic support (known as learning pathways) where required. Expect best feet to be put forward and pips squeaked – all, however, without imposing undue stress, say parents, with the relaxed students we saw clearly not feeling the strain (and we visited during exam season).
Priorities one, two and three for this selective school are pastoral care and this –coupled with fabulous teaching, students’ almost uniquely acute awareness of their own approach to learning and a heavy dose of extra-curricular – makes for happy kids and great results. The Good Schools Guide
The emphasis in years 7 and 8 is on finding subjects that inspire, then choosing favourites for the extended three-year GCSE programme, which gets the thumbs up from students and parents alike. One student told us she “couldn’t imagine cramming it into the usual two years” while a parent said, “it helps keep the joy of the subject alive because there’s no mad race to prepare for the exam”.
Unrelated modular programmes (digital photography, 20th century civil rights, Mandarin, yoga and Mediterranean cooking just a flavour of what’s on offer) keep breadth – “a great education is about far more than a fist full of qualifications”.

The Times Education Supplement (TES) awards celebrate the achievements of staff and schools across the UK UK SOCIAL MOBILITY AWARDS
noun: the state of feeling healthy and happy. Reigate Grammar School’s groundbreaking Wellbeing Programme was recognised as the best in the country at the 2019 Times Education Supplement (TES) Independent School Awards.
“Wellbeing is at the core of everything we do at Reigate Grammar School. Children need to feel valued and understood, secure amongst friends and looked after by adults.”
WINNER - School of the Year for Community Outreach
FINALIST - School of the Year for Community Engagement
The Times Education Supplement (TES) awards celebrate the achievements of staff and schools across the UK.
The school’s focus on relationships rather than rules enables RGS students to achieve far beyond expectations while exploring and understanding their own physical and mental health and wellbeing during their years at the school.
These highly-regarded awards recognise and celebrate the amazing experiences and opportunities for students in independent schools across the UK TES
Shaun Fenton , Headmaster
These Awards celebrate and reward the largely underacknowledged work of schools in supporting local communities through charitable and voluntary initiatives.
The Tatler Schools Guide is one of the most prestigious school reviewers operating across the sector and we are proud to have been listed in their 2020-2021 Schools Guide and named as the top school in the country.
The Admissions, Marketing and Communications in Independent Schools (AMCIS) awards recognise campaigns which have made a significant impact on a member school and its community.
We are delighted to be named School of the Year at the latest UK Social Mobility Awards. The awards were set up to recognise the people and institutions dedicated to leading the way in advancing social mobility in the UK.
SHORTLISTED - Co-Educational Independent School of the Year, Independent School of the Year for Performing Arts (Music & Drama), Independent School of the Year for Sporting Achievement, Independent School of the Year for Community Outreach, The Marketing Award for Effective Brand Communication
The judges were impressed by RGS’s whole-school approach to wellbeing for staff and students, based upon a belief that happy and healthy children go on to become high achievers.
TES FINALISTAWARDS-Independent Senior School of the Year
WINNER - School of the Year
WINNERAWARDS-Wellbeing initiative of the year
RGS wants every student to have an emotional toolkit to help them take on the challenges and opportunities of the modern world.
Each student has a personalised support network of form tutors, mentors and buddies. There is a Wellbeing Centre where students can take time out, Mindfulness forms part of the curriculum, and a dedicated wellbeing festival features external speakers, exercise and nutrition advice and volunteering and fundraising activities.

Reigate Grammar School, Reigate Road, Reigate, Surrey RH2 0QS
01737 222231 admissions@reigategrammar.org reigategrammar.org